gothluke · 2 years
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what do you mean?!!!!
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poisoneitherway · 2 years
I misspelled luke's last name as hemmimgs once and tumblr decided that this is his name now and keeps recommending me the wrong tag 😖
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automotiveamerican · 2 years
Corvette as a luxury car? One 1964 ad suggested it - Jeff Koch @Hemmimgs
Corvette as a luxury car? One 1964 ad suggested it – Jeff Koch @Hemmimgs
America’s personal-luxury car scene exploded in the late ’50s. Studebaker’s Golden Hawk was among the first, back in ’56. Ford’s Thunderbird helped prove the market when the four-seat Squarebird came out in ’58. By 1963, Buick’s Riviera had eased onto the scene, and suddenly most car brands wanted in on this new niche. Chevrolet naturally sought a way to capitalize on the near-luxury-car game,…
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View On WordPress
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winterrrnight · 5 months
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pengillys · 7 months
i fear i will not survive a new taylor album and then a new luke hemmimgs album a week later
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When Luke Hemmimgs said
Don't you move
Can't we just stay?
Can we start over?
Don't fade away
'Cause you'll always have a place in me
I felt that
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teenagequeens · 2 years
reblog if used / tag me in ur layouts on twitter @brutaimgc
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kym-truestory · 6 years
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Luke Hemmings is so pretty!!!
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Luke IG Story
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babylon-cal · 4 years
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He's a beautiful man
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thedailyfivesos · 4 years
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lizhemmings: Break free of the every day #breakfreewithbfop #bfop2020
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gothluke · 2 years
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i am squeaking rn
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bxcketbarnes · 4 years
Assassin-To-Be (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate AU)
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Pairing: Assassin!Luke x Reader (1880's Victorian London)
Words: 7300+
Author's Note: so, a few months ago I decided to do an Assassin's Creed Syndicate AU with Luke. Cause his fake death scene in No Shame made him look like an assassin sneaking around. This is my masterpiece. I love it. I hope you do too.
A few things to cover- Templar's are a group of bad people. Starrick is the head boss of the Templar's in London and they're trying to find the Shroud. Which is a giant scarf that provides the person wearing it immortality. Blighters are a gang that works for the Templars.
You and Jack finally moved into the small apartment the two of you have been looking at since you arrived in London.
Although, since you moved here you've noticed Jack's been a bit distant. He hasn't really shown any affection towards you in almost two weeks.
You studied him for days, noticing him coming home late from work more frequently. You sometimes even stayed out late yourself, just to see if he cared. He didn't. 
The curly blonde shivers as the wind smack him in the face while stepping off of the boat. His blue eyes look around the area before a sigh escapes his lips. "Here we go," he mumbles and heads towards the stone stairs that lead to the streets.
Henry Green and two other assassins, Jacob and Evie Frye, stand at the top of the stairs and watch the Australian make his way towards them.
"This is the guy?" A scruffy English voice asks and Henry looks over at Jacob.
"Yeah. This is the guy. Luke Hemmings. The best assassin in Australia. He's a key to stopping the Templars."
You were heading home from your day at Alexander Graham Bell's shop, always intrigued in watching him work. You met him during your shopping one day, literally running into him and dropping all the vegetables you had in your arms. Since then the two of you have become quite good friends, spending most of your days with him.
You wrap your shawl around your shoulders, shivering at the chilly wind as you walk down the dim streets. You made it to your apartment an hour later and you just couldn't wait to slip into bed.
"Jack! I'm home," you call out while closing the front door behind you. A woman's moan stops you in your tracks and you look towards your bedroom. "Jack?"
You walk towards the bedroom and a gasp leaves your lips upon seeing your boyfriend fucking another woman. Both of them look over at you, Jack's eyes becoming wide as he pulls away from the other woman.
"Fuck you," you mutter, feeling the tears come to your eyes as you swallow the lump in your throat. "You're such a fucking cunt I don't know why I stayed with you."
You're seething as you slap him across the face, huffing, and puffing before walking out of your apartment. You cross your arms over your chest as you make your way to the hotel that's a few blocks down the street.
You sniffle while walking down the uneven cobblestone street, being careful not to hurt yourself. You're wiping the tears off your face when a man comes out from an alley beside you.
"Hello, sweetness. Aren't you a cute little thing," his thick accent compliments and you go to move around him when his hand stops you, grabbing ahold of your wrist. "Hold on, I'm not done with you."
You begin to struggle in his grip as he tugs you into the alley before pressing you against the wall. "Please," you beg, wanting to get away from him and he laughs wickedly, one of his hands grabbing my breast. You cry out, doing everything in your power to get away from the man dressed in red. "Stop!"
Luke was running along the rooftops when he heard your voice. He stops in his tracks, skidding along the damp rooftops before heading closer towards your screams. The blonde peeks over the side, seeing a blighter try to assault you in a sexual way.
He growls a bit, growing hatred towards the man in question. Luke flicks out his hidden blade before jumping down from the roof, landing on top of the blighter.
The man lets out a groan as Luke kneels above him, his hidden blade embedded in his chest. "Scum," he whispers harshly before pulling the blade out, seeing the life drain from the blighter's eyes.
You watch with wide eyes before moving away from the wall, needing to get away from here. You end up tripping over your feet, falling to the ground and Luke looks up at you. He takes a step towards you and you pant heavily while backing away from him.
Luke puts his hands up as you continue to scurry away from him on the damp sidewalks. "Hey, hey," he mutters and crouched slightly, "I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise."
You stare up at the hooded man, your chest heaving rapidly. "W-Who are you?" You ask him as he pushes the black hood off of his head, exposing the blonde curls underneath it.
"I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings."
"You...you killed that man," you remind him and his blue eyes dart towards the now dead blighter on the ground.
He scratches the back of his head, his curls swaying in the London breeze. "Yeah, yeah. I did," Luke mumbles and rubs his hands together. "To be fair-"
"To be fair?!" You draw out, cutting him off from speaking with wide eyes. "What justification is there for killing a man?!"
The blonde sighs and looks over your facial features, noticing the terrified look in your eyes. "Yes. When he's working for a sick man and for trying to take advantage of a beautiful woman, like yourself," he explains, and your mouth parts slightly.
"Okay… you're not wrong there, I guess." You breathe out as your cheeks become a bit red.
Luke lets out a chuckle and holds out a hand for you to grab. You look up at him before darting your eyes towards his hand for a moment. "C'mon," he class and tilts his head to the side, "you can trust me."
You nod your head and grab a hold of his hand. Luke pulls you off the ground and you wipe the dirt and mud off the back of your dress the best you could.
"Thank you, Luke," you mumble and he grins, nodding his head.
"Not a problem, love. Just doing my job more or less," he shrugs and you hum in response.
"What is your job? If you don't mind me asking," you question him and Luke sighs slightly before looking around. "Wha-"
"Hold onto me," he states and your eyes widen. You try to form a sentence when Luke takes a step towards you. "If you want to know my job, you'll grab a hold of me."
You swallow thickly and nod once, reaching out to wrap your arms around his neck. Luke raises his hand in the sky and your eyes move to it when a metal wire shoots out from the gauntlet that's on his hand. A scream leaves your lips as the two of you thrust into the air, Luke's hand gripping onto you tightly.
The two of you land onto the roof and you hold your hands out to balance yourself, eyes wide as you glance down. "What the…?" You mumble and look back over at Luke, looking over the clothes he was wearing.
The trench coat has blue accents in it and seems to split into two once it goes past his ass. Under the trench coat was a navy blue vest that was tucked into his high waisted pants with a collared shirt that was slightly unbuttoned. The gauntlet on his arm shines in the moonlight as it stops just below his elbow. Even looking at him you had no idea who he was.
"I'm… I'm an assassin," he informs you while motioning towards the clothes he was wearing. You stare at him with wide eyes for what feels like the millionth time before shaking your head.
"This is crazy," you whisper to yourself and run your fingers through your hair, "t-th-there's no way you're an assassin. That's not… that's not a thing."
Luke let's out a laugh and rests his hands on his hips. "It's real. I'm standing right in front of you. There are three other assassins that are living in a train in London," he tells you and you're in utter shock.
"Wow…" you whisper and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "So, uhm, you plan to get me down right?"
He grins widely and nods his head. "Of course. I'm not going to leave you stranded up here," he chuckles and wraps his arm around your waist again.
You grip onto his trench coat, watching him as he points his hand towards a five-foot bring wall. You try to keep in the scream, but it comes out anyway. A laugh leaves your lips afterward as the wind flows through your dark hair.
Your feet connect with the ground and you stumble a bit, grabbing a hold of him to keep my footing. "Okay, I gotta say… that's fun?" It comes out like a question and you chuckle.
Luke smiles down at you, admiring the look on your face. He found you to be really cute, the entire time you were holding onto him he couldn't stop inhaling the perfume you were wearing. You smell like flowers. He swallows thickly and places a hand on your forearm.
"Why were you out so late?" He asks in concern and the smile drops from your face.
"Uhm, my now ex-boyfriend was making love to someone else in our bed," you tell him with a frown and clear your throat. "So, I was walking towards the hotel."
The blonde nods his head, noticing your defeated look and he lands a hand on your arm. "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. He definitely doesn't deserve you from what I can tell," he mumbles and you look up at him, your eyes meeting his blue ones.
"You don't know me, though," you whisper and Luke shrugs his shoulders, dropping his hand from your arm.
"I have a knack for reading people and I can tell that you're a good person. Can I… can I walk you to the hotel? Or, would you… would you want to stay at our hideout? It's very safe. He wouldn't be able to find you," he mentions with a tilt of his head and you stare up at him in shock.
This man you just met. Who kills people for a living. Invited you to stay at the train hideout with three other assassins. You would be safer there most likely. Jack was always the type to follow after an argument. You nod your head at his offering and Luke lets out a sigh of relief, grabbing a hold of your hand before heading towards an empty carriage.
"Hop in, m'lady," he smiles and opens the carriage door for you. You giggle and curtsy before climbing into the buggy.
You hide behind Luke a bit once you get onto the train, glad to see no one in sight. "Are you sure they're going to be okay with me being here?" You ask the blonde and he looks down at you.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I mean, I don't see a problem with you staying here," he mumbles and shrugs his shoulders. You stifle a laugh, gripping his arm as he leads you through the different train cars. "You can stay in the room I'm sleeping in. I'll sleep somewhere else."
"Luke," you reach out and grab him, stopping him from leaving the room. "I-Can you stay with me?"
The blonde stares down at you as you chew on your bottom lip, not wanting to be alone in a train with skilled killers. "Yeah, yeah," he whispers and lays a comforting hand on yours. "I'll be right here."
He sits down in a chair beside the bed after taking off his trench coat, setting it on the desk. You slide onto the bed and lie down, your eyes staring up at the ceiling as you try to calm your nerves. "Luke," you whisper out one last time and you hear him hum in response, "thank you for saving me tonight."
Luckily once you passed out you slept like an absolute baby. Nothing disturbed your sleep throughout the night. Not even the sound of the train constantly running. The time was nearing seven in the morning when you woke up, stretching your arms while sitting up in the bed.
"Hell," you whisper and swing your legs over the side before getting up. You glance over at the chair to see Luke's tall frame scrunched up, heavy breaths leaving his lips as he was still sound asleep.
You smile gently, noticing how cute he looks before grabbing your things and walking out of the train car. You quietly make your way through the train, seeing that you guys are almost near the train station in The Strand.
You stop dead in your tracks as you walk by a board with a bunch of pictures tacked to it along with strings connecting to each other. You furrow your brows together, taking everything in when a hand presses against your shoulder. A scream leaves your lips as you're roughly turned around, your back now pressed against the board.
"Who are you?" A deep voice rasps out and you can feel a cool blade press against your throat.
You look up at the man, seeing a scar in his eyebrow and his striking brown eyes. "I-I… my name's Y/N!"
Loud footsteps are heard and you glance towards the train car door to see Luke standing in the doorway. "Jacob! Stop!"
A gruff leaves his lips and presses the blade harder to my throat. "Why? She could be working for him?!" He states and looks over at the blonde.
Your body shakes in fear as Luke slowly walks towards the two of you, his hands out. "She doesn't. She didn't even know we existed!" Luke informs him and Jacob looks back at you, a skeptical look in his eyes before he pulls the blade away from your throat.
"What is she even doing here? If Evie finds out-"
"If Evie finds out what?" A woman's voice cuts him off and you twist your head to the left, seeing a woman your age standing in the room. "Who's this?" She asks while her eyes are set on you before moving back to the two men.
"This is Y/N. She had a bit of a dilemma last night and I offered for her to stay here so she was safe," Luke explains and Evie nods her head, stepping towards me.
"You alright?" She asks you and you swallow, nodding your head.
"Y-Yeah, yeah. Luke… saved my life last night from a-a blighter?" You question the name you've heard him call the men who dress in red and you glance towards the curly blonde to see him nod his head. "I was heading towards a hotel since my ex-boyfriend decided to, uhm, cheat on me with someone else in our home and the blighter came out of nowhere and tried to assault me."
Evie's eyes widen a bit and she rests her hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She asks and you nod your head.
"I heard her screaming and managed to kill him before he got too far," Luke pipes up and you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, the images from last night flashing through your mind. 
"At least you were in the vicinity. God knows what would've happened after he was done," she comments and your heart drops in your chest, shivering at the thought of it.
The train comes to a stop and you move to glance out the window to see that you made it to The Strand train station. "I'm…" you trail off and look back at the rest of the assassin's, "I'm gonna get going. Thank you, Luke. For everything." You smile at him before moving to step off the train. You heading straight towards the stairs that lead to the street when Luke's voice yells to you.
"Y/N! Wait!" You stop your movements, glancing over your shoulder to see the blonde running up to you. "Do you… do you need help finding a new place or what's going to happen?"
Your heart flutters at his words, surprised that this gorgeous man cares about you after just meeting you last night. Or maybe that's just his job.
"I-I guess I didn't really think of that. I think I'm just going to gather up my belongings and head to that hotel. It should be safer in the daytime, yeah?" You ask him, fiddling with your fingers as his blue eyes stare into yours.
"It should be. I would go with you, but we've got stuff we need to do today," Luke mutters and you nod your head, smiling softly.
"That's fine, Luke. I'll see you around maybe?" You question with a tilt of your head, praying that he says he will.
A smile comes to his pink lips, nodding his head. "Yeah, absolutely. You'll definitely see me around Alex's place," he comments and you nod your head.
You rush through the streets of the borough you live in, The Strand, running as fast as your heeled boots could take you. The train station was in sight and you're beginning to feel out of breath from running so far, so fast.
News about a shootout between the Rooks and Blighters roam the streets in almost every borough. What had you worry the most was when you heard someone mention that a man dressed in a trench coat got shot.
Luke immediately came to your mind and you dropped what you were doing to head to the train station, hoping that their train would be at the station. You were in luck to see their train just pulling in when you reached the top of the stairs. You quickly run towards the train, hopping onto it as soon as it stops.
"Y/N?" Evie's voice calls out and you look over at the woman, your chest heaving rapidly.
"Is it… is it Luke?" You ask in a whisper and she nods her head. Your heart drops into your and she motions her hand, silently telling you to follow her.
Your heart beats a million miles a minute as the two of you walk into the room Luke is resting in. You swallow thickly as your eyes lay on Luke who's barely conscious. Evie heads back out of the room, leaving the two of you alone. You fiddle with your fingers before moving a chair near the bed.
Luke's face is a bit pale and you watch as his chest slowly rises and falls. He squirms a bit before turning his head towards you. "Y/N…?" He trails off in a whisper, a groan leaving his lips as one of his hands move to his side.
You nod your head, scooting closer as you give him a sad smile. "I'm here, Luke, I'm here," you mumble and rest one of your hands on his arm, rubbing gently.
The blonde-haired assassin grabs a hold of your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. "W-What are… what are you…" Luke struggles as you watch his blue eyes roll back into his head, heavy breaths leaving his lips.
You squeeze his hand, tears dancing along your waterline as you swallow the lump in your throat. "The shootout has been roaming around the streets and ran here as fast as I could. Get some rest, Luke. I'll be here when you wake up," you inform him and lean forward to kiss his forehead.
Luke hums as you comb your fingers through his curly locks and leans into your touch. "'m glad you're here…" he mumbles before nodding off. You wipe the tears that are streaming down your cheeks while keeping a close eye on him, in case he gets any complications from the "surgery."
Footsteps were heard from behind you and you glance over your shoulder to see Jacob standing in the train car doorway. "So, you ran about twenty blocks to see if he was okay?" He asks and you blush a bit before nodding your head. "You must really care for him then."
"I do. A lot more than I ever thought I would," you mumble and look back at Luke, stroking the back of his hand with your thumb.
"He's lucky to have you. I'm actually glad he brought you here that night," Jacob compliments and you smile back at him, giggling softly. "It's nice to have you around. I know Evie likes not being the only woman, that's for sure."
It's been almost a month since Luke got shot by a Templar and you wish he would take it easy still, but he's a stubborn man. The two of you walk down the streets of Westminster and he keeps a constant lookout for Blighters or Templars roaming the streets. You can feel his arm brush against yours every so often and you can't help but blush each time he does.
You two walk past the gate, standing at the base of Big Ben and your gaze moves upwards. "Are you sure about this?" You ask Luke as he tucks you into his side. He glances down at you, a smile on his lips while his ocean blue eyes twinkle.
"Of course, why?" Luke questions and you gently place your hand over his healed wound. His eyes move to your hand and then back to your face. "Y/N, I'm fine. I promise."
You sigh and run your fingers over the spot, feeling his clothing against your fingertips. Luke's finger hooks under your jaw, lifting your head to look up at him.
"Hey," he whispers and you hum in response, your fingers gripping his vest. "I'm gonna be okay, alright? You don't have to worry about me."
"I don't have to, but I do. I care about you, Luke. More than you know…" you trail off and he smiles softly while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I know how you feel, love. I care about you so much," Luke whispers while wrapping his arm around you, large hand gripping hold of your waist.
Your heart flutters in your chest as you smile up at him. You could hear his zipline go off and your eyes widen. A smirk comes to his lips as you wrap your arms around his neck, the two of you flinging into the air. You breathe heavily as you reach the top, Luke's hands gripping your hips as he helps you up.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you look at the view London gives. "Wow," you whisper and spin in a circle, taking everything in.
"Seems like maintenance broke the gate and haven't fixed it yet," Luke mentions while eyeing the open section. His fingertips drag along your lower back, his blue eyes set on you. "Be careful, okay?"
"Yeah, I will," you mumble while taking a step towards the open gate. The wind blows your hair back and you shiver a bit at the cold breeze. "This is incredible, Luke."
He chuckles from behind you and you look over your shoulder, smiling softly as his eyes are set on you. "I knew you would like it," Luke grins and you nod your head in agreement, glancing back out at the city.
Part of the building crumbles and you're too late to notice. "L-Luke!" You shriek as your foot gets caught in the rubble, your body falling through the open gate. Luke lurches forward and manages to grab your hand before you fell 315 feet.
"I got you…" he trails off, his blue eyes wide and he pulls you up. You collapse on top of him, gripping his trench coat tightly as your heart pounds in your chest. The two of you breathe heavily as your eyes meet, your faces inches from one another's. "I got you."
You close your eyes, letting out a sigh before resting your forehead against his. Luke brings a hand to your face, pushing some of your hair behind your ear. Your eyes flutter open, your breath hitching in your throat as you can see the adoration in his blue eyes.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He whispers and you blush, attempting to hide your face in his chest when Luke stops you from doing so.
You're almost panting as the blonde keeps you from hiding, his thumb stroking your cheekbone. The distance between your faces diminishes and your eyes flutter shut as his lips press against yours. One of your hands leaves his trench coat and combs through his hair, moving your lips against his.
Luke's hands move to your waist and grips slightly. Your heart pounds in your chest as you pull away, looking down at him. A smile comes to his lips and you slowly get off of him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
The blonde sits up, his blue eyes looking over you for any cuts or injuries. "You okay?" He asks quietly and you chuckle, nodding your head.
"Yeah, yeah… guess I should've been more careful," you mumble and Luke laughs, getting onto his feet.
He holds out a hand and you grab onto it, Luke pulling you onto your feet as well. "I'd say I told you so, but I'll let it slide this time," he smiles softly and you giggle, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Thank you," you mumble, resting your head on his chest. Luke kisses your head, his large hands resting on your back.
"It's no problem, Y/N/N. Can't have you dying on me. I like having you around," he tells you and you pick your head up, looking up at him. You melt at the dimpled smile on his face and he takes one of his hands to move some of your hair from your face.
You smile softly and fiddle with his trench coat. "I like being around you as well, Luke," you grin, and the blonde wraps his arms around you again, holding you against his chest.
"C'mon, let's get going," Luke mentions and you nod your head against his chest before pulling away from him.
"Why do I have to go to this ball?" You ask Evie as she fastens the buttons on the back of your dress.
"Because we feel that we'll need an extra pair of eyes," she states before pulling her hands away from you. You look at her through the mirror, running your hands down the Bordeaux-colored dress. "Plus, Luke's been training you right? So if we're in trouble we're going to need your help."
You nod your head at your words as you feel a bit nervous about actually having to fight someone who would kill you. A knock on your bedroom door snaps you from your thoughts, glancing towards the wooden object to see Luke standing in the doorway.
Your breath hitches in his throat as you take a good look at him. He wore a striking white waistcoat with a burgundy-colored undershirt, black slacks along with the same colored pumps, finishing it off with a black tailcoat. You can feel your hands becoming sweaty as Evie leaves the room, giving you a wink on her way out.
Luke's blue eyes dance over your outfit, really taking in how breathtaking you look. The dark color really complimented your skin tone. "You look stunning," he breathes out and takes a step towards you.
You fiddle with your hair and tuck some of the strays behind your ear. "You really think so? I've never… I've never been in such a fancy dress before," you chuckle softly and Luke smiles down at you.
"You definitely should more often. I'll have to get you some-"
"Luke! No, no. You're not going to get me anything. When I can afford it, I'll buy some," you cut him off and res one of your hands on his forearms. "At least, for now, I own this."
He nods his head, giving you a small smile as his hands gently grip your arms as well. "Okay, okay. So, I have something for you to keep hidden," Luke informs you and releases your arms. You do the same, watching him diligently as he pulls out a medium-sized dagger. "I want you to, uhm, slip this in your garter."
You laugh softly as you listened to him choke out that sentence. Luke clears his throat as his cheeks turn pink. "Why are you so flustered, Lukey?" You grin teasingly while taking the dagger from him before hiking up the skirt of your dress.
His blue eyes go wide, finding it hard to look away as you fasten the knife in your garter, positioning it in a way where it won't cut you. "Fucking hell…" Luke trails off and looks away from you.
You fix the skirt before glancing back towards Luke, seeing him scratching the back of his head. "How were you so confident kissing me on Big Ben but can't look at me now?" You ask with a tilt of your head.
"I-Because it's not right? I was just taught to treat a lady with respect," he mumbles while fiddling with his fingers. "Don't get me wrong i-it's nice to see you're so comfortable with me. I just… I'm just not used to this I guess?"
You're in awe as you look at Luke, watching him continue to fiddle with his fingers. "That's the sweetest thing someone's ever said to me," you whisper and Luke raises an eyebrow and mutters "really". You nod your head, grinning ear to ear as you take a step towards him.
Luke reaches for your hand, his blue eyes cast down to look at it before lifting it up, pressing his lips to the back of it. "I never would've thought I'd find love while being here," he confesses and the butterflies in your stomach begin to soar.
"I'd never thought I'd find love after what happened with Jack," you tell him and Luke hums, rubbing his thumb against the back of my hand. "Especially with an assassin."
Luke let's out a laugh and shakes his head, dropping your hand. "You're on your way of becoming one as well, sweetheart," he grins and you giggle, shrugging your shoulders.
"Are you guys done?" Jacob yells from the other room and both you and Luke glance towards the open bedroom door. "We're going to be late if you two keep jabbing on."
You bite your lip, glancing back at Luke as he lets out a sigh. "C'mon, we can "flirt" in the carriage," you giggle and grab his hand, beginning to lead him out of the room when he stops you.
Luke spins you around before pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes widen, one of your hands gripping his forearm. It only takes a couple of seconds for your eyes to flutter shut, proceeding to kiss him back. The blonde's hands rest on your waist, feeling him squeeze slightly through the dress.
"If anything happens. Come to me. I really don't want to put you in any danger," he whispers against your lips and you feel his forehead resting on yours. "Promise me you'll come to me if something happens."
You nod your head, a deep sigh coming from your nose as you inhale his scent. "I promise, Luke."
You and Luke walk into the courtyard together, the twins walking in front of the two of you as your nerves are rocketing through the roof. A hand slips itself into yours and you glance up at the blonde, his blue eyes already looking down at you.
"It's gonna be okay, alright?" He whispers and you nod your head, letting out a breath. “Do you want me to get you a drink?”
You shake your head, dropping your hand from him before placing it on his chest. “No, no. It’s fine, Luke. You’ve got stuff to do,” you reassure him and he nods his head.
“Don’t forget,” Luke starts and grabs your hand, bringing it to his lips. “If you need me, find me. I don’t care if I’m in the middle of something. Find me.”
You giggle, smiling up at the blonde as you mutter an alright before leaning on your toes to press a short kiss to his lips. Luke’s hands rest on the sides of your arms, his thumbs stroking the skin gently. The smile on your lips widens when you pull away from him, seeing his lips pursed still.
“You are going to be the death of me,” he whispers and you let out a chuckle, fiddling with his tailcoat.
“Go help save the country, handsome,” you tell him and he nods his head, leaning down to press one more kiss to your lips before walking away from you. You sigh happily and bring your fingers up to your lips, the feeling of his lingering.
You watch the people dance from the terrace railing, tapping your foot to the beat of the music that's being played. You smile softly, watching the couple's dance close to one another. It would be so nice to dance. I don't really know how to dance though.
"Would you like to dance, m'lady?" Luke's Australian voice asks from behind you and you glance over your shoulder, eyes wide.
"Luke," you giggle and he takes your hand in his, "I thought you were supposed to be doing something?"
He smiles softly and you set your drink onto the table as the blonde leads you towards the other people dancing. "Jacob's taking care of it. I'm just here in case something goes wrong, as are you," Luke states while placing a hand to your waist.
You smile softly as the two of you dance to music. The two of you stare at each other in admiration, your fingers intertwining with his as the other rests on his shoulder. "I never would've thought I'd be here right now. With you," you whisper and Luke chuckles softly, nodding his head.
"Yeah, I agree. I mean I probably would've ended up here since it's my job, but I never thought I'd be dancing with the girl I fancy," he states and your heart flutters, still in awe after hearing it a second time. "On a more serious note… you think you'd want to train to become an assassin after all of this?"
You look up at him with wide eyes, halting your movements and he stumbles a bit. His blonde curls bounce a bit as he regains his footing. "Are… are you serious?" You ask and Luke grins ear to ear, nodding his head.
"Absolutely, sweetheart."
"Holy shit…" you trail off and Luke chuckles, tucking some hair behind his ear. "I- Yeah, that would be awesome!"
He smiles softly before dipping down, pressing his pink lips against yours. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss, your fingers going into his hair when you felt a pair of eyes on you. You pull away from Luke, glancing to your left and your breath hitches in your throat at the man who's staring at the two of you from afar.
W-What is he doing here? And why's he wearing Templar gear? 
Luke notices something in the corner of his eye and glances up at the building, seeing Jacob on the roof as the other assassin raises his hand. He nods his head before looking back down at you. "Sweetheart," he starts but stops as he detects the fear on your face. "What's wrong?"
"Jack's here," you whisper, tearing your eyes away from your ex to look up at Luke.
"What?! Where?" He asks while looking around. You grab his chin, turning his face in the direction your ex is standing as he chats with another Templar.
He curses softly, his large hands running up your arms. "Okay, I need to go help Jacob, uhm," Luke pauses and turns his attention to you, "stay out of sight from him. Do anything you can to not let him near you."
You nod your head, swallowing the lump in your throat. Luke caresses your cheek before kissing it softly. "Be safe," you mumble as he begins to walk away. He smiles softly, nodding his head as his heart pounds in his chest as he looks you over.
"I will. Same goes to you."
The last thing you expected was to find your ex-boyfriend at the ball, walking around proudly in his Templar uniform. You did your best to stay away from him, but you started to worry about Luke, Jacob, and Evie when they haven't come back yet and it's been over an hour and a half since they left.
You chew on your nails when looking out towards the trees and begin to panic when you feel Jack's eyes on you.  You quickly take a glance his way to see him and another Templar eyeing you while your ex points in your direction. You start to walk away from them and head out towards the ruins, keeping a lookout through the corner of your eye. When the two men began to follow is when you went into full-blown panic, walking a bit faster towards where Luke is.
You hike your dress up a bit, closing the distance between you and the ruins. You glance back once more to just see Jack following you still and when a smirk forms on his lip is when you decide to break out into a sprint.
You were running through the grounds of the Palace, breathing heavily as you continue to hear his heavy footsteps running behind you. "C'mon, Y/N, stop running from me," he calls out from behind you and your heart pounds in your chest. You trip over a rock, catching yourself before you fall over.
You can see Luke standing about 100 yards in front of you, fighting a few Templars that are guarding the opening to the ruins. A grunt leaves your lips as Jack tackles you to the ground. You end up flipping over, trying to kick him off of you when he lands a punch to your ribs. A yelp leaves your lips, pressing your hands to his chest before kicking his kidney.
"Get off of me!" You yell and kick him in the kidney once more. You flip onto your stomach and your eyes meet Luke's for a second when a sharp pain travels up your back.
A scream leaves your lips as you feel Jack pull the knife from your back before flipping you over. Luke lets out a gasp as he watches the Templar straddle your chest. "Y/N!" The blonde yells and assassinates both of the men beside him.
"It's such a shame that you have to die," Jack tsks as you did everything you could to get him off of you. The knife he's holding almost pierces through your chest when Jack was tackled off of you.
You gasp and since as you lean on your left hand, watching Luke shove his blade into your ex-boyfriend's chest. A surge of pain shoots up your back and a shriek leaves you lips, falling back onto the grass. "L-Luke!" You call out and the blonde glances over his shoulder, seeing you arch your back off the ground and your chest heaving.
Luke rushes over to you and lifts you off the ground. "C'mon," he starts and wraps an arm around your waist. You let out a grunt, gripping onto his trench coat as the two of you trudge towards the main gate. "We need to get you to Miss Nightingale."
"B-But the shroud…" you trail off, feeling yourself getting weaker as Luke hushes you. You almost trip as you get closer to the exit, a cry leaving your lips.
"Jacob and Evie will take care of it. I'm not losing you," the blonde assassin states before stopping, lifting you completely in his arms as he carries you bridal style towards an empty carriage.
You smile as you watch your little girl run around the living room of Luke’s home. The blonde curls on her head bouncing as giggles. Evelyn picks up one of her toys, shaking it in her tiny hands before tumbling back towards you. “Hi, baby girl,” you grin and pick her up from her spot. “Wanna go find daddy?”
She lets out a squeal, clapping her hands together as the two of you head further into the house. You walk into the kitchen to see your husband cooking lunch, the smell of the beef he’s sauteing starts to make you hungry. “Hi, loves,” Luke greets and peers over his shoulder. You smile at him, walking up to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Luke bends down to kiss your lips before moving his attention to his daughter. “Hi, Eve!”
 Evelyn smiles at the blonde, reaching out to him and Luke pulls away from the stove as you hand her to him. You continue making the beef patties that are in the pan while Luke places a kiss all over Evelyn’s face, her squeals echoing off the walls of the kitchen. You pull the pan off the burner when they were done, setting the two and a half patties onto a plate. “Luke, can you get the highchair for her?” You ask and he nods his head, walking into the other room with her in his arms.
You cut up the half patty, making it small enough for Eve to eat when a knock on the front door reaches your ears. “Sweetheart, can you get that?” Luke calls out.
“Yeah!” You answer and place the fork and knife down before walking towards the door. You open the door to see three men standing on the porch, all dressed up in Assassin gear. They look at you confused as you give them a smile. “Luke! I think it’s for you.”
Your blonde husband talks nonsense to your daughter while walking towards you. “Who is-” Luke starts but cuts himself off as his blue eyes catch sight of his three friends. “Guys, hey! What are you doing here?”
The brunette scratches his neck and chuckles, “well, we heard you were back in town and decided to stop by. You know… since it’s been a decade since we’ve seen you,” he explains and the smile on his lips falls.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I meant to send letters but the job in London took up a lot of my time and then I was training her afterward,” Luke mumbles and glances down at you. “Uh, Y/N, these are my fellow assassin friends, Calum, Michael, and Ashton. Guys, this is my wife Y/N and our child, Evelyn.”
You give the three men a small wave and they do the same. “Do you guys wanna come in? We just made lunch and if you’re hungry I can cook up a few more,” you smile, and the other blonde grins.
“I don’t know about Ashton or Cal, but I could eat,” Michael states and walks into the house. You let out a chuckle as he and Luke head back into the kitchen. You motion for the other two to come in and you close the door after they come inside.
“It’s nice to finally meet you guys. Luke talked about you all a lot,” you smile and Calum smiles down at you.
“Of course he did. I only wish we knew about you,” he states while the three of you head into the kitchen to see Luke already cooking the other patties as Evelyn sits in her highchair.
“Well, there’s no time like the present,” you grin and sit in the chair beside your little girl, your heart fluttering at the scene in front of you. You never thought this was the future you were going to bestow and you were not complaining. I love my little family.
Taglist: @galcalirwin​ @sexgodashton​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @talkfastromance4​ @mysticalhood​ @myloverboyash​ @maluminspace​ @h0tsos​ @itsasadfishworld​ @tea4sykes​ @gigglyirwin​ @thebookamongmen​ @bloodmoonashton​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @g-l-pierce​ @abb-lan-5sos​
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ieropoison · 4 years
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hemmo pack ꨄ
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goldfeeling · 4 years
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babyhoneymalum · 5 years
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His hair 🥺🥺
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