#he's so coooollll
livslunar · 2 months
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kaito-so-cute · 7 months
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nokomitsuposting · 1 year
very indulgent headcanon of the day:
reigen wanted to be a mangaka when all throughout middle school and high school but when he graduated he realized he couldnt make a living off of it. when he met mob it kinda brought him back into art so he could make things for him!!!! when serizawa found out he was so PUMPED !!! after that reigen started drawing a lot more ( mostly sketches of serizawa and fanart for the games and shows seri likes… )
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basketcase1982 · 1 year
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its been a while so he mightve forgotten about it atp but he was looking for some of his music for me because i asked about it at the convention….so at least i have this now. Oh my god
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rrat-king · 3 months
IFYS MOMENT WAS SO FUCKING COOOOLLLL and seeing everyone else latch onto it like "can i do an ify/does an ify moment happen" WAS SO (chef's kiss)
AND SEEING HIM talk about WHY he decided that would happen in the AP is so . AUUGHGHGHGHGH I LOVE THIS SEASON ALREADY . only 2 eps in and i think its already shaping up to be one of if not THE best seasons
no you are absolutely right i seriously adore this season it is truly phenomenal.
ify talking about the fact that wendell needs vic to talk to him and look out for him because he lacks so much confidence is also so important when you think about the fact that he's a youngest brother, especially the youngest brother of guys who are doing pretty risky stuff if they are doing bmx type stuff.
it's also like... the fact that they took on the la familia status is also so important to me cuz that's what it's about! they are a family, they look out for each other, and when wendell didn't have that he has to rely on vic to tell him what to do.
i just really really love this show and the realy fantastic choices the cast has been making and ify's just. truly blew me away i love it
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ajs-bookmark · 8 months
guess who fucking finished EPISODE SIX
that’s right it’s meeee
okok my thoughts: SPOILERS AHEAD
IRIS MESSAGING OH MY GODS ITS SO COOL ITS SO FREAKINGG COOOOLLLL! !!!! like ARGGGG its like a really badly connected facetime i love it.
omgs luke “HOW DO YOU KNOW😳😳” that’s some interesting foreshadowing there uncle rick
“compared to the chimera on monday and medusa on sunday” percy’s so real for that idc. icon.
WHEN DID YOU TWO START ACTING LIKE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE LMAOAOAOAOA how did luke know. mans knew from the very beginning
animals running amok in las vegas💀
i’m guessing the one with the giant lotus blossom on it annabeth, queen of calling out percy’s bullshit
LEVITATING IS PERFECT (not as perfect as poker face but still pretty good)
the graphic novel. counts. my bro ain’t wrong. the graphic novels count
I MAYBE SAW BIANCAS HAT like i saw in the background a girl with a green floppy hat ??? bianca is that you ???
are augustus and ferdinand gay ????
if i tell you something will you promise not to make fun of me and annabeths lil “dude” like percy ofc she’s going to make fun of you
^^^^my actual reaction as a saw a lil short kid with black hair wearing a red jacket
youre a really good guesser. lmao percy he’s a god😭😭
luke changes everything. like he always does. 
poor bb looks so sad about his son :( i can tell he wants to go back and fix everything
and i feel a lot better about having stolen his keys. exactly !! wait what. this whole scene was so perfectly their dynamic
imagine your first driving lesson being saving the world i think i would kms
grover getting his memory back is so cute 🥰🥰🥰
yes king go meet ur dad even though he’s not there
PREPARE FOR WAR OMGS WHAT …. i was NIT expecting that
this is not your fault. you are brave. you are strong. you made your father proud. me when the daddy issues kick in and i almost started crying
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so I saw the Wembley Park Theatre production last night and if u don't wanna be spoiled dni
But if you have no chance of seeing it here are some of the little details <3
First of all the casting was perfect???
Michael Alomka dove into a more sensitive part of Jack - and it was super interesting
Katherine was so much more headstrong and it was suchhhh a new flavour of her - Katherine has never been one of my favourite characters but god she was so strong and wild and unduly it was brilliant.
Ryan Kopel as Davey has to be my standout tho - he seemed much younger in the role than BF did, and much more uncertain and afraid - I loved it - and his development oh my god he became boisterous and ahhhhhhhhh
Docket as Crutchie was brilliant he was much less happy-go-lucky than AKB was and oh it worked - he was frustrated and angry and real.
AND Crutchie played a much larger role in the leadership of the strike here!! Just through little interactions and stuff but it was coooollll and he even seemed to form a friendship with both Kath and Davey
Even the kid playing Les was brilliant and I usually don't like Les all that much - but the kid I saw was brilliant
The Newsies would swing out on lamps and ropes over the audience and oh my godddddddd
THE BROOKLYN NEWSIES WERE GIRLS (and it added balance since earlier they'd been the bowery beauties so it changed them up and showed the power of women plus finally included girls in the strike, sometbing 1992 and bway missed) AND THEY WERE SO GOOD
Jack and Katherine had Beatrice and Benedick vibes from Much Ado - that's the only comparable thing, they were so brilliant and the chemistry was so goooodddd
Ngl it probably didn't have enough Javid content for you addicts.
Butttt there was a hug when Jack tells Davey they won the strike that is so good. Davey can't retain himself, he jumps and hugs Jack and then picks up and whirls around Les
'we are inevitable' was delivered PERFECTLY I can't even explain
There are so many stunts and jumps and tricks and we all knew the dancing was gonna be perfect but dear god it still got me
And finally, my favourite thing, THE SET
I was sitting stage right in Woodside (I think) and if u can get tickets like that it is so worth it. The actors are running up behjind and beside you
There's even a little slide for the escape from snyder
And they utilise the scaffding part of the set super well
There are lamps that lifted up for ariel tricks
And so much more
Even a fuckin zip line!!!!!!!
okay you've nearly made it to the end
There were a fewwww lyric changes buttt the orchestrations were changed quite a lot to make room for more dance and honestly? I think I prefer broadway music wise
The Pulitzer's set was built in newspapers to show class and how the Newsies have built their entire empire etc
And all the set was moved on and off by the Newsies, too, again to show class and how the Newsies (and working kids) run the world, really
Yes, Race was perfect.
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supercookiekat2 · 5 months
ideas for musicals that will probably never exist!
the truman show:
this could be so coooollll
a musical would be nice
but also like
a super intimate play in a small theater would also be cool
but we're here for MUSICALS
so uh
the first act opener would serve to set up the status quo
but would also be used the represent and later twist the "average" day
groundhog day musical style with its "day one" "day two" etc
and the first act closer and/or maybe the second act opener would be a sort of demented reprise of the opener
because the first act would end with truman finding out his life is fake and stuff
so the happy peppy opener would come off as more sinister and truman would act more paranoid/scared/aware(?)
and the whole theater could be decorated with generic neighborhood stuff
maybe cartoony flowers
newspaper stands
and then with the reveal at the end of act one
all the "fake" stuff falls away to reveal that they're all cameras facing the stage
and the show would be "on" starting as soon as the first audience members come in
it would be like
night in front of truman's house so he's sleeping
but actors could come onstage occasionally
like a mailman or something
or a jogger
so it feels like the show is really like the show and is always being aired
and then at the end of act two there's like a screen saying that they'll be back on air soon
and then the cameras in the audience could serve a double meaning
with them representing how truman is being watched
but also how the whole world is basically watching the show now because it's the first time something as ever gone wrong
and the status quo day could start with truman coming out of his house all cheery (and later scared)
and it could end truman bursting out of a crowd with the "good afternoon good evening and good night"
and there could be like a whole thing with a stagedoor
where sometimes actors leave through it in normal clothes
maybe sometimes they sit in the audience
just the break the fourth wall more
and the ending could be either the ending in the movie with the boat
they could make it look like he failed
and the ending song would be the status quo song
so the audience is like
oh shit
what if he doesn't escape
but then when it's truman's time to burst out of the crowd
he actually comes out of the stagedoor into the audience
and yells "and in case i don't see you again, good afternoon, good evening and good night"
and then all the actors onstage would freeze
he gets to take his dramatic bow
and then he leaves the actual theater
unsure how bows would work?
the whole cast could come out in what they wore that day maybe?
to show that it's actually the actors bowing at that point
and not another meta thing
and this is getting long oops
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rosetyphooon · 1 month
the obsession is real i cannot stop thinking abt shadows doom powers for the life of me theyre so coooollll i love aliens and theyre embracing his alien side so much hes such a little weirdo rahahhhhhhhh
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steven1123x · 2 months
Behind The Scenes - Chapter 27: Actors At Work
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A few days passed, and Steven woke up in his room, he picked up his phone and got a text from Mordecai. He and the crew were at the studio. Steven looks at the time, the numbers read 9:10 and under it, it said March 26.
Steven got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
He stepped out and went to his closet and picked out his bright red star shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts. The hybrid put them on grabbed his white Converse, put them on, and tied them.
He grabbed his hat that he bought a few days ago and put it atop his curly hair, grabbed his phone, and went out the door. Steven went on his phone and looked up the distance.
Twenty-five minutes. Perfect.
Steven walked downstairs, went out the door, grabbed his bike, and took the ride to Burbank. He decided to listen to music on the way.
He grabs his earbuds, plugs them in, and puts on a song.
The Cartoon Network movie lot was already bustling with life. Steven parked his bike, and put his feet on the ground, As a tall and grey rock man walked up. he wore a black guard uniform. “Rada rada.”
Steven showed him the text that he got from his friend Mordecai. “I’m here to watch them film Snitzhel.” He said.
Snitzhel nods and rasied the gate. Steven biked inside the studio and saw actors, Crew members, And even familiar faces studying their lines, he was looking for Regular Show.
“Oh, excuse me?” Steven asked. He sees a boy, he is wearing a white hat that covers his head and neck, his clothes are a blue shirt and shorts consisting of a green backpack worn on his back, completed with white socks that were cupped around his ankles and black shoes.
“Oh, hello.” the boy said.
“Oh my gosh! your Finn The Human from Adventure Time! Can I have a picture?” he asked.
“Sure, man,” he said, Finn walked over and put his arm around the boy’s shoulders, and Steven took a selfie with the boy.
“Oh, can you point me to where the Regular Show studio is?”
“Oh, you see that soundstage over there?” he asked. Steven nods. “It’s there, soundstage twelve.”
“Thanks, Finn! Hey. Happy late birthday by the way.”
“Thank you!” he said, then Steven rode off to the soundstage.
He’d made it, he walked in and saw a large, acoustically treated space designed for recording the show. Inside, he saw high ceilings and expansive floor space to accommodate various setups. The walls are often lined with sound-absorbing materials, such as foam panels or curtains, to minimize echoes and improve sound quality.
The floor may be open or have a stage area, with various microphones, instruments, and recording equipment scattered throughout. There are usually control rooms adjacent to the main stage, equipped with mixing consoles, audio interfaces, and monitors for sound engineers to manage the recording process.
The lighting can vary, with bright overhead lights for visibility and more atmospheric lighting for specific scenes or performances. Overall, a soundstage is a versatile environment tailored for optimal audio production, featuring a blend of technical equipment and creative space.
Steven sees a living room setup, Mordecai and Rigby are talking with Margret at the snack table. Then, someone walks into the set. Steven sees him — probably Mordecai and Rigby’s director.
The man has straight, dark brown hair that falls over his forehead and ears. He is smiling broadly, displaying his teeth. He is wearing a light-colored, button-up shirt. He also has a black and white checkered lanyard around his neck, He holds a clipboard under his arm as he walks to the director's chair.
“Coooollll!” Steven whispered, his eyes going starry, his friends smiled at him.
“I will ask him if you can watch,” Mordecai said, Walking up to the director.
“So, Steven. you want to be an actor?” Margret asked.
“Heck yeah, I do! That will be AWESOME!” He said, jumping up into the air, Margret chuckled, she liked him.
“Yeah, It’s a lot of fun, I love it you know.”
“I bet!” he said. Then, the Blue Jay walked back towards him and gave the hybrid a thumbs up.
“Okay places, guys! And action!”
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“Regular Show: Brain Eraser, Scene One. Take one.” the Clapper Loader said, clapping the clapperboard.
Mordecai and Rigby were deeply engrossed in their latest video game session, the screen flashing with vibrant colors and intense action. Suddenly, a loud explosion erupted from the television, accompanied by bold letters declaring, “PLAYER 1 WINS!” Rigby slumped back into the couch, frustration etched on his face.
“Ugh! I lost again,” he groaned, his eyes narrowing at the screen.
Mordecai, with a smug grin, simply shrugged, his amusement evident. “Hmph. Hmph,” he replied, relishing his victory.
Rigby’s annoyance quickly turned to distraction as he rummaged through the couch cushions. “This stupid thing was throwing me off,” he muttered, pulling out a magazine that read, “Mustaches Monthly - SPECIAL HANDLEBAR ISSUE!”
Mordecai’s eyes widened in realization. “Dude! Pops' Mustaches Monthly! Benson told us to deliver this weeks ago. You have to give this to Pops.”
Rigby’s protest was immediate. “What?! Why do I have to?”
“Because you’re the tool who crammed it between the sofa cushions!” Mordecai shot back, exasperated.
Rigby huffed, sinking deeper into the couch. “I can’t get up now. I’m going to lose this sweet butt cheek groove I’ve been working into this couch! It looks just like me!” He gestured to the distinct impression his body had left on the fabric.
Mordecai rolled his eyes. “I’m not going up those stairs, dude.”
After a moment of silence, Rigby proposed a solution. “Fine, let’s play rock-paper-scissors for it.”
With determination, Rigby threw out paper while Mordecai chose rock. “Hmph hmph,” Rigby smirked, reveling in his victory.
“Whatever,” Mordecai groaned, begrudgingly conceding. As Rigby resumed his gaming, Mordecai reluctantly made his way to Pops’ room, where he could hear the sound of running water.
“Pops. Yo, Pops. I found your Mustache Monthly,” he called out, placing the magazine on a chair. Just as he turned, he was met with a shocking sight—Pops, fresh out of the shower and completely naked.
“Aaaaagh!” both Mordecai and Pops screamed in unison, their eyes wide with horror.
In the chaos, Mordecai caught an unintended glimpse of Pops' “junk mail.” Panic surged through him as Pops hurriedly covered himself with his hat, while Mordecai instinctively shielded his eyes.
“Aaaaagh!” they both continued to exclaim, trying to escape the awkward situation, but finding themselves blocking each other’s path.
“Uh... uh... uh... uh...” Mordecai stammered his heart racing.
“Uh... uh... uh... uh...” Pops echoed, equally flustered.
Steven was trying his hardest to contain his laughter.
Finally, Mordecai managed to slip past Pops, darting out of the room just as Pops retreated into his bathroom. Breathing heavily, Mordecai made his way back downstairs and plopped onto the couch next to Rigby.
“Stop playing for a second,” Mordecai panted. “When I went upstairs, Pops was getting out of the shower.”
Rigby looked at him, puzzled. “Yeah, so?”
“And he didn’t have a towel,” Mordecai replied, his voice laced with disbelief.
Rigby’s face twisted in disgust. “Ewww!”
“Cut! Perfect guys!” J.G said, standing up, Steven then burst out laughing.
“Not funny, Steven.” he glares at his friend.
“It is! you saw Pops naked, dude!”
Rigby looks at his two friends back to back.
“It was for the scene!” he protested.
“I know! but was that acting or real? cause it looked pretty real to me.” Rigby said, Mordecai punched him in the arm.
“Owwww!” Rigby said as his friend glared at him.
“You did a good job,” Margret said. Mordecai could still see Pops’… stuff, it’s burned into his brain. And they were rehearsed this last week!
“Thanks, Margret,” he said. Sighing to himself.
Steven looks at Mordecai.
“Okay guys, places!” J.G. sat in the director’s chair holding a bottle of water in his hand. “And…” The man said. “Action.”
“Regular Show: Brain Eraser, Scene Two. Take two.” the Clapper Loader said, clapping the clapperboard.
Mordecai and Rigby were lounging in the park, the sun casting long shadows as the day wound down. Trying to be helpful, Mordecai picked up Mr. Peterson's magazine delivery, intending to drop it off at the old man's house on their way back.
"I tried not to look and just give him the magazine, but I saw his..." Mordecai began, his voice tinged with horror.
Rigby, ever the jokester, interjected with a smirk, "His junk mail? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Mordecai's face turned pale. "No, dude, I'm mentally scarred. It's like the image is glued to the inside of my eyelids. Every saggy, wrinkled, shriveled, pasty..."
"Whoa, whoa! Don't put it in my head," Rigby quickly interrupted, holding up his hand as if to ward off the mental image.
Mordecai glared at him, the ghostly vision still unsettling in his mind. "This is your fault. You have to help me."
Rigby sighed, realizing the gravity of his friend's distress. "I'll help you to forget it if you promise to stop talking about it."
A glimmer of hope appeared in Mordecai's eyes. "Deal."
They shook hands, sealing the agreement, each hoping to put the disturbing incident behind them.
Steven watches the whole filming process from start to end.
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The behind-the-scenes took hours to film because some actors forgot their lines. But all and all, it was a good filming day, Steven was walking out of the soundstage, he was about to grab his bike, then he bumped into a woman. Steven looks up.
The woman has short, curly dark hair and wears glasses. She is dressed in a plaid shirt with red, blue, and black colors over a light-colored top. She is standing with one hand in her pocket.
“I… I am so sorry.”
“It’s okay, It’s my fault. Should’ve watched where I was going.” The woman said Steven heard the woman’s voice. It was the most calming voice he had ever heard in his life.
“What’s your name?” the woman asked.
“I’m Steven Universe.
“I’m Rebecca Sugar, nice to meet you.”
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A\N: THIS IS IT! Steven had just met his future director! I can’t wait to see where this goes from here! Bye, guys!
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hollowsart · 10 months
He's gonna fight zombies :3 like zombie Otto
So cool so cool soooo coooollll
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aydaaaguefort · 1 year
i saw someone theorizing that hank green will be in the new season, based on something he tweeted and i don’t wanna get my hopes up but that would be so coooollll
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mischefous · 5 months
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Got possessed have the guy
Dunno why he sorta has clothes but okay
OMG HE LOOKS SO COOOOLLLL!!!! MY BOI BE LOOKIN HANDSOME! I love teal and turquoise so that blue on the wings with the white is MY FAVE! im gonna give him lots of cuddles and cookies and tea! So beautiful Bleper! And since he is a shapeshifter, this is canon in my heart😭💙💙💙
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
So, uh. There are these two EXCELLENTLY-written character studies surrounding c!Dream that I’d like to suggest — but they’re both Canon Compliant, meaning that they’re not all that fluffy. They have kind of hopeful endings, I think, but they’re on the darker side of what I’ve sent before. I’m gonna recommend them below:
inosculation: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44126358
crown, plate, bowl: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45418216/
Anyway I’m a HUGE fan of hurt/comfort, so I’d like it if readers would imagine that all of my tickly fix-it’s happen with this sort of thing as a sort of historical context for my aus :) (Kat is seriously an incredible writer. Most of her stuff is REALLY dark, but I think these two fics are kind of around the level of angst where you’d still be able to appreciate them.) (Especially because you KNOW the fluff is gonna come right after :) )
finally managed to read both of these!! and omfg they’re both incredibleeeeee!! i love the way they’re written so much and you’re right this is the sort of angst i can absolutely handle,, and more than that,,, i quite simply adore it. his character is awesome
(discussion belowwww):
link 1 — make sure you read the author’s trigger warnings <3
it’s actually so damn cool what people can take from the minecraft lore. the prison arc has always been my favourite to write i feel. there’s so much emotion and it’s easy to compare said emotion to the prison’s surroundings. and you’re right, this person is feckin epic at writing omg. the way they describe the changes that dream and sam go through in prison is incredibly awesome. their flow is awesome. their descriptions are awesome.
the way they mention both sam and dream comparing dream’s body to a machine is so cooollll. coz that’s what it felt like in the prison arc, both of them slowly losing sight of what they were even both there for, just getting far too sucked up in their role. it’s also fun to point out that sam would have been making all his decisions assuming that dream would be in prison for ages. dream was under the impression that he’d be out after a only a short time (once punz decides that he’s off everyone’s radar). it’s just so cool.
and also how they talked about how once techno and quackity had left the prison they both ended up slipping so comfortably back into their roles (sam is warden, dream is is prisoner). so coooollll
link 2 — again, check the warnings before you read
ok ThIS one i feCKIn lOvE. like it captures dream’s tolerance to physical pain so damn well, and his way of always finding a positive light in his struggles. his character was always so optimistic in the darkest of situations. also i lOVe the way they’ve told it. basing it around food. so cool
the little details that they added were anazingggg. like the fact that he was clumsy and not as skilled in the early days, and the idea of him trying to roast his potatoes in the lava. and omG the s2 reference at the end there aH ahHH!! it’s so pretty and well written and fun. like it’s such a fun way to describe his character. very very coool 🥺
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dazai-mackerel · 1 month
like…… how can u still love him when hes literally so disfigured
he’s so coooollll and he’s so niiicceeee :3 i love my brother ><
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brok3n-gl4ss · 1 year
I feel so stupidly lonely
I miss how it was, when I had friends. When we all hung out, before it got weird.
He keeps telling me he regretted spending no time with me, but then suddenly he’s tooo coooollll to hang out with me in front of anyone, huh?
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