#heathen worship
khaire-traveler · 6 months
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Hygeia Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Erebos Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Tyche Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Eris Worship
Subtle Themis Worship
Subtle Talos Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Phobos & Deimos Worship
Subtle Pan Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Charybdis Worship
Subtle Skylla Worship
Subtle Harmonia Worship
Subtle Galatea Worship
Subtle Hyacinthus Worship
Subtle Triton Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Heimdallr Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Tyr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Sleipnir Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
Subtle Fenrir Worship
Subtle Frigga Worship
This list will be updated as I make more posts! I will be making separate lists for these pantheons because I have too many links lol.
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undeadmagick · 6 months
worship evolves with time. yes, the people who worshipped the gods back in the day had specific offerings to be given. but what is stopping you from giving modern offerings? things around your house? offerings shouldn't have to cost you a fortune. your deities aren't holding you at gunpoint to only receive what you can't easily get. they are a means of showing your love in your day-to-day. so yes!! give your deities candy bars! show them a silly little doodle of them in the corner of your notebook!! make a spotify playlist and play it for them!! dedicate a journal to them!! make a pinterest board and fill it with pins that remind you of them!! the important aspect of these offerings is that you are thinking about your deities. thinking about them and feeling love and devotion to them is a means of offering! you are devoting your energy in these acts!!
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What my deities see on a daily basis (I’d say several times a day and I’m beyond happy they tolerate me ) 😄
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devouredbyflame · 5 months
Being so afraid of being wrong that you can’t move is actually the worst thing you could do for your practice.
You aren’t imposing on anyone.
You aren’t insulting the Gods. Arguably, you don’t actually know what would be considered insulting unless you’ve actually asked Them.
You’re not going to be beaten up and told you are the worst devotee ever.
You aren’t going to be told by any Deity you are morally imbalanced or impure.
The only thing the Gods are actually concerned with is the ability to get you to listen to Them which means peeling away layers and layers of trauma, biases, and patterns that take you away from Them. They would not forcibly remove you from Their attentions just because you wanted to try something new or do something that no one else is doing.
The ultimate goal of any Divine relationship for either side should always be to draw nearer to Them, not be pushed away because your discernment is inaccurate while you are learning.
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luvlylittlelemons · 8 months
You are a practicing pagan. You don't have to do spell work everyday. You don't have to talk to your deities everyday. You don't have to spend every waking second focusing on your practice to be a valid pagan.
Your valid. No matter how often you're able to work with your deities. No matter how often you do spell work. No matter if you dedicate little or big things to your practice.
You make an effort once in awhile and thats more than enough. Save your spoons, it's ok.
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actiwitch · 8 months
Queer Heathenry Masterpost
(updated google doc here)
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General awareness:
Neo-Nazi Prevention & Dog Whistles White supremacists are misappropriating Norse mythology Dog Whistles in the Gender Critical Movement Guide to Anti-LGBTQ Online Hate and Disinformation What To Do When Racists Try To Hijack Your Religion Inside Asatruism's Fight Against the Co-Opting of Their Religion by White Supremacists
Sources and Sites:
GLBT in the Northern Tradition (site) Vikings are Gay! Podcast (podcast) Academic Research
Excerpts and Essays:
Sex, Status, and Seiðr: Homosexuality and Germanic Religion Sons of Frey Ergi: The Way of the Third Being Ergi The Tale of a Transsexual Norse Pagan Spirit-Worker
Scholarly Articles:
Queer Themes In Old Norse Myth Feminism in Medieval Scandinavia: How Paganism Forged Gender Equality Magic, Genderfluidity, and queer Vikings, ca. 750-1050 Mythical beasts: How queer bodies expand the religious imaginary
Rite of Passage for an Ergi Child Honoring Ancestors: Queer Rite of Elevation
Queer-friendly Creators:
Ocean Keltoi (YouTube) Nordic Mythology Podcast (Spotify) The Norse Gods: Loki: An Evil Queer Icon? (YouTube) Storied (YouTube) The Welsh Viking (YouTube) Hearthkvlt (online shop; artist) Lockwood Metaphysical (online shop; artist) Ludvig Levin (online shop; artist)
Queer/queer interpreted passages:
Grettisfærsla  The Birth of Sleipnir  Þrymskviða  Lokasenna
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god-of-annwn · 2 months
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~ Norse mythology - Odin
The All-father, God of war and death
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chaos-bites · 6 months
💀 Subtle Hel Worship 🪦
Honor your ancestors or passed loved ones
Visit cemeteries; leave flowers at graves (with permission!!!)
Try veiling
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Have imagery of birch trees, cemeteries, skulls, snakes, wolves, or dogs (dogs are huge) around
Have a stuffed animal dog, wolf, or snake
Practice mindfulness; try meditation
Explore abandoned places (urb-ex; be safe!!!)
Take time to yourself every day to decompress
Drink relaxing teas or beverages; black tea or coffee is especially good or dark hot chocolate
Eat a comforting meal
Engage in activities you find calming; drawing, painting, crocheting, reading, etc.
Feel your feelings; cry if you need to, scream if you need to, etc.; find a healthy outlet for these emotions (drawing, boxing, dancing, etc.
Support homeless or animal shelters, healthcare or humanitarian organizations
Volunteer at homeless or animal shelters
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, birds, etc.
If you have dogs, play with and take care of them; play with/take care of any pets c:
Cook a meal for someone you love
Donate supplies to animal or homeless shelters
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Collect animal bones (please thank the animal's spirit after doing so)
Recycle, make/use compost (great with gardens)
Spend time with loved ones; spend time with any elderly or older folks that you love
Take care of your basic needs; eat three meals a day, get some movement into your day, take a shower when needed, etc.
Revisit things from your childhood; keep any stuffed animals from childhood or buy ones you've always wanted
Practice patience, especially with yourself
Take a walk at night, especially on the new moon (only if it's safe in your area!!!)
Have a nighttime/bedtime routine
Learn more about death; get more comfortable with the concept itself; focus on figuring out what your beliefs on the afterlife are (if any)
Collect old items or antiques; try to restore them or give them a fresh coat of paint/polish; keep them or give them to someone who will love them
Have compassion towards those who are often looked down on by the wider society, such as addicts or the homeless; donate to causes that aid them /their recovery
Eat an apple; go apple-picking; visit an apple orchard
Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable; when at home, get comfy!
Learn to get comfortable with change, especially necessary change; try spontaneous things, go outside your comfort zone, find effective ways to manage stress during changes
Take note of the seasons changing; maybe capture the moment of an Official Season Change™ in a painting or picture
Take time to reflect on yourself objectively; if you find yourself being unkind, take a step back
Observe the life cycles of animals; learn more about the natural world around you
Practice compassion and forgiveness towards yourself and others
Set healthy boundaries; learn what your personal boundaries are
Let go of what no longer serves you; release what you no longer need in your life
Go out in weather that reminds you of her if it's safe to do so (may sound weird, but I associate fog with her)
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Start a new hobby - something that is calm and enjoyable; crocheting, carving, painting, etc.
Live your life unapologetically
I'll likely add more to this later as I feel it's incomplete. For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Hel. I hope this is helpful! Take care, everyone. 🩵
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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zanywitchchaos · 1 month
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Digital offering for Loki 🔥💗
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sapphicnunnery · 5 months
Loki Is my patron, of course
Loki is my patron, of course I find snakes // c o n s t a n t l y //
Loki is my patron, of course we call each other fucking bitchy hoes (with love)
Loki is my patron, of course I give offerings of Cheetos and chocolate
Loki is my patron, of course he keeps asking for alcohol even though I’m a minor
Loki is my patron, of course I made eclipse water for him
Loki is my patron, of course I have dead bugs in my freezer
Loki is my patron, of course he keeps telling me that shoplifting should be considered civil disobedience, not a crime
Loki is my patron, of course I crochet/weave
Loki is my patron, of course things sometimes break when I talk to him
Loki is my patron, of course he makes way too many jokes during tests
Loki is my patron, of course he’s like a big brother to me
Loki is my patron, of course I find bugs literally everywhere I go
Loki is my patron, of course my tower card goes missing for a week and then shows up on his altar
Loki is my patron, of course he tells me that he loves all the art I make for him
Loki is my patron, of course foggy mornings and forests feel sacred
Loki is my patron, of course I find a fresh, intact, decapitated woodpecker head in the woods with no bugs on it or anything (which was so weird lol)
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cursecuelebre · 14 days
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“My imagination expanded, I became wise, I grew, and I thrived. One word chased another word flowing from my mouth, one deed chased another deed flowing from my hands.” Havamal 141 Óðin’s Wise Words
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 2 months
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Hel among the dead
take care of our ancestors
take care of us
may death caress us gently and never be violent towards the ones who worship you
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undeadmagick · 6 months
i find it fascinating how my perception of the gods have changed once i met them. both in looks and personality.
Freyja, related to beauty, love and lust, i believed would look young and very feminine. Yet, when presented with her, she was a gorgeous, mature woman with lines at her eyes and a towering figure. The realization that a goddess I acknowledge as being so gorgeous had wrinkles and strong facial features made me reconsider my own perceived “flaws” and standards of beauty. She was beautiful in her strength and wisdom and yet also in her divinity and confidence. I had forgotten a woman of extreme beauty was also a goddess of war. And in both being true, I found her to be the most powerful woman I know.
Seeing Hades, I believed he would be fearsome and cold. Yet, when I looked into his eyes, there was warmth. He had an appearance of a man in his 40s with long hair, the color of the night, and he had no resentment or even disdain. Only softness. I didn’t fear him nor did he try to have me do so. He was safe as he led me through the courtyard where we met. Where I thought he would be an imposing and cold-hearted figure, I found someone with such patience like a father-figure would have.
Apollo, whom I thought would be bubbly and funny from how I’ve seen others described him was indescribably elegant. He carried himself well. He was kind and patient. Where I thought I would find youthful naivety, I found charm and elegance. And he only asked to help me in my healing. Even when I thought I did not need him, he waited patiently until I could hear him properly. And no matter how long it took, he was still welcoming with a smile.
I truly believe everyone should have the opportunity of meeting their deities and finding how they appear to them. What they show themselves as is what you may need. I find it fascinating to see how others see them :) They love us very much.
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All hail Loki! The mischievously fun, marvelously playful, powerfully chaotic, endlessly wise! 💕💕💕💕
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marblesandmuffins · 2 months
I hate seeing the "deity work is not for beginners!!1!1!1!" bullshit because it undermines and pushes away other cultures. I'm not exactly sure where this notion started but afaik it's heavily incorporated into modern witchcraft and just like almost everything in modern witchcraft, it's heavily influenced by Wicca.
ps. Entities that pose as a God or any other entities tend to not exist in certain religions. Don't attack a person for not "vetting" their deity when that concept doesn't even exist in their religion in the first place.
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nehdjet · 3 months
for people who light candles for their deities, what do you usually do? let the candle be lit for a few hours, or blow it out right after finishing a prayer or offering? or both/neither? and for what you do, why?
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