#heli biking
mreinberg · 2 years
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That time we went heli biking in Whistler BC, Canada. Camera: Samsung Galaxy S10.
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empresskylo · 1 year
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beneath the mask ✩ chapter 10 ⬅ch.9
➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠CHAPTER TAGS | violence. sexual assault implications. blood. wc 5.4k ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | hehe enjoy
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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you woke to arabic voices, your eyes squinting open in discomfort. your head was pounding and your stomach thrummed with a wave of nausea. you quickly remembered you had been hit with the butt of a rifle, right beneath your ribs. you leaned over in the moving vehicle and dry heaved. 
“innahā mustayqiẓatun,” she’s awake .
you sat back up, the realization of what had happened hitting you. you went to wipe your mouth and found your hands were bound together with a rope. you groaned and awkwardly carried out the action with your hands linked. 
laswell . you quickly looked around, not seeing laswell in the the truck with you. you were in the backseat beside a man who was speaking hurriedly to the man in front, driving. you looked out the window, the town rushing by. 
“where’s laswell?” you asked, your voice hoarse. the men ignored you. “my friend. where is she?” you said with a bit more force hoping one of them would answer you. 
they continued to talk as if you weren’t there. you ground your teeth together in annoyance. you rested your head against the window, the cold of the glass helping with the tension throbbing in your skull. 
your body was still pumping with adrenaline and you were finding it hard to sit still. your fingers wound themselves together, your leg bouncing up and down. you hoped laswell was okay. you also hoped she was going to the same place you were… you didn’t want to be alone, as cruel as that might be. you were trapped in this truck with three men—three men who kidnapped you. you had no idea where they were taking you or what they were going to do with you. the panic hit you like a slap in the face.
you tried to breathe slowly, letting out low breaths, trying to steady your nerves. it did little to help. 
would the others be coming to rescue you and laswell? surely they would. shepherd wouldn’t let them give up on you two. at least not laswell, she was far too important. and price wouldn’t stand for it. 
they were coming. you prayed to god they were coming. 
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“lieutenant. it’s farah. it’s time.” 
“rog. wheels down in one.” ghost voice was hoarse as he answered farah over the comms. “nik, convoy’s inbound. we’re on.”
“copy that,” nikolai responded. “over the hlz now.”
ghost’s heart rate continued to rise the longer you and laswell were kept hostage. he clenched the gun at his hip and patted himself down, making sure he had all he would need to get the two of you back. he also found it hard to stay still, his body flooded with adrenaline. 
“good. set ‘er down and hold,” ghost said. he walked to the door of the helicopter, looking between gaz and soap. “gaz, you stay in the heli on overwatch. we’ll work our way up the line.”
“roger that. let’s thin the herd, get laswell and iaso back.”
when the helicopter landed only moments later, ghost and soap connected fists with gaz as they hopped out. on the ground, dirt whipping around them from the blades of the helicopter, a woman on a rusted bike sat waiting for the two men. 
“hey, lt., sergeant,” she called out, greeting the men. 
“farah. thanks for the assist,” soap replied when ghost didn’t respond, noticing how he had tensed up.
“we share a common enemy,” farah said, nodding at the men.
“and friends in need,” ghost said a bit harshly. “are you ready?”
“all set. see you down the road!” she slid up her mask and pulled get goggles over her eyes. she looked so self-assured, ready to take down men twice her size. ghost thought about how you would have liked her. 
“all stations… we’re on the move!” ghost called as he and soap jogged up to the beige truck waiting for them. 
the two men jumped in the bed of the truck, ghost slapping the top of the roof to let the driver know they were on board and ready to go. 
the procession of three trucks and multiple motorcycles took off down the dirt road. 
“all stations, we’re up—comms check…” farah’s voice rang in ghost’s ear. 
“good copy,” ghost grunted. 
“check,” gaz responded from 30 feet in the air, his sniper at the ready as he pointed it out the door of the helicopter. 
“loud and clear,” nikolai said. 
“the al-qatala convoy just passed us. we’ll be right behind them,” farah urged. 
“copy. nik, use the ravine for cover. we’ve got one shot to rescue them.”
“roger that,” nik responded to ghost. 
“what vehicle are they in?” gaz asked. 
“al-qatala has iaso in a black suv, laswel in the similar one right in front of hers. near the front of the convoy.” farah’s voice echoed. 
“we hit the escort vehicles first. then we secure laswell and iaso before aq can reach the border.” ghost commanded. “soldiers, move in!” 
gaz began to fire shots at aq that were standing in the back of truck beds. ghost gripped his gun as he aimed the barrel toward the aq vehicles up ahead. he was too far back to get a good shot and growled in irritation. 
ghost leaned over the side of the truck, shouting to the man driving, his window down. “get me up beside one of the aq trucks!”
the driver nodded and stepped on the gas. “what’re ya doin’?” soap asked ghost. 
“gettin’ the girls back,” he said before stepping onto the top of the truck and running down the front onto the hood, immediately jumping and landing on the back of an aq truck. one of the men stood and came at ghost, but gaz was faster, shooting a bullet through his skull before he could reach him. 
“thanks,” ghost said.
“don’t mention it.”
ghost’s fist came slamming down onto the other aq, shoving him off the back of the truck. he sheathed his gun momentarily, maneuvering himself over the edge of the truck, his hand clutching tightly to the metal, his other hand opening the driver’s door. the man shouted something in arabic as ghost grabbed the collar of his shirt and ripped him from the truck. the man went tumbling on the pavement, his hands coming up over his head as the bikes raced around him. 
ghost pushed himself into the driver’s seat with a huff. he yanked the door shut and floored it. 
“jesus, lt.,” soap breathed, watching the events unfold. 
ghost would have chuckled at soap’s astonishment, but all that was on his mind was getting you back unharmed. 
of course ghost cared about laswell. he had worked with her for a while now, and he’d never admit it, but he cared about price too. and price and laswell were close. price had been fuming when he found out what happened on this mission—pissed at himself for not being there, as if he could have done something to stop laswell from getting taken if he hadn’t asked ghost to take his position. 
but laswell wasn’t ghost’s main objective. it was you. you were who he was about to slaughter through walls of men for. it was you his heart pounded in nerves for. he felt so sick when he thought about what they might be doing to you that he almost had to lean over to retch. 
and laswell—while out of practice—was a trained killer. you, on the other hand, had only started to take combat training seriously the past few weeks. the thought made ghost’s chest constrict painfully tight. if they put one hand on you…
he let out a shallow breath, turning the wheel to the truck abruptly, avoiding civilian cars while trying to move up the procession of aq trucks. 
soap had an eye on ghost’s truck and saw the way he was swerving between oncoming cars to get closer to the front. soap almost regretted his conversation with ghost earlier. he was worried it had gotten through to him—that ghost was ready to risk his life, acting far too rashly, to clear his conscience. 
ghost spotted the black suv farah had mentioned earlier up ahead. it was pretty far off in the distance and with aq trucks clogging the road, and oncoming traffic coming from the other direction, ghost slammed his hand on the wheel in frustration. it was going to take too long for him to get up close. 
“throwing molotov!” farah’s voice rang in ghost’s ears, bringing him back to the moment. he saw the truck behind him go up in flames in his side mirror. 
“heh-heh… i missed farah,” nikolai laughed. 
the commotion in his ears faded to a rumble. ghost was focusing on how to get to you before it was too late, everything else was just background noise to him. he heard nikolai and gaz yelling in his ears but nothing was getting through to him. 
an aq truck pulled up beside him and ghost immediately pulled his gun and began shooting. the truck stuttered backward before pulling back up and firing at him again. ghost ducked and swerved the vehicle. he slammed the side of his truck into the other, catching them off guard and using that as an opportunity to shoot back at them. before he could reload, the enemy truck exploded, turning into a ball of flames. 
he heard farah laughing over the comms. jesus, she was intense, and ghost was thankful for it. 
the further he drove, the farther you seemed to get from him. civilian vehicles were only getting in the way, the aq trucks swerving all over the road, preventing ghost and his other men from getting past them. 
a car exploded before ghost, making him grip the wheel tightly, trying to turn out of the way. that wasn’t an aq truck…
“they’re taking down civilian vehicles! blocking the roads!”
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you heard the explosions going off somewhere in the distance behind you. you turned to look out the back window and saw a large commotion, vehicles going all over the road, a procession of motorcycles with riders shooting men in trucks. 
a feeling of relief swam through you— they came. 
you continued to watch, unable to do anything else. you observed as a car that was rushing in the opposite direction blew up, rotating onto its back and igniting in flames. 
“wait… those are just civillians,” you muttered to yourself. “hey! you’re killing innocent people!” you shouted. you couldn’t believe it. they were taking innocent lives, completely uncaring, their only objective was to block the roads. 
you turned to the man beside you in astonishment, ready to yell again, when his hand came down on your face, slapping you across the cheek. your head flew in the opposite direction, your lips parting in a gasp. 
“no more talking,” he said in a heavy accent. 
you gulped, looking forward. you licked your lips and could taste the blood from your busted lip. the other men laughed as they looked at you in the rearview mirror, muttering something you couldn’t understand in arabic. 
you were going to have to be smarter about this. you sat silently in your seat. you began to worry that your teammates wouldn’t be able to get to you in time. there were a lot of aq vehicles trailing behind you. you weren’t sure how they’d manage to get through them all. 
you heard the engine of a helicopter and you turned, looking out one of the back windows again. your jaw dropped. oh my god, was that gaz? gaz was fucking hanging from a rope attached to the helicopter, upside down, continuing to shoot at enemy soldiers. you gasped when he almost swung right into a truck. your heart raced as you watched him. 
a bend in the road cut off your vision and you faced forward again. you didn’t want anyone risking their life for you. as much as you wanted rescuing, you didn’t want it at the expense of others. the image of gaz swinging wildly in the air was plastered in your mind. these men were going to get themselves killed. and it was going to be your fault. 
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ghost felt like he was running out of options as you rapidly approached the border. 
“gaz, nik—my spotters are reporting an aq roadblock ahead.” farah’s voice came in through the comms in a level-headed voice. 
“affirm, i see it,” nikolai responded. “you might have to ram through.”
“crash it. kill as many as you can,” ghost echoed into his mic. 
ghost gripped his steering wheel, stepping on the gas as he approached the roadblock. he spotted gaz coming up right behind him in an aq truck. 
both men tore through the aq men, trudging past the trucks lined up to block them, destroying anything in their wake. ghost felt beyond destructive. he felt lethal.
“nik, i punched through,” gaz said as him and ghost got on the other side of the roadblock. 
“be advised. there is a situation up the road.” nikolai’s voice sent a shiver through ghost. he was just waiting for someone to say your black suv blew up, or crashed, or they lost track of it. 
“aq is deploying mines on the highway!”
“these are civillains, nik,” gaz said in anguish. “aq will burn for this.”
“i’ll bring the matches,” farah chimed in. 
ghost managed to weave between the charred cars, praying he didn’t hit a mine. 
further up the road, ghost swung open his door, timing it just right so when an aq motorcycle rode up right beside him, with great strength, he shoved the man off and hopped on. he watched as the truck ran off the road and crashed into a rocky hill. 
ghost revved the bike’s engine, gaining far more speed than he ever could in the pilfered truck. 
he heard gaz and nik conversing, then soap yelling over the comms for gaz to get on board the truck bed he was in. 
ghost floored it down the road, watching as the procession ahead of him split off in two different directions. 
“shit! they’re splitting them up!” soap called out. 
“who do we follow?” gaz asked as he picked up the grenade launcher.
ghost grit his teeth. “soap, gaz—follow laswell. i’ll follow iaso.” 
“you sure, lt.?”
“we don’t have time to argue about this, soap. just go.”
soap and gaz looked at one another before nodding. the convoy split up. soap and gaz followed laswell and ghost went off the road, following the black suv you were trapped inside. the car was going too fast for the others to keep up. ghost was glad he got on a bike, it was the only way he’d be able to get up to you in time. 
ghost’s own words rang in his head, the ones he had said to you in the bar. the words that hurt you. the words he had regretted ever since they left his tongue. you were going to die thinking he hated you. thinking he used you. 
ghost clenched the handlebars to the bike tighter, narrowing his eyes as he hurried behind you. he was going to get you back even if it killed him.
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you knew you were going off the road the second the vehicle began to bump up and down. you tried to clutch onto something to keep from falling off the seat, but it was difficult with your hands tied. 
the men in the suv with you were yelling at one another. then the stout man beside you leaned out his window and began shooting. 
you turned to look out the window. your stomach dropped. the convoy was gone. you only saw one motorcycle trailing behind you. the others must have split off. this was their plan. to split you and laswell up, thus splitting up the convoy of rescuers. 
you tried not to let the fact that only one person was trailing you to hurt your feelings. now was not the time to be sensitive. but you couldn’t help but wonder if laswell had the rest of your team following her. it made sense, though. she was laswell… and you were just…iaso.
you yelped as the vehicle took an abrupt turn, making you slam into the man beside you. he shoved you off and rushed to reload his gun. you looked behind you in horror, realizing it was ghost on the bike, finally able to make out his mask as he edged closer. 
the man beside you went to lean back out the window, ready to send bullets in ghost’s direction. you acted before you could think, using your tied hands to claw at his back. you gripped onto the cotton material of his shirt and yanked him backward. he was so caught off guard from the sudden attack that he stumbled and crashed back on the seat beside you. 
he said something in arabic then hit you across the face again. your head flew back and hit the edge of the door. you groaned in pain. you squeezed your eyes shut, your head throbbing. 
they took a sharp turn and you were jostled back, opening your eyes in response. the man in the passenger’s seat leaned out his window now and began to shoot his pistol. you heard him make a celebratory noise and you almost broke your neck turning around to look for ghost. 
ghost’s bike skidded out from under him, sending him crashing down. the bullet had blown a hole in his tire. 
“no,” you said softly. your lips trembling. he was your last hope. 
you watched full of dread as the truck carried you away. ghost sat up and brushed himself off. he looked out after you, standing in the middle of nowhere, at a loss of what to do. 
tears began to slide down your cheek.
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“i lost her,” ghost said over the comms in a newfound sense of defeat. soap had never heard his voice sound quite like that. 
there was a moment of silence before ghost heard ruffling and then soap’s voice. 
“come again, lt.?”
ghost was walking back from where he came, following the tracks in the dirt. “iaso. she got away.”
again there was radio silence. 
“im on my way,” ghost heard farah say. 
she cut ghost off. “i started trailing you as soon as we picked off the remaining aq trucks. we’re almost to you. stay put,” she demanded. 
it wasn’t long before farah was riding up with two other men on bikes. “what happened?” farah asked, her bike skidding to a halt. 
“fuckers blew my tire. they still got iaso.”
farah looked at one of her soldiers and nodded. he hopped off his bike and held it up for ghost. farah laughed as ghost looked confused. “get on. we’re goin’ to get her.”
“laswell?” ghost asked, wanting to know if she had at least made it out okay. 
“soap and gaz got her. she’s safe.”
ghost took in a breath before accepting the bike and getting on. “let's go get her back, lieutenant.”
with a new rush of energy, ghost took off, following the tracks of the suv alongside farah and another soldier. 
“she couldn’t have gotten far!” farah called out. 
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when the suv came to a stop, you were quickly escorted out of the vehicle. you stumbled, the men giving you no time to right yourself before they pushed you into a wooden building. the men roughly jostled you through the door, your eyes attempting to adjust to the dark. 
you struggled to make out where you were before the man whose hands were holding your arm shoved you into a small room. you fell to the floor at the sudden force. 
the man spat something at you that you didn’t understand then he slammed the door shut behind him. you were left alone in the room and you tried to sit up. your arm was already bruising from where he held you, and you could feel blood dripping down the side of your face. 
you scooted yourself into the corner and hugged your knees to your chest, your wrists beginning to burn as they constantly rubbed against the binding rope. 
you tried to hold back the wave of tears but you failed. you hoped they made it to kate. you hoped she wasn’t going through the same thing you were right now. though, if she was, she was no doubt coping much better than you. 
you looked around the room, trying to clear your vision from tears by blinking repeatedly. the room was mostly empty except for a chair and a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. if you didn’t know any better, you’d think this was an interrogation room. 
the notion plummeted inside your stomach, making you bury your face in your knees. you weren’t going to survive this. you were weak. you were suddenly pissed at price for letting you join his team. you weren’t cut out for this shit. you were a medic, not a damn fighter. 
minutes ticked by and your tears finally dried up. the longer you sat, the more fear was instilled inside you. you regretted cursing price out already, knowing it wasn’t his fault any of this happened to you. usually, you were good under extreme pressure, but that was only when it came to medical stuff. not when you were being kidnapped. 
god, your head was killing you. you hoped you didn’t look as bad as you felt. 
the metal door scrapped along the cement floor as it opened. you looked up in horror as a man stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. he grinned when he looked at you huddled in the corner. 
“you don’t appear to be a soldier,” he said, his accent dripping over every word. 
“i’m a medic,” you said, your voice only slightly wavering. 
the man made a humming sound as he dug around in his pocket. “well, then i’m sorry to have to do this to you, but really, we have no choice.” he gestured around him. the sardonic smile on his face said he didn’t mean any of the words he was saying. he likely couldn’t wait to torture you for information, even when you’d be unable to offer anything useful. he just needed an excuse to hurt someone.
he nudged his head towards the metal chair. “don’t make me have to help you up,” he grunted. 
you quickly got to your feet and sat in the chair, your body shaking with nerves. the man grinned as he dragged the knife he drew from his pocket along your arm. “been awhile since i’ve done this to a woman. i’d be lying if i said i haven’t missed it.”
you swallowed painfully as he trailed the knife up to your neck. “you’re sick,” you spat at him. 
he chuckled. “indeed.”
you knew then that nothing you said was going to help you. this man didn’t care if you knew anything or not. he just wanted to hurt you. you didn’t want to cry, but the tears began to fall again anyway. you tried so hard to keep them in. you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. 
he licked his lips as he watched the tears glide down your cheeks. “pretty thing like you shouldn’t cry,” he said menacingly. 
he took his knife and traced it back down your arm until it reached your hand. “hmm. now, tell me. which finger do you like the least?”
you strangled a sob. he didn’t even interrogate you yet. he was just jumping right to the torture part “please,” you barely managed to get out. 
“oh, i like the way you beg,” he remarked. 
you grit your teeth and pulled your hands away from him. “nowhere to go,” he mocked, using his knife to gesture around the small confines of the room.
“im curious. where have you been getting your intel on hassan’s location?”
you shook your head, pulling back as far away as you could from him.
he tisked. then his hand grabbed your jaw aggressively, making you whimper. his knife came up and slid down the side of your face, this time he applied pressure and you squeezed your eyes shut. the blood wept out from the trail he left and you could feel it slide down your face and drip onto your clothes. 
the man shoved your face back as he let go, flipping his knife in his hand as he watched you with fire in his eyes. “now, i’m going to give you another chance to answer. and trust me, you won’t like what happens if you don’t tell me what i want to hear.”
you opened your mouth but nothing came out. that type of information was classified, so even if you wanted to tell him—which you wouldn’t—you didn’t know. medics didn’t get the rundown of information like that.  
when he realized you weren’t going to speak, he looked you up and down. “hm. you’re not going to be of much help, huh?” he prowled you like a cat would its prey. “how about i get some use out of you before i bloody you up too much, then?”
you didn’t like the sound of that. his knife hooked under the straps of your tactical vest and in a swift movement, he cut it away. the vest fell from you and he tossed it aside to the floor. then his knife was back along the collar of your shirt. he grinned as he ripped through your longsleeved shirt, straight down the center. you silently cried as you felt the air rush to your now exposed skin. the shirt was split down the middle exposing your tank top. 
“please don't,” you pleaded. 
you felt his fingers along the neckline of your tanktop now, his knife slipping under the fabric. you closed your eyes, waiting for the inevitable. 
just as he was about to slide his knife down your shirt, you heard yelling and the sound of guns going off in the distance. the man stopped all movement and turned around. he clearly wasn’t expecting any sort of interruption. without another word, he exited the room to investigate, leaving you alone again. 
you caught your breath, breathing in and out exceptionally fast. you let out a loose breath and looked up at the ceiling, willing your tears to slow. the loss of his grimy fingers on your skin relieved you momentarily.
you tried to calm yourself as you heard more shouting and the firing of weapons. your legs were shaking as you sat there. you tried to use your hands to pull your shredded shirt back over yourself but it was no use. you swore in exhaustion, sinking back into the chair. 
after several minutes, it was finally silent outside the room. your body set in more unease with the silence. 
the door handle shook and the awful sound of it scraping the ground made you wince as the door opened. your eyes immediately went to the door and you kept them locked on the entrance, feeling them go wide as a large figure took up the space. 
you almost choked on your breathing, a strangled sob leaving you as you locked eyes with ghost. you began to cry in relief. in shock. in horror of what almost happened—you were convinced it was really all over for you. that this was it. 
as your body shook, ghost rushed up to you. his voice was hoarse as he said your name, trying to gain your attention. you looked up at him through hot tears and gave a halfhearted smile, your lips trembling. you had held yourself together as best as you could, but now with ghost in front of you, everything came tumbling down. his mask was covered in blood and he seemed to be out of breath.
he tilted his head to the side as he looked at you, his heart squeezing painfully at the sight. your face was bloody and your shirt had been ripped apart. a newfound sense of anger coursed through ghost. 
he pulled out his knife and you flinched, hitting the back of the chair as you created space between the two of you. he took notice but didn’t stop his movements. maybe in any other scenario, he would have tried to calm you down, letting you know he was only using the knife to free you. but just the fact that you shied away from his knife sent him into a fit of rage. he saw that the cut on your face was a long, straight line. he knew then why you were suddenly acting like his knife was the scariest thing in the world. he wished he hadn’t already killed every fucking bastard in there. he would give anything to string up whoever did this to you and give them a slow death. 
he slid the knife between your hands and cut away the rope, setting your hands free. 
you immediately grasped your wrists which had turned red and rubbed raw from the rope. ghost looked down at you, still unable to say anything. your eyes met his again and you took a moment to take him in before you sprang to your feet and wrapped your arms around him. he didn’t hesitate as he hugged you back. 
he felt you sobbing into his neck and his arms tightened around your waist. “you’re okay,” he cooed softly. “you’re safe now. i’ve got you.” his heart pounded harshly in his chest and you could feel it against you.
one of his hands slid up your back and got lost in your hair as he cradled you to his body, your frontside flesh with his, wanting you as close as he could get you. he shut his eyes for a brief moment, letting reality hit him full force. he got to you in time. you were okay. you were going to be okay. 
he sank to his knees in sharp relief with you still wrapped tightly in his grasp. he let you take what you needed from him, his presence bringing you nothing but a sense of safety. he let out a long breath of relief. 
you pulled back slightly, ashamed to look at him. “i-i’m sorry,” you muttered, your hand loosening around him. 
sensing your doubt, he clung to you tighter. “stop,” he said in a voice so soft you felt your heart pinch. “this isn’t your fault.”
you felt like he was reading your thoughts better than you were. his few words hit you harder than he could ever know. you sank back into him, letting yourself go limp as he held you. 
when you both finally separated, ghost helped you to your feet. he appraised your figure and you saw the anger behind his eyes. he moved too quickly for you to take in what he was doing. he slid his vest off and then removed his longsleeved shirt, leaving him in his black undershirt. you watched in astonishment as he pulled the shirt over your head. you slid your arms in as ghost picked up his vest and put it back on. 
your eyes traced his tattooed arm and his scent immediately filled your nose. his shirt was far too big for you, hanging down over your thighs, but you were thankful. you knew it wasn’t your fault, but you were still embarrassed to have your shirt ripped and exposed like that. you didn’t want everyone else to know what happened to you. you almost felt ashamed.
ghost clenched his fist before reaching up and running a finger over the bruise above your eyebrow. “i’m sorry i couldn't get to you sooner,” he said distractedly. 
you looked up at him through your eyelashes. “ghost, don’t. it’s not your fault either.”
he wished you had called him simon. 
before he could think more on the topic and read into your every word, he scooped you up and held you in his arms bridal style. you squealed but settled into his arms quickly. his hand rubbed soft patterns on your back as he carried you out of the building. your arms hooked around his neck, your body shaking less violently, but still shaking nonetheless. 
ghost held you closer and you felt like everything was going to be okay. you rested your head on his chest and let the tears fade out slowly. 
chapter 11 ➡
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tuntetesinfo · 2 months
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Már két évtizede dolgozunk azon, hogy bringázhatóbb és jobb hely legyen Budapest, és az egész ország!
A CM 20. születésnapjának alkalmából a múltat megidéző klasszikus VÁROSI BRINGÁZÁST szervezünk! A kritikus tömeg már hétköznap is ott van az utakon, több tízezrek tekernek munkába, suliba, boltba vagy ügyet intézni, mert a kerékpár szabadságot ad a közlekedésben, egészséges, olcsó és tiszta.
Óriási változásokat értünk már el együtt, de rengeteg dolgunk van még Budapesttel: mindenki számára bringázhatóvá kell tennünk az egész várost!
Bringázz és ünnepelj velünk: 2024. szeptember 22-én 20 ÉVES A CRITICAL MASS!
[írd be a naptárba a dátumot, további információk hamarosan]
20 éve, 2004. szeptember 22-én, a nemzetközi Autómentes Napon szervezték meg az első Critical Mass-t az akkori bringás futárok és civilek. Nem felejtettük el a '90-es és 2000-es évek pionírjait, de a 2004-es felvonulás akkorát robbant, hogy Budapest ma is zajló átalakulását eredményezte.
Támogasd a bringás ügyet, legyél részese a változásnak! Csatlakozz: https://kerekparosklub.hu/klubtagsag
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szepkerekkocka · 6 months
2024 SZJA 1+1% nyilatkozat hosszúposzt/szred
Alább egy hosszúposzt az SZJA 1%-os felajánlásokkal megcélozható szervezetekről. Reblogoljátok, tegyetek hozzá stb.
Fontos: 2024-ben azt SZJA 1%-os nyilatkozatok beadási harárideje május 21.
Ha valakinek nem lenne kézenfekvő (a hunbászok zömének valszeg az, de az adófizetők egyharmadának nem az), azért érdemes nyilatkozni róla, hogy abból a pénzből se stadion épüljön:
Ill. nem árt rászánni némi időt a célba vett civil szervezet lekáderezésére, hogy ne egy szürkezónás bűnszervezetet finanszírozz meg.
Egyházi 1%: SzVSz, aki gyakorló vallásos és van már választottja, annak úgyis hiába írnék ide bármit. De aki meg gyakorló vallástalan, annál adja magát a Magyarországi Evangéliumi Testvérközösség.
Civil 1%: alább ABC-sorrendben a személyes best of válogatásom. Ér hozzátenni reblogban.
Amnesty International
Budapest Bike Maffia
Egység Ukrán Egyesület: https://www.facebook.com/jednisty/posts/418438230731116
Hintalovon Alapítvány
Igazgyöngy Alapítvány
Járókelő Közhasznú Egyesület
(Folyt. köv., mivel 1 tumblr posztba max. 10 link ágyazható be.)
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cliffjumpersass · 2 years
Mesothulas & Ostaros/Springer but Meso is an even tinier bike and Spring has a dragonfly alt instead of a heli
From the TF Umbra AU I poke time to time where Mesothulas was a Decepticon-turned-neutral who ran off with baby Spring and raised him in the wilderness
Yeah lol
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sronti · 4 months
Born out of an anti-car protest in 1974, the Colombian capital closes many roads to cars every Sunday, leaving them free for bikes, skates and pedestrians
Mennyivel, de tényleg mennyivel jobb hely lenne a világ, ha ez minden városban így lenne. Oké, sok helyen csak néhány hónapig, főleg nyáron lenne ez praktikus, de már az is óriási eredmény lenne.
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huh-huhyourself · 1 year
i was trying to find some ideas for you know... the lu the last one pic, but i spent 2 or 3 hours dating hanging out... still ive no idea about characters pose to draw
and im sorry lamar... it was the scooters fault, other bikes like hakuchou are not so easy to turnover
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i wonder when did t shoot this phone profile pic and whats that, i know its not but looks like eating noodles to me (sorry
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btw... we got speechless trevor, means nice drunk, u did a great job ld
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after the heli exploded he ll text
before that, top left corner says lamar was spooked lmao
and oh i thought trevors phone is red, but, its white, or light gray
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about online game, it would be perfect if rockstar release a dlc about how protagonist help michael do some movie shit missions before gta6, even some trio reunion huh?
everytime i see one online mission needs 1-4 players, i think wtf we do have 4 right? look at the fuckin' character dial k? seems like online protagonist came on the stage earlier than the main story, they already knew t and f even helped solomon abt the movie props, so no reason they cant come into contact with micheal for some reasonable reason. and ill never forget lamar pick we up in lsia with a rose at the beginning hahahahaha
i found lamars cutier than i thought (see the distracted girlfriend... again pfff
hope i can find someone help me with short trip 123 even franklin havent contacted me yet (but i cant
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #214
BBS Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starter: [ 7 ]
I hate my career, I should’ve been a doctor.
Oh, not you, preferably, not you.
I swear it was over here.
I see the body.
Piss off, bro, go home.
I think we might just need to kill him.
Nevermind, they blew up the city.
I’ll bulldoze you…
I still want to commit a war crime, can we still do that?
Hey, is that heli coming towards me, or should I worry about that?
Homeboy just punched me twice, he deserved that.
They just let that happen.
I’m gonna flip a coin whether we win this or not.
Yeah, are you implying that?
I guess this is what fate wanted though.
Let’s go make the decision right this time.
Okay, I got my costume.
I’m about to find out.
We expect too much of them.
Alright, everyone, rock, paper, scissors.
Hey, look, the traps set up.
What the fuck was that?
How do I check how many I have.
Let's run him down!
Get out of my friend's car!
Absolutely fucking baited!
Good thing you heard the ghost.
Okay, they won't see you, nice.
He's...no...no...he's enjoying this way to much ma—and I'm the annoying one? Are you fucking kidding me?
What is that smell, clean up in here, bro.
I’m gonna eat my table.
I ain't allowed to drive the boat.
Who are we killing?
Taking a long time there.
You’re decision was stupid.
Yay, it worked out.
What do you mean, we all have the same amount of cards!
His fucking car's op.
You’re a bad friend.
If you know your star sign, I want to kill you…
That is 100% my fault.
We're good, I knew there would be another one.
Are we still looking for another bomb?
Okay, my shit useless?
What the fuck did I do, I'm just sitting here.
I'm gonna hold onto that.
I'm gonna need that later.
No fucking way.
That line was fucking cringe.
I'm flipped.
I’m gonna skip everyone.
Why the fuck did I do this?
You just used it.
I don’t think it matters.
How do you drive this thing?
Fucking help me!
Don’t shoot me in the face.
What the fuck am I wearing?
Do you think I can jump to you?
Eyes on the road, mother fucker.
You killed him, you literally killed him.
Can you break that?
I literally just gave you six.
Don't waste your ammo, you might need it.
I didn't even have the chance to read the instructions.
Wait, why didn't you play that earlier?
Who do I want?
I like how that sounds.
You finally got the 50?
No, this is cringe.
I used them all up.
I do not care.
It is what it is.
I'm stressed, I'm fucking stressed.
I'm impressed that bike made it this far, I gotta be honest.
I'm nowhere near the ground!
I already hate this.
Let's just put this down and get the game started.
I didn't feel like it.
Where's that confidence at, bitch?
If they can't follow along, let them fucking behind.
They need to fucking learn to walk if they're going to run.
You could've grabbed more.
Should we high five?
I wasn't fully ready, so I smacked my mic.
I'm actually so horny thinking about that.
It was actually almost not beneficial.
You fool, you absolute fool.
You guys, I just realized, they're making it a competition so we work harder for less pay.
We have to revolt.
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mayakshethra · 2 months
Adventure Awaits: Exciting Tours for Thrill-Seekers
For those who crave adrenaline-pumping experiences and heart-racing adventures, the world is a playground of endless possibilities. From scaling towering peaks to diving into the depths of the ocean, thrilling tours await thrill-seekers in every corner of the globe. In 2024, these exciting destinations offer the perfect mix of adventure, excitement, and unforgettable memories best travel agency in kochi
1. Queenstown, New Zealand: The Adventure Capital
Queenstown, aptly dubbed the adventure capital of the world, is a must-visit for any thrill-seeker. Nestled on the shores of Lake Wakatipu and surrounded by the Southern Alps, this stunning town offers a plethora of exhilarating activities.
Adventure Highlights:
Bungee Jumping: Experience the rush of jumping off the iconic Kawarau Bridge, the world’s first commercial bungee jump site.
Skydiving: Soar through the sky with breathtaking views of mountains, lakes, and forests.
Jet Boating: Speed through the narrow canyons of the Shotover River on a high-powered jet boat.
Heli-Skiing: Take a helicopter ride to remote mountain peaks for an unparalleled skiing experience.
With its stunning landscapes and wide range of activities, Queenstown is the ultimate destination for those seeking an adrenaline-filled adventure.
2. Interlaken, Switzerland: Alpine Thrills
Nestled between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, Interlaken is a charming town that serves as a gateway to the Swiss Alps. Known for its adventure sports, Interlaken attracts thrill-seekers from around the world.
Adventure Highlights:
Paragliding: Soar above the picturesque town and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and lakes.
Canyoning: Navigate through narrow gorges, jump into crystal-clear pools, and slide down natural rock slides.
Skydiving: Experience the ultimate freefall over the stunning Swiss Alps.
Ice Climbing: Challenge yourself on frozen waterfalls and glaciers with guided ice climbing tours.
Interlaken’s combination of scenic beauty and thrilling activities makes it a top destination for adventure enthusiasts.
3. Moab, Utah, USA: Desert Adventures
Moab, located in the heart of Utah’s red rock country, offers a unique blend of stunning desert landscapes and adrenaline-pumping activities. Known for its proximity to Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Moab is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts.
Adventure Highlights:
Rock Climbing: Scale the towering red rock formations with guided climbing tours.
Mountain Biking: Ride the famous Slickrock Trail, known for its challenging terrain and breathtaking views.
White-Water Rafting: Tackle the rapids of the Colorado River on an exhilarating rafting trip.
Off-Roading: Explore the rugged backcountry with a guided 4x4 tour.
Moab’s dramatic landscapes and diverse activities make it a prime destination for those seeking desert adventures.
4. Cape Town, South Africa: Ocean and Mountain Thrills
Cape Town offers a unique blend of ocean and mountain adventures, making it an ideal destination for thrill-seekers. With its stunning coastline and iconic Table Mountain, Cape Town provides a range of exhilarating activities.
Adventure Highlights:
Shark Cage Diving: Get up close and personal with great white sharks in the waters off Gansbaai.
Paragliding: Take off from Signal Hill or Lion’s Head for a scenic flight over the city and coastline.
Surfing: Ride the waves at Muizenberg Beach, known for its consistent surf breaks.
Hiking: Conquer the challenging trails up Table Mountain for panoramic views of the city and ocean.
Cape Town’s diverse landscapes and thrilling activities make it a top choice for adventure lovers.
5. Costa Rica: Jungle and Beach Adventures
Costa Rica, with its lush rainforests and pristine beaches, offers an array of thrilling activities for the adventurous traveler. Known for its biodiversity and commitment to eco-tourism, Costa Rica provides the perfect setting for an unforgettable adventure.
Adventure Highlights:
Zip Lining: Fly through the treetops of the rainforest on an exhilarating zip line tour.
White-Water Rafting: Navigate the rapids of the Pacuare or Sarapiquí rivers.
Surfing: Catch some of the best waves in Central America at Tamarindo or Jaco Beach.
Volcano Hiking: Trek to the summit of Arenal or Rincon de la Vieja for stunning volcanic landscapes.
Costa Rica’s combination of jungle and beach adventures makes it an ideal destination for thrill-seekers looking for diverse experiences.
6. Norway: Arctic and Fjord Adventures
Norway’s dramatic landscapes, from its fjords to its Arctic wilderness, provide a stunning backdrop for a variety of thrilling activities. With its rugged terrain and pristine natural beauty, Norway is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts.
Adventure Highlights:
Dog Sledding: Experience the thrill of mushing through the Arctic wilderness with a team of huskies.
Fjord Kayaking: Paddle through the serene and majestic fjords for a unique perspective of Norway’s landscapes.
Northern Lights: Chase the Aurora Borealis on a guided tour for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Glacier Hiking: Explore the blue ice and crevasses of Norway’s glaciers with expert guides.
Norway’s breathtaking scenery and diverse activities make it a top destination for those seeking Arctic and fjord adventures.
For thrill-seekers, the world is filled with destinations that offer heart-pounding excitement and unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re diving into the depths of the ocean, soaring through the sky, or conquering rugged terrains, these adventure-filled locations promise to satisfy your craving for adrenaline. As you plan your travels for 2024, consider these exciting tours and destinations to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Adventure awaits, so gear up and get ready to explore the world’s most thrilling experiences. Safe travels best travel agency in alappuzha
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tripcounselors · 3 months
Explore Himachal Pradesh
You should set aside at least eight to ten days to go about and explore the state of Himachal. Opportunities for travel and adventure abound in this expansive state, which is home to several small towns, villages, rural areas, and bustling metropolitan centres. Famous hill stations and breathtaking views of the Himalayas have brought this area international fame. Many people travel to Himachal Pradesh to partake in the many thrilling outdoor activities that the state is famous for. These include rock climbing, mountain biking, paragliding, ice skating, trekking, rafting, and heli-skiing.
Please visit our website Trip Counselors for more information.
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worstblogeverstuff · 4 months
Quick note to Appaji
Hi Appaji hegidira? Kelsa hege neditide? Chenagi nidre madidra? Naanu matte akka hortmele nidre bartidya atva namne tummba miss madkotidira? BP tablets tagotidira? Mummy adge nimig ishta ago haage madtidara? Amma nenp agatta ivaglu? Manege bega bandre ivaglu khaali anta bejar agatta atva abhyasa ayta? Phone use madakke tondre anstidya ivagu? Whatsapp, phonepe, google pay ella install madkondra? Earphones chenag anstidya? Chummi ge uta hakidra? Filter clean madbekitteno nodidra? Gidagalige neer haaktidira? Gobra change madbeka hege? Foreign brand Cognac khaali agtidya? Ishta ayta or bere tarbeka? Gaadi odsakke comfortable agidya? Road alli dhoolu and traffic jaasti ansatta? Gaadi odsodu kashta agtidya? Akkandu madvede yochistirtira? Ellru ade prashne maadtirtara? Dina belge hoova, haalu tartidira? Walking madtini madtini ankonde mundak haaktidira? Atvaa “nim mummy kelsanee agatte” anta helkondu sumnagtidira?
Appaji hegidira? Nanna miss madkotidira? Naanantu tummba nenskotidini ivattu Ella nenpagtide - sannavniddaginda neev nanna esht tadkondidira, eneno kodsi anta kootaga kodsidira, ‘Bhatkalakke’ hodaga nange aatasamaan tannd kottidira ond self moving bus- adralli lights bartirtu obstacles bandaga reverse bartittu, olgade passengers kootiro gombegalu. UK alli aatarad real busses nodtirtini avaga neev kottid gift and nimna nenskotirtini.
Bahala sannavniddaga Nange shoe alli light baro antad tekkottodri nang tummba kushi agittu. Naan badige cycle tulitidde kaal etaksatte sannadu anta !Nimge hosa cycle kodsi nan bday ge anta heli days count madtidde - neev bday gu munchene kotri. Hosa oorugalu, betta hattodu, ella torsidri Naanu neevu ibre hogid movie yavd gotta “Sreeram” shivrajkumar du (abhi movie nodakke hodvi avaga prasanna theatre alli tegdidru) 3rd standard alliddaga fish sakana andidke nan kaige ₹10 kottri neene tago baa anta 1st time fish tandiddu, bowl, aquarium, flowerhorn, fighter fish eneno munde taradakke support madiddu ella nenpide. Nan friend Bhargav swimming classes hogtane naan sunday joteg hogbartini andaga neenu serko anta helidri naan tummba kushi patte thank you sersidke. Venkteshwara bakery li puffs, chips, coke tarak karkond hogtididdu nang tummba kushi agtittu. Mane hatra karate classes ge sersidri thank you. Cricket camp serakke 6 thousand ankondu jasti anta sumnagidde neevu allu sersidri thank u. School ge nanna, akka na bike alli bidtidri nang bahala kushi agtittu thank you. 9th vargu average grades idru 10th alli odtini anta nambidke thank you, Engineering alli kelav subjects fail adaglunu dhairya tumbidke and results helidmelu nange bike tegskottidke thank you, Cousins jote alcohol try madi manege bandaglu kshamsi matte adar bagge mataddira iddidke thank you. Amma na ashtu preethiyinda nodkondu namgella maadari agidke thank you. Nann kannin reppe li eno growth ide andaga operate madskond bandaga neev careful agi nodkondiddu nenpide, Tummba health issues agtidru ondu maatu heldira ella doctor ge torsi, operations madsidke thank you. Ishtee alla innu eneno, aadre nange ella nenpide heltane hogbodu, ishtella madvaaga nim manastithi araam itta?, mai husharitta? Dudditta? Kelsa itta? Tummba yochne itta? Naaven agtivo anta chinte itta? adene idrunu enu namig gottagdira idri Strong person/pillar of the family agidri, agidira, agirtira yavgunu.
Naan nimminda kaliyodu tummbane ide, atva kaliyok agdirana irbodu aadre prayatna padtini.
Life eshte challenging agidrunu kushi agirbodu anta torskottidira thank you.
Ivellavannu nenskotirodke kaarana enu illa, ee hindenu nenp agtidvu aadre ee sarti nimge heltidini ashte.
Naan araam agidini, kushi agidini, nimna -mummy na, akka,aunty, uncle na nu nenskotidini
Nimma melina abhimaana, bhakti yavattu anantavaagiratte Nimge tilidirli,
Inti, Nimma preethiya Maga
0 notes
villa-south-pacific · 4 months
Top Luxury Accommodation Options in Wanaka, NZ
Wanaka, a picturesque town on New Zealand’s South Island, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, adventure opportunities, and tranquil ambiance. Nestled beside the pristine Lake Wanaka and surrounded by majestic mountains, it is an ideal destination for travelers seeking a blend of natural beauty and luxurious comfort. Here, we explore the top luxury accommodation options that promise an unforgettable stay in Wanaka, NZ.
Aro Ha Wellness Retreat
Aro Ha Wellness Retreat is a sanctuary for those seeking a holistic approach to luxury. Located just outside Wanaka, this eco-friendly retreat offers a unique combination of sustainable living and world-class comfort. The accommodations are minimalist yet luxurious, with rooms designed to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Guests can indulge in wellness activities such as yoga, meditation, and hiking, all aimed at rejuvenating the mind, body, and spirit. The stunning views of the Southern Alps provide a serene backdrop for relaxation and introspection.
The Dacha
The Dacha redefines luxury with its exceptional blend of elegance and comfort. This private villa boasts panoramic views of Lake Wanaka and the surrounding mountains, making it an ideal spot for those seeking peace and tranquility. The villa features a gourmet kitchen, spacious living areas, and beautifully appointed bedrooms. Personalized services, including a private chef, personal concierge, and curated experiences like helicopter tours and vineyard visits, ensure a bespoke stay tailored to your preferences.
Minaret Station Alpine Lodge
For a truly unique luxury experience, Minaret Station Alpine Lodge stands out. Accessible only by helicopter, this remote lodge is situated in the heart of the Southern Alps, offering an exclusive and secluded retreat. The lodge features opulent chalet-style accommodations with private decks, hot tubs, and breathtaking mountain views. Adventure enthusiasts can enjoy activities such as guided hiking, fly fishing, and heli-skiing. Minaret Station seamlessly blends luxury with adventure, making it an ideal choice for thrill-seekers.
Edgewater Hotel
The Edgewater Hotel provides a perfect blend of luxury and accessibility. Located on the shores of Lake Wanaka, this premium hotel offers elegant rooms and suites with stunning lake and mountain views. The hotel’s beautifully landscaped gardens, tennis courts, and a variety of dining options featuring local produce and wines enhance the guest experience. With its convenient location, guests can easily explore Wanaka’s vibrant town center, making it an ideal choice for those seeking both luxury and convenience.
Whare Kea Lodge & Chalet
Whare Kea Lodge & Chalet epitomizes alpine luxury with its sophisticated design and unparalleled comfort. Overlooking Lake Wanaka, this exclusive lodge features contemporary architecture, expansive living spaces, and floor-to-ceiling windows that frame breathtaking vistas. Amenities include a private jetty, helipad, and a gourmet kitchen where guests can savor meals prepared by a private chef. The nearby chalet offers an intimate setting, perfect for couples or small groups seeking privacy and luxury.
Mahu Whenua
Mahu Whenua, which means “Healing the Land,” is a luxury eco-sanctuary that combines conservation with indulgence. This expansive property features four high-country homesteads, meticulously restored to offer luxurious accommodations with rustic charm. Guests can explore vast landscapes, including native bushland, river valleys, and alpine meadows, while enjoying activities such as horse riding, mountain biking, and guided nature walks. Mahu Whenua’s commitment to sustainability and conservation ensures a stay that is both luxurious and environmentally conscious.
Wanaka Haven
Wanaka Haven is a tranquil retreat offering boutique luxury in a serene setting. This stylish lodge features five spacious suites, each with a private terrace and stunning mountain views. Common areas include a cozy lounge with a fireplace, a swimming pool, and beautifully landscaped gardens. Personalized service, including gourmet breakfasts and assistance with arranging local activities and tours, ensures a relaxing and memorable stay.
The Lookout Lodge
The Lookout Lodge combines rustic charm with modern luxury, providing a unique retreat just minutes from Wanaka’s town center. This boutique lodge offers comfortable, tastefully decorated rooms, each with breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Guests can unwind in inviting communal spaces, including a large lounge with a fireplace, a library, and a garden terrace. The Lookout Lodge’s warm hospitality and attention to detail make it an ideal choice for those seeking a cozy yet luxurious getaway.
Riverrun Lodge
Riverrun Lodge is a luxurious boutique lodge situated on a 500-acre estate, offering stunning views of the Southern Alps and the Clutha River. The lodge features elegant rooms with private balconies, luxurious linens, and spacious en-suite bathrooms. Guests can enjoy gourmet breakfasts, evening canapés, and access to a variety of outdoor activities, including fishing, hiking, and biking. Riverrun’s serene setting and exceptional service ensure a memorable and indulgent stay.
Wanaka’s luxury accommodations cater to a wide range of preferences, ensuring that every traveler can find their perfect retreat. Whether you’re drawn to the tranquility of a wellness retreat, the adventure of an alpine lodge, or the elegance of a lakeside villa, Wanaka offers a wealth of options to create an unforgettable experience. Indulge in the best that this stunning region has to offer and discover the true meaning of luxury in Wanaka, New Zealand.
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akunose · 6 months
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82/88 aka let's see how frustrating the last 6 will be. Anyway, here's my Mini-Games experience summed up.
Best Mini-Game: Queen's Blood hands down. I could wipe the floor with the competition with the exceptions of 2 with a single Buff focused deck. The GS challenges were fun and the Costa Logic puzzles as well. AND CHOCOBO RACES OF COURSE CAUSE CHILDHOOD!!!
Worst Mini-Game: Crunch-off nearly made me cry... 1, 2, 3, 4... if Jules is in the next game I'll have a breakdown...
Easiest Mini-Game: Run Wild, Loveless, Rufus' Parade. Like I expected to hate the pure rhythm ones cause I hated the Parade in OG but it was fun.
The one I got a Perfect Score in... somehow: Desert Rush Challenging oddly enough. Destroyed all boxes with 17 secs left to spare.
The one you win by not playing properly: 3D Brawler is easy to cheese, G-Bike is slow and steady wins the race. Heli attacks? Nah walking speed! For the Piano you need to cut the music from Barrett's Theme onward cause the music will cause immediate irritations with all the notes you don't play.
Why is this a Mini-Game: Mushroom picking? Cait Sith's Box Adventure like it's easy if you position yourself properly before the cutscene kicks in but why does it exist?!
Neutral Opinion: Gears and Gambit, one setup to rule them all. Fort Condor, just summon the heroes. Space Rangers, Kingdom Hearts says hello. Dolphin. Pirate's Rampage. Cactuar Crush.
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techrish · 7 months
Exploring Nelson BC: Your Guide to Adventure and Discovery
Nestled in the heart of the breathtaking Kootenay Rockies, Nelson BC is a vibrant city bursting with charm, culture, and outdoor adventure. Whether you're a nature lover, history buff, or foodie, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this picturesque Canadian gem. Join us as we explore the top things to do in nelson bc heli skiing and uncover the hidden treasures that await you in this beautiful corner of Canada.
1. Embrace Outdoor Adventure Nelson BC is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, with endless opportunities for adventure in every season. Strap on your skis or snowboard and hit the slopes at nearby Whitewater Ski Resort, or experience the thrill of heli skiing in the stunning Selkirk Mountains. In the warmer months, explore the vast network of hiking and mountain biking trails, paddleboard on Kootenay Lake, or cast a line in one of the region's many pristine rivers and streams.
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2. Immerse Yourself in Arts and Culture Discover Nelson BC's rich artistic heritage as you explore its eclectic galleries, studios, and performance spaces. Take a stroll through the historic downtown area and admire the colorful heritage buildings, vibrant murals, and quirky shops and boutiques. Don't miss the opportunity to catch a live performance at the iconic Capitol Theatre or browse the works of local artisans at the bustling markets and festivals held throughout the year.
3. Indulge Your Taste Buds Nelson BC is a food lover's paradise, with a diverse culinary scene that reflects the city's vibrant culture and heritage. Sample delicious locally-sourced cuisine at one of the many farm-to-table restaurants, cozy cafes, or bustling breweries and distilleries. Be sure to try the region's famous artisanal cheeses, freshly baked bread, and locally roasted coffee for a true taste of Nelson's gastronomic delights.
4. Explore Historic Landmarks Step back in time and uncover Nelson BC's fascinating history as you explore its historic landmarks and heritage sites. Visit the iconic Nelson Courthouse, a stunning example of Victorian architecture, or take a guided tour of the nearby ghost towns and mining sites that dot the landscape. Don't forget to visit the Touchstones Nelson Museum of Art and History to learn more about the city's colorful past and vibrant culture.
5. Relax and Rejuvenate After a day of adventure and exploration, unwind and recharge at one of Nelson BC's many wellness retreats, spas, or hot springs. Treat yourself to a soothing massage, yoga class, or meditation session, and let the tranquil beauty of the Kootenay Rockies melt away your stress and tension. Whether you're soaking in the healing waters of Ainsworth Hot Springs or enjoying a scenic hike to a hidden alpine lake, Nelson BC offers endless opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation.
Experience Nelson BC with White Grizzly Don't miss the opportunity to explore the wonders of Nelson BC and the surrounding Kootenay Rockies with White Grizzly. Whether you're heli skiing in the Selkirk Mountains, embarking on a backcountry adventure, or simply soaking up the natural beauty and charm of the region, White Grizzly is your gateway to an unforgettable Canadian experience. Join us as we discover the best that Nelson BC has to offer and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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ridexpowersworld · 8 months
Ride Xpower: Conquering the World with Enduro and Buggy Adventure Tours
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Welcome to the exhilarating world of Ride Xpower, where passion meets adventure! Founded in 2002 by the visionary Thomas Fasching, Ride Xpower has evolved from organizing bike events to becoming a global leader in lifestyle adventures, offering Enduro and Buggy Adventure Tours. With over 15 years of experience, Ride Xpower promises the ultimate adrenaline rush, taking you to the most breathtaking locations worldwide.
About Ride Xpower: A Journey of Passion
2002–2014: From TC.P to Ride Xpower
Ride Xpower traces its roots back to 2002 when Thomas Fasching initiated the TC.P Race Days, fueled by his love for motorcycles. Over the years, the company expanded its offerings, introducing TC.P Adventure Tours in Croatia, partnering with KTM Adventure Tours, and venturing into MTB downhill biking with the unique heli-biking experience.
As the years unfolded, TC.P XPower adventures became synonymous with once-in-a-lifetime experiences, exemplified by the Lake Baikal project, an off-road enduro expedition to Siberia. The journey continued with expansion into Turkey and Italy, introducing the “Once in your Lifetime Adventures.”
2015–2019: Evolution into Ride Xpower
In 2016, TC.P XPower transformed into Ride Xpower, a brand with a global presence. The company’s commitment to excellence was further solidified with a strong social media presence, diversification into race service for motorbike rallies, and entry into the Buggy Adventure Tours market. Ride Xpower’s vision extended to accompanying the Dakar Rally on tour and providing racing support.
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Ride Xpower used the time to optimize tours and logistics. The year 2021 witnessed the initiation of Pegasus Extreme, a racing event scheduled for Greece in 2024, and the return of the tour to Israel in the Holy Land. World Buggy Tours began, covering destinations in Croatia and Romania.
2020–2024: Adapting and Thriving
As travel restrictions eased in 2022, Ride Xpower faced new challenges but emerged stronger in 2023. The Once in a Lifetime project continued with the Tour Meet Dakar, where the company accompanied the Dakar Rally with Enduro bikes, jeeps, buggies, and adventure bikes. The year 2024 brought a full tour calendar, promising adventures for every season.
Our Diverse Destinations
Enduro Tours in Iceland
Iceland, a land of indescribable beauty, sets the stage for Ride Xpower’s Enduro Tours. Challenge yourself on some of the world’s most stunning trails. Whether you’re perfecting your off-road skills or seeking the thrill of extreme adventure, Iceland offers it all. Join us at IcelandEnduro.com.
Thrilling Adventures in Romania
Embark on the journey of a lifetime in Romania with Ride Xpower! From epic enduro tours tailored for all skill levels to the breathtaking landscapes that redefine adventure, Romania has it all. Make every moment count and check out our tours at RideXpower.com.
Saudi Adventures: The Ultimate Thrill
Get ready for the biggest extreme adventure of your life with Ride Xpower in Saudi Arabia! From mesmerizing sands to rugged rocks, our Saudi Adventures promise a breathtaking experience at every turn. Explore the heart of Saudi Arabia with us at MeetDakar.com.
Meet Dakar: A Unique Adventure
In 2023, Ride Xpower launched the Meet Dakar project, accompanying the Dakar Rally with Enduro bikes, jeeps, buggies, and adventure bikes. The Dakar Adventure Bike Tour 2025 promises off-road thrills in Saudi Arabia. Customize your journey and be part of this extraordinary adventure at MeetDakar.com/Dakar-Adventure-Bike-Tour.
World Buggy Tours: Unleash the Power
Dive into the world of off-road excitement with Ride Xpower’s World Buggy Tours. Explore the stunning landscapes of Croatia and Romania, where each turn brings a new adventure. Our buggy tours are designed for enthusiasts seeking the perfect blend of adrenaline and awe. Discover the thrill at WorldBuggyTours.com.
Tunisia’s Enduro Delight
For those craving a unique North African adventure, Ride Xpower presents Tunisia Enduro. Traverse the diverse landscapes of Tunisia, from sandy dunes to rocky mountains, and experience the magic of this captivating region. Immerse yourself in the beauty and challenge of Tunisia’s off-road wonders at TunisiaEnduro.com.
Enduro Point Sibiu: A Hub for Enthusiasts
Enduro Point Sibiu, based in Germany, serves as a hub for enduro enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a beginner, our team at Enduro Point Sibiu is dedicated to providing valuable resources and services for the enduro community. Explore our offerings at EnduroPoint-Sibiu.de.
2024: The Year of Adventure
As Ride Xpower steps into 2024, our calendar is brimming with thrilling tours for every season. The Dakar adventure continues to captivate global interest, promising an adrenaline-pumping experience. Be a part of the action, witness the toughest and longest rally in the world up close, and feel the excitement reverberate through your veins.
COVID-19 and Resilience
The year 2020 posed unprecedented challenges with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Ride Xpower utilized this time as an opportunity for introspection, optimization, and restructuring. This resilience allowed us to emerge stronger in 2023, showcasing our commitment to delivering top-notch adventures even in the face of adversity.
Looking Ahead: Pegasus Extreme and Beyond
Pegasus Extreme, scheduled for 2024 in Greece, marks a new chapter in Ride Xpower’s legacy. This racing event promises to be a thrilling addition to our portfolio, attracting riders from around the globe. As we navigate the challenges of the future, our commitment to providing unparalleled adventure experiences remains unwavering.
Ride Xpower stands as a testament to the pursuit of passion, turning hobbies into a profession. With a team of dedicated professionals, we continue to offer unparalleled adventures for enthusiasts worldwide. From the icy trails of Iceland to the rugged terrains of Saudi Arabia, Ride Xpower invites you to experience the thrill of a lifetime.
For the latest updates, behind-the-scenes insights, and exclusive content, connect with Ride Xpower on our social media platforms:
Facebook: Ride Xpower
Twitter: @RideXpower
Instagram: @ridexpower
YouTube: Ride Xpower Adventures
Website: Ride Xpower
Ready to embark on your next adventure with Ride Xpower? Contact us today:
Business Email: [email protected]
Phone: +43 664 88622910
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muyactual · 11 months
💡 Los Mejores 10 INVENTOS del FUTURO con la Tecnología más Avanzada
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Hoy, te llevaré a un mundo donde la ciencia ficción se encuentra con la realidad, donde los inventos más sorprendentes y revolucionarios están cambiando nuestras vidas de formas que ni siquiera podríamos haber imaginado. Si eres un amante de la innovación, un apasionado de los avances tecnológicos o simplemente curioso acerca de lo que nos depara el mañana, este video es para ti. Así que, prepárate para un emocionante recorrido por los inventos más vanguardistas que están dando forma al futuro. Te prometo que no querrás apartar la vista de la pantalla, ¡así que acompáñame hasta el final para descubrir cómo la tecnología está transformando nuestro mundo. El vídeo: https://youtu.be/uXr3J-1W8q8 Los Mejores 10 INVENTOS del FUTURO: Mitsubishi FUSO: El camión de rescate Mitsubishi FUSO Vision i.RQ de última generación viene equipado con su propio dron de respuesta inicial. Diseñado como el sucesor conceptual del camión de rescate Athena, que hizo su primera aparición en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de 2019, el Mitsubishi FUSO Vision i.RQ y el Heli Droid fueron diseñados para ser su mejor chance de sobrevivir a una calamidad. Es un camión de rescate totalmente equipado y avanzado que está diseñado para trabajar en una variedad de terrenos. Para los lugares a los que no puede llegar de inmediato, tiene su propio dron de rescate que puede realizar misiones de reconocimiento. El i.RQ y el Heli Droid trabajan en conjunto para realizar misiones de rescate altamente especializadas. El propio camión de rescate se asienta sobre un chasis modular que permite que la cabina superior se monte en varios tipos de plataformas para diferentes terrenos. El modelo viene equipado con ruedas mecanum que le permiten moverse en cualquier dirección e incluso girar sobre su propio eje para una movilidad flexible. Acer ebii: Acer, sí, la empresa de informática está construyendo una elegante bicicleta eléctrica con Inteligencia Artificial integrada. Te presentamos el Acer ebii, una bicicleta eléctrica ligera construida por el fabricante de componentes informáticos Acer. La compañía parece estar llegando con fuerza con varias características innovadoras que rara vez se ven en la industria de las bicicletas eléctricas. A veces, se necesita un outsider para darle la vuelta a un producto en el manillar y ese parece ser el caso del Acer ebii. Esta e-bike ligera de 16 kilogramos cuenta con una serie de gadgets y cachivaches que aún no hemos visto en la industria, como la Inteligencia Artificial integrada diseñada para controlar predictivamente la transmisión y utilizar sensores de detección de colisiones para un viaje más seguro. También hay una función de desbloqueo por proximidad que la compañía dice que bloquea automáticamente su bicicleta cuando se va y la desbloquea nuevamente cuando está cerca. Bandit9: Esta amenazante motocicleta nueva toma inspiración de diseño en la criatura marina conocida como la raya diablo. Es la creación más reciente de Chap, con sede en Vietnam, y es una moto de calle fabricada a medida. La nueva motocicleta Super Marine de Bandit 9 puede estar destinada a viajar por encima del suelo, pero su inspiración proviene del mar. Después de una década construyendo motocicletas únicas que no desentonarían en una epopeya de ciencia ficción de James Cameron, la tienda con sede en Vietnam está lista para dar un salto de nivel. ¿Qué mejor manera de hacerlo que con su proyecto más ambicioso hasta ahora, una moto de calle fabricada a medida? El Super Marine puede que no sea un modelo único, pero luce igual de fantasioso que las creaciones anteriores de la tienda. Esto se debe en gran parte a un cuerpo aerodinámico que toma inspiración de la criatura marina comúnmente conocida como la raya diablo, que es conocida por saltar a la superficie del agua mientras nada, lo que le da la apariencia de estar volando. Hypershell: Es un exoesqueleto de 1 caballo de fuerza para la aventura cotidiana. Todos hemos experimentado la fatiga y la impotencia de arrastrar piezas pesadas de equipo, caminar decenas de miles de pasos, quedarnos atrás en una pista hermosa y terminar arruinando el estado de ánimo y el plan. Nos acostumbramos a la libertad limitada y a golpear el camino pavimentado como todos los demás. En el fondo, anhelamos deshacernos de las limitaciones naturales, caminar más profundo en el bosque, escalar montañas más altas y desafiar los límites de velocidad sin precedentes. Equipado con Hypershell Omega, puede ir más lejos, escalar montañas más altas, correr más rápido y llevar más cosas en el camino o simplemente caminar con menos esfuerzo. Adiós a las piernas de espada después de ir de compras, visitar museos, parques temáticos y exposiciones. Desde un truco montañoso hasta un día en el museo, Hypershell proporciona potencia y fuerza a quienes la necesitan cuando la necesitan. Aeronave de Deportes Ligeros: Echa un vistazo al nuevo avión MVP modelo 3 de Arrow. MVP Aero Incorporated es una empresa privada ubicada en Delaware que desarrolla y produce el avión más versátil del mundo. Su último proyecto a ser revelado es el avión modelo 3 que será un avión deportivo ligero y estará disponible como kit de construcción rápida o kit experimental completo. El modelo 3 está diseñado para funcionar en la mayoría de los elementos, como tierra, agua, nieve e incluso hielo. El piso del avión se puede modificar a modo de pesca o camping, según lo que los propietarios lo usen. El avión también cuenta con una hélice de empuje y alas plegables hechas de fibra de carbono, por lo que son resistentes y también se pueden plegar para mayor eficiencia. El modo flotante para pesca que se ve sobre el parabrisas del avión, en realidad gira para convertirse en una capota que ofrece protección del sol mientras se está de pie y se relaja en el vehículo. Dyson Zone: ¿Te imaginas poder respirar aire puro y escuchar música de calidad mientras caminas por la ciudad? Eso es lo que promete el wearable Dyson Zone, el primer dispositivo de Dyson que combina la tecnología de purificación de aire con la de cancelación de ruido y audio de alta fidelidad. El Dyson Zone es un par de auriculares inalámbricos que se conectan a una visera magnética que se coloca delante de la cara. Los auriculares tienen cada uno un filtro electrostático compacto que elimina los contaminantes del aire, como gases, alérgenos y partículas. La visera tiene unas ranuras que evitan que el aire purificado se diluya con el aire exterior. Además de purificar el aire, el Dyson Zone ofrece un sonido rico e inmersivo y un alivio del ruido no deseado gracias a la avanzada cancelación activa de ruido, la baja distorsión y una respuesta de frecuencia neutra, que reproduce fielmente la música o el audio como lo creó el autor. AKXY2: El vehículo conceptual AKXY2 de Asahi Kasi y el futuro de la movilidad autónoma en el CES 2023. Soluciones para OEM a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor. Asahi Kasi, una empresa multinacional japonesa diversificada, presentará soluciones a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor, desde materias primas y tecnologías de producción hasta el uso de materiales reciclados y reciclables para la industria automotriz en la revolución de la transición a la movilidad electrificada, autónoma y más sostenible en CES 2023. Con una amplia gama de productos que abarcan desde el recubrimiento de policarbonato a base de agua hasta resinas ligeras, Asahi Kasi se basa en más de 100 años de innovación en sus diversos negocios. Con la tecnología del AKXY2, prácticamente todo lo que se puede ver, tocar e interactuar en el vehículo está hecho con tecnología original o colaborativa de Asahi Kase. Sistema de iluminación solar natural Himawari: La primera versión de Himawari fue desarrollada en 1979 por La 4A Engineering, que se fundó en 1978. Himawari fue desarrollada por un equipo de I+D altamente innovador liderado por el Doctor K. Mori, quien dedicó su vida a la investigación de la energía verde, especialmente la energía solar y la transmisión de energía. Creen que los recursos naturales son la mejor nutrición para los seres vivos y que la recirculación de la energía es buena para el medio ambiente a largo plazo y por eso nació Himawari. En lugar de utilizar electricidad, utilizan la luz solar para suministrar energía donde quieras. Su proceso no solo ahorra energía, sino que también proporciona una nutrición completa derivada de la luz solar natural a los seres humanos. Euronaval Blue Shark: El grupo francés Naval Group no ha presentado esta vez un nuevo concepto de submarino, pero sí un buque de combate eco-responsable llamado Blue Shark. En general, cuando se hace la guerra, la preservación del medio ambiente es lo último que preocupa a los estados y a las fuerzas en tierra. Lo esencial es tener éxito en la maniobra para permitirles tomar la delantera al enemigo. Dicho esto, nada impide que la base industrial y tecnológica de defensa (BITD) desarrolle equipos menos intensivos en energía, que jueguen con la logística y, en el caso concreto de la construcción naval, ofrezcan barcos que usen menos materiales contaminantes. Cuando se trata de desmantelarlos una vez que su vida útil ha terminado, sin duda esto evitará contratiempos como los que experimentamos con el portaaviones Clemenceau. E-seed: Las semillas e-seed inspiradas en plantas se clavan en la tierra cuando se humedecen. Utilizar drones para la siembra aérea puede parecer una buena idea, pero las semillas podrían volarse fácilmente si se dejan en la superficie del suelo. Se ha diseñado un portador de semillas bioinspirado para ayudar, enroscándo su carga de semillas en el suelo. El dispositivo se conoce como e-seed y fue creado por un equipo de la Universidad Carnegie Mellon dirigido por la profesora asistente Ling Yao. A su vez, ella se inspiró en el género Iridopsis de plantas, que ha evolucionado una estrategia única para sobrevivir en climas áridos. Algunas de las plantas tienen semillas que se encuentran dentro de un tallo delgado con una cola muy enrollada en la parte superior. Ese tallo se separa de la planta principal y cae al suelo cuando se humedece por la lluvia o la alta humedad. El tallo despliega su cola para primero enderezarse y luego clavar su semilla en el suelo. Te puede interesar: - ⛈️ Prepárate para fenómenos meteorológicos infernales | 🎬 DOCUMENTAL - 🚀 El Futuro de la COLONIZACIÓN del ESPACIO | 🎬 DOCUMENTAL     Read the full article
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