#heartman x reader fic
missyslittlepet · 4 years
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((Finally done, not much to this one but again at least it's something. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy it! 💙))
A Different Kind Of Love
The chill of the wind seemed colder today than it had in a while. You gently tugged your coat tighter around your body and let out a sigh. You watched as the mist left your mouth and danced in front of your eyes before quickly dispersing into the nothing. When your vision focused again you found yourself taking in the view. Despite how many times you had seen it, it never failed to take your breath away.
The sun was brightly glistening off the mountain caps in the distance as you leant against the icy steel of the railing surrounding the balcony. You peered over the railing and through the mist below you could just make out the crude heart shaped crater. You didn't want to think about the tragedy that had taken place there.
"I thought you might like something to drink?" Heartman's voice was almost a whisper as he spoke.
You could hear him slowly approaching from behind you and soon enough he was by your side, two cups of fresh coffee in his hand. He offered one to you with a lopsided grin and you took it gratefully, savouring the warmth of the cup and the glorious smell that now permeated the crisp morning air.
"Thank you, but shouldn't I be making you the coffee not the other way around." You grinned, taking a sip. You closed your eyes again as the warmth ran down your throat. "Perfect. This couldn't have come at a better time."
"I agree wholeheartedly." Heartman smiled taking a drink from his own cup. "There really is nothing like a good cup of coffee to jumpstart your day."
You hummed in agreement and gave him a thumbs up. The blue heart hologram blinked for a few second before disappearing again. Heartman adjusted his glasses and chuckled. Slowly he leant against the railing awkwardly hitting his defibrillator off the metal with a clink. He let out a sigh and took another long sip.
"How was it?" You asked looking over at him.
"Still no sign of them." Sadness flickered behind his eyes for a moment before he smiled again. "However, data is data."
You placed your free hand over his and smiled at him sadly.
"We'll find them one day Heartman, just you wait." You squeezed his hand reassuringly causing him to smile He turn his hand upwards so his palm was against yours and held you hand tightly.
When Heartman had lost his wife and daughter in a void out he would have given anything to see them again. He would travel the beaches and follow the footprints hoping that it would lead him where he needed to go. Instead of seeing it as unsuccessful when he didn't find his family he started using his trips and knowledge to try and understand what was going on. Through his research he had met you.
After losing your husband in one of the attacks you had made it your mission to find him again and began researching BTs. Your speciality was experimenting on ways to capture and observe them in order to see if there was anyway to bring their consciousness back despite them not always having a body to return to. While you studied them you had began making to scale sculptures in your spare time. When a letter from Heartman had arrived in your inbox expressing how impressed he was by your studies and how he would be very interested in owning some of your artist impressions you were taken aback.
You had heard of him before but despite your stories being so similar you never would have thought that you would communicate with him.
The man who travelled to the beach every twenty one minutes seemed like he would have all the research he needed, not that you were going to question his judgment. Within seconds you were writing out a response and picking out a few of your best pieces for him. In the reply you explained that you were thankful for the opportunity to work along side him and that you would have a porter deliver some of your work to him as soon as possible.
He was thrilled when he got your response and even more so when he finally received your package. In his spare few minutes before going back to the beach he quickly got to work placing them around the lab. In his next time window he spent all of it taking in all of the detail he had missed beforehand.
After a few weeks of corresponding though the mail Heartman decided it would be more beneficial for you to move into his lab permanently. Not only would it give you more time to work together but it would also mean no more worrying over if packages would get lost before they made it to your respective laboratories.
After about a year of working together so closely one thing had lead to another and you found yourselves in a relationship of sorts. You both knew that feelings had started to blossom and you both agreed to act upon them. Your previous partners would want you to be happy even if you did continue to research and try to locate them in the meantime. Life was indeed too short after all, especially now.
The love between you and Heartman was unlike any other. You both deeply respected one another's past partners and understood that, while you both loved one another, the love for the families you had had did not disappear. You still kept your wedding ring around your neck on a silver chain and Heartman still had photographs around his lab of his wife and daughter. It worked for you both and that was what mattered. Holding onto the past all day everyday got lonely but sharing your life with someone who truly understood was precious.
As time went on your relationship had been put under a spotlight a few times, being so important in the science field meant that there was gossip. They would question your motives. After all, why find your deceased partners while also being in a new relationship? It made you both extremely uncomfortable but deep down the mutual understanding that you both had didn't need to be understood by anyone other than yourselves. You were both happy in your own little bubble far away in the mountains.
"How much longer do we have left?" You asked drinking what was left of your coffee.
Heartman looked down at the small screen of his AED and frowned.
"We have about twelve more minutes and then I must return to the beach." He too drank the remainder of his coffee and sighed again.
Despite wanting to find his family there were times, like this one, where he wished he could stay for a little bit longer. He wanted to be able to spend more time with you uninterrupted but alas, this was just how things were. As he had always said, most of lifes basic functions did fit rather easily into the twenty one minute cycle, it's a shame that love was not as basic. You made it work thought, hell, you even had a bit of a love life when you were both extremely lucky.
"We should probably head back inside then. I really don't want you to injure yourself... again." You laughed remembering a time before the padded flooring was installed and he spent the rest or the day with an ice pack pressed to his forehead. You lead him back inside not letting go of his hand.
The warmth from the crackling fire inside was a welcomed feeling. You placed the empty mugs on the counter and took a seat on the sofa. Heartman sat beside you and smiled pulling you closer to him.
"How about we watch a movie after I return?" Heartman asked still smiling. "We haven't watched Twenty Minutes of Love in a while."
"Honestly that sounds perfect. I think im due some time off from BT research." You laughed and kissed his jawline before resting your head against his chest.
"You see, I don't get time off but I'd be more than happy to spend all of my down time with you." He pressed his lips to your hairline as he spoke.
"5 minutes until cardiac arrest." Heartman's AED reminded him.
"Oh, shut up. I'm putting you on mute" Heartman's brows furrowed as he disabled the alerts on his machine.
"You know you really should keep that alert on." You laughed. "It's pretty important don't you agree?"
"And have it ruin our time together? What a silly thing to suggest." He pressed another kiss to you hairline causing you to look up at him.
His bright blue eyes observed you closely from behind his glasses and you felt your cheeks blush slightly.
"It's doesn't ruin our time together, it just reminds you when you need to start preparing for your... temporary death. I really do wish we had more time between the cycle. I know you're doing amazing and important work but I guess I'm selfish. I truly hope that this visit offers you more than your last one though. You deserve to be happy."
Heartman made a thumbs up and you heard the noise of a like fill the silence making you chuckle.
"I wish I had more time also. I love my family but I also love you. My cycle, although vital to my research, does stop me from enjoying moments in this plane of existence. I do cherish every moment we have together even more because of my departures, you know that (f/n). It's important that you remember I am happy, both researching and with you."
You smiled again and got comfortable against his chest.
His thumb rubbed small circles on your shoulder as you enjoyed what little time you had. When his hand went limp and the lighting of the room changed you knew it had started. You reached for his hourglass and tapped it against the table in order to rest it. You then unmuted the AED so that you wouldn't share the shock it would administer Heartman. The flat line noise echoed around the room as you quickly set up the movie so that you could enjoy it later without worrying about Heartman missing the end, even if you had watched it one hundred times already. When you had finally finished you sat next to him again on the sofa.
Despite him being dead he looked peaceful, his arm still around you. You didn't like this three minute wait at all. Not only did you not get to hear his voice but it was the not knowing that was painful. You wondered if today would be the day he found his family and you hoped for his sake he did.
You turned and stroked your fingers through his hair. When he was alive it was one of his favourite things you did. He would fall asleep in your lap while you did that if he could. Your hand slowly came to rest on his cheek and your thumb brushed over his cheekbone. That was one perk to his beach visits, you could take in every detail of his face without the fear of him catching you staring. That was one regret you had about your life before the Death Stranding. The world was so hectic with work and stress that you never took the time to appreciate what you had. Every passing day it was getting harder and to picture your husbands face. With no photographs you were left clinging to the memories the two of you had shared. All you had left of him was your wedding ring and you kept it close always.
You were determined not to make the same mistakes again. You took many photos of you and Heartman together and made sure to make copies. You took time out to appreciate all he was. His calming accent, the way his eyes brightened up when he was happy. You refused to miss a moment.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the AED
"Administering shock. Stand clear."
You jumped back just in time to avoid the shock. Heartman sat bolt upright and blinked the tears from his eyes with a gasp.
"Welcome back." You grinned.
He smiled and quickly logged his journey through his cuff. Once he was finished he looked at you once again.
"How did it go? Any sign of th-" You began.
Heartman held up his hand and chuckled
"Come here." Heartman's arms reached for you. You did as he asked and he pulled you close again. " There's time for all of that but right now I believe we have a movie to watch."
You grinned and snuggled closer to him. You were thankful he was putting the beach aside just for now.
Your relationship was like no other. Helping to find long lost families while simultaneously loving the bones of your research partner was a very strange concept. There was a lot of things in this world that didn't make sense but this, cuddled up watching movies as the fire crackled and the snow fell outside... it felt right. So long as it made sense to the two of you then what did the circumstances matter?
You had your work, Heartman and your little bubble in the mountains. To hell with everyone else.
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
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Summary: It's Christmas time and love is in the air. What will happen when everyone will be reunited that day?
Warnings: None
Words: 6637
Authors: Cass & Rouge
A/N: Merry Christmas! Wishing you all the happiness your holiday can hold!
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Allured by the peace and quietness and the scent of freshly baked Christmas cake coming from a canteen, you took your lingering gaze off of the enormous Christmas tree adorned with glistening ornaments and glowing fairy lights draped around it that stood in the middle of the huge chamber that was usually serving as a dayroom.  
As the evening sky faded away, the pink and orange hues were replaced with dark shades of blue.
The festively designed decorations, illuminated with blinking Christmas lights, vibrant ornaments and brightly colored signs, were lined up along either side of the corridor.
As you entered the canteen, the loud, spirited laughter of people could be heard over the continuous chatter surrounding the vivacious atmosphere; it brought a wide smile to your lips.
It's been a great time without Christmas, and you truly couldn't understand how it was possible that no one has ever tried to bring the magnificent spirit of Christmas back.
This year it'll be different, you told yourself half a month prior when you visited Die-Hardman with a plan for Christmas arrangements.
In the canteen you made sure that everything was going well.
There it was, as clear as the sky on a scorching summer day, that particular aroma, that perfect blend of spicy and sweet - gingerbreads were baked.
Die-Hardman stepped into the canteen as well, he wore his best suit and tie; he looked as festive as if this were a normal family reunion. "Y/N," he nodded at you a little. "As I can see, everything's in place, my sincere congratulations, the truth is I didn't think you'll be able to set all this."
With a grin playing in the corners of your lips you gave the bid back. "Yes, sir, apparently I made everything, with the little help of Sam who, just between us, wasn't a fan of the idea though."
"Little help? I had to bring the whole tree in, you think it was easy?," Sam walked in looking up at the Christmas tree, while holding his BB pod. "Not to mention I had to run to get all of the trinkets you placed on that poor tree. What is it for anyway?"
"Y/N found old records about Christmas. She decided to organize some on her own, for us all," Dead man explained. "I think she did it nicely. Like in some old photos."
"Yeah, sure." Sam muttered. "At least it looks like Lou likes it."
"Of course I did nicely! I did my best!," You claimed happily and Die-Hardman chuckled deeply.
"So... You did all of that for five of us? Kinda excessive if you ask me," Sam said and walked closer to the tree to show colorful light to Lou.
"Not only for five, there will be more. That's what Y/N promised, isn't it Y/N?," Deadman said looking at you.
You nodded and walked to him. He wore a sweatshirt with reindeer dressed in a Christmas hat. "Correct. Also let me tell ya that I love your sweatshirt!"
Die-Hardman led everyone closer to the Christmas tree. "Okay, I hope that rest will join us…” His sentence was cut off by Cliff who appeared out of nowhere.
He was having a red hat with pompom and was dressed like Santa Claus. "Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas everyone! Hope I didn't get late! My men, it took them too much time to get dressed properly!," He chuckled and few of his comrades appeared right behind him. This time they weren't having rifles with them but a lot of bags with presents wrapped in colorful paper.
Sam blinked a few times, he turned to you. "How... How did you do that?," He asked quietly.
"We are here finally!," Mama said happily as she and Lockne joined the party. Both sisters dressed in colors perfect for christmas. "Mama couldn't find her glasses," Lockne added.
You hugged them both. "It's so good to see you again!," You claimed and clapped your hands.
Soon, there was a cracking sound and Amelie joined you. As always she wore a red, fitted dress and she was holding a few packages in her hands. She put them under the Christmas tree and gave a smile to Sam. "Merry Christmas, Sam. Merry Christmas to everyone!"
Sam gave a flat smile and nodded. "Merry Christmas, Amelie," he said, turning Lou to all the guests. "Look how many people are here." 
Another cracking sound filled the room and Fragile showed up. "Merry Christmas to everyone?"
"It looks like your plan worked out perfectly, Y/N. How did you do that?," Deadman asked. "It's a lot of people in one place." 
"I messaged everyone, and if it comes to Amelie, let's just skip this though," you chuckled. "I asked them to come, and I told them that we can't simply give upon our traditions just because Death Stranding is on. They agreed," you replied.
After a few minutes the door to the dayroom slid open and Heartman entered with dancing moves. "Hey, guys! Oh, Mama! Good to see you! Magnificent! Wow! You also have a Christmas tree! And decorations! Hmm, am I correct?! Is this true?! Do I sense gingerbreads?!," He almost sang.
"Someone had too much Christmas, maybe it wasn't a good idea to pull him out of the lab... His heart... Ya know the deal, right?," Sam asked you quietly with a frown.
"Sam grumpy as ever," Fragile said, walking up to the two of you. "This was an amazing idea Y/N. Oh! Sam I have gift for little one."
Sam raised his eyebrow and handed the pod to Fragile. "Hi there, Lou. Merry Christmas," she said before pulling out a little sweater and putting it around the pod. "Oh! Look at this!"
"Lou looks like a little candy! How cute is that!," You clapped hands and walked to Heartman to place a brief kiss to his cheek as a greeting. "Hey there handsome, I'm so glad you've accepted my invitation."
"How could I not?," he chuckled. "For this special occasion I turned the AED off."
"Let's just hope he won't suddenly drop dead during the supper... Or whatever Y/N prepared," Sam said and looked at the pod in Fragile hands.
She only giggled and raised the pod. "Cliff! What do you think? It's cute, right?"
Both Mama and Lockne let out a loud aww sound at the sight of BB wearing the sweater.
"So Y/N. You are the head of this whole thing. What should we do now, the truth is not everyone knows what to do during Christmas," Deadman said, looking around.
Cliff approached Fragile who held Lou and tapped the glass with his finger. "Hey, BB, you're the cutest BB of all time!"
"Okay, guys!," You whistled loudly to get their attention. "First, I want to say something," you announced happily. "I'm so glad to see you all here, in this place. It has a very symbolic meaning to me, we're one, just like our beautiful country will be when Sam will finish connecting all cities to the chiral network," you smiled at them, tugging on the dress you wore. "It means a lot as we all are one. We are one in our mutual experiences, in our closeness and understanding..."
You slipped your glance along everyone in the room. "Merry Christmas! You can have a snack, they're on the table," you nodded in the direction of the table where a lot of dishes were awaiting to be consumed, including huge roasted turkey. "Later, after dinner, we will have a very important encounter with Santa Claus!," You winked at Cliff who nodded slightly.
A loud cracking sound filled the room. "HELLO THERE BRIDGES! Merry fucking Christmas, guys!," Higgs yelled loudly, not bothered by all the looks he got. "Why do you look at me like that? Oh yes, yes, I know. I should bring a gift but I didn't have enough parts to build another nuke," he rolled his eyes, waving his hand around.
You shook your head as Heartman instinctively shielded you with his body. "Who is he?," You asked with curiosity in your tone.
"That's Higgs. The man who blew a few cities out of America's map," Heartman informed you quietly.
Amelie put hands to her hips. "I wasn't aware you're going to be here as well, Higgs," she almost snorted.
Die-Hardman gave the newcomer a mean glance. "Seriously? Even on such a day you need to destroy everything?"
Meantime, your glance was still on the man in the hood.
"Wooooooow, I feel so welcomed here," Higgs said, removing his hood off his head. "I destroy stuff, it's just my thing but I see something else I can destroy."
Higgs suddenly vanished and then appeared right behind you.
"Well, well, well! What do we have here? Thanks, heartboy," he said picking you up to take a look at you. "Ain't ya a beauty that is worth to be taken under the mistletoe?"
Sam facepalmed. "There is no day with break."
You blinked but being taken completely aback by stranger's action, you had to wrap arms around his neck to support yourself. "Uhm, hi there, sir. Can you consider putting me down though? I feel pretty intimidated," you whispered, your eyes fixed on his, and dear Beach, his eyes were so magnetising!
Amelie sighed. "It's Christmas after all, guys. I think we should let him stay. In such a time no one should be alone."
Die-Hardman agreed with the lady in red. "Amelie's right."
Sam blinked. "Seriously? He nuked two cities and planned to nuke the third one. “You can't be serious!"
Higgs giggled, patting your hips. "Being intimidating is my second name, sugar," he pretended to think about your request. "Well I don't know. I love little sweet girls like you, maybe I will take you as my gift."
"To be fair, director, Higgs is a highly dangerous man. He proved this many times," Deadman added.
"I like this guy. He makes me blush," Higgs said and then looked at you. "I think I may have a gift for you, sugar,” he added before giving you a golden mask.
You took it in hand and fitted it to your face. "Gangsta!," You chuckled and ran to the nearest mirror to have a look. "Ha! This is so cool!"
You waited for him to approach you. "My name's Y/N. And you're Higgs, that's what Heartman told me."
Heartman looked after you and blinked. "She's impossible. Jumping like a puppy but this is what happens when a young girl is alone for too long, am I right, Mama?"
Amelie walked to Deadman and put hand on his shoulder. "Trust me. I know what he did but maybe by showing him kindness we'll get more than by following his game."
Die-Hardman cleared his throat. "Okay. Let's take the seats and have a meal. This is a special day, everyone deserves kindness, just like Amelie said."
Cliff took BB from Sam and set it on the chair right next to him. "Can someone pass me the knife? I forgot my army knife and someone has to cut the turkey!"
BB rolled in the pod and giggled waving at Sam.
Mama and her sister frowned looking at Heartman.
"What was that supposed to mean?," Mama asked, offended.
"Yes, what was that supposed to mean?," Lockne repeated after her sister.
Deadman nodded at Amelie's comment. "Maybe you are right."
"Oh! I have a knife, army-man!," Higgs said loudly, presenting his own knife. "I never leave it. Maybe you should learn this too," he chuckled before being pulled away by Fragile.
"You better behave if you want to stay here. Be normal for one single day," she growled and Higgs nodded. "Okay! Okay! Noted! I wouldn't dear to fuck up Y/N's day. I bet she worked her ass off for all of this." 
You took your seat at the table, right between Sam and Fragile.
Cliff took the golden knife from Higgs' hands, offering the tall man a suspicious glance. "I hope you're not the guy who's bothering my son and Lou. Otherwise, I'd have to kill you," he informed with a cold grimace in his face which quickly vanished and was replaced by a grin. "Okay! Who wants the chicken?! Hey!," He got up and glanced at his comrades who were trying to sneak to the tree and gifts located under. "Behave! Get back to the table! No turkey, no presents! For fuck's sake, I asked you all to behave! How many times did we train the entire thing?!" 
One of the army men quickly got back to the table. "Uhm, few," he admitted and took the helmet off, placing it on the polished floor.
"And what did I say?," Cliff asked while cutting the turkey.
"We get in, we greet living beings, we have a meal, we behave, we get presents and we have a party."
Heartman laughed loudly. "Cliff, I have to say you're having a huge authority among them. What a situation!"
Amelie offered everyone a grin. "Does anyone want some potatoes?"
Higgs sat right next to Sam and gave Cliff an innocent smile.
"Oh no, Mr Sam's dad. I am a good boy, my twin brother bothers Sam. Besides, Sam bothers me too! He keeps destroying my plans! And BTs!," He whimpered dramatically.
Sam only rolled his eyes and moved a little closer to you to get away from the terrorist.
"I’ve seen them before yet they still freak the fuck out of me," he whispered to you, looking at the soldiers.
"I can say the same…," Fragile said quietly
"I am so surprised they are so…," Mama said, thinking about the right word.
"Obedient," Lockne added quickly. “We expected them to be... How to name it?"
"Creatures of chaos," Mama finished.
You smiled at Sam and quickly turned head to face Lockne and Mama. "It's called discipline, right, Mr Unger?"
Cliff offered you a bright grin. "The girl's smart. I like her. If my son wouldn't have this phobia of his, I bet he would take a chance on you."
BB rolled in the pod.
Amelie chuckled and covered her lips with a curled hand. "Actually, Cliff, Sam would be her father if he made an effort..."
Heartman laughed loudly before he stopped his outburst, he also raised his thumb up. "And 20 likes go to Lady Strand! What a beautiful, honest summary!"
Higgs laughed and patted Sam's back. "Well! Ya know guys, some men like younger girls. Honestly I would love to get Y/N in my hands. To pin her down and just…,"  Higgs didn't finish his sentence because he got smacked on the back of the head by Fragile.
"Behave," she growled after getting back in her seat.
"To be fair, since we got on that topic. I don't think the age difference should be a taboo any longer," Deadman said before digging into his meal. "World is shattered, we should do what we can to make sure humanity doesn't die. Of course while keeping some moral boundaries."
"Do we really have to talk about such stuff now?," Sam groaned, rolling his eyes. "I don't like this topic."
"Oh, why? Because you can't get laid, Sammy boy?," Higgs almost sang, teasing Sam.
Cliff rose from his seat and threw a glance to Higgs who quickly shut his mouth. "That's way better," Cliff said and pretended that he rose only to get the corn salad.
Die-Hardman took his mask off and started eating the turkey that Cliff handled to him. "I need to agree with Deadman. Humanity is on the edge of destruction and extinction..."
"... Thanks to terrorists like Higgs," Heartman added, his eyes fixed on the uninvited guest.
"That's not what I meant... However you're not wrong on this," Die-Hardman agreed. "What I meant is that we should take care of reproduction, to make sure that the human race will survive and will be able to rebuild our world. To make it great again."
You blushed hearing Higgs' words about him liking younger girls, so to hide it you grabbed the glass and drank the wine that was poured by Mama.
Amelie nodded as she was cutting her piece of turkey into little slices. "We all are sober yet the topics are getting interesting already. I'm curious what will be next."
BB swam a little and moved closer to Sam.
"Oh, BB, granddaddy is here too, look, look," Clifford waved hand to get Lou's attention and then he put the Santa Claus hat on, playing with the pompon. "Look, little one! Granddad is Santa Claus!"
"To be fair, Y/N and Sam would look cute together. Imagine the cute kids they would have!" Mama said excited and Lockne nodded eagerly. "I want to be an aunt!"
Fragile noticed your red face and smiled gently rubbing your shoulder. "It's okay Y/N. Family is like this. They will talk and then they will stop."
Higgs frowned looking at Heartman. "Hey! Heart boy! I don't see the world getting better thanks to science boys like you," he growled resting his elbow on Sam's shoulder.
Sam quickly pushed it off his shoulder with an annoyed sound.
Higgs rolled his eyes before digging into his food. "Oh, fucking shit! This shit is good! Fucking better than a pizza! Oh! By the way, Sam! Lately you started to bring it cold. I don't like it."
Sam let out a loud sigh. "Then start to move your ass. You can jump and grab it yourself."
"Naaah! Making you visit me is more fun!," Higgs giggled.
You were covered in a blush after Mama and Lockne's words. You tugged on Sam's sleeve. "I swear, this is my first and last Christmas Eve ever."
You also giggled hearing complaints made by Higgs.
Heartman got up to get another piece of mashed potatoes. "To your information, Higgs, we build, not destroy, and that's the difference you'll never understand, you little devil's spawn."
Clifford clapped his hands. "Come on, guys, eat, eat or we won't get to presents this year!"
Die-Hardman smiled at his friend. "It's good to see you among us, Clifford."
Unger grinned and turned head to you. "Hey, Y/N, what drinks do we have except wine? I don't say it's bad but as for a real man, like me or my son, we could have something stronger. Cognac or whiskey."
Heartman chuckled. "You can always get Monster with vodka. Pretty dangerous mix but tasty. Tried a few times."
Sam chuckled at your comment. "At least next year I will have less work to do," he joked.
"Now I know why your heart is so fucked up. Since you drink such a mixes," Higgs commented before licking his plate completely clean. "I ask for more!"
Lockne, Mama and Fragile followed Cliff's order and started to eat as well.
"Well... For me some beer is enough," Sam said checking on Lou.
"I'll go get the drinks," you offered and politely excused yourself before getting off the table.
Heartman quickly got up too. "I'll help Y/N."
Amelie offered mashed potatoes to Higgs. "You're pretty hungry, aren't you?"
"Hell fucking yeah I am! Sitting in the bunker or camp and eating cold pizza ain't easy, sweetheart," Highs nodded and started to eat as soon as he got more food on his plate.
"Such a diet isn't good. You should eat more healthy stuff," Deadman said.
Higgs only shrugged, being too busy with his food.
Fragile sighed and shook her head. "No manners. You should spend some time with Clif to learn something, Higgs."
"Oh, I'd gladly train you, young man," Clifford said. "With me above you, you'd be running smoothly."
"I'm sorry, I know that thing I'll say is totally wrong but I imagined some other things, Clifford. With Monaghan beneath... Oh, dear God, forgive me for I have sinned," Heartman added before he left the room with you.
Die-Hardman spat himself with the wine he was drinking.
BB started chuckling.
Amelie blinked and facepalmed. "Maybe extinction is not a bad idea?"
Meantime, you and Heartman were in the pantry, collecting bottles of alcohol and cans of Monster and beer.
"I think that this little party is great, Y/N," Heartman stated. "Thank you for this opportunity of having some substitute for normal life, it's been a while since I felt truly happy," his voice broke a little, so you put the bottle of Jack Daniels and simply gave him a bear hug.
Sam choked on his food.
Mama and Lockne laughed loudly. "Not to offend anyone, that would be something nice to watch," Lockne said with a giggle.
Higgs hummed. "Sorry, ladies! I am more of a top but if any of you are interested, I am single as a pringle and ready to mingle. Just I am not into man, sorry, Mr Sam's papa."
Sam blinked, taking in what just happened and after a moment he groaned. It was a bit too much for him.
Soon, you and Heartman returned. You walked to Cliff and handed him a bottle of whiskey.
Heartman poured some vodka to everyone who wanted and handled Sam a can of beer.
"So, Y/N, are you enjoying the fest you threw?," Amelie asked with her soft glance on you.
"Yes, I do, even if I cringe from time to time, I think it's cute to have you all in one place."
You then turned to Fragile. "Hey, do you know something more about that Higgs guy who got here on blackballed? I need to think about something for him. I prepared gifts for everyone but him. I didn't expect anyone else to join," you whispered leaning to the woman.
Die-Hardman looked at Mama. "How is your research? Did you fix Sam's qupid?"
Mama nodded. "We did actually. Everything should be more than good once he is out again."
"It wasn't a hard fix. Just a few updates and it's working perfectly again," Lockne said before taking a sip of her wine.
"Uuuu! Smart ladies! I like it!," Higgs nudged Sam with elbow. "I need to get to know them. Twins are like two in one deal!"
"I am not doing that," Sam muttered with a frown.
Fragile looked at you. "Oh trust me, I know him a bit too much. He shouldn't get a gift for being a bad person," Fragile stated quietly.
"Yeah, I understand, but it will be in a bad tone to not gift one person... Ok, I'll think of something."
An hour passed on many talks, the atmosphere was filled with laughter.
"Dears, did anyone see Cliff?," Die-Hardman asked as he spotted his friend was missing.
You also vanished from the room.
BB was already sleeping and Amelie was sitting with Heartman, chatting like there was no tomorrow.
"I think Y/N took him to the other room," Sam said, looking at sleeping Lou.
"Maybe she decided to extend the human kind with him!," Higgs said quickly. "Since his son didn't want her, daddy decided to try it. I can't blame her," he shrugged.
"Just shut your mouth, Higgs," Sam growled.
Higgs giggled and continued to drink his beer.
"Hey, wait a minute, Lockne and Mama are gone, too," Heartman said as he was pulled from deep conversation with Amelie.
"Foursome?," Higgs purred while Sam facepalmed together with Fragile.
"Y/N probably planned something special. She prepared Christmas in smaller details," Deadman nodded his head a little. "The food was great."
"That's true!," Sam added.
Suddenly, the music came out of speakers.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
 "HO-HO-HO!," The main door slid open and Clifford dressed as Santa Claus entered the room. He was having a huge bag thrown over his shoulder, his hat with pompom was tilted slightly.
His four comrades were having reindeer hats on.
You, Lockne and Mama entered the room right behind him, all three of you dressed in white, short dresses with wings made of silky material and snowflake patterns on your dresses, rocking to the music.
"Come here, children! I hope you all were good for the last year, ho-ho-ho!," Clifford took a seat in a huge armchair you borrowed from Die-Hardman. "It's time for presents!"
"So maybe Lou first, he is the youngest one, huh? What do you say?," Sam said softly, tapping on the glass gently to wake up the BB.
"I can go a second round! I am the most important bad guy here," Higgs said full of pride.
"Today my little, beautiful helpers will set the order, ho-ho-ho!," Clifford laughed deeply.
In the tact of music, Mama danced toward Sam and picked the pod with Lou from him.
"So, young gentleman, I know you've been a good, little bean, so I need to get inside my bag of presents to get yours! Aha! I have it!," Clifford pulled a new pod out, with the ribbon wrapped around it. "More space for dance, huh?"
Meantime, the song ended and the next one was on.
 I sing this song
To pass the time away
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas
 "Deadman for sure will move you into it as soon as possible. You should like it," Mama said with a smile.
"And Now back to papa," Lockne took BB and his gift to bring them back to Sam.
"Me now!," Higgs got up from his place and sat on Cliff's laps.
"So! Mr Santa-Sam's dad, what do you have for me, huh?," He smiled. "I was the best fucking boy the whole year!"
Cliff gently nudged Higgs' side to make him get off his lap. Clifford rubbed his long, white, fake beard. "We all know you've been the baddest but thankfully the beautiful lady over there," he pointed at you, "decided that you also deserved the gift. Let me find it in my bag of miracles."
Clifford reached into his bag and pulled the nicely wrapped box, he handled it to Monaghan. "Merry fucking Christmas, asshole."
It was nothing but a book about Egyptian mythology and a handmade cloak that was originally meant to be for Heartman.
"Thank you fucking much!," Higgs said excited and quickly returned to his seat to look at the stuff he got. He already loved them.
"So? Who's next... Maybe our Director." Mama said and walked to Die-hardman. "C'mon. Everyone gets something today."
Die-Hardman chuckled but let the lady scientist lead him to Clifford.
"And you!," Fake Santa Claus said, "You've been good, too. Here's your gift, merry Christmas!"
Die-Hardman was gifted with the themed tie with reindeers and with a polishing paste.
"It's for your mask, so it will always look classy," you smiled at him and as he returned to his seat, you walked to Heartman and grabbed him by palm.
"Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas, Heartman!," Clifford grinned widely and gave the man a heart-shaped box, in which Heartman found a pair of gloves with heart motiv on each and a CD with classical music.
"Thank you, Y/N," he smiled brightly at you and kissed your cheek. "It's the best gift."
Sam looked at Fragile. "Go on. I am sure Santa also got something for you."
Woman nodded and got up from her seat to walk closer to Santa. "Well, I was a good girl. I think at least. I tried," Fragile said slowly.
"Dear Fragile, and your gift is in my bag, that's for sure! Just be patient as the old man will find it!," Clifford chuckled and soon gifted the woman with a new umbrella with Fragile logo.
Then it was time for Deadman who got new glasses.
Amelie was gifted with a golden necklace that fit her dress perfectly.
Lockne and Mama also got the present, it was a little blanket with an admixture of chiral matter. "This will help your sweet daughter to sleep in a cradle, she won't be drifting up under the ceiling," you smiled at them. "It was my project with Heartman's execution," you explained.
Clifford got new night-vision goggles.
In the end, Sam was gifted with a new suit.
Everyone was enjoying their gifts, talking about them and enjoying whatever time left.
"Y/N?," Sam looked at you. "What with your gift? Everyone got something and you?," He frowned.
"Yeah! Exactly! Where is the gift for our beautiful host?," Higgs looked at you over Sam's shoulder, he was already wearing the new cape.
"My gift is everywhere. It's the atmosphere you all created and this is more than I could dream about. My heart's beating faster when I see you enjoy the meals, the gifts," you smiled at Sam and Higgs.
Higgs sighed placing his chin on Sam's shoulder. "Isn't she adorable! But it's not fair. You did so much."
"I hate to say that but Higgs is right," Sam sighed.
"I need to agree with both of them. You did so much, in such a short time. You gathered all of us here," Deadman added. "Who else agree?"
All you could do was to smile at everyone. "I mean it, guys. I don't need gifts. You all are the greatest gift to me."
Heartman walked to you from behind. "We kinda predicted you will think of everyone but yourself. So here's the gift from us," he handed you a box.
Unwrapping it with shaking hands, you felt the heart racing in your chest. In the box you found a notebook in a leather cover and a few pencils.
"We've heard you like to draw," Die-Hardman smiled.
"Guys... Thank you! So much!!," You cried quietly while hugging the gift to your chest.
"We are in this together, Y/N. If everyone gets a gift it means you get one too," Sam shrugged Higgs off earning a groan from Monaghan.
 Party continued.
People talked and laughed, simply enjoyed the company, while finishing whatever food left.
Die-Hardman was having so much fun that now he was dancing with Lockne to one of the christmas songs.
Higgs was sitting in his seat looking through the book you gave him. It's not like he had people to interact with here.
You definitely had too many drinks. After almost half an hour of dancing with Heartman, you had to rest at the table. You flopped on the first free seat which was the place next to America's most wanted terrorist. You clicked your high heels off and groaned. "How much I hate these shoes!," You muttered while stretching like a cat.
"Why did you put them on? If they are uncomfortable just never wear them again," Higgs shrugged. "End of the problem."
You blinked at the comment and chuckled. "Fair point though. You'll never understand this though as you're the man and I'm the woman. Our brains are different," you hiccuped.
"I know when to stop drinking. You'll never understand this though as you're the woman and I am the man. Our brains are different," He giggled, teasing you.
You laughed at his comment; this man was about to be a death of yours.
You got up from your chair and reached out to him. "Hey, vamos a bailar!," You asked him with a little smile dancing in the corners of your mouth. "Pretty please?"
"No idea what you’ve just said but yea, sure, I agree on anything, sugar," Higgs said, returning a smile. "Lead the way."
You grabbed his palm firmly, without hesitation, and led him right into the dancefloor which was just the free space on the floor, next to the Christmas tree.
Heartman followed you with a frown. "I don't like it," he whispered to Fragile.
You climbed on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around a man's neck, both to get a bit intimidated and to support yourself from falling.
Fragile looked at you and Higgs, she shrugged.
"Since we have Death Stranding free day, let them enjoy it. After it's over, they will be mortal enemies again," she said and smiled. "Why? Are you jealous?"
Higgs chuckled. "Holy me, you are so small when I keep you close! I fucking love it."
Heartman blushed a little, rolled his eyes and lowered his thumb, taking 5 likes from Fragile before he moved aways with dancing moves, to join Mama.
You chuckled nervously at Higgs comment. "Thanks, I take it as a compliment," you simply rested your forehead against his chest.
She only laughed and nodded. "Thank you for confirming this, Heartman!," Fragile said a bit louder.
Higgs wrapped arms around your waist and nodded. "Oh yes, you indeed should take it as a compliment. Maybe I really should kidnap you as my christmas gift."
You giggled at his words while rocking into the rhythm of the music with him. "Maybe," you teased. "But I think that Sam and his dad would twist your neck after."
You suddenly raised a head to look at him, and you noticed a mistletoe above his head.
Higgs thought, looking at both men before his gaze returned to you. "Hmm... I honestly think it would be worth it," he noticed that you looked up and followed you. "Oh, fucking finally!,” Higgs said excited and pressed his lips against yours in a messy kiss.
You blinked when his lips crushed on yours but soon closed your eyes and enjoyed the kiss. You take the attempt to dominate him in the kiss but you fail so finally you give up your tries and simply wrap your arms around his neck.
Higgs pulled way after a moment and winked at you.
He reached up to take a small part of the mistletoe and then sneaked to Sam.
"Oh! Sammy boy!," Higgs sang.
Sam sighed deeply and turned to look at him. "What?," He frowned, seeing the mistletoe. "You kidding?"
Higgs gave him a wide smile and suddenly licked Sam's nose, making the other man froze.
Like nothing ever happened Higgs returned to you.
You started laughing hysterically which resulted in you losing the balance and almost falling on the floor, thankfully Higgs was faster and caught you in his arms.
Clifford spat all the whiskey he was about to swallow on Die-Hardman's shirt.
Heartman turned head around to see what happened but he lost his balance and fell on Lockne who spilled her wine right onto the electronic device on his chest.
Heartman's AED turned on and kicked him with an electric glitch, causing him to die on the spot.
"Higgs, you killed Heartman!," Amelie screamed.
"Nooot first and not the last death!" Higgs said with a shrug before kissing your lips quickly. "It's getting late and I have nukes to build! See you maybe next year!" He winked at you before vanishing.
As you lost Higgs as your frame, you fell right onto the floor and rolled on your back, still laughing.
"Or maybe not! It can wait!," Higgs said after returning. "Besides I didn't take my gifts."
"You really need to turn everything upside down?," Sam sighed, shaking his head.
"That's my job!," Higgs shrugged. "Who wants a drink?!"
You raised your hand up, still laying on the floor. You discovered it was a pretty comfortable place to rest. Or maybe you were just too drunk?
After 3 minutes another electric shock made Heartman's heart work properly again, and the man woke up, sitting on the floor. "What the fuck!"
Clifford was helping Die-Hardman to clean his shirt. "Monaghan! Stop being a douche-bag to everyone! If you won't listen, I'll have to shoot you," he warned, almost growling.
Amelie helped Heartman back on his feet. "You okay?"
"Yes, it's fine."
BB started crying.
Higgs quickly helped you up and smiled. "Oh, c'mon, Clifford! Everyone is well and alive. Even the heart boi. Practically, I did nothing wrong," he shrugged.
Sam let out a deep sigh.  "It's Higgs after all. What else we can expect."
Higgs agreed with Sam, hugging you tightly.
You felt squeezed by his arms. "Can't... Breathe...," you whispered quietly hoping for him to lose his grasp.
Heartman smoothened his suit. "I almost forgot! I borrowed a camera from my friend's geologist. I want to take a picture of our pack, except you," he pointed his index finger at Higgs.
"Heartman, let him. He spent the entire evening with us, one photo won't affect anyone," Amelie nudged the man's chest.
"I fucking love photos!," Higgs jumped happily. "The host should have the honor of setting us for a photo!," He said excitedly.
You smiled at Higgs and squeezed his palm that you were still holding. "Okay, fellas. Clifford and Mama, you two go on left. Yes, just like that. Amelie, you with Fragile and Sam can take a seat on the couch."
"Sam, maybe you can be in the middle?," Amelie smiled at her stepbrother.
You pecked your lips as you were thinking. "Okay, Die-Hardman, would you be so kind to take a seat here, on the pouffe? Yes, just like that, thank you. Deadman, you can take our lovely Lou and stand next to the pouffe a little. Hmmm, and Heartman, my lovely friend, you can stand behind Die-Hardman. That's it! Perfect! Lockne, can you stand right next to your sister?"
Sam wasn't too happy he wasn't holding Lou but nodding he followed your little orders.
Mama and Lockne stood exactly where you wanted them, just like a Deadman.
"I see a perfect place for myself!," Higgs claimed excitedly and lied down on the floor. He turned on his side and propped up his head on a hand. "Perfect!"
You facepalmed a little but chuckled at the villain's idea. "Actually, you fit there perfectly, Higgs!"
You quickly set the camera on the shelf and made sure to turn the timer on, then you quickly ran to take a seat next to the Die-Hardman.
The flash lit the room and the picture was taken.
"Cool! Can I get one? I will have a nice souvenir from that nice day," Higgs asked from the floor. "I had so much fun!"
"Yes, of course you can!," You smiled at him and ran to the camera to set it again to take a second pic.
When the dawn was about to knock at the door, and when almost everyone was sleeping in weird positions where they could, you led Higgs to the exit. "I never thought I'd have so much fun with them all. And, though I didn't expect you, I'm grateful you came," you smiled at him and handled him his gifts to make sure he won't forget to take them along. "I put the picture into the book."
Higgs nodded, taking the book.
"Yeah, It was fucking fun. I enjoyed it," He sighed, looking at the gift from you. "Too bad that as soon as I leave we'll become a mortal enemies again,"
"Maybe you'll but not to me," assuring him, you grabbed his palm and squeezed it lightly. "No matter what you'd do, you gained a friend," you smiled.
Higgs took your palm and kissed the top of it. "Thank you, sugar. I will remember that."
"Take care of yourself as we need to meet next year for another Christmas party," you chuckled softly and blushed a bit at his sudden gesture.
Then, like he was one of the good guys, you wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him. "Please, stay safe and see you in a year. Remember, you have to pop up! No excuse as it won't feel like Christmas without you."
Higgs hugged you, being totally confused but he nodded with a soft chuckle.
"Okay, I will try my best. See you in a year," He slowly pulled away and winked at you before vanishing.
You smiled to yourself while observing the flipped rainbow on the sky and hearing the thunder.
Despite your efforts, the Death Stranding still was on.
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elliebean714 · 2 years
☆What I write☆~
I write character x character, character x oc and character x reader.
♡Romantic♡, ◇Platonic◇, whatever.
Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Yandere, Poly Relationships, Character Reactions, Character Diary Entries, Light Nsfw, My Oc's, Female, Gender Neutral And Male Readers/Characters/Oc's
♡Gay♡ and ☆Not Gay☆
Headcanons, fics, one-shots, maybe Au's....
Fandoms I write for. (It's all games. I'm not sorry.)
Until Dawn~
Josh Washington
Chris Hartley
Ashley Brown
Sam Giddings
Mike Munroe
Jess Riley
Emily Davis
Matt Taylor
Beth Washington
Hannah Washington
The Quarry~
Jacob Custos
Emma Mountebank
Nick Furcillo
Abigail Blyg
Max Brinly
Laura Kearney
Kaitlyn Ka
Dylan Lenivy
Ryan Erzhalher
Travis Hackett
Chris Hackett
Bobby Hackett
Life is Strange~
Season 1~
Max Caulfield
Chloe Price
Warren Graham
Nathan Prescott
Victoria Chase
Kate Marsh
Mark Jefferson
Before The Storm~
Chloe Price
Rachel Amber
Steph Gingrich
Nathan Prescott
Samantha Myers
Season 2~
Sean Diaz
Daniel Diaz
True colours~
Alex Chen
Steph Gingrich
Ryan Lucan
Gabe Chen
Charlotte Harmon
Jason Pike
Five Nights at Freddy's~
FNaF 1 ~
Golden Freddy
FNaF 2~
Toy Bonnie
Toy Freddy
Toy Chica
Withered Bonnie
Withered Freddy
Withered Chica
Withered Foxy
FNaF 3~
FNaF Sister Location~
Circus Baby
Funtime Freddy/Bon Bon
Funtime Foxy
FNaF Pizzeria Simulator~
FNaF Security Breach~
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
William Afton
Michael Afton
Henry Emily
Note~ Unless specifically requested otherwise all animatronics will not have the children's souls inside them, if you want the soul inside the animatronic it will automatically be platonic (Springtrap is the exception)♡
Bioshock 1~
Jack Wynand
Frank Fontaine
Bridget Tenenbaum
The Little Sisters
The Big Daddies
Bioshock 2~
Subject Delta
Augustus Sinclair
Eleanor Lamb
Sophia Lamb
Grace Holloway
Stanley Poole
Gil Alexander
Mark Meltzer
The Big Sisters
Bioshock Infinite~
Elizabeth Comstalk
Booker DeWitt
The Walking Dead: Telltale~
Season 1~
Lee Everett
Ben Paul
Season 2~
Season 3~
Javi Garcia
Kate Garcia
Gabe Garcia
Season 4~
Detroit: Become Human~
The Last Of Us~
Part 1~
Part 2~
Drake's Fortune~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Among Thieves~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
Harry Flynn
Drake's Deception~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
A Thieves End~
Nathan Drake
Elena Fisher
Sam Drake
Rafe Adler
Nadine Ross
Death Stranding~
Sam Porter Bridges
Higgs Monaghan
Amelie Strand
Dr Heartman
Clifford Unger
Doki Doki Literature Club~
Obey Me!~
☆Overall Note☆~ All Under 18 Characters Will Be Platonic, Unless Shipped With A Character/Oc Of The Same Age.♡
♡Protect the Children♡
◇What I won't write◇~
Heavy Nsfw
Non-Con/ Dub-Con
Self Harm
Big Age-Gap Relationships
Other people's oc's
Cheating (Except Comfort)
Send Requests, I'm Depressed💐
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Requests are closed ♡
Main blog: @goat-monarch
My kofi: goat-monarch
A03: TheKingOfGoats
I will never write Real Person Fiction (real life actor x reader) only write his characters
I will only be doing male or gender netural reader x male character. I do not do female reader. Do not ask for anything Taylor swift related!!!
Here are the rules & masterlist also My SFW fics. Now my taglist
The characters I will be writing for are:
Pedro pascal characters
1: Din djarin / mando
2: Max Phillips
3: Maxwell lord
4: Oberyn Martell
5: Ezra
6: Shane "dio" Morrissey
7: Jack Daniels / Agent Whiskey
8: Javier Pena
9: Marcus pike
10: Marcus Moreno
11: Dave York
12: Zach Welllison
13: Frankie "catfish" morales (don't write for him anymore, sorry :/)
14: Eddie
15: Pero Tovar
16: Dieter Bravo
17: Joel Miller
18: Tim Rockford
Rdr2 male characters
1: Arthur Morgan
2: Sean Mcguire
3: Kieran Duffy
4: Hosea Matthew's (angst or fluff, no smut)
5: Charles Smith
6: Lenny Summers
7: Bill Williamson
8: Micah Bell
9: Javier Esculla
10: Josiah Trelawny
11: Leigh Grey
12: Albert Mason
Death stranding
1: Sam Porter Bridges
2: Heartman
Dream Daddy
1: Robert Small
2: Hugo Vega
3: Damien Bloodmarch
4: Brian Harding
5: Mat Stella
6: Craig Cahn
7: Joesph Christinsen
Moon Knight
1: Steven Grant
2: Marc Spector
3: Khonshu
Star wars
1: Poe Dameron
2: Cassian Andor
3: Cobb Vanth
The Boys
1: Homelander
When doing headcannons I will only be doing 4 characters.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my work!!!
@lucrezia-thoughts @thewayofthemandalorian @absurdthirst @f0rever15elf @tintinwrites
(Note for self, todo in tags)
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
Bringing the Christmas Spirit Back || Heartman x Reader
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Summary: When the Christmas spirit is long gone for humanity, Heartman tries to restore it.
Warnings: none    
Words: 2711
Authors: Cass & Bear
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Yawning loudly you walked out to the main room of Heartman's lab.
You didn't expect anything to be different because why would it be?
To your own surprise there was a big christmas tree in the middle of the room, it was made of plastic. "Uhm... What is that?," You asked, walking closer to inspect the colorful baubles and other decorations.
 “Well, now that you're awake, I have to tell you that we ran out of earl gray,” Heartman stepped into the room, almost jumping off four little stairs. “Hi, gorgeous,” he placed a brief kiss on your cheek and stood right next to the christma tree. “I’ve printed it with a 3D printer, what do you think?,” He asked, being obviously proud of himself. “I thought that we could have restored some of the old traditions. That we could have brought some of the Christmas spirit, to gain some kind of mood improvement.”
 "I forgot you don't sleep with me in bed. You have a lot of time to do these things," you said with a smile and rubbed your eyes, trying your best to wipe the sleep off them. "It's a good idea but I don't think it will ever be the same, and about the tea, I will check later what else we need, and then I will do a bigger order."
 “Sam won’t be happy,” Heartman let out a proper laugh. “It’s going to be our… Fourteenth order over the past two weeks,” He took his glasses off to wipe them using a kerchief he held in his back pocket.
 "The fifteenth order, sweetie. I checked the records last evening before the bed. I have no idea what you ordered behind my back but I know you did," you sighed, tapping his shoulder. "Let's hope they will send some other poor soul and not our Sam."
 “Well, actually, I wouldn’t mind them sending Sam, I have a few questions for him,” Heartman put his glasses back on. “Now, you look much better than the second before when your figure was blurry,” he sent you a grin and in the same moment his AED beeped a few times. “Ah, shit. We’ll continue our deep conversation in 3 minutes, okay? Meantime, be a good girl and make me a strong coffee, and don’t forget I like it bitter.”
 You giggled and nodded. "Okay, I will also make some breakfast while in the kitchen."
After kissing his cheek you went to the bedroom to quickly grab your glasses before heading to the kitchen. Then you started preparing the hot drinks.
 After exactly 3 minutes, Heartman’s AED brought him back to life with a strong, electric impulse. It took him a few seconds to gain his thoughts. “I hate this,” he muttered to himself and before he got up from the cot, he had written some things in his online journal, using his fingers to do so.
 At that point you were putting plates with breakfast onto the table. Toasts for both of you, coffee for him, and green tea for you.
Letting out a quiet sigh, you started looking through all the cabinets and shelves. "I think I have everything," you muttered to yourself.
 Heartman walked into the little dining room shortly after, he instantly took his seat. “Thanks,” he sent you a smile and started eating. “What are you looking for? Tell me, and I’ll tell you where you’ll be able to find it.”
 "No, no. It's okay, I already know what I need," you informed him and quickly took your seat right in front of him. "You really want to bring back a bit of the Christmas spirit to these dark days, huh?"
 "Yes, whenever possible," he replied and took a bite of his toast. He chewed and sipped on his coffee. "Yeah, that's what I needed."
 "Glad you liked it," you smiled at him, taking a sip of your tea.
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After break Heartman returned to his work. Meantime, you checked and listed all the stuff you needed before placing an order with a little message for Sam.
After making sure your beloved man was busy with work, you quickly returned to the kitchen, locking the door. "Let's see if I still remember how to do this."
Maybe it was a silly idea but since Heartman wanted to bring back Christmas, it was worth a shot.
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An hour and a half had passed and you finally left the kitchen. Of course he didn't notice you weren't around for the longer moment.
"Sweetie. I have something for you!"
 There was no response from Heartman.
He was dead, again.
The chiral matter in his hourglass almost filled the bottom part which meant he was about to get back within the blink of an eye.
 Sighing, you took a seat on the leather couch, waiting for him to return.
 Another electric impulse made its way through Heartman's body, and the man jerked in his place regaining consciousness. "Y/N, did you say something?"
 You nodded. "I called you but I was a bit too late to catch you. Glad to see you back, come here. I have a Christmas gift for you."
 "A Christmas gift? For me?," He blinked and didn't even try to hide his consternation as he got up. "I didn't expect anything like this but I won't lie, I can't wait to see what you got for me!"
 You laughed. "Be a good man and open your mouth, eyes closed," you hummed with a smile. It was a little revenge for some test you had to do for him in the past.
 At first he blinked hearing your command. Then, he laughed loudly. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but as much as I love you, I don't hold an ounce of confidence in your actions," he joked, referring to that one particular time when you asked him to obey your words only to prank him.
 You rolled your eyes. "Trust me this one time. You won't regret it, I swear on the bond between us," you said, placing your hand over your heart.
 "I'm Heartman and my heart is already skipping a beat out of fear of what you've planned," he smirked but closed his eyes and parted his lips slightly. "I just want to warn you that if you'll try to feed me with chiral matter cookies, you'll regret the day you were born."
 You sighed and put a regular chocolate chip cookie between his lips. "Here. I hope I didn't burn them... And that they are good. I can't remember when I baked these for the last time."
 He chewed and then issued an opinion. "I like the flavour, the cookie was not too sweet yet not too bitter, too. You've added a perfectly measured amount of cocoa, the cookie had a tempting smell, too," Heartman stated. "I only lack some tiny ounce of ginger and honey but I know that it's extremely hard to get those."
 You looked at him, listening to his every word. It wasn't exactly the opinion you expected. "But... Do you like it? Before this all happened I used to make them for Christmas."
 "Do I like it? I love it, Y/N," Heartman replied. "If not for the fact I'm on a forever diet to stay in shape, I'd eat a tone of these!"
 "Oh, in such a case the whole jar of cookies wasn't a great idea," you giggled, rubbing your hand awkwardly. "Sorry."
 He sent you a smile. "I knew you'll surprise me, honey. But before I'll die again today, let me take you somewhere. While you'd been sleeping, I prepared something small," he claimed and got up from the cot, offering you his shoulder.
 You blinked confused but nodded, taking his arm. "Shall I be worried?"
 Heartman didn't reply but took you out of his laboratory. "Put your coat on," he advised. “By my side you don’t have to be worried.”
 You nodded and put on your coat just like he advised you. Just to be safe you also slipped on your warm boots. "Okay. I am ready... I think."
 He put his long, black coat on as well and led you outside of his facility.
Heartman stopped with you on the threshold of his outpost, being still under awning. "There," he pointed on the left. "Do you see him?"
 You rubbed your eyes, trying to get used to the brightness of the snow. Frowning you looked in the direction he pointed. "Is it…? Wait! Is it a snowman?"
 "Yes, it is. I called it the Death Stranding Snowman. He looks like a regular one but, if you'll take a closer look, you can see he had the Odradek and backpack, just like porters do."
 You giggled and nodded. "I can see that and I love it. I bet that Sam will love it as soon as he sees it. I am glad we live in a place like this actually, the Death Stranding Snowman will be with us longer due to low temperature."
 "Correct. And, also," he pointed his index finger up, right above your heads.
A plastic mistletoe hung on a tiny string attached to awning. "Maybe we can just have a little sneaky kiss under this mistletoe? It’s a tradition, isn’t it though?"
 You looked up at the mistletoe and laughed shortly. "Oh, you really got prepared while I was sleeping, huh?," You asked with a cocky smile.
 "Less talking, more doing," he muffled your voice with his lips crushing on yours.
 You hummed and kissed him back, placing your hands against his chest.
After a moment you pulled away to catch your breath.
 "Mmmm, that was something, Y/N," Heartman let out a hum of appreciation as his left palm was placed to your cheek where he gently brushed his thumb over your skin. "Ah! Just look at that! Sam's faster than I expected!"
 In the distance you could spot a little cloud of snow rising into the air. Sam Porter Bridges was riding his bike right to your outpost.
 You blinked and looked at the cloud of snow, giggling. "Oh, yes, he is, I still wonder how he is riding this thing through all the snow," you tapped Heartman's chest. "I will go pack him some cookies for the road and you get inside before you run out of time."
 Heartman decided to wait for Sam to approach.
When the other man got off his motorcycle and took all the packages, Heartman waved at him, still standing at the threshold of his outpost. "Sam Bridges! It's good to see you!"
 Sam didn't reply, only nodded his head while climbing up the stairs. By his way he turned head aside and stopped, looking at the snowman. “Seriously?,” He questioned loudly enough for Heartman to hear. “Whose idea it was?”
 Soon you joined both men. "Hello Sam, it's good to see you," you said with a smile and looked at Heartman, frowning. "I think I told you to get inside, huh?"
 "Easy, Y/N, I put this little thing on mute," he patted his AED a few times. “Idea for the snowman was totally mine. I’m thinking about getting similar sculptures to other Bridges locations, not necessarily made of snow but rather printed in Chiral Printers. We should consider bringing Christmas spirit all over America.”
 Sam scoffed Heartman’s words. “It’s not feasible as not all cities are in the network.” Sam was glaring at him, then he moved his glance to you. "Another order, huh? Are you opening a canteen or something? How is it possible for two people to use all of the supplies in a week?"
 "You kidding me right? I am not going to drag you back inside," uou muttered, completely annoyed with Heartman’s weird habit of muting the AED, so you simply unmuted the device.
"And it stays like this, sweetie," you said and turned your attention back to Sam. "Trust me, Sam, I have no idea what he is doing when I am asleep but our supplies melts like snow in the sun. I am so sorry for the trouble."
 With cocked brows Sam observed you and your little outburst of anger towards Heartman. "Yeah," he summed the situation up. Next moment he simply gestured at you and Heartman to slide aside. "I need to deliver these," he pointed at packages on his back.
 "Oh! Yes, right! Go to the terminal and then bring stuff inside," you instructed him and looked at Heartman. "We will be there."
 Heartman got back inside and took his coat as soon as he crossed the threshold of his laboratory.
 Soon, Sam joined you. He cringed at the very beginning after stepping in, when he spotted stuffed BTs with Christmas hats on. "The fuck...," He grunted to himself.
 "Heartman wants to bring back the Christmas spirit. In some way at least," you said looking at Sam from the couch and pointed at the big christmas tree. "BT in christmas hats aren't the only decorations here."
 Sam stopped at the top of four little stairs. "Yeah. I thought that you're not this type of guy because just like you claimed, you’re being dead inside," he summed up and got downstairs, putting the packages aside.
 "Well, you can see how much one person can change," you summed up getting up from the couch to walk up to Sam. "Here, since it's Christmas time. I have a little gift for you, I hope you will like it," you smiled at him, giving him a little bag of cookies.
 At first he hesitated to accept the little bag with cookies but soon he took it. "Thank you, Y/N."
 Heartman was laying on his cot. "Was nice to see you again, Sam. Thank you for bringing us all of the necessary things so quickly. You're simply the best porter."
 Sam nodded and grunted something under his breath only to turn around and got up the little stairs. "If only all BTs would be that cute," he pointed at two stuffed creatures.
 You giggled and nodded. "If all BTs were like these ones, the  world wouldn't be that scary. Thank you so much for coming, Sam. Have a good trip."
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Several minutes passed since the moment Sam left you. Heartman was getting ready for another cardiac arrest when his intercom bipped, so the man frowned a little. “Do we expect any guests, Y’N?”
 You looked at him with a frown and shook your head.
Of course you didn't expect any guests, it's not like the good, old times when people could just visit friends randomly. It was a bit more complicated these days. "No, I do not and even if I did, I would inform you. Did you invite anyone?"
 He shook his head for no and got up. Heartman left his lab and went to the glazed entrance where the terminal was located. “Y’N, it’s Sam, come over here!”
 You even didn't bother to pull on the coat and joined Heartman, wearing your regular clothes.
"Sam? Is everything okay?"
 "Yes!," Sam yelled from the distance. "I improved your snowman, Heartman!"
 Heartman looked at you, frowning. "What is he talking about?," He asked and opened the main door to step slightly outside. The timefall stopped so Heartman simply got out of the building. "Y/N, you need to see this!"
 You were completely confused about what was going on. You followed Heartman to look at the improved snowman.
 The snowman had now one hand made of some plastic garbage Heartman found in his laboratory when the other one was made of snow, with middle finger up in the air. Next to the snowman there was a line of text scrawled in the snow. Fuck Higgs and his terrorists!, the inscription stated. Heartman lifted his hand up and gave a thumb up to Sam. “100 likes for this piece of art, Sam!”
 You gave Sam a thumb down. "And minus 50 likes from me. I preferred the previous snowman," you said but giggled.
  “You have no idea about modern art, Y/N!,” Sam yelled back and got onto his vehicle to roll down the hill.
“What? I like this anti-Monaghan version,” Heartman shrugged and wrapped arm around your shoulders. “Let’s get back inside. There are some handmade cookies left.”
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missyslittlepet · 4 years
Yikes! 🥺 The lack of Heartman x reader fics I just-
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As soon as I get my writing motivation back I'm so gonna spam the shit out of the Heartman tag I stg
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missyslittlepet · 4 years
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((Requested - It's readers birthday and Heartman surprises them with vines.
It's not very long but I really hope this is kinda what you were after????? Enjoy!!! 👍🏻💙))
Happy Birthday Raven! I Can't Swim.
"What do you fancy for breakfast?" You asked Heartman as you walked to the kitchen.
"Now that you've gained some strength back after your surgery you can have whatever you want. My treat."
You were so happy that he finally got a heart transplant meaning he didn't have to stick to his twenty one minute cycle anymore. You had been together for about a year when he agreed to it having fully moved on from the search for his family.
"Can I get a waffle?" He asked with a grin. He had been on strick healthy foods to help with the recovery so he was ready to get his teeth into something tasty.
"CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?!" Your brain had the words out before you even thought about it. The reaction was so natural considering how long it had been since you had watched that video.
Heartman jumped at your sudden outburst making his glasses go askew. You laughed again at his reaction, he was so cute sometimes.
"(F/n), you can't go making me jump, I still don't know just how much this new heart can take." Heartman joked.
"I know," You laughed. "I'm sorry Heartman. It was instinct, honestly. I used to love vines."
"Vines?" Heartman asked carefully adjusting his glasses before looking over them at you.
"Yeah, Vine." You grinned excitedly.
Heartman squinted in confusion and you felt your smile drop.
"Oh come on! Please tell me you know what vines are!"
"I can't say that I do (f/n), sorry. What are Vines?"
"Oh my God, how did you miss out on vines?! They were short videos on the internet before the Death Stranding. Just a few seconds long but they were so hilarious! Me and my friends used to communicate solely in vine references, it was great!"
Heartman smiled at your enthusiasm despite not having the faintest idea what you were talking about. He could tell that these 'Vines' meant a great deal to you.
"Ah well," You sighed fondly at the memory. "I'll get you those waffles!"
You beamed at him before returning to your task.
He watched from his chair as you pottered around the kitchen making him his food. The smell floated through the air and made his mouth water. He adored you and appreciated all that you had done for him over the past few years. You were his rock when he lost him family and when the Death Stranding finally ended he realised that you had become his world. You were always helping him in some way. Whether that be through his mourning or getting him waffles.
Heartman knew your birthday was tomorrow and he was yet to find a gift for you. Despite knowing you so well he still struggled with finding gifts for you. He had been searching for a way to show you how much you meant to him but nothing was as heartfelt as you deserved. He had considered proposing to you but he didn't want to be cliche and wanted to make it really special.
However, now that he had found out about your love of 'Vines' he thankfully had a few ideas. He decided he would wait until you went to your meeting with Die-hardman before getting started since he knew you would be trapped there for hours.
Heartman had missed his research and now he had something new to get his teeth into. Due to Sam successfully connecting the Chiral Network it meant that he now had access to archives from before the Death Stranding. He quickly typed in 'Vines' into the database and thousands of folders popped up. At first all he could find was information on plant samples but he was determined to find what he was looking for.
After an hour and a half of searching he finally found a folder containing videos and social media posts. From what you had described he thought he was in the right place. He browsed the video titles and found one called 'Iconic Vines That Cured My Depression And Watered My Houseplants' and decided it was a great place to start. He opened up the video and watched intently not sure what to expect.
"Two bros chilling in a hot tub. Five feet apart cuz they're not gay!" The video was of two men and lasted only a few seconds.
"What on earth?" Heartman said pushing his glasses up his nose. He leant in closer to the screen.
"Every time you yell at your kids put a quarter in your no yelling sock and pretty soon you'll have a weapon to bea-"
Heartman couldn't help chuckle at that one. The more he watched the more confused he became in the most wonderful way. The humor was ridiculous but he loved it and found himself laughing along with them. Before he knew it he had binged several compilation videos and had a whole set of notes to create some birthday surprises.
Your cuff flashed as you sat in yet another meeting signaling you had received a message. You were thankful that this was the last meeting of the week. They were getting more and more frequent as they were discussing plans for repairs to old delivery equipment. Of course this meeting just so happened to be on your birthday. Lucky you right?
You hadn't gotten the chance to speak to Heartman before you left. He still slept a lot despite his recovery almost being over meaning he was still fast asleep when you were getting ready. He looked so peaceful and you kissed his forehead and snuck out the door, careful not to wake him.
After half an hour more of listening to renovation plans the meeting finally came to an end allowing you to check your mail. You felt a smile tugging at your lips when you saw Heartman's name pop up. You always loved seeing what he wrote to you.
"Good afternoon love, I'm sorry I wasn't awake to see you off. I hope you're having a great birthday and I can't wait for you to come back home to me. Missing you always,
- H x "
You grinned at your cuff before making your way back home. You knew the drive would take forever.
Heartman stood back to admire his creations. Truth be told he was really proud of himself. He never considered himself good at gift giving but this time he was excited. He couldn't wait to see the look on your face when you saw what he had been planning. With a grin Heartman placed the last tray down on the table and waited for you to arrive home.
When the door finally slid open Heartman jumped up and ran towards it to greet you.
"Happy birthday (f/n)!" He said as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and gave you a kiss.
"Close your eyes." He said before you could come any further into the house.
You looked at him suspiciously before doing so anyways. Heartman took your hands in his and began leading you through the house and into the living room area.
"Okay (f/n), you can open them!" He said awaiting your reaction eagerly.
Slowly you opened your eyes and were met with trays of food on the table.
"Welcome to Chilies! I hope you're hungry!" Heartman's grin grew wider.
"What is all this?" You laughed looking at the strange choices of food.
"Could I interest you in some Freeshavoca-do?" Heartman asked pointing to some guacamole in a bowl.
You felt your smile widen.
"Or perhaps some hurricane tortillas?" Heartman could tell that his references were being recognised.
You were beaming at this point. You couldn't believe what he had done for you. Now all the foods made a little more sense to you.
Heartman gestured at a plate of chicken strips.
"Fuck ya chicken strips!" You both shouted in unison. Heartman's new heart melted at how happy you were.
"Oh Heartman!" You pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much, this is the best present ever!"
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
"This is actually your present." He said taking a step towards the table and picking up the gift box from it. He handed it to you and waited.
You bit your bottom lip as you took the lid off. When your eyes fell upon the wrapped object you started to laugh knowing full well what was under the paper. You quickly ripped it open and put on your best child's voice.
"An avocado... thanks!" You giggled and placed the box back on the table.
"Actually," Heartman laughed. "This is your real present." He pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to you.
You took the second box and opened it still laughing from the avocado. Inside was a USB stick. You looked up at him and raised your eyebrow.
"It contains thousands of vines so you will never have to miss them again!" Heartman looked so proud of himself. "Happy birthday (f/n)."
You brushed your finger over the USB stick and felt tears come to your eyes. To anyone else they were just stupid videos but they held so many memories for you. They transported you back to before everything went to shit, made you relive moments with those you had lost a long time ago. No one had ever given you a gift that thoughtful before.
"Heartman... I... Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me... How much you mean to me..." You smiled blinking away your tears. "I love you so much."
"And I love you too (f/n)." Heartman rested his palm against your cheek and you nuzzled into it. "We could make a night out of this and play them on the big screen if you'd like? I've grown quite fond of them."
"I'd love to!"
You quickly ran to set it all up while Heartman shut out the day light and set the lighting to pink and blue.
The whole night was amazing. You both cuddled up and feasted on the vine related food while laughing like a pair of hyenas. You were over the moon that he seemed to enjoy vine humor just as much as you did. When it started getting late and you started yawning Heartman stood and switched the screen off.
"Come on, you look tired." He smiled warmly, hold out his hand to you.
You took his outstretched hand gratefully with another yawn. You went to start grabbing the plates but he stopped you quickly.
"Don't you worry about those love, I'll tidy this up. It is your birthday after all." Heartman smiled grabbing the plates from the table. He hummed to himself as he made his way to the kitchen area.
"This bitch is indeed empty. Yeet." Heartman chuckled loudly throwing the plates in the dishwasher.
You shook your head and laughed at the butchered attempt of a vine quote and wondered how you ever got so lucky. This truly was the best birthday you could have ever asked for. Vines, food and Heartman. What's not to love?
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