#hector tangled the series
strawberrymarto · 3 months
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Just a man and his two abnormally large Bearcats
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jaxinkh · 3 months
Any Tangled Hector fans out there?
I'd like a little help form you. I need to redesign him an outfit post-series (so he has accees to shops outside his Tree) but Im stuck.
Anyone willing to help me design? I'll reward you with a Tangled style drawing of an OC of yours!
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4i3sun · 1 year
Vat7k headcanons.
"You can't have so many headcanons of parents of protagonists of a series that DOESN'T EXIST."
Well... Look at me.
—Ulla lear to fight when she was a teenager defending Ulf from the people who bullied him.
—Ulla always gave her brother silly nicknames.
—Ulf hated all of his sister's romantic interests.
—Quirin is more smarter then he looks, he is not a respected public figure and leader because he is tall.
—Hector and Adira were troublemakers when they were in their young and Quirin always saved their asses from people dangerous or the law... Or both.
—Quirin and Ulla got along very well because they both shared the role of "protective big siblings" in their respective families.
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xannerz · 2 years
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rediscovered this vvvvvv old sketch earlier today and feebly slapped some colors on it 🌙👢🐺
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meechatuck · 2 years
More Hector stuff, are you even surprised?
So this is a HectorxReader fic. I’ve had the idea for literally over a year now and have never had the motivation to write it...until I read a ScroogexReader fic. Yes I am on the Netflix Scrooge is a GILF train, no shame. (His VA is dreamboat Luke Evans.)
Anyways, I laugh that this was supposed to be a cutesy fic and not too long. It ended up being a little over 4k words and on the NSFW side (nothing explicit, but very suggestive!). Yet when I try and make something NSFW it turns into cutesy fluff. I see an unfortunate pattern emerging.
So here you are. A HectorxReader fic. Never written one of these before and I think I managed to make it gender neutral. I guess let me know! I would rate it as mature as it’s pretty suggestive and there's sexual tension, and some hot kissing. I do plan on posting this to my AO3 eventually.
Hector x Reader Fic: Measuring Up
4K words
Rated: Mature for suggestive sexual situations, sexual tension, making out.
As one of the head tailor’s children, you are expected to help out with any and all matters of dressing the King & Brotherhood of the Dark Kingdom, even getting the lost measurements of the dubious, but attractive Hector.
Your nerves were shot. You couldn’t believe that your father was having you do this, but secretly you had dreamt of this. Since moving to the Dark Kingdom you had wondered what the people here would be like, especially the members of the Brotherhood. They were legendary.
Quirin was a tank of a man. Stout, strong, and, surprisingly, one of the sweetest people you had ever met in your life. His fierceness came out when training with the guards and other Brotherhood members, which was easily seen, but outside of that you had seen him help the locals with their gardens and discuss different planting strategies with the farmers (who knew that was even a thing!). The best was seeing his love for his quirky son Varian. He was a giant softie under that stoic exterior.
Adira. Oh Adira. She was a gorgeous and deadly woman. And she knew it. You couldn’t even count the number of times she had thrown her opponents across the training ring. The only thing that outmatched that woman’s strength was her confidence in herself. Adira could level any opponent, even Quirin and King Edmund, and come out with hardly a scratch on herself.
They were both amazing warriors, but one member of the Brotherhood had caught your eye. And dammit he always seemed to be right there, in the corner of your periphery. And if he wasn’t there, he was in your thoughts. The wild gleam in his green eyes looking right at you. His swaggered gait, surely from years of injuries and fighting.
“Don’t forget to write down the measurements! And don’t lose them!” your father called out as you made your way to the stairs.
“Got it!” you answered, realizing that you were going to his quarters. Hector.
In the last few days, there were preparations being made for a certain Brotherhood ceremony that was a tradition since its creation. Their usual ceremonial outfits had long since degraded into nothing but rags, due to sitting around here in the castle for twenty-five years. Your father was the head tailor for King Edmund, who requested your father to make new outfits. Everything had been straightforward and going smoothly, until it was discovered that Hector’s measurements had been lost.
You had seen your father lose his temper before, but this caused him to have a conniption fit. Luckily, you hadn’t been the one to take the measurements. You knew how and had done it plenty of times, but your father had entrusted it to your older and very single sister, who had no idea where the paper had gone. In the heat of their discussion, you were there in the room, sorting and cutting fabric when he suggested that you get the measurements. At first, you smugly accepted, seeing the furious look on your sister’s face made it all worthwhile. But now, as you ascended the stairs to the floor where Hector’s room was, you suddenly felt ill.
It crossed your mind to go back and see if someone else could do it, but giving your sister that satisfaction was out of the question. You had to do this. Not only to prove that you could be trusted with things like this, but you had been dying to talk to Hector alone for weeks. It wasn’t like he didn’t know who you were, but there hadn’t been many times to have much personal discussions. Or any kind of a discussion other than small talk and fixing clothing. He was gone from the castle a great deal; hunting, training, gathering intel, taking out rogue bandit groups, other things like that. Several times when he came to have something of his patched you would leap up and get to him first. Those conversations were quick, but oh so enjoyable. The only unfortunate thing was that a family member was usually around, so you would keep any flirting to a minimum to avoid being found out and teased.
But this was your golden opportunity. Your shining moment. You would have uninterrupted time alone with him in his quarters.
Your stomach churned uncomfortably and you swallowed down an inkling of heaving. You could do this. It was just flirting. You’d done it before. Whether or not it had been successful was another question, but still! You could do this! It was your one and only shot to show him your professional tailoring skills as well as show him your interest.
Suddenly his door was in front of you. Trying to control your uneven breathing, you adjusted the small bag of supplies in your hands and knocked firmly on the door. The seconds it took to finally open felt like centuries.
The door opened, revealing his piercing green eyes, “Uh you’re the tailor’s kid right?” He tapped the door for a moment in thought, “Y/n?”
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered and bit your bottom lip, trying to keep yourself calm. “I’m here to get your measurements again, they were lost somehow. I apologize if it is an inconvenient time. I can come back tomorrow morning if that suits you better.”
“Nah, now’s fine,” Hector waved, opening the door more. “Come in.” You stepped into his room and he closed the door behind you. “I needa change right?”
You glanced him up and down and nodded, “Yes that would be best. Something more form fitting will allow me to get more accurate measurements.”
“Alright,” he drawled and walked to the other side of the room. “Do ya mind turnin’ ‘round?”
Your quizzical look rapidly changed to embarrassment as he started to tug the tunic he was wearing up and off his body. “My apologies!” You spun around, hoping he hadn’t seen the heat creeping into your cheeks.
After an awkward wait, he told you he was ready. You turned to see him standing in front of his fireplace in a black, form fitted jumpsuit of sorts. All the saliva in your mouth seemed to dry up as you looked him over. You tried to tell yourself it was for tailor purposes, but the way your eyes lingered over his form said otherwise.
“Uh yes, let’s get started!” You stated stepping over to him. The bag you brought was carefully emptied onto the small side table in front of him. You unrolled your tape measure and laid it across the back of your neck and let the ends dangle down by your hips. You placed your small sewing book and a stick of graphite on the table and flipped the book to a blank page. Turning to face him, you took a deep breath preparing yourself. Measuring someone for their clothing was routine for you and you were going to try your damndest to keep it that way. You wouldn’t let your mind get carried away, even though it had in the past in your daydreams.
You started at the neck line, asking him to stand in his normal stance. You closed the space between the two of you, getting close enough to wrap the tape measure around his neck.
“Feels a lil dangerous with ya doin’ that,” he playfully commented. You raised your gaze to his, seeing him looking right at you.
You tried to focus on getting enough air into your lungs so you could reply, “I uh, can see why you’d think that.” A short laugh followed your statement as your brain scrambled for what to say next. “But you don’t have much to worry about with me, I’m only dangerous with scissors.” You felt your face heat at your ridiculous reply.
Hector chuckled and you felt your blush spread to your neck. Trying to recover, you focused on your tape measure, making sure that it was sitting in the right places before tightening it slightly. The dim lighting from the fireplace illuminated him from behind, making the markings on the tape almost impossible to decipher. Moving your face just inches from the tape measure, you could finally read it when you realized your face was also inches from his neck. The gentle rise and fall of his chest seemed to quicken and you swiftly stepped back. “Got it, 13 1/2 inches.”
After the measurement was written down, you moved to the next one: the chest. Hector stood close to the fireplace, close enough that circling around him would cause him to need to move. You knew it was best if he stood still, to ensure the tape stayed level. “I need to measure the chest next,” your words came out a little shakier than you wanted. “I’ll have you hold your arms up a bit so I can get the tape around you.”
Hector obeyed and you reached both arms behind him to exchange the tape between your hands. His woodsy scent filled your nose as you stood close to him. You hesitated to pull back, basking in the warmth that radiated off him. Or was it from the fire? If you encircled your arms you could pull him close in a tight embrace. The thought caused you to stiffen and jerk back, the tape almost slipping from your grip. You thought you saw a smirk play on his lips, but kept your gaze down at your tape measure, the only thing grounding you. Your fingertips brushed his chest. He wasn’t well-muscled like Quirin or Adira, but perfectly toned beneath your light touch. It was one of the things you admired about him. He favored the speed of attack over brute force. A certain memory surfaced, one of him showing off his acrobatic abilities when training some of the recruits. The way he could move his body and flip through the air. That mischievous smirk on his face.
“I ain’t a tailor or nuthin’,” Hector’s drawl pulled you from your thoughts. Your eyes found his hooded-and possibly sultry?-gaze. “But that might be a bit tight there.”
You saw that the tape was indenting into his skin, “Oh, yes. S-sorry.” You loosened it and leveled the tape back out, one of your hands pressing it down as subtly as possible. He swayed forward and your hand was feeling his firm pectoral. The heat in your face and neck traveled down into your gut, making your mind run wild.
“No problem.”
Your brain barely processed the numbers on the tape measure and you recorded them in the book. “Next is your sleeve measurement-” you paused, worried that you were annoying him with your narration of the process. “Sorry, you probably don’t need to hear me explain every detail of what I’m doing to you.”
He leaned in, his face close enough you could see a faint scar near his upper lip. You had never noticed it before. “I don’ mind it.” His eyes flicked to your lips, then back to your eyes. “I don’ mind it at all.”
You swore his eyes seemed to burn with some kind of desire, but your mind asked how that could be. Another part of you worried that you were just imagining it. You managed to squeak out an okay before asking him to turn around. You gently pressed the end of the tape at the middle of his back, between his shoulders, and pulled it to the curve of his shoulder. Your first and second finger held it in place, then pulled the rest of the tape measure down to his wrist. You wrapped your middle finger and thumb around the tape, securing it, as you lifted his arm up to see the number. Mentally noting it, you could have sworn you felt his pulse and that it was at a racing speed. As you wrote down the measurement, you started to wonder if this was a bad idea. You were so distracted and he seemed to be acting strangely. There was no way that he was interested in you like that, you had to be making him uncomfortable. But then why did his eyes look so alluring? Or was that just how his eyes were?
Taking a deep calming breath, you decided to get through this as quickly as possible. For both your sakes.
You breezed through the next few measurements. Waist? Check. Width of the hips? Check. Waist to hips? Check. Thigh, knee, calf, and ankle? Check.
As you wrote the last few down, you realized the next few minutes might be your undoing. Crotch measurements and inseam. You decided, for your own mental sanity, to have him help you with the crotch measurements.
“Please hold this here,” you instructed, holding the end of the tape on his stomach at his waist. You squatted down and exchanged the tape at his knees, nowhere near his crotch. Bringing it up from behind, you brought it up to his waist line. The tape measure fell in the front and Hector managed to snatch it before it hit the ground.
“Ah shit,” Hector mumbled.
“It’s fine,” you offered. “Just put it back at the waistline.”
You held the tape in place on his back and moved to stand at his side. “Right here,” you explained, faintly touching the spot.
“Kay.” His smooth voice suddenly took on an enticing tone. You realized his arm was brushing against your chest. Then, his hand rested over yours. “Like that?” The air was almost sickly warm, humid. You could feel his exhaled breath on your cheek.
Hector moved, enough that you weren’t touching, but he was still so tantalizingly close. Wading through the fog in your brain, you remembered that you were taking measurements. Your movements were sluggish, getting back behind him to see what number the tape was at. You released the tape measure once you had the number, two could play at this game. As you stepped in front of him, your hand brushed his hip and down below his navel.
“Thanks for the help,” you breathed with a smile and grasped the tape measure. As you slowly turned, you let your hand brush back over his lower abdomen, and recorded the measurement.
Straightening your posture and turning back to face him, you saw he was looking away and covering his mouth. A streak of apprehension went through you. “This is the last measurement, then I can leave.”
“The leg one?”
“Uh yes,” You answered, noticing his averted eyes.
You proceed carefully, unsure if you had been to forward with the flirtatious touching just moments ago. But if it was too much wouldn’t he say so? Hector was not someone to hold back from speaking his mind. As your knees touched the floor, you glanced at the current inseam of his outfit and bit your lip. It was a very fitted outfit and, of course, it was at your eye level. The tailor part of your brain finally wriggled forward, “Do you have a preference on where your inseam meets?”
Hector took a moment to answer, almost like he was distracted, “What?”
Grimacing, you tried to think of the best way to reword the question. Straightforward was best, but not the most tactful. “Where would you like the crotch of your pants to be? Usually it isn’t as tight as your uh current clothing.”
You were grateful to at least be down below him, so he couldn’t see you blushing furiously. He was quiet for a time, making you worry about this whole encounter and think that your father should have come himself. If this all was completely unwanted, what would Hector say to others about your family and how they raised you?
“I dunno. Whatever ya think would be best. Yer the tailor right?” he finally broke the silence.
“The inseam is usually an inch or so below where it is now,” you explained,then started running the tape measure up his leg. Halfway up, you realized that your hand was practically stroking his leg, but you had to hold enough pressure to keep the tape in place. You felt him shiver at your touch and tried to focus, hoping it was a good expression of his current state.
Looking over the tape to ensure it was properly placed, you mentally noted the number and pulled your hands from him. You let out a small sigh of relief, finally finished with this task that should not have been this difficult. As you moved to stand, your gaze went up to find Hector staring at you, freezing you to that spot. His green irises were hardly visible, his pupils dilated wide with some kind of animalistic lust. It made your insides twist pleasurably. Heat bloomed from deep down, as you realized the debauchery of your current position.
On your knees.
Looking up at him.
Your face at the perfect height that if you were to lean forward…
You didn’t let yourself finish that thought.
You just continued to stare back at him, your gazes locked together. You could see his chest begin to rise and fall faster, his cheeks and the bridge of his nose ruddy in color. A part of you was screaming to break eye contact, telling you this was too much. Then, there was that other part of you, telling you to keep that eye contact and to act out the fantasy you were sure he was thinking of.
A hand gently caressed your cheek, startling you, but not breaking your gaze. Hector’s mouth opened into a crooked smile, showing off his sharp canine. “Ya look good down there.”
Your prudish half won out.
Quickly rolling back onto the balls of your feet, you stood tall and felt dizzy. The blood rushing throughout your body thundered in your ears.. Hector's eyes softened, but you turned around before you could see anything else. You wrote down the measurement that you could barely remember and took several deep breaths.
"O-okay, that should be everything I need," you announced, your back still to him. "I hope I haven't inconvenienced you." Your shaky hands started gathering the things on the small table, placing them into your bag.
"Trust me, ya didn't," Hector's voice was steady and firm. Light footsteps came from behind and you could sense he was standing right behind you. "'Sides, I think ya missed a measurement."
Your nerves were already a mess and that statement made it worse. You knew how distracted you had been, but to be so distracted that he could notice that you missed something? You must look absolutely pathetic to him.
Wrapping your tape measure back around your neck, you turned, facing him, "What did I-" You didn't get a chance to finish.
Several things happened in a short period of time, once you had turned to face him. Hector's face was in a smug smirk, his eyes trained on your tape measure. He grabbed it together in one hand, just below your collarbone, and used it to tug you towards him.
Your lips collided together in a rough and desperate kiss. Before you could process that this was really happening, your mouth acted for you, melding into his. A strong hand gripped your lower back, holding you against his lean form. It wasn't needed, there was nothing that could pull you away from him right now. Your hands made their way up to the sides of his face. One holding his cheek and the other snaking into his hair.
Hector groaned softly, emboldening your tongue to slowly and sensually swipe across his bottom lip. A growl vibrated through his lips and your tongue pulled back, only for his teeth to rake across your upper lip. To your embarrassment, a whimper escaped, causing his bite to lessen and then let go altogether.
Your eyes locked with one another, puffing breathes the only thing between you. Hector looked guarded now, unsure of how to proceed. You helped him decide, pressing your lips back onto his, your tongue searching for his. He gladly let you explore.
The door to his room swung open loudly. A familiar, feminine voice called out, "Okay, I'm done babysitting your children Hec-" Adira stopped mid-word, seeing you two intertwined together. Even the bear cats stopped and stared for a moment, unsure who this new person was.
There was an audible noise when you pulled away from Hector, who acted like Adira walking in wasn't a reason to stop. You looked away, fidgeting with your tape measure, hoping the heat in your face wasn't visible to either of them.
"Perfect timing as always," Hector muttered. “Thanks.”
"Ah, well here are your children back Hector." The teasing lilt in Adira's voice was palpable. "Let me know if you need me to take them on a walk again so can-what was it again? Rest up?"
"Thank you Adira. That'll be all,” he growled.
"Alright! Don't get too worked up now, that's their job," Adira nodded her head in your direction. Before Hector could throw another threat, she let out a quick laugh and closed the door.
"Finally," he grumbled and grasped your face, pulling you into a tender kiss. It only lasted a few moments, before he rested his forehead on yours, kissing the bridge of your nose. “Been wantin’ to do that for awhile now.”
“Course, why’d you think I went to your family to fix my clothes?” Hector asked sincerely, a blush spreading on his cheeks. “Been patchin’ my own clothes since I went to the Great Tree.” Your heart was fluttering in your chest at his confession. He fingered the tape measure around your neck, reminding you why you came here in the first place.
You let out a disappointed groan, "I probably should be going. My father needs these measurements as soon as possible."
"Yer probably right," Hector mumbled, brushing the side of your face. "I'll just have ta have you measure me for more clothes or sumthin'." You gave him a genuine smile and nodded. He cocked a brow at you, "Ya can even measure both my wrists. Together. An above my head." Heat stirred deep inside you at the picture that conjured in your mind. "If ya ever feel like it." Hector added on, kissing your cheek with a smirk.
As he pulled away you caught his lips again, this kiss much less chaste than the last. His hands cupped your face and you felt your tape measure slip from your shoulders. Ignoring it, you kissed for several more minutes, swallowing each other's soft moans and gasps. His hands ran down to your shoulder, then your side, continuing down to your hips where he grasped you roughly.
Hector broke the kiss, resting his cheek on yours, his voice strained, "Ya better go. Don't wanna worry your family."
The thought crossed your mind that your family wasn't actually his main concern. Nonetheless, you knew he was right. If you were gone too long, your father would send your sister to find you. And you really didn't want that.
"You're right," you sighed, wishing you could stay longer. You knelt down to grab your tape measure when something caught your eye. A piece of paper, crumpled into a ball, laying by the fireplace. A part of it was burnt. You grabbed it to toss it into the flames when you caught a glimpse of the familiar handwriting. Standing with the paper in hand, you opened it up and read what was on it. Your amused gaze lifted and met Hector's, his eyes wide.
"This is the paper my sister recorded your measurements on," you stated, playfully tilting your head. "How did it end up there?"
As you watched Hector avert his eyes and rub the back of his neck, something nudged your legs. You looked down to see his bear cats sniffing at you.
"Well…ya know," he stalled, looking all around the room. You soon realized he was trying not to babble.
You crumpled the paper back into a ball and tossed it into the fire. “There’s easier ways to get me alone you know. I’d really prefer the ones that don’t involve almost giving my father a heart attack.”
Hector looked from the fireplace to you and smiled. He pulled you into his arms quietly chuckling, “And where’s the fun in that?” You both came together for one last gentle kiss before leaving, but you’d be back again. And soon.
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moondwellerthatdwells · 4 months
Pov its 4am in the castle and the STUPID Moonstone wont let ANYONE sleep
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mexicanvarianz · 4 months
Art Dump!!
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I drew a few characters i never really drawn before, well except Hugo of course. (im trying to fight off artblock)
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rendellstreet · 5 months
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Brief character information from the TTS series pitch bible seasons I & II
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pennumbra · 6 months
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Pin journey update! @xannerz and I were super happy with the response towards the Cass flame design I posted earlier, and we're thinking that it would actually be the best pin for our first project! With that said, here are some other designs we've also been playing around with- perhaps ones to revisit or follow up on in the future. ✨
The hand/moonstone design is the simplest, but it might be my favorite.
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dark-gibberish · 8 months
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Half the reason I drew this was to draw a bingturong, I love them so much <3 little racoon freaks
The color pallet was supposed to be green and yellow and it turned into this somehow??? The perspective was hard too, the last time I tried something like it's I think I was in the 6th grade(???) All of these colors are pretty new to me too, since my base colors are more muted stuff and accent with dark but now all of it is saturated and it reminds me those religious carpet/paintings your realtives would have. Except instead of the god of knowledge it's a character from a spin-off series that had one episode where he actually talked in...
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jambread23 · 7 months
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Practice sketches of the brotherhood from Tangled the Series
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tenshichan1013 · 22 days
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tangled the series series bible 6 of 8
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 months
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Is it just me or does it look like Hector’s looking to Eugene for orders?
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chillfaerie · 4 months
I like to think that when it came to following Edmund's orders, the Brotherhood can be put into three categories: positive, negative and neutral.
Hector is positive because he followed them to the letter - he did everything in his power to stop anyone from reaching the Dark Kingdom.
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Adira is negative because she actively disobeyed by helping Rapunzel get to the Moonstone.
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Quirin is neutral since he gave up being a knight to settle down and have a family, so he wasn't actively affecting the situation one way or another. The one exception to this was when he warned King Frederick about the dangers of uprooting the Sundrop flower.
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And yet, in their own ways, they were all still upholding their oath: to protect the world from the destructive powers of the moonstone.
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xannerz · 3 months
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i had to
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meechatuck · 2 years
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It's Hector.
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