#headers the white lotus
cinebutera · 2 years
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• the white lotus icons
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goddess-of-green · 2 years
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 • 𝘕. 𝘒𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘦𝘥𝘢
I've been wanting to do one of these for ages and I finally remembered!! Fluff alphabet next??
(p.s. i absolutely love these cute little green headers wth)
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Warnings: No reader is really specified, NSFW, mentions of praise kink, degradation, worship, begging, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, and sex toys (word count: 1813)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Komaeda is big on aftercare. He loves to take care of his partner and cuddle with them after making love. However, he may be the one in need of aftercare depending on how he and his S/O went at it, especially given his low stamina. Offering him some water or just helping him clean up and laying with him afterwards can go a long way.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Komaeda doesn't necessarily have a favorite body part of his own. He doesn't take much stock in appearance, and certainly doesn't view himself as a conventionally attractive being. Though he is thankful for his hands, because he can use them to bring his partner pleasure in all sorts of ways.
His favorite body part of his partner's would likely be their mouth. He feels guilty for it but he loves to hear any sweet words or noises of pleasure that fall from their lips, all praises and sweet nothings that make him shudder with giddiness. He also loves the kisses they'd press to his pathetic skin, telling him just how pretty he is.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Komaeda's cum is thin, but when he comes, he comes a lot. He gets stressed and pent up very easily, so his partner should expect a load wherever they let him cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He'd like to dress up in something for his S/O. It could range from lingerie to a suit, but he wants to look good for them. He wants his partner to see him and watch their surprise turn to arousal. It's a confidence boost he needs.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Komaeda has absolutely zero experience. Whoever his S/O is will probably be his first everything. He's not completely ignorant, but he needs to be guided the first few times he's intimate with his partner. (However, he is a fast learner.)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Komaeda prefers a position that's not so strenuous, and lets him see his S/O's face. He likes to look into their eyes, and seeing their pleasured expression turns him on a lot. Komaeda doesn't mind at all if they want to be taken from behind or even to twist him into a number of submissive positions, but his favorite will be missionary, or the lotus.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Knowing Komaeda's luck, there will absolutely be awkward moments and unlikely interruptions during sex. He's good-natured about it all, but he gets very passionate and emotional during sex and he prefers to keep things serious when he can.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn't have a lot of body hair, but what he does have is rather unkempt. His pubes are white, and generally pretty unruly but he keeps things hygienic. Since Komaeda doesn't have a lot of experience, he's never really had much of a reason to shave, but he is absolutely willing to shave or keep things trimmed if it's his partner's preference.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's very intense with how intimate he makes it feel. Komaeda loves his S/O so much and the way he makes love will reflect that. There may be occasions in which he or his partner are completely driven by lust, but even then the romance is there.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Komaeda doesn't masturbate often, but once he develops feelings for someone and starts to become intimate with them his libido will increase a lot. He'll masturbate more and a lot at the start of the relationship because he's shy about asking for "help."
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Komaeda has a thing for praise and worship. If his S/O tells him how gorgeous he is or whines about what he's doing to them, it'll really turn him on. And being worshiped is something that he doesn't really realize turns him on until he feels the rush of someone on their knees for him, treating him like he's superior to them. His partner begging for him will make him hard immediately.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Komaeda's most comfortable in the privacy of his or his partner's home, in the bed. It's what feels most sensual for him and he feels like he can please them best in the "right environment."
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Komaeda is turned on very easily, especially at the start of a relationship, since he has such little experience. Something as simple as prolonged kissing or touching in a remotely erogenous zone (his neck, around his ears, his thighs, etc.) will make him hard. Something that really gets him going though is saying dirty things to him. His partner just innocently sitting on his lap or wrapping themself around him and talking dirty in his ear is a great way to end up in bed with him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Komaeda doesn't really like especially dangerous or risky stuff, since his luck could easily fuck things up severely. Being in a safe environment with less opportunities for outside influence is what will put Komaeda most at ease and let him have a more enjoyable experience. Though truly, I don't think he really has any hard no's. With the right convincing from his partner he'd probably be open to at least trying anything.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Komaeda loves to give. He derives a lot of pleasure from making his partner feel good, and it boosts his confidence to know that he's able to make them feel good in the first place. However, Komaeda loves the feel of receiving just as much. The sight of his S/O below him, wanting to take him in their mouth sends shivers down his spine. Though, he probably has a preference for giving as he feels it's "his place."
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Komaeda is a hopeless romantic at heart, and due to his poor stamina he would generally prefer a slower, more intimate pace with his S/O. He would absolutely take the opportunity to make love to them slowly and sensually. However, depending on his mood and his partner, he definitely has the potential to set a much rougher pace. He'll go hard if they want him to, or push him to it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Komaeda loves to take his time, but he's definitely down for quickies when he's having a high libido day. (Which is a lot of days, after he starts dating his partner.) Sometimes he's just especially horny and needs to get off, and he's more than happy to pull his S/O into a closet to accomplish that.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As I said before, he doesn't like to take risks. Things like skipping protection or getting intimate in semi-public spaces make him a bit uncomfortable. There's no telling when his luck will go haywire and get him and his S/O into trouble. However, Komaeda could be persuaded by his partner to engage in these things, if that's what they desired.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Not a lot. At the beginning of the relationship, Komaeda wouldn't even be able to get through one round without his partner having to take the lead as he started to run out of energy; but as he and his partner got intimate more often he'd be able to hold out longer. Usually he only goes for one round, but he could be pushed for second or even a third if his drive was high enough that day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Komaeda doesn't really own toys or use them on himself, but he would enjoy using them on his partner; and he wouldn't mind at all if they wanted to use them on him. Depending on his partner, Komaeda might even come into ownership of some toys to make them and himself feel even better during sex.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Komaeda isn't really a teaser. He itches to give his darling what they want, but if they make an effort to worship him and raise his ego, he may indulge in a bit of degradation, (with much reassurance that his darling doesn't mind,) and he'll enjoy listening to them beg for him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Komaeda has absolutely no filter. He'll be loud and say the most embarrassing things during sex with no shame. He doesn't see much of a point in trying to be quiet, but he'd oblige if that's what his partner wanted. Komaeda is naturally sensitive though, and it'll be hard for him to repress all his groans and whimpers when his darling is pleasuring him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Komaeda loves when his partner leaves marks on him. He loves the feel of getting them and seeing them on his body reminds him that his daring wants him. If they're in a visible place, like his neck, he won't try to hide them at all. He likes others knowing that he has a lover, and that they want others to know. (He would also enjoy giving his partner marks, if that's something they were okay with.)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Due to his luck, Komaeda's fairly well endowed with an above average size. He doesn't have the most girth, but his dick is long and has a slight curve. It's really good for hitting...special spots.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It can be off and on with him, but once he starts having more sex his drive will increase. Sometimes for a few days in a row he won't have a high libido at all, but other days he won't be able to keep his hands off his S/O.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends on the circumstances, but Komaeda will usually be fairly tired afterwards due to his lack of stamina. If it was a quickie, he'd be okay after a breather, but if he went for multiple rounds or went especially rough, he'll fall asleep a few minutes into aftercare.
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ugly-anastasia · 7 months
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Thursday, November 16 – Character #Inspo: Find five existing fictional characters who remind you of your character (or who inspired your character). Post two pieces of inspiration from each character (A gif, a quote, a video clip, a screenshot) and write a little bit about how that character relates to your own.
someth wrong with her <3 an annie manifesto
(spoilers for Glass Onion, Such a Fun Age, Yellowjackets, Succession, and The White Lotus below)
It's no secret that I love unhinged women like this is barely scratching the surface of my favorite characters that inspire Annie but I tried to narrow it down for this.
Birdie Jay from Glass Onion
This is kind of a goofier one, but I loved this character in Glass Onion. I read something once about how Knives Out is about criticizing old money rich people and Glass Onion is about criticizing the new-money-hustle-culture-opportunist type of rich person. I think that's very true, and a lot of Glass Onion is about exposing the lie that these people have something very special and genius about them when in reality they are often employing a combination of luck, good looks, charisma, useful connections, and a willingness to screw people over at times.
Birdie is less sinister and more... kind of stupid. And while I do think Annie is very smart in her own way, she can be very ignorant about things that get her into a lot of trouble. I thought the "sweatshops" thing was hilarious and so Annie— a girlboss building an empire in the fashion space, but she doesn't even know what a sweatshop is. As for the header image, I thought that scene was very fitting as well! Like Annie, Birdie deals with criticism by telling herself this story that other people simply don't understand, that she's just misunderstood and someday they'll all see. I do think that Annie is misunderstood by her peers at times, but that doesn't excuse her behavior and it definitely doesn't make her a visionary lol.
2. Alix Chamberlain/Alex Murphy from Such a Fun Age
This is one of the characters who inspired Annie to begin with. (As a side note, I think it's wild that this book came out in 2019 and now in 2023 the influencer girlboss protagonist shares names with 2 Internet it girls of the 2020s lol). For those who haven't read it, the plot of this book is kind of complicated but it's basically about the misguided ways that white people often respond to racism and sometimes appropriate dialogues about race for their own ends which often undermines movements. It's also largely about hustle culture and liberal white feminism and so all of these things were percolating in my brain when I wrote Annie.
As you can see from the heading, the protagonist, Alix, who is the influencer girlboss in question, changes her name from Alex to Alix, and "Chamberlain" is her husband's last name when she gets married. This is part of what inspired me to have Annie go by Annie instead of Anastasia; Alix did this to try and seem more unique and sophisticated while Annie did it to try and sound more American.
I also wanted to address the quote I put in the header, which is more of a general thing about the character than a specific moment. Like Birdie, Alix is a character who tells herself a lot of stories to protect herself against criticism. In Alix's case, it's also about denying that she's harmed people, because even to herself she can't handle that guilt.
3. Misty Quigley from Yellowjackets
Misty <3 We're moving into real Unhinged Lady territory here. I actually got Jackie on that character quiz, which you would expect from a character who's kind of a queen bee, but I think what's important here is that Annie isn't a queen bee, she's just trying really hard to be. Misty is the prototypical nerd, but she fights her way into the spaces she wants to be in through sheer force of will. She doesn't play soccer, but she gets on the team by becoming the equipment manager. And in the wilderness, she makes herself indispensable through her medical knowledge.
I chose Misty's Citizen Detective moment because I thought it tied in with Annie's arc on the Squire, how both of them are nosy but it's mostly because they are lonely and want to be a part of something. I also wanted to highlight this moment because Annie can be quite aggressive and borderline violent sometimes lol and I think she gets a lot of joy out of "coaching" someone the way she sometimes gives Toby pep talks.
4. Siobhan "Shiv" Roy from Succession
Look you knew I was gonna talk about Shivvy didn't you? The scene I picked is from a really intense fight she's having with Tom, they're like literally on the verge of breaking up because due to complicated plot things Tom has betrayed Shiv and they just weren't talking about it but now they're finally airing all of it out there. And they get to the end and Shiv, who has been saying really horrible things to Tom, just breaks down and says, "Well, that's not a very nice thing to say, is it?" It's in response to Tom saying she wouldn't make a good mother.
And I think this moment is so Annie because she really does put on this tough girl energy, and once in a while she even fake cries to get what she wants, but deep down, she is just a sensitive, wounded person and if you hit her in the right place and at the right time she will break down. Which leads me also to point out episode 4.1 when she is scheduling breaks in her schedule to cry and insisting to her brothers that she is fine meanwhile her husband and father are conspiring against each other together to screw her over further if she goes through with divorcing Tom. Because she is that averse to show people her true feelings! And yet she cannot push them down forever!
5. Daphne Sullivan, The White Lotus
The thing I loved about the Sullivans is that when you meet them, you think they are just your typical vapid rich people, and then you realize they have an incredibly fucked-up relationship, and then you think maybe they're kind of onto something in a weird way (is that bad to say lol). Daphne continues this thread of the tough-girl-who's above-needing-love, and I think her weird little jealousy game with her husband is the perfect example of that.
But I also think, like the other examples, deep down under the surface of Daphne is a sad, romantic person who does want love, and I think in the iconic moment before she leads Will off to the cave where they ostensibly hook up, her heart does break to learn that her husband may have slept with Harper. Partially because Harper has betrayed her, but also partially because maybe she thought this time would be different. But she holds her tears in and gets her revenge, and that's kind of Annie's whole thing.
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isabellafm · 2 years
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GO MIN SI, 21, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER. — Is that ISABELLA CHOI? A SOPHOMORE originally from MANHATTAN, NY, they decided to come to Ogden College to study ART HISTORY AND FRENCH STUDIES. They’re THE NEPO BABY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
Lux Lisbon (The Virgin Suicides), Margo Tenenbaum (The Royal Tenenbaums), Daria Morgendorffer (Daria), Estella Havisham (Great Expectations), Anya (The Midnight Club), Rebecca Doppelmeyer (Ghost World), Darcy Lewis (Thor), Rue (Princess Tutu).
lipstick stains on a Diet Coke can, brass brushed hand mirrors, the echo of an empty theater, baby pink leg warmers, little white lies, long museum dates, empty wine bottles, showing up late with a large coffee, the lingering scent of Chanel No. 5, Greek tragedies, stacked gold jewelry, vintage designer handbags, book pages worn from multiple reads.
Amy Winehouse, Me And Mr. Jones.
Mitski, Drunk Walk Home.
Videoclub, Amour plastique.
Joep Beving, Sleeping Lotus.
Fiona Apple, Left Alone.
Hozier, Shrike.
Delibes, Coppelia: Act I - Ballade.
Tchaikovsky, The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, No. 4h - La fée de lilas.
The roommates seemed like a duo from hell, both legacy students from Manhattan, daughters showered in privelege and beauty and secrets. Their fathers brushed shoulders at Manahattan dinner parties, and their mothers gossiped over brunch. They appeared to be friends since childhood, to anyone on the outside, or within their social circles, but there was always an emotional wall built between the two. Maybe because of the way Greer could never hide from Bella, never fully, and never her secrets, not even behind a locked door. Isabella was too observant, too aware, and all too keen on judging whoever came and went through suite 208. There was an arragement between the pair: as long as the space was respectful, clean, quiet in the mornings and calm in the evenings, the secrets would die on their way into the hallway. Bella knew she needed Greer, whether or not she liked the fact, and Greer knew she needed Bella, all the same.
Isabella ached an escape from her family name since she could remember, desparate for fame and a ballet career all of her own. Her mother’s family is known across South Korea, generations of wealth sparked by the country’s industrial revolution, and her father is known around New York City as an accountant for the elites. Their business deal of a marriage created their only daughter, their prized possession. Bella can admit she had it easy, best ballet academies and tutors to help with the endless missed school days, but she never planned to apply to Ogden, the way her father had, until a knee injury ended her dreams. A large donation to the school’s cultural studies department, and wouldn’t you know it? Easy acceptance, and now, she’s on her way to whichever arts related job she could wish for, thanks to her family names. 
FULL NAME: Isabella Areum Choi.
NICKNAMES: Bella, Iz, Ari (family).
BIRTH DATE: July 11, 2001.
ZODIAC: Cancer sun, Capricorn moon, Pisces rising.
LANGUAGES: English, Korean, French, German, Japanese.
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual heteroromantic.
HEIGHT: 5′5 / 167 cm.
HAIR COLOR: naturally black, currently with brown highlights throughout. 
EYE COLOR: dark brown.
TATTOOS: 111 on her inner forearm; ballet slippers on her ribcage; simple heart on her inner, left pointer finger.
PIERCINGS: first earlobe piercing on each ear.
CLOTHING: feminine and tacky; ballet and 90′s inspired, lots of florals; long skirts, frilly socks, mismatched patterns; tights and leg warmers; gold jewelry and a daily gold cross necklace (yes, insert religious trauma); doc martens, vintage handbags; whites, tans, browns, pinks. 
MAKE UP: a natural look; claw clips, messy pony tails, and pigtail braids; lip gloss and mascara; highlighter and cream blush for special occassions; also a fan of a lip tint or lipstick.
POSITIVES: passionate, devoted, intelligent, thoughtful, creative, trustworthy, insightful.
NEGATIVES: pessimistic, dramatic, pretentious, morbid, secretive, blunt, sarcastic.
SKILLS: crying on command, ballet, sewing/hemming. 
HOBBIES: practicing ballet, reading, yoga, listening to podcasts, jogging, watching films that make her cry, collecting vintage purses, currating oddly specific spotify playlists, daydreaming.
EXTRACURRICULARS: book club, art club.
EXTENDED: Bella has a soft heart underneath the staged exterior, though there’s very few to see the sensitive side of her. She can be patient, but stern with those close to her, caring for them in a way she craves to be cared for. She’s one for some tough love and blunt advice. Not the most cheerful person, she’s often quiet and reserved, preferring to speak with intention rather than to fill the silence. Her sarcasm can fly over people’s heads with her dry delivery, and she’s the type to give an answer as a joke before offering the truth. Hyperboles are common in her language, and frequently, she’ll enjoy drama for the sake of drama, confusion for the sake of confusion. She’s very closed off, even to people who have known her for years, yet those very close to her would know how lonely she is. She’s beginning to find comfort at Ogden, away from the constant purpose that was ballet, but at the end of the day, even if she won’t admit it to herself, she seeks acceptance amongst her peers.
Isabella comes from two lines of wealth, her mother’s family wealth spanning decades in South Korea and her father’s family wealth found working as a hedge fund manager. Anyone who’s anyone would know of the union of the Lee and Choi family and how it brought the Lee’s influence into America.
Her family’s the type to buy impeccible art pieces only to safely tuck them away in storage, own the building where they live in the penthouse suite, and slide through life on the zeros in their bank account. Their daughter never asked for anything, because it would be given before she asked. 
Since birth, a precious only child, Bella’s been sheltered away from the ugliness of the world. Sure, she was displayed at dinner parties and large gatherings, but her parents always kept her at arm’s length from many of her peers. Not that she’d have time in her schedule, anyway. Once her mom adored the idea of a ballerina daughter, her days began and ended with ballet lessons, tutoring and French lessons sprinkled into any spare moments.
She grew up with an intense adoration for the arts, and any kind she could get her hands on. Film, music, literature, theater, dance, opera — it consumed her, especially anything dreadful or emotional. As well as her dream of being a prima ballerina. There isn’t much of a story to tell, after all. She ate, slept, and breathed ballet, even regularly missing school and important social events doing so. Proms, dances, birthday parties, Christmas vacations; she wasn’t always allowed such luxuries, because she had to practice, of course.
Freshly 18, the dream she envisioned came falling down. Patellar tendonitis, or “jumper’s knee,” halted everything she’d been working towards, including her acceptance into Juilliard. Sure, she’d be able to dance, stretch, move, be active, with some physical therapy, but going up en pointe? Isabella had to tell her mother that she’ll never see her on stage ever again. Her last pair of pointe shoes are still hanging above her bed, in her dorm room.
Good thing daddy’s alma mater was easily swayed with some donation money, and Bella chose to study art history, maybe find a job at a museum or become a collector, like her mother. She’s still lost on her new dream, because her entire life revolved around the one thing she fully lost. With no more audience to impress, it was a fresh start, and it was frightening.
Things had begun to go well, a roommate that boosted her social status and a bunch of peers who fluttered at the thought of her family’s money. Until Greer went missing. Bella’s left confused, concerned. At first, she laughed; of course Greer took off. Sounds just like her. Now, the situation is no longer funny. She never thought she’d miss having a roommate, but her phone’s constantly on the news pages.
Currently, she’s trying to get through the semester, same as everyone else: spends her mornings in her daily routine, practicing ballet at the private ballet barre in her bedroom, attends her seminars and lectures, and secretly enjoying all the parties and events the school throws. 
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rouecentric · 2 years
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˚ₑᵥₑₙₜ?!♡‧₊˚. 800 fₒₗₗₒwₑᵣ ₛₚₑcᵢₐₗ!!✧˚ ༘ ⋆。
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳
💌‧₊˚ ⋅ you got mail!
dear readers,
holy shit, i actually didn't think i'd get this much followers. i had multiple thoughts of doing follower events before but didn't know how to go with it. so, as an apology, i'll make more events, both for holidays and milestones.
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳
🗒‧₊˚ ⋅ how to participate in this event𓂅
send an ask and follow the bold text as an example of how to correctly ask for a fic!
EXAMPLE₊˚ ⋅ "can i order a _ scented letter to kayena hill with the gift being _?"
i'll only answer sfw requests, so any request with nsfw in it will be deleted and the order will be removed from the list, letting someone else request.
i'll sometimes add onto orders, but will divide them with a header or a "read more" thing.
not to mention, the reader will be written and use gender neutral terms, if an order is specifically asked to have a "male/female/non binary" reader, i'll just make the reader amab/afab/gender neutral, otherwise i'll try to be as inclusive possible.
fandoms i'll write for in this event: various manhwa's, hopefully seraph of the end, honkai impact, genshin impact, and maybe obey me and pokemon? i'm still unclear about the last two, but go ahead and request it!
just as a reminder, i'll put event requests as my priority first instead of my regular asks.
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ORDERS: 7/17
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scents✧ ཻུ۪۪
cherry ⌕ romantic
strawberry ⌕ platonic
decorations✧ ཻུ۪۪
american cowslip ⌕ god!reader
arbutus ⌕ yandere
aster ⌕ non-yandere
daisy ⌕ younger sibling reader
pink carnation ⌕ older sibling reader
kerria ⌕ witch reader
fern ⌕ royalty reader
lotus ⌕ isekai'd reader
white rose ⌕ parent(al figure) reader
cinquefoil ⌕ child reader
gardenia ⌕ homemaker reader
forget-me-not ⌕ childhood friend reader
primrose ⌕ tailor/seamstress reader
sweetbrier ⌕ chef/baker reader
thyme ⌕ assistant reader
you can request your own decorations!(with the explanation of what the flower will mean for you, like rose=singer reader or something)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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malibuhearts · 2 years
okay so you're a chris-ta-fuh fan - are you watching the new season of the white lotus?
excuse you i am NOT a christafuh moltisanti fan. he is the gum on the bottom of my valentinos.
i am an adriana la cerva simp (see: my header) and YES I AM AND DEAR GOD I LOVE IT SO FUCKING MUCH
i watched last season but this season is just━chefs kiss.
are YOU a christafuh fan though? cuz if you are we've gotta work out some things miss ma'am
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going to bed because its like 2 am
But i swear to god it took extra time to redo my blog colors and header because i was trying match tony dalton more brown skin like hes light but hes stil got enough color fro poc to distinguish
Because his skin tone ams white people skin tone needs diffrenti filming lenses
I finally had to use shot of college girls from thw white lotus (whom i love obviously) and because of one them is brown so the shot had different color or whatever (idk cameras) anyway fuck white people
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Y'know, I don't show enough love to Jinder Mahal. Could I request a header of him, with a white lotus theme? (I'm pretty sure that's the floral design on his wrestling trunks.) Thank you!
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click & wait for high quality
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lveclouds · 4 years
forbidden (myg +jjk) the untamed au (prologue)
forbidden (yoongi x jungkook, the other members will make an appearance as well, a few ocs) 
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genre: romance, angst, fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, slow burn, forbidden love, au, and mxm, some mild swearing? i guess?  
warnings: this will be mxm, so if you feel uncomfortable reading content like this, then pls do not feel pressured to! 
a/n: hello guys!! so i decided to start writing a fic based off the the chinese drama the untamed ft. bts ❣ this is something i’ve never written before so pls be patient with me. oh and yes this will be a series💛
*notes: bichen=dustproof, suibian=whatever)
*header was made by the lovely and talented @ughkive​ tysm mo the fic header is absolutely stunning and i appreciate you giving time to make this for me ilysm angel 😔❤
the moment jeon jungkook stepped into his life, min yoongi knew he was screwed. when said man had first met him, he was nothing but smiles, brown eyes bright and sparkly. “min yoongi!” he’d say, mouth stretching into the most beautiful smile, eyes crinkling at the corners. yoongi had never seen such a devastating smile. never in his life had someone, much less a man, make his heart feel as if it could burst out of his chest at any second. though he had seen a few share of beautiful men and women in his life, jungkook had a different kind of beauty, one that was rare and special. yoongi’s heart clenched at the thought of jungkook’s big, bambi like eyes looking at him, sparkling and full of mirth. jungkook had messy, raven hair that was always falling in his eyes, and, almost always, jungkook tied it into a little ponytail at the back of his head, which bounced with every movement he made. the younger was also surprisingly strong, despite his lean build, along with a waist that yoongi felt that women would be envious of. jungkook was at least a year younger than him, but he seemed to have lots of experience in cultivation. however, jungkook did have a penchant for misbehaving. he was carefree, maybe a bit too much, and that was the one thing yoongi detested about him. jungkook seemed to not care about rules, or any rules for that matter. thus, yoongi was determined to not let jeon jungkook have any sort of effect on him. he was determined to not have any sort of affection towards him. after all, yoongi had a reputation as part of one of the four great clans, the mins. his family were famous cultivators who had all died noble deaths or from natural causes. they were a highly respected clan, and yoongi was confident that he could keep that reputation alive. his family had over a thousand rules, all of which he had memorized by heart. one of those rules was to be a filial child, and yoongi was bent on honoring that rule. he would remain loyal to his family and steer away from jeon jungkook, who would only lead yoongi to violate his clan’s rules. and, from the moment jungkook stepped into his life, yoongi convinced himself that we would never, ever fall in love with him,ever. 
min yoongi. the very sound of his name was enough to make him flustered. jeon jungkook, the youngest member of the jeon clan, was in love. well, he didn’t know if it was love yet, but jungkook knew that he couldn’t deny the fact that he had feelings for yoongi. at first, it was an infatuation of sorts, with jungkook wondering how someone so stoic could be so attractive. he was in awe of the way he fought, graceful yet precise and deadly. jungkook couldn’t help but smile at the memory of yoongi practically fuming with anger when he had snuck emperor’s smile inside the cloud recesses, where alcohol was strictly prohibited. jungkook had tried to reason with him, but yoongi wouldn’t budge. he ended up breaking one jar of his beloved drink, and jungkook got a bit annoyed. then, in a flash of white, yoongi had lunged at him with bichen, and somehow, he had managed to dodge the blade, just barely missing him by an inch. the fight had lasted for only five minutes or less, and eventually, yoongi had sheathed bichen, scowled at him, and disappeared into the night. jungkook, on the other hand, plopped down onto the roof and laughed quietly, afraid of someone overhearing him. he drank the remaining bottle of emperor’s smile that yoongi managed not to break and smiled to himself. while most people would feel ashamed of breaking the min clan’s rules, jungkook was proud. he had managed to fight min yoongi and survive it, unscathed. it would be a story that jungkook would tell for months to come. 
jungkook sighed heavily, laying back on the smooth wood of lotus pier, gaze fixed on the baby blue sky above, shielding his eyes from the sun. his sword, suibian, was at his side, the sheath glinting in the bright sun. the air was crisp and clean, and jungkook smiled as he listened to the soft chirps of birds and the calm lull of the water surrounding the pier. jungkook let his mind wander off, as he often did when he had nothing to do. he thought about yoongi, mostly. it was hard for him to not think of the older, especially when they were apart. he was so beautiful, and, quite literally, took his breath away. everytime jungkook laid eyes upon yoongi, it felt like a punch to the gut. yoongi had feline shaped eyes, the cutest nose, perfect eyebrows, sharp jawline, and the softest pair of lips jungkook had ever seen on a man. they were pink and plush and he wondered what it would be like if he kissed him. i would probably get stabbed with bichen, jungkook thought, a small smile stretching across his face. he hadn’t seen yoongi in ages, and jungkook hoped that he would be able to reunite with him and maybe, just maybe, tell him how he felt. 
a/n: this is the prologue for the untamed x bts au!! i hope you guys like this, and pls let me know what you guys think!! and pls be patient with me! this is my first fic based off a drama, so i hope it’s not too bad hehe 
tagging: @sketchguk @jinies @outroshooky @starlightstae and ofc i cannot forget these lovely angels: @softguks @joonglows @swanqook @yourdelights @ughkive @brilliantlybasicb 
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cinebutera · 2 years
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• the white lotus icons
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raendown · 6 years
Pairing: HashiramaMadara Word count: 2487 Soulmate au: The one where you suffer from Hanahaki Disease if your soulmate does not love you back
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI link in the blog header!
Chapter 171: Hashirama/Madara
It was a hard thing in general for Hashirama to hide things. He was an open person in all respects, believed that trust was built on honesty and sharing, and lying to his loved ones had always made him uncomfortable. Considering that, it wasn’t all that surprising that hiding the fact that he was dying lasted for all of a couple days.
Tobirama found him sitting in the bath, the water long gone cold, and the surface dusted with blue petals. His brother stood in the doorway with a raised eyebrow and a cocked hip, irritated over how long he’d been denied his own soak.
“Setting a romantic mood for yourself?” he asked with sarcasm dripping from every syllable. Hashirama opened his mouth to answer but choked on several more petals instead. “Anija!”
The man was at his side in an instant, patting his back until his airways were clear and several more forget-me-nots littered the bathwater.
“I’m not really surprised,” Hashirama whispered. If he were honest, he’d been waiting for this for a while now.
“Let’s get you warmed up; this water is ice cold.”
Tobirama helped him out of the tub and coached him in to covering himself then marched him to his bedroom where he was swaddled in at least three blankets. Neither of them said anything as he puttered around the room, opening the curtains, pulling a few potted plants a bit closer, then settling at the far end of the mattress as though sitting too close might hurt the one curled up at the head of the bed.
“You had to know it would happen too,” Hashirama muttered with a sad, sad smile. His brother snarled.
“I’ll kill him.”
“No! Absolutely not! It isn’t his fault he doesn’t feel the same, Tobi.” He shook his head and patted the mattress until his brother cautiously moved up to settle down at his side and let him rest his head on a broad shoulder.
“He’s your soulmate,” Tobirama protested quietly. “He should love you.”
As much as he wanted to agree, Hashirama did not have the energy to point out how wrong that statement was.
From the moment they met he had been sure they were soulmates, destined for greatness of all sorts so long as they stayed by each other’s side. Even when they had been torn apart by their families he never stopped believing that someday they would come together again and accomplish everything their hearts had ever dreamed of. It was that belief which gave him the strength to reach out his hand again and again no matter how many times he was pushed away.
And now here they were with all their dreams realized around them – and Hashirama could hardly breathe around the gardenias in his throat. He had waited, given space, hinted and implied, anything and everything that he could think of. For all his efforts Madara had never once indicated that he felt at all the same, that he too might lie awake at night and wonder what it would be like to be one.
The petals were a bittersweet confirmation that he had been right, at least. Madara was the only man he loved. To have that love go unfulfilled and find himself laid low with the fabled Hanahaki Disease could only mean that they truly were soulmates.
Hashirama let his sibling fuss over him, shamelessly enjoying being on the opposite end of this for once, until Tobirama had worked himself up in to such a tither that he leapt up and stormed out of the house spouting something incomprehensible about fixing everything himself. It wasn’t very clear what he thought he could do to make the situation better but Hashirama was honestly just touched that he cared enough to try.
Spending time in bed in the middle of the day felt strange, though very relaxing – minus the terrible bouts of coughing, of course. If it weren’t for the garbage pail slowly filling up with bloodied flowers he might have said he enjoyed himself. Once it struck the symptoms of Hanahaki tended to progress quite fast so he might as well relax while he could.
Legend said that soulmates had not existed once, that Hanahaki had run rampant through a population with no guidance towards their proper mates and that many had died from yearning for ones they weren’t even meant to have. Hashirama felt he could sympathize since he was about to perish from yearning for even the one he was supposed to have. The fates had done what they could but there was simply no forcing some people to see the perfection that was right in front of them.
He was wondering if he could get away with taking a whole nap before anyone noticed he hadn’t returned to the office when the front door slammed open and two very familiar bickering voices drifted down the hall. Fear gripped him immediately, followed by betrayal. What on earth was Tobirama thinking that led him to go get Madara? Clearly Hashirama didn’t want the other seeing him like this!
Not that he was given any choice at all in the matter, not even a cursory head popped around the doorframe to ask if this was okay. Instead the two of them barged in to his bedroom and Hashirama winced at the way Madara fell utterly silent at first sight of him.
“Brother,” he rasped, “I’m going to haunt you from the grave for this.”
“Incorrect. You are going to thank me.” Tobirama rolled his eyes and clapped Madara on the back so hard he stumbled forward. Then he ducked out of the room to afford them some unwanted privacy.
Madara regained his feet within arm’s length of the bed and went right back to staring.
Fidgeting restlessly, Hashirama looked away and back several times before settling his gaze on the flowers in his lap. His fingers pulled restlessly at the flowers until he cursed his luck and doubled over for yet another coughing fit. White petals stuck to his lips and he was forced to claw them out from the back of his throat before he could take in a significant amount of air again. Madara thumped him awkwardly on the back and jabbered out meaningless encouragement while he was fighting for breath; he collapsed on to the mattress at his sick friend’s side as soon as the rush of panic was over.
Hashirama was sipping at a glass of water to soothe his throat when Madara plucked one of the flowers from his lap and twirled it, his brows furrowed so deep he looked almost angered by what he saw.
“Lotus blossoms. ‘Far from the one he loves’. I didn’t know you felt that way about someone outside the village.” The way he held himself was incredibly stiff. Hashirama sighed. Leave it to this man to not even notice that someone is desperately in love with him.
“I don’t think it’s meant literally. Just…emotionally.”
“Emotionally far from–? Sounds like hokum to me but whatever. Who are you emotionally far from, then?” He spoke as though every word offended him, though Hashirama couldn’t figure out why.
Tired and sore and figuring he might as well get it over with now, Hashirama sighed and reached out to tuck one of his forget-me-nots behind Madara’s ear, securing it in the waterfall of ink black hair that he had always dreamed of burying his fingers in. Would it be silky? Scratchy? Would Madara have let him brush it out for him at night? Useless questions but he had spent hours pondering them when he couldn’t’ sleep for the wanting.
“You,” he murmured simply. Madara stared at him again and Hashirama realized he would have to explain. “I understand that you don’t feel the same, my good friend, but I have loved you since the day we met.”
“It’s alright that you don’t too! Really it is!
“But...” Madara cut himself off with a frown and looked down at the flower in his hand again. “If you love me then why is this happening to you? I don’t understand.”
“Do I really have to explain? I’m no good at explaining things, you know that. And I know you know what causes Hanahaki Disease.” Hashirama shrugged, coughed a few times because his throat hurt. With one of his hands he traced the petals of the blossom in the other man’s hands just because they were soft and he had picked one that wasn’t too covered in blood to admire the color of it.
He didn’t really understand what was so confusing about this but he knew Madara had always needed a little more time than most to work through how he felt about something. Very likely he was trying to decide how to react to knowing someone had such feelings for him. It was sort of a miracle that he didn’t just start screaming like he usually did, although Hashirama was sort of grateful for that. He was going to be rejected either way but sitting on his deathbed felt like a good place to finally have a little caution between them.
Neither one of them was the type to be cautious, normally. Madara threw himself at the world like he was determined to bring the whole thing to its knees and Hashirama had too much enthusiasm in every emotion to bother with fettering himself. Love was the only thing he had ever held back but only because it was so clearly not returned.
“This doesn’t make sense,” Madara said after a while, frowning deeper in the way he did when he was frustrated with himself for not being able to solve a problem.
“What part?” Hashirama asked.
“All of it. Hanahaki is for if your soulmate doesn’t love you back.”
“Yes…” Now he was frowning too, confusion growing.
Madara’s frown turned down in to an outright scowl. “But you said you’re in…love with me.”
“I’m not sure what part of that doesn’t make sense.” Hashirama jerked in surprise when Madara threw both of his arms in to the air, noting peripherally that he made certain to keep a safe grip on the lotus blossom and not harm it in any way.
“Well if you love me then shouldn’t it be your soulmate dying from this shit?”
“Madara…” Pausing to catch the other man’s gaze first, he asked, “You get that you are my soulmate, right? I’m in love with you; you don’t feel the same; knowing that you don’t love me back has caused me to contract the ‘beautiful death’. What is it about this that confuses you?”
He must be spending a bit too much time with his brother, he realized then, because that came out rather snarky. Amazingly, Madara didn’t make so much as a single comment on his supposed attitude. The man was staring at him with eyes bugging out of his head and features gone totally slack with shock. Hashirama wondered if he should have phrased his words a little less bluntly.
“I’m your soulmate?”
“Um, yes?” Hashirama blinked. “That’s the part that surprises you?”
“How can you be dying of Hanahaki if I’m your soulmate? I’ve–! I’m–! But–! It just doesn’t make sense!”
“You’re the only one not making sense, my friend.”
Madara’s frustrated growl would have been really cute if he hadn’t also scrunched the fingers of his free hand in to angry claws that actually managed to look quite threatening even if one ignored the crazy person vibes currently rolling off of him. When he slammed his hand in to the wall behind Hashirama’s head there was enough tension in his expression to easily suggest incoming violence, not all that out of character for him and not truly an unexpected reaction. Violence was much more familiar from him than thoughtful silence.  
Fingers cupped themselves around the back of his head and Hashirama briefly thought about dodging the incoming head butt. Then there was a pair of chapped lips pressed against his own, messy, passionate, the physical interpretation of nonverbal screaming, and it took a long handful of seconds before he realized he was being kissed. Madara was kissing him.
His body melted in to the embrace, leaning forward to take, take, take everything he could while the offer was there. Never let it be said that Hashirama was too dumb to recognize an opportunity when it was there. When they pulled apart he wanted to say something suave or really important but instead they both gaped at each other like fools.
“W-why did you kiss me?” He couldn’t help but ask. It was everything he wanted but Madara had shown no signs of sharing those desires in all the time they had known each other.
“You were dying!” came the defensive answer.
“Because I thought you didn’t love me!”
“I didn’t know that was an option!”
Hashirama paused. “You…what?” He watched Madara fluster, disappointed when he retracted his hands to wave them about in search of the words to explain himself.
“You’re friendly with everyone, I didn’t think I was anything special! Not like that!”
“Oh. Oh Madara, of course you’re special. You’ve always been so special to me in so many ways.” It didn’t take a mirror for him to notice the tears welling up in his eyes but for once his best friend said nothing derogatory about how easily he was prone to crying.
Clearly out of his element, Madara ducked his head to pout, trying to pass off his embarrassment as irritation the way he always did. “Shut up. Of course I’m special. And I guess you’re not…the worst person I know. You are my soulmate, apparently.”
For a moment he swayed as the weight of the situation finally hit him. Or that might have been the impact of Hashirama throwing himself in to the man’s arms and pulling his chin up for another kiss.
“This is amazing,” Hashirama breathed. “It’s so amazing. Oh Madara, I’ve dreamed about this!”
“Don’t be so grabby!” Despite his protests, he didn’t seem to be putting in much of an effort to escape the affections raining down on him like a fountain.
Hashirama grinned and ducked in for another kiss, pushing his luck as much as he dared.
In his lap the petals that he had been coughing up all morning turned to ash and inside his chest the roots that had begun to sprout were now withering away. The love that he had thought would kill him rushed through his veins and trilled with joy when he felt rough fingers cup the back of his head once more, winding in to his hair and holding fast as though Madara could not bear to let him go.
This, he decided, was the true meaning of a beautiful death: an ending of sorts that paved the way for a long-awaited beginning.
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
Hello. I came across your page and I'm currently about to read your works. But I was struck by your headers on your Masterlist. I've been wanting to do somthing like that for my own but can't figure it out. Would you mind sharing how you made those images? Thank you ❤️
Of course my dear 💕
For my masterlist header I used the apps Photoshop Mix and Phonto (both available on Apple Store and Android).
1. Open up Photoshop Mix and select ‘Custom Canvas’. This will allow you to create a canvas of your size. I typically use 1500 x 500 for my headers.
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2. This should leave you with the correct sized canvas. Next, tap the little + button to add a ‘Colour’ layer. I picked white in this instance.
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3. Tap the same little button again to add an ‘Image’ layer of your choice. I chose the silhouette of a lotus flower. (Make sure the image is PNG as this makes things a little easier, otherwise you’ll have to cut out and around the image.)
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4. Save this image to your camera roll and open it up in Phonto. Add whatever text you want and whatever font. Play around with the shadows to see what works best for you. Save that image and open it up in Photoshop Mix again.
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5. Choose you ‘filler image’. In this case, I chose a picture of stars that I got from a quick Google search. Click the + button again to add an ‘Image Layer’ and add this to your header. Make sure it covers all the areas you want to fill. At the bottom, click ‘Blend’ and it’ll give you different options.
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6. Choose any of the options from Lighten, Screen, Overlay or Softlight and see which works best. I usually choose between Lighten or Screen. You can play around with the brightness, hue, saturation etc. until you find what you like best. Save that image to your camera roll and you’re ready to use!
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For the page breakers (the really thin lines to separate my text) I use an app called Over. It’s one of the few apps that let you crop completely free form.
I hope this helps and if you do try this out, I’d love to see your headers!
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decorishing · 2 years
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[gallery] Make sure this fitsby entering your model number. ☛ Superb Quality: Soft, Wrinkle Free Chiffon Sheer Fabric, You Can Even Make a Dress With It ☛ WHITE GREEN SHEER CURTAINS: 55" w x 63" /panel, 110" w x 63" /pair, Comes in 2 Panels, Deep green lotus sheer curtains blend well with most white, green décor themes ☛LOTUS PRINT CURTAINS: 2 Tonal shades of green lotus print on white sheer curtains. These clear line drawing lotus botanical floral combine with monochromes effect adds a layered look and speaks the beauty of nature. ☛HANG IN BEAUTY: The super soft yet light-weighted chiffon curtain fabric gives the panel a nice drop and creates an airy flowing beauty with tons of light filtering in your home. Perfect for living room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen, farmhouse, studio, kids Room, party, patio. ☛ROD POCKET CURTAINS: 3” Rod pocket header fits any standard or decorative curtain rods up to 2” in diameter. Wrinkle Free, Ready to hang right out of the box. ☛EASY TO MAINTAIN: machine washable in cold water. Tumble dry low. Quick iron or steam clean at low temperature settings. Feel free to contact us for any product problem, we will certainly respond within 12 hours [amz_corss_sell asin="B08948TD5J"] https://www.decorishing.com/product/treatmentex-green-white-lotus-sheer-curtains-for-living-room-63inches-short-floral-botanical-print-chiffon-light-filtering-transparent-window-drapes-transparent-rod-pocket-2-panels/?feed_id=35789&_unique_id=627f42c20f335
0 notes
advisorjack · 4 years
# Preview Product Rating 1
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Comfort Spaces Windsor Bathroom Shower Pieced Ruffle Pattern... 553 Reviews Check Discounted Price 2
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Lush Decor Night Sky Shower Curtain | Sequin Fabric Shimmery... 425 Reviews Check Discounted Price 3
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Dainty Home Waffle Weave Ombre Stripe Fabric Shower... 18 Reviews Check Discounted Price 4
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AmazonBasics Pinch Pleat Shower Curtain - 72 Inch, White 1,159 Reviews Check Discounted Price 5
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Final Friday White and Gray Theme Fabric Shower Curtain Sets... No ratings yet Check Discounted Price 6
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Amazer Shower Curtain Hooks Rings, Stainless Steel Shower... 5,929 Reviews Check Discounted Price 7
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Julifo Shower Curtain Black and Grey Polyester Fabric... No ratings yet Check Discounted Price 8
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mDesign Decorative Chevron Zig-Zag Print - Easy Care Fabric... 595 Reviews Check Discounted Price 9
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BLEUM CADE Bathroom Shower Curtain Black and White Funny... 497 Reviews Check Discounted Price 10
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BECAN Flower Shower Curtain Blossoms Buds Leaves Plants... No ratings yet Check Discounted Price
We always keep receiving tons of questions related to buyers who are going to buy BEST BLACK WHITE AND GRAY SHOWER CURTAINS. Because spending money on quality products is important, Jack will help you to get your best-desired product which you are searching for. There are lots of questions in mind such as
What are Top 10 BLACK WHITE AND GRAY SHOWER CURTAINS for 2020 for 2021 or even 2019 (The older Models)?
What is the best Place to buy?
Is the product we referring Assured & Justifies its price?
Before deciding to buy any products, make sure you research & read carefully the buying guide from the amazon else or from trusted sources. We will not repeat it here to save time.
We will assist you to know how and What things you should consider while buying and Where to buy for the best results. Just consider our rankings above as a suggestion. The final choice is yours, Give a look to listed products below.
HURRY#1 BestSeller
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553 Reviews
Comfort Spaces Windsor Bathroom Shower Pieced Ruffle Pattern...
COLOR AND DESIGN – 1 piece Black - Gray shower curtain; Pintuck Panel drape design to match decor and easily attached to shower rods. One solid piece
MATERIAL AND FEATURES – Microfiber polyester, measures 72 (W) x 72 (L) inches long and wide. Simple hook ready design to hang on the rod with the liners
EASY CARE - Machine washable - wash cold on gentle cycle, tumble dry on low heat. Avoid direct heat, wash alone, no bleach, do not iron panels to upkeep panel quality. Remove from washer / dryer immediately is recommended to...
RECOMMENDED - Liner is recommended. Pretty easy to hang on the hooks of the shower rod. It is great for all season. No vinyl smell. Great look to make the bathtub discreet. Drapes on the outside of the tub
SATISFACTION - We offer 100% satisfaction for our elegant designer microfiber fabric bath accessories sets with 30-day free return for our unique bathroom shower curtains set. Available in : Black, Khaki, Aqua. Pattern is a...
$23.63 −19%
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HURRY#2 BestSeller
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425 Reviews
Lush Decor Night Sky Shower Curtain | Sequin Fabric Shimmery...
This sparkling shower curtain will add a glamorous touch to your bathroom and enhance any space.
Lush Décor Night Sky is the ideal shower curtain for your modern or traditional style bathroom.
Bold, black and gray fabric shower curtain with a shimmery, sequin panel for an eye-catching design.
Soft, 100% polyester fabric. Measures 72 x 72 inches with button holes to allow for easy installation options.
Due to the delicate nature of the design, this item is dry clean only.
$39.99 −40%
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#3 BestSeller
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18 Reviews
Dainty Home Waffle Weave Ombre Stripe Fabric Shower...
BEAUTIFUL SHADES OF COLOR FOR THE BATH: Ombre dyed fabrics fade from dark to light shades, offering degrees of color that easily compliment any bathroom style or décor.
INSTANTLY TRANSFORM WITH TEXTURED BATH CURTAINS: Waffle weave woven fabrics have lovely texture like the honeycomb of a waffle or hone beehive found in nature - luxurious hand for a hotel experience.
FASHION, FUNCTION & STYLE IN ONE: The perfect addition to your bathroom makeover or DIY bathroom redesign - shower curtains add a level of decoration and instant color to your bathroom décor.
COLORFULL UPDATES FOR THE BATHROOM: Ombre colors and stripes add visual interest and are pleasing to the eye - creating a bathroom spa oasis at home.
EASY TO HANG - MACHINE WASHABLE: Ombre Waffle Weave Shower Curtain offers 12 finished button holes for hanging on any straight, curved or tension curtain rod - perfect for house, apartment, camper, beach house and more.
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#4 BestSeller
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1,159 Reviews
AmazonBasics Pinch Pleat Shower Curtain - 72 Inch, White
Woven shower curtain with pinch pleating
Dimensional pinch-pleated surface creates an elegant look in your bathroom
Built-in ring holes make installation easy (rings not included)
For use with an interior shower curtain liner (not included)
Dimensions measure 72 x 72 Inches to fit standard bathtub showers
Check Discounted Price
#5 BestSeller
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Final Friday White and Gray Theme Fabric Shower Curtain Sets...
【HIGH QUALITY FABRICS, ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY】: Our shower curtain is made from expertly chosen and thoroughly tested polyester fabric, Non PVC, Non plastic, Non peva, Eco-Friendly, Apply to your family. Size 180 x 180...
【WATERPROOF, EASY CLEAN】: The front and back of the fabric are treated with waterproofing, let water bead stay on the surface, quick to repel and dry. Or after use, machine washable.
【LIGHT-PROOF, PRIVACY PROTECTION】: We select high quality, high-grade impervious light fabric, which is convenient to protect personal privacy, so that you and your family can enjoy the bath time, and use more worry-free...
【EASY INSTALL, COMBINATION PACKAGE】:12 C-shaped hooks included, No rust, No deformation, Simple installation. If you buy both one mat and one shower curtain, you can get a discount. The mat and the shower curtain can use...
【SERVICE TIME,QUALITY GUARANTEE】: Eastern time 18:00—2:00, Western time 21:00—5:00. We are online in real time and will reply in 3 minutes. If you have any questions, please contact us immediately. We will respond...
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#6 BestSeller
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5,929 Reviews
Amazer Shower Curtain Hooks Rings, Stainless Steel Shower...
FREE GLIDING ACTION - No snagging; no effort; no hassle. These hooks feature specially engineered spherical balls to reduce friction and allow effortless gliding across the rod with virtually no effort at all.
DOUBLE SHOWER HOOKS-The double shower curtain hooks could hang both shower curtain and liner. The shower curtain rings are strong enough to hold a heavy curtain and liner.
STAINLESS STEEL - The heavy duty brass and durable stainless steel construction allows years of use in the harsh bathroom elements. The stainless steel is non-magnetic metal material, meaning it will last indoors and outdoors...
PLATED & POLISHED - The steel is plated without rusting material and polished with matte black finish. The hooks look classical, adding a very elegant look to any bathroom.
SET OF 12 - Sold as a set of 12 shower curtain rings. Fit all standard size shower curtain rods.
Check Discounted Price
#7 BestSeller
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Julifo Shower Curtain Black and Grey Polyester Fabric...
1, 100% Polyester, include 12 rust metal grommets with a reinforced top-header,12 Plastic Hooks , Measures 72" x 72"(180CM*180CM)
2,Good Waterproof-water glides off and dries quickly. Water drops beads up just like a seed pearl in rolling on the lotus leaves. Keep your bathroom clean .
3,Classic Color and Print -It will match well with various color palates of towels, rugs, bathroom mats and any other bathroom accessories.
4,ECO-FRIENDLY-It doesn’t give off unpleasant odors like plastic shower curtain. No fading, safe and healthy.Simply the safest shower curtain for you and your family.
5,EASY TO CARE:Your brand new shower curtain is effortless to maintain and easy to use, too! It's machine washable, so it is hassle-free cleaning
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HURRY#8 BestSeller
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595 Reviews
mDesign Decorative Chevron Zig-Zag Print - Easy Care Fabric...
PREMIUM QUALITY: The tight weave of the fabric, and superior quality of the polyester yarns provide this curtain with a firm, smooth texture, which promotes water bead formation and is made to withstand damp, moisture rich...
REINFORCED BUTTON HOLES: Reinforced button holes work with most types of shower hooks and rings for quick and simple installation; (Hanging rings/hooks are not included); Top hem is reinforced to hold up to long term use;...
SIMPLE INSTALLATION: Each curtain contains 12 reinforced buttonholes that fit most standard shower hooks (not included), and the generous size is sure to fit most bathtubs and shower stalls; Machine washable to keep mold and...
QUALITY CONSTRUCTION: Made of 100% durable, woven polyester; Easy Care - machine wash cold with like colors; Tumble dry low; Use of a liner recommended, this curtain is not waterproof
THOUGHTFULLY SIZED: Measures 72" x 72"
$16.99 −24%
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#9 BestSeller
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497 Reviews
BLEUM CADE Bathroom Shower Curtain Black and White Funny...
DURABLE MATERIAL: The funny quotes shower curtain is made of environment-friendly oxford polyester fabric, machine washable, waterproof
EXQUISITE FEATURES: With high quality material, the funny words shower curtain adopted the digital printing technology, the high definition image and the vivid color attracts many people’s eye
STANDARD SIZE & MACHINE WASHABLE: The shower curtain with size 70ʺL × 69ʺW / 177cm × 175cm can suit well with the regular size shower or bath. Hand wash or machine wash.
MULTIPLE PURPOSES: The black and white shower curtain can not only used as shower curtain, but also used as blackout cloth, window curtain,Partition background...
Multipurpose: Excellent for showers and bathtubs for your home, campers, motels, hotels, dorms and more. Renovate the bathroom quickly and thoroughly without paying an expensive fee.
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#10 BestSeller
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BECAN Flower Shower Curtain Blossoms Buds Leaves Plants...
100% Polyester
METERIAL: Polyester. Waterproof,Guarantee water beads gliding away quickly, available in wipe clean, dry faster.
ADDS GREAT PERSPECTIVE: Bold graphics printed with state of the art digital printing technology adds real value and depth to your decor. High resolution pictures bring a HD like realistic experience to your life. Colors won't...
WATERPROOF - WATERPROOF - Non vinyl, Non PEVA, Environmentally friendly
INCLUDE: 12pcs Plastic C curtain hooks, measures 72 x 72 Inches
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from WordPress https://advisorjack.com/best-black-white-and-gray-shower-curtains/
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bookofjin · 7 years
Contents of the Qimin yaoshu
Below is an attempted translation of all the section headers of the Qimin yaoshu. I think these by themselves give an idea of the breadth of agriculture practised at the time.
Scroll 1
Section 1: Ploughing the fields.
Section 2: Gathering seeds
Section 3: Planting grain. Barnyard millet attached. Barnyard millet is the unhusked millet of old [?].
Scroll 2
Section 4: Proso millet. Non-glutinous millet.
Section 5: Foxtail millet. Glutinous millet.
Section 6: Broad beans.
Section 7: Soy beans.
Section 8: Planting hemp.
Section 9: Hemp seed.
Section 10: Great and small wheat. Pink attached.
[The word translated as “wheat” here mai 麥 can mean both wheat and barley, but I could not find an English word to represent that. “Great wheat” is actual wheat while “small wheat” is barley.]
Section 11: Wet rice.
Section 12: Dry rice.
Section 13: Sesame. (“Foreign hemp”)
Section 14: Planting melon. Eggplant [?] seeds attached.
Section 15: Planting calabash.
Section 16: Planting taro.
Scroll 3
Section 17: Planting mallow.
Section 18: Field mustard. Cabbage and radish attached.
Section 19: Planting garlic. Marsh garlic [?] attached.
Section 20: Planting shallot.
Section 21: Planting scallion.
Section 22: Planting garlic chive.
Section 23: Planting Shu mustard, rue sedge [?], mustard seeds.
Section 24: Planting coriander.
Section 25: Planting thoroughwort incense [?].
Section 26: Perilla and knotweed
Section 27: Planting ginger
Section 28: Planting myoga ginger, lotus, waterdropwort
Section 29: Planting alfalfa
Section 30: Miscellaneous advise
Scroll 4
Section 31: Enclosing bamboo hedge.
Section 32: Cultivating trees.
Section 33: Planting jujube.
Section 34: Planting peach and crabapple.
Section 35: Planting plums.
Section 36: Planting “apricot plum” and apricot. Apricot and plum parched grain attached.
Section 37: Planting pears.
Section 38: Planting chestnut
Section 39: Planting crabapple and red apple
Section 40: Planting persimmon
Section 41: Persian pomegranate
Section 42: Planting quince [?]
Section 43: Planting (Sichuan) pepper
Section 44: Planting prickly ash
Scroll 5
Section 45: Planting mulberry and silkworm thorn. Rearing silkworms attached.
Section 46: Planting elm and aspen
Section 47: Planting birchleaf pear
Section 48: Planting paper mulberry
Section 49: Planting lacquer tree
Section 50: Planting pagoda tree, willow, Manchurian catalpa [?], catalpa, parasol tree, sawtooth oak.
Section 51: Planting bamboo
Section 52: Planting red and blue flowers, and gardenia seeds. Cosmetics, scented dew [?], face grease-paint, hand remedies, purple powder, and white powder attached
Section 53: Planting indigo
Section 54: Planting gromwell
Section 55: Cutting down trees. Rules for planting rehmannia attached.
Scroll 6
Section 56: Rearing cattle, horses, donkeys and mules. Judging cattle and horses, and rules for various methods for illness.
Section 57: Rearing sheep. Rules for felt, kaymak, kumiss and dry kummis; Rules for gathering donkeys, horses, colts, lambs and calves; Rules for various methods against sheep illnesses all attached.
Section 58: Rearing pigs
Section 59: Rearing chickens
Section 60: Rearing geese and ducks
Section 61: Rearing fish. Planting water-shield, lotus rootstock, lotus, fox nut, and water caltrop attached
Scroll 7
Section 62: Trading
Section 63: Plastering jars
Section 64: Making spirit ferment [?] combined with alcohol. Calm ferment is in Scroll 9 within the scroll on storing melon.
Section 65: White unstrained ferment. Rules of the house of Personnel Section Huangfu [?]
Section 66: Clumsy ferment [?] combined with alcohol
Section 67: Rules for alcohol
Scroll 8
Section 68: Yellow clothes [?], yellow steam and malt
Section 69: Regularly welling up salt [?], crystal salt
Section 70: Rules for making sauces, etc.
Section 71: Rules for making vinegar
Section 72: Rules for making black bean sauce
Section 73: Eight blends to pulverize [?]
Section 74: Making salted fish
Section 75: Rules for salted and dried meat
Section 76: Rules for stew and braise
Section 77: Rules for steam cooking. Cooking, methods for nine cuts [?]
Section 78: Rules for 𦙫 [?], 腤 [?], frying, and dissolving [?]
Section 79: Pickled green
Scroll 9
Section 80: Rules for roasting
Section 81: Making 𦞤, pigpen [?], grain mash, and snoutbean [?]
Section 82: Rules for noodles [?]
Section 83: Rules for dumplings
Section 84: Cooking miàn [?] (grain scraps, some say making root)
Section 85: Ale kumiss
Section 86: Evening meals
Section 87: Simple food
Section 88: Making pickled vegetables and rules for storing raw vegetables.
Section 89: Malt sugar meals
Section 90: Cooking glue
Section 91: Writing Ink
Scroll 10
[Covers I believe plants not found in China.]
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crystaloccult · 7 years
The 108 Names of Goddess Lakshmi
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1.      Aditi  – Bright like the Sun
2.      Anugrahaprada – Granter of Good Wishes
3.      Ashoka – Dispeller of Sorrows
4.      Amrutha-  One who is like Amrut (Nectar)
5.      Ahladajanani- Source of Joy
6.      Anagha- The Sinless
7.      Buddhi- Intelligence
8.      Bhaskari- Radiant like the Sun
9.      Bilvanilaya- One who lives under Bilva tree
10.   Brahma-Vishnu-Shivatmika – Trinity of Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva
11.   Bhuvaneshwarya – The Supreme Deity
12.   Chandravadana- Having Moon like Face
13.   Chandra- One who is cool like the Moon
14.   Chandrasahodari- Sister of the Moon
15.   Chaturbhuja- One having four arms
16.   Chandrarupa- Moon-Faced
17.   Daridriyanashini- One who removes poverty
18.   Dhanya- Embodiment of Gratitude
19.   Deetya- One who Answers the Prayers
20.   Deepta- Flame Like
21.   Deepa- With Radiance
22.   Dharmanilaya – Creator of Eternal law
23.   Dhanadhanyaki- Bestower of Wealth and Food grains
24.   Devi – The Goddess
25.   Devi – The Deity
26.   Daridriya Dhwamsini – Destroyer of Poverty
27.   Hiranmayi- Golden Appearance of Hirana (Deer)
28.   Harivallabhi- The Devine Consort of Lord Hari
29.   Harini- Beautiful like Deer
30.   Hemamalini- Having Golden Garlands
31.   Hiranyapraka- Amidst Gold 
32.   Indira- Radiant like the Sun
33.   Indusheetala- One who is cool like the Moon
34.   Jaya- The Goddess of Victory
35.   Kamala- Lotus
36.   Kantha- The Divine Consort of Vishnu
37.   Kamakshi-One with Attractive Eyes
38.   Kamalasambhava- Originating from the Lotus
39.   Karuna – Kindhearted
40.   Kshirodhasambhava Krodhasambhava
41.   Lakashokavinashini – Remover of Universal Agonies
42.   Lakshmi- Goddess of Wealth and Fortune
43.   Lokamatri- Mother of the Universe
44.   Mangala- Most Auspicious
45.   Mahakali- A Form of Kali
46.   NityaPushta- Gaining Strength Day By Day
47.   Navadurga- All Nine Forms of Durga
48.   Nrupaveshvagathananda- Loves to Live in Palaces
49.   Narayana Samashrita – One who sought Refuge in Narayana
50.   Prakruti – Nature
51.   Paramatmika – Omnipresent
52.   Padmalaya – Sitting on the Lotus
53.   Padma    –  Lotus   
54.   Padmapriya – The Lover of Lotus
55.   Padmahasta – Having Lotus-Like Hands
56.   Padmakshya- Lotus-eyed
57.   Padmasundari- Beautiful Like the Lotus
58.   Padmodbhava- One Who Emerged Out of the Lotus
59.   Padmamukhi- Lotus-Faced
60.   Padmanabha priya- Beloved of Padmanabha
61.   Padmamaladhara – The Wearer of Lotus Garland
62.   Padmini – Lotus
63.   Padmagandhini – Having the Aroma of Lotus
64.   Punyagandha- Having Divine Scent
65.   Prasadabhimukhi- Emerging to Grant Boons
66.   Prabha- One who is Radiant like the Sun
67.   Pushti- Healthy
68.   Preeta Pushkarini – One with lovely eyes
69.   Prasannakshi- With graceful eyes
70.   Ramaa- Pleaser of the Lord
71.   Shri- Goddess of Fortune
72.   Suprasanna- Ever Glowing and Smiling
73.   Sarvabhootahitaprada – Provider of Universal Facts
74.   Shraddha – Devotion 
75.   Surabhi – Celestial Being
76.   Shuchi –  Personification of Purity
77.   Swaha   – Shape of Swahadevi (Auspicious)
78.   Swadha – Shape of Swadhadevi (Inauspicious)
79.   Sudha  – Amrut (Nectar)
80.   Shiva – The Auspicious One
81.   Shivakari – Source of all auspicious things
82.   Satya – The Truthful
83.   Shanta – Peaceful
84.   Shuklamalambara- Wearer of White Garland
85.   Siddhi – Ever Ready to Protect
86.   Soumya – Showering Goodness on Women
87.   Shubhaprada – Granter of Auspicious Things
88.   Shubha – One who is auspicious
89.   Samudratanaya – Beloved Daughter of the Ocean of Milk
90.   Sarvapadravanivarini – Dispeller of all Distresses
91.   Trikala-dnyanasampanna – Aware of all, the Past, Present and Future
92.   Tushti- Possessor of all wealth
93.   Udaranga- Endowed with a Beautiful Body
94.   Vikruti –       Many-Sided
95.   Vidya   –        Knowledge
96.   Vibhuti  –      Prosperity   
97.   Vachi       –   Eloquent Speaker
98.   Vibha    – Radiant
99.   Vasudha  – The Earth
100. Vasudharini  – Bearing burden of the Earth
101. Vimala – Pure, Chaste
102. Vishwajanani- Mother of the Universe
103. Vararoha – Ready to Offer Boons
104. Vasundhara – Daughter of the Earth
105. Varalakshmi – Granter of Bounty
106. Vasuprada – Bestower of Wealth
107. Vishnuvakshah – Residing in Vishnu’s Chest
108. Vishnupatni – The Consort of Vishnu
109. Yashaswini  – The Famous
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