#headcanon - headcanon... yes and no X"D
yore-donatsu · 1 year
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More sketches on Rama 😝
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levitiquee · 6 months
Levi would never say no to anything you ask okay, he's just gonna give you a lot of shit about it first.
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cozage · 1 year
Morning headcanon
You tell Law that you like listening to heartbeat while you fall asleep. The next time you have to separate for a mission, he literally gives you his heart so you can still fall asleep to it’s rhythm.
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orfeoarte · 1 year
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he's been confessing his love over and over in Spanish thinking Vash didn't know
poor guy
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lapetiteshippeuse · 9 months
I'm not gonna try to stop you. This is your decision, and I know you've made up your mind...But...let me go with you.
Rhaegar Targaryen to Lyanna Stark, probably
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portgasdwrld · 5 months
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cryptid-moose · 2 years
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i am normal about them
Layout by @/ritelli_draws
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lonely-night · 2 years
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warehouse 13 au: myka bering & amanda bering martin 
(past? present? idk don’t ask me)
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thattripleabattery · 5 months
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It’s been a long, exhausting, entirely draining day. Nothing particularly bad happened; in fact, it could be considered a fairly okay day. But long day after long day after long day leaves you on the verge of tears and as if you will burst into a puddle at the slightest of inconveniences. You trip over the ledge into your apartment, your feet too heavy to properly lift, and you feel the tears forming behind your eyes because the jolt was too much for you to handle. When you look up, there he is. Mikey is fast asleep on the couch, his shoes still on even though you’ve told him a hundred times to not put them on the furniture. On the coffee table in front of him, you see your favorite candy is still in a grocery bag, bright flowers in a vase, and a few containers of ramen from the Kawata’s restaurant. That’s it. You drop everything on the ground, sink to your knees, and bawl. At some point you feel rough and gentle hands brushing hair from your face, butterfly eyelash kisses on your face, pulling on your arms to take off your jacket and bags, and a tug on your elbows leading you to the couch.
“There, there, it’s alright. You can cry as much as you need to. I have food for when you’re ready, and hot te-, shit, the tea’s cold now, but I can make more, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re enough, you’ve done enough, just rest now, shh...” Mikey coos into your ears, babbling nonsense and searching for tissues as you continue to let everything out, knowing that you’re safe and loved and that it will all be okay.
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yore-donatsu · 2 years
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I miss the Elden ring teleports X”D
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noearchives · 4 months
one piece boys + first kiss headcanons
pairings: portgas d. ace x gn!reader, trafalgar d. water law x gn!reader, sanji x gn! reader, roronoa zoro x gn! reader
a.n.: a sweet little something. :)
cw: none, a trace amount of suggestive content in sanji's and ace's part if you squint really hard...
portgas d. ace
- happens when both of you are a bit tipsy after a drink or two during a party on the moby dick.
- has kissed a few people here and there (nothing too serious), so he has a bit of experience.
- is good with his tongue, this boy.
- very impatient too.
- that's why after one or two close-mouthed kisses, he’s already slipped his tongue inside your mouth.
- like oh okay! didn't know we were going this fast!
- despite the quick pace, it’s not difficult to pick up. you kiss him like you’ve done it thousands of times before already, and you don't really need to think about what you're doing when you kiss because it just comes to you Naturally.
- it feels like it’s burning, to the point where you suspect ace has unintentionally activated his devil fruit to melt your tongues together.
- is so into it to the point where he didn't even notice when his hat fell off.
- you'd have to pat him on the back twice to make him let go of you because he will Not notice how you're already out of breath.
- leaves you dizzy and breathless. in a way that makes you want more.
- "let's take this to my room, yeah?"
trafalgar d. water law
- you waited for ages for the right timing for him to kiss you first, but it never seemed to come.
- see, the captain of the heart pirates never had the time nor mood for things like this.
- so when you asked if you could kiss him, he panicked a little. just a little.
- he tries to play it cool, but when you’re 1cm away from his lips, it’s like you're holding a gun to his head, frozen in place with his eyes squeezed shut.
- for the first two seconds of the kiss, he’s a little grossed out by the flesh-to-flesh feeling and the thought of the bacteria that’s being exchanged between the both of you is making his head spin a little.
- but as your lips part and connect with his again, he slowly melts into the kiss, copying your movements as you continue.
- it’s not a super passionate kiss or anything, but it leaves his whole body buzzing with his heartbeat thrumming in his ears.
- this feeling is so foreign to him- but somehow, he wants more of it, and he wants to know everything about it.
- "can we do that again?”
- it happened during one of those moments where it’s late at night and all his emotions bubble up to the back of his throat.
- you were the one who initiated the kiss because he kept rambling, going on and on about how much he loves you and how he doesn't deserve you, how a filthy man like him shouldn't be with a beauty like you, eventually spiralling into self-hate.
- it gets to the point where you had to shut him up with a kiss, to prove that yes, you actually want him, and no, he is not a filthy, unlovable man.
- god, your lips are so soft. he might just start crying.
- he doesn't, of course, so he won’t ruin the moment.
- the kiss is soft and tender, but he soon becomes desperate for more and it escalates into something further, the sentimental moment taking a one hundred-and-eighty degree turn.
- it’s strange, because he was just sulking over himself, and now his hands are all over you, fingers hiking up your shirt as the kiss grows deeper.
- the moment your lips are parted, you give him a light-hearted scold.
- “apologies, my love. you're just a little too irresistible.”
roronoa zoro
- catches you absolutely off guard. surprisingly, he’s the one who kisses you first rather than the other way around.
- it happened so casually- you were hanging out with the strawhats, a drink in your hands as zoro bent down to kiss you as he was passing by.
- he didn't say a word. just a swift kiss that lingers on your lips, leaving your ears and cheeks burning.
- it was bold of him to kiss you out of nowhere- in front of everyone too, telling everyone that you're his, and his only.
- (probably to also piss sanji off while doing so.)
- when you ask the swordsman about it a while later when the two of you are alone, he just answers with a longer, deeper kiss.
- “no more questions,” he mumbles against your lips. “do you want the kiss or not?”
- of course, you reply with your lips on his. actions speak louder than words, afterall.
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sexlapis · 7 months
Ho! I loooooooveeee your actor toji fics! Is it possible to get added to the taglist? Thank you ~
Also an idea: a bts scene of reader getting sick on set(perhaps even collapsing) due to fatigue and toji taking care of them- I feel like that'd be such a hit ship moment irl :D
thank you for liking my fics <3 you can be added to the tag list 🩵.
and omg yeah i love that idea of reader overworking themselves and toji looking after them :’). and yeah i didn’t make it a behind the scenes clip i made a short fic abt it bc i do not know when to stop.. like give me an idea and i will fly away w it like a bird liek..i don’t even think this is what you asked for srsly…i hope you don’t mind (but i’ll add it to my tojiyn headcanons hehe)
cw: actor toji x actress reader, hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, swearing, petnames (‘kid’, ik people don’t like this one but i think it’s so sweet & so toji :)), collapsing, mentions of skipping meals/not eating, poor sleeping habits, feelings of loneliness & inadequacy, crying, toji taking care of reader, i made this way more angsty than you asked sorry :(
wc: 2k+
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you dragged yourself through the doors of the studio, immediately bombarded by directors, stylists, scrip writers and other cast members on your way to the dressing room, only fuelling your fatigue and stress.
sleep was a foreign concept at this point. five hours at most. so were healthy, filling meals - the last time you ate was yesterday at noon, and for breakfast today all you had was a cup of coffee, not helping your nervous, exhausted state.
admittedly, you were not doing very well. you felt that your acting was subpar and you felt lonely and isolated on set. while everyone went with their friends for a break or lunch, you sat by yourself in your dressing room, your only company being the silence.
sure, toji was also on set too, but he played a very minor role, so he wasn’t always there. and even when he was sometimes, he would hang out with the other crew members, which wasn’t a problem of course, but it did sting a little when he chose them over you.
you just felt so lonely, anxious and quite frankly upset at yourself and the circumstances you find yourself in.
there are a few knocks at your dressing room door and you weakly tell them to come in.
toji peeks is head in. “hey, kid. we start in five..” he takes a look at your weary face, dark eye bags prominent even through the makeup the stylists caked on and the frown on your lips and just knows something is wrong.
“are you ‘right?” he asks quietly, like you’re a deer who’s about to run away at the slightest of sounds.
“yes, i’m fine.” you lie, a voice in the back of your mind wishing he’d just ignore you like everyone else on this damn set does.
“‘you sure? ‘cause you don’t look-”
“i said im fine! just get out.” you snap, heart beating and breathing heavily at your own outburst.
fuck. you didn’t mean to say that.
but toji doesn’t look offended. he just nods and walks away footsteps fading as you put your head in your hands and sob.
so there you are, acting in front of the camera with your colleague in a scene where toji appears in too and you just seem off. everyone assumes it’s just not your day today and they’re not exactly wrong. you lines were slightly forced, tired and you were jittery and clearly apprehensive, like you didn’t even want to be here.
“cut!” the director calls out, more than annoyed with your behaviour. it was the sixth take and you’re really trying to make it believable, but it’s futile.
“this is the sixth take _____. this is ridiculous. get your act together. let’s take five.”
you look down at your shoes, face hot and chest thudding with embarrassment due to the director calling you out in front of everybody. tears well up in your eyes and you sigh, blinking them away as everyone starts talking again, walking away leaving you standing there like an idiot.
it all becomes too much for you. your empty stomach, oncoming headache, exhausted body, dry mouth, furrowed eyebrows, sweaty palms-
you let your script fall out of your hand as you stumble off the green screen, trying to get to your room before a hand is grabbing your arm. you turn around and it’s toji again.
“hey..” he leans down slightly to your height, scanning you over once. “you don’t look so good, _____-”
you shrug him off, vision becoming blurred with black static and limbs heavy and shaky. “i-i jus’ need to go. to my..uhm-” you stop, rubbing a hand down your face harshly. “i just-”
and then there is black.
you come to and realise that you are laying on your dressing room couch, staring up at the ceiling. reaching up, you feel a wet, cool cloth on your head. you take it off. still fuzzy and body essentially lethargic, you try to sit up.
“hey, hey, hey.” toji whispers.
oh, toji’s here.
“take it easy.” he helps you sit up on the arm of the couch. he hands you a bottle of water and you drink it like a god.
“wait, what happened?” you ask, still confused and disoriented.
“you fuckin’ fainted that’s what,” he states bluntly. “scared the fuckin’ dogshit outta me.”
toji sits beside you on a chair, looking at you closely. you look down.
“the med team checked you out.” he tells you. “said you fainted, collapsed-whatever the fuck. ‘cos of stress and exhaustion. they even checked your blood sugar and said it was low as fuck.” he pauses. “not dangerously low,” he adds at the sight of your worried expression, “but.. low enough.”
you sigh, falling back on the couch. you think back to how the director shouted at you, how annoyed he was, and how humiliated you felt. tears start to form again and you cover your face with your hands, not wanting to cry in front of toji. you felt like you’ve had enough embarrassment for today.
toji leans forward. “what’s happening with you?”
the way he said it, so soft and concerned, makes the tears fall down and cause sobs to escape your mouth, hiccuped breaths falling from your mouth.
“hey, hey, hey..” toji coos. he reaches to you and makes you sit up again so he can take you into his arms. you let him, sobbing into his shoulder and sucking up all the comfort he gives you. toji’s big hand strokes your hair and the other caresses your back softly.
“shh, sh, sh…” he calms you down a little, you sobs turning into sniffles. he leans back and gives you space but his hands stay planted on your back. “tell toji what’s wrong.”
you hum sadly, looking down and gulping. “i’m..i’m tired. i wanna sleep..”
toji waits for you to continue. he can see you want to say more so he doesn’t hurry you along, he just rubs your back and nods to let you know you’re listening.
“i..” you take a breath, “i dunno what to do..i can’t do this fucking role.. i’m fucking tired half the fucking day and my so called colleagues don’t even like me!” you try to calm yourself down, taking another shaky breath. “and i just feel..lonely all the time..” you cry out the last few words, feeling another sob session coming up and toji pulls you close, letting you ruin his shirt with your tears as he rocks you back and forth in his arms.
“it’s okay, it’s okay..” he coos, resting his face in your hair.
you both stay like that for a few moments, you weeps dying down before toji talks.
“you can play this part, _____. ‘you have any idea how good your are, huh? you can act circles around half ‘these guys.”
you scoff, pulling your lips together. “i dunno about that..”
“‘m serious. _____, you can act, okay? ‘wouldn’t have made it this far if you couldn’t.”
“yeah but..this one’s hard..” you sigh, voice cracking but toji doesn’t let you start again.
“yeah, acting’s hard. but i can help you,” toji cups your wet face with his hands, wiping the tear streaks that paint you face, “we can all help you. the crew, your friends, that bitchass director. i’ll put a gun to everyone’s head to make them fuckin’ help you with this.”
you giggle at his seriousness and he huffs, relieved that you’re relaxing a little.
“they don’t hate you, y’know. everybody on set. the cast. they just think you’re a little shy and quiet. they don’t hate you, okay?” toji reassures you. you nod absentmindedly and he shakes your head from side to side to make you pay attention, making you smile, eyes crinkling even though they’re still tear stricken. “there she is..who the fuck could hate you, huh?”
“ugh, toji.” you roll your eyes, sniffling and rubbing your face. you pull away from him. “ugh..i just want my bed right now.”
“yeah..i know it ain’t my place but told the director that you’re taking a few days off. you need a break, kid.”
you didn’t even argue with him. you couldn’t.
“yeah, i do.” you agree.
suddenly, a loud rumble from your stomach erupts, it was like an earthquake.
toji laughs. “someone’s hungry.”
you groan. “‘m starving. haven’t eaten since yesterday.”
“we’re getting you something to eat.” he states, leaving no room for objections.
toji stands, holding his hand out for you to take. you do, his large, calloused hand dwarfing yours as he helps you stand up. “can you walk?”
“i will if there’s food involved.”
“that’s good.” toji chuckles, “how’s takeout sound?”
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a/n: had to write a whole fic abt this i apologise 🥸 will add the tag list later i just keep forgetting the users </3
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Roger and Jessica Rabbit Effect
Buggy Headcanon. Buggy x Reader
Support me on Kofi
Prequel <<<
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• This Goofy Motherfucker definitely has a hot wife no one knows about-
• As his personal seamstress you tailor his clothes and make his costumes for all his best costumes. However he adores you, You are his everything.
• Buggy never talks about you, for good reason since he doesn't want any eyes to fall onto you and put you in a dangerous spotlight. Many Pirates didn't talk about their S/O and it was always smart to not to.
• You however were fairly ignorant of the pirate food chain. So you did gush about your husband but no one knew exactly who he was- some mysterious drifter that seemed to appear and disapear like the wind.
• It being a total accident how you were discovered.
• The Strawhat Pirates of course were the ones to discover you by accident when they landed in a small island in need of fabric for the ship sails. The dock master telling them your shop most likely had the fabrics needed.
• Once in your shop you treated them kindly and ignored the obvious flirting from Sanji who was enamored by you.
• "I have just the fabric for your ships" You said cheerfully, not noticing Zoro who was staring hard at the gold necklace that hung around your neck.
• "You're associated with the Buggy Pirates-" Zoro stated as he pointed to the necklace seeing Buggy's Jolly Roger stamped on ots pendent.
• "Hm? Oh I suppose, I'm not apart of the crew or anything but my husband is" You say cheerfully as you pull out some bundles of fabric.
• "Your husband?" They all question now highly interested, Such a pretty person like you being married to anyone apart of Buggy's crew was surprising.
• You giggle at their curious faces finding it adorable. "Yes my Husband, The Captian himself Buggy"
• "..."
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• "YOURE BUGGY'S WIFE!?!" They all scream in total terror at how You could be married to that juggling buffoon
• Sanji has an crisis in the corner of your shop as he tries to figure out how he is still single yet Buggy the Clown is married to a hottie!?
• "D-Did he brain wash you? Threaten you?" Nami begs, Holding your hand like you needed some form of comfort.
• "No?- of course not" You say confused and raising a brow at the young pirates all so confused.
• "But you're so pretty, and Nice?-" Usopp points out.
• "Well he's very romantic and sweet" You gush, the youthful pirates staring at you with a deadpan stare.
• "Buggy- Romantic and Sweet?" They all say in disbelief unison.
• "That and he makes me laugh"
• Blushing you go on to explain how loving your sweet husband was, how even though he was out to see most of the time at sea he would constantly send gifts, love letters and more. The crew in shock at this.
• You were such a sweet person, the Strawhats all couldn't help but adore you. Even offering them dinner which they didn't refuse and spending a night in the spare rooms of your home above the shop-
• Seeing the photos of you and Buggy together also adding as a confirmation of your stories. By morning you sent them on their way in new clothes some fabrics for the ships sails, and some leftovers you insisted they take.
• "You kids have a safe journey!" You chime out as the group leaves waving bye and even a few giving some hugs goodbye. Luffy smiling widely at you as you wave to him-
• "Oh before I forget. Would you mind giving this to Buggy next time you see him? You seem to run into him a lot" You say cheerfully as you hold out a blue wrapped box to the young Captian.
• Luffy smiled at this as he took the small box and pocketed it.
"Of course Mrs (Y/N)!" He said cheerfully skipping away with the rest of the crew to return to sea.
• It would be about a month before they crossed paths with Buggy-
• "Straw Hat!!" Buggy yelled as he saw them, his head floating from his body in normal flashy fashion.
• After a mild confrontation were as per usual Buggy got his ass handed to him, The Strawhats were about to leave when Luffy remembered something.
• "Oh- By the way Mrs (Y/N) told us to give you this and-" Luffy says calmly as he reached into his pockets remebering the gift box you handed him- Buggy's whole body going as stiff as a board as he turns to the strawhats with his pupils as small as possible and his body seeming to come apart at the seams.
• It was the first time Luffy or anyone felt a threatening Haki from Buggy starting to drip out like a dam about to burst, in seconds the Clown was holding Luffy by his shirt with a great force.
• Zoro hand started to rest on their weapons as for the first time in a long time Buggy looked- Threatening?
• "Who told you about (Y/N)" Buggy hissed dangerously- Luffy gearing up for another fight one far more serious but then he saw it-
• Buggy was angry/scared and thinking they were a threat to your safety. Luffy pulling out the gift box calmly and smiling.
"Don't worry your secret is safe"
• Buggy stared at Luffy before his free hand took the box and dropped the Strawhat pirate, quickly tearing open the blue box and looking inside. His eyes softening as he saw a new set of gloves inside and a bandana. Slipping off his worn white gloves for the brand new set you'd sown. As well as reading the scribbled note you'd left for him- A crooked smile on his lips at your handwriting and the terrible Nickname you gave him. 'Buggy Boo'
• He glares at the Strawhats his normal fashion. "GET OUT OF HERE STRAWHATS!' He yelled loudly stomping his food dramatically
• A thought crossing all their minds-
• 'Has he been just goofing off this whole time to keep you safe?-"
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Hi I just learned Kinktober is a thing
So here's my four favorite boys and their kinks.
Or is it five this time? *dramatic sound effect*
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And yes, I'm still working on ABCs of Kink, I've got the next one about halfway done and it may be posted today, and I'm still working through the ask requests, and still
But headcanons shiny need more
Ooooh...Kinky ;D
Very obviously NSFW.
LA!Zoro X AFAB!Reader, LA!Sanji X AFAB!Reader, LA!Shanks X AFAB!Reader, LA!Mihawk X AFAB!Reader, LA!Buggy X AFAB!Reader (I'm on my second watch of OPLA and he's kinda grown on me).
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"I hope you like it rough, baby."
Zoro's not super kinky, but he definitely likes it rough, which goes hand in hand with the couple kinks he does have.
You're going to want to have a safeword/signal if you're giving him a blowjob—he's thick and he loves seeing you gag and choke on his cock. Literally the biggest turn-on.
Holding tight onto your hair the whole time.
The sight of your make-up trailing down your flushed face while he's fucking your mouth and throat makes his knees weak.
Pulling your head all the way down to come down your throat, shaking, groaning, swearing.
He's a little cautious about outright choking you during sex—he doesn't want to get too wound up and unintentionally hurt you—but if you ask him to, he's going to, because it's still an enormous turn-on.
"God, I fucking love it when you gag on it...."
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"If I make you dinner, do I get to have you for dessert?"
Like, do I even have to say it?
Food play.
Chocolate sauce, whipped cream, caramel, it's going to get messy. Any reason to trail his lips and his tongue over your beautiful body is a very, very good reason.
(BTW I recently learned Taz Skylar has a tongue ring so it's now canon that Sanji has one and do not argue with me I will die on this hill.)
He's never going to do or say anything to degrade you...but if you want to do so to him? By all means, be his guest.
You're his queen and he's your loyal subject, the man has no qualms about you doing anything you want to him.
Shove him into a wall, call him names, tie him to the bed, step on him, whip him, spit in his face—he will thank you for it. If it brings you pleasure, it brings him pleasure.
Literally everything you do turns him on, and he's beyond happy to be your personal toy.
"You, my love, are the sweetest thing that has ever touched my lips."
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"Oh, come on, sweetheart. Where's the fun in life without a little risk?"
Honestly the kinkiest of the four (but not the five). Super playful, and one hundred percent open to absolutely anything you suggest trying.
I mean anything. If you tell him you want to dress him up in frilly lingerie and call him your wench, he's totally game.
But he reserves the right to crack stupid jokes about it the whole time.
His own biggest kink is public sex. The riskier the better.
Reaching under the table at a tavern and creeping his hand up your thigh and under your skirt to rub you through your panties...or just flat out pulling you onto him to straddle his lap, make out with you, grind against you with absolutely no concern of anyone seeing.
Pulling you right into the mouth of an alley, barely concealed in the shadows and just having you right there against the wall, where any passersby might catch a glimpse of what you're doing.
He doesn't care—it's not like anyone's even going to attempt to stop one of the most notorious pirates on the Grand Line.
He enjoys a little role-play as well. You're the little marine cadet he took prisoner and decided to keep as his personal playing. The enchanting stranger from a tavern he's seduced.
Call him "captain." It drives him wild.
"Oh, what a good little wench you are, love."
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"You seem to have forgotten who's in charge here, little one."
One hundred percent certified professional Brat Tamer™.
He's not going to let on that your pestering and testing his patience is anything but a casual annoyance—but the whole time he'll be thinking about how he's going to punish you later for being such an endearing little pest.
You're getting tied up. Cuffed to the bed. Clothes torn off of you. Spanked. You're getting teased beyond the point of sanity, within an inch of your life.
There's a fair chance he won't let you come for literal hours.
That he'll leave you tied up while he sits back and has a glass of wine and just revels in your pleading for more, revels in being in total control of your agony and pleasure.
You're going to have to beg, to promise you'll be a good girl for your master (even though you both know that's not true) before you get anything more out of him.
Big kink for lace and nylon as well.
He's constantly having to buy you new tights, new underwear and lingerie, because seeing you in them sets him on fire to the point that he's very likely to literally rip them off of you in a fit of desire and fuck you absolutely senseless.
"For the last damned time, no, your safe-word cannot be Yoru."
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"You know you're my favorite freak, babe."
Couldn't not include Buggy this time because it's pretty obvious that he's the kinkiest motherfucker at this party.
The guy has removable body parts, for gods' sake, of course he's going to utilize them in the most creative ways possible. He could be on the other side of the ship and still have his hand down your panties.
Degradation, cuckhold, ropes, whips, chains, knife play, you name it and he's probably into it. It would be a miracle for you to come up with something he hasn't tried at least twice.
He's going to call you every degrading name he can think of. Spank you and slap you. Choke you until you nearly pass out. And he's fully open to and expects you to do the same to him.
Dom or sub, doesn't matter, he's just having a good old-fashioned filthy time either way.
Totally open to threesomes, he's bi as fuck.
Also totally open to chaining you up and letting the entire crew run a train on you while he watches.
If you can imagine it, he's done it, wrote the book on it, and you're going to be doing it with him.
"Don't even pretend you don't like being my slut."
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honeyshiddendesire · 2 months
Dirty Alphabet
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Pairing: Zoro x female reader
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This man is a total sleepyhead but unless you really need something then he’ll get it for you but he’ll definitely tease you that he fucked you so good your legs don’t work
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I can see him as a tits man, just when you think he’s dozing off he’s sneaking a peek any chance he gets. Sanji isn’t the only one that can appreciate a good rack. His favorite body part on him is his hands for being able to hold his swords and you, hidden romantic at heart
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Loves making a mess on you for sure, will even smear his cum all around and taunt you on how messy you are
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Wants to see you grind on his swords. The thought of you making his sheaths all shiny with your pretty juices makes his cock rock solid but he doesn’t want to freak you out so he just uses that fantasy to jerk off. If you asked him though by some rare chance that you might also have the same kink then don't be shocked by how fast he says yes
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
That man is a sexy ass living piece of art. I'm sure he has some experience but I don't think he’s good at being the one to initiate.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything with a view of your tits to watch them jiggle and bounce. Needing to be close to them so he can suck and lick them, marking them for when you wear low cut tops
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Nah I can’t see him cracking to many jokes but I see him being a total tease
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He don’t have time to shave or trim he’s to busy training or napping 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Being on the same ship as that ‘dumb cook’ makes you learn a thing or two so I can see him bringing flowers but not saying anything sweet, just handing you some and looking off to the side. Lighting a few candles cause he likes seeing the light flicker off of your body as you’re bouncing on his cock. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Tbh for him it would be a training exercise, like building arm strength and stamina. But also to blow off some mental steam
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Loves dirty talk, he might not be good at romantic words but best believe he’ll have your panties off in a second with the way he can rile you up.
Wrestling kink lol ask him to wrestle or even say that you can pin him down and that man will go absolutely wild just to pin you down underneath him
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Wherever he trains the most is were he’s gonna want to fuck you the most. It’s his safe space and wrecking you in it just sounds like a perfect plan
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your tits, and if you’re a brat who doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut he’s on go lol Zoro loves a challenge and being with a brat that can hold her own is all the fuel to his fire that he needs
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Having a threesome with the cook is a no go lol the stories are hot but realistically I can’t see it happening unless it’s to show you that he can fuck you better but sharing you in a relationship is a no.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves giving it’s a workout for him. With his fighting style there’s no way that he wouldn’t want to absolutely wreck you with his tongue. As for receiving I can see him being obsessed with the 69 position or even reverse 69 so he can fuck your face and eat you at the same time
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Mix of both for sure
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yup it’s another form of training lol but you have to be the one to bug him about it or he’ll just tease you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Public sex in the crow’s nest I can totally see happening while he whispers that you better keep it down before someone hears 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He doesn’t train everyday for nothing so best believe this green haired hottie can outlast you
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Don’t insult the man lol He is the toy lol but like his bandana though will definitely find it’s way into a few of your sex sessions
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The meanest but you love it , he lives to tease you every chance he gets 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Dirty talkkkerrrrr!!! The sexiest raspy moans and groans ever, kissing along your neck so his deep voice just vibrates against your skin making you melt in the palm of his hands. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Loves making you squirm and brat taming you. If you happen to be an obedient chick then I can see him trying to pick a fight just to make you moody so he can fuck the attitude out of you
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Thick, veiny, long all the traits you can want in a dick just saying lol
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high but he also loves loves sleep so its a always a battle of the too lol
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Unless you need something that man will hit the snooze button immediately but he’ll make sure that he doesn’t crush you if he happened to be on top lol
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