#heating control
nostalblue · 1 month
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・温度測定点(温度センサーの設置場所)   容器底/容器側面/茶葉内/茶葉上/容器空隙 ・制御温度(コントローラーの設定)   ヒーターOFFおよびON温度 ・ヒーター出力強度(ボリュームで設定)   高/中/低 ・加熱制御時間   2~6時間 ・容器の保温性   高/低 ・前処理との関係
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ambrr0se01 · 5 months
Good girl edge
Good girls obey
Good girls rub their minds away
Good girls edge
Good girls obey
Good girls rub their minds away
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luvrbunni · 8 months
i have such a thing for praise it makes me INSANE i cannot hear a guy say 'good boy' in any context without getting crazy turned on.. I'll get exactly one compliment and I'll start getting worked up over it because I'm very stupid and very easy..
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whamss · 1 month
Hrm you know I sort of think that people kind of miss out on the beauty of Kanaya having a "type" for "dangerous women" when they fail to account for the fact that Kanaya too is a dangerous woman. Like don't get me wrong, it's a very different type of dangerous. Kanaya is attracted to women with an impulsive, self-destructive kind of danger. Women who throw themselves into situations headfirst and a lot of the time will stumble out on the other side a little worse for wear (but they're effective, still, and that makes it thrilling). But like Kanaya has such a deliberate and relentless violence to her, a dangerous woman who keeps herself dormant until the time is right, but when she lets herself out she hits hard and fast (and she's also very effective, this is also quite thrilling). Things I've been rotating a lot, I think it's fun to view Kanaya's love for dangerous women less like she's a passive woman admiring and taking care of women she cannot control, and more like her enjoying the company of forces just as threatening and dangerous as she is, but a touch more chaotic in their methods
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coolnonsenseworld · 6 months
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Samurai and Ninja in crappy pics because December here is under a constant cloud and I just want y'all to see them all golden and cute without learning how to take aesthetic pictures 🥴 💙❤️😆🥰
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omoegabo · 11 months
two omegas in heat mated to the same alpha being made to drink the same amounts of water and whoever leaks first will be made to sit by miserably and watch the other omega get knotted by their alpha. neither omega wants the other to experience that so they encourage each other to keep holding, snuggling close together in their shared nest, whispering words of reassurance despite the occasional squirming around until the inevitable happens and one of the poor little things helplessly pees all over the other.
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cosmicanakin · 14 days
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foaming at the fucking mouth
gonna need him to crush me w those arms asap
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gigglecoffin · 3 months
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Wish my pc didn’t explode 🥰
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mamawasatesttube · 21 days
"Your hands are freezing." from the prompt list :]
Ma hasn't been sleeping too well lately, since Kal went missing. Now that he's back home, safe and sound in Metropolis, Kon has finally managed to succeed in turning Ma's own gentle-but-firm bullying techniques on her so that she'll actually get some rest, and you bet he's gonna be riding that high for a while.
It's a pretty warm spring day, so Kon decided he'll take the outside chores while Pa handles the inside ones. And he's breezing through 'em pretty fast! He's milked the cows, fed the chickens, collected the eggs, and weeded the kitchen garden, and...
And the entire time, Kal's been in the sky, way up out of sight, staring at him.
At this point, it's getting kinda ridiculous. Kon dumps the last of the kitchen scraps into the compost, washes his hands off at the hose, and leaps into the sky.
The sun buoys him up, full of energy and warmth as the air grows cooler around him. The farmhouse grows tiny under his feet, all the lush fields and farmland sprawling out towards the horizon. His TTK keeps the wind from mussing his hair as he zooms higher (up, up and away, right?), until he zips through a wisp of cloud and slows.
Kal, caught red-handed, gives him an awkward smile, clearly trying not to look too guilty. "Ah," he says. "So you noticed me."
"Uh, yeah, dude." Kon squints at him. His cape flaps behind him in the breeze; he's fiddling with the edge of it with one hand, almost like he's nervous. Since when does Kal get nervous? "You've been watching me for, like, an hour. It's getting freaky, man. What's going on?"
Kal rubs the back of his neck, sheepish. Isn't that wild? Superman, sheepish? What's gotten into him?
"Sorry," he says. "I, just, hm... How do I put this..."
He drifts closer, his eyes never leaving Kon's face. Kon tilts his head to one side, studying him. He looks... tired. Not, like, physically tired—that would be alarming, 'cuz they're in direct sun—but like, tired. Kon heard vaguely about the stuff that happened with Kandor, with Preus, but looking at Kal sets off some alarm bells. He knows what happened, but what happened?
Kal reaches out, and his palm brushes Kon's cheek.
Kon scrunches up his face in mild protest. "Dude, your hands are freezing! How long—"
Kal jerks away as if burned. Horror flashes through his eyes before he wrests it back behind the curtain. "I'm sorry!"
Kon blinks. "Uh... you didn't hurt me or anything." What is going on with Kal? "Your hands're just cold. You've been up here since way before I noticed you, haven't you?"
On impulse, he reaches out and grabs Kal's hands. They're cold, but he knows to expect that now; it only takes him a second to focus the energy behind his eyes, to warm them back up. Kal's the one who taught him that trick, just a few months ago, when his heat vision started to come in.
"I've... been here for a while, yes." Kal's voice is oddly soft, almost... fragile. He's staring at their joined hands like they contain all the secrets of the universe, and, uh, wow, Kon is definitely missing something here. "I'm sorry for freaking you out."
Kon's pretty sure Kal's the one who's actually freaked out, but if he says that, he knows Kal will deny it and shoot off back towards Metropolis. "No big," he says instead, and grins wryly. "You may as well come down 'n' come in, though. Pa's making cobbler."
Something eases in Kal's expression, and Kon knows he said something right. Warmth settles into his chest.
"Pa's making cobbler?" Kal raises an eyebrow, glancing down towards the itty-bitty farmhouse far below. "Ma let him?"
"He promised he wouldn't make a mess with the flour this time." Kon grins. "But maybe you better check on him, just to be sure."
A little of the ever-present weight on Kal's shoulders seems to fall away as he smiles. "You do make a compelling argument, Kon-El. Maybe I should."
"I make great points all the time, Kal-El." Kon squeezes his hands, bursting with pride. Kal's approval always makes him feel like he's basking in sunlight all over again. "C'mon, then. Krypto'll be excited to see you, too. And you can bring back treats for Lois!"
"Yes, yes, you've already persuaded me," Kal laughs. He lets go of Kon's hands to ruffle his hair, and Kon squawks in protest, ducking his head. "Let's go."
"Last one home's a rotten egg!" Kon crows, and zooms downward.
He can still hear Kal laughing behind him.
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peridot-tears · 20 days
Thinking about how during the Donghai divorce arc, Li Xiangyi was barely missing Di Feisheng's vitals, but Di Feisheng stabbed him in the shoulder and declared himself a winner. One fighting to kill, one fighting to incapacitate.
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ownerspuppy · 2 months
Okay uhm Imagine you're told to wear a dress out, with nothing underneath
You do as you're told, you know better than to get yourself in trouble with owner
You go out, enjoy the nice weather until you find a bench that onwer decided was good and hidden enough so he tells you to spread your legs so he can have fun
He doesn't let you cum though so you get all whiney and horny and can't stop thinking about anything else but being fucked into oblivion by him on your way home
Once you're home he tells you to bring him his strap on nd get ready on the bed. As you lie down and master begins to touch and grope you, owner tells you that he won't stretch you this time, he wants you to feel the stretch from him
So master puts you on all fours and starts to pound into you from behind until your hips go weak and he twlls you to lay on your back
It feels so good but your puppyhole starts hurting after awhile so you try to crawl away from master because you're too deep in puppyspace and can't talk anymore but all he does is grip onto your waist and hips and pull you back on his cock and whisper down to you that you won't get away, you're his toy and trapped beneath him
So you beg him with broken pleas to not hurt you but the more you beg the nore aggressive onwer gets so you just lay there and take it while he fucks you even stupider than you were before
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wimbledon2008 · 4 months
having hate sex with your rival with benefits is all fun and games until you're asking him to stay the night and making him a tuna melt
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ambrr0se01 · 3 months
I'll just leave this here
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parasitoidism · 6 days
Serph drives some kind of sensible hatchback Heat drives a 70's station wagon and NOT a nice one argilla drives a little 2 door sedan cielo has a fancy minivan and gale drives a tesla
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stormvanari · 1 month
mermay means:
🦑Abyss AU🦑
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disassembly drone edition
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loveoaths · 1 year
it fucking kills me that i have seen NO ONE talking about the reaction jess jordan, kendall roy’s assistant, has. because it is jess, and rava and sophie roy, who have the reactions that twitter and reddit and all the succession lovers are looking for in shiv, for some goddamn reason. it’s jess who not so subtly pleads with greg to delay calling the election, who is blown off dismissively and ignorantly by greg who cannot understand or even SEE how strong of a panic reaction she is havjng. to him, and every other roy and tom and everyone else at their level, this is just another crazy day with literally zero consequences. a fascist dictator president will literally not change the quality of their lives as rich white people. but it will change jess’ life, as a biracial woman. it will change rava and sophie roy’s lives, in spite of kendall’s money and protection. and the show purposefully cuts off their reactions — jess blinking fast and breathing hard and about to have a panic attack meltdown in the hallway, rava and sophie scared in the back of an SUV — because the show isn’t about them. the show is about the roys, who do not care about the consequences of their actions, partially because they never have to SEE the consequences of their actions. greg does not see jess freaking out; even when she is clearly panicked in front of her he cannot see her pain and if he could, he wouldn’t care. it’s only when he turns his back on her that she starts to break down, which is a great if painful blocking choice. not only is it realistic — she can’t lose face in her workplace, she can’t react negatively when she works for the guy who owns the Devil Right Wing Fascist TV Network, and she most certainly can’t react any way people don’t like because she is one of the few, if not the only, black women in the building and working for the roys. while greg sighs and laughs about this day being crazy, she is having a meltdown as she fears what this election result means to her. if rava, a wealthy woman of color with a powerful ex husband, is scared, how much more scared is jess? is everyone else under jess?
but the show cuts off her reaction and takes us back to shiv because this show is from the roy’s pov, and this episode is largely from shiv’s pov. shiv “cares about democracy” and the country to an extent, because democracy only effects her to an extent. she knows on paper this election is bad news. she also knows it’s not going to change her life directly because she’s rich. like her brothers, who do not care at all who is President, who only care about which candidate will give them what they want, shiv is more upset because this election means she isn’t getting what she wants. she’s going to lose her power in the potential matsson deal. because that is how the roys chose who would be president: they chose the candidate they could buy and who could sell them control over their interests for the lowest number, and meincken outbid jimenez by a landslide. tldr the reaction people are looking for in shiv and in the roys were there, but in jess and rava. and even rava and jess aren’t progressives, aren’t “feminist icons”, they’re also complicit and victimized all at once, like shiv is, but with far less say and power. it’s almost like… the show about face eating leopards… is making a point that if you get in a cage with a hungry leopard, at some point you will run out of steaks to throw at it and it, too, will eat your face off. huh.
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