#henuinely dont think theyd be super hype abt it ngl
wanderingpages · 5 years
For the pregnancy au, can we have madoc/oriana/ oaks réaction pretty please. Thanks ❤️
Pregnancy au
“Are you still mad at me?” Jude looks curiously at Cardan who had been stoic, no, subdued, since he had found her hours ago. Despite holding each other in the small twin bed until they fell asleep, the air still feels weighted between them.
Cardan blinks away from his thoughts to look at Jude across the dinner table, still in Vivienne’s apartment. She’s nibbling on bacon and curiously picks at a jar of organic peanut butter. “I was never mad at you. I should be asking you that question,” he admits. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize any symptoms. You’re my wife. I think I know your body better than I know myself.” Jude blushes at that but still Manages to roll her eyes. She dips a finger into the peanut butter but makes a face after tasting it, missing the jars she had bought with her parents.
“If it helps, I thought it was an ulcer.” She laughs a little, “Vivienne told me I was pregnant. Well, she bought a balloon while I was getting stitched up.” Jude waves her hand, “I’ll explain later.”
“Who else knew?”
“Just Taryn.” She waves a piece of bacon in front of Cardan’s lips and he takes the bite as Jude says, “Madoc might have known. Apparently Taryn liked eating soap or something with Tapeworm.”
“Please stop calling your nephew tapeworm.”
Jude sticks her tongue out. “Anyway, I guess Dad figures it was a twin thing to have the same symptoms? But he definitely hid the wine from me when we ate dinner.”
“We’re going to have to tell them. I can’t believe my mother did that. I can’t imagine what’s going on back at Elfhame.” Cardan scoots closer, tugging Jude’s arms until they wrap around his neck. He grabs hold of her hips and guides her off of her chair and on to his lap into a straddling position. Judes breath hitches at this thinness of their clothing and her hips rock slightly, fingers tightening around the nape of his neck. “Pandemonium,” Cardan says in a breath.
“Hmmm,” Jude “your breath smells like bacon and I’m really, really turned on.”
Cardan smirks, “Yeah, I can tell.”
“Let’s give em twins,” she murmurs, pressing her lips to the side of his mouth.
“Not at all how that works, love.” Still his hands skirt up her thighs.
Before she can pull away to take her shirt off, the door to the apartment opens and Jude stares wide eyed at Vivienne who leads their parents and little brother through the door. “Oops,” Viv quickly covers Oak’s eyes and Madoc looks greatly displeased. Oriana sighs and pats Madoc’s shoulders.
“It’s the human hormones,” she explains like Madoc would settle his glare. Cardan groans and rests his head in the crook of Jude’s neck, holding her flush to him. Jude wiggles her fingers in a wave and laughs nervously.
“Hormones? You know?”
Oriana frowns, “Jude, all of Elfhame knows. And then some.”
“How? This was only announced a day ago!”
Oak tugs at Vivienne’s hand to see what’s going on. He wrinkles his nose and takes a seat on the sofa. Jude slowly unravels herself from Cardan and takes her own seat. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner,” Oriana pouts and settles next to her son. “Did you think we would be upset?”
“Am I getting another nephew?” Oak asks. “Tapeworm is pretty cool.”
Oriana gasps, “Oak! Do not call him tapeworm!”
“Niece, maybe,” Vivienne says. “Or something else, who knows.” Jude scowls at her and Oak giggles as Viv tickles his sides.
“Well,” Jude asks, “are you? Upset, I mean?”
“No,” Madoc says. “Don’t be stupid. I made you peanut butter.”
“Yes,” his wife contradicts, “that Asha got to announce it,” Oriana confesses. “I hate her.” Jude’s eyes widen in surprise but Cardan stifles a laugh. “You should have told us yourself.”
Cardan clears his throat and raises a brow at Jude. Jude sighs, “Oriana, Dad, Oak. I’m... Uh, knocked up.”
“Don’t be crass, Jude,” Oriana shakes her head.
Vivienne snorts, “still can’t say it, huh?”
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