#he's not parental or like some kinda pibling
cosmereclysmic · 2 months
⚠️ Wind and Truth Preview Spoilers
Started writing a list of who or what The Voice belongs to and in traditional Me fashion I thought too hard about it and ended up with a couple paragraphs so here we fuckin' go I guess! 😤💅
Putting my chips down for a New Spren intro: "Parent" spren! In this case, the parent to windspren. If armour spren are thought of as cousins to radiant spren, then perhaps that implies aunt/uncle* spren? And since there's bondsmith spren, then that could imply there's big spren that don't make bonds. Outside of like Cusicesh and such. (If Cush** is even a native entity...)
I'm also thinking about the story ab how the Unkalaki came to live on the Horneater Peaks: they asked the ocean, the mountains, and the forest to give them a place to live, and eventually those things "literally" came together to make the peaks. For a while, I thought this might just represent the Shards, but it didn't sit right bc why would Odium do that lol. So if there's giant spren of the ocean, the mountains, the forest, it stands to reason there's A Giant Wind Spren.
This would also open possibilities up even more if you take "Knights of Wind and Truth" into account. If Wind is a giga-spren, then you could also assume Truth is a giga-spren. Maybe Truth is the one asking Kal for help? Maybe we'll see in the next Szeth POV chapter a voice is asking Szeth for help. (This would be really sad-funny imo bc the poor guy already has so many invisible people vying for his attention. 😭)
And this theory doesn't even touch on the Unmade and what they were before they were... well, Unmade. I have a theory they each correlate to the 10 orders, minus bondsmith, and Odium was trying to get a Bondsmith spren for himself so that he could make his own Bondsmith. (Or was this confirmed through WOBs? I can't remember.)
And now I'm getting severely off-track so I'll stop here lmao.
But for anyone curious, my other theories for The Voice also included: One Last Piece of Tanavast Is Alive For Some Reason (highly unlikely and kinda boring tbqh; I'm chucking that one off the balcony.) Or Sja-Anat (Interesting but not quite the level of intrigue I'm hoping for.)
Anyways thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. WATtalk? That looks dumb. I'll stick to TEDtalk.
*We need a better gender neutral term for aunts and uncles than "pibling." It sounds like a word you'd use in reference to dog's muzzle after it drank a bunch of water and then rubbed it all over you. "The dog is pibling! Gross!"
**Yes I'm making Cusicesh's nickname Cush I think it's funny. Couscous is also a valid option imo.
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Plural Quoiromantic culture is being pretty sure you can't catch romantic feelings and feel disgust at thinking someone might be into you. but then you become unsure about a headmate who has said she's deeply in love with you and you don't feel immediate disgust and even appreciate and like that fact oh god it messes you up.
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thepumpkintimeline · 4 years
Omega Kids and Their Parents
I’m going to preface this post in saying that these are my Omega Kids idea: Tiffany Longsticking Harlonde-Maryam, Vrissy (Not Vriska), Tavish Crocker, and Harry-Anderson. Last name of Harry-Anderson is.. in progress/non-existent.
So, I’m rethinking what relationships I want to include in this story line. A lot of similar “timelines” made by others have a Davepeta² x Jade relationship. I really enjoy this idea! A lot! However.. it won’t be a part of my story.
Mainly, this is because of their sacrifice in the Meat timeline. “In canon” Davepeta went into the black hole, without a shard of reality embedded in them so I don’t think they’d have a chance of escape. (However a Jade did, similarly to Vriska).
I already made a post elsewhere about this, but I think regarding Jade she will be paired with Kanaya and Rose. Jade is of course MtF and not... doggified.
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Now comes Vrissy. I’ve been thinking about Vrissy for a while, and I don’t dig the whole clone thing. If anything, Vrissy would be a descendant of Vriska. Even then... why would you just name her Vriska? It seems a bit weird to me in the way that Kanaya once was into Vriska and whatever. So, I’m not sure if Vrissy would be related to Vriska or if she should be her own troll. I like her design so I want to keep it relatively similar. Right now I just changed her horns a bit (and her last name to reflect her parents). Another idea is if she would even be a Harlonde-Maryam..?
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Now Jake... I’m not at all sure how to write him if I’ll be honest. There’s lots of debate about Jake and his attractions. Mostly because of (from what I’ve seen) people headcanoning him as autistic and aromantic. I personally find it very hard to identify myself with a label, and I think that Jake also feels it’s difficult from certain text conversations. Having Jake explore/realize his identity will be important, but with me also not understanding myself, I feel that would be hard to write. Some links here about people’s thoughts on the topic as well as confusion with aromanticism and autism I’ve been looking at. (Which kinda sounds on par with Jake)
But as I think about it, Jake having a relationship with Dirk or Jane isn’t healthy for him. He’s got very low self-worth and wants to distance himself from everyone because he sees himself as a burden. Which... a relationship he’s on shaky ground with could exacerbate. I don’t think he should be in a relationship with Jane. Whether he is aro or not.
Speaking of Jane, I want to do a lot of work with Her. Along the lines of not being a fascist dictator. I want to get more into her friendship with Roxy. But if I decide to go down a route that has Jake as just friends with her then where would that leave Tavish? Without re-reading, I have a pretty good idea that Jane wants a child, and while she wanted one with Jake maybe that wouldn’t be best. So adoption could be a possibility, or Jane has a child with... someone else completely. Who would that be? I don’t know. But Tavish will come from somewhere. And if anyone has suggestions I’m glad to hear it.
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Now, Harry-Anderson won’t be the child of John and Roxy. Previously I toyed with the idea of Harry-Anderson being the ecto-baby of John and Roxy while Roxy is with Callie. But... thinking about it? I feel like Roxy wouldn’t have wanted a child. It seems somewhat out-of-character for them. If Harry-Anderson lived with Roxy and Callie, I think there would have to be a good reason. Perhaps they took him in from some other situation..? Acting like his (piblings?). I’m not quite sure. Hell, if he’s taken off the streets they could be seen as more of a cool elder sibling relationship rather than taking parental roles.
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I’ve also seen people grabbing a kid from Dave and Karkat’s relationship to replace another. But I’m not sure how I feel about that either. I think they like each others company, but I personally don’t feel like they’d want to start their own family. With both of their issues, no offense, but they might not be good parents. Karkat I could see helping in the caverns, he has a soft heart. But I’m not sure Dave would be comfortable raising a kid.
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