britannicbirb · 2 years
Euphoria Heartfeather Backstory.
Euphoria was built in the 70’s as a theme park attraction, but the park was never built, so she languished in storage for about 15 years, until a young businessman entered the warehouse she called her tomb, and got an idea… Euphoria Ent. Corp. was formed shortly after, with their first location being located in St. Louis, Missouri. They posted job flyers around the local area, and attracted scores of young people looking for employment. One such youngster was a 27-year-old woman named Elise Strixland, who preferred to be called Ella. She signed up to be a custodian, and received a letter a few days later, confirming her position. She was very happy that day, and those who knew her said she had been an unusually upbeat person. She had no idea of the horrors lurking behind the show stage curtain. The day went by in a blur, with Euphoria singing, Andera playing the piano, and Elizabeth serving drinks at the bar. Kids rushed past her, laughing and singing, while the adults lounged in the plush chairs before the show stage, keeping an eye on their kids. But suddenly it was closing time, 10:00 pm. Ella started going around the restaurant, sweeping and dusting things off. At about 11:55, she started to notice weird things, like the way Euphoria’s visible eye seemed to track her path, and the lights starting to dim.
At exactly 12:00, the lights went out completely. The emergency lights blinked on, then after about 20 seconds, blinked once, twice, and went out like the others. Ella quickly took stock of her surroundings after her eyes adjusted. She was in the maintenance hallway, directly between the generator room and the backstage prep rooms. She checked the batteries of her flashlight, which turned out to be at full power, but would not come on. Laughter echoed throughout the building, and mysterious bangs and crashes sounded from what she thought must be the kitchen. She ran down the hallway to the generators, and slammed her palm on the button that shut the overhead doors, but nothing happened. That’s when she noticed the “No Power” light below the button flashing repeatedly. Suddenly the door that led to the West Arcade hallway slammed down, almost taking her foot before she moved it. At the other end of the maintenance hall from which she ran, a single red light glowed brightly, illuminating the doorway from which it shone. “There you are,” came the feminine voice of Euphoria. “What a lovely face, too,” she crooned. Euphoria brushed the realistic hair that hung over her right eye away, briefly letting the red light from her pupil shine, but there was no point, the hair just fell back into place, reducing two lights to one.
The avian robot ducked her head through the doorway, and started advancing slowly. The flashlight chose that moment to start working, startling both of them with its bright beam. Euphoria recovered first, chuckling softly. “Oh, darling, that won’t save you, I am much stronger than a flashlight,” she said. Ella took the brief comment to study the animatronic, inspecting her design for weaknesses to exploit. Euphoria was 7 foot 1 inch tall, and very heavy, being made out of metal. Her hourglass figure and large bust were clearly outlined by the flashlight’s beam, making Ella question the honor of her designers. What she hadn’t noticed in the dark, what she couldn’t see, was the thin, almost invisible seams crisscrossing Euphoria’s stomach and face. If she could get close without being killed, she could rip those plates off and destroy the bird’s circuitry. The plates on the animatronic’s limbs were also good targets, but would be harder to access. Euphoria, noticing her inspection, must have mistook her expression for awe rather than calculating. She spun in a slow twirl, arms to her sides and palms parallel to the floor. Ella knew her time was short, and shrinking by the second.
With surprising speed and agility, Euphoria’s arm shot out, wresting the flashlight from Ella’s grip. The bird held the flashlight in one hand, and slowly, making a fist, crushed it. The light went out, and Ella could hear the pieces hit the floor. Euphoria’s beak opened, and on each side of her jaw, Ella could see a neat row of perfectly conical teeth, rotating like drill bits. Euphoria lunged, and just before Ella died, she heard the Euphoria whisper from her stomach speaker, “Sleep well, darling.” The next morning, a missing persons report was filed on Ella, and was soon the subject of a nation-wide manhunt, but the case slowly went cold, and no one ever bothered to look into where she worked. Ella still resides on our side of the veil, but she is inhabiting a very strange place indeed. Euphoria is her tomb, but she will not become others’. From the day she died, Ella vowed that Euphoria would not harm anyone or anything except for the safety of herself or others. She has, to this day, never laid a finger on anyone else, and dedicates herself to the happiness of others. The restaurant continues to prosper, but there is still a lingering sense of unease, a taint in the air. No one can quite put their finger on it, but they suspect. Everyone does.
The End
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catzgam3rz · 3 years
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Been feeling a bit out of it lately so I coloured some older Boreal Boys designs for a DSMP Warrior cats au to cheer me up!
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Darkwillow is a brimstone and fire preacher type. She insists that the clan intermingling with rogues is destroying their ‘pure’ bloodline. She is scheming, scary, and strong. She has a strong following of cats who agree with her, and she promises to her followers that she will create a ‘paradise’ for them. Shatteredstar was reluctant to promote her to deputy, but eventually he and Cayennestar had no other choice due to pressure from the Clan. She grew even more jaded after the death of most of her family, leaving only her daughter Bristlepelt, whom she despises for her laziness and inter-clan romance.
Name: Fuzzkit - Darkpaw - Darkwillow
Clan: BeachClan
Rank: Junior Deputy
Gender: Female
Age: 9 years
Mother: Heartfeather (deceased)
Father: Firtooth (deceased)
Siblings: Windear (deceased)
Mate: Magpiefoot (deceased)
Kits: Furrowkit, Periwinklekit, Yellowpaw (all deceased), Bristlepelt
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felcalilmehlodhi · 10 years
Chaptain Heartfeather [ArcheAge]
Name: Chaptain Heartfeather Alternative Names: Chap, Chappie Appearance: Medium length red hair with clean cut facial hair. Aqua blue eyes and fair skin. Born: Riverspan Raised: Crescent Throne/Rockmar Barrow Currently Lives: Polaris Inn and Bar Background: Chap was born to his mother, Merylin Heartfeather, and father, Briston Heartfeather in Riverspan. They lived there until he was about 3, when they needed to relocate to Crescent Throne so his father could find work. There, Chap attended school as a normal boy while his father supported the family through his hauler repair business. But when Chap was 12, strange men came to their home dressed in hoods and wielding a parchment with the seal of a noble upon it. "Your son is needed for an important cause" The men promised to his parents as they wisked Chap away. A total of 31 young boys around Chap's age were taken that night, and transported north to Rockmar Barrow for what was later discovered to be called the "Specter Initiative". The Duke Ronban had secretly ordered the gathering of young boys to train to be his very own super assassin's, with which the Duke intended to use to gain more influence over the region and, later, Nuia. The training process was brutal and cruel. It started with torturing the boys, breaking them down just to rebuild them physically and emotional to the Duke's specifications. The majority of the boys did not survive the training, of the 31 gathered only 6 moved on including Chap. Just as the Duke wanted, they became assassins and when someone challenged the Duke's authority, the assassins cut that someone down. Chap was one of the best of the 6, and quickly developed a reputation for his skill. He was literally known as The Specter. But Chap, among his comrades, was also known for being a cold and angry alcoholic. He didn't care for anyone's company except the company of his heavy liquor, and was rarely sober. When he was sober, he was depressed and self-loathing. Being ripped from his home and his family, tortured, forced to witness boys his age scream and then fall silent as they lost the will to live from the pain of torture, no one blamed him for his social and emotional dysfunction. One cook at the Ronban Manor kitchen commented once, after seeing Chap passed out from booze on the floor, "A boy that young should be out fooling around with his best friends, not passed out drunk all day and murdering people while they sleep in between." And that was the void that was Chap's life. At least, until the day he learned it didn't need to be. He was assigned a mission in the deepest parts of Gweonid, and, not all familiar with Gweonid Forest, became lost. It wasn't long before sobriety set in, and, along with it, the depression. He was sat beneath a tree, hugging his knees to his chest while the abyss swallowed him up until he could no longer take it, and pulled his dagger on himself. He fell onto his side, nashing his teeth while he watched blood spill from him. When everything went black, he thought he'd die. When he awoke, he was in a strange hut of elven appearance, and his chest throbbed and ached unbearably. He looked around, and found an elven woman sitting beside him as he lay on a bed, and bandages were tight around his torso. His suicide attempt had failed. "I'm glad your awake" She said. "I knew you didn't truly want to die." "What...Are you talking about?" He asked. "I know you're an assassin. Assassin's know the surest way to kill is to slice the throat. But you stabbed your chest. I think inside you still had a desire to go on." Her explanation made sense to Chap, but he had not the strength to speak much more at the time. It was another 4 days before he could sit up, let alone walk around. But he rushed himself anyway. He insisted he had to leave, and she did not protest. "I have one thing to say though" She began as he was leaving. "A happier life awaits you. If you don't like being an assassin so much that you suicide, why are you still living that life?" She asked. He didn't bother to ask her why she knew he was an assassin, he only asked which way to the nearest road, and left. On his way back into Lilyut, he thought on her words, and the more he wondered, the more he realized she was right. So as soon as he reached Windshade, he wrote a letter to the Duke, if only to spite him. I quit. -Chap That was all he wrote, and he fled to Dewstone. He took refuge in a small camp that was stationed there, where he was able to continue to heal from his wound. But word soon arrived that Chap was a wanted man, so he had to flee once again, hiding in the allies of Marianople. It was in Marianople he'd heard of the Ironsworn, and he grew intrigued. So he sought out the woman Saiche, and through her, found his way into the nation. Now he is the Spymaster, as well as the keeper of the private tavern known as Polaris. His new life has him quite busy. Other Information Pets: Female Yata named Persephone Male Yata named Hades Frog named Ichabod Snowlion named Specter Unnamed Elk [Coming Soon] Relationships: Courting Elyria Habits: When in thought he likes to rub his chin. On occasion he indulges in a cigarette, a habit picked up from Admiral Paine. He still drinks, but only Sake nowadays.
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catzgam3rz · 3 years
The fact I'm joining in isvwhats sending me
I haven't read these books in awhile
But Duskwhipser was a former kit from L'manclan that always kind to Phil (what's his name? The better Crowfeather?) when he stopped by
He even let him tag along to meet his best mate (Techno lined the pit from the get go but never woulkd admit it)
So aftervwhatever happened to L'manclan, Crowfeather took Dusk under his wing
AH YES!!! So Phil is Heartfeather in the AU and Techno is just Technoblade, the “Antarctic empire” was sorta like a bloodclan but less shit in the AU!
Heartfeather used to be a warrior of Dreamclan but eventually left to wander after Wilbur (Sootsong) got his warrior name (he still visits every so often though that’s how he learns about Sootsong splitting off to start L’manclan)
Eventually stuff happens in Lmanclan leading Schlatt (Ramstar) to be appointed leader and Sootsong takes Sparkstone (Tommy) to Twolegplace to meet his dads old friend, Technoblade >:D!!
And then there’s all the stuff up to Nov 16th, followed by Bumblestar (tubbo)s short reign where Heartfeather sticks around until the clan starts getting stricter with the code and imprison Techno (since he’s a rogue and helped overthrow the past leader yada yada) Followed by Doomsday n stuff!
This is really long oh god but yeah Duskwhisper probably joined just after Nov16 events like in canon so Heartfeather ended up taking the kid under his wing and taking him back to twolegplace after doomsday occurred!
I’ve thought about this AU a normal amount I think
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