#helium network news
elcereza · 1 year
Helium Network a maior rede de LoRaWAN do mundo
A Helium network é uma rede LoRaWAN descentralizada que utiliza uma estrutura de blockchain de modo que cada gateway atue como um validador e minerador de pacotes transacionados, essa estrutura garante um maior crescimento da rede com alta segurança.
A Helium network é uma rede LoRaWAN descentralizada que utiliza uma estrutura de blockchain de modo que cada gateway atue como um validador e minerador de pacotes transacionados, essa estrutura garante um maior crescimento da rede com alta segurança. 1 O que é Helium network? Basicamente, a Helium Network é uma rede sem fio descentralizada, código-aberto, que utiliza tecnologias LoRaWAN e 5G –…
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ultragamerz · 10 months
Is HNT (Helium poised to go back to $60 price range? First it has to break above $7 and $20 range.
New Post has been published on https://www.ultragamerz.com/is-hnt-helium-poised-to-go-back-to-60-price-range-first-it-has-to-break-above-7-and-20-range/
Is HNT (Helium poised to go back to $60 price range? First it has to break above $7 and $20 range.
Is HNT (Helium poised to go back to $60 range? First it has to break above $7 and $20 range.
Helium Network: A Decentralized Disruptor with Bullish Potential
The Helium Network, a blockchain-powered infrastructure for the Internet of Things (IoT), is revolutionizing connectivity by enabling a global, low-cost, and energy-efficient network built by everyday people. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to change the way we connect devices and unlock a wave of innovative applications.
Transformative Technology:
1. Decentralization: Helium’s decentralized network eliminates the need for centralized infrastructure, empowering individuals to become network providers and earn rewards. This democratizes connectivity and fosters community ownership.
2. Low-Cost: Helium utilizes low-power, long-range radio waves (LoRaWAN), offering a significantly cheaper alternative to traditional cellular networks, making it ideal for resource-constrained IoT devices.
3. Scalability: Helium’s unique architecture allows for unparalleled scalability, enabling millions of devices to connect seamlessly. This paves the way for a massive expansion of the IoT ecosystem.
Competitive Landscape:
Helium faces competition from established giants like Telcos and emerging blockchain-based solutions like IOTA and Chainlink. However, Helium’s unique combination of features offers distinct advantages:
1. First-mover advantage: Helium has established a significant lead in the LoRaWAN market, boasting an extensive network coverage and a large and active community.
2. Tokenomics: Helium’s native token (HNT) incentivizes network participation by rewarding hotspot owners for providing coverage and validating data. This creates a sustainable economic model that drives network growth.
3. Focus on IoT: Helium is specifically designed for the needs of IoT devices, providing features like low power consumption and long-range communication that are crucial for this sector.
Bullish Potential and Price Outlook:
With the rapidly growing IoT market, Helium is poised for significant expansion. This, coupled with its unique technology and tokenomics, suggests a promising future for HNT in a bull market.
Analysts predict that HNT could potentially break the $7 range in 2023 and even approach the $22 area in early 2024. This optimism is driven by factors like:
1. Ecosystem Growth: Helium’s growing ecosystem with projects like Helium Mobile and IOT applications will increase demand for HNT.
2. Network Expansion: As the network expands and becomes denser, the value of HNT could increase due to its role in securing and validating data.
3. Regulatory Clarity: Clearer regulations surrounding cryptocurrencies could attract more investors and further boost HNT’s value.
Ecosystem Coins:
Helium Mobile (HNTM) is a token designed to incentivize mobile network providers within the Helium ecosystem. As mobile network adoption increases, HNTM could also experience significant price growth.
Helium IOT (HIOT) is another token within the Helium ecosystem, focusing on data credits for device usage and communication. As the number of connected devices grows, HIOT could see substantial demand, increasing its price potential.
Helium Network’s innovative technology, coupled with its strong community and growing ecosystem, positions it as a potentially transformative force in the IoT space. With a potential bull market on the horizon, HNT and other ecosystem tokens like HNTM and HIOT could see substantial price appreciation, offering investors exciting opportunities.
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What time is it on the moon? Researchers develop a plan for precise timekeeping
For decades, the moon's subtle gravitational pull has posed a vexing challenge—atomic clocks on its surface would tick faster than those on Earth by about 56 microseconds per day. This extremely small difference doesn't seem like much, but it could disrupt the precise timing needed for important activities like spacecraft landings and communicating with Earth.
Now, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a plan for precise timekeeping on the moon, paving the way for a GPS-like navigation system for lunar exploration. The research, published in The Astronomical Journal, focuses on defining a theoretical framework and mathematical models necessary for creating a lunar coordinate time system.
This innovation is crucial for NASA's ambitious Artemis program, which aims to establish a sustained human presence on the moon and may be an important steppingstone for exploration of the cosmos.
Lunar coordinate time
GPS on Earth relies heavily on precise timekeeping. Each satellite in the GPS constellation carries atomic clocks that are synchronized to a common time reference. By measuring the time it takes for signals from multiple satellites to reach a receiver, GPS can determine the receiver's position and time. However, implementing a similar system on the moon, and relating it accurately to Earth's system, presents unique challenges due to the effects of relativity.
Einstein's theory of relativity states that gravity affects the passage of time. Time doesn't flow uniformly for everyone. For instance, on the moon, where gravity is weaker than on Earth, clocks tick slightly faster.
In addition, an observer on Earth measures time slightly differently than an observer on the moon due to a number of gravity-related effects, including the moon's orbit around Earth and Earth's orbit around the sun. These effects can significantly impact precise navigation and communication over time.
To address this issue, NIST researchers have created a system to establish and implement lunar time that accounts for the moon's unique gravitational environment. This system establishes a new master "moon time" that serves as the timekeeping reference specifically for the entire lunar surface, similar to how Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) functions on Earth.
"It's like having the entire moon synchronized to one 'time zone' adjusted for the moon's gravity, rather than having clocks gradually drift out of sync with Earth's time," said NIST physicist Bijunath Patla.
"This work lays the foundation for adopting a navigation and timing system similar to GPS, which would serve near-Earth and Earth-bound users, for lunar exploration," said NIST physicist Neil Ashby.
The proposed system would be the first step in the development of a "lunar positioning system" that would include a highly precise network of clocks at specific locations on the moon's surface and in lunar orbits. These precise atomic clocks in lunar orbit would function as the "satellites" of the lunar GPS network, providing accurate timing signals for navigation.
Precise navigation and positioning on the moon could lead to more accurate landings and more efficient exploration for lunar resources. Without this "lunar GPS," landing and operating on the moon would be like trying to navigate on Earth without any positioning system—you'd only have a rough idea of your location, making it extremely difficult to carry out complex operations or travel long distances accurately.
"The goal is to ensure that spacecraft can land within a few meters of their intended destination," Patla said.
The new space race
This breakthrough comes as nations worldwide renew their interest in lunar exploration. The moon offers valuable scientific insights into the formation of our solar system and holds potential resources for future technologies, such as water ice, helium-3, and rare earth elements used in things like smartphones and computers.
Lunar coordinate time could be key for deeper space exploration as timekeeping may prove instrumental in coordinating complex missions and establishing an interplanetary navigation network.
"The proposed framework underpinning lunar coordinate time could eventually enable exploration beyond the moon and even beyond our solar system," Patla said. "Once humans develop the capability for such ambitious missions, of course."
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Hit by an Indictment
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Chris Christie is moving in the polls while Pence, Haley and Hutchinson remain stuck in the political equivalent of a vegetative state. DeSantis remains in second position, but his trajectory has been a plummet that would track Felix Baumgartner’s descent line.
Felix Baumgartner jumped to Earth from a helium balloon from the stratosphere in 2012 and landed in New Mexico, as part of the Red Bull Stratos project.
Senator Tim Scott will be the chief beneficiary of further attrition by DeSantis. He is primed to move up into a competitive space. It will put him in direct competition with DeSantis in the early fall period of the campaign, which will preface the long turn towards the early primary states — and the grueling competition that will follow.
Timing is an under-appreciated force in a presidential campaign. The candidate and the moment have to align for there to be a possibility of capturing the White House.  Chris Christie would have been the GOP nominee in 2012 had he gone for it, but he hesitated. He was an also-ran in 2016, and has been written off by the familiar pundits who are almost always wrong about everything. Christie has moved first in the primary race, filling the truth-telling, anti-Trump space. How he got there will be a constant drag on his campaign, and is a fundamental design flaw of his own creation. Yet, Christie’s burdens are significantly less than his competitors of which he is, by far, the most talented in every category that matters in the endurance race that is a presidential campaign.
Donald Trump has become a ratings kiss of death as evidenced by the low ratings associated with the events produced for him by networks like CNN. Trump isn’t the star he once was. He has faded away into the leading actor in an ensemble of weakness, cowardice, perfidy and Chris Christie. There is no drama in the race whatsoever beyond the looming confrontation between Chris Christie and Donald Trump in the coming debates. Should Chris Christie have done what he is about to do many years ago? Yes, he should have. The important thing is that he is doing it now, and it is not too late. Other candidates who have long trembled in front of Trump are making their first tepid criticisms of the man who was untouchable just weeks ago.
Trump will be a man running in cement over the months ahead. His indictments and investigations will glue him to the ground. The wheels of justice grind slowly, as they say. His bill has come due. Trump is deflating in real time.
Christie was too early in 2012 and too late in 2016.  It is a mistake to write him off for the GOP nomination. He has an experienced team of pragmatic advisors who are smart, sane and strategic. None of them are under any illusions about Christie’s substantial deficits. However, none are blinded to his substantial attributes that are missed by the punditocracy.
There is another dynamic that is building within the 2024 campaign. The American people aren’t keen on a Biden-Trump rematch.
Think about the toddler game where a board contains cutouts in different shapes that match differently shaped blocks. The political system is currently offering a square hole to a country looking for a round one. What will happen as that block is banged over and over again into the wood board? It will start to crack.
Already there are some fissures showing. The nascent Biden campaign will enter the summer facing an opponent who is polling between 15 and 20%. The strategy of pretending he doesn’t exist will crack in early autumn as Robert Kennedy Jr. climbs in the polls towards 30% and early victories in Iowa and New Hampshire. The insistence that these states won’t count in the Democratic primaries by party officials in Washington, DC, is delusional. Losses by an incumbent president under any circumstances would be catastrophic politically. Keep an eye on the filing deadlines in the fall. The chances that the race is settled go down every day. Gavin Newsom is playing his role in the great game near perfectly. His sparring with Sean Hannity showed he is ready for prime time. He represents youth, renewal, and a Democratic Party that can confidently communicate about the dangers of an extremist movement the country is facing.
The political race will lock in place between July 4th and Labor Day. After that, it will move quickly and promises to be as volatile as any race has been in recent memory. Anything can happen. Buckle up!
[Off to the races]
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Project Mogul/Spy balloons
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Project Mogul (sometimes referred to as Operation Mogul) was a top secret project by the US Army Air Forces involving microphones flown on high-altitude balloons, whose primary purpose was long-distance detection of sound waves generated by Soviet atomic bomb tests. The project was carried out from 1947 until early 1949. It was a classified portion of an unclassified project by New York University (NYU) atmospheric researchers.[1] The project was moderately successful, but was very expensive and was superseded by a network of seismic detectors and air sampling for fallout, which were cheaper, more reliable, and easier to deploy and operate.
Project Mogul was conceived by Maurice Ewing who had earlier researched the deep sound channel in the oceans and theorized that a similar sound channel existed in the upper atmosphere: a certain height where the air pressure and temperature result in minimal speed of sound, so that sound waves would propagate and stay in that channel due to refraction. The project involved arrays of balloons carrying disc microphones and radio transmitters to relay the signals to the ground. It was supervised by James Peoples, who was assisted by Albert P. Crary.
One of the requirements of the balloons was that they maintain a relatively constant altitude over a prolonged period of time. Thus instrumentation had to be developed to maintain such constant altitudes, such as pressure sensors controlling the release of ballast.
The early Mogul balloons consisted of large clusters of rubber meteorological balloons, however, these were quickly replaced by enormous balloons made of polyethylene plastic. These were more durable, leaked less helium, and also were better at maintaining a constant altitude than the early rubber balloons. Constant-altitude-control and polyethylene balloons were the two major innovations of Project Mogul.
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Frank, what's your stance on nuclear energy as a sustainable replacement for fossil fuels?
Ugh, Nuclear Energy
On some level I get what people are saying. I agree that nuclear energy, in the form of something like the "nuclear waste" thing that you can store in a canister and bury underground, is an amazing technological feat that can probably solve many of our problems with fossil fuels.
I'm probably more skeptical than others about what I'll call the "nuclear energy future," as it is still in many ways an embryonic technology. We have not yet come up with any way for that buried canister to be reused, and for now we must deal with it as just "waste." At some point this might stop being the case -- maybe we can use some new technology to break down that canister and make something from it (though it may be difficult to make useful things from a material that's already been irradiated).
But there are also big problems with nuclear power that, to my mind, it doesn't get enough credit for. Namely, the fact that we can't totally isolate our fuel rods from the surrounding environment, and that this raises some difficult questions about what would happen if some catastrophe did make a meltdown inevitable.
In order to make the nuclear fuel you use for your power station, we have to extract plutonium from uranium. It's a highly-enriched radioactive material that we get by separating some uranium from the rest (i.e. by making a fuel rod out of the uranium-235 nucleus). There are many ways to make the fuel, but the process we are most familiar with in terms of technology is something called the "rapid-fusion" process, in which uranium atoms are fused in a "burner" with lithium and deuterium in order to create helium and plutonium.
The first issue here is that helium, once we have it, we don't want to keep in a fuel rod. Helium is not terribly useful -- a little bit of it makes a big difference, but not much. We keep it to minimize the amount of uranium that goes into the fuel, because uranium is very expensive. The problem is that helium is radioactive, and this fact seems to go unmentioned in most discussions of nuclear power as it pertains to our energy needs in the future.
We have this canister of material that's mostly uranium, but with some plutonium mixed in. We can stick a whole bunch of these canisters in it, and let them sit for a long time -- maybe a year or two -- waiting for some natural process to break down the plutonium into some other, safer isotope. Then we can use our fuel rods in the reactor.
What would happen if there was an accident in the reactor and the canister started leaking some of its helium?
How long could it go on leaking? We can't be sure -- our data on helium leaks are all theoretical and based on mathematical models and computer simulations. We have a lot of helium, but what if there was some kind of catastrophic breakdown in which this helium spilled out, quickly and at a fast rate, or perhaps just slowly over a long period of time??
Well, there is reason to think that helium leaks might be a serious problem. For one thing, helium is one of the few gases that forms a siphon -- when you have, say, a fuel rod that contains a tiny bit of material that emits some helium, but you keep the remaining amount very large, you can build up a pressure inside the fuel rod. Now if you put a hole into the pressure vessel and let some helium leak out, the hole will be quickly filled back up. This means that you have a small pressure drop, but not one that will seriously affect you. However, there is reason to believe that the helium pressure drop will build up gradually over time -- what if there were multiple holes in our canister, connected to a network of leaking canisters?
What if, through some process, the amount of helium being siphoned out of the fuel rod exceeded the capacity of the canister to release it?
Or what if helium was being released at the wrong rate, such that the leaks became continuous? What if it was so continuous that it filled up the whole canister in a short period of time?
The only way to deal with this is to seal the canister. The idea of sealing the canister is not one that is immediately obvious to us, and so a few people have asked some very difficult questions about whether we could in fact seal the canister with material that's strong enough to resist the force of the helium pressure. If we can't seal the canister, there is a nonzero chance that, through a series of events that would be extremely unusual but that might happen if you just had enough helium coming out of the canister, the canister might leak so much helium that it goes through the holes in the canister and flows back into the fuel rod. At some point it will end up inside the fuel rod and we will have an automated explosion that melts down the fuel rod and vaporizes the reactor.
Now one can probably think of some very large number of people working on the technology of nuclear power who are very confident that we can guarantee that the canister will never fail in this way, and this number would probably be in the "thousands." However, I'd put my bets a lot less confidently on those people than on the people who have worked for years on coming up with a real solution to this question.
The second problem with nuclear energy as it exists in the current day is the fuel itself -- the rods that we use for the fuel. These are also very expensive to make, and also very difficult to extract, store, and dispose of (if you're burying them underground). This is why they have the warning in the above picture that "It is very dangerous work and requires special training and equipment," -- the whole idea of making fuel rods requires you to have, and deal with, large amounts of plutonium.
As with the helium thing, there are people who are very confident that we will find a way to handle this very well in a real-life environment. The amount of confidence, and lack of confidence, varies wildly, but I'd put my bets on a lot fewer people than on the people who have actually studied the subject in a careful and serious way.
The third issue with nuclear energy is the waste.
Nuclear fuel rods contain uranium, a radioactive element, and plutonium, which is radioactive in a way that the uranium isn't. The plutonium tends to be about ten times more radioactive than uranium, so if we have fuel rods that contain a certain amount of plutonium, we can irradiate some of that plutonium into a new element called transluminogen -- the word "luminous" isn't necessarily luminous in the way you know it from a tree or from the sun, but anyway it is luminous, and you can get all of the energy out of this new element with a few percent of the uranium in the fuel. This is an ideal solution, at least if you are willing to believe it in nuclear power.
For one thing, this solution to the waste problem is expensive. You have to make the fuel rods, or at least the plutonium-bearing ones that we'll make later, and then irradiate some plutonium into the transluminogen elements, and then use those transluminogen elements to make more fuel rods. Then, irradiate the plutonium into the new fuel again, and so on and so forth, until the uranium and plutonium have all been irradiated into something that's about as radioactive as plutonium.
This is a pretty expensive solution, especially given that it's an ideal solution to the problem of waste.
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cryptogem · 3 days
Top 10 Solana Projects to Watch in 2024
The Solana ecosystem continues to expand at a rapid pace, making 2024 an exciting year for new and existing projects. Solana's high throughput, low transaction costs, and scalability have drawn significant interest from decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, GameFi, and Web3 applications. With a range of innovative protocols pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology, it's time to spotlight the top 10 projects on the Solana network that are shaping up to be pivotal in the coming year.
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Solana’s Growing Ecosystem
The Solana ecosystem has experienced substantial growth, driven by its innovative approach to scalability, speed, and low transaction costs. Since its inception, Solana has positioned itself as a viable alternative to Ethereum and other blockchain platforms that have faced issues like high fees and network congestion. By offering a highly efficient, developer-friendly environment, Solana has attracted a wide array of projects across multiple sectors, from decentralized finance (DeFi) to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and GameFi.
One of Solana’s key strengths is its ability to handle over 50,000 transactions per second (TPS), with minimal transaction costs. This is achieved through a unique combination of proof-of-stake (PoS) and proof-of-history (PoH) mechanisms, which enhance both network speed and security. In 2024, the platform’s potential for mass adoption is becoming increasingly apparent as more decentralized applications (dApps) are built on Solana, and institutional interest in its infrastructure grows.
Solana’s thriving ecosystem is composed of projects that utilize its scalability to push boundaries in DeFi, GameFi, and NFTs. For instance, decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Jupiter and lending protocols like Marinade Finance have gained significant user adoption, while NFT platforms like Magic Eden have brought new opportunities for creators and collectors. As the network evolves, Solana is expanding beyond its core strengths, with projects like Render Network and Helium exploring decentralized infrastructure and internet services.
In addition to its technological advantages, Solana's vibrant developer community and robust venture capital support have further fueled its growth. The Solana Foundation plays an active role in nurturing the ecosystem by offering grants, hackathons, and incubation programs to encourage the development of new projects. 
With this rapid development, Solana continues to stand out as a hub for cutting-edge blockchain projects, making it a blockchain network worth watching closely in the coming year. As more projects leverage Solana’s scalability and low fees, the demand for SOL tokens continues to rise. Keeping track of the Solana price is essential for investors looking to capitalize on Solana’s growth.
Top 10 Projects to Watch in 2024
2024 promises to be an exciting year for the Solana ecosystem, with projects across various sectors poised for further growth and innovation. These projects span DeFi, NFTs, Web3, GameFi, and decentralized infrastructure, each leveraging Solana’s high throughput and low transaction fees to push the boundaries of blockchain technology. Below are the top 10 projects to keep an eye on in the coming year, each offering unique contributions to the network.
Jupiter: Solana’s Top Decentralized Exchange
Jupiter is one of Solana’s most advanced decentralized exchanges (DEXs), recognized for its comprehensive trading tools, such as limit orders and dollar-cost averaging (DCA). Known for providing the highest daily trading volume among Solana-based DEXs, Jupiter allows users to efficiently swap between tokens with low slippage and fast transaction times. In 2024, Jupiter plans to continue rewarding its community through its JUP token airdrops, solidifying its position as a key player in Solana’s DeFi ecosystem​.
Marinade Finance: Leading Liquid Staking Solution
Marinade Finance is the largest liquid staking protocol on Solana, allowing users to stake their SOL tokens and receive mSOL in return. This gives users flexibility, as they can continue to participate in DeFi activities while still earning staking rewards. With over $1.5 billion in total value locked (TVL), Marinade has been instrumental in decentralizing staking on Solana. Key updates for 2024 include new validator integrations and the rollout of Protected Staking Rewards, which further decentralize the network while improving yields​.
Phantom Wallet: Non-Custodial Wallet for Solana
Phantom is the go-to wallet for many Solana users, offering a seamless and secure way to manage assets and interact with decentralized applications (dApps). With over 2.7 million monthly active users, Phantom continues to dominate the non-custodial wallet space on Solana. In 2024, Phantom plans to enhance its multi-chain capabilities, adding support for Ethereum and Polygon, which will make it even more attractive to users looking for a versatile wallet solution.
Magic Eden: Solana’s Leading NFT Marketplace
Magic Eden is the largest and most active NFT marketplace on Solana, supporting a wide variety of digital assets. It offers creators and collectors a platform to trade NFTs seamlessly, with additional support for collections on Ethereum, Polygon, and Bitcoin’s Ordinals. In 2024, Magic Eden is expected to maintain its dominance by introducing new tools for creators and expanding its NFT launchpad services, which have already proven successful with popular collections​.
Render Network: Decentralized GPU Cloud Rendering
Render Network is a decentralized marketplace that connects creators in need of high-performance GPU rendering with node operators who can fulfill those tasks. This platform empowers artists, designers, and developers to scale their rendering needs more affordably than traditional cloud solutions. In 2024, Render Network is expected to expand its user base by integrating AI and machine learning applications, further solidifying its role as a decentralized infrastructure provider.
Helium: Decentralized Wireless Network
Helium made headlines in 2023 when it migrated to the Solana blockchain, bringing its decentralized wireless network services with it. Helium allows users to operate their own wireless hotspots, providing decentralized internet services to their local communities. The project is expected to expand its coverage in 2024, building on its migration to Solana to offer more efficient and secure services for its growing user base​.
Solend: Solana’s Premier Lending Protocol
Solend is a decentralized money market that allows users to lend and borrow crypto assets on Solana. With over $165 million locked in its smart contracts, Solend has quickly become one of the most efficient lending platforms on the network. Its focus on user-friendly interfaces and risk management tools positions Solend for continued growth in 2024, especially as DeFi adoption on Solana increases.
Kamino: Automated Liquidity Provider
Kamino is an automated liquidity solution that allows users to deposit tokens into yield-bearing programs. The project’s innovative use of Concentrated Liquidity Market Makers (CLMMs) enables users to earn higher yields by efficiently deploying their assets across decentralized exchanges. With over $240 million in TVL, Kamino is expected to grow further in 2024 by enhancing its liquidity provision and lending services​.
Star Atlas: GameFi Meets the Metaverse
Star Atlas is a space-themed metaverse game built on the Solana blockchain. Combining blockchain technology with an immersive gaming experience, Star Atlas allows players to explore space, trade resources, and engage in battles within a highly detailed universe. The project has gained significant attention within the GameFi sector, and its 2024 roadmap includes expanding its player base and introducing new in-game features​.
StepN: Move-to-Earn Fitness App
StepN is a move-to-earn app that rewards users for staying active. By blending fitness tracking with blockchain rewards, StepN has attracted a large community of fitness enthusiasts who are motivated by earning tokens while exercising. The project plans to expand its fitness challenges and improve its tokenomics in 2024, making it a standout player in the growing move-to-earn sector.
Key Trends to Watch in Solana Ecosystem in 2024
As the Solana ecosystem continues to grow, several trends are worth keeping an eye on. DeFi applications are expected to expand as more users engage with lending and staking protocols. NFT marketplaces will continue to thrive, with cross-chain compatibility bringing in new users. GameFi and Web3 innovations, particularly in move-to-earn and metaverse gaming, are likely to gain significant traction. Additionally, institutional interest in Solana is expected to increase as the network’s reliability and scalability improve.
Despite the potential for growth, Solana projects face several challenges. Network congestion, while improved, remains a concern as user adoption increases. Competition from other ecosystems, particularly Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, may also impact Solana’s market share. Finally, regulatory scrutiny of DeFi and cryptocurrencies may pose challenges for certain projects in the space.
2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for the Solana ecosystem, with a wide range of innovative projects set to make waves across the blockchain space. From DeFi and staking to NFTs and GameFi, the top 10 projects mentioned in this article demonstrate the breadth and depth of Solana’s potential. Keep an eye on these projects as they continue to evolve and push the boundaries of blockchain technology.
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crypto195 · 16 days
Helium Rallies from Upgrade Announcement Following Same Suit as Ace in The Pack Crypto Casino Hits $3M, STX Stumbles
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Rollblock Presale Surges with 140% Rally, Big Gains Ahead Helium (HRT) might be on a strong upswing, but Stacks’ (STX) investors are questioning whether it’s time to sell out. Meanwhile, Rollblock (RBLK) is proving its potential as the next 100x crypto by recording a massive 140% rally during its presale. Helium’s (HNT) Daily Chart Flashing Bullish Signals Helium has been expanding into new markets and broadening its network coverage, which has pushed Helium’s price up by a massive 62.08% over the past 30 days. After recording several peaks in the last week, Helium’s current trading price is at $7.40 after an intra-day plunge of 2.16%. Despite this decline, Helium’s daily chart is flashing strong bullish signals as Helium has broken above all exponential moving averages. With Helium’s Momentum Indicator and Bull Bear Power both suggesting bullish dominance on the 4-hour chart, Helium is expected to soar to the $8.614 resistance in the upcoming days.
To Know More- Rollblock ($RBLK) Presale
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33bowls · 23 days
Come to Earth and bring a camera, the sequel
Come to earth and bring a camera, the brochure said. In fine print on the last page, there was a suggestion: hand wash separately only.
Ok, after chilling out in the peace and quiet of the Moonpod for a while, a few events have transpired. If that sounds a bit far fetched, allow me to explain that for local planet and satellite hopping, an interstellar saucer is not needed. You would be surprised at how much is happening right under your noses. A lot.
Have you ever seen the Earthrise from Luna? Spectacular enough in itself, but when Solar storms occur, and the greenish flickering lights of the Aurora Borealis swirl around the globe a few days later…you have to be there, see the perspective. It's, well, it's…out of this world. Funny how the species misses the obvious beauty, fragility, and uniqueness of their home planet; and continues to make it uninhabitable by burning dead dinosaurs and simmering nuclear firecrackers for energy and being distracted by free energy hucksters while the Solar energy shining on them would make for sustainable paradise without trade-offs. Oh well.
Semi evolved simians, Princess Helium used to sneer. I think they are just young and distract-able. Sure hope they figure out and understand the dynamics of inter-connected-ness or at least basic network and feedback theories soon.
Speaking of the Princess, she decided that if she was going to be stuck there, she might as well do it in style, and put her other-worldly charms to use. Found a Sultan with a lot of gold from burning dead dinosaurs, and rumor has it, he likes sniffing Helium. If exotic-ness is proportional to the distance traveled from home, she is off the charts for this character. She reasoned that if one of the commodities traders does return to pick up the gold so conveniently gathered, she has a better chance of catching a lift if she is in close proximity to it. None of them have any idea what they are in for. That's a story that will write itself.
As to myself, I returned after the chill time on Luna, ended up hanging out at a physics lab, and worked up a few possible, even probable scenarios. Found out a future that may actually work out, with minor nudges to the species. See, the top down system based on leverage and bullshit, while precariously out of equilibrium, can be shifted with very little effort, if one happens to have access to some advanced toys, and knows where to apply the leverage.
Speaking of knowledge and advanced toys, I sneaked into the dry cleaners after hours. With polarizing sunglasses, and a monochromatic polarized light source of just the right wavelength, the invisibility cloak can show up as a very slight shimmer, and, bingo as the species commonly exclaims, I found it, crumpled in a corner. And, eureka, as the species also sometimes exclaims, the keys to the saucer were still snugly in the pocket. I will leave it up to a rent-a-cop to figure out how security footage shows someone entering after hours, but nobody leaving. Snicker snicker.
I decided to not disturb Princess Helium and her Sultan, as they deserved each other in a way, and the stories that would write themselves are going to be quite entertaining.
But as I was preparing to leave, scouting supplies for the journey, fate intervened, and the cosmic card dealer dealt a new card: I met a most wonderful fellow alien traveler with sparkly Starlight in her eyes. A depth of understanding seldom seen in this edge of the Galaxy. Really down to Earth but also totally Cosmic. Her beauty ran deep as the rivers of her soul. She made mirrors gasp in amazement at her stunning natural grace and movement. She laughed at the shadows, smiled at the nuance of similes, reveled in the textures, danced in the light, shaved her legs with Occam's Razor, and did a slow Möbius Strip. She could see right through me, even without the invisibility cloak. We started out rather innocuously, and eventually ended up in a room with a view, the Moonpod, at which point in the story, the curtains close, leaving visible only imagination and a metaphor.
Let's just say that I'm not sniffing Helium anytime in the future, and I'm not in much of a hurry to leave the planet.
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molsons112000 · 1 month
So you can use a drill system to drill these rods into the ground, and then you start vibrating the ground. To condense the soil to remove the water to put a stronger foundation under a structure. This is what I said they could do in mexico to get the air out to get the water out to start condensing the ground, so it supports the foundation of the city.... This is why the one hotel in vegas was sinking, and my solution was exactly correct. So when they get the air out which the vibration does, it causes the air to rise up the soil collapses upon itself, and it causes the water to rise up the soil collapses upon itself, creating a denser foundational support...
How does vibration affect the strength of concrete?
Vibration of fresh concrete reduces its internal shear strength, and enables concrete to momentarily liquefy to facilitate the consolidation process.
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu › cgi › v...
Characterization of Vibration Effects on the Internal Structure and ...
Now, yes, the soil is going to collapse downward. And this is what's happening with the aquifers. In mexico the soil is losing moisture and moving downward...
So they need to rehydrate, or this city will continue to collapse... Cut my solution above with foundations. They can do this, so they have to use less steel to support the foundation... So if they had done this before they built in Mexico, they wouldn't have had these issues... Now they have to stop pumping underground water and Start rehydrating so the soil expands again.... But also, it means it can only handle a certain weight related to its structure.
As a growing population depleted natural springs, the city began to dig wells and pump groundwater to meet water demands. The soil began to contract and compress the land, like a kitchen sponge drying up. The sinking worsened over time, researchers have shown over the years.Jun 4, 2024
Why Mexico City's water crisis is causing it to sink
AI Overview
Mexico City's water crisis is rooted in its reliance on underground water, which is being drained at an unsustainable rate. The city's water supply comes from aquifers and geological formations that store groundwater, and around 60% of the city's water comes from this source. However, the aquifer is not being replenished quickly enough, and some parts of the city are sinking by up to 20 inches per year. This sinking is caused by the compaction of the ground, which can lead to fractures in buildings, sewers, and gas and water lines. The sinking also opens the ground up to contaminated surface water. 
Other factors contributing to Mexico City's water crisis include: 
Water infrastructure
The city's water infrastructure is unable to keep up with demand, and the city loses about 40% of its water to leaks in broken pipes. 
Rainwater rolls off the city's hard surfaces instead of sinking into the ground. 
Climate change
Mexico is facing a long drought and heat wave, which have been made worse by climate change. 
You can actually mix in helium into concrete to reduce the weight of concrete....
November 4, 2019 · https://manabouttools.com
the Best Aircrete Recipe – a Lightweight Portland Concrete ...
This is the best aircrete formulation for my garden box panels yet. This aircrete recipe is easy to make and yields a strong lightweight
Characterization of the absolute volume change of cement pastes ...
Based on detection technology of helium pycnometry, this study developed a novel approach for characterizing the absolute volume change of cement pastes in ...
Innovation News Network
The importance of helium uses in everyday life
The use of helium for welding and cutting applications affords many advantages over traditional methods using air or oxygen
Effect of applied stress on the helium inflow characteristics ...
by RF Feldman · 1983 · Cited by 11 — Steel bar reinforcement benefits the strength and ductility enhancement of cement-based materials. The
Worldbuilding Stack Exchange
November 10, 2015 · https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com
Vertical City - Using Helium to Reduce Weight?
In a novel I am considering, the near-future of Earth is populated with vertical cities. I don't mean one tower; I mean a city of towers, built close together, ...
It wouldn't be effective. The building would be lighter than a building with the same tubes ...  More
Top answer · 11 votes
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amzonlinearbitrage · 2 months
Secrets to Amazon Online Arbitrage Success
Amazon online arbitrage is a lucrative business model that allows you to buy products at a lower price and sell them at a higher price on Amazon. However, success in oa amazon requires careful planning, research, and execution. This guide will reveal the secrets to achieving success in Amazon online arbitrage.
1. Research and Identify Profitable Niches
The first step to success in Amazon online arbitrage is to research and identify profitable niches. Use tools like Jungle Scout and Helium 10 to analyze product demand, competition, and profit margins. Focus on niches with high demand and low competition to maximize your chances of success.
2. Source Products from Reliable Suppliers
Finding reliable suppliers is crucial for maintaining product quality and meeting customer expectations. Use platforms like Alibaba, AliExpress, and wholesale directories to source products. Verify the suppliers' credentials, check reviews, and request samples before making bulk purchases.
3. Leverage Online Arbitrage Sourcing Lists
An online arbitrage sourcing list is a curated list of profitable products from various retailers. These lists save you time and effort by providing pre-vetted deals that meet specific profit and sales criteria. Subscribe to reputable sourcing lists to streamline your product search.
4. Optimize Your Product Listings
Create compelling product listings to attract buyers and increase sales. Use high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords. Optimize your titles, bullet points, and descriptions for search engines to improve visibility and ranking on Amazon.
5. Monitor Inventory and Sales Performance
Keep a close eye on your inventory levels and sales performance. Use Amazon's Seller Central dashboard to track your metrics. Replenish inventory before it runs out to avoid losing sales and maintain your product's ranking.
6. Utilize Repricing Tools
Repricing tools help you stay competitive by automatically adjusting your prices based on market conditions. Tools like BQool, RepricerExpress, and Aura can help you win the Buy Box and increase sales. Set your repricing rules carefully to balance profitability and competitiveness.
7. Stay Compliant with Amazon's Policies
Adhering to Amazon's policies and guidelines is essential for maintaining a healthy seller account. Stay updated on policy changes and ensure your products meet all requirements, including proper labeling, packaging, and product authenticity.
8. Leverage Cashback and Reward Programs
Maximize your profits by using cashback and reward programs when purchasing products. Websites like Rakuten, Honey, and Swagbucks offer cashback on purchases from various retailers. Additionally, use credit cards with reward points to further increase your savings.
9. Build Strong Relationships with Customers
Providing excellent customer service is key to building a loyal customer base and receiving positive reviews. Respond to customer inquiries promptly, resolve issues efficiently, and ensure timely shipping. Positive feedback and high ratings will improve your product's ranking and visibility on Amazon.
10. Continuously Learn and Adapt
The world of Amazon online arbitrage is constantly evolving. Stay informed about industry trends, new tools, and strategies by joining online forums, attending webinars, and networking with other sellers. Continuous learning will help you stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success.
By following these secrets, you can achieve success in Amazon online arbitrage. Research profitable niches, source products from reliable suppliers, and optimize your listings to attract buyers. Stay compliant with Amazon's policies and continuously learn to stay ahead in this competitive market.
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
Library of Circlaria
Remikra Timeline
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Combria: A Modern Society
The Great Northern inhabitants in the region considered themselves to be of a new nationality: Combrian. Such would have a profound impact on Remikran history in the years to come.
Mostly speaking Edoran and following the faith of Alconism, Combrians were open to the arts, welcoming orchestras and theatre groups from the Great North, as similar organizations of their own came into being. Combria had a compulsory school system with twelve grade-years, and developed its own public university system, especially with the establishment of the University of Combria in 1097.
Jeson's economic polices led to the emergence of a large middle class by the turn of the century. With a hydraulic fracturing sector and a facility dedicated to energy extraction, built by 1101, the hubstone shale industry flourished, serving as a viable energy source domestically and abroad. Such an industry supported manufacturing, as coastal ports began to boom. Combria's primary trade was in the production of hubstone batteries, holding electricity produced by hubstone extraction, as well as generators and electric infrastructure. The first automobile was produced here in the year 1091, and the first powered airplane in 1101. Along with airplanes came compound aerovehicles floated by hubstone vacuum chambers rather than hydrogen or helium. Such vessels are also referred to as first-generation airships, as the first of them took flight in the year 1099. Rail lines and road networks sprung up throughout Combrian territories, as all industry and infrastructure functioned with a new currency: the Combrian "Quantity-of-Revenue," or "qor" for short.
The first telephone was used in Combria in the year 1103. As part of a national postal system supported by hierarchical district and county sectors, telephones served to spread communication in a reliable fashion. Meanwhile, news was spread through both government and independent publications.
The Army of Combria, with tanks and modern resources, had bases stationed in each Combrian district, while the Navy of Combria had Navy ports along the East Coast, the latter of which also held the Coast Guard. Both the Army and Navy had first-generation airships mounted with bomb hatches and turrets for rifles and cannons, while they also had balloons holding cannon-shells and rifle stands. They were on peaceful terms with both the Great North and Wannonia, as part of the agreement signed in the mid-1080s, and were neutral with the Republic of Chemko. This was a time of peace; although hostile sea merchants did pose concern to Circlarian ports from time to time.
It was the hubstone industry of Combria that created the first system of true integration between spellcrafting and non-spellcrafting societies. Also resulting from the emergence of Combria as the world's first modern society was an explosion in the demand for spellcrafter talismans, which were made of grey clay in Western counties by independent proprietors.
The Great North: Economic Stabilization and Change in Leadership
The Combrian coastal sector, spearheaded by the establishment of South Masonia, spread to Terredon and up along the Great Northern Circlarian Coast to Cales. By the early 1100s, electric trains were running along Great Northern rail lines, as modern industry created new jobs, lifting most Great Northerners in the region out of poverty.
In 1101, Queen Sarah died, and, on 1 November of that year, was succeeded by the double-coronation of King Andrew and Queen Rebecca.
The Rise and Fall of Chemko
In the 970s, trade deals with Wannonia and the sea guilds, as well as the careful usage of fiat paper currency, led to economic progress in the Republic of Chemko.
Then, in 1057, "mountain oil" was discovered. Useful with lighting and engine fuel, "mountain oil" was sold initially to Wannonians and Wannonian protectorate Kingdoms to the South. Between 1077 and 1090, the loss of access to blue-diamond coal sand reserves left the Great North to demand large amounts of "mountain oil" as part of its attempt to float its energy needs. Chemkan vendors of the precious material took advantage of this and raised prices. As a result, an economic boom ensued for the Republic, as its standard of living rose higher than ever before. Before long, however, greed from the Chemkan wealthy class led to the beginning of economic inequality. To resolve the issues related to such growing economic inequality, Chemkan banks began a massive lending program, in which most patrons borrowed to spend on merchant ships to sell "mountain oil" overseas. Along with this, many Chemkans engaged in massive financial spending, leading to an economic bubble.
The emergence of the hubstone industry in Combria and the North led to a disastrous fall in the demand for "mountain oil," thus leading to a fall in its prices. The worst of this happened in 1098, as Combria signed a special deal to sell off massive amounts of hubstone battery surpluses, leading sea merchants and Canticulan nations to turn to this and modernize. In 1099, Chemkan borrowers, suffering the resulting loss of business, defaulted, leading to the collapse of the Chemkan banks, as well as the collapse of the Chemkan economy and society.
Extreme hardship endured in the years to follow, so that, in the year 1106, Ugo Kasults, a radical populist candidate, ran for election to the office of Head Consul, carrying an agenda that blamed economic woes on corrupt bureaucracy and "oil boons" and supported a willingness to sacrifice Chemkan democratic principles to restore Chemko to greatness. Despite his popularity, however, Kasults lost to the incumbent Head Consul, Turan Masa. In January 1107, Kasults staged a coup, which succeeded in overthrowing Masa and the Chemkan Senate, and installed an authoritarian regime. In March, Masa gathered enough forces and attempted a counter-coup against Kasults, leading to a brutal civil war.
Great Northern Intervention and Establishment of Mikant
During this time, Masa formed a deal with a Great Northern firm and arranged to meet with them on Elsa Island. On 6 June 1107, as they met here, they were shot dead by hidden agents loyal to Kasults as a mass-shooting ensued. The Great Northern Crown declared this an act of war and proceeded to invade Chemko. By 1 September 1107, Kasults was dead, and his regime toppled, as Chemkan territories were brought under Great Northern control. On 15 September, a Land Partitioning Deal was made in Sorto, as indigenous groups had formed a peaceful coalition to have sovereignty over Chemkan coastal regions, forming it into the short-lived nation of South Chemko, which would fall apart two weeks later. The Great North retained control over the Northern portion that surrounded Sorto, which they renamed Mikant while Great Northern armed forces kept order. Near the end of the year, this land was purchased by the Nicolson family, who wanted to establish it as a protectorate nation under a government structure similar to Combria.
On 3 January 1108, the nation of Mikant was formally established in adherence to the Queen's Mandate, as Simon Korrel was named its President, and Peter Nicolson its Head Treasurer. Later that month, Mikant entered with the Great North and Combria into what became known as the Remikran Union, which established universal Remikran Credit, and the leasing of Remikran property and the holding of its value.
<- 1086 <- || -> 1149 ->
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annajamessa · 2 months
DePIN Crypto Projects - Driving Innovation in 2024
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A new concept, DePIN or Decentralized Physical Infrastructure was introduced in early 2023, aiming to transform the real-world infrastructure. With over 1446 projects and a $59B market capitalization, DePIN crypto projects have emerged as a powerful concept in 2024. But what is DePIN? Why are DePIN crypto projects one of the hot topics in 2024 among investors? We will discuss everything in this blog. 
What is DePIN?
DePIN is a revolutionary concept in the crypto space that focuses on decentralizing the physical infrastructure networks (such as  sensors, IoT devices, renewable energy grids, and telecommunications infrastructure.) This P2P network is based on incentive mechanisms. DePIN crypto projects use tokens to incentive people to contribute to physical infrastructure 
Benefits of DePIN
Decentralization: Reduces dependency on central authorities and enhances transparency. 
Permissionless: Anyone can contribute their resources to a DePIN.
Fair Pricing: Ensures transparent pricing structures for major contributions.
Incentivization: The token-based reward system encourages the active involvement of individuals.
Horizontal Scalability: Easily scales as per the growing number of participants and infrastructure without compromising the functionality.
The Rise of DePIN in 2024: Key Growth Trends
Entry into the Real World
In 2023, developers were only using the DePIN to build their networks. However, in 2024, the best DePIN projects enter the real world. The Bosch, multinational engineering and technology marvel, collaborated with Peaq and Fetch.ai to build an all-in-one sensor to detect temperature, air pressure, and more. 
Decentralized Compute is a New Norm 
DePIN also promotes decentralized compute that mobilizes the user’s computers to perform complex computation tasks. Best DePIN crypto Projects like Render and Aleph exemplify decentralized computing's role in shaping the future of DePIN.
DePIN AI Projects are Gaining Momentum
DePIN AI projects are gaining momentum this year. One of the most popular projects - Nosana is designed to provide computation resources for AI inference workloads. Grass is another project that shares its internet bandwidth and labs can use this to collect web data for model training. 
Solana DePIN Crypto Projects 
Solana has gained acclaim for its exceptional performance, scalability, and minimal transaction costs, making it a preferred blockchain for applications needing rapid and economical micro-transactions. Within the Solana DePIN ecosystem, more than 25 projects thrive, including notable names like Render, Hivemapper, and Helium.
In 2024, DePIN crypto projects are reshaping digital infrastructure with decentralized solutions. As these initiatives gain momentum, they promise innovation, efficiency, and transformative impact across various sectors. Leverage the potential of the top DePIN crypto projects by connecting with a reliable blockchain firm today. 
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u2unetwork · 3 months
DePIN Coins: The Fuel Powering Decentralized Infrastructure
What are DePIN Coins?
DePIN coins, also known as DePIN tokens, are cryptocurrencies that play a crucial role in the emerging world of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN). These digital assets are used to incentivize participation, facilitate transactions, and govern the operation of DePIN networks.
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How Do DePIN Coins Work?
DePIN coins operate on blockchain technology, which provides a secure and transparent ledger for recording transactions and ownership. They are often used to reward users for contributing to the network, such as by providing storage space, bandwidth, or computational power. Additionally, DePIN coins can be used to pay for services within the network, such as accessing data or utilizing infrastructure resources.
Types of DePIN Coins
There are various types of DePIN coins, each with its own unique features and use cases:
Infrastructure Tokens: These tokens represent ownership or usage rights in specific DePIN infrastructure assets, such as wireless hotspots, data centers, or energy grids.
Utility Tokens: These tokens are used to pay for services within the DePIN network, such as data storage, bandwidth, or computation.
Governance Tokens: These tokens give holders the right to participate in the decision-making process of the DePIN network, such as voting on proposals or electing representatives.
Popular DePIN Coins
Some of the most popular DePIN coins include:
Helium (HNT): A cryptocurrency that powers the Helium Network, a decentralized wireless network for IoT devices.
Render Token (RNDR): A token used to pay for rendering services on the Render Network, a decentralized GPU rendering platform.
Akash Network (AKT): A token used to pay for cloud computing resources on the Akash Network, a decentralized cloud computing marketplace.
IoTeX (IOTX): A cryptocurrency that powers the IoTeX blockchain, which is designed for the Internet of Things (IoT).
The Future of DePIN Coins
As DePIN continues to gain traction, the demand for DePIN coins is expected to grow. These tokens have the potential to become a major force in the cryptocurrency market, as they represent a new way to invest in and participate in the development of decentralized infrastructure.
Investing in DePIN Coins
If you're interested in investing in DePIN coins, it's important to do your research and understand the risks involved. As with any cryptocurrency investment, there is the potential for high volatility and loss of capital. However, for those who believe in the future of DePIN, these tokens could offer significant potential for growth and innovation.
Read more: https://u2u.xyz/
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chandni0867 · 4 months
Maximize Earnings: Dive into Crypto Mining with Helium Hotspot Miners
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Discover the potential of crypto mining with Helium Hotspot Miners. These innovative devices allow you to earn cryptocurrency by providing network coverage. Easy to set up and highly efficient, Helium Hotspot Miners are a great way to maximize your earnings from home. Start mining today and unlock new profit opportunities.
For More:
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ultragamerz · 7 months
HNT | Helium Network: Revolutionizing Wireless Connectivity with Crypto Incentives 
New Post has been published on https://www.ultragamerz.com/hnt-helium-network-revolutionizing-wireless-connectivity-with-crypto-incentives/
HNT | Helium Network: Revolutionizing Wireless Connectivity with Crypto Incentives 
Helium Network: Revolutionizing Wireless Connectivity with Crypto Incentives
In the ever-evolving realm of cryptocurrency, numerous projects grapple with the elusive bridge between theory and real-world application. However, the Helium Network stands out as a shining example, actively transforming the landscape of wireless connectivity with its innovative approach. This article delves into the Helium Network ecosystem, exploring its cryptocurrencies, functionalities, and potential impact on the future of mobile networks.
The Power of Decentralization:
The Helium Network operates on a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) model, leveraging a global network of Helium hotspots hosted by individuals. These hotspots, essentially low-powered wireless routers, provide internet access to devices within their range. By participating in this network, users earn rewards in the form of Helium’s native cryptocurrency, Helium (HNT). This unique incentive structure incentivizes network growth and fosters a collaborative environment.
A Symphony of Cryptocurrencies:
The Helium Network ecosystem revolves around four critical cryptocurrencies:
Helium (HNT): The lifeblood of the network, HNT serves as the primary reward for hotspot owners who contribute to network coverage. Users can also burn HNT to create Data Credits, which power data transfer across the network.
Mobile Helium (MOBILE): This utility token rewards users for sharing their mobile data connection through the Helium Mobile app. MOBILE incentivizes broader network participation and strengthens cellular connectivity.
Internet of Things (IoT) Token (IOT): While not currently tradable, the IOT token represents a future reward mechanism for devices on the Helium Network. It is designed to incentivize the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices within the network and facilitate communication between them.
Data Credits (DCs): Representing units of data transfer within the Helium Network, DCs are burned to facilitate data transmission between devices.
Bridging the Gap: Helium Mobile and 5G Integration:
The Helium Network isn’t just about Wi-Fi. Through its Helium Mobile initiative, the project aims to revolutionize mobile network infrastructure by integrating 5G capabilities with blockchain technology. Users with compatible smartphones can contribute cellular network coverage through the app, earning MOBILE tokens in return. This collaborative approach holds immense potential for expanding and democratizing access to high-speed mobile data.
HNT and MOBILE: Potential Powerhouses in the Decentralized Future?
Helium (HNT) and Mobile Helium (MOBILE) have garnered significant attention within the crypto sphere, and with good reason. Both coins are integral to the functioning of the Helium Network, a revolutionary project actively building a decentralized wireless infrastructure. HNT, the network’s primary token, incentivizes users to host Helium hotspots, expanding network coverage and earning rewards. MOBILE, on the other hand, rewards users for sharing their mobile data connection through the Helium Mobile app, contributing to a more robust cellular network.
The current price action of HNT and MOBILE can be volatile, as is the nature of cryptocurrency markets. However, their long-term potential hinges on the success of the Helium Network itself. As the network gains traction and disrupts the traditional wireless landscape, both HNT and MOBILE could see significant price appreciation. The increasing demand for data, coupled with the growing focus on decentralized solutions, positions these tokens as potential long-term investments. However, it’s crucial to remember that cryptocurrency investments are inherently risky, and thorough research is essential before making any financial decisions.
Current Market Frenzy:
The Helium Network and its associated cryptocurrencies have captured the attention of the crypto community. Notably, both HNT and MOBILE have experienced significant price surges in recent times, reflecting investor confidence in the project’s potential. However, it’s crucial to remember that cryptocurrency markets are inherently volatile, and responsible investment decisions require thorough research.
Beyond the Hype: A Sustainable Ecosystem on Solana:
Helium leverages the power of the Solana blockchain for efficient transaction processing and network scalability. This partnership ensures that the Helium Network can accommodate future growth and maintain a robust infrastructure.
The Road Ahead:
The Helium Network presents a compelling vision for the future of wireless connectivity. By harnessing the power of decentralization and incentivizing user participation with cryptocurrency rewards, Helium fosters a collaborative environment that could reshape the way we access and share data. While the project remains in its growth phase, its real-world applications and innovative approach hold significant promise for the future of mobile networks and the broader blockchain landscape.
Helium Network, cryptocurrency, decentralized network, peer-to-peer (P2P), Helium hotspot, Internet of Things (IoT), Helium (HNT), Mobile Helium (MOBILE), IoT Token (IOT), Data Credits (DC), 5G network, blockchain technology, decentralized wireless network, mobile data sharing, cryptocurrency investment, Solana blockchain, scalable network, future of wireless connectivity, Helium price, MOBILE price, Helium mining, Helium hotspot setup, decentralized internet, Web3 development, disruptive technology
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