#henry x darryl
abeinginsand · 1 year
Polydads (Glenn/Darryl/Henry) with a focus on Closeson (Glenn/Darryl) Post s1 while they are all on some quest, camping for the night . . . Glenn's sitting on the ground and Henry's on a tree log (makeshift bench) behind him and carefully braiding his hair. Darryl's humming something and Glenn ends up drifting sleep. He wakes up later and he's laying down in between Darryl and Henry with a big blanket. Henry's hugging him from behind and smells somehow more like raw nature than the ground beneath them does. Darryl's facing him, one hand on Glenn's hip and probably touching Henry's hand there too. He blinks drowsily and speaks up. “You guys should've woken me up.”
“No, you needed the rest. Henry insisted,” Darryl replies with a chuckle. They are so close that the rockstar can feel the rumble wash over him. The other man's eyes are all soft, those familiar wrinkles crinkling up as he smiles. Glenn decides to look down at his partner's shirt instead of getting lost in his gaze. He sees a little flower tucked into the shirt pocket and grabs it. Suddenly nostalgic, Glenn finds himself asking: “You ever wear one of those...uh...damn what are they called? The flower things you wear on the suit or dress at formal places?” “Carol doesn't like them much. Mostly the ones made with real flowers--we got these custom flower pins instead.” Darryl doesn't look upset about that though, maybe even a little happy to think about it. The wedding was one of the best days of his life after all. He still keeps the flower pin that he wore instead, tucked into his wallet along with one of Grant's baby pictures. "Sounds chill. Bet you both looked great, wish I could've been there to make sure the music was good." "Hey, how do you know it wasn't great?" "I wasn't the DJ. Automatically not as awesome as could have been~" Glenn smirks as he watches Darryl furrow his eyebrows and shake his head. They've fought over less in the past, but the two know each other well enough that its clear that its only a tease. The demon thinks about how Morgan loved those little accessories. Got so excited about them that she convinced them to wear two, one on each side at the wedding. It was goofy and truth be told, he had to hold back a sneeze during their vows. But, her bright, dimpled smile always made trying different stuff worth it. He fidgets with the flower more as he thinks about that. His long, braided hair starts to glow with a non-heated flame where it rests against his chest. A few minutes later, Glenn hears Darryl gasp and he lets the flower fall as he looks up at him with confusion. "You're glowing." "Huh? ...Darryl, c'mon, we've been over this buddy," He frowns some thinking about getting the rosary beads and cross flashed in front his face at several barbecues in the past. Until Nicky got mad and then Grant got mad and well there was a lot to that but they all talked it over and its not a big deal anymore. Or he thought it wasn't. "The flames just do their thing sometimes and--" "Ah, wait, I didn't mean the fire. I mean, look, your flames are making the flowers glow," Darryl replies, moving his hand from his partner's hip over to the long braid. It's pretty dark now, middle of the night in Faerun, and its easy to see that there are flowers woven into his braid. Flowers that seem to be glowing various soft colors. Huh. "It looks really pretty on you," Darryl says and places the braid back down. It's another few minutes before he continues speaking in an even softer tone. "Always have been pretty to me though. Wild too, in a cool, intimidating way. It scared me how much I liked you sometimes. Still does." He feels the exact opposite of cool and intimidating right now, cheeks warm and flames curling through his hair further, a stray few bits dancing across Darryl's arm like firework sparklers.
"Ooh, is it compliment Glenn hour over there? Without me?," Henry's voice suddenly slots in between Darryl and Glenn. Their other partner's breath tickles the musician's neck. And normally, he would either laugh or playfully brush the praise off.
But tonight, the look of awe and love on Darryl's face and in his tone makes him too stunned to banter back. He musters a little, miffed, "uh-huh" to Henry and leans a little more into him since he's awake now.
Its an interesting and mushy rest of the night between the three as Henry joins in the compliments and explains his extensive knowledge and hidden flower language about the flowers he carefully snuck into Glenn's hair.
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roselightfairy · 9 months
End of Year Fic Recs!
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
(Thank you, @tathrin, for the tag!)
I think the fandoms here will be kind of all over the place, because I've been in three different places this year (though one of them for the majority of it, sorry about it!). I'm also really having to go through my history - being in rapid consumption mode makes one forget things here and there! Also this turned INCREDIBLY long, so putting it under a cut.
5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023:
all that it touches to wonder by cynassa (LOTR, Legolas/Gimli) - I've been seeing this fic around for some time and finally got into the right LOTR headspace for it yesterday and it is absolutely WONDERFUL. Politics, pining, cultural exploration, letters, gifts, public spectacle . . . mmm. The kind of fic that's so good it makes me mad.
Mine to Bear by pen_ultimate (Dungeons & Daddies, Henry/Darryl (and others) - a fic that takes the cringe of early-season Darryl and leans SO HARD INTO IT that it is sometimes painful to read but so so so worth it. A no-Forgotten-Realms AU in which Darryl's desire to understand Grant's sexuality leads him to (painfully, reluctantly) explore his own. Unstoppable force (Darryl's repressed urges) meets immovable object (his own stubborn refusal to deal with them). Also this Henry portrayal (and interpretation of his relationship with Mercedes) is amazing.
Catharsis (series) by Diotima_Philosopher (Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) - This series hits a very specific urge I used to look for in Legolas/Gimli fic but never quite found, and I suppose it makes sense that I'd find it here - in a relationship that is textually (or non-textually) transgressive, a story that takes it to the absolute limit of that transgression. Sometimes you want to rationalize away the taboo elements of your pairings; sometimes you want to create a situation to avoid them entirely; other times you want to push them to the limit: the notion that the relationship in question is seen as not only odd but deviant, absolutely revoltingly taboo in its society. And then just - dive into that and explore the complexity of it, the impossible situation the characters in question face, the twisting line between right and wrong. This story does that deliciously.
if you're on a mission, you've got my permission by allowaykirk (Cody/Obi-Wan, but mostly Obi-Wan/EVERYONE) - This story had me in STITCHES. The thing that struck me in watching the movies, but also mostly the Clone Wars, was how much intense chemistry Obi-Wan has with . . . everyone? But mostly with a bunch of the antagonists? This fic takes that to its logical conclusion and says, well, what if Obi-Wan is regularly sent on missions to seduce information out of various people? For the war effort, you know. The Ventress chapter in particular had me HOWLING. (And them, too.)
By a Sleep to Say We End by @katajainen (LOTR, Legolas/Gimli) - this one became multi-chap this year, and somehow even more devastating in the second one! It's frankly unfair that katajainen has the ability to hurt me like this, but also I want her to never stop doing it. Zombie apocalypse, technically, but this one deals with much more intimate interpersonal challenges in the lead-up to it. Warning for suicidal themes, but if you are okay with reading that, this hurts so so good.
Five single-chapter fics from 2023:
offer it a soul by @willowcrowned (Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) - This fic ruined me. It was one of those stories that's so upsetting yet so good you're thinking about it for days after and making an absolute mess of yourself in the comments section. There is this emptiness that just echoes throughout a story that is so full - of worldbuilding, of repressed emotion, of feeling. I was a raw nerve all the way through. It's not a happy story, but it is an incredible one.
Soon Enough - by LuvEwan (Star Wars, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan) - This fic was one of those incredible little moments that makes perfect sense within the canon but that you don't necessarily think about happening! What about people who were related to Jedi, who lost family members they never had the chance to know? And how do you deal with being a Jedi, with someone for whom this lifestyle is well known and expected, and yet you also have people you love within the system whom you also will eventually lose? This was such a quiet little moment, breathless with discomfort and pain, and I loved it.
Look Back, My Love, Look Back At Me! by @tathrin (LOTR, Legolas/Gimli) - I'm such a sucker for myth retellings with these two, and this is an Orpheus/Eurydice imagining - with a twist! I gasped at the end. Tathrin is killing it with these two this year and I'm going to have so much to catch up on when I'm back in main LOTR headspace again.
this is what it feels like, now by @thetimesinbetween (Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) - Just. The most intimate, emotional, incredibly steamy smut. With feelings! And like - one of those things that acknowledges the nature of the teacher-student relationship without pretending it isn't there, but also lets that be part of the appeal rather than a detraction. I. Um. Read it.
Snowbind the Stars by katajainen (LOTR, Legolas/Gimli, Legolas & Gimli) - Love, love, love a queer-ambiguous portrayal of these two, and katajainen's prose is such a dream, as always. The loneliness of homecoming when something you never knew you needed is missing . . . but the promise of finding it again, eventually.
Five fics NOT from 2023:
Okay, this one was hard, because again - I've had a whole fandom's worth of fic to catch up on this year! It was hard to narrow it down to just five, but I'm going with some that really stuck with me:
Desert Bloom by canis_m (Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) - This fic is everything I could possibly want from a Force Ghost-roommates premise, an absolute gem of a fic that is perfect in every way. Vignettes from Obi-Wan's time in the desert and his training with Qui-Gon to release his own consciousness, in which he has to reveal some of his own feelings that have lived with him all the while. I find it incredibly in-character and plausible and such a gentle, slow unfolding and healing.
Crystallize by torch (Star Wars, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, a very little ship implication at the end) - This is such an atmospheric fic, quiet and slow as the remote snowy world on which it takes place. It is also a fic that fully solidified my understanding of Obi-Wan's relationship with the concept of relationships, a very married-to-duty sort of thing which precludes romance as a matter of course. This fic is just a slow meander through various aspects of Jedi life and expectations, the nature of love, and the ways that a master and padawan can learn from and with one another in the most personal ways. And yes, there's a slight turn to shippiness at the end, but only in the mind of one character and not in a way that detracts from the revelations unfolding throughout the story.
A Duel With Fate by psocoptera (Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) - Speaking of fics that RUIN me. This was my first understanding of what a time loop fic can look like and how it can be absolutely devastating. This story left me feeling off for days, and I mean that as a compliment. Proceed with caution, but also - guh. Do proceed, if you can. I can't even rec it well because of how good it is.
How to Grow Vegetables and Alienate People by Meggory (Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan) - Add me to the list of zillions of people who loved this story, but it caught me in just the right place. I've been feeling the void a lot in the last several months, downtrodden by work and expectations of life, and this fic STARTS with the premise of one character being forced to take a three-month leave of absence from work? And then getting into gardening and connecting to the world and falling in love? The most glorious escapist modern AU I've read in - maybe ever? I made @thevillainsmustache read it, too, even though it's not her ship, and now we both sigh over it regularly at home.
Into a Dozen Pieces by Temve (Star Wars (Master and Apprentice), Qui-Gon/OC, Qui-Gon/Rael) - So many canon authors love to do this thing where they imply a love interest in a character's past. Generally I don't love it, and for all my adoration for Master and Apprentice, I didn't love it there, either - but Temve took those brief mentions and spun them into an absolutely enchanting story of young gentle Qui-Gon falling head over heels for the first time and having his heart broken by the Jedi Code - but healed, at least a little, by the others within the Jedi who are there for him. Highly, highly recommend.
HA PSYCH I'm doing an unauthorized sixth! A Thing of Flesh and Shadow by MlleMusketeer (Star Wars, Qui-Gon-centric with some background relationships) - This fic is only barely not 2023, so I dunno if it counts as an "oldie," but I think everyone should read it! It's an amazing Qui-Gon AU, in which Dooku resurrects him during the Clone Wars and tries to manipulate and abuse him into becoming his new apprentice, all while Qui-Gon slowly realizes what's going on and struggles to escape. It's got gorgeous philosophy, incredibly well-written emotional and physical hurt, and I just love every second I spend in this Qui-Gon's head. I'm praying there will be more, eventually, but even if there isn't, the fic is a wonderful standalone.
And now . . . 5 of my own fics from 2023:
Only Through Surrender (Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan): Qui-Gon lives, and the whole timeline changes.
Lessons in Intimacy (Star Wars, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan/OC): Exploration of Obi-Wan coming into his sexuality, and what romance and sexuality might look like in a Jedi context.
Driven to Do (Star Wars, Anakin & Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan/OC): More sexually liberated Obi-Wan and scandalized (legally married) Anakin.
Anchor (Star Wars/Clone Wars, Ahsoka/Rex): The follow up to the absolutely devastating Clone Wars finale.
The Unassisted Physical Training and Self-Defense Circle (Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan): The one in which Qui-Gon's participation in an illicit padawan fight club leaves him with a lasting physical reminder.
This was so much fun! (It also took me more than an hour to do, but I enjoyed every minute of it.) Tagging @katajainen, @deheerkonijn, @unnamedelement, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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mountiandrcw · 2 years
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 obsessed with henry’s “oh shit he’s hot” moment 
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nat-without-a-g · 3 months
I've been doing a six fanarts challenge based around LGBT (specifically DNDads) ships on TikTok, and I just finished the first page tonight! I'm real happy with how most of these came out, and it was a wonderful excuse to fully drawn the characters, as I mostly do simplified designs. I had a lot of fun with this, and am really excited to be able to share it with y’all now!
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Went a little crazy with the Oakson one I'll admit that... I'm still taking requests for ships in case anyone was wondering, I plan to do wayy more than just 6.
Blank base under the cut
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gamsdoodles · 10 months
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yeahiguess3232 · 1 year
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Ron hanging out with his best buds, just guys being guys
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*sighs and types "Henry Oak/Darryl Wilson" into ao3*
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cheesesticklizard · 7 months
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i’m legit a dndad fanart machine IM CRAZY ABOUT THE OAKS
i draw these characters so much i feel like i should make character sheets because i never draw them consistently i have plans for that one drawing of oakson i put in here i have plans you guys will see in hopefully a week scheming over here
struggling to draw constantly i’m trying to make more comics because i really enjoy making them :) have a good week dndads fandom
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arcsi0 · 23 days
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a silly t4t closeoakson comic i did >:)
darryl got cramps and glenn is an idiot who doesn’t wear a seatbelt smh
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luvs-hound · 6 months
don’t touch me i’m thinking about darryl being manhandled by glenn and henry
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nonbinary-hatter · 5 months
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How I'm getting a job soon (hopefully!!) I wanted to draw this thank you piece for everyone, without the Bob Burgers fandom and all the new friends I met along the way. I don't believe I would have been this successful in my art (like ever!)
So now I'm going to take a small break from drawing. (Until I get used to my work schedule) And hopefully come back to drawing and commission for you all!!
Again without this awesome community of people and fans. I wouldn't be this happy with my art and probably gave up a long time ago. Thank you all for loving my fanart for the past 2 years and watching me get better through those years.
I will hopefully get back to drawing in May. I do want to work on this cute mother day drawing for Linda, but till then.
See you later
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Mercedes x Henry x Darryl is now my favourite ship. Sorry marloakworthy- I still love you bb
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roselightfairy · 27 days
Man, listening to some old-style season 1 Daddies, and Henry and Darryl are just so...
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grimbeak · 1 year
Polydads is incredibly funny to me like 3 bisexuals are all making out sloppy style in the van while their mutual straight friend ron somehow does not notice
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tortelloniboi · 2 years
i started relistening to dndads season 1 earlier and i have no memory of darryl and henry being SO gay for each other
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paigemathews · 3 months
The ask prompts ask number who knows what I’ve already lost count:
victor and henry sr bonding as mortals in a magical family
Pairing: Victor Bennett & Henry Mitchell
Background Pairing: Paige Matthews/Henry Mitchell, Victor Bennett & Paige Matthews
Walking into the living room, Victor immediately realized what the problem was. Henry had his face buried in his hands and was perfectly still, a posture that Victor more than recognized from his early years.
Settling into the armchair opposite of his son-in-law, Victor waited. Henry finally looked up, something wild in his eyes.
"I traveled to the future."
Okay, so that one wasn't exactly in Victor's expertise. He'd seen the effects of time travel a few times: a time loop tormenting his daughter, his grandson making a desperate bid to save his family and world, and even his dead ex-wife visiting him. He'd never once gotten caught in any of that himself, however, which was probably preferable. While his daughters and grandchildren had (would?) knew the dangers of meddling in time, Victor had a list of regrets that he knew he'd never be able to resist fixing if given the opportunity. Being there for his daughters. Sparing them the trauma of demons preying on their trust and betraying them. Finding Paige two decades earlier. Saving Patty and Prue from dying so young.
Unaware of Victor's thoughts, Henry continued, "Paige and I were talking about raising kids with magic, and Wyatt-"
"Sent you to the future to see what it'd be like," Victor finished. Piper had warned him about being careful what he said in front of his oldest grandson until Wyatt was old enough to better understand his powers. He hadn't gotten the full details of the problems that'd caused, but he knew it'd happened more than once.
Henry nodded and rasped out, "We had twins. Charlotte and Penny. One of them moved all of our living furniture with her mind. The other one accidentally cheated on her science test by seeing the answers in a vision."
Henry buried his face in his hands again and mumbled, "I don't know how to do this."
Victor shuffled over and patted Henry on the back. "Magic is... not easy to deal with. You'll never fully understand it and never fully be a part of this world. Some people can handle that. Some people can't."
If he'd known before he'd married Patty, he doesn't know if he'd had gone through with it. Magic was... terrifying. He had no way of protecting his family, could only watch and hope that they'd be able to save themselves. But life without his girls, even with magic, was one that he didn't want to imagine.
"I love Paige," Henry argued, lifting his head. "It's not just the magic. I'm not- I grew up in the system, I don't-"
That was something that he had more experience with. Well. More of a "what not to do" type of experience. "Parenting is hard. Parenting witches is even harder, especially as a mortal. Now, I didn't do that great of a job of it, but you're not the person I was. More than anything, the thing is being there. You'll make mistakes. There's no getting around it, but being there and trying to fix them are the most important part of being a parent. And from what my girls have told me, including Paige, you're not the type to run when it gets hard, Henry."
Henry had a faint smile as he met Victor's gaze. "Not when it comes to Paige. I love her."
"Is that so?" Paige leaned against the doorway as both men turned to look at her. She smiled, eyes soft. "Good thing I love you, too."
She held her hand out to her husband. "Wyatt wanted to apologize for the magical journey, and I think Phoebe wanted to pry some future information out of you."
Henry rose and took her head with a wry shake of his head. "I don't know if that's how it works."
"I'll distract her for you two," Victor promised. He needed to go find his third daughter anyways, find out about this Coop fellow.
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