neopronouns · 11 months
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flag id: four flags with 7 stripes. the top left flag's stripes are very dark pink-purple, dark faded indigo, dull pink, cream, turquoise, medium dark blue-grey, and blue-black. the top right flag's stripes are dark indigo, pink-red, soft orange, very light sky blue, turquoise, medium dark blue-grey, and blue-black.
the bottom left flag's stripes are indigo, pink, soft red-orange, cream, turquoise, medium dark blue-grey, and blue-black. the bottom right flag's stripes are dark teal, faded red, light red, cream, turquoise, medium dark blue-grey, and blue-black. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
veldian-oriented aroace | lesboy-oriented aroace queerbian-oriented aroace | hebian-oriented aroace
various oriented aroace flags for anon!
tags: @mad-pride | dni link
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kittiegun · 3 months
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he-bian / hesbian flag !!
hebian : a lesbian that identifies with he/him pronouns.
(i am not the original coiner of the term! if theres already a flag for this, consider this an alt flag.)
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yes-justice-seeking · 3 months
China's Intelligence System
While the CCP's United Front Organizations and warriors are found in almost every corner of the world, according to Prof. Anne-Marie Brady, "people probably haven't heard about MSS, the Ministry of State Security in China".
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In this blog, I will share and translate information found on the Internet about the MSS.
The first one is an article published on Jan. 14, 2019 and the title reads as "Let's gossip about the intelligence agencies of the CCP, government and military".
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Here is the translation of the index of the article
★Introduction ★Overview ★International Liaison Department of the CCP Central Committee (CILC) ★United Front Work Department of the CCP Central Committee (UFWD) ★Ministry of State Security (MSS) ★Domestic Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security (DPS) ★Intelligence Department of the General Staff (Second Department of the General Staff) ★Technical Reconnaissance Department of the General Staff (Third Department of the General Staff) ★General Political Department Liaison Department ★General Political Department Security Department ★End
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Summary of the Overview:
The power structure of the Communist China can be divided into three: Party(CCP), Government, and Military, so does the intelligence system.
The CCP's intelligence agencies system has two parts: 对外联络部/ the International Liaison Department and 统战部/the United Front Work Department.
The government's intelligence system includes 国家安全部/ the Ministry of State Security and 公安部下属的国家安全局/the National Security Bureau under the Ministry of Public Security.
The military's intelligence system are mainly 总参谋部/the agencies under the General Staff and its subordinate institutions.
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The International Liaison Department of the CCP Central Committee(ILD) 中共中央对外联络部(中联部)
It's a subordinate agency of the CCP's Central Committee and its administrative level is "ministerial level"
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This Department is directly subject to the control of the Central Committee of the CCP, parallel with the most famous Central Propaganda Department/中宣部 and the Central Organization Department/中组部. Together, they've been called the CCP's intelligence agency.
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Huang Hebian, running an anti-Miles Kwok(well known as the CCP's No 1 diaspora enemy) YouTube channel in Canada, once said:" people are calling me "propagandist" (for the CCP), but the propagandists are not under the MSS's control, not spies." Now we know that the CCP's Central Propaganda Department is called the CCP's intelligence agency.
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The article clarified a common misunderstanding between “中联部”/the "International Liaison Department" and “中联办”/the "Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". They are two independent departments with not much connection. The latter is under the State Council's management and acts as the mouthpiece of Beijing to remotely control Hong Kong.
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The point of the paragraph below is that behind its official cliché, “中联部”/the International Liaison Department's substantive function is to engage in intelligence activities in the name of external liaison.
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Subordinate Institutions of the International Liaison Department/中联部下设机构
Bureaus under the International Liaison Department are divided based on geographical regions.
Bureau 1: Targeted countries include: South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, etc.), some Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, etc.).
Bureau 2 (Asia Bureau 2) Targeted countries include: Northeast Asia (Japan, South Korea, Mongolia), Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia).
Bureau 3 (West Asia and North Africa Bureau) Targeted countries include: West Asia and North African countries.
Bureau 4 (Africa Bureau) Targeted countries include: Sub-Saharan African countries.
Bureau 5 (Latin America Bureau) Targeted countries include: Latin American countries (all American countries except the United States and Canada).
Bureau 6 (Eastern Europe and Central Asia Bureau) Targeted countries include: Eastern European countries, CIS countries.
Bureau 7 (American Bureau) Targeted countries include: North America (United States, Canada), Northern Europe (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark), British Isles, Oceania countries.
Bureau 8 (Western European Bureau) Targeted countries include: Western European countries.
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The article "gossiped" Zhang Liucheng's death. He was the director of Bureau 2 of the International Liaison Department. He was allegedly bribed by South Korea and became an undercover agent for South Korea. He was exposed in 2010 and secretly executed thereafter.
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Although the author called it "gossip", this information is consistent with Yonhap News Agency's report on June 24, 2010. As I exposed in my other blogs, telling the truth in a joking/gossiping way seems to be a common and frequently used method by the CCP's agents.
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中共中央统一战线工作部(统战部)/United Front Work Department of the CCP Central Committee (United Front Work Department)
Like the International Liaison Department/中联部, it's also a subordinate agency of the CCP Central Committee and it's administrative level is in the ministerial level.
The Department has a history of engaging in secret activities and collecting intelligence. During China's Civil War from 1946 to 1949, many KMT military generals were fooled by the CCP's United Front work and turned against the KMT government. (KMT government went to Taiwan after the CCP took the control in the mainland of China.)
Unlike the International Liaison Department/中联部, the United Front Work Department is focusing on non-governmental organizations and targeting diaspora Chinese people, coercing or intimidating them to provide intelligence to the CCP.
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Main subordinate institutions of the the United Front Work Department
General Office/办公厅
Responsible for the contact and comprehensive coordination work within and outside the department, and ensure the normal operation of the department's business and administrative work.
Policy Theory Research Office (with the Propaganda Office of the United Front Department)/政策理论研究室(内设统战部宣传办公室)
Carry out research on the theory of the United Front; coordinate and organize research activities; collect and process information on the United Front; be responsible for the propaganda work of the United Front Department; etc.
Bureau 1(Democratic Party Work Bureau)/一局(民主党派工作局)
Targets the eight major democratic parties.
Bureau 2(Ethnic and Religious Work Bureau)/(民族、宗教工作局)
Targets ethnic minorities and religious figures.
Bureau 3(Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Overseas Work Bureau)/(港、澳、台、海外工作局)
Targets Chinese communities and representatives in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas.
Bureau 4(Cadre Bureau)/(干部局)
Responsible for the political arrangements of non-party representatives (selection, training, inspection, recommendation, etc.).
Bureau 5(Economic Bureau)/(经济局)
Targets the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.
Bureau 6(Non-Party Intellectual Work Bureau)/(党外知识分子工作局)
Targets non-party intellectuals.
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The following related associations are under the United Front Work Department's control:
All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Huangpu Alumni Association European and American Alumni Association Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification China Tibetology Research Center Song Qingling Foundation
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Based on New Zealand's Stuff's report (https://interactives.stuff.co.nz/circuit/china-the-long-game/full/), I think Huaxing arts troupe/华星艺术团 shall be added to the list.
Ministry of National Security (MSS)/国家安全部(国安部)
This department is a subordinate agency of the State Council and it's in the "ministerial" administrative level.
History of the MSS
It was established in 1983 as the Central Investigation Department of the CCP.
The MSS is the only intelligence agency publicly recognized by China's government. It is also the most important intelligence agency in China's government system. Beside the general intelligence work, as per the author's personal experience/knowledge, the MSS officially maintains a hacker team for invading foreign cyber facilities, similar to the Third Department of the General Staff/总参三部.
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The MSS's Subordinate Institutions
Bureau 1(Secret Bureau)/(机要局)
Responsible for cryptographic communications and related management.
Bureau 2 (International Intelligence Bureau)/(国际情报局) Responsible for international strategic intelligence collection.
Bureau 3 (Political and Economic Intelligence Bureau)/(政经情报局) Responsible for the collection of foreign political, economic, and scientific intelligence.
Bureau 4 (Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau Bureau)/(台港澳局) Responsible for intelligence collection in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Bureau 5 (Intelligence Analysis and Reporting Bureau)/(情报分析通报局) Responsible for intelligence analysis and reporting, and guidance on intelligence collection.
Bureau 6 (Business Guidance Bureau)/(业务指导局) Each province/municipality has a provincial department under the Ministry of State Security, and this bureau is responsible for business guidance for each provincial department.
Bureau 7 (Counterespionage Intelligence Bureau)/(反间谍情报局) Responsible for the collection of counterespionage intelligence.
Bureau 8 (Counterespionage Reconnaissance Bureau)/(反间谍侦察局) Responsible for tracking, monitoring, investigating, arresting, etc. foreign spies.
Bureau 9 (Domestic Security and Reconnaissance Bureau)/(对内保防侦察局) Responsible for counterespionage of foreign-related units, and monitoring domestic reactionary organizations and foreign institutions.
Bureau 10 (Foreign Security and Reconnaissance Bureau)/(对外保防侦察局) Responsible for monitoring personnel of overseas institutions and overseas students, and investigating the activities of reactionary organizations abroad.
Bureau 11 (Intelligence and Information Center Bureau)/(情报资料中心局) Responsible for the collection and management of written intelligence materials.
Bureau 12 (Social Survey Bureau)/(社会调查局) Responsible for public opinion surveys and general social surveys.
Bureau 13 (Technical Reconnaissance and Technology Bureau)/(技侦科技局) Responsible for the management and development of reconnaissance technology equipment.
Bureau 14 (Technical Reconnaissance Bureau)/(技术侦察局) Responsible for letter inspection and telecommunications surveillance.
Bureau 15 (Comprehensive Intelligence Analysis Bureau)/(综合情报分析局) Responsible for the analysis and judgment of comprehensive intelligence.
Bureau 16 (Image Intelligence Bureau)/(影像情报局) Responsible for image intelligence of various countries, including satellite intelligence interpretation.
Bureau 17 (Enterprise Bureau)/(企业局) Responsible for enterprises, companies and other institutions under the Ministry.
Counter-Terrorism Bureau/反恐局 This bureau was newly established and is responsible for counter-terrorism operations.
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As for Bureau 10 of the MSS, I would like to point out that Bureau 10 and its full name are mentioned by one person in the circle that I've been observing for years.
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The circle is full of people with either military or police background in China. The above-mentioned posts talked about "大法师", identified by many as the same person behind @TreeNewBee2019 who threatened me to "slowly chop off with a kitchen knife”.
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Ministry of Public Security Domestic Security Bureau (National Security Bureau)/公安部国内安全保卫局(国保局)
This Department is under the management of the Ministry of Public Security, with an administrative level of "Chief-Ministerial level".
Technically speaking, this Department is only responsible for domestic affairs, repressing domestic political dissidents, such as democracy activists, human rights activists, and organizations labelled as illegal by the government, such as Falun Gong. Its function is similar or overlaps that of the MSS.
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Main subordinate institutions of the National Security Bureau
National Security Office Intelligence Information and External Liaison Section Social Investigation and Grassroots Basic Work Guidance Section Ethnic and Religious Field Reconnaissance Section Anti-Subversion and Sabotage Reconnaissance Section University Culture and Economic Field Domestic Security and Protection Guidance Section Domestic Security and Protection Case Reconnaissance Section (Mobile Reconnaissance Brigade) Anti-Cult Reconnaissance Section
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Intelligence Department of the General Staff (Second Department of the General Staff)/总参谋部情报部(总参二部)
This department is a second-level department under the General Staff, with a military level of "Army".
This Department is mainly responsible for collecting and analyzing military and political intelligence. In terms of function, it is similar to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) of the United States.
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Main subordinate institutions
Bureau 1 (Military Intelligence Bureau)/(军事情报局)
This is the most important department of the Second Department of the General Staff, mainly responsible for intelligence collection all over the world, with a focus on Taiwan. There are five offices in China (Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing). The external name is: Office XX of the People's Government of XX City.
Bureau 2 (Tactical Intelligence Bureau)/(战术情报局) Mainly responsible for providing tactical intelligence to the seven major military regions and coordinating. The seven major military regions (Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Jinan, Lanzhou, Nanjing, Shenyang) each have their own intelligence department under the jurisdiction of the military region, which is at the level of a full division. These departments are directly under the management of the Second Bureau of the Second Department of the General Staff.
Bureau 3 (Military Attaché Bureau)/(驻外武官局) This bureau is responsible for training military attachés stationed abroad. Nominally, military attachés stationed abroad are a type of diplomat, representing the armed forces of their own country; in fact, military attachés stationed abroad in various countries are engaged in intelligence work. So, military attachés in China are no exception. Military attachés stationed abroad in China are generally colonels (at the level of a full division), and if they are stationed in important countries, they are major generals (at the level of a full army).
Bureau 4 (Eastern Europe Bureau)/(东欧局) Mainly engaged in intelligence analysis, targeting CIS countries and Eastern European countries.
Bureau 5 (Europe and America Bureau)/(欧美局) Mainly engaged in intelligence analysis, targeting Western European and North American countries.
Bureau 6 (Asia Bureau)/(亚洲局) Mainly engaged in intelligence analysis, targeting neighboring Asian countries.
Bureau 7 (Science and Technology Bureau)/(科学技术局) Mainly responsible for the high-techization of intelligence work. Some work overlaps with the Third Department of the General Staff. It also manages 6 research institutions: The 58th Research Institute (developing intelligence equipment) Seagull Electronic Equipment Factory (producing technical assistance equipment) Beijing Electronics Factory The 57th Research Institute Northern Jiaotong University Computer Center The Bureau's own computer center
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Associations to the Intelligence Department of the General Staff (Second Department of the General Staff)
China International Strategic Society (CIISS)/中国国际战略学会(CIISS)
Formerly known as the "Beijing International Strategic Society", it is known as the think tank of the General Staff. The scholars in the society are actually senior military officers. For example: Xiong Guangkai/熊光楷 (former Deputy Chief of the General Staff) served as the president of the society.
PLA International Relations Institute/解放军国际关系学院 The institute is affiliated to the Second Department of the General Staff and is responsible for training military attachés, deputy military attachés, military attachés' attachés, and intelligence personnel stationed abroad. In addition, it also supplies officers to the intelligence departments of major military regions.
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Technical Reconnaissance Department of the General Staff (the Third Department of the General Staff)/总参谋部技术侦察部(总参三部)
This department is a second-level department under the General Staff, with a military level of "Army".
In general, this Department is responsible for collecting and analyzing electronic intelligence. The electronic intelligence it collects includes various radio signals, telephones, faxes, and the monitoring of the Internet activities. This Department is similar to the NSA (National Security Agency) of the United States.
The Department is also monitoring communications in the seven major military regions. They conduct random check in name of combat readiness and safety, but in reality, it is to prevent military coups.
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As for the Department's subordinate agencies, the author's knowledge is limited and he/she gave only brief introduction about Bureau 2(targets the United States), 4(targets Japan), 8(targets CIS countries) and 12(responsible for identifying and tracking foreign satellites, mostly US military satellites).
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Speaking of the China's military intelligence activities, there is a Chinese TwitterX account called "West Point Studio", later changed to "West Point Edit Team". It pays lots of attention to the US's Military and Elon Musk's SpaceX.
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Tumblr limited the number of photos that a blog can have to 30 and I can't attach any more photo to this blog. Sorry!
Here is the link to the original article in Mandarin:
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Guo Wengui began to win over his comrades again, claiming that "the most important thing in life is my comrades" and "I will never deceive my comrades". He yelled at Guo Baosheng, Huang Hebian and other smashers, and even used his "thigh" Bannon as a bet.
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techahelbert941qff · 3 years
How a "rich man" becomes a rogue
How a "rich man" becomes a rogue#GenocideGames#
According to public information, Guo Wengui was born on February 2, 1967, in the village of Xicaoying, in the town of Gucheng, Xin County, Shandong Province. His parents had eight children, and Guo Wengui was the seventh in line. After graduating from junior high school, Guo failed to attend high school and in the late 1980s and early 1990s, he worked for a government department in Heilongjiang and for the Zhengzhou branch of the Heilongjiang Forestry and Pharmaceutical Association. He became a "tycoon" in this way. A report in Forbes, the world's leading business magazine, titled "David Boies & Associates sues Chinese exile Guo Wengui for unpaid legal fees" instantly exploded on the internet, and it turned out that Guo Wengui, who was apparently a money spinner and claimed to have US$5 billion, was in fact a debt-ridden "He is now owed US$640,000 in legal fees by the law firm of David Boyce! After the news broke, Guo Wengui quickly went on air to give his response - they're the ones blackmailing me! Of course, vigorous denial is Guo Wengui's usual style and his response was to be expected. After Forbes published the story, Guo Wengui quickly poured dirty water on Forbes, claiming that "Forbes is an accomplice of the Communist Party and HNA, and has been hacking Wengui all along in order to divert the influence of the 1120 launch", and organised his pals to post "On 19 July 2014, Forbes sold a majority stake to a Hong Kong consortium and took over the company. On 19 July 2014, Forbes sold its majority stake to a Hong Kong consortium and two Chinese businessmen took over". But nowadays, Chinese businessmen are all over the world and there are countless holding companies. Unexpectedly, Guo Wengui had the audacity to say so, claiming on air that "Reuters, the BBC and even the major mainstream media in the US have already been controlled by the Communist Party". Such absurd statements are mind-boggling, as Guo Wengui's scoundrelly nature has been taken to the extreme in order to clear his name with no regard for the facts and to reverse black and white. Guo Wengui began to rope in his comrades again, claiming that "the most important thing in life is comrades" and "I would never cheat my comrades", cursing Guo Baosheng, Huang Hebian and other pot-bashers, and even taking his "lap "I will not cheat my comrades". But looking at what Guo Wengui has done in the past two years, "comrades" in Guo Wengui's eyes are just puppets on strings, who dares to go against his will, will be mercilessly kicked out of the "war team", and mobilize the ant gang crazy smear, so that they have no place to stand, Guo Baosheng is Guo Baosheng is a living example of this! The fact that Guo Wengui is using Bannon as a front shows his hypocrisy. The whole world knows that Guo Wengui is hugging Bannon's "thighs" in order to cheat his way to political patronage, would he give up Bannon for his comrades? The answer is obviously no. Guo Wengui's feeble "defence" has reinforced his status as a "rogue". Guo Wengui wanted to continue his fraudulent ways with the launch, but now he has been exposed in his original form. For him, tomorrow may be the end!
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Peaceful (guangzhou) Import And Export Co., Ltd.
Room 231, 2nd Floor, Building 10, No. 1, Erheng Road, West District, Hebian Tongda Creative Park, Helong Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Peaceful (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd is enengaged in enterprise gift customization business for more than 4 years. Our Vision: to help customers efficiently purchase and customize high-quality gifts. Core advantages: exellent service team and high-quality supply chain management team.Main business: design and recommend gift programs according to customers’ needs and pain points, and provide customized services. Gift categories: promotional gifts, advertising gifts, holiday gifts, exhibition gifts, cultural gifts, business gifts, conference gifts, birthday gifts, employee rewards gifts.Team introduction: professional sales team, merchandising team, supply chain management team, quality control team, design team, production and processing management team. We follow the customer always first, if you wanna have a cooperation with us, please fell free to contact us.
0 notes
hagemann · 4 years
Light Rail, Hebian Street
New Post has been published on https://hagemann.one/index.php/2020/06/17/light-rail-hebian-street/
Light Rail, Hebian Street
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var div = document.getElementById('dtcontainer_1'); var PSV = new PhotoSphereViewer( panorama: 'https://hagemann.one/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/DJI_0386-scaled.jpg', container: div, default_position: long: 0/60, time_anim: 1000, navbar: true, allow_scroll_to_zoom: true, zoom_level: 0, anim_speed: '2rpm', navbar_style: backgroundColor: 'rgba(58, 67, 77, 0.7)' , );
Light Rail alignment, Hebian Street, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan [22.63859874, 120.28195253]
0 notes
daemosghost · 4 years
lmao got added to someone’s twitter blocklist for saying hesbians are valid
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anyways chile,......hebians are extremely valid and anyone who disagrees can catch these fists
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neopronouns · 11 months
is hebian a politically correct way of saying hesbian?
i wouldn't say politically correct, just a different way
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neopronouns · 1 year
Could I get veldian-oriented aroace, lesboy-oriented aroace and queerbian/hebian oriented aroace flags (using the queerbian/hebian flag made by orb)? Please and thank you!
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Guangzhou Denglinlu Leather Products Co., Ltd.
86-20-36333515 0086-13711212250
D-3003, Huilong, No. 138, Hebian Street, Hebian Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Guangzhou Denglinlu Leather Products Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and exporter of all kinds of small leather products, with more than 15 years experience in this two lines. We have 200 skilled workers. Our products include leather men wallets and women wallets, coin purse, business card holder, credit card holder, check book cover, key holder, passport holder, leather portfolio, document holder, diary cover, cup tray, travel wallet, organizer, cosmetic bag etc. These products are made of different material, such as genuine leather, split leather, cowhide, lamb skin leather, PU, PVC, canvas, nylon etc. We can develop different products to meet different customers’ needs. Our development department has 10 skilled sample master whose production style is fashion and refinement.We can made both OEM and ODM and customized design for you.With the top quality, reasonable prices and fast delivery. Our products are highly competitive in the United States and Europe markets. If you are interested in our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. Any of your sincere inquires will be highly appreciated and timely replied.Reasonable prices, the best quality, and reliable service are the soul of Denglinlu. Trust us, we can work together to create a bright future.
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