#her Type is tall skinny sailor boys
cagesings · 2 years
@honorhearted​  sent:  7.  is  your  muse  the  big  spoon  or  the  little  spoon?  9.  is  your  muse  attracted  to  any  features  in  particular?
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 7.  is  your  muse  the  big  spoon  or  the  little  spoon?
 i’ve  actually  had  conversations  about  this  and  the  conclusion  is,  well,  complicated.  i  think  johanna  would  rather  be  the  big  spoon  due  to  her  body  image  issues.  part  of  her  doesn’t  want  her  romantic  partner  to  discover  what  she  considers  to  be  a  fault  (  which,  in  reality,  are  usually  non-existent  or  incredibly  minor  ).  johanna  is  almost  very  claustrophobic.  she  won’t  be  in  a  room  if  the  door  is  locked  and  refuses  to  wear  prefers  shawls  to  coats  in  her  nineteenth  century  canon  because  of  the  straight  jackets  at  foggs.  even  something  like  being  the  little  spoon  might  set  it  off.  however,  i  think  she  ends  up  being  the  little  spoon  most  of  the  time.  for  one  thing,  she’s  tiny.  but  she  secretly  loves  to  be  held  like  that.  it  takes  a  lot  for  her  to  admit  something  like  that  because  yes,  even  though  spooning  does  not  have  to  be  sensual  at  all,  she  lowkey  considers  it  to  be.  cuddling  is  something  only  reserved  for  romantic  partners  because  in  her  mind  in  general,  it’s  too  intimate  for  anyone  else,  and  with  the  anything  within  the  more  sensual  activities  category,  it  needs  to  be  communicated  and  talked  out  a  lot.  then,  she’s  comfortable  being  the  little  spoon.  
 9.  is  your  muse  attracted  to  any  features  in  particular?
 this  is  something  you  will  never  hear  johanna  admit  to  herself.  that  said,  she  is  incredibly  attracted  to  tall  men.  she’s  very  short  and  she  crushes  on  tall  men  because  they  can  protect  her  and  they’re  so  tall  and  ahh!!  also  hair  is  a  big  one  for  her.  i  ramble  on  and  on  about  how  much  johanna  loves  her  own  hair  so  why  wouldn’t  it  be  a  feature  she’s  super  attracted  to?  she  doesn’t  have  a  specific  type  of  hair  that  she’s  into.  it  just  needs  to  be  soft  and  look  like  she  could  run  her  hands  through  it.  to  a  lesser  extent,  she  looks  a  lot  at  arms.  do  they  look  like  arms  that  could  wrap  around  her  and  make  her  feel  safe??  cool.  she’s  into  that.  
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Thoughts about blackpink lisa kibbe type? I think she leans as a Flamboyant natural with cute and youthful facial features. She has long limbs, big hands, blunt shoulders and extremely long vertical line. Since you typed jennie, rose and jisoo i want thoughts about blackpink lisa if you agree or not.
kibbe style comparison: lisa (flamboyant gamine) VS namjoon (flamboyant natural)
(+ some notes on hoseok)
i found the arguments for flamboyant gamine in the fandom pretty convincing. once you look at what kind of lines suit her, you see why pretty fast, i’ll show you what i mean with pictures.
once you see her in that type of outfit, it’s apparent how flamboyant natural can’t do anything for her style-wise — it doesn’t exhaust her options or brings out her character.
monochrome look, bulky and very wide material, sportswear, casual outfit and hair, understated make-up, oversized shirt:
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... doesn’t hit home, lisa is no longer dominating the look. there are much more memorable styles possible. mind you, this is not inherently bad styling, it’s just not flattering for her case. yes, this can be surprisingly glamorous on someone! they just need to have natural lines, i’ll show you later in the thread.
meanwhile, flamboyant gamine clothes feel more customized on her. it’s very ‘lisa’, she carries that style effortlessly without being drowned out. naturals couldn’t pull that level of accessorizing off no matter how much they tried.
small ribbon details, stripes, sailor style, ruffled hair, strong red lip and whispy bangs, overally cute rather than casual look: sweet! her face steals the show, not the other way around. she looks great here.
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let’s amp it up. cropped geometrics with a dose of sparkle, small sharp geometrics, fitted clothes with several colors at play, typical gamine line break: feels right, interesting and sexy. the bangs could have more contrast, but other than that: perfect and very memorable. especially the top fits her so well.
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strong random mix of yin and yang — pearls on asymmetric suit, minimal waist emphasis, more square details, shorts & one shoulder free, very unflexible fabric (as opposed to romantic fabrics that flow): very eye-catching but still doesn’t distract too much from her.
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you see the difference. she can handle all that detailing and randomness and quite some glamor. naturals are made to dress down, but gamines can go the other way, pretty far i’d say, with many materials. 
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because: all gamines are not just good but great at wearing innovative fashion with clashing genres. you can put them into the strangest combinations and it works as a standard outfit. 
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because their body is a clash of lines: adorable doll face with the skinny limbs of a dramatic, just shorter, even if tallness is possible. plus a little bit of natural muscle around the shoulders. lisa is just that. the face and body are like from different people. espcially the face, so much rounded, soft yin that’s nowhere else in her physique.
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it’s the essence of gamine, a youthful mix of lines that catches you by surprise. you know it from yoongi, same principle. kibbe calls their impression fun and vibrant, and i’m starting to see why.
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for comparison. the lines of flamboyant natural are the same everywhere. there’s no contrast. wide face, wide chest, wide thighs, wide arms, wide hands, wide brows, wide cheeks, wide neck. they are HUGE, never truly lean. 
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no doll face or short skinny limbs in sight. it’s the most massive type, you can’t get past them because they’re a solid block. namjoon fills every frame, he’s flamboyant natural incarnate. this type looks like a raging sports machine.
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and not just the guys of this type, it’s the exact same for female FNs. look at giant pink, she is a soldier. FN is by default very mature and strong-looking.
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whereas lisa comes across as sweet, petite and narrow which all gamines do. the vertical line is moderate, the frame is not athletic. the limbs are short, close-set. gamines always leave a cute expression, flamboyant naturals have a ‘hard and heavy-hitting’ silhouette that towers over everyone.
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and the styling follows suit for FN, you have to dress this type just like an athlete. where lisa’s sporty grey outfit looks underwhelming, it becomes charming, cozy and perfectly simplistic on namjoon. on naturals, sportswear and underdressing doesn’t look sloppy or boring, instead it becomes just right:
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you can put super-large, flowing and bulky outfits on FN without a problem.
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meanwhile, namjoon comes across as a little funny with gamine-esque sailor stripes. you wouldn’t even notice it on lisa, on him it sticks out like a sore thumb as if some optical illusion shit is going on 😂
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let’s try stage wear. namjoon is a bit lost when they put a multi-color glitter concept on him. it’s not a bad outfit (save the chaotic tie maybe), but the certain something is missing. it feels like it’s hiding him a little.
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naturals truly shine — as the name says — in nature. beach wear, leisure, loose clothes, ‘no effort’. make namjoon a relaxed holiday boy. it’s perfect on him, everything blends together.
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put a straw hat on lisa and photograph her at the beach, something’s not right. 
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flamboyant gamine has a way different archetype. they’re great as punk boys and girls, high school crushes, whirlwinds, tomboys, rebels, game changers. they can go wild using all sorts of materials and it make you go wow, what a body.
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flames, dual color bob cut, gloves, sexy jeans shorts, accurate bangs, crop top, it feels like she isn’t even getting started and she’ll steal your guy and your girl. oh man, lisa!!
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compare again. flamboyant natural starts to look hilariously uncle or aunt-like if you do as much as use one experimental thing on them. no pattern mix possible, and it doesn’t highlight their sex appeal.
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meanwhile, as we saw, lisa’s outfit is meh when she’s not (!) experimenting. flamboyant natural, on the other hand, looks their best if you don’t do much at all. you have to throw the simplest, baggiest things on them. no wild colors or strange cuts. oh my, he just radiates. from meme uncle to husband material.
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what looks like jesus just descended to the earth on flamboyant natural is way too large and unfitted on flamboyant gamines (see hoseok below, he shares types with lisa). it completely kills their sexy vibe. 
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the outfit looks boring and makes them disappear behind all that fabric. you don’t notice the cute face anymore. flamboyant gamines are the born fashionistas screaming for experimental stylings, baggy natural type clothes are simply too minimal and gigantic on them.
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they suddenly look older and tired, it fails to highlight them. which is such an irony because gamines radiate youth and energy. but like this, they’re completely gone from our radar:
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they’re too petite to carry the fabric, and it’s not constructed enough. if you’re a flamboyant gamine and want to hide, use a flamboyant natural outfit. it’s like camouflage fo the face since the outfit is so large and undemanding of your body lines.
put some oversized winter coats on namjoon, oh wonder... it makes him even more charismatic.
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it feels like he has the frame for it. you look directly at the face. because the rest fits together so well and doesn’t mess with the eye. namjoon can carry a singular block of color with no problems.
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flamboyant natural: the more low maintenance, the better. the less they try, the sexier it gets. it literally needs the most uninspiring soccer dad clothes for them.
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with hobi, it’s the same idea as for lisa: flamboyant gamine can go far with styling. the exact opposite direction as with namjoon. you can dress them in the most extra items, no holding back. bring the camp and all the effect fabrics, tattoo them, give them chains and gloves, style their hair to the moon and back. and they still look like they could add some more!
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if you have five outfits prepared for flamboyant gamine? you can put them all on at the same time! fuzzy glitter and comic shirt, nothing out of the ordinary. it’d look too much on any other type.
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BONUS: flamboyant gamines are killing the “rebel army leader” style. there’s a lot going on and it’s fitted. they could exaggerate it even more and it’d look good.
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man, just look at that. we have the line break, heavy lip, eyeliner, sharp shoulders, tight cuts, and lots of details.
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so, i’m pretty sure lisa is in that kibbegory. the takeaway here is: 
FG has many options, FN keeps it easy. 
the less suitable kibbe style will make you look older and hide you.
flamboyant gamines can experiment all day and compile as many contrasting accessories as possible. lisa pulls it off.
FN has the same lines everywhere: wide, wide, tall, and wide, and more wideness. FG have unpredictable looks that fuse cute faces with sharp yang bodies.
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shortyisweird9 · 4 years
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'Lonely ghost serie'
"Babysitting is hard when you ,yourself, are a gremlin, baby"-part V
Tw⚠️: swearing, angsty vibes ( I think)
Your body moved in distress, turning the sheets all over as you left out a gasp of terror, your face clenching in pain. You have a nightmare, a usual occurrence that happens when you are stressed. Having such a big imagination, your dreams/ nightmares came vividly, with excruciating details. You could see them in colour however the images were blurry, hazy almost.
This nightmare was about Fatima, the sketch artist from up top. She was a senior here and usually the person in this block turned for guidance, relief and peace. She was from the South part of Sudan, fact that she lets it known by her traditional style fashion, her food and her drinks and the occasionally loud conversations she has with her folks back home. A peaceful artist with beautiful brown skin with yellow undertones, an oval face with a big smile plastered on it and shinning black orbs. An angel in disguise that you often seek when the world proved too much for you. Fatima never really showed her own worries and fears but you were one of the privileged few who did see her at her lowest, an experience that motivated you , scared you and hurt you. The amount of times your heart clenched those times matched with how many tears left her orbs.
You were ejected vertically on your bottom as your mouth left a silent scream, tears dropping from your eyes but you didn't have time to think it over since loud noises came from upstairs,Fatima's room. In your paranoid state you didn't question the musicality of the sounds ,chosing to ran out the door ,slapping it shut and jumping two steps each time till you reached her door.
Fatima was enjoying her second favourite types of music, Afro-Latina songs when a storms of pounds hit her door. Confused and terrified, she grabbed the nearby mop before she opened the door. It was just you.
You stood there in black shorts made from former leggings to long for your short legs, white ripped shirt stained with old paint from when you helped her renovate and messy long hair and tear filled puffy eyes.
"Y/n! My girl ,what happened?"
There she was, with a long white fit dress that ended in a curve at the start of her feet and silver grey hijab wrapped around her head. She look energised despite being 5 in the mornina Most importantly she was Most importantly, she was safe, unharmed and happy.
Your noise picked up the aroma of her handmade mix of tea that filled the textile of her dressing where now your head rest as your body convulse in a breakdown again. Shocked and confused, she wasn't stopped however from showing you the comfort your soul may need.
She caressed your long hair and rubbed your back as you two sat on the white tiles of the entrance. The door long close by her other roommate, Catherine Blank - a 26 years old from Dublin.
On Fatima's commends, the red haired freckled woman brought you a knitted blanket and a cup of water. Her hands found their way on your cheeks when you finally calmed down,rubbing them on your wet skin as you drank the water. Your eyes fell down in shame for disturbing them.
You didn't know why it happened. Just two hours ago you finished talking with Corpse and went over your notes one last time.
You seemed fine, too busy for any bad thoughts to bug you or anything such as. Yet here you are.
"Jesus ,girl. You scared us." Came the heavy accent voice of Catherine.
You looked at her standing in black leggings and a black top, skinny hands on round hips and a scowl of worry on her square face. Green eyes softening when they met yours.
"You don't have to tell us right now, sweet girl. Come, let's enjoy each other with some select songs."
You all three burst in laughter at the ridiculous pompous tonality Fatima chose to express herself with.
You followed, grasping the extended hand of Catherine as Fatima rearrange the blanket around your tattoos covered body.
It was morning when you finally return back into your apartment. The door closed itself with a heavy thud that resonated within the insides of your shaky lungs. You calmed down significantly since that explosive outburst of fears and terrors.
You cleaned your eyes as the light of the morning painted you in a sick look: eyes blood shot, red nose, puffy face and pale skin. You looked like you died and came back alive, well maybe a fragment of your sanity died tonight who knows? Your shredded sigh echoed in the empty apartment ,the others already gone to work/university. Essentially you were alone. Again.
You cleaned your eyes as the light of the morning painted you in a sick look: eyes blood shot, red nose, puffy face and pale skin.
You looked like you died and came back alive, well maybe a fragment of your sanity died tonight who knows? Your shredded sigh echoed in the empty apartment ,the others already gone to work/university. Essentially you were alone. Again.
Your soul long desired the touch of another: to be grasp tightly and lovely by their hands, to be enveloped in their smell as they whisper sweet nothings into your ears, to have their warmth dry your tears, to bring comfort to your pain. You resigned years ago that you were never meant to experience this sessions, merely observed them. But your heart craved them and craving it did, as you watched in fake disgust the romantic displays in Ace's romances.
Right now, after crying your eyes out, your burns needed that comfort, needed that care and love but again you were denied of them, you can only thank yourself for that.
The cup was slapped in foolish fury as you tossed some hot water in it. The tea bag falling towards the end of the cup.
Three knocks were heard at the door and you curiously turned, cup left forgotten.
Opening the door, Omar was standing there with a little albino boy with clear big blue eyes and curly locks. He was wearing a red blue and white checkered shirt with beige church pants. He smelled nice ,his cologne hitting your your long narrow nose immediately after opening the door.
You raised a brow as he sheepishly smiled.
"Nice kid."
Then silence.
You continued drinking your tea,staring at the man who finally realised that you didn't know the motive of his visit.
"Alma didn't tell you?"
"She said you agreed to watch over Tj today."
Your panicked grew was your eyes turned to the calendar to the right of you. There in bold yellow numbers the day of 5th November was left clear with the exception of being circled over with a gold marker.
"Shit ,it was today? I mean ...fuck. Sorry, Omar. It totally slip my mind."
The man laughed ,his brown eyes were warm and forgiving, no offense taken by your skip of mind.
"It's fine,Y/n. So it's alright if I leave this little guy with you for a bit?"
"Y-Yeah. But I don't have-"
As Omar entered the hallway, a grey bag you previously not seen was by the door , you picked it up before going to the living room.
He sat the kid dressed in a sailor white and navy blue stripped t-shirt and light grey sweatpants on one of the sit of your 1970s floral printed sectional sofa.
The kid was making sounds and hand gestures ,wanting to be picked up again by his father who was busy speaking with the 159cm tall woman.
"Tj here is a big of a love bug, get him to like you and you can't go anywhere anymore. Just like his mother I suppose. "
"Does he have any..um..food preference I should know about?"
"Um...Wait, Alma left you a notebook, ah well not you but me. Here ,it should have anything you will need. Again,thank you so much for doing this Y/n."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about it." You said ,flipped the pages of the hard back notebook. Luckily Alma had a neat writing.
"Well, I need to go now. Be nice, little guy. "
Omar bent down to kiss his son's forehead, a sign of goodbye. The child stared at his father with a confuse look as he bubbled nonsense. His tiny hand reaching for the leaving figure.
Omar left soon after ,waving bye-bye to his son and almost kissing your forehead as a habit he picked up since he got together with Alma, their form of goodbye.
You stood there, staring at each other as the kid started to laugh and throw his toy at you. You caught it, he will throw it again and so forth.
You were tired however and knew the boy with too much energy will not be easily manipulated into sleeping. Opening the TV to the kid's cartoon channel , you settled on the opposite couch ,eyes falling victim to tiredness.
You must have been asleep 2 hours and so begore the loud crys woke you up.
Crys? Shittt! The kid.
Shooting out of your crouched position, you ignore the stirring pain of your sudden movement. Your legs' thud brought the attention of the crying mop of hair.
A wrenches smell filled your nostrils as your dread grew when you realised where its source came from. Looks like it's time to change a diaper. Oh ,man!
With a mask over your nose, hair tied behind your back and gloves you started changing the boy in the bathroom, you cleaned and washed him and brought him back on the layed blanket on the couch. Your disgust grew as you cleaned the sink and disinfect it.
You groaned as you threw your equipment in the bin, a bing didn't let your stomach cringe at the memory of the smell. It was a message from Corpse.
'Hey :)'
You smiled, quickly texting him back.
'Up to play something today?'
'A new stream? You just finished one tomorrow, I don't want you to burn yourself out.'
'<3 But no, I mean to play together in private, just the two of us.'
You wanted to text him back, teasing him with the proposition of a date but the sounds of broking glass was heard from the living room.
With a scream , you quickly typed out :' Cant baby in troble.!'
The kid was fine thankfully , grinning and laughing at your panicked state. What was not fine was the white porcelain vase with blue florals Sabrina brought for her collection. She wouldn't be mad per say but she wouldn't be happy either.
The kid ,now standing to ran around the room ,using the coffee table to his advantage, your legs screaming from the workout. Luckily the broken vase was behind you away from the child.
Unfortunately, your phone started to ring. Who the fuck would call me now? Oh! It's Corpse. Wait..Corpse!
"H-hey Corpse ! What are you - come here you little block of swiss cheese."
The man laughed as the phone's speaker vibrated on your right ear where you lodged it.
Tj laughed innocently as you grabbed him and hold him to your left hip. Your hair,nerves and mood all a mess.
"A-Are you okay?" Corpse asked after recovering from the fit of laughter.
"Me? Oh ,sure. I have a gremlin here who's more trouble than his worth. Hey! Stop that!"
The happy face of Tj turned in a cringy crying one as he wailed. Apparently you wanting to stop him chewing on your white banda, tightly nicely on the top of your head ,was too much.
"Sounds like trouble. By the way, you called me?"
"I did?"
Your eyebrows clenched as you look at your calls history,you did actually. The icon of the call must have been press on accident or that it was a sign from the universe that you are in dire need of assistance.
"Y-yeah. Look, Corpse l-I gotta go. I will call you-"
And you stopped, your breath becoming more fast as your nose flared.
"Um ghost? Are you...Are you there?"
"Stay on the line,Corpse. This kid just pissed on me."
With that another wave of laughter hit the man as he thrown himself into the chair.
Finally, you changed the damn brat after cleaning him again and taking a shower yourself. You left a breath as you watched the chil playing with his blue rocket toy.
"Babysitting is much harder than the films makes it out to be." You grumbled, pouting as you listened to Corpse's chuckles.
They managed to calm you enough to turn the intimidating glare you had plastered all over your face into a more stern one.
Your body dressed in a clean pair of white jeans short, black tank top and blue checkered shirt over, leaned on the frame of the door. You were waiting for the milk to heat up, luckily the boy was only a month away from being an year old so you could give him cow milk without worrying.
"Babysitting is hard when you ,yourself, are a gremlin, baby." He said ,his voice making you visibly tingle.
You sighed, placing the phone near the wooden bread box and grabbing a cup. By now the milk should have warmed up.
"You...you are not wearing your voice changer. I..I am sorry, I should have told you from the start but I like the s-sound of it ,I didn't want it to stop."
You could hear the beads of his bracelets as he played with them, nervously waiting for your response.
"I-It's okay, Corpse. You don't need to be sorry."
You swallowed, this day really came for your neck. Your eyes stung as you fight them off, no reason to make Corpse's day shittier by being pathetic.
"You are not fine ,are you goofball?"
The kind and worried tone of this wonderful individual you became to take a liking of was enough to cause everything in you to break loose.
"N-No ,it's not. Everything been so fucking stressful and I-I don't know what to do Corpse. I try my might to fight these thoughts but everytime they resurface stronger and more disturbing. I can't keep them in control, Corpse. I just CAN'T. A-And I keep worrying about losing all: my friends, my belongings and my family. I feel like I will drive them away especially if I can't bring my share to the table. I don't even know why I tell you these to be honest, I don't want to scare you away but in the same time I ... FUCK!"
Your fists hit the table you been resting on hard , scaring the child in the living room. His cries only angered you more.
"Ghost. Ghost! Ghost! Gho-"
You instantly regretted shouting at him,stopping from your pacing too.
"Calm down,buttercup. I know how you feel and going down a warpath or an abyss of sorrows ain't the answer. Come, let me help. "
"You still want to?" Your voice came out timidly and shying away in fear, shielding your eyes in shame despite him having no possible way of seeing your face.
"Of course, you goof. Now let's see what we do with that kid."
You swiped a tear out of your right eyes ,smiling and nodding before remembering he couldn't see, just hear you. That made you more anxious now that you realised that he knows a close guarded information.
A smile ran down your face as you watched the child all wrapped up in his dark blue blanket struggle to jeep his bright eyes opened as his ears and energy were captured by Corpse's singing. It's was a lullaby about moon and love, being in Spanish you only understood unfortunately the words close to your mother language.
You almost lost yourself to the gentle hums , stringing of a guitar and over all wholesome cozy atmosphere when loud voices and thumbs came from the apartment near Fatima's.
An idiot called Tudor who plays the bass part in Sergiu's band lived there, he and his boyfriend Micah. Two assholes who had a bone to pick with everyone, well more like Tudor had ,Micah was a follower.
The sense of protection enveloped you as you caressed the child's hair and kiss his right temple, letting him with Corpse to fall asleep.
Your grey flippers cracked against the stone stairs harshly and quickly. Your glare being as cold as the staircase room.
You knocked furiously on the door, hurting your hands by the metal indentations carved into the door. Your ears picked up footsteps approaching the door in a lazy manner, the two making jokes about what kind of bitch could be bothering them.
The smirk on his long face vanished when his pale blue eyes meet your fiery dark ones. He puffed a lock of dirty blond hair , saluting you in a cocky but intimidated manner :
"I wonder why the Red Riding Hood is paying us a visit? What do you think ,Micah?"
He leaned back to let his dark skinned boyfriend take a look at you. His eyes showed fear but he continued the masquerade in order to please his scumbag of a lover.
"I don't know, babe. Maybe she wants a threesome."
Tudor laughed like then pig he is, Micah lipped an apology to you, his black gems cowering in shame.
Micah wasn't a bad man , he was just naive and a people's pleaser, with no sense of stern morals but even awareness to know he is the wrong. You never understood why he wasted his breath by staying at the side of this buffoon of a dude. You ignored his half-cocked insults, knowing they didn't really had a backbone to them.
"I will appreciate if you could tone it down a little. No one needs to know you two are making a sex tape."
This seemed to anger the taller white as mayonnaise man who dismissed his boyfriend with a wave of his painted hand and moved forward to you. The red door of his apartment shutting up with an echo.
You two glared at each other, not one of the other backing down. Your breath was forcefully calmed down by your anger , last thing you needed is for him to know he was affecting you by coming too close. Your hands shook in their tight grip and you were pleased you cut your nails earlier.
"Just because Sergiu lets you come with us when we play, doesn't mean you and I are friends. Got it, girly?"
His rough tone only displeased you.
"And just because you can string two cords and not sound like a dying cat doesn't mean you are a great singer either, buddy."
"Fuck you." He said that to you in a clasped breath, his teeth biting on his lower lip as his face appeared more furious.
If this motherfucker puts his hands on me ,I swear I will...
"Y/N? Y/N!"
It was Sergiu.
The man in a punk style leather jacket ran quickly up the stairs, his armored black boots clicking away.
His face was twisted into a fearing expression before turning into a more pissed off one. He knew of Tudor's dislike towards you and knew that the both of you won't hold back if this turns physical. He needed to be smart about this.
"Man, come on. Leave her alone."
He moved to come between you ,Tudor's movement of hand stopped him.
"Nah,man. This bitch thinks she come here like she owns the fucking place and tell me what to do? I am sorry, princess, but you got another thing going. "
A female voice caused his blood to ran cold and you to smirk.
Behind Sergiu, a petite woman in her mid fifties glared at him. Her greying hair caught in a bun,her olive wrinkled face was in a madden frown as her blue eyes shield by fuchsia framed glasses stared at him. The madame in green suit pants and white and black blouse was his mother.
His mother, a teacher at your University, was a lioness of a woman, never detour from the right path of doing things and more importantly never afraid to tear down anyone if they being dickish. Not even her loved son.
Sergiu grabbed gently you without a word as you two left the mother and son quarrel in peace, a part of you already starting to feel bad. You hate when you argued with someone but your anger sometimes got the better of you. Today truly has been an exhausting day.
You are in your room,Corpse still on the phone with you. You already explained what happened and know you enjoyed just talking with him about everything and nothing at the same time,trying to not fall asleep for how calming his voice was.
"You sure you don't want me to end the call. You must be tired from all the noises. "
You stirred, cleaning the droll of your left wnd of your lips. Your head ache as you saw that night has befallen.
"Goofball,I was talking if you wanted me to let you rest but you already beat me to it."
"Your friends said they will take care of them. They were so surprised to find me singing to him, though."
"Ah,shit. Sorry Corpse."
"Nothing to be sorry about, pumpkin. "
"Pumpkin, seriously?" You asked ,snuggling back into the comforter.
"Yeah, why not? The fall season is still up for a month or so."
"Hmm, I prefer goofball better."
"If you say so, princess. You *yawn* you sure you don't want me to let you sleep?"
A panick arised into your soul as you quickly told him no.
"P-Please stay."
He began to continue the story one of his subscribers send him as your eyes shut. A smile on your lips at last.
Hope you enjoyed the fifth part of the serie. It was a roller coaster to write.
Anyway, stay safe!💗
Tagged💖:@moolujk @magenta-skyline @yikesyikesyikes95 @simonsbluee @cherry-piee @yoyoanaria @gaysludge @mythicalamphitrite
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penguintransporter · 3 years
Winning The Game Called Love (Hector Bellerin) Part VIII
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Hello, everyone! It took me a while to post this, but fear not - I have another chapter edited and ready to update next weekend. I contemplated for the longest time if I should post continuation of the chapter VII or maybe write a flashback that is entirely in Héctor’s POV, and decided that some of his thoughts wouldn’t be bad - so consider this as a filler even if it’s an entire update. Enjoy, let me know what you think, and don’t shy away from my inbox. You can read the first seven chapters of the story - here - along with the rest of my stuff. Lots of love, and stay amazing as always!
There was rarely a moment in which the canteen of the Arsenal FC Training Centre didn’t feel like a mini circus of some sort.
Buzzing with noise at any given time of the day, the spacious and with the long tables packed room often hosted a diverse bunch of people of different backgrounds and nationalities, ages and paychecks, contracts and positions in the club – all of them taking a refuge from their daily routines. More than often, administration hermits, trying to escape their paper-stacked offices mingled with millions of pounds worth footballers who needed their fuel before or after their training sessions, and all the high-positioned officials in their suits were known to chat away their coffee breaks with the wonderful Simone behind the canteen till.
Still, on that Friday noon, as the world was waist-deep in the month of December, the entire room felt just a little bit quieter than usual. 
As he sat alone at one of the long tables, waiting for his teammates to join him for lunch, Héctor wondered if the certain quietness was caused by the miserable weather outside or just because the feeling of yet another year slipping away was weighing down on people’s minds – including his own.
With a shake of his head, Héctor scooped some of the food on his fork before setting down his knife on a plate in front of him, looking at the windows that span along the wall to his left – the abundance of greyness greeting him. One would think that after all the years since he’s moved to England and started calling London his home, he would have gotten used on the picture in front of his eyes, but he wasn’t, and he knew that he won’t ever be.
Looking away, Héctor pursed his lips as he lazily chewed on his mouthful before glancing at the time on his phone as he reached for his knife to scoop more food, but he couldn’t help but freeze in his movements – the familiar scent filling his nostrils.
Confused, Héctor swallowed before leaning back in his chair as he felt the air leaving his lungs.
It wasn’t as if the oranges were something he rarely had the chance to smell, but only a handful of times the particular scent could make him feel the way he did as he apprehensively breathed in – memories of his childhood breaking out on the surface of his mind.
Warm, hot late autumns. His hand firmly held by his grandmother’s as they walked along the less-known pueblos where the oranges on the trees, bent by the their own weight, were just a reach of a hand away.
Héctor let his eyes wander as discreetly as possible around the canteen, trying to find the source of the smell that brought back the picture of the little Belle and the sight of the oranges laying along the sides of the pathways – their sweetness and stickiness an invitation for a feast for all the ants and flies.
Skinny, little boy in a sailor-striped t-shirt; thin-soled tennis shoes slippery on the cobbled slope; smell of home-cooked paella in the air.
The irritating girl from the reception sat at the end of one of the long tables in the corner along with some other employees whose faces Héctor vaguely recognised, but despite it, it seemed as if she didn’t belong the rowdy bunch of five men. She seemed to be in her own little headspace, quietly looking at the round fruit she held in her hands – eyebrows slightly narrowed in a thought.
The white collar of a button down played a peek-a-boo from underneath the scruffy navy-coloured jumper she was wearing, hair tucked behind her ears and away from her face, and a pair of beaten-up shoes on her feet – she looked out of the place among the sea of red tracksuits and football kits. Héctor watched her drop the orange to her lap before looking at her phone, grinning at something, and without even realising, his leg started to bounce ever so slightly. 
She’s probably dating someone equally irritating as she was.
Realising that he was staring, Héctor looked away quickly, sucking a deep breath before running both of his hands through his hair, pausing for a moment – his fingers interlacing behind his neck. He wasn’t sure what it was that has possessed him, and God knows, he didn’t want to do it in the first place, but he did it anyway. Glancing back at her again, he observed her as she dug her nails into the skin of the orange – nose scrunching a little when the aromatic juice sprayed against her face.
He could almost feel it too—
Héctor’s head snapped quickly in front of him, rubbing his face in frustration before looking at the doors of the lunch-room, hoping to see someone who could distract him from looking towards the one person he didn’t want to spend his time on.
A feeling of relief washed over him as he saw Calum walk inside the canteen, giving a quick wave to Simone before picking up a plate to serve himself from the large containers that were neatly arranged along the till. Héctor’s eyes followed his teammate, waiting for the tall guy to look in his direction so he could wave him over. 
He hated how jittery he was beginning to feel, so when his teammate scanned the room for a free seat, Héctor quickly raised his hand, ignoring the feeling in the very pit of his stomach that he couldn’t comprehend.  
Jesus Christ!
“What you’ve got there?” Calum asked with a grin, and Héctor returned the smile, but for some reason, it didn’t quite feel right. His teammate slid in the chair next to him, peering at Héctor’s plate, “Beans? Really? Have you not seen all the food out there, Héc?” he grinned, pulling the sleeves of his tracksuit jacket up to his elbows, ready to dig into his food.
“What’s wrong with my beans?” Héctor asked, smiling a little as he took another forkful of his lunch, just in time to see Rob and Alexandre, walk in, quickly serving themselves with the food before walking over to where Héctor and Calum sat. Héctor looked back at Calum, waving his fork in his mate’s direction as he continued to talk, “It’s healthy, makes me run faster than you, and honestly mate,” Héctor stopped to take a sip of water, “it looks better than your chicken.”
“Chicken again, I see,” Rob commented passively without a greeting as he sat down opposite Héctor – long legs trying to find space under the table. Alexandre followed shortly, balancing more food than the plate could actually hold in one hand, while typing on his phone with other. He nodded, sitting down – his eyes never leaving the shiny screen.
“One day he’ll turn into a chicken,” Héctor joked before glancing at Calum from the corner of his eye while chasing the white bean covered in the tomato sauce around his plate.
His mate let out a small chuckle, carefully taking a bite of the grilled poultry in his mouth, “You say that now, but you’d become a carnivore again for a chicken like me, Heccy.”
“What did you just say?” Alexandre asked, looking up from his phone with a grin, “Héctor, my friend, I beg you, stay vegan. He’s not worth it…” he trailed off before the four men started laughing, earning an amused and curious smile from Simone who passed by their table, and dirty look from one of the elder officials who tried to focus on whatever he was doing on his iPad. “Anyway,” Alexandre started as they calmed down a little, setting his phone away and grabbing the fork only to stab chunks of steamed carrots and broccoli, looking up at his teammates, “do we know who’s going to be David’s date for the charity party? Rumours say he’s single again.”
“Do we care?” Rob asked, grinning to himself as he still tried to find a comfortable position for his legs.
“Why yes,” Alexandre responded, earning a lifted eyebrow from Héctor in return, “my bet is Claudia or even, what’s her name, the tall blonde that’s always running around in the physio room.”
“Eveline?” Rob curiously asked, unscrewing the cap of his water bottle with ease to take a sip, “I think she’s married, but yeah, then definitely Claudia, that’s if the boss let’s him ask her out.”
Calum shook his head swiftly before glancing towards his right for a second, “I think he’ll make a move on our pretty, little sunshine called Aida,” he commented, nudging Héctor under the table.
“Why are you nudging me?” Héctor asked with a laugh, setting his cutlery down as he decided to join in the conversation. “Am I missing the joke? Who’s Aida?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, all three of his teammates looked at him – amusing smirks on their faces, and as Héctor was the one to buy on the paranoia feeling that washed over him, he’d say that the entire room was looking his way as well. Deciding that his best bet was to ignore their questioning stares, Héctor shrugged before breaking the piece of his bread and running it along the lip of his plate – picking up the leftover sauce.
“Are you taking the piss now?” Rob asked, genuinely interested now in the course of their conversation as he smirked, leaning forward, and Héctor shook his head, sticking the piece of the soaked bread into his mouth.
“Why would I?” he asked – feeling as if he was missing on some important joke, “I don’t know if this idiot’s nudge was supposed to tell me something,” he added before grinning at Calum, and just as he was about to add something else, the sound of a chair scraping loudly against the linoleum floor interrupted him. Simultaneously, they all looked up and in the direction of the screeching sound where the receptionist girl was smiling apologetically towards no one in particular.
Héctor felt the knot in his stomach rise up to his throat, but he swallowed it quickly back as he, along with his mates, watched the petite girl with the messy hair scoop the orange peels in her palm, while balancing a dark-green water bottle under one arm and a lilac notebook between her lips.
The Arsenal’s right-back looked down at his plate – piled vegetables and grains staring back at him before clenching his jaw in annoyance. He could vaguely hear a commotion and Simone’s laugh, not caring about what Calum had yelled in her direction, and caring even less about what she had responded before laughing that loud, but nonetheless contagious sound.
“Since you’re wondering,” Alexandre grinned, sticking another carrot into his mouth when Héctor looked up at the Frenchman, “that’s Aida.”
“—honestly, I think she’s actually nice to have around. Quite funny,” Rob responded to whatever Calum had said as he wiped the beads of sweat off of his face before leaning forward on his stationary bike.
Next to them, Héctor wanted to groan out loud like a teenager would when being interrogated by his mother about his whereabouts.
He wasn’t sure nor could he pinpoint the exact moment when the name of the receptionist girl was dropped again in their conversation, but there it was – levitating around them as he shared the corner with the treadmills and stationary bikes with Rob, Calum and Leno – the German lad being his usual reserved self.
Héctor knew very well that there was no real need for them to talk about her, but the grins that his teammates were giving him were a proof enough for him to know that they were doing it on purpose. 
Hate was a strong word, but he couldn’t say that he enjoyed it either. Not after he was already—
Instead of giving in on his teammate’s banter, Héctor rather focused on the sound of his trainers hitting against the treadmill’s moving belt.
“She’s also babysitting Auba’s son sometimes, no?” Bernd mumbled, smiling his tight-lipped smile.
Calum chuckled at the tall goalie next to him, “I know many lads that would love to be babysat by her.” 
Despite wanting to keep his mouth shut, Héctor couldn’t hold back the snort as he lowered the speed on the treadmill, while monitoring his heart-rate.
“I just don’t understand why—,” Héctor started, but quickly stopped himself, “never-mind.”
“What? You wouldn’t?” Calum asked, looking at him. “I am sure she’d love to babysit you if you only let her,” he added teasingly, and as much as he hated himself for doing it, he actually wanted to laugh at his bad joke.
“WHO WOULDN’T WANT WHAT?” David boomed from where he was jogging towards them – wild hair tied up in a ridiculous palm-resembling-something on top of his head. Joining them, he leaned casually against the side of Héctor’s  treadmill. 
With a curious smile, David glanced between the group of men before his eyes settled on a Calum who was still looking at Héctor with a smirk.
“Heccy doesn’t fancy Aida,” he answered matter-of-factly before wiping some of the sweat off of his face with his jersey. Next to him, Rob rolled with his eyes before reaching out his towel which Calum refused with a shake of his head.
Their Brazilian teammate had an amused yet shocked look on his face as he looked at Héctor with a silly grin. “What? Really? Everyone fancies her!”
“Exactly our point,” Rob interjected and it was Héctor’s turn to roll with his eyes, “but apparently, Héctor here doesn’t.”
“You do know that I am still here?” Héctor asked, forcing a grin which only earned him a handful of playful looks from his teammates. “Besides, I have every right in the world to not fancy someone.”
“But you do like brunettes, no?” Calum asked as he started to run again, and for once Héctor wanted to be outside, in the freezing cold, preferably running next to someone who didn’t ask such stupid questions or was usually consumed by their own thoughts – Sead maybe. “—okay, maybe she’s not all legs or whatnot, but still, sometimes the compact ones are the best…”
Hoping off of the treadmill, Héctor grabbed a towel that rested on one of the chairs in the corner, refusing to hear the rest of Calum’s statement or to give in into the banter. 
“You really need to find a hobby,” he grinned after wiping his face before leaving his teammates and making his way towards the other end of the room that was reserved for heavy-weights and strength training.
Standing there alone and tying his hair in a ponytail, he glanced through the windows to his right, and as if it was a force of something above, the receptionist girl walked past – steps quick as she wrapped her scarf around her neck, shielding the lower part of her face from the harsh wind. 
Héctor shook his head as he looked down at his trainers before glancing back up, only to catch a glimpse of her silhouette disappearing around the corner – the soft scent of oranges returning to haunt him for a split of a second.
What if...
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fanfics4all · 6 years
More Personal Stuff! (Do you guys like when I do these?)
1. What is your nickname? Sam and Sammy (by my family)
2. How old are you? 21
3. What is your birth month? April
4. What is your zodiac sign? Aries
5. What is your favorite color? Red and Black (Harley Quinn colors)
6. What’s your lucky number? 13 (it’s a family lucky number)
7. Do you have any pets? Not anymore :(
8. Where are you from? New York
9. How tall are you? 5’2
10. What shoe size are you? Depends on the shoe, 8 to 8 ½ normally
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 6
12. Are you random? Oh yeah
13. Last person you texted? My best friend
14. Are you psychic in any way? Yes, I get feelings about people and can tell if they’re bad or not. I also predicted my boyfriend was going to break up with me two weeks before he did, he was in another state visiting family and he was talking over text slightly differently and then when he came back he broke up with me over text when we were hanging out that same day and talking about what we were gonna do for our year and a half
15. Last TV show watched? Adventure Time lol
6. Favorite movie?  I don’t know, I love a lot of movies. Nightmare Before Christmas, The Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid 2, Me Before You
17. Favourite show from your childhood? Pokemon, Totally Spies, Hello Kitty, Danny Phantom, Chowder, Sailor Moon, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, H2O, Wings, Home Improvement,Doug, Rugrats, Powerpuff Girls, Jimmy Neutron, Hey Arnold, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends, Full House, Samurai Jack, Dexter’s Laboratory, Ed Edd n Eddy Johnny Bravo, Krypto the Superdog Scooby Doo and Codename Kids Next Door
18. Do you want children? Yes, more than anything!
19. Do you want a church wedding? No
20. What is your religion? My family is Catholic, but I’m not. I say out of that.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes, admitted because I almost Died as a baby twice
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Kind of
23. How is life? Ehhh kinda sucks
24. Baths or showers? I like baths to relax but I don’t have one so showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? None
26. Have you ever been famous? Not at all!
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? No, I’m shy AF
28. What type of music do you like? All really, but I don’t like most pop songs TBH
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? I’ve been in my bra and underwear with my friend but no not nude
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3 normally
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my side but I move around a lot
32. How big is your house? We rent so it’s an alright size
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I don’t! It kind of makes me sick
34. Have you ever left the country? No :(
35. Have you ever tried archery? Nah, but I really wanted to
36. Do you like anyone? My friends, Sometimes my family
37. Favorite swear word? Cunt
38. When do you fall asleep? Depends
39. Do you have any scars? Oh man a lot, I use to self harm
40. Sexual orientation? Bi AF
41. Are you a good liar? Yeah but I don’t do it much
42. What languages would you like to learn? French, Russian, and Polish
43. Top 10 songs? The ones I’ve been listening to a lot right now are: 1) A Little More by MGK 2) This Is War by Thirty Seconds To Mars 3) When You Were Young by The Killers 4) Almost Love by Sabrina Carpenter 5) Killer In The Mirror By Set It Off 6) Horns By Bryce Fox 7) Marijuana Breath by Adam Jensen 8) One Love By Marianas Trench 9) Kiss It Better by He Is We 10) Put The Gun Down by Andy Black   
44. Do you like your country? Eh not really if I’m being honest, it’s pretty fucked
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yes
46. What is your personality type? Mediator (INFP-T)
47. Hogwarts House? Slytherin!
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yep
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? Luna Lovegood  
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? YES 100%
52. Favorite food? Steak or Lamb
53. Favorite foreign food? Umm, Chinese/Japanese
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both but more on the messy side
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Nothing, I guess see how it feels to be paid more?
56. What color underwear? Black (I’m wearing Supernatural underwear rn so there’s a pentagram on them lol)
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Depends on what I’m getting ready for
58. Do you have much of an ego? LOL No, I don’t like myself
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck but bite sometimes
60. Do you talk to yourself? Way too often
61. Do you sing to yourself? Oh yeah, I suck but people tell me otherwise
62. Are you a good singer? ^^ Nope
63. Biggest Fears? Not being able to have kids
64. Are you a gossip? Not really
65. Are you a grammar nazi? No
66. Do you have long or short hair? I have a little past my shoulder length so medium?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? If you give me enough time probably
68. Favorite school subject? Math and Art
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introverted as fuck
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No, I’m not a huge fan of the ocean unless I’m on a boat (I love swimming just not in the ocean, rips the dye out of my hair)
71. What makes you nervous? My anxiety, Trains, talking to people I don’t know really well, Failing
72. Are you scared of the dark? No
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes
74. Are you ticklish? Very
75. Have you ever started a rumor? I don’t think so
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? No
77. Have you ever drank underage? Like once, I don’t like alcohol that much. I only drink one type
78. Have you ever done drugs? Why? Yes weed because it helps me chill out and helps my depression for a little while, also helps me sleep sometimes
79. What do you fantasize about? Love
80. How many piercings do you have? None but I want some
81. Can you roll your R’s? Yes
82. How fast can you type? Pretty fast
83. How fast can you run? Not very, my asthma kicks in (I don’t smoke my week btw, I vape it because of my asthma and it gets you higher with less)
84. What color is your hair? Black on one side and very faded red on the other (I had Harley Quinn hair) I’m changing it to purple and blue soon
85. What color are your eyes? Hazel
86. What are you allergic to? A lot. Pollen, Dust, Cats, Dust Mites, anything with fur pretty much (I’m allergic to dogs but I’ve been around them a lot so I’m not as allergic to them anymore but I do get hives sometimes if I pet them) um there’s more but I honestly can’t remember right now. Luckily not allergic to any food!
87. Do you keep a journal? Yes, I only write in it when I’m super depressed
88. Are you depressed about anything? Like everything (I’ve had depression since I was 8)
89. Do you like your age? Not really, it makes me feel like I’m running out of time (Yes I know 21 is young)
90. What makes you angry? I have anger problems so it kind of takes very little to make me angry (Thanks dad! Hahaha)
91. Do you like your own name? Not my full name but I like Sam
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? Um no, but I accidently gave myself a nose bleed when I was little by accidently smashing a pencil up my nose (I was banging my head on the eraser side because I was so bored and I slipped and it went right up my nose! I was in like 4th grade lol)
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? Both, more boys than girls I only want like 2 or 3 girls but I will love all my children no matter what! Not like you can choose anyway
94. What talents do you have? Art, writing, and I’ve been told I’m a good dancer
95. Sun or moon? Moon
96. How did you get your name? My mom wanted to name me something that could also have a boys nickname
97. Are you religious? Nope
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I’ve been to 14, I stopped really talking to them because when I was a kid my therapist (Keep in mind I was like 6 or younger) threatened to take me out of my home because I told her my parents fight (This was before the abuse started) So I don’t like going to them (even though I need one)
99. Color of your bedspread? Black
100. Color of your room? It’s white (Unfortunately, I kind of want a dark green room or a dark red. I don’t know)
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redeemed-gunslinger · 6 years
Bad Company
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(art source)
What had been a month to gather a crew fit for sailing, and combat, had turned into a week. Thus for the past few days, Grant had been scrambling to find willing men and women to press into service. Was this how Hugsby felt when he was pestering Grant to sign on again? He almost felt bad for the man. Almost.
So far Grant had, amongst old contacts, comrades, and friends, found enough sailors to almost resemble a skeleton crew, and that was including Cherry, William, and the officers given to him by the admiralty. He needed more -- a lot more -- if they were to stand any chance against an Orcish galleon. His concerns however were graciously seen to, and the now Captain Grant Cousland was given military authorization to enact ‘Order 332′.
He had the power to press stockade prisoners into his crew, and though he would prefer people a little more trustworthy, they would have to do.
He arrived at the gates of the Stormwind stockades, and was promptly escorted into the prison blocks within. A short wiry man with a thick moustache, and a balding head explained to him the situation.
“If I’m being completely honest I wasn’t expecting his majesty to approve of the order,” Spoke the prison warden. “Doesn’t seem his type, you know? But I suppose our boys on the front need as many bodies out there as they can get. What better choice than thieves, and murderers?”
“I was promised convicts sailin’ experience,” Grant interjected. “Ex-sailors, smugglers, stowaways, and deserters.”
“Oh, you’ll get them.” The warden reassured. “Wasn’t hard to round them up. Just a lot of bullshit paperwork.”
“And I also want copies of their criminal record,” The captain added. “I want to know who I’m lettin’ aboard my ship.”
“We’ll have that for you before you leave, captain. Now... we will be leading you to the women’s block of the stockades. At the moment the 11th Penal Battalion is having their pick of the boys in the western wing.”
“Includin’ my sailors?”
“Aye, including your sailors.” The shorter man shrugged apologetically.
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What was presented before Grant were dozens of malnourished, and weathered women of all shapes and backgrounds. They weren’t all human Grant was surprised to learn. He saw dwarfs, gnomes, elves, worgen, and even a few pandaren in their number. Each of them were shackled, and the whole group was escorted by six prison guards. Some of them eyed Grant with derision, though most didn’t seem to give a damn.
“They’re yours, captain.” The warden said.
“I only want volunteers.” Grant protested. “Don’t want a single sailor on my ship that doesn’t want to be there.”
The warden stifled a laugh. “Well... good luck convincing them.”
Grant met the prisoners and their gazes of disdain and indifference. He cleared his throat. “I’m sure y’all know why you’re here,” He began. “Y’all know war is comin’, and I have no doubts and Sylvanas and her horde would march south, and torch this city, and everyone you’ve known and cared about if we did nothin’ about it. Rather than wastin’ away here y’all can join my crew beneath open skies, and upon roarin’ waves. And if you survive I will guarantee upon y’all a royal pardon. Your crimes will be washed away by blood. Whether the blood of the enemy, or your own.”
The prisoners were silent, though a few hurled insults at him. Frowning, Grant continued. “If you don’t want to come that’s your choice. I ain’t forcin’ anybody to sail with me. However, join me... and I will treat you equally. With the same expectations I put upon the honest sailors already servin’ under me. We ain’t fightin’ for a fleet. We’re privateers in his majesty’s service. Free to loot, and plunder our enemy to our heart’s content.”
That drew some interested whispers among the prisoner. Grinning, grant continued his sale’s pitch. “And I promise each and every man and woman servin’ aboard my ship equal shares of any loot we find. My share is your share. Don’t matter if you’re an officer, or a swabby.”
More whispers. Some of them at least appeared to be willing.
“All who want in please step forward.” Grant finished.
Out of the fifty prisoners presented to him only fifteen stepped forward. The promise of loot really was powerful, but he had been hoping for more. Nodding, Grant turned to the warden. “These will do. I-”
“I will join.”
A tall Kaldorei woman sitting lazily in one of the cells above spoke up. She wasn’t as skinny as the other prisoners, nor as dirty, so Grant figured she was new.
“I had friends who perished in Teldrassil,” She said. “Friends, family... old lovers. I wish to join. I wish to fight.”
“She was caught stealing from a nobleman’s estate,” The warden explained. “She’s supposed to be executed.”
“For simple thievery?” Grant asked, frowning.
“You know how them nobles can be. They’re awfully protective of their jewels.”
Grant shook his head, then frowned. “Who are you?” He asked of the kaldorei. “Tell me your name.”
“Only if you introduce yourself first.”
“Name’s Grant. Grant Cousland.”
Grant nodded. “Just Lyn?”
“Just Lyn.”
“How’d your find yourself in there?” Grant asked.
“Tried stealing like the bald one over there says,” Lyn explained. “Would’ve gotten away with it too, but how was I supposed to know the lord was a mage?”
“Why’d you decide to rob him?”
“Because he’s a racist little prick,” Lyn said. “He’s campaigning for the removal of my people from the city. He thinks refugees are going to ruin property values or something. He’s also very rich, and influential, or something.”
Grant nodded, then turned to the warden. “I want her out of that cage, and I want them all fed. Properly... whatever you feed your men feed these women.”
“Sure,” The warden said. “But... I can’t exactly just let the Elf go.”
“Why not?”
The warden scratched the back of his head. “The Baron...”
“Can fuck himself,” Grant interrupted. “By royal decree, I hereby invoke order 332, and formally conscript this woman into my service.”
“You need that in writing.” The warden stammered.
“Then write it down...”
Grant received fewer volunteers at the men’s block. Ten stepped forward out of forty-five.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
100 Questions
it’s long so it’s under the cut, but man was this fun. thanks for the tag @the-most-beautiful-broom ♥ i’ll tag my loves (if you want to haha this is a lot) @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @perhalta @dracovengeance @hedaalicia and @amihanmayari
1. What is your nickname? Bails
2. How old are you? 24
3. What is your birth month? February
4. What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius!
5. What is your favorite color? green (Aw hey linds, same !!) 
6. What’s your lucky number? I was number 8 for marching band every single year (F8 for flute 8) except my junior year, and my junior year we had a shit show, so im calling that. 
7. Do you have any pets? 5 dogs back home in seattle but none where i live now or in NY when i get back
8. Where are you from? everywhere and nowhere. my dads military. but im american! 
9. How tall are you? 5’ 5″
10. What shoe size are you? 7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? A whole lot, but they’re not always all with me. 
12. Are you random? not really. im pretty set in my routines and very comfortably a home body
13. Last person you texted? my best friend @broadwaybound2016
14. Are you psychic in any way? not even a little tbh
15. Last TV show watched? The Bold Type (WATCH IT ITS AMAZING)
16. Favorite movie? I’m not really sure but i just watched Love, Simon and im literally just crying because of it right now so im gonna go with that until further notice
17. Favorite show from your childhood? probably Lizze McGuire
18. Do you want children? Nope
19. Do you want a church wedding? I dont really want to get married
20. What is your religion? agnostic? maybe? im not religious, and not very spiritual. I love spirituality, things like crystals and stuff, but i try not to appropriate those things from groups/cultures who actually use them. I’d love to learn more about them and be someone who actually knew how to practice but, again, i dont want to step on toes culturally and take things that aren’t mine to take
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? a lot! a ton of surgeries on my ears
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? nope, im literally a goody two shoes
23. How is life? lovely
24. Baths or showers? showers!
25. What color socks are you wearing? i dont really wear socks? i like those little half socks. I’m not wearing any rn
26. Have you ever been famous? nope.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? probably. i’d love to have a voice, and if it was for doing something i love, i cant think of anything better than getting to share my passion with the world like that. But it would definitely be a lot of pressure
28. What type of music do you like? i’m into literally anything. I love Hayley Kiyoko, the 1975, big fan of just basic pop like ariana grande and charlie puth, Harry Styles’s album is a masterpiece, Shawn Mendes, 5th Harmony. i love anything.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Yes!!
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? just two!
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my stomach
32. How big is your house? my house at home is a 5 bedroom 3 bath, my apt in amsterdam rn is just a room in a hotel type place with my own bathroom, and my apt in nyc is a studio
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? i literally hardly ever eat breakfast, but i love a bagel
34. Have you ever left the country? I’m in europe RIGHT NOW! lol
35. Have you ever tried archery? once, i was terrible
36. Do you like anyone? Not right now, but i might want too
37. Favorite swear word? i love the word fuck. it’s got so much you can do with it. i swear like a sailor.
38. When do you fall asleep? ummmmmm? whenever i guess lol 
39. Do you have any scars? A few small ones. a decent one on my knee from falling off my bike when i was 8
40. Sexual orientation? Bisexual
41. Are you a good liar? excellent
42. What languages would you like to learn? ALLLL the languages. I’d love to learn native hawai’ian. i spent my high school years there and the culture is so incredible, and i was so welcomed into it by my friends who were from there, i’d love a chance to really connect too it and try to learn that. 
43. Top 10 songs? Oh boy... im just gonna bullet these because i cant decide the order but this is the general
the way i am - charlie puth
young god - halsey 
rather be - clean bandit
feelings - hayley kiyoko
woman - harry styles 
make me feel - janelle monáe 
six inch heels - beyonce 
get right witcha - migos
my my my - troye sivan 
nice for what - drake 
44. Do you like your country? i’m torn at the moment. I hate tr*mp and everything him and his stand for, but i think america can be a wonderful place. 
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yes!! <3
46. What is your personality type? MBTI: INTP 
47. Hogwarts House? Ravenclaw
48. Can you curl your tongue? yes!
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? I am Hermione and Hermione is me. (also i really relate a lot to Lexa from the 100, which... is interesting. the way she suppresses feelings, her generally logical approach to things, the way she is totally useless around pretty girls.) 
50. Left or right handed? right!
51. Are you scared of spiders? If they’re like, big spiders yes. or if they come out of nowhere. im way more scared of cockroaches tho.
52. Favorite food? For some reason this question has been really hard for me lately? idk. i love a good indian style curry, and tacos? 
53. Favorite foreign food? Indian!
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I’m CLEAN, but im messy. i feel like cleanliness and orderliness have been misconstrued to mean the same thing, but clean is to dirty as orderly is to messy. I’m clean and messy, i am not very orderly, and i am NOT dirty. 
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? Experience a walk down the street in a city at night where im not afraid
56. What color underwear? black
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? not too long, but it sometimes takes me a long ass time to pick an outfit 
58. Do you have much of an ego? It’s as big as it should be. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? i suck on them until i can bite them
60. Do you talk to yourself? Constantly.
61. Do you sing to yourself? Hell yeah
62. Are you a good singer? i’m decent but i need another voice to match with. on my own i can’t carry a tune. 
63. Biggest Fears? failure. and heights. 
64. Are you a gossip? I can be, but never about like.. bad things. I like to talk about how this friend or that friend did x y z cool thing but im not like “omg did you hear so and so hooked up with so and so” 
65. Are you a grammar nazi? Not really because i can’t spell for shit
66. Do you have long or short hair? Short-ish? i cut my hair in march of LAST YEAR and then trimmed it again this year and i want it to fucking grow
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? i would definitely forget some
68. Favorite school subject? History
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Pretty introverted. 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nah, im not allowed too for medical reasons
71. What makes you nervous? when I see kids wandering and their parents not noticing (okay im keeping that because me too, but also travelling? like the in-transit part of travel, catching busses/trains/planes makes me panic)
72. Are you scared of the dark? not at all
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? i try not too unless its major. usually its unintentional or the mistake is irrelevant to the flow of the conversation/situation  
74. Are you ticklish? Yes, but i hate being tickled unless its like, my sister or my dad
75. Have you ever started a rumor? No
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? Yes i have lol (linds, ily, we DEFINITELY have been over this already)
77. Have you ever drank underage? a little, but not until i was like 19, and then i was in europe for 6 months, so i didnt REALLY drink underage until i was like... less than 6 months to 21
78. Have you ever done drugs? Pot pretty regularly here in Amsterdam, and i’ve done shrooms
79. What do you fantasize about? getting a beautiful loft in a big city (preferrably london or NYC), with a kick ass job, a dog, and maybe a girlfriend with huge curly hair.
80. How many piercings do you have? Four
81. Can you roll your R’s? Yep!
82. How fast can you type? I just took a little online quiz that said i can type 72 words per minute with 93% accuracy? 
83. How fast can you run? lol I don’t run (same linds... same)
84. What color is your hair? brown!
85. What color are your eyes? Green!
86. What are you allergic to? I’m a bit lactose intolerant and pineapple makes my tongue itch?
87. Do you keep a journal? no, but i wish i did sometimes 
88. Are you depressed about anything? I’m not depressed “about anything”, im just generally someone who experiences a pretty mild case of depression.
89. Do you like your age? Yeah, i dig it.
90. What makes you angry? bigotry, ignorance, and spilling things. I spill drinks constantly, i spilled a WHOLE BOWL OF CEREAL ON MY FLOOR THE OTHER NIGHT.  
91. Do you like your own name? I didn’t used too but i really do now
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? not that i know of
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I don’t want kids. 
94. What talents do you have? i have a pretty great memory, but for random things i dont need 
95. Sun or moon? Moon <3
96. How did you get your name? My dad, he just liked it. My middle name was also my dad, he heard the name Jess on the movie A Man From Snowy River and he thought it was a nice like, nickname/pet name, so he gave me the middle name Ges (pronounced like Jess) with the intent of calling me that (it didnt stick), but he didn’t want anyone to think my middle name was Jessica, so he spelled it Ges.
97. Are you religious? I am not, but i have a lot of respect for the concept of religion, as long as its used for the real purpose, which is to make people feel peace and help people find love and comfort. 
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I have not, but i shold
99. Color of your bedspread? White
100. Color of your room? White, with one black wall 
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mymusicmemories · 4 years
Brian Wilson - July 1st 2015 - PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ
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Set 1 -
Our Prayer
Heroes And Villains
California Girls
Shut Down
Little Deuce Coupe
I Get Around
This Whole World
Then I Kissed Her
Cotton Fields
In My Room
Surfer Girl
Don’t Worry Baby
One Kind Of Love
Sail Away
Wild Honey
Sail On, Sailor
Wake The World
Busy Doin’ Nothin’
Surf’s Up
The Right Time
Runaway Dancer
Wouldn’t It Be Nice
Sloop John B
God Only Knows
Good Vibrations
All Summer Long
Help Me, Rhonda
Barbara Ann
Surfin’ U.S.A
Fun, Fun, Fun
Love And Mercy
On the morning of Wednesday July 1st, 2015, I woke up and went to work. It was just another nothing day, just like the day before and how the next day would be. Around 10am, I checked my email and opened what I thought was spam, but I opened it anyway. It said that I won two tickets to see Brian Wilson that night at the PNC Arts Center. I didn’t believe it, mostly because I didn’t remember entering any contest. I replied to the email and it was legit. I must have entered some Facebook giveaway months earlier. It was a little over cast so I called, still not fully believing I won anything, to see if these were lawn seats. They assured me that tickets are good seats and would be waiting at will call.
I called my wife and told her we were going to see Brian Wilson tonight, I told her about the emails and the phone calls and to be ready around 3pm. She then reminded me that we have two kids. So I was bummed, and said I guess I won't go and she suggested I take my oldest son, Patrick, who was 8 at the time. I really never thought about it, but it was a great idea. Patrick was at this time a big 60’s fan. Loved The Beatles, The Monkees, The Four Seasons and The Beach Boys. This was the perfect first concert for him.
Let me tell you a little about Patrick. He’s basically been a musician since birth. He got his first drum kit at 2 years old and he never stopped. When he was 9, I took him to jam with some guys I used to be in a band with and he not only held his own but he made them forget he was a kid. When he was 11, he joined a band and he’s gotten better and better. Now at 13 he’s a real musician, he’s an excellent drummer and self taught piano player. He’s actually playing drums as I type this. 
So, I pick him up and we go to the show. He was excited and we blasted the Beach Boys the whole ride. When we got there we had to park in the overflow lot, kind of sucked to walk half a mile with a little kid, but we made it. I go to Will Call, gave them my name and they had no tickets for me. Someone else came over and I told them that I won some contest and they said the tickets would be waiting for me at Will Call. This person looked and said they have nothing for me. I was just about to reach into my wallet and buy two tickets when a third person came over and asked if it was through Facebook. Told her it was and she came back with an envelope with my name on it. I was shocked it was real. 
We go in and walk down and down and down. Our seats were in the tenth row. Told Patrick to enjoy this but not to get used to it, these were some of the best seats I ever had for a concert. It was early and he nervously talked and talked and talked and just when I thought he ran out of words, he talked some more. It really wasn’t as annoying as I’m making it sound, it was actually kinda fun. This was a real experience for him and I got to enjoy it with him.
The opening act was Rodriguez. I had never heard of him but they billed him the “Legendary” Rodriguez. This tall, skinny guy, dressed all in black sat in a folding chair with an acoustic guitar and blew me away. I didn’t know any of the songs he played but it was incredible. Since then I have become a fan. He was supposed to play about 20 minutes from my house in March but the show was canceled due to quarantine. If you ever get the chance, watch the documentary “Searching For The Sugarman”, I think it’s on Netflix. I highly recommend it. He really has an incredible story.
Patrick was respectful but was looking ahead, can't really blame him. He wasn’t there for this guy, he was there for the Beach Boys. Rodriguez finished and light came up and the crowd started filling the empty seats around us. I’ll never forget when the light went back out, Patrick jumped to his feet and was clapping like crazy as the band took the stage. They opened with “Our Prayer”, not the best way to start for an 8 year old, but then right into “Heroes and Villains” and he was dancing and mouthing the words he didn’t really know. 
I was so impressed with Brian’s band. They were as good as any band I've ever seen. Brian’s voice is what it is, but it’s Brian Fucking Wilson and that’s all that matters. Al Jardine still sounds like he’s in his 20s. To me, one of the best things was that they all seemed like they were enjoying what they were doing. They would smile and laugh to each other, that kinda stuff shows in the music. The worst concerts I’ve been to have been the ones where it seems the band is just going through the motions. 
When they went into “Little Deuce Coupe”, Patrick looked at me smiling. This song was one we played together in the basement music room. We were singing along and Patrick was playing air drums. The lady next to him was really getting a kick out of him. When he was singing along to “Cotton Fields” she gave me a look, as if to say, “Sir, you are raising this kid right.” 
The second most memorable song of the show for me “In My Room”, I have always thought this was the most Brian Wilson song The Beach Boys have ever done. The harmonies were spot on and Brian’s voice, for the first time all night, really nailed it. It was also nice because we all sat down, I’m not as young as I used to be. To this point “In My Room” was the highlight for me.
The next big moment was when Blondie Chapman took the stage. This guy is a rock star. He looks like a rock star, he dressed like a rock star, he played guitar like a rock star and carried himself like a rock star. “Sail On, Sailor” has always been one of my favorite Beach Boys and Blondie did not disappoint. His vocals were perfect. It’s really no wonder why he was a Beach Boy or why he played with the Stones. He has “it”, whatever “it” is.
My next favorite Patrick moment was during “Busy Doin’ Nothin’”. Brian led the crowd in a sing along of “Row Row Row Your Boat”. The kid seemed confused, but he laughed and sang along. We all laughed and sang along. There was something so childlike and playful about Brian Wilson that was so contagious. We were all just having so much fun at this point.
The one part of the show I didn’t really like, I understand why, but I didn’t really like,, was “God Only Knows”. This is absolutely one of the very best songs ever written. I do truly love everything about this song. Perfect music, perfect harmonies, perfect lyrics and perfect angelic vocals by Carl Wilson. The band played it album like, it was so good, this Carl appeared on the screen behind the stage and sang the song. It was a recording from a Beach Boys concert from the 70s. I know most people like this but not me. It wasn’t bad, it’s just not my thing I guess. I would have much rather have heard Brian sing it.
The one thing I never explained to Patrick was the encore ritual. After “Good Vibrations” and the band left, he couldn’t quite figure out why no one was leaving and everyone was clapping and holding up their cell phones ( god I miss cigarette lighters ). I do believe he asked me, “what’s going on?” When the band came back, I think he got it. I have never been a fan of the whooping and hollering of the pre-encore. We all know what’s happening. But the kid was loving it, so I was too.
The second song of the encore was “Help Me, Rhonda”. Everyone was singing and dancing and no one was singing louder than Patrick. I still have video of him singing and me trying not to laugh. If there was one song that whole night I enjoyed most it was this. Patrick’s joy in this moment was something I’ll never forget. I’ll never show him the video and I would never tell him how funny it was. No one should ever be embarrassed by the way he sang or danced at a concert. This was a really priceless thing for me.
Next up was “Barbara Ann”. Now we were sitting in the center of the section in front of stage left. I could see the right side of off stage and there just off the stage, in blue jeans, a tee shirt and a baseball cap. Having a good time like the rest of us was Bruce Springsteen. I nudge Patrick, “I think that’s Bruce!” His response was not at all what I was hoping for. “Who?” I was crushed, no longer did I feel like I was raising him right. I, at this moment, was crushed. I shook it off when Al motioned Bruce to the stage and Bruce joined all on the mic and sang the backup.
Up next was “Surfin’ U.S.A.”. Now a roadie ran out a guitar. Brian Wilson, Al Jardine, Blondie Chapman and Bruce Springsteen. It was so crazy, Bruce was singing backup like he was in the audience. It was just so much fun to see. This wasn’t “Bruce Springsteen”, this was Bruce, a guy from NJ who is a fan Brian and The Beach Boys. He just happened to have the best seat in the house. The really interesting thing was Brian completely “no selling” Bruce. He might have even known he was out there or even who he was. Oh, man, I hope he didn’t think we were “booing” when we were “Bruuuuuccccce-ing”. This, of course, was my favorite song of the show. 
Brian closed the show with “Love And Mercy”. The perfect and to a perfect night. One the ride home I tried to explain to a very tired 8 year old, how special this show was. We saw real rock and royalty. We saw a great show. We had great seats. Patrick’s first concert. And a Bruce Springsteen pop in. This might have meant more to me then to him. I just hope he has the memories and this is a story he will tell someday.
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woccle · 7 years
Get to know me uncomfortably well
@fukigen-na-boy tagged me in this,so why not eh?
1. What is your middle name?
it begins with an S and that’s all your getting
2. How old are you?
3. When’s your birthday?
Bastille day
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. what is your favourite colour?
right now? midnight blue
6. what is your lucky number?
don’t have one
7. do you have any pets?
7 cats, 2 rabbits (and two kits), 5 chickens and several fish
8. where are you from? 
9. how tall are you?
probs 5″6
10. what shoe size are you?
5 1/2
11. how many pairs of shoes do you own?
12. what was your last dream about?
i had to convince an alien hivemind that eath wasn’t worth taking over
13. what talents do you have?
none, i am a talentless void
14. are you psychic in anyway
i don’t really believe psychics exist, so i doubt i am
15. favourite song?
currently move your feet (tune!)
16. favourite movie?
What we do in the shadows (i can’t wait for we’re wolves)
17. who would be your ideal partner?
i’ll know when i find them, but they have to make me ugly laugh
18. do you want children?
not in a million years
19. do you want a church wedding?
depends what the possible spouse wants
20. are you religious?
not really, but i believe in reincarnation
21. have you ever been to the hospital?
no, not unless you count going to the walk in centre for antibiotics because of tonsillitis
22. have you ever been in trouble with the law?
nope, it would give me too much anxiety
23. have you met any celebrities?
Craig charles in a pub in the north east, and also i’m putting my granny and granddad on the list considering they are a writer and an actress respectively
24. baths or showers?
showers, they’re just quicker
25. what colour socks are you wearing?
i’m not wearing any
26. have you ever been famous?
27. would you like to be a big celebrity?
not really, they’re always scrutinised and i don’t want that kind of anxiety
28. what type of music do you like?
anything that isn’t screaming or country
29. have you ever been skinny dipping?
not that i can remember
30. how many pillows do you sleep with?
31. what position do you usually sleep in?
face down
32. how big is your house?
pretty big
33. what do you typically have for breakfast?
nothing i get up too late to have time for breakfast
34. have you ever fired a gun?
does a potato gun count?
35. have you ever tried archery?
no, but i would like to
36. favourite clean word?
Raunchy or toot (literally just saying those words will make me laugh no matter what)
37. favourite swear word?
probably bollocks, it’s the one i say most
38. what’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
probably 2-3 days
39. do you have any scars?
Yep, two across my wrist (don’t worry they’re from a cat incident) and also a shit ton of stretch marks
40. have you ever had a secret admirer?
well if i knew about them then they wouldn’t be a secret admirer anymore would they?
41. are you a good liar?
when i need to be
42. are you a good judge of character?
don’t really read people that often
43. can you do any accents other than your own?
only when i don’t think about doing them
44. do you have a strong accent
not really
45. what is your favourite accent?
either scottish or australian
46. what is your personality type?
47. what is your most expensive pice of clothing?
i don’t know probably like a £10 shirt or something
48. can you curl your tongue?
49. are you an innie or an outie?
50. left or right handed?
right handed
51. are you scared of spiders?
52. favourite food? 
chocolate or fajitas
53. favourite foreign food?
54. are you a clean or a messy person?
my room messy, kitchen/other rooms clean
55. most used phrase?
“it’s just like....” or “you tit”
56. most used word?
probably shit, i swear like a sailor
57. how long does it take for you to get ready?
Depends how much time i have
58. do you have much of an ego?
i would say yes
59. do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. do you talk to yourself?
yep, it helps me mull through the events of the last day/week
61. do you sing to yourself?
yep because i’m really bad and no one else wants to hear it
62. are you a good singer?
63. biggest fear?
Death of loved ones
64. are you a gossip?
of course 
65. best dramatic movie you’ve ever seen?
i can’t think of any really
66. do you like long or short hair?
for me long, keeps my neck protected
67. can you name all 50 states of america?
no, and i’m proud of it
68. favourite school subject?
69. extrovert or introvert?
70. have you ever ben scuba diving?
nah that shit’s expensive
71. what makes you nervous?
pretty much everything ngl
72. are you scared of the dark
not when i’m inside the house no
73. do you correct people when they make mistakes?
if it’s necessary or they ask me to (e.g. proofreading)
74. are you ticklish?
yes but others don’t think i am cause i hide my laughter well
75. have you ever started a rumour?
i don’t think so
76. have you ever been in a position of authority?
yep my last job was a supervisor
77. have you ever drank underage?
i don’t drink now that i’m a legal age so what do you think?
78. have you ever done drugs?
79. who was your first real crush? 
pffft too many to remember the first
80. how many piercings do you have?
two, one in each ear that has been sealed over since i was 10
81. can you roll your r’s?
82. how fast can you type?
depends how awake i am
83. how fast can you run?
dunno anymore, i used to be hella fast though
84. what colour is your hair?
mouse brown
85. what colour are your eyes?
Dark green, but i have central heterochromia, so brown around the iris
86. what are you allergic to?
other than bullshit, nothing
87. do you keep a journal?
no that’s why i talk to myself
88. what do your parents do?
not saying
89. do you like your age?
yeah, but even if i didn’t what can i do about it?
90. what makes you angry?
people who don’t listen
91. do you like your own name?
92. have you already thought of baby names, if so what are they?
Phoebe and sam after my oldest friends
93. do you want a boy or a girl for a child?
neither i don’t want kids
94. what are your strengths?
i’m logical and can help in most situations
95. what are your weaknesses?
my anxiety
96.how did you get your name?
my mums work friend just had a baby and named her olivia so she used it for me
97. were your ancestors royalty?
Yep the Trevors were welsh royalty
98. do you have any scars?
haven’t i already answered this....
99. colour of your bedspread?
blue and green
100. colour of your room?
light blue and white
good my wrists hurt, right i tag anyone who wants to do it really, though if i have to specifically tag @wanderingnork and @i-take-my-aim if you guys want to do it :) 
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