#headcanon - sylvestre
sylveesmusasters · 6 months
I come to the dash with Some Thoughts TM about the Litleos' relationship with a canon XY protag. AN IMPORTANT NOTE BEFOREHAND: for muns with protag muses that canon-divergent protags will get canon-divergent relationships, and even if your protag is as canon as can be none of this has to apply to them!
outwardly they're at best dismissive and at worst antagonistic to the protag and their four friends, not wanting to involve themselves in friendships they don't have time for
in reality, they secretly come to really trust the protag and believe in their strength... And their use at stopping Lysandre
there will be a plot point in VividX/FadedY where they try to get you to capture the boxart legendary early, giving you a Master Ball that they stole from the Flares that stole from the Pokeball factory. The legendary gets away before the player can even throw the ball, even after a long chase
they consider betraying the protag and seemingly siding with Flare to earn Flare's trust, so that they can sabotage the weapon from inside. They don't actually go through with this, but they have a bad habit of documenting everything when they probably shouldn't, so you can find that lovely detail if you rummage through their apartment in Lumiose... In which case they'll just give you an Uno "No U" card at the idea of betrayal bc you went through their stuff
the reason they're willing to betray you is not only to gain trust with Flare, but because they're confident you can handle anything flare throws at you and you therefore won't actually be in any danger. Um, thanks?
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Gotta say, the first time I saw Dion and Sylvestre I was like "Oooh, so that's basically what Emet and Lucius were like, right?"
Like obviously different writers and context for the characters but it was all I could see.
And incorporated it into my own headcanons :)
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cinderella-gurei · 1 year
Headcanon time: Olivier's Unprecedented Eikon Awakening
Olivier is a mild child, not often does he express any emotion other than contentment and even boredom. Because of this, his powers lay very dormant -- practically inexistent. No one would've even expected for a child such as he to awaken to anything, especially having his big brother already in possession of the Eikon of Light. If he kept his life as he has, being pampered by his mother and secluded from any kind of problems and dangers, then he probably would never have awakened to his Eikon, despite having its power just waiting to surface.
It is only when he is driven to a corner, whether it is about a seemingly mild inconvenience that he's never faced before overwhelming him or a very traumatic event (in which he is in control, not like the in-game stuff where he almost didn't have autonomy to actually register what is going on,) that he would awaken to an Eikon not unlike his brother's. A second Eikon of Light, Bahamut's hidden, unnamed twin brother; Bahamut Fury.
Instead of being a stronger version of Bahamut, though, this one is a milder dragon just like Olivier, but strong enough to throw its own rays of light and summon wings, claws, and horns for his little Dominant when semi-primed. When fully primed, a golden dragon manifests itself, eerily similar to Bahamut, but with a completely different vibe. Instead of being larger, he's the same height.
Basically I want Olivier to have the chance to be a Dominant and a kind of foil whatever to the brotherhood dynamic of Clive and Joshua so here you go.
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phantasiiae · 3 months
do u know how much shame dion deals with regularly? lots and lots and lots and lots and lo--
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caeca-iustitia · 1 year
Vee is widely considered to be one of the best healers/physickers on Storm and thus they are extraordinarily busy. Nobles and commoners alike come to them for medical advice and treatment. It leaves them with little time to rest, eat or generally relax.
They abide by strict hours so, no matter how tired they are, their doors open at 5am sharp and remain that way until 1am the next day. One can generally tell when the clinic is open by whether or not the candle is lit on Vee's desk; which means they are present to handle your problem.
Vee will make exceptions for patients in critical condition and have been known to be open for 2 or even 3 days in a row without much more than their usual 5-minute smoke breaks to interrupt the flow of work they have.
The only people in the whole world who Vee would drop literally everything to help- even their smoke breaks- would be Dion, Terence, Joshua and Clive. Those 4 take precedence over even the Emperor and Empress; something that Vee regularly rubs in Anabella's face.
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phoenix-flamed · 3 months
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I'd say I'm going to try not to ramble, but that would be pointless, because tbh I think best and most clearly when I'm writing things out. So this post is probably going to be long. (But it's mostly for myself, to reference for writing my dumb(affectionate) blorbo!)
I'm going to try and keep Ultimania stuff to a minimum, aside from regarding timeline stuff, in order to not go insane over the contradictions. This is also me kind of revisiting some other headcanons I had about his parents, and revising them; most notably who the fuck was on the throne before Elwin took it.
Thank you to @warofthebeasts , @stingslikeabee , and @lured-into-wonderland for all of your help! You guys are absolute lifesavers!
Okay, I'm going to try not to flub up these ranks and titles, but there is like a 99.9% chance that I'll do it anyway because I'm cobbling this together through a combination of research and ??????? over the fact that XVI seems to also have cobbled these things together to a degree, at least with regards to Rosaria.
Let me start off by saying my headcanons aren't meant to be 1:1 to the real world. Also that a big thing I haven't been taking into account so far with my other headcanons and portrayal is that you're born into a rank, but you are given a title. I uh, I honestly hadn't even thought of that. Oops.
(In my defense, I never said I was good at this sort of thing.)
Anywho. Okay, so, in terms of real life titles, an Archduke/Archduchess is pretty on par with a king/queen, but below an Emperor/Empress, I think? (You win this round, Sylvestre.) Does this hold true in XVI? I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised, all things considered.
The Grand Duchy of Rosaria is, obviously, a bit different from the Holy Empire. Originally, Rosaria was a series of individual nations -- but they joined together to create one unified front, forming the duchy that we all know and love. For my headcanons, the governing body is comprised of representatives from the Seven High Houses; the representatives of each one is the current head of the particular noble house, with House Rosfield being the main house and royalty. Each of these High Houses were the ruling families of the nations that joined with House Rosfield to form the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, so they're a pretty big deal.
I can't stress enough that these families each have a heavy presence in Rosaria's political matters and decisions. The Archduke/Archduchess doesn't rule on their own. I like to go with the idea that the Rosfield on the throne has the final say, but they still have to consult and work together with the other High House representatives.
Kind of like Parliament's House of Lords, in short. Or something.
Then you have the court as a whole, which according to Elwin's will, was pretty fractured by the end of Elwin's reign. And I mean, it does make sense -- you have eight people(the spouse of the one on the throne included in there) trying to push their own ideas. There are going to be disagreements, there's bound to be tension, and there are bound to be those among the court who support the monarch -- and those who support the other political figures. This is the case for the Rosfields, if Elwin's will is any indication. He had enemies within the court at the time of the will's writing, and that isn't even including the issues that cropped up regarding the rumors of Clive's true lineage when Joshua awakened as the Dominant of Phoenix instead.
And considering Anabella herself opposed many of Elwin's decisions, views, and ideals, of course there would be others who felt the same way as her, especially when you factor in that many of Elwin's ambitions for the future would shake up the societal hierarchy.
There was something I was puzzling over, before Kevin helped me out and bapped me over the head to get me to stop overthinking. When Clive was removed from the immediate line of succession by Elwin to try and spare him from the court's bullshittery(at least, according to the Ultimania), he was given the title of "Marquess", as demonstrated in the game by people addressing him when he's younger as... well, "Lord Marquess." In contrast to Joshua being referred to as, "Your Highness" at Phoenix Gate by Sir Wade. So my headcanon has been that Elwin removed him from the line of succession to basically yes, spare him from not only having to deal with the court jeering at Clive and making the poor boy's life a living hell as he grew up, but also so that Clive wouldn't have to deal with them going on to make his life a living hell when he took the throne as well. While I was digging around, I found something to tack onto this headcanon -- that the reason why Elwin did this was not just to avoid Clive getting slammed by backlash from the nobility and Anabella, but also because given that the governing body consists of the other heads of the High Houses as well, they could try and call into question Clive's right to rule due to the rumors and claims that he's an illegitimate child of Elwin's.
Obviously, this is a default for my blog, but if any Clive RPers have different ideas, or want this omitted in interactions with them, please let me know!
As for my Elwin's parents... Okay, I concede, Rosaria is probably male-dominated, at least in terms of the ruling family. The statues of former rulers, at least the ones that we're able to see in the artbook's artwork, are all male. The emphasis is usually on "Archduke"s, even when it comes to mentioning the custom of the Archduke gifting something to the ducal scions when they come of age. So what's my headcanon for why, in the Ultimania, Elwin's parents are both referred to as "Arch"? Archduke, Archduchess? Weeeeell. Odds are that yeah, Elwin's dad was 99.9% likely the one "officially" on the throne. Even in the bedroom scene between Anabella and Elwin, Anabella's like, "you are your father's firstborn son" or something along those lines, so the emphasis is, again, always on the males. But on top of all of these other thoughts and headcanons, I also totally headcanon now that Elwin's parents were joint rulers. They ruled as one. While his father, Alden, was off fighting and dealing with crap away from Rosalith, his mother -- Willow -- was wholly the one on the throne. She ruled in his place, and when they were wed after Alden took the throne, Alden gave Willow the title of Archduchess. This really doesn't change much of anything at all about my headcanons for those two and their relationship + dynamic, in retrospect...
I still headcanon that Alden died first, then Willow died a few years after Elwin took the throne, since the translated Ultimania doesn't mention her except one time, and that's in this sentence: "Since then, while performing official duties as the eldest son of the Grand Duchess, he traveled with Murdoch to various parts of the Wind Continent to deepen his knowledge." So I'm taking creative liberties on that one.
The fact that Willow and Alden were ruling as one is still what gave my Elwin the impression -- and hope -- that he and Anabella would be like that, too. Ruling together as one, always on the same page. A team, through and through. Unfortunately, he was a bit too idealistic on that front(as he was with most things), because what his parents had together is probably not as common as one would hope. Even though Elwin very much views Anabella as his equal, their opinions, views, etc. are too drastically different for that sort of thing.
I don't remember if I covered everything I'd wanted to cover. Er. Well, if I think of anything else, I'll jot it down in another, hopefully less ridiculously long post.
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pcndaemonium · 4 months
I don't really do headcanon posts anymore, but I want to mention it because of the occasion. It's a bit cheesy and also sad at the same time: all her men had been failures in her book. She didn't like it with Elwin nor did she like it with Sylvestre. For her, it had been duty and nothing more. In fact, after she had Olivier, she didn't even share her bed with Sylvestre again. Same with Elwin after Joshua was born. Have the two been terrible in bed? It's up for speculation, but Anabella never actually wanted to sleep with them, and the reason for that is that she never had feelings for either of the two. She has to love her partner to find it enjoyable.
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phoenixfiiire · 2 months
6 & 8
6. What is something that you didn’t think you will write but now you are writing it?
Honestly all I have to do is sigh and point at half the threads I have with Cas right now.
Mostly it's just writing the more 'questionable' things. Sometimes I hesitant because of tumblr's purity culture, but if you've spoken about it with the other writing then why... does it matter? Especially if it's tagged and put behind a readmore. Is it not your responsible to just... not click things that are tagged in a way that makes it clears something bad will be there?
8. What makes you stray away from canon material and base your character, in case of canon muse, on your own headcanons?
Canon material that's not presented in the canon source, but instead a second or tiertiary source. FFXVI is super bad about this because of the 'Ultimania' issue, which is a japanese-only lore book that came out months after the game. A lot of the lore presented there either actively contracts the base game (like saying Dion denounced being the heir despite the fact that Sylvestre picking a new heir is a huge blow to him) or just makes things gross (like canonically making relationships between a man who is 40 and a 15 year old child).
Gross. no thank you.
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tripleflames · 1 year
alright so, going off a lil spreadsheet, here's a little rewrite of the ages and timeline for dion, plus some personal things i will drop from the "official" lore (mainly to do with sylvestre):
dion's birth-year is 846 instead of 850, making him 32 post-timeskip rather than 28. to me it just makes more sense to have him more clive's age.
regarding the circumstance of his birth, i'll still go with the headcanon that, while it is true dion is born to a courtesan, it was more of an accident than a calculated move on sylvestre's part. as bahamut awakens when he's only one year old, it wouldn't seem a stretch to me that sylvestre would buy him off that courtesan to then leverage his son's dominant status to ultimately be crowned emperor. unlike what the ultimania says, however, sylvestre does care for dion as a son ( or at least comes to care for him, even if he doesn't at the start ) because i simply cannot vibe with dion having such loyalty to an empire and such deep love for a guy when he's not been shown at least an ounce of care from sylvestre in return ( unless he's just rly good at faking it or what??? ). obviously this can be discussed with sylv rp'ers.
year 854; dion and terence become childhood friends when terence starts attending monastery school with him. as @tsckcyomi confirmed she was making terence one year younger, that would make dion 8, already having attended one year and terence 7.
year 862; terence becomes his squire when dion is around 16 and terence 15, i'm shifting the time here a little bit. this also means dion joins the dragoons, stops his education with hapocrates and gives up his right to the crown when he is 19 in year 865, rather than 15.
year 868; their relationship then only starts when they are 21 and 22 respectively. i do like terence confessing his feelings after dion gets gravely injured though bc it speaks to my hurt/comfort loving soul, so i am keeping that
year 870; dion founds the holy order of the knights dragoon at age 24, about 8 years before the game's end and 10 years after the night of the flames. at that time he already held great respect from many of the men within the dragoon order and had already established himself as both a commander and soldier, even beyond his might as bahamut ( though his status as a dominant definitely helped )
year 873; belenus tor at age 27, also the year sanbreque moves to the dominion
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floscaedis · 1 year
regarding sylvestre & dions relationship.
this post will contain very mild spoilers from around midpoint of the game - the tag is (ffxvi spoilers.) - please blacklist if you don't wish to see the content of this post!
the point i was going to make is that, in game - anabella states that dion is the son of a 'whore' - the son of a woman who sold him ( presumably to the empire ). we can deduce that this is because he was born a dominant / found himself a dominant as a child and thus the empire purchased him in order to have him on side. this could suggest that sylvestre is not his biological father. but, my headcanon / view of this is different.
i do believe that sylvestre is dion's biological father. & that sylvestre, is really kind of a hoe himself.
hear me out -
i headcanon that sylvestre has a weakness for women. the man is easily swayed by a beautiful woman and absolutely enjoyed concubines and extra-marital affairs despite his devotion to the goddess and the holy empire ( it's his, achille's heel - shall we say ).
as well as this - i headcanon that, much like anabella, he was a sort of carrier for the bahamut bloodline but passed on being a dominant ( he simply wasn't special enough or 'chosen' in this respect ). as a result, and despite having many bastards all around sanbreque - sylvestre passed the blessing to only one child. this child was dion and though initially just another bastard amongst the many others of sanbreque. dion's mother knew that the empire ( and sylvestre's interest ) in him would peak upon knowing he was a dominant. as a result, she sold the child and sylvestre took him into the empire as a prince ( and son ).
despite the rather...unorthodox initial relationship - i do headcanon that sylvestre grew to love and adore his son. he treated him as an equal and i say this due to the scene in which he /kneels/ to speak to dion ( an emperor kneeling shows a tremedous amount of respect, even if his words are callous ). i think that sylvestre saw dion not simply as a tool but also as a worthy son and it was only as he grew colder and more manipulated that his love for his son started to wane ( purely because he thought the man was going to betray him ).
all in all, dion is very much sylvestre's son - he was the only one of many blessed - blessed by bahamut and blessed with the love of a father.
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sanctumlumen · 8 months
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there is a very small portion of people who knows DION is plagued with the crystal's curse . TERENCE , SYLVESTRE ( who doesn't show much concern ) , eventually JOSHUA , CLIVE , TARJA and JILL . DION's arm is not the only affected area on his body . he suffers from acute migraines and on rare occasions when limits are pushed too far, respiratory dysfunction . the almost fatal wound across his chest he suffered while protecting TERENCE had also been affected by the crystal curse which makes it harder for his chest to expand while breathing .
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sylveesmusasters · 9 months
*pokes head out from trash can* I come back to the dash for the first time in forever and I see we are discussing in-game events for our muses
Let me give you the Asshole rivals of the XY Remakes (VividX/FadedY) Sylvestre and Ariella!
A note that will be important for later: VXFY introduces the Party System. This means that alongside your 6 pokemon, you can also have other trainers and their pokemon in your party. This is used for multiplayer, but also features heavily into the plot because I want to give the protag quintet the bonding that the canon games gave up on after santalune forest
So. The first time you encounter Sylvestre and Ariella is when the quintet gathers at Aquacorde town. They show up late, but are fine with it because they already got pokedexes from the professor himself. The Litleos don't understand why he wanted them to meet you, as you have nothing to offer to further their plans, plans that you and your new friends would never understand. They walk off, not even offering a battle.
On route 22 (whether you enter it here or later in the game) you can see a cutscene of them being nurtured (against their will) by a pride of Pyroars and Litleos, with Ariella literally picked up and carried around by a big Pyroar like a cub lmao
The Litleos appear in Lumiose, but aren't interacted with. They are watching past the part of the city blocked off, commenting about how the power outage will probably resolve itself soon enough. Sycamore mentions the Litleos just to you, though: he comments that he added them into the Dex Holder roster last minute, even after your addition. They seem like good kids at heart who are on a difficult path, and while he doesn't understand what that path is, he hopes being friends with the quintet can help them open up and find happiness.
The next time you see the Litleos is at Glittering Cave, where they tell the fossil stealing grunts to knock it off. They each defeat a grunt, and you take out the remaining grunts. The Litleos tell you that you should probably stay away from Flare, as they're more of a danger than they seem, even to themselves. They walk away, leaving you and Calem/Serena to ponder what they meant by that last part.
At the Power Plant, the Litleos ambush you near the entrance for their first battle with you. They claim that this is an issue that only they should solve, and Ariella practically mocks you with baby talk about how they're trying to accomplish something you'll never understand. When defeated, Ariella storms ahead, whereas Sylvestre apologizes for his little sister's behavior and follows her.
When you encounter Aliana at the Power Plant, you first walk into the Litleos trying to explain to her that a perfect and beautiful paradise isn't worth it if it would cost her her own life. She mocks this reasoning, and explains that she doesn't understand why these kids are trying to philosophize with her when she and they don't even know each other. (At least from her side this is true, anyway.) You then battle Aliana because she already defeated the Litleos.
You next encounter with the Litleos is at the Poke Ball factory. Strange how they always seem to be where Team Flare is... They're already ahead of you and trying (and failing) to talk sense into Bryony and Celosia. They take on the flare admin reinforcements while you and Calem/Serena battle the scientists.
When Malva (the world's most reliable and honest newscaster) broadcasts her bulletin about the Pokeball Factory attack, a crying Ariella demands you replay it again and again until a secretly crying Sylvestre tells her to cut it out. The Litleos both get extremely emotional seeing her, and then get extremely defensive about it. They try to bribe you with a lot of money to forget you saw it, and when that doesn't work, they try to beat it out of your memory in a battle. That doesn't work either.
You next encounter the Litleos in the Frost Cavern. Mable pipes up at how she's seen them around and has been expecting them, as Flare has eyes everywhere. The Litleos tell her that they know how it works, and that she sees only what they want her to see. The frustrated Mable brags about the power of Abomasnow, and how only team flare will survive, and because you, Sylvestre, and Ariella know too much you'll be the first ones to go. Sylvestre angrily explains to Mable that they're on her side more than any of the grunts or admins around her will ever be, and that the power will destroy her before she can live to see their "beautiful world." Mable listens about as well as you'd expect. You can team up with Sylvestre, Ariella, and Trevor here to battle the mega Abomasnow, as under her control it's more like a raid pokemon from gens 8 and 9. After the Abomasnow raid, a cutscene appears where an avalanche and spikes almost kill Mable, but Ariella gets in front of her and seems to ward it off with a wall of fire. Somehow. You then battle a shocked but stubborn Mable herself while Sylvestre and Ariella fight the grunts.
When going back to Lumiose, you can visit their penthouse hotel room that they forgot to lock. In there, you can see a scrapbook of younger versions of the Litleos with Lysandre, Malva, and all 5 scientists. Littered around the room are empty cups from Lysandre Cafe, flash drives marked as backup recordings of Malva's various Holo Caster shows, pillows and blankets that reek of expensive perfume, and a pair of plushes of Lysandre and Malva like they'd have if they were in the lodge in pokemas (like they should be)
After Lysandre's broadcast goes out, you, Calem/Serena, and Shauna rush to Lysandre Labs, where the Litleos have already knocked the China cabinet over and recited the password. The grunts are panicking because they haven't revealed the password to everyone. Ariella taunts them about how they keep it the same in "every world." When you enter Lysandre Labs, you can try to get them to explain what the fuck is going on, and all they tell you is that you need their help more than they need yours because they've dealt with this same scenario over and over again. You can accept or reject them joining your party. If you reject them they'll force their way into your party anyway.
Now, Sylvestre and Ariella are face to face with their father for the first time (in this world anyway). They try to get him to stop trying to be "selfless" and accept the world as it is, as it's only ever led to his own downfall. They try to explain that he can find beauty in the world in his friends, his family, his pokemon, when he interrupts them and says that he has no contact with the rest of his bloodline and has no plans to continue it until he is the first king of the new world. Ariella asks him what bloodline has to do with any of this, whereas Sylvestre lets it slip that they ARE his bloodline, that they've been through this 12 times now, and that he should listen to them. Ofc he refuses to, but invites you to try to stop him and progress further.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, the Litleos finally explain to you that they're the children of a Lysandre and Malva that died trying to launch the Weapon, and that they've been going from world to world for the last three years trying to find one where they can change the course of events and save both the world and their family. You can ask them here about each major named flare member, and here they explain how much they care about them and the positive things they see in each one of them. Notably here, they drop the act and refer to their family members as such (Mother, Father, Uncle Xerosic, Aunt Aliana/Bryony/Celosia/Mable).
They have dialogue with each scientist as you go through and battle them, but I haven't planned it yet lol
Haven't planned much at geosenge besides the scientists being there too. after the five of you leave the collapsing base they're fucking furious and accuse you of being the reason their family died again here, and battle you. They have angrier animations here too. In a cutscene Ariella tries to lob a fireball at your head and narrowly misses. You and the rest of the quintet wisely run for it.
Afterward, Sylvestre and Ariella apologize for everything they put you through. Even Ariella is remorseful, especially for the whole trying to kill you thing. They reject the invitation to the parade. Sycamore explained that he wondered if they were connected to Lysandre, but both Lysandre's true nature and what they've been through is worse than he ever could have imagined. He's confused as to how Lysandre had kids this age and hid them for so long... He doesn't even know about the multiverse traveling yet and how they've been through this 13 times now, oof. You can tell him or not tell him, but either way he will find out in the DLC/postgame
At the beginning of victory road, the Litleos appear one more time (before Postgame content/DLC content) to test your strength, but this time as playful and friendly rivals, teasing that they won't let their mother suffer the boredom of weak challengers. After the battle they mention their own plans to meet her, while conceding they're nowhere near ready for the league yet.
Later on I'll provide details about the Postgame and DLCs, but notable moments here include:
- Malva rejecting them during the Looker episode
- Them releasing their pokemon and explaining how they always do this because they don't want their pokemon to suffer the groundhog day hell they're going through
- them realizing that the Malva they left behind in universe 6 is kinda pissed and also insane and they may or may not have accidentally led her to create team prism
- their pokemon coming back to them during the dlc to help fight against team prism, alongside the other villains' offspring (Silver, N, Gladion, Lillie, Arven)
- you can summon in an Alter Lysandre and Alter Malva, who are a bit younger than their other incarnations. They've only been married for a year but have been thinking about having kids and oops there's two premade kids that are technically theirs. When adding them, Sylvestre, and Ariella to your party, you get a hidden achievement called Reuniting the Pride. They have adorable animations, and when Sylvestre and Ariella aren't visiting your world they've gone home with the Alter versions of their parents. They're hoping that since their universe is at an earlier time point that they aren't set in their ways and they can keep them from even developing the plan to launch the weapon in the first place. They also mention about how their aunts and uncle recently got hired, but they're nervous about giving them the whole family treatment when they dont really know each other yet and they don't want to scare them off
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seafoamcrest · 2 years
((would rhea ever think about having a child? or is flayn (or sitri) the closest equivalent to that?))
TLDR: not right now, but she wants to if she ever gets to retire
Right now, Rhea cannot even think about having a child. She is the mother hen for all of Fodlan and must safeguard its future, she doesn't have the time to devote herself emotionally to anyone. That being said, she has adopted children, in a sense. Most of her "children", the ones she gave her Crest and Crest Stone fragments to, are merely mentees that she has no real emotional connection to.
Sitri and Flayn are different. Sitri was the only one of her homunculi that she loved because despite the circumstances in which she came to be, Sitri still looked at Rhea as a loving mother, and that just made Rhea BSOD. Flayn is her baby niece, probably the only person aside from very small children she will allow herself to be somewhat affectionate to in public.
But what does Rhea want in the future? She wants to retire from her Archbishop position and start a little family of her own. And by little, I only mean little in comparison to the Church's size. She would adopt Cyril if he lets her*. And thanks to the same magic that brought you Homunculi Flesh Puppets ™️, Rhea can conceive biological children with her s/o regardless of their sex. She will have as big of a horde of baby Nabateans running around as her s/o is comfortable with.
This is a huge part of why she wants to resurrect the Goddess, actually: Rhea feels that with peace and order restored by the Goddess in Fodlan, she can finally retire from her 1000+ years of Church leadership and begin a sweet, new domestic chapter in her life as a mom.
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girafeduvexin · 3 years
Je vais répondre à mon propre ask meme parce que j’ai dix minutes à tuer pendant que mon téléphone charge avant d’aller dans un bar lesbien berlinois (j’ai aimé écrire cette phrase - btw Air France m’a ENFIN renvoyé ma valise)
1) Ton/tes persos préférés ?
PERCEVAL, bien évidemment. Ce qui est très fort, c’est qu’il est à la fois hilarant, touchant et narrativement fascinant. Il dépasse de loin le comic relief et en même temps ses épisodes sont les plus hilarants. Je le trouve extraordinairement bien écrit et je ne vois personne que Franck Pitiot pour le jouer (Franck, si tu passes par là, keur keur). C’est le personnage qui illustre le mieux l’ironie dramatique inhérente à Kaamelott : ce sont des personnages de légende, donc nous savons ce qui va leur arriver. Dès le début, nous savons que Lancelot aime Guenièvre, comme nous savons que Perceval va trouver le Graal. Il faudrait que je fasse une compilation de toutes les fois où la série blague là-dessus. C’est certainement le personnage sur lequel j’ai le plus d’attentes pour la suite.
Sinon, j’aime beaucoup Arthur, même si les premières saisons m’ont bien rappelé qu’il pouvait être un vrai connard et Léodagan est très haut dans mon coeur car je le trouve tout simplement hilarant. Mention spéciale aux Orcaniens, Gauvain parce que c’est un sucre et qu’il est très drôle, Loth parce que Rollin est excellent et je connais la moitié de ses répliques par coeur. 
2) Ton/tes perso que tu détestes ?
Hm, détester est un peu fort (oui c’est mon ask meme but still). Je trouve que les love interest d’Arthur sont mal écrits, en particulier Mevanwi et Aconia.
Mevanwi passe de “femme frustée dans son couple et amoureuse du roi” à “sorcière diabolique prête à commettre un crime” un peu trop rapidement pour moi et je n’ai jamais pu m’attacher à Aconia : ça m’embête beaucoup qu’elle soit seulement mentionnée au Livre VI et qu’on en entende jamais parler avant. Du coup, j’arrive pas à croire à leur histoire. En règle générale, les femmes 'amoureuses’ d’Arthur, à l’exception de Guenièvre, sont pas hyper bien écrites selon moi, les maîtresses sont un peu des clichés de femmes ambitieuses, prêtes à tout pour avoir le pouvoir.
Sinon, je supporte de moins en moins Karadoc, comme tout le monde.
4) Ton otp ?
ArthurxPerceval, j’assume à 1000%, j’ai jamais changé. LéoxBohort, très haut dans mon kokoro aussi, comme Yvain et Gauvain. J’ai une certaine affection pour LancelotxArthur parce que : le drama.
5) Brotp ?
Arthur et Léodagan, un peu Lancelot et Arthur aussi, Arthur et Bohort, en fait Arthur et ses amis, ça fait toujours plaisir. Aussi, j’aime beaucoup voir Guenièvre et Yvain interagir. Séli et Léodagan, mais je les kiffe aussi en OTP. 
6) Notp ?
Pas vraiment, à part Galessin/Gauvain à cause de la différence d’âge.
7) T'as aimé le film ? Pourquoi ?
En vrai oui, même si je conserve des réserves. Je trouve que y a des gags qui sont pas si drôles, que les flashbacks sont franchement ennuyeux et je m’attendais à plus d’émotion pour certaines retrouvailles. Mais ça fait quand même plaisir d’avoir un film Kaamelott au cinéma et j’ai quand même bien apprécié : j’ai hâte de l’avoir en DVD pour le décortiquer.
8) entre nous, les fans de Kaamelott, y sont relous ou pas ?
OUI, surtout sur Twitter, mais tous les fans hardcore sont relous, c’est le principe. Ici, ça va, en tout cas, on m’embête pas trop donc ça va.
9) un Headcanon que tu adores
Perceval a pratiquement éduqué les enfants de Karadoc en l’absence de Mevanwi. 
Aussi, Perceval et Lancelot sont gays tous les deux. 
J’aime aussi beaucoup l’idée que Galessin a élevé ou participé à l’éducation de Gauvain.
Perceval est TDAH.
10) un Headcanon adopté par le fandom que tu n'aimes pas
Pas vraiment un headcanon, plutôt une perception générale. Perceval est trop infantilisé et est beaucoup moins innocent qu’il le prétend. Je crois que ça me touche parce qu’étant TDAH moi-même, on m’infantilise aussi pas mal et ça m’énerve. Je me reconnais beaucoup dans Perceval, je le trouve chou et je le trouve aussi intelligent, maladroit, rigolo, like yeah hes cute mais c’est aussi un adulte, et il a aussi des défauts, dans lesquels je me reconnais aussi : il est trop impulsif et il ne considère pas toujours les autres, pas volontairement, mais tout de même. Il a du mal à se mettre au boulot (cough cough TDAH cough cough), il est un peu trop influençable etc. C’est pas un être de lumière pur et bienveillant, c’est un super personnage complexe et fouillé.
11) musique préférée ?
Les ravins de la mort, la musique des pupi, et la musique du générique livres V et VI.
12) ta blague préférée de Kaamelott ?
“Vous avez failli avoir le mors au dent !”
“Faut une dose de cheval” 
*tarte d’Arthur*
13) épisode.s préféré.s ?
“La vie est belle”, “Le tourment II”, “La délégation maure”, “la sonde”, les deux épisodes sur les tartes, “la baliste”.
14) Unpopular opinion
Hm, j’en ai pas en tête.
15) Tu espères quoi pour la suite ?
16) une chanson qui te fait penser à Kaamelott ?
“Les gens qui doutent” d’Anne Sylvestre :
J'aime ceux qui paniquent, ceux qui sont pas logiques, enfin, pas "comme il faut"
Ceux qui, avec leurs chaînes pour pas que ça nous gêne font un bruit de grelot
Ceux qui n'auront pas honte de n'être au bout du compte que des ratés du cœur
Pour n'avoir pas su dire "délivrez-nous du pire et gardez le meilleur"
J'aime leur petite chanson
Même s'ils passent pour des cons
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sylveesmusasters · 1 year
Post your muses' knowledge. Bold events that they know. Repost, don't reblog.
For the Litleos
Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | the Distortion World | Team Plasma's attacks | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Calyrex's legend | Sada or Turo's death | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
the history of the Burnt Tower | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | Arceus' Creation mythos | the Kalos war | Calyrex' legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvment with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Aqua | Team Magma | Team Galactic | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involment with Team Flare :'( | Malva's involment with Team Flare :'( | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | Macro Cosmos' crimes | Team Star | Volo
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | Mew | Mewtwo | Ho-Oh | Lugia | Celebi | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | Azelf | Heatran | Regigigas | Cresselia | Darkrai | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type: Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poipole | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
Safari Zones | Pokèathlon | Contests | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Terastallizing | Regional forms
Mount Silver is Haunted | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | People with Pokèmon powers | Legendary Pokèmon can be able to shapeshift into humans | People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
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sylveesmusasters · 1 year
litleos at any immortal lys: 👀👀👀👀👀👀 bc now they cant lose him and dont have to watch his every move like a hawk
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