#lgbt witch
actiwitch · 3 months
Queer Heathenry Masterpost
(updated google doc here)
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General awareness:
Neo-Nazi Prevention & Dog Whistles White supremacists are misappropriating Norse mythology Dog Whistles in the Gender Critical Movement Guide to Anti-LGBTQ Online Hate and Disinformation What To Do When Racists Try To Hijack Your Religion Inside Asatruism's Fight Against the Co-Opting of Their Religion by White Supremacists
Sources and Sites:
GLBT in the Northern Tradition (site) Vikings are Gay! Podcast (podcast) Academic Research
Excerpts and Essays:
Sex, Status, and Seiðr: Homosexuality and Germanic Religion Sons of Frey Ergi: The Way of the Third Being Ergi The Tale of a Transsexual Norse Pagan Spirit-Worker
Scholarly Articles:
Queer Themes In Old Norse Myth Feminism in Medieval Scandinavia: How Paganism Forged Gender Equality Magic, Genderfluidity, and queer Vikings, ca. 750-1050 Mythical beasts: How queer bodies expand the religious imaginary
Rite of Passage for an Ergi Child Honoring Ancestors: Queer Rite of Elevation
Queer-friendly Creators:
Ocean Keltoi (YouTube) Nordic Mythology Podcast (Spotify) The Norse Gods: Loki: An Evil Queer Icon? (YouTube) Storied (YouTube) The Welsh Viking (YouTube) Hearthkvlt (online shop; artist) Lockwood Metaphysical (online shop; artist) Ludvig Levin (online shop; artist)
Queer/queer interpreted passages:
Grettisfærsla  The Birth of Sleipnir  Þrymskviða  Lokasenna
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tea-and-antlers · 1 month
Gods above nothing in this whole damn world makes me want an egg more than watching a ghibli movie
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Like please
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maceofpentacles · 11 months
i love blocking people first thing in the morning!!!
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everyone feel free to add alienrobotgirl to your blocklists as they are an open and proud terf!!
to all of my trans femme witches, i love you and will always support you.
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hex-stone · 9 months
Witchcraft doesn’t have to be detailed rituals under a full moon. Magic can be everyday. ✨
Witchcraft is talking to your plants and explaining to them why they're being re-potted
Witchcraft is wearing your favorite shirt for luck.
Witchcraft is saying "thank you" to old items before discarding them.
Witchcraft is a deep breath and a murmured assurance of, "I can do this" before a big day.
Witchcraft is keeping a candle lit on your desk because you find it relaxing.
Witchcraft is throwing open your windows and playing some comforting music.
Witchcraft is the little things, too.
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wishbonewitch · 1 year
witchcraft and days/months/moons/weather/etc!
dawn- air, success, travel, study, employment, money, healing, new beginnings
midday- fire, strength, courage, passion, emotion, money, protection
dusk- water, release, change, anxiety, bad habits, banishing, fertility
midnight- earth, divination, self awareness, development, spirit work, cursing/hexing
sunday- sun, sol, action, energy, justice, growth, money, power, management, divine intervention, friendship
monday- moon, mani, psychic ability, creativity, intuition, emotion, invocations, divine inspiration
tuesday- mars, tyr, passion, challenge, strength, truth, activity, conflict, sex
wednesday- mercury, odin, career/job issues, intelligence, communication, travel, planning, research
thursday- jupiter, thor, finances, legal matters, spirituality, development, money, growth
friday- venus, frida, romance, relationships, emotion, reconciliation, beauty, self care, enviromentalism
saturday- saturn, loki, planning, home, future, bad habits, ending relationships, weight loss, release, goals
january- beginnings, healing, money, protection, strength, life
febuary- astral realm, emotion (particularly love), banishing, purification
march- fertility, success, innocence, spirituality, prosperity
april- beginnings, fertility, growth, spirituality, cleansing
may- divination, well-being, enchantment, love
june- abundance, marriage, prosperity, fun, creativity
july- emotion, dream work, light, purpose, strength
august- abundance, prosperity, wisdom, prophecy, animals
september- confidence, home, self care, manifestation, protection
october- spirit work, memory, stability, dream work, divination, darkness
november- cooperation, divination, healing, hope, inspiration
december- devotion, peace, new life, death, prosperity, strength
rain- purification, cleansing, release, healing
lightning storm- power, manifestation, protection
hurricane- (very powerful!) banishing, hexing, power, protection
snow- balance, silence, transformation, change, letting go
hail- banishing, protection, cursing
clouds- travel, calming, potential, change
fog- shielding, protection, divination, insight, spirit work
heavy winds- intellect, learning, travel, breaking habits, energy work
sunshine- charging, courage, passion, strength, energy
heat waves- emotion, power, stagnation, cursing
meteor showers- magickal boosts, energy work, power, renewal, cycle
solar eclipse- banishing, renewal, active, strong masculine energy
lunar eclipse- banishing, renewal, passive, strong feminine energy
new moon- fresh starts, intentions, manifestations, cleansing, shadow work, self development, divination
waxing moon- growth, planning, taking action, new projects, travel, potential
full moon- power, strength, success, goals, charging, banishing, cleansing, intuition, divination
waning moon- releasing, banishing, grounding, internal working, reflection, meditation
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wizard-irl · 11 months
Is "Witch" Gender Neutral?
A lot of people say that the term "witch" is a gender-neutral term, and I agree. It's gender-neutral in that anyone should be able to freely identify with it, regardless of someone's sex or gender. People who don't identify as women are absolutely allowed to use the term "witch," and shouldn't have any other terms forced on them if that's what they prefer.
There are a lot of witches who insist that "witch" has no gendered connotation, and that there is no reason why someone who practices witchcraft should want another term. "Witch" is purely gender neutral, isn't it?
"Witch" is not gender-neutral in that it connotes a person of any gender. Think of a witch. Do you think of a man? Do you think of someone whose masculine? Because I and many others do not.
Don't take my word for it? What does the internet define a witch to be and look like?
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It's feminine connotation is further emphasised by its etymology and historical use:
Old English wicce "female magician, sorceress," in later use especially "a woman supposed to have dealings with the devil or evil spirits and to be able by their cooperation to perform supernatural acts," fem[inine form] of Old English wicca "sorcerer, wizard, man who practices witchcraft or magic[."] … [W]itchcraft was specifically singled out as a woman's craft[.] … Witch in reference to a man survived in dialect into [the 20th century], but the fem[inine] form was so dominant by 1601 that men-witches or he-witch began to be used.
"Witch" is a term with a feminine connotation. People who do not identify as women, especially those who are transgender, do not appreciate having a term like this forced upon them. I have seen multiple posts on this site from transmasculine people that say that this term is a source of dysphoria for them, that they are expected to identify as witches if they want to find community in witchcraft. It is cruel to suggest that these people should put up with tacit misgendering because "any gender can be a witch, including men!"
That's missing the point. Yes, any gender can identify with the term "witch." People who believe that “witch” is woman-exclusive often exclude other actual women from the term. However, just because they can identify with it, does not mean that they will. The reasons why they don't identify with the term are their own and they do not owe you an explanation for why they don't use it.
To everyone who doesn't identify as a woman fully or at all out there: you do not need to use the term "witch." If you feel a connection to the word, if it makes you happy to use it, by all means, use it. But if "witch" makes you feel dysphoric, if you cringe calling yourself it, or if you just don't like the way the word looks or sounds, you do not need to use it and you aren't any less of a serious practitioner for it.
Neutral/Masculine Terms
But that begs the question: what terms are out there that aren't "witch?" I've compiled a short list.
Wizard: Wizard is perhaps the most popular masculine alternative to witch, at least in fiction, and is the term I like since it communicates what it needs to. Wizard is derived from wise and -ard, an old suffix equivalent to modern -er. Initially it meant a philosopher or sage (someone who is wise, a wise-ard), and due to philosophy melding with magic in the Middle Ages, took on the meaning of "someone with magical power." Thanks it being a class in D&D, this may be applied to women, but this is a term mostly associated with men.
Warlock: This is another popular masculine term, almost exclusively associated with men. Warlock is derived from an Old English word meaning "traitor, oath-breaker," and initially applied to the Christian Satan. Over time, the word began to be used to refer to people connected with Satan, and from that, men who practice magic. I've only see women warlocks in D&D, where it is a player class.
Sorcerer: Compare with sorceress. Derived from Medieval Latin sortarius, meaning "fortune-teller." Due to a feminine term existing (sorceress), sorcerer is often only applied to men. Again, I have only seen women sorcerers in the context of D&D, where it is another class.
Mage: Mage is a gender-neutral term; a Google Image search returns roughly the same amount of men as it does women. Mage is derived from Latin magus, meaning "magician," which was in turn borrowed from a Persian word meaning the same thing. Magus is also used in magical communities, but I see it more applied to people in positions of power within magical organisations. Same meaning as above.
(Magical/Witchcraft) practitioner: This is the gender-neutral term I tend to prefer. This emphasises what we're doing more than what we are.
Occultist: Occultist seems to be a rarer term, and is defined as "someone who studies/practices the occult."
Magician: Another rarer term that I see with a lot of older ceremonial magic groups. Often not used to not be confused with stage-magicians, but can still be used to describe spiritual magic.
Specific paths: If you're referring to a group of people who follow a specific path connected to witchcraft, opt for the name of that path. If you're referring to Wiccans, use "Wiccans." If you're referring to Hellenics, use "Hellenics."
Specific practices: Again, if you're referring to a group of people who are doing a specific magical practice, use that practice. If you're talking about astrology, use "astrologer." If you're talking to people who worship demons, use "demonolater."
As with “witch,” just because a gender bias exists, does not mean that you can’t use a term. There’s no reason to stop a woman from being a warlock if they resonate with the term, just as there’s no reason to stop a man from being a witch. But if you’re looking for alternatives with a masculine or neutral gender bias, here you go.
I welcome any additions to the list, if anyone has them.
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norse-devottee · 1 month
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Loki slaying
Loki slays
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heathen-faggot · 2 years
need more trans witch blogs to follow
Trans and queer witches please reblog so I can follow! especially if your blog is witchcraft centric
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theburntgoldwitch · 2 years
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Welcome to the
The library of Apollodorus
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Hosted & Curated by : the golden sorceress Tumblr
Resources marked with❗️are known to be problematic.Discussion of the contents of the sources is allowed, but defending their problematic ideologies and actions is not.
May knowledge never be locked behind anything & be free for all
May each use of this library be a fuck you to knowledge elitists
Use these links and resources at your own discretion, as there may be questionable resources.
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if there's any broken links or problematic resources that I have not aware of, please shoot me a message politely and I'll meet like get on top of updating or changing if need be. Thank you.
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❛ Post table of contents ❜
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▸ O1 Books༉₊˚
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Books 📚
please keep in mind that many of these books are written by different traditions and peoples view on the religion and traditions other than that please enjoy
🏛Classical Mythology A to Z: An Encyclopedia of Gods & Goddesses, Heroes & Heroines, Nymphs, Spirits, Monsters, and Places
🏛Encyclopedia Of Mythology Norse Classical And Celtic
🏛 Magic in the Ancient Greek World (Blackwell Ancient Religions)
🏛 Magika Hiera: Ancient Greek Magic and Religion
🏛 Ancient Greek Cults A Guide
🏛 Greek Magic: Ancient, Medieval and Modern
🏛 The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells, Vol. 1: Texts
Psa: (this book is very archaic and written in on purpose gibberish in some areas to protect the writers of the original spell so be very wary of copy and pasting any of the stuff in this book)
🏛 Greek Religion: Archaic and Classical
🏛 Theogony and Works and Days
🏛 The Homeric Hymns: A Translation, with Introduction and Notes
🏛 The Orphic Hymns
🏛 The Library of Greek Mythology (Oxford World’s Classics)
🏛 Mythology : Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, Deluxe Illustrated Edition
🏛Hellenismos: practicing Greek polytheism today
❗️ There's some rumors about this author related to trigger warning ........ spousal abuse, but not been able to find anything in his original country or California where he lives so there seems to be no validity as of this point of those❗️
❗️Secondary another rumor, being related to problematic views of race, those also unconfirmed have talk to people who read the book and look through it myself, and not been able to find it but if people do notice it and can show me proof, I will edit the book out❗️
🏛Ancient Greek Religion
🏛 Ancient Greek Divination
🏛 The Oxford handbook of ancient Greek religion
🏛 Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook
🏛 The Practical Art of Divine Magic: Contemporary & Ancient Techniques of Theurgy
🏛 Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome
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▸ O2 Links༉₊˚
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the Olympians
* there will be signs up for them in the upcoming updates which will be linked here for now just webpages*
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The Fates – or Moirai
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General links
🏛 The Chicago Homer
🏛❗️Hellenion ❗️
🏛❗️Temenosttheon ❗️
🏛❗️YSEE(Greek) ❗️
🏛LABRYS (Greek)
🏛 Eiresione Iketiria
🏛Aliakai ❗️
🏛Fel the Blithe
🏛Pic the Pagan
🏛Hellenismos Tik Tok
🏛sappho.wannabe Tik Tok
🏛hekateanfoodie Tik Tok
🏛hesiodic Tik Tok
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•🏺Agroa Academic Sources•🏛
🏛Academic reading tips
Also a overall good academic teacher to check out
🏛What Is Myth? Crash Course World Mythology #1
* this is a really fascinating course on studying and understanding and tackling mythology that can be taken in to are pacific branch even though it covers world mythology*
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More Coming Soon
Future updates to Expand with
🏛in house Sources
🏛 and much More
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candles-by-mokosh · 10 months
🌈💫 Self-Care Guide for LGBT Witches: Embracing Authenticity and Empowerment 💫🌈
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1️⃣ Embrace Your Authentic Self: Celebrate and honor your unique identity as an LGBT witch. Embrace the power of self-acceptance and self-love, allowing your true essence to shine brightly in your magical practice. Remember that your individuality is a source of strength and magic.
2️⃣ Create Sacred Spaces: Cultivate spaces that reflect and honor your authentic self. Design an altar or a sacred space that incorporates symbols, colors, and items that resonate with your identity and spiritual journey. Surround yourself with affirming energy that uplifts and empowers you.
3️⃣ Connect with Community: Seek out and engage with the vibrant community of LGBT witches. Connect with others who share similar experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Attend local gatherings, online forums, or participate in LGBT witchcraft groups to foster a sense of belonging and mutual support.
4️⃣ Self-Reflection and Introspection: Set aside dedicated time for self-reflection and introspection. Engage in practices like journaling, meditation, or tarot readings to explore your emotions, desires, and aspirations. Use these moments of self-discovery to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom.
5️⃣ Mindful Magick: Incorporate mindfulness into your magical practice. Engage in rituals and spellwork with intention and presence. Allow your spells and rituals to reflect your personal journey and desires, infusing them with the powerful energy of your authentic self.
6️⃣ Energy Cleansing and Protection: As an LGBT witch, you may encounter unique energetic challenges. Practice regular energy cleansing and protection techniques to maintain your energetic well-being. Utilize methods such as smudging, crystal cleansing, or visualization to clear and shield your energy field.
7️⃣ Self-Care Rituals: Design self-care rituals tailored to your needs and preferences. Explore practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul, such as taking soothing baths, practicing yoga, engaging in creative pursuits, or indulging in self-care activities that resonate with your authentic self.
8️⃣ LGBT Empowerment Spells: Infuse your magical practice with spells that promote empowerment and support for the LGBT community. Craft spells that amplify love, acceptance, equality, and the dismantling of oppression. Let your magic be a force for positive change and inclusivity.
9️⃣ Boundaries and Self-Advocacy: Set clear boundaries and practice self-advocacy in all areas of your life. Protect your energy by saying no to situations that do not honor your authenticity or compromise your well-being. Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you on your journey.
🌈💫 Embracing Authenticity and Empowerment: A Journey of Self-Care 💫🌈
As an LGBT witch, your path is unique and sacred. Embrace your authentic self, connect with your community, and practice self-care rituals that nurture your mind, body, and soul. Let your magic be a catalyst for personal growth, self-acceptance, and positive change within yourself and the world around you.
✨⚡ Share your self-care practices, insights, and artwork as an LGBT witch using the hashtag #LGBTWitchSelfCare. Let's create a loving and supportive community where we celebrate the intersection of our identities and empower one another on our spiritual journeys. Together, we weave a tapestry of love, magic, and self-care. 💫🌈🌿
🌈💫 Blessed be, dear LGBT witches, as you embrace your authenticity and prioritize your self-care! 💫🌈
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shaylogic · 9 months
You draw one card from your tarot deck to get a vibe check and it literally just says "you're lonely."
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tea-and-antlers · 2 months
Yes I did tell you that I had many mystical guardians in my room. No I didn't mention that they weren't magical protective poppets or figures but are, in fact, two to three dozen stuffed animals in hammock. Now shut up before they hear you and get offended
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↦ Crossing Paths is an 18+ metaphysical and witchcraft discord server with a focus on community and resource sharing! We are beginner friendly and have a wide range of members that can help answer questions.
↦ We have a social-media based verification system in place.
We have:
↦ A wide range of channels including technomancy, thoughtforms, astral travel, and spirit work, and we are baneful magic friendly. ↦ A free to use resource section which is member-built and arranged under it's own category with multiple various resources. ↦ Weekly journaling prompts and a penpals section ↦ A zero-tolerance policy for transphobes, racists, fascists, etc.
We are:
↦ Open to all non-appropriative religious paths & practices ↦ LGBT, queer & trans inclusive ↦ Jewish & BIPOC inclusive, we endeavour to make our server a welcoming and safe place for marginalised members. ↦ Disability inclusive ↦ DID/OSDD inclusive with pluralkit available
Join Here! https://discord.gg/AsEqygQskZ
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hex-stone · 8 months
If you’re dating a spooky girl / spooky partner make them a spooky Halloween basket this year. It will mean a lot to them. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money.
Ideas to put in basket:
Spooky socks. spider rings. candy. Spooky hello kitty plush. pumpkin carving kit. Halloween stuffed animals. Spooky squishmallows. Halloween decorations. Thrilling books or manga. Black/dark lipsticks. Black, green, orange, red nail polish. Spooky eyeshadow pallets. Popcorn for spooky movie night. Candles. Glow sticks. Mugs. Cups. Snacks. Spooky note pads or journals. Spooky pens. Spooky clothing. Literally anything with a spooky or Halloween theme.
Places to get these things with cheaper options included:
In store:
Tjmaxx. Marshall’s. Walmart. ✨The dollar store.✨ Target. 5 below. Hot topic. Spirit Halloween. Spencer’s. CVS. Wallgreens. Ulta.
(You can also order online from these stores too but if you wanna go shop in person these are some easy suggestions.)
Amazon. Aliexpress (order now because it takes a while to ship from here). Killstar. Vampirefreaks.
Do it now and by the time you give it to them in October they will forget about this and think is was your idea all along. You’re welcome. 🖤💕
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hallow-witxh · 1 year
Hey! Feel free to ignore this, but for your TDOR thing, I'm a transmasc butch who needs help getting clothing that fits me, binders, bus fare money, and a good pair of sneakers to replace my only pair that are falling apart (rip). I live in a transphobic household. My name is Ferris. My name is Ferris. My name is Ferris. I am not going down without a fight. Much love <3
RIP to your sneakers. I completely understand living in a transphobic household: I'm right there with you. I hope it gets better for you soon, Ferris.
Alright y'all, let's help Ferris out as much as we can! Share and reblog!
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love-avenoir · 11 months
no one:
me, hunched over my desk, using my mortar and pestle: hehe. evil potion >:D
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