bbaycon · 1 year
Ah yes, Azul and Idia number two
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jaylver · 1 year
that supernatural inspired fic might actually happen so to my supernatural watchers, get ready 🤭
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fenokey · 9 months
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Artblock goes brbrbr
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whyse7vn · 4 months
Wait- that 'unfair myg'-😭😭😭😭
They all love her-
She might get into a relationship with tae now?????
What about others!?!?!?! GIRLIE MAKE IT POLY OR I'LL JUMP OFF THE BUILDING-😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
me rn if you couldn’t tell
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
ah! if you're taking questions about the fankids, can i ask about what's going on about the whole reincarnation thing? (how konoha finds out, if anyone else figures it out, even how he finds out about konoha (before he died) and the whole "daze" thing in the first place. poor kid's got a lot to deal with lol)
YIPPEEEEEEEEEE <- this yippe was written before i finished writing the reply. no yippee anymore. under the cut bc i also went crazy long with this and its embarrassing and erm erm erm erm. hehe. so much mental illness i basically wrote a fic under the cut
i've actually answered this before BUT im changing my answer. when i answered that ask konoha and ayame were only like 40 hours old so now it's simmered in my head better...hehehehheheheeh <- my evil laugh because im abt to give konoha 80 mental illnesses.
so i know i linked to the old answer but if u went to read it just forget abt everything i say in there
yknow how i talked abt like overprotective parents haruka&takane in my last ask LOL i actually had a big wall of text that i deleted while answering because it was rly sad and it got super long and i was like erm. maybe another time and THEN I GOT THIS ASK AND IM LIKE BOYYY WHY DID I DELETE THE TEXT but whatever i'll just go crazy now and even more bc i can dedicate the whole space to it HEHEHEHEHHEEH
konoha is nonverbal for years and since ayano works with kids i think she knows sign language teehee and when it became obvious konoha wasn't going to speak as a kid haruka&takane are like. well. let's do that ig. mekakushi dan learning sign language arc 💖 still is nonverbal most of the time i think. if i had thought of it beforehand i would've kept it for present time JUST IMAGINE THE DOODLES I MADE THE FIRST TIME HE'S SIGNING EVERYTHING IVE DECIDED MY NEXT GEN KONOHA IS NONVERBAL. HE DICHO. CASO CERRADO
ok they're overprotective not only bc they're disabled4disabled and terrified that konoha will one day wake up and be diagnosed with u got 6 years to live type of thing but also. konoha autism swag
and when konoha becomes a toddler shit goes down. then he starts hallucinating and having all these night terrors abt stuff like hibihiyo's timeloop and reviving azami over and over while she was living in the real world but also he's a kid so he doesn't really register all this horrifying stuff the same an adult would duh. and he kind of ALWAYS saw it he just can put it into words now ig. so he's not like AUUUUGHHH he's more like.. confused and scared. he's also not super communicative and i dont mean that bc he's nonverbal like even if he is, he still speaks through signs!! but he's still kind of quiet and slow and etc. like he IS konoha yknow?? he's just like playing and hanging out and suddenly just sees azami and he's like erm mom can u tell the lady in the corner to go away :(( and takane's like LOL. GET IN THE FUCKING CAR. he just gets diagnosis or derivations to other doctors and a child therapist etc and its not wrong bc HE IS completely human now and that whole thing IS translating into not only a human mind but like A TINY human mind. basically mental illness. so many mental illnesses.
HE'S STILL A RLY HAPPY KID...BUT THERE'S SO MUCH TO GET THRU... it's not like he's permanently hallucinating or having night terrors every night either he leads a fairly normal life!!! and is a little kid and has fun and plays around and he's so so so sweet and rly happy!!! but. there's also The Horrors.
i dont think the dan would hide their powers. like yeah sure kano can turn into a cat yippeee!! if we lose a toy we go to hibiya he can find anything!! seto can ALWAYS guess what number we're thinking of it's so funny!! LIKE IT'D BE CUTE RATIO + PLAYING + HAVING FUN OK? PEACE AND LOVE ON PLANET EARTH, OK!?!?!?!?
but the thing is that haruka saw everything konoha did like THEY WERE. YEAH. haruka & konoha is a THING so i think konoha can ask something and haruka's increasingly like HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT bc there is no way ANYONE could've told him that like the only person who would know is. WELLLLLL KONOHA? i think the big reveal can happen thru konoha being like hey. do u remember when we talked. in that big white room that never ended. that was rly weird lol like when did that happen. where even were we lol. also u were yelling thats so weird u never yell it was scary. lol!! and haruka's like Hehe(shaking) bc as soon as he realises He Cannot Stop realising
what the dan doesn't say is their story ofc bc it's rly sad and like why would they tell their kids abt that lol but. konoha starts asking Questions... Very Specific Questions.
ok sorry i havent even gotten to the way he finds out he's even awakening eyes LOL i think haruka realises btw. he realises before konoha realises. well konoha DOESNT realise. but he HAS been having this identity crisis and he's like damn i already transed my gender WHAT IS IT THIS TIME and he keeps asking these oddly specific questions that are freaking everybody out because he's not even really asking about their pasts?? he's just like mixing his old memories to his current memories and being like uncle shintaro remember when we fell off that high place together :3 and shintaro's like what the fuck are u talking about. like he doesn't describe it specifically enough or whoever he's talking to just assumes someone else told him abt something that happened back then.
like THATS HIS OTHER SELF so haruka isnt even doubting it, as soon as he realises HE DOESNT UNREALISE HE DOESN'T TRY TO CONVINCE HIMSELF OTHERWISE once he knows HE KNOWS. but konoha still doesn't know he's just kinda watching haruka having like a crisis or something.
from then on erm.... about how to manage it... well it'd be a complicated situation. haruka obviously tells takane and she's like ur fucking crazy lol im gonna go talk to him *leaves* *comes back* ok u were right. how the fuck did we even create this.
basically the dan knows before konoha does and it becomes a rly complicated subject about what to do about it because most of them are like the only way to rly make sure is to talk to konoha and they dont know if they wanna do that because they'd have to come clean about their horrible story and yknow konoha's just a kid!! but also if he IS konoha and everything he is seeing are those awful memories then he should know? for peace of mind? maybe? it's... a whole thing. like konoha isn't.... suffering. like obviously all his mental issues are awful but it's not like they will go away just by having context to some stuff. he's still a happy kid. the dan's like ok somehow haruka and ene created a freak of nature. it happens.
like what if they tell him and then all the memories become super clear. why would they wanna do that. most of the memories are total ass and awful. but also konoha's clearly confused and feels so lost. but maybe that's better than him being properly traumatized by remembering everything??
at the end of the day haruka and takane are the parents and they have to decide lollll man they'd be so torn about it. konoha probably throws a line like i just always feel like im forgetting something. THEY'D BREAK DOWN ON EACH OTHER SO BAD AND KONOHA'S LIKE WHYYYY ARE U GUYS CRYINGGGG!?!?! srry haruka and takane for putting u thru the horrors. i think it's funny to do that. congratulations on the marriage and the kid but also cry about it
erm. idk if or how they'd tell him. this is all i can come up with now. bye tune in for next chapter i fucking guess
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i... i like you...... hehehehheheheehe!! *runs away*
...I have a feeling this is Lyss <3
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legendaryowlhero · 2 years
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littledoggyboy · 10 months
holding you and kissing you tenderly.
hehehehheheheeh mwah mwah mwah <333333
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nmoreprples909090 · 1 year
i dont care if we are going to be together or not.
but seeing him, is enough.
he's watching my story, it's enough.
he knows that i will be the host for office event, it's enough.
he's papasan with me most of the times, it's enough!
kayak kmaren pas dia tugas te en es trus dia blg yg paling banyak ketawa itu sebenernya yg paling banyak nangis, acara antepeh habis dia sholat, pas dia udh ngasi kopi, trus pas di tugas girlsqwid, dia mau minjem steamer, pas aku mau pulang, PAPASAN TU BERKALI2 TU GIMANA... he he he hehehehheheheeh
he treats me coffee, it's enough! ahahhaha walaupun bukan aku sih yang awalnya minta, wk.
duh mau jelasin panjang lebar tapi dah lah.. heheh happyyy
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hypertonicplague · 3 years
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Canon?? Ya mean them things pirates used to shoot?? Oh baby we don’t got em here 😩🤚
Oh some real shit though I rushed this out cuz god DAMN am I inlove 😩💞🤌🏼
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silkentragedies · 3 years
Also, tattoos and leather jackets are a special kind of combination 💔💔
So spicy isn't 😀
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daily reminder that I would die for my mutuals!
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whoreshijima · 3 years
On the intimidation scale I’d say a 10 because when it’s horny hours your power and your brain scare me❤️
hehehehheheheeh I’m honestly content with that answer you should all be scared when I’m horny
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raedas · 3 years
i swear i thought you were beau for a sec then I was like OH
and hehehehheheheeh 😇
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thrown2thelezzies · 3 years
20, 35, 50 for the valentines asks !! hehehehheheheeh
thank u >:) happy valentines eve
20. sweetest romantic memory?
i have been on 2 aquarium dates and they r among my favorites for different reasons !! the first one cuz i had like no experience n so everything was new n so exciting and i also still think about that one guy that was also at the aquarium who said that nice thing and i really hope hes doing good!! and it was just such a fun sweet time all around!! and the second one bc it was a whole day date where we went to a cat cafe around the time it opened and the guy who was opening couldnt get the door unlocked so he couldnt open at all and we felt so bad for him :( and he came up to us and he was like i gotta call a locksmith im sorry so we were like oh !! thats ok!! so we killed time by going to breakfast at the place next door and then we went to the cat cafe and Then while we were sitting there was when we decided to go to the aquarium ! it was just spontaneous in a way i wasnt really used to ! both were so nice and i remember them fondly :)
35. would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal?
in a perfect world we would do that thing where one of us gets down on one knee and the other is like WAIT HOLD ON and they pull their ring out just cuz i think that would b such a fun story to tell later on !! but really i think i would just want to like have a really nice home cooked dinner/dinner party? and set the table all pretty and then like have a nice quiet proposal with maybe a few friends around to help celebrate!! i dont have a preference as far as who does it!!
50. what’s your dreamhouse?
OH my god i could talk abt this for hours. but basically kitchen is the most important room in the house,, i want a decent amount of prep space and a big big sink and i want the kitchen full to the brim with really nice pots and pans and utensils and really good fresh ingredients so i can cook for whoever i live with!! and i want a window over the sink facing east so the sun comes in every morning. for the rest of the house i think my main criteria is that i would want some big windows so lots and lots of light can come in so my plants would stay happy,, and then i think i just want some room for friends to come and stay for awhile whether they need to or are just visiting !! i love taking care of people i love!! also like some comfy seating,, and then ideally a decent sized yard for a dog!! and big enough to have some native plants/a pollinator garden and maybe some chickens!! overall i would wanna keep all the rooms and everything pretty small bc its easier to maintain and feels cozier
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tubstash · 4 years
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>”try drawing some animals”
>”Hehehehheheheeh piggy fire”
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