hauntedtoybox · 11 months
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sitting black cat by hamley's
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bksbksbksbks · 2 years
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Books listened/read in January 2023:
1.) Horrorstör - Grady Hendrix
This is technically a reread, but I went with the audiobook! Sincerely loved it so much more, especially the in between intros. Made the book all the more creepy.
2.) Little Pa - Hemley Boum
The story really stuck out to me, I really enjoyed learning more about this character and his journey.
3.) Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops - Shaun Bythell
As a previous bookseller… how could I NOT love this?? Definitely going to be devouring more of this author if I can.
4.) Queer Heroes of Myth and Legend - Dan Jones
Very fun!! Narration made this a lot more enjoyable too.
5.) Galatea - Madeline Miller
I’m a sucker for Miller’s work, so this story of Galatea?? 🤌✨✨✨
6.) Lot - Bryan Washington
I had been meaning to start this since the collection of stories came OUT. I’m glad I finally dedicated time to enjoy it, so far this has been sticking in my head the MOST. I need to dive into Washington’s stories more. Sad it took me this long to start it.
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dillydedalus · 18 days
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WIT 2024: read + WIT 2024 acquired (physical only, i read & bought a bunch more)
some stats books read: 16 og languages: catalan (3x), croatian, danish, french (3x), greenlandic, japanese (2x), russian, spanish (4x) female translators: 16 books i read (* marks stand-outs)
living pictures, polina barskova, tr. from the russian by catherine ciepiela
butter, asako yuzuki, tr. from the japanese by ursula gräfe / english tr. by polly barton, same title
gesang für die verlorenen, hemley boum, tr. from the french by gudrun & otto honke (no english translation so far)
*grieving: dispatches of a wounded country, cristina rivera garza, tr. from the spanish by sarah booker
*jawbone, mónica ojeda, tr. from the spanish by sarah booker again
*tríptic: permafrost / ***boulder / mammoth, eva baltasar, tr. from the catalan by julia sanches, READ BOULDER READ BOULDER READ BOULDER
days in the caucasus, banine, tr. from the french by anne thompson-ahmadova
my work, olga ravn, translated from the danish by sophia hersi smith
das tal der blumen, niviaq korneliussen, tr. from greenlandic to danish by the author as far as i can tell, tr. from danish to german by franziska hüther (no english translation)
diary of a void, emi yagi, tr. from the japanese by david boyd & lucy north
unser teil der nacht, mariana enríquez, tr. from the spanish by inka marter & silke kleemann (english translation: our share of the night, tr. by megan mcdowell)
so reich wie der könig, abigaïl assor, tr. from the french by nicola denis (english translation: as rich as the king, tr. by natasha lehrer)
fox, dubravka ugrešić, tr. from the croatian by ellen elias-bursać & david williams
the house of spirits, isabel allende, tr. from the spanish by magda bogin
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By: Nickolaus Hines
Published: Oct 18, 2021
In 2016, the famous nun Mother Teresa was declared a saint by Pope Francis — but many people say she doesn't deserve it.
Ever since the Vatican made Mother Teresa a saint in 2016, the response has been controversial and polarizing.
In order for Mother Teresa to achieve sainthood, the Vatican had to recognize two miracles that the famous nun performed after her death. Pope John Paul II recognized the first miracle in 2003, just six years after she died in 1997. And Pope Francis recognized the second miracle in 2015.
The popes claimed that Mother Teresa performed miracles when she cured one woman and then one man of their respective tumors. However, these “miracles” have been disputed by some — especially since a doctor who worked on the woman’s case said that she had been treated with drugs.
But debates over Mother Teresa’s miracles didn’t dissuade the Vatican from moving forward with its plans. Pope Francis officially proclaimed Mother Teresa a saint on September 4, 2016. But the decision remains controversial, and the dispute over her miracles is just one small part of it.
Of course, Mother Teresa’s sainthood may seem well-deserved to some. After all, she cultivated a mostly sparkling reputation as a selfless humanitarian while she was alive. But in recent years, her image has lost its luster. And when you take a closer look at her story, it’s not hard to see why.
Inside Mother Teresa’s “Selfless” Intentions
Mother Teresa was intent on converting as many people to Catholicism as possible, even at the expense of the poor and sick.
No one builds a church purely for the love of God — especially in places like India where critical services, like hospitals, are lacking. Religious groups that erect churches in these areas do so not just out of the kindness of their hearts, but to increase the number of people who believe in their faith.
Like those missionaries, conversion — the Church’s key to survival — was Mother Teresa’s primary goal. And in the context of the Catholic Church, charity can be viewed as a self-interested act.
“It’s good to work for a cause with selfless intentions,” said Mohan Bhagwat, the head of a Hindu nationalist group. “But Mother Teresa’s work had ulterior motive, which was to convert the person who was being served to Christianity. In the name of service, religious conversions were made.”
And when The New York Times reviewed the British documentary Hell’s Angel, a film that highlighted some of Mother Teresa’s flaws, the paper concluded that she was “less interested in helping the poor than in using them as an indefatigable source of wretchedness on which to fuel the expansion of her fundamentalist Roman Catholic beliefs.”
Still, some argue that even if Mother Teresa had ulterior motives, at least the people she cared for were better off for it. But others who have actually visited and worked in her medical centers wholeheartedly disagree.
The Horrific Conditions At Mother Teresa’s Medical Centers And Missions
Though Mother Teresa’s medical centers were meant to heal people, her patients were often subjected to conditions that made them even sicker. In the same documentary, an Indian journalist compared Mother Teresa’s flagship location for “Missionaries of Charity” to photographs that he had seen of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Nazi Germany.
“Workers washed needles under tap water and then reused them. Medicine and other vital items were stored for months on end, expiring and still applied sporadically to patients,” said Hemley Gonzalez, a noted humanitarian who briefly volunteered at Missionaries of Charity.
Gonzalez continued, “Volunteers with little or no training carried out dangerous work on patients with highly contagious cases of tuberculosis and other life-threatening illnesses. The individuals who operated the charity refused to accept and implement medical equipment and machinery that would have safely automated processes and saved lives.”
It wasn’t just volunteers who criticized Mother Teresa’s treatment of patients, either. In her hospice care centers, Mother Teresa practiced her belief that patients only needed to feel wanted and die at peace with God — not receive proper medical care — and medical experts went after her for it.
In 1994, the British medical journal The Lancet reported that medicine was scarce in her centers and that patients received nothing close to the treatment that they needed to relieve their pain.
Meanwhile, some doctors took to calling her missions “homes for the dying” since her Calcutta home for the sick had a mortality rate of more than 40 percent. But in her view, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.
In response to all the criticism, Mother Teresa allegedly said, “There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ’s Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.”
However, when it came to her own suffering, Mother Teresa apparently took a different stance. When she began experiencing severe heart problems, she received care in a modern American hospital.
The Questionable Company That Mother Teresa Kept Throughout Her Life
While neglecting the needs of the sick, Mother Teresa was also called out for rubbing elbows with several wealthy — and corrupt — world leaders.
This included Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, who was eventually charged with crimes against humanity for his abuse of his fellow Haitians.
At one point, 60 Minutes released footage that showed Mother Teresa praising Duvalier’s wife Michele. In the footage, Mother Teresa said that she had “never seen the poor people being so familiar with their head of state as they were with her. It was a beautiful lesson for me.”
That wasn’t the only friendship that raised eyebrows. Mother Teresa also received $1.25 million from her friend Charles Keating.
Keating was one of the key figures behind the 1980s savings and loan crisis, brought about by housing market and loan speculation, which cost American taxpayers $124 billion. And while he was on trial, Mother Teresa wrote to the judge presiding over his case — seeking clemency for him.
“I do not know anything about Mr. Charles Keating’s work or his business or the matters you are dealing with,” she said. “I only know that he has always been kind and generous to God’s poor and always ready to help whenever there was a need. It is for this reason that I do not want to forget him now while he and his family are suffering.”
Though a co-prosecutor of Keating actually responded to Mother Teresa after his conviction — and pointed out that one of the people Keating stole from was a poor carpenter — he never got a response from her.
And that wasn’t the only issue related to Mother Teresa’s finances.
The Enduring Mystery Of Where Mother Teresa’s Money Went
Countless well-meaning Catholics gave money to Mother Teresa’s charitable organizations throughout the years, but many of them would never see their generous donations go toward good works.
Keating’s $1.25 million donation alone would seem large enough to lift all of those in her care out of poverty, but one volunteer said that “even when bread was over at the soup kitchens, none was bought unless donated.”
Once, after running up an $800 tab at a grocery store to feed people at her charity, Mother Teresa refused to get out of line until someone else paid.
A 1991 report in the German magazine Stern also estimated that only seven percent of the millions of dollars she received were used for charity.
But seven percent of what total figure, exactly? The world will never know. Nirmala Joshi, the leader of Missionaries of Charity who succeeded Mother Teresa, said the donations were “countless,” and there was only one person with the actual numbers. “God knows,” Joshi said. “He is our banker.”
One is left to wonder where all of that money was actually going — and what happened to it after Mother Teresa’s death.
Mother Teresa’s Views On Reproductive Rights
Though it’s not surprising that a Catholic nun would be against abortion, Mother Teresa still raised eyebrows when she discussed her stance while she was accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
In reference to Bosnian women who had been raped by Serbs and who were seeking abortions for their unwanted pregnancies, Mother Teresa said, “I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing — direct murder by the mother herself.”
She also rallied against birth control, claiming that “natural family planning” would solve the woes of women who were not ready for a child.
What Mother Teresa did promote in the realm of family planning — like abstinence — didn’t help anyone, either. And despite abstinence-only education being proven ineffective, she still stuck by her claims.
But even though she gained some critics for views like these, Mother Teresa was mostly successful at avoiding controversy while she was alive. However, a glimpse of her “dark side” would slip through the cracks every so often — especially when it came to her infamous homes for the sick. 
In hindsight, these issues are hard to ignore today. And it’s also difficult to understand why the Catholic Church decided to make Mother Teresa a saint. She may have been revered for helping the poor and the sick, but her practices ensured that they were mired in pain until their final moments.
Reminder: Mother Teresa was a sadistic fundamentalist.
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pers-books · 10 months
Tom Stoppard and Jemma Redgrave back £1.25m fundraising appeal for Hampstead
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Tom Stoppard, left, and Jemma Redgrave in Octopolis, which recently ran at the Hampstead Theatre. Photos: Shutterstock/The Other Richard
Tom Stoppard, Robert Lindsay and Jemma Redgrave are among supporters of a campaign seeking to raise £1.25 million for Hampstead Theatre to continue commissioning and producing new plays.
It comes as the theatre announces a new season of work for the spring of 2024, which includes four premieres, including a new play by April De Angelis.
The fundraising campaign follows Hampstead Theatre being cut from Arts Council England’s national portfolio last year, meaning it lost an annual subsidy of £766,455, which prompted concerns from writers that the venue would cut back on original work.
It also resulted in the resignation of its then artistic director Roxana Silbert, with chief executive Greg Ripley-Duggan taking over responsibility for the programming.
Ripley-Duggan previously confirmed to The Stage that the studio space would continue to be a home for new writing, but warned there could be cuts to the number of shows staged in the space.
The #HampsteadAhead campaign is a philanthropic appeal for £1.25 million "to propel Hampstead Theatre as it continues to nurture and commission writers, produce new plays and offer significant ticket subsidies to thousands of young people".
A small number of Hampstead’s supporters and trustees have already pledged £1 million towards the appeal.
Playwright Roy Williams said the campaign was "vital to its continued success", while Stoppard added: “Just being here at Hampstead Theatre makes me feel the necessity of theatres like this, not just surviving but flourishing. It’s a lot to do with succeeding generations of writers and that’s why the #HampsteadAhead appeal is important.”
Ripley-Duggan said Hampstead’s aim had "always been to present outstanding new plays and champion original talent".
"Philanthropy is at the heart of Hampstead’s future and with £1 million already pledged towards our new £1.25 million #HampsteadAhead appeal, we want to say thank you for the rock-solid support of our patrons, audiences and trustees," he added.
The new season opens with the world premiere of The Divine Mrs S by De Angelis, directed by Anna Mackmin, about 18th-century theatre actor Sarah Siddons. This runs from March 22 to April 27, with press night on March 28.
Michael Longhurst returns to Hampstead Theatre to direct the UK premiere of Stephen Adly Guirgis’ Between Riverside and Crazy, from May 3 to June 15, with press night on May 13.
Concluding the season on the main stage is Christopher Hampton’s Visit from an Unknown Woman, an adaptation of a short story by Stefan Zweig, which will be directed by Clare Lizzimore and runs from June 21 to July 27, with press night on July 1.
The Hampstead Downstairs programme includes Grud, a first play by Sarah Power, directed by Jaz Woodcock-Stewart, Richard Molloy’s The Harmony Test, directed by Alice Hamilton, and Richard Nelson’s An Actor Convalescing in Devon, written for and performed by Paul Jesson and directed by Clarissa Brown.
“We’re thrilled that, as we approach the end of our first year without government subsidy, we can still offer such a rich and varied programme of new plays for our audiences to enjoy," Ripley-Duggan said.
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ahumblenipple · 2 years
hemley!! need your thoughts on the DLC pls! losing my mind! thank goodness you reminded me on the last chapter that it was coming out and watched it on yt
Seeing as it's all spoilers I'm gonna put it under the cut for folks.
(I just finished playing it like 10 minutes ago)
As a game? I personally found it a little lacking. It was very much going through village with just different labels and not a whole lot of nuiance. There were new mechanics and things that were cool, but definitely could have been executed better.
Plus, it skipped out on Moreau and Heisenbergs portions, so it felt a little lacking. Not to mention the fact that it's very much pace for pace village itself. Which I get why they might have done from a narrative standpoint, but to play it just felt a bit too predictable.
It was great to play as Rose though, and I love how we got to see a bit of her personality coming through and SO MUCH like her dad I loved it.
My man, my boy, my sweet cheese
God help him
Even when he's a moldy mess he's still looking out for his daughter and that alone made it more redeemable to me. I love him as a character and he's the sort of sappy protagonist that we don't see often enough so I'm WRECKED that his portion is coming to an end (thus fanfiction obvs)
I kinda knew we wouldn't be seeing any more about the 4 lords but it still hurt getting little reminders of them here and there.
They're such a lovely blend of old school villains mixed with a more modern approach and I personally need more content of them. There's so much to explore there and the designs are EXQUISITE and so worth it.
I mean obviously I have a preference towards Heisenberg, but all of them have so much unresolved storytelling capacity that I need to see fulfilled and I will fight capcom over them.
Eveline in the mold? Like, I see why they did it, but it still felt cheap all things considered.
There was a lot of room for options with the whole thing and I felt like going back to that older antagonist really makes for a weaker story.
Then of course Duke's image as an antagonist was heartbreaking. There's still so many questions surrounding just what the hell he is, but considering Ethan is in the mold space, it's very alarming Duke is there and not fully cognitive.
(This is all stream of consciousness btw can you tell?)
All in all
I wanted more lords. I recieved zero lords, a very sad mold man, and an equally sad mold baby. I will internalize this and be emotional for a while as I continue to write nonsense.
(Sorry if this is a lot but yeah I'm feeling things and I'm tired )
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dokumtek · 6 months
Süper İletken: Nitrojen Katkılı Lutesyum Hidrit
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Rochester Üniversitesi'nde görevli araştırmacılar daha önceki makalelerini geri çekmek zorunda kaldıktan sonra şimdi daha etkileyici bir keşifle geri döndüler. Kasım 2023 Nature dergisinde paylaşılan bilgilere göre, oda sıcaklığında ve normal basınç altında süper iletken özelliklere sahip yeni bir malzeme keşfettiler. Oda sıcaklığında süper iletkenlik, asırlık bir rüyanın gerçeğe dönüşmesi anlamına gelebilir. Mevcut "süper iletken"ler, sürtünmesiz elektrik iletimi için pahalı ve hantal soğutma sistemleri gerektirir; ancak oda sıcaklığındaki malzemeler, trenleri havaya kaldırmaktan füzyon enerjisi için gereken ultra güçlü mıknatıslara kadar bir dizi uygulama için potansiyel olabilir. Ranga Dias liderliğindeki Rochester Üniversitesi grubu, 2020'de, iki elmas arasında milyonlarca kez sıkıştırılan karbon, kükürt ve hidrojen içeren küçük bir parçacıkta (CSH- a tiny speck of carbon, sulfur, and hydrogen (CSH),) süper iletkenlik keşfettiğini bildirdi. Bu, atmosferik basınç altında gerçekleşen bir başarıydı. Ancak başka araştırmacılar CSH sonuçlarını tekrarlayamadı ve çalışmanın tarifinin belirsiz ve eksik olduğunu savundu. Nature dergisi, tüm yazarların itirazları üzerine Eylül 2022'de makaleyi geri çekti. 22 Şubat'ta Dias ve ekibi, orijinal iddialarını yeniden doğruladı. arXiv'de yayınlanan bir ön baskıda, 260 K'nin biraz altında bir sıcaklıkta, ancak önceki basınca göre daha düşük süper iletkenlik sağlayan yeni bir CSH versiyonunu sentezlediklerini açıkladılar. Chicago Illinois Üniversitesi'nden malzeme kimyacısı olan Russell Hemley, malzemenin yapısının belirlenmesine yardımcı olduğunu belirterek, "Bu, CSH ile ilgili tüm soruları açıklığa kavuşturmalı" dedi. Şimdi daha umut verici bir madde geliyor: nitrojen katkılı lutesyum-hidrit (LNH- nitrogen-doped lutetium-hydride). Dias'ın ekibi, elmas bir mengeneye ince bir lutesyum folyo yerleştirdi ve bir hidrojen ve nitrojen gazı karışımını enjekte etti. Basıncı 2 gigapaskal'a çıkararak ve karışımı 200°C'de 3 gün pişirerek parlak mavi bir kristal benek oluşturdular; bu benek, basınç hafifletildikten sonra bile varlığını sürdürdü. Elmas uçlu bir mengene içinde basınç arttıkça, mavi lutesyum kristali pembeye dönüşüyor ve elektrik direnci sıfıra iniyor. Ranga Dias, basıncı 0,3 gigapaskal'a düşürdüklerinde elektrik direncinin tekrar sıfıra düştüğünü ve mavi rengin pembeye döndüğünü belirtiyor. Malzeme, 1 gigapaskal basınç altında 294 K'de (orijinal CSH'den 7° daha sıcak ve gerçek oda sıcaklığı) süper iletkenlik zirvesine ulaşıyor. Manyetik ölçümler, numunenin dışarıdan uygulanan bir manyetik alanı itmekte süper iletkenlerin ayırt edici özelliğini gösteriyor. Yazarlar, makalenin beş tur incelemeden geçtiğini ifade ediyor. Nevada Üniversitesi'nden fizikçi Ashkan Salamat, çalışmanın kıdemli yazarlarından biri olarak, "Bu, hidrit üzerine yapılan en detaylı çalışma" diyor. Diğer uzmanlar da sonuçların etkileyici göründüğü konusunda hemfikir. Fizikçi Alexander Goncharov, "İnandırıcı görünüyor" ifadesini kullanırken, James Hamlin, makalenin farklı tekniklerin kullanıldığı bir güç gösterisi olduğunu belirtiyor. Ancak, nitrojen katkılı lutesyum-hidrit (LNH) adlı yeni malzeme, birçok soruyu gündeme getiriyor. Teorik fizikçi Lilia Boeri, bu malzemenin geleneksel süperiletkenlik teorisine aykırı olduğunu ve hidritlerin genellikle daha düşük sıcaklıklarda süperiletkenlik gösterdiğini belirtiyor. Dias ve ekibi ise nitrojenin, lutesyum atomları arasında bir yapı oluşturarak süperiletkenliği sağladığını öne sürüyor. Ancak bu yapı henüz doğrulanmış değil. Keşfi değerlendiren Mikhail Eremets, U of R ekibinin başka gruplara çalışmalarını kopyalamaları konusunda yardımcı olmaları gerektiğini ifade ediyor. Ancak Dias, malzemeyi ticarileştirmeye çalıştıklarını ve sürecin mülkiyeti nedeniyle materyali dağıtmayacaklarını belirtiyor. Bu durum, diğer fizikçiler tarafından eleştiriliyor ve malzemenin yapısal bilgilerini paylaşmamanın bilimsel etikle bağdaşmadığı ifade ediliyor. Kaynak: Science.org Read the full article
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middleland · 6 months
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Greiner and Hemley Blocks, Columbus Grove, OH by Robby Virus
Via Flickr:
E.T. Greiner and D.A. Hemley Buildings, 108-110 South High Street, Columbus Grove, Ohio. These buildings date from 1890.     
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soltalks · 8 months
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Image and quote credit: Matt Hemley
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norteenlinea · 8 months
Segundo oro magnate para Hemley de EE. UU. en Gangwon 2024, mientras que Lee Yoon Seung de Corea le niega a su compañero de equipo Huff un segundo oro
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herusonofra · 11 months
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ccrbonline · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 7135 Lynn Ritchie blue & black Henley Fly Away Top and tank M NWT.
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Days Come and Go by Hemley Boum-Translated from French by Nchanji Njamnsi
Chronicling the beauty and turmoil of a rapidly changing Cameroon, Days Come and Go is the remarkable story of three generations of women both within and beyond its borders. Through the voices of Anna, a matriarch living out her final days in Paris; Abi, Anna’s thoroughly European daughter (at least in her mother’s eyes); and Tina, a teenager who comes under the sway of a militant terrorist faction, Boum’s epic is generous and all-seeing. Brilliantly considering the many issues that dominate her characters’ lives—love and politics, tradition and modernity—Days Come and Go, in Nchanji Njamnsi’s vivid translation, is a page-turner by way of Frantz Fanon and V. S. Naipaul. As passions rise, fall, and rise again, Boum’s stirring English-language debut offers a discerning portrait of a nation that never once diminishes the power of everyday human connection.
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jaggyasenee · 2 years
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1st Photograph: Me with my ascendant 2nd Photograph: can not help with a cute Hedgehog 😂😂 📸 @madhuksharachakraborty #Photograph #ascendant #Leo #leoascendant #cute #hedgehog #softoys #JaggyaseneE #jaggyaseneechakraborty (at Hemley's) https://www.instagram.com/p/CokMK4UBwaX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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judi-daily · 2 years
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The Merry Wives of Windsor, 2006
Photographer: Stewart Hemley
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pujamandavia · 5 years
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Each year we pick up few resolution and by the end of the year we are still working back on most of them for the coming year. But i realized the mistake i took resolution each year for being better for other. In 2020, I'm going to have a little love for myself. A Check list to love myself ❤️ * Healthy lifestyle: Being a big time foodie i love experimenting with my food each day. Which has just not effected my body but majorly over my health leading too issues like PCOD. *Fitness : Making sure of 1 hour exercise or a walk. Doesn't matter how much we make in life but not looking for your fitness has always been harmful for your future. *Sound Sleep : I have definitely worked alot on this one. Having a major insomniac problems had got me into worst moods and lifestyle. Now i make sure of 7hours sleep like a baby to improve it. *Staying Happy : This is the least we could do for ourselves but we're never happy with anything. Being happy gets your mood lifted , makes you positive and number of failure doesn't even matter because you know that you gave your 100%. So, let's make a resolution to love ourselves First. #newyearresolution #newyear2020 #happiness #loveyourself #fitness #healtylifestyle #healthblog #pujamandavia #zara #hemleys #indiantravelblogger #indianbeauty #indianblogger #snap #alwaystravel #stayfit #igers #igertravel #hotindiangirl #india_clicks #pinkgirl (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Ko4ygJZTQ/?igshid=etz7yffp1smb
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