#hello!! i love lady dwarves with full beards!!
naberiie · 6 years
I made a pinterest board for Vistra Frost-beard, my ex-sailor, cleric of Heimdall dwarf; here are some Bonus Fun Facts(tm):
they go by they/them or she/her; you can tell based on the size/length/number of plaits in their hair and beard!
they were a chaplain on various trading ships and have been all over the world
they know a LOT of people! and have unofficially adopted many many children
including the other player characters in our campaign
the reason they stopped sailing? they fell in love with a woman in a port town; the trinket they carry is from her :’)
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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I guess this is my “happy end” for Carewyn and Orion for that LOTR AU (once again started by @drinkyoursoupbitch​​ and @no-moon-nor-stars​)! Pictured are the newly crowned king of Gondor, Orion II Elessar, and his love, the current Steward and future Queen of Gondor, Carewyn Cromwell-Took! (Previous part here!)
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When Orion, Ben, Wendy, Charlie, and their allies from Gondor and Rohan charged to the gates of Mordor, there was almost no hope of success. As the final battle raged on, however, wave after wave of reinforcements arrived -- Treebeard and the Ents Carewyn had befriended in the Forest of Fangorn; an army of men led by Barnaby Lee and an army of elves from Mirkwood, who came to support Fellowship members Selene and Artemis Clair de Lune; a battalion of dwarves led by the new King Duncan Stonehelm of Erebor; a militia of men from Dale led by Carewyn’s friend, Lord Andre; the eagles, ridden by both Gandalf and Carewyn’s long-lost brother, Jacob Cromwell-Took, who brought along some white magic of his own to blind and beat back the Orc advance; and Selene and Artemis themselves, who -- after smuggling Smeagol, Bill, and Cedric inside Mordor -- infiltrated the wall over the dark city and attacked Sauron’s dark army from above. Then the final blow was dealt against Sauron -- the Ring was destroyed, and with the destruction of Sauron also came the annihilation of Mordor. The day was won.
The triumphant army returned to the stronghold of Minas Tirith as heroes. As happy as Carewyn was to see Ben, Wendy, Charlie, and Orion safe, however, she was overwhelmed beyond words by who else greeted her at the gates of the capital.
Carewyn flung her arms out wide, rushing to Charlie and throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“You did it!” she said, her wide ruby red smile echoing in every word. “You all did it!”
Charlie squeezed his old friend tightly. “We did it. We couldn’t have done it without you, Carey -- if you hadn’t sent for reinforcements -- ”
“Carewyn Cromwell-Took.”
Carewyn looked up. Standing before her was Duncan, his lips spread into a mischievous grin through his now much-thicker brown beard. He’d had his thick arms crossed, but when Carewyn swept over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck in a huge hug, they fell lax at his sides.
“It’s good to see you, Duncan,” murmured Carewyn.
The young King of Erebor’s expression faltered somewhat, betraying genuine affection despite himself, as he brought his arms around her in return and held her like a dear younger sister he hadn’t seen in years.
Andre came up as well, opening his arms wide to ensnare Carewyn in a hug of his own.
“Look at you, Carewyn!” he said, looking over her new Steward attire and grinning. “One would hardly recognize you as the hobbit who escaped a band of orcs and wargs by floating yourself and your friends down the river in barrels...”
Carewyn bit back a laugh. “Not my most glamorous moment.”
“Artemis! Selene!”
Ben’s voice caught Carewyn’s attention. Riding in on fresh horses were their elfin friends, both looking very tired and beaten down, but with smiling, alight faces at the sight of them. Artemis made a beeline for Ben, leaping off his horse so as to throw both of his arms around him. Once Selene had embraced Wendy, she bend down to hug Carewyn as well.
“It’s felt so long, since we saw you last,” said Selene, “longer than I even know how to express. I think I now know why people with mortal lives act like they have no time at all...”
“I know -- it’s felt like years, somehow,” agreed Wendy.
A loud cry overhead signaled the arrival of the eagles. Carewyn beamed when she caught sight of Gandalf’s white robes -- but she was taken aback by the sound of a familiar, hoarse voice.
It was Bill. He rode the eagle behind Gandalf and looked even more exhausted and worn than the Clair de Lune twins, but his freckled face was just as bright and his eyes were flooding with tears.
Both Carewyn and Charlie barreled over. Bill didn’t even wait for his eagle to fully land, instead launching him off of its back and hobbling with difficulty over to them, throwing his slightly longer legs backward and forward in precarious, reckless strides until he’d reached them. The three red-haired hobbits all threw themselves forward, seizing onto each other’s shirts and arms and squeezing each other’s shoulders in a vice grip.
“Charlie -- ” Bill choked through his flood of tears, “Carey -- ”
“Oh, Bill,” whispered Carewyn. “You did it -- you and Cedric -- ”
“I knew you could do it,” Charlie murmured proudly, clutching at his older brother’s back. “I always knew -- ”
Carewyn blinked back the traces of tears in her eyes, turning her gaze to the rest of the eagles landing. Her eyes softened in relief seeing Gandalf carrying a sleeping Cedric under his arm. Then she caught sight of the rider disembarking the eagle just behind Gandalf, and all trace of a smile vanished.
The final rider was a hobbit about a head shorter than Bill, dressed in worn gray robes one would be more likely to associate with a wizard. His black-brown curls had grown as long as a dwarf’s, sweeping down his back, and his eyes had been hollowed out like a skull’s, but they still sparkled the same shade of blue as Carewyn’s. His face was very white and weakly smiling, almost anxious, as he faced her.
“Wyn,” breathed Jacob.
All dignity forgotten, Carewyn flung herself out of both Weasley brothers’ arms. She tripped over the long skirt of her dress several times, but she didn’t care -- she would’ve tripped a thousand times more over, just to --
The two Cromwell-Tooks clung onto each other so tightly that it was like they never wanted to let each other go again. Jacob anchored a trembling hand on the back of his little sister’s head as he struggled not to completely break down.
“Oh Wyn -- my little Wyn -- ”
He pulled away at last, running his thumbs over her cheeks as his tear-filled blue eyes scanned her face.
“Look at you -- you’re a real lady! Shining like the Lady of Lothlorian herself...”
“You’re alive,” choked Carewyn. “I can’t believe you’re alive -- ”
The two Cromwell-Tooks looked up as Duncan rushed forward, his eyes very wide and his face very pale under his dark beard.
Jacob’s blue eyes sparkled. “...Hello, Ashy.”
Carewyn had expected Duncan to perhaps run forward and hug Jacob too -- instead, when he reached Jacob, he immediately grabbed hold of his pointed ear and yanked hard.
“Owowowow -- !”
“You blasted IDIOT!” swore Duncan. “Disappearing like that -- let me guess, you got in over your head again, as per usual? How can you be so smart and yet so bloody daft!?”
“Owwww! Let go, will you?!”
Carewyn brought a hand up to wipe away the tear forming in her right eye as she looked up at Gandalf, who was smiling warmly.
“It seems your brother, like me, had battles to fight in fire and shadows,” he said. “Fortunately, like me...he also found his way back. He’s become quite a talented magician, for a hobbit -- I suspect he’ll be able to conjure up quite enough fireworks, for the next party in the Shire...”
“Thank you for bringing him back to me, Gandalf,” said Carewyn softly.
She then turned to the soldiers and courtiers who had escorted her to the city wall.
“Come -- let’s get Cedric a bed and proper medical attention. And prepare a hearty meal, in the main hall -- our King and his friends need it.”
Soon after was Orion’s coronation at the white Citadel of Minas Tirith. Representatives from many kingdoms -- Man, Dwarf, and Elf alike -- all came for the celebration. Once he was crowned, Orion bestowed honors onto all of his companions in the Fellowship of the Ring and all of the allies who had fought with them when things were at their most desperate. He vowed to the citizens of Gondor that he would do everything in his power to rule with patience, tenacity, loyalty, and fire and bring peace and balance to their world.
The coronation party afterwards was full of singing, dancing, and a great feast, where the Fellowship reconvened merely as friends, rather than soldiers. At one point, when Carewyn got up to speak with Merula, the new Captain of Gondor’s Guard, Cedric noticed something he hadn’t before.
“...Say, you all,” the youngest hobbit said with a frown, “who did Carewyn promise her heart to?”
Everyone in the Fellowship went stock still. Ben and Charlie immediately moved as if to hush Cedric, but it was too late.
“What?!” yelped Bill.
Carewyn’s best friend whirled on both Ben and Charlie, looking both beside himself and absolutely incredulous.
“You knew about this?”
Orion had gone very pale, his eyes darting around at each of the hobbits and Ben as he tried to make sense of what he was hearing. Artemis and Selene both looked at each other with a frown.
“‘Promise her heart?’“ said Artemis, bewildered.
Selene glanced at Carewyn and then gave an “oh!”
“Her left ring finger,” said the female elf. “If Hobbit tradition is anything like ours...Carewyn is engaged!”
“When did THIS happen?” Bill was still interrogating Ben and Charlie -- despite him only being about two heads taller than Charlie and much shorter than Ben, both men looked equally taken aback by his volume and level of passion. “What happened?”
“It’s not what it looks like!” said Charlie hastily. “That is -- well, yeah, she put it there, but -- I mean -- ”
Orion was barely taking in much of what anyone was saying -- his mind was moving too quickly.
Carewyn...was engaged? If she’d promised her heart, was that...like a betrothal? When had this happened? Had she been proposed to while she was in Gondor alone, while he was away? Had she always been betrothed, since before they’d met? To who?
Orion found himself clutching his own hands as he closed his eyes and tried in vain to stabilize his breathing. His thoughts were always way too loud and way too fast, when he was anxious...
He was startled out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder. It was Wendy.
“Come on,” said the dark-haired shieldmaiden under her breath with a smile, “let’s go for a walk -- it’s getting too loud in here.”
And so Wendy steered the new King out of the hall and out onto one of the balconies of the White Tower. It didn’t take long for Carewyn to notice Wendy leaving with Orion and, noticing how very ill and upset he suddenly looked, she quickly ended her conversation with Merula and left the hall after them. She found the two talking at the balcony -- Wendy noticed as soon as Carewyn arrived and rather quickly excused herself with a pat to Orion’s shoulder and a smile at Carewyn.
“Carey, would you please tend to His Majesty?” said Wendy, a wry twinkle in her eye. “You seem to have a special touch with him."
Carewyn watched her go with a swish of her long dark hair, frowning in confusion. Rather than dwell on it, however, she immediately turned her focus back to Orion. He looked so pale...
She reached out a hand to him.
“Is everything all right?” she asked, her blue eyes very concerned.
When she’d reached out to him, Orion’s gaze had flown immediately down to her hand and to the ring on her finger.
His eyes widened.
It was his ring. The Ring of Barahir he had given her, before she’d first left for Gondor with Gandalf. Naturally, it being made by Elves, it had enough magic to shrink or grow to the proper size, so it fit her finger just as well as it had his.
The ring that Cedric had thought represented some sort of romantic promise...was his ring.
It took a moment for Orion to catch his breath again. Once he’d managed to compose himself enough, he bent down so as to properly look Carewyn in the eye. He took her hand, trailing his thumb over the ring on her finger, as he led her closer to him. Although he managed to keep his voice level somehow, his lightly tanned face was still very white and his hand holding hers was trembling.
"...Carewyn...” he murmured, “the way you wear my ring...is there...a meaning to it?"
Carewyn blinked in surprise. Then her face relaxed, and she offered a small smile even as her cheeks darkened with a flush and her eyes rested on his shoulder and not his face.
 "...Yes. For hobbits, it represents a promise of one's heart -- one stronger than time, life, or death.”
Her eyes drifted down to their joined hands.
“...It was that promise...that was in my heart when I pledged my fealty to Gondor. When Denethor heard me pledge myself to 'my lord', ‘til he release me or death take me..."
She smiled wryly.
"...he was unaware that, in my own mind at least, I already had a lord to be loyal to."
Orion’s eyes widened. Carewyn raised her head at last, her face much more solemn despite the softness in her eyes.
"Even if just as your friend,” she said very seriously, “my heart is yours, my king."
She lifted their hands, adjusted them so that Orion’s was on top, and placed a feather-light kiss to the back of his hand.
For a moment, all Orion could do was stare. His dark eyes trailed over Carewyn’s face, lingering on her eyes and her ruby red lips -- then, his pale face flushing with a kind of emotion Carewyn had never seen before, he swept forward. His hands found her cheeks, cupping them gently as he leaned in and placed a tender, lingering kiss to her forehead.
“My lady,” he breathed, his eyes half-lidded and shining upon hers, “you are far...far more than a friend to me. And I hope that you’ll consent to be far more, as well...for among both Men and Elves...”
His eyes flickered down to her lips and then back to her eyes, in a move that almost suggested shyness.
“...the place you wear my ring...could also be seen as the mark of an engagement...were it to host a different band."
Carewyn stared at Orion.
“You...you’d want to marry a hobbit?” she asked, her voice very soft and stunned.
Orion’s eyes softened with some amusement despite himself. “I would like to marry you. If you’ll have me.”
“If I’ll -- ?”
Carewyn looked flabbergasted.
“Orion...I’m just a halfling -- you’re a king. More importantly, you’re...you. You’re gentle, and noble, and wise...”
“And you are warm and resourceful...and braver than anyone I’ve ever known in my life,” Orion cut her off gently.
His gaze flickered down to her lips again self-consciously. For all of his confidence as a Ranger, a warrior, a general, and even a king, Orion found himself oddly fretful and uncertain, in that moment -- as if he was standing on the edge of a cliff and would either fall to his death or soar up into the clouds, were he to jump.
“I realize that hobbits...rarely marry outside their own kind...especially to Men -- but just as I could see no one else as my Steward...I can’t think of anyone else I would ever ask to be my Queen.”
Her face flushed and her eyes sparkling like stars, Carewyn brought a hand up to rest on his cheek. She cradled his face with her hand as she bent her head just enough to rest her forehead against the king’s.
“Orion...I could not think of a single greater gift or treasure in this world than to be yours.”
Orion felt as though a weight he’d been carrying for ages had suddenly been lifted off of his chest. He exhaled, his eyes fluttering closed absently as he leaned lightly back against her hand on his face.
One hand sank into the shoulder of her red and white velvet dress, while the other trailed affectionately along her cheek. Carewyn closed her own eyes, smiling fondly.
“I love you,” she whispered, a mere breath away from his lips.
She kissed the side of his temple, and then his nose and his lips. Without opening his eyes, Orion found himself mirroring her, littering her face with kisses as he trailed his hand along her cheek and through her hair. Several times their lips met, sometimes chastely, sometimes deeply, but always through the gentlest, warmest, happiest smile -- as though their hearts were both fit to burst from happiness.
A week later, Carewyn was crowned queen of Gondor, to the delight of her new people. Regardless of her heritage, the people of Gondor had not forgotten her courage and leadership in the midst of the War Against Sauron, and over the years, their affection for their “little queen” only grew. (This didn’t mean that she ever became very well-regarded in the Shire -- truthfully, someone that worldly and strong-willed would never really have belonged there. Most Shire folk didn’t dislike her, of course, but it was still a little uncomfortable to be associated with someone so thoroughly unlike the traditional image of a hobbit. The clear exception to this rule, however, was any hobbit with the last name “Weasley,” who were all always welcome in the kingdom of Gondor.)
One looking back on the reign of King Orion II Elessar and Queen Carewyn Dilthenrís could almost wonder if their romance -- however peculiar it was -- was written in the stars. After all...one translation for the name “Carewyn” is “white tower” -- like the fabled tower of the Citadel at Minas Tirith where she first inspired her future King’s people.
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xxbyimm · 4 years
A tale as old as time - Bard the bowman x OC
Check out my Masterlist!
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Hello dear people of Tumblr!!! I needed a break from all the work I yet have to write, because every time I look at my existing projects, my mind goes into full panic mode. So I asked myself what I wanted to do instead and just went with it. The world just doesn’t have enough Bard the bowman content, BUT I AM HERE FOR IT! 
I do hope y’all enjoy! xoxo
A tale as old as Time - Bard x OC - Chapter 1: Esgaroth upon the Long Lake.
Summary:  How could he never have noticed her before? Because after just one single glance at this lady and her breathtaking eyes, these bowman’s nights grow long and restless. He considers himself to be too old for infatuations like this, but yet there he is, watching her from a safe distance and craving her touch. Bard is determined to sit this one out, to wait until these unwanted feelings fade away… But we all know what happens when you’re trying to avoid someone in a small town…
Warnings: Not really. Alfrid being creepy as fuck, but that isn’t surprising??
Taglist: @soradragon​ @pistachiozombie​ @legolaslovely​ @tomisbaeholland​ @saviorsong​ @swoopswishsward​ @fizzyxcustard​ @deepestfirefun​ @ruthoakenshield​ @mariannetora​   Furthermore: @marvel-ous-hobbit​ @tigereyesf​ @aryaarathornson​  showed interest so I’m giving you lovelies a tag! If you don’t wish to be tagged anymore, please let me know! Or if you’re not on the list and want to be tagged: check out my lists and I’d like to hear which list you want in on!
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When her father had suggested that the family could use a new start, surely he did not mean… this?
Brea’s grey eyes glanced over the market water and she watched the people bustling about, chattering with one another while examining goods. Her platinum blonde hair hung in a loose braid over her shoulders. The embroidered green dress she had chosen this morning was still a bit too thin during this time of the year, but Brea had been determined to wear it. Her mother did not approve of her daughter’s choice, nor did Mîrhel, wife of Brenion, like the fact that her daughter hadn’t planned on wearing her winter coat as well. The loud, shrieky protests still rung in Brea’s ears.
The eldest daughter of Brenion and Mîrhel shivered and drew the woolly, knitted shawl closer to her body. This place was so cold. Perhaps she should have listened to her mother anyway and brought her coat, but here she was… making her own mistakes. If anything, returning home and telling Mîrhel she was right, wasn’t an option. So for a moment, Brea faced the cold in stride and listened to the local fishermen banter about the weather conditions, their wives and other unimportant matters.
She did not mean to come across as a spoiled brat, but from the moment her father had started preaching about the grand Esgaroth upon the Long Lake, she had imagined a collision of elven and human culture, a rich town which still bore the remnants of the dwarves who had occupied the area long ago. A majestic city, built upon the ruins of Dale.
Lake-town and its’ inhabitants however, was nothing like that. It was a poor place, the houses built upon structures of wooden poles and decks. The people solely relied on their trades with the elves of Mirkwood and the dwarves in the Iron hills, that is if you didn’t count the fish the lake had to offer. Everyone seemed to settle for a simple life and not a noble, meaningful one that (at least in Brea’s opinion) would be so much more satisfying. So as she regarded the fishermen and their merry banter, Brea wondered briefly if these people were even able to think beyond the daily struggle of survival, as the living conditions here were a lot more harsh than she was used to. She pursed her lips together. Compared to her former home of Minas Tirith, she couldn’t help but find Lake-town a bit… disappointing.
It was safe to say that the constant odour of dead fish and the earthly undertones of rotting wood weren’t helping Brea’s view of Lake-town. To make matters even worse, Esgaroth was a terribly cold place. Before, father always had claimed that there was nothing a warm hearth couldn’t cure, but it seemed they never had experienced this particular clammy cold that chilled you to the bones, for not even the winters in Minas Tirith were this wet. It didn’t matter how high you stoked the fire or how well dressed you were. Everyone suffered the same cold.
So if their lives had turned so miserable during these past few weeks, why stay? Why would a family leave the relatively safe borders of Gondor and venture this far north? Why would they risk being robbed, or worse: being killed on the dangerous road towards their destiny? Mother had asked herself this question a hundred times and the answer had always been the same. There hadn’t been a choice, nor could they ever go back home. And for that, Brea was to blame.
A gust of wind travelled over the market water and Brea shivered once more. Though spring had finally set in, even on afternoons like this the weather conditions were treacherous. One could still easily catch a cold. Besides, her mother had insisted her eldest daughter should be back for teatime. She was lucky that Mîrhel had asked her to collect shoes from the cobbler anyway. Since her latest mishaps, Brea wasn’t allowed to go out without a chaperone. It didn’t matter how many times she told her parents that this was a different town, she would do things differently now… They still merely shook their heads and shooed her away.
Brea continued her way around the market water again. The cobbler’s shop lied west of the market, near the town’s gatehouse. Her mother’s instructions had been clear: Brea should inspect the shoes before handing the townsman the money that was owed. If the repair wasn’t living up to the expectations, the poor soul should be payed less. Whatever these expectations might be… She heaved a sigh and trotted over the quays towards her destination. Just before the market, she took a left turn into a small street. She only had been in this part of town once, but if she remembered it correctly the cobbler occupied a shop just further along the way. She narrowed her eyes and tried to spot the little sign to make sure she was going the right direction.
‘My lady Brea, daughter of Brenion.’ A nasty voice called just behind her. Brea whirled around and eyed the hateful man to whom this speech belonged to. The chap was of moderate height, had pitch black hair that was rather greasy and eyes that were dark and looming. Though the stubble on his cheeks did indicate that he did maintain his beard (or he wasn’t able to grow one, she wasn’t sure), he somehow had decided that sporting a unibrow was the way to attract the ladies. Surely this guy was unmarried, because if he would have had a wife, she surely would not let him creep around town looking like this. And definitely not in those dark, slimy clothing that should have been laundered weeks ago.
‘Alfrid.’ She replied while suppressing a shiver. ‘How lovely to see you again.’ ‘Oh, the pleasure is all mine.’ He ensured her with a crooked smile, showing off the yellowest teeth in Middle Earth. ‘Your presence is always a delight.’ She inclined her head, silently sending prayers to the Gods to let this man leave her alone. ‘Thank you.’ ‘So you’re out and about?’ Alfrid went on, his dark eyes piercing through hers. ‘On your own, I might add?’ ‘Our maid was busy and my mother needed someone to collect her shoes.’ Brea said. ‘I’m happy to help.’ ‘I’m sure you are. But I happen to know that your father has told the master you can’t go anywhere without a chaperone.’ The master’s deputy declared. Brea shrugged, not feeling the slightest inclination to let this nasty man stick his awful nose in her business. ‘I guess when we first moved here, my parents redeem Lake-town as less safe for young maidens like myself than our hometown of Minas Tirith. You see, you never know on which corner there might be an assailant lurking.’ Alfrid thought on it for a second, but did not seem to include himself in the category described to him. ‘There are no scoundrels in this town, I daresay, miss. Except from the occasional bargeman.’ ‘That’s a relief.’ Brea answered before turning away. ‘I think my parents must feel the same, which explains why I’m allowed to run some errands. With that being said, I must be on my way now, good sir.’ His hand grabbed her sleeve firmly, causing Brea to hiss in pain. ‘Not so hasty, miss.’ He told her. ‘The decks can be quite slippery in this part of town. I will gladly escort you.’
More slippery than the motives of this guy? Unlikely.
‘Oh, that is very kind of you, but you must have more important, pressing tasks that need tending to.’ Brea replied quickly, while gently pulling her arm away from his hold. ‘I’m sure I’ll manage.’
She did not wait for a reply and started walking in the way of the cobbler’s shop again. The heavier footsteps behind hers told her that Alfrid was quite the persevering type. She suppressed a sigh and quickened her pace. ‘I saw your little sister today.’ Alfrid remarked. ‘Oh?’ Brea murmured, finally setting her eyes on the sign, her destination. ‘She was wandering the market with the eldest spawn of Bard.’ The master’s deputy told you. ‘I must warn you about that bargeman and his kin.’ Though Brea wasn’t interested in the slightest, she did feel inclined to ask anyway. For Jen’s sake it was better if she knew something was wrong before their parents did. ‘What about them?’ ‘They are vile people, troublemakers. No respect for the authorities, so to speak. Your parents should not allow your sister to associate with that family.’
Brea paused and turned around to face the ugly man. Her grey eyes bore into his dark ones. She knew her sister had an excellent sense of character: Jen would never associate herself with the wrong people. Unlike her big sister, who only seemed to attract the worst of humanity itself. The prove of that point was standing right before her. ‘I will talk to her.’ She finally replied rather haughtily. ‘But I am fairly sure-’ Alfrid wasn’t looking at her anymore. Brea followed his gaze over the canal.
There was a man standing on the deck on the other side. Though it seemed he was just minding his own business, arms folded and casually leaning against a wall of one of the homes, his glare was directed at the spot they stood. The man had a tall, strong build and dark hair that reached his shoulders. From such a distance she couldn’t tell the colour of his eyes, but they seemed mysteriously dark. A familiar yearning feeling settled in the pit of her stomach and Brea licked her lips.
‘Will you leave this poor woman alone, Alfrid?’ The man finally spoke in a gruff tone. ‘She clearly doesn’t want your affections.’ ‘This is the troublemaker I was telling you about, miss Brea!’ The master’s deputy spat. ‘He gives us nothing but revolts and misery!’ Brea could not hide her grin and she immediately liked this bargeman. Not only was he very easy on the eye, Alfrid seemed to hate him. Perhaps if she became acquainted with this man, that rat would leave her alone. ‘It’s nice to meet you, master Bard.’ She said, while making a curtsey. ‘I am Brea, daughter of Brenion the merchant. We’re new in town.’ ‘The pleasure is mine.’ He replied, a rueful smile adorning his face. ‘I think I have seen you at the market with your mother a few times before, but we never spoke.’ ‘And let’s keep it that way, shall we!’ Alfrid broke in and he glared nastily at Bard before grabbing Brea’s arm and dragging her along with him. Brea shot a helpless glance behind her only to discover that the bargeman was gone. She winced when the master’s deputy squeezed her wrist too hard, but the latter one didn’t seem to notice. He paced over the decks, trotting the eldest daughter of Brenion along all while mumbling to himself. ‘This beautiful young lady doesn’t need her reputation shattered by that smug, lowly piece of filth. I will tell the master what he-’ Brea groaned, this time slowly peeling his cold, clammy fingers from her wrist. Alfrid didn’t seem to notice and went on grumbling about the wrongdoings of this poor Bard fellow. She couldn’t imagine what he had done to set a character like Alfrid off, but it surely would be something ridiculous.
By the time she had freed herself from the master’s deputy’s slimy touch, they were standing before the cobbler’s shop. ‘Here we are, miss Brea.’ Alfrid made a little bow and showed her his huge, yellow teeth again. ‘I will wait outside to escort you home.’ ‘Oh, that’s not necessary.’ Brea said sweetly. ‘I will probably need to stop by the tailor anyway. You see, these shoes only go with special undergarments. My mother is quite specific about these-’ Alfrid held up his hands defensively and smirked. ‘Enough said, my lady. I don’t need to know about underclothing, especially not your mother’s. I’ll leave you here to run your- errm- lady errands.’
Exactly. She had been counting on that. You see, people like Alfrid did get nervous whenever women addressed women’s topics. Brea smiled innocently before making a little curtsey. ‘You are too kind, mister Alfrid.’ She crooned. ‘Now forgive me, for I most hurry. My mother will be worried if I don’t make it back before teatime.’ Alfrid bowed before her. ‘This is where we part ways, miss Brea. I’ll see you tomorrow, at the master’s house.’
Good Gods, she had totally forgotten about that. The master had invited father and his family over for dinner. Up until now, Brea hadn’t even thought of the possibility of Alfrid being there. Of course he would. And after being unnecessary kind to the guy, she probably had to deal with the consequences of that tomorrow. With a deep frown on her face, she watched the master’s deputy creep away over the decks. Jenessa was bound to have the best time once she discovered what her big sister had set in motion, unwillingly attracting the worst suitors of mankind.
There had been one exception to the rule. She glanced at the direction where Bard had been standing. Well… make that two.
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‘Goodness girl, what took you so long!’ Her mother cried from the reading room as soon as their servant opened the front door to let Brea in. ‘I almost did send poor Catherine out to tell your dad you were missing!’
‘Don’t fret, mother.’ Brea protested loudly while handing the shoes and her shawl over to the servant. ‘The master’s deputy slowed me down, that’s all.’
There was a short silence. ‘Ah, you mean that chap… what’s his name…’ Mîrhel murmured, barely audible. ‘Alfrid.’ Brea replied as she made her way through the hall and entered the reading room. Her mom was sitting on their chaise longue, the couch in opposite of her surprisingly empty. In the table between stood a porcelain tea set on a silver platter. ‘Come here, my dear.’ She said and she patted on the spot directly next to her. ‘You tell me all about your encounter with that man, while we wait for Jenessa. Haven’t you seen her? And have you been kind to him?’ ‘Who?’ Mîrhel huffed and started to pour her daughter a cup of tea. ‘That deputy of course!’ ‘Yes, though he was a bit persistent and wouldn’t leave me alone.’ Brea said. Her mother rewarded her with a bright smile. ‘Good girl. We have to keep those people on our side, so make sure you always behave impeccably towards them.’
Brea couldn’t promise she’d do that if the guy became too friendly, but she gave her mother an assuring nod anyway. ‘I will, mother. Where’s Jen again?’ ‘Your sister’s name is still Jenessa.’ Mother scolded her eldest daughter, though with a smile. ‘She went looking for you, to make sure you’d be back for tea. Maybe she got lost, or she bumped into that Alfredo, just like you did… Goodness, nothing would have happened to her, would it?’ Brea licked her lips and for a moment she pondered the possibilities where Jen might be. Then she remembered something Alfrid had mentioned. Her heart skipped a beat.
‘Mother, I know where she might be.’ Brea said breathlessly. ‘Where?’ Mîrhel demanded. ‘Tell me at once, then we can send Catherine out and fetch her before the tea is cold. CATHERINE!’ They heard some shuffling and a loud clang in the kitchen, before poor Catherine hastened through the hall towards the Missus. She shyly prodded her head around the corner into the reading room. ‘You called, Missus?’ ‘Yes. Can you fetch Jenessa for me? She’s at-’ Mother paused and glanced at her eldest daughter. ‘Brea?’ ‘Bard the bargeman, though I’m not sure.’ ‘Who is that?’ Mîrhel demanded. ‘Do we know him?’ Brea shrugged and Catherine merely bowed before retreating. ‘I will get her at once, Missus.’ Brea took a sip of her tea and grimaced as she burned her tongue. It would take at least twenty minutes before she could drink the beverage properly. ‘Mother…’ she tried. ‘Since the tea is still boiling hot and Catherine should be preparing our meals, shall I collect Jen for you?’ ‘Are you exploiting your newly found freedom, darling?’ ‘Maybe.’ Brea said truthfully. ‘Or maybe I’m just trying to help. You know father hates it when he has to wait for dinner.’ ‘That seems like a fair remark.’ Mother pondered. ‘And to reward your thoughtfulness, I will allow you to go. But before you do, you have to make me a few promises.’ ‘Yes, mother.’ Brea beamed. ‘Anything.’ ‘You go straight to wherever your little sister is, fetch her and then come directly home.’ ‘Yes, mother.’ ‘No funny business. No snooping around other places.’ ‘Yes, mother.’ ‘And no flirting with young men.’ Mîrhel demanded. ‘Not even Alfredo.’ ‘You mean Alfrid?!’ Brea cried. ‘Mother! Why would I even-’ Her mother shook her head. ‘I have to make sure, Brea. You have proven yourself to be far more cunning than your father and I could ever have imagined. I don’t want you to drag our reputation down the drain once again, not even in this wretched town.’ ‘MOTHER!’ ‘Don’t use such a tone against me, young lady.’ Mîrhel rebuked. ‘Now go, before our servant-’ A strangled groan erupted from her throat when the front door fell shut. ‘There she goes, poor lass. Hurry, Brea…’
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Thus Brea set out once again on the same route, but this time she passed the market place instead of venturing left. After inquiring at a tapestry stand, Brea learned that Bard lived in the northern part of the city. The merchant told her that if she turned left before the town’s hall canal and kept walking straight ahead to the outskirt of the city, she’d find the bargeman’s home.
So with those instructions in mind, Brea walked around the market water until the town’s hall and the canal that laid before it came into view. Brea halted and glanced over her surroundings before taking a left turn. The waterway that ran along the right side of this particular quay was much smaller and the various boats that were docked here made it even more narrow. In order to inspect the homes that stood directly on her left, Brea slowed her pace. The people living on the right had built small, wooden bridges allowing them pass the canal to their home safely. Brea enjoyed the various wooden carvings adorning both the homes and bridges. She was told that at some point, the water would broaden into open water and the bargeman’s home lied directly behind this small square. Furthermore, she would have to enter a few steps leading up to a blue front door, that would appear on her left and it was described to have a diamond shaped window in it.
It didn’t take her long to find the house. Brea took the flight of stairs and the door was there, but when her fist reached for the hard wood, she noticed her hand was trembling.
In fact, her whole body was. Her heart hammered in her chest and Brea was sure that the people inside this home could hear it slamming. Her breathing was shallow, like she ran all the way here like a- Oh, stop it! She gritted her teeth, mentally scolding herself for being such a lightheaded, foolish girl. What made her believe that this handsome bargeman she just got acquainted with, lived here? For all she knew, there could live two Bard’s in this town. Furthermore, if Bard turned out to be the one she though he was, he was said to have children so there probably was a wife in his life. In any case, he wouldn’t be interested in a girl like her.
And with that, she knocked firmly on the wooden door.
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The first thing she noticed, were his eyes.
Bard the bargeman easily possessed the most gorgeous hazelnut coloured eyes she’d ever seen. Brea’s breath hitched as she took in the man who was standing in the door opening. He had dark, messy hair that was kept out of his face with a string of cloth at the back of his head. His fine cheekbones were distracting and though Brea usually wasn’t that fond of moustaches and soul patches, somehow this man’s carefully trimmed facial hair made him only more desirable. The greying hair at his temples betrayed the fact he must be well in his thirties.
He was wearing sturdy brown boots adorned with fur, black breeches, a light brown woollen tunic and a long, leather coat in a slightly darker shade. The woollen tunic had a low v-neckline, showing some chest hair and the grey undergarment he was wearing underneath. Her thighs clenched and Brea bit her lip. Goodness, she hoped she wasn’t showing her desires too much… How was this possible anyway? Before, there had only been one man who had made her feel like this, but she was still mourning him. How could another stir the same in her to the point she was just staring at him like he was a piece of fine meat?
Though there was no denying that in fact, he was. How rude of her…
‘Oh.’ Bard murmured as he took her in just as she had done. For a second he looked more alarmed and flustered than anything, but that expression faded quickly and was replaced with a smug smile. ‘Miss Brea.’ He greeted her. ‘To what do I owe the pleasure of encountering you on my doorstep?’ ‘Just Brea is fine, master Bard.’ She replied, a little out of breath. ‘I apologize for disturbing you, but I’m looking for my sister. A little worm told me she was forming rather unsavoury relations. When I asked him what he meant, he pointed me in the direction of your home.’ Bard grinned. ‘Unsavoury relations? Why would he think that?’ ‘The real question is what you have done to make him hate you.’ Brea mused. ‘I might need your advice on that matter.’ He stepped aside and motioned for Brea to come in. ‘Ah, yes. He was quite determined this afternoon, wasn’t he?’ ‘That’s an understatement.’ She said. ‘Is he always like that?’ ‘Yes, though women in this town know him too well to let him come close like you did.’ Brea placed her hands on her hips and eyed him defiantly. ‘I’m capable of handling myself, thank you very much.’ The bargeman chuckled. ‘I didn’t say you couldn’t. But you were too polite to him today.’ Brea smiled sweetly and stepped over the threshold. Bard’s home wasn’t as big as theirs, but it was a cosy one. A grand table and two benches dominated the middle of the room. Directly on Brea’s left was a wooden staircase that led a level down. In the far left corner of the room stood a bed that could fit at least three people. At Brea’s right, stood a small kitchen where two girls were busying themselves.
‘Any tips for when I have to keep him at armlength tomorrow during dinner at the master’s home?’ she asked Bard, giving him a teasing glance. He winced. ‘Are you sure you want to enter the dragon’s lair?’ ‘I’ve heard there lives a dragon in that mountain, is that-’
‘Oh! That stupid dinner! I forgot about that!’ her sister’s voice squeaked. Brea turned on her heels and discovered her sister, Jenessa. The raven haired girl with the most beautiful mahogany toned skin erupted from the kitchen, wearing mittens. Her dark eyes were sparkling with joy. She obviously had been preparing something with the other girls before Brea came in. The two girls had to be sisters, as both of them had dark blonde hair, blue eyes and the same facial expressions.
‘Hey Bree!’ Jenessa beamed. Brea heaved a sigh. ‘Jen, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? And it’s not a stupid dinner, it’s a necessary evil.’ ‘You don’t make it sound any better, Bree.’ Her sister grinned. Brea groaned and turned to Bard. ‘I’m so sorry. Jenessa can sometimes be oblivious to social conventions and overstay her welcome-’ Bard shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile that did send a pleasant jolt through her abdomen. ‘It’s fine, really. In fact, we’re happy she’s here. My eldest daughter, Sigrid, was planning on making apple pie and she happened to come across your sister at the market.’ ‘She was lost.’ Sigrid filled in with a grin. Jenessa cried indignantly. ‘Was not!’ ‘You were!’ The youngest sister chortled. ‘You were looking rather sad.’ Brea’s little sister heaved a sigh. ‘Fine. I was lost. Happy?’ ‘We won’t tease you too much with it, promised.’ Sigrid giggled. ‘But only after we have found out if your addition to ma’s recipe is a success.’ ‘It surely smells delicious!’ The little sister proclaimed. ‘That’s Tilda.’ Bard informed Brea with a fond smile. ‘She’s my youngest.’ Sigrid gave Tilda a few plates from the rack that stood on the counter. ‘Right Tilly, can you set the table for six?’ The girl nodded and set out to work. ‘I’ll boil some water for the tea.’ Jenessa said happily. Brea watched as the girls bustled around her and Jen, accepting these strangers in their midst easily and entertaining them with their cheerful banter. She turned to Bard, who was eyeing the scene as well, an amused expression adorning his face.
‘I am so sorry my little sister bashed into your home.’ Brea whispered. ‘The trick is not to encourage her, because she will to take over your whole household.’ ‘At least she can’t be worse than Alfrid, can she?’ Bard said casually and Brea suppressed a snort.
‘What is she saying?’ Jen demanded noisily as she put the pie on the table. ‘Is she trying to be the responsible, older sister again?’ ‘That’s my job.’ Brea told her. ‘Especially when you are misbehaving.’ ‘Am I? Shall I inform master Bard about your indiscretions in Minas Tirith, Bree?’ Jen inquired with a wide grin. ‘Please don’t.’ Brea warned. ‘Or I’ll have to beg mother to trade you for another, more grateful adoptive sister.’ ‘She’s adopted?’ Bard asked with a frown. ‘Her parents were friends with mine.’ Brea explained. ‘When they died thirteen years ago, my parents took Jen in.’ ‘And she regrets that decision every day!’ Jen complained as she was guarding the kettle until it would start to boil. Behind her, Sigrid grabbed six mugs from the cupboard and a tin containing dried tea leaves. Brea crossed her arms and watched her sister with narrowed eyes. ‘Jen, please tell this poor family you are joking!’
‘Da!’ Someone ran up the stairs and a few moments later, a teenage boy with dark hair and the same dark eyes as his father came into view. ‘I finished fixing the nets.’ He stopped in his tracks and eyed the newcomer curiously. ‘Who’s this?’ ‘Brea, this is my son Bain.’ Bard said. ‘Bain, this is miss Brea, miss Jenessa’s sister.’ ‘Oh, hello.’ The boy replied, suddenly a bit nervously. He quickly turned on his heels and stumbled down the stairs again. ‘Nice to meet you!’ Brea called after him. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s up with him these days.’ Bard murmured. ‘He’ll come around.’ ‘Don’t worry about it.’
Once everything was all set, the Bardlings took their place around the table and even Jenessa settled rather quickly as if she already belonged there. Brea stood there, a bit unsure what to do, until Bard turned and sent her a smile. ‘Will you join us, miss Brea?’ he inquired gently, gesturing at the place on the other end of the table.
Brea knew that she should have said no. She should have told them that mother was waiting for her and Jen to return, but… Brea’s brain seemed to have forgotten that information. She couldn’t remember a damn thing, only the fact that those gorgeous dark eyes were pleading her to stay, offering her a place at his table. And the best thing about that, was that there was no wife in sight. So her lips had formed the words before she could even stop herself from saying it. ‘Yes, please.’
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Thank you so much for reading my humble story. Feedback is always welcome.  Did you like my work? Spread the love and reblog! :) And here’s my Masterlist.
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This is my December 31 Contribution to the 2019 Pikelavar Event.
“All I Want for Midwinter is Meklavar” Chapter 6:
The dawn came too soon for Pike. The early morning sunlight that was filtered through the curtains of their bedroom window was enough to wake him. Meklavar was still asleep upon his chest. She was so small, warm, and cuddly that he just wanted to lay like that for a long time, inhaling her scent, listening to the sound of her quiet breathing, feeling the softness of her body against his chest. He gently stroked her back. “Meklavar,” he spoke softly. “Sweetheart, it is time to wake up.”
She made a soft little moan in her sleep, but did not stir.
“Mek, you have to wake up. We have to get dressed. Block’s village is only a day’s journey from here. Wake up.”
Meklavar stirred at last, lifting her head from his chest. Her hair was sticking up in every direction and her eyes were heavy-lidded from sleep. She squirmed in his arms, rubbed her eyes, and made herself comfortable while leaning on one elbow beside him and then stared down at his face upon the pillow. “It’s nice right here. What if I don’t want to leave this bed?” She looked adoringly at his handsome face. “I’m enjoying the view.” She smirked and traced the outine of one of his ears, which sent shivers down his spine. His breathing quickened at her touch. Her sleeping tunic was askew, and the top few fasteners has come undone as well. Pike was suddenly conscious of the fact that Mek slept with her breasts unbound and that he could see the cleft between them through the opening in her tunic.
He smirked at her. “I’m enjoying the view, too. There’s a valley and a lovely little pair of hills that I would like to explore directly in front of me.” She stared at him, not comprehending his meaning. Then she noticed the direction of his gaze.
“Pike!” She sat up abruptly, and tried to button up her tunic, but she was having difficulty. He laughed. She slapped his forearm playfully.
“Well the view was nice while it lasted.” He sighed. “That’s one way to wake you up in the morning.” He sat up, stretched, and pulled his own sleep shirt over his head. He yawned and scratched his chest and belly sleepily.
“I thought you were supposed to be a gentleman.” Buttoning a nightshirt was difficult when you were still half asleep.
“I am. I’m a gentleman with excellent taste in women, apparently. When we get married I am thinking of so many interesting ways to wake you up in the morning.” He licked his lips, looking like a predator about to capture and devour his prey. He pounced on her.
Mek was suddenly on her back, pinned to the mattress by Pike’s greater size and weight, and he was covering her face and neck with little kisses until he reached her ticklish spot. He nuzzled her there until she giggled uncontrollably. “Stop!” She exclaimed, her cheeks wet with tears of mirth. He kissed her tears away, then kissed her full upon the mouth, not caring that they both had morning breath. She ran her fingers through his hair, determined to mess it up as much as her own. He kissed her passionately until they were both breathless.
There was a knock on the door. “Lady Meklavar! There are important visitors here to see you,” a servant called through the closed door.
“I demand that you unlock the door at once, by order of Lord Samuel and Lady Colleena of Holt Manor!” a man’s voice bellowed. There was the sound of a key turning in a lock and the door swung open.
A pair of middle aged dwarves stood in the entrance way, pushing past the servant into their room. The man was dark grey of hair and beard and wore rectangular spectacles at the end of his straight nose. He was helmed and armored and was clutching a very large axe. Pike sprang up from where he had Mek pinned to the mattress. He was suddenly aware that he was shirtless and Mek’s tunic was askew once more. Their lips were pink and swollen, and they both looked quite disheveled. Even to the frightened servant who remained in the hallway, it was quite obvious what Pike and Meklavar had been doing.
“Father! I can explain—“
“WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL OF AURITA ARE YOU DOING IN BED WITH MY DAUGHTER!?” He bellowed at Pike, who was very red-faced.
“Sam! Stop it! Give them time to explain themselves,” said the middle-aged dwarf woman. She was dressed elegantly, in a traveling gown of rich green fabric, with an ermine-trimmed robe, and fine grey leather boots. Pike thought she was very beautiful, a graceful woman who appeared to be an older, taller version of Meklavar. Her huge golden brown eyes with their thick black lashes were much like her daughter’s, but her once-tawny hair was streaked with frost.
“Please, sir, ma’am, we can explain—“ Pike began.
Meklavar sprang from the tangled bedcovers, regaining her composure and adapting a regal presence even though she was barefoot and clad only in a half-buttoned sleeping tunic, which had gathered about her waist as a result of Pike’s frisky morning behavior, and which also gave everyone a glimpse of her underpants before she tugged it back down to her knees. She ignored everyone’s discomfort at her state of undress. “Father, it is my honor to introduce Pike, hero of the Battle of Darkland Woods, the co-defeater of the Corannic Dragon, and Honorary Paladin of the Temple of Light, knighted by Sir Jiro himself. He is my comrade-in-arms, dearest friend, and most importantly, you should know that he is my Intended, bound to me by ritual and tradition.” Pike, who had risen from the bed during this introduction, was red-faced, bare-chested, and as disheveled as she was, but not so calm or confident as Meklavar appeared. He gulped a said a tiny “hello,” which seemed a woefully inadequate greeting for dwarf nobility. Lady Colleena sized up his tall, slim, but well-muscled form with approval. There was the hint of a smile upon the older woman’s lips as she made eye contact with her daughter. Mek blushed, and Colleena had a knowing glint of mirth and approval in her eyes. Samuel, still red-faced with fury, appeared as if he were going to have an aneurysm.
“Father, Mother, please sit down.” Mek pulled out the chairs from last night’s evening meal by the fireplace. “Pike, these are my parents, Lord Samuel and Lady Colleena of Holt Manor, vassals to King Iverson the Cantankerous, First of His Name, and hopefully Last of His Kind. They are also the parents of Lord Matthias the Mathematician, my elder brother. Where is Matt, anyway? I thought he would be staying with you for Midwinter.”
Just then, as if summoned by Mek’s question, her elder sibling appeared in the doorway. “Mom? Dad? Our sleigh is rea—What?! Is that my baby sister?!” He scanned the faces of the four people in the room, taking immediate notice of his father’s fury, his mother’s amused delight, his little sister’s denial of her obviously humiliating situation, and finally, the tall, half-naked boy who looked more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Matt began to laugh at the awkwardness of the scene before him. “So the servants’ stories are true! They have been gossiping since last night about the naive young dwarf maiden who was staying the night here with her handsome would-be lover. The serving wenches all said he was quite the stud. It sounded like the stuff that bawdy tavern ballads are made of, a real bodice-ripper of a yarn. You, know, Mek, by this light, we can all see right through that nightshirt, but your studmuffin probably saw quite a bit more than that at the bathhouse last night, from what I heard. They said you gave your cat-boy a bath...” A blushing Pike reached for Mek’s robe and handed it to her, averting his gaze. She put it on while Pike searched for his discarded tunic. It was nowhere to be found.
Mek continued as if nothing were unusual about the situation. “As I was explaining to our parents, Matthias, Pike is my Intended, and soon to be a permanent member of our family, assuming our parents will bless the marriage.”
“Oooh, so you have begun the rituals without us? No wonder Father looks like his axe is bent. There was no one there to defend your honor last night, Mek, you naughty girl. But maybe that was your intention.”
“I am quite capable defending my own honor, Matt, and you’re being very rude,” she said haughtily.
“My apologies, dear sister, and to you, sir. I just couldn’t resist teasing Meklavar. She’s been stomping around this county in full armor and toting an axe for so long that I am surprised that you could tell that she’s a female. I always thought she was more interested in slaying dragons than flirting with boys.” He smiled and extended his right hand towards Pike, who shook it heartily.
“Actually, that’s how we met. We were on a quest with Block the Sorcerer, the Mystic Archer Valayun, and Shiro the Paladin. We slew the Corannic Dragon together,” Pike explained.
“Impressive! Well, that seals the deal for me. A couple that slays together stays together. You have my vote. And probably Mom’s as well. She really wants grandchildren. Good-looking ones are an added bonus, stud.”
Meklavar’s cheeks colored, and Lady Colleena laughed. “It’s true my dears. I had been praying that my little warrior would go off to battle and come home with a husband as soon as she was old enough to bind her bosom. She definitely won’t be mistaken for a boy anymore now that she’s filled out a bit.”
“Mother!” Meklavar was as embarrassed as Pike, who had finally found his tunic and pulled it over his head, momentarily hiding his flushed face. He turned to her father, who had been strangely silent during all of the teasing and banter. He bowed deeply, then went down on his knees in supplication.
“Lord Samuel, sir, I know you have been upset by how sudden this all seems to be, but I can assure you that my intentions towards your daughter are honorable. She is a clever, courageous young woman, and her virtue is without question. It is her honorable nature that inspired me to be a better man, and I am more than ready to dedicate my life to her happiness. It is my most heartfelt wish that you give our union your blessing, sir.” He turned to Meklavar’s mother. “And yours, as well, dear lady. I promised to be a most faithful and devoted husband to your daughter. She is the person that I love most in all of the world, and the person who has brought more happiness into my life than I ever could wish for, or deserve.” He bowed his head and closed his eyes. Mek covered her mouth and was stifling her sobs as she wept openly, her heart deeply touched by Pike’s humility and by the heartfelt eloquence of his words. Matt put his arm around his little sister and gave her shoulders a little squeeze.
Lord Samuel, who was no longer red-faced with fury, sat in silent contemplation of the scene before him, visibly moved by the young man’s sincerity and humility, his daughter’s uncharacteristic outpouring of emotion, his wife’s shining eyes and tear-streaked face, and his son’s obvious delight that his cherished little sister had found someone to love and be loved by in return. Sam remembered how difficult his own father-in-law had been and how grieved he had felt because no matter what he did, her father thought that no suitor would ever be good enough for the fair Lady Colleena.
Finally, Samuel thought of his daughter, and what she wanted. It was obviously this young man and none other but him.
He looked to his son, and nodded. Matt guided his sister to stand, then kneel beside Pike, who took her hand in his and squeezed it tightly. Pike looked upon Meklavar with the sweetest and most tender expression Sam had ever seen. His daughter was still weeping tears of silent joy.
Sam smiled upon them both, his own face streaked with tears. “My dearest daughter, and son-to-be, I bless this union of bodies, hearts, and minds, and wish you both every happiness.” He could not hold back a little sob as he took his wife’s hand in his own.
“Dearest daughter of my body and joy of my heart, I bless your joining with this young man. May your lives always be filled with love, laughter, and good fortune.”
“Thank you,” said Pike brokenly, and he turned to Meklavar who threw her arms around him and buried her face into his chest to sob as if a dam had burst to flood the world with tears of joy.
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saelwen · 5 years
The Last Dragon
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Daenys Targaryen x Glorfindel
Crossover: Game of Thrones and LOTR/Hobbit
Summary: After Daenery's death, her daughter Daenys, flew away with Drogon. Feeling lost without her mother beside her, but what will happen when Daenys find a portal that will lead her to a certain world, where dwell elves, dwarves, humans and other races.
Warnings: None, i think 😁😁
Words: 2k
Posing my sword beside my travel bag, I look through the window from my chambers, seeing my children flying around in the blue sky. Today was the day that I leave for the blessed lands, Valinor, with a small army. I hope this works...  
A strong arm wraps around my small waist, pulling into a hard chest. A smile broke in my lips as I smell my husband flowery scent “Melleth nin...” I whisper, feeling his warm lips on my neck. He lets out a Hmm, kissing along my shoulder “Are you ready?” I ask, turning around to look to his beautiful eyes, seeing them full of life and love.    
Glorfindel gives me one last kiss on my shoulder “Yes, my love. Everything is ready for us to leave.” he says a while putting a piece of my silver hair behind my ear. I rest my forehead on his and close my eyes, “I hope my plan works, Glorfindel...Middle-Earth can’t be lost...” my voice came out weak and frail, he put his long fingers under my chin and lifted, making me look to him “Daenys, don’t worry...The Valar will see the truth in your words and they will help us with everything their have!” he says with a cheerful voice.    
A small smile appears on my face “What I would do without you, Melleth nin.” he let out a chuckle “Burning a Kingdom of a certain Elven King.” a huge smirk form on his lips. I roll my eyes and punch him on the shoulder playfully “Shut up...” I say, trying to hide my smile.  
He picks my bag a while I took one last time look to myself in the mirror, seeing my travel clothes were exactly like of my mother’s.    
I was wearing a black leather dress, that stopped on my shins, with black legging underneath. A silver chain ran from my right shoulder to my left side of my waist, holding a red cape that had a scaly pattern.  
My silver hair was made in Dothraki style, full of braids. And last, on top of my head was a silver crown, with three dragons' heads and a small golden flower in the middle, representing the house of Glorfindel.  
Happy with my look, I turn back and grab my sword, putting on my waist “Let’s go!” I say a while picking Glorfindel's large hand.  
It has passed two days since we left Rivendell and we have one more day of traveling to the Grey Havens, to the port that will take us to Valinor.  
Glorfindel stops his horse “We will camp here tonight! Start building the camp!” he yells to the army of elves.  
Giving a pet on my horse neck, I dismount from his back, letting the guard take him to his stall. I lift my arms in the air, stretching my sore body. A small smile forms on my lips as I heard the roars of my dragons, I turn my head to the side and saw them landing on the vast clearing beside the camp “You have beautiful children.” I close my eyes as Tyrion voice sounded behind me.  
I looked him over the shoulder “Yes...yes I do.” I say, turning my gaze back to my dragons, who were now resting on the tall grass. He took some more steps so he was beside me, looking to my children “Do you think this plan is going to work?” he asks me, taking out of his pocket a small bottle of wine, taking large gulp “The army of dead are larger than before, we have to fight almost every person in Westeros!... I will do anything on my power to get the Valar to help us.” he only nods, scratching his beard.  
We stay in silence for a moment, watching the stars shining beside the large moon in the dark sky. After a while, Tyrion let out a sigh “It’s a strange world in here....elves, orcs, hobbits, blessed lands where Gods walk among us, it's all so surreal.” I look down to him, seeing his eyes in awe and fear “Yes...it’s a strange place but it’s full of amazing creatures and people.” my voice was soft, remembering the good memories that I have here, the amazing moments that I had with my husband and my friends. It’s a strange world but it’s a world that has accepted for who I am.  
(Glorfindel P.O.V)  
“Here! Let me help you.” I say a while picking up a heavy chest, lending a hand to the elves that were carting boxes, the elf bows his head “Thank you, My Lord!” he says with a large smile, his eyes full of relief that he hasn’t carried all those heavy chests and boxes alone.  
I help to build some tents and water the horses, let them run free for a bit. I sat down by a tree, watching the horses run on the small pasture, I grab my sword and start to polish it. I can’t believe that I'm returning to Valinor. How people will react when they saw me arriving with a small army of elves and two humans and four dragons that were from another world? A small smile appears on my face. Ohh... I almost could see the shocked face of the Valar.  
Suddenly a noise of a bush shaking interrupted my thoughts, I shot up from my seat “Who’s there?!” I say firmly, grabbing tightly the handle of my sword.  
A large cloak figure appears from the middle of the bushes “Who are you?” I ask again, getting in combat position. The figure took a step forward, pushing the cloak behind “It’s been a while, old friend!” a gasp escape from me as I saw his face. No...  
Standing there in front of me was Maglor, the second son of Feanor, the last of the Feanorians. His facial expression was tired and his skin was pale like the moon, contrasting with his black hair “Maglor...Why are you here?” I whisper, shocked to see him here “I’ve heard from the Edain that you and your wife were going to sail to Valinor... to ask the Valar help to defeat the ice demons.” he says with melancholic voice.  
I nod, softening the grip from the sword handle “Yes...but why are you here?” I ask firmly “I want to join you two!....i want to help you defeat those monsters...so I could clean the horrors that I and my brothers caused on middle-earth.” I notice a tear falling down his cheek, his eyes full of sorrow.  
A sigh escapes from me as I scratch the back of my neck “I can’t decide that, only my wife could let you join us on this quest...Come! I will take you to her.” I say a while turning back to the camp, walking in the direction of where Daenys were.  
We arrived at the vast clearing, as the guards informed me where she would be. A gasp escapes from Maglor as he saw the four large dragons lying on the ground, besides their mother, who was sitting on the grass rubbing their warm scales.  
I led him to them, grabbing the attention of Viseral. He moves his large head and pushes his warm snout into my side, purring softly “Hello, Viseral!” I say softly. Daenys lifts her head and gave me one of her beautiful smiles “Melleth nin! Where were you?” her voice was like a morning bird, making my body relax just from hearing her speak “I’m sorry, my love. I was helping the servants with the camp... I brought you, someone, to meet.” as I say the last words, she moves her to the side, peeking through me, noticed Maglor standing there, looking to her in awe.  
She grabs my hand and I help her standing up “This is Maglor, son of Feanor...he wishes to join us on this quest.” I say calmly. Maglor bent down on one knee “Lady Daenys! Please, let me join you on this quest! Helping you to defeat those ice demons!” she looks down to him, eyeing him carefully, knowing about his past “I know what it feels to live the mistakes that a father or grandfather have done...to suffer the consequences of their mistakes.” she says softly a while petting Daenerion snout “I will give you a change, Feanorian! I hope you don’t waste it.” her voice was firm but at the same time calm.  
Maglor stood up, looking to her with a small smile and his eyes full of hope “Thank you, My Lady! I will honor your word.” I walk to Daenys and wrap my hand around hers, giving a soft squeeze.  
(Daenys P.O.V)  
Finally, we have arrived at Grey Havens, the port was beautiful. The tall building came out from the calm water, with columns to support them. Elves were walking around, doing their duties and organizing our arrival.  
“Lord Glorfindel!” all a sudden a voice boomed beside us, I turn my head and saw a tall elf with silver hair walking towards us with a big smile but something grabbed my attention, this elf had a long silver beard! “Cirdan! It’s good to see you.” he and Glorfindel hugged each other, laughing like a pair of elflings.  
Cirdan looks over Glorfindel's shoulder and smiles at me “So this is the brave woman! I must ask you, how in the world did you end up with Golden head over here? You are too much for him—Ouch!” Glorfindel cut him off with a punch on his shoulder, making Cirdan laugh.  
A giggle fell from my lips “That’s a question that I make every day!” with this Cirdan let out a loud laugh, cleaning his tears “Well, My Lady! Your ships are ready.” I thank him and Glorfindel orders his army to board.  
As I was entering the ship, with the help of Maglor, I heard Cirdan whispering to Glorfindel “You are a lucky elf!” “That I am!” Glorfindel said with a proud smile.  
I shake my head and walk to the front of the ship, watching the calm waves hitting the boat.  
After a while of boarding everything on the ships, the captain yells to start sailing, making our ship to move first.  
Glorfindel grab my hand and kiss it softly “Ready?” I nod and smile “Ready!” my voice came out firmly. I look forward confidently, seeing the vast ocean around us. Drogon and the young dragons flew by us, always staying near the ships to protecting me.  
I took a deep breath, Glorfindel, Tyrion and Maglor beside me. Here we go!...
Hey Guys!!! The new chapter is here. The big journey has begun, Daenys is sailing to Valinor with her Dragons!!! Who is excited to see how the Valar would react?? And the other elves?? I hope you are enjoying this series, feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
Taglist: @gwendelerynan​ @yes-captainstark​ @crazyonesarethebest​ @foggyturtleknightangel​ @damniitjim​ @moonchild-stuff​ @shanty-lol​ @lasswarrior​ @llama2264​ @demonquartz​ @dipsylou​ @jazz-playing-queer​ @nikipuppeteer​ @kxnngsshirecoffee​ @anoirevictoria​ @sulfur-and-the-sea​
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clarencejc · 6 years
Imagine being approached to join a relationship with Thorin. . .and Dwalin
Plot Bunny Challenge: Plot 22
Warnings: None | Word Count: 3505
Pairings: Dwalin x Thorin x Reader
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Plot Bunny 22: Imagine being approached to join in a relationship with Thorin…and Dwalin.
          You had been in Erebor for some time now, the entire city bustling with builders and with the caravans of dwarves that never stopped arriving. You decided to continue on with selling your baked goods that you had sold previously in the Blue Mountains except for the only difference this time is the king. He comes to your stand every few days and when he does he gives you a look like he would rather devour you than the pastries. It makes your heart pound and a vicious blush rise to your cheeks when he gives you a knowing half smirk. What’s more, you’ve noticed that when you look away from King Thorin’s intimidating gaze you end up meeting another’s. Dwalin, the king’s guard, always has his eyes locked on you when his king approaches the stall. At first, you thought it was because he must be watching for a threat but then you noticed the way he was gazing at you instead of watching his king. He gazes at every inch of you visible, working his way up and down your body and then finally stopping at your eyes. Today is no different as the king and his guard come up to the stand. ‘The both of them?’ you think in surprise.
          “Good mornin’ lass,” Dwalin speaks first, his voice low and rumbly. He’s far more intimidating up close with all of this scars and tattoos highly visible and with a fearsome sword hanging at his side, and all of that combined makes your hands shake and your brain go fuzzy. You steady yourself by wiping your clammy palms on your apron.
          “Good morning Mister Dwalin, King Thorin,” you squeak. You give a small curtsy to the pair of them quickly and try to calm your heart rate before asking, “The regular then?” You turn prematurely to bustle towards the muffins but a hot hand on your shoulder makes your heart skip a beat. You turn to see Thorin with a smirk on his face.
          “Is everything alright miss Y/N? You seem awfully flustered today,” he asks; the smirk still very present on his face and his pupils blown wide. “And very flushed as well,” he brushes his rough fingers against your lightly bearded cheek. Your head becomes fuzzy as you realize what an intimate gesture he’s done. ‘No one has ever touched my beard before’ you think with a little shutter. 
           A blush rises on your cheeks as you look back at his large hand on your shoulder and you give another shudder at its warmth. ‘Everything is perfectly fine with your hands on me’ you want to say but your mother would have your tongue for your impropriety so you simply nod your head in silence.
          Dwalin chuckles lowly giving you goosebumps. “You got nothin’ to be nervous about with us,” he assures you but his words do little to calm your racing heart. “We got more reason to be nervous around a pretty lass like yourself,” he adds with a wink and another good-natured chuckle. 
           A smile crawls on your face and with words of doubt hanging on your tongue about to be poured from your lips, you look into his eyes but don’t see any hint of a joke. He reads of complete sincerity and the amount of adoration, ‘and is that doubt?’, play in his eyes.
          “Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say,” you mutter shyly and turn to grab their muffins. You hand the sweets to them and put their coins into a drawer of your stand.
          “It is the truth,” Thorin tells you with a small smile of his own. The air is thick with tension as they look at you and you observe both of them. Your hands become clammy again and you feel the need to pace, but you hold their gaze and stare into those deep blues of your king’s and the deep brown of his guard’s. Their thick locks braided complexly and clasped with beautiful beads, their fine clothes, their searching eyes that takes your breath away, their lips. . .’NO!’ you shout at yourself suddenly. 
          “H-h-have a good day both of you,” you suddenly bid them with a nervous little laugh. This is the most they’ve ever talked to you before and this was more than enough excitement for one day. 
            The two dwarves seem to take the hint as they leave you with a nod of their heads, letting you finally breathe out heavily and lean against the post of the stand in relief. ‘Is this what it’s really like to be noticed?’ you wonder as you place a hand on your chest to feel the erratic beat of your heart and let out a shaky laugh to yourself. ‘He noticed me. The king noticed me.’ You mind races as you close up the stand for the day. ‘They- he- doesn’t like me’ you think shaking your head. ‘I’m no one’ you tell yourself and finish packing the pastries with ease.
        The next day Dwalin comes just as you’re closing the stand, packaging up the unwanted pastries, and collecting all of the money from the day. “Hello Mister Dwalin,” you tell him and start to curtsy, out of habit, but stop when he holds his hand up.
        “Please don’t curtsey to me, my lady,” he chuckles to you with a wink but you shake your head in disagreement.
        “Please call me Y/N,” you say back to him. Dwalin smiles at that and your heart jumps.
        “That is a beautiful name lass. I’ll only honor that if you call me Dwalin. None of that formal stuff with me,” he drawls. “Which one of those is your favorite?” he motions to the leftover pastries. You look at the leftovers and bite your lip in thought, trying not to blush.
         “Well we already sold out of them but I enjoy the berry scones when we make them. They’re going to go out of season soon with the fall coming and all,” you trail off as you look at his face. He’s looking at you so intensely with all of his attention and it this time it does make you blush.
       “Well make sure that you take some for yourself before the season is up. With the work you do, it looks like you deserve it,” he winks again. He gives you a coin for a nut filled cookie so you add that to your small purse. “I hope I’ll see you again Y/N. I do enjoy my time talking with you if only I weren’t so busy. . .” he trails off looking around for a moment. Your heart jumps at the thought of him spending more time with you.
         “Thank you,” you say and he looks shocked for a moment. “I mean thank you for being so kind. I enjoy speaking with you as well,” you amend. His eyes soften and a gentle grin appears on his face at your compliment.
         “I’ll see you at another time then. Y/N,” he nods his head and gives you one last grin before heading off to do whatever the guards do, leaving you with a belly full of butterflies and thinking of the next time you’ll see him.
          The next day there is no sign of your favorite guard but are pleasantly surprised with a visit by your king. You’re packaging up an order for later and as you turn to get more parchment to wrap it, there he is making you jump in shock.
          “King Thorin you scared me,” you chuckle holding a hand over your chest. He looks at it for a moment before chuckling with you lightly. It reminds you of the way thunder sounds rolling over the hills.
          “Please call me Thorin instead,” he insists and you gape at his request. ‘Calling a king by his first name?’ you wonder silently. ‘Mother would scold me for sure.’
          “I-I-I couldn’t,” you start to stammer but he holds his hand up for a moment and shakes his head.
        “You can,” he tosses back and you can’t help but laugh at his little joke. “Please, I insist.” You open your mouth only to have no sound come out and as you close it you think to yourself of the strangeness of the situation. You hardly notice the smile that creeps onto your face and a light blush as you nod yes.
        “Alright then, Thorin,” you test out and he gives you another warm smile. “Um. . . what can I get for you?” you ask him, realizing that you haven’t even gotten an order from him yet.
        “What would you recommend for me?” Your heart thumps heavily in your chest as you try to think of something unique enough for him to be surprised by but not unwilling to try. You mull it over, looking at your selection of pastries and know exactly what you should offer.
         “I would recommend the honey sweet rolls with blueberries,” you offer and watch his face for a reaction. He does make a little face, his brow pinching together and his eyes squinting a little, and you think that it may have been a little too over adventurous for what plain pastries he usually gets.
         “I would love to try them,” he tells you after a moment and you sigh in relief. You package up two of them and put his coins into the small counter, but when you look up he’s gazing at you again. Blue eyes clash with your own and you could dive right into his. Your eyes take a moment to flit around his face, across his strong hairline, his sharp nose, and lands on his lips with a longing that takes you by surprise. You clear your throat to snap yourself out of your latest reverie and turn back around to finish the last fold of your package and when you turn to Thorin you could swear he was a second ago smirking.
        “I hope you enjoy them,” you try to say but your voice comes out lower and rougher than you’d like. ‘All of this attention is certainly not good for my health at this rate’ you berate yourself.
        “I’m certain I will. Thank you again for these Y/N.” You shudder at the way he says your name and you hope it passes his attention. “I appreciate the time that you give me, or well more accurately us. Dwalin and I,” he clarifies and you give him a smile.
        “Well it’s not really work when I see either one of you at the stand so I don’t mind,” you laugh a little and he nods his head. Your eyes widen as you realize what you just said but Thorin doesn’t seem phased by it. If anything he seems happy about it.
         “I have to be going but I hope to stop by again and save you from this work,” he jokes and you nod your head in agreement. As he leaves, you turn away from the passing people and slap your hand to your chest as your thoughts run wild. ‘I have to calm down about this. He likes my pastries and I’m nice to him. That’s all’ you try to tell yourself and keep your hands, and mind, busy by going back to work.
          Over the next two weeks their visits grow more infrequent and you start to worry a little until you get a summons from a messenger to see the king. ‘What?’ you panic. ‘What did I do?’ You try to wrack your brain but can’t come up with anything that you could have done to be rewarded, or punished with, a summons to see the king.
          “Right this way miss,” the messenger directs you and you don’t quite understand where you are. You vaguely know the direction of the throne room but this is different. There are tapestries streaming down the ceiling and the rugs are ornate with fine fabrics, and you realize with a start where you are: the royal wing. “Through this door please,” he directs you and all you feel is panic eating away at your stomach.
          “But what is-,” you start as you walk into the room finding the fire to be well stoked, the bed pristine, and the king waiting for you. You’re still wearing your clothes from the bakery, covered in flour, crumbs, flecks of fruit filling, and patches of cinnamon. Your mouth runs dry at the sight of him sitting on one of the fancy couches wearing a simple tunic and trousers, most likely waiting for you. Your eyes drink in the sight of him before the sense of uneasiness tugs at you again. “What is this King Thorin?” you whisper. His lips lift in a small smile before his face smooths over again like he’s trying to contain himself.
          “What happened to ‘call me Thorin’?” he chuckles but then pauses after taking in your nervous demeanor. “I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable miss Y/N. I was hoping that we could talk for a little while somewhere quieter than the market. I have scones if you’d like some,” he adds. “I mean they are your scones. Dwalin informed me that you enjoy the berry ones so I got them for you,” Thorin says quietly, maybe a little nervously. “Of course if you want them,” he adds quickly.
          “Is Dwalin here?” you ask him just as quietly, afraid that the tension of the quiet room will break if you talk too loudly.
          “He’ll be here soon,” he comforts you, knowing you must be nervous to be with him in the royal wing. “Please sit,” he offers, gesturing to one of the fine chairs. You tentatively sit on the couch as he offers you one of your scones. You smile as you feel how warm it is in your hands, realizing that he must have heated it for you.
          “What am I doing here? I don’t wish to be rude but I-,” you stop midsentence as the door starts to open revealing a sheepish looking Dwalin still wearing his guard clothes. He places his sword near the door, unclasping his weapons belt for the comfort of the conversation.
          “I apologize for being late Y/N, Thorin,” he nods his head to you with a smile. You smile in return, feeling those butterflies start to come alive in your belly at the sight of him. You forget about the scone as you focus on the two men.
          Thorin nods his head as well. “It’s quite alright friend,” he speaks up with a smile on his face. His smile causes you to smile as the joy is nearly infectious.
          You shake your head but this time in annoyance at their refusal to answer your questions. “Tell me why I’m here right now or I-I-I’ll leave.” Well, that worked. They snap their heads towards you so quickly you nearly regret the drastic choice. After all, it’s obvious that they’ve tried to make you comfortable here with them.
          Thorin speaks up first. “Please don’t.” His facial expression tells you that you must have hit a nerve because it’s slightly crumpled in concern, his mouth parted and the corners turned down. “Please,” he whispers. ‘He says please so freely. I’ve never heard him say it anywhere else’ you realize with a start.
          “Lass, we wanted you here because,” Dwalin sighs heavily and pauses for a moment, “because we enjoy spending time with you and we want to know you better.” Now it’s your turn to have your mouth hang open like a fool. ‘Oh’ you think in shock. ‘That’s a surprise.’
          “Oh,” you say dumbly. “You do?” you ask again and they nod their heads in tandem. The crackling of the fire fills the room along with the silence that weaves between the gaps. You can tell they’re both nervous, but so are you with their attention focused solely on you.
          “Aye, we do. We-,” Dwalin breaks off as he looks back at his friend for help and then turns back to you with a confused face. “I’m not that good with words lass but you’re the finest, most charming woman I’ve seen in a long while and I-,” he breaks again and this time looks down at his feet for a moment, wringing his hands. The gesture and the silence raises you to your feet to sit next to him and carefully grasp his large hands in your own smaller ones. The tanned, inked skin of his hands are quite the contrast against your own and he looks up from his shyness to look into your eyes. “I think that you’re quite the lass,” he tells you quietly as if it were a long kept secret.
          “I feel the same way about you Y/N,” Thorin voices from the side and your eyes widen. Your breathing picks up and you’d guess that’s it’s like second-hand nerves from the two warriors. ‘I thought warriors were never scared’ you wonder but guess there must be a first for everything.
          “But I-I-I can’t choose-,” you start to say, looking between the two frantically, but Dwalin squeezes your hands lightly in his.
          “What we’re doing a right poor job of sayin’ is that we don’t want you to,” he says to you tenderly.
          “We wouldn’t want you to,” Thorin adds in. You turn to look at him and his eyes are just as sincere. “We are doing a poor job of this,” he mutters and looks down for a moment before taking a deep breath. “We want to court you. The both of us. If you’ll have us of course.” Your mind is blank. The white noise piles over everything else as his words sink in even further until another squeeze to your hands brings you back to reality. “I understand if you’re overwhelmed by this-,” Thorin starts but you shake your head.
          “No,” you say to his question but watch as his face falls instantly at what must be the miscommunication of your answer. “Well yes!” you amend quickly, “I am a little overwhelmed but I. . . I like it. I like the idea. Yes,” you answer, biting your lower lip between your teeth as you blush and smile all at the same time. It’s a whirlwind of emotions that swallows you up as you watch both of their faces light up like this is their first time courting someone. 
         Both men smile hugely at your answer and Dwalin is the first to pull you into a large, warm hug before placing his forehead gently against yours. As soon as you’re released from his grasp Thorin sweeps you up and presses his forehead to yours as well and places his hand on the back of your neck.
          “I was worried for a moment there but you’ve simply made my day brighter than the sun,” Dwalin says through a smile and you smile back only to yawn hugely. You open your mouth to apologize when Thorin dismisses it completely. 
         “We’ve kept you too long then,” he assumes and you try to protest but he chuckles at you getting worked up. “We don’t have to rush this. We have so much time to get to know one another better.” He looks at you with understanding and you nod your head.
          “What do you think others will say though? It will be different,” you worry but Dwalin cups your cheek carefully, running his thumb across your cheekbone and looking into your eyes.
          “Don’t you worry about what anyone else thinks of us. This is between the three of us,” he murmurs. His brown eyes are soft as they look into yours.
          “They would only be jealous anyways,” Thorin adds behind you, kissing the crown of your head for a moment while Dwalin holds you close. You yawn again and they crack toothy grins at your state.
          “Yeah, it’s been a tiring day,” you tell them and you receive a warm and heavy hand on your back as another one finds its way back to your own.
          “Why don’t you go back home and sleep. We can see you in the morning,” Dwalin chuckles. You turn your head to mock glare at him as if he had said something scandalous.
          “It’s like you both think you’ll know right where to find me, hm?” you joke and both of them release small laughs. The sound and attention makes your heart soar even higher than before making you relax into them.
          “I don’t think that we could ever stay away,” Thorin says quietly. He places the back of your hand against his lips and gives it a small but tender kiss before pulling you off of the couch. You say your goodbyes and then head out of the large doors back down to your home, all the while thinking of your two dwarves and how truly lucky you must be.
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the-jade-cross · 4 years
Journey to Middle Earth - Chapter 2
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Summary – What if JRR Tolkien never gave Thorin a love story… because the person that was meant to be Thorin’s was not yet born when he wrote the Hobbit? Sara journeys from her world to Middle Earth after an accident, with a mission. To change something about the Hobbit story… but she is not sure what. What she does not know is that while trying to prevent something from happening, something new might arise between her and the dwarf prince….even if it is not on the agenda!
Warnings – None, no explicit scenes, some kissing, violence, frightening creatures, mentions of abuse.
Pairings – Thorin Oakenshield x OC
Sara shook her head again. When she looked up, she was still in Rohan. This was starting to really scare her but at the same time, she had a surge of excitement. She was in middle earth! She would always daydream about what it would be like to live there and now, she was experiencing it full throttle!
There was a knock at the door and Sara grabbed the shawl by the bed. Wrapping it over her nightgown, she answered the door. Standing there was a lovely girl of about nine with golden hair.
"Hello miss," the girl said. "I'm Theodwyn. Theoden's sister."
Sara smiled and opened the door wider, "Hello Theodwyn. I'm Sara."
"I know," the girl said sweetly. "Everyone is talking about you. Everyone is wondering where you came from and what race you are."
"Race?" Sara asked then it suddenly dawned on her.... she was in middle earth! There were elves, dwarves, wizards.... wait.... was she still human?
"Well I'm honestly kind of lost myself but I'm quite sure I'm human," Sara replied.
"You're petite for a human," Theodwyn pointed out. "Though it's not unknown for some humans to be petite.
Sara smiled, "I get it from my mother. She was petite too."
Theodwyn caught sight of Mason who lay on the large bed and running over, she fondled his ears, "WHat's his name?"
"Mason," Sara replied, smiling.
The little girl stroked the dog one more time before hopping up with determination in her stance, "I almost forgot. I came here to help you get ready for the meeting."
"Meeting?" Sara asked.
the little girl nodded as she headed to the closet and began to look through the clothes, "Father has called a meeting of all the elders in Rohan. He also invited a few other friends. They're going to try and help you."
"Oh that is very kind of them," Sara remarked.
Just then, Theodwyn returned from the closet with a lovely cotton dress that fell almost to the floor with a green corset top and creamy white skirts and sleeves.
Sara smiled as she took the dress and walked behind the curtain. She quickly pulled it on and marveled at how well it fit and how comfortable it was. When she came out, Theodwyn walked behind her to do the straps.
"Mother always said green was my color," Sara said, a sad look crossing her face.
Theodwyn sensed the girl's sorrow, "DO you have any other family back home?"
Sara nodded, "My brothers..... oh no!"
"What is it?" the girl asked, startled at Sara's outburst, "What happened?"
"The boys were in the accident with me!" Sara gasped, clapping a hand to her mouth, "Where are they.... did they survive....and Pierce....oh Pierce."
"Sh," Theodwyn comforted, stroking the older girl's red hair, "Its alright. I promise my father will help you. And he will help you find your brothers."
Sara shook her head, "I don't think anything will help me find them now."
About thirty minutes later Theodwyn led Sara out of the chamber and down the hallway to the great hall where the meeting was being held. When the little girl pushed the door open, Sara found Theoden standing inside the door, one hand on the small sword at his side, watching the adults talking.
"Hello Sara!" the boy greeted, grinning.
"Hello Theoden," Sara said, bowing her head respectfully.
Theodwyn smirked, "I thought I might find you hear brother."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Theoden remarked, going slightly pink in the face.
Sara at first thought that they were referring to Theoden's interest in adult matters but then she noticed Theodwyn and Theoden both look across the room at a young girl who stood across the room with a few ladies in waiting. She was a pretty little girl with rich brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.
"That's Elfhild," Theodwyn explained. "Theoden likes her."
Sara smirked, recognizing the name. Elfhild was Theodwyn's future wife and would later become the mother of Theodore.
Theoden glowered at his sister, "And what about you and Eomund?"
Theodwyn's face went pink and she ducked her head, "HE doesn't even pay attention to me."
Both children fell silent and Sara decided it was time to put her knowledge of the future of middle earth to work. Crouching down, she placed a hand on each of their shoulders.
"Hey, never give up," She whispered. "If you really care about someone so much that they make you smile and make you feel whole, never give up on them."
Theoden's eyes widened, "You really think that Elfhild will like me too one day?"
Sara smiled, "There's a sizable chance."
The boys face lit up and Sara couldnt help but smile.
"THeoden!" Thengal called.
Theoden suddenly became serious, "Come on Sara, it's time for you to join the meeting."
Of course, the boy couldn't hold his seriousness for longer than that and taking the girl's hand like a little school boy, he pulled her rather hastily over to the group of men. They were sitting at a round table, Thengal at the head. There were about ten men, the oldest who looked almost on death's door and the youngest was about THengal's age.
There was a stranger sitting near Thengal, dressed in a hooded cloak but Sara brushed it off.
"There you are Sara dear," Thengal said, smiling. "Please sit down."
Sara sat down gingerly but felt better when all the elders and Thengal gave her a reassuring smile each.
"My dear," Thengal began, "We are still waiting on one important friend who may have the answers we're looking for. But before he arrives, could you please tell us what you know about yourself? Where do you come from?"
Sara looked around at the table of curious, patient faces. She knew she could trust them... but she didn't know how they would react.
"I don't come from this world," she explained.
Immediately, she had everyone's attention, especially the cloaked figure.
"What do you mean?" an elder asked. "Are you from the Undying Lands?"
Sara shook her head, "I...I come from another world.... kind of like this one.... but different. I...I was I an accident with my brothers.... when everything went black."
"Were you wounded?" an elder asked.
The girl shrugged, "I don't know.... all I remember is losing control of the...." Right then she knew that no one would understand what a car was so she decided to alter it to their understanding, "I lost control of the horse....and we....crashed into a tree.... I don't know if my brothers were hurt....but I just remember everything going black..."
"Then what?" Thengal asked, intrigued. "What did you see before you woke up?"
"Everything," Sara whispered. "I saw the world.... the skies.... the stars.... it was like I was floating in the clouds. Then I felt a pulling feeling... like someone was trying to wake me up from a dream... but it felt so real... then a woman's voice kept calling my name...and then I woke up."
"You heard a woman calling your name?" a voice asked.
Sara spun around and her eyes widened beyond their normal size. Standing behind her was a tall man with a long white beard, kind brown eyes and a gray attire....
"Gandalf..." the girl whispered.
The old man smiled fondly at the girl's surprise, "Quite so my dear. It is an honor to meet you. From what you have told us so far, it seems that we have a major question on our hands."
After Sara had spent a full half hour answering random questions from the council, she was given leave to return to her chambers. She didn't understand what they were hoping to get from the meeting. They asked her things like her age, her full name, her brothers names and what they looked like so they could see if they could be found, if she knew who the woman was who she heard and what she knows about how she got there. The last one she had no answer to.
Sara headed down the hallway, completely lost and unsure of what was happening. IT was all exhilarating but she still needed answers before she could enjoy it fully. Stopping by her chambers, she grabbed Mason and headed outside to get fresh air. Thengal had told her to venture wherever she went but to never leave the walls unless she told someone in case she got hurt or lost.
She found the kitchen and used that exit to go out the back. There was a grassy area where she let Mason run. It was windy and cool out but Sara barely noticed. She stood on the grass, staring at the world around her. This was definitely not a dream nor a prank.... it was real.... but how?
"Fine companion you've got there," a kind voice remarked.
Sara spun around and found herself face to face with Gandalf. She smiled warmly and nodded as she looked at Mason, "He's a loyal friend to have in a time like this."
Gandalf smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. Sara felt a warm feeling rush through her body... this was real.... she was talking to Gandalf... THE GANDALF THE GRAY!
"I know this is hard for you to understand but I think I know what has happened," the wizard said.
Sara looked at him, "How?"
"What you said about the woman's voice," Gandalf replied. "I think I might know who you heard."
Sara's eyebrows furrowed and realization dawned on her. She was about to say the name but realized that it might give away her knowledge of middle earth's entire fate.
"An elf friend of mine would be very intrigued to meet you," Gandalf remarked. "She is very kind and very wise. If anyone knew what this was all about, it would be her."
Sara looked at him, "What do you think happened to make me come here? I mean... with that kind of accident... I should be dead...."
The girl's eyes widened and her face paled, "Do you think I'm a ghost?"
Gandalf chuckled, "I doubt it lass. No, I think the explanation is it wasn't your time to enter the undying lands. In that case, you were brought here. For what reasons I don't know....but perhaps it's either you belong here instead of in your world.... or our world needed you."
"For what?" Sara asked. "I know nothing about how to live here... I have never carried a weapon in my life except a bow but they're nothing like the ones here."
The wizard smiled and placed his hands on her shoulders, "It's your knowledge that I feel our world needs."
"My knowledge?" Sara asked, puzzled. "In what way?"
The man smiled knowingly, "You have seemed strangely at ease despite the fact that you are in a world you do not know... which is why I have come to think you do know this world."
Sara shook her head, "I'm sorry Gandalf... I'm afraid I have never been here before."
"I know that child," he said Kindly, "I mean, you know of this place.... because you have heard tales.... you know everything. You have all the answers of what has happened and is to happen. Thengal told me that when you first met him and Theoden you seemed shocked and almost amused....then the name of Rohan and the date really set you off. I didn't think much of this till you admitted that you are from another world. How did you seemingly know of Thengal and Theoden? Also....why did the date set you off so?"
Sara sighed, "I'm sorry... I should have told you.... you're right. I do know what happens....and you're right. In my world there are stories in great detail about everything that happens in middle earth.... here I mean....I should have told you..."
Gandalf shook his head, "I don't blame you. You are in a world that you thought only existed in books and tales. Besides that, I think it best you tell no one of your knowledge."
"Not even Elrond and Galadrial..." Sara asked before realizing what she had said.
Her eyes widened when she saw the look of surprise and amusement on Gandalf's face.
"So you did recognize the voice," he said, amused. "And in answer to your question, I think Elrond and Galadrial should know but only what they think they need to know. the more people who know about the future of middle earth will be what changes the fate of this world and that could be catastrophic."
Sara nodded, "And some horrible things happen.... but so many good things....wait.... maybe that's it."
"What are you speaking of?" Gandalf asked.
Sara's eyes lit up, "Maybe that's why I was brought here! I know about everything that happens.... maybe I was brought here to change something."
Gandalf's face lit up, "I'm glad you figured it out. THat's what I thought but I had to be sure."
"But what is it exactly that I must change?" the girl asked.
Gandalf shrugged, "That is something Lady Galadrial would know."
Sara sighed and nodded, "Does that mean I must travel to Lothlorien?"
Gandalf seemed shocked at her knowledge of the elven world but then remembered who he was talking to, "No child. I am in fact on my way to join a few friends and we will be passing by Rivendell... hopefully if my friends' stubbornness isnt too much to handle. Galadrial will meet us there. She has already told me in dreams that she has much to speak with you about."
Sara smiled and was just picking Mason up when her eyes widened and Gandalf could sense her shock.
"You.....You're going....to...reclaim.....Erabor!" She gasped.
Gandalf chuckled and smiled, "You are full of surprises Miss Aldhard. Even though I barely know you, I can tell that this will be rather intriguing adventure. And you're right. I am on my way to meet up with the company and I intend to take you with me."
Sara's eyes widened more and she clutched Mason so tight his eyes bulged, "I'm.... gonna....go....holy noodles!"
Gandalf laughed heartily at her reaction and patted her head, "Better prepare yourself. We leave at dawn."
Sara took a deep breath as her hands rested on her hips. She looked at the knapsack she had obtained from Theoden. She had packed an extra pair of clothes. When she had told Theodwyn that she was going on a journey with Gandalf, the princess had a full out fit of joy. She had immediately whipped up a simple leather outfit for Sara as well as some excessories. She had then made sure she had an extra pair of clothes as well.
The girl turned and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a comfortable white shirt underneath a leather corset like dress that laced up the sides and buttoned up the front. She also wore black leather pants and boots that came al the way to her knees.
On her wrists she wore a pair of black leather bracers to protect her arms and to also keep her sleeves down.
There was a knock at the door and Sara turned to see Theodwyn and Theoden entering. She smiled at them as they shuffled in, Theoden carrying a wooden box in his arms.
"Hello Sara," the little girl greeted. "We have something for you.
Sara watched with curiosity as Theoden laid the box on the bed and stepped aside, "We found this on the edge of the river near where we found you.... we didn't know if it was yours until we saw this."
With that, he pointed out the name that was carved on the side and Sara felt her heart freeze: E Aldhard.
"What does the E stand for?" Theodwyn inquired.
Sara swallowed thickly and felt tears prick her eyes, "Eustace.... that was my father's name..."
"So this was your fathers?" Theoden inquired.
Sara nodded and approached the box. She hadn't recognized it right away for it had been years since she had seen the box. Her father was always the mysterious kind and he always kept that box in the back of their truck behind the seat where no one could see it. Occasionally Sara or her brothers would see him put something in the box, but never take something out. OF course he had made them promise to never open it unless they had no other choice.
Sara sat down beside the box and slowly lifted the lid. Inside were five boxes... each one labeled with her name and the names of her brothers.... one for each of them. Wedged between the boxes was an envelope. Drawing it out, she opened it and realized it was a letter from her father.
Dear Pierce, Sara, Axel, Omar and Ryder,
If you're reading this then it probably means your mother and I are gone. There isn't much I can say that can do justice by putting it on paper. This box holds some things that your mother and I found or collected over the years. There was something about each thing that just seemed to catch our attention. We want you all to keep the things in your boxes, not in memory of us, but in memory of all the good memories we have had together. I love you all so much. Do good and be good and stay strong.
Love, Daddy
Sara quickly wiped her eyes and closed the letter, placing the envelope and letter into her knapsack. She then turned and picked up the box that had her name on it.
When she opened it, the first thing she saw was the small set of silver dwarves beads with the dwarfish rune: S on it. Next to it laid an elven ring with a small blue gem set into it.
Also in her box was a small necklace that was obviously of Rohan with the double headed horses with their foreheads touching                    
Sara gently drew out the ring and slipped it onto her finger, then taking the necklace, she tied it around her neck.
She closed her box up and put it back in the larger box. She then drew out all her brother's boxes and opening them, she emptied them onto the bed.
Out tumbled several things: a sketchbook and pencils for Axel, a dagger and arrowheads for Omar, a wooden flute and leather belt for Ryder and a wooden horn for Pierce. Also in the box were several sets of dwarven beads.... each set with A, R, P or O on them for each of her brothers.
"They would have loved these," she whispered, fingering the beads.
Theoden placed a hand on her shoulder while his sister hugged the girl, "I'm sorry that they didn't make it."
Sara sniffed and wiped her eyes, "Well Pierce didn't... I don't know if Omar, Axel and Ryder died in the accident.... if they didn't...or if they did.... either way... I'll never see them again."
With that, the tears began to flow down her face. Theodwyn shushed her gently and stroked her hair.
"Look at it this way. You have these things to remember them by.... and to keep their memories alive."
Sara turned and looked at the two and smiled, hugging them both, "Thank you for everything."
The two smiled and after ensuring that she was alright, they left her alone.
Sara climbed onto the bed and sat crosslegged, looking at the contents. She grabbed up the belt and immediately tied it around her waist. She grabbed the flute and placed it in the pouch on her belt alongside all the beads, arrowheads, pencils and the sketchbook. She slipped the dagger into her boot and hung the horn snuggly on the other side of her belt.
She was just tying up the pouch when she noticed another pair of beads. These had the rune letter: M on them.
Sara fond herself smiling and turning, she looked at Mason who lay on the bed near her. Smiling, she reached over to the sleeping dog and gently grabbed his collar. Untying it, she slipped the two beads onto his collar snuggly before tying the collar back on.
She smiled and placed all the small boxes back in the large box. She was just about to close it when something gray and dark caught her attention. Opening the box wider, she saw that there was something lying on the bottom of the box. Removing the smaller boxes, her eyes widened when she realized what it was: her father's pistol!
"He must have left it in there on accident," the girl thought at first.
Then she noticed that the pistol was tied down to the bottom of the box by string. Using the dagger, she cut the string and drew out the pistol. She saw that tied to the trigger was a small bag that contained at least fifty bullets. Inside the bag was a small snippet of paper.
'Use well. Trust your instincts. Protect.'
"Oh dad," Sara sighed. "You seriously thought of everything."
Shaking her head sadly, she placed the bullets in her pouch along with the note and then slipped the pistol into the pocket of her pants underneath her leather outfit so no one would see it.
Sighing to herself, she got off the bed and finished packing before grabbing her bag and swinging it on her back. She then turned and picked up the sleeping form of Mason and headed out of the room.
She found Gandalf outside, two horses with him. one was his black horse that Sara recognized immediately. The other was a lovely brown small horse. It wasn't a pony but it wasn't a tall horse either, easily mistaken for a pony.
Sara stepped over and placed her knapsack on the saddle of the pony, strapping it on. She turned to the horse and stroked his nose.
"His name is Dancer," Gandalf told her. "He'll serve you well."
Sara smiled and stroked the horse's nose again.
She then turned and saw Thengal, Theoden and Theodwyn standing behind her. Walking over, she smiled as she crouched down to hug Theodwyn. She then bowed to Thengal.
"Thank you for everything," She said.
Thengal smiled and nodded, patting the girl's head. She turned back to Theodwyn and smiled, taking the girl's hands.
"Just remember something," she whispered, "No matter what happens, don't grieve over things in the past."
Theodwyn smiled and nodded, hugging her. Sara felt a pain hit her heart. Would those words really help Theodwyn? Would they change the outcome of Theodwyn's passing? Would she really not succumb to grief and leave Eomer and Eowyn alone?
She then turned to Theoden and smiled, shaking the boy's hand before THeoden hugged her close.
"Will we meet again?" he asked.
Sara smiled and hugged him, "I don't know but I'm sure we will if I don't get killed."
Theoden smiled and nodded. Sara crouched down and looked deep into his eyes.
"Trust people THeoden," she whispered. "Always trust people who deserve your trust.... Never turn your back on those who love you and those you love."
Theoden nodded as Sara rose to her feet. She turned to Gandalf who mounted his horse. Sara then swung up onto her pony before Theoden handed her Mason whom she placed in her lap.
The two waved and turning their horses, rode towards the gate of Edoras. They were just heading out when Sara felt eyes on the back of her head. She turned and saw the cloaked figure from the meeting standing about twenty feet from them.
"Gandalf... who is that?" she whispered.
Gandalf glanced back and smiled, "He's a ranger from the north...he's known as..."
"Strider," Sara whispered, realization dawning on her. No wonder she didn't recognize him, Aragorn was only twenty-seven!
"Yes," Gandalf remarked, surprised but then he remembered Sara's knowledge, "And I'm guessing you know his real name."
Sara nodded, "Yes...I just hope that his being here because of me doesn't affect what will happen to him in the future."
"I take it that most of it was good," Gandalf inquired.
Sara nodded again, "All of it was."
With that, they rode out of Edoras and Sara took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of fresh air and the wild.... she was going on an adventure.
Sara knew that if she didn't stay cool and calm that she would drive the wizard insane. It was strange that she had only known Gandalf in person for at least a day and a half and she felt like she had known him her whole life... honestly, she knew all about his future and things he would do so that was one thing.
Gandalf rode in silence for a long time but occasionally asked the girl if she was comfortable. The truth was, Sara was accustomed to riding horses for she had done so back on earth. she would often take take the boys to a nearby farm to ride on the weekends but she was getting a little tired. In that case, she began to find ways to keep her mind off the saddle.
After about three hours of riding, she soon learnt that the bridle on her horse wasn't necessary for her pony didn't stray more than a foot or two from Gandalf's. In that case she tied the reins so that they didnt hang too low and drew out the sketch book that had been meant to be given to Axel.
She felt a pain strike her heart as she opened the book and ran her fingers over the fresh white pages. Axel loved coloring and sketching and was surprisingly good for his age. He had inherited from his father just like Sara had. The three of them were the artists of the family. However, their father was more interested in carved or chiseled art while Axel loved color and paintings. Sara failed at painting but she was quite alright with pencils.
She quickly wrote a small passage on the front page and smiled at it:
Belongs to: Axel Aldhard
Entries by: Sara Alhard
In memory of a loving brother who brought beauty alive wherever he went
Trying to not think too hard about what might have happened to her brothers, Sara turned the page and began to sketch. About an hour later, Gandalf noticed that her eyes weren't on the road. He had noticed not because her horse had strayed for the horse had stayed perfectly on the path, but rather he had noticed that the girl hadn't made any comment to anything around them. True they had been traveling on open or wooded country but he found her silence interesting.
Turning, he smiled when he saw her head bent over the book, her curls falling about the page.
"You draw?" he asked.
Sara looked up and nodded, smiling, "I got it from my dad. This book was meant to be given to my brother.....Axel.... he was an artist too..."
Gandalf smiled sadly, "I'm sorry that you made it and they did not.... but I'm sure that where your brother is in the undying lands, he is watching you and I'm sure he would want you to use it to keep his memory alive."
Sara nodded sadly and sighed as she looked at the sketch. She held it out to Gandalf who took the notebook in his hand and smiled at the sketch. It was a perfect pencil sketch of Mason. He looked over at the pup who was running about the grass happily, enjoying being off the saddle as he followed his mistress on foot.
"It's a very good likeness," he remarked.
Sara smile and tucked the book and pencils back into her pouch, "I just hope the dwarves wont mind him being here."
Gandalf put on an annoyed face, not at her but at the stubbornness of dwarves, "I assume that you know of the dwarves' stubbornness."
Sara smirked, "Believe me, I know at least the minimal."
"Well, I should warn you that especially since you're young, a girl and a human... they may treat you differently. If not for those reasons, but because you are from another world," the wizard pointed out.
Sara pursed her lips thoughtfully, "Should I hold off telling them where I'm from until they... get used to me?"
Gandalf smiled, "A good idea."
"I'm just worried," Sara sighed. "I mean.... in my world I know how disagreeable dwarves can be to elves and how they can sometimes give other people a hard time but...I have no way of knowing how they'll treat me and... I don't even know how to protect myself."
Gandalf leant over and patted her hand gently, "Dont worry about it. Some of the dwarves may take longer than others but most of them may just find the need to want to protect you. Besides that, I'm sure they would love to teach you how to fight."
Sara smiled when suddenly another thought struck her head and she shivered, "And.... orcs."
Gandalf nodded, "Ah yes. They're real here."
Sara shivered again and shook her head, "I guess I'll get used to all of this being.... real.... but there's one thing I'm not ready for."
The wizard looked at her puzzled. He tried to think of what it could be when he noticed the girl's face pale, "THorin?"
Sara shook her head, "That is one thing but....Azog."
Gandalf sighed, "He's alive isnt he?"
Sara nodded, "Very much alive and.... out for revenge."
"Does he die?" Gandalf asked. "Actually, don't tell me. That might ruin the future."
Sara let out a deep sigh and ran her hands through her hair, "I'll be glad when I meet Lady Galadriel. I really want to tell someone... but I know I cannot tell the person it involves because it will break him."
Gandalf nodded, "That's wise my dear but don't worry, all will come clear eventually."
There was a moment where they were swallowed in silence before Gandalf pulled his horse to a stop to water and they dismounted to stretch their legs. Mason curled up the grass to sleep while Sara walked to the river and refilled her skin and splashed water on her face.
She looked at her hair and realized the ponytail she had put in it wasn't going to cut it. She was in middle earth now and they knew how to put their hair in just the right way where it didn't cause a bother. Knowing that she had no idea how to braid any elvish or dwarfish braids, she settled for just braiding a braid she knew but made it tight.
When she finished she nodded and rose to her feet. She then got to her feet and returned to her pony. She made sure that the saddle wasn't chaffing him before she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She turned to see Gandalf standing there, holding out a small bundle to her, "You might need this as the journey progresses."
Sara took the bundle and unfolded it, revealing to be a dark green leather cloak. It laced up the side so that it covered her shoulders almost to her wrists. It had no hood but Sara didn't mind.
"Thank you," she said brightly, pulling it on over her outfit. it seemed to finish up her outfit perfectly, concealing most of her white shirt and the laces on her side.
They were soon on the road again but this time, Sara's mind wasn't just clouded with thoughts of the saddle or of the excitement of meeting the dwarves.... but also the prospect of the dangers that were to come... not to mention the hardships and deaths....she just hoped that her being there would change something.
It seemed forever that Sara was in the saddle until they reached the outskirts of the shire, then nothing could keep Sara's attention on her sour backside and legs.
Gandalf occasionally chuckled whenever Sara's face lit up at the sight of a hobbit or a hobbit hole. Of course, when they reached the center of Hobbiton and crested the bridge towards Baggend, Sara felt all the air drained out of her.... it was really real! She was in hobbiton!
Gandalf, being the wizard that he was, couldn't urge his horse to go any faster or he didn't want to which really sent anxiety up Sara's spine as she strained to see what was ahead. This proved to not help much especially since it was getting dark and there were barely any hobbits out to begin with.
When they pulled in front of Baggend, Sara was a little too hasty to get off her horse but Gandalf stopped her gently.
"I'll have to leave you hear Sara," the wizard said.
Sara furrowed her brow, "Arent you coming in?"
"I have to meet up with some of the company to ensure they make it here," The wizard replied.
A knowing smile spread across Sara's face, remembering that Gandalf arrived with most of the dwarves later. She nodded and grabbed her bag from her pony.
"I'll tie Dancer up in the garden where no one will see him. I do suggest that you try to stay hidden at least from most of the dwarves," Gandalf pointed out. "Oh and by all means, if THorin arrives before I do, try to avoid him till I arrive."
Sara nodded and felt relieved, knowing that if she hadn't messed up the timeline too much, THorin wouldn't arrive till after everyone arrived.
She watched Gandalf go around towards the back as she opened the gate and climbed up the stairs. She had the urge to just admire the hobbit hole for a long time but the sound of voices inside caught her attention. She must have not been the first one.
Taking a deep breath, she climbed the stairs to the door and rapped firmly on the door. The moment her eyes fell on the open door and the hobbit before her, she felt her heart skip a beat with joy. Bilbo was exactly as he had been in the story and in the film.... but he was shorter than she thought. He couldn't have come up to her shoulder.
"Sara Aldhard," She said, bowing, "AT your service."
She tried not to smirk especially at Bilbo's confused, stunned reaction but the hobbit quickly cleared his throat, "Bilbo Baggins.... at yours."
He stepped aside and Sara walked in. She noted that the hobbit seemed a little relieved and she knew exactly why.
"I'm afraid that some of your companions have already arrived," Bilbo explained. "And gone and eaten all the decent food."
Sara shook her head, "It's alright. I already ate on the road."
Bilbo nodded and scurried off the moment he heard a crash. Sara smiled, taking in every single detail of the hobbit hole. It was just the right size and she barely had to duck.... in fact, even going through the doorways she didn't have to duck.
She finally found her way into the living room which she decided was the best place for her to stay till Gandalf returned. She walked over to a nearby bookshelf and fingered the spines when suddenly she sensed a presence behind her.
Spinning around, she found herself facing none other than Fili and Kili themselves! The girl was slightly startled that they were her height (in fili's case) and slightly taller (in Kili's case). Then she remembered, these two weren't Dean O'Gorman and Aiden Turner just acting the dwarves.... these were the dwarves themselves!
Kili of course approached the girl first and bowed from the waist, a smirk on his face, "Kili at your service."
Sara smiled and returned the bow, "Sara at yours."
Kili's face lit up as his older brother introduced himself.
"You're no dwarf," Kili pointed out.
Sara nodded, "I'm human."
Fili raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Small for a human I will give you that."
"I get it from my mother," Sara said when suddenly a cloud passed over her face.
Both brothers seemed to sense it and at once set it their task to cheer her up, "care to join us? We're just getting food on the table."
Sara smiled at Kili's offer but shook her head, "No thank you. I already ate. I'll just wait here till Gandalf arrives."
The two brothers nodded and scurried off.
Sara was left alone in the sitting room for some time without any interruptions. She did occasionally get a curious dwarf wandering through but so far other than Bilbo, Fili and Kili, she had only seen Ori, Nori and Dori.
Just when she was quite sure that the dwarves should be finishing, Balin stepped into the sitting room.
"You must be Sara," the dwarf said, smiling softly.
Sara nodded and smiled back, "Sara Aldhard, Master Balin."
Balin's eyebrows shot up, "You know me?"
Sara at once mentally smacked herself for almost spilling her knowledge but she quickly came up with a plan, "I heard your brother call you several times since I've arrived."
Balin seemed to believe that answer and smiled, "Gandalf told me of your arrival. He told me that you're concerned that Thorin will not accept you into the company."
Sara sighed and sank down into a chair, placing her chin on her hands, "It's a long story."
Balin placed an arm on the mantle and considered the girl, "Gandalf told me that there was something private that you would want to talk with me about. He said you had something on your mind that you shouldn't tell everyone yet..."
Sara realized that Balin had been sent to relieve her thoughts. She smiled, knowing that Gandalf knew that they both could trust Balin to keep her secret and it would give her someone else to talk to about it especially if it concerned her.
"I do," she said softly, "It's a long story."
Balin sat down and Sara explained how she had come to be in Middle Earth. She also told him about her parents' death, Pierce's sickness and the accident. Balin listened softly and only occasionally raised his eyebrows when she mentioned dying and ending up in Rohan.
"That is quite a story lass," Balin remarked. "I can see why it is troubling you."
Sara shook her head, "That's not the most of it.... I know I'm here for a reason... to change something but I don't know what."
Balin cocked his head to the side, "Why do you think you're meant to change something?"
Sara let out a deep sigh and rubbed her eyes, "Because I know what happens on the journey."
Balin's eyes widened and he checked over his shoulder to ensure no one was eavesdropping. In truth, the dwarves were too busy singing and cleaning up to pay attention to Balin and Sara's absence.
"What do you mean?"
"Where I come from... you, the dwarves, Gandalf, Bilbo, THorin.... you all exist.... but only in stories. In my world there is a story called the Hobbit where it tells the details of your journey to reclaim Erabor.... and everything that happens afterwards," Sara explained.
Balin's eyes widened and his mouth fell open, "You mean.... you know what happens to us?"
Sara nodded, "Gandalf suggested I not tell anyone the details till we find out what I'm meant to change...."
"So... if you were brought here to change something...does that mean that something horrible happens?" Balin asked, worry on his face.
Sara felt her heart catch. Her mind raced back to when she had watched the Hobbit with her brothers.... she remembered seeing FIli's death, Kili's.....then Thorin's...
"Yes.... something horrible happens," Sara whispered. "And I can only hope that I was meant to change it."
Balin sighed and nodded, "Could you tell me what happens?"
Sara looked at the door and saw Gandalf sitting in a corner, watching her. She gave him a look and nodded.
"It's.. really hard for me to say this," Sara said, choking on the tears that were building up in her throat, "But you must promise me that you will not tell anyone but Gandalf.... he is the only other one who knows...."
Balin nodded, "I promise. I wont even tell my brother or Thorin."
Sara nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes that were building up there, "Thorin...."
Just before she could get it out, there was a loud knock at the door.... three hard thumps. Sara felt her heart leap into her throat....Thorin.
"He is here," Gandalf whispered.
Balin and all the dwarves headed to the door but Sara stayed in the sitting room. She made her way over to stand behind the dwarves, near Gandalf.
Here goes nothing.
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