#hehehe jk
127luvr · 9 months
anddddddd now i'm taking a break from that smau cause i'm evil and want you all to suffer
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evermorre · 3 months
i didn’t defend miss pots and pans for the past 4 years just for everyone to be a closure fan now
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cutieoclock · 1 year
hey omg stop payin attention 2 me im tryin 2 listen 2 music over here n yall keep makin my phone go ping ping ping ping interruptin my sweet tuens :p
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moony-ghoul · 2 years
you could never hate me, im too nice:)
good morning i’m awake now
i have doubt in this message -_-
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jinstronaut · 1 month
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a taehyung a week until he's released ♥
week 11/52 (cr. namuspromised) for @jkvjimin ✨
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
we need to know what happens when they share that tent NEOW!!!
alright alright!
warnings: nuthin much just a bit of a vibe switch…. y’all will get it when u read it + a bit of jungkook lore
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #11
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you take a breath to gather your courage
“did you know i,” you start, “i had a big crush on you like two years ago?”
he raises his brows as he processes the new info, a small smile on his lips. “i did not.”
he’s so cute guys ohmydhskdjdjdn
you continue, “well, seeing you again made me…” you sigh as you rub your forehead and avoid his gaze, staring down at the ground. “i got excited and let myself get carried away, you know?”
he nods and just lets you speak
you sigh softly and force yourself to look back up at him
“but since then.. since 2 years go i’ve.. i’ve met people,” you say, “i’ve gotten into some situations and i’m realizing now that i’m still thinking about them too.”
yoongi just stares at you as you talk
and it feels like your throat is tightening
just wrap it up you’re dragging it out!!!
“what i wanna say is that, i’m not looking for anything serious right now. not when i know my mind is still clouded by others, i don’t want you to feel played or anything cause i do enjoy spending time with you.”
that took
a WHOLE bunch of courage to say
you stare at him, waiting for a reaction
then, he smiles. “take a breath.”
you hadn’t realized you were holding your breath
anticipating his reaction
you take a deep breath, fingers fidgeting
he nods his head. “that’s okay.”
just as you part your lips to say something, he continues, “i totally understand what you mean when you say your mind is still clouded by someone else cause i still experience it too. i’m glad you had the courage to tell me cause i’m not sure i could’ve admitted that.”
he’s so
need him. RN.
you blink at him. “so, we’re on the same page, then?”
he nods but then tilts his head to the side. “of course. thanks for being honest and making me realize some stuff too.”
a small smile creeps on your lips. you’re glad it worked out
but his next few words knock the air right out of your body
“will you still let me kiss you?”
you bite your lip in an attempt to hide your smile and nod your head, taking a step closer to close the distance between you two
he cups your cheek and brings your face closer to his, gently pressing his lips to yours
your own hands move up to his biceps, softly squeezing them as you kiss him
he’s so fine
his arms fit right into your hands
like you were made to hold him isn’t that crazy
he slightly tilts his head to the side, allowing himself to deepen the kiss
his lips are so soft, you’re convinced you’re being caressed by clouds
you sigh contentedly into the kiss, goosebumps popping out of the upper layer of your skin
oh how you wish you could have him in sinful ways
his hands respectfully drop down to your waist as he pulls you even closer, pressing your chest flat into his
you smile into the kiss and this makes him poke through your lips with his tongue
you part your lips, allowing him to lick into your mouth
you continue to make out with him in front of dirty tables and dishes that are begging for attention
but standing here with him makes the world around you fade away
and you allow yourself to melt into his kiss, his touch, his embra–
“i don’t mean to ruin your kdrama moment but you’re blocking the way. i can’t reach the dirty plates.”
your heart freefalls to your feet
no, not freefalls
into the pit of the fucking earth
your lips part from yoongi’s and you turn to look to the side
to see
staring you down
eyes slowly dragging down your body
pinch in his brows
tongue rolling against the inside of his cheek
eyes hooded
he just went to go pee, of course it wouldn’t take long for him to return
what if he thinks you’re kissing yoongi just in spite of him?!??
“oh, my bad,” yoongi doesn’t seem to notice the tension between you two as he just pulls you to the side to let jungkook get to the plates
the three of you continue to clean up in silence
then, hoseok calls out yoongi’s name
“i’m gonna shut the tent and you’re not getting in if you don’t come right now!” hoseok yells from wherever he is
yoongi chuckles and then reaches out to rub your shoulder. “i gotta go. you can handle the rest, right? i mean, you’ve got jungkook too.”
if only he knew
you force a smile and nod.
he’s so sweet :(
“okay. goodnight.” he gently taps your nose and walks off
oh :(
he’s so cute
you do really like him :(
you watch his figure disappear in silence
you turn to the tables and continue cleaning up
jungkook doesn’t say anything at all
you’ve finally cleaned everything up. “shall we go sleep?” you ask as you turn to face him
he nods as he uses his sweatpants to dry his hands
you quietly follow him to his tent, crouching down to follow him inside
“i can’t see anything,” you mumble
he doesn’t say anything as he turns the flashlight on on his phone and turns it face down so it lights up the tent
why is he so quiet :/
“we should reserve our battery as much as we can.” you remind him that you’re still in the middle of nowhere
he shakes his head, wordlessly dismissing you
can he stop being so
you’re not used to it from him
you quietly watch as he zips the entrance to the tent back up
you just remembered you have to change your clothes with him.. in one tent
now you’re here, on your knees
he’s on his knees too
and he’s reaching for his own luggage
you slowly reach for your suitcase and open it up, picking out the first pajamas you see
when you look over your shoulder to ask him not to look
with his back to you
his clothes
and then
you notice
an entire fucking sleeve of tattoos
oh shit oh shit
he’s hot as fuck😭
you frown. “since when do you have tattoos?”
his head shoots up and he turns to look at you. “ogling me, you perv?”
this damn junior…
well at least he’s talking again
you roll your eyes as you turn back to your own suitcase and tug your shirt off
the silence makes him speak
“i’ve been getting them since a year ago but i don’t like that the sleeve is unfinished so i don’t like showing it yet.”
is that why he wears rash guards when you go swimming?
“oh, ok.” you slide your pajama shirt on and start buttoning it up. you’re trying so hard not look at him cause he’s so fucking hot and you’re stuck with him in one tent
act like he’s not here.
okay. that’s good.
“wanna see?”
you do
u really do
you glance at him as you button up your shirt
your eyes trail his bare chest and torso as he’s now fully turned to you
he’s so toned
he looks…… really good
you glance up into his eyes and he is staring straight into your eyes
he knows you just eyed his body
but he doesn’t comment on it
you finally glance down at his arm
he takes his phone into his hand and directs the flashlight at his arm
you see a whole bunch of tattoos, eyes tracing each line
you reach out and trace the lines with your finger
you glance up at him and he’s not looking at his arm
he’s staring straight at you
look away
look away
before you do something
so fucking stupid
you shift your eyes back to his arm. “what does this one mean?” you rub one flower that he has tatted on the inside of his arm
“that’s my mother’s birthflower.”
you glance up at him and this time he’s staring at the tattoo as well instead of at you
“that’s sweet,” you say, quietly
he nods. “yeah. she always said that if i do ever get tattoos, i’d better start with something in honor of her,” he says with a soft smile as he gently rubs his inked skin
you smile. that’s really cute. who knew he was such a softie? “what was her reaction to seeing the tattoo?”
the atmosphere changes
maybe you shouldn’t have asked that
he scrunches his nose up for a split second and then tugs his arm from under your finger away
he reaches for his sweater and slides it on, same with his pants. “she never got to see it.”
and with that, he crawls into his oversized sleeping bag and turns his back to you
what happened with his mom?
you stare at his back for a moment longer
you slowly and quietly crawl into your own sleeping bag and try to sleep without another word
“you’re trembling.” his voice is groggy and quiet
how long have you been trying to fall asleep?
you glance at your phone, it’s 2am
“yeah, well, it’s cold,” you mumble, trying to stop yourself from shivering
he says, “come here,” with a soft sigh
come WHERE?
“i’m good.”
“stop being stubborn and come here.”
that’s the only way to describe what you’re feeling right now
you slowly scoot closer to him. you grumble, “don’t talk to me like that, i’m still your senior.”
“yeah, yeah,” he says as he dismisses your comment and slowly starts unzipping your sleeping bag and his
your breath hitches in your throat
is he telling you to crawl into his sleeping bag?
“don’t touch–”
“i’m not gonna touch you. there’s enough space.”
you glance at him for a moment longer but you can’t see much
he quietly sighs at your accusing gaze. “not everything i do is underhanded, y/n. sometimes i just want to help you, alright? you’re making it really hard to want to help you.”
you can’t help it !! you just don’t trust him
but you’re fucking freezing and you don’t know what else to do
you sigh and slowly crawl out of your own sleeping bag into his
you turn on your side, turning your back to him
it’s quiet
it doesn’t seem like he had any ulterior motives cause you can hear the soft puffs leaving his mouth and it actually sounds like he’s sleeping again
he’s right, it’s quite spacious
your bodies haven’t touched
but his body heat is radiating off of him and you don’t feel so cold anymore
you close your eyes and try to fall asleep
and you’re slowly
“i’m glad you hit it off with yoongi. he’s a good guy.”
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oh shit
your eyes shoot open and you turn your face over your shoulder to look at him
don’t do this.
“you deserve someone that’s going to treat you well. i know we’re always teasing each other but i really do want what’s best for you.”
he continues to talk with his eyes closed
is he talking to you in his sleep?
do you believe him? or is this another one of his tricks?
will he remember even inviting you into his sleeping bag tomorrow morning?
your lack of response makes him open up his eyes, staring directly into yours
you can’t see much but you can definitely see that
so he was awake
you turn your face back to lie back with your back to him and close your eyes. you can’t look into his eyes for much longer. “i told him i’m not looking for anything serious.”
there’s a beat of silence
you’re quiet this time
very quiet
his breath hits the back of your neck in the meantime
makes you see every celestial body in the universe on the back of your eyelids
nerve endings set alight
goosebumps all over your body
you finally reply, “i’m sure you know why.”
he doesn’t respond to that
and before you know it
you’ve finally dozed off
light hits your eyes
scrunching of shoes against branches and grass reach your ears
you stir
trying to recognize your surroundings
your eyes are met with someone’s back
oh right
you’re in the tent with jungkook
but why
the fuck
is your arm
around jungkook’s waist
take your arm back without waking him up NOW
you slowly start pulling your arm back, but his own arm is caging yours in
you bite your lip as you continue to try to pull your arm back undetected
that mission FAILS
when jungkook suddenly jerks and turns around in one swift motion, wrapping his own arm around you as you lie flat on your back
you almost yelp but looking down at him, you realize he’s still asleep
you freeze
his face is directly in the crook of your neck, breath hitting your skin and awakening goosebumps all over your body
his arm is lazily slung around your waist and his legs are intertwined with yours
you hold your breath as you try to think of a way to get out of this without jungkook ever being aware of it
you slowly move to untangle his legs from yours and it’s extra hard cause you can’t actually see your legs
WOW he didn’t wake up once
he must be a heavy sleeper
Now moving onto his arm around your waist, let’s get that–
he’s yelling it around all tents
and you almost whimper at how his lips graze your neck
“hm?” you hear a soft hum coming from him
you shut your eyes tightly as he slowly starts to recognize his surroundings
“oh… Oh?” jungkook suddenly scoots back, creating a bigger gap between your bodies
he looks just as surprised as you
“i’m so sorry,” he quickly says as he turns onto his back and rubs his face
you glance at him, noticing how his ears have turned a bright shade of crimson
“it’s okay,” you mumble as you sit up straight, rubbing your own face
you both sit there for awhile just waking up slowly
“come on, breakfast is ready,” you mumble as you start unzipping his sleeping bag further
“wait–” his hand tightly grips your wrist as he tries to stop you in your movements, his entire upper body slouched over your lap
you frown and glance down at him
he slowly lies back down, his hair sprawled out behind his head on his makeshift pillow of rolled up pants.
did he? give you? his pillow? while you? were sleeping?
you say, “what?”
“i uh,” he scratches his head with his other hand
your frown deepens as you encourage him to finish talking
you’re so confused
so damn confused
he suddenly??? turns his back to you???
“never mind. go ahead.”
you frown. “what are you doing? breakfast is ready.”
“i’ll come later, okay?”
your frown deepens. “but there might not be anything left for you if you wait.”
he mumbles, “that’s okay for me. you should go, though.”
“i’m hard as fuck right now, alright? just go. Damn.”
it’s morning
he’s uhhh
morning wood?
without another word.
and after you’ve washed up
you see that the table only has two vacant seats left, one next to yoongi that he probably saved for you
and the two empty seats are right across from each other
meaning you’re gonna have to stare straight at jungkook when he joins y’all for breakfast
after what just happened
while sitting right next to yoongi
😂😂😂😂😂😂 life is so funny
to be continued
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1driedpersimmon · 5 months
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@cmoonghost I drew your Alfy 🥺 he is very cute n. Pretty n I love he… 🫶💕
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ultramarinaa · 7 days
I've got a very, very important question - I just got my paycheck, do I preorder one of your keychains?
Or do I preorder two so I can match with my partner? :)
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That’s like my only weakness!!! What will I do???
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ariii-is-amazinggg · 1 year
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warmsol · 30 days
fuck it no one asked but after much consideration i’m gonna post lune prologue excerpts whenever i feel like it. won’t be a whole story, i swear.. just pieces of elia’s lore here and there in story form.
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tr4sh-pl4nt · 4 months
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My oc Ansel and btaa scarecrow
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serve-cunt · 2 months
please miss, who is in the Olympics off of tennis au and do lando or oscar win and which other athletes do they have raging crushes on?
omg the whole top 20 goes OF COURSE & they keep seeing each other in the olympic village and being like "hehe!!" because they're all in their patriotic country kits instead of their sponsor gear, carlos and fernando have to wear that winnie-the-pooh ass spain gear, max is in BRIGHT ORANGE ... lewis, george, alex, and lando all have to wear .. this...
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sorry guys.
this is what oscar has to wear, which. fine.
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galex are a doubles team (CUUUTE) and lando & lewis play together which uhh. does not go well. galex win silver and fernando & carlos win gold. pierre & esteban win bronze LOL
in singles max wins, of course (it wins him the career golden slam, & he's kinda mad because if lando hadn't won the australian open he would have had the golden slam practically guaranteed for 2024), charles wins silver (LESTAPPEN OLYMPICS PODIUM) and the fire poker of patriotism up George's ass wins him bronze (FOR QUEEN AND COUNTRY)
oscar develops a weird crush on clark kent aka Stephen Nedoroscik, aka Pommel Horse Guy, and lando makes fun of him for it MERCILESSLY but then proceeds to get sooo dopey around leon marchand, so they're mostly even by the time they go home :))
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animentality · 3 months
this is really sad: my bf loooooves to eat pussy. And i really dont like it :( Should I free him to the world...also whats wrong with me lol (many things)
sorry, you need to re home him.
give him to someone else.
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fauvester · 1 year
What was garak like as castellan? (ps your art is 💞💕❤️❤️💕💞💕❤️💕💞💕)
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I think his time in the Federation has, despite his best efforts, affected his outlook on politics. He's a wary centrist now, as if Cardassia has the luxury of political discourse not related to basic sustenance.... trying to delicately excise the most distasteful parts of the prior totalitarian regime while still supporting the structures that keep people alive.
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I don't think there's a way to be a well-liked leader after an annihilative disaster, honestly. Garak's not an exception. He's NOT a popular Castellan, but he WAS the least bad choice immediately on hand, and he's adept at securing badly needed aid from Federated interests. He can be very persuasive and diplomatic, and he circumvents or cuts through the bureaucratic and political obstacles that would've trapped less canny men. He's in power during the setting of the foundation of the Cardassian economic miracle and he stalwartly weathers years of vicious criticism and assassination attempts (that he easily evades). As soon as he retires his approval rating goes from like 15% to 80%. He's the Grandfather of Cardassia, their mercurial constant, their deviously bitchy figurehead who can hold his own against any rival leader. The wily old regnar who raised a generation of hungry utopian statesmen. A Castellan to be privately eviscerated and publicly saluted.
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Mostly he's just trying to go home at some point during the night to quietly whisper 'good-night' to his kids and husband, though
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anuspastor · 2 years
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the og babygirl <3
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cloudcountry · 4 months
guys i just wrote what is essentially a 500 word love letter to idia shroud can someone shoot me
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