#death stranding fic
Chapter 6: Year One, Academy Arc
“Where’d you get the accent, anyway?”
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creatureesque · 7 months
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started writing a little fic about higgs and decided to watch a few lore videos + ds2 trailer analysis /general theories bcuz my fic is set inbetween them and i realised that my fic is just so very wrong probably. Not that i was going for accuracy but still D: also writing is so hard ....how do u guys do it
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elfpylon · 7 months
my headcanon for why Higgs is so dramatic is that he basically learned human “interaction” from books and stories he read in the shelter as a kid.
and that’s also why he was so fucking awkward when giving Sam the nuke ‘cause he was trying so hard to be covert and not Extra™ and he has no idea how to act “normally/realistically”.
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raiden-brannigan · 6 months
Thinking about Fragile leaving Higgs tied up on the Beach, teleporting away and stranding him all alone with nothing to do but struggle uselessly against his bindings, the gun tauntingly out of reach. They're just tight enough that he can't easily slip out of them, and he can't do anything but sob uselessly in the sand
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butchreyes · 3 months
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wip wednesday <3 another snippet from my lawyer/suspect fic! sorry i didn't post one last week (or did i? i honestly can't remember.. if i didn't i was probably struggling with something profound.)
tagged by my loves @paperstorm @carlos-in-glasses @strandnreyes @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @heartstringsduet and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
“So what about this Dustin guy? Why isn’t anybody questioning him?” “They did, I guess,” Carlos says. “His story checks out. He never said he saw me, anyway, just that Iris told him I was there.” He takes a sip of water, licks his pink lips. “People like Dustin. He’s an anatomy professor at the university. Real upstanding member of the community, and all that.” “Did he teach Iris?” TK asks. He remembers reading that she was in medical school on one of those online true-crime forums. And what a perfect headline it would make: PROFESSOR SEDUCES STUDENT, KILLS HER TO SAVE CAREER. But Carlos shakes his head. “Not directly,” he says. “Still, I wouldn’t discount him,” TK says. “You know, they did a study on which jobs are most likely to attract psychopaths. Surgeons were, like, number five.” He doesn’t bother mentioning that police officers were placed at number seven. And lawyers— that’s another story. “He’s not really a surgeon. He only cuts into dead people.” “So he’s a death fetishist who abused his position of power to gain access to young girls,” TK offers. “He probably knows a million different ways to kill someone.” Carlos stares at him blankly, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Not actually,” TK says. “I’m just saying, it’s all about how you spin it. A story doesn’t have to be true to convince a jury, it just has to be the most compelling."
tagging @reyesstrand and @mooshkat <3 see y'all next week! (i'm probably not gonna do sundays, otherwise i'd end up posting this whole fic. i'm not a fast enough writer for this lifestyle)
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little-red-fool · 7 months
Can’t wait for all the fucked up fanfics that feature Higgs’ new freaky umbilical cord once DS2 comes out.
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moosifers · 4 months
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Sad But True | Fragile & Higgs Monaghan | 2K words | Teen | Tags: Angst, Hurt No Comfort, the Beach (Death Stranding), Bad Things Happen Bingo
What happened between Fragile and Higgs on the Beach.
My first entry for @badthingshappenbingo for the prompt Rejected Apology :)
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budder-tigress · 6 months
I'm finally playing Death Stranding to completion...
And my braincells have aligned like the stars in heaven above and chosen a new manwhore blorbo
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On top of General Death Stranding Brainrot™️, my account is far too SFW for me to say what I want to do to this motherfucker 💀
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bidonica · 7 months
It's interesting to me that Sam and Fragile Deathstranding are allies, pretty much only have positive interactions and even a "haha hope you don't mind that I used your shower" scene, they are hinted at raising Lou together in the sequel trailer, and the fandom said you know what. I'll ship either of them with the chaotic ratboy antagonist and/or put Norman Reedus in some old man yaoi with acclaimed film directors Guillermo del Toro and Nicolas Winding Refn instead
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envythemouse · 2 months
All-time Hannibal extended universe recs
Will/Nigel from Charlie Countryman
Heart of Spades by WaffleBunny13
Summary: Will pauses when he sees the face of the man in front of him then the cup of coffee slips from his hand.
Hannibal's neck nearly snaps to look at Will with a frown on his face then the doppelganger, Nigel, steps forward to Will with a smirk on his face and his hands casually resting in his pockets.
“Hello, gorgeous”
Envy’s notes: Nigel and Hannibal are not related. Nigel shows up at a crime scene. Everyone thinks he’s Hannibal. Then Will and Hannibal arrive, Hannibal finds out his look-alike is Will’s ex from the time he was on a scholarship in Romania.
Unconventional Therapy by DarkmoonSigel, sku7314977
Summary: Upon noticing that Will has been having some difficulty separating his mind from the monsters he’s made to chase, Hannibal makes a rather unexpected suggestion for some uncommon therapy to help the empath unwind.
Envy’s notes: Hannibal suggests sex as a form of therapy thinking he could finally get close to Will. Will instead goes out and stumbles upon Hannibal’s brother Nigel, they proceed to fuck in Hannibal’s house which makes for an awkward morning after.
Behave by sourweather
Summary: Nigel and Hannibal are sharing their Omega. Taking Turns, so to speak. Today, Nigel is to accompany Will to a crime scene. Will isn't looking forward to it. He loves Nigel, but he doesn't exactly play well with others.
He's proven right to worry when Nigel makes a less than perfect first impression on Jack Crawford.
Envy’s notes: Protective!Nigel. Nigel defends Will from Jack the way I always wished Hannibal would have done in canon.
"Two women are dead," Jack says, growl distorting his usual voice.
"And Will is alive!" Nigel snarls in response. "You'd think keeping him that way might be more important to you, but here you are running him into the fuckin' ground."
Will/Clifford from Death Stranding
The Beauty of the Rain by EarthsickWithoutYou
Summary: Part one of my Deathgram AU -- in which Hannibal discovers that Will has taken a lover who resembles him strikingly, an ex from his past in New Orleans. A man named Clifford Unger who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders, riddled with self-doubt, regret, trauma and grief. But he considers it his mission in life beyond all else to cherish and protect Will Graham, the light of his life, his redeeming soulmate.
Now that he has Will back in his arms, Cliff won't let anyone hurt his boy, even a clever, scheming, crazy-shocked-jealous therapist/cannibal who has been playing with fire and may now pay the price.
Envy’s notes: Hannibal comes over unannounced and discovers Will has Clifford as his lover. Clifford finds out about Will being sick lately so he takes him straight to the hospital and later gets revenge on Hannibal because there’s no way the former doctor didn’t know about Will’s sickness.
Will/Lucas from Jagten|The Hunt
Organ by CarnivalMirai
Summary: A week after the funeral, Lucas gets a parcel from one W. Graham. At first, he thinks it’s a wrong delivery. But the parcel is addressed directly to him. So curiously, he opens it.
Inside the box is another box. This time, in the shape of a small house or kennel— it’s a build-a-bear bear. He pulls the box out to see a card slipped in the box, again, addressed to Lucas. So he opens it.
Dear Lucas, I’m sorry for the loss of your son. He saved my life. I thought maybe you’d enjoy his heart beat. I hope you enjoy the bear. Kindly yours, Will Graham
Envy’s notes: Very interesting concept, imagine falling in love with a man who carries your son’s heart. No Hannigram, though Hannibal is one of Will’s doctors.
Sanctuary by Astromeda, tinypurpleghost
Summary: In the aftermath of a plunge that claimed one monster but spared another, Will Graham seeks refuge in a small Danish town. There, he meets Lucas, a kindergarten teacher with a heart of gold, and the spark between them is immediate and undeniable. When Lucas is falsely accused of a heinous crime, the monster inside Will yearns for blood. Even as Will tries to support Lucas in the way he needs, he realizes that he will stop at nothing to protect what’s his.
Envy’s notes: A post-fall fic where Hannibal dies and Will survives. He moves to Denmark and falls in love with Lucas pre-movie. Then canon happens except Will will do anything to protect the man he loves (and their dogs). Will is still in contact with Jack and there’s a man in town who knows of Will’s past. Lucas eventually finds out and accepts Will’s darker side.
Prince Charmont/One Eye (Ella Enchanted|Valhalla Rising)
Perfect Stranger by victorine
Summary: Char doesn't know Frank. Frank doesn't know Char. So how the hell did they wind up hugging in the middle of a park at midnight on Valentine's Day? And what will Char do when he realises it's not actually his best friend Ella rubbing soothing circles into his back?
Envy’s notes: Prince Charming is upset and a stranger (though he doesn’t know it’s a stranger) comforts him.  Oh and it’s Valentine’s day.
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Just look at his smile. ⬆ How can you not like that? Lucas is adorable. I only wish I could see the movie without having to pay extra for it, damn it Amazon.
Nigel makes smoking and cussing look attractive somehow.
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elfpylon · 5 months
repatriate Higgs has an obscene amount of narrative potential.
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raiden-brannigan · 6 months
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I shouldn't be allowed anywhere within 50 feet of a Google doc file
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goodfellowe · 8 months
Death Stranding enjoyer
i sure am brother
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shotofstress · 6 months
Been thinking on writting little fics (promps, AUs, OCs, etc) like drabbles or ficlets to learn how to write and also just for fun.
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higgssupremacy · 6 months
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let me dream about this scene!
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higgs-the-god · 8 months
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16 yo higgs..........................
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