#the fandoms half dead at this point so i guess i can start posting more of Certain things now
xannerz · 2 years
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rediscovered this vvvvvv old sketch earlier today and feebly slapped some colors on it 🌙👢🐺
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Jason died cause he boring. He literally an all American boy someone who would have been popular in the 90s. Compare all main characters first chapter to Jason and you can tell he bland like white bread. Jason lacks the popularity of Percy cause if Percy was dead expect a riot plus we already had a better Zeus contrast with Thalia. Apollo is the more interesting character and Apollo son is a better contrast to Nico. Had he not had a GF maybe he could have been Nico love interest but Rick decided on Nico being gay extremely late he said it himself and what does it look like having a guy break up with his GF (poc) to be with Nico(white emo kid) in a kid series. Will was convenient no weird background no known relationship and the complete opposite to Nico and people get mad but it work you don’t get a solo book if the fanbase wasn’t big. The
There’re so many points at once in this ask and I don’t think I’m comprehending them right so I guess I’ll just post my reactions upon reading this.
- Jason’s bland like a white bread -> Good news! I like white bread. I think white bread is a perfect canvas to add all of your favorite toppings to make the best meal for you. ☺️😋😋
So if Rick really did kill Jason only bc he’s bland then he’s a coward solely bc he can’t figure out what color to put on Jason’s canvas.
- Apollo’s son is a better contrast to Nico -> This is subjective so I’ll leave it for any day. Though it got me thinking. Why, exactly, should the contrast matter?
Because fun fact! Jason and Nico have many working parallels that can be great materials for relationship development. Ask a random Jasico fanfic writers and they’ll give a thesis.
On the other hand, to be honest?, we already have Percabeth as the opposites-attract/bantering/significant annoyance trope. I ngl can do without another similar one. 🤷‍♀️
- Err i’m not American so I don’t think I’m in any position to talk about the poc girl vs white emo boy thing but if anything, I find it’s valid. Smh shame
Edit: Haise pointed out that Nico is not white, he’s Venetian and has olive skin. I honestly don’t know what it makes this…
- You don’t get a solo book if the fanbase isn’t big enough -> This is undeniably true.
Pal. My friend. Mate. Listen. Just wait until I show you how many people absolutely despite the existence that is TSATS——
I’m all for letting people enjoy things. Though, if you ask me - me, who came to PJO solely for Solangelo and binge read TSATS in like 2 nights and cried a river on my pillow, I would say TSATS is Rick’s poor attempt of:
1/ milking the franchise (which is understandable. Capitalism you know bla bla bla)
2/ giving a half-heartedly made closure to the fandom’s favorite (which is sort of fanservice? Idk)
3/ and along with it solidifying the foundation of his gay love story, which didn’t have the… err prettiest start? (which I reckon accounts for a lot of the franchise’s popularity).
And yeah it’s easy to see that Nico being gay is a late decision with how Rick worked it out lmao.
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stalkiwi · 1 year
You sound like a Harry Potter fan. Are you a Harry Potter fan? Because you're using the same justification those morons use to keep it alive.
Look, I'm autistic af and PM's games were my hyperfixation, so I get not wanting to let go. And PM isn't half as bad as JKR, just to clarify that. But yeah, you're gonna look like you're ignoring all the problems PM has if you stay in the fandom.
Companies are starting to weaponize fandom and turn it into a product because it's so good at perpetuating a product almost more than the product itself. Don't be part of the problem, dude.
I'm not, I literally never touched a HP book or movie ever in my life, but alright
Guess someone didn't read the tags, because in my case, I let go the fandom and I'm doing perfectly fine, thanks for the concern - I'm just taking the defense of those people who decided to stay despite what happened, these guys don't just ignore the problem, some people just really can't let go or just don't want to let go, even if they took distance with the fandom and stopped to play/pay for the games, they're still very interested in the universe and the characters.
My post is not about "please stay in the fandom and ignore what is happening", my post is about "please don't bully people who decides to stay in", and I invite you to read the reblogs of said post to see people sharing their experience of being insulted or threatened to death for enjoying something PM related.
Yes, what Kim did was bad. I don't ignore it and I invite everyone to go support Vellmori and all the people who have been victim of what the company did. And you can have criticism towards them and your own opinions, that's alright.
Just be smart. Don't spread hate. Dead threats are serious. You can't just insult or be rude to people for having a different opinion than yours.
I feel like a lot of people are misunderstanding my point and think that I'm saying that people should stay in the fandom or ignore the problem, I'm not saying that they should do that at all god - of course the best thing to do is to let go, but NOT 👏 EVERYONE 👏 CAN 👏 OR WANT 👏 TO 👏 LET 👏 GO
If you managed to let go THAT'S COOL FOR YOU but let those who can't/don't want ALONE, judge them as much as you want ok but you don't have to spit it straight out in their faces. Dammit.
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whysamwhy123 · 9 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Tagged by the wonderful dynamic duo that is @aerodaltonimperial and @perhapswhoknowsvamp and it's very fitting that those two lovely people tagged me because they're a big reason why I wrote much of anything this year! Took me a while to get this done because I wanted to get my last fic of the year out the door first. I'll put the rest below the cut, and fair warning - it's loooooong. This bitch doesn't shut up, so I rambled on. A lot.
Words and Fics
76, 222 words published on AO3 in 2023
15 fics published on AO3 (16 if you count that one kinkmeme prompt I filled and posted anonymously)
2 little tumblr ficlets
Top 3 by Kudos
Voice in the Dark - Hookhausen (not super surprising, considering it was a popular pairing at the time, and it was the fic I wrote for the anniversary event)
Kids These Days And Their Darn Phones - Hookhausen
Half Your Age Plus Seven - OrangeHook (I continue to be incredibly surprised how well this fic did, like...huh?!)
Top 3 by Hits
Voice in the Dark - Hookhausen
Voice in the Dark, Part Two - Hookhausen (how fitting, LOL)
Half Your Age Plus Seven - OrangeHook (Seriously, what was it about this fic that drew people in? More so than any of my other OrangeHook fics? Like, I'm grateful and all but also confused, like this fic is way too long?! And weird about the age difference?!)
Author's Favourite
As much as I'm loving writing OrangeHook now, I think Voice in the Dark, Part Two is probably the best thing I've written? Even though it's also overly long and gets weird at the end (very much did not expect it to go in that direction when I started writing it), I'm actually pretty proud of how that one turned out. I had a clear vision in my head for how each scene would play out and what I wanted to get across, and man, I remember how most of the Hook/Evilhausen dialogue popped into my brain late one night when I couldn't sleep, so I spat it out into a doc and then about a month later when I actually wrote the scene, I don't think I changed a single word? I just added everything else around it, all the not-dialogue parts. And it was just a lot of fun getting to carry on that story, especially as someone who hasn't managed to crank out a proper multi-chapter fic yet. Who knows, maybe I'll return to that world someday...
Fandom Events in 2023
Uh, well, I guess I did the whole Hookhausen Anniversary thing? And...that's about it. I'm pretty disconnected from the fandom at large, whoopsie daisy 😬
Upcoming Projects
Hoo boy.
I have over 5k words of a Ricky/Christian Sugar Baby AU thing written already. I haven't posted it because it kinda needs some smut and that's still not something I can really do. I might post it someday, if I can make something work, or alternatively do what I normally do and put an annoying fade to black in there. Or maybe I'll think better of it and never post it because it's very self-indulgent and I highly doubt anyone else would really be interested or want me to continue it or anything. But I have Ideas for it...so many ideas...
Also, in my ill-fated quest to try and make myself write smut, I kinda started a Ricky/Bill championship celebration fic. Maybe I'll revisit that? Try to get it done?
And then there's that one fic I really want to work on, but have barely started. I've vague-posted about it here before - it's an incredibly fucked-up Dead Dove fic about Daniel Garcia and a Very Bad, Not-Good thing that happens to him, and the subsequent complete mental breakdown that follows. I've had the idea rattling around in my brain for the better part of a year at this point, despite not making much actual progress on it. Every time I think about it though, I have new ideas for scenes or dialogue. I'd like to make it work, but I don't know if I have the writing chops to handle it, plus it would probably end up being super long and nobody would want to read it, so it'd feel like a huge waste of time on my part? And I've had the idea for so long, it's out-dated too. But still, the urge remains...
Oh, and I still have a ton of OrangeHook ideas I'd like to make happen. Some are, of course, about their age difference. Some would (ideally) involve smut. And others... *nervous laughter* Others would likely result in an ''Everyone disliked that'' situation...
Writing Reflection
I was thinking about making a sappy post about this and whoops, here's my excuse! I don't talk a lot on here about my tragic backstory because honestly, who cares? But I will say this - before January of this year, I hadn't written a word of anything in years. Fic or otherwise. I used to love writing, but Stuff Happened and it killed all enjoyment I got out of it, and I thought that's how it would be forever. Then, for reasons I can't even remember, I started reading fic again, specifically in this wild little fandom of ours, and y'all are just so talented that it made my untalented ass want to give it another shot. So...I did.
I remember when I posted my first fic in ages back in January, I thought ''Maybe about three people will read this and no one will leave a comment or anything, but whatever, I wrote a thing and that's something I haven't done in years so that's enough for me!'' And to be honest, I still think that whenever I post stuff now? It's crazy to me that anyone actually reads my stuff and gets some kind of kick out of it. But every kudos and comment floors me and brings me so much joy, I can't even express it properly. I have to say a huge thank you to anyone who's ever read one of my fics, left kudos or dropped a comment. Whoever and wherever you are, you made my day!
And look, I ain't delusional. I know that calling myself a small fish in the fandom would be too generous. But I'm fine with that - because I'm genuinely enjoying writing again and that's what matters most to me. Even though I've also rediscovered how stressful writing can be (🙂🙂🙂) when it comes down to it, there's joy and happiness in my life that wasn't there last year and that's all because I started writing again. And because some lovely folks here decided to let me know they liked what I was throwing out there. The years have not been kind to ol' Sammy Sam-Sam and this year was no exception, but getting to forget about all that shit and write my silly little wrestling fanfiction has been a great distraction and a comfort through this whole year.
So...yeah. Thanks to everyone who's ever commented on my writing, thanks to the folks who follow me on here (I don't know how you manage that though, I'm such an annoying bitch, aren't you sick of me yet?) and thanks to anyone who I've had the chance to chat with about writing and ships and whatever silly little ideas pop into my head (any of y'all feel free to message me at any time, I am always down to blab about whatever blorbos/ideas take your fancy). I'm hoping I can keep this train a-rollin' a little more next year. Still thinking back to when I started writing again, I made my new AO3 account expecting to write Dustjim only, but then I quickly decided I couldn't write those two well enough, and since then I've bounced around a bunch of different pairings, with a few rarepairs shoved in between for good measure. God only knows where my head will be at this time next year, LOL. I'd love to finally be able to attempt some of the bigger ideas I've been cooking up for a while now. Maybe I'll even write a proper multi-chapter fic? We'll see, but this bitch can dream, at least.
Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please do eat glass, I’ve heard it’s good for your gums.
I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm pretty sure everyone I know who writes has already been tagged? So if you're reading this and you haven't, go ahead and do it! By which I mean, eat glass. Eat all the glass that you want. Accidents happen in the dark.
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Welcome to my 1000 followers celebration! I don't even know how so many of you decided to follow me and give me support throughout these few past years. This is crazy enough as it is but honestly can't get my head down from the clouds sometimes. This blog has become one of my safe places, even though sometimes there are things I wish I hadn't seen, and all of you make it that way. I don't know how many of the thousand still interact with my blog and how many are just there, but I really do appreciate every single one of you. If I could I would message every blog following me.
I wanted to do something a bit more “me” I guess. Seeing that this blog started just for incorrect marvel quotes (literally in the name) I decided that you should be able to make your drabbles/oneshots/series based on an incorrect quote that I have posted. I thought it would be fun, but I did give the option of regular prompts and some fun AUs are listed below as well. Most prompts and AUs have been found on Pinterest.
If you don’t want to participate, please consider reblogging! It might give others a chance to maybe escape their writer’s block as writing challenges have often done for me!
Send me an ask or message with which incorrect quote/prompt you are using. Please make sure to add it at the beginning or bold it.
If you are not participating, can you please reblog for signal boost? I would really appreciate it. 
You can pick an MCU character. You can also do any MCU ships, but no incest like Th*rki or St*rker. 
You could also branch out to other fandoms!
Use any of the incorrect quotes or prompts written below
Two people per prompt/incorrect quote
Three prompts per person and one incorrect quote per person
AUs are completely optional (but definitely encouraged)
It can be a drabble, oneshot, or series
Warnings must be given properly. Any warnings that you may have missed, I will let you know and please do add it. In addition to this, I will not be accepting any dark!fics and/or any rape or anything of the sort. If you want to run something by me, by all means go ahead. 
Deadline: October 14th, 2024
Lastly, please tag me @incorrectmarvelquotesss and add the tag #loveys1kcelebration
Incorrect Quotes
“When you close both of your eyes, you see darkness, but when you close one you see nothing.” / *closes one eye before reopening it* / “Did you just wink at me, you big flirt?”
“This is my life now. I have climbed this hill am now I shall die upon it.” / “Shut up. We’ve only been hiking for twenty minutes.”
“Why are you still here?” / “Because I care about you, you asshole.” (@nekoannie-chan)
“You can’t love someone unless you love yourself first.” / “Bullshit. I have never loved myself, but you? Oh god, I love you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like.”
“So, what do ya think? Good idea, right?” / “Whatever floats your titanic.” / “The titanic sank.” / “Yeah, just like your IQ did when you came up with that idea.”
“I’m so hot.” / “Yeah, you—” / *moves to stand in front of the fan* / “—I mean, yeah. It’s hot in here.”
“Stop doing that.” / “Doing what?” / “Saying things that make me want to kiss the hell outta you.”
“You’re so hot.” / “Okay?” / “I’m falling for you and so is my zipper.”
“Where are you going?” / “Hell, most likely.”
“Stop yelling at me or I swear to god I’m gonna fall in love with you!” / *starts yelling louder* or *stops yelling*
Other Prompts
“Lean on me.” / “For support?” / “Yeah, why else?” (@marvellingdaydreams)
“Stay with me. Don’t close your eyes.”
“There’s a bullet in you. You got shot. I can see it.” / “I can feel it.”
“I want you to come if you can.”
“Stay away from her/him/they. She’s/He’s/They’re mine.”
“Stop glaring, sweet cheeks. I know you want me.”
“I hate that you’re so mad at me, but you look so hot right now.”
“Just date already! Even the cat/dog want you to date at this point.”
“Half of this city wants you dead.” / “Wow. A month ago, the whole city wanted me dead. Things are looking up.” (@nekoannie-chan)
“You’re drunk.” / “I’m still sober enough to kill you darling, so don’t push your luck.”
AUs (optional)
“You’re overdue on this book and I really want it so I’m tracking you down” AU
“When you told me your name I thought you were joking so I made a joke and started laughing before I realized it really was your name and now we’re stuck in awkward silence while I figure out how to apologize” AU
“You were waving at your friend behind me but I got confused and waved at you and now I’m dying of embarrassment but you think I’m cute” AU
“I was just getting my laundry done but then I saw you putting in what seemed like a bunch of clothes stained in blood so now I’m kind of terrified of you” AU
“Our pets banged and now mine is expecting so I should probably get to know your name and figure out what we’re doing because this isn’t cheap” AU
— masterlist —
Different Escape Plan - Steve Rogers By @nekoannie-chan
Things Are Looking Up - Brock Rumlow By @nekoannie-chan
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edgiestdude · 2 years
New post since 2 months. This blog is basically dead.
How do I start? Well a long time ago I was a RWBY fan. I found this series after watching Camp camp and Nomad of nowhere. During this time I was craving more Roosterteeth content, so I checked out RWBY.
Okay I'm going to share my over all thoughts about this since there's either this one side or the other. It was an alright show. It wasn't one of the best things I've seen since Samurai Champloo nor was it the worst thing like Velma or the amazing Bulk. See I have a very high yet low standard due to me liking shows for story and such, but I also know that there's always a bigger fish when it comes to terrible quality (there's a literal movie called selfie man).
RWBY was kind of mid (not in meaning terrible just somewhere in the middle) because where there was things l liked about it (the story is ok, I like some of the characters, and the setting) there was things that kind of brought it down (Volume 5, thanks grey, some voice lines [Blakes “I run away too much” line], some weird story elements like Hazel wanting to get revenge on Ozpin, yet siding with Salem [though one can argue that Salem brainwashed him or somethin] and Cinder herself [ love her design though; especially her Vol 1-3 outfit]).
I guess I’m just spouting all this shit because… I’ve grown distant so far from this show and fanbase. I hardly ever check on the show and the fanbase then when I used to. Nowadays I just brainstorm these ideas for numerous story’s and literally spend all day doing school work, watching films and anime, and, sometimes, even researching stuff for my story’s lodged in my brain (don’t know if that’s weird).
I guess I’m not into the show anymore. And I guess since the shows not appealing anymore, I might as well consider this a farewell to the community. Y’all was probably the most interesting fandom I’ve ever been in (and that’s cause I was in the undertale fandom at one point)
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This fandom was a wild tornado of drama and shit like holy fuck. I know in the past I’ve repeated the line “I’m gonna leave this show because of the fandom”, which kind of sounds whiny to me now. Yet I never left. For some reason this show had a special dedication in my heart which is why I made this blog to begin with. To criticize those who make dumb takes and such. I know at one point I was gonna make a post about ironwood (though considering I’m writing this that seems unlikely).
I guess ,in the long run, I wanna say… thanks for making me a member of this fandom for at least a year and a half. It was an interesting ride with y’all in the fandom. For those still watching the show, I hope you keep enjoying it the way you do. And as for the insane RWBY critics and RWDE, y’all need to calm the fuck down. Seriously RWBYs far from being a god awful show ( I’ve seen worst).
Anyway, I wish y’all a farewell. Oh and I’m barely writing this right now so sorry for any mistakes I made.
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abbysanders2000 · 2 years
Sneak preview of a little something I've been working on!!
First thank you to everyone who has liked my posts I greatly appreciate it!! I do not own any characters from the lost boys only my OC. With that being said please enjoy and no hate! This also ties into another Fandom but you'll have to read to find out.
~New Orleans 1923~
Vicki sat in front of the fireplace book in hand. The rain beat softly against the window pane as the yelling got louder and louder from downstairs. She rolled her eyes at the petty argument from downstairs.
No doubt her father and sister. She was more or less raised as her cousin but seeing as they were the only two females in the house they were more sisters. She sighed slightly as she now heard the voice of her fathers lover weigh into the conversation.
"Jesus Mary and Joseph what is it now?!" She asked irritated as she slams her book shut. She rises from her seat and makes her way downstairs to see what all the ruckus was about.
She walked in late to the conversation. "White girl down in Algiers. Sings torch songs with a flat no nothing ass. Been following you Uncle Les. You ain't been your careful self." Her sister snears over at Vicki's father.
"Excuse me? Your still seeing that whore? And to think you pass yourself off as cultured father." She said not even thinking about the words as she said them. She had never spoken against her father. Not in the 23 years she's been on this earth.
He snapped his head back towards his daughter. "I don't recall asking your permission ma petie. You never ask for mine when you run off with those four miscreants and spend all hours of the night. Doing only God knows what."
"I'm not the one running around on my companions either. You spout this nonsense about a hidden connection none of us can see how you and Uncle Louis are tied together as maker and created. But yet here you are." She said placing a hand on her hip as she looked int her father's cold dead eyes.
"To think... you treat Uncle Louis like this... I hate to have see how badly you would have treated my mother." And that of course had been the final straw. Vicki's mother had died in childbirth as most did bringing a half vampire half human child into the world. It was a topic that was not often discussed between the two.
He went to advance on her but was stopped. "Lestat. Enough. Everyone's on edge. Let it be before you do something you'll regret. Vicki..... go back upstairs now. Go on.." He said looking at her with pleading eyes.
Vicki shook her head. "No. No I refuse to be in the same house as him. I cant." She shook her head as she came fully down the stairs. She grabbed her coat from the rack as she looked at her father in disgust.
"And where do you think your going?" He asked. "None of your concern." "Victoria Esme De Lioncourt if you walk out that door don't bother coming back!"
And with that she was gone. Out the door as quickly as a flash of light. Tears rolled down her face as she walked down the street as rain covered her from head to toe. Through her sobs she managed to get a word out to her lovers.
'David? Marko Paul Dwayne anyone at this point?' She cried out into their link. A gruff voice finally answered. 'Come to us doll. Max has us in this townhouse the next street over.' It was Dwayne.
'I'm guessing you heard what happened?' She asked. 'I'm afraid so. David and the others are hunting so it's just me here.' He said. Her sobs got worse.
'I can't do this anymore Dwayne. I have to get away from him. It's like the more I stay the worse it gets. I don't understand.' It started getting harder and harder for her to breathe. She gasped for breath as she sobbed
'Shhh doll everything is going to be alright. Once you get here and the boys get back we're going to get everything figured out. You've got my word on that my love.'
Those words of comfort seemed to ease her soul. The tears stopped falling. Her breathing regulated the closer she got to the townhouse. It was like the thought of being in their arms took every worry in her mind away. Almost as if they never existed to begin with.
As she reached the door of the townhouse a thought came across her mind. A thought she had for a while now. One that was buried in her mind so far not even her own father could find. One he hated and yet always knew would come.
Maybe... just maybe it was time.. Victoria left her father. Left for a life of her own. A life with her mates in a California town called Santa Carla. Maybe. Just maybe.
Well?? Thoughts comments concerns? Let me know what you think!
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grissomesque · 1 year
Interestingly enough, I feel the complete opposite about Tom and B’Elanna’s relationship re: he does enough right most of the time that it’s noticeable when he doesn’t. I feel like he’s such a a shitty partner to her that it stands out way more when he is actually nice to her lol. Lineage and Drive make me cringe to watch because of how bad is he at showing empathy towards her. And I like him as a character! I just think he’s better person when he’s 1000 ft away from B’Elanna.
Also re: the wife guy stuff, I definitely think that particular piece of fandom revisionism started from people reading too much fanfic and forgetting what the actual source material is like. Plus, people have a tendency to just call any male character who’s married a wife guy
I guess what I mean is that when he's good with B'Elannna, it aligns with what we know of him as a character overall and with all of his other relationships. So the bad stands out in that context, if that makes sense.
For example, he's so protective of Janeway (Time and Again, Dreadnought, Deadlock, I'm even gonna say Worst Case Scenario because we all trust Tuvok's judgment here 😆) and we periodically see hints of that with B'Elanna, so I can look at that and go, okay, there he is. (Or I can look at it and go: HE BELONGS WITH JANEWAY! 😁) Then he does some rude shit to B'Elanna while B'Elanna is acting wildly OOC herself, and at that point I just tune it out, because it's a disservice to both of them.
I mean: she gets on his case about the holodeck, but she rock climbs and sky dives or whatever on the holodeck? He tinkers with old cars and she's an engineer? How is it possible that they have so little in common? Well, it's not, we're even told that they always wanted to design a shuttle together, and it's just bad writers making Some Dumb Point about Poor Vulnerable B'Elanna. They both deserve better.
I can't even watch Lineage. I hate both of them in that episode. And if my spouse tried to genetically modify my child behind my back I would fucking lose my shit. I know we're supposed to be sympathetic to B'Elanna in this one, and I'm not unsympathetic to her feelings and her experiences, but her actions, hoooooooooo boy it's a nope for me. And even the way it all resolves still feels super unhealthy to me.
The best part of Drive is the J/P of it all. Like! Not to get on my soapbox but Janeway is so into it, Tom is so into it, B'Elanna is so not into it, why not just call it a no fault breakup and find better partners!! B'Elanna is so right:
TORRES: There's a Klingon phrase my grandmother used to use. Mok'tah. It means bad match. That's what Tom and I are. I just hate that it's taken me three years to realise it. NEELIX: If you're really such a mok'tah, it must have been an awful three years.
Yes! It! Has!!
Listen, the best argument I can make is actually a bit of my own fic, if you'll forgive me. In Renaissance Man, the Doctor takes on B'Elanna's appearance, calls Tom lieutenant to his face, and Tom's like, want some chicken? Give me a break. No one is that clueless. So I wrote (and, uh, spoilers, I guess):
They’ve known each other for seven years. They’ve been together for almost five, and married for half of that time. So he knows, immediately, that something is wrong. He knows that something is wrong because when he calls to her across the empty corridor she stops dead in her tracks, anxiety clouding her eyes. Not her eyes; the Doctor’s. The Doctor, who doesn’t know why the name Kathryn would come out of Tom Paris’ mouth. But Tom doesn’t understand any of this yet. He only knows that she shouldn’t be looking at him like that, not if everything is fine. “What’s happened?” he asks, striding over to her. “I’m fine, Lieutenant,” she snaps. “I’m extremely busy.” His blood runs cold.
Because I am a bit single-minded about J/P, it wasn't until after I posted it that I realized how much that also speaks to P/T. Like, that's how it should've played out for them, realistically. But they once again sacrificed Tom's characterization for a bit.
Anyway. A thousand times yes to fanon wife-guy revisionism.
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rafaelblackbird15 · 3 years
Teen Wolf Fic Recs Part 2: Steter
It took me quite awhile to gather all these together, so please enjoy discovering more parts to the incredible world of Teen Wolf, provided to you by the wonderful writers of our fandom.
Leave comments and kudos for these writers if you can, they really deserve it, they're wonderful. And it's my honour to try and share their creations with tumblr.
These are Steter, Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale fanfictions. Read them at your will. Check the tags on the actual fics for warnings and such.
I have included links to authors that write a lot of Steter as well, and some of their fics for examples. I'm sorry this post got so long, haha, but enjoy the stories, they're worth it.
If any of the links don't work, just comment and I'll fix it.
Check out my other Sterek fic recs [Part 3] and [Part 4] and Steter fic recs [Part 1]
Broken Bones and Broken Bonds by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 20148
Chapters: 4/?
Stiles kind of wished that he’d at least tried weed before this. 
Or something, you know? Maybe taken up a graffiti hobby, or even just skateboarded in front of City Hall often enough to get a citation. 
He wished he’d done something to be deserving of the looks people gave him now, rather than just being the recipient of his dead father’s unused power. 
Stigmata by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 1661
Chapters: 1/1
He feels so hollow that he almost wonders if he's been turned inside out. This emptiness he feels; is it the vastness of the entire world?
How do you fill a world? With people, he supposes. But his people no longer want him.
He needs people.
Beefcake Mountain by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 14565
Chapters: 7/7
Shortly after moving back to Beacon Hills, the left hand of the Hale Pack opened a text from a mysterious number.
"Is there a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them."
What the f—
Steter Week 2019 by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids)
Works: 4
Complete: No
There isn't a summary listed so I've included the first fic underneath:
Marvelous Miss and Magnificent Mischief by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids)
Words: 3346
Chapters: 1/1
also Part 1 of the Magnificent Mischief series
“Marvelous Miss and the Magnificent Mischief!” the carnival barker shouted just outside the corridor with all the food tents. “Come see Miss Paige do amazing tricks with her talking raven! He not only speaks, but he jokes! He teases! He philosophizes!”
Author: twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids)
This author has a lot of wonderful Steter fics, and their writing of the pairing is really worth having a good look through.
Blood Runs Cold by Smalls2233 on Archive of Our Own
Words: 111408
Chapters: 22/22
“So then why are we letting Scott and Derek search for it if you know it's useless?”
Peter looked down at Stiles and cocked his head with a grin. “Because I think seeing my nephew and your best friend run around like headless chickens while I think up a plan is hysterical.”
“And the plan is…?”
Trusting Peter Hale is something that Stiles had repeatedly told himself to never do. He had seen first hand the results of Peter's plans and schemes, but when a shadow began tormenting Beacon Hills, he found that sometimes he'd have to to play along with Peter's games.
This story does include a dose of Chris&Stiles interaction about midway and carries on throughout, and then Chris/Peter towards the midend, which also carries on. And it kind of dissolves into Chris/Peter/Stiles. If that's not your taste, that's fine, because the majority of the story is Stiles/Peter, and that majority is really really good Steter.
No One Listening Tonight by Smalls2233
Words: 6985
Chapters: 1/1
That left… well it left Peter and only Peter. Relying on Peter for help was only slightly better than stabbing himself through the eye with a hot poker. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
Of course, there was always the option of packing up and letting whatever was trying to destroy the town succeed this time. Stiles snorted under his breath as he thought about how that would probably leave him with fewer injuries than dealing with Peter would. But unfortunately, that wasn’t an option. Stiles knew he needed to head downtown to Peter’s apartment and pray the man was willing to work with him.
Stiles stumbles into a magical trap forged by a wannabe warlock.
Author: Smalls2233
Blue by Wynnebat on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3179
Chapters: 2/2
Derek brings both Scott and Stiles to the hospital to prove a point about hunters, but Stiles isn’t sure the point he’s getting is the point Derek’s trying to make. Especially when his black and white world explodes into color the moment he looks into Peter Hale’s eyes.
The Long Way Around by Wynnebat on Archive of Our Own
Words: 15569
Chapters: 3/3
When Peter leaves Beacon Hills for good, he expects that to be it for the broken bonds of the last remaining members of the Hale pack. Fate and Stiles Stilinski aren’t of the same opinion.
Prowl by Wynnebat on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3454
Chapters: 1/1
Laura's body is never found, but instead of continuing with his murder spree, Peter gets distracted by the scent of his mate. Stiles gets very distracted by the huge wolf that starts showing up at his house all the time.
Author: Wynnebat
This author writes some really interesting, deep stories about Steter that are really beautiful.
your last white lie (everything is not alright) by snowdarkred on Archive of Our Own
Words: 4023
Chapters: 1/1
Stiles says yes, and things go downhill from there.
reflect by snowdarkred on Archive of Our Own
Words: 569
Chapters: 1/1
Part 1 of the dig your teeth in and tear until you taste (peter/stiles oneshots) series
(previously posted to tumblr)
When he dreams, he can sometimes still hear his mother’s voice, explaining it to him: Reflections are the price we pay for what we are.
sentire by snowdarkred on Archive of Our Own
Words: 1027
Chapters: 1/1
Part 2 of the dig your teeth in and tear until you taste (peter/stiles oneshots) series
[to feel]
Stiles hears the whisper of death before it strikes.
This author writes some really intense, interesting stories about Peter and Stiles. Not as long as some fics are, but they're really good adaptions of Steter with a lot of feeling.
The Striking Complication by aurevell on Archive of Our Own
Words: 27235
Chapters: 4/15
The smile slips off Stiles’s face. “Hey, um. Why am I here?” he asks, voice unsteady. “I’m—I have this weird feeling like I shouldn’t leave you. I’ve felt all day like...” He can’t finish the thought.
Peter looks as surprised as Stiles feels. A strange expression passes over his face, there and gone before Stiles can decipher it.
Stiles snaps awake each morning with the sense that he’s missing something. Weirder still, he can’t wrap his head around his sudden, inexplicable trust in Peter Hale, who seems to know way more than he’s letting on. Nor can he guess why a half-remembered nightmare seems to haunt his every move.
Rinse and repeat. Because time loops suck, apparently.
Author: aurevell
This author has 11 Teen Wolf fics under their belt. 5 Sterek and 6 Steter. Happy rummaging!
the teeth right down to the blood by sazzafraz on Archive of Our Own
Words: 2133
Chapters: 1/1
‘We’re pretty fucked right now.’ Scott says. Stiles doesn’t speak but there’s something singing in his bones that says Scott got the message anyway. (In which both are bit and things are gruesome.)
This has a sprinkling of Scott/Stiles, Scott/Stiles/Peter, and Scott/Allison as well as Steter, but it's worth the read, a good story with an interesting concept.
Author: sazzafraz
This author doesn't have that many Steter stories, although they do have a few. Although they do have some pretty lengthy Teen Wolf fics about other characters of the show.
Everything goes (wow) by midmorning_bomb on Archive of Our Own
Words: 8215
Chapters: 5/5
Part 1 of the Aranea & Babewolf series
It was supposed to go like this:
1. Peter summons demon to the circle.
2. Demon remains in said circle until Peter outlines their contract.
3. Demon agrees to elegantly crafted contract, becoming loyally bound to Peter and Peter alone.
Instead, the creature steps casually out of the circle, tosses its things onto the leather sofa, and starts immediately meddling in Peter’s immaculate space, touching all of Peter’s very expensive things.
It's only by midmorning_bomb on Archive of Our Own
Words: 2905
Chapters: 3/5
Part 2 of the Aranea & Babewolf series
“Darling, please don’t pout.”
“You’re pouting.” Stiles pouts, from the upper corner of the library, everything from his hip bones down an angry mass of hissing fangs and venomous chelicerae. “Why would we ever go back to that garbage town? Everyone there is the worst, the only good thing is the very rad and awesome curse I laid.”
You are a memory by midmorning_bomb on Archive of Our Own
Words: 900
Chapters: 1/1
Part 2 of the Little glimpse series
If he has to bleed to breathe warmth back into Peter’s icy body, he will.
Because Peter’s done the same for him.
Author: midmorning_bomb
This author has 16 Steter fics. A little unfriendly to some of the other characters, but it's only kind of obvious because it's not subtle about it, and not exactly underserved. Has some really interesting ideas as well as some kind, well developed Steter. Definitely have a read through.
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localcactushugger · 4 years
Is anyone else amazed that Hawks was only "undercover" with the Leauge for 6 months at the most.
Not only that, one and a half of those 6 months were spent just trying to gain enough trust to infiltrate.
I know it seems like much longer since Hawks made his Manga debut 2 years ago. But he had such a short amount of time on this mission. Hawks was introduced in the manga with his role being the "double agent". We literally have not seen Hawks outside of his "spy" role. Even when he is interacting with other characters outside of the Leauge, his "mission" is still happening in the background.
It seems Hawks made contact with Dabi right before the Hero Billboard chart, this is when he starts trying to infiltrate. His interaction with Dabi in the warehouse begins immediately after Endeavors fight with High-End:
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During this time, Dabi is testing out a High-End Nomu for doctor Ujiko. Which means by the time Endeavor fights High-End, the My Villain Academia arc is already happening. Hawks is assumed to be one of the "members" Dabi is trying to recruit:
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The Leauge has already made contact with doctor Ujiko, and the Doctor sends Dabi to test his High-End Nomu out on Endeavor (even though Dabi didn't know it would be Endeavor) while the rest of the Leauge battle Machia. At the time, Dabi still doesn't trust Hawks at all and he keeps the hero at arms length. While Dabi and Hawks are sharing ominous phone calls, the Leauge is hauling ass and it take's Shigiraki a month and a half to finally beat Machia. (The MLA is "defeated" too):
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After a month and a half of phone calls (while the Leauge gets their asses handed to them by Machia in the background) Hawks is finally allowed into the Leauge when the battle of Dekia City is finally over. Dabi let's him in because Hawks "kills" Best Jeanist.
But there's a problem. By the time Hawks is let in, The Leagues numbers have drastically increased. They have an army at their side, multiple High-End nomu, and are now called the MLA:
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Hawks blames himself, saying that he was "too late". That so many civilians would be alive now if he had been faster. He couldn't round up the Leauge when they were a small group, and now they have an army. A powerful one:
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He's in too deep now. And you can see the stress on his face. I bet he never expected to be part of an army. He was simply tasked to round up the Leauge members while they were a small group, but the MLA was completely unexpected. Still, he decides to improvise and do the best he can with the shitty cards he's been dealt. It's not like he has another option at this point.
So he slips a coded message to Endeavor ASAP. Basically saying "yo, in four months shits about to go down. Ttyl I'll keep you posted lol". He can't tell the guy in person now, because to make things harder, he has camera's on his wings. (and even though he's being watched by camera's, he also gets followed by guards at the mansion):
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After Hawks relays the massge, he stroles around the mansion with his bodyguard and heads towards the cafeteria. With a little eavesdropping (courtesy of his feathers) he also finds out that the Leauges plan is to "Destroy Everything" in four months:
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After he relays the massage to Endeavor, he listens to the Leauges plans of destruction as his thoughts run a thousand M.P.H.
Because now "capture the Leauge" has turned into "Holy shit I now only have 4 months to take down a full fledged terrorist organization/army from the inside-out by myself while I'm being monitored 24/7 with absolutely no privacy & also a full time job as a hero + a public image to maintain. And I can only contact my fellow pro's about this mission through code because if the villains find out I'm a double agent I could be killed and Japan could be destroyed. Also some heros have even joined the MLA so who on my own side can I trust? Only a select specific few for now I guess."
If you thought things couldn't get worse your wrong.
Because around 2 months before the raid Hawks' heart (that wants to be free & has a genuine desire to help people) takes shit a bit too far when it makes him get attached to a certain powerful villain.
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Hawks quckily finds out that Twice is easily the second most powerful villain in the Leauge after Shigiraki. He's an S ranked villain and he'll kick your ass with the power of friendship anyday. He's a great guy, but him and the Leauge are still planning on doing horrible things within the next 2 months. Twice is going along with it because he wants to stick by his friends, which y'know, is a cool motive. But considering that fact that the people Hawks is trying to protect ALSO have friends, and family's, this makes shit difficult and sends Hawks on some major guilt trips. (I would show all the panels of Hawks sadly smiling as Twice calls him a "good guy", but alas- Tumblr has informed me that I've reached my 10 image per post limit)
And tbh who wouldn't feel bad about suddenly getting attached to such a golden retriever of a man and then realizing you'll have to double-cross him at some point! I'm not surprised Hawks would feel this way, especially considering the fact that he never wanted to take on this mission in the first place.
Hawks is very much a people person, and he HATES lying even when he has no other option. This is a man who got "shivers up his spine" when he had to put on a serious face while handing Endeavor a book with coded messages inside. He literally felt icky and thought "this is low even for me" just because he had to use a deadly expression so that Endeavor would get the gist.
And when the Commission made their "proposal" about this mission, Hawks' first reaction was to call them out on their B.S. for asking him to put civilian lives at risk. He even admitted that he was feeling bad about sending Tokoyami away while talking to Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo. Hawks felt guilty about not being able to spend more time with his student, but considering that things with the MLA were starting to get riskier, and that Hawks literally handed Endeavor a book with a coded message inside about an uprising 2 seconds later, I can see why he wouldn't want to risk Tokoyami being around him. The fact that the camera's on Hawks' wings caught his interactions with Endeavor & the students also makes the creep‐factor worse. The MLA saw everything AND talked about it in a meeting later. Continuing to train with Tokoyami would put him at risk.
I love the complexity of Hawks' character, he's incredibly intelligent, logical, and intuitive. But at the same time throughout this entire mission his heart is constantly battling with his mind. Even when he knows he has to grit his teeth and do something shifty, his heart never fails to put up a fight with his logistics. Honestly it's been a pattern for a while that Hawks' sympathy always "Trips him up" in some way, so idk why I didn't see it coming around to bite him in the ass later.
(Tbh it's hard for me to see Hawks as a this super "Morally Gray" person that the fandom likes to paint him as because of a mission that he only spent 6 months on. I personally, kinda see Hawks as a "good person" who works for a "morally gray" agency. But that's a whole different meta)
Basically, Hawks getting attached to Twice wasn't a surprise. But considering how powerful Twice was, along with his role in the League's destructive plans (He was a lieutenant in one of the MLA's "Units") the discourse going on in Hawks' mind makes sense. By this point Hawks has already figured out all of the MLA's "Units" along with the three "bosses" that support the lieutenants of those "Units". It's noted that those "bosses" are extremely powerful and can match the strength of the heros as well. It took Hawks an entire month just to figure out all of the "Units" members. (I would show the panels explaining all of this but I'm at my photo limit)
All of these members were tasked to follow their lieutenants and bosses, and the plan was to attack all of Japans major cities at the same time. Once the cities were destroyed and chaos had set in, Redestro and feel good inc. Would distribute support items to the remaining citizens in the name of "self-defense". It would create a country full of discourse and destruction where Redestro and Feel good inc. Would rule from the shadows. But Shigiraki would be the main leader. He would become "king" and sit upon a "throne of rubble". (At least this was the MLA's plan, Shigiraki himself just kinda wants to destroy everything. But I suppose this would make things easier for him to do that.)
needless to say, the stakes have been upped excessively. But it took Hawks an entire month to gather this info.
This post is honestly just me marveling at what an M.V.P Hawks is
My guy literally only had 4 months to take down an entire terrorist organization for the inside-out. AND he was being monitored during that entire time. He figured out the MLA's intentions within the first month of being there. And it took him another full month to go into detail and figure out all the members, bosses, and lieutenants, for each of their "Units". Hawks even went as far as to immerse himself in the MLA's ideology, and he had in-depth discussions with the MLA's members. HELL HE EVEN FAKED HIS CO-WORKERS DEATH JUST TO GET IN.
AND HE PRETTY MUCH IMPROVISED ALL OF THIS SHIT!!! The original plan was to capture the Leauge when they were a small group! But by the time Hawks managed to infiltrate, The Leauge already had an army! They were a full-blown organization! And Hawks just kinda rolled with it??? He just kinda bullshitted his way through??
Like, "okay I'm now apart of an army I guess. The Leauge is now an entire organization and they're planning on destroying Japan in March. Let's see how this goes. I'll just have to make this work"???
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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a-froger-epic · 3 years
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Get out your glitter leotards and pour some champagne in your cat mugs! 🥂 🍾 It’s time to celebrate Freddie! 🎉😸
🎊 Freddie Mercury Weekend 2021 🎊
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
This weekend is a content creation event in honour of the man himself, the legend we all love, Freddie Mercury! Once more, everyone who is inspired by Freddie is invited to share their creativity with the fandom. You can write, draw, edit, record, even cross-stitch 😉 content for absolutely anything related to Freddie, any ship, any genre, any way you like. This is an indiscriminately inclusive, positive event. Everyone is welcome, there is no wrong way to be a fan of Freddie! (Except convincing yourself you're dating his ghost maybe. That's pretty wrong. And weird. Don't do that.)
WHEN? On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of May.
HOW? On the above dates (or after!), post your contributions to the AO3 collection or alternatively on Tumblr, tagged ‘#fmw2021’ or/and ‘#freddie mercury weekend 2021’. If you post on Tumblr, please also tag @a-froger-epic to make sure you get a reblog from me!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
You can be as free with the prompts as you like. They are here to inspire, there is no wrong way to write them! Change them around, mix them up, make them fem!Freddie, A/B/O, add your favourite ship. Anything goes! 😊
21st of May - 500-1000 word challenge!
We’re kicking off the event with ficlets and drabbles. First time writer just testing the waters? No need for an epic, just write a scene! No time to write but you want to participate? Surely you’ll find time for 500 words! 😉 Interpret these mini-prompts however you like (every one is a separate prompt, but you can combine them!):
Make-Up 💄   |   Pain/Pleasure 👀
Strip 👕   |   Ring 💍
Forbidden 🤫   |   Delilah 🐈
Piano 🎹   |   Dormitory 🛏 
Outrageous 🎉   |   Contentment 😌
Come Together 🎇   |   Ballet 🩰
Piece of Art 🎨   |   Leather 🧥
Cockring 🐔   |   Kimono 👘
Petals 🌸   |   Leotard 🕺🏻
Mustache 🧔   |   Last Time 😔
22nd of May - Is This The Real Life? 
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A list of real event/canon timeline prompts from Freddie’s life. How real you want to keep them, however, is entirely up to you!
Down in flames
Freddie is 16 years old when he leaves boarding school. Does it have something to do with the school gardener, Sanjay? Did he flunk his exams or did he not even sit them? Is one thing connected to the other? Does he really find a boyfriend when he goes to stay with his aunt in Mumbai (then Bombay)? Either way, there’s the small matter of his parents finding out about all of it... (Sources: x x )
When Freddie met Kenny
Freddie is a guest on Kenny Everett's radio show in spring 1974. Freddie is living with Mary, Kenny is married. Two gay men, deep in the closet. To no one's surprise, they hit it off immediately. (Source: x )
But when did he? 
At some point during his relationship with Mary, prior to his relationship with David, Freddie had already begun sleeping with men. But how and when did that first happen? Cottaging in London? On tour somewhere in the world? Your guess is as good as ours… 
Flying High
Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll. Like all rock bands of their time, Queen doesn’t escape the copious amounts of cocaine in the entertainment industry for long. Somewhere on tour in America, perhaps, Freddie is first introduced to it. Where? How? 
Hide your tears
Jim said that he tried to be strong for Freddie and only cried in private, so as not to burden Freddie with his feelings. But this time, he is found. 
In 1969, Freddie doesn’t know how to cook an egg and neither does Roger (Source: x )
In 1977, Freddie meets Joe while on tour in Boston and starts dating him behind David's back
In 1990, Brian and Freddie work on 'The Show Must Go On' (Source: x )
In a year of your choice, Jim reminisces about his fondest moment(s) with Freddie
In 1976, Freddie and Mary end their relationship 
In 1984, Winnie gives Freddie a wedding ring (middle of the post: x )
In the late 60s, Freddie agrees to model for an Ealing Art School fashion show, but panics and flees the runway (Source: x )
In 1974, Freddie is strip-searched upon arrival in Australia (Source: x )
In 1982, Freddie and Roger go shopping in Amsterdam (Source: x )
In 1978, Freddie swings from a chandelier - naked (Source: x )
23rd of May - Is It Just Fantasy?
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A list of AU prompts to spark your imagination. Take them and run with them or change them up, just have fun!
Make your dreams come true
Freddie hasn't been very fortunate in his life, until he finds a very special oil lamp, and rubs it just the right way. 
Beautiful stranger
Freddie meets an alluring stranger at a masquerade ball, who has more secrets than he can hide behind a mask. But Freddie has some of his own. 
Thicker than water 
Freddie agrees to a dreadful fate in order to save his little sister from the very same. Fortunately, he has friends who are more than willing to help him, but can they? Or are they, too, in danger?
Diamonds are a boy's best friend
Freddie is the prized jewel of the court, a skilled belly-dancer and entertainer, but he may also be plotting murder and getting away with it. 
Almost Real
In a distant future, humans have all but done away with face to face interaction. Humanity largely lives online. Children grow up isolated and live with only their families well into young adulthood. Cybersex is the new normal, although some families take a puritanical approach for fear of addiction. One day, impossibly, a real life young man falls through the containment field in Freddie’s back garden. 
This plane is going to crash (Freddie knew there was a reason he hated flying) 
Shipwrecked on an island (Freddie could never bear to be alone, but luckily/unfortunately for him…) 
Hunger Games AU (Freddie is so dead) 
A terrible road accident (Everyone is so dead, or are they?) 
Blind Date AU (Freddie's best friend is so dead for setting him up with this person… or are they…) 
Bank robbery (but who are the robbers and who are the hostages?) 
Magic AU ("Yer a wizard, Freddie!")
Film Noir AU (Secrets and cigarette holders) 
Interior Design AU (Does the carpet match the drapes?)
The Bodyguard AU (“And I will always love yooouuuu…”)
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
⛔ Strictly No Hate ⛔
This is the NUMBER ONE RULE of the event, to ensure that everybody feels safe. No rudeness, provocations or hate aimed at creators or other commenters will be permitted, not on AO3 nor Tumblr.
Follow these steps if you receive a comment or ask that distresses you:
Do not engage. (You can take a screenshot as proof.)
Delete it. No ifs, no buts. Just delete it. (Don’t hesitate to block anon hate on Tumblr.)
Alert me ( @a-froger-epic ) or @aboutnothingness, who is lending me a hand to make sure all needs are attended, all questions are answered and everything runs smoothly. We are here to actively support you. We’ve got your back, and we will gladly talk to you and help you feel better.
If you choose to ignore this rule, your work may be removed from the event. We would hate to resort to that.
But what if one of the works has upset me?
Can the thing that upset you be tagged, but it wasn’t? Then please inform @a-froger-epic or @aboutnothingness, and we will bring it to the creator’s attention. (Remember to use the appropriate tags, everybody!)
Was the thing that upset you already tagged? Or is it perhaps simply the characterisation you find disagreeable? Then we suggest you click on the ‘back’ button, take a deep breath and remind yourself it's just fanfic.
Who can participate?
Anyone who is inspired by Freddie Mercury in any way shape or form. This event is open to all.
Can I combine prompts from different days?
By all means! We look forward to your futuristic Freddie-gets-kicked-out-of-boarding-school Maycury Film Noir AU. With leotards. Go crazy.
I'm not sure where my creation fits in, what day do I post it? 
The days, like the prompts, are only suggestions. We don't mind when you post it, as long as you post it! Even if it's two weeks late! 
Help, I've never posted fic before! 
Don't worry, we've got you! (And more importantly, we've got AO3 invites!) @aboutnothingness is more than happy to walk you through the process of setting up an account and is also offering her services as a beta.
I’m still too nervous to participate!
You can post anonymously to the collection. You can disable anon comments on your work. You can disable comments entirely and just collect the kudos. You can close anon asks on Tumblr temporarily. But most importantly, we are here for you and we want you here!
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜
“I love the fact that I make people happy, in any form. Even if it’s just half an hour of their lives, in any way that I can make them feel lucky or make them feel good, or bring a smile to a sour face, that to me is worthwhile.”
- Freddie Mercury
209 notes · View notes
myearts-uwu · 3 years
I am... confusion
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To this day I am still confused about the Who Made me a Princess timeline in the manhwa (I’ll also talk about the novel soon even though I’ve never read it).
I am not kidding. One of the biggest problems for me when it comes to WMMAP is just how time really flows in the story. 
Sure, there are certain issues in the story itself but that’s not the point I wanna make here!
Most of the time, I have no clue just how much time has passed in certain events in WMMAP. Like... how long has Athanasia been on the run for after almost getting killed by Claude in the garden? Weeks? Months? Half a year?! Perhaps they actually stated it in the manhwa and I just overlooked it but that doesn’t mean that the way the plot progresses isn’t paced properly.
I think... WMMAP’s weakest point that prevents it from being a greater story is its pacing in its plot. Because sometimes certain things get dragged on for chapters and chapters (most of the second season comes to mind) and then there are other times where we’re just zooming through a lot of things that could be touched upon. For example, the majority of season 3. A lot of things were happening at once and it took a while to take everything in. Like Roger being brainwashed, Jennette’s and Anastacius’ sudden appearance at the palace, the fact that there is a potential rebellion going on?! 
Can I ask something? Just... how long has Claude been in a coma for? For us, it’s months! Around November to... June, right? So, what about in the manhwa? Surely he’s been out for some time now if Anastacius is freely walking around the palace without a single care in the world, thinking that the guy is gonna die soon, right?
I really wish the people working on the story can clear up on how long it actually took for Athy to save Claude. It’s probably a few hours but who knows? It did seem like Lucas didn’t budge at all ever since Athy went to the World Tree.
Ahh... thinking about the whole timeline is just so confusing to me at this point.
I feel like I’ve left out a lot of other examples about how poorly paced each event in WMMAP is? But I don’t plan on dwelling on it for too long.
I’m really hoping that someone could make a post about the timeline for the manhwa.
And now... the novel.
As someone who has never read the novel nor do I plan on going to since I know for a fact that I won’t enjoy it much, I am mostly confused about one thing from it.
It’s related to the side-story about Diana’s past.
I am only talking about it because I’ve read some posts about the side-story and there are certain details that I would like to discuss with you guys.
So I don’t really know if this came from the side-story about Diana’s past but I still remember reading about how after Diana got pregnant, she was slowly poisoned by the other concubines because they were jealous of her? And apparently, it was Penelope’s and Anastacius’ idea to have her be weakened to the point that she couldn’t survive after giving childbirth?
Is that how it goes?! Because I have no clue since I’m only writing about this from memory alone!
And when Claude and Diana first met, it was at a party I guess? I just remember reading the part where Anastacius and his father staring at Diana as if she were a... I don’t really wanna finish this sentence.
And now, the main issue.
... Claude met Diana after becoming emperor, right? So that means he killed Anastacius already, right?
... You see where I’m going with this, right?
Penelope and Anastacius are most probably dead by the time Diana and Claude got together if we assume that Jennette is born earlier in the same year Athy is born. So how are they involved in Diana’s poisoning? 
Just a side-tangent? In my opinion, I consider Who Made me a Princess’ novel and manhwa as two separate pieces of works even though the manhwa is based on the novel, Besides the main reason why I think that which is the whole plot is different now starting season 2 and the fact that Anastacius is actually alive... there are just so much information from the novel which contradicts the manhwa.
Like how Claude and Diana apparently met up in the middle of the town at night?
How Diana is apparently a princess from Siodonna but she’s already been labelled multiple times that she is just a dancer from Siodonna? And nothing more?
Sigh... I feel like so many people in this fandom often get confused about the differences between the novel and manhwa and in the end we just jumble them all up together, thinking that they’re still the same story. When they’re completely different stories.
And this is why I don’t want to use any info gathered from the novel while writing WMMAP fanfics now. I just accept any sort of information gathered from the manhwa alone... as well as some headcanons from the fandom because most of them are hilarious.
So in conclusion...
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I am still confused about the WMMAP timeline.
81 notes · View notes
hotchnisslovechild · 3 years
Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn
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Rating: E Fandom: Big Shot Pairing: Marvyn Korn/Holly Barrett Word Count: 7900 Tags: 18+, Explicit Sexual Content, Only One Bed, Sharing a Bed, PWP, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Post S1 Summary: Away at a team camp, Holly and Marvyn have to share a hotel room.
AO3 Link or read below!
It was a 2-hour bus ride to Westmont College. Well, for Holly and the girls that is. Marvyn decided to drive to the team camp separately. He loved being with the girls and Holly, but 2 hours on a small bus all together? He would much rather enjoy some “Marvyn Time” and drive by himself. It worked out well that way actually; Holly and Marvyn needed their own car to drive to and from campus back to their hotel nearby. The girls were staying on campus, all paired up in dorms. Staying in dorm rooms was a hard pass for Holly and Marvyn, mostly Marvyn. Holly wouldn’t have minded staying in a room on campus but given the choice between sleeping on a hotel-quality, queen-sized mattress or a dorm-quality, twin-sized mattress, she’d pick hotel every time. Marvyn just flat out refused to sleep in a dorm. He loves hotels. Hell, he tried to live in one until his daughter moved in with him. People change his sheets and make the bed for him. There’s complimentary breakfast. What’s not to love about hotels?
Holly could not wait to get off the bus after those 2 hours. One thing about teenage girls is that they love to gossip. Holly witnesses it every day at school, but none of it really ever pertains to her. These girls usually just chat about boys and other girls, but Holly’s ears always perk up when she occasionally overhears the girls talking about their teachers to one another. It’s fun to hear what they think about her colleagues, but sometimes she fears she’s the subject of gossip amongst these girls when they are anywhere else in the school that isn’t Holly’s classroom.
That fear came true on that bus ride when she overheard the girls whispering at the back of the bus. The subject of those hushed words? Holly and Marvyn. It was a big bus, but not big enough. From the front of the bus, Holly could hear just about every word those girls whispered back and forth to one another in the back.
“Emma told me they go out for drinks and dinner all the time,” Destiny murmured to all of the girls leaning into the bus walkway.
“But isn’t she like his only friend?” Louise joked, getting some giggles from the other girls.
“I’m thinking they are a little more than just friends, if you know what I mean,” Samantha mumbled.
Mouse smacked her knee from the seat across from her. “Sam!” she gasped.
“What?” Samantha asked, “You don’t think those two could be hooking up?”
“I’d prefer not to think about that,” Mouse answered, hating the idea of her coaches doing it with each other.
“Guys, what if they are in the same hotel room for this camp?” Olive suggested, feeding into Samantha’s theory. “Maybe that’s why they didn’t want to stay in the dorms.”
Destiny let out a loud gasp at Olive’s suggestion and proceeded to be slapped and shushed by Louise for being too loud. They would all be dead if Holly could hear their conversation.
They had no clue that Holly could actually hear everything they were saying. And she was mortified. Her and Marvyn? What was it with these girls and starting rumors about who’s she’s dating? First, it was Felix, now it’s Marvyn. Sure, she goes out for drinks and dinner with Marvyn a lot. So what? Friends can go out for fun. Not only are they friends… they are colleagues. It’s always been strictly platonic and professional between them, and Holly plans on keeping it that way.
When they finally arrived at Westmont around 9PM, she helped the girls find their dorms and settle in while she waited for Marvyn to get there. Once he got there, Holly said goodnight to the girls and told them they need to get up for the scheduled team breakfast at 8AM in the main campus dining hall.
Marvyn didn’t even bother getting out of his car to say “hi” to the girls once he got there. He texted Holly telling her to walk out to his car, and to hurry up so they could get settled at the hotel.
Holly didn’t say a word during the 10 minutes it took to get to the hotel. Her face was still hot from overhearing the girls suggest that she and Marvyn were a thing. She could feel Marvyn’s curious gaze on her in the car, but she avoided his glances by staring out the window, thinking about a certain thing the girls unknowingly put into her head. Her stomach tightened as the thought of sleeping with Marvyn consumed her mind for the duration of the drive.
Holly started to second guess everything Marvyn did for her. When they got to the hotel, Marvyn rushed to open the door for Holly and get her suitcase out of the back seat. Is that what friends do? Is he just being nice? Holly asked herself, feeling like she was going a bit mad.
Walking up to the front desk, Marvyn greeted the receptionist. “Hi, I have two rooms booked under Korn.”
Holly watched as the woman behind the front desk punched keys on her keyboard. The receptionist started typing faster than before, almost frantic. Holly had no idea it was that hard to find a room reservation.
“Hmm,” the woman started, “I don’t see a reservation under that name. Could it be under a different name, perhaps?”
“Are you sure? Did you spell it right? It’s K-o-r-n. Korn,” Marvyn said, growing impatient. He just wanted to go to sleep. They had a busy few days coming up with the camp, and he needed to be well-rested if he was going to beat all of the other Southern California basketball teams at the camp.
“I’m afraid I don’t see a reservation for you, Mr. Korn.”
“Marvyn, don’t you have the confirmation in your email? You can pull that up on your phone,” Holly suggested, hating that they were causing the receptionist any trouble.
Marvyn pulled up the email confirmation on his phone and held it up to the clerk. “Here’s our confirmation number and reservation details. We have two queen-sized rooms. Three nights.”
The woman pulled the phone toward her, taking a closer look at the email. “Sir, I think there has been a mistake.”
“How could there be a mistake? The confirmation and details are right there,” he snapped, pointing at his phone. Holly elbowed him for snapping at the poor young woman.
“These reservations are for the Holiday Inn Express in Ventura. You’re at the Holiday Inn Express in Santa Barbara.
Holly looked at Marvyn in disbelief. Ventura was almost a half-hour away. She didn’t want to have to drive all the way there and have to commute 30 minutes to and from Westmont for 4 days.
“Well shit,” Marvyn muttered under his breath. This is why he doesn’t stay at anything less than 5-star hotels. This never would have happened if Holly just let him book two rooms at the Hotel Californian. But no, they were “too expensive and luxurious” for only staying 3 nights and spending most of their time at Westmont.
“Do you have two rooms available here?” Marvyn finally asked the woman.
“We’re pretty booked up. I’ll have to check what rooms we have available for 3 nights.”
“You better have some rooms because—”
Holly elbowed him again, sending him a glare that could kill. She turned to the clerk. “Thank you,” she said sincerely, “We’re sorry to cause so much trouble.”
“Oh, you are no trouble at all. It happens more often than you would think, “ the receptionist said as she typed away on her keyboard. Her face sunk. “I’m sorry but all we have available for three nights is one room. It should have two queen beds, but I’ll have to double check—”
“We’ll take it,” Marvyn interjected. He didn’t want to be standing in that lobby any longer. And he certainly did not want to drive all the way to Ventura.
“Marvyn,” Holly turned to him concerned, “We can’t share a room.”
“Well, you can find a ride to Ventura because I’m sure as hell not driving all the way over there.”
This was exactly what she didn’t need right now. She could hardly look Marvyn in the eye after hearing the girls speculate about them being in a relationship. How could she share a room with him? Everything about this was just mortifying.
She sighed. “Fine. I guess it’s not that big a deal” She took one of the keys the woman set out in front of them.
Holly’s jaw dropped to the floor when Marvyn opened the door for her to walk into the room. She could not believe what she was seeing. Was there seriously only one goddamn bed? Just when she thought this couldn’t get any worse.
“Now you have to be fucking kidding me,” Marvyn said when he finally walked through the doorway, carrying both of their suitcases. “I thought she said it would be two queens.”
“Well, you did cut her off and take the room before she could double check,” Holly retorted, clearly annoyed. She walked further into the room, setting her purse down on the polka dot armchair. The room was fairly big and had a great view of Santa Barbara.
Marvyn followed her into the room, still dragging their luggage along. Holly could still hardly look at him, so she busied herself with looking around the room.
“Did you want the bathroom first?” Marvyn asked coolly, breaking the awkward silence that settled in the room.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind. I need to wash up after sitting on that old bus for 2 hours. I’ll be quick,” Holly said as she opened up her suitcase to grab her pajamas and toiletry bag. She practically ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
She set her bag and pajamas down on the counter and took a deep breath. How does he seem so unfazed by the giant bed-shaped elephant in the room? Holly thought as she stared at herself in the mirror. The fact that the receptionist “gave him the wrong information” seemed to affect him more than the fact that they were sharing a room and possibly sharing a bed. That is, if he doesn’t do the gentlemanly thing and offer to sleep on the floor or the chair. She sure as hell wasn’t sleeping anywhere besides that bed.
Holly was prepared to be in the comfort of her own room, so all she packed for nighttime attire was a pair of skimpy blue sleep shorts and a tank top. That would have been fine had things gone as planned and she had a room to herself, but Marvyn was going to be seeing a lot of leg, a lot more than would be considered appropriate. She shoved the thought out of her mind and got changed.
After she finished up washing her face and brushing her teeth, she knocked on the door. “Are you decent?” she called out from the bathroom.
“Yeah, you’re good to come out,” Marvyn responded. Holly took a deep, sobering breath as her hand hovered over the doorknob. She wished she could tell herself it’s just one night, but it’s three nights. He’ll take the chair or the floor, I’m sure, Holly tried to reassure herself.
When she finally mustered the courage to walk out into the main room, she’s stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing Marvyn. It took everything in her not to stare at him perched on the edge of the bed dressed in green boxers and a plain white undershirt that hugged his torso. She averted her gaze and quickly crossed her arms in front of her as she walked to her suitcase, a failed attempt to hide her hardening nipples. She wished she could blame it on the cold air in the room, but it’s really just from seeing Marvyn so… undressed. She hated the girls for putting the idea of them together in her mind. Yes, he’s a very attractive man, but she’s never thought about him in any sexual way. Now, it was nearly all she could think about, thanks to the girls. She was in deep shit.
And Marvyn was completely fucked. He hoped she didn’t notice him practically gawking at her when she came out of the bathroom, his eyes caught on the sight of her hardening nipples through her thin tank top. And those shorts. They were sinful is what they were. She was showing off more leg than he could handle. He was used to Holly wearing tight athletic clothing at practices and games. He knew she had a great body. But seeing her so bare made his mind run wild. He watched as she bent forward to put her clothes back into her suitcase. Her shorts were so damn small he could just barely see the black lace panties she was wearing underneath. He tore his eyes away. What the fuck is the matter with me? He scolded himself, thoroughly disturbed by his sudden sexual urges for his friend – his colleague. Now half hard, he finally excused himself to the bathroom.
I’m a man. I can’t help it, he repeated to himself over and over as he stared at his reflection. He couldn’t go back out there like that. The best he could do was will his erection away. There was no way he could discretely “take care” of it with Holly just several feet away.
He brushed his teeth and splashed his face with cold water, trying to distract himself from images of Holly’s legs and the swell of her breasts. As much as he wanted to sleep on that damn bed, getting in bed with her was no longer an option. He would have to offer to sleep on the chair or the floor.
Still half hard, he sucked in a breath before exiting the bathroom. He saw her sitting up on the right side of the bed reading a book. “I’ll sleep on the chair,” he announced.
“Are you sure?” Holly said out of courtesy.
“It’s either that or the floor. Which do you think I should choose?”
 “Whatever will hurt your back less, old man,” Holly joked, the banter coming back to them both easily, temporarily distracting them from the sexual tension that’s built between them in just one night.
“Don’t make me share that bed with you,” he said with a cocky smirk.
“Sleep on the chair. Maybe you will snore less sitting up.”
“I don’t snore,” he countered, slightly offended by her assumption.
“Yeah right. Just sleep on the chair. Keep the snoring to a minimum.” She went back to reading her book. She silently cheered that he offered to let her have the bed to herself. After her inappropriate thoughts about him that night, she wasn’t sure she would be able to keep her hands to herself if he hopped into bed with her.
He grabbed a pillow from the bed and tried to make himself comfortable in the big polka dot chair. “Am I good to turn off the lamp?” Holly asked once it seemed Marvyn got in a comfortable position.
“Yeah,” she heard him grunt as he shifted once more.
Close to 30 minutes went by of more shifting and grunting from the chair on the other side of the room. There was no falling asleep with how noisy he was being. She couldn’t tell if he was genuinely uncomfortable or if he was trying to get her to pity him and offer to switch places or let him sleep in the bed with her. “You good over there?” she whispered into the darkness of the room.
“Just fine,” he responded, feigning sincerity. It was probably the most uncomfortable chair he had ever sat in. It was lumpy and stiff, making noise with every move he made. Not to mention, his cock was still hard, his mind ridden with inappropriate and unprofessional thoughts of Holly
Holly hated what she was about to say next, knew she was probably going to regret it, want to take it back. But she really needed some good sleep tonight, so she went for it. “Just come sleep in the bed, Marvyn. You are driving me nuts with all your moving around.”
“You’re just trying to get in bed with me, aren’t you?” he teased, knowing that would push her buttons.
“Shut up, Marvyn. We’re both adults. We can share a bed without it being weird. Unless you would rather sleep on the floor?”
He didn’t even respond. He got up from the chair, holding his already sore back. God, am I really an old man? He said to himself silently, thinking about Holly’s joke from earlier.
“Just don’t hog the covers,” Holly said as she turned her back to him. She felt the mattress dip beside her, and a twinge of panic rose within her, her heart started to race. She hadn’t shared a bed with a man in a very long time. And it’s been even longer since she’s gotten laid. She shook the thought out of her head. She was absolutely not getting laid tonight. She was in a bed with Marvyn for Christ’s sake. He’s both a friend and a colleague. They couldn’t afford to ruin that. And did she really want to fuck the same man that Ms. Goodwin has? God, no.
Marvyn was wide awake. The twitch of his cock in his boxers was starting to get somewhat painful. He really shouldn’t be this goddamn horny; it had only been a couple months since he and Maggie were having sex. Granted, they only did so a few times. It took a lot longer than he expected to get past 2nd base with her. Something about “wanting to take it slow” and “doing it right”. Oh, he wanted to do it all right. Maggie was the first woman he’d been with since his ex-wife, and making the bald man cry each night wasn’t as satisfying as he hoped it would be. He wished he could fist himself right then and there, desperate to get rid of his uncomfortable and awkward hard on.
Holly also lay there wide awake, the silence too loud to even think about falling asleep. Desperate to get rid of the suffocating silence, she spoke, “This is so cliché, isn’t it?”
“What is?” Marvyn asked, genuinely unsure of what she was talking about.
“The whole two co-workers forced to share a bed thing. I thought this type of shit just happened in books to get the two main characters together,” she said matter-of-factly, not realizing until after she finished her sentence just how suggestive it was.
“Don’t get any ideas, Coach Barrett,”
“Oh, please. As if. Goodnight Marvyn.”
“Night,” she heard him whisper. Finally feeling relaxed, she dozed off to sleep to the sound of his breathing.
Marvyn woke just a few hours later, feeling pressure on his thigh. Dazed and confused, he looked up at the alarm clock next to his head, a green-lit 3:00 AM staring back at him. He turned back to see what was pressed up against his thigh. Lo and behold, Holly had thrown her leg over his thigh while they were sleeping. Pft, “as if” Marvyn silently mocked her words from earlier. His arm was trapped under her waist, ghosting over the swell of her ass. He instantly regretted lifting his other hand up to rest on her thigh, as he almost instantly got hard again.
They were hardly under the covers anymore, having kicked them off in their sleep. In the dimmed light coming from the streetlights outside, Marvyn could watch Holly as she slept. She really was a beautiful woman. He was surprised she hadn’t found anybody after her divorce. Any man would be lucky to have her. Not only was she incredibly good-humored and down-to-earth, but she also was just fucking sexy. He’d never really looked at her that way before that night, but it was hard not to when her breasts were practically falling out of her tank top and her shorts left next to nothing to the imagination.
He was abruptly shaken from his thoughts when he started to feel movement beside him. Not just any movement. No. The beautiful blonde woman beside him had started to rock her hips into his thigh. This can’t be happening. She has to be dreaming. I have to be dreaming right now Marvyn thought in a panic.
Her movements against the bare skin of his thigh grew faster, and she let out a soft moan, almost too quiet to hear. He started to feel how wet she was through her shorts. Marvyn’s heart was about to beat out of his chest, as he felt his cock twitch for what seemed like the millionth time that night, just aching to be touched. He had no clue what to do. Was he supposed to wake her up? Let her unconsciously get off on his thigh? There was no right way to go about it.
Holly slowly slipped into consciousness. She assumed the dream she was having must have been great based on how wet she was, slowly rocking against the thigh pressed firmly between her legs. It felt too good to stop. She tilted her hips back, seeking more friction against her clit. She sighed at the sensation. She became aware of the hands splayed on her lower back and on her thigh. The hardness pressed against her inner thigh then caught her attention.
Holy fuck! She thought frantically, suddenly remembering she went to sleep next to Marvyn last night. Before the panic set in, she felt the hand on her back move lower, resting firmly on her ass, which was only half covered by her sleep shorts. She nearly gasped when the hips underneath her began to rock into her thigh. She pressed her forehead against his shoulder as she continues her movements.
They both knew the other was awake, but they didn’t say a word, and they didn’t stop; they just kept grinding, getting each other off. Marvyn squeezed the swell of her ass through her shorts, his hand strong and firm against the silky fabric of her shorts and her soft skin. His fingers moved towards the edge of her shorts, daring to go further. She began rocking into him a bit harder, which he took as permission to go further, letting his fingers slip beneath the fabric of her shorts and run across the smoothness of her skin. His thumb brushed the lacy fabric of the black thong he got a sneak peek of earlier. He slid his other hand up her thigh to palm her other cheek, starting to guide her movements into him.
They stayed like that, grinding into one another for a good few minutes until Marvyn grew impatient, he had to touch her, feel her. He slowly moved his hand down her thigh, stopping at her knee which rested on his waist. Lifting her knee off of him, he encouraged her to spread her legs for him. Sliding his hand down her inner thigh, he turned his head to whisper in her ear. “Is this okay?” he asked, not wanting to push.
“Fuck, yes. Please,” she begged with a whisper. Just fucking touch me already! she wanted to yell at him.
He slid his hand past the waistband of her shorts, lifting up her tank top to rub the taut skin across her stomach, finally resting his hand on her breast, thumbing her rock-hard nipple. He was driving her insane. She lifted her hips, a silent beg for him to touch her where she needed it most.  He took the hint, trailing his hand back down her stomach, tight and coiled with anticipation. His movements became hesitant, worried about taking things too far, ruining their relationship as they knew it.
She felt his hand stop just above the waistband of her shorts. She wondered if he was unsure about touching her or just being a tease. Hoping it was the latter, she lifted her head up to whisper in his ear, “Don’t be such a tease.”
“Are you sure about his?” he asked innocently.
Hearing the nerves in his voice, she reached her hand up to rest on his, squeezing his hand to assure him how much she wanted this, how much she needed this. She guided his hand below her waistband. His hand ghosted her core through the fabric of her panties. She slid her hand up his arm to feel his biceps. He had great arms. She ached to see if his chest was just as toned and firm as his arms.
He could feel the heat of her through the thin lace fabric covering her core. Judging by how wet she was already, Holly clearly wanted this just as much as he did. The soft sighs in his ear egging him on. A rush of confidence coursed through him, realizing just how much of an effect he had on her by barely touching her. Hell, she was gasping and grinding on him in her sleep. Which could easily be from having not gotten laid in a while, but Marvyn would rather think it was because of him entirely.
He always prided himself on being particularly good at sex. He got a lot of practice in college; girls practically threw themselves at him. And he and Caren had a pretty fun and adventurous sex life for most of their marriage. He knew his way around a woman’s body: how it worked, how it reacted, how to manipulate it. And in that moment with Holly, he wanted to cherish every inch of her body, to pay attention to each subtle detail of her enjoyment…for hours.
It surprised him. This sudden sexual desire for his colleague – his assistant coach, technically his subordinate. They did do everything couples do, besides sex of course (until now). They went out to dinner, got drinks together. They trusted and respected each other, wanted the best for the other. If he had this close of a connection with any other woman, Marvyn was sure he would develop feelings for her. But this was Holly. They worked together. They were friends, yes, but their relationship was professional and strictly platonic. Whatever mentor/mentee, co-worker relationship and friendship they had was a whole lot more interesting for the both of them than some dating scenario. He always figured a crude, yet expert sexual encounter would ruin what they had together. But now, he wasn’t so sure. He wanted her. All of her.
His earlier hesitation quickly disappeared. He swiftly dipped his fingers beneath the lace of her underwear, ghosting his fingers over her wet center, teasing her. Her breath grew jagged with anticipation. His touch was a mere whisper on her skin, but it made her thighs tremble. There was no holding in the gasp that escaped her when he swiped through her slick with his deft fingers. He found her clit with his middle finger, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles, eliciting a breathy moan from her.
The position they were in wasn’t exactly comfortable, at least not for Marvyn. His right arm was still being crushed under her, and him lying on his back beside her wasn’t the most ideal if he wanted to give her the best finger-fuck of her life.
She was pleased when he moved to hover over her, basking under the weight of him above her. He was so much bigger than her. He was practically engulfing her.
“I want to see you,” he whispered, reaching to turn on one of the bedside lamps. It illuminated the room just right, not too bright, not too dark, just light enough to tear away the shadows on her cheeks and restore the glimmer in her bright blue eyes.
His right hand, still half-asleep from being under her for so long, moved to hold down her hip, keeping her still. She could already feel the bruises forming from how tight he was gripping her. The thought of him leaving a mark on her sent shockwaves of excitement through her.
He slid his other hand out from her sleep shorts, moving once more to set up on his knees. He brought his hand to Holly’s mouth, still wet with her slick.
“Open,” he directed, pressing his fingers against her lips. She obeyed, opening her mouth, and sucking on his fingers covered with her own arousal. She flicked her tongue against his knuckles, tasting herself, faintly, and feeling the roughness of his skin. He groaned and dragged his hand down to rest on her neck. No pressure. No real grasp or hold. But it stole her breath just the same.
He hadn’t even kissed her yet, something about that step feeling far too intimate. Somehow kissing her would be too far for Marvyn but rubbing her clit and letting her suck on his fingers isn’t too intimate.
Eager to feel his lips on her, Holly moved from fisting the bedsheets to fisting Marvyn’s t-shirt, pulling him down toward her. He kissed her then. It was heated, passionate, intimate. His hand still rested on her neck, his other gripping her hip, pushing her into the mattress. His tongue prodded at the seam of her lips, eager to explore her mouth.
That kiss may have been the best she’d ever had. She ran her fingers through his hair, using her grip to pull him closer to her, deepening the kiss. She lifted her hips up into him, searching for the friction her clit was craving. Her movements matched perfectly with Marvyn as he shifted his hips into hers. He was wedged between her legs, hot and hard, exactly where she wanted him. He'd be able to thrust into her right now if they weren't wearing clothes. Why the fuck are we still dressed? Holly screamed silently in her head.
The heat of his body on top of her was electrifying. She fisted his t-shirt sleeves in an attempt to keep him there, addicted to the feeling of being trapped underneath him.
His lips traveled down her jaw. He tilted her head to the side, giving him access to kiss her throat. She melted under him, a loud whimper escaping her. His mouth left a trail of hot, wet kisses down her throat, across her shoulder, and along her collarbone. Being kissed had never felt so perfect, so hot.
“You won’t be needing this,” he said, lifting her top over her head and throwing it somewhere off the bed. She loved seeing him take control like this. Outside of the bedroom was a different story. She hated when he belittled her, undermined her, told her what to do. It was infuriating. But in the bedroom, under his touch, she’d do nearly anything he asked of her.
He took hold of one of her now bare breasts, the textured skin of his thumb circling her nipple made her shudder. He lowered his head to give her other breast some attention, taking her nipple in his mouth. Her hands flew to the back of his head, holding him against her, never wanting him to stop.
“Marvyn,” she sighed. It was the first word she had spoken in nearly 10 minutes.
He continued in his path down her body, kissing down the taut lines of her stomach, setting tiny little fires across her body.
“You won’t be needing these either,” he repeated, tugging her sleep shorts and panties down her incredible legs. He couldn’t wait to be between her perfect thighs, tasting her, exploring her.
“Please,” she whimpered, guiding his head down where she wanted him most.
“Patience, Coach,” he teased. She felt him smile against her inner thigh as he kissed her there. She changed her mind. He was infuriating in bed too. Such a fucking tease.
Without warning, he licked her bottom to top, stopping at her clit to suck on it, humming into her, making her jolt as if she’d been shocked.
“Fuck!” She bucked her hips into his face. He grasped her inner thighs, pushing her in the mattress, holding her still, and spreading her further apart for him. He slid his tongue between her folds, tasting her wetness, before he found her clit again, locking his mouth around it, sucking hard. Her body almost caught on fire when he slid two fingers into her, pumping into her slowly. She had never been eaten out like this before. She had no idea it could feel this fucking good. Her ex-husband would do the bare minimum, never really caring if she got off or not. He didn’t explore her like this. He didn’t take his time with her the way Marvyn was, learning what she liked, noting every move that made her squirm and moan. She was sure Marvyn had to have watched some sort of online how-to video or something because there was just no way this man could use his tongue and his mouth so skillfully. He devoured her cunt like it was his birthright, as if he'd been programmed to put his mouth precisely here and there and lick her till she screamed. And he was clearly enjoying it too. He was moaning for fucks sake.
His name fell from her lips once more as she lifted her hips to the rhythm of his licks, seeking release. “Patience,” he repeated himself. He slid his fingers out of her, replacing them with his tongue. He felt the suck of her cunt on his tongue as he fucked her with it, imagining how incredible it would feel around his cock, which was still strained against the fabric of his boxers, leaking and painfully hard. But this wasn’t about him. At least not then. He wanted to make her cum, feel her release around his tongue and taste her before he fucked her.
“Okay, Holly,” he breathed against her, “You can let go now.” He dove back into her, placing his thumb over her clit and rubbing concentrated circles. He lapped at her folds and brought his other hand down to finger her.
“Marvyn!” she cried out desperately. The stimulation was almost too much. The pleasure was intense, earth-shatteringly so. It consumed her entire body from head to toe. Heaven and torture at the exact same time.
“I know. I know. Just let go for me,” he encouraged. She whined when he pushed another finger into her and curled it, reaching for the spot inside her that he knew would send her over the edge. He continued sucking and flicking at her clit, showing no mercy as he tore her apart, fucking her with his hand and mouth until she was screaming his name and banging her thighs against his ears. Her desperate screams did nothing to halt his movements as he guided her through her orgasm before pulling his fingers out and snaking his tongue into her, tasting her release.
He came up for air, finding her breathing heavy, eyes closed, with her head thrown back into the pillows. When she managed to catch her breath and regain a semblance of lucidity, she lifted her head to watch him begin a trail of wet kisses down her inner thigh. It was obscene. The sight of him between her legs, his chin dripping with her arousal. When he caught her gaze, he couldn’t help the smug smirk that graced his lips, satisfied with the sight of her almost completely wrecked without even fucking her yet.
He rose above her again to slot his mouth against hers. She let his tongue enter her mouth immediately, sucking her taste off of it. He trailed kisses across her cheek to her ear, sucking and nibbling on it for a short moment. “I want to feel you on my cock.”
“What the hell are you waiting for?” she asked breathlessly. He lifted himself off the bed, and she whimpered at the loss of his weight on top of her.
He was still far too overdressed, so he pulled his shirt up over his head. She lifted herself up on her elbows, getting a better look at the show he was putting on before her.
His cock still ached inside his boxers, heavy and hard, desperate to be inside her. When he finally set it free from its confines, it sprung straight up. She gasped at the sight of it, a flicker of nervousness flashed across her face. She had figured he’d be pretty well-endowed. He’s Marvyn Korn. Always bigger and better than everyone. But it was intimidating. She hadn’t been with anyone in a long time, and none of the toys she used at home did justice to the size of him.
“Protection…?” he said suddenly, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“I’m on the pill. I’m clean. Do you have a condom?”
He nodded and turned to walk toward his suitcase, giving Holly a nice view of his perfectly tight ass. He pulled out his wallet, fishing for the single condom he left in there from when he was dating Maggie.
“What are you? 17? Keeping a condom in your wallet?” she laughed.
“Ha. Ha,” he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes at her. He took his time opening the foil package and sliding the condom down his impressive length.
“You better hurry up. You should never keep a lady waiting.” When he looked up at her, he saw her leaning back against the pillows, legs spread, touching herself. Marvyn nearly came in his boxers at the sight of her rubbing her own cunt, still swollen and wet. She was fucking beautiful.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” he asked, crawling back onto the bed. Her fingers continued to move in practiced circles around her clit.
“I didn’t realize I needed your permission,” she challenged boldly, lifting her head slightly to look him in the eye. The look of lust and anticipation in her eyes went straight to his cock. He stroked himself through the latex barrier of the condom as he knelt between her thighs, trying to give himself some relief.
Her movements came to a halt. He watched her in awe as she brought her own fingers up to her mouth, licking them clean, humming a soft moan at the taste of herself.
“God, you’re filthy,” he commented. He rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit.
She’d had enough of the teasing, enough of the waiting. She wanted him inside her so fucking badly. “Just fuck me already,” she pleaded, reaching up to run her hands down his hairy chest and abs, confirming they were just as perfect as his arms.
“Filthy and eager,” he noted aloud.
“Marvyn, I swear to God—”             He thrust into her without warning, and she cried out his name. Holding still inside her, he let her adjust to the size of him. The way she felt around him was unreal. She was hot, wet, and so fucking tight. He moaned as he felt her cunt squeeze his cock as she willed her body to accustom his size.
He leaned down on top of her, smothering her body with his own. “Fuck,” he groaned in her ear, “You feel so fucking good, Holly.” He sucked lightly at the skin on her neck, tasting it’s the sweat that started to bead up there.
“Christ,” she groaned, throwing her head back, clinging to his back, leaving crescent-shaped marks on his skin from her nails, “So fucking… so big… so good,” she panted out incoherently as he increased the pace of his hips.
“You like getting fucked like this?” he grumbled in her ear, bringing his right hand to rest on her throat, not applying pressure, but making it known he could if he wanted to.
“Yes,” she managed, almost too quiet for Marvyn to hear.
“I like you like this. Taking my cock. Not putting up a fight,” he voiced lowly, biting at her ear.
She loved the dirty talk, but she hated how much his words turned her on. She lived to put up a fight, never one to accept being demeaned by someone else, especially a man. But having Marvyn so big and strong and sexy on top of her, dominating her, it was incredible, something she could only dream of.
She whined when he pulled out of her. He flipped her onto her stomach, gripped her hips, sure to leave bruises in the shape of his fingertips. Her arms were splayed in front of her, and her cheek pressed against the hotel bed sheets as he dragged her hips up to meet him. He positioned himself at her entrance, pushing her legs apart so she was wide open for him. He slammed into her. The sound of his low groans and slapping of skin on skin was so obscene it nearly forced her them both to come undone.
“Marvyn,” she breathed. He just barely heard her.
He fisted her hair, pulling back just hard enough so that she was looking back over her shoulder at him. “That’s it,” he praised, “I love the sound of my name on your lips. I love hearing you lose it for me.”
“God, Marvyn,” she gasped in between moans, loving the verbal praise, wanting more.
“You take me so well,” he grunted, “Like you were made for me, for my cock.” The words rolled out of his mouth before he could even register what he was saying. But he watched and took note of the way a smile crept to her lips and the way her walls clenched around his cock with each word – she got off on it. This new discovery egged him on. He pulled her body up against him, holding her to him by the base of her throat. “Fuck, Holly. I don’t know how I’m supposed to ever stop fucking you,” he growled in her ear.
“Then don’t,” she panted matter-of-factly. Her answer surprised him. He wasn’t expecting her to even respond to him with anything besides a moan. The implications of her response made his head spin. Did she want to do this again? He thought to himself hopefully.
Her head fell back on his shoulder. She brought her hands up to grope her breasts, tweak each nipple between her fingers. “I need you to touch me,” she begged.
“Ask. Nicely,” he growled, punctuation each word with a thrust into her swollen cunt.
“Marvyn,” she let out a sigh so sexy it would put a fucking pornstar out of business, ”Please touch me. I’m so close.” She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling a familiar coil tighten in her stomach.
“Are you gonna cum for me?”
“Yes, Marvyn, for fuck’s sake, touch me. Please. Let me cum all over you.” She was desperate for release.
Satisfied with her desperate pleas, he released his hand from her throat, moving it down to rub circles over her clit. When her legs began to shake, Marvyn fucked into her with a new urgency.
She cried out, screaming his name, her orgasm ripping through her with an intensity she had never experienced before. Her body went limp, relying on him to hold her up against him. His hand was still rubbing her clit as he fucked into her sensitive, overstimulated cunt. She hissed, pushing his hand away, the electric shocks pulsing through her body were just too fucking much.
“Come on, Marvyn,” she encouraged with what little energy she had left. “You fill me up so good. Please cum for me.” As dominant as he was with her, he got off on the praise too, his hips slamming into her harder and sloppier, chasing his own orgasm.
“God, Holly. The things… fuck…you do to me.” He was so gone, the feeling of his impending release leaving his brain fried.
“Show me, Marvyn,” she whispered huskily, “Please. For me.”
His head fell back, biting his lip to fight the loud groan that wanted to escape him. He paused deep inside her as he climaxed. He nearly blacked out; the force of his orgasm stronger than he’s had in a very long time.
He held onto the condom as he slowly pulled out of her. He got up from the bed, his legs unsteady, and walked to the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He eyed the clean washcloths on the bathroom counter as he was walking out, grabbing one and wetting it a little in case Holly needed it to wipe herself off. Ever the gentleman.
But when he walked back into the room, he found Holly already fast asleep. Not wanting to wake her, he left the small towel on her bedside table. Before turning off the lamp, he took a moment to study her face, blissful, beautiful, and glowing. After turning off the light, he climbed into bed next to her. He kissed her temple before turning on his side to let sleep claim him.
When they both woke to their alarms a few hours later, things were…somewhat awkward between them. They danced around each other as they got ready for their day of camp with the girls, neither of them wanting to have that conversation, wanting instead to pretend that what happened was just some crazy sex dream for the both of them in order to avoid dealing with how it changed their relationship, their partnership, their friendship.
Holly looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, traced her fingers along the bruises he left on her hips and her neck. Dear God, he left fucking hickeys on her neck. She covered what she could with what little makeup she had brought on this trip. The girls won’t even notice, she thought wishfully.
They did in fact notice. Not only did they notice the poorly covered-up marks on her neck, but they also noticed the slight limp in her walk when she arrived to the camp with Marvyn.
“Looks like you guys owe me 10 bucks,” Samantha bragged to the other starters sitting at the table for breakfast.
“How do you even know they did it?” Louise questioned.
“Well, she did do a pretty terrible job at hiding those bruises on her neck,” Destiny commented.
“Wait, he left bruises on her?!” Mouse said a little too loudly, genuinely concerned.
The entire table shushed her.
“They’re hickeys, Mouse. Duh,” Samantha said. “Those two definitely got together.”
“She is kinda limping a bit, not gonna lie,” Destiny observed with a laugh. Louise shushed her, slapping her on the shoulder.
“I kind of hope you’re right, Sam,” Olive chimed in, “It’s kind of cute, like right out of a movie. Coach and assistant coach fall in love…”
“Bang in a hotel room while away at team camp,” Destiny continued, met with another hit on the shoulder from Louise.
“Guys, look,” Samantha whispered urgently, nodding her head towards the breakfast buffet.
The girls all zipped their heads around to see what Samantha was pointing at. They watched as Holly and Marvyn stepped through the buffet line together, side by side, with Marvyn’s hand resting on Holly’s lower back.
“How much more proof do you need?” Samantha asked. “Pay up!”
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traincat · 3 years
I feel like I've read a ton, but I'm honestly still pretty new to comics rn. That being said... What is one more day? Ik we don't like it and it happened a while ago, but that's about it [,=
Time for Spider-Man History With Traincat: Highly Controversial Storylines! And that feeling is totally normal with comics with huge canons -- you can read a ton and still have some fairly big blindspots in your understanding of the total picture. That being said, this is kind of a big one, both in terms of Spider-Man history/canon and in terms of how Spider-Man fandom functions. I would say probably no other storyline has had quite as much impact on how the fandom views and interacts with the source material as One More Day/Brand New Day. It's been the Wild West out here ever since it happened. (Which was in 2007, so like, yes, fairly long ago, especially when you look at how Spider-Man canon has evolved since, but in the grand scheme of things, also kind of recent. One More Day is not old enough to rent a car.)
So when people talk about Spider-Man's One More Day, they're usually actually talking about two related arcs: One More Day and Brand New Day. For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to be covering both. For the sake of transparency, I am going to admit that I think One More Day, as a self-contained story, is good, actually. This is controversial! I admit that! But I stand by my stupid opinions on this blog, for some reason. I think One More Day when you examine it on its own, by which I mean you ignore the decade and a half worth of canon that came after it, as a Spider-Man story and as a PeterMJ-centric story holds up under scrutiny and that people who don't like it don't like complicated love stories and might actually throw their own mothers under buses. No offense to the OMD haters. Little bit of offense to the OMD haters. Brand New Day, which is the continuation of One More Day, on the other hand -- largely bad. Very largely bad.
But let's backtrack. One More Day is a four issue crossover storyline that takes place directly after Civil War, during which Iron Man and Captain America got divorced and divvied up the superhero community and Spider-Man made some startlingly bad decisions and made a fugitive out of himself and his family in a manner that got Aunt May shot, and Spider-Man: Back in Black (Amazing Spider-Man #539–543) which examines Peter's actions immediately after Aunt May is shot and ends with him humiliating the Kingpin in front of an entire prison. One More Day consists of Amazing Spider-Man #544 -> Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24 -> Sensational Spider-Man v2 #41 -> Amazing Spider-Man #545. In One More Day, Aunt May is dying, all of Peter's efforts to save her have thus far failed, and, consumed by guilt, he is rapidly running out of time. Approached by Mephisto, a literal demon from hell, Peter is offered a deal: Aunt May will live -- and Peter's identity, which was previously revealed to the world at large during Civil War, will once again be hidden from the memories of all but a select few -- if Peter trades him his marriage to Mary Jane. Peter and Mary Jane struggle with this, but eventually both agree to the deal. The clock strikes twelve, the deal is done, and Peter and Mary Jane's marriage fades into history.
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(ASM #545) A reasonably simple premise for a story that caused so many problems -- most, I would argue, not actually the original story's fault. So obviously, this was an unpopular move -- Peter and Mary Jane had for a long time been a fan favorite Marvel couple, and in a fictional universe where most relationships are doomed as soon as they begin, the enduring Spider-Marriage was sacred ground. And then, with a snap of its fingers, it was gone: Peter wakes up in Aunt May's house, no longer married, with Mary Jane out of the picture. (She would not return to the book on any sort of consistent basis for over 50 issues.) In the wake of One More Day began Brand New Day, which is basically what it sounds like: a promised "brand new day" of "exciting" Spider-Man content and a publishing schedule where Amazing Spider-Man came out three times a month. (Which sounds good on paper but I think in practice caused more problems than it created good storylines.) Peter, newly single again, had new love interests! And also Harry Osborn was alive again for some reason! I generally like Harry's post-BND stories so that part's fine with me.
But overall? Brand New Day is a mess. It knows it wants to tread new and exciting ground with Peter -- tell new stories! ensnare new readers! make them fork out for a book three times a month. -- but it doesn't know what those stories should be. Readers who were invested in Peter and Mary Jane's relationship -- a major facet of Spider-Man comics for decades at that point -- felt rightfully betrayed that the marriage could be so easily traded in and that Mary Jane herself, perhaps the second most important figure in Spider-Man comics after Peter, could be tossed aside. From a personal point of view, I think Brand New Day fails in large part because it abandons what has always made Spider-Man such a compelling series, and that's the mix of Peter's personal life with his vigilante life. BND sees Peter with new friends, new jobs, new love interests, etc -- it is very much a brand new day! But it isn't a better day compared to the stories that came before it. I do like some post-BND stories, especially American Son (ASM #595-599) and Grim Hunt (ASM #634-637), but compared to pre-BND where I think the majority of canon is good, it's a very lacking body of work that is hurt by the way it divorced itself from the PeterMJ marriage as Spider-Man's central relationship.
"But Traincat, I thought you said you liked One More Day?" Yeaaaaah. I do. This is why I keep saying I like One More Day on its own merits, and not on the merits of the stories it opened the doors for. I like a good romantic tragedy in fiction, and the way Peter and Mary Jane's final scene in One More Day plays out is beautiful. I like the idea of Peter caught in this impossible situation, being asked to choose between two women he loves more than his own life. A really common criticism I see leveled against One More Day is that Peter should have chosen his relationship with Mary Jane over May's life, which is -- okay, I think it's weird that people keep insisting on this, not in the least because by asking Peter to sacrifice his aunt's life they're essentially demanding he commit a callous, out of character act in order to further his own interests. It's also weird because the thing is, Peter already chose Mary Jane over May -- that's what gets them into this situation. It's literally in the scene where May is shot:
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(ASM #538) When the gun goes off, Peter's spider-sense kicks in, and he covers Mary Jane, leaving May in the path of the bullet. He does choose Mary Jane over May, regardless of whether he realized what he was doing. And that's why he can't make that choice a second time. His actions in One More Day do make sense for him as a character, whether or not any individual reader likes them, and Mary Jane's actions make sense, too -- after all, she's the one who ultimately tells Mephisto that they agree to the deal when Peter can't bring himself to voice it.
A lot of people also like to nitpick One More Day by going, well, why could (x) or (y) with life saving powers save Aunt May which is like -- yeah, I guess, but if we're going to ask that about this specific comic book near death setup, you kind of have to do it with every single one, and I'm not going to stake every single moment of comic book drama on whether or not that gold kid from the X-Men was busy at the time. Comics are soap operas in flimsy paper form: serialized longform storytelling that relies heavily on melodrama. Sometimes you have to go with things. Sometimes you sell your marriage to the devil. Stuff happens. That in and of itself doesn't make One More Day a bad story -- and while some people blame the Spider-Marriage's dissolution entirely on One More Day, I think that's a little shortsighted when you look at the history of Spider-Man since the turn of the century. It's clear -- and Marvel themselves have been perhaps a little too open about this -- that Marvel in the past few decades has had trouble with the direction they want to take Spider-Man. They WANTED Spider-Man to appeal to a distinctly youthful audience that they didn't think they were actually reaching -- understandable, considering that Marvel nearly went bankrupt around 2000 and was saved by Ultimate Spider-Man, an out of main continuity series which retold Spider-Man from the beginning and focused heavily on Peter as a teen -- but the problem was Spider-Man in the main continuity was at that point in canon a happily married man who was pushing the dreaded 30 whether or not they wanted to admit that. This is also why Marvel has continually pivoted away from Spider-Man having kids, because they feared that making him a dad would age him too much and make him unrelatable to their coveted audience of Teens. (This is also why almost every new Spider-Man property, especially the live action movies, perpetually stick him back into high school, despite that occupying a very small slice of 616 canon.) So around the year 2000, they started trying things in relation to the Spider-Marriage, which was viewed as a major problem -- after all, what's more adult than being married and liking your wife. First, they had Mary Jane presumed dead. Then, they had Mary Jane and Peter separate. Then, when Mary Jane and Peter had only recently gotten back together, One More Day struck. If One More Day specifically hadn't gone the way it had, it's pretty clear that the Spider-Marriage was going to go one way or another -- it's a little bit of a shame it happened when it did, because OMD is the end of J Michael Straczynski's run, and JMS wrote a really beautiful Peter and MJ relationship. But Marvel as a company and especially editor in chief at the time Joe Quesada viewed Peter and Mary Jane's relationship as a major problem in how they wanted to portray Spider-Man and thought that striking the relationship from the books would allow them more freedom in their portrayal of him as younger and more relatable to their Desired Audience of people who I guess really wanted to see Peter sleep with characters who weren't Mary Jane.
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(ASM #546. Younger! Fresher! Less attached! Kissing random women in the club!)
The problem with One More Day has always been in the follow through -- from the content of Brand New Day to the pacing of events to the fact that Marvel withheld key information for such a long time that it allowed misinformation to thrive. After all, what does it MEAN to trade Peter and Mary Jane's marriage to the devil? It altered the events of canon in Peter and the majority of other characters' memories so that the marriage didn't exist, but it left people wondering -- did the relationship as they remembered it existed? How much of Spider-Man canon was altered? And the answers didn't come for over 100 issues of Amazing Spider-Man. One Moment In Time or OMIT (Amazing Spider-Man #638-641), which revealed that while Peter and Mary Jane never got married in the altered canon they did continue their long committed relationship up until just after Civil War, was published in 2010, so essentially readers were hung out to dry without answers for three years. That's a long time to string people along, but not as long as it took Marvel to confirm that the popular fan theory that Mary Jane retained her memories of the original timeline as part of her own deal with Mephisto was also true, which happened this year. I would say, at least from my perspective, a lot of the frustration doesn't come from the individual One More Day storyline so much as how Marvel has continually dragged out the aftermath, using the promise of a Spider-Marriage return to keep fans on the hook. Which is why One More Day continually comes up in discussion of current Spider-Man, because Spencer's run has relied very heavily on imagery from that period with a serious question of whether or not there actually was going to be payoff, something which is still up in the air.
This has been Spider-Man History With Traincat, brought to you by anonymice like you.
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echotzzz · 3 years
Elain’s power /abilities and hints
Seer gift
Given image about past, present and future of a certain situation that seems vital to be told at the moment. Once the image/ vision have been solved Elain’s eyes turn clear again.
Image limit with mist and shadow
Could hear something distant and small ( earthworm in the soil , heartbeat through the wall, crashing sea)
If planted image in her mind, she could find and trace it. Eg: Finding suriel for Feyre
Shadow manipulator
I’m not saying she’s a shadowsinger like Azriel but the fact that she ‘ stepped out of the shadows’ give me really questionable thoughts. Firstly, how does she do that?? Is it from truth teller or Azriel helping her. Azriel were busy fighting in the war at that time and if the shadows comes with truth teller does it means anyone that possessed the knife could do the same? My conclusion is that Azriel’s shadow bent to Elain’s command ( protect her as they were with Azriel)
We see several scene where the shadow trying to protect and respond to Elain.
That smile grew, bright enough that it lit up even Azriel’s shadows across the room.
We know that the shadow is like Az’s bestie and will act according to his emotion. But in this scene the shadow lit up when Elain’s smile. Noted that Elain’s smile are described as ‘bright’. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. Shadow exist because the presence of light. Azriel is the darkness thats why he befriended the shadow because they understood each other. So, i conclude that Both shadow and Azriel attracted/ like /feel the need to protect Elain.
Azriel said coolly, “I don’t need to resort to threats.” The shadows coiled around him, snakes ready to strike.
Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain’s face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike.
The shadow respond the same with Elain and Azriel
Elain stepped out of a shadow behind him, and rammed Truth-Teller to the hilt through the back of the king’s neck as she snarled in his ear, “Don’t you touch my sister.”
My conclusion is that, Elain saw vision of the Hybern King ready to kill Nessian. She doesn’t know how to get there thus the shadow help to winnow her. I dont know if the shadow can winnow just anyone but from the book they need Azriel presence to complete the winnow process. The fact Elain alone can winnow via the shadow is really sus imo🤔
Az, too—in the strange way that Az could move through the world without technically winnowing.
So Az didn’t actully winnow like how mor and Rhys does but in a strange way. And Elain other that Azriel had done the same. Move through shadows. And remember that Elain wish to go to different continent to sees flowers from tulip fields?? Az can move through the world yall!!
In acosf we knew that Elain start to become stealthier. Several time it was mention and Nesta assume she took lesson from either Az or N&C.
Stealthy: Marked by or acting with quiet, caution, and secrecy intended to avoid notice.
This seriously screams spy behaviour to me. Why on earth does Elain decided to become more stealth. Does she sees this as vital for future purpose from her vision?? or maybe she just want to learn it as self defense but either way both were connected with Azriel.
“Elain was the only one who guessed. She caught me vomiting two mornings in a row.” She nodded toward Azriel. “I think she’s got you beat for secret-keeping.”
Elain is described as secretive fits well with the stealth definition. And Againn the chemistry between Az and Elain they both can keep secret now😏 ( Spy couple me think)
Elain said. “I just observed.” Nesta was wrong, Cassian realized, to think Elain as loyal and loving as a dog. Elain saw every single thing Nesta had done, and understood why.
Elain’s large brown eyes flickered, well aware of all that. Just as he knew she well aware of why Azriel so rarely come to family dinners these days
“yes,” Elain breathed, like she read the decision
The point are that Elain can deduce one wants or emotion just by observing. Not to mention in present buying they especially will buy something that actually what the receivers will like ( headaches powder, ear blob, cute ass necklace and glowing bookmark)
Elain cocked her head. Didn’t dissolve into the crying mess she usually became when Graysen came up. Instead she said, “You’re angry with me.”
Elain cocked her head, as if listening to some inner voice. “Yes.”
Elain’s brows twitched toward each other. “The queen—with the feathers of flame.” The shadowsinger angled his head.
Is it me or these two will naturally move their heads if they are thinking or try to figure out something??
Elain is described as the most beautiful of the sisters. The infamous quote “Hers was a face that could bring kings to their knees.” really emphasised on how beutiful she is and sjm make sure we remember it as it was always mention in every book.
It took hours for Elain to work her charm on the staff to swiftly pack their bags and leave,
There wasn’t a servant or gardener who didn’t smile at her, and even the brusque head cook found excuses to bring her plates of cookies and tarts at various points in the day.
she had purpose, and joy, and friends: those two half-wraiths who worked in Rhysand’s household. But those things had always come easily to her sister. Had always made Elain special.
Elain are easily love by everyone in the book ( but not from the fandom😟). People with poor attitude find reason to be nice to her. She has an infectious joy, the moving light that spread positivity. This will be an important element to carry out mission, to convince people to trust her, making alliance and how Feyre mention that Elriel are the most civilised people in the room.
So we can see that Elain have many thing going on for her that we will discover further in her book. There is a post saying that Elain will not be like Feyre and Nesta, they train and become a fighter but instead, Elain can use her abilities without need to fight at all. I agreed to that but of course she need to learn one or two things to defend herself but not straight Valkyrie training. Most people think that you’ll have power if you can fight well but remember that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
The fact that Elain is a seer that knows everything and will be really useful in war for example: know the size, location of an army, finding someone important and have vision of something about to come is powerful. Correct me if l’m wrong, Elain’s power only had been known by the IC, other court doesn’t know about it. Imagine if they did, they will fight for her knowing having a seer could certainly give them advantages. And to add into the mix, she is a spy in training.
This is my headcanon: I want Elain to be the official assassin for the NC. She can kill well if i’ not mistaken (The main reason why Hybern’s dead because he didn’t hear Elain’s coming. She was unexpected). You see..Elain can trace / find people easily, can walk through shadow, quiet as a mouse and can kill well.. Not to mention through her seer gift maybe she can predict enemies next moves😱. Elain will be the walking judge a book by its cover: sweet on the outside but deadly in the inside. Enemies will not see her coming.
Yeah and also she is a gardener right, what if she became Madja apprentice for poison making or discover instant cure for ash arrow that can only be found in the forest. Elain’s touch is life itself, she can plant anything she wants. Sorry for the long post🥰
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