#helping each other or as i like to call it- instant karma lol
alongwalkhomecomic · 6 months
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helping each other
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meaningtotellyou · 4 months
What was it like meeting Taylor?? Story time pls :)
omg my favorite thing to talk about!!!! so like the whole day felt like a fever dream. we drive up and Scott is just standing on her deck waving at us?? instant tears. it was all way too real. so anyway we get into the house and they explain the rules, cool cool. it’s time to mingle and eat (i couldn’t eat i was too anxious) but like!! i stood around. finally grabbed a slice of pizza though. but then andrea came around to say hi so i tossed it. she called me beautiful and gave me the biggest hug!!
and then it was time to pile in for the album listening. and it’s funny because karma 🤭 everyone was pushing and shoving to try and be first in the room, but it turns out they were loading the room from back to front. so i stood patiently and waited and ended up being first row sitting right in front of taylor’s chair. and i just sat there! for hours! and then we did the NYD filming as well! also somehow ended up to front!
but like anyway then it was finally time to meet her and I was finally next in line. she saw me, i saw her, and i literally bolted (lol) out of line. she laughed and i got dragged back and then she was like “DANIELLE!!!!” and i was like ‼️‼️‼️ and she snatched me into a tight ass hug and then grabbed my hands and was like “you are so cute! you are so pretty!” and i was like wtf stop im in love with you and she was like “you are so funny, you are SO funny” and im standing there like girl stop or send me HELP please. and then we talked about rep and the whole aesthetic of the era and album and it was just so nice. and then we took our pictures. she suggested the posing!! she sat on my lap like that on her own! and then we stood up and i was like “taylor wait” and then i said some emotional stuff and she said some emotional stuff back and we said we love each other and we hugged again and then i left. the whole day for me was like 3pm when we got to the meeting spot to 11pm is when I walked out of her house
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So IK is an full-blooded adeptus connected to Menogias somehow. Menogias is a yaksha, a subspecies of adeptus. What is their connection? SIBLINGS. So what does that make IK? A yaksha as well! So the other guardian yaksha are naturally adoptive big siblings.
They were called upon by Rex Lapis during the Archon War. Menogias and the other four Guardian Yaksha take on the task but when IK is so young and personally precious to them it doesn’t feel right to let her join in knowing that it’ll stain her with karmic debt. But since IK is a yaksha and yaksha are naturally given to battle she wants to help the war effort anyway. And because she’s so young the karmic debt accumulates much faster, and ultimately Menogias can’t stand to watch her deteriorate so quickly and begs the adeptus from Mt Hulao (can’t remember which right now LOL) to seal her in amber so as to prevent her from accumulating anymore karmic debt. 
But he doesn’t tell anyone that this is what happened because he doesn’t want any of them to unseal IK and bring her back into the battle. He writes it down somewhere secret that will only be discovered in peacetime and doesn’t say antyhing about it but the others are worried sick and eventually what he tells them is that the karmic debt drove IK mad and he had to kill her. And then this is why Bonanus attacks him when her own karmic debt catches up with her in the AU, because off the rage and grief combined with the karma. 
Much much later, long after the Archon War has ended and the other yaksha are dead, Xiao finally finds Menogias’s message. He barely dares hope it’s true but when he follows the instructions he finds the piece of amber exactly where it says it is, and when he breaks it open IK really is right there.
Probably some combination of being sealed away + intervention from the other adepti and exorcists n stuff, IK’s karmic debt is already greatly reduced, and with no war to wage she doesn’t accumulate anymore. Lots of angst potential considering Menogias sealed her away against her will and now she’s finally awake again and him and nealry eveyrone she loves is dead. Oof. But Xiao takes her under his wing and they fiercely protect each other from then on and she meets lots of friends from the Harbour and in the Chasm where she gets to laern the truth about Bosacius.
By the time she gets summoned to the Devildom she’s mostly let go of her past (unlike Xiao lol) so the others don’t know about it until she speaks about it. She makes even more best friends and when she eventually figures out how to summon Xiao with adeptus arts he nearly fucking annihilates the demons for kidnapping his little sister 
y’all really can’t let my girl catch a break huh (/lh)
this is some good stuff though!! i do also like that ik gets her closure BEFORE being summoned to the devildom, so her exchange year can stay mostly fluff 
with her having lost her big brother and other adoptive big siblings but also having been able to recover it, plus her having spent a lot of time observing and trying to help xiao with his own lack of emotional closure, i reckon this whole angsty backstory might even justify her best friendship with belphie even more, since she’s very well equipped to help him let go of lilith
luckily in this au xiao no longer has a real reason to attack the demons (apart from the sort of kidnapping, and i guess lucifer if the underground tomb thing still happens? but ik would be able to defend herself and not be harmed, so it’s fine) - so once they’ve talked things through and established that this ‘conqueror of demons’ doesn’t kill devildom-type demons, xiao might begrudgingly settle in the devildom for a bit, just to keep an eye on ik. though he’d almost definitely return to liyue after some time, since he still considers it his duty to protect it
i feel like this ik would want to return to liyue but also simultaneously considers the devildom a second home? maybe they set something up so that she can somehow jump between them regularly. xiao and the demons share custody essentially lmao
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exocara · 5 years
SV’s Quick Transmigration System
I love system fics and i love clowning shen jiu but i don’t have time to write. 
Shen Jiu’s life was one misery after another.
[Don’t be like that, Host! This is a blessing! You can change your fate!]
Even though Shen Jiu didn’t remember what happened in his life before he entered this Xinghai space, he was absolutely, positively, certain that his life was one misery after another, one calamity following the previous, a neverending shitshow of Bad.
Why else would he be here, after all?
[The sealing of your memories was part of the price that you had agreed to pay in order for the chance to change your fate. The other part is to go through four different worlds and complete the tasks pertaining to each world’s Target given to you, by me, in order to cultivate the Good Karma Points needed to return to your world! I am System Airplane, ready at your service.]
Right… and what if Shen Jiu decided to not cooperate?
[Ahh!! That’s not good, Host! If you don’t cooperate, you’ll be stuck in the Xinghai space forever!]
A tasteless outcome, even more so than the idea of having to do tasks for others.
[You agreed to this…] System Airplane seemed like it was sulking.
“The me of the past may have agreed to this, but I currently do not,” Shen Jiu said petulantly.
[Why are you so difficult!] System Airplane whined. [You’re already stuck here! You can’t get out without completing the worlds! What else can you do?]
What else could Shen Jiu do indeed?
The man in front of him looked almost breathtakingly familiar, despite the fact that Shen Jiu didn’t have his memories.
It was probably memories that came with the body, like a cheap bargain sale. Buy this and get an additional something else.
It had been around two days since he had arrived in this particular world but System Airplane still had not given Shen Jiu any tasks. Instead, he had tried telling Shen Jiu about the world in general, and who Shen Jiu was supposed to be. Shen Jiu tuned him out, not understanding why he needed to know anything in order to complete his tasks.
Yes, Shen Jiu agreed to the world hopping, but that didn’t mean he was going to be nice about it.
“Xiao Jiu…” the man in front of him said. The name did not sit well with Shen Jiu, and so of course he voiced out his opinions.
“Call me that name again and I will break your fingers.”
[HOST!!! That’s the Target of this world! Why are you being so mean to him!]
Why should Shen Jiu be nice to a man he didn’t know? Speaking of which,
“And who are you again?”
The man looked stricken and then, almost immediately after, guilty.
“I’m sorry, Xiao Jiu,” he said. “I--”
“At least have the courtesy of calling me by my name,” Shen Jiu said. Shen Jiu had forgotten the name he was supposed to assume in this world and was too proud to ask System Airplane about it. This was a good time as any to figure out what that name was.
“...Qiu Qingjiu,” the man said. Wow! What a shitty name.
“Oh second thought just call me A-Jiu,” Shen Jiu said. The man’s entire face seemed to light up with a fragile hope. Shen Jiu’s next words ground that hope into dust.
“Seriously, who the hell are you?”
The man never told Shen Jiu who he was.
[Host, he is Yue Qingyuan, used to be known as Yue Qi or Qi’ge, and he is your childhood friend! You were in the same orphanage together! When he left the orphanage, he made a promise to come back for you but you waited for five years to no avail! Little did you know, he had gotten into a serious accident and was in a coma and then rehabilitation for those five years and when he came back for you, you weren’t there at all! Then the both of you were -- are currently being actually -- reunited in University! I told you this!]
It must have slipped Shen Jiu’s mind.
[You weren’t listening at all, weren’t you!? It was such a masterfully crafted tale too, perfectly setting up the tumultuous relationship of misunderstanding between the both of you!]
Shen Jiu didn’t care. He just wanted to know what the task was.
System Airplane grumbled about Shen Jiu not being able to appreciate good literature, which was untrue. Shen Jiu was completely able to understand good literature, but not this dogblood shit sort of story. After all, he has been--
What had he been?
Before he could dwell any more on his confusion, System Airplane gave him his task.
Task: Join the Literature Faculty Club.
Reward: 5 Good Karma Points
Do you accept?
Yes / Yes
Shen Jiu wondered just what his answer would be.
Why was the system giving options if the options were the same?!
[Illusion of choice.]
Fuck you.
Yue Qingyuan was in the Literature Faculty Club because of course he was. Why had Shen Jiu ever entertained the thought of otherwise?
When the club meeting ended, Shen Jiu was the first to leave the room.
“Xi-- A-Jiu, wait!”
Shen Jiu didn’t wait. Shen Jiu was gone.
the idea is that shen jiu has to go into 4 different worlds to complete tasks pertaining to a “target”
1st world: yue qingyuan (modern day, rich heir) 2nd world: liu qingge (those space opera things with giant alien insects called zergs) 3rd world: luo binghe (zombie apocalypse)  4th world: mu qingfang (relaxing fantasy world shen jiu is really grateful for)
he has to do nice things for them like help them and save their life. but he gets to be prickly throughout it all which leads to funny ideas like he’s a tsundere and stuff. 
i.e. 2nd world 
sj: i’ll kill you, you asshole. mark my words the first chance you get i’ll absolutely obliterate you  sj: (helps lqg, risks his own life to save lqg, always covering up for lqg’s impulsiveness)  sj: i hate you and you’re dead to me  lqg: h
so later on the “5th” world is the scum villain world where he regains his memory and gets to change his fate of death 
but wait! 
the other 4 people gain memories of their individual world too!  
as you can tell, the system is airplane bro (lol) and it’s sort of after-canon for the original scum villain story. sometimes system airplane has to do something and so system cucumber has to come and help. one time, there’s system mobei. system mobei is shen jiu’s favorite. he allows shen jiu to kill things. 
other things: 
after sqq returns back to his world: sqq: system i understand why lbh, yqy, and lqg are targets... but why mqf?  system: by popular request
mu qingfang’s world is the most peaceful world sj has ever had. 
friend: sqq behaves as an actual tsundere once by accident bc he found himself reluctantly kind of fond of this peaceful life with this not a complete and total dumbass. for witnessing this mistake he came to actually hate mqf
me: hes so sad he has to die........ but alas the moment he said "its not like i did this for you or anything!!!" with a blush and caught himself, he realized that He Had To Die Right This Instant
Sqq: well around that person i feel like i want to see them happy, i feel troubled when theyre sad, i want to protect them, i want to help them, and i want to spend time with them Mqf: oh... do you want to kiis them? Sqq: (thinks) Sqq: nah Sqq: so what disease have i contracted Mqf: you just want to be their friend? Sqq: Sqq: i see.
(Next day) Sqq found dead in a ditch
can’t contract feelings if you’re dead!
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thetaekooklibrary · 7 years
Heyy! Its summer holidays and I'm bored as fuck, so do you guys know any fics that would blow my mind? Like a long fic with an amazing well-made interesting plot? Thats not really specific im sorry, im willing to read anything as long as it has an impressive, mind blowing, not boring at all plot Thank you for this amazing blog 💖
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I’ll keep this as short as I can since it’s such a broad request and I have no idea what you guys have already read lol you can also look through our above 50k tag for long fics, and if we rec’ced them we probably gave some kind of opinion on them so you’ll know what we thought of them
Only When the Sun Sets by sacramento - Jeon Jeongguk was never meant to handle so much responsibility, but when he sees a vision foretelling the King’s death, he cannot just sit back and let it happen. The ‘right’ thing to do would be to stop it, but as Jeongguk soon discovers, doing the ‘right’ thing is never so simple, or easy. Stuck in between underhanded plots for the Iron Throne, Jeongguk must figure out who he is and what he stands for. He must choose a side, and he must choose well, for in the Game of Thrones, you win… or you die. There is no middle ground.
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast by Kavbj - Taehyung has magic in his veins and Jungkook’s determined not to let it kill him. 
Lucky strike by expplipo - “You’re bad luck, I’m good luck. Two sides of a coin. Head and tails. We match.”
Terrible Things Happen (Sometimes, They Save You) by mindheist - Min Yoongi wakes up from a nightmare on a sunless afternoon to a reality more twisted than his dizziest daydreams.
refrigerator humming, chewing gum and instant karma by locks - Taehyung sets the flowers down on the dining table, plucking the card off the little holder. “Dearest Taehyung, just wanted you to know that I’m thinking about you. I hope you’re thinking about me too. Love–” he pauses and squints before cocking an eyebrow and pursing his lips. “Hyung, why is the boss of your little boy band gang professing his love for me?” Yoongi drops the noodles on the floor with a loud curse as he burns his hand.Or, Taehyung’s been trying his hardest to avoid Yoongi’s criminal life for a long ass time, but a cute kid and his infuriating father keep pulling him deeper into the mix.
trust your heart if the seas catch fire by maxx - “Sometimes I wonder whether you’d be better off without me. Whether you really need me at all.” Taehyung has always doubted his necessity to the group, as well as to Jungkook. Usually a knock on the head would suffice to bring him back to his senses. But this time, it seems someone was listening to his request. Now, everything has changed. He’s in a world where Jungkook and the rest of the group are still famous, but he isn’t.
Veni, Vidi, Amavi by yourluckytae - (I came, I saw, I loved) Ever since that day, Taehyung has been looking for something, chasing a dream he seems to be missing. Something important that makes his heart whole. It’s a creeping sense of someone he can’t quite grasp, who’s always on the tip of his tongue, nails on a chalkboard screeching loudly in his ear to remember. But every time he tries, it hurts. But he chases the dreams, the feelings, whatever it is that he’s missing because he thinks it would hurt more to never find whatever’s gone. – Jeongguk stares at his palms absent-mindedly, body rocking with the movement of the train. His fingers trace over non existent words on his right palm. Something he hadn’t thought about in years. He has a feeling; something deep and nostalgic bubbling inside him tasting like chocolate muffins and caramel lattes and smelling of vanilla and strawberries. It stirs within him as his fingers trace each stroke over his palm. It stirs something melancholy, something sad. A feeling. (Kimi no Na Wa (Your Name) Au)
起死回生; To Live Again by mindheist - Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us.
Abaddon’s Waltz by eclairdeluxe - Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned.
(thought you knew) you were in this song by expplipo - Taehyung nearly chokes, but only nearly. Instead he raises an eyebrow and puts on the most suave smile he can manage. Hopes he looks far more collected than his for-some-reason racing heartbeat would let on, more suit-and-wine than elementary-schooler-with-a-new-crush. “You like me?” Jeongguk blushes, and looks at his feet. He’s smiling. “Of course.” “Really?” Taehyung says. “Like? Or like like?” (So much for suit-and-wine.)
I’ve read all the ones I just listed and I know for sure those are good, but these next ones I haven’t read. most are on my list to read and seem pretty good from skimming the writing a bit and the plots all seem interesting, or they’re ones I know other people love, but I can’t be 100% sure since I haven’t read them
Swamp Magic by GinForInk - Two witches lure Jungkook into their cabin in the woods.
(I know admin guk read this and really loved it, and I read one other fic from this author and it was amazing)
Lupus Tales by kpopismydrug - This is one summer break that Taehyung will never forget. From dealing with a moody mare that likes to think she’s a stroppy teenager rather than a horse, to dealing with childhood memories that threaten to choke him, Taehyung will soon find out that when you take a trip down memory lane, some things are more than just memories.
(super long series that I know admin s loves)
An Interstellar Anomaly by PaprikaFetus - They are two heirs that belong to opposite sides of the universe.
Hustlers by tbz - Jungkook hadn’t meant to lose nine million. He certainly hadn’t meant to lose his kidney. And he hadn’t meant to meet Kim Taehyung.
summer; blue by Batman - More than you can manage, more than you can hide: a study in light.
Mutual Fiend by kkumkkatcher - “I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.” An AU where Jungkook needs to kill Taehyung, but Taehyung also needs to kill Jungkook, and things get (more than) a bit complicated.
All the Years of Us by TrappingLightningBugs - From the moment a new family hobbled into town, having come a long way for sanctuary, Taehyung had eyes only for Jeon Jungkook.
Shifting On My Feet by MarionetteFtHJM - With the ever-growing crime rate in the city there’s no telling what the leading figures will do to remain leading. The safety of the people is at risk and the possible collateral damage looms over the authorities. There is only one safe option, sacrifice a few to save the lives of many. Tear them from the inside, cool the situation down- should be easy enough, right? Jeongguk was just trying to live out his days peacefully, but running from one’s past never really worked out for anybody- so why would he be an exception? He’s not. Demons tend to find who they’re looking for in the end.
Taste of Ink by sugamins - Jungkook is a drug runner for the largest gang in the whole of Busan: the Sam Yong Pa. One day he bumps into a runner for a rival gang in the next district that has trespassed into their territory: a Geum Sung Pa boy called Jimin. Jimin has a friend, a goon for the rival gang. Taehyung beats people up for a living, and boy, does he look good when he’s doing it.But their blossoming friendships reignite old gang flames and causes the most brutal gang war the country has ever seen.Dragons destroy and stars explode.
i know you wanna go to heaven (but you’re human tonight) by moonlightae - Taehyung just thought it would be a one night stand, but he gets more than he bargained for
Assassin’s Order by TaeSyubDKook - CEO Taehyung gets tangled up in some illegal business without even knowing and when Assasin Jeongguk gets assigned to extract information from him after being caught, he realizes in what mess he’s gotten himself into and agrees to cooperate with the assassins, after learning their true reasons, to bring down his uncle’s company. What Jeongguk and Taehyung didn’t expect was falling for each other in the progress.
Kiss With a Fist by byeolguk - “Need a little help, love?” Jungkook asks, teasing him. “Nah I had it all under control, sweetheart,” Taehyung answers with a smile, blood oozing from his split lip. Goddamn even smiling hurt now. Fuckity fuck fuck. Jungkook only rolls his eyes, his cocky smirk never slipping and Taehyung almost forgets how much pain he’s in. prompt-Can you please write the “ kick his ass for me” prompt with taekook!
got a question or request? check our tags page first to see if what you’re looking for is already there, or use the search bar on our blog! if you don’t have any luck with that, feel free to send us an ask when the inbox is open^^
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 7 years
I saw:
The Day After Tomorrow- It’s a climate change disaster film that, instead of things taking years, one day the ocean currents will shut down and within days the biggest blizzard humanity has ever seen will wham us, followed by instant ice age. Seriously, normal weather to glaciers in fewer days than we still have till Christmas! Defying all sense of the logistics involved, the population of the US makes for the Mexican border, because thankfully global climate change Has a sense of karma. Or something....
The emotional hook involves a scientist that first gets the “ignore the looney” treatment for predicting what was going to happen. After he’s proven right he tosses aside the helping study what’s going down trek throught the winter nightmare to rescue his teenage son stranded in New York. 
It’s an odd choice. The scientist knows the storms have created incidents where the temperature fell to flash freeze instant death. Sure, he has lots of experience in places like antarctica, but they have established the insane extremes of this storm. He’s told his son to hunker down with the other’s he’s sheltering with until the big  storm is over. Oh, and a lot of the way he’s going to be traveling on foot. Difficult as it might be, the sane thing seems for him to wait until the storm is over and THEN go to the rescue. Going through the middle of the worst storm in history, getting a friend of his killed in the process, and arriving just as the storm dies down with no supplies? Ok, he get’s to be a daddy showing up for his kid, but if he waited he could have done the same thing!
Come on.  It’s like if a your kid was on an island with a catagory 5 hurricane heading for it, and after calling your kid to advise them you then hop in a sailboat through the middle of the storm to get to them. Not to get the them before the storm to evacuate or anything because it’s too late for that. A suicidal attempt at family togetherness? I dunno. 
Do you know what I would have said to my father over the phone if he said he was coming for me? “Don’t you fucking dare until the storm is over you idiot!!” And yes, my father and I did talk to each other like that. I miss him so much....
I missed him watching this movie. It would have been sooooo much fun laughing about the science in this with him. Really, it boils down to the writers reading a book about climate change, but then ignoring things like time scales and ...well, scale of any kind. 
In a way it’s great there was a big action movie dealing with climate change, but on the other hand does twisting things too much to make it all bigger and faster for the genre  make it harder sell reality? I dunno. I’ve met enough people that dismiss it (the old “All our pipes frove last winter, so global warming is a lie!” Or “A few degrees warmer won’t make any difference. I hate the cold!” or “It’ll take long enough the next generation will just adapt” type comments) that I don’t think some people need an excuse. I doubt this sort of disaster fantasy effects anyone’s views. 
Lotta words when I could have just written: It evokes yawns  and eye rolls, but better than trying to have a conversation when you have laryngitis!  LOL 
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