#hellraiser IV bloodline
whoa, still on the opening credits for Hellraiser IV: Bloodline but goddamn, this movie's score was done by Daniel Licht???? oh i'm so excited to see how this sounds. if you're not familiar with Daniel's work, he did the music for all 3 of the Dishonored games. i feel like i don't need to say more but he's really fucking good at his job.
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itssbabydoll · 2 months
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Like look at them
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Hellraiser IV: Bloodline (1996) // Dir. Kevin Yagher
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made this a lil while ago but forgot to post it here lol ANYWAYSSS fellow hell on earth and / or bloodline enjoyers rise up!!!!!
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flipflopslapfight · 7 months
Review: "Hellraiser IV: Bloodline"
Double-dipping into Hellraiser world this October? Are these movies awaking deep-seated masochistic tendencies? Continue reading Untitled
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plaguedoctorraven · 2 years
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Hellraiser IV: Bloodline
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narastories · 6 months
So, I kind of finished my random Hellraiser movie-watching madness, and here is my personal list of ordering the Hellraiser films from best to worst:
1. Hellraiser (1987)
2. Hellbound: Hellraiser ||
3. Hellraiser (2022)
4. Hellraiser: Hellseeker (VI)
5. Hellraiser |||: Hell on Earth
6. Hellraiser: Bloodline (IV)
7. Hellraiser: Deader (VII)
8. Hellraiser: Judgement (X)
9. Hellraiser: Hellworld (VIII)
10. Hellraiser: Inferno (V)
11. Hellraiser: Revelations (IX)
I know everyone has REALLY different opinions on these lol This is just mine. Ramblings below.
1. Hellraiser (1987)
If you're not rating this at the top, what even are you doing? OG. Classic. Great. Yes, they have visibly worked with different tech regarding the make-up, fake blood, etc. It just adds to the charm. Also: Kirsty <3
2. Hellbound: Hellraiser ||
This goes hand-in-hand with the first one. It also has that part with Kirsty getting the Cenobites to protect them, which is great. 10/10 no notes.
3. Hellraiser (2022)
Sorry, not sorry for putting it this high. It's just so pretty. And the cast is great. Overall eye-candy. I mean, I have a soft spot for Goran Višnjić in this (liar) in general. And Jamie Clayton just really made the role of the Priestess her own. I think with some of the Pinhead re-casts the issue was that they just put another guy in there, but with her, she really owned the role. The references back to the OG are subtle, and overall I think it did the original film justice.
4. Hellraiser: Hellseeker (VI)
I would be lying if I said the Pinhead & Kirsty scene didn't influence me to rate it this high. But also, I feel like this is the film that Inferno was trying (and failing) to be. You have the plotline with the police, and the cheating husband, but you actually care about what happens to the characters because it's Kirsty and his husband not just random people with no backstory. I'm going to say it again: I personally enjoyed Trevor's suffering and Kirsty getting blood on her hands. There is also something to be said about the early-2000's anxiety about surveillance.
5. Hellraiser |||: Hell on Earth
This still has a very similar vibe to I & II, which is a plus. I get that people think Pinhead is OOC here. Personally, I think his behavior could be explained by what happened to him. To me, it was hilarious that he basically let the human part of him die to save someone else, got stuck in a statue and his brain-to-mouth filter just disappeared. And then the human part kept haunting people. You also have Terri and Joey whom I love dearly.
6. Hellraiser: Bloodline (IV)
I appreciated the backstory, and I appreciated Angelique. Also, as I've said before the space-station setting didn't feel overly gratuitous. Imo it served a purpose and added to the narrative saying "we are so far in the future and these angels/demons are still here". At this point in the movies, it felt really good to get a little history lesson too about where the box was coming from.
7. Hellraiser: Deader (VII)
I would not call this (or the rest on this list for that matter) a good film. There was something personally relatable and therefore terrifying to me about this movie. It leans strongly on the idea that the ones you should be afraid of the most are human and I like that. The subway car scenes are also fun, but I'm taking minus points for the Hungarian name in the address that the guy pronounced like it was an Italian city. Oh yeah, and if you are claustrophobic... good luck?
8. Hellraiser: Judgement (X)
Very bizarre, but not half that bad? The scenes followed a plot that made sense and were enjoyably done. Pinhead wasn't OOC despite it not being Doug Bradley, of course. The guy with the glasses was also fun. Bonus points, because Kirsty can make deals, but Carter can't :P At the same time, this film is nowhere near as good as some of the older ones.
9. Hellraiser: Hellworld (VIII)
Just. No? I mean, part of me appreciates the geeky "fandom" setting and the 2005 technology. But. No. It's like Teen Wolf meets Hellraiser, and that is not a compliment (although I like both but... no) I just have an incoherent "this tasted bad" feeling about this movie lol If I had to articulate it, I would say that the plot felt very unfinished.
10. Hellraiser: Inferno (V)
So boring. I wasn't opposed to the concept because I think the question: "What does the police have to say about all of this?" is a good and valid one. But man, the execution sucked. I had zero sympathy for the main guy, but I also didn't feel gleefully malicious as I did with Trevor. Yeah, I can't recommend this one.
11. Hellraiser: Revelations (IX)
Ugh. First of all, the protagonists are two spoiled brats, whose troubles offer nothing interesting. Like, okay, you had a temper-tantrum and opened the box, congratulations I guess? Kirsty was more mature than this in the first movie. Second, and I'm sorry to say but this is the worst Pinhead recast out of them. He looked like a boy in his father's shoes. Tbh the cenobites all look worse. The plot also moves too fast and the references back to the old stuff are really clumsy. I'm sorry but I hated it.
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theatomicpriesthood · 2 years
Stretching the definition of gothposting here, but I’m watching every Hellraiser sequel and I want to highlight my favourite consecutive shots from each film, purely because it amuses me and not because I expect anyone to actually be interested. I’m three down so far (aka I just watched the fourth one) and I’ll update when I've seen more.
… I'm not choosing from the first one, because I actually think it is good and could not post one (1) favourite exchange. Also I’ve seen it before, whereas I’m watching all these for the first time.
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
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Technically I think it's only one shot (?) but the comedic timing of this explosion after the girlboss has just ripped out a heart is so funny to me I can’t stop thinking about it
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
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Pinhead's just like "hello LGBT community" and these nightclubbers are that meme of everyone at the party sneering at you. None of them are feeling the same emotion about seeing him and none of them are looking in quite the right direction
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline (1996)
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"Oh no… there’s a goth downstairs"
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
There is very little visually interesting about this film. I failed in my quest once again. I considered noting the ethereal cocaine sex for being one of the worst sex scenes I’ve ever seen, but I guess I gotta give it to this one shot:
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There’s severed fingers in this box and protagonist dude who looks frustratingly like a slightly degraded clone of David Boreanaz is mildly perturbed by seeing them
Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)
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Not sure this film needed to exist! Did not enjoy having to watch Kirsty's poor taste in man who looks frustratingly like a slightly degraded lovechild of Ryan Reynolds and Ben Affleck look at boobs in bemusement for an hour!
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optboss · 1 year
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Hellraiser IV: Bloodline é um bom filme e quem discorda está errado.
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¿Es mejor la nueva versión de "Hellraiser" que la original? Puede parecer un planteamiento singular, pues la película de 1987 es uno de los grandes clásicos del terror contemporáneo. Pero su reboot, dirigido por David Bruckner y que podrás ver en Hulu, es una brillante mezcla entre el gore y un elemento filosófico que sorprende por su solidez. Como si eso no fuera suficiente, utiliza el texto de origen, aunque no solamente como el centro del relato cinematográfico. 
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También lo convierte en un recorrido entre los puntos principales de la obra del escritor Clive Barker. El resultado es un tributo a la obra original, unido a la historia imaginada por su autor y un replanteamiento de su esencia.
¿Qué es lo terrorífico, sino otra forma retorcida de placer?
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"Hellraiser" abrió la puerta a una franquicia entera con diez películas, comics y también, toda una imaginería que sostenía su premisa más poderosa. Pero, poco a poco, los argumentos de la saga se hicieron más disparatados, extravagantes y absurdos. En especial, a medida que la elaborada reflexión acerca de lo maligno se desvirtuó en favor del efectismo. Al final, la obra de Barker terminó por decaer. Para el estreno de "Hellraiser: Judgment" en el 2018, la saga había perdido fuerza y, en especial, atractivo de taquilla. 
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De modo que, el reboot permite atravesar lo conocido de la historia de Barker y brindar un necesario segundo aire a la saga. La película de Bruckner, que ignora al resto de los largometrajes y comienza en un punto nuevo, contiene varios de los elementos que hicieron famosa a la original, aunque yo recomiendo ver al menos la primera peli.
Orden de estreno
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline (1996)
Hellraiser: Inferno (2000)
Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)
Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)
Hellraiser: Revelations (2011)
Hellraiser: Judgment (2018)
Es complicado explicar lo de la "cajita", los cenovitas, el dolor/placer, Pinhead, así que te he buscado un resumen de todas las pelis para que puedas orientarte.
Los fanáticos se sentirán aliviados al saber que "Hellraiser" definitivamente no escatima en sangre, proporcionando suficientes vísceras y piel desollada para satisfacer a los espectadores más sedientos de sangre. Cuando un alfiler perfora la carne de alguien, incluso ocasionalmente se ve el daño desde el interior del cuerpo, como para brindar una experiencia anatómica educativa para los espectadores jóvenes que buscan ingresar a la profesión médica. Se debe hacer una mención especial a los diseños y el maquillaje de criaturas salvajemente imaginativos
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A mi personalmente no me ha gustado, tarda demasiado en comenzar la acción, complicada de entender si no tienes una ligera idea de la saga, si me han fascinado los "monstruos/cenovitas", eso si .. te vas a hartar de ver sangre 🩸
No han tenido gusto ni para crear un buen poster publicitario.
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oh good god, this was so fucking bad. honestly, i don't even have anything that interesting to say about it, this is one of the most "clearly cooked in a executive's office" movies i've ever seen, it is so dispassionately put together and so clearly the work of executives more than anybody that both directors refused to put their name on this movie.
My ★★ review of Hellraiser: Bloodline on Letterboxd
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awesomephd · 2 years
Watching Through My Collection: Day 3/36
Hellraiser IV: Bloodline (1996)
Day 2 / Day 4
An inevitability of getting through this backlog of movies via random wheel is that any franchises in the list are gonna get shuffled out of order. So, here's the first one we got!
Luckily, I've already seen the first two Hellraiser movies so I know most of the lore already attached to Pinhead and the Cenobites, and any references to the third movie weren't blatant enough for me to notice, so this was still a pretty good watch.
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CW: Bodyhorror
There's so much to say about this movie...
Adam Scott's there! He plays a non-insubstantial part and gets to skin a woman and have really funny hair. I kinda wanted him to hang out for longer but he did eventually die, cause if you're willing to skin a person alive then you may get killed before the movie ends.
He also got to live 200 years without aging, so he was probably bored anyway.
The fact that this movie decided to cover 3 different generations of a family line was pretty neat, and having the same actor play his own descendants is one of my favorite tropes, so I was willing to forgive some of the lamer moments in the middle.
Obviously, since the movie opens in the future setting of 2127, and the first flashback goes to 1796 to when the Lament Configuration was first created, by the time the story gets to 1996 you know the stakes can only get so high.
Pinhead doesn't show up until the 1996 setting, really. Technically, he appeared in the beginning set in the future, but this is when you really get see him! When he does finally get to interact, he brings the elegance we all know and love him for. Even while being a catty bitch to the other Cenobite, Angelique, that's been the main antagonist up until then.
He even pets a dove and feeds it to his dog, he's amazing.
There is the most random character establishing conversation I have seen for some monster fodder in a movie to this day, though.
A pair of identical twin himbo night-security guards checking around the empty building the Cenobites are in talk about whether they'd fuck a transwoman.
While, yeah, this was 1996, we've all seen a 90's film where guys talk about whether they'd fuck a transwoman, I certainly did not expect it to get slipped into my Hellraiser movie.
Good news is; they would 👍
Honestly, the only things that really stuck out from the 1996 storyline was that conversation, Pinhead's dog, and a bit of plot explained about the final box to destroy the Cenobites involving lazers. The rest of the human conflict just can't suck you in when you know that the Cenobites don't take over the world (no one believes the Lament Configuration is dangerous in the future) and the kid survives because the bloodline needs to carry on in order for the future to even happen.
(The flat acting also doesn't help sell the arc. Best actor in there was the kid playing with his K'NEX. So relatable.)
Thankfully, once the movie gets back to the future it's all about that climax and hot Cenobite body horror goodness!!
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Everyone looks amazing and Pinhead flexes his stuff a lot more, them all getting a turn to kill someone in a fun way. Angelique decapitates a guy via mirror magic, the dog gets a guy while he's hiding, the Taffy Twins separate and then fucking absorb a dude in between them, and while Pinhead doesn't get any kills at the end, he does get to chew the scenery and get blown the fuck up by the giant box space station they finally built right to kill the Cenobites.
Of the weird trend of sending horror icons to space around the turn of the millennia, this is my favorite by far. I cannot wait to be sad and disappointed at all the other movies that'll barely have anything to do with the Hellraiser story beyond Pinhead showing up.
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submissivebarbie · 2 years
Watchlist (Blog Exclusive)
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This is the ultimate version of my watchlist. With a link to every film’s IMDB page & Plot Description. Also My Top 10 films thus far iv seen in October of 2022.
Note : Last Updated Monday,October 25th,2022
Top 10 Horror Films ( Of  October )
Terrifier 2
Hellraiser (2018)
The Watchlist
#01 - Hocus Pocus
A curious youngster moves to Salem, where he struggles to fit in before awakening a trio of diabolical witches that were executed in the 17th century.
#02 - Hocus Pocus 2
Two young women accidentally bring back the Sanderson Sisters to modern day Salem and must figure out how to stop the child-hungry witches from wreaking havoc on the world.
#03 - Watcher
A young American woman moves with her husband to Bucharest, and begins to suspect that a stranger who watches her from the apartment building across the street may be a local serial killer decapitating women.
#04 - What Josiah Saw
A family with buried secrets reunite at a farmhouse after two decades to pay for their past sins.
#05 - An American Werewolf In London
Two American college students on a walking tour of Britain are attacked by a werewolf that none of the locals will admit exists.
#06 - Martyrs
A young woman's quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tormented her as a child leads her and a friend, who is also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.
#07 - The Blair Witch Project
Three film students vanish after traveling into a Maryland forest to film a documentary on the local Blair Witch legend, leaving only their footage behind.
#08 - Muppets Haunted Mansion
On Halloween night, Gonzo is challenged to spend one night in The Haunted Mansion.
#09 - Maniac
A psychopathic man goes on a killing and mutilation spree in New York City.
#10 - American Mary
The allure of easy money sends Mary Mason, a medical student, into the world of underground surgeries which ends up leaving more marks on her than her so-called "freakish" clients.
#11 - The Munsters (2022)
Reboot of "The Munsters", that followed a family of monsters who moves from Transylvania to an American suburb.
#12 - Strangeland (1998)
A detective pursues a sadist specializing in body modification rituals who lures teenagers through the internet.
#13 - Men (2002)
A young woman goes on a solo vacation to the English countryside following the death of her ex-husband.
#14 - Hellraiser (2022)
A take on Clive Barker's 1987 horror classic where a young woman struggling with addiction comes into possession of an ancient puzzle box, unaware that its purpose is to summon the Cenobites.
#15 - Werewolf by Night
Follows a lycanthrope superhero who fights evil using the abilities given to him by a curse brought on by his bloodline.
#16 - X
In 1979, a group of young filmmakers set out to make an adult film in rural Texas, but when their reclusive, elderly hosts catch them in the act, the cast find themselves fighting for their lives.
#17 - Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers
After the death of Shaggy's Uncle Beaureguard, he, Scooby, and Scrappy arrive at his uncle's plantation to collect the inheritance. But as soon as they arrive, they find it is haunted by the ghost of a Confederate soldier. With this spook on their tails while they search for Shaggy's inheritance, they hired to help of the Boo Brothers, a trio of ghost-exterminators to help catch this nasty ghoul.
#18 - Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
The Mystery Gang reunite and visit Moonscar Island, a remote island with a dark secret. Daphne wants more than just a villain in a costume, and they get more than they ever expected.
#19 - Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost
Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Gang visit Oakhaven, Massachusetts to seek strange goings on involving a famous horror novelist and his ancestor who is rumored be a witch.
#20  - Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy
Velma discovers she's inherited her great-great-uncles' cursed castle in Transylvania, Pennsylvania. This Scooby-Doo adventure has enough spooky fun to make the whole family come alive!
#21 - Terrifier 
On Halloween night, Tara Heyes finds herself as the obsession of a sadistic murderer known as Art the Clown.
coulrophobia Warning
#22 - Terrifier 2 (2022)
After being resurrected by a sinister entity, Art the Clown returns to the timid town of Miles County where he targets a teenage girl and her younger brother on Halloween night.
coulrophobia Warning
#23 - Halloween (2018)
Laurie Strode confronts her long-time foe, Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago.
#24 - Halloween Kills
Surviving victims of Michael Myers form a vigilante mob and vow to end his reign of terror after they discover that he is still alive.
#25 - Ernest Scared Stupid
Ernest accidentally unleashes an ugly troll that plots to transform children into wooden dolls in the town of Briarville, Missouri.
#26 - Halloween Ends
The saga of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode comes to a spine-chilling climax in this final installment of this trilogy.
#27 - Joyride
Three young people on a road trip from Colorado to New Jersey talk to a trucker on their CB radio, then must escape when he turns out to be a psychopathic killer.
#28 - Jaws
When a killer shark unleashes chaos on a beach community off Cape Cod, it's up to a local sheriff, a marine biologist, and an old seafarer to hunt the beast down.
#29 - Valentine
Five women are stalked by an unknown assailant while preparing for Valentine's Day.
#30 - Sleepy Hollow
Ichabod Crane is sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate the decapitations of three people, with the culprit being the legendary apparition, The Headless Horseman.
#31 -  Beetlejuice
The spirits of a deceased couple are harassed by an unbearable family that has moved into their home, and hire a malicious spirit to drive them out.
#32 - Rebecca
A self-conscious woman juggles adjusting to her new role as an aristocrat's wife and avoiding being intimidated by his first wife's spectral presence.
#33 -   The Descent
A caving expedition goes horribly wrong, as the explorers become trapped and ultimately pursued by a strange breed of predators.
#34 -  Zoltan...Hound of Dracula
Communist soldiers accidentally unleash the part-vampire servant of Dracula, as well as his vampire dog, during excavations in Romania. Together, they set out for America to find the last living direct descendant of the great Count.
#35 - Candyman
The Candyman, a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, is accidentally summoned to reality by a skeptic grad student researching the monster's myth.
#36 - Dracula
Transylvanian vampire Count Dracula bends a naive real estate agent to his will, then takes up residence at a London estate where he sleeps in his coffin by day and searches for potential victims by night.
#37 -   La Llorona
An aging paranoid war criminal, protected by his faithful wife, faces death while being haunted by the ghosts of his past.
#38 - As Above So Below
When a team of explorers ventures into the catacombs that lie beneath the streets of Paris, they uncover the dark secret that lies within this city of the dead.
#38 - Monster Party
Three young thieves infiltrate a Malibu dinner party.
#39 - Darkness Falls
A vengeful spirit has taken the form of the Tooth Fairy to exact vengeance on the town that lynched her 150 years earlier. Her only opposition is the only child, now grown up, who has survived her before.
#40 - Final Destination
Alex Browning is among a group of high school students readying themselves for a trip to Europe. When he suddenly has a premonition their airplane will crash, he screams to warn the others but instead he is thrown off of the plane along others, but the plane actually crashes after they get off.
#41 - Final Destination 2
Kimberly has a premonition of an accident killing multiple people including her and her friends. She blocks the cars behind her on the ramp and as a police trooper arrives, the accident happens. Death is stalking this group of survivors.
#41. Lost Boys (Cinema)
After moving to a new town, two brothers discover that the area is a haven for vampires.
#42. Trick R Treat (Cinema)
Five interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: An everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank; a woman who loathes the night has to contend with her holiday-obsessed husband; and a mean old man meets his match with a demonic, supernatural trick-or-treater.
#43. Town that dreaded sundown
The story of a hooded, berserk killer who terrorized the border town of Texarkana, Arkansas in 1946--leaving no fewer than five murder victims in his wake. He was never caught. Based on one of America's most baffling murder cases.
#44. Zodiac
Between 1968 and 1983, a San Francisco cartoonist becomes an amateur detective obsessed with tracking down the Zodiac Killer, an unidentified individual who terrorizes Northern California with a killing spree.
45. The Nun
A priest with a haunted past and a novice on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate the death of a young nun in Romania and confront a malevolent force in the form of a demonic nun.
46. Everfall
It's been a year since a tragic accident sidelined Eva (Jessica Mcleod, "Scary Movie 4, Things We Lost in the Fire") from the intense world of competitive figure skating. In the face of increasing neglect from her boyfriend Daniel (Joe Perry, "A Miracle On Christmas Lake, The Valley Below"), star of the extreme sports YouTube channel dubbed "the Daniel Show," Eva accepts an invitation from her coach (Colm Feore, "House of Cards, The Amazing Spider Man 2") to skate in a mysterious competition in the remote town of Everfall. Accompanied by Daniel and his cameraman Jordan (Kristian Jackson, "A Miracle on Christmas Lake, Heartland") the trio embark on a journey to document Eva's last chance at redemption. As a series of terrifying events unfold within the arena, the group confronts a horrifying sacrifice greater than any of them could have imagined.
47. The Mermaids Curse
A young man falls in love with a seductive, sultry, young woman he meets on the beach. The more he falls for her, the more he will learn the dangers of falling in love with a siren.
48. Paranormal Activity
After moving into a suburban home, a couple becomes increasingly disturbed by a nightly demonic presence.
49. Paranormal Activity 2
After experiencing what they think are a series of "break-ins", a family sets up security cameras around their home, only to realize that the events unfolding before them are more sinister than they seem.
50. Annabel creation
Twelve years after the tragic death of their little girl, a doll-maker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, where they become the target of the doll-maker's possessed creation, Annabelle.
51. Barbarian 
A woman staying at an Airbnb discovers that the house she has rented is not what it seems.
52. Titane
Following a series of unexplained crimes, a father is reunited with the son who has been missing for 10 years.
53. Paranormal Activity 3
54. Darkness Falls
55. Dead Silence
56. Pearl
57. Alien : Covenant
58. Cat People
59. Haunt
60. Candy Corn
61. Wendell & Wild
62. Casper
63. Halloween Tree
64. X-Files Fight The Future
65. Prey For The Devil
Chainsaw Man 
Following a betrayal, a young man left for the dead is reborn as a powerful devil-human hybrid after merging with his pet devil and is soon enlisted into an organization dedicated to hunting devils.
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coldvampire · 2 years
tagged by @bitchesofostwick thank u isabella <3
last song: saddest smile by lebanon hanover
last movie: hellraiser iv: bloodline
currently reading: aliens vs predators ultimate prey anthology
tagging: p sure most of my dash did this already so feel free to grab it if you havent yet & want to
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zetflixonline · 6 months
Восставший из ада 4: Кровное родство (1996)
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"Восставший из ада 4: Кровное родство (1996)" - фильм ужасов 1996 года, снятый режиссером Кевином Ягером. Это четвертая часть серии Hellraiser, действие которой происходит как в прошлом, так и в настоящем. Сюжет рассказывает о Конфигурации Плача - шкатулке-головоломке, которая, будучи разгаданной, открывает врата в мир демонических существ, известных как кенобиты. Шкатулка была создана французским мастером по имени Филипп Л'Мершан (его играет Брюс Рамзи), которому поручил создать устройство богатый аристократ по имени герцог де Л'Айл (Микки Коттрелл). Герцог был одержим идеей открыть врата в царство кенобитов и рассматривал шкатулку-головоломку как средство для достижения своей цели. В наши дни потомок Филиппа Л'Мершана по имени Джон Мершан (его также играет Брюс Рамзи) живет в США. Джон - успешный архитектор, работающий над высотным зданием в Нью-Йорке. Его также преследует наследие предка и шкатулка-головоломка, которая, по его мнению, является проклятием, передающимся по наследству. Джон становится мишенью для кенобитов, которые жаждут заполучить Конфигурацию Плача и использовать ее, чтобы посеять хаос в мире смертных. По мере развития сюжета мы видим флешбеки, в которых Филипп Л'Мершан создает шкатулку-головоломку и узнает о ее темных силах. Мы также видим, как он пытается вырваться из лап герцога, который намерен использовать шкатулку для вызова кенобитов. Тем временем в наши дни Джону Мерчанту помогает женщина по имени Анжелика (Валентина Варгас), которая утверждает, что является потомком герцога. У Анжелики есть свои причины, по которым она хочет остановить кенобитов, и они вместе с Джоном пытаются победить их раз и навсегда. Одним из самых ярких моментов фильма является игра Дага Брэдли, который возвращается в образе культового персонажа Пинхеда, лидера Ценобитов. Присутствие Брэдли в фильме создает ощущение преемственности с предыдущими фильмами Hellraiser, и он такой же грозный и тревожный, как всегда. Еще одним сильным аспектом "Восставший из ада 4: Кровное родство (1996)" является производственный дизайн. Действие фильма разворачивается в самых разных местах, от Франции XVIII века до современного Нью-Йорка, и каждое место имеет свой особый вид и ощущение. Спецэффекты также впечатляют, особенно когда речь идет о визуальном оформлении самих кенобитов. Несмотря на все эти достоинства, Hellraiser IV: Bloodline не лишен недостатков. В фильме допущены некоторые вольности в отношении преемственности серии Hellraiser, что может не понравиться поклонникам предыдущих фильмов. Кроме того, временами сюжет может быть запутанным, особенно для зрителей, не знакомых с мифологией Конфигурации Плача и кенобитов. В целом "Восставший из ада 4: Кровное родство (1996)" - это хорошая часть серии Hellraiser. Она предлагает интересную предысторию Конфигурации Плача и Филиппа Л'Мершана, а также разворачивает захватывающий конфликт между кенобитами и семьей Мершан. Хотя это, возможно, не лучший фильм из серии Hellraiser, его определенно стоит посмотреть поклонникам ужасов и серии в целом. Read the full article
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90smovies · 2 years
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