#heesung story
leeknowlover99 · 9 months
singles inferno with enhypen hyung line episode 2 paradise with Heesung
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warnings: fluff, slight sexual tension, Hee is a flirt
all three couples met again in the helicopter. Heesung let you enter first like a true gentleman and have window sit with the stunning view. “wow the island looks so wild from up here” he screamed to you after you took off. it was so loud that any kind of normal conversation was too difficult to hold. you admired the view instead - beautiful color of the sea and black volcanic rocks. your island indeed looked wild, almost completely covered by plants and very hilly. “that’s not the same island as in previous seasons” you screamed back to Heesung. “yeah, i’m wondering why did they change it, i liked the other one more” he leaned towards your ear and his sweet woody perfumes hit you. the smell and his proximity tingled your heart slightly. just in this moment helicopter suddenly made a sharp turn and you jumped caught out of your thoughts. in an attempt to steady yourself your hand reached to Heesung thigh and leaned on it. you felt his muscles tense up. just after you realized what you did you quickly let him go blushing. god that was so embarrassing. but you felt warm touch around your little finger and slowly turned your gaze towards the boy. he gently wrapped his long fingers around your pinky and mouthed “it’s okay” to you. you smiled at him silently thanking him for bringing you comfort and you held eye contact for a while. his eyes soft and warm. you were starting to be more and more intrigued by this boy. Heesung already showed you few different faces and it was only two hours since you two have met.
when you arrived on the island black sports car was waiting for you. “wow! that’s new!” you investigated it excited. “hop in princess” Heesung opened passenger door for you and you made your way inside still admiring the car. “always wanted to drive it” Heesung said after you hit the road and he accelerated wind in your hair. “this season really is different. i’m curious about the paradise. i’m still starving after that meal” you shared. “yeah i hope for something better than carrots” he laughed. “would love to eat steak.” you drove for only about 20 minutes and you already arrived at your destination - huge luxury hotel. staff helped you on the way to your room. it was at the highest floor. you could sense it’s going to be awesome. but you did not expect anything like that. the place was huge, super stylish and specious but the best thing was the view. it was breathtaking. “woah this is crazy” Heesung whistled walking around the living room. “the view is insane.” he stared. “it must be even better at night.” you added and went to explore some more. you entered the bedroom. “oh only one bed?” you were surprised a bit. Heesung followed you and took a look at the room. “i can sleep on the coach, no worries” he said unpacking his bag. “let’s order some food, i’m starving too.”
you ordered way too much food but everything was so tempting that you could not resist it. Heesung insisted on ordering champagne to celebrate your first trip to paradise. now he was telling you to open it. “come on J want to see your skills” he urged you. “what if i poke your eye?” he laughed. “i’ll poke yours in exchange” he teased. “that’s not very comforting” but you proceeding with slowly unwrapping the cork. you let it loose and gently pressed your thumb on it. it escaped the bottle with a quiet “pum” and little cloud of alcohol. “oh my god i did it” you scream excited and Heesung joined you with two glasses. “told you. to our first paradise” he rose the toast with a wide smile and you loudly clinked your glass against his. “to our first paradise.”
at first you were both too busy with stuffing your mouths full of delicious food but after first hunger has been tempered you started talking. “i’m curious how old are you” you started. “you really look young like Jake said.” “i think we might be peers but who knows. can i guess?” he asked. “go ahead, but don’t disappoint me.” he was thinking for a while before saying “Y/N age”. “oh my god how did you know??” you gasped. “i’m smart” he winked making you smile. “now guess mine!” you took a look at him studying his face and decided to go with your initial thought “22.” he smiled, his eyes turning into small crescents. “almost, 23.” “ah damn it, i was close” you frowned. “let’s see if you can guess my job.” he tilted his head eyes curiously looking at you. you took more time to think now, considered his charming personality and cute boyish vibe. “i think you’re active in social media, maybe a youtuber?” you asked. “ahhh you’re getting close but that’s not it” he gave you a clue. “hmm tik toker then?” you laughed. “yeah i have a tik tok account. but it’s not my main job, more of a side gig” he explained. “so what do you do?” you asked. “i’m a professional dancer.” you noticed he got a little shy after admitting, tips of his ears pink and his hands playing with the necklace he wore. “wow that’s so cool! so on tik tok are you posting your dances?” you were impressed but you had to admit he did look like the dancer, lean but strong body, great charisma. oh you needed to see him dance so bad. “yep. but lately i’m posting song covers as well, i’ve been getting vocal lessons since some time.” his eyes light up cutely as he was talking about it. “you could be an idol with all that talents and the looks” you winked at him mimicking his flirtatious persona. he laughed and you saw his cheeks get a little bit red. “thank you. but now i want to know what is your job! it’s hard to guess, you’re mysterious.” he stared at you intensely leaning forward slightly. “oh really? yeah it’s not that obvious i guess. i’m an author” you admitted. “i would never guess that! so you write books?” he asked. “yes i published 3 mysteries so far. i’m working on the new series.” you shared. “wow, that’s so cool, you must be so smart. i need to read them after the program” he seemed genuinely excited. it made you feel warmth in your heart. “how did you start that career?” he asked. “we’ll i always loved books and stories so when i wrote my first novel i decided i’ll try to sent it to the publishers. i did not expect much, but they liked it. i was so shocked when after publishing it became a bestseller. so it all just started to happen after that success. i started promoting in social media and writing next books.” you continued your story while Heesung leaned back and observed you attentively. his eyes flickering to your lips few times. you were watching him closely as well so you were able to notice that. corners of your lips turning upwards with that realization. “you must be some kind of celebrity! can i get the autograph?” he smiled brightly and reached out for your hand. he gently held it making you feel butterflies in your stomach. “wah i’m holding hands with the celebrity.” he gasped. you laughed and slapped his hands away. “stop it. you’re over exaggerating. i’m not really famous.”
“lets go swimming” you proposed after eating. “i’d love to” Heesung smiled and you got up to change your clothes. you picked black bikini for today. it was cute with some frills and bows. nothing too revealing so you would feel comfortable. you wrapped yourself in a huge bathrobe, it felt super soft. you met Heesung at the door and filming crew lead you to the outdoors pool. it was already dark outside and pool was lit up by lights looking very moody. however weather was pretty chilly, light wind blowed in your hair. it also stirred up Heesung hair. “ahh let’s hop in” he said taking off his robe. like you expected his body was thin but strong. you tried to not stare at his abs and arms but it was definitely tempting. you followed him taking off your robe. “cute” he commented his eyes eating up your body. but his gaze was far from cute. it made you feel hot despite the cold air. his action made you a little bit bolder so you looked at him too not shying away now and took his hand to help you go into the water. “it’s so cold” water was freezing. maybe that was not the best idea. you hoped you won’t get sick after that swim. you were shivering after you fully entered the pool. Heesung must’ve noticed that as he approached you slowly and rubbed your arms. “we have to warm you up” he moved his hands to your waist and massaged lightly holding eye contact with you. oh fuck. you really wanted to kiss him. he looked like he was thinking about the same thing. his gazed lingered on your lips, pupils dilated. “let’s swim. movement will help” you broke the tension before you could make something stupid on camera. Heesung chuckled and followed you swimming to the opposite side of the pool. after you swam for few minutes you felt a little bit warmer. you made a stop at the edge overlooking the city. “night view is so pretty. we can even see some stars” you said leaning against the edge. “yeah, it is. but not as pretty as you” Heesung said fixing the lose strand of your hair. “you’re such a flirt.” you smiled at him. “is it bad?” he asked. “it’s charming.” “obviously i’m very charming” he laughed. “it’s really nice to be here with you. i wanted to talk to you because you seemed interesting and i was right. i’m having a lot of fun with you” he suddenly confessed. “i’m having fun too. your personality is really great. i feel like with each moment I’m getting to know you better i’m more interested in you.” you responded with honest confession as well. “wow. it’s really great that we matched so well from the beginning of the show. but do you still want to come here with other guys?” he asked raising his eyebrow. he surprised you with that question so you tried to answer it without revealing too much. it was too early for any confessions and promises. “well i definitely want to talk to other people, get a hold of who they are. and i guess i’ll see if i will want to come here with them.” you said. “yes i’m thinking the same. but i also know that i will want to go here with you again” he admitted. “let’s go again” you smiled. “okay, but now let’s go back to the room, i see that you got goosebumps”.
after swimming you ordered some korean food for dinner. you talked during eating a lot. you were actually surprised that talking to him was so easy. you were enjoying your conversation more than you expected. cameras were constantly around you, directors advising you how to sit and where to look but surprisingly it did not make things stiff or uncomfortable. you were too invested in getting to know Heesung to care about it. it did made you a little bit more cautious though. you saw Heesung trying to hold back sometimes too. so now when you were washing up you were wondering what it would be to go on a date with him without the cameras. would he make a move already? i guess you weren’t going to find out. it was unbelievable to you that after spending few hours with him you seemed to start falling for him. or maybe it was just the show’s doing. maybe you’ll go back to inferno tomorrow and forget about Heesung when you see other guys. who knows. you scolded yourself for overthinking and put on your pajamas. you still had one thing you wanted to ask Heesung.
you were both laying in bed, Heesung resting his head on your shoulder, wearing cute stripy pajamas. “can you sing something for me?” you requested. “sing for you? i think i can. pick a song” he yawned and hugged you tighter. you thought for a while and decided on one of your favorite songs. it was popular so Heesung should know it. “can you sing love yourself by Justin Bieber?” he did not respond but you heard him humming quietly. “okay ready?” he asked. you showed him thumbs up and he started the song. his voice was sweet and he was hitting all the notes perfectly, even adding adlibs and humming. you closed your eyes and enjoyed the song. after he finished you started clapping. “wow that was absolutely beautiful. you could be the professional singer for sure” you were amazed by his clear vocals. “thanks” he smiled softly. “now you have do something for me. tell me a piece of your new story.” he changed position so his head would lay on your knees. you instinctively started to play with his hair. “okay i’ll give you the tease” you started your story. you told him one of your favorite moments from new book you were working on. he listened quietly. after you finished it was already 2 am. “you’re a great story teller. i can see while your books are bestsellers” Heesung said before saying good night to you and moving to living room to sleep on the coach. filming crew started to get going too and told you that filming will resume at 7 am. you burrowed yourself under soft duvet and went to sleep after your first day in singles inferno.
taglist: @caravm @semisemirin1i82 @yourbobaeyestell
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soireegurl · 2 months
i have this idea for a fic but i cant write, lol so im dropping it in your ask box cause youre like the best yandere writer i know on here so here it is:
you running away from yandere!heeseung when you had the chance, then you encountered a nice guy (i imagine to probably be sunghoon) and then you tell him all bout you running away, heeseung, all that stuff. butttt here's the twist.. hoon has been stalking you for a looong time so yeah kind of like reader got away from a yandere just to end up with another yandere 💥
Omggg thank you for writing in! I'm so glad to hear that from you 😊 here it is sorry for the long wait! Hope you like it!
You’d been running for days, constantly looking over your shoulder, heart pounding. Heeseung, with his unsettling gaze and obsessive demeanor, was always one step behind. It was terrifying, knowing that someone so fixated was out to find you.
His words and actions are no doubt trauma for you.
It started all nice and romantic, Heeseung was the sweetest guy you've ever met and no doubt, you have fallen in love with this beautiful man. But things started to get handy.
Ever since you guys officially got together, he has been possessive. Like to an extreme amount.
To the point where you felt suffocated and scared. You tried to talk to him about it but he always turned to the same behaviour.
You couldn't take it anymore and decided to break up with him... Which obviously didn't turn out well.
"Heeseung... I... I'm sorry. I... Let's break up."
You said not looking at him. You didn't want to see any of that madness in his eyes.
"Baby... Was that a joke? Or..."
His tone wasn't warm.... It was cold. As if, if you said "no" the next second, he would tear you into pieces.
But you can't let fear over take you.
"No. I'm serious Heeseung. I want to break up with you."
And there... Boom!
You ended up in his basement for 3 weeks.
For 3 weeks, you have been trying to run. Of course failing almost every time.
But that day... You finally got out of his grip.
Then, amidst your frantic escape, you stumbled upon someone who seemed like a beacon of calm.
Sunghoon, with his warm smile and kind eyes, offered you a moment of respite.
You poured your heart out, telling him everything: how you’d been fleeing from Heeseung, how his intense obsession made your life a nightmare.
Sunghoon listened patiently, offering comforting words and seeming genuinely concerned. You felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe you’d finally found safety.
"I'm sorry to hear that Y/n... I'm here now... I will take care of you..."
But as the days went on, you began to notice little things. Sunghoon was always there, just when you needed him. It seemed like he had an uncanny ability to show up at the right place and time.
"Oh? Sunghoon? What are you doing in my house?"
"Here! I bought you some chocolate. I thought you might need this right now."
"Oh my god that's so sweet of you... How did you know that I am in desperate need of this right now?"
You smiled and took the chocolate from his hand.
"Every time you fail a test, you always get chocolates to cheer yourself up, don't you?"
He said with a proud smile.
But... You have never told him that... And you never told him that you failed your most recent test...
So... How does he know?
But at that time, you were too innocent to even notice this was odd.
Eventually, a year later, you and Sunghoon got into a relationship.
One evening, as you were looking through Sunghoon's phone, as your phone ran out of battery and you desperately needed a phone to do some research.
Curiousity got into you and somehow, you decided to open up Sunghoon's gallery.
you came across something unsettling. A series of photos you didn’t remember taking.
They showed you in various locations, from moments of vulnerability to everyday scenes.
Your heart sank as you realized these were taken by Sunghoon.
Confronting him, you saw a shift in his demeanor. His warm smile faded, replaced by a more intense, calculating gaze.
You sensed danger. Your body is telling you to run, and of course, you followed what your body told you to do.
You ran for your life.
Why have you never noticed anything?
“You didn’t think you’d escape that easily, did you?” he whispered next to your ears and he caught up to you.
"I didn't plan all this just to let you escape..."
He said and smirked.
"What... What do you mean?"
"You know... I could have just given you a backup phone... I'm not that stupid Y/n.."
"I want you to know how much I love you... And you should love me as much too..."
The realization hit hard. You had run from one yandere, only to fall into the grasp of another.
Sunghoon’s obsession, hidden behind a facade of kindness, was just as consuming.
The cycle of escape and obsession seemed never-ending, leaving you to confront the stark reality of your situation.
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strawbrrycuteblog · 9 months
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For the hundredth time in the last hour you’d try pushing sunghoons head away from your dripping cunt, his tongue lapping at your clit over and over again, until he drew literal tears from you.
Sunghoon had been eating you out for a while now, eating up all your cum, continuously pushing his tongue in and out, he was in a daze, he was in a trance even.
That’s what your pussy did to him.
It drove him crazy, could make him do whatever you wanted.
“No more hoon! P-please!!” You cried out but only to be left with him not bothering.
He mumbled against your cunt, “you can take more baby, I know this sweet pussy can handle more.”
“Fuck!” Another orgasm ripped from you, at this point your pussy was going numb, it hurt a bit but was majorly overstimulating.
All that was heard was slurping sounds. Until he finally pulled his head up and his mouth and chin glistened with your liquids.
He sat up on his knees and you knew what was coming, you immediately shook your head, knowing you couldn’t handle that last orgasm let alone his dick.
He smirked when he saw you start to move away and he grabbed your hips.
“Nah uh, be a good girl and let me come inside of that little pussy..”
You hated how his words could turn you on to the point you didn’t give a shit in the world if your body was overstimulated.
You nodded and he continued to unbuckled his belt, then pulling off his jeans only above his knees, just enough so he’d get his dick out.
“Gonna be a nice girl?” You hesitated while trying to force our words.
“Yes..gonna be such a nice girl for you..”
He laughed a bit and then suddenly pushed himself inside of you, your back arching, hands gripping the sheets, mouth agape with a gasp, his thick and pretty dick penetrating your walls.
“Fuccckkk such a tight pussy, want it deeper, want my tip making out with your fucking womb..”
Your whines drove him to fuck into your fuck hole faster, making you more wet, your slick gathering around the base of his cock.
“Daddy please want more, want so much, harder!”
At this point he was fucking you into the mattress, his hands were on both sides of your head as sunghoons hips thrusted harder against you.
Skin slapping echoed in the room, your ass was red and so were your inner thighs, he gripped your tits and slapped them.
“You like that? Dirty fucking slut.”
“Got me so pussy drunk and you wanna complain? I don’t think so.”
He felt himself loosing his smooth and hard rhythm as the time went by, you knew this was a sign he was gonna cum soon and you knew it’d be in your stomach, you started to push at his abdomen.
He grabbed your hands pulling you closer to him, fucking deeper and harder. So fucking desperate to cum inside of you.
“Gonna cum in this pussy, don’t even try to push me away you bitch.”
You cried out a pitchy moan, your eighth orgasm hitting you, you gripped his waist tightly.
“Sunghoon! Please cum! Cum in me!”
“Such a sweet little cum dump..”
After a minute he finally came deep inside of your tight hole, filling you like a fucking donut.
He sat back as he panted, his chest heaved while he sat back his dick softened a little and slipped out of you.
You winced when you suddenly felt so empty of having nothing to stretch out your hole, but nonetheless you felt content, his hot cum spilling from your pussy.
Sunghoon then looked over at your boyfriend, Heeseung, who was sitting at the desk who had a visible hard on, with a wide and cocky ass smirk.
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I hope you love this as much as I do!!!
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uvuii · 11 months
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clouds @uvuii works
꒰ genre. ꒱ ۪ classmate!lee heeseung + femreader ⌇ ⌗written 0.2k : fluff -> short
upon unlocking your phone, pure annoyance found it’s way onto your face when the time read that only two minutes had passed since you last opened the screen . Brows furrowed and lips pursed, you set the device down, silently praying and hoping time would pass by a little bit quicker. You really couldn’t take any more lectures today.
Fidgeting with your pen, you let your mind wander, daydreaming about whatever , when the comfortable feeling of the pen in your hand disappeared, falling to the floor quickly.
Looking across the white tile floors of the classroom, you spotted the pen below you, bending down from your desk to pick up the writing utensil. Someone must’ve had the same idea as you, because you found yourself colliding heads with another person. Retracting almost immediately, you shook your head, looking up to see a boy with brown hair, and the cutest face. Shocked, you began to apologize to him.
“im so so-“
“holy shit your eyes are gorgeous.”
His comment left your mouth on the floor. The boy smiled at you before apologizing himself, making sure to include a few comments about how cute you looked when you were zoned out. “mind if I move my desk closer?”
you now found yourself smiling and nodding and the boy, hoping time stopped completely.
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theothernads · 8 months
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙥𝙩.1・ʏᴊᴡ
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𝘖𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 Y.JW. By 𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩01
-an 𝙀𝙉𝙃𝙔𝙋𝙀𝙉 fanfic
Yn believed in logic. Jungwon believed in understanding his emotions. Their friends knew they would get into petty arguments. All in all, they desire a successful university life, away from their past and families.
However, when murders appear in the premises of their own school, and the past comes back to meet them, they find a link and team up with their logic and emotions to find out the culprit and resume their normal lives.
But, no one guaranteed their safety and their feelings for each other.
Pairing: Yang Jungwon × female! reader
Ft. Enha, Le Sserafim, Bangtan, TXT, Newjeans
Smau+ written
⚠️𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: swearing, murder, obsession, mental disorders +health, suicide, family problems, not all members are good
Do not copy/reupload my work without my permission. It is pure coincidence if any events do happen. The people in the story do not resemble that of real life and all actions are fictional and do not represent them. They are purely used for entertainment purposes.
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A/n: dunno if Yunjin bought a Starbucks drink, someone tell me if she did and I'll remove her character immediately!! Anyways, profiles are out :)
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wonniethepoo · 1 year
🌼Enigmatic Love🌼
Heesung x Female love interest
hii this is my first time writing! Hope you enjoy it!
In a small town filled with ordinary days, Heesung's life took an unexpected turn when he encountered a mysterious girl. With an air of intrigue surrounding her, she captivated Heesung's heart from the moment their eyes met.
Intrigued by her enigmatic presence, Heesung embarked on a journey to unravel the secrets that lay within the depths of her soul. He found himself drawn to her quiet demeanor, her eyes reflecting a universe of untold stories.
Their encounters were fleeting yet meaningful, leaving Heesung yearning for more. Each time they crossed paths, he caught glimpses of her hidden passions and unspoken desires. Heesung was determined to uncover the layers of mystery that shrouded her, like a delicate veil waiting to be lifted.
As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Heesung's infatuation grew into something deeper. He admired her strength, her resilience, and the way she carried herself with an aura of grace. Their conversations were filled with shared dreams, whispered confessions, and a connection that defied logic.
But as Heesung delved further into her world, he realized that the mysterious girl was more than just a puzzle to solve. She was a complex tapestry of emotions and experiences, shaped by a past that had molded her into the person she had become.
Heesung's love for the mysterious girl evolved into a profound understanding and acceptance. He embraced her complexities, cherishing every moment they spent together. Their love story became a testament to the beauty of embracing the unknown, of finding solace in the enigmatic nature of another's heart.
In the end, it wasn't about unraveling every mystery or solving every puzzle. It was about loving someone for who they truly were, even if they remained a beautiful enigma. Heesung's journey taught him that sometimes, the most extraordinary love stories are born from the depths of mystery and the willingness to embrace the unknown.
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viisator · 1 year
The Rhythm of her
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Pairings: Nishimura Riki X F!Reader
Genre: Historical Fiction.
Warning: none.
Description: You've always wanted to be a professional violinist, you are someone who idolize someone like the violinist virtuoso Niccolo Paganini, but it seems like your parents have different plans for you. And so, you were married to a Prince of a neighbouring kingdom. As soon as you both got married, he became King while you, a Queen. But what if the longing of your childhood dream still linger in your chest, are you ready to let him go?
Not Proofread
Word count: 1670 words
(This fic is inspired by the Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story series from Netflix, and the Filipino film Hello, love, good bye.)
• • • • •
It was two years ago, he was seventeen when they first met and he was no longer a Prince, the day of their wedding, and she wore the whitest gown, and the prettiest hair. She never looked at him that day, even at their first kiss when the priest announced them, husband and wife.
He admit that they were too young, and she was chased away from home, that she felt very sad that only the strong strings of the violin can make her less sentimental; but he just wanted to talk and spend time with her.
He loved it when she played the instrument, the way she gently close her eyes when she started playing a piece, the way she moves her hands, the way her fingers pressed through the strings. It was elegant. His Queen was very elegant.
The Queen loves the garden that is next to the music room, she often strolls down the garden in the early morning looking through her favourite flowers, peonies. And the king also often watches her take a stroll on his balcony.
They do not talk much in their first month of marriage, and the only interaction they have was at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then after all that they'd go in their ways.
The King, Riki, loves to play sports, he loves adventures and new places, and he loves to explore and listen to his wife's playing the violin often at tea time.
While the Queen, Y/n, loves to read and loves to write her thoughts through her journals discussing her everyday recycled life. And most of all, she loves to play music.
The couple was quite the opposite. They do not talk much, they do not ask each other much such as 'How is your day?'. They only glance at each other and nod in their way when they bump into each other.
Their marriage was over a year when they started to open up a bit with each other. The Queen, then found herself loving the way Niki danced, she loves how he expresses himself by following the music. The Queen also loves his bubbly personality, whenever she hears him giggle she couldn't help but laugh with him, telling him he laughs like a child.
Y/n walks through the garden making her way into the pavilion near the pond.
There, she saw him staring deeply into the waters as if he was searching for something.
"Good afternoon." She quietly said as she join him at his side, not glancing at him.
The king then chuckles. "It is quite early for afternoons, my Queen." Niki shifted his gaze at Y/n, he could see her eyes and her slightly agape mouth.
She looks beautiful, more than beautiful, Majestic she truly is.
"Why are you here? Something the matter?" Y/n asked finally glancing at him.
"I was wondering if the Queen wanted to dance with me at the Queen dowager's Birthday banquet." Niki silently said, quite enough for Y/n to hear.
"You're the King, how could you not? It is just a dance after all." Niki only looked at her, then turned his attention to the pond.
"I thought you never wanted to dance with me." His voice was painted blue, but for some reason, it made your heart warm that he wanted to dance with you.
"How so?" You asked through your small smile.
"You might want to spend time in the orchestra more playing the violin...like you did last year." The Queen looked at him when she heard him whisper it out. She felt bitterness as she observes his hopeful gaze.
"Well, I'll think about it," The Queen said, swallowing, avoiding his gaze.
Her movement made Niki chuckle a little, quite teasingly.
"I thought I could dance with you since I am the King," Niki said pointing at himself.
"Would you still pick violin over your godly good-looking husband? Who dances very gracefully and handsomely?" Y/n looked at him, whispering 'stop it".
A short silence followed then, Niki sensed her sudden dejection when they made contact in the eye, and she heave a long slow sigh.
"You know that playing the violin is the only thing that reminded me of home..." The Queen held his right cheek, and he can feel the warmth of her palms and her breath that always smelled like earl grey, but he could only sigh.
" Can I not be your home?" The Queen went silent for a second before locking her gaze at her feet.
"Can I not give you the comfort? Do I not seem like a husband?" Niki wanted her to look at him, but all she wanted to do was avoid his expressive eyes.
"...Paganini," Y/n whispered.
"I've always wanted to be a professional violinist..." She bitterly smiled at him.
"I thought that if I showed my father how great I am at playing, he might let me off the hook at marrying."
The Queen took a deep breath then she look at him expressing so much of the emotions she feels, until her lips trembled.
"I am sorry." Was all Niki can say and he embrace her deep into the warmth of his chest.
Days and weeks passed and this day, and his Royal Majesty- Niki, watch you play in front of three violin critics, where they'll observe you whether you passed as a great violinist.
Last week, Niki sent letters to each of them inviting them to the palace to watch you play, thinking it could make you happy if you hear them say you're more than a violinist virtuoso.
When the moment you put your instrument down, claps filled the room, and eventually, when you opened your eyes, your gaze landed on him. He was so proud, he was smiling up to the eyes, and he mouthed a small 'Good job', making your heart warm as your shoulder relaxed.
The critics said you were such a great violinist, that one of them even gave you a ticket to the opera they will perform next week.
You were very happy when one of them said you can be part of an orchestra. Your heart was filled with enthusiasm and also warmth after hearing that.
The day had passed quickly and the three critics went home.
The smile you wore since the day started never left your face up until now. You saw Niki on the balcony watching the sunset and the sky was a mix of orange and purple.
"Thank you." You let out a sigh.
"I'm glad you loved it." He said looking at your face endearingly, and then you slowly put your head at his shoulders.
"One of them said that if only I wasn't the Queen, I might be a popular violinist by now!" What Niki feels wasn't as enthusiastic as your voice at the moment, but he quietly chucked smiling at the sky and then looking at you.
"You can be a violinist if you want Y/n," He said as quietly as a whisper. You lifted your head after hearing those. You could not know what to feel, it was as if all sorts of emotions were in there.
"You can leave the title if you want, I'll not remarry or even think of it. You can be a great musician while I wait for you."
The look in his eyes was unreadable and at the same time they were sincere, his words are true, you can feel. But you don't feel the enthusiasm that he thought you'll do when he opened it up to you.
"But what about you?" Hearing your voice made his heart heavy, and then slowly, he could feel a lump form in his throat, but he could only swallow it as he deeply drowns in your eyes.
"I'll always love you."
The Banquet of the Queen Dowager's Birthday came and you were captivated by what your husband- Niki wore.
While dancing, you could only think of him while he held you and your eyes as he guides you to your feet. His smile was the warmest of summer, and his touch was the comfort of the music you've always known but never heard.
The whole night went through with the both of you dancing. It was fun and heartwarming. It felt like a scene straight out of a book.
Until midnight came, you found the both of you looking deeply at the dark sky filled with stars that reflects on the pond.
"I've been thinking it through." The Queen started. Niki could only stay silent, but deep inside, he wished it was him whom she'll pick, he wished and hoped she'll stay with him.
'A little longer please.' He'd thought.
'Stay in my embrace... please.' And he'd wish over, and over again in his mind.
But when her eyes caught him, her teary bloodshot eyes, her bitter-sour gaze, and the way she slowly held his hand.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes and held her left cheek once he heard her trembling voice.
"Go and be what you've always dreamt of. I know you'll be happy." Y/n only nodes at his words.
"I'll always love you." Y/n lastly said kissing him deeply, feeling every taste, showering her every emotion, for she know, that they both know that it would be the last.
And once their kiss was broken, she huff her breath, stealing a glance at him for the last time, and not long, she let him go, until he could only see her back, until darkness enveloped her, until she was no longer there.
His tears could not stop, and Niki's chest seems so tight, it was as if he could not breathe.
Until he regained his breath, still not going anywhere but the pavilion by the pond. Still not looking anywhere but the place she disappeared into. He could only heave a deep long sigh and close his eyes.
"I'll always love you more."
Series Masterlist
Enhypen Masterlist
©Viisator2023 - all rights reserved.
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softanddreamyhours · 6 months
🌷enhypen smau recommendations🌷
these are all fem!reader, my apologies !!!! pLEASE SENF ME RECOMMENDATIONS I LIVE LAUGH LOVE SMAUS
lee heeseung
a stoners guide to starbucks (completed) - @jayflrt lee heeseung x fem!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers. this was honestly the funniest thing ive read ever, i was properly laughing out loud.
verboten (completed) - @heesbaby lee heesung x fem!reader, fluff, smut, kind of an age gap? also kind of angst? girl this had me so hot and bothered, love love love.
poison (completed) - @onlyjaeyun lee heeseung x fem!reader, angst, smut, brothers best friend. my guy this was great i love lee heeseung and i also love user onlyjaeyun
park jongseong
strictly business (completed) - @onlyjaeyun park jonseong x fem!reader, fluff, smut, ceo!jay x secretary!reader i love a man in a suit ohmygosh also if you dont follow user onlyjaeyun youre doing it wrong, writing is immaculate.
park sunghoon
cold hearts (on going) - @onlyjaeyun park sunghoon x fem!reader, fluff, smut, friends to enemies to lovers i love toxic men unfortunately and sunghoon is mean in this one. i am so invested in this story its crazy.
the pleasure principal (on going) - @moonlighthoon park sunghoon x fem!reader, crack, smut, strangers to lovers this has been such a cute and funny read so far. cant wait for the rest.
fuck christmas (completed) - @jayflrt park sunghoon x fem!reader, crack, fluff, friends to lovers a quick read, but super sweet !!!
sim jaeyun
after hours (completed) - @heesbaby rockstar!jake x fem!reader, fluff, slow burn, smut. this had me hooked man, great writing !!!!!
hybe boy (completed) - @onlyjaeyun sim jaeyun x fem!reader, fluff, smut, strangers to lovers jake is honestly so cute in this story i love him so bad.
doctors orders (completed) - @heesbaby sim jaeyun x fem!reader, angst, fluff, smut. loved the angst in this one *chefs kiss*
kim sunoo
i havent seen a single smau for my baby, if anyone has recommendations PLEASE send them to me !!!!!
UPDATE! a sunoo smau has been sent to me wooo
let my love run wild - @jaeminvore sunoo x fem!reader, fluff, down bad sunoo, kinda mean reader? i was so happy when i got this sent to me, i binged it omg i love kim sunoo he's the cutest
yang jungwon
cupids conflict (completed) - @amakumos yang jungwon x fem!reader, fluff, enemies to lovers but only one of them knows they're enemies lol this was sooooo cute
kindred (completed) - @thatfeelinwhenyou yang jungwon x fem!reader, fluff, angst, enemies to lovers i binged this story !!! it was soo good and cute and good and cuuuuttteeee
nishimura riki
joah (completed) - @jayujus nishimura riki x fem!reader, fluff, crack, enemies to lovers?? so cute, theres kind of a love triangle ? tbh this is the only fic ive ever read for niki.
3K notes · View notes
inkchwe · 2 days
so high school | 𝖑𝖍𝖘
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୨୧ pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader ୨୧ word count: 6.8k ୨୧ genre: fluff, smut ୨୧ tags: basketballplayer!heesung, nerd!reader, tutor!au, high school au, oral (f + m receiving), penetration (all characters are of age!), light choking ୨୧ synopsis: You and your boyfriend are complete opposites on paper—you, the girl hidden inside a book, and Heeseung, the star of the basketball team—but it feels so right every time you’re together.
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Heeseung at the free-throw line, certain he will make the basket and win the championship, turns to look at you in the stands. The sounds of his coach, taunts from the opposing team, encouragement of his teammates, and commotion of the final game of the season all fade into the background. To him, all that matters besides the ball in his hands is you.
You, amongst the others in the crowd with their hearts in their mouths, have no fears for your boyfriend. The star player who’s going to make history has never given you doubts before in his talents. All you can do is smile, incredibly proud and incredulous at the thought that he is all yours and nobody else’s.
It’s almost unimaginable how the two of you found each other, coming from completely different worlds. But like all stories, similar to the ones you’ve read since childhood, the story of you and Heeseung has a clear beginning…
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“Do you ever stop to—I don’t know—not read?” Jungwon asks, jotting down notes in his notebook.
You giggle and flip the page. “It’s the last book on Choi’s summer reading list. Besides,” you retort, looking directly at your best friend, “how else would I be able to read and still remember what you just said to me if I didn’t practice?”
“Fuck off.” You lightly knock his shoulder with yours.
Even though it was still very early in the school year, you still had a lot to concentrate  on with the month coming to an end. Like the first novel Mrs. Choi selected on her extensive reading list. You planned to discuss it with the members of the school’s book club, your notes already tucked in your backpack for today’s Friday meeting.
Now, sitting with Jungwon in the hallway as you eat your lunch, your focus is solely on finishing the last fifty pages of the last book in the list Mrs. Choi created. Jungwon closes his notebook and gets up from his spot next to you. “Alright, I gotta head to Chem.  I’ll see you after school!” With a wink, he runs down the hallway and disappears down the corner.
Who you don’t expect to pop up next to disturb the sudden quiet of the surrounding area is Lee Heeseung, star shooting guard for the school’s basketball team. You never spoke to him before, but his reputation and family’s legacy preceded him. His brother was the shooting guard for the team years ago, breaking numerous records before he graduated. Now, Heeseung’s definitely filling his brother’s shoes and then some.
As a person, however, you know nothing about the boy at all. This year, though, you shared the same English class with Mrs. Choi. She cared little for his extracurriculars or persona around campus; what mattered to her was the effort of her students and the quality of the classwork.
Heeseung passes you by on his way towards his destination, not sparing a glance. You sit attentively as he knocks on Mrs. Choi’s classroom door.
She answers after a moment, a somber smile on her lips. “What can I do for you, Mr. Lee?”
He clears his throat and asks her, “You saw my message and I—“
“I am aware, Mr. Lee. My response still stands. Is there something else you need?” Mrs. Choi sees you out of the corner of her eye, but she doesn’t acknowledge your snooping.
“I will do anything to correct my last assignment. Please,” Heeseung begs.
“Mr. Lee, the cutoff for submissions was last week. I’m sorry, but your grade is final.” She sighs and looks at her watch.
“There’s nothing I can do to bring it up before the first game?” Heeseung asks, his voice growing thin from his frustration. He’s not rude, but clearly disappointed he isn’t getting his way with his big eyes and pleading words.
“How about this? I’ll tell Coach Sung you’re working on a paired project to make up the grade.”
“Perfect.” Heeseung breathes a sigh of relief before he takes in the rest of her sentence. “Wait, who’s my partner?”
Mrs. Choi extends her arm out to point in your direction. Immediately, you want to tuck yourself in your book and hide. You did not intend for your interest in their conversation to put you right in the middle of it, and now you wish you hadn’t feigned curiosity at all.
“She’s one of my best students, so you’re in great hands.” She turns her head so both you and Heeseung can hear her. “I’ll send both of you the information for the project later today.”
You didn’t notice Heeseung had kept his focus on you until you broke your stare-off with Mrs. Choi. Her lips are upturned in a secret smirk when you turn your attention to him.
Heeseung isn’t bad to look at, the definition of his muscles peeking out of his shirt in multiple places and his brown hair falling into his face. Each piece of his physical being represents the epitome of a Greek god’s form. But the fact neither of you had ever interacted up to this point is what scares you more than his intimidatingly good looks.
When Mrs. Choi gently closes the door, Heeseung awkwardly walks over to your position, towering over you. Ironically, his presence physically embodies your feelings towards him, this stranger now being shoved into your life.
“I’m Heeseung.”
You give him a close-lipped smile and extend your hand out to him, your name leaving your lips immediately. Displaying fake confidence, you hope he can’t tell how terrified you are.
His eyes brighten when his hand touches yours. You stand up, hand still in his, and the feeling of his palm against yours causes you to fumble your next words. “S-so I guess I should give you my number. I mean so once we get the assignment—“
Heeseung smirks. “Usually girls flirt a little more before asking for my number.”
You scoff and tuck your book closer. “I was offering to give you mine, actually. For educational purposes.”
The noise of his laughter fills the small corridor. “Right.”
You roll your eyes, suddenly feeling annoyance creeping under your skin. “Well, if it’s that hard to swap information, you can find me after school in the library.” You walk away, but Heeseung follows quickly behind.
“I have practice once the last bell rings.”
You look at him with serious eyes, not bothering to stop your stride towards the stairs. “Tell Coach you can’t make it.”
“Are you nuts?” Heeseung says, eyes wide.
You smirk. “You have to get your grade up to play, right?”
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You watch the clock in the library with scrutiny. Members of the book club have been gone for half an hour, but you chose to stay behind. School let out an hour ago, and yet you’re still holding out hope Heeseung will come. But every minute that goes by proves you have to face facts: you’re now forced to collaborate with a stereotypical jock.
Mr. Kim, the head librarian, puts the disorganized books on the shelves as you tap your pencil on the table. “Waiting for someone? You don’t usually stick around this late,” Mr. Kim says with a smile.
You grin back, the sentiment not reaching your eyes. “You could say that.”
After another ten minutes of silence, you give up. You begin packing up your belongings, shaking your head and mumbling to yourself the entire time. Curse your interest in the guy and his lack of care for his academics. No wonder his grade was in the tank already. What was the point of athletics if he didn’t have other prospects to fall back on?
Just as you’re walking out of the library, Heeseung runs into you. Sweat’s dripping from his forehead and his breaths are labored. Clearly, he chose basketball over your project. You want to punch him for putting you both in this position.
“I swear I was going to blow off practice,” Heeseung says, but he can see your doubt in his words on your face.
“Sure. How about this? Figure out how to do the project on your own.” You press your body into his to push him out of your way. He follows in suit and rubs the spot you shoved, pretending to be wounded.
It only fuels your ire. You’ve only spoken to the jerk twice and you’re already tired of him treating every word you say and feeling you have like a joke. “Is failing that amusing to you?”
Heeseung’s expression immediately goes cold. “I’m not failing.”
“Sure. So Choi’s just doing this to torture you.”
He weighs his response in his mind before answering. “I may not be perfect, but Choi is really hard on grading.”
“That first assignment was just about what your future looks like after high school.” You push your backpack over your arm. “Excuse her for thinking you had plans outside of throwing a ball around a field.”
That laugh of his may just be the end of your life. He chuckles hard and puts a hand out to stop you. “First of all, that’s football.” He tries to make you look at him directly, but you refuse, too angry to give into what he wants. 
He continues anyway. “Second, basketball is my life. Past, present, future, okay? Without it, I don’t even know where I’d be.”
His voice is sincere, more honest than it’s been before. Regardless, your understanding and disappointment is evident. “Don’t you think that that’s the problem?”
“It hasn’t been one before. Suddenly I say it out loud and it’s an issue?” Heeseung’s voice raises a decibel, clearly agitated and back to his cold exterior.
If he wants to fight about this, you’re game.
“No,” you say, matching his vocal level. “The issue is that your focus is solely on basketball when there’s more important things in life than a dumbass court and sweaty guys trying to make touchdowns.” 
“You’re mixing up your sports analogies, angel.” Heeseung steps closer, testing your boundaries. Your chest heaves up and down, your breath labored. You may just slap him if he gets closer.
“You know what I mean.”
“Are you going to help me or not?” A fraction of his expression slips. His eyes challenge you in both irritation and anxiety. The bravado’s merely a mask for the fear that he’ll lose the one thing he wants the most in this world. And did you have it in you to be the reason he couldn’t have it?
You sigh and rub your palm across your forehead. “Tomorrow, meet me at the marketside pier. 8 AM. Take it or leave it.”
He releases a humorless chuckle. “You’re not gonna make this easy are you?”
“Not on your life.”
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Heeseung is there at one of the pier’s wooden picnic tables with his materials sprawled out when you arrive at 7:45. You weren’t expecting for him to be there on time, much less earlier than you. The sun reflects off of his hair, turning the brown curls almost orange. Like the first time you saw him, you can’t help but be reminded that he is painstakingly attractive.
You give him a shy smile and put your backpack down next to you.
“I can tell you’re surprised,” Heeseung says with a small smile.
“A bit, yeah.” You unzip your bag to grab your English textbook. “I thought on the weekends you typically do…’fitness stuff.’” He laughs at your air quotes.
“Well, to be honest, I wake up at 6 AM every morning for drills with my dad.”
Your eyes go wide. “Wow.”
“Yeah. Like you said, my sole focus is on that damn ball,” Heeseung says, opening his own textbook. “But I want to change that.”
“So you can keep playing,” you remind him, teasing the poor guy.
“Half true,” Heeseung says. “But I shouldn’t have left you hanging, yesterday.”
You nod. “I appreciate your apology.” You grab a pencil from your bag, pushing on the eraser until the lead pops up. “And I shouldn’t have been so judgmental. You have to be good at stuff besides basketball, even if it’s not studying.”
“Hey! I’m doing well in all my other classes, thank you very much.” You both share a minute of laughter. “But, to be honest, I do like to sing.”
You roll your eyes. “Okay, Troy Bolton.”
“For real! One day, I’ll take you to karaoke. I won’t make fun of you if you can’t keep up with me.”
“Okay, we’ll see.” You direct his focus back on to the page. “Now, onto Shakespeare.”
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Although Heeseung took his sweet, laborious time to translate and understand Shakespeare’s old English, the project went off without a hitch. Mrs. Choi was even surprised herself, in disbelief you pulled such an expansive and well-thought analysis out of the quintessential jock.
Now, it seemed the best next step to keep Heeseung on the right track was to sit him right next to you. Your initial partnership continued to benefit him in both his success in English and focus on academics, possibly for the first time in his high school career.
Better than that, he may have found a new friend in you that he wouldn’t have had otherwise.
By the end of one Tuesday class, Heeseung asks you to have lunch with him and his friends, a request that makes your previous seating buddy in English, Yujin, freak out.
Both her and Jungwon corner you on your way out when you tell them the news.
“No fucking way,” she whispers excitedly, slapping you on the back with vigor.
“That hurt,” you moan.
“Are you prepared?” Jungwon asks, smirking.
“Prepared for what?”
“The lion’s den, dude! You’re gonna be with not just his douche friends, but also the cheerleaders, other sports players…be prepared for the worst,” Jungwon grumbles.
“Oh shut up, Won!” Yujin threatens to hit him too, but he retracts. “Have fun on your pseudo first date.”
“It’s not a date!”
By the time lunch comes around, you hold yours with shaky hands, searching the lunch courtyard for the jock’s table. You usually sat with Jungwon or Yujin in the hallway of the English department to eat. Now, you’re a small fish in a big pond, waiting to be eaten alive.
Was it, in fact, a date, like your friends hypothesized? Did you have to try and impress Heeseung more than normal? Did you want Heeseung to take you on a date, real or fake, to begin with?
Heeseung waves you over with a confident but over-exaggerated arm, flapping it wildly so you notice. He didn't need to do that, though; you could pick out his voice in any crowd.
You walk over with a smile and sit down, feeling small next to the strangers you had not met until this moment. The basketball team's not unwelcome, but they are awkward at your sudden presence at their usual lunch table, even if Heeseung made it known beforehand that you would be hanging out with them to eat.
He says your name and introduces you to his friends. "And that's Sunghoon, Jeongsong, and Jaeyun." You recognize the last two, Jay and Jake. Jake, the strikingly blonde one, has Chemistry with you this year. He smiles and tips his soda can at you in acknowledgement.
"Hee was telling us you’ve been saving him this term in English. Choi can be a pain in the ass, am I right?" Sunghoon and Jeongsong share a laugh, but you bristle at the comment.
"Not really," you say. "Choi sponsors my book club, so we have a good relationship. I think that's why she wanted me to whip Heeseung into shape in the first place." You elbow Heeseung in the side, and he grins in response.
"She's probably right."
"Book club kid, huh?" Jake asks. "Haven't been one of those since elementary school."
Jake's comments make the entire team laugh. Your cheeks turn pink and Heeseung takes a sip from his drink, his posture stiffening in the process.
"It's not a bad thing though," Jake interjects amidst their laughter. "Books are fun."
"A bit nerdy, though," Sunghoon comments.
A girl next to Sunghoon smacks him hard in the arm, but he just pokes his tongue at her.
Your anxiety spikes sitting there with all of these people, your gut feelings a reminder that they’re all a part of Heeseung’s world, not yours.
You clear your throat and stand up from the table. “I forgot to say, Hee, I have to do something for Choi anyway.” Heeseung’s face turns down at the corners. The only audible response you receive is from Jay and Sunghoon in the form of snickers.
”Run along, pet,” Sunghoon comments with a smirk.
You hope your eyes give the offense you won’t bother saying out loud. Fuck off, asshole.
When you make it to your usual lunch spot, Yujin and Jungwon are surprised to see you walking down the hallway.
”What happened?” Yujin asks.
”Exactly what Won said was going to happen,” you confess, sitting down in a criss-cross position beside her. “Now give me your chips.”
When the end of the day comes around, Heeseung catches you on your usual trek to the bus. “You’re forgiven, by the way.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “What did I do?”
”You left me alone with my shithead teammates! I needed you there for backup, y’know.” He smirks and grabs your backpack from your shoulder to put around his arm. “I’m sorry about them. Sunghoon, mostly.”
”Can’t believe you’re friends with that guy,” you mumble.
”He’s the only one who I’m not friends with, truthfully. The others are cool. They’re just not used to new people.”
”I never would have guessed.”
Heeseung’s laugh is hearty, with a dazzling smile to match. You can almost forget the heap of embarrassment you felt earlier when you look at him like this, carefree and youthful.
“Anyway, let me give you a ride,” he offers, pointing to the senior parking lot. His car is freshly washed, its coat of paint identical to the school’s colors of blue with silver accents.
”What will your friends say?” you ask with a fake gasp.
”Fuck them. Besides, you’re also one of my friends. Now let’s go.” He takes your hand to walk in the direction of his car, not releasing your palm until you’re at his passenger side door.
As you give him directions, your mind goes back to the labels you had been running through in your mind all day. Were you Heeseung’s friend? Yes. Did you want to be more? Surely he didn’t just ask anyone to have lunch with him and his friends if he didn’t have other intentions, right? So, in that case, did yours match his?
A part of you wants to say yes, but the rational piece keeps you in check. It’s ridiculous to expect more than a friendship. How could you when it was so obvious your worlds were so far from each other, your friendship a simple fluke? You were grateful for his presence in your life, knowing without him it would be a bit darker, but would it last?
Yet here you were. Sitting happily in his car, hair blowing in the wind as his thumb grazes the outside of your hand, you try to enjoy all the time you do have together.
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”This is ridiculous!”
”Come on, just try it!”
”When did I ever say I was good at sports?” You groan, holding the ball in your hands with nervous fingers. The basketball court at your local park is occupied only by you and Heeseung, but it feels as though there’s a thousand people in the metal stands watching you, waiting for you to mess up.
”You said if I passed the last test you would let me show you how to make a free throw.” Heeseung has his hands in his pockets, his letterman jacket flapping in the autumn wind.
“If I suck at this, you’re never going to talk to me again. Just watch.” You try to dribble the ball across the court, but it falls between your legs before you can travel any further.
Heeseung puts his face behind his hand, clearly chuckling to himself. You scoff at him and the response you saw coming the second he put the ball in your hands. “See? I told you you would think I’m embarrassing!”
He raises his hands in defense. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s just cute, that’s all.”
”’Cute’ is probably the nicest way you could say I’m embarrassing.” You kick the basketball in his direction. He catches it without any effort, his face still shaped in a state of enjoyment.
”I said cute because I meant cute, you dork.” He steps to the free-throw line and motions for you to join him. You do, grumbling and grunting the entire way.
”Now, you have to relax. The only way you have half a shot at making the basket is if you stop tensing up.” He hands you the ball again and steps behind you.
He puts his hands on your hips. his palms soft against your hoodie. You can practically feel the heat of his skin through the material of your clothing, and you hope he can’t tell how much your heartbeat has spiked from him being so close to you.
”Next thing is to bend your knees. They can’t be locked up.” You listen to his words, trying not to focus on how his body is making yours react. You may be imagining it, but even his voice sounds a bit breathless from the small distance between yourself and him.
His lips are ghosting over your ear when he says, ”Now shoot.”
You release the ball from your hands, hoping the angle of your throw and Heeseung’s directions will prove you’re partially competent. 
And sure enough, the basket makes it in a single whoosh. You turn in Heeseung’s grasp, releasing a happy cheer. “That was amazing!”
You feel the rush of the shot in your veins, but suddenly the only thing that makes your body hum in pleasure is the sudden crash of Heeseung’s lips against yours.
Unsure how to react, you stand there frozen in place as his mouth moves on its own accord. But slowly, surely, happily, you fall deeply into his embrace. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and feel the press of his tongue against your mouth, begging for entrance.
You comply, letting the feeling of him and the thrill of this private moment in both of your worlds fill you to the brim with quiet pleasure and happiness.
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[LHS] Can we talk, please?
[LHS] Did I do something wrong??
[LHS] IDC if you don’t respond. I’ll keep texting until you say something…
[LHS] Don’t leave me hanging :(
You sigh and throw your phone to the other side of the bed, tucking your comforter closer to your chest. Deciding to stay home from school was probably not the best way to handle your problems, but just because you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re sensible all the time.
This weekend’s excursion with Heeseung was beautiful, no doubt. But the fears continued to creep in with little regard for how happy he made you that day or all the days that came before it. Would how he felt about you last any longer than his basketball season? Did he entertain this simply for the fact that it was entertainment and nothing more? 
The thoughts had been too much when you said goodbye to him on your doorstep with another hasty, giddy kiss and all the hours following it. Maybe you were self-sabotaging, but it was better to manage expectations now than be crushed in the aftermath.
When Yujin calls you during lunch, you have half a mind to ignore it. You answer anyway to avoid your friends thinking something drastic happened.
”Hello,” you mumble, the effects of your late morning nap hitting you.
”Dude, Heeseung’s on a tear today. He even asked Jungwon where you were, and I didn’t even think he knew the kid existed. What the hell happened on Saturday?”
Before you can respond, you hear the sound of your doorbell. “I gotta go. I’ll tell you later.” You hang up, hastily grabbing your fuzzy robe before running downstairs.
You don’t bother looking through the peephole to see who it is, but you curse yourself for not doing so when you’re confronted with Heeseung. He’s a sweaty and panting mess, but he doesn’t care for his appearance. His face morphs into relief when he sees you staring back at him.
”Thank God,” he says before stepping closer to you. He runs his hand over your forehead, frowning. “You’re not sick.”
You shake your head.
”So, you just ignore me all weekend and then don’t show up to school today?”
You sigh. “I didn’t know what to say when I saw you.”
He gulps, his Adam's apple bobbing. “So you chose not to see me at all? Was kissing me that terrible?
”No!” You run a frustrated hand through your hair, the spot in your hallway suddenly too cramped. You push him back outside and close the door behind you. “I don’t regret it at all. And I’d do it again if I could.”
Heeseung smirks at that, clearly happy with your response. “So, what’s the problem?”
”The problem is that when you get bored of me, things won’t go back to normal for me like they will for you, Hee. You may think this is a game but—“
Heeseung’s sudden laugh is marked with a bitterness. His eyes grow serious, so much so your words stop short because of his stone expression
”Do you think that little of me?”
Your body tenses at his words, unsure how to respond. You have never thought of him as lesser than once, not since getting to know him. But maybe only looking at your feelings regarding your relationship compromised his own in the process.
He steps closer, your faces an inch apart. “Two months ago, I didn’t realize how much my life was going to change because of you. All I thought about before was basketball. And now, you’re one of the only things outside of that damn game that matters to me. When I haven’t talked to you or seen you for too long it’s like there’s this rock in my gut that I can’t get rid of. I kissed you because I wanted to, not for fun or because it’s this momentary thing.
”So, if you still think I’m going to get bored of you in a few days or weeks or months, then you really aren’t as smart as I thought you were, angel. Because I’m not going anywhere.”
Breathless would be too small of a word to describe how his speech affects you. You feel the same buzz of his kiss from a few days throughout your entire body from his words alone. It makes every worry and fear that has plagued you evaporate, replaced with his promises and all the reasons you should jump in headfirst without another thought.
So you do.
You kiss him hard, crashing into his lips and hoping all of the feelings he harbors reflect in the actions of your mouth. You hold onto him with your hands on his neck and the smoothness of your lips in a beautiful rhythm with each other.
Whatever happens next, you know there’s no turning back now.
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“And Sim, our prime point-guard, passes to Lee. Lee has ten seconds to make another three pointer and win the game. Will he do it? Time to find out!” Kim Sunwoo screams into the microphone, broadcasting the highlights of the semi-final game to the many listeners not attending in-person.
Lucky for you, you have the perfect spot in the stands to watch Heeseung make the winning basket and lead the team to victory.
The crowd roars when your boyfriend secures the team’s spot in the championship game. His teammates lift him up above their heads and shoulders, chanting his name and holding him with all of their strength. Heeseung immediately searches the crowd for you, his excitement fueling his newfound focus.
When he does see you, clapping your hands and cheering with the rest of the bystanders, he kisses the inside of his palm and shoots it in your direction like he’s making another basket. Your heart squeezes at the gesture, but you only blush and wink.
Ever since that day on your doorstep, you can’t seem to separate yourself from him or the feelings he stirs up inside of you. The thought and reality of not seeing or hearing from him for too long immediately dampens your spirits, just like Heeseung described to you when he confessed. Jungwon calls you “lovesick fools” every time you both are in his presence, but it’s not that. The love you feel for your boyfriend is one that strengthens every sense, impulse, and desire. Without it and him, that’s when you feel the weakest. And every time Heeseung smiles at you or holds you close, you can tell he feels the same.
Whether your worlds were the exact same or as different as they possibly could be, you both made your own perfectly fit for just the two of you.
The outside world has to creep in every once in a while, though.
At the end of the night, Heeseung’s arm is wrapped perfectly around you as you walk. You discuss your shared plans for the night and subsequent weekend since your parents are away at a work conference. Heeseung stops short when he sees his father waiting at his car with crossed arms.
“Good job, Hee,” He says first and foremost. “Saw you lost a bit of steam in the third quarter, though. We’ll have to do some more conditioning before the final.”
And there it was. The judgment you saw so often in conversations between Heeseung and his father that made you ache for the boy you loved. As his father, he should’ve been proud to see his sons succeeding, one of them off and playing for a world-renowned team and the other on his way there. Instead, all they received was judgment. It wasn’t your place, but you couldn’t wait for the day Heeseung stood up to him.
“At least I made the winning basket, right?” Heeseung shrugs off the criticism with a laugh and holds you closer. “We have to go eat, so—“
“Of course.” His father moves out of your way. “Lovely to see you again, darling,” He says to you with a small smile as he opens the passenger door for you. You return his greeting, suddenly uncomfortable with how close he is.
On your drive to your house, you try to help Heeseung destress with a hand on his thigh. “Don’t let him get to you,” you say sadly.
He smiles and gives you a knowing stare. “I’ve been dealing with him my whole life. He doesn’t have that power anymore.” He takes your hand from his thigh to hold it tightly in his own palm. “Besides, I’m one step closer to the championship and I got my girl next to me. Nothing’s getting in the way of my good night.”
You set your backpacks down at the door when you step inside your house. Heeseung follows you to the kitchen. While you’re finding the flier with the number of your favorite takeout restaurant, Heeseung presses his lips to your neck. The trail of his kisses going from the back of your ear to the start of your collarbone makes you shiver.”
“Hee,” you warn him. “We won’t be able to eat if you keep distracting me.”
“Food is the second priority,” he responds, lips feathering your skin. “Right now, we need to celebrate the championship.”
“The championship is still three weeks away.”
“If we both know I’m going to win, what’s the point of delayed gratification?” He pulls the sleeve of your shirt down to expose the top of your shoulder, kissing that area too to make your body thrum with pleasure.
“Speaking of that…” You turn to face Heesung, pressing your back against the counter. “I guess we can celebrate something tonight besides your impending win.”
Heeseung raises an eyebrow.
“I got early acceptance to Sky.”
Heeseung’s eyes immediately light up at your announcement. He pulls you in by the waist and spins you around the tiny space between your kitchen island and the fridge.
When the topic of college came up, it was as good a time as any for the two of you to discuss your future plans with each other. As fate would have it, Heeseung planned to play for Sky University’s basketball team next year, and you were waiting on your official acceptance letter when you both started dating.
Now, Heeseung would have the two most important things to him in the next chapter of his life. The boy’s over the moon, as any other person would be.
Heeseung lifts you over his shoulder, immediately heading in the direction of the stairs to take you to your bedroom. He laughs off your mock protest.
He knows for certain he’s in love with you. It may not be the perfect time to say it, especially before he’s about to ravish you, but the perfect time will come when it feels right.
He doesn’t say it when he strips you bare for only his eyes as he kisses you senseless, shocked and grateful your body is for him and him alone to see and cherish. He doesn’t say it as you kiss every inch of his bare chest to send him into a rambling mess of praises and curses.
Somehow, stupidly, the words slip out when your mouth is wrapped around his cock, tongue flat against the underside of his tip as he feels the back of your throat against him.
“Fuck, I love you so much.”
The air stills, both your bodies going rigid at the sudden confession that has just left his lips. But, instead of running scared, you take your mouth off of him and stare deeply into his eyes, smiling wide. “What’d you say?”
Heeseung breathes out a sigh of relief, suddenly taking your face in his hands and kissing you deeply. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the second I saw you in that hallway. I just didn’t know it yet.”
You giggle and press another kiss to his lips. He sees a tear leave your eye, and he wipes it away gently with his thumb. “I love you, too, Heeseung.”
You fall back into a steady rhythm of kissing and touching, Heeseung’s hands roaming the skin of your stomach, the swell of your breasts, and the cleft between your thighs, making you moan.
“Let me show you how much I love you,” Heeseung whispers against your lips.
He lays you flat on your back, kissing what areas he hasn’t touched yet with his hands. He needs you to know, in every moment, he chooses you and will never stop choosing to be with you.
If he had to make the choice to either give up the game or you, he would choose the former in a heartbeat. His dad, his friends, and even fate may say it’s young love and you haven’t been in his life as long as basketball has, but they don’t see him the way you do.
Even if he doesn’t say it out loud, he knows he doesn’t have to. 
When Heeseung finally presses his lips to your clit, kissing the nub with adoration, your legs shake at the contact. You instantly run your fingers into his hair. “Fuck,” you curse, the word rarely slipping from your lips save for moments like these.
The first time you had been together, Heeseung didn’t know exactly how to touch you without being terrified it was too much. But now he knows all the ways to turn you into a beautiful mess.
He licks languidly across your center and through your folds, keeping the perfect pace for you to ride your hips against his mouth. He inserts a finger into your entrance after coating the digit in the arousal already pooling at your center. You, typically so put together, are ready to fall apart at the simple press of his mouth against you.
Heeseung knows he can get you off this way, without question. And most nights, he doesn’t mind when you’re the only one who receives pleasure. But tonight, you moan out a request that he can’t say no to.
“Heeseung, please. I want you inside me when I come.” He doesn’t have to be told what to do twice when it’s the best command he’s heard all night.
He takes your mouth in his, holding your jaw in his hand and slightly applying pressure to the side of your neck. A half-empty moan leaves your lips at the sudden contact. To him, the sounds that you make are their own form of poetry, better than anything you’ve read to him all year.
Heeseung quickly grabs a foil packet from your bedside drawer to put on himself, protection being the one thing you can’t forget in the midst of your desire for each other. Lining himself up with your entrance, he thinks you could not look more beautiful with your half-lidded eyes and eager hands grabbing onto his hips to finally push him inside of you.
When he does ease in, he swallows the curse prepared to leave your mouth with his lips. It’s an indescribable feeling, the stretch and pull of your walls taking him in completely. Although you’ve been together many times before this night, it’s still a novelty Heeseung does not take for granted.
He takes his time establishing a rhythm, loving the pants and whimpers you emit because of him and for him. He holds his hand on your throat, his thumb going into your mouth for you to wrap your lips around in a lewd manor.
“Ah, fuck,” you say as he snaps his hips, filling you to the hilt. “Just like that.”
He feels his orgasm in his gut, threading further up his body as he snaps his hips harder and faster, moving in and out at a faster pace than normal. You don’t mind, scratching lines down his back as you cling to him. You’re both reduced to a heap of I love you’s and satisfied sounds, and it could not be more perfect.
“Fuck, Hee, I’m coming,” you say in the form of a promise, one so precious he wants to hear it every day.
The flutter of your walls around him as you fall apart pushes him to his own end, releasing into the condom with a guttural moan. He kisses you deeply before separating from you, running to the bathroom to throw the remnants of your lovemaking into the toilet and clean himself up.
You hold your arms out to him, ready to have him back by your side. He grins and kisses the crown of your forehead.
“Think about all the nights we can do this next year,” Heeseung whispers into the dark.
“I can’t wait,” you respond, pressing a kiss to his sweaty chest. “I love you.”
He grins happily to himself, the words a thousand times more powerful leaving your mouth. “I love you, too, angel.”
With your body curled into his chest, your heartbeats matching in tempo, he thinks no amount of championship wins could compare to the love he’s found in you.
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The basketball feels light as air in Heeseung’s hands, incomparable to the feeling in his chest looking at you. His teammates can tell he’s staring directly at your position in the stands. They wonder how his mind is still so occupied by you, even amongst the sea of spectators waiting for him to either succeed or screw up
Little do they realize, you’re the exact reason he’s going to win the title.
As he looks in your direction, he takes the shot without second-guessing himself. He hears the faint gasps of some attendees and even his coach, but the following swish of the basket in the hoop tells Heeseung all he needs to hear. And all he needs to see is your beautiful, proud face as the gym explodes into cheers.
You’re the best and truest thing he has in this world. He knows he’s a champion, in both the traditional and figurative sense. With you by his side, he’ll always feel like the winner of every game he’ll ever play.
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leeknowlover99 · 9 months
series announcement
singles inferno with enhypen hyung line
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warnings: jealousy, rivalry, fluff, angst, lots of mutual pining, lots of awkwardness, mentions of food and alcohol, suggestive content (not much - there will be warning)
pairings: heesung x reader, jay x reader, sunghoon x reader, bestie jake x reader
Singles inferno - you have seen first two seasons on netflix and definitely enjoyed watching them but never imagined that you could be part of this show. yet now you were sitting in the helicopter which is supposed to take you inferno. to be fair it all happened very fast. one girls night and under influence your friends convinced you to apply. another day and you actually received positive feedback and was asked for a call. one thing lead to another and now you were here. your participation actually made sense. you didn’t really have time or patience to go on dates. you were mostly focused on work. since your first book was published and sold millions of copies you were constantly working on new stories and promoting yourself in social media. if not a boyfriend at least you’ll gain more popularity by taking part in the show. actually you didn’t really expect to find a partner here, but at least it should be fun to meet new people.
episode 1 inferno read here
episode 2 paradise read here
episode 2,5 behind the cameras read here
episode 3 second inferno read here
episode 4 paradise read here
episode 5 two infernos tba
episode 6 inferno tba
episode 7 paradise tba
episode 8 inferno tba
episode 9 last paradise tba
episode 9,5 behind the camera tba
episode 10 final tba
extras: including different pairings - to be announced after full story is out
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soireegurl · 6 months
can you write bully heeseung (or any other member if you want) with reader? like he is always nice to everyone and no one believes that someone as sweet as him would bully someone. but he bullies reader a lot and actually likes her. can you also make him like REALLY mean if you can
Thanks for requesting!!!!
In the bustling halls of Gwangyang High, Heeseung was adored by all. His smile was as radiant as the sun itself, his charm captivating. To everyone else, he was the epitome of kindness, but to you, he was a venomous presence, a yandere masked in sweetness.
Despite the facade, his affection for you was twisted, expressed through cruel taunts and relentless bullying. You were the only one who saw through his façade, the only one to witness his true nature.
Every day was a new torment orchestrated by Heeseung, his words cutting deeper than any blade. Yet, amidst the pain, you refused to see his actions as anything but cruel and unjustifiable. You saw no affection in his twisted behaviors, only malice.
"Why do you do this to me?" you demanded one day, your voice trembling with anger and frustration as you confronted him after another round of humiliation.
Heeseung's smile remained unnervingly calm as he looked at you, his eyes gleaming with a possessive fervor. "Because, darling, you belong to me. And I won't let anyone else have you."
His words sent a chill down your spine, the implications of his possessiveness filling you with disgust. You refused to be anyone's property, least of all his.
As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the torment only seemed to intensify. Heeseung's jealousy grew into a consuming obsession, his actions becoming increasingly erratic and dangerous.
One day, after catching you talking to another boy, Heeseung's jealousy erupted into violence. He cornered you in a deserted hallway, his fists clenched with rage as he advanced towards you.
"You think you can talk to other guys behind my back?" he spat, his voice dripping with venom as he grabbed you roughly by the collar. "I'll make sure they never look at you again."
With a sickening sense of dread, you realized the depth of Heeseung's obsession. His love was not sweet, but poisonous, a dangerous obsession that threatened to consume everything in its path.
"Please, Heeseung, stop," you pleaded, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggled against his grip.
But Heeseung's rage knew no bounds. With a vicious snarl, he delivered blow after blow, each one landing with the force of a sledgehammer.
As you lay bruised and broken on the cold tile floor, Heeseung leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. "Remember this," he whispered, his voice low and menacing. "If you ever so much as look at another guy again, I'll kill them. And then I'll kill you."
Tears stung your eyes as you watched him walk away, his footsteps echoing ominously in the empty hallway. You were trapped, caught in the tangled web of his twisted love, with no hope of escape.
But deep down, beneath the fear and despair, a spark of defiance flickered to life. You refused to be a victim, refused to let Heeseung's cruelty define you.
And so, with each passing day, you vowed to fight back against the darkness that threatened to consume you, to break free from the shackles of Heeseung's toxic love, and reclaim your life from the sweet venom that had poisoned it.
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glowmo · 2 years
[ ship ] tags 1
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bywons · 8 months
୨୧ NERD!CLASSMATE! — lee heesung ( headcannons )
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pairing. nerd!classmate! lee heesung x f!reader w.c. 0.7k tw/cw. kissing genre. non idol au, highschool/college au, fluff
sru's note. find me a boy like this cause I NEED HIM!🗣️ kinda long fic lolol feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated!
requested by this sweet anon ☆
m.list ⏐ requests are open! ⏐ navi
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nerd!classmate! heesung who is oblivious to all the girls' infatuated eyes around him, whispering and giggling about him whenever he passes by.
nerd!classmate! heesung who is always seen with his books and projects almost every time.
nerd!classmate! heesung who rejects to tutor all the popular girls or even go on a date with them, coming up with the unchanging excuse that he's always occupied with studies. but he knows they're all infatuations.
nerd!classmate! heesung who only has his eyes on you, secretly admiring you from afar for god knows how long, he's just drowning in your beauty, your kindness, your smile, just you.
nerd!classmate! heesung who's heart is beating out of chest everytime the group projects or lab practicals are around, afterall he wants to be partners with only you :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who hides secret love notes throughout your spent time in the project together, which are obvious yet opaque.
nerd!classmate! heesung who proposes to tutor you in maths cause you're weak at it :( but obviously he has his own motives.
nerd!classmate! heesung who gives you tough and long numericals deliberately just so he can admire your pretty face, so he can brush your hair back softly or even pinch your cheeks in the meanwhile, just to see your flushed and embarrassed face which makes his pupils dilate.
"you know, i really wondered how your cheeks are always so flushed," "oh? i'm using a new blush---!", "i hope it's because of me one day,"
nerd!classmate! heesung who has you folding and fawning over his genius pick up lines, he has you blushing the most!! the other bois can't compete!!
your friends often make fun and poke at you for spending too much time with nerd!classmate! heesung nowadays, but you can't help it! he's too wholesome with his rants about his fav movie the toy story, about buzz lightyear! you could listen to him for hours!
not a second spent with nerd!classmate! heesung is boring or flat. he's always got you occupied with his antics, whether it's movies or deep talks with you.
nerd!classmate! heesung who sends you all the class notes you missed when you were sick, drawing a heart on each page <3 but he also gives you his own notes too tho >.<
nerd!classmate! heesung who lets you draw over his notebooks anytime, sometimes he also cuts them up and saves them!
nerd!classmate! heesung who writes you cute letters and drops them in your locker whenever you're feeling down or insecure, he appreciates every feature of you in those letter :( sometimes he also drops chocolates :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who offers to carry your bag around school and back home, saying it's too heavy for you.
nerd!classmate! heesung who attends your extra classes for you when you're not feeling well, he also offers his shoulder for you to sleep on :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who buys your favourite snacks and stationeries for you, and no matter how much you tell him not to he won't stop! he just wants to spoil you :(
nerd!classmate! heesung who pulls you aside from the booming music at the party, and takes you to quiet place of fresh air and tranquility, so he can confess to you >.<
nerd!classmate! heesung who can't help but be all reddened up when he's proposing to you, stuttering and mumbling in his own words as he keeps looking down, yet holding your hands in his.
"y/n, i don't know for h-how long but, I've always been in love with you."
and when you flush back and whisper your mutual love back to him, nerd!classmate! heesung cant help but smile in glee and pick you up in his strong arms, twirling you around while you two laugh like idiots in love <3
nerd!classmate! heesung who takes your breathe by pushing you against the wall and stealing your first kiss. it was so sweet, yet it made your heart beat like crazy!
nerd!classmate! heesung who's not a green flag, but the whole green forest <3 he makes you believe in love, in soulmates and destiny.
nerd!classmate! heesung is your one and only <3
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© bywons, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
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theothernads · 6 months
ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ³: 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐊𝐘𝐒<𝟑 ʏᴊᴡ
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𝘖𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 Y.JW. By 𝙙𝙞𝙢𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩01 (wattpad)
-an 𝙀𝙉𝙃𝙔𝙋𝙀𝙉 fanfic
-𝗦𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀 <3
Yn believed in logic. Jungwon believed in understanding his emotions. Their friends knew they would get into petty arguments. All in all, they desire a successful university life, away from their past and families. However, when murders appear in the premises of their own school, and the past comes back to meet them, they find a link and team up with their logic and emotions to find out the culprit and resume their normal lives. But, no one guaranteed their safety and their feelings for each other.
ʚɞ Pairing: Yang Jungwon × female reader
Ft. Enha, Le Sserafim, Bangtan, TXT, Newjeans
Smau+ written
⚠️𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜: swearing, murder, obsession, mental disorders +health, suicide, family problems, not all members are good, kys jokes, sexual jokes, suggestive lol.
ᵀᵃᵍˡⁱˢᵗ: ᵒᵖᵉⁿ
(just comment/ask)
3.9k words
< m.list >
Yunjin was at dance club this early in the morning, so you were walking into campus by yourself. English was in a few minutes, and so you decided to go pick her up from the dance studio.
You tried to drop the idea of the murder circulating on the news and sauntered through the halls whilst you gripped your phone.
Students chattered normally as you checked your phone, seeing an email saying, 'CLUBS'.
Curious, you tapped on it and it ended up saying how sign-ups for the clubs were happening tomorrow. It would allow some extracurricular activities which would 'bedazzle' someone's resumé, and also would help out at the fundraiser happening some point this month.
You sighed, shutting off your phone only to see the same exact message on the main school bulletin board, the poster summarising better than the email.
Perhaps a club wasn't so bad. Maybe it could decorate your skills. You shrugged and sauntered to the busy dance studio.
Music blared from inside, the melody becoming more audible the more you neared the doors. The Thursday sounded much more energetic that what you felt on this school morning.
Not 5 minutes after, the music absfuptly stopped; she came out whilst zipping up her crimson jacket and waving to you with an eye-smile.
"Let's go~," Yunjin sang and pulled you along with her.
"How do you even get energy to dance in the morning?" You sighed. She replied with a chuckle.
"Well, we have no other time where our schedules line up. I know Kazuha has law when we finish English," Yunjin said casually, and she started talking about her dance and the moves they were doing.
You were listening intently, you really were. However, you were pulled away from the course of the conversation when you saw a few intrusive gazes pricking your figure. Not just yours, but also Yunjin.
Glancing around, you then heard the whispers passing by the students and your heart felt a sting of anxiety. What the hell were they looking at?
"Yun?" You snapped her out of her talk, making her glimpse at your concerned expression.
"Call me crazy, but is everyone staring at us?" You asked her quietly, shying away from the gazes of others. With a swift look, she did indeed see that people were glimpsing at you and her, as if to confirm your identity before falling into complete shock.
"Yeah, you're not crazy. It's happening. But why..?" Yunjin replied, voice shrinking down as you listened. You gave a shrug and headed over to English, trying to block out the not-so subtle stares.
At least they could have been more secretive about it- this whole attention caused the type of warmth in your cheeks that came from humiliation. Something you loathed feeling.
Yunjin pretended not to notice as she linked arms with yours, wanting to also move on with the day without her ears tinting pink. You appreciated her comforting touch, and walked towards the English classroom.
Not before you turned a corner and bumped into someone. More like 2 people- ones that made you scowl.
Minhee and Han.
Both of them returned an insipid glare, making you step back from them, and Yunjin rolled her eyes.
"Well, well, well... if it isn't Yn... surprised to see you here," Minhee started, voice dipped in venom in an attempt to intimidate you.
Turns out that even university kids could be absolute pricks with their personalities being more thorny than ever.
With a sigh, you quirked an eyebrow at this sudden statement. "What do you want?"
"Hey- don't get sassy on me, I just wasn't expecting to bump into you and Yunjin."
Yunjin clicked her tongue, grinding her teeth before speaking. "What the fvck is that supposed to mean? Why wouldn't we be in school?"
Minhee and Han give a little face of realisation, fake epiphany as they looked at each other with a secret conversation between their eyes. Han turned to you, to both of you, to reply.
"I mean, after all that, I wonder why the school let you come back." Han smirked a little, causing the confusion to cloud your fraught thoughts.
"What do you mean?" You glared at him again with confusion. What did they even mean by that? What could they possibly be thinking of that made them conclude you wouldn't be allowed back at school?
Minhee chuckled and crossed her arms, brown eyes scanning yours meticulously to see that you were genuinely lost at sea from their words. Sighing, she stopped grinning.
"Don't act dumb. You were at the crime scene, right?" Minhee accused.
Your heart froze a little and Yunjin visibly stilled as if she wasn't breathing. With bewilderment, you just stared at Minhee.
This must be a joke...
"That must mean, yes?"
"How did you even hear-?"
"People talk," Minhee abruptly said, cutting you off. She scoffed. "Like you talked, didn't you?"
Fvck. Your eyes flickered, remembering you told Minji, Chae and Heeseung yesterday. It was the matter of which one actually revealed it. You still stayed silent, and you could feel Yunjin staring at you.
"Who the fvck told you anyway?" You snapped back at her, making her glare momentarily.
"Who? I heard it start in the computer science majors. They seemed hot about the topic, and I just couldn't help but stop by their table. And they mentioned the crime scene."
Now who the fvck was in computer science and how did they attain the information you passed on? The regret bit back at you harshly, gnawing at your brain as you kept your teeth clenched.
"Yn, you told someone?" Yunjin asked softly, not mad, but rather a bit apprehensive.
"I.. I told Minji, Chaewon and...." you stopped talking, and then your fists clenched.
For the life of him, Heeseung could never sew his mouth shut- why did you even trust him? He may not tell a throng of people through a megaphone, but he would run his mouth to one of his other mates in the other classes.
The betrayal anchored you a little before feeling your own fingers fiddle with the corroded surface of your green nails.
"I mean, why the school let you in? They haven't even completed the investigation and you're back in school? That's bizarre," Han added on, pondering with insincerity.
The urge to cuss at them shot up exponantially, but you kept your lips shut and now, you just want to get to class without the mass of people throwing their arrows of accusation at you.
"Maybe because we didn't do it?" you retorted to the two. They didn't make sense- at all. Oh gosh, this was everything you didn't want in the week.
Minhee and Han struggle to stop smiling and their grins stay prominent.
"Oh please, you just conveniently found a dead body?" Minhee taunted, stepping forward a little. You're not wavering and you stood your ground with the firm glare.
"Unfortunately so. But we didn't do it. There's no evidence to point to that. Thought you should know that from how much you run your mouth about taking law," you remarked, the bitterness stinging your tone.
Her gaze flashed with plain irritation at your words. "Watch your words with me- what are you? Some psychologist? A poet? I could be the one ruining your life later on."
"From what? Get a grip, Minhee," you muttered back to her, not leaving any stone of your anger unturned. Han and Yunjin watched whilst you and Minhee give verbal rebuttal to each other.
"Watch it, yn. You're getting so mad over the truth," Minhee scoffed, tilting her head. And it did piss you off, your chest tightening with curses and frustration.
"Well guess what? We're not suspects, none of us are."
And you nudge past her shoulder with Yunjin before turning around and saying one more snide remark.
"Oh, and no one likes lawyers anyway."
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After that eventful affair of texting, you and Yunjin finally made your way to English. No doubt that people were staring at you, and unfortunately, the twitter post actually blew up.
So, you and Yunjin only attracted whispers and gazes as if you and her were magnets for drama.
Pulling silently on Yunjin's hand, you climbed the steps and went to your designated seat next to Jungwon and Sunoo. With the same bewildered gaze, Jungwon turned to you discreetly.
"So... everyone knows." Jungwon breathed next to you. You felt the tickle in your ear, but you were so anchored by the stress, that sensation was crushed.
"Yeah... I may have told my psychology friends."
"Yn, are you serious?" Jungwon raised an eyebrow, rosy lips in a slight frown.
"But, wait- i told them not to tell anyone," you remarked quietly before he could even let that anger hit you. Jungwon scoffed, looking briefly back at his computer.
"And how did that go because now we're trending on twitter." Jungwon gave a stern side-eye, to which you pursed your lips.
You sighed before grabbing your laptop and nodding. "Look, I fvcked up because I told Heeseung. On that note, hold on."
You grabbed your phone from your pocket, and your main goal was to hunt down where the heck Heeseung was to have a courteous and firm conversation.
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The cafeteria was a nice place to relax after class, and you practically ran to the usual corner to avoid people's stares. It was like the walk of shame going through those hallways, even though you and the others haven't done anything remotely wrong- you guys weren't even suspects.
Even with that reassuring conclusion, your fingers couldn't held pick at your lip, peeling off the dried skin and then eliciting a sting in your flesh. And your nails were eroding from their pretty green colour.
Though, you didn't wince, you simply sat down and melted into the grey couch, and so did the others. Yunjin was next to you, leaning on your shoulder, and the boys were on the opposite side.
"I'm sorry, guys. I shouldn't have told Heeseung..."
Jay kind of snickers and shrugs, whilst Jungwon played with the sleeves of his black hoodie.
"I mean, it was bound to happen. You just catalysed it," Jay said, glancing at you for a moment, a small grin on his face.
Still, even if it was inevitable, your skin crawled with guilt: yesterday, you wanted to fully forget about it, but now it was practically being shoved in your face by other students because of your careless action. Not just you, but to all your friends.
"Not the day i imagined to be having," Yunjin chimed, looking at her phone, seeing that the 'meya' user got about five thousand interactions with her exposing post.
Meaning that five thousand (and more) saw you tell Minhee to kill herself.
You groaned into your hands, body slipping and slouching down the couch in pure embarrassment. The others chuckled.
"I mean, if you're worried about Minhee, she's a bitch anyway. That tweet was pretty deserved to her," Jay said, looking at his phone and snickering at the screen.
"Yeah, I know she is, but I acted out of impulse." You sighed, uncovering your face. Jungwon peered at you, mischief sparkling in his eyes.
"For once," Jungwon scoffed, giving a small smirk at you. Raising an eyebrow, you glared at him.
"What's that supposed to mean? You find it funny?"
"I mean yeah- you never go off on people like that. But this time you did, it's actually amusing."
Yunjin and Jay rolled their eyes at this arising bicker, already sensing the series of pointless insults about to be thrown.
"Are you saying I'm not funny right now?" You sat up in your seat, crossing your arms, to which Jungwon tilted his head, hid black locks sweeping over his head. And it made you want to grab his hair-.
Woah- that's another impulsive thought. Your neck crept with an unfamiliar heat.
"You said it, not me. You're kind of stuck-up, robotic, if you ask me," Jungwon remarked, the smug smile never leaving his festures even thought it was small. With a scowl, you glared more.
"Robotic? Bruh, I'm logical. There's a difference."
"Yet they sound the same coming from you," Jungwon retorted, challenging your word. If you weren't infuriated before, you were now. You saw him cross his arms, tipping his chin up at you in confidence.
As if he dared you to even talk back to him.
Before you could even throw another insult, Yunjin held you back. "Have you guys heard about the clubs?"
"Ah right, I mean it doesn't matter to us. We have dance," Jay said, finally remembering the email sent to everyone this morning.
You glanced at Jay and Yunjin, envious that they did have something to call their hobby.
"I want to join a club, but I don't know which one? It helps us look better," You said, giving one last glare to Jungwon as he rolled his eyes.
"I can help you find out tomorrow once the sign-up begins," Yunjin suggested, lifting her eyes to meet yours. Giving a smile, you nodded.
Whilst that talk went on with what clubs to even take, your phone vibrated in your pocket.
You excused yourself and stood up, taking your phone along and stood in a much quieter corner of the cafeteria and saw the screen before answering it.
"Hi, Abba." You chimed into the phone, already having a hint of what was about to happen.
"Hm- yn? Can you hear me?"
"Yes, I can hear you." you chuckled softly. He clearly wasn't used to the call system on his phone. Your dad hummed in response, but he didn't laugh back.
"I called you because I heard that there was a really bad murder around the area? Are you okay- what happened?" Your dad asked repeatedly, bombarding you with questions, his worry becoming evident.
"Oh, you do know?"
"How would I not? It's all over the news, yn." Your dad sighed over the phone, already sensing his prickling stress.
"Okay, yeah there was a murder around," you breathed, and you bit back your tongue on telling that you and your friends were the ones to actually find the body.
If he found out that you discovered the body, he wouldn't hesitate to talk your ear off and coddle you with his protection; you know he would mean well, but that meant going back home instead of staying at your apartment with Yunjin.
"Why do you sound so casual. Apparantly he worked at your university- do you know how dangerous that is?" You heard him ramble on anxiously.
"Abba, I know. But the police are investigating it, okay? Nothing bad will happen to me," You reassured him, talking softly. Though you could sense your father's lingering worry over you.
"I know, but I don't want you to get hurt, okay?"
"Hm, I know. I won't get hurt," you said, smiling into the phone.
"Well, keep me updated. You know how much I care for your wellbeing," he said, voice soft and it pulled at your heartstrings.
"I promise to keep you updated."
"Okay... have a good day at school," your father said before ending the call.
With your shoulders deflating, you relaxed; that went much better than you expected. It wasn't as histrionic as you thought it would be and he took it well. At least.
Walking back to the others, Yunjin quirked an eyebrow. "Who was that?"
"My dad. He found out, about the whole incident" You answered her, plopping to the couch again and sighing.
"Does he know you and Jungwon found it?" Jay looked at you. Everyone glanced, and you only shook your head slightly.
"I know he would freak if he knew so I just told him there's nothing to worry about." You saw them fall silent a little. Yunjin lifted her gaze to you again.
"You sure? What if he finds out but not from you?" She uttered, leaning onto your arm again. It was a possible option, but you blocked that thought out your head.
"I hope not. And I'll keep it that way."
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When you arrived to the cafe, it was quite busy since customers were scattered everywhere.You thought you would get a break just before starting, but that didn't happen.
Briskly walking to the back, you waved to Jimin and Taehyung, who gave a brief wave whilst arguing, and you went into the staff room to collect your brown apron.
When you tied back your hair, Mia, the general manager of the cafe was gathering her stuff, putting her apron off as she sent a smile.
"I'm off. Good luck with the two idiots," Mia said, referring to the two men arguing at the counter.
"Yeah, thanks, Mia." You sighed and walked out with her to the front counter where Taehyung was mumbling something and Jimin whirled around from where he was making coffee, and pointed a finger at him.
"Say that to my face, Taehyung, because you're shit at whispering," Jimin sneered, causing Taehyung to scowl before going to the till and taking someone's order.
You waved bye to Mia and then walked to the two.
"Good afternoon, you two," you said, walking to the bunch of papers at the corner of the counter. Jimin and Taehyung stopped fighting and bowed slightly with sudden cheerful looks.
"'Afternoon, manager," Jimin chimed as he cleaned the counter from some spilt coffee. You scoffed.
"Don't call me manager, makes me sound serious."
"Well you are, you just check on the face quality over our lovely café." Taehyung smiled.
The two were older than you, bickered a lot more, but they took care of you so much. You don't know why the two of them rejected the front of house manager position, but since they rejected it, you gladly took it as a way for extra money.
However, that meant having to work on late evenings on weekdays, which always left a little cloud of sadness over your head at the end of the day.
"Yeah, but it's not much. Anyway, when is Eunchae getting here? I was going to train her," you said, lifting your gaze from the papers and tapping your pen repeatedly on the surface.
Jimin looked around, and then his eyes lit up as he pointed towards the door, seeing a girl with black hair, doe eyes and a shy smile on her face.
You perked up, sending a smile to Eunchae. Another fun thing of possessing the 'manager' title, you get to train the new baristas or waitresses that signed up for it.
The 3 of you at front introduced yourself to her and she was just as polite. With her in your supervision, the day quickly moved on, the sky tainted a dark blue already, the sun long gone past the buildings as the street lamps shimmered.
Taehyung and Jimin were talking as they cleaned the coffee machines, whilst you were crouching in the floor, checking the stock and pots.
Eunchae brought a ladder, perching it next to you as she climbed up to get to the jars on the higher shelves.
"Thanks, Eunchae, just refill them for me," you said without looking, too busy in the pots beneath the counter.
Sighing to yourself, you kept looking at your phone, wondering when Yunjin would come and accompany you to the route home.
All the while, you continued shuffling the pots on the floor, and you felt all was peaceful.
Though, within a second, you gasped when a soft, grainy shower of powder floated onto your head. Out of instinct, you braced yourself, covering your hair, but feeling your nose tickle from the sudden substance submerging your whole face.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Yn!" Eunchae gasped from above you, stepping down the ladder.
Briskly, you wiped your eyes and face, standing up slowly and turning with a dismissive wave of your hand. Raking a hand through your hair, you tried to blink.
"It's fine," you uttered, smiling weakly and tasting chunks of flour on your lips. But you could see Eunchae clearly distressed.
What you didn't expect to hear was Yunjin's shrill laughter along with someone else echoing through the empty café.
Instantly, you turned and your heart dropped when you saw Jungwon and Yunjin bursting into laughter, doubling over as they held their stomachs. The embarrassment flooded your cheeks as you quickly bent down behind the counter to conceal the shame that was your newly-white face.
And you're pretty sure Taehyung and Jimin were laughing to their heart's core, but you were utterly shocked.
"Shut up!" You snapped at all of them. They ignored you as Yunjin looked over the counter.
"I'm so glad you asked me to come today," she said, giggling. Jungwon saw you over the counter, bringing his phone in your face.
"Don't you dare take a photo of me!" You yelled, covering your face with your hands, aware that there was still some flour all over your face.
Though it was too late when the sound of the camera shutter went off, and you were horrified, immediately standing and trying to tackle for Jungwon's phone over the counter. In defense, he stepped back, still chuckling and showing the photo to Yunjin.
"Oh my gosh, Jungwon, delete it!" You exclaimed, exasperated at this. Your friends laughing at you after a long day of work was not something you needed.
Eunchae crept up to you again, bowing a full ninety degree angle and profusely apologising with red embarrassment across her cheeks.
"I'm so sorry," she meekly said, and you smiled at her with a face of white, and shook your head in another dismissal, even if you wanted to climb over the counters and whack your friends with a mug.
Yunjin and Jungwon finally stopped laughing, their gaze stuck on his phone before breaking into a fit of giggles. Sending a glare to them, you heard your phone vibrate, and a furious shudder runs along your body.
You're going to kill both of them.
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A/n: finally a regular update. Also, wasn't feeling great writing this chapter but we move 🫶🏽 anyways, thanks for the notes on my last chapter 🥺🎀 see you in chapter 4 :)
ᵀᵃᵍˡⁱˢᵗ: @ilovejungwonandhaechan
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ravenbloodshot · 2 months
How Enhypen's Manager (Yuki) View the Members
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Positive traits: artistic, creative, passionate about his career, stylish, handsome and attractive, let's go of things that's not serving him, communicative, takes care of himself well, fun and loving
Negative traits: cowardly, doesn't stand up for himself, has a problem setting up boundaries, follower, doesn't think for himself, overworks, bad family situation, hardheaded, up in lala land alot
Positive traits: cute, sociable, creative, extroverted, receptive, melts when he's complimented, mood maker, good at showing his pleasant side, charming, talkative
Negative traits: (I don't think Yuki likes him very much) sneaky, conniving, has a hidden dark side, easily influenced, follower, constantly in toxic relationships, stubborn, pretends to be happy, overthinks, set in his ways
Positive traits: manly, assertive, has firm boundaries, stands up for himself, stubborn, go getter, protective (like papa bear energy from the story goldilocks), open minded, perceptive, loving and attentive, good communicator (Yuki likes him)
Negative traits: stubborn, set in his ways, prideful, big ego, argumentative, intimidating, dismissive and aloof, always thinks he's right, too serious, pushy, self sabotage, overthinks, unsure of his future, keeps up appearances for the camera/fans (to the detriment of himself)
Positive traits: does what he wants, active at night, wanderer, Yuki trusts that Jake can take care of himself, looks like a cinnamon roll but can actually kill you, firm boundaries, cut off game strong, committed to his goals, not needy (self reliant), fun and playful
Negative traits: aggressive, too passionate, wants what he wants when he wants it, inconsiderate, leaves ppl behind (ghosts), too competitive, hypocrite, sneaky, manipulative with his charm
Positive traits: resourceful, works smarter not harder, clever, patient and calm, doesn't speak out of turn (seems like Yuki just thinks he has good manners), cultured, open minded, committed to his goals, lovey dovey, good communicator, says things everyone else is afraid to say
Negative traits: watches porn or scrolls through thirst traps a lot, aggressive, quick to fight/argue, prideful, lazy, too much of a loverboy, too perceptive, unsure of his future, finds it hard to put himself in others shoes, uncomfortable with change, doesn't like to get out of his comfort zone
Positive traits: passionate, his excitement is contagious, go getter, gives good advice, practical, popular, charming, attractive, introvert, good at keeping secrets, doesn't gossip, mysterious, lives a healthy life, competitive, sarcastic, takes good photos, nostalgic
Negative traits: defensive, doesn't speak when he needs to, bad communicator, holds grudges, too introverted, easily disappointed/saddened, keeps his opinions/ideas to himself, misunderstands others, jumps to conclusions, moody, everybody likes him but he doesn't see that (takes for granted the love he recieves)
Positive traits: smart, creative, grooms himself well, nice body, intuitive, perceptive, unique, asks good/deep questions, says things everyone else is afraid to say, stable, flirtatious, sweet talker, adapts to change well
Negative traits: aggressive, too traditional and conservative, has a temper, stubborn, petty, not able to admit when he's wrong, complains a lot, moody, not openminded when it comes to love, impatient, too prideful
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lani-heart · 6 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst word count -> 1.9k
abstract -> “Rejecting her… is protected her from being hurt by me”
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y/n's perspective
I waited for all of them to leave… Haechan said they haven’t though. They were waiting for me to come out but I didn’t want to.
It wasn’t until I heard yelling that I peeked out the door.
It was Jungwon and Sunoo berating Jake, Jay, and Sooha.
“Found you!” I heard and I turned around to see Niki. He scared me causing me to jump a little and he smiled a bit waiting for me to come to him. 
“What’s wrong, little witch?” He asked and I sighed. “Jay is gonna reject me… and I got scared of Jake touching me…” I confessed and he rubbed my back comforting me.
“Close your eyes,” he said and I closed my eyes until I felt him pull away. He told me to open my eyes when I noticed we were now in my room.
“Those idiots are currently probably looking for you,” he said and I chuckled. “Was this not your plan?” I asked and he smiled.
“Mine but I didn’t include them in it” he shrugged and I laughed
“Thank you guys for coming for me,” I said and he nodded. “You should get something to eat,” he said and I nodded.
He left to get some food from the cafeteria when I was waiting in my common area. 
I soon heard a knock and opened it thinking it was Niki when it wasn’t… 
“Hello,” he said and I sighed. I hated him… I trusted him for a little to let myself be vulnerable but he was only keeping my soulmates away from me…
“Why are you here?” I asked and he sighed. “To apologize on Jake's behalf,” he said and I nodded trying to close the door when he didn’t allow it. 
“And also for Sooha… She's being a little out of line but I’ll make sure to talk to them. I’m sorry y/n”
I felt for once that he was being sincere.
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jay’s perspective
What did I want?
I liked my time with her… she was sweet and kind. Maybe my suspicion was right... I didn’t like Sooha like that anymore. Not more than a friend.
“Why was she so scared of me?” He muttered as Sooha comforted him. He looked like he finally realized just how much he hurt her.
“You hurt her… a soulmate's pain is amplified when their soulmate inflicted it,” I said and he almost looked broken.
“She looked at me like I was a monster,” he said and I knew he was upset about that. He was called a monster before… but for his soulmate to think that was another story.
“She’ll get over it,” Sooha said but I doubted it. “What are you gonna do ?” I heard as I saw Sunghoon… was he here to yell at us like Jungwon and Sunoo did?
“I don’t know,” I said and he sighed. “She doesn’t hate you… not like she does Heeseung nor is she scared of you like she is that bastard. She enjoyed your time together but she’s now waiting for what you’ll do” he said and I sighed.
“I don’t know what I wanna do. I respected her wish for not wanting me to touch her but I was worried when she crouched down scared of Jake” I confessed and he sighed.
“Why was she so scared of me?” Jake asked Sunghoon and he scoffed.
“You hurt her once. Burned her and don’t you notice how she’ll wear scarfs or turtlenecks to cover her neck? She’s still healing Jake and honestly, I’d rather you stay far away from her” he said and Jake couldn’t say a word.
“Sunghoon—“ “Sooha you need to apologize also… you called her a hypocrite when you’ve been one the whole time,” he said and she was confused.
“No I haven’t… It’s unfair that K rejected me for her—“ 
“Jake rejected her for you, Heesung rejected her for you… how is that fair on her?” He asked and I realized just how much everyone stopped giving her what she wanted. 
She wasn’t a bad person but a little oblivious.
“Is she okay?” I asked and he nodded.
“Sunoo right now is pampering her,” he said and I had the urge to follow him and make sure she was okay.
Maybe cook for her like I have… but I couldn’t cause I knew I still cared for Sooha.
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y/n's perspective
I had to move on from yesterday. 
I told the boys about my deal with Jay and they agreed to eat lunch I didn’t need to go to the home ec class anymore…
Going to the library again felt weird when I was used to going to the home ec class and eating something sweet.
I was studying in the library when I felt a familiar presence close by.
It was Jake and Jay… I stood up quickly and ran away. I wanted to hide so I was pretending to look for a book.
Wait, why were they at the witch library? They weren’t allowed here?
I decided to peek and maybe do a general spell to hear what they were saying.
“Even if you’re looking for the witch council president you can’t come in because of the other students. I have to ask you two to leave” the librarian said.
I really need to change that rule.
“We really need to talk to her, it’s a council emergency,” Jay said. Why were they trying so hard?
“I’m sorry but there are no exceptions and besides, I don’t see her at any of the tables,” she said and they seemed to give up.
“I can feel your spell, Miss President” I heard Jake whisper. I turned around and finished the spell. 
I don’t know why they were looking for me? 
I couldn’t even study the rest of the time. Instead, I just packed my things and decided to walk out when I saw Jay and Jake right across the door waiting…
“We need to talk,” Jay said and I looked at the time and shook my head.
“I have council work—“ “Have Wonyoung do—“ 
“No,” I said and walked away only for them to follow me. 
I made it to the council room and got there when they weren’t allowed in.
“Really? You have a vampire veil?!” Jake yelled and I was startled at the sound of his voice but was also just as confused.
“No vampires allowed in the council unless there’s a meeting” I heard Wonyoung say.
“What if we were here for stuco work?” Jake asked and she scoffed.
“She knows you aren’t” I heard and I saw Heeseung…
He came by last night to make sure I was okay… I hate how on opposite ends he acts.
He acted like he cared but still rejected me? Even dared to keep me away from Sunoo and Jungwon.
“Why are the two of you here bothering her?” He asked and the two scoffed.
“I needed to talk to you about the announcement but Wonyoung will fill you in,” Heeseung told me and I nodded.
“Come on you two if you have nothing to do might as well do work”
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jay perspective
“What the hell Heeseung! I need to talk—“ “Stay away from her. Reject her move on, don’t lead her on,” he said sternly.
I didn’t know what to do though.
“If you don’t have any 100% certainty that you want her then just stay away from her. And you stop adding stress to her, she’s scared of you already, what else do you want?” He now said sternly to Jake.
“I just wanted to know why she was so scared—“ “You physically hurt her that’s why! You burned her skin raw” he scolded and for once I saw Jake ashamed of this incident.
“You rejected her. Why do you suddenly—""Just cause I rejected her doesn’t mean I don’t care about her,” he said and I didn’t get him.
“Sooha has a soulmate though…” Jake said and it caused him to scoff. “So she’s your second choice now? You already rejected her because you’re so in love with Sooha. She’s happy with those four so leave them be” he said and it was confusing.
It almost seemed like he wanted to accept her as his soulmate…
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Jake was quiet the entire time so by the time it was the end of the day.
He seemed to now think about what he did. He keeps staring at his hands now guilty.
I couldn’t sleep knowing I had to make an option now… it wasn’t until I felt a sudden snap. Almost like my heart has broken in two?
“Jay?!” I heard Jake’s voice try to get to me but the pain hurt. All I could think about was y/n…
“Heeseung, I don’t know what happened but suddenly Jay—“ “I had y/n reject the soulmate bond between you two,” he said and I didn’t notice when he came in but I felt betrayed.
“You weren’t gonna accept her and you know it. Your thoughts wondered what could happen with her and your true feelings with Sooha” he said and I knew he was right but I couldn’t bear this pain…. Did she handle this twice? And Sunghoon, Jungwon, and Sunoo did too…
Jungwon twice?
“Stop it” I heard his scold but he was looking at Jake. “Stop thinking about her. Everything that has happened is done!” He yelled clearly frustrated. 
“Heeseung… Do you love her?” Jake asked and Heeseung didn’t have an answer. “I love Sooha,” he said but I didn’t have to be a mind reader to know that was a lie.
“Jungwon is good for her… he’s the most responsible one out of all of us. It's why he was elected president despite us being older than him. Sunoo is a romantic. He can give her love and show it. Niki is innocent and loves the thought of soulmates. He’s a confidant she can rely on. Even Sunghoon, who I didn’t expect, is good when all she wants is silent comfort!” He yelled. I felt how pained he was…. He was in love with our soulmate yet he rejected her first?
“You just wanted to use her because you knew Sooha would never love you!” He yelled at me… “You just didn’t want to be alone and that’s why you’re constantly conflicted!” He told me and I knew he was right.
I wanted Sooha… and by that, I saw my soulmate as a second option to not be lonely.
“And you physically and emotionally hurt her! Burned her when you were learning how to control it and felt no empathy!” He scolded Jake. He couldn’t even look at Heeseung.
“You haven’t even seen her neck. You of us all are the blindest one for a woman who will never love you. You could’ve just rejected her but you rejected and hurt her” he said and I saw how glassy his eyes looked not looking up at the older scolding us.
“And you?” I asked and he scoffed.
“My loyalty to Sooha would never be fair for her,” he simply said. I don’t think he was ever in love with Sooha. He definitely cared for her… took care of her.
I could now see the love he had for her.
“Rejecting her… is protected her from being hurt by me”
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taglist -> @sunus-sun @loumin908 @on-1ce @shinkenprincess-oh @b-a-nshee-blog @bnnyniky @sakuxxi @chiiiiiiiiis @cncreams @pre1ttyies @justanunstablefrog @graythecoffeebean @starzniiky @singlepringle4you @chirokookie @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @imtoanonymousforyou @lovgfrd @ilovecheese09 @sousydive @pink-but-rosie @kyleebob @jihyosgf @in-somnias-world @jilxxasu @bee-the-loser @mitchikeli @cyberpunksunwoo @lhspeachie @loafsunshinesworld @vixensss @zhenya109 @luumiinaa @rosas-in-the-garden @b3tt7boop
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