#headcanon - ariella
sylveesmusasters · 6 months
I come to the dash with Some Thoughts TM about the Litleos' relationship with a canon XY protag. AN IMPORTANT NOTE BEFOREHAND: for muns with protag muses that canon-divergent protags will get canon-divergent relationships, and even if your protag is as canon as can be none of this has to apply to them!
outwardly they're at best dismissive and at worst antagonistic to the protag and their four friends, not wanting to involve themselves in friendships they don't have time for
in reality, they secretly come to really trust the protag and believe in their strength... And their use at stopping Lysandre
there will be a plot point in VividX/FadedY where they try to get you to capture the boxart legendary early, giving you a Master Ball that they stole from the Flares that stole from the Pokeball factory. The legendary gets away before the player can even throw the ball, even after a long chase
they consider betraying the protag and seemingly siding with Flare to earn Flare's trust, so that they can sabotage the weapon from inside. They don't actually go through with this, but they have a bad habit of documenting everything when they probably shouldn't, so you can find that lovely detail if you rummage through their apartment in Lumiose... In which case they'll just give you an Uno "No U" card at the idea of betrayal bc you went through their stuff
the reason they're willing to betray you is not only to gain trust with Flare, but because they're confident you can handle anything flare throws at you and you therefore won't actually be in any danger. Um, thanks?
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foundationbuilt · 6 months
👥 for eleusine & the pjo character(s) of your choice <3
send 👥 for headcanons about our muses <3
bc i love our dynamics, you get a hc from all of them !!
axel has a crush on lou ellen !! nothing that he would ever act on unless she made the first move and not, like, tortured longing lol, he's more than satisfied with being her friend. he just thinks she's really cute and cool and he appreciates how much that she cares for him and milo and that she'll be on their friend and back them when needed. he flirts with her but because he's so playful to everyone he can play it off as harmless and meaningless, which it mostly is.
lou ellen was the first patient that milo ever had at Camp Half-Blood. when he and axel arrived at camp, it was very soon discovered that he had a talent for healing/took after the medicine side of apollo and he was taken to the infirmary by his older siblings. lou ellen came in less than five minutes later and milo was given the opportunity to show off his skills (under supervision, of course).
ariella looks up to lou ellen and talks about her so much after their lessons together ( "lou ellen said this, lou ellen did that, did you know lou ellen -" ) that it's become a joke with her immediate family ( lucila, percy, triton, etc. ) that ariella may as well just stay with lou ellen permanently since she's obviously prefers her.
perseus finds lou ellen one of the most relatable people to him from the surface world. he feels out of place and knows that she does, too, and he feels a lot of comfort/reassurance from being with her and not having to mask a lot of his odd behaviour. their first interaction had been him witnessing her using magic that she maybe shouldn't have been using at camp and being incredibly curious about it and approaching her to ask questions and to witness more.
percy, in contrast to his sea-raised alternate self, was initially a bit wary around lou ellen because of her powers, mostly because he was being told that powerful demigods were to be feared ( internalized fear and all that projection ) but he soon got over it ( at least in terms of her ) and would often come to lou ellen when he needed solutions that required magic. he came to trust her expertise in a lot of these kind of areas.
sally feels that lou ellen is a very sweet girl and admires her because she knows that she has a strong will and that she does what she thinks is right. the fact that lou ellen fought for the gods when her mother was fighting for the titans, and that she is half-titan herself, says a lot, especially when sally gets to know her more personally and realizes that she had many opportunities and reasons to go to the other side. she talks to percy about lou ellen when updating him about the demigods that have visited, telling him how much she likes the girl, which of course puts her immedaitely on percy's good list.
poseidon, due to his overprotective relationship with percy, took note of his friend with lou ellen. due to hecate's recent actions and the actions of children like alabaster, he was also somewhat wary of her daughter ( hypocritically, of course, since many olympians' children rebelled ). he would not mention it to percy, knowing that to suggest the betrayal of a friend was a terrible thing to him, but he did find occasionally a way to ask about her when inquiring about percy's life.
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rfaromance · 2 years
Do you think Meowy gets a Halloween costume, too?
Oh, absolutely! Saeyoung always finds a way to incorporate Meowy.
If he and Ariella are witches, Meowy is their familiar! Vampires? Then Meowy gets bat wings! Ghosts? Yeah, he can put a sheet on Meowy.
Same applies for cosplay. The hardest feat was turning Meowy into Bond when Saeyoung and Ariella cosplayed Yor and Loid Forger.
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designedparadigm · 1 month
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fujiwara  is  above  all  a  fantastic  medic.  top  of  her  class,  hard  to  find  a  soldier  as  dedicated  to  keeping  their  team  alive  as  she  is.  angel  is  a  well  deserved  name  for  her  -  including  her  temper  and  impatience.  if  her  medical  advice  is  ignored,  fujiwara  is  known  to  impose  force  or  use  narcotics  to  take  her  patient  back  down.  it  was  her  use  of  force  that  got  her  discharged  -  and  what  got  her  contracted  to  pmc  work.  her  brash  nature  and  willingness  to  jump  into  the  field  as  well  as  keen  understanding  of  the  human  body  put  her  at  the  top  of  the  list  for  ops. 
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urlocalrambler · 6 months
internally crying because rina kent is choosing NOT to write the one LOG book that i was dying for. remington // ariella would've been EVERYTHING, imagine the golden boy and the female stalker trope in action, and the amount of drama that could've occured with this one book between everyone. how did all of the King's get a book (the only book that wasn't about a King was Jeremy Volkov's and of course, that one was my favourite) but Ronan/Teal (my all-time favourite rina ship) got nothing for their one and only child.
justice for ariella // remi, their ship lives on in my brain. i have so many headcanons for them.
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imagine-iron-fey · 6 months
Thoughts That Keep Me Up At Night
(even after 12 years...)
When the message 'SCOTT WALDRON PEEKS AT GUYS IN THE SHOWER ROOM, ROFL' popped up on the computers in The Iron King, was it true since fey can't lie? Or does it not count as a lie on a technicality because it was typed and not spoken?
Is the Duke of Frostfell that Leanansidhe mentions the father of one of the Winter Princes?
Given Tertius's name, were his brothers (Sage's and Rowan's clones) named Primus and Secundus respectively?
If the mirrors at the End of the World show the mirror opposite of Ash, Ariella, and Puck, (and Grimalkin, sort of...) what would that make Rowan's or Mab's mirror opposites?
Was Ferrum actually a human who got stuck in the Nevernever and rather than going completely insane just slowly deteriorated over time until he fully believed he was a Fey King who rightfully deserved to rule? (This last one has fueled more headcanons and theories than I like to admit......)
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0fwvnds · 10 months
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full name: ariella beatriz lopez age: 23 birthday: october 30 zodiac sign: scorpio house: slytherin school year: fifth relationship status: single romantic orientation: biromantic sexual orientation: bisexual
headcanons: tw: child abandonment
ariella beatriz lopez was born to single mother patricia lopez on october 30. a line of well-known pureblood witches and wizards, the lopez family has always expected nothing less than perfection and excellence.
growing up, ariella's role model and biggest inspiration was her mother. patricia was the definition of a boss, running her own multimillion company- creating and producing high-end magical beauty, makeup, and skincare products. ariella grew up with the most powerful female role models one could imagine, which has played a large part in shaping her personality today.
ariella has never met her father, though she does know who he is. a wizard from another prominent family, he made her mother his mistress. upon learning of patricia's pregnancy he panicked and bailed, though made an agreement to pay patricia a more than generous monthly stipend for her silence and discretion, as well as to assist in financially taking care of ariella. while ariella says this does not bother her, she does have some deeply rooted issues associated with the situation with her father.
many say that she has been spoiled, and the truth is, those people are correct. having always been given the best of everything, ariella can be a bit materialistic at times. labels are important to her, as is looking both expensive and put together at all times.
while academics may not appear to be of importance, the complete opposite is true. due to her family's success, legacy, and reputation, ariella has never had any choice other than excelling at academics. she is top of her class, though does not flaunt it, not wanting it to ruin her 'reputation'.
by nature, the lopez family have remained fairly neutral regarding anything surrounding the order, harry potter, voldemort, death eaters, and anything of the like. the family is self-serving and finds the utmost importance in power, therefore they refrain from aligning themselves, allowing for allegiance to whomever is more beneficial to their own ventures. this mindset has trickled down to ariella- she remains completely neutral.
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kissofthemuses · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Elena Boureanu SPECIES: witch OCCUPATION: vine witch/wine maker FANDOM: The Vine Witch
FACECLAIM: Rachel Weisz PRONOUNS: she/her AGE: 43 BIRTHDATE: August 10 HAIR: brown EYES: hazel HEIGHT: 5'6″ ORIENTATION: bisexual
MOTHER: Esme Bourenau (Deceased) FATHER: Roul Bourenau (Decesed) CARETAKERS: Josef and Ariella Gardin
MBTI: ENFP-A / “Campaigner” ALIGNMENT: neutral good TEMPERAMENT: sanguine ENNEAGRAM: type 5 POSITIVES: smart, determined, curious, loyal, forthright NEGATIVES: brash, unforgiving, foolhardy, vengeful
LIKES: learning, wine making, gardening, mystery novels, pain au chocolat, outdoors, the sound and smell of a light rain falling on a field, DISLIKES: bureaucracy, authority, being confined, overly sweet drinks, the heat,
Threads Headcanons Musings Inspo
Elena grew up on the vineyards Château Renard, learning how to use her magic to help the grapes grow, to make some of the best wine. The couple who raised her since she was , Josef and Ariella Gardin, were her only family, so much so that Elena referred to them as her grandparents, but, really, they were the only parents she knew.
Well, except for the few memories she had of her real parents- Esme and Roul Bourenau. And the only memory she had of them was riding in the back of their jangly cart, on their way to somewhere new. What followed that memory was the memory of being brought to the Chateau, to the Gardins when she was 5. Though she’d always held on to that memory and wondered about her parents, the love her grand-mere was more than enough for Elena.
As she grew, she fell in love with a man named Bastien and, eventually, he proposed to her. At first, Elena accepted, and for a time she was blissfully happy. But, soon enough, Bastien began making demands of her that Elena could not abide. He’d wanted her to abandon her home vineyard and work on his, more than that, he wanted her to sabotage rivals. He wanted her to use hexes and curses against. Angry, she refused this, refused him, and threw his ring back at him, breaking off the engagement.
It was soon after this breakup that Elena was ambushed as she was gathering herbs. A sorcerer used an archaic form of transmogrification to curse her into a toad. Elena lived in that body for 7 long years, her human mind tucked away in some small space. Finally, she was able to break the curse. Over her years as a toad, each time she’d shed her old skin, she’d ingested it. Over time, the natural acid in the toad’s skin helping breaking the bonds of the vile spell.
Once she’d become human again, Elena made her way back to Chateau Renard, back home, with one goal in mind: revenge. In her mind, the only culprit could be Bastien, the man she’d jilted.
Upon returning home, Elena found her beloved home and vineyard failing and blighted. It turns out that not only had age begun to take its toll on Ariella’s mind and magic, but, she had mismanaged the family funds so much that she got several years behind on taxes, leaving the vineyard to languish.
To Elena’s further surprise, the vineyard had been bought by a mortal man named Jean-Paul, who scorned all things magic, putting his trust solely in science. Which, was part of the problem, as the vineyard’s problem was a magical one.
Slowly, Elena began to help Jean-Paul rid the vineyard of its hexes and curses, whether he wanted the help or not. While he resisted at first, after she had used a spell to allow him to see the magic around the vineyard, he relented. All the while, Elena continued to work on her plan for revenge. Using her innate and uncanny knowledge of deadly herbs and plants, Elena worked on a poison with which to poison Bastien with. She also continued to try and find out the identity of the person who Bastien had hired to curse her.
Her search, however, led her deeper into trouble. After a very public confrontation with Bastien, during which she swore revenge, Bastien ended up dead. And Elena was the singular suspect and was arrested for his death as well as the deaths of many cats (which was linked to dark magic) and thrown into a prison for magic users. Elena hadn’t committed a single one of the crimes she was charged with.
Despite Jean-Paul using his previous vocation of a lawyer to get Elena justice, Elena managed to escape the prison, along with her 2 other cellmates- a djinn and an ex circus performer. On the run, with the performer, Yvette, Elena searched for the real killer to clear her name.
She did find the real killer, it was Bastien’s wife, a powerful witch in her own right. What Elena further uncovered was, not only was the woman a powerful witch, but, she was ancient, her magic allowing her to stay young and beautiful for ever. That power, though, was not entirely her own, and came with a price. To gain her immortality, she’d made a deal with a demon, and to appease that demon, she had to pay in blood. Hence the dead cats. As for Bastien’s death had been two-fold: to get rid of Elena and to appease the demon.
The fight between Elena and the demon wasn’t very long. Elena was very nearly killed, and would have been, if not for the fact that Elena’s blood was poisonous. Apparently, years of ingesting her own toxic toad skin had that peculiar affect on the witch.
After dispensing with the demon, Elena cornered the witch, who hadn’t fully recovered her youth yet. Elena kept her talking just long enough for the authorities who had once imprisoned her to hear the evil witch’s plans. It was during this that Elena word that it was neither Bastien nor the witch who had been behind her curse.
The authorities arrested her with the intent on bringing her to the prison. But, what they didn’t account for was that the handcuffs negated all magic, thus negating her immortality. She rapidly aged and turned to bones and then dust before their eyes.
Cleared of all charges, Elena was free to return home, though she would be watched.
With her new found freedom, the mystery of who had cursed her still hung in the air. With a tip from the proprietress of the local bar the magic users frequented, the person was finally in her grasp. Find them in the dark corner of the bar, Elena was shocked to find not just the man who had cursed her (a man who she had thought was just a carnival charlatan) , but her very own Grand-Mere! Her entire world turned on it’s side as the betrayal set in. She demanded that they tell her the truth about what was going on. So, they told her, each trying to justify themselves, and Elena learned not just about the curse, but her parents too.
Her parents had been wanted criminals, witches who dealt in dark magic and poisons. They’d been caught and hanged for their crimes and the very man who had cursed her had sold her, an orphan, to the Gardins. Grand-Mere tried to say that the curse was supposed to be temporary and for Elena’s own good. Thinking that Elena was too head over heels for Bastien, and fearing that she would get married and abandon Chateau Renard, and her, Ariella had the man curse Elena to keep her from doing so (unaware that Elena had already broken off the engagement). Elena, would all too soon realize that those revelations would be the last she’d get out of her grand-mere, for Areilla had stolen the poison Elena had made for Bastien and poisoned both the man and herself, and both were dead within minutes.
This left Elena to try and make sense of everything and put back the pieces of her life on her own.
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nefarious-imagines · 5 years
Hey! So you came back? I'm so glad! Welcome back! I admit I think alot of us has missed you...or atleast me lmao! Sorry if that sounded selfish or something! Anyway what about royalty with a villian S/O?
Yeah we back! Well... I'm back at least! I'll ask Mod Dash if he still wants in on this! Don't worry! You're not being selfish!
Mayapple: She's been getting kidnapped for six years straight, villains aren't scary to her anymore. Just mildly annoying when she's trying to work. She still loves you!!! She just wishes you didn't break the rules and kidnap her instead of kidnapping your own princess.
Apoidea: She scolded you at first for not telling her when you first started dating, but accepted it. She's a real stickler for the rules so she's just yelling at you while over your shoulder.
Ariella: "'m I supposed to care? Psh. I don't care." Like she says, she just doesn't care. You're even MORE fun to monster hunt with, since you have all those gadgets with you.
Malachite: He's all dramatic about it. "Oh darling why wouldn't you tell me this before?!" Back of his hand on his forehead thing and everything. Then he's like whatever. Still loves you of course.
Tephra: "look me in eyes, remember who I am, then tell me that again." Honestly I don't know what you expected. She's also technically a villain. So yeah she'll team up- I mean YOU'LL team up with her and then rule the world the end.
Foxglove: she just told you she's not into that. She's got a struggling kingdom on her hands, she doesn't have time for your childish games.
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keziahcore · 3 years
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Hello love! I'm glad you stumbled upon my account <3 your love and support means so much to me! Until now, I have only written for Druig (and right now I intend to only write for him hehe), here's all of my work for easy navigation!
NIGHTMARES (druig x gn!eternal!reader)
The reader has a terrifying nightmare, making them wake up in the middle of the night and worry Druig about it.
PLUVIOPHILES (druig x gn!pluviophile!reader)
The reader is obsessed with the rain. Who knew their obsession to the rain will lead them to meeting a certain someone?
JE T'AIME (druig x gn!royal!reader)
The reader, fed up with their royal life, have run away. They meet Druig while they are visiting an art museum, and both of them bond over everything dark academic: music, flowers, art, literature. When the reader begins living with Druig at his house, are there any chances that any feelings also get caught?
HEAVEN MASTERLIST (druig x fem!oc)
Follow the story of Ariella Sable as she gets exiled from her city and is sent to live on an unknown place, on the other side of the world. Going to a new place can mean discovering new things and meeting new people, including a certain blue eyed person.
LATE NIGHT BAKING (druig x gn!reader)
the reader isn't able to sleep at all, so they decide to make some muffins, which leads to a sleepy druig waking up and slow dances in the kitchen with him.
what i think druig will be like if he wasn't an eternal but a human being
LETTERS (druig x gn!eternal!reader)
the reader and druig used to be in love, but everything had to break apart when the eternals separated at tenochtitlan, both druig and the reader going separate ways. but one day, while cleaning their house, the reader finds the letters druig used to write to them.
LATE NIGHT TALKING (druig x gn!eternal!reader)
Druig and the reader have been married for over a year now, they have a beautiful baby. They both reminisce some beautiful memories from their relationship and express their gratefulness for each other late at night, laying next to each other.
(last updated: may 29, 2022)
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heavyburdcn · 3 years
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                                       ba ba blacksheep
( jessica mei li, age 26, cisfemale, she/her ) ARIELLA LOCHTREE is a MEMBER OF THE ROYAL LOCHTREE FAMILY. They are HIGH FAE. They are UNCOMFORTABLE, but they are also SENSITIVE. In their spare time, you can find them SEARCHING FOR SECRET PASSAGEWAYS IN THE CASTLE.
past / ariella has absolutely no recollection of her adoption process. she knows she is certainly fae, knows that her mother loves her dearly, knows that all of her siblings are also adopted, but she can’t help but wonder if she could just remember her past, maybe it would be easier to let it go. she has a few early memories, flashes of color and light, but the first concrete memory she can access is her stumbling towards her eldest brother, absolutely elated to see him.
present / when ariella isn’t lurking around the treehouse castle, seeking out secrets hidden in the walls, she frequently visits town. she’d never admit this to her family, but it’s there she feels most comfortable. she especially enjoys visiting her old governess, a woman ariella loved almost as much as her own mother. she only moved out of the castle when she married one of the town’s bakers. the fresh bread might have some influence over how frequently ariella visits.
future / ariella is almost obsessed with understanding more of her background. she wants to know why she doesn’t fit in, if there’s something she’s lost. one connection that could be really interesting is someone from that past (biological family, people who knew her bio family, someone willing to help her seek answers)
powers / she has all the abilities of the fae, namely flight, allure, glamour, delayed aging. as a high fae, a blessing bestowed upon ariella when the queen adopted her, she has an extra ability: tbd. 
if it wasn’t evident before, ariella has what some would call middle child syndrome. far from the only middle child in a family so vast, ariella is more than simply forgotten–she doesn’t fit. she doesn’t remember when she first became aware of the difference between her and the rest, aware of the discomfort from the scrutiny, but thinks maybe it was around the time she started visiting the town more and court less. she’s generally quiet in the castle, coming across as shy or maybe snobby, unless she’s around those she’s most comfortable with. sometimes her giggle can be heard into the wee hours around their home as long as she’s with the right sibling. 
those who are privy to moments like these might on occasion describe ariella as devilishly sneaky and curious, too. while she’ll never own up to it, if there’s trouble, it probably leads back to ariella whispering in someone’s ear. she only needs a few words to get what she wants. that was the benefit of spending ninety percent of your time observing–you learn people. that being said, ariella is generally not manipulative or malicious. it’s either a testament to ayesha’s parenting . . . or her sheltering skills, but ariella is kind and believes in the best of others (almost to the point of naïveté).  
wanted connections
someone who acts almost as her babysitter, who encourages her back into the fold. they just want what’s best for her ( what’s safest – after all curiosity did kill the cat ! ). they’re responsible, a good example for ariella to follow. unfortunately, they’re also one of the few people to see past her mask of mediumness. somehow she isn’t invisible to them, making sneaking all the more difficult. 
the exact opposite !! someone who actively encourages the chaos dwelling in ariella, encourages her to question authority. someone who sees her just as clearly as above but doesn’t discourage what they see–in fact, they like what they see. maybe they’re just sneaky buddies or maybe this person purposefully brings out ariella’s more negative characteristics.
someone who maybe sees her naive nature and wants to use it to their advantage. listen, she’s a young, sheltered little princess who thinks she’s more badass than she really is. someone looking for some easy favors from the royal family might see her as a target. 
someone she grew up with/around !! either nobility around the castle, or townsfolk she met through her governess whenever they visited town for some errand or another (their family members, neighboring kids, etc). i imagine she begged to go to town a lot as a child, so think childhood friends type of deal. 
frenemies!! people who were everything she tried to be growing up, people who fit in just a little bit better. of course, no one wants to get in trouble for being mean to little princess ariella, so they’re polite. there’s maybe an occasional bonding moment where there’s potential for real friendship, but something always gets in the way. 
and literally anything else you’d want to give me!! please!!
FINALLY, extras
pinterest CW: BUGS (moths & butterfly wings)
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sylveesmusasters · 9 months
*pokes head out from trash can* I come back to the dash for the first time in forever and I see we are discussing in-game events for our muses
Let me give you the Asshole rivals of the XY Remakes (VividX/FadedY) Sylvestre and Ariella!
A note that will be important for later: VXFY introduces the Party System. This means that alongside your 6 pokemon, you can also have other trainers and their pokemon in your party. This is used for multiplayer, but also features heavily into the plot because I want to give the protag quintet the bonding that the canon games gave up on after santalune forest
So. The first time you encounter Sylvestre and Ariella is when the quintet gathers at Aquacorde town. They show up late, but are fine with it because they already got pokedexes from the professor himself. The Litleos don't understand why he wanted them to meet you, as you have nothing to offer to further their plans, plans that you and your new friends would never understand. They walk off, not even offering a battle.
On route 22 (whether you enter it here or later in the game) you can see a cutscene of them being nurtured (against their will) by a pride of Pyroars and Litleos, with Ariella literally picked up and carried around by a big Pyroar like a cub lmao
The Litleos appear in Lumiose, but aren't interacted with. They are watching past the part of the city blocked off, commenting about how the power outage will probably resolve itself soon enough. Sycamore mentions the Litleos just to you, though: he comments that he added them into the Dex Holder roster last minute, even after your addition. They seem like good kids at heart who are on a difficult path, and while he doesn't understand what that path is, he hopes being friends with the quintet can help them open up and find happiness.
The next time you see the Litleos is at Glittering Cave, where they tell the fossil stealing grunts to knock it off. They each defeat a grunt, and you take out the remaining grunts. The Litleos tell you that you should probably stay away from Flare, as they're more of a danger than they seem, even to themselves. They walk away, leaving you and Calem/Serena to ponder what they meant by that last part.
At the Power Plant, the Litleos ambush you near the entrance for their first battle with you. They claim that this is an issue that only they should solve, and Ariella practically mocks you with baby talk about how they're trying to accomplish something you'll never understand. When defeated, Ariella storms ahead, whereas Sylvestre apologizes for his little sister's behavior and follows her.
When you encounter Aliana at the Power Plant, you first walk into the Litleos trying to explain to her that a perfect and beautiful paradise isn't worth it if it would cost her her own life. She mocks this reasoning, and explains that she doesn't understand why these kids are trying to philosophize with her when she and they don't even know each other. (At least from her side this is true, anyway.) You then battle Aliana because she already defeated the Litleos.
You next encounter with the Litleos is at the Poke Ball factory. Strange how they always seem to be where Team Flare is... They're already ahead of you and trying (and failing) to talk sense into Bryony and Celosia. They take on the flare admin reinforcements while you and Calem/Serena battle the scientists.
When Malva (the world's most reliable and honest newscaster) broadcasts her bulletin about the Pokeball Factory attack, a crying Ariella demands you replay it again and again until a secretly crying Sylvestre tells her to cut it out. The Litleos both get extremely emotional seeing her, and then get extremely defensive about it. They try to bribe you with a lot of money to forget you saw it, and when that doesn't work, they try to beat it out of your memory in a battle. That doesn't work either.
You next encounter the Litleos in the Frost Cavern. Mable pipes up at how she's seen them around and has been expecting them, as Flare has eyes everywhere. The Litleos tell her that they know how it works, and that she sees only what they want her to see. The frustrated Mable brags about the power of Abomasnow, and how only team flare will survive, and because you, Sylvestre, and Ariella know too much you'll be the first ones to go. Sylvestre angrily explains to Mable that they're on her side more than any of the grunts or admins around her will ever be, and that the power will destroy her before she can live to see their "beautiful world." Mable listens about as well as you'd expect. You can team up with Sylvestre, Ariella, and Trevor here to battle the mega Abomasnow, as under her control it's more like a raid pokemon from gens 8 and 9. After the Abomasnow raid, a cutscene appears where an avalanche and spikes almost kill Mable, but Ariella gets in front of her and seems to ward it off with a wall of fire. Somehow. You then battle a shocked but stubborn Mable herself while Sylvestre and Ariella fight the grunts.
When going back to Lumiose, you can visit their penthouse hotel room that they forgot to lock. In there, you can see a scrapbook of younger versions of the Litleos with Lysandre, Malva, and all 5 scientists. Littered around the room are empty cups from Lysandre Cafe, flash drives marked as backup recordings of Malva's various Holo Caster shows, pillows and blankets that reek of expensive perfume, and a pair of plushes of Lysandre and Malva like they'd have if they were in the lodge in pokemas (like they should be)
After Lysandre's broadcast goes out, you, Calem/Serena, and Shauna rush to Lysandre Labs, where the Litleos have already knocked the China cabinet over and recited the password. The grunts are panicking because they haven't revealed the password to everyone. Ariella taunts them about how they keep it the same in "every world." When you enter Lysandre Labs, you can try to get them to explain what the fuck is going on, and all they tell you is that you need their help more than they need yours because they've dealt with this same scenario over and over again. You can accept or reject them joining your party. If you reject them they'll force their way into your party anyway.
Now, Sylvestre and Ariella are face to face with their father for the first time (in this world anyway). They try to get him to stop trying to be "selfless" and accept the world as it is, as it's only ever led to his own downfall. They try to explain that he can find beauty in the world in his friends, his family, his pokemon, when he interrupts them and says that he has no contact with the rest of his bloodline and has no plans to continue it until he is the first king of the new world. Ariella asks him what bloodline has to do with any of this, whereas Sylvestre lets it slip that they ARE his bloodline, that they've been through this 12 times now, and that he should listen to them. Ofc he refuses to, but invites you to try to stop him and progress further.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, the Litleos finally explain to you that they're the children of a Lysandre and Malva that died trying to launch the Weapon, and that they've been going from world to world for the last three years trying to find one where they can change the course of events and save both the world and their family. You can ask them here about each major named flare member, and here they explain how much they care about them and the positive things they see in each one of them. Notably here, they drop the act and refer to their family members as such (Mother, Father, Uncle Xerosic, Aunt Aliana/Bryony/Celosia/Mable).
They have dialogue with each scientist as you go through and battle them, but I haven't planned it yet lol
Haven't planned much at geosenge besides the scientists being there too. after the five of you leave the collapsing base they're fucking furious and accuse you of being the reason their family died again here, and battle you. They have angrier animations here too. In a cutscene Ariella tries to lob a fireball at your head and narrowly misses. You and the rest of the quintet wisely run for it.
Afterward, Sylvestre and Ariella apologize for everything they put you through. Even Ariella is remorseful, especially for the whole trying to kill you thing. They reject the invitation to the parade. Sycamore explained that he wondered if they were connected to Lysandre, but both Lysandre's true nature and what they've been through is worse than he ever could have imagined. He's confused as to how Lysandre had kids this age and hid them for so long... He doesn't even know about the multiverse traveling yet and how they've been through this 13 times now, oof. You can tell him or not tell him, but either way he will find out in the DLC/postgame
At the beginning of victory road, the Litleos appear one more time (before Postgame content/DLC content) to test your strength, but this time as playful and friendly rivals, teasing that they won't let their mother suffer the boredom of weak challengers. After the battle they mention their own plans to meet her, while conceding they're nowhere near ready for the league yet.
Later on I'll provide details about the Postgame and DLCs, but notable moments here include:
- Malva rejecting them during the Looker episode
- Them releasing their pokemon and explaining how they always do this because they don't want their pokemon to suffer the groundhog day hell they're going through
- them realizing that the Malva they left behind in universe 6 is kinda pissed and also insane and they may or may not have accidentally led her to create team prism
- their pokemon coming back to them during the dlc to help fight against team prism, alongside the other villains' offspring (Silver, N, Gladion, Lillie, Arven)
- you can summon in an Alter Lysandre and Alter Malva, who are a bit younger than their other incarnations. They've only been married for a year but have been thinking about having kids and oops there's two premade kids that are technically theirs. When adding them, Sylvestre, and Ariella to your party, you get a hidden achievement called Reuniting the Pride. They have adorable animations, and when Sylvestre and Ariella aren't visiting your world they've gone home with the Alter versions of their parents. They're hoping that since their universe is at an earlier time point that they aren't set in their ways and they can keep them from even developing the plan to launch the weapon in the first place. They also mention about how their aunts and uncle recently got hired, but they're nervous about giving them the whole family treatment when they dont really know each other yet and they don't want to scare them off
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
Layla Headcanons:
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Everyone, meet Princess Layla Poole of Andros. 
She’s the best surfer this side of the Magical Dimension and an excellent escape artist. (Do you have any idea how hard it is to escape from a castle to go out and just breathe without someone watching over you? It’s pretty freaking hard.)
Layla’s probably one of the few voices of reason within the Winx group, and one of the more mature ones. 
(All headcanons relate to my main “Balance/Company of Light” verse and my “Left” verse.)
-Believe it or not, Layla can breathe for a set amount of time underwater/hold her breath for long periods of time. She is sort of half-merperson after all. (Her father, Teredor, is what they call a ‘land-walker’ merperson. He mastered the spell that the merpeople can use to turn their tails into feet. He was actually next in line for the MerKingdom’s throne, but he fell in love with Niobe and managed to leave his own throne for his younger brother Neptune and take to the ‘land throne’ with Niobe.)
-Layla’s body can actually form scales if she’s in the water for a long enough period of time. (Like how most people start getting pruney-like when in the water? Layla starts to scale. Hers are a lovely seafoam color and shine brighter than Stella’s favorite necklace.)
-Growing up, she was close to her cousins. Nereus and Tritannus acted like her older brothers and taught her so much about the underwater world as well as life in general. And she and Tressa were practically sisters. (This changed after they all became teenagers, especially when it started becoming apparent that Tritannus and his father were falling out.)
-Layla wasn’t always so sheltered. She used to be able to go on trips with her parents to other realms and used to be allowed to explore around the MerKingdom with her cousins without any repercussions.
-That changed after Layla turned 7. Rumors of remaining Coven members being spotted around Andros made her parents wary and then there was an attempted kidnapping of Layla by a group of sirens who had been known to work closely with Tharma happened… After that, Layla became a bit of a prisoner in her own home because her parents were so afraid of something happening to her.
-Layla was early to get her powers (5), and early to gain her first fairy form (12). Niobe and her most trusted court members took to training her in her fairy magic, wanting her to be able to believe in her own abilities as a fairy. (And hope it would translate into her abilities as a princess and a queen.)
-When she was younger, Layla used to ask for a younger sibling. Her parents had to explain that it was hard enough for them to have her, that they were afraid of risking trying to have another. (Even land-walkers and ‘humans’ have issues with fertility. Layla had been such a blessing to them, their last attempt to have a “natural” child.)
-Layla has already had her Princess Ball, but it was vastly different from Stella’s. She had little-to-no say in what happened as her parents were going for a strictly traditional Androsian Ball. The only upside was her cake and that Tressa was there with her.
-Anne was her first friend after she’d been put into ‘lockdown’ by her parents. (And was sort of her first crush. But it’s nice knowing they’ll be close again after Anne married Nabu’s older sister.)
-Layla’s favorite activity/sport may be dancing, but she has many others she’s in love with. Swimming. Water polo. Surfing. Tide Bombing. Androsian Wave Skiing. Water Races. Synchronized Swimming. (Basically, she loves all the water sports. And is pretty decent at them, if she does say so herself.)
-She’s currently really into a few Earth sports right now too. Tennis, volleyball, and MMA.
-She’s also working on her leaf surfing skills and her abilities as a swordswoman. (She’s great at the agility part and keeping on her toes, but she still needs to work on her timing when attacking and trying to defend herself.)
-Layla discovered the pixies and befriended them before her lockdown happened. She’d been with her parents in Magix. They had been on an important meeting with the Council and she was supposed to be with her nanny/Fairy Godmother. But Layla wanted adventure and snuck off into the forest. She ended up running into Queen Ninfea and finding Pixie Village. (And meeting Piff.) Needless to say, she made friends for life.
-And Layla knew when the pixies went missing. She could feel something deep inside of her was wrong when she couldn’t connect to Piff and hadn’t heard from Chatta or Tune in a few days. (The pixies had been allowed to visit with her and write to her after her mother’s own pixie, Ariella, vouched that they were real pixies from Pixie Village and not some sort of imposters.)
-Anyway, Layla did what she usually did to escape from the Androsian Palace, leaving when the guards changed shifts and while her parents were busy holding court. From there she managed to get to Pixie Village and talk Ninfea into helping her create a teleportation spell into ShadowHaunt. (We all know what happened after.)
-Layla and her parents had a very long and awkward conversation after Layla woke up in good condition at Alfea. They had been so worried and had been so relieved that Faragonda had been the one to find and house their daughter… But after hearing what she’d gone through and how she managed to do so much and still survive… It made them realize that Layla is growing up and that she is a powerful and capable fairy. (Which is how she managed to convince them to let her stay at Alfea, though it didn’t hurt that she mentioned who her new friends were and who her friends’ parents were/are.)
-(Layla still has nightmares regarding ShadowHaunt and the pixies, but after the realm was returned to its true nature, the nightmares started dying down… Until Nabu almost died that is.)
-She used to be so against marriage because she knew about the whole ‘arranged marriage’ ideas her realm had. And when her parents tried to force her into one, it really struck a nerve because of the hypocrisy. After all, they chose their own partners, why couldn’t she?! (Which prompted another conversation with her parents. One that required both parties to open their minds and hearts.)
-(Thankfully, she and Nabu did end up choosing each other… Though she wishes her dad didn’t get along so well with Nabu and that her mother didn’t try to show him baby pictures of her. Honestly, the audacity of her parents.)
-Layla may like seafood (because seafood is a staple of Androsian society), but after being with the other Winx girls, she’s found she really loves the varieties of veggie meals from Linphea. Especially the wraps. (She threatened to marry Flora when the other girl introduced them to her. She was so in love.)
-She and Musa love to jam out together (especially since Layla got her drum set). They actually sound really lovely together and it gets even better when they can talk Tecna into joining in with her keyboard.
-Layla absolutely loves to ride the Sea Hodeaas her uncle Neptune and aunt Ligea have stabled up. It’s the best way to travel underwater and the animals are so majestic. (And yes, they are a breed of seahorse, but a seahorse mixed with those sea dragon things on earth. Just imagine that merger and imagine them to be the equivalent size of a normal horse. Just underwater.)
-No. Layla cannot talk to sea creatures. Not without a spell in place. Please stop asking. (Dammit if you want to talk to animals, Roxy is right fucking there.)
-Layla isn’t thin either. She’s muscular. And she looks fabulous in ballgowns. Eat shit haters.
-If Stella is the snacker of the group, Layla is the one always reminding people to stay hydrated and has like ten water bottles on her at any given time.
-Layla is the friend that if you wanna go do something potentially stupid just to see if you can do it, she’d be down for it. (Granted, she’ll tell you all the ways this could probably go wrong and you all end up dead, but she’s all for seeing what her body can handle. No, she’s not a masochist. She’s just curious.)
-She can sing. But she doesn’t do it often because if she hits a certain pitch, it could be almost… Hypnotic… (Which isn’t fun to explain.)
-Layla may wear heels to formal events, but she’d rather wear her sneakers or flip-flops any day of the week. Seriously, please just let her wear her comfy shit.
-We all know Layla is competitive in sports… She’s also competitive in video games and in board games. (The other girls have a constantly updating list of games Layla and Tecna are no longer allowed to play together.)
-Layla was the most excited about their Earth adventure to find Roxy. It gave her an excuse to be away from Andros for a bit and just be her. (That summer had been a bit, intense. As the Crown Princess and an adult, her parents had been bringing her in more and more on the business aspect of being a Princess.)
-(She loves her crown and her title, and she loves her people and her world… But sometimes it seems like an overwhelming job to be queen and she’s so terrified of doing something wrong that will endanger everyone she cares about or that she’ll end up accidentally offending an important socialite/delegate/ambassador.)
-Stella is good at the people-aspect of being a princess, so she’s been great at helping Layla get over her nerves on the subject and how to be herself while still being princess. And Layla has helped Stella better understand the more political/tactical portions of being a princess. (And together they’ve helped Bloom become more okay with being a princess.)
-Layla has her major fear of being alone and of failure (which we’ve seen when she gained her Charmix), but she has a few minor things… Like she’s a bit claustrophobic thanks to her time in ‘lockdown’ and she has a thing about being late to important events. She’s also working on her public speaking issues… It’s a work in progress.
-Her favorite classes in Alfea involved flying and physical education. Flying always made her feel free and graceful, and almost as powerful as if she were underwater. And the physical classes helped her get rid of her nearly endless energy.
-Layla is a bit hot-headed for an Androsian (who are known for being cool and go-with-the-flow), but she just feels things so deeply and it rocks her to core. (Part of it may be due to the pressures of being a princess and having to try and always do and say the right thing, part of it may be due to being watched so carefully as a child, but she just can’t let things go sometimes and rather than nurse a grudge, she’d rather just have it out and be done.)
-Her goal is to be a great queen when her time to rule comes. But she doesn’t want to necessarily be queen like her mother who tended to rule out of fear. (Layla gets why, she does. She’s met members of the Coven and knows why her mother and father were terrified, but she refuses to be someone who lets it make all of her decisions.) She’ll listen to her fears, sure, and try to rule accordingly, but she doesn’t ever want it to hinder her from making great decisions about Andros or her future children. (If she has any. She and Nabu are still trying to figure out if they want them or if they’d rather wait awhile and adopt.)
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rfaromance · 2 years
Vampire au vampire au- even some headcanons sometimes you just need something to help get juices following! Only if you wanna tho lol (and who isn't gay for vampires? I'm straight and I'm totally gay for vampires regardless
Actually one time I was telling @marshmallowprotection that if Ariella (my 707 CMC) ever became a vampire, she probably wouldn't even notice. She's already anemic, so being cold to the touch? Normal. She's pale already, so burning easily in the sun? Normal. She's shy and won't go in someone's home if she isn't invited in, anyway. She's Jewish, so she doesn't go near churches or wear crosses anyway.
The kicker would be the garlic. She LOVES garlic.
Saeyoung, trying not to freak her out: I think... you're just allergic to garlic now.
(However if I do make this, I need roles for everyone and I'm more than happy to scream about vampires or other AUs)
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bardofheartdive · 3 years
2, 12, 22, 34, 54, 86, 101, 129, and 149 for whichever character(s) spark your interest?
Oooh! A bunch of them! Thanks so much for the ask, hon!
2. What would history remember your character for?
In the universes where they are Commander Shepard Ariella, Chris, Donovan (Shepard), Gina, Mara, and Veerla would be remembered for whatever their psych profile is (Ruthless/Sole Survivor/War Hero) and being the first human Spectre. In addition to that...
Ariella can eat her weight in macaroons.
Chris makes techno recordings of himself singing classical/folk songs and is quite popular for them on the extra-net. (Though it’s under a pseudonym so no one would remember it as being him.)
Donovan (Shepard) is a galaxy-class juggler.
Gina will beat anyone at any strategy game you put in front of her. (Go is her favorite.)
Mara loves ballet and was especially passionate about teaching the younger kids. Her students (and their parents) never forget her.
Veerla is infamously bad at cooking.
For my non-Shepards...
Besides being married to @cdrkateshepard‘s Commander Jack Shepard, Ale would be remembered for her work on the Crucible during the Reaper War and the Relay repairs after.
Donovan (Lír) is in the scandalous position of being in a relationship with BOTH human Spectres (triad with Kaidan Alenko and Veerla Shepard), which the tabloids would have a heyday with. He was also the commanding officer of the Normandy through the events of ME3 and would remembered for that.
12. Would your character marry someone their family didn’t approve of?
Ale would only be able to do it if her family didn’t know about the marriage ahead of time. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Ariella would absolutely not, under no circumsatnce. Doesn’t matter if her it’s her fathers before the Mindoir raid or Yvonne, her found family after it, there is no getting married if her family doesn’t approve.
Chris has no interest in marrying anyone at all. (Which to his delight kind of goes against his mother’s approval.)
Donovan Lír and Donovan Shepard would both like to say they would and would get to a long-term dating situation but ultimately wouldn’t be able to go through with marriage if Nan and/or Felix were against it.
Gina doesn’t have a family to speak of so she gets off scot-free.
Mara would never let her family get in the way of true love and in fact remained engaged to Chris despite her friends telling her that he was no good. (At least until his infidelity slapped her in the face.)
Veerla would, though her family having reservations about the marriage would be enough to make her think long and hard about it. She values and respects their opinions and if they were worried about some aspect of the relationship, she would want to consider those concerns.
22. Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
Ale, whose full first name is Alejandra, was named after her father, Alec (who in my headcanon was named after his mother’s father, Alejandro). Her middle name, Jacinta, was her maternal grandmother’s name.
Lír is not Donovan Lír’s original last name, he chose it when he changed his identity. It is a nod to his sister who died because they have the same meaning, “sea.”
Veerla was named after her parents’ favorite composer. (Their first date was a concert of their works.) Also, her middle name is Renée after her paternal grandfather, René. 
34. Do any of your characters collect sea-shells or wear shell jewelry?
Not really. Donovan (Shepard) spends a lot of time on boats/at sea thanks to his husband, @cdrkateshepard’s Theo Walker, so there are probably seashells somewhere at some point, and especially after the war when they have kids, but he doesn’t collect them or seek them out.
54. Would your character prefer to visit a new city or stay at home?
Visit a new city: Donovan (Lír), Donovan (Shepard), Gina, Veerla
Stay at home: Ale, Ariella, Chris, Mara
86. Is your character’s fear reaction to fight, flight, or freeze?
This was really difficult. I didn’t know a lot about these and my research only wasn’t much help. I ended up looking at it from a more personal/less professional angle. (Ariella does not freeze in the face of Reapers and Mara doesn’t actually think complimenting them is a viable option for survival.)
Fight: Chris
Flight: Gina
Freeze: Ale, Ariella, Veerla
Fawn: Donovan (Lír), Donovan (Shepard), Mara
101. Which character is The Most dramatic?
Probably the Donovans, though I’m not sure I could call it between Donovan (Lír) and Donovan (Shepard). Veerla also has a flare for it when it’s useful (“You should see my ‘hysterical and weepy’”) but it’s not something she does without use.
129. Has your character ever had to compromise on what they thought was right in order to maintain peace?
Who hasn’t to some degree? Honestly, it becomes a matter of how important is the right/wrong vs peace in that situation and acting accordingly. But there are a few notable instances.
This is a big question for both Donovan Lír and Shepard and they ended up on both sides of it at different times. Ale has bitten her tongue to prevent any number of fights with her father. As a spy, Veerla has done things undercover that she would never do as herself. For Chris, he has often had to be subtle is his misogyny and xenophobia to prevent himself from losing the overall upper hand.
149: How good is your character at lying?
The Best: Chris, Donovan (Lír), Veerla
The Worst: Mara, Ariella
Average, I guess?: Ale, Gina, Donovan (Shepard)
Ask me these asks, if you want!
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nessaiscute · 4 years
Fall Fey ? (No need for money don't worry❤)
I love you <33
How did they first meet? Meghan was going to save her brother and Ash asked her to dance
What was their first impression of each other? Meghan thought he was hot AF Ash wasn’t too big on her for being so close to puck but they fall in love anyway
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Most of Meghans family hates ash but I still headcanon that Sage is the biggest fall fey shipper of the winter court.
Who felt romantic feelings first? Both at the same time yea Meghan probally pinned first but ash kissed her so he had to want to for a while
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? lords did they try but Luckily love won out in the end
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? Meghan would probally have a million fantasies bout it and Ash would go on bout the winter court and the laws of their land (whicsh i would say shut up you emo nerd love breaks all laws)
What would their lives be like if they had never met? now this is an intresting one, Meghan would forever be bullied and knowing what Puck did to her theres no way they would stay together. Megha would find solace in taking care of Ethan while Ash would be a slave to mab for the rest of his days. 
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? Meghan asked ash to be her knight starting it and now they’re married had a son (even if hes a littel shit) and from what ive heard on iron raven reviews are still madly in love
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? I guess their first date would be the valentines day speical and it was lovely they watched movies and danced in a gazbo
What was their first kiss like? Intense, Meghan never felt anything like it before and Ash for the first time in a long time felt happinness
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Ash was meghans first everything Ash had dated ariella before her
What’s their height difference? Age difference? Ash is a little taller and this is confusing ause yes Meghan is 16 and Ash looks 17 but due to fey age differences meghan is bout 90 and ash is bout 200
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? While it was akward at first Meghan and Ethan are still close and Ash would rather die then hang out with his mom annd winter court. 
Who takes the lead in social situations? Meghan definally, Ash most of the time wants to be left alone
Who gets jealous easier? Ash ash ash ash and did i say Ash? ‘mine back off’
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear? Meghan she gets aroused very easily
Who said “I love you” first? Ash
What are their primary love languages? Hug and kisses they kiss a lot
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines? Meghan all the way
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? Every single day When Kerrian was younger it drove him crazy if you ask him now the biggest perk of being the forgotten king is not having to deal with going for cerral and seeing his parents kissing on the kitchen coutertop
Who initiates kisses? its usually equal but Meghana little more then ash
Who’s the big and little spoon? They take turns but Ash would rather die then admit he likes being the little spoon
What are their favorite things to do together? Ash loves Cuddling up to Meghan while watching her play her switch 
Who’s better at comforting the other? Definally Ash
Who’s more protective? Both equally and lords when the other is in danger its a war
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? It depends mosts of the time phsyail but ash needs to hear ‘i love you’ sommetimes
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? There is the song Paul wrote that they listened to in the beyond but echo by jason walker also matches them espcially in iron knight and iron daughter
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? Ash calls her ‘meg’ sometimes
Who rembers the little things? Ash being the winter prince makes it a requirement
If they get married, who proposes? Ash
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? All the courts were inviited ethan was too young and the chase family wanted nothing to do with ash and it was lovelyu
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? They have one son named Kerrian and hes a emo little shit but they still love him to death even when he betrayed them
Do they have any pets? One german shepard
Who’s the stricter parent? Ash with out a doubt ash is the ‘no bullshit’ type of parent
Who worries the most? meghan
Who kills the bugs in the house? Ash
How do they celebrate holidays? Depends on teh holiday meghan peferes teh human ones but ash needs his fey holidays they compermise 
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?  Meghan ash is always up before dawn but somtimes Meghan is looking so attractive in her sleep were ash needs more cudddles 
Who’s the better cook? Meghan 
Who likes to dance? They both do
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