#helaemond stans
fatum679 · 28 days
what do you think about the latest trailer? it made me afraid my beloved ship helaemond is gonna sink 😭
Hello! I was sure that we wouldn't be shown any major spoilers. I read a spoiler that in the second season there will be flashback with Aemma Arryn, I don’t know why they are needed? Who cares? But we do have two shots of her in the trailer.
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About Helaemond, we have a shot of Aemond on a girl's lap crying, I don't think he would show his tears to a prostitute or I also doubt that Aemond will cry in front of a woman (Alys) he sees for the first time in his life. There must be a strong emotional connection for this to happen.
In addition, Aemond will only meet Alys in season 3; in the second, Daemon will interact with her.
The girl in the frame could be Alicent (but why is Aemond naked?) or Helaena.
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Helaena wears blue dresses and this dress is similar to her style from episode 9. This could be a flashback of Aemond and Helaena or it could be a scene after b&c or after battle at rook's rest.
Aemond is not the kind of person who would show weakness in front of a person with whom he has no intimacy and we were shown many helaemond moments in the first season and he was not afraid to cry and says in front of Helaena that Aegon and nephews is bullying him, but in front of others he did not show his tears even when his eye was cut out.
The ring... lol... but why not?😂
Helaena wears a rings on her middle finger in season 2 😂
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I don't know. I'll just wait for the second season and believe 🕷💎
The writers openly talk about and confirm only the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra (lmao)
I read a theory that this is not Aemma, but that it is Helaena's double.
Firstly, Aemond is no longer 13 years old for Aegon to drag him into a brothel.
Secondly, Aemond is not the kind of person who would voluntarily go to a brothel. He made it clear in the first season that he is not interested in prostitutes and that is what makes him different from Aegon.
So I don't think he's crying on the lap of Helaena's double. I also don't think he's with Mysaria. It is so stupid. Aemond doesn't know her, he won't be so vulnerable in front of her and show his weakness. Aemond won't tell her his secrets! This will be very fucking stupid!
! And the most important thing ! The girl in the picture doesn't have dark hair! It's the dress and the shadow.
The writers won't miss out on a script goldmine like Helaemond.
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m-oshun · 2 years
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based on Paul Day’s The Meeting Place
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helaenasaegon · 2 months
The funny thing is: The worst Aegon II haters aren't Team Blacks, they're Team Greens. Usually Aemond stans.
TBs who hate Aegon hate him, but they're usually (usually) normal about it. TG Aegon haters? They're literally out here writing fanfics about him raping his wife (so Aemond can save her, uwu 🥺), his daughter, his mother, his sons (probably), his brothers, and his nephews. They're disturbingly feral about it, it's like crack to them.
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bibiundtinaundzombies · 2 months
“i love helaena so much! helaemond/helaegon forever!” i am projectile vomiting into your face at a velocity so strong you are thrown backwards through a brick wall.
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darklinaforever · 3 months
Why do u think of the theory that Aemond actually cares for Helena and the kids are his? I actually wouldn’t mind it because he might be more tolerable. Helena is the only likable green at all. Like it would add some humanity to him that wouldn’t be annoying or bad writing. Maybe… and the irony that he killed Luc and we don’t know if the Blacks would know the son is Aeomond’s… Team Black ONLY: thoughts??
Frankly, for the book, this theory is clearly a throwaway.
But it could be possible in the show given how these writers do anything, and the fact that technically it could clearly work with what was briefly shown in season 1.
Already there is the fact that it was Helaena specifically who prophesied that Aemond would lose an eye. We are introduced that she is a dreamer through Aemond.
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Also Aemond did not seem at all against the idea of ​​marrying Helaena and did not seem to like how Aegon II spoke of her.
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Generally speaking, Helaena is always placed next to Aemond.
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Without forgetting the moment where Jace invites Helaena to dance which seems to annoy him, even if this is also the case for Aegon II and it is probably due to a simple rivalry between Aemond and the Velaryon boys, but compiled by the rest that may raise questions.
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There are also these weird scenes in episode 9 where Helaena catches Aemond's look when he enters the room.
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And then she always seems close to him during the coronation of Aegon II, still leaning towards Aemond.
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Plus the fact that she seems to caress / touch his arm when Rhaenys attacks.
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It could clearly make it into the show.
I am both for and against. Already I am against because of the book. More whitewashing for Aemond in the show...
But on the other hand, I could agree that already, at least Helaena could have had a little respite by having her children with someone 'one she likes.
And then also, the Green stans could no longer open up about the fact that the Velaryons boys are illegitimate children or about the fact that there is no incest in their team (at least consented and therefore abominable according to their term, even if Aegon II has already made sexual advances towards Baela who is his family, so still incest, but hey, apparently Aegon II is against incest ! 😂).
Honestly, I think if that happened it would just make me laugh.
And I would love to see Alicent's reaction to this, she who harassed Rhaenyra for years for not having her children with Laenor when her own daughter would have done the same.
That would be delicious.
Although I know some green stans would love to see Helaena & Aemond perform. Again, not really consistent with most of their initial comments but hey ! It's not like we should look for logic in the Green stans after all, or even in the basic HOTD show...
In any case, I will always choose Helaemond if they want to do something "romantic" with the character of Aemond, to avoid dealing with the romanticization of Alysmond... Definitely a woman that Aemond raped, since he took her as a prize of war, and it disgusts me to see this being romanticized.
But anyway, in the sole context of HOTD with what season 1 gave us, yes, Aemond being the father of Helaena's children could totally pass if that's what the writers want to do.
But honestly, Helaemond shp is just a pale copy of the Aemon & Naerys relationship in my eyes.
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Why the heck people are cheering for Aemond and the Madam s*x scene(s)?
To start with, I don’t understand how did the fans arrive at the rock-solid certainty there will be such scenes in the show? As far as I know, nothing is confirmed (yet). AFAIK in one interview, Michelle Bonard (the Madam’s actress) said she “got a little naked” and some believe it means she filmed a sex scene. Given Michelle is playing a sex worker, I doubt she meant we’re going simply see her changing her dress or bathing, but does “getting a little naked” or filming a nude scene actually mean having a sex scene? In GoT, we saw a bunch of Littlefinger scenes, which took place in pleasure houses he owned. In the background, we could then easily spot his more or less underdressed “employees” . I think it’s entirely possible we *may* actually see a déshabillé Michelle in any tavern/brothel scene (for instance at one of Aegon’s wild parties). ATP we can’t even rule out she could be involved in the BnC subplot. Frankly, there is something quite appealing about two lowly born women, like the Madam and Mysaria, teaming up for the “Team Smallfolk’s” sake. Don’t get me wrong, I am not cheering about BnC, but I think the Madam could not be Aegon’s greatest fan and condemn his taste for watching children fighting in pits.
Moreover, even if in this case, “getting a little naked” means “filming a s*x scene” indeed, we can’t be 100% certain it was a love scene with Ewan/Aemond specifically. Come on, Michelle plays a literal sex worker, and not Aemond’s secret girlfriend.
I know there is a popular theory that the Madam is actually Mystery Lady on whose lap Aemond pillows his head on, since we can spot the same vein protrusion on Michelle’s hand and there’s a strand of dark hair around that woman’s neck. In my view, the vein protrusion doesn’t prove anything – we could easily find a very same one on almost every woman’s flexed hand, including HOTD actresses’. And as for the strands of hair – I initially failed to spot them, and now, I think they look quite like a chain Alicent used to wear in SE1. But enough about the Mystery Lady theories.
I just wanna say I fail to understand why so many “Aemond fans” seem to be really excited about the possible Aemond x the Madam s*x scene(s)? From season one, we learn Aemond was dragged to the brothel when he was 13. In 09x01, we see he’s really uncomfortable around that woman. Which indicates his experience in the pleasure house wasn’t an enjoyable one, to say the least. Why Aemond, who “has no taste for depravity” and doesn’t want to be like his pervy brother would seek comfort in the arms of a sex worker? It sounds rather ooc for him ,tbf. I get it that in SE 2, we’re probably gonna see Aemond at his lowest. We all know excessive drinking and debauchery are Aegon’s copying mechanisms, but wouldn’t it be more interesting if Aemond’s were different from his brother’s?
In my view, Aemond’s “relationship”w/the Madam doesn’t foreshadow his relationship with Alys, since the Witch of Harenhall never forced herself on him. The actresses don’t even look alike.
To my knowledge, a bunch of people are happy about the Aemond x the Madam thing, since they believe it would be helaemond erasure. But can’t Aemond’s feelings for Helaena  be brotherly (in the non-Targaryen way) even without him sleeping with sex workers? In addition, helaemond is widely disliked for its hypocrisy. This ship is deemed OOC, since the dutiful Aemond would never cuck the crown prince and neither would he dishonor his sister. Plus, he takes pride in being different than Aegon. In season 2, Aemond is already engaged. So, wouldn’t frequenting brothels mean Aemond dishonors his fiancée Floris the very same way Aegon dishonors his wife Helaena?
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helaelaemond · 9 months
Neuro-divergent queen > femme fatale witch GF.
Sorry Alys stans I said what I said. Stalest character trope ever.
I really hope they go with the particular interpretation of Alys that she just did what she had to do to save her life and she manipulated him and played him and deliberately sent Aemond to his death 💚🖤
Meanwhile Helaena is the true love of his life, no matter how messed up and dysfunctional that may be. With her, he experiences true and pure love, and when he’s apart from her, he loses the best part of himself and descends into unbridled cruelty and malice 🐉🔥
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atopcat · 6 months
I really liked your post about Rhaenicent. What do you think of Olivia’s recent interviews in regards to Alicent’s character, she seems to be really pushing for Rhaenicent despite everything.
Just to start I want to make it clear that this isn’t an attack against Olivia Cooke, she’s a brilliant actress who is entitled to her opinions. As a fan however I don’t like her interpretation of Alicent simply because she’s made it abundantly clear she’s more invested in Rhaenicent than Alicent herself.
Olivia could’ve done a Lena Headey and unapologetically supported her character despite not being popular with the general audience, who cares if people think she’s a bitch, she’s your bitch and that’s all that matters. Instead she sought out the one part of the fanbase who supposedly like Alicent but also has a large universal following: Rhaenicent.
Here’s where it gets tricky, when it comes to ships such as Rhaewin, Jacegan, Laenyra, Daemyra, Jace/Baela, Alicole, Aemond/Alys, Helaemond etc. it’s pretty straightforward: you’re a fan of both characters, maybe one more than the other but you do genuinely like both. Rhaenicent doesn’t have this, it’s a lot more complicated mainly because it’s the only one that doesn’t exist in book canon.
The Rhaenicent fan base is split into three unequally distributed categories:
>1% who are genuine fans of both Rhaenyra and Alicent, emphasis on the genuine because although some claim to be they end up in either of the latter two. The problem with these fans is that they’ve succumbed to the trap of “benevolent misogyny”, reducing both women to being nothing more than 24/7 victims of evil men. They rob Alicent of her ambition, Rhaenyra of her agency, they think these women will abandon everything and run off on dragon back because they’re still silly teenage girls who only care about cake and clothes.
14% are Alicent stans, the majority of them don’t actually like Rhaenyra she’s simply a self insert because there is no one else you can ship her with other than Criston but Alicole is nowhere near as popular because it doesn’t include a fan favourite. In Rhaenicent’s case the fan favourite is Rhaenyra not Alicent.
85% are all Team Rhaenyra, the only version of Alicent they’re interested in is one who is nothing more than a personal cheerleader for the Black Queen. They don’t want to hear about how Rhaenyra’s actions negatively affected Alicent, only how Alicent still cares about her and will do anything for her despite everything.
Both Olivia and Emily Carey faced a lot of harassment on social media, someone even came up to Olivia in real life and called Alicent a c*nt to her face. I know when you’re in a fandom bubble it’s easy to think Alicent and Team Green are just as popular as Rhaenyra and Team Black but that’s far from the truth. So although the vast majority of Rhaenicents are first and foremost Rhaenyra stans, they’re also the ones most welcoming to the actresses who are having a hard time because of stupid trolls who can’t differentiate between a character and the actor playing them.
Then it makes sense why Olivia will jump on board the Rhaenicent train, but it comes at the expense of her character. I’ve read some of her recent interviews, she’s throwing not just Alicent under the bus but also the entirety of Team Green just to maintain the illusion that Alicent’s no.1 priority will always be Rhaenyra Targaryen.
“Alicent is scared of Criston”, he’s her right hand man, the only one who has her back, he’s loyal to a fault and President of the Alicent Fan Club. But he’s also disliked by Team Black for this very reason, he’s openly antagonistic to Rhaenyra calling her a “spoiled c*nt” so Olivia wants to distance herself from Alicent’s most ardent supporter.
“she’s watching him [Aemond] grow up into an absolute killer, which is terrifying for her”, if Criston is President of the Team Alicent club then Aemond is Vice President. You see throughout Season 1 how close she is to her second son, how she relies on him for support, how he truly loves and respects her. He said he wants Luke’s eye as a gift for his mother, from Alicent’s four children she is definitely closest to Aemond but he’s also the one who killed Nyra’s precious baby so fans don’t like him. Again, Olivia is detaching Alicent from her own children so she can appeal to Rhaenicents who mourned their sweet boy Luke.
“That’s what the whole series has been about: trying to get back to each other” this coupled with her saying she pushed for a Rhaenicent reunion at the end of S2 really emphasises just how willing she is to destroy everything about Alicent’s character in order to warp her into the sanitised version of a Rhaenicent wet dream.
Alicent doesn’t care her grandson was slaughtered right in front of her.
Alicent doesn’t care her 6 year old granddaughter was threatened with r*pe.
Alicent doesn’t care her daughter went insane.
Alicent doesn’t care Team Black almost killed her sons in battle.
Olivia’s version of Alicent doesn’t care about anything that doesn’t revolve around worshiping the ground Rhaenyra walks on. So as far as she’s concerned there is “still hope” because her ideal ending is one where Alicent abandons her family, agency and ambition just so she can be Rhaenyra’s personal cheerleader for the rest of her life. The Alicent she’s envisioning is one who will set her own children on fire just to keep Nyra warm.
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TG stans loves to mock the targaryen blood with babies that are born looking like dragons just like visenya for example when they have jaehaerys with 6 fingers (which in the book the green are ashamed of that btw) and from jaehaera's sigil in the opening of the series it is also a hand with six fingers just like his brother's lol I don't know if they just have the same sigil because they are twins but it would be funny if the girl had the same problem as her brother after all... they are twins LOL
TG stans are majority Targaryen antis. They want to distance their favs from the rest of the Targaryens so their hypocrisy is less obvious. So they'll write posts calling the blacks incestuous dragonspawn while blatantly ignoring that the greens are every bit as incestuous.
Aegon and Helaena are siblings, like you can't get more incestuous than that. Daemyra's kids actually have less genetically similar parents than Jaehaerys, Jaehaera, and Maelor. Rhaenyra's parents were first cousins, something not acknowledged as incest by Westeros.
Then there's the Helaemond shippers who criticize the Velaryons' legitimacy while theorizing that Helaena's kids are Aemond's. How exactly is Jace succeeding Rhaenyra wrong but Jaehaera succeeding Aegon is good? How is Jaehaera a more legitimate heir than Aegon III (who is trueborn)? These people are still in the same camp as other TG stans who hate the blacks for incest. They ship a brother and sister, wtf is happening in their brains?
Joffrey Baratheon and his siblings are talked about more respectfully than Rhaenyra and her children. It's so disgusting how this woman and her children are being called subhuman by these hypocrites.
The TG stans hate House Targaryen (most of them anyway), it takes a lot of mental gymnastics to justify liking the greens. It's insane seeing them do that, but it's also so fucking frustrating. They don't seem to realize that TG are the most cartoonishly evil Targaryens in ASOIAF who are all guilty of the things they hate the house for.
It shows the true reason they support the greens. It's not about how "cool" they are, because there's a lot of Targaryens who are "cool" in the same way but are still hated. It's not because they're interesting villains, because they bend over backwards defending them. It's not about hating feudalism or caring about the smallfolk, the greens committed worse atrocities than the blacks and were hated by the smallfolk more. It's not about being morally against incest (in a fictional world for some reason), because they love the incest of their favs. It's about misogyny, it's about not wanting a woman to inherit the throne or have agency in her story.
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bl00dlight · 28 days
Hotd stans: HBO, can we get Helaemond?
HBO: We have Helaemond at home.
The "helaemond" at home:
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liaa--qb · 2 days
do you think helaemond will be canon ? I don't think so. Did you heard of major cuts from season one Alicent and Cole were fucking since season one but it was cut. They were having affair in season one. Stans are speculating daeron is their bastard son
Yes I got to know about that and
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So now we are getting to know that Alicent n Criston were canon from S1 but they kept it hidden and gave hints at Alicole to us indirectly. Not only that but they also fucked in s1 😵 but they cut it from screen and kept it for later season.
This is means I was so true about helaemond. Helaemond was 100% going to happen until they decided to turn away from it completely 😭
Even when HOD HBO officially posted every couple from the series including Alicent/Cole and Helaena/Aemond and fans were angry that why these two non canon crack ships were included among canon ships like Jace Baela, Viserys Aemma, Daemon Rhaenyra, Joffrey Laenor, Corlys Rhaenys, Rhaenicent ( which was confirmed by makers) 🌝 instead of 'Alicent Viserys' and 'Aegon Helaena' ?
Now they are telling us that Alicole was canon confirmed in s1 and here we are !
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I knew very well that Helaemond was supposed to be canon and they threw so many shades on it, way more than Alicole no one can tell me this wasn't going to happen but those bitches completely cancelled this idea😭 but went with Alicole out of way thinking that it would be more shocking for audience? CONDAL when I catch you. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Like they baited us so hard on helaemond and every frame, every view they hinted at that but....😓 That all wasn't for nothing.
the way I would have loved helaegond threesome it would have been so sexy !
and no I don't think dearon is going to be a bastard, Alicent is not that stupid she would know about that tea😅 very well but yeah it's condal and some of his changes are wild. Beware 😂
anyways I ready for Tom and Emma's amazing performance 🙌👍
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fatum679 · 1 month
Ewan always has such a happy, enchanted, loving face when he talks and thinks about Helaena 🕷💎 Its gases sparkle like stars 🥹✨💖
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𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 💜
𝙷𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚎𝚗𝚊 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 🩵
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mrstargkonnen · 6 months
Most Helaemonds did not, in fact, advocate for Alys to be cut from the story. You won't find more than let's say 10 of them who wished for something like this simply because it was never going to happen and it was never a realistic thing to expect for the show to change. Alys was always going to be included. She's not someone who could be replaceable in Aemond's future plot in Harrenhal.
As for Helaemonds having meltdowns on Twitter and harassing people? Is it something all of them are doing or just two or three users? Every group of shippers is going to have nasty persons who are doing nasty things, just block them. Also, let's not forget the harassment Helaemonds themselves received in the months after the show had ended from hardcore team green stans and Alysmond shippers: death and rape threats, accusations of supporting real life incest and claiming those who ship it are a danger to their immediate family members and so on and also accusations of them being actually team black fans who started the ship only to give the greens a bad look.
Let's face it though: the ship is mostly hated because hardcore team members think 1. it would make the greens look bad if Helaena and Aemond would have an affair, even if the kids wouldn't be his 2. it would stand in the way of other ships like Helaegon and Alysmond. It's not that those other ships aren't canon and won't be in the future, it's just that it would, for example, ruin the idea of Alys being "the only one" for Aemond and things like this. This is mostly why the ship is hated, the shippers being annoying (and at the moment there are like 30 of them on Twitter and probably less still active on Tumblr), has always been more of an excuse. And if one finds them annoying, why not block them? And mute the ship name so you won't come across it? for something that is just a crackship that never had any chance of becoming canon it surely garners far too many opposite reactions considering other crackships from the show (Aegond, Rhaegon, Rhaemond etc.) never got the same treatment and vitriol. Like why argue 24/7 against the ship if you think it's a crackship? Like, just let shippers be delusional,those who genuinely believe it's happening aren't going to have their minds changed until they see it not happening on their own screens next year
Points. were. made. 👏🏼
Harassment, threats, accusations- these topics are simply too serious to be spoken about in the context of fandom shenanigans. These are real issues in the real world that unfortunately happen, and to use them as an excuse to instigate shipping discourse is simply ridiculous. Specially when it’s clear their real intent is to be petty about a ship they just don’t like, and not about how to actually have healthy diplomacy in social media spaces 🫤 lol
As you said, sane helaemonds will change their minds if it doesn’t happen and be okay. (Probably continue to ship as one does on tumblr.com! lol) The questions is, in the off-chance it does happen, will they be okay? 😳
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helaenasaegon · 1 year
I keep seeing headcanons of Aem0nd being so good with the twins, while Aegon sucks, and like... what?!? We’ve never even seen Aemond look at the twins or even mention their names in either canon. 🤨
I’m not saying that Aegon is a good father because we’ve never seen or heard of him being one in the slightest (at least not on the show; I haven’t read F&B yet, and his kids are barely mentioned on his Wiki page), but I wouldn’t trust Aem0nd with a child; he’s too angry and narcissistic, too much like his mother, and she’s literally an abuser.
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lavenderfroggy · 8 hours
When I’m in a Helaemond stan competition but my opponent is Phia Saban
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darklinaforever · 3 months
TB fellow fans.. actually I would be ok w/ Helaemond, strangely. I don’t like him, but for her it could be any happiness. He does seem to legit care about her. At least it would be consensual ship for him, she’s not his prisoner. I was thinking about it and I do think Allicunt knows Aegon abuses her, but I don’t think Helena would ever trust her mother to tell her if the kids weren’t his.
Helena looks away in disgust when Aegon is crowned.. and we love her for it!!! How does TG explain that 😜
Yes like I said, one of the reasons I don't mind it is so Helaena got a little happiness.
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