#lore with llama
fluffallamaful · 1 year
Personally I don’t think immortality was actually the goal: it’s such a random, non-emotionally-charged answer that from a Doylist perspective it would be a hugely unsatisfying payoff to a mystery that the cc!s have kept going for over two years at this point, and from a Watsonian perspective why would Dream be honest about his intentions? I don’t know what he was trying to do, but I’d bet money that it wasn’t that — or at least, not COMPLETELY that.
Anyway, yeah Dream and Punz are probably getting interrogated because some members of the server are convinced that Tommy’s sudden turnaround is the result of some sort of brainwashing or w/e. Those that have gone after him have a surprising variety of perspectives on this. Quackity, for example, is actually completely on Tommy’s side — and Sapnap is absolutely not. So Quackity basically went along to secretly try and mend the bridge he burned down a little bit, and Sapnap is there to force a confession. Unintentional Good Cop / Bad Cop style. (Also that idea about Punz expecting gentle tickles and then getting absolutely destroyed is hysterical. Canon.)
But then Sapnap switches his target.
Quackity was shockingly nice, but Sapnap wants answers. He kneads into his sides, drills into his armpits, scratches a pen into the soles of his feet — it’s horrible. Dream can’t stand this for long. And then Sapnap calls over the others to help, and suddenly Dream is having all of his worst spots targeted at once until he’s sobbing into the floor. (Quackity forces them off after a bit, saying that they’re not gonna get anything out of him if they kill him first.)
Later, when it devolved from an interrogation to a competition of “how can we make Dream lose his shit the fastest”, Punz ends up being even worse than Sapnap. This is probably because the turning point of this whole situation had something to do with everyone realizing at once just how self-destructive Dream actually is and deciding that he needs some punishment tickles for all the bullshit he pulled in the past few years.
there you go @wishitweresummer your addition as been canonised :D
i’m gonna discuss lore stuff first and then continue with AU stuff underneath. soup your brain is epic 🤌🏼 it deserves a warm bath, a boop on the snoot, and a cookie. you attention to detail with lore stuff will never fail to amaze me 👌🏼
(discussion belowwww)
lore stuff
yes what you’ve pointed out is interesting. i think that the realisation that the server could potentially have immortal beings on it now was definitely something that sparked punz and dream to work together so much. i’m pretty sure it’s canon that part of the reason that cdream built the prison was just in case someone immortal ‘got in his way’ and he needed to contain them (interestingly he never explicitly explained what they could be getting in the way of 👀)
i think that you’re right about immortality not being the end goal,, but certainly understanding everything there is to know about it would have been close. i think that what could have happened is that they started off by wanting to understand it,, but then realised that there were so many other layers beyond immortality itself (they mentioned that they had seen different realms).
i’m actually rather unfamiliar with what cpunz’ motives were? did he ever explain them deeper than ‘wanting to be powerful’? i got the impression that he wanted to learn about the revival stuff for more selfish reasons,, whereas dream had a more fluffy fantasy of having him and his friends live together kind of thing. it’s why i felt he was so silent when punz pointed out to tommy that him and dream were friends — coz i think he knew deep down that punz and him wanted the same thing, but for different reasons. (i could be completely wrong about all of this lmao,, my cpunz obsession isn’t quite as strong as my cdream obsession)
AU stuff (Drunz Interrogation AU?? what do i call it lmao. maybe just Interrogation AU?)
ohhhh this is so much fun with quackity and sapnap playitn good cop bad cop holy moly 😍 so quackity hears what tommy is saying and actually believes him? i suppose it makes sense. he had seen dream at his most vulnerable moments in the past year afterall. and he did always seem to have some sort of soft spot for tommy
would quackity and sap have spoken before this moment? i feel like sap would take on the bad cop role for such sweet reasons. like he’s heard all this stuff from tommy and he’s not only scared that his country and his fiancé’s are going to be caught in the crossfire. but he’s also angry at dream suddenly trying to be open and friendly again,, and ever more angry that he confessed it to tommy of all people. why couldn’t he have told him while he visited him in prison?!
i always love having sap be the one to interrogate dream and punz coz i can just imagine that he’d know them so well. like early days sap and punz were playful and brotherly, and it’s fun to imagine tickles coming into play during sap and dream sparring sessions. basically he’d just know all the spots and techniques to get them howling. and they’re both still tied up to a tree with nowhere to go
i’m still stuck thinking about quackity giving dresm soft neck nibbles 🥺 and i kinda love the idea that after being absolutely wrecked by sapnap,, the comparatively softer techniques from quackity are what begin to fluster him. though not entirely coz i imagine he’d still be inconsolably pissed at quackity for what he did to dream in prison
also AHHH!!! so it turns into the “the tickles didn’t make him speak but he looked like he could use them anyway” kinda of situation :(( where punz actually starts to help give dream tickles. i adore the idea of punz cradling dreams head in his lap and sternly promising that he’s not going to let them hurt him. that’s so cute ☹️
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Good Morning!
I’ll start with some tags because I haven’t seen any posts yet this morning. Throwing out some no pressure tags to some folks in case you’d like to share something: @fatalfangirl @whatevertheweather @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @artsyunderstudy @thewholelemon @hushed-chorus @raenestee @bookish-bogwitch @moodandmist @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @aristocratic-otter @nightimedreamersworld @martsonmars @youarenevertooold @cosmicalart @valeffelees @toonysart @shrekgogurt @iamamythologicalcreature @whogaveyoupermission @athenapitch @run-for-chamo-miles @mysterioussheep @wellbelesbian @captain-aralias @rimeswithpurple @prettygoododds @orange-peony @leithillustration @alexalexinii @blackberrysummerblog @j-nipper-95 @larkral @ic3-que3n @tender-ministrations @forabeatofadrum
I’m working on chapter 9 of Depth of Reason. We’re kicking it off with Penny and Simon out to lunch catching up after the events of chapter 8. I’m putting the snippet under the cut for spoilers so if you aren’t up to date with this fic, proceed with caution.
“Baz and I kissed after everyone left,” I say, grinning despite my best efforts to stay cool.
She squeals so loudly that several people turn and look at us. “Nicks and Slick! Are you serious?”
“Yes,” I say, keeping my voice low in hopes she’ll mimic my volume.
“So are you, like, together now? Are you still his social worker? What about his case?” She reaches her hand across the table and takes my hand in hers. Her enthusiasm mixed with concern is palpable.
“Not his social worker anymore. I put him on Ana’s caseload.” She nods her approval. “And I suppose we’re together? I dunno, we haven’t really labeled it but we have been…spending a lot of time together,” I say carefully, sipping my water and trying hard not to blush. I’ve always had a difficult time talking about my (previously barely existent) sex life with Penny. (Not that we’re having sex yet, but the point still stands.) It’s like talking about sex with your sister. Plus, Penny is far too blunt about everything, and hearing her ask questions with so much frankness and uninterrupted eye contact takes more bravery than facing down a herd of Drama Llamas.
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insightfulllama · 4 months
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FNAF Lore For Dummies is live and available to watch, tune in for goofs and gafs and lore :D
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Having way too much fun with my new pen, so have some properly inked in Watcher and Listener designs from the Horizons au
Close ups and design notes under the cut (lore spoilers if you’re reading Give me back my heart you wingless thing)
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Grian’s design is based off the fanon of Mother Spore mostly, as he was made the Watcher of Sculk, which is close enough to mycelium for my brain to make sense of it. He wears his normal Horizons clothing with the addition of a skirt of spider-silk, a hat of the same fiber, a veil of lichen, and the two sculk life-forms Dandelion and Inkcap on top of his hat. He can also manifest two horns that resemble those of a Warden.
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Martyn’s design is based off his limited life red skin, and partially off his pirates smp skin. He is the Listener of Phantoms, wearing his normal Horizons robe open with the sleeves pinned up, an open and tattered white shirt of phantom membrane, and a necklace with a scale of the Ender Dragon on it. He was given the necklace to mark him as the heir of the End Crystal Crown. His hair grows transparent near the ends, like the tips of phantom’s wings.
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Jimmy’s design is based on his empires season 2 sheriff skin. He wears his normal Horizons clothing as well as a ‘bush hat’ (shallow cowboy hat), a bolo tie with an endstone clasp, and two bangles made from shulker shells, as he was chosen as the Listener of Shulkers. He maintains a small sphere of Void magic directly above his head, roughly in the shape of a shulker bullet.
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Pearl’s design is based off her double life red skin. She wears her normal Horizons clothing, as well as a dull red hood with a moon and star charm attached to the point. These charms float of their own accord, surrounded by purplish motes produced as a byproduct of being chosen as the Watcher of Endermen.
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lyss-butterscotch · 6 months
So many art brain rot but so little time im so torn this is what i get for being hyperfixated on multiple fandoms at the same time
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radrobotzz · 7 months
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i like hungry lamu but he is going to be the next freddy fazbear in the kitchen for me
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empires smp headcanon polls: part 4
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llamasandcat · 5 months
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theladyinwhite13 · 3 months
daylight + idwlf on guitar / the story of us + haunted on piano
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mushiewrites · 1 year
2, 4, 7, 10
from this post!
2 - Tag your favorite ler!
I literally have a lot of favorites but I'll tag @wishitweresummer simply bc she's unapologetically cruel 🫠
4 - How long do you think you could go before calling for mercy?
I think it all depends on what's happening.....I've had ✨sessions✨ but have never said the safeword, and one went on for.....a while....so I'm not sure if I ever would??? I'm sure if things got intense I would but I think it would take a very long time or something extremely tkly to make me call for mercy
7 - What’s your favorite nickname to be called, either while being tickled/teased or in general? (Or both)
generic ones would be the stupidly sweet ones like baby, sweetheart, darling, all that kind of stuff. and then i like the more personal ones that specific people call me. and also ..a certain variation of the word works too
10 - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a lee or ler mood?
listen. i plead the fifth 😇
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luvxiem · 11 months
in my downward spiral of simping over miguel i realized that spanish is SO sexy. i've been blind this whole time
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
Okay, so, my initial idea was that nobody (not even Punz) would know about Dream’s embarrassing little secret. And I don’t think Sapnap or George would know because 1) that’s the only way this AU really works and 2) let’s be honest: those two are absolute morons. And Dream’s always been super reserved, so it makes sense.
In any case, I think he’d actually be way more distant with both of them. He already went to pretty extreme lengths to make sure neither would be associated with him anymore for their own safety. Plus, the allure of them being there might be so tempting that he’d be scared to stay lest he end up giving up on his initial plan entirely. Or maybe it would just hurt. Sapnap did promise to kill him if he ever escaped. Maybe he doesn’t want to confront the idea that his brother hates him now. At least, not more than he absolutely has to.
If Sapnap DOES recognize him, then maybe he’s torn. Maybe he wants to go after him and fulfill his promise. Maybe he knows that Dream never goes into this form unless he’s extremely badly hurt, or scared, or stressed. (Dream told him that he was tortured. Was that…was that true?) Maybe he decides to go on a manhunt to catch him, figuring that he can make a decision later. Maybe it acts as an outside threat to keep Dream from ever getting TOO relaxed in a new location.
With George specifically, I could see Dream being very gentle. Maybe George finds him while he’s foraging for mushrooms, and picks him up to take him inside. Maybe Dream would stay the night and snuggle close to him in bed. Maybe it would remind him of their nights together in the good old days. But he’d leave almost immediately after George falls asleep: it’s just too painful. (George would wake up and assume the blob was just another dream from XD. Whether he recognizes it as Dream or not.)
@azuregiggles there you go :D
i agree i agree that he’d be more cautious in going to sap and george for help. coz yeah, sap has literally threatened to kill him, and seeing george but not being able to be as close as he used to be with him just hurts :((
(discussion below):
both situations are super cute,, in that the first insinuates that dream would be entirely out of practice and way more scared as a blob. liek if he never lets anyone else see him like this :(( but then also i love the idea of sap being torn, and the race between quackity and sap unknowingly occurring, as they both search for dream.
it would also make sense in the lore that dream never even comes across the members of kinoko kingdom after he speaks to sapnap. because after dream’s threat sapnap quickly goes back and stands guard there. and dream doesn’t go back again.
but my god i really do love the idea of george and sap (maybe just sap coz george is asleep) hearing news of the fact that a white blob has been seen around the server (a super cuddly and sweet one), and half of sap’s head telling him that it’s convenient because dreams easier to kill liek this,, but then the other half reminding him that dream is only transformed because he’s weakened
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foxy-llama-mama · 1 year
one of these days i will explain the lore behind my url. today is not that day
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insightfulllama · 5 months
New video out now!! :D
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pupuseriazag · 9 months
Me estoy distrayendo pensando en mi oc de baldurs pero me da risa mi approsch a este juego JEJSJSISJDID
Pero pa darles un poquito de contexto me estube decidiendo mucho si elegir drow o tiefling porque ambos me parecen interesantes vea.
Y AL MOMENTITO QUE LLEGO DONDE LOS DRUIDAS man es que vi a los tieflings y dije a donde van semejantes cerotes tratando mal A MIS HERMANES
y man osea si me dava tristeza verlos y el temor que tenian de irse y cuando rescate a la niña de la vieja elfa cerota ahi dije no, los tieflings son mi familia
Asique decidi que a mi oc (o mi tav como he visto que llsman al mc) fue criade por Tieflings desde chikite a pesar que era une drow
"Pero Zag como PUTAS vas a decir que unos tieflings criaron a un drow si bla bla bla" shhh, eso es problema para el Zag post-parciales.
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a date was had. and then she left. so it was time to MAKE EVERYONE SLEEPY and then get some tips by playing and singing :)
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