mintythyme · 10 months
Random dndads headcanon #6
In hell, when Glenn first made it Christmas for the demons, he tried to show them the wonders of snow. However, since hell is, unsurprisingly, hell, the snow melted. After a frankly insane quest to get unmeltable snow, Glenn invented the spell Hell Snow, which is hell flame (the concept of fire that is inextinguishable) but snow. The snowflakes have a red tint to them, so it always looks spattered in blood in large piles of it.
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ladymirdan · 26 days
Someone please tell me I hate metal and resin kits and I will not start an Old World army.
But that Hellcanon is lit 😰
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vaggie-enjoyer · 6 months
hellcanons pt. 1: Pride/Imperial Royal Family
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Since Lucifer is the "big boss of hell" and ranks above the other kings and queens, his title in my lore is Emperor of Hell. That being said a lot of that title is largely ceremonial as Lucifer.. does very little actual ruling. When Lucifer originally fell he - as the first demon - was given the de-facto rule of leadership, and he embraced it at first. His sin after all was pride, and believing that he could do a better job of ruling over humanity than god could. He divvied up the rule of the 7 rings between the next 6 angelic demons - who became known as the sins - and his new wife, Lilith, who joined him in Hell. Lucifer's plan was that once human souls would start arriving in Hell they would be sorted into the 7 rings depending on their life on earth, but after the first two centuries no souls were coming in to wrath, gluttony, greed, envy, solth, or lust. All the souls were going to Pride. Adding a read-more because this will be long!
The other sins brought this to Lucifers attention, demanding an explanation, as he told them that they would rule over great kingdoms. Lucifer himself did not know, and so went to seek council with the Seraphim. The angels of course do not know how hell works, but Sera suggests/tells Lucifer that it's likely that all human souls for all of time will be tied to Pride, as it is Lucifer's sin, the original sin, and the reason that any of them even CAN sin. All bad things that have ever happened because of people happened because of Lucifer. Lucifer does not take this well. He returns to Hell ridden with guilt, and starts to drift away into depression and self-loathing. It is decided in a council by all the fallen that the sins will remain kings their own rings, ruling over the hellborn who have now started to appear, which the rule of Pride will be divvied up into a number of kingdoms, ruled by other trusted members of the Goetia. Lilith, though, still ranks above all of them, now given the title of Empress. Not all of the angelic-demons are happy with this, notably King Paimon, who is given a kingdom in pride and patronage over the americas, does not like that he is being made to answer to a human-born, and insists on only taking orders from the /true/ Emporor - Lucifer. Lucifer appreciates the Kings and Queens, and of course his Empress, because it means that he can continue turning a blind eye to his empire while they rule in his stead. He is happy being just a puppet head. Left on his own to his projects.
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esotericjerks · 4 months
This is just a big Hellcanon loredump:
If you ask Sitri why about the whole Heaven vs. Hell thing, they’ll just make some kind of joke about it being a family drama. But the demon is notoriously blasé, so don’t take it seriously. Like most mass-destructing, cataclysmic warmongering, it’s rooted in greed and stupid ideological differences. 
Heaven and Hell are separate planes of existence overlaying/touching/connected to Earth/the material plane/the mortal plane. They are not actually physically above/below Earth, despite the fact that Sitri and other demons colloquially refer to Earth as “topside.” For some humans (not all—some go elsewhere), when they shuffle off their mortal coil, their immaterial consciousness may manifest in either Heaven or Hell, dependent upon numerous mysterious factors that neither side really cares to explain to anyone. It has little to do with Jesus. 
Demons reside in Hell. Some important distinctions/glossary of terms: 
Souls—Human/mortal spirits that were relocated to Hell after death on Earth.
Lesser demons—Most common kind of demon. Types of power, associated sins, and threat level vary. Human souls can become lesser demons if subjected to Hell’s influence long enough. That is also the point of “punishment” in Hell. Not really to discipline sinners, but to add more cannon fodder to the legions. 
Greater demons—Scariest and most powerful kind of demon. Some may be native born hellspawn (as in, birthed post-First War in Heaven) and some may be fallen angels. (Although not all fallen angels joined Hell's cause.)  
Unranked—Meaning not included among Hell’s meritocratic ruling class. 
Ranked—Possessing a title; either one of the 72 Spirits, one of the Four Queens, etc. 
Regarding Hell's meritocracy: 
The organization is confusing; the actual titles mean less than you think. What matters is level of influence. For example, a King with only thirty legions may be less powerful than a Marquis with fifty. 
The demons whose roles are fairly constant or fixed are those embodying a Sin (ex., Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, etc.) or the Four Queens (Naamah, Eisheth Zenunim, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Lilith). They rule over large territories in Hell (Circles), with other members of the 72 residing within them. (Ex., Sitri is a vassal of Asmodeus and presides over a city-state within his Circle.) 
Big Bad–whomst I conceptualize as not Lucifer or Satan, but a Third Worse Thing–rules over all of it. I general do not use an actual name for this figure. 
Demons can level-up by eating each other!
Opening portals into Hell is, like, shockingly easy. Almost any human can do it if they try. Hell wants you to visit. It’s getting back out again that’s the tricky part.
Further explanation on demonic manifestation on the mortal plane: 
To recap: less powerful demons can only manifest on Earth by possessing a human vessel or via summoning, as the confines of a magic circle function as a temporary vessel. Very powerful demons can simply tear open a hole in reality and heave their essence from one side to the other, the immaterial to the material, and condense Earth matter into a shape.  
That said, there is only so much the material plane can handle. Big Bad is not manifesting on Earth, just like God is also not doing that. It would probably cause reality to just collapse. That’s why angels and demons exist; to do dirty work.  
Topside Sitri only seems as natural as they do because they’ve been doing the human disguise thing for so long. It’s hard, constructing an entirely new physiology and operating it correctly. Even now, if you manage to hurt/distract/anger Sitri enough, the construct will slip and things'll get weird.  
This is to say: the reason why possessed people twitch and contort and vomit and all that actually has nothing to do with demons being sadistic and everything to do with them going “AHHH WHAT THE  FUCK WHAT FUCK HOW DO I WORK THIS THING”
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cartooncadet666 · 1 year
donating my boob's to the greater good (tgirl skeebo au)
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Pyro is this for your HellCanon AU or are you just asking me if I would make Skeebo a trans egg ._.
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nothingbut-heart · 6 years
Seeing things
Children and animals are more likely to be aware of demonic and otherwise supernatural phenomena or presence.  
Children see the world very plainly, and it’s not yet ingrained in them that there are certain things that should not be.  They are more in touch with gut reactions and have not been as conditioned to ignore things under the pretense of politeness.  Up until a certain point, it is acceptable to believe in fairies or angels, so they see and are able to identify when something is outside the realm of the mundane.
No one bothers to tell animals what their worldview should be, and frankly, it wouldn’t make a difference to something that is mostly feeling and instinct.  
Most animals dislike and avoid demons.  The most notable exception is cats, who tend not to be impressed or threatened by a demon simply existing in the same place.  If the demon acts up, they may attack, because cats don’t give a shit about ‘natural order’ or ‘who should be higher up on the food chain’.
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survival-is · 7 years
One Does Not Simply Leave Hell
I want to jump on someone else’s post and agree that I don’t believe Hell is an easy place to vacate.  It’s a literal prison, very much intended to keep people in.  If any demon or damned soul could just leave whenever they want, that would defeat the purpose and be big problem.  So how does a minor demon (like Procris), and someone who was cast into Hell as punishment (Shamsiel) find their way out?
While it typically takes a strong demon to create a temporary rift big enough for themselves (and maybe a few guests) to go through, there are other ways to escape.     There are more permanent rifts created by acts of extreme violence, improperly conducted rituals, properly conducted rituals, or any number of other things.  These little rifts are often used by lower demons (such as succubi) because they are more accessible than asking someone in the nobility for permission.  (Chances are this individual won’t be accessible to you, and it’s more likely they’ll say no and drop you through a moon door than help you.)
So, you keep your precious rifts to yourself, and you don’t tell anyone and you don’t ask questions.  The rift utilized by Procris and her family opens up on Odora Park.  Located in the heart of Chita, Odora Park doesn’t look like the kind of place to house a direct walk into the Second Circle.  
A lot of denizens take the rifts as ways out and don’t return unless they’re made to.  The Hive is different.  A few individuals leave at a time, they feed, they return.  They don’t all leave through the rift because it would be hard to maintain the familial structure outside of Hell, but they don’t strictly remain there because there is something more emotionally fulfilling about feeding on humans.
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denofsnakcs · 5 years
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Pacts, colloquially known by mortals as a ‘Deal with the Devil’ are typically performed by Imps and Succubi/Incubi, though more powerful devils and even demons are no stranger to the act itself.
Pacts between devils and mortals serve as a mutually beneficial agreement that grants the devil more power in the realm and the mortals whatever they desire that is within the devil’s capacity to grant. 
Regardless of any additional requests made to the mortal,  the mortal’s soul is ultimately forfeited to the devil as a result of the pact, however contrary to popular belief, eternal damnation is not the ultimate destination of the soul, that discretion lies with the terminus courts, and the devil that officiated the pact can recommend a verdict to damn the soul, conscript it into immortal service of Hell, or exonerate the soul and release it purgatory to be judged for hell or heaven. 
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velveteeneffigy · 3 years
some general worldbuilding hellcanons (get it.........?)
• since Hell and Faerie are in opposite hemispheres of the world, their seasons are opposites. when it's summer in Faerie, it's winter in Hell.
• one year in Faerie/Hell is equal to 4 years on earth with each season essentially being 12 earth months long. our leap day is their New Year's, and is marked by a day long solar eclipse. during this time, all magic, astral and ethereal, becomes unstable, unpredictable, and essentially unusable
• day time in Faerie averages about twice as long as night time in summer, with days and nights being about equal in winter. the opposite is true in Hell, which sees twice as much nighttime as daylight.
• which is good, seeing as Eden, the capitol city of Hell, is located in the middle of a barren desert where daytime Temps can become unlivable even for native races and species.
• Eden is a sprawling mega city that draws inspiration from Las Vegas and Tokyo. since the population is most active at night, the city is lit by many different colorful lights and signs. buildings tend to be tall and modern, though architecture varies wildly between the old and new. demons who must go out during the blistering days may use a vast series of underground tunnels (inspired by and akin to the Toronto Path), however certain areas of these tunnels have been taken over by criminals in recent years.
• In the last hundred years or so, Eden has become a hot tourist destination for demons and even fae who enjoy nightlife, gambling, shopping, etc. think fantasy Vegas......... what happens in Eden stays in Eden. . . .
• Hell used to operate on a pretty strict class system based first on martial status, then wealth. over the years it's been seen as more and more outdated, though Lucifer's generals remain the highest ranking class in society below the Prince himself.
• this au is starting up about 6 months after Angel defeated the queen and lost her memories and magic, leaving Lucifer to take over the throne of Faerie. Lilith is currently running things in Hell, and Avarice and Ira are both still alive
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primedspecimen · 5 years
Also I’m gonna burst some ppls bubbles but like.
The only version of Primed that has freckles is Jankfish. Because they’re his Lorenzini (their electroreception bits--so they can sense the lil movements in the water). His moles as Jankfish are also Lorenzini and make his life difficult :/.
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revolverized · 5 years
more time compression hellcanons;
squall was basically blipping in and out of times. eras in the past, future, present, etc. cuz of this? he saw lots of people he knew, and sometimes they saw him. almost like a phantom, he wasnt around long enough to communicate with them (or call for help)
he hates the dissidia nt world because of this. the in and out portals to vastly different places remind him far too much of passing in and out of eras
he was a mess the first while after he got back, either unconscious or in a panic. it took a while for him to completely trust his surroundings again
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ardentglory · 6 years
most of my hellcanons and demon hcs and worldbuilding can be found here @asarot
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vaggie-enjoyer · 6 months
hellcanons pt 2: Wrath
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Yes, I know that the show will likely go in the dragon direction with Satan, but I did not find that out until I drew him up as a cowboy.. i mean... bullman. Satan is the first after Lucifer to fall. It comes about from him becoming angry at god for casting Adam and Ever out of the garden, and he tries to incite anger in them as well. Satan is blind in his main eyes, blinded in rage and all that, but he has a second pair of eyes on his nipples. Because I drew it as a joke but then thought that it was so funny that I kept it. Sorry. Satan has the largest day-to-day form, towering over the rest of hell's citizens. He keeps weapons from past attempts to kill him stuck in his back as proof that he cannot be defeated through combat. The markings on his face and shoulders are meant to be reminiscent of skulls.
Imps are the native hellborn race of Wrath, supposably born of the sand-lizards that live in it's dry feilds and deserts. Imps grow around 4 ft tall and live for around 70 years. They have large hands and thick scaly skin. Through genetic differences imps can have black or white hair or be bald, and be pedigrade or digitigrade. After sinners, Imps are the most populous race in hell. They can be found in every ring, and can reproduce quickly because they have short pregnancies (3 months) and multiples are common (10% of births) They are just little guys.
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musashi · 7 months
i found this channel and im fucking addicted
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nothingbut-heart · 6 years
In terms of demons, there are two options.  One, manifest a body of your own.  Two, possess someone.  Each has pros and cons.
In general Beelz operates in her own body (unless you are in the SPN fandom, or your headcanons demand that demons take vessels.).  While a manifested body is totally customizable, Beelz prefers to save energy and leave it ‘plain’.  There is no extra 'fluff’ to manifested body, which is a pro and a con.  The demon is able to tap into any power they may possess, but is more susceptible to actual damage.
Possessed bodies are borrowed matter.  They do start to break down after a while - depending on the strain a demon puts on them, it can lead to death.  The human is still inside.  A possessed body has little to no power, but can be vacated - preventing damage to the demon.
At this time Beelz is possessing a body.
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awfulheart · 6 years
Can a person live without a soul?
“Didn’t I just say I wasn’t going to talk about it?”
A theme I’ve been seeing in horror fiction recently is the idea that a person could lose their soul and not even really feel it.  (Like losing a kidney, you keep chugging on.)  I disagree with this?  I think the soul needs to be in the body to keep a person a person.  Without it, you lose who you are, you stop feeling, and you really aren’t much more than a zombie.  
Without a soul, things can get really ugly and unpredictable - which is what keeps a lot of demons from collecting up front.  (If you die before whatever allotted time runs out, you may be subject to some of reimbursement.  But demons are also assholes, and may find it more enjoyable to stand next to someone, gesture to everything that’s come out of the deal and make the contractee walk away from it.)
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