#health insurance requirements
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kickedin17 · 3 months
Girl (Tyler Robert Joseph) if I don't get this job this week AND the Paladin MV still isn't out, I'm gonna **** **** * ******* ****** *** * **** ***** ****** ****
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shinybulbasaur · 19 days
I'm about 5 minutes away from just pledging to commit tax fraud this year holy fucking shit
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uovoc · 2 months
Have never solved my problems
Have not totally solved my problems, but have certainly improved them
Physical therapists
Orthopedic specialists
Me, trying random vitamin supplements to see if I'm missing one (evidence points toward B group)
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clowndensation · 4 months
insurance is literally the dumbest shit in the world btw.
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army-of-bee-assassins · 8 months
i waited until the almost literal last minute, but i finally called healthcare dot gov to find out why it never shows me those mythical $0-10 a month plans. they were super friendly. turns out the answer is i make too LITTLE money! 🙃
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scaryhallway · 1 month
wish i posted on here more due to my beauty and insight. but my paranoia convinces me every time i post something that i am being cyberstalked by my enemies so i always delete a few hours later.
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fagrackham · 2 months
i want an apartment so bad but i have to finish my stupid fucking bachelors degree first
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eliasdrid · 1 year
sending a bunch of job applications just because I updated my resumé moment
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
Tennessee law already says that religious leaders do not have to officiate weddings they object to. Critics say the new bill goes beyond that and would empower county clerks to refuse to certify marriage licenses, meaning that LGBTQ, interfaith, or interracial couples could be unable to get married at all, rather than just needing to find a new officiant for their ceremony.
Marriage equality is technically the law of the land thanks to the Respect for Marriage Act, which President Joe Biden signed in December. But Tennessee’s bill exploits a major loophole in that law. Critics had long warned that the Respect for Marriage Act did not go far enough. The bill had been amended during the debate process to say that religious organizations do not have to marry same-sex couples, and the law also does not require states to actually issue same-sex marriage licenses.
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wanderingandfound · 5 months
Is my most recent résumé really from January of 2020????
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cjbolan · 8 months
HOT TAKE: Blue collar work is a luxury for the physically healthy.
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latinthusiast · 2 months
remember that time i went to the ER recently with intense UTI symptoms?
good news is my insurance covered most of that visit and i got off with just a $160 bill
had i not had insurance i'd have a bill of $4,000 rn
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dicaeopolis · 1 year
oh i am feeling VERY broke rn but god i am free.
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ginnyrules27 · 2 years
I will never take having insurance for granted again. 
For some context, the week of Thanksgiving, I woke up unable to put any pressure on both the ankle of my left foot and the ball of my right foot. Like I couldn’t put a sock on my right foot, it hurt so bad. My parents of course came by to help--I live by myself with a kitty cat who wasn’t so much help as she was vocal about being fed. 
It got to the point that my parents ended up calling an ambulance to take me to the ER where we, after waiting for hours, found out that it was gout. 
I got the bill today. Had I not had insurance? I’d be looking at about 5k just for the ER visit, the ambulance was a separate bill. But even with my insurance, all the bills combined come to about 1440 and some change. Paying this will completely wipe out my savings and make any travel next year (or anything fun for that matter) completely impossible unless anyone in my family wants to be nice and gift me a check for a thousand dollars. 
Some people in my family were astonished my folks called an ambulance since ‘you know insurance isn’t going to cover that’. It was the second cheapest part of the bill at $131.23. Just going to the emergency room and having tests done is costing me over $1200! 
The cost might have been less had I gotten the higher tier insurance but I got the basic because ‘oh I’m healthy, I don’t need any surgeries’. I laugh at my hubris. 
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magsinhiding · 2 years
I got a prescription for my face rash that only now is starting to fade after three weeks of being exactly the same size. And my insurance required me to hassle my doctor to file a separate form to make sure they really really want me to have this hydrocortisone cream because they think it is too expensive my doctor’s expertise and prescription be damned.
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