yukikorogashi · 2 years
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► Naked Arms ( T.M. REVOLUTION ) ► Rashiku Ikimasho ( MEU ) ► Kurenai ( AMANO TSUKIKO ) ► Rest ( AYAKA HIRAHARA ) ► Tsuku wo Musumu ( HAJIME CHITOSE )
► “PROMISE y’ll come back ALIVE. Ah don’t wanna lose no more of the things ah love!” (ANIME: Gakuen Basara, Episode 9)
► “... What am ah? Uhm just-a NORMAL GIRL!” (MANGA: Sengoku Basara 3: Roar of Dragon)
► “Ah hafta PROTECT EVERYONE!” ( MANGA: Sengoku Basara 3: Roar of Dragon )
► “DEMON KING! Uhm bringin’ ya down! Fer the sake of EVERYONE’S FUTURE!” ( GAME: Sengoku Basara 1 )
► “ There ain’t no way BATTLES gonna bring PEACE to our COUNTRY! ” ( GAME: Sengoku Basara 2 )
TAGGED BY : The inspiring af @hamadaxfighter​ ❤️💕 TAGGING : @quirofiliac​ @thusspoke​ @enztonov​ @r-edfield​ @blitzkriegers​ @itcamefromnextdoor​ @badboysupr​ @sinstained​ @topmechaniic​/ @gyedie​ @asteriskheart​ @arcaens​ @sweetestdumpling​ @streetslost​ @friendshipscrown​ @lachrymations​ @viciousbite​ @vulcnlogic​ @simplytadano​ @crimsonfacets​ @daringtosing​ @twcwheeler​ @sailento​ @kansaisdragon​/ @kamurochoslifeline​ @hinokagutsuchi​ @heavensfists​​ @asteriskheart​​ @honoosenshi​​!!! 💕❤️
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makoblue · 2 years
Which D&D class suits your personality?
Barbarian You’ve got a lot of Big Emotions and that’s okay. You’re driven by your instincts and you work best when you’re acting in the moment rather than getting tripped up by planning. You’re a fairly grounded person but you definitely lead with your heart more than your head. You enjoy life’s simple pleasures like good food, drink, and friends. You have a bit of a protective side, especially toward the people you’re close to. tagged by: @heavensfists ♥ tagging: anyone who hasn’t done it!
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annjiru · 2 years
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The  morning  air  was  crisp,  the  environment  completely  still  save  for  the  rhythmic  whir  of  helicopter  blades  in  the  distance.  The  commander  peered  out  the  window,  watching  the  outline  of  a  sleepy  town  slowly  materialize.  
Missions  in  remote  areas  tended  to  be  few  and  far  between  for  1st  Class  SOLDIERs,  for  it  was  typical  for  local  forces  of  the  ShinRa  army  to  take  charge  of  resolving  local  conflicts.  Issues  surrounding  Mako  reactors,  though,  were  more  sensitive  and  thus  considered  top  priorities,  thus  warranting  Angeal’s  involvement.  
The  helicopter  began  to  circle  on  the  outskirts  of  town,  finally  touching  down  after  sending  a  confirmation  dispatch  to  ShinRa  HQ.  The  commander  gave  a  curt  nod  to  the  pilot  before  deftly  leaping  outside,  taking  time  to  straighten  his  uniform  before  beginning  his  march  into  Nibelheim.  
The  mission  was  simple,  albeit  a  bit  unusual.  Apparently,  a  horde  of  behemoth  had  driven  out  the  local  Nibel  wolf  population  and  have  been  causing  damage  to  the  infrastructure  at  and  around  the  reactor.  The  behemoth  had  been  strengthened  after  lapping  up  pools  of  mako  that  seeped  out  of  broken  piping  and  had  begun  behaving  erratically,  threatening  to  cause  irreparable  damage  to  the  facility.  Eliminating  them  would  be  crucial  to  the  continued  success  of  ShinRa’s  mako  extraction  operations  in  the  area.  
The  company  had  arranged  for  him  to  meet  with  a  mountain  tour  guide  to  help  navigate  the  terrain  around  the  Nibelheim  reactor.  Angeal  furrowed  his  brow  as  he  attempted  to  decipher  a  message  sent  to  him  by  the  Turks  about  who  exactly  would  be  receiving  him.  The  reception  in  the  area  was  poor,  though,  and  the  message  cut  off  just  after  it  mentioned  their  rendezvous  point.  Checking  the  time  on  his  communicator,  he  was  pleased  to  find  that  he  was  several  minutes  early.  It  seemed  like  there  was  nothing  to  do  but  wait.
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strifebound · 2 years
❛ how long have i been asleep? ❜
— ( dialogue prompts )
"... A while."
Cloud stares out the window, posted up against the sill with his chin pressed into his palm as he looks off toward some unknown horizon. Everyone else had already gone out and about for the day, spread out through Junon's lower bowels as they set to replenish supplies or gather what intel they could from the analog to the Midgar's slums before time grew too short.
If he'd had his way he'd have been up and moving hours ago, before anyone else even thought to rustle beneath their sheets and greet the muggy, polluted ocean morning; but ... he hadn't wanted to leave Tifa to wake up alone in the room. He berates himself for his weakness until he hears her, at last, pull herself up from beneath the threadbare covers of the inn room's bed.
Then it's gone, because he has something to focus on that wasn't just his shit feelings, and he lets his attention settle in on her with the same alertness he affords everything else he deems important in his life; work and friendship, somehow always met with the same tenor.
As ever, his expression is at once unreadable and all too obvious, the knit to his brow perhaps telling as he finally looks at her, and then away.
"Figured you needed it since you were out so long." A pause. "You ... okay?"
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whiitemateria · 2 years
— starter for @heavensfists
Aerith all but runs up to Tifa, reaching out with a grin on her face to grasp the fighter’s hands with both of her own. Her bangles gently sound off, the gentle tinkle of metal on metal, as she lifts up the other girl’s hands in the space between them. They’re always warmer than she thinks they’re going to be, but then again, the taller of the pair was muscular, she was strong - it made sense for her to exude as much warmth physically as her presence tended to.
There’s a brief pause, as if Aerith was contemplating how to word what she wants to ask, like she somehow didn’t think she’d get this far, before she shakes her head in a small chuckle and says, “I want to go eat at Turtle Paradise before we leave the village... I asked Cloud, but he said he wasn’t hungry...! Sooo, I thought I’d come ask you instead?”
It’s not as though Aerith would rather spend more time with Cloud than Tifa - far from it, in fact - it had just so happened that when she remembered the bar after going through their bags, with a handful of torn-down posters crumpled up in her own, while they were resting, Cloud had been right next to her. And, today in particular, ornery enough to just deny her the frivolity outright.
Well, his loss! Aerith had since officially decided it was girl’s night. Or, day, since the sun still shone down comfortably on Wutai Village as a whole.
“Do you wanna? We can share a huuuuge bowl of noodles?”
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cornelianlute · 2 years
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gentle fingers delicately trace the letters on the poster advertising some kind of play ? show ? sarah was altogether unsure though she knew she had found herself in the same world she had found aerith in before, but now she was in an altogether different place than the cathedral. there weren't that many people out in the streets as far as she could see and when her eyes landed on a woman with long , raven hair , sarah sprints over to her and asks, "pardon me, but do you know anything about that play?" she points to the poster. "i've never heard of loveless. is there anything you could tell me?" it was her curiosity speaking. there was no formal place in cornelia to see plays - it was all acted out in the center of town and she wondered how different it would be.
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serafim · 2 years
🖊 + heavensfist HOW YOU LIKE THEM APPLES
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biggvsv · 2 years
✭  Tifa 》@heavensfists
Biggs had always been an early riser, waking up an hour or so before artificial daylight brightened up the lower sections of Midgar’s cityscape. Others were getting a head start on their chores or odd jobs too, even if the most pressing thing on their mind was a basic sweep to get rid of some trash lingering at their door step.
The all too familiar presence of his pistol settled at his side as he dressed, his body having learned to compensate for the extra load by shifting his natural posture. He wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be comforting, a sign that he was accepting “the weight of their work”, as Barrett would preach (minus a colorful expletive, or two). It honestly made him feel like a child waving around a tin gun, or the type of lowlife who needed to flaunt a weapon in order to demand respect. 
This wasn’t... him. 
None of this felt like something that Biggs Lombard woke up one day and decided, “yes, this seems like a foolproof plan that is completely in tune with my personal values”. It was all bluster and bluffing, patting himself on the back literally and figuratively to tell himself that his choices hadn’t directly affected anyone’s lives. At least no one he knew personally. Which should be more than enough, right?
“This has to have made a difference, right?” he’d asked, after they’d escaped the rubble of the undercity leading to Sector 8.
He’d laughed. He’d blown off the casualties. He’d told himself that comfortable lie that “Shinra dogs get what they deserve”. And still, this rotten feeling had suffused every corner of his mind. He was no better than the splinter cells of Avalanche running around in their balaclavas and old militia berets, wielding machinery created for a single purpose: to kill as many living things as possible within range. 
Alcohol helped all that go down easier when he had to throw in with Jessie, Barrett and Wedge, but they were always bottles that were never paid for in gil. Merely expected as part of the cost of being a member of the team, even if said member had been ruthlessly singled out due to her adherence to ethics and morality. And in his opinion, Tifa deserved better than that. She housed them, fed them, put her livelihood on the line keeping their dirty secrets. And Biggs had repaid her by keeping his mouth shut when it really counted, hadn’t even stuck up for her once. 
He didn’t want to be a bad friend. He didn’t want to be a bad person, period, but it might be too late for even that kind of wishful thinking.
The sun lamps near blinded him as he walked out from under the shade of an awning, taking the side porch around Seventh Heaven to try and catch Tifa before her filter changing rounds. Lucky for him, she was in house and seemed to be busying herself with opening the curtains and doing some last minute adjustments to the table settings.
“Knock Knock,” he called out, rapping scarred knuckles against one of the window panes and giving Lockhart a brief wave in greeting.
With any hope, he wouldn’t immediately jam his foot into his own mouth.
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matchstickmobster · 2 years
send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
[Unknown number]: So, who do u like more? [Unknown number]: syke, i already kno its Tifa [Unknown number]: i guess i wouldnt mind a gal who can benchpress me hehehehe [Unknown number]: shit u ignorin me???
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sanctiichor · 2 years
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She sees it, the toils and ordeals he goes through - the dangers he puts himself in; always putting others before himself, and in that she can find a similar trait with herself. it’s why she decides to ensure he gets a night of rest tonight - hopefully no obligations, no duties, nothing that would have him leave and fulfill any quest.
“let me take care of you tonight,” she says, her words certain as she navigates the space they’re in with ease. “you need to rest.” she smiles at him before placing her hand upon his arm and squeezing gently and gives him a quick kiss at the corner of his mouth. | @heavensfists​ 
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It was at most, second nature for him to hide his weariness. To hide the heaviness of his burden behind his mask of virtue and strength, after all, he was the leader. The leader never faltered, never wavered...he couldn’t allow himself to. Even with the assurances that this was a task that he did not have to carry alone...it was nigh impossible for him to. 
He had nearly declined then, when the words of Tifa, soft and caring Tifa, reached him and he felt the tendrils of stubbornness nearly take hold once more. Instead...he gave way to surrender, gave way to the softness and love of her words , solidified with the kiss she blesses him with from those rosy lips. How could he refuse her? How could he turn away from such warmth? Such love?
No...perhaps in this instance...he will allow himself to be free of these burdens, of these responsibilities .
Tonight, he will rest. 
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“ Lay with me then...? “ he asks softly then, peering down into those pomegranate hues he had come to adore, if he must rest then so should she. If anything, Tifa carries as much upon her shoulders as he, with her kind heart and caring hands that can both render foes asunder with their unbridled strength, to the way they soothe one’s wounds and cook up the most delicious meals. 
Hardly ever thinking of herself, always others first. He supposed that is what drew him to her and she to him...such a coincidence no?
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bulletrein · 2 years
BARRET HAS MADE IT A DUTY of his to ensure his friends stay healthy. the weight of possibly sending a soul to their death is a heavy, FRIGHTENING thought. one may rationalise that they know what trouble they're landing into, but that does little to ease his mind. if anything, the anger he feels has only GROWN. to think! that there would be a situation that could lead to such DESPERATION! 
❝how're holding up?❞ he's not filled with rage when he peeks into her little apartment - invited, naturally, he's not a BRUTE - with a wave of his good hand.
for once, shinra has no part in his grief, and for that, he's THANKFUL that tifa is "only" under the weather - common colds are NOTHING compared to bullets. a quiet consolation as he moseys in, laying a few things on her table with a little fwump. ❝ya already sound a 'lil better than the past few days. still can't help makin' homemade soup. marlene SWEARS by it.❞
@heavensfists liked for a starter.
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fatummortem · 2 years
@heavensfists​ asked: 
❛ i'm about to close up for the night, ❜ she says by way of letting him know that it is getting late and he's the last one left in the bar. tifa's already started on the clean up tasks that she usually starts at about this hour - granted, she normally closes up a little earlier than this, but sometimes these things happen.
❛ you want anything for the road? ❜ most of the food she prepared for today had been ordered, but there's a few things here and there that are still good. | for daken! Accepting
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      Daken glances over to the women as if pulling himself from his thoughts, blue spark as if he hadn’t noticed the time flying by so quickly. He lifts his glass, finally draining his glass as he’s been milking it for most of the evening while he’d been waiting. He sets the glass down, his black nails obvious by the simple gesture, moving it towards her to make her tasks easier & gives her a smooth smile. “ Hadn’t realized the time, do you know of an Inn in the area?”
      Blue eyes move to the menu out of reflex. “ If it’s simple, maybe something small?” Those blue hues look over to the stranger, not bothering to even begin thinking of ordering a complex meal. She’s being extremely polite, he felt it only fair to do the same. His hand moves to his pocket to retrieve his wallet.
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gcldfanged · 2 years
Below the top plates, life was far from the idyllic boutiques of Loveless Street. All the pretty cobbled stones, the prim and proper two story houses in candy colors that Shinra so loved to plaster all over their advertisements were only available to the privileged few. The rest of the population had to scrounge around the debris and trash the top-platers discarded, wading through the oil slicks and sewage to try and make ends meet.
It wasn’t much of a life since even basic needs were in short supply, survival alone dominating the choices and options available to the thousands of slum rats living in crappy little communes. To think, he could have been one of them- Once upon a time.
Flanked by four of his biggest and meanest looking coworkers (all longshoremen with muscles so huge, they couldn’t even try to reach a post-it note stuck between their shoulder blades), Yoon purposefully walked down the steps of the Sector 7 train station- His very presence parting the veritable ocean of spare-changers. Any halfwits looking to pick his pockets or band together for a scrap were quickly dealt with, not that many people wanted to mess with a sharply dressed member of General Affairs toting around a heavy bullwhip.
“Gotta love the smell of rotten eggs and desperation...” he mused to himself, coming to a halt before a large signboard for The Seventh Heaven bar. With a nod of his head, his flunkies vacated any customers occupying the tables and the counter, two standing guard at the front door, while the remaining pair covered the back entrance.
While he wasn’t a tall individual by any means, Jae definitely had weight of presence going for him. An expensive and crisply tailored suit made up his protective armor, a small lapel pin bearing the Shinra logo gleamed red and silver in the overheard lighting. Tugging at his fingerless leather driving gloves, the Turk approached Lockhart slowly, striding right up to the bar top with a congenial smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
“My apologies for interrupting a busy night, but I thought it might be pleasant to have some privacy. People around here know the value of information well and I’d just hate for our conversation to be repeated down the grape vine. I trust that my being here won’t be a problem?” he states as implicit fact more than he asks permission, leaning his steel-tipped shoe against one of the lower rungs of a wooden barstool.
He may have trespassed upon enemy turf, but this sad little offshoot of Avalanche held no true power- No resources, or reputation to speak of- much less any actual guerilla soldiers to be afraid of.
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leoninewarrior · 2 years
"He'll turn up." He always does. Never on time, never when they want to see him, but always when they need him. Leon taps the bottom of his pen against the edge of his desk in a rhythmless cadence and fully leans back in his chair. The plastic-reinforced back creaks with the strain of his additional weight. His lips press together, waiting for a thought not yet fully formed. "Although...knowing him, he'd still try to avoid you."
Leon shakes his head in sympathy. Cloud should be counting his lucky stars that Tifa is such a patient woman. "I get where he's coming from. He doesn't want to disappoint you."
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holyguardian · 3 years
“hey aer,” she comes up behind her, arms wrapping around her waist. “i bought a bag of potatoes,” she whispers in aerith’s ear, trying to sound seductive. “and i’m gonna make doughnuts out of them…warm them up and dip them in cinnamon and sugar.” tifa kisses her cheek before pulling away. “happy birthday.”
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Oh, Aerith already know this was going to be good. Being wrapped up in Tifa's arms meant a warm contentment, of feeling love and life, a grounding touch that whispered of what a home felt like.
Then she whispered about potatoes. It took all of her willpower not to burst into a fit of laughter then and there, but the silent shudder was an obvious one. The seduction was working in a way. Aerith was delighted, on the precipice of those loud, squeaking laughs that meant something had truly gotten to her.
Though Tifa was a merciful heart, sparing her the staggering laughter - for now. "Dip you in cinnamon and sugar." Aerith murmured. In suggestion? A threat? Who knew as the spring-clad flower girl whisked around to capture her in a squeezing little hug.
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tellusbane · 2 years
meta topic: what is considered most important to them?
@heavensfists ( prompt )
I’ve thought about all the things that Meteor find value in and came to realize that he’s really just a man who sees worth in everything and everyone he comes across with. So if I have to actually just pick one, one that’s just so essential to his character that he wouldn’t be him if we removed it from his core is just his unparalleled love for adventuring. It’s been deeply ingrained into his character and what makes up his entire identity.
The excitement of going to new places, learning new knowledge and culture, meeting people and coming to know them. It’s just not possible for this man to stay still or even just settle in one location. I feel like even when he grows much older, his idea of retirement would still be to travel. Hell, his idea of relaxation was going on a treasure hunt. The world might come to no longer need him someday, but it won’t spell the end of his adventuring life.
And because this is very important to his character that I feel like should he ever have a romantic partner, it’d have to be someone who shares his joy in exploration. Otherwise, they’d come to feel neglected cause even the binds of love can really not make this man stay in one place. I don’t think anything can, really. While he’d travel alone and have done so for the longest of time, I’d believe he’d enjoy it much more with like-minded company, romantic or not.
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