#heeere we go :P
sunsafewriting · 2 years
Tuck Your Head to Your Chest - Chapter 2 (7k) - Do a Flip extended cinematic universe
Despite how much she moves around during the day, Ava is actually a pretty stable sleeper. She doesn’t kick or punch or steal covers, which makes her basically the ideal person to share a bed with — qualities she gets to flex every Friday, just in case Beatrice is paying attention, taking note. 
Most of her squirming around takes place before she falls asleep, in the window between lying down and passing out, and tonight has been extra squirmy. 
She’s already rolled over about five different times, flipped her pillow, drawn her knees up to her chest and stretched out again.
"Are you alright?" Beatrice asks. "You’re much wrigglier than normal." 
Ava’s totally not arrhythmic over the fact that Beatrice is aware of how much she usually shifts around when getting comfortable. "My sweater is itchy." 
Ava gives up on it altogether, sitting up and yanking the sweater over her head. 
Her first instinct is to just lob it onto the floor and deal with it in the morning, because that's what she'd do if she were in her own room. But Beatrice won't be able to sleep if there are clothes on the floor, and so Ava just ends up stalling out with no clear direction. 
"Here." Beatrice holds out a hand and Ava complies, passing her the sweater. Beatrice heads over to her closet, and switches it out with one of her own hoodies. Ava is completely charmed by the fact that she keeps them on hangers, even though the collective noun of hoodies is obviously pile . "See if this is better."
Ava already knows it’s going to be a million times better. Beatrice is very particular about the kinds of fabrics she likes, and so consistent that Ava can tell as soon as she touches a piece of clothing now whether it’s the kind of thing Beatrice would wear. 
She tugs the hoodie on. It smells like Beatrice’s laundry detergent, and feels entirely familiar. Ava’s pretty sure that she’s snuck her hands into the pocket of this one before, claiming her fingers were cold. They were, but Ava’s jacket also had pockets, and so did her jeans, but Beatrice hadn’t called her on it. 
"It’s perfect," Ava says. "Thank you." 
Beatrice nods, climbing back into bed with her. Well, not with her . There’s still a respectable foot and a half of mattress between them. But it’s with her in almost all the ways that count. 
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arthurjdrake · 4 years
Identity Crisis : Erin + Arthur
The sun sat low on the horizon, it was going to be another late night in the office by the looks of it. Even with his recent stint in the ICU there was little that could keep him from going in to work, with the end of semester drawing near and finals in play there were too many turning gears to let anything slip even for a mime stabbing. The window was cracked open, a warm early summer air blowing though carrying the earthy scents of the forest.
Nearby a bluetooth speaker on the shelf played a stream of lo-fi music, the intermittent beats and tracks helping to keep his mind focused on the pile of work that had mounted up on his desk in the days of his absence. It was a passing interest of his how music could affect your capacity to study or work, and it wasn’t all too uncommon to hear a variety from soundtracks to lo-fi playing quietly as background noise when stepping in to his office. The genre was only a recent discovery, but he had grown rather fond of the imperfections in the sound.
Presently, Arthur sat at his desk laptop open nearby while he peered over a sheaf of notes, flipping pages back and forth, muttering to himself and scribbling on the pile of print-outs that had been submitted. Along with a few requests for extra credit, even though some of those students hadn’t done the regular credit things asked of them all term. It was interesting to see them all come out of the woodwork now, wondering how they could turn their grades around. He’d help them to the best of his ability, but even he was no miracle worker. Sighing through his nose, he set aside the latest paper face-down on a pile to his right and pulled the next one off the pile to his left. Ever methodical in his work and practise. 
What he wasn’t expecting, was for a knock to come at his door. His pen stilled over the paper mid-sentence, silence, with a glance at his wrist watch (not an electric one) he frowned, curious at whoever might be stopping by at this hour and a little cautious after the mime incident. His hand went to the drawer at the side of his desk where he kept a small blade as a precaution out of sight. It was probably just another member of staff, but you couldn’t be too careful these days. “Yes? Come in... Door’s unlocked.”
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sand-seeks-sun · 3 years
Opening Up
Bobbling over the footpaths of the deep shroud with his baby clung at his hip & kicking him like a ridden horse, Y’aromirr kept his typically fast pace in his travel.
“I go!” Rosie exclaimed, her small ears pinned back with anger in her head of curls. “I do it!”
“No, sweetie, we walk together. I’ll put you down when we get there, okay?”
“No okay!!” The toddler rowdily threw her legs in all directions, making her a real hassle to hold for her father. Luckily, however, he was a bit too used to this kind of fit and simply took Rose up by the armpits in both hands, smothering her like a starfish to his chest in a hug.
“Y-you’ll be safer up with Papa for right now. Papa p-promises to let you walk for yourself soon… okay?” Y’aromirr cooed downwards into his little Rose’s hair, nuzzling it back from her face with his nose.
Hastening his pace as most he could, it didn’t take more than a few more minutes for the pair to arrive at their destination; The Splyhlands, in all their humid glory. Y’aro shifted his daughter up and over to his shoulder to free up an arm as they entered through the woven leaf archway.
“We’re heeere~…! D-do you still want to get down, Rosie?”
It took nothing more than the word ‘down’ from her dad’s mouth for Rose to burst out into unsettled kicks again, this time bouncing as well with a big eager grin.
“Down! Yeah yeah yeah!”
Y’aromirr giggled as he carefully propped her up onto her tiny feet, taking an extra moment to smother a kiss into Rose’s hair before standing back to his full stature. Rose looked up with her hand extended, waiting for her Papa to shake out his ears and fix his shirt before taking a hold of it, and taking the opportunity to rub over her tiny finger scales. 
“Oki-bo Choki-bo, w-we ready to go?” A habit, said without a thought to his surroundings - and swiftly answered with a 
The pair approached a teeny tiny sylvan hovel before long, and with unusual confidence under the watchful eyes of his daughter, Y’aromirr knocked on the round wooden door. He looked down to Rose and ‘winked’ to her, bringing forth hushed giggles from the child and keeping her smiling like he wanted. His eyes jolted forward at the sound of the lock unclicking.
“Uhm…Jexia? H-hello again, i-it’s me.”
“Me! Delightful delightful. And me is?” An older, yellowing around the edges from summers and summers past sylph responded from the open doorway.
“Me is… I-I mean, I’m… Y’aromirr.” The Seeker blushed a bit, ushering his suddenly shy daughter out from behind his leg, “She m-might… remind you o-o-of when we last talked. Or at least, uhm… s-someone else.”
“Eeeee! Walking one has wee one!” Tiny vined hands hastily pushed back a pair of glasses as the Sylph rushed in sudden flight out of their home and up to Rosie, nearly the exact same height as her. “Wee one with fuzz and thorns… oh-ho! This one thinks they remember ‘Y’aromirr’ better now.”
Before much of an interjection could be made, Jexia swirled around Rose and Y’aro in swift flight and back into their home, an echoing voice the only remnant of them in the doorway, “Some things in the basement needs be gathered and set, but come in, come in, come in!” & Y’aromirr followed the command, pulling along his daughter as they entered. 
Rose’s sea blue eyes searched around the inner dressings of the Sylph’s home in wide wonder for absolutely all of the seconds she could until Jexia’s reappearance, causing her to freeze back up and tuck behind her Papa. 
“Tomes, tomes. No good when one has so many about they can’t be found!”
Y’aromirr chuckled with deep understanding to that statement in particular, still trying his best to keep Rose visible to their host.
“S-so sorry to trouble you… I’m.. really n-not sure what you’d be looking for?” ‘I haven’t even said why we’re here’, the seeker tacked on silently in his mind with his teeth somewhat gritting. “I d-do see a fair amount over there y-you… haven’t looked through.. I think..” his voice trailed off as he watched his words go disregarded.
“Probably just buried it, this one did.”
“Wh-what… did you burry? In part-ticular?” Y’aro interjected, his tone firm.
The old Sylph giggled at this point, spinning around a few times in the air before whooshing off to another corner with a determined squint behind their spectacles. And without answering.
“Ex-excuse me.” His tone lower and former than normal, Y’aro glared dagger’s at his host, “I truly do n-not mean to trouble you, but.. Y-you… you haven’t even asked me wh-why I’m here!”
Jexia flickered their wings a touch slower as they turned, “Is it not same reason traveling one came two years ago? Help with a baby?”
Y’aromirr instantly flustered and lowered his ears, and picking up on his body language, Rose patted at her papa’s leg in some consolation. Swallowing his pride along with all the anger he’d felt any right to have towards this nigh miracle worker, Y’aro eventually piped up again. 
“N-no… but.. I-I can see why you would have assumed.. that.” Another gulp. And sigh, “I actually c-came to see if you.. w-well you work in.. m-medicine, essentially? Things that have t-to do with the body.. the mind…”
The elder Sylph nodded with a hand keeping their glasses in place, “Yes yes yes, This one does all sorts of potions and salves and capsules for what the walking ones call ‘miracles cures’! How rudely they do not call them Jexia’s cures.”
“H-heheh… well, uhm.. I actually have another child now-“
“A-adopted! But loved a-all the same…” Y’aro swished his tail nervously, “and in th-that… he has trouble com-m-mmunicating with us.”
“Ohooo… and so? Traveling one wants to understand? Or traveling one wants to change the adopted one’s speaking?” Jexia swayed side to side as they considered the problem at hand, an eager look almost of entertainment on their face.
“W-well I don’t want to change them.. really, I d-don’t, but..” Y’aro swallowed and ruffled at his daughter’s hair as he thought of how best to phrase himself, “I want them to be able t-to have a normal life, and as it stands th-they can’t unders-stand or reply to s-so many things… to ask to eat, t-to be bathed.. to just g-get to be a ch-child and beg for toys or c-candies… t-t-to.. hear me congratulate them and comf-fort them-“
“Many things, of course, yes.” Jexia interjected to let Y’aromirr catch his forming tears in a sniffle. “And without a ways to talk, wee ones often get veeery reclusive. Shy and unhealthy.”
Y’aromirr nodded solemnly as he watched over the Sylph, deeply entrances in the many contents of their aging bookshelf. Jexia would through a few pages of one tome, then slam it aside to grab and peruse another. Over and over.. until they swept up a 6 book high stack into their hands and precariously carried them all downstairs and out of sight. 
“This one will need time!” They called out, “Two suns? Maybe six!”
Y’aromirr gathered Rose’s hand into his own as he called back, “Th-That’s okay! Uhm… Sh-should I just come back here, then?”
“This one would prefer that way, yes! Traveling one is traveling one, after all.” Jexia popped back over the banister to say, a newfound blue of fluster on their otherwise verdant cheeks. “It’s very appreciated by this one.”
Y’aromirr nodded and gave Rosie’s arm a gentle pull to rouse her from staring,
“And it’s appreciated, w-whatever you can do. Earnestly…” 
A giggle from the Sylph, and another cautious nod from the seeker, and the pair made their way back out the door they came in - soon to be home with great news for the other half of their family
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Equality in Vengeance ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @silvlee-shepherd @yandere-ipli-ler and @switchy-yancy
Silver was giggling nervously behind his hand, he never in a million years would have fathomed doing something like this, and yet here he was. He was crouched behind a couch with his eyes trained excitedly on the door into the living room, which was slightly ajar. Next to him, in a similarly excited state, was Yancy…..and they were partners in crime. Fear not, the hero had not been tempted over into actual criminal activities….just a little prank. A prank destined for one of his lovers in fact, Yandere. Why would Silver and Yancy be collaborating on a venture so dangerous? Well I’ll tell you. Yancy was a prankster with a big attitude, and Silver admired him. Silver had always wanted to let more of his cheeky side out, but always got flustered at the notion of actually acting, and so had asked Yancy for help in the mischief department. Of course, Yancy was more than happy to help.
‘Youse ready Shepherd?’
Yancy grinned at Silver, who grinned back with an excited giggle as he got out his phone.
Silver opened his messages, and sent a text to Yandere saying that he had a sweet surprise for them in the living room, and for them to hurry; Silver knew they could never resist something so intriguing. He sent the text, and they waited, their eyes fixed upon the door. The door was particularly significant in the execution of this prank, since balanced on top of it was a bucket of freezing cold water, ready to tip onto whoever pushed open the door….and as the sound of heeled footsteps sounded from the corridor, Yancy and Silver knew that their desired target was approaching. Yandere was smiling as they approached the ajar door, curious to see what on earth their sweet Silver was up to….and pushed the door open so they could step over the threshold.
‘I’m heeere Silvy hon-EEEEE!’
Yancy and Silver gasped at Yandere’s shriek, and when they stood up to look at the results of their prank….they couldn’t help but burst into loud, giddy laughter. Yandere was soaked head to toe and had their mouth agape as they gasped, and Yancy was the first to exclaim amidst his mirth.
‘Ohohoho my gahad ya fahahace!’
Yancy was clutching his stomach whilst Silver snorted and giggled, covering his mouth adorably. Yandere looked between the two of them with wide eyes, and honestly they were half aghast and half impressed at the fact that they’d been pranked. However….Yandere was sure as hell not going to let this slide. Oh no.
‘I suppose you’re both ever so proud of yourselves….’
Their voice was threateningly low as they narrowed their eyes at the pair, who were now stood beside one another. Silver gulped a tad, but it took a lot more to diminish Yancy’s cockiness.
‘C’man now Yan, ya knew youse was gonna get got by a prankster eventually!’
Yandere let out a short laugh through their nose, folding their arms at their chest as they replied with a sneer.
‘Ohoho nono, I expected this from you Yancy…..but you?’
Yandere’s crimson eyes locked onto Silver, who let out a soft squeak at the intense attention. He hid a little behind Yancy as Yandere bared their teeth amidst their terrifying purrs.
‘You know what happens to people who cross me….you know what I do to people, and yet you crossed me anyway darling….’
Yandere started pacing closer to the two offenders.
‘….and in about thirty seconds you’re really going to regret it. Both of you.’
Silver let out a flustered whine, and gulped and started tugging frantically at the back of Yancy’s shirt as Yandere started cracking their knuckles at them both. They were getting closer too. Silver was a mess of stammers as he spoke to Yancy….because he knew exactly what was coming for them.
‘Y-Y-Yancy w-we have to run w-we have to go!’
Yancy however, stood his ground. He hadn’t yet cottoned onto exactly what the oncoming consequences were, so he merely scoffed and folded his arms at his chest, grinning at Yandere as he stated.
‘I ain’t scared o’ youse.’
Silver whined even more, at this point the hero’s legs felt so much like jelly that he was worried he’d fall over if he tried to run now. Yandere smirked with a hum as they strutted up and stood nose to nose with Yancy….they couldn’t wait to wreck these boys.
‘I know….but you will be, I promise you that sweetie.’
Then in an instant, Yancy was educated of Yandere’s adept skills regarding combat and their ability of overpowering….anyone. Before he could react he’d had his legs swept from under him as Yandere flipped him onto his front on the floor. As Yandere settled on the backs of his thighs, Silver made a last minute decision to try and bolt, but it was too last minute. Yandere caught him by the shirt and soon enough, he was in the same position as Yancy. Yandere hummed as they settled on the boys’ butts whilst they exclaimed in their own ways.
'O-O-OH jeez Y-Yanny baby p-please I’m sorry, d-don’t do this!’
Yandere giggled at Yancy’s animosity and Silver’s flusteredness, and placed a hand each on them, splaying their fingers at the smalls of the boys’ backs as Yandere crooned.
‘You naughty boys need to be taught a serious lesson….’
Silver squeaked and developed a wobbly smile as Yancy’s eyes widened in realisation at what their fate was. The ex-convict tried to push himself up, scrabbling at the carpet in an attempt to get away as he wore a wobbly smile of his own.
‘Oh hell noho fuhuck this h-hell no-AAAHHAHAHA!’
Needless to say, Yandere didn’t let him escape. They smirked and leisurely dug a hand into one of his fleshy sides, squeezing and scribbling relentlessly. Yancy had just shrieked and succumbed, no longer having the focus to even try and escape as he laughed. Yandere sneered and tutted down at him.
‘Oho you really need this, not just a prankster but a foul mouth too hm?’
Yancy cackled as his face went pink from how embarrassed he felt, whilst the hero next to him became caught between his own nervousness, and his awe at watching Yancy. Yancy looked so cute when he laughed so hard, and Silver couldn’t help but giggle fondly at the sight….until fingernails traipsing up his back made him squeal. He’d forgotten that Yandere had dedicated a hand to him too.
‘And don’t think I’ve forgotten about you mister….to think you helped prank me even though you knew what the consequences would be. You’re still such a naughty, naughty boy….’
Silver spluttered and tried to hide his face in the carpet as he writhed, quickly becoming a mess of giggles.
‘Ehehehehee nahaha Ihihi’m sahaharry!’
Yandere snickered fondly.
‘Don’t waste your breath my love, we’ve got a while yet until I’ll be ready to hear that word from either of you….for now, you need to be punished.’
Silver whined as Yancy wailed. Yandere’s perfect almond nails scratched fast and without mercy up and down Silver’s back, keeping him encased by giggles, squeals and wiggly squirms. Meanwhile, they took their sweet time in kneading one side of Yancy’s incredibly sensitive ribcage which kept Yancy jerking from side to side amidst his mirth.
Yancy cried out as he hit his fists against the floor, and his feet kicked out behind him too. Of course, this did nothing to stop Yandere’s kneading as they cooed.
‘Awww what’s wrong tough guy? Can’t you take a little tickling?’
That was a rhetorical question if ever Yancy had heard one. His face was practically shining with redness now as he thrashed and wailed.
Yancy snorted amidst his belly laughter, flustered even more at how even clamping his arms down at his sides did nothing to stop the onslaught. Meanwhile, even though Silver wasn’t being tickled as hard, he was just as flustered as Yancy. Watching Yandere torture Yancy kept reminding him how Yandere could shift and turn on him like that at any moment, and that was frigging terrifying! Silver even squeaked when Yandere growled at Yancy and scribbled at his bottommost ribs.
‘So was dumping freezing cold water on me you little shit!’
Yancy let out a shrill shriek, and Silver could see the beads of sweat at the man’s forehead now. Then he realised….what kind of hero was he if he didn’t try to defend and stick up for his partner? The answer to this question is that Silver is a completely fricking screwed hero, particularly after he stuttered to Yandere amidst his giggles.
‘Y-Yahahahanny d-dohohon’t behe tohoo mehean to hihim!’
Yandere froze…..then stopped tickling Yancy. Yancy gasped at the sudden mercy, blinking as he realised that Silver had basically saved him….but then both he and the hero gulped when Yandere let out a sadistic chuckle.
‘Defending your partner in mischief huh?’
Silver let out a frantic squeal when Yandere suddenly flipped him onto his back, and he shrieked like a wild thing when Yandere used both of their hands to scratch and claw at his tender, ticklish tummy with a smirk in place.
Yandere snickered fondly, Silver’s ticklish tummy was one of their favourite things in the whole damn world. Yancy meanwhile was wide eyed and in awe of Silver, he couldn’t believe that the hero had just gotten in the tickly firing line to save him! Silver flailed as he screamed with his cute, buoyant laughter.
‘Kitchy kitchy kitchy coooo, is someone regretting being such a naughty thing?’
Silver writhed and bapped at Yandere’s hands, cheeks darkening at their tease as he nodded frantically.
Yandere laughed as they continued tickling his tummy, and then decided to be particularly evil and slip their fingers under his shirt so they could squish and squeeze the ticklish flesh. Silver’s shrieks went to a far higher pitch after that.
Yandere snorted and rolled their eyes playfully.
‘Oh and I wonder why that is….’
Silver snorted amidst his laughter, which caused his neighbouring companion to start feeling something else….utter shame. How could he be letting this happen to Silver?! He was his friend and he was just watching the tickle torture like a timid weakling, especially after Silver basically saved him! Now Yancy was the one shivering from second-hand flusteredness as Yandere leant down to purr in Silver’s ear.
‘I can’t wait to tell Hosty about this….he’ll have so much fun helping me punish you….’
Silver’s face was crimson now as he struggled, letting out cute wail after cute wail…and that made Yancy decide to fight back. Oh if only he’d known what a mistake that was.
Yancy cried as he started to sit up, about to lunge at Yandere….but they were ready for him. Yancy’s eyes widened as Yandere caught his wrists with ease, before he too was flipped onto his back next to Silver. Yancy gulped as he trembled, realising how much he’d severely fucked up as Yandere chuckled down at him, grinning with a feral glee.
‘…..now you’ve done it.’
Now, Yandere really brought out all the stops. Yandere gripped Yancy’s wrists with one hand, and pinned them at his chest. Then, they took hold of Silver’s wrists with their other hand, and pinned them at his chest. Yandere let out a satisfied hum as they watched the two of them squirm, and chuckled when they saw how both of their shirts had ridden up by just the perfect amount. Their waistlines were bare and vulnerable…perfect for raspberries. It was like a symphony of shrieks and screams as Yandere alternated between the two of them, leaving raspberry after raspberry, and neither of them could stop it.
Yancy cried, very nearly in sync with Silver.
Yandere relished in it all, giggling to themselves with glee at having them both at their mercy, they were just so adorable. Yancy bucked and kicked erratically when each of his raspberries were delivered, whilst Silver tried to use all his might to curl up into a ball to escape the tickles. Needless to say, neither of them succeeded in their attempts at resistance.
‘Oh I could just keep you both like this forever, you’re both ever so cute….’
Silver and Yancy let out frantic noises as they both shook their heads, tears trickling down their cheeks as they cried.
Yandere giggled at Silver and Yancy’s sweet begs, and hummed playfully for a few moments before snickering and releasing their wrists.
'You’re lucky I adore you both y’know.’
They both gasped, curling up when Yandere slid off of them both. Silver giggled bashfully at Yandere’s words, whilst Yancy went quiet aside from his panting breaths; he was still processing being adopted by the poly to be honest, so all that lovey stuff still took him off guard. In a good way though.
‘You okay honey? I didn’t go too far on your tummy did I?’
Yandere crooned as they pulled Silver into their chest, and the hero shook his head, nuzzling Yan’s cheek lovingly as he mumbled.
Yandere giggled fondly, before looking to Yancy and tenderly stroking his hair as they purred.
‘How are you sweetie, was any of it too much?’
Yancy bashfully shook his head, letting out a soft laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck.
‘Nah uh….i-it uh….y-youses a real g-good tickler….’
Yandere broke out into a smile at his words, before softly kissing Yancy on the forehead and ruffling his hair, making the man whine softly and hurry to fix it. Yandere giggled and plated a kiss on Silver’s lips, before standing up with a soft sigh.
'Well, I am going to have a nice soak in a hot bath. When I come back I expect all this water to be cleaned up you two!’
The two men giggled as Yandere turned to leave…but the Yancy gasped quietly when Silver suddenly piped up.
‘A-And what if we don’t?’
Yandere stopped, turned to face them….and merely sent them a smirk before they went off down the corridor. Yancy and Silver shared a glance, before Yancy nibbled his lip and quietly mumbled.
‘You uh….wanna have a nap so we uh….g-gots energy for….later?’
Silver grinned and nodded, and they both flopped on that illegally comfy carpet for a much needed nap, and of course were ah….reprimanded later for not attending to the mess. I am rather happy to tell you though, that neither of them intended to ever, ever learn their lesson.
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iamconstantine · 4 years
RWBY V3E4: Lessons Learned
* Is it bad that watching the opening to this episode reminded me a lot of Subspace Emissary? 
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* On that note, I cannot wait to see these two get their asses handed to them. * Oooooh 4 different environments now! Forest, sahara, rocky shore, and Detroit! * Is it just me or is something a little tinny in the audio recording? * “Oh I like heeer...” And here I was thinking Coco had taste. * “He’s good!” No the fuck he ain’t. * I still hate this stupid quicksilver knockoff BUT the animation for the fight scenes is still top notch
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* I’m sorry what.I * His LEGS. GO FOR HIS LEGS. * Are this guy’s eyes supposed to have no sclera like that? * Coco bby girl what is you doing you is better than this * “I take it back: I don’t like her” There you go babe * I don’t know whether I’m more annoyed with how many times the Smirk and Saunter Duo are relying on stealth attacks or with how much Coco and the other two keep falling for it
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* Wait what? * Yow. * Wait no seriously what...? * Okay seriously how does no one just look at Cinder and say “That’s a villain” * Wait no * wait wait wait is one of their semblances like illusions or something * oh please tell me these two cant do illusions Im going to throw myself out a window
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* BLEUALEAUELELAEUEH * Sister talk! Sister talk! * Eat those delicious looking croissants! * Awww it’s nice seeing Winter open up a little bit.  * Okay so now we have confirmation that semblances can be hereditary, at least rarely. But now I’m curious: are semblances influenced by anything else? Personality, past experiences, etc?
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* Okay I’m sorry but if this semblance lets you ressurrect the enemies you’ve slain to bring them back as allies that is the most amazing semblance of them all hands down everyone else go home * And now to the other side of the coin! * I’m not like SUPER complaining but I think the animations are just a little bit stiffer this ep * I love how Qrow is a character who will angrily call out his colleagues for not being aware of the real threat to the world after fighting one of said colleague’s employees in a fit of rage but will THEN just go to play a Nintendo64 game with his nieces
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* I like how even though this is doing the anime thing of showing flashbacks as still images in a sort of slideshow the art is intentionally almost fairy-tale like with blotted paint and splatters and all that * -_- * alright throw perv in on Qrow’s character sheet
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* This image is literally just >:3 and >:< * The passive-aggresive half-ribbing, half-criticizing tone is strong with this one * And there goes the ribbing * I get the feeling that Qrow is one of those family member/mentors who focuses more on criticizing their shortcomings than celebrating their victories out of concern that they’re going to get in over their heads. Which, to be fair, they might be * There’s so much mystery wrapped up in the Ozpin Troupe (which is what I shall now be referring to them as). Clearly there’s some covert operation to keep tabs on evil rising in Remnant, but what else is going on here? Is there a secret they’re all trying to hide? Has Ironwood done something in the past, thus necessitating Glynda and Qrow’s distrust of him, or has he just always been like this? How long has this operation been going on? * “The coolest team to ever graduate Beacon!” *pulls out coffee-stained photograph*
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* Why does this look like an album cover * I can’t super tell just from the photo but Qrow and Raven look like...exactly the same. Like Qrow still has gray hairs, I think. * “Well known for crummy fashion sense!” Ruby I don’t think it could be any more obvious that your uncle is a huge influence on your aesthetic so don’t even go there * i n a p p r o p r i a t e  s t o r i e s * Wonder what’s bothering Yang? * Yep. Suspicion on Qrow’s mentorship style verified * At first I flinched at Winter dope-slapping Weiss to get her to concentrate but then I remember that Yang and Ruby punch each other’s lights out on an hourly basis so it checks out * I guess it makes sense for Winter and Weiss to have similar stories of running away from home but having to still be “tied” to it. * More questions about Weiss’s relationship with her father emerge... * “You must never let your emotions overpower you” * Winter. * I like you. * But. * You literally destroyed the entire courtyard because Qrow was sassin too much.
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* Daaaawwwwww!! * Winter please return soon. Weiss needs a teacher. * Ahhhhh she summoned a lil baby sword!! * I’m actually surprised but thankful that they had Weiss NOT answer the phone call. It really sounds like Weiss’ dad is not a good person so I’d be surprised if this was going down the “reconnecting with the misguided parent” route
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fluffandlove · 6 years
so you have a gf now???
I don’t even know the difference between dating and calling someone your bf/gf tbh so there’s that. And the thing between us is kinda uhhhh
I told her that I’m attracted to her and she freaked out a bit because 1) she said she’s not good at relationships 2) she’s kinda been having feelings lately as well  
BUT she said, “We can give it a shot. Let’s go on a date, but I can’t guarantee anything bECAUSE I’M SO BAD AT RELATIONSHIPS”And after I got over the initial shock, I said, “Dude, we’re still friends right??? Being in a relationship doesn’t change anything, except for the fact that I kindawannaholdyourhandwhenwehangout” “Oh okay. We’ll just… try that then.”
So, we’re sort of pre-dating, I guess? I don’t see her as my gf (yet?) and I don’t think she considers me hers, so we’ll just leave it at pre-dating LMAO  
did i mention that she got so flustered and pulled her scarf over her face because she was turning red. and that it was the cutest thing ever oh my god gehdbfsjasdkdsk because she’s usually super grounded and kinda fierce, so me causing her to be a blushing mess waS JUST GHAYFDADS
and that she had to stay over and borrow a shirt of mine and like, sort of tried to cuddle me in bed but I was freaking out too much to cuddle her, so I kind of stayed on my side. but she was literally IN my personal bubble and went all pouty on me, “What, what is it? do I smell? omg am I making you uncomfortable? sorry, are you ticklish? omg nooo come heeere I’m cooooold”
yeah. kill me p l e ase fOR TH E LOVE OF G oD
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octosan · 6 years
[by Hitoshizuku-P]
When on these kinds of nights, lit with ominous moonlight... 
I get to feeling like being all by myself here really---sucks!
No, what a boring life, I want the kind of party that I’ve dreamed of...
Now, I’ve got no reason to hang out here! Let’s go out on a quest and look for one!
Now who is this we spy? Are you a rookie, miss? You seem to look new
Ah, what is it?
What are you looking for, while walking through the woods in the dead of night like this?
Oh, a party!
What a coincidence! We also happen to be on a quest, too!
My, what a surprise then!
Why don’t we all move on together as friends? 
To find a party that’s the best!
You’ll find at the Nico Nico pub
A very high-spirited bunch
Who have all come here seeking...
The ultimate party!
Here we go! Gather some allies for the PartyxParty!
If you want rowdiness you’re welcome to come with us! 
Shall we make a greeting to ‘em using our fists?
Well, if it isn’t too much... ? OK, then have at it!
Hey, won’t it be grand? To join the PartyxParty!
We’ll sing and dance! Together; him, her, it doesn’t matter, 
Everybody here tonight is another friend!
Let’s all enjoy a wild party till the night’s at an end!
It seems we’ve gathered here a quite extr’ordinary party...
How very true!
A newbie rookie, gunner, a dancer girl, a bard, bartender!
...And a merchant too!?
Everyone’s set to go on an adventure now, so we can hit the road!
OK! Let’s go!
I am uneasy, and yet even so
The party will be great, we know!
First through the Ruins of Illusion, to a Dubious Dungeon, from the east to the west, hey, we’ll forge on and be brave!
Okay! A little action for us! HurryxHurry!
The quest is fun but it can be a little hazardous! 
You can keep on going if you raise your level!
Uh, I’m just a little stuck here, hey, a little help?!
Hey, this way, this way! Which way? THAT way!
Keep going farther, don’t let there be any hesitating
Our quest is coming up to the finale
Sure to be a celebration---and I hardly can wait!
Roll call, everyone!
One, two, three, four, five, six: That’s it!
The bard: Let’s all sing!
The Dancer Girl: Let’s give it a whirl
Merchant: Let me handle all the money for you
Bartender: We’re fully stocked up!
Gunner: Target on lock!
Ready for another one?
Give it all we got!
It seems our journey finally is approaching its finale!
Are you ready to march forth into the final stage?
Here we go! We’ll be raucous in the PartyxParty!
Here come a swarm of some tenacious ones who’ve come to get us! 
Shall we make a greeting to ‘em using our fists?
Let’s make it really flashy, OK, let’s have at it!
Hey, where’s the Dark Lord? We’re waiting---HurryxHurry!
What in the heck? Doesn’t it seem something is missing though?
Finally the time has come I can do my thing!
(Whaat??) Now! We can start the real epic! The super-party!
Here tonight we shall gather, allies! HurryxHurry!
If you want rowdiness then follow where my finger goes!
So lukewarm around, we’re not even close!
Let’s put in a bigger effort now! Are you ready? Go!!
Hey, won’t it be grand? To join the PartyxParty!
We’ll sing and dance! Together, heroes, villains, doesn’t matter,
Everybody here tonight is another friend!?
Let’s all enjoy a wild party till the night’s at an end!
If you’re tired from it all then you can... (whew)
Go on to sleep and have a dream until it’s morning again!
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tokka · 5 years
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Heeere we go again !! Another one of my #terrible2z #TMNT images goes up on a video without any credit!! This time on the sarcastic #NinjaTurtlesTheNextMution vid by the famous @Phelous. Love ya ,Phelan. I sure there was no I'll intent, but I would have appreciated a little credit,man . I've been doing this for so long and so many grab my images for there videos, vlogs, articles and blogs it's beyond out of control. Oh well. Funny video anyway. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TtQkQAn2F/?igshid=8dyn7drlmzwj
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fujoshiheaven · 7 years
4, 6, 8, 11 for the anime asks!
Heeere we go XD
4. least favourite anime character
That would definitely be Hide from Tokyo Ghoul…like I don’t get why he is so loved XDBut I also hate that little servant of Deus Ex Machina in Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)…I think her name was Murmur…
6. popular anime you didn’t like
I did not like 5 centimetres per second at all! It’s quite popular among anime films (especially anime romance films). I don’t know…as an idea the plot is nice but in my opinion it could have been executed better.8. anime character you are most like
Ever since I started watching haikyuu I totally related to Asahi 😂😂 and I also like him very much as a character. But I also get Suga because I’m always that one friend in the group who acts like a momSo Asahi and Suga :P
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
C l a n n a d I thought “okay that sounds…kinda nice as a plot? I guess?”Fastforward a month and I’m in front of my computer bawling my eyes out on the feels train
Thank you so much for asking, @wakan-nai ❤❤❤
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drlobotomia · 7 years
30 day Psychonauts challenge
I even made a sideblog for this so here we go. 30 days of my prolonged love letter to Psychonauts.
Day #1: Favorite Character
But still…
I choose you, Brainman!..
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…and you, Circus Boi!..
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…aaaand you, General Potato!
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1) Dr Caligosto Loboto
Firstly, speak in a roundabout way: I’ve always admired characters who dedicated their live with a medical career, from surgeons to psychiatrists. And dentists. Especially dentists. Also, I adore deranged scientists. And a deranged scientist who works in a medical field? Wrap it up! Secondly… Did you have such a moment when you firstly saw a new character and gave a yell like ‘HEEERE’S JOHNNY WHOEVER HE IS I ALREADY LOVE HIM’. Well, that was me during Loboto’s first appearance. And indeed: imo he has some of the most fascinating lines, adorable voice, and [JEEZ] the cut of his jib. You see, the man just stole my kokoro. Thirdly, I’m fond of characters who seem to be at first blush typical and even comical but then turn out to be deep and complex. Thus, playing P-nauts1 I was just entertained with Caligosto’s surface and wacky behavior, but still, we hadn’t the tiniest hint who he was (besides his presumable occupation in the past and that leaked bio doc). Rhombus of Ruin has changed things - now I love Loboto even more, and, so to speak, in another way. His story is bitter and touching, it explains his behavior somehow. And I really want to know more about him, though I don’t consider his possible redemption a right thing since our favorite Doctor’s overdone. But I may be wrong… I want to be wrong. Also, I want to believe he still has hidden powers, just uh… have lost an access to his psychic resources.
2) Razputin Aquato
I’m always finding fault with protagonists - ESPECIALLY in games - as they have almost the whole screentime and it’s important to reveal character and not to make the protage the one you want to punch in the face. Raz managed to become that character I simply adore. Moreover, he’s one of my favorite game characters ever. He’s just a little sweetheart who tries to help people no matter what rascals they are (even rascals have their issues, and Raz knows it). And still he’s just a boy of ten summers who behaves exactly like a little kid (tbh, I wish I had played Psychonauts in my childhood). I also find his background and conflict really amazing!
3) Coach Oleander
Again, the type of a character I’m fond of. A grim war dog who can’t just PHYSICALLY speak low (and moustache, and scars, and leukoma in the eye - if there is no god then WHO HAS CREATED the man’s design?). His appearance in the intro impressed me - actually, that was the thing which made me think ‘I’m gonna love this game’. I fell in love with Oleander’s expressions, his manner of speech and his design (DID I MENTION MORRY’S DESIGN?). In addition, at a first sight Oleander seemes to be exactly that typical-comical-one I mentioned. And eventually he turns out to be a great deep character. He deserves more love (AND FANART YOU GET THE IDEA SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR).
Thanks for your attention! And please, excuse my stoopid English, it’s not my mother language %)
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messyjesseblog-blog · 6 years
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Inktober Day 01 - Heeere we go! Let’s see how many of these I can stick with. A Hollywood Starlet a day... #inktober #inktober2018 #talullahbankhead #actress #hollywoodstarlets #vintagehollywood #ink #inking #blackline #blackandwhite #red #copicmarkers #copicart #copic #zebrapen #artbyjesseh https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZQWQ4hDMU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sd2tknlnogu9
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Yuzuha [UP!] Part 3
Previously: Part 2.
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In Yuzuha’s room.
Yuzuha: Heeere you go. Today’s food.
Chirp chirp.
Yuzuha: Mhm, looks like you’re all better now.
Yuzuha: But you know, if it’s alright with you... I’d love to have you around forever, yeah?
Chirp chirp.
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Yuzuha: What is it? What are you looking at the sky for?
Yuzuha: ...
Yuzuha: Of course, you want to go back to the sky where you belong, huh?
Yuzuha: ...
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Yuzuha: That’s right. We helped you get better so you could go back to flying, after all.
Yuzuha: It’d be pointless if we got that injury fixed up only to keep you in a cage all the time.
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Yuuki: Hey, Yuzuha. What do you plan to do?
Yuzuha: Oh, Yuuki. I didn’t realize you were watching.
Yuuki: Sorry. I’ve been here for a little while. I knocked, but you didn't answer, so.
Yuzuha: I see.
Yuuki: Looks like our little friend’s all better now, huh?
Yuzuha: Yeah. The doctor said so, too.
Yuuki: Will you keep it, then?
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Yuzuha: ...
Yuuki: Ah, don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not here to talk you out of it.
Yuuki: If you want to keep it, keep it. It’s just that we gotta get proper permission and all that to keep it in the dorm.
Yuuki: If that’s your intent, I’ll handle talking to Masaki-san for you!
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Yuzuha: No, that won’t be necessary. Don’t worry, Yuuki.
Yuuki: Eh?
Yuzuha: I’ll bring this little one back home to the sky.
Yuuki: Are you sure?
Yuzuha: Yeah. I’m sure if I’d lived my whole life in the sky, I’d want to go back to it too, without a doubt.
Yuzuha: Even if I was born in a cage and lived my whole life in a cage, I’m sure I’d want to go free.
Yuzuha: Right?
Yuuki: Yuzuha...
Yuzuha: I’ll just let it rest for a bit more. Later today... I’ll say goodbye.
Yuuki: I see. Yeah. Sounds good!
Yuuki: Hey Yuzuha, would you mind if I come too when you say goodbye? Or would you rather do it by yourself?
Yuzuha: I don’t mind. You were there too when we met, after all. It’s only right that you’re there when we part, no?
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On a bridge. [1]
Yuuki: Well, this is goodbye.
Yuzuha: Be safe, okay?
Chirp chirp.
Yuuki: Ah, it’s lowering its head. Think it’s bowing?
Yuzuha: Hehe. I’m sure it just happened to look like that.
They watch it fly up.
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Yuuki: Heeey. See you around!
Yuuki: Ah, I already lost sight of it.
Yuzuha: Yeah. Well then, shall we go, Yuuki?
Yuuki: Already?
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Yuzuha: ...To be honest, I feel a little lonely.
Yuuki: ...I see.
Yuzuha: Am I weird?
Yuuki: No. Not at all.
Yuzuha: ... Hey, Yuuki.
Yuuki: Hm? What is it?
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Yuzuha: I really do want to soar through the sky one day.
Yuuki: Yeah. It would be nice if humans could fly, too.
Yuzuha: I wonder what it feels like?
Yuuki: Hmm, no clue! But, I’m sure it’s super fun!
Yuzuha: Yeah. I think you’re right.
Yuzuha: ...Alright, for now, we’ll make do with skydiving! Hey, when should we do it? I can have it arranged at a moment’s notice!
Yuuki: Okay, let’s talk to everyone as soon as we get back!
Yuuki: But you know, knowing Chisa, I’m sure she’ll be all, “No way!” and all that.
Yuzuha: I’ll let you handle her, Yuuki! Please and thank you!
Yuuki: Waah, it’d be way easier handling Masaki-san herself than Chisa.
Yuzuha: Ahaha. You’re right about that!
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[1]: The bridge they’re on appears to be based on Mansei Bridge, which connects Kamizui Akihabara and Kanda.
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