#headers jaime lannister
ladygreywritesstuff · 9 months
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Stardew Valley:
Dig Deep -- Farmer/Marlon -- 12/12 Chapters
Stargazers -- Farmer/Marlon -- a sequel to Dig Deep -- 1/? Chapters
Just Enjoying the View -- Farmer/Marlon -- smutty one-shot
Other one-shots and drabbles
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF:
What Storms May Blow -- OC of House Frey/Barristan Selmy -- 25/29 Chapters
A Promise Broken -- Tywin Lannister/Joanna Lannister -- drabble
Elevator Music -- OC/Tywin Lannister, Modern AU -- one-shot
Kissing Roose -- various/Roose Bolton -- drabble collection
Wrong Address -- Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Modern AU -- 3/3 Chapters
True or False -- OC/Roose Bolton -- 26/26 Chapters
Not Today -- Arya Stark/Jaqen H'ghar, Modern AU -- 3/3 Chapters
Therapy -- Roose Bolton/Fat Walda Frey, Modern AU -- one-shot
Protégé -- Roose Bolton/Arya Stark (aged up), Modern AU -- one-shot
LadyGreyWrites on AO3
Header by @saradika-graphics
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: Tyrion XII (Chapter 66)
For most men, there was no cost to joining a company, but he was not most men. He dipped the quill into the inkpot, leaned over the first parchment, paused, looked up. "Would you prefer me to sign Yollo or Hugor Hill?"
Tyrion's such a loser he has to pay to join a sellsword company.
I have a prediction! Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion will always have their proper names as the chapter header.
The dwarf laughed and signed the parchment, Tyrion of House Lannister. As he passed it left to Inkpots, he riffled through the pile underneath. "There are … what, fifty? Sixty? I'd thought there were five hundred Second Sons."
"Five hundred thirteen at present," Inkpots said. "When you sign our book, we will be five hundred fourteen."
"So only one in ten receives a note? That hardly seems fair. I thought you were all share-and-share-alike in the free companies." He signed another sheet.
Brown Ben chuckled. "Oh, all share. But not alike. The Second Sons are not unlike a family …"
"… and every family has its drooling cousins." Tyrion signed another note. The parchment crinkled crisply as he slid it toward the paymaster. "There are cells down in the bowels of Casterly Rock where my lord father kept the worst of ours." He dipped his quill in the inkpot. Tyrion of House Lannister, he scratched out, promising to pay the bearer of the note one hundred golden dragons. Every stroke of the quill leaves me a little poorer … or would, if I were not a beggar to begin with. One day he might rue these signatures. But not this day.
Bowels! I was going to make an Orson Lannister beetle joke, but that's show-only.
I'm going to keep track of this. He's signing 25-30 contracts worth 100 golden dragons each. (💰2500-3000)
"Debts written on the wind tend to be … forgotten, shall we say?"
"Not by us." Tyrion signed another sheet. And another. He had found a rhythm now. "A Lannister always pays his debts."
Seven books of wasted buildup if you don't make them broke by the end.
He wanted to laugh, but that would have ruined the game. Plumm was enjoying this, and Tyrion had no intention of spoiling his fun. Let him go on thinking that he's bent me over and fucked me up the arse, and I'll go on buying steel swords with parchment dragons. If ever he went back to Westeros to claim his birthright, he would have all the gold of Casterly Rock to make good on his promises. If not, well, he'd be dead, and his new brothers could wipe their arses with these parchments. Perhaps some might turn up in King's Landing with their scraps in hand, hoping to convince his sweet sister to make good on them. And would that I could be a roach in the rushes to witness that.
More than enough evidence Team Daenerys will take Casterly Rock.
We'll have to wait and see if Tyrion screwed himself, and those mines are as empty as the show indicated. (I think they are.)
The writing on the parchments changed about halfway down the pile. The hundred-dragon notes were all for serjeants. Below them the amounts suddenly grew larger. Now Tyrion was promising to pay the bearer one thousand golden dragons. He shook his head, laughed, signed. 
25-30 contracts are worth 1000 golden dragons each. (💰2500-3000 + 💰25,000-30,000)
"You will work for Inkpots," said Inkpots. "Keeping books, counting coin, writing contracts and letters."
"Gladly," said Tyrion. "I love books."
Tyrion Lannister keeps landing the same job.
"I once had charge of all the drains in Casterly Rock," Tyrion said mildly. "Some of them had been stopped up for years, but I soon had them draining merrily away."
Speaking of evidence they'll take Casterly Rock, that would be the second time the drains have been referenced.
So to mark his manhood, Tyrion was given charge of all the drains and cisterns within Casterly Rock. Perhaps he hoped I'd fall into one. But Tywin had been disappointed in that. The drains never drained half so well as when he had charge of them. - Tyrion III, ADWD
Twice is never a coincidence, the show got it right.
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If Team Daenerys takes the Rock with a stealth mission (as opposed to dragons) and holds the castle, that makes it far more likely it's the Red Keep falling on Jaime and Cersei.
I won't have you parading about where you might be seen. Stay inside as much as you can, and shit into your bucket. Too many eyes at the latrines. And never go beyond our camp without my leave. We can dress you up in squire's steel, pretend you're Jorah's butt boy, but there's some will see right through that. Once Meereen is taken and we're away to Westeros, you can prance about all you like in gold and crimson. 
What is Ben Plumm's plan here?
The Second Sons defeat Daenerys in Meereen, then go to Westeros and do what exactly? Conquer the land with 514 men? It's not like he knows about Aegon.
Till then, though …"
"… I shall live beneath a rock and never make a sound. You have my word on that." 
Like your brother and sister! ❤️
Three notes remained, different from the rest. Two were written on fine vellum and made out by name. For Kasporio the Cunning, ten thousand dragons. The same for Inkpots, whose true name appeared to be Tybero Istarion. "Tybero?" said Tyrion. "That sounds almost Lannister. Are you some long-lost cousin?"
"Perhaps. I always pay my debts as well. It is expected of a paymaster. Sign."
2 contracts are worth 10,000 golden dragons each. (💰2500-3000 + 💰25,000-30,000 + 💰20,000)
Not sure what to make of the Tybero stuff.
Brown Ben's note was the last. That one had been inscribed upon a sheepskin scroll. One hundred thousand golden dragons, fifty hides of fertile land, a castle, and a lordship. Well and well. This Plumm does not come cheaply.
The final contract is 100,000 golden dragons, fifty hides of fertile land, a castle, and a lordship. Final tally:
💰147,500-153,000 golden dragons, fifty hides of land, a castle, and a lordship.
Pray those mines haven't run dry, Tyrion Lannister.
"The Second Sons are amongst the oldest of the free companies," Inkpots said as he was turning pages. "This is the fourth book. The names of every man to serve with us are written here. When they joined, where they fought, how long they served, the manner of their deaths—all in the book. You will find famous names in here, some from your Seven Kingdoms. Aegor Rivers served a year with us, before he left to found the Golden Company. Bittersteel, you call him. The Bright Prince, Aerion Targaryen, he was a Second Son. And Rodrik Stark, the Wandering Wolf, him as well. No, not that ink. Here, use this." He unstoppered a new pot and set it down.
That's the dumb shit Targ who drank wildfire. Also, the Wandering Wolf! Arya's husband. ❤️ Other notable members include Oberyn Martell, and the Tattered Prince.
I glanced over their wiki, only noteworthy history I can see is the Second Sons fleeing when a Dothraki khalasar attacked Qohor.
"For most of us, the signature suffices, but I would hate to disappoint a new brother-in-arms. Welcome to the Second Sons, Lord Tyrion."
Lord Tyrion. The dwarf liked the sound of that. The Second Sons might not enjoy the shining reputation of the Golden Company, but they had won some famous victories over the centuries. "Have other lords served with the company?"
"Landless lords," said Brown Ben. "Like you, Imp."
Tyrion hopped down from the stool. "My previous brother was entirely unsatisfactory. I hope for more from my new ones. Now how do I go about securing arms and armor?"
Sister. Sansa had once dreamt of having a sister like Margaery; beautiful and gentle, with all the world's graces at her command. Arya had been entirely unsatisfactory as sisters went. - Sansa II, ASOS
And they both don't mean it.
Stumpy note:
I need everyone to know we're one-third of the way through this chapter when Tyrion goes to the armory.
I point this out because absolutely nothing happens the back two-thirds of this chapter. The chapter is fourteen pages long and two-thirds of it is nothing.
"Talking again, are we?" It was better than her usual sullen silence. All over an abandoned dog and pig. I saved the two of us from slavery, you would think some gratitude might be in order. "If you sleep any longer, you're like to miss the war."
"I'm sad." She yawned again. "And tired. So tired."
Tired or sick? Tyrion knelt beside her pallet. "You look pale." He felt her brow. Is it hot in here, or does she have a touch of fever? He dared not ask that question aloud. Even hard men like the Second Sons were terrified of mounting the pale mare. If they thought Penny was sick, they would drive her off without a moment's hesitation.
I don't know if Penny continues to show symptoms of the pale mare in Tyrion's first few TWOW chapters, and I'm not about to read ahead to find out.
If I had to guess, I'd say we're being reminded of these early signs and symptoms because of another character (who is currently wandering the Dothraki Sea).
"We," she said. "If you're one of them, you should say we, not they. Has anyone seen Pretty Pig? Inkpots said he'd ask after her. Or Crunch, has there been word of Crunch?"
Only if you trust Kasporio. Plumm's not-so-cunning second-in-command claimed that three Yunkish slave-catchers were prowling through the camps, asking after a pair of escaped dwarfs. One of them was carrying a tall spear with a dog's head impaled upon its point, the way that Kaspo told it.
The peacock calls himself Kasporio the Cunning, though Kasporio the Cunt would be more apt. - Tyrion XI, ADWD
Kasporio the Cunning touched his sword hilt. - tyrion XII, ADWD
I have a prediction!
Kasporio will do something stupid.
Snatch was waiting by the cook tent chewing sourleaf when the two dwarfs turned up, cloaked and hooded. 
Snatch snorted and spat out a mouthful of red slime. 
The serjeant's fingers were stained a mottled red from the juice of the sourleaf he chewed.
Snatch, the Bronn clone, is still deader than dead.
A serjeant, Tyrion knew, from the way the other two deferred to him. He had a hook where his right hand should have been. Bronn's meaner bastard shadow, or I'm Baelor the Beloved. - Tyrion XI, ADWD
Snatch chewed his sourleaf, making japes and scratching at his balls with his hook hand. Something about his manner reminded Tyrion of Bronn. - Tyrion I, TWOW
"My father was wont to say it. Did you know Lord Tywin, Kem?"
"The Hand. Once I saw him riding up the hill. His men had red cloaks and little lions on their helms. I liked those helms." His mouth tightened. "I never liked the Hand, though. He sacked the city. And then he smashed us on the Blackwater."
"You were there?"
"With Stannis. Lord Tywin come up with Renly's ghost and took us in the flank. I dropped my spear and ran, but at the ships this bloody knight said, 'Where's your spear, boy? We got no room for cravens,' and they buggered off and left me, and thousands more besides. Later I heard how your father was sending them as fought with Stannis to the Wall, so I made my way across the narrow sea and joined up with the Second Sons."
"Do you miss King's Landing?"
"Some. I miss this boy, he … he was a friend of mine. And my brother, Kennet, but he died on the bridge of ships."
The more character development we get from the Seconds Sons the longer they'll stick around.
Snatch is the Bronn one, and Kem is ... the gay one. Can you tell I have nothing to talk about?
"Rats wouldn't eat my mother's cooking. There was this pot shop, though. No one ever made a bowl o' brown like them. So thick you could stand your spoon up in the bowl, with chunks of this and that. You ever have yourself a bowl o' brown, Halfman?"
"A time or two. Singer's stew, I call it."
Daily reminder Tyrion Lannister does not deserve to survive this story.
Kem liked that. "Singer's stew. I'll ask for that next time I get back to Flea Bottom. What do you miss, Halfman?"
Jaime, thought Tyrion. Shae. Tysha. My wife, I miss my wife, the wife I hardly knew. 
Second time Tyrion is referencing Tysha, but the author leaves a little room for doubt.
"If m'lord would prefer a boy, I can have one waiting in his bed."
M'lord would prefer his wife. M'lord would prefer a girl named Tysha. - Tyrion I, ADWD
His greathelm sported a ram's horns, one of which was broken.
When he took it off, he revealed the battered face of Jorah Mormont.
Ram's horns and a demon's mask tattoo.
Jorah's looking like Satan.
The demon's mask the slavers had burned into his right cheek to mark him for a dangerous and disobedient slave would never leave him. Ser Jorah had never been what one might call a comely man. The brand had transformed his face into something frightening.
Tyrion grinned. "As long as I look prettier than you, I will be happy."
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Sometimes she would close her eyes and dream of him, but it was never Jorah Mormont she dreamed of; her lover was always younger and more comely, though his face remained a shifting shadow. - Daenerys II, ASOS
"The girl finally poked her nose abovedecks," Tyrion told him. "One look at me and she scurried right back down below."
"You're not a pretty sight."
"Not all of us can be as comely as you. - Tyrion VIII, ADWD
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A few more beatings and you'll be uglier than I am, Mormont. - Tyrion XI, ADWD
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Ser Jorah had never been what one might call a comely man. The brand had transformed his face into something frightening.
Tyrion grinned. "As long as I look prettier than you, I will be happy." - Tyrion XII, ADWD
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Her eyes got big. "You like my nose?"
Oh, Seven save me. Tyrion turned away and began rooting amongst some piles of old armor toward the back of the wagon.
"Are there any other parts of me you like?" Penny asked.
Perhaps she meant that to sound playful. It sounded sad instead. 
Now he knows how Sansa felt.
He passed over a warhammer (too long), a studded mace (also too heavy), and half a dozen longswords before he found a dirk he liked, a nasty piece of steel with a triangular blade. "This might serve," he said. 
"I don't want to hack off heads."
"Nor should you. Keep your cuts below the knee. Calf, hamstring, ankle … even giants fall if you slice their feet off. Once they're down, they're no bigger than you."
So many giants to consider here. Robert Strong? Littlefinger? An actual giant? Tyrion?
Penny looked as though she was about to cry. "Last night I dreamed my brother was alive again. We were jousting before some great lord, riding Crunch and Pretty Pig, and men were throwing roses at us. We were so happy …"
Tyrion slapped her.
How do we get Penny away from Tyrion without her dying? I need that.
Penny touched the cheek he'd slapped. "We should never have run. We're not sellswords. We're not any kind of swords. It wasn't so bad with Yezzan. It wasn't. Nurse was cruel sometimes but Yezzan never was. We were his favorites, his … his …"
"Slaves. The word you want is slaves."
"Slaves," she said, flushing. "We were his special slaves, though. Just like Sweets. His treasures."
Every master has their favourites, Penny.
No older than ten, she had the round flat face, dusky skin, and golden eyes of Naath. The Peaceful People, her folk were called. All agreed that they made the best slaves. - Daenerys II, ASOS
Dany stroked the girl's hair. "Say the word, my sweet, and I will send you from this awful place. I will find a ship somehow and send you home. To Naath." - Daenerys II, ADWD
Two of Dany's favorite hostages served the food and kept the cups filled—a doe-eyed little girl called Qezza and a skinny boy named Grazhar. - Daenerys IV, ADWD
Jhiqui and Irri would be waiting atop her pyramid back in Meereen, she told herself. Her sweet scribe Missandei as well, and all her little pages. They would bring her food, and she could bathe in the pool beneath the persimmon tree. - Daenerys X, ADWD
She was not all wrong. Yezzan's slaves ate better than many peasants back in the Seven Kingdoms and were less like to starve to death come winter. Slaves were chattels, aye. They could be bought and sold, whipped and branded, used for the carnal pleasure of their owners, bred to make more slaves. In that sense they were no more than dogs or horses. But most lords treated their dogs and horses well enough. Proud men might shout that they would sooner die free than live as slaves, but pride was cheap. When the steel struck the flint, such men were rare as dragon's teeth; elsewise the world would not have been so full of slaves. There has never been a slave who did not choose to be a slave, the dwarf reflected. Their choice may be between bondage and death, but the choice is always there.
Tyrion Lannister did not except himself. His tongue had earned him some stripes on the back in the beginning, but soon enough he had learned the tricks of pleasing Nurse and the noble Yezzan. Jorah Mormont had fought longer and harder, but he would have come to the same place in the end.
And Penny, well …
Penny had been searching for a new master since the day her brother Groat had lost his head. She wants someone to take care of her, someone to tell her what to do.
Settle down, Kanye.
This is not subtle. The author is practically begging the reader to recall her freedmen, Unsullied, Dothraki slaves, and Missandei.
"[...] Man has the right master, that's better."
Tyrion did not dispute him. The most insidious thing about bondage was how easy it was to grow accustomed to it. - Tyrion XI, ADWD
If Tyrion doesn't call out her mhysa nonsense (to himself) after they meet, I call bullshit.
"Or dead dwarfs," said Jorah Mormont. "We are all like to be feeding worms by the time this battle is done. The Yunkai'i have lost this war, though it may take them some time to know it. Meereen has an army of Unsullied infantry, the finest in the world. And Meereen has dragons. Three of them, once the queen returns. She will. She must. Our side consists of two score Yunkish lordlings, each with his own half-trained monkey men. Slaves on stilts, slaves in chains … they may have troops of blind men and palsied children too, I would not put it past them."
"Oh, I know," said Tyrion. "The Second Sons are on the losing side. They need to turn their cloaks again and do it now." He grinned. "Leave that to me."
George gave up, and decided to tell us how this is going to play out.
Final thoughts:
That was the most anticlimactic end to his chapters possible.
47 down, 2 to go. :(
I realize only one Tyrion chapter has been released, but we can't move ahead to Tyrion II TWOW without covering the short summary of Tyrion I TWOW.
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retroicxns · 4 years
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packsparadise · 4 years
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Xx Pedido xX
Headers Jaime Lannister
c) @axlandme or like it if u save <3
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artneverjudges · 2 years
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in Game of Thrones (2011-2019) as Jaime Lannister.
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goticons · 7 years
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xdracarys on twitter
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silvianap · 3 years
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"Show Me The Places Where The Others Gave You Scars" is the wonderful new fic that @alicienneoftarth 🌻 wrote for the @jb-smut-swap 2022.
She calms down, one of her hands tentatively rests on his chest. They stay in silence for some seconds as he accommodates her body in his arms, treasuring the way her fingers sneak up when she doesn’t pay them attention, accidentally brushing the tips of his hair. “Show me,” he eventually whispers against her temple, as his hand slides along the middle of her back. “Show you what?” He chuckles, inhaling her suspicion and the sweet lemon in her hair. “Show me where you’re hurt.”
If you haven't read and commented it yet, go NOW!!
(Header by me.)
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fandomiconsx · 4 years
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winteriscomingicons · 5 years
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sorry if they’re too simple and kinda meh :(
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camsxzy · 5 years
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Game of Thrones S7E07
icons + header
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aceofwhump · 5 years
Hope you don't mind me asking but where is your current header and icon from? 😍
I don’t mind at all!
My header is from Hawaii Five-0 season 6 episode 25 when Steve gets shot in the plane and Danny has to land it. Specifically this part:
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And my icon is Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones season 2 episode 7 when he’s recaptured after escaping by the Starks. See the scene here:
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peytonsawyers · 5 years
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Braime Headers
22 Jaime & Brienne headers
selection under the cut, find all here
my headers / header page
my icons / icon page
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gameoficons · 5 years
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© thronesrings (twitter)
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artneverjudges · 2 years
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau in Game of Thrones (2011-2019) as Jaime Lannister.
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Please credit this account with the username wherever you use this edit.
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goticons · 7 years
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xdracarys on twitter
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seriesempsd · 5 years
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