#daken ask
fatummortem · 11 months
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@stonefoxy asked: (Skaar @ Ry) Gabby and I need you to film our tiktok dance Mention of @huneibadger Accepting Random Asks
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ㅤㅤ" Using Gabby's or my phone? " He doesn't have tiktok on his phone, not that it would take him that long to download. He's not all that into social media for himself, he'd been trying not to have it on his phone at all. But with Gabby wanting to have some fun with her friend, he doesn't see the harm. As long as he's not pulled into it, maybe if he doesn't check the idea won't be brought up.
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xfactor7aurora · 3 days
THIS IS SPECIFICALLY FOR A GIANT SIZED XMEN AU me and oomf brainstormed (stupidly) where Akihiro replaces Logan in the lineup
All of the consequential conversation turned into us mashing him and aurora like Barbie's I'm different situations where they met earlier
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Training! Auraki Vs baseball! Auraki which consists of of normal X men horniness but auraki. Enough said
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Also mostly unfinished but aki stealing warrens money to buy rora all the outfits she wants. As is right
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batcavescolony · 2 months
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X-Factor #6
David never change. It's for science Jean-Paul! Let him study rotting corpses of his fellow mutants on the lawn! It could be so much worse, he could be nuking china.
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laurajameskinney · 2 months
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uncanny xforce (2010) 34 // wolverine (2013) 1
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teal-bandit · 1 year
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Daken sandwich
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wolvierinez · 1 year
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father of the year
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Scott, Kurt, Laura, Daken, and Illyana are now open for questions!
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d-a-mante · 7 months
I feel like Akihiro would be one of those infuriating students who gets top grades and enages in the material despite mouthing off, breaking dress code, and showing up late. Like he gets sooo many demerits, but he was chosen to give the end of year speech.
He would be soooo annoying for that and yet he can't get bullied. Gets away with everything.
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daken-howlett · 1 year
Absolutely nothing in canon to back it up except the fact that I think it was mentioned once that he was born in the spring but I feel in my heart that Daken was born in April.
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fatummortem · 11 months
@themckaytriarchy asked:
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[TEXT] u've never abstained from anything in ur life [TEXT] much less sax [TEXT] sax [TEXT] SEX. G-D.
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ㅤㅤRyouta lowers his lighter when he gets a text, silently staring at the messages, it's easy enough to figure out who it is.
[SMS ???]: Oh! We're phone buddies now?
ㅤㅤHe waits a few moments before he continues, taking the time to light his cigarette, drag out the smoke & lets it out slowly as if he's taking the time to enjoy something like the flavour of the cigarette before continuing.
[SMS ???]: I have actually. It's very freeing you should try it. [SMS ???]: Maybe give the sexist horniness a rest. Mmm? [SMS ???]: I realize sex is on everyone's mind, maybe go down to the gardens, spend some time in the petals. Pamper yourself.
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dementedspeedster · 10 months
Ry or rosie gives thad a penny for his thoughts
Accepting || Send “penny for your thoughts” for me to talk about...
… either a topic that is on my mind, or something specific by sending “penny for your thoughts on (topic)”. Could be anything. IC.
@fatummortem (Daken)
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"Why the fuck are you hot? It's seriously just not fair. Your personality is kinda shit sometimes, but you're also pretty decent as well, so basically it's not fair all around."
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hxllblazer-a · 2 years
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[ LANGUAGE ] : sender begins to speak seductively and fluently with the receiver in another language. (Daken, french or russian) || @fatummortem​​
If his ears could perk, they might honestly have in that moment. Head cocked to the side, though noticeably he doesn’t seem to be moving his drink from his mouth, rather John’s listening. Or pretending to listen in a way that doesn’t give away something just yet.
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He just waits for a moment, before his lips curl with amusement. And, probably in the most unexpected move literally anyone would’ve never guessed in the most surprisingly flawless French ever: “So is the park just a euphemism or do you just have a secret voyeur fetish and really wanna test how gross the toilets are?”
Yep, two can play this game.
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laurajameskinney · 8 months
laura and akihiro. both. 2gether
Like, right after Laura transitioned up until Logan died, I think Akihiro semi-regularly sent her gifts of like. expensive jewelry, silk scarves + opera gloves, makeup, tailored dresses/skirts, etc, because Those Are What You Give Women To Make A Good Impression, Right? forming a bond with your sister while avoiding actually interacting with her in person must be the same.
laura didnt wear or use any of the things akihiro got her and was mostly sort of confused because none of it was like. her style. or if it was her style it was all very nice and expensive and not something she would want to wear anyway, and she doesnt wear makeup or jewelry besides her choker and some more discrete earrings that can't be grabbed or anything.
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teal-bandit · 1 year
I LOVE your "Itsu lives" au! I was wondering some things about it though, and if you don't have an answer, that's perfectly fine!!
1: What name do you think Akihiro would have in this au? Since he'd have his bio patents to name him this time sjsjjs
2: How would Laura and Gabby go with them this round?
3: Does Akihiro still pick up costumed fighting sjsjjsjs
I love thinking about how my man's life would have been if he'd had both his parents to raise him .. I'm not crying you're crying
1) I'd still like him to retain a part of his name, if only for the connection to him as a character. I feel like something like Hideaki (meaning "shining excellence") or Hiroshi ("generous")
We know from the bad bad no good What If? Issue that Logan would have named him John, which was his (nonbiological) father's name, so that sort of sentimentality could arise in his name, too. That said, you could technically get away with naming him Jon and have his name mean any number of things based on what katakana you use. That said, if he had to be names after/in honor of a family member, I'd prefer him honor his mom. Itsuki is a fun little play on Itsu's name, and means "tree" 💜
2) I feel like, with Logan having a family to support (we don't know 100% if he would have stuck around in a traditional "father" role, as he was disgraced and told to leave by Itsu's father), his role within Weapon X would have been mitigated to a degree. That said, with them being kicked out of Jasmine falls, and perhaps on the move to flee from Romulus as well, I could see Logan taking his family to Canada or the states to keep them safe. Charles was apparently aware of his existence well before his appearance in Uncanny X-Men, so it's possible that they could have gone to the school for protection.... By the time Laura and Gabby would be in the picture, Itsu would be somewhere in her 90s if not older, and Akihiro in his 70s, but with a vastly different skill set, personality and motivations. Their dynamic would be completely different in a lot of different ways, but I still see Akihiro as someone who would be completely devoted to his family, and the girls 100000000% deserve Itsu someone to spoil them.
3) With his father's guidance, he may have more peace with his powers (Romulus' training was abuse at best, and it's taken Akihiro a lot of time in the comics to come to terms with who and what he is; Logan training him, or having him learn with the other X-Men would have shortened that process, if it didn't eliminate it entirely); I don't know that he would take up costumed fighting immediately, given Logan's propensity toward self-sacrifice (I feel like he'd take on the fighting role so his son wouldn't have to), but once the girls are in the picture, that's what leads him into it. He doesn't want them to have to fight any more or take any more pain, and so he would take up the costume to save them.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk; tune in next week when I share my thoughts on Akihiro's romantic partners/relationships and the themes of loss of self and belonging.
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monsieuroverlord · 2 years
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immortalmuses · 2 years
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@fatummortem​ sent:  “ well…you don’t see that every day, do you? “ (daken/ryouta @ logan?) Dead by Daylight Starters | Accepting
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        “Hnn.” Logan mutters, noncommittal even as he tilts his face away from the fumes rising off the body between he and Daken. The Canuck’s nose is sensitive enough without being assailed by the stench of bubbled, melting flesh. Skrull corpses... they always did disintegrate kinda quick, once the ruse was up. 
        “... I’ve seen weirder, if’n you can believe.” The mutant grunts, angling a look at his son. “-- and at least it’s not the damned Brood. Then we’d have real trouble.” Which isn’t to say that this ain’t trouble, because it sure as hell is. Logan’s just not sure what kind of trouble. He squints at their surroundings, mouth thinning into a grim line.
        “What’s a skrull doin’ earthside anyway, and imitating some regular schmuck? Unless--” Wolverine lofts an eyebrow, his expression expectant when it returns to Daken “...I don’t guess you recognized the skinsuit he was wearin’?”
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