xy-art · 10 months
For Christmas I would like those gay French clowns mailed to me in a box
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anon since you’ve been such a delight throughout the year, i’m sending this one out early
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lady-sybella · 2 years
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His Fair Assassin love interests (3/4) — Balthazaar
↳ Balthazaar (/‘bælθəzɑːr/): of Akkadian origin meaning ‘Baal protects the King’.
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mogranet · 11 months
Assassins Creed – Brotherhood – Hellequin (Caha) Cosplay
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Koos Verkaik is back and he is back with yet another amazing and adventurous read that promises to keep you hooked, informed and above all glued to the book. Read our exclusive feature at https://buff.ly/3OVNscJ
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gothprentiss · 2 years
Symphonic Metal Sunday post a song I should listen to
symphonic metal sunday!!!
i have. two for you. sometimes a singular song can be conceptually plural
1) sirenia - sister nightfall
more goth metal, really— this was morten veland’s project immediately after leaving tristania (like a year turnaround)— but clearly on its way there. i really dig this album! there’s a lot going on, especially vocally, but i think the gloomy gloomy guitars keep it grounded. probably their best go at their songs from a cursed grotto vibe too. i WOULD dive and then sink and then plummet
2) after forever - tortuous threnody
now THIS is symphonic. actually it occurs to me now that this is sort of like, a great counterpart to the sirenia song bc these happen really close to each other (2002 and 2000 i think?) and around the time that like, you had bands that sounded like sirenia (+ tristania) and bands that were starting to go apeshit on symphonic elements. lost in the sauce of operatic vocals and so on. also i HAVE told you i think you should listen to epica and this is, in a sense, the first epica album (heavily written by mark jansen, literally some songs on this are part of a ‘suite’ that epica finished, obvious stylistic origins, etc.) and that’s neat i think!
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gamingartist4life · 2 years
Yeets Art to Prove I’m Not Dead
A collection of recent art I’ve done. Just so I have something new on my page wheeee. Also for all the Not Fucking Tolerated and Artificial Insufferable bros out there if I catch even a whiff of you I will punt you into the fucking sun. Art for my fellow artists under the cut. All characters belong to me.
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Alien Language Translation: Aralia! Your students are here!
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thatswhywelovegermany · 6 months
Frau Gauden
In the German region of the Prignitz, Frau Gauden (Mrs. Gauden) is the leader of the Wild Hunt. She leads this army of supernatural hunters together with her 24 dog-shaped daughters.
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The Wild Hunt, also known as the Wild Army or the Wild Ride, is the German name for a folk tale widespread in many parts of Europe, particularly in the north, which usually refers to a group of supernatural hunters who hunt across the sky. The sighting of the Wild Hunt has different consequences depending on the region. On the one hand, it is considered a harbinger of disasters such as wars, droughts or illnesses, but it may also refer to the death of anyone who witnesses it. There are also versions in which witnesses become part of the hunt or the souls of sleeping people are dragged along to take part in the hunt. The term “Wild Hunt” was coined based on Jacob Grimm’s German Mythology (1835).
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The phenomenon, which has significantly different regional manifestations, is known in Scandinavia as Odensjakt (“Odin's Hunt”), Oskorei, Aaskereia or Åsgårdsrei (“the Asgardian Train”, “Journey to Asgard”) and is closely linked to the Yule season here. The reference to Wotin/Odin in the name Wüetisheer (with numerous variations) is also clear in the Alemannic and Swabian dialects; In the Alps, people also speak of the Ridge Train. In England the train is called the Wild Hunt, in France it is called Mesnie Hellequin, Fantastic Hunt, Hunt in the Air, or Wild Hunt. Even in the French-speaking part of Canada, the Wild Hunt is known under the term Chasse-galerie. In Italian, the phenomenon is referred to as caccia selvaggia or caccia morta.
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The Wild Army or the Wild Hunt takes to the skies particularly in the period between Christmas and Epiphany (the Rough Nights), but Carnival, Corporal Lent and even Good Friday also appear as dates.
Christian dates have superseded the pagan dates, which see the Wild Hunt moving, especially during the Rough Nights. This period of time is assumed to be originally between the winter solstice, i.e. December 21st and, twelve nights later, January 2nd. In European customs, however, since Roman antiquity, people have usually counted from December 25th (Christmas) to January 6th (High New Year).
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The ghostly procession races through the air with a terrible clatter of screams, hoots, howls, wails, groans and moans. But sometimes a lovely music can be heard, which is usually taken as a good omen; otherwise the Wild Hunt announces bad times.
Men, women and children take part in the procession, mostly those who have met a premature, violent or unfortunate death. The train consists of the souls of people who died “before their time”, that is, caused by circumstances that occurred before natural death in old age. Legend has it that people who look at the train are pulled along and then have to move along for years until they are freed. Animals, especially horses and dogs, also come along.
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In general, the Wild Hunt is not hostile to humans, but it is advisable to prostrate yourself or lock yourself in the house and pray. Whoever provokes or mocks the army will inevitably suffer harm, and whoever deliberately looks out of the window, gaping at the army will have his head swell so much that he cannot pull it back into the house.
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The first written records of the Wild Hunt come from early medieval times, when pagan traditions were still alive. In 1091, a Normannic priest named Gauchelin wrote about the phenomenon, describing a giant man with a club leading warriors, priests, women and dwarfs, among them deseased acquaintances. Later references appear throughout the High and Late Middle Ages.
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 5 months
Im beyond pissed, tumblr crashed in the middle of me doing this so this is going to be so much shorter than I want it to be. NON RYOSHU RELATED POST ABOUT THE HEATHCLIFF. DON'T TAKE WHAT I SAY AS FACT I AM NOT QUALIFIED FOR THIS. LOOK AT THE LINKS I CITE FOR MORE INFORMATION! You can click them when their mentioned. Im not citing in the proper format. This was done on 5 hours of sleep, two eggs, and a box of banana milk.
The Erlkonig or Erlking is this figure in German Mythology who kidnapps children. When he touches you, he kills you. This poem made by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe then adapted to this song is what you see. Erlkoning Heathcliff is trying to intice Heathcliff to die by telling him that it's his fault Cathy is dead. All identities refer to the sinner as "child" when you look into their uptie stories. Mili and the singer of the video here use the same technique of changing the tone and pitch of their voice to differntiate two characters.
The Wild Hunt is a part of Norse Mythology where Odin, mounted on his sixed legged horse Sleipnir, goes through the forest. According to norse-mythology.org, anyone who gets caught up in The Wild Hunt, spotted or seen, gets carried away. Your soul will get incorporated into The Wild Hunt. We all know Erlking Heathcliff did, the rising of the bodies. The Wild Hunt is also mostly describe as having hounds, and who was a hound? Hindleys.
From the same website, on the page of Sleipnir reads,
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Also, the horse that heath rides on has a weird liney pattern on it's 4 legs that kind of look like that runestone. There's more connection here, I just don't want to type it again.
How did Project Moon mix two diffrent mythological ideas together? (Its not just two, they mixed so many more.) Meet human mistranslation and the progression of oral tradition and story telling throught time. I don't kno where to start. There was mistranslation poem when, according to ancient-origins.net Johann Gottfried Herder wrote a seperate ballad from the one I linked at the start called Erlkönigs Tochter.
The Anglo-Saxons were early German settlers. This is where things get messy because I have several more potential leaders of the Wild Hunt but here are two, King Herla and Herne The Hunter.
Herne The Hunter: Popularized by Shakespeare potentially from a play called The Merry Wives of Windsor. This man called Jacobb Grimm said that Hene The Hunter was related to Odin. Herne the hunter is this ghost. ( https://mythopedia.com/topics/herne-the-hunter ) Im trying to say there are other media that connect the Erlking to the Wild Hunt but its on Wikipedia so it makes it seem fishy. Another Link Here
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King Herla: A british king who attended a dwarf wedding. When he left the wedding, the world had changed. Unbeknowst to him, 300 years had passed and he was claimed to be missing. When his men tried to get off their horses, they turned into dust so they were stuck like that. Read it here, its short. Someone better and more credible than me summed the story up better than I did, historian Chrissy Senecal. Read right here. An additional link to cross refrence if you'd like. King Herla and Odin got conflated together when really, their diffrent people
I found this other website article about Wild Hunts which kind of brings me to the next thing, the Harlequinn. They weild clubs, their devils, the image of them is popularly joyful? Maybe goofy and lighthearted? Perhaps associated with cards? Matt, or Heathcliff's portrayal of Matt. Now, I'm looking at Wikipedia and I see this section.
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What do we have here? A mention of the Erlkönig, Dante's Inferno, masked, club weilding giant. Heathcliff's not giant but hes pretty tall, at least by my standards but whatever, im very short. DANTE'S INFERNO, Canto 11 and 12. What the fuck Project Moon, are you playing 5d chess?
Back on topic, Hellequin is the fairy king, and this figure pops up in German, French, Italian, and English folklore. I can't do proper research when all my search results are mixed with random junk and I'm becoming nutty. You will not normally be able to access this article without paying but here's the link anyways. Journal Article from this book on a section about horned deities made in 1922 speaks of a group of ghost riding, who are also huntsman.
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And also another mention of Dante's Inferno. The name, Herne The Hunter is mentioned again.
All and all, The link between The Erlkonig and The Wild Hunt isn't as wild and unexplainable as I originally thought. It's just so cool to see all these concepts intersect. There still so much to touch upon like the headless horseman refrence and the Dullahans, RYOSHU COMPARING THE WILD HUNT TO THE PARADE OF 100 SPIRTS, something along that line, I forgot the name. I'm just not the right person to yell about this but I will anyways. The writers mixed so many symbols of death into one character. Such a wild and nutty Canto. Thank you so much Project Moon.
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overlyimmersed · 6 months
🎁🎉🎂Happy Birthday Harlequin!🎂🎉🎁
Last year I designed an outfit for him, and I intend to do that this year as well, but since it took me till the 27th to finish Elaine's(her birthdays was the 15th) I'm not super confident that I'll have that finished on time. If I do, you're probably looking at that right now, but if not! Then at least this will be out on time.
Well that didn't work... My sleep schedual betrayed me and I didn't even get this posted on time... I meant to take a nap. I set 3 alarms. Did not work. Slept for 15 hours...
Anyway, this year, along side the outfit design, I'll also be doing an analysis that I've been wanting to do for quite a long while.
A name analysis!
Most of the characters in The Seven Deadly Sins -at least the important ones- have names relating to Arthurian myth, as the story is kind a based in it. But this, oddly enough, doesn't apply to almost any of the Fairies, even Harlequin -AKA "King"- despite him being one of the titular characters.
Meliodas and Ban are the fathers of two of Arthur's knight, Tristian and Lancelot respectively, Merlin is Merlin, iirc there are two different Escanors depending on the story, and Gowther is...apparently Merlin's half-brother according a glance at google... Diane's namesake is a little harder to track down, but she's not directly Arthurian either from what I can gather. As far as I know the only Fairy who does align with Arthurian myth is Elaine, but the Elaine that's Ban's wife is not the only Elaine you'll find in Arthurian stories, it was a common name.
Most people know the word "harlequin". Simply put it's a french clown.
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-Oh and apparently also a duck XD
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Not everyone who knows that, knows where the word comes from, or what the king of the Fairies would have it for a name.
The origin of the word is actually a lot older than the french clown concept and isn't actually french all the way back. here's what Google has to say;
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"late 16th century: from obsolete French, from earlier Herlequin (or Hellequin ), the name of the leader of a legendary troop of demon horsemen; perhaps ultimately related to Old English Herla cyning ‘King Herla’, a mythical figure sometimes identified with Woden."
I actually learned this from a youtube video some years back, by Overly Sarcastic Productions. It's a Halloween episode discussing the concept of the "Wild Hunt". I highly recommend the video and the channel as a whole, they're really great, very funny and you learn a lot. The video is a little under 17 minutes long, though, so if you're only interested in the part relevant this analysis jump to 11:05 in the video.
For anyone who doesn't want to watch that and would rather read me summerize it, in the video it's explained that the Scandinavian version of the Wild Hunt is called "Odin's Hunt" but in Old English it's called "Herlaþing" which means "Herla's Assembly". Herla being a King of the Britons who makes a deal with a dwarf where the two attend each other's weddings. The dwarf is a perfect guest at Herla's wedding and the following year Herla goes to the dwarf kingdom to return the favor. When he leaves the dwarf gives him a hunting dog and warns him not to get off his horse till the dog does. When they get back the dog doesn't get off the horse, Herla asks a random person they pass how his wife is doing only to find out that 3 days in dwarfland = 300 years in humanland. Some of his men are shocked and get off their horses, only to age to dust when they touch the ground, so Herla is stuck riding his horse for eternity.
The concept of an eternal wander was popular and in the 11th century a french monk/chronicler used the phrase "Familia Herlequin" to describe a host of demons pursuing a monk, lead by a masked giant. This masked hunt leader would evolve into the character we now know as a "harlequin", a trickster character is french passion plays.
God, king and trickster presented as a fool, that actually kinda tracks, doesn't it?
And that, is why the king of the Fairies is named Harlequin.
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spouseoftherisingsun · 5 months
at some point i'm going to have to make my own adaptation of arthurian legend that is heavily focused on and biased toward morgan le fay and when i do - okay i may have to do two, actually. one that's deep and dignified and imaginative and explores how her role gets twisted due to misogyny and that really digs into like her relationships to the other major characters and pulls together all the contradictory elements of her various characterizatons, and then one that's like essentially a harem anime about the bisexual knights living in her dungeon waiting for mistress to come home and getting jealous and catty over lancelot, sebile, oberon/hellequin/etc
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xy-art · 1 year
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Based on this bc it feels a little accurate to him meeting people
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sabrerine911 · 1 year
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Lord Adas(SW OC) commission I did for Jester-Hellequin Commissions are open Pm me if interested
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harlequin-eldritchkin · 6 months
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Source: Harley Screws Up the DCU
harlequin (n):
1580s, Harlicken, one of the stock characters of Italian commedia dell'arte, from Italian Arlecchino or one of its variants (Arlechin, Arlechì, etc.)
A 19th century theory proposes it to be from Old French Herlequin, Hellequin, etc., leader of la maisnie Hellequin (the household of Hellequin) a troop of demons who rode the night air on horses. The English form of the name is Hurlewain.
Source: Etymonline
It was more of a broken down wooden box of a time machine, but she sure did ride that proverbial horse through hell!
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mask131 · 1 year
The folklore of Normandy: Wild Hunts
Taken from Amélie Bosquet’s “The Normandy of dreams and wonders: traditions, legends and superstitions of this province” (1845)
Article: “Les Chasses Fantastiques” (The Fantastical Hunts, the French equivalent of “The Wild Hunt”)
It is said that sometimes, in the silence of the night, a powerful and terrifying noise can be heard through the air. It is not thunder roaring, it is not the whistling of the storm - it is a confusion of sour, booming, discordant, tumultuous noises that suddenly explode and wake up everybody on a very large area.
When thsi gigantic choir gets closer to earth, and that one can hear clearly what it is made of, they will recognize high-pitched screams, and mockeries, and heart-breaking laments, and hoarse shoutings, and frenetic laughter, and deep wailing, and loud strangling, and the voice of over-excited children. 
To all those different human voices (or imitations of human voices), people will also hear the sounds of bird of preys, the howl of dogs, the galloping of horses, and sinister music taken out of horns and trumpets. The mystery of this cacophony is revealed when one sees the strange phantoms that cause it... This is the superstition of the fantastical hunts. 
In Normandy, this phenomenon is called by different names. The most common names are “Chasse Proserpine” or “Chasse Chéserquine”, “Chasse Caïn”, “Chasse Arthur” or “Chasse Artus” (The Hunt of Proserpine, the Hunt of Cain, the Hunt of Arthur). But there are others: Chasse Saint-Hubert, Chasse Saint-Eustache, Chasse du Diable, Chasse de la Mère Harpine, Chasse Hennequin, Mesgnie Hellequin, Mesgnie Herlequin. 
When the peasant of Normandy hears above his roof the vile horde led by Proserpina or Mère Harpine (Mère means “Mother”, Harpine is a word based on “Harpy”), if he ever has the mistake - maybe possessed by some diabolical vertigo - to cry “Part en chasse!” (Go hunt!/ Go hunting!), then the spirits will answer his call and throw a piece of corpse down his chimney. Because this is what this hideous witch goes “hunting” at night - entering cemeteries with her cursed group and digging up corpses out of their graves to eat them and use them in their perverse games. Some of the men that had shouted the forbidden “Part en chasse!” as Proserpina was flying through the air, found the following morning half of a man nailed to their door. The men who found this repulsive offering quickly tried to get rid of it, by un-hooking it from their door and throwing the half-corpse into the river - but as soon as they came back home, the infernal meat was back in its original place. Throwing it again in the river will be of no use. You can do it twenty times, the half-body will still be back on your door. There is only one solution: let the rotting half on your door, where it will become a sign for the malevolent spirit - a sign telling them they can gather around this house... However, if you leave the body nine days on your house, it is said that Proserpine herself will come back to take her “gift” again, upon noticing that it wasn’t consumed or used in any way.
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Act II, Track 02 - Pledging Loyalty
Song links: Spotify - YT Music - Apple - Tidal
A tension-filled scene. What does this mysterious stranger want?
[Apollonius:] Born beneath the eastern sun, river nymph conceived me God Surya, hear thy son, as I call to greet thee Let me introduce myself: I am Apollonius Raise your people, raise them high Slowly they are falling into boredom Hear them cry, silently they're calling Caesar, I am here for thee, pledging you my loyalty
He wants to help Seth and be his advisor. The people, as he points out, are safe and well-fed, but also bored. Apollonius can help with that, semi-divine magician that he is. Next he says something that I'm sure is no cause for concern at all:
[Apollonius:] I am Apollonius - insincere and devious Showing who I am [People at the palace:] Truly unbelievable And so inconceivable Insincere and devious
Wow, unbelievable! He says he's untrustworthy, I think that means we can trust him!
The last line the people say is missing from the written text, but I'm pretty sure they sing: "Join us, Apollonius!"
Seth doesn't have to think for very long before he answers:
[Seth:] Join me, Apollonius Everyone will follow on our path When both of us reach a new tomorrow [Seth & Apollonius:] You and I will be as one Brothers on the human throne
Apollonius was, according to Christofer, sent by Satan to help Seth, but this isn't stated explicitly in the album inlay or the text.
He is played by Marcus Jupither, who is one of the more famous Swedish opera singers. Fans of the band may remember him from the song Hellequin (2010). Opera fans from Karlstad, on the other hand, may remember him from Das Rheingold:
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Marcus Jupither photographed by Mats Bäcker // matsbacker.se
Probably not what he usually looks like, but this picture is so much cooler than a regular outfit and fits his role in BA better.
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gamingartist4life · 1 year
I drew Hellequin
Work has been mean and constant so with finally having a few days off I immediately needed to draw a comfort character idk what compelled me to do a near complete style 180 with this but I think it slaps so
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Lyrics from Dream Boy by Waterparks
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[Image I.D.: A canine anthro character with pink, neon tie dye and dark maroon markings, eyebrow and ear piercings, and neon pink eyes. They wear blue and pink bolero sleeves, a blue thong, a strappy blue harness around their chest and thighs holding up fish net stockings. They have fingerless mesh gloves and bracelets and a choker with a thin chain that they hold in their hand up behind their head. Their face looks at the viewer at an angel, their body sits to the side. Their forward arm hangs low, relaxed. Their forward leg stretches out and up, their back leg is curled close. Their tail is tucked under and up between their legs. They sit in front of a pink glowing heart. The shading is really extreme, bright neon pink and blue rim lighting. There are two versions. One has no text, the other has pink glowy text that says "Am I the boy you dreamed of?". End Image I.D.]
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