hazbinned · 12 days
@helluvasins - 🍬 Trick Or Trea... Oh, No 🎃
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"Alastor!" Valentino greeted the Radio Demon with a wave, and ran the rest of the way up the crooked sidewalk to intercept him before he could leave.
It was evening, and everyone was out wreaking havoc... nay, celebrating Halloween... and Val was no exception. The moth cut in front of the deer and grinned down at him, though it was a judgmental, snide type of grin that caused his eyes to narrow and pink ichor to drip through his teeth.
"What the Hell are you wearing?" he questioned. "It's Halloween, Ciervo! Dress up!"
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Val certainly was dressed up. He was... his idea of a sexy vampire, which actually complimented his watercolor saliva problem quite well. Character accuracy!
"Look. Please. I will stop holding a grudge for one night if you help me help you find a costume. Just because looking like you just crawled out of a grave is a natural thing for you doesn't mean you're exempt."
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"This is such fuckin BULLSHIT!" Beelzebub shouted, clearly pissed. "Oh, WE don't get to wreck Exorcist ass, though fuckin Lucifer gets to show up and fight Adam, FUCKIN ADAM! I've been wanting eons, FUCKIN EONS, to make that cocksuker eat dirt! This fuckin sucks!"
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"Bee, can you chill the fuck out. We all know Lucifer is a bit.. spontaneous and I'm sure seeing his daughter getting hurt made him act without thinking. Besides, he only showed up to put an end to it." Asmodeus knows Lucifer doesn't want war, though it seems seeing Charlie hurt was the last straw. Most likely he'll just want to have some form of peace.
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"Speaking of Lucifer, where the fuck is he? If I had known he wasn't gonna show I'd stay in my ring. Still trying to make those fish twins work because SOMEONE convinced my best performer to quit," Mammon said, looking at Asmodeus who flipped him off.
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Suddenly a golden portal would open with Lucifer walking through with a bit of a dance. "Whew, I am pumped right now! Adam can-" Suddenly a chair smashes into the wall right next to the fallen angel.
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"SHIT!" Lucifer was certainly startled and everyone's attention went to an angry looking Beelzebub.
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"Lovely to see you to Beelzebub, seriously. Love how you threw the chair and brought down my mood," Lucifer said, calmly walking to his seat and sits down. "Now, I'm sure everyone is aware of today's events." The fallen angel was quick to raise a hand towards the hellhound who was clearly ready to pop off. "With that said, it's time for a, policy change, so to speak." This got all the Sins to raise a brow wondering what was going to change.
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flxshy · 8 months
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"Remind me that if I ever make money off a bar to keep you as my main source of income. This is your like fifth party this week and its only Tuesday."
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firstwcman · 18 days
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Oh, it's homebound now.
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sixwingedmercy · 8 months
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It shouldn't have been a surprise that she had ran into Lucifer at the hotel. Yet, she still found herself a bit stunned. With all that she had heard in Heaven, she would have expected some sort of monster, but the man before her did not seem any different from anyone she had met previously. The difference being that she felt some sort of aura from him, a mix of angelic and demon. Yet, she held no fear. This was the person that Sera had warned her that she'd become if she questioned too much. "Why, hello Lucifer Morningstar." She said with a small smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, if you're anything like Charlie, we will get along nicely!"
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keenie-bopper · 14 days
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"This is Hell... Everyone has AT LEAST a 50/50 chance of being a creep." "Long ago, my friend Susan told me that we Angels are the weird ones here!" - @grandma-susan (see the image below 🤣)
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goosiifer · 15 days
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@helluvasins – "Oh my. What bitable ears that you have. It'd be a shame if teeth sunk into them."
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His hat is hurriedly tugged down over his head, shielding a decent portion of the upper half of his face. Black-tipped fingers hold tight onto the fabric, yanked as far down as he can make it go.
❝ HOW, ❞ oooof, maybe don't acknowledge that voice crack, thanks pal, ❝ did you, uh, see – oh, no, y'know what, I don't – don't even know what you're talking about ! ❞
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gctchell · 16 days
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You know what, she's feeling some very unusual and uncharacteristic trepidation about opening her phone.
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infernal-feminae · 9 months
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@helluvasins said:
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"I recognize your face from somewhere."
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"Wait, you do--!?" Niffty squeaked. A sin recognized her of all people? The diminutive maid was aware that she was aware that if people knew of her, it was due to her association to the infamous Radio Demon. Even still, people didn't usually recognize her.
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hashtag-bitch · 8 months
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(From Beelzebub)
are you her type? / @helluvasins
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"Well, this one's definitely a surprise." And one she's almost a little pleased with.
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originemesis · 8 months
@helluvasins xxx
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Pretending he totally can't hear this all the way over-...two whole seats over. Hell meetings were hell. "All right you ass-eaters, how'sa 'bout ya stay on topic?"
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hifimuses · 8 days
@helluvasins continued from (xx)
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His eyes widened as Angel Dust caught him off guard. He could feel his body instinctively have him bite his bottom lip. Husk immediately turned to them. "You call that an accident?" He began to tease.
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"Now you have me curious , how hard you can hit if it was on purpose..it's not like I'm gonna stop you."
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Head Canon - Beelzebub
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Over the many years of being a Sin Beelzebub has developed an extremely strong dislike for Angels. More specifically the Exorcists that come down for the yearly extermination due to their extreme blood lust along with, in her opinion, causing massive damage to the Pentagram despite only there to lower Hell's population. Needless to say this as lead the Sin to have a dislike of all Angels, though its strongest against Exorcists.
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doublejango · 15 days
[ for @helluvasins, continued from here ]
There were times when Vox felt done with him. It was easy to feel exasperated with Valentino, to want him to just be--different. But those moments were only ever that. Moments. At the end of the day, Vox was his lover. The moth had his loyalty and his love. While Val might need to sleep with other people, while he might have a more voracious appetite for affection and sexual contact than Vox did, it didn't matter. Vox loved him. Whatever his idiotic, vicious, sweet baby needed, he wanted him to have. Sex with other people? Good, get him a thousand of them. Affection for absolutely no reason? Always time in the day for that. Vox cared about him deeply, as far more than just a business partner.
And so, when Val sat on his lap, he smiled without any mockery or bullshit. Vox wrapped his arms around that trim little waist and listened to him, looking at him with admiration.
"If you've not been getting enough attention," he said, and nuzzled his shoulder, careful not to smack him with any corners, "that is a tragedy. We'll have to do something about it. A night on the town? A club somewhere other than your usual? I have a meeting with Asmodeus tonight; he's sending someone to escort me, along with any company I require, down to Lust. Apparently, he has quite the club. Why don't you come with me? Dress your best, let a whole new Ring of people see how beautiful you are." Vox wasn't entirely sure that Asmodeus liked Valentino, or the way some of his films were made, but the Sin hadn't forbidden him from bringing Val. And if he had? Vox wouldn't have accepted the meeting. Valentino was his partner, in every sense of the word. Part of what made the Vees so strong was that they could, and would, fight for the others to be respected--or feared. They were ruthless not just about their own domains, the way so many Overlords were, but about each other's.
He ran a hand lovingly over Valentino's abdomen, then kissed his shoulder. "What do you think?"
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firstwcman · 18 days
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dark-ambition · 19 days
@helluvasins continued from X.
“In short? I sssseek to do businesssss.”
He doesn’t move from the doorway, his tail instead flicking across the floor, his gaze still level with the Overlord as his hood gives the faintest of twitches. “Nothing involving sssoulsss, mind. Merely a simple deal that consssists of shaking hands and ssservices. I undersssstand that your varioussss facilities in which you produce a heavy quantity of your waresss is kept far from the city proper, yesss? To try and reduce any consssistency of raids, ssssabotage, or otherwise attackssss that are trying to steal your drugs or destroy your business. But that doesn’t sssstop the problem entirely, I imagine.”
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