#henry stickmin x calvin bukowski
jazzstarrlight · 11 months
Ronald's Return (A T3Nsion comic strip)
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Charles' & Ellie's fathers return after being lost at sea for over 16 years. Showing up just a week before Charles and Henry’s wedding. They let these two borrow some clothes until they can buy them some of their own.
However, Ron has some difficulty adjusting to many ideas. The Alphabet Mafia ain't one of 'em, but tech and dropping the ideas that kept him going are. He's a good man, with a good imagination.
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lemomix · 5 days
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NOOO i barely realised its been another week,,,,
asdhdfs so as an apology have the prankster duo >:3
(theyre probably gonna dye your hair cyan while you sleep but who caaares) >:)
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echotrinityme · 7 months
Unexpected Love: Chapter 1:Lonely
A/N: It's time for the Calvin x Henry ship to shine! 
Warning: This story will be heavy angst and some fluff but mostly angst due to Calvin being a jerk in this story. Also, what Calvin will do to Henry is a replica of how my last relationship was. It will be almost the same thing that happened to me but with a few changes. 
Henry was reading a book when he heard a moan from the next room.
He groaned as he put his head inside his book.
He heard Charles's soft voice and Ellie's giggles.
It's been a year since Charles and Ellie had gotten together and it's made Henry both happy and annoyed.
Happy because Charles broke up with Calvin Bukowski after an incident that shall not be named. And annoyed because when Ellie asked Charles out, they became a couple and they were very happy. However, Charles and Ellie were kind of...annoying when they were together. 
They act like sickenly sweethearts in front of everyone and most people find that annoying. Henry was glad they were happy but at the same time, he wished that they would tone down their love. It made him feel lonely and a third wheel every time they hung out. 
Henry put on his noise-canceling headphones and continued reading his book.
Meanwhile, a certain orange-haired soldier was sulking while his brother was playing a video game on his portable system. 
Konrad paused his game to look over at Calvin who had his arms crossed and was laying down on his bed like a child that got punished for being rowdy. Konrad silently sighed as he put down his game and sat up. He knew that his brother still felt depressed after his break-up with Charles. 
Calvin didn't answer him.
"Cal, I know you can hear me," Konrad saw Calvin shift but stayed in the same position, "Calvin, please talk to me,"
Calvin glanced over at Konrad and he sat up. He didn't say anything as Konrad got up and went over to his brother. Without saying anything, Konrad brought his brother into a hug. Calvin didn't want to hug him but after a moment, he hugged his brother back. They hugged for a couple of minutes then they let go of each other.
"Feel better?" Konrad asked, smiling.
Calvin shook his head but gave his brother a small smile.
Konrad saw the sad, puppy look that his brother was giving him. Konrad sighed again as he blew out a puff of air, he crossed his arms.
"Calvin Bukowski. It's been over a year since Charles broke up with you and had gotten together with Ellie but I think it's time to move on," Konrad said firmly.
Calvin stood up so fast that you might have thought that he had super speed, Konrad blinked as he saw Calvin's glare. 
Konrad rolled his eyes as he stood up, "Don't get mad at me because I'm right,"
"Shut up," Calvin growled.
"Ugh! Seriously, Calvin, move on. Charles has moved on and you should too,"
Before Calvin could say anything else, Konrad turned around and headed out of their tent. Before he left, he glanced at his brother. "I'm going to leave you alone. I'm going to go hang out with June or be at the cafeteria,"
Konrad left Calvin alone without saying goodbye.
Calvin growled before he grabbed a random object and threw it on the ground. He hated it when Konrad was right. He needed to move on. But how? He was madly in love with Charles for a long time and was happy when they were together. They were happy. All was good. So what happened? 
It all started when Henry and Ellie joined the Government. And Calvin's jealousy reared its ugly head.
They started fighting about how Charles was spending more time with Henry and Ellie and spending less time with Calvin. At first, it was just small fights, but the fights got worse. It got to the point that they had to break up because the relationship turned toxic. 
After they broke up, Calvin was depressed and Charles was angry.
They refused to speak to each other and Charles refused to work with Calvin. 
Then things became bright for Charles when Ellie started to help him through his pain. They didn't know how they managed to fall in love but they did. When Calvin heard Charles and Ellie were a couple, his heart broke. Calvin tries his best to move on but no matter what he does, his feelings for Charles never change. Instead, his feelings for Charles were too strong.
Calvin felt his bitterness and resentment start to boil. He started pacing around the tent as the feelings of hurt, bitterness, and resentment started boiling more and more intense like a sinister potion in a cauldron. He was about to shout to let out his anger when his brain gave him an idea.
"Hey, Henry's alone with them," Calvin's brain told him, "He has to deal with their couple stuff and he must be lonely,"
Calvin blinked as he sat down on his bed, "How about some revenge?" the voice in Calvin's head continued, "Why don't we ask Henry out as revenge?"
Calvin had a confused look on his face, "How would that be revenge?" he asked himself.
"You can ask Henry out as revenge. If Charles sees you dating Henry, he will come to his senses and leave Ellie to go back to you," his brain explained the plan while Calvin was listening, "If you play your cards right, you will get Charles back,"
Calvin stared at the wall after his brain gave him a plan. After going over the plan, he gave himself a big grin.
"Payback is going to be fun," he said with a giggle.
A/N: What?! I'm starting a new story without finishing "See You Again"? Yes, I am.
I do plan on finishing See You Again but that story is going to be on hiatus till further notice. 
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laranomyprisma · 2 years
[some personal ships!]
Henry x Charles x Ellie
Rupert x Dave
Sven x Burt
Victoria x Calvin
Konred x Sam
Reginald x Right Hand Man
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natasha ratted out yulia uh ohhhh
she in trouble when she gets back on board-
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icilarastudios · 2 years
(Ellie) So how bad *are* Henry and Charles together?
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Both love each other but….something vowed to go wrong-
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candikin · 1 year
Naming Every THSC Ship (So Far...)
This is how I'm going to die... is it? (Not including polyamory, canon couples, and OCxCanon. Still including crackships)
The colors don't mean anything, it's just to make the list look more interesting
Henry x Charles
Henry x Ellie
Ellie x Charles
Reginald x RHM
Henry x RHM
Henry x Reginald
Burt x Sven
Burt x Dave
Sven x Charles
Sven x Ellie
Henry x Dave
Ellie x Johnny
Rupert x Dave
Henry x Rupert
Ellie x Dr V
Dmirti x Galeforce
Dmirti x Dr V
Fuck Charles x Galeforce
Dr V x Gadget Gabe
Rupert x Johnny
Dave x Johnny
Dave x Kurt
Henry x Bryan Hampton
Winston x Ted
Charles x Calvin
Ellie x One Of Bukowski Twins
Dave x Jacob
Ellie x Jacob
Henry x Burt
Ellie x RHM
Ellie x Reginald
Henry x Thomas
Thomas x Geoffrey
Henry x Felix
Quentin x Josh
Quentin x Drake
Josh x Drake
Mr Macbeth x Winston
Sven x Howie
Five Eyes x Sledge
Sledge x Hanz
Five Eyes x Hanz
Henry Stickmin x Henry Stickman
Terrence x Randy
Reginald x Randy
Reginald x Terrence
Dusty x Cloudface
Hat Girl x Orange Hat Kid
I'm sorry if I missed any, my brain is empty and I'm tired
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bunnyboigaming · 2 years
Hello again superstars! I'm back! Sorry for the delay of me not being here. I was just making a lil present for my two megastars Echotrinityme and Blue-fanlady. Hope you enjoy this cute art!
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Top left is me and my husband, top right is Echotrinityme, bottom left is Blue-fanlady, bottom right is soft AU Henry and animal AU Calvin Bukowski
Anyways I will see you superstars soon!
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because of a joke by the Bukowski Henry wears a wedding dress and they show it to Charles
Charles instead of fainting he rushes with the helicopter saying "MARRY MEEEEEEEEEE"
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st1ckart1zt · 2 years
"Not Weak" comic
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This is my first time making a comic. This is is my au that I plan to talk about it soon. I still don't know how to draw hats.
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jazzstarrlight · 1 year
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Finished my Pintrest Drawing Challenge!
They came out pretty nice, I think. Characters featured here are me, my friends, Wishell Galifray, my Genshin OC Bellios, T3-Triple Threat & Calvin Bukowski, Mermafia Sven & Burt, anime-styled Dave & Rupert, and Rapunzel (A.K.A-Dr.Stella Hulquist).
Reminder: Commissions are open! All money I make goes to rent and food. My prices are pinned up above and you can order yours today by sending me a text via private message. Payment through paypal only.
Base here:
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kalliedraws2 · 3 years
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Oh boy, a different ship but it's konrad x charles. I felt bad drawing this because I drew calvin sad but wants to be a good brother and friend and is willing to make them happy. I'm never good with angst, so it's not good. But I'm sorry for this ^^;
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echotrinityme · 6 months
Unexpected Love Chapter 2: The Start Of A Complicated Relationship
Henry feels like the third wheel whenever he's with Charles and Ellie. He's happy for them but feels lonely watching them act lovey-dovey. So when he sees Calvin walking toward him, his world is about to change. 
"Don't ya get tired watching them?" Rupert asked Henry as they walked to the cafeteria.
Henry nodded as he sighed, Rupert crossed his arms and stared at him.
They got to the cafeteria and got their meal. They found a table and sat down. 
"I'm happy for them, really, but..." Henry paused. 
Henry looked down at his meal while Rupert was drinking water, Rupert put down his glass and noticed Henry was looking rather... sad.
"But?" Rupert said, waiting for Henry to respond.
"I just wish they could, you know, tone it down a bit?" Henry finished.
"And I thought I was the only one who was annoyed by their antics,"
Henry chuckled while shaking his head, they went back to eating and talking. While Rupert was eating, Henry felt eyes on him. He looked around the cafeteria but found no one was looking at him. Henry went back to eating and finished his meal. 
Henry and Rupert parted ways as they went outside.
Henry decided to walk into the woods to get rid of some calories he had gained or burned. Henry wasn't fat or anything, he was thin as a toothpick. He does have some girly curves which have him been noticed by everyone including certain people. Henry does use his curves to his advantage. 
Before he joined the government, he decided to use disguises to steal money and jewelry. The disguises don't always work but most of the time they did. After he joined the government, he sometimes had to be in disguise and most of those disguises were him acting like a woman. Henry didn't mind at all but what did mind was that some people wanted to get into his pants.
Henry stopped at a clearing and sat down on a huge rock.
Henry got out his phone to look through his photos. He passed photos of his dads, Charles and Ellie, and stopped at an old photo of his ex. Henry was looking at him and someone with blue hair and wearing alternative clothing. Henry bitterly smiled at the photo as the feeling of loneliness seeped through him. It's been forever since he dated and after seeing Charles and Ellie, he's been feeling lonely and left out. 
Henry put away his phone as he heard footsteps coming toward him. Henry stood up as he saw a familiar face and he frowned. 
Calvin Bukowski was the last person he was expecting.
Like everyone else, he heard what happened between Charles and Calvin. And he wasn't happy about it. 
Calvin stood in front of Henry and Calvin awkwardly smiled at Henry.
"What do you want?" Henry asked as he crossed his arms. 
Calvin blinked then he avoided meeting Henry's eyes, Henry tapped his foot impatiently.
"I asked you a question, Calvin," Henry asked again, annoyed.
"Shit!" Calvin thought, "This is not what I had in mind!"
Calvin was sweating bullets and was trembling. Earlier, he was prepping himself on how to ask Henry out. He practiced so many times and now, he was failing.
Henry saw Calvin looked nervous and that confused him. He knew Calvin wasn't a big fan of him and vice versa. They hardly talk and hardly see each other. Henry had been a victim of his and his brother's pranks. Henry hated the teleporter and Calvin gave him the teleporter as a 'gift' but that didn't end well.
"Hey, idiot!" Calvin's inside voice shouted to him, making him jump a little, "He's angry! Say something dumbass!"
Henry raised an eyebrow at Calvin, he saw Calvin was having a nervous breakdown. Henry didn't know what to say or do, he was bad at socializing. 
"Ugh, look, I gotta go," Henry started walking away and Calvin panicked some more.
"He's getting away you moron!" Calvin's head exclaimed, "Say something!"
Calvin was looking around as he saw Henry leaving the area, he was mumbling and then it hit him. 
"WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!" Calvin shouted.
Henry stopped as he was about to leave the clearing, he turned around in shock as he stared at Calvin. His mouth was agape and his eyes were wide. Calvin sheepishly smiled as he held out his hands, Henry blinked in confusion. 
"What?" Henry questioned as he narrowed his eyes.
Calvin cleared his throat as he crossed his arms, "Will you go out with me?" he repeated, with a bit more of a gentle tone. 
Henry stared at Calvin for a few minutes, Calvin was patiently waiting for Henry's response.
"All I need to do is wait for him to say yes and the revenge plan will start," Calvin thought happily.
Calvin blinked in confusion as he was pulled out of his thought process, he glanced at Henry.
"What?" Calvin questioned.
"No," Henry answered, "I will not go out with you,"
"Oh no... This is not going to plan," Calvin thought.
"Why?" Calvin asked.
"Because I know you don't like me and vice versa, and I know you still have feelings for Charles," Henry explained, "So I don't want to go out with you,"
Henry left Calvin without letting Calvin respond to him.
Calvin stared at the spot where Henry was just at.
"What just happened?"
Things were the same for the next couple of weeks for Henry, Charles, and Ellie.
Henry, Charles, and Ellie were hanging out in their living room. They were watching a movie on TV and the trio was on their sofa. Charles had his arm around Ellie's waist while Henry was sitting next to them. They had snacks and drinks to enjoy the movie. The movie they were watching was an action movie involving helicopters and special agents going after villains. The movie was fun... until Charles and Ellie started making out. Henry sighed as he got up and turned off the movie. 
The movie ended and was now playing end credits so it was fine.
Henry left the lovebirds alone and went to his room. He picked up a book and put on his noise-canceling headphones. While he was reading, his mind went to Calvin. 
After Calvin asked him out, he was thinking about it.
Why? He's not sure. 
He had so many questions.
Why did Calvin ask him out? Doesn't he still have feelings for Charles? Also, they hate each other.
Henry's head started to hurt from all these questions his head was forming, he closed his book and lay down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Henry kept staring at the ceiling when the feeling of loneliness came back and he frowned. He hated this feeling and hearing and seeing Charles and Ellie as a couple made him feel like a third-wheel and miserable. He shifted to his side and closed his eyes.
Maybe going out with Calvin wouldn't be so bad.
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ask-thsc-blog · 3 years
All the ships I like:
Henry Stickmin X Charles Calvin
Ellie Rose X Dr. Vinschpinsilstein
Reginald Copperbottom X Right Hand Man
Handsome Harold X Frederick Muenster
Matilda Ivy X Tin Tintin
Calvin Bukowski X Victoria Grit
Konrad Bukowski X Liam Rogers
Burt Curtis X Sven Svensson
Carol Cross X Earrings
Quentin Alabaster X Drake Camper X Josh Taylor
Johnny Panzer X
Rupert Price X Dave Panpa
Snowcap X Icepick
Terrence Suave X Randy Radman
Geoffrey Plumb X Thomas Chestershire
Topbot X anyone who loves them
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secret meeting w/ pre marital h*nd holding 😳😳😳😳😳😳
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icilarastudios · 2 years
Ranking THSC Ships In My Opinion
Rules: No Proshipping ships are on here, (you disgusting people -,-) and I’m basing this on my opinion, I respect your opinion if you don’t agree. I’m also not including original ships in here, so no very rare ships and no OC related ships.
28. Dave Panpa x Kurt Dietrich
This isn’t even a shit…most of the time, Dave is literally tied up while Kurt is lying there, H-HOW DO YOU CONSIDER THAT A SHIP?! HELL, @lexi-the-demon-child EVEN SAID IT WAS CONSIDERED KIDNAPPING! At first, I didn’t like this ship at all because A, why would Dave want to date the guy that is basically telling his ass to shut the hell up. B, why do people think this is okay?
27. Henry Stickmin x Rupert Price
So this was going to be the very last, but Dietpan had to be the top, this ship is probably the one people are aware that I absolutely hate. This ship makes absolutely no sense, and I have no idea how people think this could be romanticized. Henry and Rupert are basically enemies. Not only did Henry get Rupert’s friend fired, he also caused the death of one of them. In ItA, Rupert was literally going to shoot Henry during the Sticky Hand Fail! Enemy to Lover ships don’t work in my opinion, and they could only work in the canon rather than the fanon in my opinion.
26. Dave Panpa x Burt Curtis
I have a good reason to hate this ship. The fandom portrays the ship terribly. First, everyone has to portray Dave as the Damsel in Distress and he has to fall in love with whoever frees him from his cell. Second, why would he want to fall in love with someone who is working for the same people that locked him up in the first place?! The ship is terrible, Dave and Burt are better off as friends than lovers.
25. Henry Stickmin x Burt Curtis
I think this ship would’ve been higher if the fandom wasn’t so disgusting with this ship. Hell, most of the art for this ship is lewd art! It’s hard to go a single search online without finding art of Henry and Burt getting naughty or just being used s3xually. Still, the ship sucks, it sucks so bad.
24. General Galeforce x Dmitri Johannes Petrov
No. Okay, what is wrong with this ship? A, old people gay ships don’t really make me comfortable. B, Dmitri is Russian, and Russia happens to be a country that isn’t as accepting to homosexuality. Plus, the ship makes no sense, like these two haven’t even met. I’d take it over the ships I already listed, but still…why
23. General Galeforce x Hershel Panzer
I don’t even know where this ship came from, it-it’s dumb…I don’t even know why it’s on here. Again, what is it with the gay old people? Galeforce screams heteromantic ace if anything to me!
22. Rupert Price x Sven Svensson
GODDAMNIT- Okay how and why? They’re on opposing sides for god sake!
21. Charles Calvin x Calvin Bukowski
Calvin simping over Charles while Charles is trying to maintain a new relationship, that’s fine! I even Headcanon that as Charles keeps getting simped over by Calvin despite being in a relationship. But as an actual ship…..no. I honestly prefer it as a joke than an actual ship.
20. Ellie Rose x Sven Svensson
Eh…I don’t really see it happening. Ellie and Sven don’t seem to be a good match up honestly too.
19. Toppat Stickvin
Okay, this might be confusing, but I believe Stickvin and either one of the two or both are Toppats are completely different from each other. Stickvin isn’t the same as Toppat Stickvin, Toppat Stickvin is just Stickvin except with fancy outfits and much worse. As a Stickvin shipper, this concept absolutely sucks. Firstly, what is it with one out of the two getting r$%ed by the other in this ship? Second, WHY IS CHARLES A TOPPAT TO BEGIN WITH?! I don’t care what the logic is, Toppat Charles sucks so much. I’ve only seen one person who actually did this ship right!
18. Ellie Rose x Dave Panpa
Again, I don’t know where this one came from. This one isn’t my interest, it’s fine but also just…they never met…and would they last long in a relationship?
17. Polyofficers
So just to let y’all know, I don’t know how Poly relationships work, they confuse me, and I’m not even sure what’s the difference between that and an affair at this point. And that’s partially why I don’t like this ship. So basically this ship is just Panprice but with the inclusion of Johnny Panzer. Shocking that someone who’s crazy over Panprice is saying that. I think my problem is the fact I’m still trying to understand how Poly ships work and how I just don’t think Johnny would date either of these two..
16. Charles Calvin x Dave Panpa
The ship between two great characters, yet another ship with characters that never met.
15. Henry Stickmin x Dave Panpa
Why would these two date? Henry basically f#$ked over this guy’s life…
14. Ellie Rose x Carol Cross
So apparently I got to be careful when I mention this part because the last time I mentioned this one and the next ship, I was called out because people thought I was against lesbians, yet the people defending me were my friends that WERE lesbian…..anyway, I’m just gonna get straight with this one, they never met and any lesbian ship with Ellie sucks and I never learned my lesson clearl-
13. Ellie Rose x Dr. Vinschpinsilstien
Again, they never met, and the ship sucks. These ships make you question if they were attempts at an actual lesbian ship….
12. Charles Calvin x Burt Curtis
Okay so this ship goes against a Headcanon of mine but isn’t breaking a rule because my Headcanons don’t matter here as much. I think it’s eh…but I see them more as half brothers and as I mentioned on the Rupert x Sven one, opposing teams. This isn’t Romeo and Juliet.
11. Rupert Price x Victoria Grit
This one’s eh for me as well, mainly because the shippers, but we’re not talking about them, we’re talking about the ship. They never met, and it seems odd to me that they would even date.
10. Charles Calvin x Victoria Grit
So this one is basically the same reason as Grice, but Grtivin is just slightly more excusable to me.
9. Polythreat
We’re back with the confusion of Poly ships. This ship makes me question a lot as well, and it’s very overrated in my opinion. I also agree with Lexi again because most of the time the focus between these three are Henry and Charles, so why even ship this if you’re not gonna focus on the other one?
8. Charles Calvin x Rupert Price
Okay I honestly thought this ship would be lower because this was a ship I use to absolutely hate, but the ship has grown to me because of @androidcharles. I’m not as fond of it as other ships, but it’s surprisingly in my comfort area compared to the other ships. I think the reason why I didn’t like this ship at first was because it felt like Stickprice, but with a softer Henry. But it’s grown now, I don’t ship it myself but i guess im supportive of it now lol
7. Icepick x Snowcap
Okay, these guys are basically married. They had at least one actual interaction, they had a great talk, they’re married. They wold be higher if the fandom wasn’t destroying my innocence by keep MAKING SNOWCAP PREGNANT AND GIVING BIRTH TO CHILDREN SO BAD AND HAVING THE CHILD’S HEAD STICKING OUT OF HIM!
6. Henry Stickmin x Ellie Rose
So this is probably one of the closest ships that’s possibly canon in the actual game. Henry and Ellie have, for the most part, great relationships when robbing the hell out of the Toppats and beating the f#$k out of Dmitri. To be honest, I don’t really see this as a ship as much unless the two are Toppats. I’m also not really fond of the ship children, usually I don’t like ship children when it comes to main characters since they lose all of that fun and crap they use to do just so they can take care of a baby..but overall, Rosemin is fine, I support and ship it partially.
5. Charles Calvin x Ellie Rose
I think I’m more fond of Rosevin because I’ve seen it more than Rosemin surprisingly. So this one is the better out of Rosemin and Rosevin. Sure they had like….one interaction and Charles seems to have favoritism with Henry (and I’m surprised no one ha realized that yet-) but the ship is usually portrayed better than most ships surprisingly. Like Rosemin, I support this and partially ship it.
4. Reginald Copperbottom x Right Hand Man
Come on, they’re basically another couple that could possibly be canon. The game makes it obvious that these two could be in a relationship, with how loyal RHM is towards Reginald, how RHM is basically Reginald’s go to, if that isn’t a possibility idk what is. I think the reason this one isn’t higher because I don’t really get the chance to work on this ship as much or get to see it.
3. Henry Stickmin x Charles Calvin
Shocked that this was in the top 3? Bet not. Shocked that it was 3rd? Most likely. This ship is another one that’s the closest to being canon. Henry and Charles had the biggest and greatest relationship in the story, how can you not say this is canon? It’s because of the disgusting lewd art, huh-? Yeah the reason hy this isn’t 2nd or 1st is because it isn’t perfect with how poor and gruesome the fandom portrays it and the earlier mentioned Toppat concept..but still, these two are one of the closest to actual be considered canon.
2. Sven Svensson x Burt Curtis
Call me a hypocrite, but this ship is better than literally any other Burt and Sven ship. So the reason many hate this ship is because these two never properly interacted in the game. It’s a good ship to me because, like I said, it’s better than the other ships with Sven and Burt since they all suck. Better than Pricesson, better than Rosesson, better than Pantis, better than Curtmin.
1. Dave Panpa x Rupert Price
These two have to be the best fanon couple in my opinion. So I just want to let everyone know, people always say when they don’t like this ship that they barely met in the beginning of EtP, but never really considered how Rupert was in high school and how he could’ve known Dave there, especially since these two already seem like they’re great buddies. Plus, they got separated after EtP and never see each other again, and the reunions are just heartbreaking to see.
That’s my list, tell me if you agree or not :D
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