#hee hoo it's meme time
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flamingphoenixfox · 1 year
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Original Text Post By Captain-Lovelace
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rainbowtie32 · 2 years
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this came to me in a dream
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tallbluelady · 11 months
an exploratory kiss, testing the waters between them
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How sweet I roamed, or, rather, used to roam; once I was the perfect child of meadows of summer, but then the year turned, the light clarified and I saw the gaunt Erl-King, tall as a tree with birds in its branches, and he drew me towards him on his magic lasso of inhuman music.
Angela Carter, The Erl-King.
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moxpunk · 6 months
On this International Asexuality Day, I once again write about my experience with ace-ness and how it deviates from the wider slush-mix of how people think of ace people.
Honestly, I've had a number of frustrating encounters because of what people see as the "asexuality" since I've begun to identify as ace (wow, it's been less than two years?). I've had multiple encounters with friends/crushes/potential partners where they just assumed I'm not interested in romance or flirting whatsoever, they assume I'm aromantic in addition to asexual. I've had to explain on numerous occasions "Yes, I'm asexual. Yes, I'm gay and want romantic partners," and most-importantly with my specific brand of asexuality, "Yes, I enjoy physical touch and kinks."
It's a little upsetting to me about how the prevalent Tumblr culture of asexuality wraps aromanticism into it, and how much it sucks that it's bled into stuff off-site. I have friends that I've done roleplay (my favorite hobby) with that just assume I don't want to write with them anymore and not interact with me until I had to sit down and explain to them that even before coming out they didn't push past my boundaries. It's exhausting to have to first come out to someone as asexual and then be like "Oh, sorry, yeah, I still enjoy kinks and talking about sex, I just don't want to experience sex."
The Tumblr "Hee hoo, what is sex? It sounds icky" gets under my skin so badly. I've had sex, I've had quite a bit of sex! I found out I fucking despise performing sex! The idea of two bodies smushed together is deeply appealing, I just cannot deal with the idea of penetration and the actual act of sex. I used to get anxiety so bad with my exes that I just assumed there was something wrong with my brain until finding out years later that I'm ace, where it all made sense. I do not relate to the memes of "I don't want partners", or "I think kissing is revolting", or "I think physical touch is alien" at all, and it's so alienating to me that half the time I think it might be easier to just identify as allosexual with a distaste for the act of penetration - and that's fucked up to think about!
I don't really know where I was going with this. I don't really have a call to action and I don't think the zeitgeist of asexuality through the lens of Tumblr is going to suddenly up and change thanks to me whinging on about my experiences. I guess I just needed to vent about this sort of thing on the day for folks like me. The bullshit that ace people went through on this site for a number of years has made it so the "acceptable" version of asexuality is this hyperbolic version that pushes away people on the fringes like me, and it fucking sucks to see. I hate it. It wrecks the interactions I have with damn-near everyone I tell that I'm asexual.
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explorer-of-art · 9 months
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hee hoo funni meme while i still have time
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thana-topsy · 1 year
1,6,8,11,17 for the ask thing!
Answered #6 in this post, and #8 in this post!
A fanon characterisation that you love
Oh, this took some thought. I went scrolling through my AO3 bookmarks for this one. But at the end of the day I have to go with my good friend @nientedenada's interpretations of Elenwen and Ondolemar in her Q&A style fic: "The Dominion is Here and They're Answering Your Questions" - her take deeply influenced the way I wrote both of these characters in "Hollow Men" as well as just helped to shape the Thalmor into people in my mind, as opposed to stick man villains.
11. Recommend a fic with an unusual/original headcanon or characterisation that you loved
Accidental Double Thalmor Post, but I'm going to have to recommend "Evil is Made of Us" by LeviathansEyes on AO3 for their masterful interpretation of the Thalmor. It's a purely OC-driven fic that's technically a sequel to a much longer fic, but I think it can be enjoyed on it's own easily enough. I had already finished up my own Thalmor-centric fic (Hollow Men) by the time I was reading their work, but I was still SHOOKETH by the end of that story. It was an unflinching look at how "evil" manifests itself, but also how, at the end of the day, people are just people. "Evil" is a concept within the framework of an institution.
17. Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think
Hmm... well, for the most part I'm pretty shameless with most of the stuff I share. I put myself out there in good faith, and generally expect that my work will be taked in good faith in return.
I think, maybe, if I want to be vulnerable for a minute, I'll admit that I tend to meme on Neloth publicly a lot to cover up just how deeply I've been impacted by writing his character. More below the cut, because this turned into a bit of a ramble...
I write Neloth as a low-empathy individual who arguably has a personality disorder (I won't throw around specific labels, as I don't think there is a specific one that I had in mind when going into his stories). My love for Neloth runs incredibly deep because I've been working with this fatally flawed, deeply damaged character who has built his own defences up so impossibly high over hundreds of years that even he is unsure of where his own walls end and the core of himself begins.
And then, to pair him with Teldryn, (which I think most people who only see the ship art or the memes think I just picked two characters and smashed them together for fun or because Hee Hoo Gay, which... isn't a lie, but it isn't the whole truth either). I write Teldryn as an endlessly compassionate person beneath the armor he's been forced to wear (literally and figuratively) over the years. The Nerevarine Prophecy left him questioning his own place in the world with a terrible case of impostor syndrome, and then the Red Year absolutely ripped out his heart (no pun intended??) and left him feeling that everything he did amounted to nothing. So he's cynical and jaded, he's hiring himself out as a merc, he has every reason to hate the gods and the life that's been thrust upon him. And then, for whatever reason, when I put him and Neloth in a room together for long enough, they somehow managed to crack through each others' shells. And it wasn't pretty at first, and, hell, it wasn't even romantic. But it happened. And sometimes, writing can be magic like that.
So here's Teldryn, a literal hero, giving this (by all accounts) terrible person a chance to show that he's capable of both receiving and giving love, actually. And that love can look a little different in everyone. And augH GOD, I HAVE A FUCKING CHARACTER TYPE, OK???
Anyways, tl;dr -- Neloth is actually more than just my special little meow meow babygirl blorbo, he is my shadow self, my darkest reflection, the opposite of everything I strive to be and everything I fear becoming. And I think, by writing him as still being worthy of love and companionship and joy, I'm writing to let myself know that I am also worthy of such things.
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dcviated · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Bear/Will
★  PRONOUNS:  hee/hoo him
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: I think you can get a variety of experiences at a variety of places and each of them will be 'good' or 'cool' in some way. Most of my writing at this point is related to stuff I've done in tumblr, but I don't resent or detest the platforms I used of yore. Avatar games were cool. Discord/IM isn't the worst thing. But I think the best part of writing here is the shared experience for those invested? Easier to see things go down? 
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord, easily. I mean I'm definitely reachable on tumblr IM but once we start getting into plotting I'd really rather move to something... functional. Searchable! And palatable. Tumblr IM is none of these things... it just kinda(kinda) works. So y'know.
Now that said, with the communication... I don't need a ton? You don't have to message me every day? I know I sure as hell don't message everyone everyday... I'm more of a reactive sort. Once you hit me up I'll chat away. But I can be silent for days or weeks on end otherwise. Trying to fix that...
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: Wylan is always able to come out and shitpost a little bit here and there. But writing his long posts can actually be a little more taxing. I'd say... Raguna and Eira are definitely the ones buzzing around more? I did a whole variety of drafts today, if you noticed. That said my roster isn't exactly the largest. And most of my public muses aren't the hardest to start a fire under outside of say... Armstrong. He's usually my weakest muse.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I first got into RP as a result of an ex, but I spring boarded from there into way more things than I started with. I'd say my first writing came about... 2005 or 2006? Hard to pinpoint exactly. So yeah it's been a good 18 years at this point. That said, I was on a huge writing sabbatical between 2009 and 2015, so I can't technically count it all. 2009 is when I dropped WoW (and writing in there) and 2015 is when I gave tumblr rp a shot out of a need to do more creative writing. 😩
So here's a few ... I'm grumpy. And specific with my hobby time.
Not meeting halfway with plotting. I get it, sometimes ideas are hard to come by. But if you're coming to someone wanting interactions you can't treat your RP partner like a vending machine rolling out thing after thing for you to clap over. It's important to share the burden (as plotting can sometimes be) and provide some insight. The best plots are a back and forth of "yes, and-" or "no, but-".
Sub-point to this one, but I think most of the onus does fall on you if you're dropping threads to kick off ideas for new ones. Even after a hiatus! It's what I've been doing!
Excessive commentary blogging. Before it was just a lot of dash commentary that had me going 'eh'. But in recent years it's gone past that. I've become disenchanted with blogs that become largely commentary for whatever it is they're doing on discord. All power to those discord groups doing what they do! But it reaches a point for me that I don't really see them as indie, and it can feel insurmountable trying to interact with them if you're not entangled with their zig-zagging plotlines.
And of course~!!!
Blog hoppers. Because for a slow burner and long hauler like myself, they're the most impossible people to write with! Which is a shame, because a lot of the hoppers I come across do seem to have some writing talent to them!!!
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: I.... really don't mind either at this point! It swells my soul when people approach me for plotting or interactions to begin with. I sometimes lament how flexible I can be because it makes getting some things off the ground difficult, but that's beyond inspiring to get something going that someone else made the effort. Just... as long as they keep it going past the greetings. :') See pet peeve point 1.
But anyone wanting to randomly jump into my inbox? More than welcome too!
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: I put a little bit of myself in all of my muses, and find some traits to relate to in all the canons I've added to my roster. But at this point most of the character writing I do comes from some degree of misdirection of my emotion or mindset. Wylan has a lot of my humor, is about all I can really pin down now for my OCs... I may have planted the seeds with facets of my personality but at this point they've all grown far past all that.
tagged by: @more-than-a-princess the old guard need to stick together!!! thanks for the tag <: tagging: @seawrought @darksails @pastballads @mielmoto @psychcdelica and whoever else or nobody whatever!
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omegalomania · 2 years
hiii not sure if you’ve done this already but can u make a post explaining the names of ur tags? i think it’s super interesting and i wanna know the story behind em!!!
sure disclaimer i made this sideblog on a whim so i wouldnt spam people on main and i mostly just came up with funny hee hoo tags for my own archiving purposes and then i stopped using my main and this became the blog i used the most and now it has 13k+ posts and im too lazy to change any of the tags even if most of them suck.
also im just gonna do the main ones like the guys + friendship tags. if youre curious about any of the other tags i have that i didnt mention here feel free to ask.
patrick stump: stumpy patriq because this is the best shirt in the world
joe trohman: not bad joe because he loved that damn meme so much
andy hurley: it's on furball because of this stupid video where he drum battles animal
pete wentz: two more weeks because of saturday / the "to you" poem which i associate very heavily w pete
whole band friendship: never trust a band that wouldn't bleed for you again because of the "to you" poem
joe and patrick: summer of 2001 because that's when they met in that fateful borders that one day
joe and pete: hum hallelujah, because they will sometimes do their sweet little forehead touch during hum hallelujah
andy and joe: the best boys, line from sophomore slump or comeback of the year and because they're the best boys, obviously
andy and pete: big boat, because of the best interview of the two of them of All time
patrick and pete: half doomed and semi sweet, because thats one of the few lines in fob's discography that actually is confirmed to be somewhat about patrick, and because patrick and pete stand beside each other and sing it together live when they play disloyal order and they did that in front of me when i saw them live for the first time ever and it changed my life
andy and patrick: sneak attack because of that one time andy smooched patrick on the cheek and he was like !!! andy that was a sNEAK ATTACK
ok thats all i got rn
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rockheadcd · 6 months
@pridepoisoned said: #: shaky hands (roark post-galactic encounters perhaps???) / a drabble meme that is SOMEWHERE around. continuation ( post-mortem? hee hoo ) of this absolute banger. ft. @electrivolt + galactic verse.
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The events witnessed play over in startling clarity—his poor, overworked brain reeling and attempting to process anything but the wretch-worthy stench of that Skuntank. Roark can't even begin to think about how that will even be aired out of the gym, much less out of the office. It's pungency is unlike anything he's ever experienced before, carcasses included.
His face is buried in the mask left behind, such a gracious gift from Galactic's most notorious commander, wheezing filtered air as the only consolation. Moving out of here sounded like an absolutely wonderful plan—really, he'd love to move outside—but every inhale brings a sore, jagged point of pain.
Ugh, whatever was behind that kick of hers was fueled much more than the steel toe itself.
He has yet to open his eyes, partially the irritation of such fumes, partially from the disorientation from being shoved against one of the many metal and wood objects all over his office, partially from the pain—Arceus, just about everything was suggesting he was better off just passing out right then and there if he'd ever allow himself.
( i have a crap ton to clean up.. i can't let people know..... )
The slump in his torso shifts a wayward fallen decoration.
What an idiot, he didn't even think to send out a 'mon in the time Jupiter had even revealed herself, quickly ambushed with the disorientation that both Golbat and Bronzong are effective at. He was so easily corralled back in here it was shameful. Roark heaves a sigh, struggling to get a grip—confusion was a hell of a debuff, eh? He really should have known better. Eterna was a hop, skip and a jump away from Oreburgh. Their headquarters for Arceus' sake! Was he really so complacent after that fateful night nearly being deprived of air in the deepness of the mines?
Perhaps so.
Roark tries to open his eyes, carefully, to accustom to the stinging as Skuntank's fumes slowly, agonizingly, sink and permeate into every porous surface in his office. His glasses are nothing but a blurry set of halves and cracked lenses, a further demoralization from the Commander herself. She sent a message, and the one remaining coherent thought that's managed to stick around was that he was going to everything in his power to make sure Volkner doesn't know about this part of their... "conversation".
With a pained heave, Roark finally straps the gas mask around his head, picking up the remains of his glasses to toss them away, effectively useless to him now. Delaying urgent care had to be self-inflicted punishment, and yet it's not all different from a wild encounter with a resurrected fossil to prevent injury to the scientists and further injury to their 'mons ( really, he's just trying to cope and process it all ). Around the office he goes, picking up the fallen documents, office supplies, and haphazardly tossed chairs. The habitual slip into old habits comes to rescue him once again, lost in his thoughts at such quiet hours of the night—how to talk to Volkner about this was at the forefront, leaving him with a bitter worry. The gym leader stumbles a little, trying to crack open as many doors as possible to let the chill of Oreburgh flow throughout the gym, a hand bracing his weight and gliding along the half-lit halls throughout. No other damage, thankfully, but the notion that this would only be the beginning if Roark didn't do something... If there was anything he would not underestimate, it would be her definition of escalation—and there would be no way for him to prepare, nor fight back, like this. The point was to show she was not about to give him ( or volkner, even ) respect or fairness. She didn't play by any rules but her own. Unpredictable, and brutal.
This was, after all, an organization that did not have a clean record.
( and yet he would never, ever know how dirty galactic's hands truly were )
Damnit. He has to see Volkner soon, but it can't be tonight. Not when he's hurting like this, not while the gym smells like it's a toxic waste dump, and certainly not when he has a pounding headache rising up as his survival mode eases up on the numbness. He could probably text him, given Volkner's sleep schedule was arguably worse than his own.
His city's safety is ultimately his highest priority—part of it included ensuring not a single person had a reason to worry about the movements of Galactic's grunts, much less the appearance of their highest ranking staff. The earthquake and Volkner's sudden appearance were concerning enough, where the days following left Roark with enough sympathy that he wanted to practically run from it in the quest for some kind of normalcy again, buried right back in the mines to occupy his days with safety inspections to ensure the tunnels weren't compromised, and if they were, the safest workaround to each quadrant.
..It's cold, his body finally acknowledges. Roark can finally settle the gas mask around his neck by the time he steps outside, the surrounding dirt barely has signs of coercion, much to his dismay. Leaning against the outside wall, just outside the entrance, the mass of stone pressing uncomfortably against his back, he takes another shaking, painful breath, looking at his hands finally.
They're trembling, but not shivering.
He's shaken up and he's still dancing around the fact he did get the shit scared out of him—this could have been much, much worse.
It would have been, if Volkner wasn't involved, wouldn't it?
An alternative option he can make due with in order to deal with the stench that slowly wafts out of the gym requires him to borrow some 'mons that were currently snoozing at home. A glance at his phone reveals to him the entire counter took barely any time at all—another kick into the curb, so to speak. Most of the time spent here was wallowing in delirium. Now he feels sick to his stomach, and when Roark instinctively inhales, he gasps into a groan of pain, painfully reminding himself of what must have been a broken rib or two.
Just what did they introduce to this peaceful corner of Sinnoh, now...? He didn't know—well, he thought he knew, but he did not know the sheer scope of what Galactic could be capable of.
Realistically, he should be making his way to urgent care, not his home, but... well. He wasn't about to arrive smelling like this, no matter how easily he could explain it was just an unfortunate encounter in the Underground—with the common knowledge of his adventures taking place around this time, it'd just be a funny story in the end. But.. no, he can't lie like that. Home first. Get Leafeon. Get Politoed. Sweet Scent. Give Leafeon a healthy cleanse. Rinse and repeat. It'd be faster to hitch a ride on Ramses at this moment, but.. the idea of jostling around with injuries sounds absolutely horrendous, and Roark is beginning to value the time where all he can hear is the rustle of trees and the coos of the night birds. It's not enough to distract him from his current train of thought, however.
Insolence, huh.. He's awfully surprised she didn't attempt to finish the job, considering the grunts were thwarted that night. Granted, that would cause one hell of a commotion should Roark of all people go down under mysterious circumstances. ...She must have had to reasons to play this out, be it to prolong the suffering or not. Either way, she knew more than he did when it came to Volkner's activities..
( he needs someone to talk to in order to make this long trek home bearable, didn't he? )
He takes a more careful, deep breath, shaking as much as his fingertips are, eventually reaching for his phone again.
[ > Volkner ] hey. are you up still? [ > Volkner ] there's been a lot of galactic activity by sunyshore hasn't there? [ > Volkner ] not trying to be accusing or anything i just got a warning is all
There's no way he could really send anything lightly, was there? Dropping Jupiter's name alone could elicit anything, but.. maybe in the meantime, he could see if she had simply been bluffing ( oh, he's really hoping she was bluffing, but no one bluffs like that ). ..Home feels so far away.
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katzirra · 10 months
Spends over an hour talking to my buddy about comics once he finished Loki finally and sent me a meme to fucking talk shit on the poetry boys LMFAO
Casually writes a novel on comic blorbos.......
Jer brought up a really neat point and we kinda went off on like... both our experiences with Marvel comics and how they have a habit of shooting themselves in the foot with their fucking retcons and shit. Mostly like, in terms of it weirdly kinda... detracts from characters and maybe bits and pieces people related to? For me it was what drew me INTO dynamics of characters at times?
Now, I haven't touched a comic in almost 10 years so... anything that happened from the Marvel NOW! launch and forward is a mystery to me, and I'm ignorant on [to preface this long ass post...] Also my memory is spotty.
Also possibly spoilers for the new season if you haven't caught up on Loki :v so yaknow. IF YOU READ THIS AND CARE...
Jer and I were talking about the basis of the show really kinda became like how can we take this fan favorite character, let him have some emotional depth, maybe have some friends and do some fucky stuff with it. LETS GET WEIRD WITH IT??
It kinda harkens back to themes that made me ultimately fall in love with Deadpool comics, and reminds me of why I dropped reading his stuff too. I'll circle back to this lol.
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a huge sucker for a found family, and I'm a bigger sucker for characters defeating fate or the narrative. I'm big on the best friend/possible romantic option of a character that sees what an absolute dumpster fire next to a textile factory someone is, and still thinks there's something good in there.
I find it funny how much I couldn't STAND the hype of Loki as a character as long as he's been in the MCU because my experience with him has always been comics/cartoons and him being a little HOO HOO HEE HEE gremlin of a bastard. Just HATED him. Excellent MCU costume designs though.
The movies he's just a little weasel of a backstabbing bastard, and I find him annoying. Like yes, I see there's emotional trauma in EVERYTHING that makes his background aside from his mother, and yes I get the narrative of him as a villain etc - but I don't feel compelled by it, personally. That's just me though - I'm FASCINATED by people that are civil minded stans and can argue for why he's fascinating. But also, how much of that is personal projection too?
When I was getting into comics, the Siege event was going on so Loki's face was everywhere in like...2010?? So many teeth... And he was KILLED, and they started doing the Kid Loki stuff and I read a little bit of that because two of my RP friends in the Avenger's group I was in - and it was neat! Then in like 2014 they started doing... what was it, Agent of Asgard? That was....something. I never read it but it was interesting to see them make a workaround for them to kinda...breathe new life into a character people were getting into again!
NEAT STUFF, THAT'S NEAT TO ME!! I LOVE A REVAMP LIKE THAT!! I like the Marvel theme of escaping your reputation. I love that theme. It's like what they did with Evan, the uh Kid Apocalypse. I adore the whole aftermath of Uncanny X-Force for that - Evan just...fucking destined to be Apocalypse and fucking he's so DETERMINED NOT TO BE, and to learn his powers etc. I'm pretty sure he became... Genesis? And died fighting... ;; big sigh... at least he proved his worth, right?
But Jer and I talking about all this kinda made me sad too because we were discussing sort of the way Marvel can take an unlikeable bastard, and with the right handling, they can get something REALLY interesting with it!!
When I first got into Deadpool like...2011 or something I did it because I was annoyed seeing him everywhere and thought 'Surely there's more to him than fart and ass jokes?' and I was right, thankfully.
But I'd also spend a lot of time slogging through a lot of shit, and seeing him kind of BECOME only fart and ass jokes... Like, the movies are fun and stuff, I guess but... I honestly can't stand them very much. But that's me, if people enjoy them? Okay, tight. But also like Daniel Way just, OOF.
Interesting parallel - kinda made it click in place WHY I think I've been enjoying the Loki show. Like, when I picked up Deadpool I SLOGGED through the Joe Kelly run, which is just Wade being a little self-depreciating soggy, abusive and shitheaded person really. Hiding behind his paper bag over his face, excusing his actions because shit sucks - like just kind of a shitty awful and exhausting person overall. WOE!!! A piece of shit! And I get some of the shit that happens to him outside the OBVIOUS is fucky - but I don't know, it was kinda relentless. I feel like even when life deals you all lemons, there's still something in there to tell storywise to curb just the ONSLAUGHT of oh wow poor me... Can you tell I don't enjoy this run of comics? LMAO
But as you get through that, you start to get side comics that kinda do a bit more to polish him up. He's a jerk, and he's sensitive to how fucked up his face looks, but he isn't a wet feral animal ALL the time? He's just rude. Really rude. Random. We start to grasp OOOH IT'S AN EMOTIONAL RESPONSE TO COVER SHIT WITH JOKES... man, I can relate to that haha HAHAHHA....
I got into reading Cable & Deadpool because my friend Johnly was HUGE into Xmen and it seemed inevitable to get into it... but it was well written and drawn and like... I'm married to it as my favorite comic. Those are my boys. Those are my besties. That's the comic ship I didn't ask for and I got it. That's the bromance/romance I go up to bat for. Any capacity - those are the BOYS. MY SONS.
It's my favorite trope; I've seen your worst, and I still think there's good in you. You just need someone in your corner.
FUCKING SCREAMS. Even still, in a non-shipping way that's my fucking duo DYNAMIC. You will sell me so often on ANYTHING with that.
When Cable and Deadpool came around, it rolled in after the Agent X comic, which gave us like a 'Clone' of Deadpool who had a WHOLE ENTOURAGE OF FRIENDS like a rag tag bunch of misfits who were a very unconventional FOUND FAMILY. Wade was still a fucking dick, a bastard a lot of times - but his friends saw value in him and stuck around still. Even ones he was recently a demon to, like...man.
And even more so; when Nate pulls the dick move of sacrificing himself, he had that support network of friends there for him to process that, because it hurts no matter how you see their relationship. That was his best friend. It hit hard.
It hits hard especially because Nate and him start out moral enemies. Wade hates him because he's holier than thou, and Nate hates him because he's a nuisance, he's a mercenary - there's a laundry list tbh. Untrustworthy. He's scum! The closer they keep rotating around one another - or into eachother even jfc - they start to tolerate one another, and start to talk more, and Nate starts to really talk about how Wade could do better and be better. Wade starts to see value in himself more, he's still sharp tongued with Nate, but he starts to also be a bit softer with him, joke around and sees value in HIM and what he's trying to accomplish with Providence and stuff. He sees the vision - but he also sees the danger of that vision in regards to Nate's LIFE.... So there's a lot of selfish shit on both sides of the fence that's interesting.
They don't always agree, but Wade starts to come around, and Nate does this thing where people will be like YO DEADPOOL BE CRAZY WHY YOU ROLLIN' WITH HIM? And he is in his corner to be like hey, that's my boy Wade like give him a chance? HE'S DIFFERENT NOW. But yaknow they also emotionally manipulate one another in weird ways. :)) SIGH.
GIVE AND TAKE I GUESS. But it's interesting to see the evolution of trust and openness?? They're best friends, you can't argue that.
AND YAKNOW...we were discussing the response to this actually!! In Loki it was interesting to see Mobius say shit like that to him [how he can BE BETTER, he can be whatever he wants to be!!] and he just kinda.... I don't know, he's a villain by definition and yet he's whipped 'round into this anti-hero kinda position that becomes curious. But he doesn't lash out when he's told this shit, because the fight has mostly left by that point. He doesn't know what to do with those words?? Like yeah, okay.
But, conversely, with Nate and Wade... Nate is very heavy handed with it, and Wade is INSANELY volatile with his emotions because of how his brain is always in flux. And...he gets to a point he starts lashing out about it, about how Nate is trying to change him and he's FINE AS HE IS, AND HE'S TIRED OF HIS SHIT. They lash out a lot, but Nate also is kind of a controlling shit. He wants to play god, where as yaknow... Mobius has ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD FOR THE SHITHEAD TO UNDERSTAND IF HE DIDN'T WANNA LISTEN.
Honestly hilarious, the similarities...
But Jer and I were talking about how it's interesting to us that the show really focused on WHO is Loki without his magic. He's a con-man, he's a fast talker, he's a violent little feral cat. He doesn't know what trust and care is honestly, because even in his own family there were so many lies and hostility. So they pit him with this partner who has seen every trick and BULLSHIT THING he's ever said and done, and is like "Yeah yeah big scary God, wow. ANYWAY-" He is both fascinated, complimentary, and utterly flippant about Loki and that's interesting. We meet someone, a whole organization, that isn't phased by the existence of Gods.
It's interesting to see tunnel vision character exploration - small cast exploration - on characters that are deemed bad, but have a weird thing about them that doesn't necessarily mean they're REDEEMABLE, but that they have something that is inherently BROKEN in their past that can be nursed? Latent potential to be good.
They're not hardwired to be good guys, they can be good people, but it's harder and more exhaustive. But sometimes - it's nice.
But uh yeah - SO ANYWAY, moves down the line some more here -
WEIRD SIMILARITIES. But they're there and maybe that's what I liked about the show. You present me with a character I already don't like, you mock him and kinda kick him when he's down and then have this guy show up who is like... not really a fanboy but - HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. He doesn't appear phased at all the shit he can throw at him, and he plants the seed that he can be better.
And I love that the show is two seasons. It's short, it's sweet, it does a lot of really interesting things I'm obsessed with visually and narratively you can fiddle with. It has a very bittersweet ending, but it's not 100% sad for me. I love that they got this irredeemable broken bastard, and they gave him a win - and yet it's still, in Loki's nature, a loss. But he has all the time in the universe to figure things out. If he can ascend like that in just a few centuries - what's to say he can't free himself from his coffin of his own making.
We're given a consequential win, and I've already see fans making fix-its that are PHENOMENAL. My FAVORITE things to see and read for fanfic topics is people playing with the sandbox. I hate that people ALWAYS assume you know, sexual shit when you say you read fanfic - I am OBSESSED with people playing with the sandbox and fixing issues. Continuing the story. Developing insane head canons, coming up with the most INTERESTING INTRICATE IDEAS and still leaving me on a cliff hanger.
You've taken a bastard, redeemed him, and influenced CREATIVE MINDS to play with it in a positive way. I've seen most people express APPROVAL but sadness with the ending and that's I think the best thing to happen! It's how I still feel about the Mass Effect 3 ending :))
Conversely it all really highlighted my sadness of how with comics, we can so easily run a good idea into the ground, and how ya'know... you can see your character MAKE that 180 or you can see them do like a 320 and come out a little worse....
For Deadpool, C&DP ends on a VERY bitter note of Nate sacrificing himself, he is depressed about it, I think they have a big talk with him about it with the Agent X fam? My timeline is fucky with the 3 'ending' points of C&DP - full transparency lol. But... after this comic comes the numerous team ups - like him trying to find his place in the world, and then in like 2008 [which I'd been working towards, and was excited for because the art was really CRISP...] you hit Daniel Way.
Way's Deadpool introduces the ANNOYING yellow box and white box almost as if he was split personalities, where as it was really just like...thought boxes, just colored uniquely... As far as I've read, this has been retconned in recent comics. But it's the big staple in all things Deadpool - but.... Way's Deadpool is very disjointed, he's trying to date and marry death, he's suicidal because he wants to be with her forever, he is a lot of dick and fart jokes that just don't hit for me - he has funny moments but I can't think of a single serious moment I got emotional over?? You gotta give us reasons to connect with our character, or things that hit us to stick with us? I felt like I was just reading low punches a lot?
But it did this weird thing, that I'm trying to find any of the wikis talk about and coming up blank, but there's this point in the comics where in Way's... he basically gets hunted down by his whole support net? It's like a big thing? Like everyone hates him and shit? But somehow EVERY WRITER AFTER THIS ACTS LIKE THINGS WERE FINE~
Like they hunted this man for SPORT it was WEIRD. It was so.... weird?? Going through my own tag I didn't even blog about it... weird??
But I dunno, it left a bad taste in my mouth to like reduce Wade down to like... what they did. C&DP works really hard to kinda get people to see some value in Wade, and then Way's DP just kinda tears that structure down and all he has is Bob left whom he really is AWFUL AS HELL TO....
It's sad to me. The new comics started, and I left shortly after, in like...what...2012? I was really excited for the team, the writers and artists involved and he looked GNARLY but interesting and I loved the colors and - it was gonna be WEIRD and funny... but they kinda kept leaning into the like...
You know when you don't wanna talk to someone, or be seen by someone and you shield your face and walk the other way? I feel like we were back to that with Deadpool. Like it was EMBARRASSING to be seen with him, even though in the aftermath of C&DP we did all those team-ups and had some great cross overs and EVEN HAD A SPIDERMAN COMIC THAT WE SAW THEY COULD BE CIVIL [we all know I hate how Peter treats Wade and I have bad blood with those shippers still :)) never forgive, never forget! But boy howdy he was an ass to him WHICH IS FAIR BECAUSE MORAL DIFFERENCES...] but like?? We were back to HAHA WOW HE'S CRINGE... which is a bummer.
I dunno.
Jer just kinda really hit a nerve in my brain when he pointed out how the show kinda did a thing we don't see the pay off for as often as we should. Turning over a new leaf, and truly discovering what it means to do a selfless action?
And it just kinda reminded me how I love Wade being a SNARKY piece of shit, and how bad he is at trying to be a good person - he's just a weird little guy, he knows he's not a hero and he doesn't really try to be. He just tries to be real with people? But he IS a good ally, and he HAS the capacity to be loyal, and he -
FUCKING ANGEL FROM XMEN HAS A SMALL TEAM AND THEY HAVE A JOB TO DO AND THEY HIRE FUCKING WADE TO COME WITH, AND EVERYONE IS ANNOYED BECAUSE HE'S ANNOYING and he's ya'know DEADPOOL.... and when they get to the fucking end of the mission and it's like hey, you gotta kill this kid Apocalypse? Fucking he DRAWS THE LINE. No women, no kids! He makes a STINK about it. Logan and Fantomex are like yo, what the FUCK you're being paid for this you bastard - and it's Angel or Betsy who points out that Wade never cashed any of the checks.
Like Wade half the time would go along on an Xmen mission just for the benefit of being INCLUDED honestly. Some of the writers use to really GET THAT. He use to hold them with a lot of reverence. And I feel like that was a big thing I was sad about with the movies was removing that kinda "WOOOOW IT'S THE GANG" vibes... he's just kinda... jaded? Hm. Huffs. ME TOO THOUGH LMAO.
Uncanny X-Force is so delightful... and even still too a lot of people...really don't paint him in a loyal light or care about his connections to people and it's sad. In the Messiah War arc like Cable specifically calls on Deadpool to have his back and fight with him while he's transporting baby Hope, and he gets so UPSET when he has to leave. It's not good bye~ and Wade is so sad because he thought they were a team again. AND I WANTED IT SO BADLY, I wanted him to have that stability he deserved, a friend. THE GUY WHO SAW WHAT HE WAS CAPABLE OF.
There's random good moments in random comics, and of course they meet again in a Deadpool & Cable comic, which is good and done by some of the older team. Idk. I wish...
I wish I could still read comics in confidence they wouldn't scrub whole segments of a character.
It's like a post Dazz reblogged the other day about how characters have less weight these days because we're scrubbing lime line events from them in desires to make them TIMELESS and it's detrimental because there's no proportional trauma or event to really add that weight now and then, ya'know?
Me talking for too long.
Loki ended in a way I was pleased with, and I was surprised to end up liking that incarnation of him, and being excited if they expand on him ever again - conversely if they don't wow, EMOTIONAL and amazing regardless. But, uh, they really uh... they really kinda coded that ending as eternal pining with those two. I didn't think much about it until a few weeks later someone posted something and it hit me sideways like a brick. How dare?
And I'm still mourning the fact there was a lot of hard work to get people to take Deadpool seriously as a character in universe, and to get him on teams, and they kinda took everything away from him, just to give him weird new things, only to take that away and rebuild him again. But at least he's FRIENDS with Cable I GUESS. But who knows the fuck is going on with him anymore. He's probably DEAD AGAIN... He sure died and came back wrong in my book :)
But I think that's just the thing with Marvel. You gotta pick your battles, and pick your story arcs to commit to. It's like when people are into a specific writer for Batman or something. SHRUGS.
Me casually being mad my friends can call my favorites, and why so easily and proceed to talk to me about it's narrative themes and character arcs so easily... I'm a predictable fucking pile of shit, I swear to god....
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persephinae · 2 years
I wish i could put a follower limit on my blog, every time I get an influx of followers there's a period of time where I get nasty asks and comments and I have to block people
I don't want to be a popular blog, I'm just here going hee hee hoo hoo while I run boring ass reports
I'm not a meme factory, I'm literally just some person
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emperorsegg · 2 years
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hee hoo ship meme time
blank is here
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sydmarch · 2 years
every time I start a new meme drawing I'm like "ok this is just for the bit you don't need to spend much time on a background" then five minutes later im like "hee hoo whirling in rags"
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burneracc2094 · 2 years
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I posted 49 times in 2022
That's 49 more posts than 2021!
7 posts created (14%)
42 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9 of my posts in 2022
#what the fuck :/ - 1 post
#this is to my transgender mutuals - 1 post
#radfem please interact - 1 post
#terfs please interact - 1 post
#terf - 1 post
#radfem - 1 post
#important - 1 post
#what a special girl i am tee hee tee ha tee hoo - 1 post
#i am married to myself. - 1 post
#and most importantly to me - 1 post
Longest Tag: 70 characters
#he pounces with the horrifying 'transgender' swag.... 'autism' swag...
My Top Posts in 2022:
I miss my grandmother.
2 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
@gaslight-gatekeep-goncharov Did you miss me?
3 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
gonchin time
I have been harassed several times for simply not liking a piece of media and you are no exception. Want to hear about my experience with St*ven Universe?
10 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
11 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Call-out post regarding @gaslight-gatekeep-goncharov 's actions. Part 1 of many more to come 🖤🖤🖤
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To begin this post, I shall show this horrendous meme. 😠😠😠 You may be asking, "AJ, where is this from?" My child, it is the banner of this awful blog and I assume he finds this image humorous. I, in fact, do not. When I was a wee child back in the 80s, my grandmother 👵👵👵 and I were on a picnic when a faceless creature offered us beans on toast. I only choked on it but my grandmother passed away.
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2. His blog is one dedicated to the 1973 film Goncharov; an overrated nothing film 🎥 that tumblr continues to rave about. To start off; Goncharov encourages violence 😈😎✨ and as a film🎥, it fails spectacularly. "And the most awful thing?" you may be asking. It is it's portrayal of "homosexuals" (I am homophobic). Please do not support this film nor homosexuals/gays/rainbow people (they have so many names now...) hiding as "Goncharov fans".
See the full post
25 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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identity-theft-101 · 1 year
FAIR. Your runes sound so nice and pretty btw. My runes are clear quartz with gold powder. And pretty deck, why must you be vague?
For tarot, I literally just sit wherever and get comfy, tap the deck 3 times to centre it and then say the question and the person's name/nickname, and then just shuffle until something comes flying out or sticking to my hand. But happy the runes work for you, pretty sure one of my cats ate the guidebook that came with mine.
As a side note, I've been practicing divination since *squints my eyes and thinks* like 2016? Yeah, 2016; well officially that is.
-Goose Anon (that math lady meme realizing how much time has passed since then, damn)
ough I've had my runes since like 2012!
I probably prefer them bc hee hoo shiny rock go brrr!! I also only have a guidebook for the tarot cards, there are so many more to remember than the runes
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