#heck actually kingdoms could go to war if u want
mlem2460 · 2 months
switched at birth au & y it ADDS to the story instead of taking away fr it
1) i get y people dont like the 'apple & raven being switched at birth' reveal undermining their whole stances on the storybook & their destinies cause that WOULD BE redundant & a terrible execution HOWEVER
2) think of the ✨possibilities✨
3) of the absolute ABUNDANCE OF ARCS available to all after the reveal
raven's frustration at everyone FINALLY believing she can be good, but only because they are ONCE AGAIN reducing her to her BIOLOGY rather than her actual character n struggling the keep her stance for choice over destiny & running the risk of rejecting the acceptance that she's been chasing being within her reach for all the wrong reasons, (extra spice for having to face resentment from some rebels for her new storybook happy ever after & no longer being encouraged to have outbursts but expected to have the emotional intelligence of a white after being partially raised by the most deranged queen in history)
apple being left by so many royals (not all tho, be fr) for being 'evil' & not knowing if she should be upset cause yes: they're supposed to friends, but no: they are following their destinies as they should, but yes: if she's supposed to be evil now resentment is good-but in an evil way? cue a jekle&hyde level of seconded guessing & doubt because she was raised to be good & she has strived to be kind everyday of her life but now she has to be evil to follow her destiny & oh this feels horrible, should she apologize to raven for the pressure she placed on her?, but no she's evil now and she shouldn't apologize for anything ever, but she feels horrible, but if she's evil is she supposed to feel horrible?, or should it feel good to do bad?, what does she do??
royals having to decide if they're more committed to being good friends or following their destinies
rebels having to decide if they want their leader to sign for a happy ending most of them dont get, resent her for that same ending, or pressure her into staying a rebel the same way the were pressured to follow their destinies
dexter panicking cause yeah! raven is amazing & everyone should see it, but oh gosh pls dont let daring be her prince that would be too much, but he wasnt supposed to be prince charming either?!?
briar struggling to support her friend (cause obv she not abandoning apple) but not knowing how to help apple in her struggle to try to stick to being a royal as the new evil queen when she herself is a rebel
maddie being 10 toes down for her bestie since day one & accidentally wreaking havoc on royals who cant actually be mad cause that's the mad hatters daughter & trying to make her conform would encourage rebel ideals of going against ones destiny but HOW IS THE TEA ROOM UPSIDE DOWN & THE GOWNS OH FOR THE LOVE O-
royals, sidekicks, henchmen, villagers, etc all across the kingdom now having concerns about children whos traits dont line up with their parents or whatever else
i personally hope grimm has an aneurism
it's easy to say the evil queen switched them for sh*ts n giggles & thats fun for its own reasons BUT what about the infinite possibilities of other culprits??? snow white sees her daughter has dark magic? switched. whoever ravins dad is tryna get back at the evil queen? switched. random bumbling henchman/sidekick doing a lil whoopsie? switched. concerned citizen tries to keep innocent child fr the evil queen & the delirious post-labour evil queen tries to take back her child? switched. jealous ex-lover or bitter sidelined sibling/relative? switched. magic? switched. hotel? trivago switched.
A N D every characters stance, feelings, etc are changed depending on how & y the switch even happened in the first place
In Conclusion:
don't let this au flop because of poor execution
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aromanticautiesworld · 5 months
Specifically a gn!musician reader who's chill and easy going, (sort of balances fern out/similar to marshall lee) who teases fern sometimes and becomes friends with fern, fern develops a crush on them and gets jealousy of the friendship between finn and the reader and finally gets the guts to confess.
AHGJH THANK U!! i LOVE this req btw im gonna incorporate it into my belief system
fern with a musician gn!reader (art by mee!)
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word count: 1789
The first time, he met you through Finn.
One lousy sunday evening Finn invited you over (he will often invite people over to the treehouse with no warning), the sky was halfway dark, and you looked like you walked all the way here.
You wore a large case on your back, hair tied up and a pencil slid behind your ear. Slung across your shoulder was a duffel bag which he would soon discover was full of paper (paper is weird to think about. It used to be trees, and he’s kinda related to trees now. It’s not cannibalism yet, but it’s close. Corpse desecration, maybe. He doesn’t feel that strongly about it anyways, nor does he feel very close to the trees, even if he technically is) with scrawled half-written lyrics all over them.
“Anyone home?” You half-yell from the bottom of the treehouse. Finn was out on the deck, doing who-the-hecking-gob-knows-what with Jake.
Fern sits perched from his up hiding spot (you could only see his glowing eyes, if you were looking up). He slithers down the ladder, remaining unseen (he doesn’t want to be. They’re a new person. New people are scary), tail flicking.
When you notice him, you quickly turn around. “Hey,” You squint. “Finn?”
There is a pause as he is torn between opting out of this conversation entirely and actually talking. “Fern, actually.”
“Oh. Cool name,”
“I picked it.”
“My parents gave me mine, but I’m considering changing it.”
“Why would you wanna change your name?”
You shrug, “I like to live my life on the edge. Me n’ your roommate got a jam sesh happening right now, you should join,”
There’s a beat of silence. “…I don’t think I’m invited. Grass boys can’t play the flute. Grass boys can’t even breathe.” Fern crosses his arms and looks down, frowning.
Worry flickers over your eyes, if you blink you’ll miss it. “Hmm…” You look to the side, in thought. “Well, now you are. ‘Grass boy’.” You smile ever so slightly when using the nickname he’s given for himself.
“Hey! Only I get to call myself that!”
“Sure, grass boy. C’mon, he’s probably out on the deck,” You walk to the ladder, gesturing for him to follow.
And, for no reason he can think of, he follows you. It’s like he wants to be around you, which is weird. He usually stops himself from being around people, they either treat him like he is Finn or like he’s the opposite. He’s not either, though.
He picks off a flower from his shoulder. Where did that come from?
The fourth time, you had a BFF sleepover. Fern had crawled onto the outside of the tree, to both not intrude and not do something wrong (it was the worst thing when Jake looked at him like that. He doesn’t want you to look at him like that too). The distant sounds of the Candy Kingdom and Jake lamenting at not winning card wars are all the sounds there are, up there.
Until the sounds of someone crawling onto the roof with him.
He sharply turns, ready to fight off whatever evil was trying to kidnap Finn or Jake (or both) this time. But no, it’s just you again.
“Was Jake too mean in card wars?”
“No, I just lost. They’re playing elimination, I don’t feel like watching the rest.”
You plop down right next to him.
“Y’ever been there?” You look up at the sky.
Fern squints, “That cloud?”
“No, pom-pom. The sky.” (This was a new nickname, made after the discovery of his dandelion tail).
“No. Wait! Yes. Magic man was doing some b-s with my bro, so I had to meet the immortal King of Mars.”
“Then what?”
“He died.”
You snort. It wasn’t an intentional joke, but he gets that weird buzzy feeling again.
“Whoa, poms. You’re like, covered in flowers.”
Finn groans. “Aghh! Again??” He sits up and rushes to brush the reds, yellows and oranges off himself.
He turns to you smiling at him in his flower frenzy, frown heavy upon his face.
“What?” He asks, accusatory, grass puffed up (the image reminds you of an angry cat).
“Nothing. Just you.”
Fern’s tail twitches, he de-puffs and he brings his knees to his chest.
It’s quiet again, you both sitting in comfortable silence.
“We may not have sunshine, or starlight, or weather,
But we've got each other, and that's even better.
You don't need the sun to keep you warm when you've got arms,
Wishes come from you and not a random shooting star.
We may not have storm clouds, but the sky's always blue,
We've got something special here
And what we have is you
What we have is you
What we have is you…”
You look over to grass-boy, asking if he liked it, but you stop yourself halfway. He was asleep.
You brush the stray hairs out of his face, before climbing back off the roof to probably lose card wars again. Such is the tragedy of sleepovers.
Fern would later wake up, and have an important realization.
Fern messes around with his…Finn’s old racecar track toy. He then drops it to the floor.
“I got a question for you, Finn.”
“What’s up, dude?”
“If I…hypothetically…liked…someone… how would I go about doin’ that?”
“You got a crush?”
“No! It’s hypothetical.”
Finn squints at him.
Finn continues to squint.
“No no, I got it.”
“Well…I would say you tell them how you feel.”
Flowers cover his face again. “Noooooo!! What if they don’t like me back? What if they like someone else?”
Finn shrugs, “Then they don’t like you back. I had a crush on PB for years, she never liked me back and we’re still friends.”
“But what if…”
“Dude.” Finn stops him. “You got this.”
Fern would appreciate his cheering on, but he’s not so sure Finn would say the same thing had he known it was you, or that he’s got this. He knows you like spending time with Finn more than him.
The ???th time (he’s lost count), you invited him along again, with Finn, (and basically everyone else in Ooo, to be honest. It happens when you’re friends with Finn) to a TV night for your birthday. It was an old one you scavenged up, “My Little Pony” or something (his favorite character is Rainbow Dash).
After many weeks of toeing around the idea of asking you out (that time you guys made pancakes, when you went for a dip in the river He’s going to do it tonight.
You sat next to him (close. to him), singing along to the many, many songs over the noise of the crowd behind the couch.
“No, I do not love the groom, in my heart there is no room—” You lean into him and he mumbles along with the lyrics, small smile on his face.
“Finally the moment has arrived! For me, to be one lucky bride…” Finn is also singing. He pauses, staring off into space, before snapping up. “Oh yeah!”
“Hm?” You look across Fern to him.
“C’mere dude, I gotta show you something!”
You get up from his side, going with Finn, and leaving him disappointed.
He follows the duo, though the mild party and to the hallway where Finn was lugging a huge box.
“I got you a present!”
“Oh, awesome,”
“You wanna open it?”
“Hold on,” You pull a pair of scissors out of your pocket. Why it was in there, no one will ever know.
Fern then gets hit by the realization that he forgot to get you a present. How the heck did he think he could just /show up/ to your party without one?
“Oh, Finn, this is so cool! Thanks so much,” You admire the new guitar you’d window shopped for a few weeks ago, which Finn had apparently taken notice of.
“It’s NP, DW about it.”
“Why are you talking in acronyms?”
“It’s a new thing I’m trying out.”
Fern shuffles over to you. “Hey, um, [ ]? Can I talk to you about something?”
“What’s up?”
He lowers his head more. “Can I talk to you about it in private?”
You look back at Finn, then nod and gesture for him to follow into a more secluded hallway, the muffled sounds of dance music vibrating through the walls.
You don’t say anything, and instead are listening intently (terrifying). Fern has to take a deep breath to steady himself.
“I….um….” He begins to fidget with his hands, “I think you’re really cool. And…you’re one of the only people who doesn’t look at me like a monster. And I like hanging out with you and I wanna hang out more and…”
You nod, urging him to continue.
“…andddddd I—”
“AAAAAAAH!” A scream from the party interrupts him.
You both immediately run out, to see a monster breaking through one of the walls of your house, jerking around violently as Finn already had his sword around its neck (?).
Fern rushes in, grass sword already whipped out.
He joins Finn on its head (? Again. It’s a worm) stabbing it, rapidly. Its pink blood drips down the side of its face, onto your floor. It begins jerking and twitching even more violently now, trying to shake Fern off.
Finn struggles, and tries to get a stable footing, before the force it’s using to try and get both him and Fern off plunges Finn’s sword right through its neck.
Its head falls right to the floor, Fern still on it, who is still stabbing.
Finn continues to fight the rest of the worm’s body, which has since retreated outside and is currently trying to spit acid at him, leaving barren spots in the grass with only mildly dissolved dirt.
You crouch in front of Fern, putting your hand on his shoulder.
“I think it’s had enough, grass boy,”
He looks up at you, then back down at the corpse-head, and re-sheathes the grass sword.
“What were you saying?”
Feen blinks. What was he saying?
You stare at him, intently.
Oh yeah, absolute fear. “I…..”
“……reallyreallylikeyou. Alotalot.” He snaps his eyes shut when he says it, only opening one a moment later to gauge your reaction.
You knew this already, but you wanted to wait until he was sure of his feelings.“Awww, I like you too! you little pom-pom.” You squish his (flower covered) face.
“Stop it!” He complains.
“Nope, we're partners. You can’t escape me now,”
“Go Fern! Yeahhh!” Finn shouts from where he stood on the decapitated corpse on the worm, covered in pink blood.
You giggle, before it slowly subsides. “Wait a minute. How am I gonna pay for my house?”
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Since you reference it in your rules and I’m a sucker for the trope, how about some Royal Arrange Marriage AU HCs with Mirio and Fem!Reader? Plz! Your fellow Mirio Lover needs her fix xD
I LOVE THIS YES SO much I hecking love AUs like this 😣💕💕💕
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You're not happy about this arrangement.
Are you willing to do this to unite your kingdoms and stop your parents from waging war? Yes.
But to have to marry a complete stranger in the name of peace!?
You knew you were gonna be forced into it, but geez you always thought your parents would have you two meet at a ball first at least!
But nope, all it took as some papers being signed and suddenly you were whisked away to the kingdom of your fiancee!
You can envision the horrible scene about to play out as you walk down the hall of this immaculate palace.
He's probably way older than me, probably a creeper, he's probably secretly mean too, I wish I didnt have to do th-
"Hello y/n!"
You're suddenly pulled out of your scary daydream and look down to see not a scary old grouch, but a kind young man with a very nice smile.
It feels like time slowed down for a moment so you could observe his features better.
Beautiful blue eyes, golden hair, a button nose, and again, a very kind and charming smile.
You notice how gently he kisses your hand as he bows to you, a sweet contrast from the energetic aura he gave off.
"I'm so happy to meet you y/n!! Since the moment my parents told me about this arrangement I've been dying to meet you and get to know my beloved properly!!"
You were shocked at how bold he was, calling you his "beloved" right on the first meeting? Who did this guy think he was!?
"Ah, yes well um-"
Before you can properly scold him for the use of such infomalities, you feel a strong arm being linked with yours, and your feet being guided away from the main hall and down a random corridor.
"I thought doing something fun might be a good icebreaker for us! Soooooo I asked my assistant to keep our chaperones busy so I could give you a tour of the castle!"
You chuckle little at how excited he seems to be
"But Mi- oh uh....hold on- what would you like me to call you?"
"What do you mean?" :)
"Y'know....do you want me to address you as 'Your Majesty' or uh 'Prince Togata' .....or.......something?"
"Ooooooooh! I see! Nah, you my beloved, can call me whatever you want! But if you're unsure, I always like being called by my first name!"
Your cheeks darken a bit at his boldness, he was so casual about all this! But you attempt to act unaffected as you clear your throat
"Er- okay then Mirio....why did you pull me a away when I was already on a castle tour?"
"Because my beloved! This isnt just any ole tour! This-"
He pauses as he moves a small statue on a bookshelf, curiously placed in the empty corridor you were in, revealing the bookshelf was actually a door!
You gasp at this suprise and Mirio's eyes are bright as he leads you through he doorway, finally finishing what he was saying:
"This my dear y/n, is the secret tour"
Man, I really need to stop writing almost one shots before doing actual headcanons 😂 gosh okay so let's get into it!
H your first thought when meeting him is:
Puppy......buff.....puppy man......
He's so excited to show you EVERYTHING!
Spoils you to the point where you have to be the one going "dude.......chill pls"
He's so caring, constantly checking in on you
"Are you warm enough princess? My cloak is plenty warm if you need it!"
"Dearest you seem solemn today.....do you wanna talk about it?"
It takes you a bit to notice but, as affectionate as Mirio is with words, he really isnt physically affectionate in the beginning other than holding your hand.
Hes quite the cuddlebug, but he's also a respectful gentleman! He's not gonna kiss or snuggle you till he knows you're comfortable!
Gosh once he knows what you're okay with?? He's gonna hurl an avalanche of over-the-top affection your way,He's cuddling you 24/7 bro
He's snuggling you the second you wake up
He's snuggling you in the library when you two are on the couch and reading
Heck if you're down he'll have you on his lap during small meetings so he can continue to snuggle you.
Battle strategist: uh- your majesty?
Mirio, looking very serious while resting his chin on the top of your head: Yes Sir? Is something wrong?
Battle strategist: er;; n-no your majesty
All of the staff, heck the whole kingdom is used to Mirio's overwhelming love and respect for you
And yeah, in case you're wondering: they do ship it.....its already like a thing but....y'know
Mirio is gonna open up to you really quickly just... be prepared for that.
Like its gonna start 9ut with him randomly blurting put embarrassing things he did as a kid, but it starts to shift to your whole arrangement, and he sounds almost sad about it sometimes...
"I'm....I'm sorry princess.....I'm sorry you were forced into this....I know you didnt want to be stuck with me against your will....I mean- I adore you, but we're kinda strangers! And.....you shouldnt have to marry a stranger, you should get to marry someone you love and want to be with of you own will...."
Oh no I made it sad D:
But he'll look up at you, eyes still shimmering with this innocent hope, and a very soft determination
"I.....know you didnt want this but.....I hope that maybe, If I try really hard, I can make this something you dont hate at least, because I want you to be comfortable....I want you to live here, not feel trapped here....so if there's anything I can do, just tell me princess"
Gosh he's so sweet no wonder you fell head over heels for him a few days in ;)
Please imagine him asking you to marry him properly once you both grow closer and fall in love ;u;
"But Mirio we're already mar-"
"No sunshine, that was for responsibity, this time?"
He squeezes your hand a smidge, eyes welling up as he says what he's been hoping to do since he first had the thought
"This time its gonna be for love"
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
With how u and others felt about season 4, mostly the second half(i dont hv mucn to say, it made no impact on me thats good or bad compare to other serie finales) how would you write season 4 and its plot lines(especially the shipping). Maybe ull inpire some people to do their own takes
according to your question, you’re asking me to keep all the plotlines the same, but change how they’re written.
alright, fair enough.
Here’s basically all the plots of this season:
Eclipsa trying to win the favors of her people (+ Globgor)
Mina’s whole thing
The Love Plot
i mean, that is the majority of it unless we consider minor detials that went nowhere as far as plot but maybe i can actually give them actual purpose (Like the spell that EATS DIMENSIONS that meant nothing).
it’s hard to believe the show could wrap EVERYTHING up in one season, so that’s not what i’m going to do, but i’m gonna try and see how much i personally feel i COULD give resolution to if i had the same plots, and one season left.
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you can probably keep the beginning mostly the same with finding and retrieving moon, though maybe foreshadow mina slightly in these episodes, even if it’s one-off dialogue.
and we can keep moon running a mewman town atm, living peacefully, and coming across mina.
Mina however, should have gotten a flashback episode, i don’t care who she’s telling it to, or maybe even moon is telling it to someone else, that one clip of mina and solaria could’ve been expanded upon.
we could’ve seen how solaria manipulated her and how every one of her pals were killed, making her into a more interesting and dynamic threat, you could even name-drop seth in here, if not just give him a small cameo as a general they face off against.
Also, if we keep the “Moon was behind it the whole time” plot twist, give her a dang better reason then what she gave, and foreshadow it better, maybe because she doesn’t trust globgor herself, maybe because meteora wrecked and almost destroyed mewni, maybe it’s because she can’t fully trust the monsters because she’s worried of what could happen if they’re in power after past destruction like what toffee did.
and don’t easily forgive her by the end, she has a lot of things to make up for for this and you could even use it for foreshadowing if you were going for a s5.
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The whole topic about star being a bad gf? Ok, good, because LHF is a good episode (And i stand by that).
What we do after however? We actually have Star LEARN FROM HER ACTIONS.
Because you know what the biggest issue with that episode is? It’s not in the episode itself, it’s the fact the episode blatantly shows us Star is an awful Gf and runs from her issues…and she never actually LEARNS from these issues in the series, the show lets her treat tom badly and then rewards her for it by giving her a new bf undeservedly
Star actually starts to try and be a better GF and person to Tom afterwards, and i mean she actually TRIES and MAKES AN EFFORT, maybe it pays off or maybe it doesn’t but having her do nothing only worsened her character.
Also, unless we’re making kellco endgame, don’t even do it at all, just don’t.
We’re gonna resolve the annoying love plot immediately, out the gate, because dragging it on for so long only hurt the show in the end. You can throw in a conflict near the end if you want but we ain’t dragging it out over and over.
Either star improves and tomstar works out and we do something neat with it at the end, everyone stays single,  or we maybe pull a tomco or stomco here.
also, the moon actually does something (Because marco saying it was all bs not only makes no sense whatsoever, but makes all the interesting questions about it seem meaningless).
The moon ain’t meaningless, it actually has a freaking point in the PLOT.
There’s about to be an all out war between the monsters and the solarians (The other kingdoms are fighting against the solarians, because that’d be a freaking GREAT shot for the end of a series).
The evil spell with no name gets sent out and starts causing chaos as well.
And so we can give that dang room at St Olga’s some actual payoff, let’s do my stupid sun-moon-star theory, and those three are the key to stopping the war between them.
They do acknowledge toffee had a point about magic and what it did, but they also make a point that magic wasn’t the enemy, it was the people who used it.
they summon solaria together, and all the dang ghosts queens, and solaria (Who looks ashamed of what she sees in front of her as far as the solarians) breaks their solarian bond HERSELF( because they pledged their allegiance to her), they fall, and so does the dark spell.
and because this show already has a habit of doing dues ex-machinas, how about the three of them, with moon, and eclipsa, and meteora, and then all the other characters, just hold hands, even the ghosts, and use the magic (Everyone just pops up with cheekmarks), to heal those who were injured, allowing for everyone to be able to use magic.
Yes, like we can watch every fan-fav character just have glowing cheekmarks from using magic with everyone else.
Earlier in the season the topic of “Butterflies restrict magic to themselves and how that affects other creatures” can be brought up to prepare for this.
Magic is widespread.
And before Mina gets taken away, if we keep tomstar, they can hold hands and we can zoom in on that as they make a note of how mewmans and monsters worked together and things are changing and all that.
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When it comes to Eclipsa’s plot, it’s full of good ideas but lacks a lot of the stuff it seems to build up.
ok, we might be too late for eclipsa, but Globgor i think should’ve been kept a little more morally grey, the guy is a war criminal but he’s just accepted too easily for my taste, i think we needed an episode about his past actions, what happened with shastacan and his regrets. And spend some time after with him making amends with his wrongdoings to do better for mewni and so they are less fearful of him
we can get more insight as to how monsters and mewmans feel about him, what the other kingdoms think about him, ect, if we spend a few episodes with eclipsa talking to the kingdoms to improve their opinion on her.
We don’t need to see all of them, some can remain in the background, and the spiderbite episode was good.
But the show could’ve taken advantage of showing us these kingdoms and learning about them and their opinions on all of this. Heck, you could have one episode with a few at a time where Eclipsa is working on several at once to find they all have differing opinions, we could learn more about the jaggs, the waterfolk, and the johansens this way.
you could have one episode be for the lucitors to not only provide some moon forshadowing, but go further into the discussion about what doesn’t count as a monster and what does and it might provide some tom and meteora babysitting shenanigans that would’ve been cute to see (Especially if he teased marco on it).
you could also mention celena was part demon as well if tom being one is mentioned.
oh and, this would be great set-up for the fight at the end if they are on eclipsa’s side to fight with her.
the monster racism plot, well it’s hard to make it much better cause it’s kinda flakey as is but you can keep some of the messages about the youth being better over time and tbh the sequences of everyone using magic together could really suit the message of unison to save everyone they love and care about.
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Also, can we not make the MHC into flat out villains? If they are working with mina, either replace them, or put them on trial, but just…make them less flat out evil.
we can keep meteora’s lesson and such.
as far as mariposa goes, you can bring her in at the end, do a small timeskip, and we see her, and she and meteora are friends.
That or, tom could be staying with star and marco on earth a little before the trip with star and we could do the GBG episode with them as adults fine enough, and maybe tom is either sleeping or hanging with them in the episode.
Tom can be with them for beach day as well, even the tacos episode which could be funny.
also, that trip tom was going on? Yeah, that’s actually at the end or the series, and kelly, marco, and star, and janna, jackie, chloe, and pony come with and see just see a lot of fun vacation pics in other dimensions and with various characters.
this entire post might be full of rambling and i dunno how much sense it makes.
But if i could write a more epic and more satisfying season, even if i can’t wrap up everything, i’d try to do it at least a little more like this.
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dachi-chan25 · 5 years
GoT Season 8, Episode 2: Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Thoughts
Like i am not even sure this episode's name is that or "The rightful queen" but I am going with the title I liked more.
I was fully intending of making a big ass Recap like I usually do but today I had a lot of work and I feel like everyone has already talked about the episode since it was leaked so I am just gonna talk about some scenes that I think will be relevant and my take on some shipping stuff.
Again I warn that I don't root for D Targy at all (but I do think she is an amazing character) and she annoys the heck out of me most often than not so... if she is your fave pls don't read this cuz it's not for you.
On Jaime Lannister
I feel this was a great episode for him as a character, while I do wish he would have said something about the wildfire on King's Landing or the Loot Attack I ultimately think that what he did say was the best thing in his PoV because he thinks D is the North's queen now that Jon bent the knee so ofc he wasn't gonna antagonize her that much when he was at clear disadvantage.
His chat with Tyrion was also very good, tho I feel in the books this will be more on a bitter note given Jamie's confession about Tysha, but yeah they are close once again and I appreciate that.
Every scene he had with Brienne had me swooning.Brienne defending him in the Great Hall. All those stares. The clear tension between them and the fact that Brienne doesn't know what to do when they are on the same side and he is not insulting her, so they still fight and pant around each other and I love it (honestly this kind of fighting is a lot like the Jonsa one because they have to get rid of that UST but they can't fuck or even kiss yet so they bicker and pant around each other). I noticed how he stared at Tormund and immediately knew he was intrested in Brienne. And ofc him knighting Brienne was the best of the episode for me (hence my preference of the title aluding to this scene).
On Sansa Stark
Curious that we don't get Sansa or Jon's PoV this episode, just them through other people's eyes.
The Great Hall scene: while I would have loved Sansa defending Jaime like in some fics, I think it does make sense that she feels resentment towards him and his family, but she still was willing to trust him once Brienne spoke on his behalf which says a lot for their relationship and how much Sansa has come to trust and value Brienne and her opinions. She was completely a queen in that scene, she even left the place frist not giving a fuck whatsoever about D.
Tête-à-tête with the gecko queen: Sophie Turner is an amazing actress. Ok so I loved she was telling Lord Royce she wanted to leave the Gates open as long as possible, such a compassionate queen, but also the moment D steps in I lived for Lord Royce clearly showing more respect and deference towards Sansa than towards D (I mean that the whole North respects Sansa as their leader is the very reason why Jorah asked D to talk to her). We see Sansa be closed off towards D in the beginnig even when D is trying hard to be sympathetic to sansa and bond over them being good leaders to their people (bihhh Sansa laughed and so did I cuz just how deluded is D to think she is on Sansa's level of good leadeeship), and D asks the question we have since ep 1 "does that (Jon's love for D) bother you?" And I am absolutely sure that the answer to that is yes, but Sansa was never going to show herself that much to someone she doesn't trust nor even likes (this girl out played LF ffs!!!) so she went for a non-commital answer (is not a yes or a no, she is justifying her distrust for D and appears not to be jealous but a concerned sister) D is appeased by this answer and tries to show Sansa that her and Jon's relationship is real (lmaoo) by stating just how much she sacrified her goals just for his love (like nice that she doesn't pretend to care for the people she wants to be queen of anymore, the Jonsa fandom said this since last season) and straight up says she is the one being manipulated by Jon, and Sansa's face is a poem, cuz you can see exactly the moment when she figures out that Jon is manipulating D!! We even get a smile of relief and promptly she catches herself and changes her behaviour implying she should apologize (but she never actually does) and even lauguing at how short Jon is (Sansa bites her lip tho 👀👀 and D's smile is so fake idk who she thinks she is fooling) but Sansa again brings up the North and D is visibly upset at that.
Scenes with Theon: I am just going to straight up say I do ship Theonsa and I have read fics of them, but I do not think it will be canon or that it makes narrative or political sense cuz it doesn't. Their reunion was heartwarming and beautiful (tho D jealous stare bothered me, like fuck off I wanna see my babies) Sansa was clearly happy at seeing Theon more like himself and having him want to fight for their family. Their scene with the soup was cute but I did not see it as shippy at all, there is definitely affection and care but I don't think it was shot as romance or a couple's montague, it was simply showing us all the different ways the characters we know spend this night. As much as it hurts me because I love Theon, I think it is possible he will die protecting Bran (I really don't want this, but it's a big possibility, cuz I know some big characters must die in order to destroy us as much as possible, and this scenes with Sansa might just serve that purpose) so I'll just drown in theonsa fics if that happens. Also, it kinda make me go 👀👀 the fact that they made the theonsa scenes so alike the jonsa s6 ones but without all that flirty stuff on the soup scene and that it was enough for the GA and some Aegonys to ship it while we know Theon like Jon also grew up with Sansa in WF. Idk it was kinda amusing to me.
On Jon Snow
Ok so this made a lot of sense to me, Jon avoiding D post parentage reveal is what seals pol!Jon to me, if he really loved her he would have gone statight to her in the night and confess this thing he found out while crying and looking for her support and being all hopless longingly staring at her but nope he doesn't even want to look at her (he is probably thinking how he fucked his aunt and shudders). I was also like 👀👀 when he pushed past D to follow Sansa, did they talk?? Did they fight again??? I am thirsty, but it was also a good thing Jon didn't interact with Sansa cuz it would give the game away too soon, as a matter of fact Jon doesn't seek her out like last episode as far as the audience knows and I think that is because he doesn't know what to do he is having an existencial crisis in the middle of the Apocalipsis, and Sam is like have you told her yet??? He knows shit could hit the fan at any minute. I loved his reunion with Tormund and Edd because I love Jon's smile and he has been just miserable since last ep, so yeah I need my boy to be happy.
Now onto the reveal, I think Jon genuinely thought he might as well just say it, D clearly seeked him out for some loving sexy times and Jon was not on board with that, he just couldn't keep it up with her cuz he doesn't love her, never has and now she is his aunt, he just can't do that knowing they are super related, also now D can't leave them (I mean she kind of can fuck off in Drogon and maybe Rhaegal will follow, but her armies can't leave, and they have the obsidian so...) . The fact he called her D@ny is so layered, for starters she told him straight up not to call her that cuz it reminds her of Viserys, so it connects them as family and upsets D at the same time. D straight up thinks that Bran and Sam would make shit up to usurp her (bihhh no one but u and Cersei gives a fuck about the ugly ass chair) and then when she sees Jon is saying the truth she is furious (so much for the aegony marriage fix up that her stans dreamed off, also can we fucking kiss boatie goodbye?? Cuz that sure as hell ain't happening) and Jon is baffled, he knows she wants the IT more than anything and shit but really??? They are about to die, and he has left more than clear to any one that would listen that he doesn't care about titles. Not only that but Jon and her are family now,and family is important to Jon, and she reacts like this???
On Gendrya
I was a bit wierded out cuz we have seen Maise since she was a kid (lmaoo i am like a year older than her) but more power to her for the scene, also I really love Gendrya and their interactions have been so flirty and charged with chemistry. I am worried about Gendry's survival, but I think he might live.
On everything else:
I loved Gilly and Dadvos's scene, it was so good and I wish they would give Gilly more lines.
Missandei and Greyworm making plans for after the war makes me worried one of them will die, also now that D will feel betrayed by Jon, I fear she will think GW and Missandei wanting to leave is also treason. I AM WORRIED. Also to ppl doesn't trust Missandei cuz she is with d and nobody in the north trusts Targs not even children.
Tyrion talking about destroying Cersei made him seem more Book!Tyrion than ever and I just shudderd. D literally never wants to take responsability for any desicion when she refused to fight for the north if Cersei didn't joined them. Also she would really have named Jorah hand??? She is dumb as a brick. His scene with Jaime, Brienne and co. Was cute.
Podrick was looking fine and his voice was really good. Also that Jenny of Oldstone song with all it's jonsa vibes 👀👀.
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noona-clock · 6 years
Noir ♠️ Kingdom
A B.A.P holiday songfic series by Admin B! Enjoy!
Genre: 1940′s AU
Pairing: Youngjae x You
By Admin B
Le Noir ♠️ Skydive ♠️ Ribbon in the Sky ♠️ Killer ♠️ Fermata ♠️ Confession ♠️ I Guess I Need U ♠️ Chiquita ♠️ Walk ♠️ Now ♠️ Kingdom
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Power, wisdom, Patience and innovation Do you possess all these? Thou who wishes to wear the crown, Shall bear its burden This is our kingdom
Honestly, it really hadn’t taken Youngjae long to get used to living here.
After that last job, he knew his career as a hitman was finished. He never wanted to experience that again - I mean, getting hired to kill your own girlfriend? Who was also an assassin and had been hired to kill you?
It was rough.
So he’d packed up his life and got the heck out of dodge. He left behind the dark, crime-ridden streets of the city and had moved half-way across the world.
Your favorite Christmas song had recently become “Christmas Island” by the Andrews Sisters, so in your honor, Youngjae had decided Christmas Island would be his new home.
And, honestly, the low-stress environment of island living made him feel like a King. He had hardly any worries, and he quickly realized that’s how he liked it.
The world you’ve been thinking of, let it go Take off the crooked eyes Listen, it’s a mysterious world you’ve never heard about Listen, in this place that we’ve made We make the kingdom A place we wanted so much A place we hoped for so earnestly, paradise I’ll show you a new paradigm Follow me, make you high
Of course, you had come with him.
That night in the alleyway had changed everything, obviously, and you’d both decided right then and there your love was too strong to go on like this anymore. And you needed a fresh start.
You had immigrated to Christmas Island the next month, even though neither of you knew anything about the place, you figured it was better to take a chance than stay here and risk getting caught by angry clients.
And now, almost a year later... your relationship was stronger than ever. Life on Christmas Island was completely different than anything either of you had ever known. It changed your way of living, it changed your perspectives, it changed your mindsets.
Youngjae could focus on treating you the way you deserved to be treated - like a Queen, of course - instead of worrying about letting his truth slip. And it was the same for you, honestly.
Your relationship was freed from the lies and deception and sneaking around.
This fallen world, give it up  The star of my life is me
The light that wakes me up falls I hear a voice in the darkness
This world is a monster, I’ll stand up and fight This song is for the new world
With everything which had been going on in the world in the last several years, Youngjae truly couldn’t think of a more appealing life than the one he was living right now with you.
Of course, The Cold War had just been declared between the US and the Soviet Union, but... he didn’t really have to worry about that now, did he?
Sure, he would join whatever army he could and fight if it came down to another World War or something, but...
Being surrounded by water just made it feel like nothing in the world could affect him. It would be extremely easy to pretend war wasn’t happening. Extremely easy to just stay here with you in your little house on the beach.
Kingdom has come Raise your banners Gotta be a master face your monster Can’t contain me Don’t stop freedom is mine Higher than the sun My way (my way) I can’t stop
When he got home from work, you were out back hanging up the laundry on the line. He took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie, rolling up his sleeves to try and cool off. He still wasn’t used to being this warm in December, but he was actually learning he’d never liked the snow.
He stood in the back doorway, leaning against the frame as he watched you clipping up some towels to dry.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked with a slight smirk on his lips.
You glanced over your shoulder, and he could see your cheeks blushing from here. “How was work?” you asked.
He pushed off from the doorframe and shuffled up behind you, sliding his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“It was work,” he answered. He placed a kiss on your cheek, smiling against your skin when you let out a soft giggle. “I missed you.”
“Hey, did you hear? The locals say the crabs will coming soon.”
“Say what?”
“Apparently, a whole bunch of crabs collect on the beaches here every December.” 
“Huh,” Youngjae chuckled. “Interesting. Guess they want to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Island, too.”
You simply hummed in response and continued on hanging up the laundry.
“Hey... you like living here, right?”
“Of course, I do,” you assured him. “The weather is nice. I have so much more freedom. And I don’t have to worry about being hired to kill my boyfriend.”
“So, you’re glad you decided to trust me and follow me halfway across the world? Even though this world we live in is crazy and could change at any moment?”
“Absolutely,” you said, turning around to face him. You slid your arms around his neck and pressed the tip of your nose to his. “I’m more than glad. I don’t regret one single thing.
A smile appeared on Youngjae’s lips, and he held you closer, tilting his head to press his lips to yours.
No matter what happened in the coming months or years - if the US went to war again, if people started blowing each other up - he knew he would always have you.
And he trusted you more than he trusted anything else.
Feel it, trust me, follow me Follow me
Tagging @cramelot , @brie02 , @pegacorn24 , @jjong-dae77  , @baekfanapleintemps , @sun-shinee-world , @aidachyan , @shinrin-yokeu , @babybee05 to let them know this has been posted! This is the final part, so I would like to say ‘thank you’ to everyone who has read, liked, commented, or reblogged!! It truly means so much to me!
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deamaurea · 6 years
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                                  Stone Tower and The Malice
This gets long, and I’m sure the only one who cares is me, but u know what this is a good fucking headcanon.
tl;dr - the Malice is to blame for Termina’s reputation as a land abandoned by the god, it has an insignia now, and the stone tower is a corrupted temple because temples serve a function of helping contain the malice.
I’ve always hypothesized that the plethora of temple’s in Hyrule and the other lands we see always server some type of utilitarian person. Very few are actual places of worship because with the amount of traps and puzzles built into them and that makes them too dangerous to be places of worship. There obviously some stereotypical temples mentioned (i.e. the Temple of Time is probably the best example of a clear place of worship). And in many cases, most don’t even really have structures of stereotypical temples. The Forest Temple is kind of my immediate thought when it comes to this. It’s more a mansion that’s been overgrown rather than anything else. And why build a Temple here? The Woods make it too dangerous--) Anyway, my headcanon is that many of the temples we see are actually containment areas. The Malice can’t be defeated. But it can be contained. The idea being that the Goddesses get humans to errect these massive multi-layer, puzzle structures to contain parts of the Malice. They’re usually built on sacred ground and that light element makes it hard for the malice to escape it. And while it cannot necessarily break out or destroy the temples-- In rare circumstances, they can be corrupted
There are instances where these supposed holy sites are corrupted and just infested with monsters and aberrations. Most of the time, this is Ganon’s doing, obviously, but i think in some cases- it’s not. The one’s that come to mind most immediately is the Ancient Cistern’s basement-- where you have to climb up a thread and avoid all these weird undead bokoblin things. That is reference to a Japanese short story which has both Buddhist and Christian inspiration, but the basement is supposed to be an allegory for hell (in case you weren’t aware. I promise I’m going somewhere with this). Now, it’s obvious the Ancient Cistern hasn’t been completely overrun yet, but if whatever is going on in the basement gets out? Bad times, my dude. The second one that immediately comes to mind is Ocarina of Time’s Shadow Temple. 
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"Shadow Temple... Here is gathered Hyrule's bloody history of greed and hatred..."  -Painting Gosh dang if there’s any temple that has fucking haunted me since my fucking childhood it’s this fucking place and I can think of no better example for a fully corrupted temple than this place. It’s got everything, undead horrors like Dead Hands, infested with redeads, paintings that whisper dark clues to Navi-- almost as if they’re beckoning her into the dark-- AND A LITERAL ALLEGORICAL FERRY TO THE FUCKING UNDERWORLD.
A lot of this was probably built in homage to the Goddess of Death originally. She’s another long essay headcanon I need to write up, anyway-- as more and more dark stuff started to happen here (t’s hinted that the Royal Family would have their enemies taken to the Shadow Temple), I suspect the malice found it easier and easier to corrupt the temple. Hence, all the weird ass monsters hanging around. Although with the shadowy Goddess of Death it can be hard to determine what’s the malice and what’s her own doing. I’d like to think the Sheikah just kind of... let the Temple be corrupted because ultimately it became easier for the purpose they were trying to achieve which was interrogating or punishing Hyrule’s enemies. It probably saw a lot of use-- remember at the start of Ocarina of Time, the country is only ten years out what was described as a bloody and brutal civil war. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. 
Now, why have I talked at length about two other unrelated temples when this headcanon is titled the Stone Tower and The Malice? Well, obviously with those frames of reference in mind, and this idea that the temples were being built to contain something presented to you, I can now introduce Stone Tower.
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Stone Tower is the fourth temple of Majora’s Mask, and arguably, one of the most mysterious. It’s another one of those temple’s that has just stuck with me because it’s so mysterious. Heck, everything about Ikana is mysterious. Anway, the first thing that should be noted is that Stone Tower seems to predate Ikanian civilization. Igos himself claims the tower is an impenetrable fortress, and that not even an army could topple it. There’s some debate whether or not it was the Garo’s base, but Garo are from an enemy nation which would imply somewhere farther away. To me, this implies that the tower most certainly predates any type of Ikanian Civilization. I follow the headcanon Majora’s Mask or the creature within Majora’s Mask was originally sealed in Stone Tower. There’s a lot of imagery that at least seems to suggest that that’s where the mask was once housed to me.  Majora’s relation to the malice is also something I’d like to write on... eventually. Basically Majora is an eldritch horror that desires chaos so it’s probably just a break off from the Malice itself. The same energy, if you will.  Anyway,the civilization that predated Ikanian civilization-- I think the original builders of the Stone Tower probably initially built the tower as a place to contain the malice, but then it began to become corrupted. From there, the Malice begins to twist and warp these people’s beliefs into one that spites the Golden Goddesses. The old bricks you use to get to Stone Tower more or less have incriptions of some type of creature licking the Triforce. I would take it one step further and say it’s imagery of a creature consuming the Triforce.
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The malice’s ultimate goal, as I’ve stated before, is to ultimately consume all that the Golden Goddesses make. Whereas the Golden Goddesses are order and light, the Malice is entropy in darkness. It doesn’t have to have any reason for wanting to consume that’s just it’s very nature. So in this contained space, it begins to manipulate and twist the beliefs of those originally in the Golden Goddesses to hate and spite. Enough that the temple that was meant to contain this malevolent force is now a place of worship FOR this malevolent force. These ancient builders even gave the Malice an insignia.
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The Malice has so tainted the temple, that it can even warp the gravity around. Hence why when you have to shoot the insignia with a light arrow.  it causes the malevolent magic in the temple to react and warp the space around Link-- causing the illusion of “falling into the sky” I’M NOT DONE THO. (told u this would be a fucking essay)
Obviously when this ancient civilization forsook the Gods, termina became a land destined to die. That’s obvious, but the original builders evenually faded into obscurity-- likely consumed by the malice. They left behind the tower and Majora’s Mask. Again, the mask and it’s relation to the malice is probably another essay entirely.  But okay what about the civilization that comes after?  Well, that’s Ikana. Ikana, given that Igos du Ikana is all pimped out in gold was probably a very very powerful ancient civilization and the canyon probably was, at the time, a very nice place to live on the surface. However, things start to go a bit wonky when the war with the Garo starts.
We don’t know much about the war other than Captain Keeta was a general, and the Garo were enemy spies. However, there’s a litle bit more we can gleen about the fall out of it from Igos du Ikana:
“The Kingdom being ruined, and us left in this state...isn’t it petty little battles like these that caused it?” - Igos du Ikana, after you defeat him.
So it seems that infighting was also a major problem. Considering just prior to this his too lackeys were arguing about who is the best swordsman in Ikana. Anyway, my point being that infighting was a thing and they no longer have any faith in their friends. Those feelings have vanished from their hearts (this is another quote from Igos).  I think on a surface level you could blame the Garo if you view the Garo as master spies able to disguise themselves. They masqueraded as Ikanians, and no one could trust one another cause everyone was worried someone might be an enemy. Well, the Malice tapped into that and fueled it. Something killed the Garo-- and the rest of Ikana and it wouldn’t be hard to believe that a witch hunt could have gone on to snuff out the enemy during the war and ruined the kingdom.  So by this point the Malice in the Stone Tower has caused the ruin of two civilizations. And Igos blames all the trouble that the land is currently having on the “masked one who unleashed the evil in the stone tower” which implies that the tower itself already HAD evil in.  The final interesting point of known is that when talking to Flat to get the song of storms Flat mentions, “My brother sold his soul to the devil and locked me in here”. That’s quite an interesting phrasing and seems to imply that there’s bigger problems in Ikana than just the evil unleashed by the Stone Tower.  Ikana and the Stone Tower were already cursed because of the Malice. The devil that Flat mentions was not Skull Kid or Majora-- it was the Malice. The Malice worked insidiously to completely ruin the canyon region 
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And because of it Termina became a land that was all but abandoned by the Gods and destined to die. 
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advocatewrites-blog · 6 years
Into the Unknown Part 4 Chapter 4
Into the Unknown
Fandom: Undertale, Coraline (book), Over the Garden Wall, Paranorman, Gravity Falls (season 2)
Characters: Frisk, Norman B., Dipper P., Mabel P., Coraline J., Wirt, Greg, the Cat, the Frog; Sans, Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore,; the Other Mother, the Beast, Agatha P., Bill Cipher, Asriel D., Chara D.,
Pairings: Not the focus. Alphys/Undyne, with mentions of Papyrus/Mettaton, sans/Toriel/Asgore, and Wirt/Sara. Due to the nature of Undertale and the dating segments, there is also interpretable Papyrus/Wirt, Undyne/Mabel, Alphys/Dipper, Napstablook/Norman, Mettaton/Norman, Mettaton/Mabel, Sans/Dipper, Sans/Norman, and Sans/Greg.
Rated a high +K for violence, mild language, horrific elements that may be disturbing to younger readers,  mentions of child abuse and bullying, character death that is sometimes permanent, and mentions of suicide that may be triggering. These elements remain relatively unchanged from their source material, which most all are for children, but discretion is advised nonetheless.
Disclaimer: Undertale was created and owned by Toby Fox. Coraline was created by Neil Gaiman and owned by Bloomsbury and Laika. Over the Garden Wall was created by Patrick McHale and owned by Cartoon Network. Paranorman was created by Sam Fell and Chris Butler and owned by Laika. Gravity Falls was created by Alex Hirsch and owned by Disney. Any other work mentioned or homage are property of their respective owners. This is a fan-made, nonprofit work that only seeks to entertain. Please support the original franchises.
Chapter 4
Spotlights engulfed the lab. Two disco balls dropped from the lighting fixtures and engulfed the three into multicolored lights. Confetti fell from somewhere. Dipper knew that he was not going to like whatever happened next.
A fake, monotone clapping noise echoed from the robot’s soundboard as more confetti poured onto them.
Mettaton attacks.
“Uh…” said Dipper. “A new car?”
A lightning-bolt shaped bullet shot from Mettaton’s microphone and collided with Dipper’s Soul.
“Are you okay?” Mabel asked.
“I’m fine,” said Dipper. “Not sure how many of those I can take. We’re gonna have to be smart about answering them.”
“Alright,” said Mabel. “Making things up is my specialty!”
Dipper actually remembered that one. Papyrus had said it, Undyne had said it, and the turtle that sold them things had said it even though he insisted on calling him “Ol’ King Fluffybuns”.
“Asgore Dreemurr!” said Dipper.
“I was going to say Doctor Friendship…” said Mabel.
“Metal and magic!” said Mabel.
That one had come pretty quickly, but Dipper figured that it was easy to guess.
“32.058 minutes!” said Mabel.
Dipper had no idea how he could even solve that one, let alone Mabel.
“You spent the entire time asking the question!” said Dipper.
“We’re good!” Both the twins said.
“54!” said Mabel.
“Heck yeah!”
“That is correct!”
“How are you getting all of these?” Dipper asked.
“Alphys is telling me,” said Mabel. “But the smooch a ghost one was all me!”
Alphys froze.
“U-u-uh, I was—” Alphys stammered.
The two twins froze.
“Could we…not answer that one?” Dipper asked.
Entry no. 34
During our game of multi-dimensional chess, Bill mentioned something interesting. A Kingdom of Monsters. He seemed hesitant to discuss more; although it seemed more out of ignorance than ill-will. After some prying, he managed to bring up some key points. Sometime before Gravity Falls was inhabited, humans lived with monsters. A war broke out between the two races, leading to the monsters becoming imprisoned underneath a magic suppressing barrier. Bill mentioned that he had tried to enter the kingdom several times to look for someone to help him build the portal, but he kept being chased out by some “annoying dog”.
Whether or not he meant to, Bill has just made a phenomenal breakthrough with my research. Is this Kingdom of Monsters the source of all weirdness in Gravity Falls? Or even the world? Maybe there can be a direct link between the monsters in the forest and the monsters underground. Furthermore, if Bill really wanted to find a scientific mind in the kingdom of monsters, there could be someone else working on a portal right now.  Someone else I could compare notes with!
I expect the portal will be finished by tomorrow. Perhaps once Bill can enter our dimension, I can welcome him to Earth properly with a little hike.
It was much later, after the quiz show and after a cooking show and after a news show, when sans made himself known and invited Dipper to dinner.
“where’s that sister of yours?” he asked.
“‘A tragic tale of two lovers, torn apart by the tides of fate’…” Mabel read off of the poster in front of her. “That sounds right up my alley!”
She ignored the fact that 75% of the poster was Mettaton’s face. It would be nice to see him actually acting, and not just the elaborate set pieces he set up when he wanted to kill them. She would have to make a mental note to come back and catch it once Mettaton had calmed down a bit.
Mabel was so lost in thought that she did not notice where she was walking next. She stopped as she noticed she was on stage.
“Oh,” said Mabel as realization dawned on her.
“OH? COULD IT BE…” Mettaton’s voice echoed through the stage. “MY ONE TRUE LOVE?”
Mettaton descended down the fake balcony with all the grace of a vacuum cleaner. The song’s opening covered most of it up. He dropped the hem of his bright blue ballgown and began to sing.
That was when Mabel knew that this was really right up her alley.
“guess it doesn’t really matter,” said sans. “so, what do you know about a talking flower?”
The atmosphere grew suddenly very heavy. Dipper swallowed before he spoke.
“We found it in the Ruins,” said Dipper. “It’s this little gold flower named Flowey—“
“really?” said sans. “couldn’t think of a better name?”
“I didn’t name it!” Dipper said. “It calls itself that!”
“alright. tell me more about flowey mc flower face.”
“Well, when we left the Ruins, he talked about a lot of weird things,” said Dipper. “Stuff like how he was the one that would inherit this world...and how we weren’t the ones he was looking for…sans, how many humans have been in the Underground before us?”
“haven’t you heard undyne, kid?” sans asked. “there’ve been six humans in the underground. not including you two.”
“And is that where you got the lamps?” Dipper asked.
sans fell silent.
“Look, if we’re going to work together, we need to be 100% honest with each other,” Dipper said. “I won’t…judge you if you did something bad. Just be honest with me.”
Sans did not say anything for a moment. Just when Dipper was about to speak up again, he chuckled lowly.
“don’t judge anyone, you say? kid, that’s a good one and you don’t even know why yet,” said sans. “alright. there have been a total of 12 humans in the underground. i’ve seen six. just not at the same time.”
“So there’s a way out of the Underground then?” Dipper asked.
“sure there is. but that’s not what i’m talking about,” said sans.
“Well, what do you know about the other humans?”
“i’d say most weren’t older than you,” said sans. “all came from the ruins, all left through new home. all came at about the same time. don’t know what happened to them. don’t think they knew why they were here, either.”
“Well, do you think that flower might have something to do with it?” Dipper asked.
“don’t know. never seen ‘em before,” said sans after a minute. “well, if nothing else, this run’s been good for information. anything else you need to know?”
Dipper opened his mouth for a minute. But there was not anything else he could think to ask.
“great,” said sans. “if you get to the castle, i won’t stop you. but try and think about what you’re getting into, alright?”
It was only when sans got to the fichus in the corner that Dipper found what he wanted to ask next.
“What do you mean, ‘this time’? You keep talking about ‘this time’ and ‘these runs’, like you’ve already seen all this before!” said Dipper. “What are you trying to hide? I won’t be able to help you if you don’t tell me everything!”
“listen, kid,” said sans. “it’s not gonna matter. even if i do tell you everything, you’re just gonna disappear again. and there’ll be another kid waiting for me at my station. or maybe something worse. i’ve given up trying to change this.”
Dipper’s mouth hung open as he tried to think of what to say. Everything that sans said ran through his head. And then he realized.
“You’re a time traveler?”
The light in sans’ eyesockets went dark. He did not say anything.
“Why didn’t you just say that?” Dipper asked. “Maybe we can help you! Are you with the same agency as Blendin? Is there actually a Time Baby?”
“well,” said sans. “you’re close. if there’s a time traveler, it’s not me.”
Dipper probably had more experience with time travel than the average person, but it was still limited. There was stuff in the journals and the science fiction books he read, but most of what he really remembered came from the 80’s movies Mabel watched. There was one he remembered quite well, about the crabby man who was stuck in the same day repeating over and over.
“Oh,” said Dipper, because he was not sure what else he could say.
“if that’s all you have to say, kid, then i better head out,” said sans. “it’s almost papyrus’ bedtime, and he gets cranky without a bedtime story.”
“We’ll find a way to fix this,” said Dipper. “Mabel and I. We have, uh…experience with this kind of thing.”
“i mean, you probably won’t,” said sans. “but thanks anyway.”
He walked past the fichus in the corner and disappeared.
It took Dipper longer to leave. Too much was going through his head, not just about what sans had said but how he looked when he said it. He was going to have to set things right. There was no way around it.
When he did stumble out, he was surprised to find Mabel.
“Hey Dipper!” Mabel said. “I just finished up Mettaton’s play! How was your date with sans?”
It barely fazed Dipper to hear it called a date. His mind was on too many other things.
“Do you remember what the Journal said about time travel?” Dipper asked.
“Hmm…I’m not sure about the Journal, but there was that Blendin’ guy,” Mabel said.
“That’s what I was thinking too,” said Dipper. “No matter how we get back home, we need to remember to find a way to contact him.”
“Sounds like a plan!” Mabel said. “I’ll make a note of it in this cool notebook I bought from the turtle!”
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hinamie · 7 years
Omg can you tell us stuff about your ocs? :)
yes always !! pls never be shy to ask abt my children I love them all very much and I am always down to talk about them :’) 
(this is going to get kind of long I can tell u that right now)
Shiro: Male/18/Dragon
My main boy!! I love him!! He’s the one on the far right in this post for photo ref,, don’t let that picture fool you he’s like 5′4. 
About Shiro: His family served the crown so he and his brother were raised as assassins/guards however their training methods were…questionable to put it lightly. So to speak, he’s really powerful but has also killed a lot of people and has a significantly unstable mental state. He and Eden are childhood friends but their relationship has changed drastically over time due to Plot. Between his shitty family, his home being destroyed, his brother dying and Eden’s shenanigans Shiro’s been through a lot but he’s nothing if not resilient. Personality-wise he has a really hard time opening up to people and can be a bit distant and cold but if u can get past all that he’s soft and kind (but could still probably kill you if he wanted to) 
Fun facts: he’s hecka gay for Luca and is scared to death of water after almost drowning as a kid
Luca: Male/18/Human
I haven’t done recent art of him so oops,, he’s got sandy blond hair and the warmest brown eyes u could imagine. soft boy. I’ll draw him eventually. 
About Luca: He’s the second prince of the kingdom that overthrew Shiro’s kingdom so that makes things awkward right off the bat. But it’s ok because Luca’s kingdom also fell and his family was executed and it’s all a big mess so now they have something else in common. Nice. He knows how to fight but he’s an average fighter at best and he’s too quick to spare enemies which gets really annoying really quickly when you’re trying to win a war. Luca’s royal upbringing makes him cool and collected and overall just really pleasant to be around, however it’s probably just a farce and he’s alone and overwhelmed and scared out of his mind, constantly. Give him a hug he needs one. 
Fun facts: a really good doctor!! spent most of his time as a prince hiding from his prince-jobs and helping out in the infirmary 
Eden: Male/18 /Dragon turned demon (immortal, can die but doesn’t age) 
This Asshole,,, I’ve never drawn him either but he’s got coppery-brown hair, tan skin, and golden eyes. (Demons have gold eyes in this world, I make the rules. Eden’s used to be brown) 
About Eden: He wasn’t always this way let me just put that out there. Growing up, his family was really poor so he resorted to stealing and scamming to get by, that’s sort of how he met Shiro. He’s always been really anxious but covers it up with copious amounts of humour, and now he covers it up even more by being a manipulative asshole. Side note, to become a demon a dragon has to give up their name, and therefore give up their shot at the afterlife/reincarnation–most do it in exchange for power + immortality, which is what Eden did to try and protect his siblings. It didn’t exactly work out; they’re dead and Eden’s personality is all over the place and he plays off Shiro’s trauma to get him to do what he wants. Still, every now and then his old self will pop in for a visit and it makes things that much harder tbh. Despite everything, he’s managed to hold on to his humour a bit, maybe his jokes have gotten a little darker and harder to catch but he makes it work. 
Fun facts: all assholery aside, he’s really good at cheap card tricks
Maia: Female/17/Human
Maia’s on the left in this post, again she is much shorter than she looks. She’s the smallest of my ocs lmao she’s like 5 feet even. 
About Maia: I don’t have a lot of her backstory sorted out yet but she and Ronan are twins and used to be part of a circus group before joining up with Luca and co. Her personality is the only big thing about her, she’s fiery and a bit extra but also just a very friendly person in general. Also did I mention that she’s gay as hell? She’s gay as hell. She tends to get a little too caught up in the heat of the moment a lot of the time but she knows how to be serious when it’s needed. She and Luca have your standard “sibling” relationship lmao; they’re either best friends or mortal enemies there is no in between. It’s mostly her being too eager to rush into things and Luca not being eager enough. It’s a nice balance. Long story short: everyone loves Maia. 
Fun facts: when she first saw Shiro she tried to hit on him because she thought he was a girl. 
Ronan: Male/17/Human
Again, no art. It’s a bit easier for me to picture him since I know what Maia looks like already. He’s not terribly tall but not tiny like his sister, maybe 5′6 or 5′7. He’s got a slightly darker skin tone, less freckles, and a more brownish tint to his hair. Same hazel-y gold eyes. 
About Ronan: I feel bad because he is easily my least-developed character. I know next to nothing about him except that he and Maia are a tag team both in their performances and in combat; he’s quite skilled with knives. 
Fun facts: He and Yanmei have such a pure and wholesome platonic relationship I love their dynamic
Yanmei: Female/18/Human
She’s in the middle here! She’s probably the same height as Shiro, if not taller. 
About Yanmei: She’s not super developed either….she escaped from a pleasure house where she was forced to work since she was young; one night she just up and killed one of her clients and ran away. She’s ace as fuck, and very very sex-repulsed. She’s got kind of a strict, disciplined look about her but she’s not nearly as scary as she seems. A big sweetheart.
Fun facts: I haven’t completely worked out the details yet but she can see spirits!!
Lee: Male/19/Human
He’s probably my tallest oc, not so sure how tall. Maybe 6 feet? heck if I know. I should know. He’s got blue eyes, red hair, and a temper to match.
About Lee: If I had to say one thing about Lee it’s that he’s loyal to a fault. He’s decided to dedicate his life to Luca after Luca saved his sick mother’s life when she was on her deathbed. He sees himself as responsible for everything Luca does and will absolutely fight you if you try anything to hurt him, ever. Thing is, he thinks he’s stronger than he actually is and gets kind of quiet and indignant when faced with someone stronger than him. He’s like “I want to fight but I know I’ll lose so I’ll just sit here and brood and glare at you a lot.” That being said, he reeeeally does not like Shiro at all and goes way out of his way to show it. He’s never physically fought Shiro because he doesn’t have a death wish but he absolutely would if he could without dying. 
Fun facts: He can not flirt for the life of him. Maia and Eden exploit this fact daily. 
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gingerly-writing · 7 years
Writeblr Connects
@writeblrconnections See, I promised you I’d do this eventually :P
Are you interested in finding critique groups/partners? Always Are you interested in being a beta-reader? Can do when I’m free, depending on who wants me, book length, depth of wanted critique etc. Also, only if it’s reasonably well-polished: I’m not helping someone sort out their rough rough first draft. That’s the author’s job, not the beta’s! (Sorry, just had some bad past experiences with this one, though I do genuinely love betaing amazing stuff like @jamieanovels ‘ stuff). Are you open to being tagged in writing questionnaires/asks/games? Heck yeah Are you open to being messaged to talk about writing? Absolutely! Are you open to being tagged to participate in writing discussions? As long as I’m not being dragged into The Discourse™, sure thing Would you like to participate in Writeblr by Region? I can, but I live in the Uncool™ north of England (Yorkshire), so I’m not sure how many people would be interested Would you like to participate in the Translation Corner? Not sure I’ll be much help here, ngl.      If so, which languages would you like to be listed under? English, I guess, not sure that will be of any use though. I can handle highschool French, and know all the Latin basics plus enough to quote Plato at ya.
Short Profile: Preferred Nickname: Jess/Ginger Country/Region: UK/England Languages: English, a little French, enough Latin for Plato Preferred Writing Type: own novels, novel-length fic. I should branch out into short stories, but my brain doesn’t seem to understand the concept of ‘short’ :P Preferred Genre(s) to Write: fantasy, sci-fi,  Preferred Genre(s) to Read: fantasy, sci-fi, all that YA dystopia/post-apocolyptic nonsense, honestly anything with a little world building, enough suspension of disbelief to keep my brain occupied, and good characters. If you give me beautiful chains of fast plot twists that slot into place like puzzle pieces towards the end of the story, I might kiss you (or the book, if you’re not about that).
Favo(u)rite Books and Authors: ahahahaha, how long to you have? Books, by title (to save me typing out the authors here too): The Host (fight me), Three Dark Crowns, Palace of Treason, Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, The Lies of Locke Lamora, the Gospel of Loki, the whole Chaos Walking series, the Martian, Cinder, I Am Number Four (the first few in the series, but mainly the first one), the Clockwork Angel series, Fangirl...I could go on Authors: Leigh Bardugo (I’m dying to read her Grisha trilogy atm), Patrick Ness, Philip Pullman, Rick Riordan...my mind’s gone blank, ahhhhhh. Honorary mention to half the fic writers I’ve ever read, you guys very often surpass published novels and authors with your skills Favo(u)rite Music Genre(s)/Artists(s): FOB, Panic! At the Disco, Lorde, Lady Gaga, a bizarre scattering across genres from Queen to Green Day and MCR to LMFAO, Lindsey Stirling and Ellie Goulding Favo(u)rite Fandoms:    Movies: STAR WARS, the Man from U.N.C.L.E, X-Men and the Avengers, the DC crew when they chill with the Discourse™ (though God himself can pry Under the Red Hood from my cold, dead hands).    TV Shows: YOUNG JUSTICE, Teen Titans (when it’s good, it’s so good, but when it’s bad...), the Flash (mainly for the Rogues...okay, entirely for the Rogues), Gotham is a fab TV show but I haven’t actually looked at any fic (the tag is a good kind of crazy though)    Anime:   Anime: Attack on Titan, I guess? I’m no weeb ;P    Comics: Mainly related to animated show adaptations, so YJ, Batman, that kind of thing. I feel the need to reference Under the Red Hood again, because all the DC animated films are works of goddamn art, but that one is the greatest thing I will ever see with my own two damn eyes.     Video Games: Not really my thing.  Hobbies/interests other than writing: reading (haha, hilarious, real subversive), golf, badminton, passing my exams
Extended Profile: Personality Zodiac Sign: Taurus —Does it match your personality? Honestly I don’t even now what the characteristics are supposed to be. I prefer the ‘you’re a lemon tree’ kind of tumblr nonsense MBTI Type: N/A since I’m actually an alien —Does it match your personality well? Do I have a personality if I’ve not done this test? Some of y’all...would seem to think otherwise, #js Introvert or Extrovert? Extrovert except for when certain individuals are annoying as fuck
Writing Habits Number/Names of WIPs: One being written currently: The Iron Flower, first book in The Flowers of War series. Numerous fics hanging around including MISFITS, but I’m focusing on original stuff right now. Favo(u)rite book about writing: Oddly, I don’t particularly like books on how to write, I tend to better by picking up how other authors do things well. Palace of Treason is a lesson in how to write a sequel (I didn’t even realise it was a sequel!) and Three Dark Crowns is a masterpiece in writing the descent into cruelty and madness. Books like The Lies of Locke Lamora and Six of Crows also motivate me to improve my plot twists, and set up brilliant chains of events that all come crashing down together.  Planner, Pantser or Plantser? Compared to some people, I don’t think anyone else is a planner. I’m trying my own form of planning for The Iron Flower, and so far it’s going brilliantly. It involved writing out the entire plot in scene form, and then jumping in with no prior worldbuilding or character stuff, which is letting me develop those aspects naturally without getting stuck on where to take the plot next. I think this is a method I might stick with! Favo(u)rite Outlining Method: as above, whoopsie! Do you write on a schedule or sporadically? 500 words a day for the whole of my current project, and because that’s reasonably easy to hit, it gets me writing while also letting me beat my target almost every day, which is a lovely buzz! Any creativity rituals that you use: I sit on the same sofa with my crappy old laptop, I guess. Does that count?
Your Writing Community Tumblr: @writingwritersgroup is my official squad, but I’ve made so many other friends through the general writblr community. I’m a member of the ScriptFamily too. Current writing/creative communities you participate in: Just tumblr NaNoWriMo Community Name (if applicable): sass-master-lucifer (*cringe*, I hate how you cam’t change it!) Wattpad Community Name (if applicable): N/A fanfiction.net or AO3 Community Name (if applicable): a-really-angry-sorceress on FF. I think I’ll keep my AO3 private. DeviantArt Community Name (if applicable): N/A Patreon Community Name (if applicable): N/A
So that’s me finally done! Woah, that took some time. Looking forward to Camp Nano in a group cabin, and everything we do beyond that. Shameless plug for my prompts if anyone is looking for inspiration/wants a challenge among the community! Happy writing xx
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The Secret of the Rosary
Author: Louis de Montfort
First published: 1710
Pages: 148
Rating: ★★★★☆
I was genuinely surprised at how interesting I found this little book. As a Christian tentatively researching the various Churches I found it very informative. Certainly, the rosary and the Marian devotion of the Catholics (and the Russian Orthodox) are among the most controversial questions when it comes to Christian teachings of different denominations and this book explains the Catholic point of view extremely well, including short stories to illustrate the belief in the power of Mary and the prayer of the rosary (some of those stories are inspiring, some actually sound ridiculous, but I enjoyed them still, much as I would enjoy any storybook). I also found it interesting from the historical point of view, especially the fervent advocacy of indulgences, which, from what I understand, have been altered and are no longer propagated in the same way as they once were. Definitely a good study book for anyone interested in the subject, whether or not you are a Catholic.
How We Disappeared
Author: Jing-Jing Lee
First published: 2019
Pages: 352
Rating: ★★★★☆
Painful, horrifying and yet beautifully written book. A reminder of hurt and crimes we Europeans hardly ever hear about. A story of endurance, of cruelty which is both extraordinary and common, a story of trying to cope and searching for absolution, which may and may not ever come.
The Jungle Book
Author: Rudyard Kipling
First published: 1994
Pages: 256
Rating: ★★★★☆
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this book. I need to take off a star simply for a few "casual" racist remarks and the way disability is treated in the first three stories, but I do think the beauty of language, the passion for nature and even raw brutality tied to the animal kingdom were captured wonderfully.
Le Boule De Suif and other stories
Author: Guy de Maupassant
First published: 1880
Pages: 224
Rating: ★★★★☆
A collection of short stories set in the second half of the 19th century in France, all of which touched my emotions and moved me - to humour, to pity, to disgust - but ultimately none had a satisfying ending. They were all very life-like in that respect, but still, left me a hungry reader.
The Kite Runner
Author: Khaled Hosseini
First published: 2003
Pages: 352
Rating: ★★★★☆
Another book that hurt my heart.
Thames: Sacred River
Edited by: Peter Ackroyd
First published: 2007
Pages: 512
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Even as somebody very much interested in the topic I have now read more than I cared to read. This book is monumental and exhaustive when it comes to facts and details, it is also well written, but the sheer amount of information makes it feel like a chore. I have retained very little and skimmed over some of the pages simply because they were little more than lists of names. Impressive but tiring.
Lost Roses
Author: Martha Hall Kelly
First published: 2019
Pages: 464
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
Read this book if you like bad writing, dull narratives, you are completely ignorant about Russian history and wish to remain so. Seriously, this was my second try with Martha Hall Kelly and it is also where we part ways forever. I do not have the patience or strength enough to go through another of her books. Others have pointed out her outlandish, unbelievable and convoluted storytelling, I absolutely need to underline her disrespect for the well-documented characters and criminal laziness when it comes to historical research. By her own admission, this "research" when it came to the Russian parts of the book consisted of two weeks holidaying in St. Petersburg, trying vodka and caviar, and asking two tour guides some questions. I dare say she read a few Wikipedia pages, but that is all. This woman did not even bother to use Russian names correctly, and let me not start at her disregard to realities of life in Imperial Russia, both of the nobility and the common people. Heck, she even uses "Imperial" and "royal" as synonyms. Her treatment of the monumental events of the Russian revolution(s) and Civil war is dreadful, uninsightful and completely shallow. You do not need to be like me (14 years of research into the Romanovs and three university-awarded diploma theses on their relationship with Victorian Britain, their educational system and religious beliefs) to not write such bullshit as this book consists of. This is merely an American writing a dull and convoluted story set in countries she knows nothing about, the culture she doesn't understand in the slightest, includes people and their conflict which she trivializes and on the whole, does not care about your intelligence.
Concrete Rose
Author: Angie Thomas
First published: 2021
Pages: 360
Rating: ★★★★☆
Concrete Rose works wonderfully as a prequel but could stand solid on its own as well. The family dynamics and the character of Maverick were both important factors that made The Hate U Give the remarkable book it was. Seeing this very character growing up and learning to own up to situations that could easily break any of us was fascinating. You truly feel for him, but at the same time want to shout at him to open his eyes to reality and see the larger picture. I had some trouble getting into the book simply because I am not an American (or English native speaker) and the informal and specific language used by Maverick is not the one I have studied at school, but I got used to it eventually. I also felt that perhaps the conflict lacked the strength a little, especially compared to The Hate U Give. All in all, however, Angie Thomas has done it again.
Katya and the Prince of Siam
Author: Narisa Chakrabongse
First published: 2011
Pages: 320
Rating: ★★★★☆
Supremely interesting and a wonderful, accessible introduction into another part of the history I have previously known nothing about.
The Mists of Avalon
Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley
First published: 1982
Pages: 884
Rating: ★★★★☆
This is an impressive retelling of a legend that is so very well known it is quite a feat to present it in a way that has both surprises and thrill. The politics and the battle of religions, both of which prove to be in the hands of obstinate and hateful people seeking only their right is cleverly chosen as the main conflict. I must say, however, that sex-obsessed paganism did not seem much better than the sex-less Christianity in this book. The tolerance, with which the religion of the Goddess begins very quickly disappears and Morgaine and her followers very soon become as fanatical and unforgiving as their Christian enemies. It goes to show how our beliefs can be short-sighted no matter the lofty ideas they are based on. On the negative side, the novel is a mammoth undertaking, very quickly I had to switch to an audiobook (which was excellent), otherwise, I would be reading it for the next three months at least. Some of the arguments and conflicts the characters have over and over again (sometimes word for word), to the point of being annoying too. Be prepared to like nobody and watch an epic tragedy unfold.
The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime
Author: Judith Flanders
First published: 2011
Pages: 556
Rating: ★★★★★
It is amazing how different and yet still the same people have always been throughout centuries. This is that kind of book which entertains yet gives testament to human viciousness as well as morbid curiosity. The reader is introduced to some truly grisly murders and then shown how these very cases influenced the culture (especially books, newspapers and theatre) and through it the way everything connected to it was seen at one point in time. I begrudge the book spoiling some classics I have not yet read, but other than that I found myself fascinated and flew through this book quickly. Finding out I am no better when it comes to the fascination with a murder that is far away and non-threatening to me than any common Victorian.
Worlds of Ink and Shadow
Author: Lena Coakley
First published: 2016
Pages: 352
Rating: ★★★★★
You know what, maybe I will change the rating later, but right now, at this very moment, remembering simply how much I enjoyed this reading experience, I am giving this 5 stars. I flew through this and marvelled at both the author´s imagination, the accuracy of her research and especially how well she pays tribute to the Brontës. The way she portrays them is very similar to how I came to know them through nonfiction literature and their works. It is marvellous to me how she does not play favourites with any of them - something very few people manage (I myself have always been partial to Charlotte for example). But she does it. She shows the point of view and feelings and flaws of all of them. The family dynamics is well captured too. I liked this book a lot. It is that simple. Perhaps that is all one needs to rate it so very high.
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scottmapess · 4 years
WARNING! Bitcoin Savage Price Fall If Central Banks Get Their Way [MUST SEE]
Today in Krypto, a little known financial body called the Financial Stability Board could be dropping the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the entire crypto-economy with a recommendation to ban all stable coins. Now, if this motion succeeds and it is indeed passed into law by the world’s major economies, then we could be facing a bit of a crypto apocalypse, with prices plunging potentially to unimaginable lows. If all stable coins are removed from the market. So even if you are not a stable coin holder, you need to hear this because this is a massive assault on the cryptocurrency industry and is really showing that cryptocurrencies are worrying the banks in a major way. The crypto lark, this is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. And if you are due to crypto, then I have made a beginners course to save you your time and to save you money by walking through all of the basics, like how to buy sand mine and store bitcoin in an area with step by step tutorials and top resources. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So the big story of today is that the Financial Stability Board has outlined 10 recommendations to central banks for regulating stable coins, including total pro habitation. Now, you have probably never heard of the FS B, but it is a powerful organization comprised of central banks and finance ministries from the world’s major economies. Now, of course, the board has also hosted and funded by the Bank for International Settlements. The Bank of International Settlements, in case you don’t know, is like the central bank of central banks. It’s kind of like the head of the evil octopus whose tentacles stretch out and just suck the life force out of countries around the world and just hand everything over to the bankers. That’s the B, I guess, or the big B.S., if you will. Now, the FSB issues non-binding recommendations, but more often than not, these recommendations and up being implemented and the recommendation that the FSB just made to the G20 is that stable coins are a big threat to the power of the banks and that major stable coins including USD T USD C T USD Paxos and die should be prohibited now just for reference. The G20 consists of the following countries, which is basically a list of all of the world’s major economies. We have Argentina. Australia, Brazil. Canada. China. France. Germany. India. Indonesia. Italy. Japan. Mexico, Russia. Saudi Arabia. South Africa, South Korea. Turkey. The United Kingdom, the United States and the E U. So that’s all the big ones. All the big ones right there in one group. And they’re all talking about the potential to ban stable coins. Now, not only is the world the world’s biggest economies, but those markets also make up basically the entire volume of the entire crypto industry. And just for fun, too, the FSB also counts among its members, the IMF, the World Bank and the European Central Bank, in particular, the SDF FSB warned that stable coins could pose a big risk to global financial stability, especially in emerging markets and developing economies. I mean, hey, you can’t have people in developing economies getting financial freedom that just wouldn’t work for those big, powerful central banks. No, no, no, no, no. Not today, my friends. The FSB goes on to state that stable coins also pose significant governance challenges to central banks in particular. They are concerned that citizens in both advanced and emerging economies might begin favouring stable coins over existing fiat currencies. Did you hear that? The bankers are scared. Crypto has indeed kicked the frickin hornet’s nest and the bankers are worried about the implications. Decentralized, open public networks are a real and present danger to the monopoly of power that the central banks currently enjoy. We should really be proud of away. Cryptos made it, guys. We’ve made it. They’re talking about us at the highest levels of the global economy, the central banks of the world. They are scared of crypto technology can end the tyranny of central banks in their commercial bank whores. In a way, this is all incredibly exciting. Now you might say, hey, look, I don’t own stable coins laughs. So why should I care? Well, for a few reasons. Racing stable coins will absolutely crush daily volumes in the crypto industry. Stable coins make up more than $40 billion a day in volume, which is nearly half of the daily spot market volume. It will also have a very negative impact on the crypto lending markets and of course, also on decentralised finance markets, which basically are all of the financial services beyond just sending bitcoin from person to person. B all the services, the auction, crypto useful for billions and billions of people. Also, we should always speak up for financial freedom. Freedom is freedom. Free markets are a great thing, not Ranzie That quote from World War 2. First, they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Now apply that same logic to crypto. First, they came for the privacy coins and I said nothing. Then they came for the stable coins and I said nothing. And when they came for bitcoin, there was no one left to speak up. If you are a bitcoin maximalists and you’re out there cheering this on, say yeah, take down all the stable coins man, wake the fuck up. The exact same reasons that they are citing today to justify a stable coin ban that will be used against bitcoin in the future. Yes, today it’s stable coins, but tomorrow it will be basically anything that threatens the Fiat monopoly that the central banks have over society. And that thing, if you are really a believer in bitcoin, is bitcoin. Well, the bankers cannot shut bitcoin down. They can certainly do a whole heck of a lot to regulate it into impotence. The fight for financial freedom is everyone’s fight. Now, look at a practical level here. It will not stop all stable coins. It will certainly shut down the regulated and semi’s regulated ones, things like USD C and Paxos as well as course as Heather. Now, these coins are uniquely vulnerable because there are people who can be arrested and forced to shut the whole gosh darn thing down. There are bank accounts which can be seized by authorities, thus shutting the whole gosh darn thing down. Di, however, will be much, much harder to stop because this is really a decentralized, stable coin and it may not even be stoppable since it is really just a crypto-backed collateral coin, but that remains to be seen if they will be able to stop that or not should all of this go through. And hey look. Yeah, sure. Teather is a mess. I’ve been a very critical teller for a long time, but others like Dai and U.S. DC, they are not stable coins or a very useful part of the crypto economy and they should exist. Also a stable coin band likely through bitcoin into what could be the worst bear market of all time. I mean this if this happens, we could see a sub $1000 bitcoin. A nice time for buyers, right? I would totally be stacking some bitcoin at those prices, but such an event I think would actually destroy a lot of people’s faith in the crypto industry overall now long term. This could be positive for bitcoin only being traded directly in and out of fiat. But it will also push the industry more towards really highly regulated exchanges and more into the hands of Wall Street in the long run. The FSB man. Seriously, what the fuck are these guys anyway? More on elected bureaucrats. Just pull in our pants down and give us dirty old Roggeveen bureaucrats. Man bureaucrats. Anyway, this story extra reminds me of a story from last year about the F A T F and the coming implementation of the travel rule. You see the F A.T.F. On the issues recommendations like the FSB does and their recommendation was to do KYC on every withdrawal happening from crypto exchanges and of the official wallet providers. And to have the addresses for these wallets connected to names and ideas. Well, you know what? That recommendation that’s happening within the next year, we are likely to see a full implementation of the F 80 FS travel rule on to crypto. These unelected governing bodies, they have massive power. Welcome to the slave planet. My friends, now I know this. Some of you may be thinking lark’s out here spreading fraud Dardari. No, no, that’s not what I’m doing. These are real laws being considered and knowledge is power. You should always know what is going on in the industry. What I see here is that currently, in spite of the whale manipulations we have in the crypto market, we actually have a largely free 24/7 marketplace with crypto. I want to keep it that way. I the crypto Marcus me as free as possible. We do not need nor do we want bureaucrats to tell us what we can or cannot trade or how we can or cannot exchange value with other people. And look, final point here for you. There has been no final verdict as to what countries will do. This recommendation may not pass into law. That is just a recommendation at this stage, but a recommendation by a very powerful regulatory body. I hope that the final whatever is not this, but how this is playing out is nearly identical to how things played out with the EFF ATF last year. So it is worth being aware of. But one thing has made abundantly clear crypto is a threat and they damn well know it. Just understanding that they are out there discussing banning stable coins shows that crypto has made it to the big time. So congratulations us. But wow. Still not cool. They’re gonna potentially do this to stable coins, but wiping out stable coins. It is potentially also a natural progression towards central bank digital currencies, which make no mistake, those are coming and they will be very impactful when they do. The banking cartels are going to do anything that they can to maintain power which screws bankers. Seriously, what a bunch of douches. Never is your freedom given priority. It’s only ever their power, their money, their mates, their rules, their profits, their game. What a sick system to live in decentralized systems. There’s so much more exciting than what we have right now. We must stop bowing down and submitting to the poor versions of these ruling elites. But one thing does remain certain in my mind, even if stable coins get crushed. Bitcoin will carry on. Bitcoin is the steady survivor. Rain or shine, hell or high water. The blocks just keep coming. The fight for financial freedom is now entering. The next phase in Bitcoin remains the tip of the spear. In a weird way, all of this that I’ve discussed today, it kinda really makes me more bullish on the future of cryptocurrencies. But I don’t know. I’m a weirdo. What do I do anyway? What do you think about all of this? Is it nothing to be worried about? Do you think it won’t actually be implemented? Maybe you’re out there cheering for the death of all stable coins. Or do you think that this could actually just be a potentially major setback for the industry with something maybe it will overcome in the long term or maybe some other opinion? Love to know your thoughts down below in the comments section. Thank you so much for watching today’s video. Hope you have an awesome day wherever you are. And again, just thank you for supporting the Channel 4. Let me come out here and make these videos talking about cryptocurrency all the time. Your support just means the world. So thank you. So, so about you. Of course, if you didn’t join today’s video that thumbs up button, make sure to subscribe to channel. If you’re a new round here. Long live the blockchain. ADS-B sounds next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-bitcoin-savage-price-fall/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/warning-bitcoin-savage-price-fall-if.html
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
WARNING! Bitcoin Savage Price Fall If Central Banks Get Their Way [MUST SEE]
Today in Krypto, a little known financial body called the Financial Stability Board could be dropping the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the entire crypto-economy with a recommendation to ban all stable coins. Now, if this motion succeeds and it is indeed passed into law by the world’s major economies, then we could be facing a bit of a crypto apocalypse, with prices plunging potentially to unimaginable lows. If all stable coins are removed from the market. So even if you are not a stable coin holder, you need to hear this because this is a massive assault on the cryptocurrency industry and is really showing that cryptocurrencies are worrying the banks in a major way. The crypto lark, this is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. And if you are due to crypto, then I have made a beginners course to save you your time and to save you money by walking through all of the basics, like how to buy sand mine and store bitcoin in an area with step by step tutorials and top resources. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So the big story of today is that the Financial Stability Board has outlined 10 recommendations to central banks for regulating stable coins, including total pro habitation. Now, you have probably never heard of the FS B, but it is a powerful organization comprised of central banks and finance ministries from the world’s major economies. Now, of course, the board has also hosted and funded by the Bank for International Settlements. The Bank of International Settlements, in case you don’t know, is like the central bank of central banks. It’s kind of like the head of the evil octopus whose tentacles stretch out and just suck the life force out of countries around the world and just hand everything over to the bankers. That’s the B, I guess, or the big B.S., if you will. Now, the FSB issues non-binding recommendations, but more often than not, these recommendations and up being implemented and the recommendation that the FSB just made to the G20 is that stable coins are a big threat to the power of the banks and that major stable coins including USD T USD C T USD Paxos and die should be prohibited now just for reference. The G20 consists of the following countries, which is basically a list of all of the world’s major economies. We have Argentina. Australia, Brazil. Canada. China. France. Germany. India. Indonesia. Italy. Japan. Mexico, Russia. Saudi Arabia. South Africa, South Korea. Turkey. The United Kingdom, the United States and the E U. So that’s all the big ones. All the big ones right there in one group. And they’re all talking about the potential to ban stable coins. Now, not only is the world the world’s biggest economies, but those markets also make up basically the entire volume of the entire crypto industry. And just for fun, too, the FSB also counts among its members, the IMF, the World Bank and the European Central Bank, in particular, the SDF FSB warned that stable coins could pose a big risk to global financial stability, especially in emerging markets and developing economies. I mean, hey, you can’t have people in developing economies getting financial freedom that just wouldn’t work for those big, powerful central banks. No, no, no, no, no. Not today, my friends. The FSB goes on to state that stable coins also pose significant governance challenges to central banks in particular. They are concerned that citizens in both advanced and emerging economies might begin favouring stable coins over existing fiat currencies. Did you hear that? The bankers are scared. Crypto has indeed kicked the frickin hornet’s nest and the bankers are worried about the implications. Decentralized, open public networks are a real and present danger to the monopoly of power that the central banks currently enjoy. We should really be proud of away. Cryptos made it, guys. We’ve made it. They’re talking about us at the highest levels of the global economy, the central banks of the world. They are scared of crypto technology can end the tyranny of central banks in their commercial bank whores. In a way, this is all incredibly exciting. Now you might say, hey, look, I don’t own stable coins laughs. So why should I care? Well, for a few reasons. Racing stable coins will absolutely crush daily volumes in the crypto industry. Stable coins make up more than $40 billion a day in volume, which is nearly half of the daily spot market volume. It will also have a very negative impact on the crypto lending markets and of course, also on decentralised finance markets, which basically are all of the financial services beyond just sending bitcoin from person to person. B all the services, the auction, crypto useful for billions and billions of people. Also, we should always speak up for financial freedom. Freedom is freedom. Free markets are a great thing, not Ranzie That quote from World War 2. First, they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Now apply that same logic to crypto. First, they came for the privacy coins and I said nothing. Then they came for the stable coins and I said nothing. And when they came for bitcoin, there was no one left to speak up. If you are a bitcoin maximalists and you’re out there cheering this on, say yeah, take down all the stable coins man, wake the fuck up. The exact same reasons that they are citing today to justify a stable coin ban that will be used against bitcoin in the future. Yes, today it’s stable coins, but tomorrow it will be basically anything that threatens the Fiat monopoly that the central banks have over society. And that thing, if you are really a believer in bitcoin, is bitcoin. Well, the bankers cannot shut bitcoin down. They can certainly do a whole heck of a lot to regulate it into impotence. The fight for financial freedom is everyone’s fight. Now, look at a practical level here. It will not stop all stable coins. It will certainly shut down the regulated and semi’s regulated ones, things like USD C and Paxos as well as course as Heather. Now, these coins are uniquely vulnerable because there are people who can be arrested and forced to shut the whole gosh darn thing down. There are bank accounts which can be seized by authorities, thus shutting the whole gosh darn thing down. Di, however, will be much, much harder to stop because this is really a decentralized, stable coin and it may not even be stoppable since it is really just a crypto-backed collateral coin, but that remains to be seen if they will be able to stop that or not should all of this go through. And hey look. Yeah, sure. Teather is a mess. I’ve been a very critical teller for a long time, but others like Dai and U.S. DC, they are not stable coins or a very useful part of the crypto economy and they should exist. Also a stable coin band likely through bitcoin into what could be the worst bear market of all time. I mean this if this happens, we could see a sub $1000 bitcoin. A nice time for buyers, right? I would totally be stacking some bitcoin at those prices, but such an event I think would actually destroy a lot of people’s faith in the crypto industry overall now long term. This could be positive for bitcoin only being traded directly in and out of fiat. But it will also push the industry more towards really highly regulated exchanges and more into the hands of Wall Street in the long run. The FSB man. Seriously, what the fuck are these guys anyway? More on elected bureaucrats. Just pull in our pants down and give us dirty old Roggeveen bureaucrats. Man bureaucrats. Anyway, this story extra reminds me of a story from last year about the F A T F and the coming implementation of the travel rule. You see the F A.T.F. On the issues recommendations like the FSB does and their recommendation was to do KYC on every withdrawal happening from crypto exchanges and of the official wallet providers. And to have the addresses for these wallets connected to names and ideas. Well, you know what? That recommendation that’s happening within the next year, we are likely to see a full implementation of the F 80 FS travel rule on to crypto. These unelected governing bodies, they have massive power. Welcome to the slave planet. My friends, now I know this. Some of you may be thinking lark’s out here spreading fraud Dardari. No, no, that’s not what I’m doing. These are real laws being considered and knowledge is power. You should always know what is going on in the industry. What I see here is that currently, in spite of the whale manipulations we have in the crypto market, we actually have a largely free 24/7 marketplace with crypto. I want to keep it that way. I the crypto Marcus me as free as possible. We do not need nor do we want bureaucrats to tell us what we can or cannot trade or how we can or cannot exchange value with other people. And look, final point here for you. There has been no final verdict as to what countries will do. This recommendation may not pass into law. That is just a recommendation at this stage, but a recommendation by a very powerful regulatory body. I hope that the final whatever is not this, but how this is playing out is nearly identical to how things played out with the EFF ATF last year. So it is worth being aware of. But one thing has made abundantly clear crypto is a threat and they damn well know it. Just understanding that they are out there discussing banning stable coins shows that crypto has made it to the big time. So congratulations us. But wow. Still not cool. They’re gonna potentially do this to stable coins, but wiping out stable coins. It is potentially also a natural progression towards central bank digital currencies, which make no mistake, those are coming and they will be very impactful when they do. The banking cartels are going to do anything that they can to maintain power which screws bankers. Seriously, what a bunch of douches. Never is your freedom given priority. It’s only ever their power, their money, their mates, their rules, their profits, their game. What a sick system to live in decentralized systems. There’s so much more exciting than what we have right now. We must stop bowing down and submitting to the poor versions of these ruling elites. But one thing does remain certain in my mind, even if stable coins get crushed. Bitcoin will carry on. Bitcoin is the steady survivor. Rain or shine, hell or high water. The blocks just keep coming. The fight for financial freedom is now entering. The next phase in Bitcoin remains the tip of the spear. In a weird way, all of this that I’ve discussed today, it kinda really makes me more bullish on the future of cryptocurrencies. But I don’t know. I’m a weirdo. What do I do anyway? What do you think about all of this? Is it nothing to be worried about? Do you think it won’t actually be implemented? Maybe you’re out there cheering for the death of all stable coins. Or do you think that this could actually just be a potentially major setback for the industry with something maybe it will overcome in the long term or maybe some other opinion? Love to know your thoughts down below in the comments section. Thank you so much for watching today’s video. Hope you have an awesome day wherever you are. And again, just thank you for supporting the Channel 4. Let me come out here and make these videos talking about cryptocurrency all the time. Your support just means the world. So thank you. So, so about you. Of course, if you didn’t join today’s video that thumbs up button, make sure to subscribe to channel. If you’re a new round here. Long live the blockchain. ADS-B sounds next time.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-bitcoin-savage-price-fall/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/warning-bitcoin-savage-price-fall-if-central-banks-get-their-way-must-see
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
WARNING! Bitcoin Savage Price Fall If Central Banks Get Their Way [MUST SEE]
Today in Krypto, a little known financial body called the Financial Stability Board could be dropping the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the entire crypto-economy with a recommendation to ban all stable coins. Now, if this motion succeeds and it is indeed passed into law by the world’s major economies, then we could be facing a bit of a crypto apocalypse, with prices plunging potentially to unimaginable lows. If all stable coins are removed from the market. So even if you are not a stable coin holder, you need to hear this because this is a massive assault on the cryptocurrency industry and is really showing that cryptocurrencies are worrying the banks in a major way. The crypto lark, this is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. And if you are due to crypto, then I have made a beginners course to save you your time and to save you money by walking through all of the basics, like how to buy sand mine and store bitcoin in an area with step by step tutorials and top resources. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So the big story of today is that the Financial Stability Board has outlined 10 recommendations to central banks for regulating stable coins, including total pro habitation. Now, you have probably never heard of the FS B, but it is a powerful organization comprised of central banks and finance ministries from the world’s major economies. Now, of course, the board has also hosted and funded by the Bank for International Settlements. The Bank of International Settlements, in case you don’t know, is like the central bank of central banks. It’s kind of like the head of the evil octopus whose tentacles stretch out and just suck the life force out of countries around the world and just hand everything over to the bankers. That’s the B, I guess, or the big B.S., if you will. Now, the FSB issues non-binding recommendations, but more often than not, these recommendations and up being implemented and the recommendation that the FSB just made to the G20 is that stable coins are a big threat to the power of the banks and that major stable coins including USD T USD C T USD Paxos and die should be prohibited now just for reference. The G20 consists of the following countries, which is basically a list of all of the world’s major economies. We have Argentina. Australia, Brazil. Canada. China. France. Germany. India. Indonesia. Italy. Japan. Mexico, Russia. Saudi Arabia. South Africa, South Korea. Turkey. The United Kingdom, the United States and the E U. So that’s all the big ones. All the big ones right there in one group. And they’re all talking about the potential to ban stable coins. Now, not only is the world the world’s biggest economies, but those markets also make up basically the entire volume of the entire crypto industry. And just for fun, too, the FSB also counts among its members, the IMF, the World Bank and the European Central Bank, in particular, the SDF FSB warned that stable coins could pose a big risk to global financial stability, especially in emerging markets and developing economies. I mean, hey, you can’t have people in developing economies getting financial freedom that just wouldn’t work for those big, powerful central banks. No, no, no, no, no. Not today, my friends. The FSB goes on to state that stable coins also pose significant governance challenges to central banks in particular. They are concerned that citizens in both advanced and emerging economies might begin favouring stable coins over existing fiat currencies. Did you hear that? The bankers are scared. Crypto has indeed kicked the frickin hornet’s nest and the bankers are worried about the implications. Decentralized, open public networks are a real and present danger to the monopoly of power that the central banks currently enjoy. We should really be proud of away. Cryptos made it, guys. We’ve made it. They’re talking about us at the highest levels of the global economy, the central banks of the world. They are scared of crypto technology can end the tyranny of central banks in their commercial bank whores. In a way, this is all incredibly exciting. Now you might say, hey, look, I don’t own stable coins laughs. So why should I care? Well, for a few reasons. Racing stable coins will absolutely crush daily volumes in the crypto industry. Stable coins make up more than $40 billion a day in volume, which is nearly half of the daily spot market volume. It will also have a very negative impact on the crypto lending markets and of course, also on decentralised finance markets, which basically are all of the financial services beyond just sending bitcoin from person to person. B all the services, the auction, crypto useful for billions and billions of people. Also, we should always speak up for financial freedom. Freedom is freedom. Free markets are a great thing, not Ranzie That quote from World War 2. First, they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Now apply that same logic to crypto. First, they came for the privacy coins and I said nothing. Then they came for the stable coins and I said nothing. And when they came for bitcoin, there was no one left to speak up. If you are a bitcoin maximalists and you’re out there cheering this on, say yeah, take down all the stable coins man, wake the fuck up. The exact same reasons that they are citing today to justify a stable coin ban that will be used against bitcoin in the future. Yes, today it’s stable coins, but tomorrow it will be basically anything that threatens the Fiat monopoly that the central banks have over society. And that thing, if you are really a believer in bitcoin, is bitcoin. Well, the bankers cannot shut bitcoin down. They can certainly do a whole heck of a lot to regulate it into impotence. The fight for financial freedom is everyone’s fight. Now, look at a practical level here. It will not stop all stable coins. It will certainly shut down the regulated and semi’s regulated ones, things like USD C and Paxos as well as course as Heather. Now, these coins are uniquely vulnerable because there are people who can be arrested and forced to shut the whole gosh darn thing down. There are bank accounts which can be seized by authorities, thus shutting the whole gosh darn thing down. Di, however, will be much, much harder to stop because this is really a decentralized, stable coin and it may not even be stoppable since it is really just a crypto-backed collateral coin, but that remains to be seen if they will be able to stop that or not should all of this go through. And hey look. Yeah, sure. Teather is a mess. I’ve been a very critical teller for a long time, but others like Dai and U.S. DC, they are not stable coins or a very useful part of the crypto economy and they should exist. Also a stable coin band likely through bitcoin into what could be the worst bear market of all time. I mean this if this happens, we could see a sub $1000 bitcoin. A nice time for buyers, right? I would totally be stacking some bitcoin at those prices, but such an event I think would actually destroy a lot of people’s faith in the crypto industry overall now long term. This could be positive for bitcoin only being traded directly in and out of fiat. But it will also push the industry more towards really highly regulated exchanges and more into the hands of Wall Street in the long run. The FSB man. Seriously, what the fuck are these guys anyway? More on elected bureaucrats. Just pull in our pants down and give us dirty old Roggeveen bureaucrats. Man bureaucrats. Anyway, this story extra reminds me of a story from last year about the F A T F and the coming implementation of the travel rule. You see the F A.T.F. On the issues recommendations like the FSB does and their recommendation was to do KYC on every withdrawal happening from crypto exchanges and of the official wallet providers. And to have the addresses for these wallets connected to names and ideas. Well, you know what? That recommendation that’s happening within the next year, we are likely to see a full implementation of the F 80 FS travel rule on to crypto. These unelected governing bodies, they have massive power. Welcome to the slave planet. My friends, now I know this. Some of you may be thinking lark’s out here spreading fraud Dardari. No, no, that’s not what I’m doing. These are real laws being considered and knowledge is power. You should always know what is going on in the industry. What I see here is that currently, in spite of the whale manipulations we have in the crypto market, we actually have a largely free 24/7 marketplace with crypto. I want to keep it that way. I the crypto Marcus me as free as possible. We do not need nor do we want bureaucrats to tell us what we can or cannot trade or how we can or cannot exchange value with other people. And look, final point here for you. There has been no final verdict as to what countries will do. This recommendation may not pass into law. That is just a recommendation at this stage, but a recommendation by a very powerful regulatory body. I hope that the final whatever is not this, but how this is playing out is nearly identical to how things played out with the EFF ATF last year. So it is worth being aware of. But one thing has made abundantly clear crypto is a threat and they damn well know it. Just understanding that they are out there discussing banning stable coins shows that crypto has made it to the big time. So congratulations us. But wow. Still not cool. They’re gonna potentially do this to stable coins, but wiping out stable coins. It is potentially also a natural progression towards central bank digital currencies, which make no mistake, those are coming and they will be very impactful when they do. The banking cartels are going to do anything that they can to maintain power which screws bankers. Seriously, what a bunch of douches. Never is your freedom given priority. It’s only ever their power, their money, their mates, their rules, their profits, their game. What a sick system to live in decentralized systems. There’s so much more exciting than what we have right now. We must stop bowing down and submitting to the poor versions of these ruling elites. But one thing does remain certain in my mind, even if stable coins get crushed. Bitcoin will carry on. Bitcoin is the steady survivor. Rain or shine, hell or high water. The blocks just keep coming. The fight for financial freedom is now entering. The next phase in Bitcoin remains the tip of the spear. In a weird way, all of this that I’ve discussed today, it kinda really makes me more bullish on the future of cryptocurrencies. But I don’t know. I’m a weirdo. What do I do anyway? What do you think about all of this? Is it nothing to be worried about? Do you think it won’t actually be implemented? Maybe you’re out there cheering for the death of all stable coins. Or do you think that this could actually just be a potentially major setback for the industry with something maybe it will overcome in the long term or maybe some other opinion? Love to know your thoughts down below in the comments section. Thank you so much for watching today’s video. Hope you have an awesome day wherever you are. And again, just thank you for supporting the Channel 4. Let me come out here and make these videos talking about cryptocurrency all the time. Your support just means the world. So thank you. So, so about you. Of course, if you didn’t join today’s video that thumbs up button, make sure to subscribe to channel. If you’re a new round here. Long live the blockchain. ADS-B sounds next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-bitcoin-savage-price-fall/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/615603278494973952
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
WARNING! Bitcoin Savage Price Fall If Central Banks Get Their Way [MUST SEE]
Today in Krypto, a little known financial body called the Financial Stability Board could be dropping the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the entire crypto-economy with a recommendation to ban all stable coins. Now, if this motion succeeds and it is indeed passed into law by the world’s major economies, then we could be facing a bit of a crypto apocalypse, with prices plunging potentially to unimaginable lows. If all stable coins are removed from the market. So even if you are not a stable coin holder, you need to hear this because this is a massive assault on the cryptocurrency industry and is really showing that cryptocurrencies are worrying the banks in a major way. The crypto lark, this is where you subscribe for all of the hottest and all of the latest happening out there in the wild, wildland of crypto. And if you are due to crypto, then I have made a beginners course to save you your time and to save you money by walking through all of the basics, like how to buy sand mine and store bitcoin in an area with step by step tutorials and top resources. There is a link down below where you can learn more. So the big story of today is that the Financial Stability Board has outlined 10 recommendations to central banks for regulating stable coins, including total pro habitation. Now, you have probably never heard of the FS B, but it is a powerful organization comprised of central banks and finance ministries from the world’s major economies. Now, of course, the board has also hosted and funded by the Bank for International Settlements. The Bank of International Settlements, in case you don’t know, is like the central bank of central banks. It’s kind of like the head of the evil octopus whose tentacles stretch out and just suck the life force out of countries around the world and just hand everything over to the bankers. That’s the B, I guess, or the big B.S., if you will. Now, the FSB issues non-binding recommendations, but more often than not, these recommendations and up being implemented and the recommendation that the FSB just made to the G20 is that stable coins are a big threat to the power of the banks and that major stable coins including USD T USD C T USD Paxos and die should be prohibited now just for reference. The G20 consists of the following countries, which is basically a list of all of the world’s major economies. We have Argentina. Australia, Brazil. Canada. China. France. Germany. India. Indonesia. Italy. Japan. Mexico, Russia. Saudi Arabia. South Africa, South Korea. Turkey. The United Kingdom, the United States and the E U. So that’s all the big ones. All the big ones right there in one group. And they’re all talking about the potential to ban stable coins. Now, not only is the world the world’s biggest economies, but those markets also make up basically the entire volume of the entire crypto industry. And just for fun, too, the FSB also counts among its members, the IMF, the World Bank and the European Central Bank, in particular, the SDF FSB warned that stable coins could pose a big risk to global financial stability, especially in emerging markets and developing economies. I mean, hey, you can’t have people in developing economies getting financial freedom that just wouldn’t work for those big, powerful central banks. No, no, no, no, no. Not today, my friends. The FSB goes on to state that stable coins also pose significant governance challenges to central banks in particular. They are concerned that citizens in both advanced and emerging economies might begin favouring stable coins over existing fiat currencies. Did you hear that? The bankers are scared. Crypto has indeed kicked the frickin hornet’s nest and the bankers are worried about the implications. Decentralized, open public networks are a real and present danger to the monopoly of power that the central banks currently enjoy. We should really be proud of away. Cryptos made it, guys. We’ve made it. They’re talking about us at the highest levels of the global economy, the central banks of the world. They are scared of crypto technology can end the tyranny of central banks in their commercial bank whores. In a way, this is all incredibly exciting. Now you might say, hey, look, I don’t own stable coins laughs. So why should I care? Well, for a few reasons. Racing stable coins will absolutely crush daily volumes in the crypto industry. Stable coins make up more than $40 billion a day in volume, which is nearly half of the daily spot market volume. It will also have a very negative impact on the crypto lending markets and of course, also on decentralised finance markets, which basically are all of the financial services beyond just sending bitcoin from person to person. B all the services, the auction, crypto useful for billions and billions of people. Also, we should always speak up for financial freedom. Freedom is freedom. Free markets are a great thing, not Ranzie That quote from World War 2. First, they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me. Now apply that same logic to crypto. First, they came for the privacy coins and I said nothing. Then they came for the stable coins and I said nothing. And when they came for bitcoin, there was no one left to speak up. If you are a bitcoin maximalists and you’re out there cheering this on, say yeah, take down all the stable coins man, wake the fuck up. The exact same reasons that they are citing today to justify a stable coin ban that will be used against bitcoin in the future. Yes, today it’s stable coins, but tomorrow it will be basically anything that threatens the Fiat monopoly that the central banks have over society. And that thing, if you are really a believer in bitcoin, is bitcoin. Well, the bankers cannot shut bitcoin down. They can certainly do a whole heck of a lot to regulate it into impotence. The fight for financial freedom is everyone’s fight. Now, look at a practical level here. It will not stop all stable coins. It will certainly shut down the regulated and semi’s regulated ones, things like USD C and Paxos as well as course as Heather. Now, these coins are uniquely vulnerable because there are people who can be arrested and forced to shut the whole gosh darn thing down. There are bank accounts which can be seized by authorities, thus shutting the whole gosh darn thing down. Di, however, will be much, much harder to stop because this is really a decentralized, stable coin and it may not even be stoppable since it is really just a crypto-backed collateral coin, but that remains to be seen if they will be able to stop that or not should all of this go through. And hey look. Yeah, sure. Teather is a mess. I’ve been a very critical teller for a long time, but others like Dai and U.S. DC, they are not stable coins or a very useful part of the crypto economy and they should exist. Also a stable coin band likely through bitcoin into what could be the worst bear market of all time. I mean this if this happens, we could see a sub $1000 bitcoin. A nice time for buyers, right? I would totally be stacking some bitcoin at those prices, but such an event I think would actually destroy a lot of people’s faith in the crypto industry overall now long term. This could be positive for bitcoin only being traded directly in and out of fiat. But it will also push the industry more towards really highly regulated exchanges and more into the hands of Wall Street in the long run. The FSB man. Seriously, what the fuck are these guys anyway? More on elected bureaucrats. Just pull in our pants down and give us dirty old Roggeveen bureaucrats. Man bureaucrats. Anyway, this story extra reminds me of a story from last year about the F A T F and the coming implementation of the travel rule. You see the F A.T.F. On the issues recommendations like the FSB does and their recommendation was to do KYC on every withdrawal happening from crypto exchanges and of the official wallet providers. And to have the addresses for these wallets connected to names and ideas. Well, you know what? That recommendation that’s happening within the next year, we are likely to see a full implementation of the F 80 FS travel rule on to crypto. These unelected governing bodies, they have massive power. Welcome to the slave planet. My friends, now I know this. Some of you may be thinking lark’s out here spreading fraud Dardari. No, no, that’s not what I’m doing. These are real laws being considered and knowledge is power. You should always know what is going on in the industry. What I see here is that currently, in spite of the whale manipulations we have in the crypto market, we actually have a largely free 24/7 marketplace with crypto. I want to keep it that way. I the crypto Marcus me as free as possible. We do not need nor do we want bureaucrats to tell us what we can or cannot trade or how we can or cannot exchange value with other people. And look, final point here for you. There has been no final verdict as to what countries will do. This recommendation may not pass into law. That is just a recommendation at this stage, but a recommendation by a very powerful regulatory body. I hope that the final whatever is not this, but how this is playing out is nearly identical to how things played out with the EFF ATF last year. So it is worth being aware of. But one thing has made abundantly clear crypto is a threat and they damn well know it. Just understanding that they are out there discussing banning stable coins shows that crypto has made it to the big time. So congratulations us. But wow. Still not cool. They’re gonna potentially do this to stable coins, but wiping out stable coins. It is potentially also a natural progression towards central bank digital currencies, which make no mistake, those are coming and they will be very impactful when they do. The banking cartels are going to do anything that they can to maintain power which screws bankers. Seriously, what a bunch of douches. Never is your freedom given priority. It’s only ever their power, their money, their mates, their rules, their profits, their game. What a sick system to live in decentralized systems. There’s so much more exciting than what we have right now. We must stop bowing down and submitting to the poor versions of these ruling elites. But one thing does remain certain in my mind, even if stable coins get crushed. Bitcoin will carry on. Bitcoin is the steady survivor. Rain or shine, hell or high water. The blocks just keep coming. The fight for financial freedom is now entering. The next phase in Bitcoin remains the tip of the spear. In a weird way, all of this that I’ve discussed today, it kinda really makes me more bullish on the future of cryptocurrencies. But I don’t know. I’m a weirdo. What do I do anyway? What do you think about all of this? Is it nothing to be worried about? Do you think it won’t actually be implemented? Maybe you’re out there cheering for the death of all stable coins. Or do you think that this could actually just be a potentially major setback for the industry with something maybe it will overcome in the long term or maybe some other opinion? Love to know your thoughts down below in the comments section. Thank you so much for watching today’s video. Hope you have an awesome day wherever you are. And again, just thank you for supporting the Channel 4. Let me come out here and make these videos talking about cryptocurrency all the time. Your support just means the world. So thank you. So, so about you. Of course, if you didn’t join today’s video that thumbs up button, make sure to subscribe to channel. If you’re a new round here. Long live the blockchain. ADS-B sounds next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-bitcoin-savage-price-fall/
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