#he's really playful and joke-y but also kinda seems to ground and support her
cerealbishh · 1 year
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"Um, uh, what was that about?"
"My dad took the blame for Alberto so that he wouldn't lose his job. All while I was busy thinking the worst of him."
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s1st3r · 3 years
Soo... how would the Bad Batch react to a S/O that has a very snarky/dry sense of humor? Just always cracking jokes and finding humor in everything? (Love ur content btw <3)
Thank you for your request!!! And THANK YOU IM GLAD U LIKEY!!!!
Ok I have seen this but knew it would take me hours to write so I was waiting for the write moment! (get it? write = right? teehee) talk about a terribly dry sense of humour my goodness.
How Would The Bad Batch React to a Snarky/Witty/Dry Sense of Humour Significant Other (s/o)
Factz: Not even kidding, I feel like the boys would kill for a hella sassy partner in crime.
Oh my gosh they are literally best friends!!! They speak in a very similar style to each other.
Hunter expects a little bit of snark from Cross, sarcasm from Echo, and quips from Tech, but when his s/o just dishes his dry humour right back at him the first time they meet, he's like "Why was that so... hot???"
So from then on, most of the dialogue exchanged between the two of them are like super sassy comments and witty replies, until it unintentionally gradually morphs into really heavy flirting. They get so into teasing each other, the whole batch can feel the tension in the air.
Of course both are oblivious of this for the longest time.
But when eventually they do figure it out and get together, the whole batch sigh in relief thinking "finally this intense pining is over"... But it actually just gets worse?
So now during missions, the two of you verbally dance around each other like you're in some comeback war.
In the middle of a serious mission:
Hunter: "I need you here now!"
S/O: "wow wow Hunter. babe. cool your jets. i know we haven't really done it in a while but we're in the middle of a mission and-"
Hunter: "As much as I love how you think mesh'la, I think you're misreading the situation."
His s/o also keeps ruining his *tough guy* persona. During briefs, his s/o keeps making him crack his skillfully honed poker face.
The teasing through dry humour is just a really fun and goofy way to connect to each other and is their common ground of affection.
We all know Tech is a witty boi, and man do we love him for it!
Tech finds his s/o's attitude quite entertaining.
He does like it when they use their snarkiness to defend him from people that give him a hard time, but he like his s/o's humour best when it's just the two of them having fun.
I feel like Tech would find it 10x funnier if his s/o was also really smart and able to understand his technical language, because they just pass these really witty/funny quips back and forth to each other that are actually hilarious but no one understands. It's like their own hidden language.
Now we've seen Tech smile and m a y b e chuckle a little before?? But so far, we've yet to see Tech actually laugh and I headcanon that Tech snorts when he laughs. (Has anybody seen the live action TMNT?? Kinda like how Donnie laughs in those). So ohmiGOSH it's so WhOlEsOmE when his s/o makes Tech laugh!! He's so CUTE!
The rest of the batch will be out getting supplies while Echo works of the exterior hull of the ship and Tech and his s/o fix up the systems inside.
Tech laying under a panel: "Hm, this wire seems to be adhered to a far less efficient arrangement." Tech's s/o wordlessly shuffles over from their panel to analyse the problem. Their shoulders touch as they lie side by side.
S/o: "Mm, I think you're right, but see here? It looks like it's been manually transfigured. Probably by Echo in one of our many quick fixes. It looks like he's done it so he can easily access and program the flight module."
Tech: "I'm going to rewire it to-"
S/o: "To that one right?" His s/o says, suppressing a smile as they point to clearly the wrong wiring. Tech's eyes narrow and his brow furrows.
Tech: "Of course not! That would compromise the-" He catches a glimpse of his s/o's cheeky grin, "oh you're joking." His s/o bursts out laughing and he can't help the smile that stretches over his face as he shakes his head.
By the end of the repairs, the batch come back to find you both practically rolling on the ground in snorting fits of laughter.
Their humour paired with their competence makes them super attractive to him.
Wrecker finds his s/o's dry humour the funniest thing in the galaxy. He is one of those blessings that will always laugh at your jokes.
Which is a relief cuz I have dry humour and almost no one ever laughs at my jokes rip.
I mean, you guys saw how he reacted in ep 1 when Omega DeStRoYeD those regs in the mess hall. He was so proud and supportive of her.
So yeah he's pretty much his s/o's hype man.
He loves that his s/o's humour means that they quite enjoy playful competition and games. So they're always playing random games together, even going so far as to arm wrestle (S/o: "But we both already know who's going to win... Me. Obviously.")
And sometimes he will let his s/o win, just because he thinks it's so cute when they start flexing their arms and boasting about how strong and amazing they are.
He knows they're joking. He knows they know he let them win. But even though they've never really beaten him, he still thinks they're strong and amazing.
There is always friendly banter between the two but what Wrecker loves the most is how easy his s/o makes things for him.
He's not a natural at romance, and often finds himself making mistakes or he might do something a little awkwardly. But instead of being mad, disappointed, or judgmental, his s/o just smiles or laughs it off and walks him through things.
He feels like he can always be himself around his s/o.
Again, it's canon and fanon that Cross is a bit of a grumpy pants so he obviously finds his s/o's wit irritating at first. Which his s/o finds annoying, so his s/o just does it more just to get under his skin.
Totally enemies to lovers trope. I see it no other way. FiGhT me.
His s/o would make jokes all the time but I see that one day, his s/o makes a dry joke and he gives them crap for it, and they've just had enough and so they absolutely *slam* him with snark, sass, and wit that cannot be rivalled by Crosshair himself. They get right up into his face; tension as thick as s o u p.
And then he just grabs their face and makes out with them.
His s/o's like "ok" and totally rolls with it.
The Bad Batch wonder why they don't fight as much anymore (not that they're complaining).
Now they both use their sass to bully the regs.
They kinda become this unbeatable pair of unrivalled attitude. Unlike Hunter and his s/o who use it to tease each other, while Cross and his s/o do that a little too, they mostly direct their humour and sarcasm outward. Cross's s/o is a little more good natured than him though and will pull him in when he goes a bit too far.
He generally finds his s/o's humour quite funny now (though he'll never admit it), and the fact that he smiles a little more doesn't go unnoticed by his brothers.
Ok while Hunter is master of the dry humour, Echo is KING of sarcasm.
Having said that, I feel like Echo would actually far more appreciate light humour over sass/snark/wit/etc.
I think after being through the crap he's been through, echo baby just needs a light hearted, positive beam of sunshine in his life and his s/o is it.
He loves that his s/o always has a way of making others laugh and smile, even on really hard missions and in rough times.
I think his s/o having a lighter humour also makes him feel safer. Like there's no chance of miscommunication whereby this s/o accidently hits a sensitive topic. His s/o sticks to surface level humour which makes it easy to digest.
They are also absolutely fantastic at telling funny stories which is a real treat when his s/o will retell stories about some of the missions the Bad Batch has done and they just execute the story perfectly.
Echo is in love with his s/o's laugh and thinks it's so cute when they giggle at their own jokes.
He'll never say it, but his s/o's humour sometimes reminds Echo of Fives and Cutup, which is a bit bittersweet for him.
They say that "a joyful heart is good medicine" and for Echo that couldn't be more true. His s/o's joyful heart and nature revive and heal him. He is so much happier because of them and will tell them so in between little kisses as his s/o giggles playfully at his gentle yet eager ministrations.
~ Sister
Tag list: @damerondala @imalovernotahater
@kaorikoizumi @xlittlemissydjx @in-the-crosshairs @dionysuskid21
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cml-san · 4 years
Pretty much like the Kazoo kid
This request was taken from an anon in @equizona‘s blog (Got her permission, don’t worry mah dudes), follow her, her work is amazing!
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"You 1-A scums feel like you're so special when you're just a bunch of troublemakers!" There he was again.
"You may have a flashy quirk but you barely ever get to do anything productive with it!" At least he wasn't saying anything to you, because why would anyone say anything to you.
"Hey! Did you hear me?" After all who would notice you anyways. "You with the headphones, are you even listening?"
"Man, you were talking to me bro?" You said, surprised by having someone besides Aoyama say anything at all to you. I mean yeah, you were the only one on the patio but that's how weird it was that anyone spoke to you.
"Oh I get it, you think just because you are in 1-A no one from the inferior groups is worth to talk to you" The blond guy kept on with the one-sided argument; it was almost sad, seeing him making all those exaggerated movements while showing that cynic smile of his... Honestly, it was such a mood.
"Nah man, I just think I'm not worth talking to" You retorted with a pose, grinning as if you had just told a great joke and that caught him off guard. "What?-" A heavy hand on the back of his neck cut him off before he could come with a- well he wasn't even sure if he was going for a clever comeback or with an 'are you okay?' but that's not the point here.
Now there was an unconscious body, being held by Kendo and you were still in an awkward pose, amused by what had just happened. "I'm sorry you had to deal with this guy, please don't mind whatever he said"
"Oh! No, it wasn't a bother at all" you said.
"Really?, this guy is such a pain sometimes, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to punch him." Kendo said jokingly.
"Nah, I'm worse to deal with" you said with that ridiculous pose and grin letting out a giggle.
Holy shit.
That was the cutest thing Monoma had ever heard in his entire goddamn life, but to hide the pretty obvious blush on his face he opted for acting unconscious.
"Well I gotta get going so, I guess I'll see you around?" Kendo said in an awkward tone.
You noticed how she was uncomfortable and quickly retrieved your pose "Y-yeah" you said shyly.
Just as Kendo had left, a friendlier face appeared "Sorry for the lateness" said Aoyama, his dazzlingness sharp as always.
"Don't worry dude, what did Aizawa want anyways?"
"Nothing, he just said my grades are getting worse."
"Welp that sure sounds like nothing." You said in a sarcastic but playful tone.
"What about you, anything happened while you were waiting for me? I saw Kendo dragging Monoma."
"Yeah, he just came at me saying the usual stuff, but at first I didn't know he was talking to me and-" Aoyama interrupted you.
"Hon, who else was he supposed to be talking to? The trees?" He said gesturing at the emptiness surrounding you, astonished by your stupidity.
"Good point" you said in an acknowledging manner.
"Anyways, the thing is he said something and I answered in the way I always do and so I managed to make two persons uncomfortable" You said in a somewhat sad tone.
"Don't give it too much thought" he said, his sparkling aura soothing you somehow.
"Yeah, maybe I shouldn't worry" You reached into your bag and got out a ball of cheese "I gotcha the goods"
Aoyama raised an eyebrow "It's Queso Oaxaca" you said with a smirk.
Later that night Monoma couldn't help but to think of you. Something about you seemed sad but you didn't seem to bother, he tried to sort out if you were just kidding or if you were a nihilist.
"What the hell was that?"
The following days he couldn't help but to observe you, he started noticing little things, for example; you were a god-tier memer and your personality was similar to Kaminari's but the reason why you didn't hang with him is that you were too shy to do so.
Aoyama was your best and only friend.
You had a strong quirk but passed unnoticed by your previously mentioned shyness.
You were indeed a nihilist. But not the usual kind, instead of getting depressed by all of your pessimism you would embrace it with humour.
Ironically you wanted to become a hero to make the world a little bit better, or perhaps so that you could talk about how everything sucks without having anyone telling you how you weren’t doing anything about it.
Monoma didn’t seem to realize how much he liked you until Kendo addressed the issue.
"Stop staring at her before she sues you"
"I'm not staring at anyone!" Monoma lied, his face growing redder with both anger and embarrassment.
"It's kinda funny tho" Kendo started speaking as she cut the meat on her lunch tray "You hate class 1-A yet you are head over heels for one of them" she said taking a bite of her food.
"Well I don't like her and I'm gonna prove it to you" Monoma said as he stood up and walked towards the table where Aoyama and you were sitting.
He leaned and was preparing an insult but how could he say anything like that to you, that's illegal.
"Anything I can help you with?" You said raising an eyebrow. That was his cue.
"Oh, nothing I was just wondering, how does it feel to belong to the oh so great class 1-A and yet be unnoticed by everyone inside and out of your class?"
Now he had done it.
He was scolding himself internally for saying that and was prepared to accept anything you would do next.
"Well I've been watching you and you have been staring at me, so I'm not really being unnoticed bro"
"And why were you looking at me?" Monoma asked genuinely confused.
"Well I just think you look pretty"
Monoma froze at your commentary along with Aoyama and Kendo who were watching the whole thing unfold.
That was pretty bold of you and Monoma's now usual blush came back to his cheeks, his chest tightening; 'well you're very pretty too' that's what he wanted to say, but the words didn't come out of his mouth.
"Pretty much like the Kazoo kid" you said abruptly.
You heard Mina shout from the table in front of you, you turned to see Aoyama's look of disappointment and Monoma was nowhere to be seen.
"You chickened out" said Aoyama.
You were back at the dorms and were currently lying face down on the floor of Yuga's room
"Dude I know, I just- I don't think I have the guts to do so"
"But you did!"
"Yeah but I remembered he definitely doesn't like me and saved my ass from suffering an embarrassing rejection!"
You felt Yuga grab your right foot and drag you outside his room. "What the hell Yuga?!"
"(Y/N) I'm doing this for your own good" The blonde boy said in a serious tone. "You are hereby exiled from the dormitories and are not to return until you have properly confessed to that Kazoo kid."
And then he slammed the door in your face.
You then proceeded to walk towards the 1-B dormitories.
You knew Yuga was right. You had been watching Neito for a long time now, and boy did you have the most gigantic crush on him.
There was something about him you couldn't help but to be attracted to.
Yes, he was annoying and he hated your class with a burning passion but when he wasn't attacking your class he was working hard to become a hero and helping his class.
He sure had leader material and you admired his determination.
You liked how kind he was.
How supportive he was towards his classmates.
How he was always giving his best and helping others to do so.
But then again, he hated your class and you by default, but that didn't make him any less charming to you, if anything more unattainable.
You had to apologize and tell him the truth, you had already accepted he would never like you back so you weren't going to 'give it a try' more like get it off your chest.
You were a pessimist because you were either right all the time or gladly surprised by being wronged. So it was more like a cushion.
You were almost arriving at the dormitories when you saw Monoma sitting under a tree reading a book. He was relaxed, something weird to see with how he acted around your class all the time. 'Freaking Avril Lavigne is right' you thought.
The sunset graced his features making his golden hair shine.
"What a cliché scenario" You said making Neito look away from his book.
"Oh it's you again, what do you want now?" His tone wasn't like all those times he would mock you and your class, it sounded dry and it hurt you.
"Sorry I uh" you were stammering, you weren't the best at apologizing, and apologizing to your crush was even harder.
"I wanted to apologize, for what I said earlier" You said fidgeting your fingers and looking at the ground.
"I didn't mean that- well I mean I did-"
"Don't worry" He interrupted you in that monotone voice that hurt you so much to hear "Just leave it like that."
"Y-yeah" Again you weren't able to tell him how you felt.
"Is that all?" Monoma said while staring at you.
"Actually, no" you said as you looked him in the eye with a determined gaze.
oh shit
"I did mean what I said earlier" shit, no.
"You do, look pretty much like the Kazoo kid" no, stop you dumbhead.
"Y-you also look very pretty. And I like you a lot Monoma."
He just stared at you with a surprised look on his face.
There was nothing but silence
"Andlikeyeahyou'rereallyhotandstuffandlikedamnbro" You just blurted out looking at the ground again.
This was the most embarrassing moment in your entire life and it only got worse as you heard that asshole burst into laughter.
Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes when you felt his soft fingers lift up your chin and you were suddenly staring into his blue gaze.
"You are weird, you know that?" His voice sounded so sweet and smooth which caught you off guard making you blush even more, which was a surprise.
"You are very pretty too and I also like you a lot" His gaze was soft and the way he spoke to you was enough to make you melt.
"And" he said leaning in closer to your ear "You also have pretty lips" he said in a low tone with what you could have sworn was a smirk but you weren't able to see it well because next thing you knew he was kissing you.
You closed your eyes and kissed him back, it was your first kiss as well as his; it was clumsy, a bit sloppy but it was beautiful.
You broke the kiss, your head resting against his chest, both of you breathing heavily and blushing madly.
"I think we're gonna have to practice on that" you said, a dumb smile across your face.
"Yeah, but only if you agree to become my girlfriend" Neito said caressing your cheek.
You planted a peck on his lips.
"I don't see why not, kazoo kid."
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lovely-angst · 5 years
Same anon who requested for part 2, now that you said that, I kinda want the reader to die? Idk but like reader saves Kochou from death (because reader thinks that its better that way, reader will be freed from pain and Giyuu will not be hurt). Then at the same time Giyuu realizes that he actually reciprocates reader's feelings but its already too late. 😭
Sorry it took so long to get this part out! I had been studying constantly for my exam >:^( 
I changed up the request just a little bit!
Also, I am really glad you all are enjoying my Tomioka fics so far because I really enjoy writing for my boi tomioka. He has so much angst potential and I scream everytime.
tomioka giyuu x reader
part 2 to, no matter how hard I try, i can’t have you. part 1 here!
It was long past midnight and while everyone was asleep, you were sitting up in your futon with heavy breaths. Beads of sweat collected at your forehead as your fists clutched the blankets, hands shaking as you recalled the dream you just had. 
Shinobu had died saving you and Tomioka was grieving over her.
If only he were stronger, the woman he loved wouldn’t have been dead. Tomioka’s only source of life had also left and it was because of you. If you weren’t so careless and hadn’t gotten in the way, Shinobu would have been alive.
If only you were the one who died instead, Tomioka would have never been this sad. 
You had always wondered what your relationship with Tomioka could have been if Shinobu wasn’t in the picture. If she was out of the way, then the two of you could finally be together? That he would finally see you? Is that why you dreamt about this? About Shinobu dying? Was it because if she died, you could have Tomioka? 
You could never wish that upon Shinobu. 
She’s the Insect Pillar who creates poison effective for demons. She was your friend and people need Shinobu. 
But, people don’t need you. What can you bring? What can you do that is so amazing? You’re nothing compared to her. Maybe it would be better if you had been the one to die in that dream. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you bring your knees up to your chest before crying in your hands. It was just a dream, but if it had actually happened, would this be how it played out?
You only wished for Tomioka’s happiness and would do anything to keep him from grieving. 
You didn’t end up sleeping the rest of the night.  
Walking down a quiet side road after a long mission, you let out what seemed to be the hundredth yawn of the day, “Maybe a few extra minutes of sleep would have been good..” you say quietly to yourself. Your eyes caught onto a figure ahead and were shocked to find it to be Tomioka. Was he also just getting back from a mission?
“Tomioka!” you exclaimed with a smile and a wave as the male stopped and turned toward you. A blush crept its way onto your cheeks as you caught up with the taller male, “Just coming back from a mission?” He nods and the two of you continue down the path together.
It was quiet. But you were just happy to be walking alone with him like this, it made you feel special in its own way. It was as if you two were on a little date. 
“(Name),” Tomioka calls out, snapping you out of your daydream. “Y-yes?” you turn your head to look up at him and he lets out a breath. “I’m sorry about what happened before,” Tomioka confessed and your cheeks flare up before you finally look away, focusing on the street. 
“N-no, don’t worry about it..” an awkward chuckle leaves your lips as you play with your fingers, “I just couldn’t hold it in any longer. I must have made it awkward for you.” 
“I—made you cry back then,” Tomioka’s brows furrow slightly as you glance back up at him from his words. “I’m sorry.”
Why did he always make you feel this way? You were supposed to be getting over him, but he always finds a way to get you to fall in love all over again. Why can’t you stop yourself from falling in love with him?
“Tomioka, do you think,” words cautiously and hesitantly come out of your lips as your eyes dart around nervously, not ready for what you were about to say, “do you think there will ever be a chance where you fall in love with me instead?”
Your lips are pressed tight as you look up into his blue eyes, cheeks red as cherries as you wait for his response. His eyes stare back into your own silently as your thoughts are filled of each other. 
“Maybe a day will come,” he answers, causing your heart to beat rapidly, warmth filling your body. 
He had given you hope, something to look forward to. Maybe there would be a day when Tomioka comes to love you. It wasn’t entirely impossible. 
“Maybe a day will come,” you whisper with a small smile, “but right now you still love Shinobu,” you finish with a playful frown. “What do you like about her so much?” You giggle, causing a blush to form on his cheeks as the two of you spent the rest of the walk talking about him and Shinobu. 
It still hurt that Tomioka had no feelings towards you, but seeing him so happy with Shinobu brought a smile to your lips. If he was happy, then you were happy. 
But, happiness never lasted long. 
You found yourself in the middle of an upper moon demon battle that had unleashed. Blood of the deceased slayers split onto the ground as the demons attacked whoever came their way. Blood stained your uniform as you continuously defended the pillars backs from the demons. 
As you ran around blocking off attacks headed towards the pillars, you caught sight of Tomioka and Shinobu fighting the upper moon demon together. No matter how much you wanted to go and fight alongside them, you knew it was not your place. 
The fighting had finally slowly died down once they managed to finish off the demon. You stood back catching your breath as you watched Tomioka and Shinobu assessing the fight against the demons and the details you had been given. 
“That wasn’t as bad of a fight as I thought, huh, Giyuu?” Shinobu stated as she looked around the room, the deceased demons laying around quietly. 
“Something doesn’t feel right,” Tomioka commented, Shinobu tilting her head at his comment, “The crow should have announced something by now…”
As the pair were busy discussing, something caught your attention at the corner of your eye. Carefully glancing at the body the upper moon demon, you noticed that their arm was slowly moving and suddenly they shot an attack toward Shinobu.
Before she could react to the attack, you felt your body move before you could think. “Shinobu!” You screamed as you pushed her out of the way. The demon’s sharp attack impaled you through the stomach, causing you to hang in the air before Tomioka could react. 
He quickly ran and gave a finishing blow to the Demon before Shinobu caught your body as it fell. “(Name)!” 
“Upper Moon killed by Tomioka Giyuu!” A crow shouted as it flew overhead the three of you before it flew to inform the others. 
Looking up at the ceiling, you blinked slowly as blood dripped down your mouth. ‘This is how it ends for me huh?’ You thought as you weakly pressed your hand on your wound, blood oozing out between your fingers. 
“(Name)! I’ll get you patched up right away!” Shinobu cries as she lays you down before trying to stop the blood, but it doesn’t stop. “Shinobu, this is it for me..” you say as you give her a weak smile, “There’s no saving me.” Her eyes squeeze shut in pain before she looks over at Tomioka.
“Shinobu, can you give us a few minutes?” Tomioka asked hesitantly, bending down to support your back off the ground. Shinobu leans down to press a kiss to your forehead before standing up to go, “I’ll never forget what you did for me, (Name).”
Silence filled the room as Tomioka held you in his arms. You glanced up at his face before giving him a pained smile, “It’s too bad I never got to see the day when you fall in love with me,” you joke as tears begin to fill your eyes. “You know Tomioka, I had a dream that Shinobu died and you were really upset,” you confess as you look down at your injured body.
“I couldn’t risk seeing you like that again, so I decided that it would be okay if I let myself go to keep you happy,” glancing up at him, the tears that built up in your eyes finally stream down your cheeks. “I know how much she makes you smile and I just want you to be happy, Tomioka.”
“This is the last time I ever get to see you,” you say, tone shaky as you grab onto the sleeve of his haori with a weak grip. “It might be a bit selfish of me to ask you of this, but could you give me a kiss?”
Tomioka’s cheeks flush hearing your words. He sees a smile cross your face as you watch his reaction, a blush forming a cross your cheeks as well. Somehow, you seemed to glow in his arms. Even with blood spilled across your body and hair disheveled you looked so beautiful even as you were dying in his arms.
Leaning down, his soft pink lips connect with yours in a kiss so gentle it makes you forget that you were at death’s door. You kiss him back softly before he pulls away and feels your heartbeat slow down. 
“I’m…really glad I fell in love with you Tomioka..” you whisper before your tired eyes shut and your grip on his sleeve loosens. “(Name)?” Tomioka gently shakes your limp body as his eyes fall on your peaceful face. 
He had never seen a love so big before and he wondered if he had fallen in love with you from the start, maybe you would still be here right now. 
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buckysbest · 4 years
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CHAPTER FIVE: TEETH PAIRING: ex!Bucky barnes x reader Warnings: swearing, cheating, scandal?, lewd drunkenness, lies, a bit of steaminess near the end Series Summary: Bucky realizes one can only run from their problems for so long before they must returns home but he sure as hell wasn’t expecting her to be there when he did. Word Count: 1.5k A/N: this series is based off the album “calm” by 5sos. if you want to follow along in the album, listen to Teeth while reading this! Thanks for supporting the series! I really love you guys! Let me know what you think of the series!
series masterlist // masterlist
Rays of early morning sunlight filtered into your room as your eyes slowly opened. You groaned, flipping over and burying your head into your pillows.
“Friday… could you let Max know I need some aspirin?”
Her loud British voice rang off the walls that encased you in your room, “Absolutely Ms.Y/N. Is there anything else I can assist you with?”
“Anyway you could also decrease your volume and let Max know to enter quietly please?” you grumbled as the pounding in your head grew heavier. 
Moments later, the door slowly creaked open and your side of the bed lowered slightly. Surprisingly, it was Wanda's sweet voice that entered your ears, “Hey girl, how are you feeling?”
“I won’t lie, not great,” you murmured. “Anyway you could close up those blinds for me?”
When the golden rays stopped their merciless battle to enter your eyes, you were finally to reveal your face. As you sat up, your hands immediately found your head.  “Wanda, what the hell happened last night?” you quietly chuckled.
“I wish I could tell you babe. When I came back to the bar to get you, you were gone,” she paused before handing you a cup. “Here drink this, Tony swears by it”
Now holding a green blend of god knows what, you leaned into Wanda muttering small tokens of appreciation before chugging the liquid and standing up. Wanda said goodbye as you entered the bathroom. You stripped away your dress from the night before and let the warm water rush over your sore limbs. After washing away the sweat and dirt from the previous night, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a wonderfully fluffy towel. You then leaned over the sink, collecting your toothbrush. After brushing your teeth, you glanced up into the mirror and a small purple circle on your neck caught your attention. Once again, a groan left your mouth. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
Re-entering your room, you slid on a pair of ripped, high waisted jeans that hugged your body flawlessly before searching for your S.H.I.E.L.D crop top. After spotting it between two other grey tops, you threw it on before beginning the search for your earrings from last night. A gift given from Pepper on your last birthday, they were practically a staple in your fashion.  You unmade your bed, looking through the sheets and pillows before sliding to your knees and doing a sweep underneath your bed. Much to your satisfaction, you retrieved your earrings, but with them you also received a black tie. This made your goal for the day abundantly clear, you needed to figure out what happened last night.
 You found a seat at your vanity, deciding to add a few touches of makeup to cover up the circles under your eyes and the hickey you now sported on your neck. As you added the last bit of concealer to your neck, a quiet knock sounded from your door. 
“Come in!” you shouted, moving on to the area under your eyes. The door opened and you glanced over to the door. It’s Bucky? Your eyes widened for a moment as you glanced from the tie, to your newly covered hickey, then back to your suddenly very very handsome ex-boyfriend. No freakin’ way...
“Hey… I just wanted to come check on you… you were in rough shape last night,” he chuckled nervously, leaning into your doorframe. 
“Y-yeah.. I’m ok, I just don’t remember anything,” you mumbled cautiously, 
Relief raked through his body for a moment before he fully entered your room, taking a seat at the edge of your bed,“I meant to come check on you but you disappeared before I could” 
This confession both relieved and disappointed you. Of course he wouldn't do anything with you, he probably was with his GIRLFRIEND all night. 
You turned back to the mirror and added your lipgloss, apparently piquing the interest of the sergeant. His eyes tracked every movement of the wand that grazed over your lips. As your eyes met his, a small smirk came to his face. His eyes then dropped toward the ground before grabbing the takeout box beside him. “I grabbed your favorite breakfast from that cafe Hannah’s you always loved. I figured it could be a peace offering?” he smiled warmly, walking over and placing the food on the counter beside you. 
A hazy blush rose to the surface of your cheeks as you returned his smile. “Thanks Bucky…”
He nodded in response before heading toward the door. With hesitation in his every step, he stopped directly under the doorframe and turned back. “Y/N…” You peered over your shoulder once again, this time a more welcoming smile held on your face. “Actually never mind...I’ll see you at review today”
As his figure ducked around the door, you turned back to your mirror with a smile and added the final touches to your makeup.
You jogged down the stairs into the main corridor of the training facility, locking eyes with a certain blonde super-soldier.
When you found a spot next to him in the entryway, he pulled you into a small hug.“Morning Y/N!”
“Hey Stevie,” you giggled. “So they stuck you with evaluation too?”
His playful gaze fell just over your head before returning to your face, “Yeah, me and this jerk,” he laughed.
Your eyes met with Bucky as he walked down the staircase with his girlfriend in tow. You took a deep breath before deciding your fate. You were too old for this childish moping and now that Bucky had buried the hatchet, it was time for you to do the same.
“Good Morning Sergeant Barnes,” you smiled, before turning your attention to the girl at his side. Extending your arm, your warm smile continued in her direction, “Hi, I’m Y/N. I don’t believe we’ve formally met.” 
“Hi, Camilla.” she reached out shaking your hand. 
“It’s great to finally meet you.” You said before turning your attention back to a semi-surprised Steve, “Wanna go grab our forms?”
Bucky spoke up behind you, “Hey, I’ll come with! Mila, I’ll catch up with you after training,” he explained before jogging to catch up with you guys. 
As you passed the new recruits who lined the training center walls, you laughed at the attention the two huge men gathered in the room. Steve turned down to you at the sound. “And what exactly is so funny?” he inquired playfully.
“Everyone in this room is staring at you like you're the second coming” you giggled. 
You missed Steve’s response because Bucky chuckled before leaning down into your ear and whispering, “trust me... they aren't staring at us…” before returning to the eval forms he had been sorting through. A deep blush gathered on your face as you tried to refocus yourself on Steve’s words. 
He eventually split from you and Bucky, as he was assigned to the observation deck and you were both assigned to the course. A calm swept over you as the tension that once held you and Bucky seemed to fall away. It was relieving that today, the smiles on your face were genuine and not a product of false projection. 
The trainees eventually made their way through the obstacle course as you and Bucky sat on a bench next to it, jotting down notes and cracking jokes about them. His laugh washed over you again and again, eventually cleansing you of any resentment you held against him.  As the exercises ended, the sun sank into the horizon, leaving you and Bucky to watch the final round of recruits. 
“Why am I kinda disappointed it's over?” he laughed, causing you to chuckle in agreement. He rose off the bench turning to you to help you up before pausing, “Wait a sec, your shoes untied. Let me get it for you.” He crouched down and quickly tied the laces before peering up at you. As his eyes met yours, a strange sense of deja vu flooded you before the memories from last night crashed into your head like a tsunami.
As your lips met his for the first time in a year and a half, the floor seemed to collapse beneath you. The kiss was anything but sweet as the combination of alcohol and desperation swept through your veins. You snaked your fingers up his neck and into his hair as his lips found the side of your neck. A smothered groan came from his mouth as your delicate fingers played with his hair, distracting him enough for you to turn him around. With his back now to the mattress, you pushed him down onto the mattress. Your legs straddled his waist and you pulled off his tie before reconnecting your lips with even more fire. His hands ran up your thighs before coming to a halt at your hips. Hesitantly, he raised his shaking hands to your face. He rested his forehead on yours, ultimately disconnecting your lips. A small whine left your lips as he scanned over your wide eyes and childish pout. “What’s wrong Buck?”
Gently rolling you over, he sighed, “You are very, very drunk Y/N.. “
You tried to insist you were fine but you were quickly disproven as you fell asleep almost the instant your head hit the pillow.
The blush that sat on your face sank deep into your skin as you lost your color. Bucky took note of your sudden change and concern captained his face. “Y/N… you ok?”
“Bucky...Y-you lied to me?”
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