#her name is marcela for me bc i like that
wip tease
i got an ask about childhood friends to lovers klance and i got SO carried away with it so here’s a piece of the fic. 
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Lance cries a lot. More than Keith has ever known anyone to cry. He cries every time they watch Bridge to Terabithia (which is frequently, and he also made Keith pinky swear the first time they saw it to never swing over an overflowing stream in the spring). He cries when he sees someone kill a bug (at least three times a week). He cries when Keith has to go back from his house to the group home (he won’t tell anyone, but Keith kind of likes that Lance is so sad about Keith going back. He doesn’t like that Lance is sad, of course, but he likes feeling wanted. It’s nice).
One place where Lance doesn’t cry so often anymore is the supermarket, though. Keith vividly remembers the first time he had gone with Lance and Marcela one Saturday morning — Lance had made up a whole silly song about running errands with his mom (he still hums is every time they go. Keith won’t tell Lance — he’ll get all smug about it — but he finds it kind of funny).
It had started out fine. Marcela opened up her grocery list (it was really long, Keith noticed. He imagined it unrolling to the floor and bouncing down the aisles, like in the movies), idly narrating to the boys what they needed. 
“And, if you two are good, I’ll get you a treat,” she’d promised. Lance lit right up, immediately chattering about all the different candies and chocolate bars they could get. Keith wasn’t yet sure if he should get his hopes up. 
Everything was fine for the first twenty minutes. Lance started up their space game, and they pretended every other shopper was a trickster alien pirate in a space mall, and they had to pretend to be one of them to get special parts for the castle spaceship. Marcela found their game amusing, and occasionally piped up with suggestions. Keith particularly liked her idea where they had to use ‘disguises’ consisting of silly hats and sunglasses from the clothes department. But after those twenty minutes, Marcela turned the cart into the meat aisle, and Keith saw Lance’s chin start to tremble.
Oh, boy.
You see, Lance loves all animals. All of ‘em. He likes the birds and the cats and the cows and the fish. He especially likes bugs (he even likes mosquitoes, which Keith thinks is bonkers. Lance isn’t the first person he’s met who likes bees or spiders, but he’s the first person he’s met who’d rather endure a mosquito bite than kill the stupid pest). He loves them enough that the idea of killing and eating them makes him incredibly sad. And looking at meat… never bodes well for him.
Marcela sighs quietly, having likely anticipated the tears, and Keith gets an idea.
“Mrs. Marcela,” he started politely (she won’t let him call her Mrs. Esposita-McClain, but he’s not comfortable enough to drop the title. So they compromised), “can Lance and I take a piece of the grocery list and go get them for you? And then we can meet up with you later?”
Marcela glanced over at Lance, who was staring forlornly at the beef with watery eyes, and back at Keith. A slow smile spread across her face.
“Do you have your watch on you?”
Keith nodded, holding up his wrist.
“Okay, then. Watch my purse for a sec.” 
Keith dutifully stood by the cart and her purse, reaching over to pat Lance gently on the head without looking. Marcela stepped over to the end of the aisle, grabbing one of those plastic grocery baskets, and hurried back.
“Here,” she said, handing Keith the basket. She tore off a piece of the grocery list and gave him that as well. “You boys go grab what’s on that list. Meet me at the self-checkout in 25 minutes. Don’t talk to strangers except for employees, and even then, only if you have to. Okay?”
Keith nodded, tugging Lance along to the first aisle he sees. Lance sniffled, turning to face Keith for the first time. 
“Where’re we going?”
“To get groceries.”
“What about mamá?”
“She said it’s okay. We have to meet her in 25 minutes, though.”
The independence seemed to light a fuse in Lance, tears evaporating off his face. 
“Really? We get to get the groceries?”
“Some of them,” Keith replied, smiling a little. 
Lance beamed back, and something settled in Keith’s chest. He liked it better when Lance was smiling.
“Woohoo! Let’s go!” He grabbed Keith’s hand and tugged him away, chattering about their ‘new mission’. He was so excited he forgot to say goodbye to Marcela, so Keith waved for both of them. She was laughing.
Twenty-five minutes later (on the dot), they met Marcela at the self-checkout, Lance pointing out all the things they got “…and the cheaper ones, too, we checked the prices and everything —“
Marcela smiled softly, reaching an arm out to pull Keith close with a squeeze. 
“Leandro’s little protector, huh?” she asked, ruffling his hair.
Keith scoffed, about to remind her that only one of them got into regular fistfights in the schoolyard over insults and bullying and it sure as heck wasn’t Keith, but he paused. 
Yeah, Lance was the one who went feral when some idiot at school insulted the two of them. He might be small and scrawny, but he’s certainly scrappy. Ethan was not the first or last time Lance made someone bleed (he tended to bite). Lance is the one who comes up with revenge to inflict on bullies or mean older kids. Keith’s favourite incident was the time he brought his Nana’s sewing kit and seam ripper to school, along with a container of beaten eggs. He snuck into the classroom during recess, opened the bottom of Nell’s — she was a mean girl who often made horrible comments about Keith’s eyes and Lance’s tendency to wear skirts or pink — backpack, and carefully brushed the beaten eggs all over the fabric. Just enough to cover it, but not soak it. He sewed it back up and stashed the evidence. Over the next few weeks, the eggs in Nell’s bag rotted, but she couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and reeked for days before she finally convinced her parents to get her a new backpack. But by then, the damage was done — she was Smelly Nelly to everyone who knew her. It didn’t exactly stop her teasing, but it certainly made it easier to bear.
But their friendship certainly wasn’t one-sided. Keith might not use his fists, or come up with revenge plans twisted enough to get him sent to the guidance counsellor, but he definitely helped Lance in other ways. He thinks back to every time he wrote down notes for Lance when the lights and sounds were hurting his head and he can’t pay attention. To every time he was a shoulder to cry on, or a distraction.
Maybe he is Lance’s protection, just as much as Lance is his.
“We protect each other,” Keith decided eventually. He’s a little surprised at the conviction in his voice.
Marcela laughs, brushing the mop out of his eyes and pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
“You’re absolutely right, mijo.”
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ladysophiebeckett · 10 months
Regarding your Betty gaslighting arc post (which is awesome. Your analysis is always so on point and makes me see a new perspective every time), another great thing about these episodes is Mario’s comments that taunt Armando. Just to name a few of his iconic lines:
- She changed a night of lust and passion with you, for a simple dinner with Nicolás Mora
- Her only reward for doing everything (running both Terramoda and Ecomoda) was your kisses and sinister caresses and it turns out that they didn’t work or weren’t as effective as we thought
- When he flat out insinuated that maybe Nicolás was a better lover or well endowed (even more so than him) and that’s why Betty was rejecting him 🤣🤣🤣
- “You stopped wanting Marcela and all women because the company’s problems have taken a toll on your desire for intimacy, but if Betty accepted to spend the night with you, would you do it? Armando’s face is priceless here, and also Mario’s because it’s obvious he didn’t buy his response.
Finally, when he tells him to please snap out of it, that he had to come to terms with what he was feeling because even though it wouldn’t solve anything, it would allow him to clearly see just how screwed up he really was.
He even said some useful things to him. He constantly told him that Betty was testing him which she really was. Like you pointed out, she wanted to see if he followed word by word what was written on the letter to see if there was anything genuine about the things he said and did. One of the reasons she rejects him the night of El Meson de San Diego (aside from dignity) is that she had heard Mario tell him that had to do whatever it took to get her back even if it included sleeping with her. So when he told her he wanted to spend the whole night with her, Betty thought that this was part the plan he and Mario had for that night. Also, the fact that he didn’t guess she knew everything after all the things she told him that night is beyond me.
Anyways, I wish I could have the will and also critical thinking skills to make a huge post about Mario and Armando’s talks during this arc.
I love your blog, honestly.
you're incredibly sweet <3 thank u so much. i feel like im talking at a wall sometimes but it doesn't stop me.
i myself am trying to unravel the armando\mario toxic frenemy of it all, bc there's a lot to unpack. is armando that easy to manipulate? (no). is mario some puppeteer pulling all the strings? (no).
mario's taunts aren't helpful but i think sometimes theyre armando's mouthpiece. i think mario's comments are things that armando's already thinking but wont say aloud and when mario says them, it's like he's verifying those thoughts. it's 'oh ur seeing this too, im not crazy'. but mario isn't coming from a good place when he says them, however mario does push armando to continue to pursue her; pushing that armando doesn't need bc he was already going to do that. but mario telling him to do that makes it a cover for armando, an excuse, a security blanket if u will.
the night of el meson de san diego, betty drops anvil hints. from their argument in the office, fm their conversation in the restaurant, to their huge fight outside. she's incredibly passive aggressive about it but she does try to make it easy on him. in her office when he says 'you broke all the promises' and she says 'oh I broke all the promises? I'M lying to you?'---that was a life jacket, that was a gift. but he stutters. he's willing to believe she has something with nicolas and that nicolas is Bad and he's better than nicolas--armando can't think straight bc his insecurities and his ego are the forefront of it all.
armando that night really did want to talk and fix things bc that's how their relationship was before the letter. the desperation in his voice when he says 'i know if we go back inside and talk calmly we can figure this out'\'okay we'll go someplace else, i want to spend the night, all night with you'---he was trying to gain back their emotional intimacy and u can see betty waiver. she misses him, she misses how it used to be but she doesn't trust him or her heart anymore. and to really stick it to him she says she doesn't desire him. another blow to his ego. (that was a lie btw, bc they were going at it outside and also bc she says in her diary that it pained her to reject him bc she needed him too)
going back to the mario of it all, he's a complicated character we all have very differing opinions about. as i said, im still unravelling my thoughts about him and his relationship with armando. but i dont think it's a black and white as it seems. he's just as complex as marcela.
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niuxita21 · 6 years
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Marcela being angry and hot appreciation post
#luis miguel: la serie#marcela basteri#again SUCH MIXED FEEEEELINGS#like on the one hand obviously fuck! me! UPPPPPPP!#you have absolutely NO RIGHT to look this good while playing such a tragic character lady QUIT MESSING WITH MY HEAD#(esp that thing she does where she licks her lips while talking on the phone skdjfhksjah I'm so gay)#on the other hand as I said before like#if this were fiction and I didn't know what (presumably) became of marcela this episode would have been a DREAM#(except for her last scene like LORD I legit did not include any angry!marcela caps from it bc I just couldn't bring myself to rewatch it)#I would have been like YASSSSSSS GET IT GURL YOU DO YOU#because this is EXACTLY what we as viewers have wanted her to do ever since we found out what a piece of human garbage her husband was#and it just felt SO SATISFYING#not least because she got the SICKEST burns in like 'since when is living off of someone else a talent' HOT DANGGGGGGG#but knowing how this story ends it's just... fucking cruel#god marcela deserved SO MUCH BETTER#she deserved to have escaped her abusive piece of garbage husband and started a new life#she deserved to watch her oldest son have the career he wanted and be proud as fuck of him instead of hurting bc he chose his dad over her#it's just... EVERYTHING HURTS AFTER THIS EPISODE#(and this is despite the fact that naming it 'marcela' was pure clickbait *rolling eyes emoji*)#(like lmao if you'd told me a few months ago I'd eventually be plastering my blog with the fictional version of luis miguel's mom#and getting emo at 3 am on a school night over what became of her#I would have said that was wayyyy too specific to even be remotely true AND YET HERE WE ARE#fuck this show and the horse it rode in on)#shitty screencap posts (TM)
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Picasso's Night
The previous post Adriana Arboleda brings you up to date with the analysis if you would like to go read it before you start reading this one :)
Now this day has been a pretty eventful one. For one: We witnessed Armando show contentment that morning when he saw Betty for the first time that day. Totally absorbed by her existence until Mario cleared his throat.
Armando screwed up big time when he made it seem and acted like spending some alone time with AA was a lot more important than Betty or the company. He yelled at her and said she got on his last nerve and since then Betty has been on a bad mood with Armando, who after Mario told him that Betty was jealous had a moment of realization and has been feeling pretty awful since then.
Interestingly enough as the night progressed and Betty was invited to the exhibition of Picasso's collection, Mario kept insisting that Armando go and speak with Betty since he was leaving to Miami the next day.
Though this time, unlike the last time he traveled, before Panama, Armando was a bit more hesitant to leave. It wasn't merely because of the new collection they were going to launch and it wasn't because of the state of company. Armando looked at Betty to see if he had any reason to stay, looking at his best friend for any excuse to stay.
After Marcela tells Betty to reserve two rooms at the same hotel they stayed last time and Mario agrees to them traveling he then starts to insist that Armando go speak to Betty and apologize for his behavior that day.
The one thing that Betty did begin to screw up on(aside from starting an affair with her hawt boss) is that now emotions begin to play a huge role, not in the personal part of her life but the professional.
Betty has always been good at maintaining a good separation of what is professional and what is personal(although most of the times when she didn't she was following Armando's lead or example) . At the start of their affair, the day after Armando kissed her for the first time, Betty stayed professional. Even afterwards, Betty stayed professional. When it has come to company time Betty has stayed professional except this time she didn't.
Her jealousy, her feelings took control of her, foretelling things to come, less than 24 hours away.
This also pushes Mario with this idea that Betty must be catered to by Armando in order to keep her under control, though Armando knows best and he knows Betty won't betray him, Mario keeps pushing this narrative and when Betty doesn't agree to it or deny she'll do it Mario understands this as her holding it over Armando's head because of what he did that day.
Writing this now has made me realize that that's the reason he wrote the letter to Armando, not as some stupid mistake or for Betty to find it, though that's a pretty good theory, is that he did it for Armando's sake. Here me out!
For one he truthfully believed that Armando would be stupid enough to screw up giving Betty her gifts and that it would ruin the relationship but the cruelty of this letter exceeded even his jokes behind closed doors, that Armando didn't find amusing anymore, even before he slept with Betty the first time. I'll explain this in the post regarding that fateful letter and from the point of view as a writer and why even that sequences of scenes was a bit choppy and had it's mistakes in execution.
Now here when Armando asks her if she will embellish the balance for him for the big board meeting she allows her anger and resentment to come above her labor obligations and she doesn't give him an answer, better yet she finds a way to ignore the subject. Yes you can argue that Betty was always motivated by her secret crush and her secret feelings for Armando to do all the things she did it in the past, like the first time she embellished the balance and while yes that is true. I have pointed out how Betty showed her love for Armando through her work. He had upset her as well in the past and she'd still do it because in the thick of it she couldn't see him fail when she had the "solution" in her hands but this time her feelings-though extremely valid since he did end up hurting her feelings not as his employee but as his girlfriend- come above everything because this time her ego, the one he was helping to build up, was crushed by the man himself and that is a mistake. Especially when it comes to something that doesn't only directly affect Armando but an entire enterprise where her friends happen to work in. This again foreshadows events to occur in less than 24 hours.
Later when he goes into her office to talk to her she tells him that she doesn't do that, but he interrupts her and tells her that he doesn't want to talk about that but that he wants to talk about Adriana and what happened in his office.
Again though Armando contradicts himself a lot when he is with Mario when we see him with Betty we know where the true nature of his worry or concern lies and it isn't the company but their relationship. The evidence in this is how he behaves when Mario brings up the company compared to his relationship with Betty.
After Betty leaves Mario explains why Betty was hurt and that he can't leave with Betty being hurt, angry, and resentful because she's got the company in her hands. Armando looks angry when Mario is explaining what his mistake translated to Betty. He's angry at himself, while Mario talks about the company Armando has his back to him, peaking outside of the blinds and then turns to him.
"What you're doing is throwing away all that work [we] put in the days before. You're practically telling her that the relationship is just a game. That for you the ninety sixties are a lot more important to you." Armando quickly looks at Mario when he says this, again he is maintaining himself composed and controlled with his emotions as his face doesn't give much of a reaction but the quick jerking of his eye sight allows us to know that this part, from all of what he has said, is a lot more important to him than the company, again because he trust Betty with it, and that he is more worried about the way he has offended Betty. "that this is made of paper and let me tell you something; an ugly wounded woman is more worse than a wounded tiger and that wound doesn't heal with pats on the back, no Sir."
This conversations motivates Armando, not to go talk with Betty since he already wanted to do that but to go searching for her so he could fix his mistake and clarify just how important she is to him.
At the exhibition Betty points out his needs with the models to which Armando tells her that she makes him feel like if he were some seggsually deprived man, which is true. This does make the assumption that Armando's conquests or what not where meant to be written as a borderline seggsual addiction behavior type of thing since she doesn't say "your infatuation, your affairs." she clearly says "your needs with the models".
The conversation here is important because it begins to open a can of warms. She tells him that he'd look good with her, that Adriana Arboleda and him would make a good pair. That their attractiveness complements each other.
"I understand asking for privacy for one thing only." We then see a frame of Armando(lol the painting behind him has to be comedic gold!) who glances away from her, lips with a slight frown but not tight or pursed, showing that he isn't mad or frustrated rather he is upset with himself. "You wanted to be alone with her. Besides I'm not asking for you to give me any explanations. At the end of it you are the president and I'm your assistant. Besides this all happened during work hours and since I've worked for you I perfectly know your needs with the models." She glances around and leaves as people get closer to them. Armando then goes after her.
Right now I'm going to admit that I was wrong, well somewhat. I wrote a post once saying that Betty was calling Armando Don instead of Sir as the relationship progressed but I was wrong. Betty uses the title of Sir as a term of respect for Armando. Even here when they've slept together and she's seen and felt the change of Armando towards her and their relationship she still calls him Sir or Don Armando, that doesn't change. However the somewhat mentioned does change when it comes to Armando. So I was wrong but towards who the theory fell upon. @el-moscorrofio-y-el-mercachifle was right and there isn't much of an importance when it comes to Betty and what she calls Armando. HOWEVER let me preference this that the person I was pointing this theory towards was my bad however the theory of changing names or titles is correct.
If you've read my untitled post regarding my OC and her relationship and how that helped me realize how I wasn't sympathizing with Marcela and that not only was A+M relationship toxic but as well as dependent than I gave you some glimpse into my original writing and how that process helped me be able to understand this part of their relationship and now that this is out of the way, let me tell you why these last two paragraphs are here.
My OC has a habit of never remembering peoples names on purpose, she does it as a power move. As if saying "You're not that important for me to remember your name." she does it especially to annoy people. Also because she's distracted half the time judging a person when they're first introducing themselves. Armando does something similar with Betty on her first days or weeks at Eco Moda.
Men tend to ignore women who they aren't attracted to. Armando did this to Betty. On a professional level he didn't ignore her but as a woman he did. We knows this because it was clearly presented this way at the start of the novela. However I really made my self take notice of this when I re-watched the first half of the novela(I haven't seen the ending bc I tend to avoid things that I cannot control or expect).
My OC is introduced to a guy who she can't stand and at first she calls him all sorts of names starting with the letter 'C' until she managed to remember his last name and calls him that for the remaining of the beginning of the story until they become friends, she switches between Caleb and Anderson, often times calling him by his name when they are having friendly conversation. When they become good friends and establish their friendship he no longer is just Anderson to her but Caleb, someone worth remembering. This is a small detail that I thought would allow the reader to determine the change of tonality between these two characters and their relationships and honestly one of my favorite details to write so when I first noticed this, I got too excited and projected it onto Betty when in reality it was Armando.
Now that I've spoiled my own writing(that I'll most likely never publish) let me explain why I bring this up, finally.
Armando called Betty at the start of the novela "Emperatriz". Once they became more familiar and Betty corrected him and told him he could call her Betty, he finally remembered her name. It's important to note this small detail because just like I intended to write it, so did Fernando Gaitan(I'm assuming lol). He did know her name but he didn't care to register it. Marcela called her Beatriz in front of him, Mario called her by her name, everyone did except for him, and she[Marcela] got upset at him when she heard him call her Betty because in her[Morch] eyes that was a cute nick name to have for an employee, especially for an "ugly" secretary. Now the switch between Betty and Beatriz did happen before the affair started, however the switch was a little bit more noticeable as Armando began to blur the lines of personal and impersonal.
In this scene though and the scenes before this, whenever emotions were heavily involved, especially when it was regarding their relationship Armando calls Betty, Beatriz, in fact even when she wasn't present in the room and he'd talk to Mario about his feelings and why he felt guilty(before he'd shut off this part of him bc Mario would start making jokes) Armando referred to Betty as Beatriz and not Betty but when it came to talking about her as an employee and not a woman he'd refer to her as Betty, it happens this day as well. When he gets upset that she won't let him spend alone time with AA and he yells at her and calls her Betty.
Why am I bringing up this small detail in this post? In this scene and the scene in Mario's apartment this is very evident and signifies the growth of his feelings and his conscious commitment to Betty as a woman.
Finally, after a bit of arguing inside the museum they leave together, of course, after sneaking out because Marcela went to the museum trying to catch him.
It's also important to note that when they found out Morch was in the museum that Betty asked Armando if he had anything to drink. It's pretty standard for him to be drinking, tipsy, or even drunk when he goes out with Betty. The one time I can remember him being completely sober was when he had to confess his feelings for her, soberly, the day after he kissed her for the first time. I broke that down in another post :)
Other times while he hasn't been drunk or tipsy he has had a few drinks at the office, however again it's pretty standard for him to drink and she knows this but why is it something that is brought up here?
Betty attributes Armando's behavior, especially when he is this...stubborn in doing things that could expose their relationship when he has been drinking. Not only that but also because the night they first hooked up they both had been heavily drinking, especially Armando and it is important as the continuation of the night leads us to Mario's apartment.
Outside, in his car, Armando finally gets to clarify his actions as he apologizes and tells her that he only wants her to know that she's more important to him than any other woman and he isn't shy to name the woman as he says: "than Adriana Arboleda, than Marcela or any other woman." This sounds a bit rehearsed but not like the previous times where we can even notice in his tone of voice and his micro expressions that he does so for manipulation. A great scene to use as a contrast to this attitude of his in this scene is the one where he makes out with Betty, the night he fights Roman and Co(wrote a post about it too). This lets us know that he really did think about how to apologize to her. While here his tone is rehearsed his micro expressions aren't a show, in reality his behavior is natural and goes along with what he is saying.
Now Betty in a teasing tone replies to him saying "That's not true." (also because she doesn't believe him)and Armando in a very serious tone and even a seductive tone, gazing his eyes down her body and back to her lips tells her that of course it's true and leans in, placing his hand on her face and they start to kiss.
This shows us that Armando once again isn't only feeling his emotional attraction to Betty, which is what moved his physical attraction forward in the past but now he can tell the difference between these two and he is okay with them! This is a huge step for Armando because he no longer is denying these things from himself. In fact he encourages himself and Betty to have these desires for one another and that as the days progress since their first sinful night his desire for Betty only continues to increase.
When they pull away his phone starts to ring, Betty asks if it's Marcela and Armando's facial expression and tone tells us it is as he looks annoyed and pissed that she's calling him.
This reaction is also standard for him because it's the exact same expression he pulls every time Marcela calls him. Especially when he's with Betty. However this small detail we've been given through the past episodes and this night also hold much significance in future episodes when his reaction to her call no longer is standard behavior from him.
While at the start of this phone call his tone is very forced in "lovingly" speaking to Marcela, his micro expressions again show us that he is just pretending. This tone is one we've heard a bunch of times before and it's one that is solely reserved for Marcela. Even on her part she tries to speak "politely" and just as if she were simply calling because she was curious but as this conversation goes both their dances of trying to keep things peaceful and civil subside and they basically start a mosh pit where they become more hostile until Armando implodes on her.
Marcela in a her standard of questionnaire routine asks Armando who he's with, hesitant he admits he's with Betty.
Her reaction to this however isn't standard of just guilt, taking into consideration the events of the day and that even Armando has told her that Marcela stops nagging him when she knows he's with her and because she's also eavesdropped and heard Armando say that Marcela doesn't consider her as a femininely threat, much less a woman, she once again gets hurt.
One could assume Armando did this to cover his tracks in case anyone told Marcela that they saw them leave together. It's also not hard to believe that Armando is stupid and says things without thinking them through in the heat of the moment however what is more obvious is that he probably wanted to take Marcela off his back so he tells her that he's with Betty. The small pause he takes before he says this helps me determine this. It could also be that he did so in case anyone did tell Marcela he left with Betty.
As Armando implodes on Marcela for insinuating that he lied to her i.e that he's going to go off with his mistress, Betty shifts in her seat and then she looks uncomfortable, returning to her guilt.
In this scene Betty experiences first hand this toxic side of Armando, one she has seen as a boss to employee scenario but not as a significant other. She has heard and even been in the middle of their fights in the past and while even then she behaved professionally, and also guilty this time she shows a lot more emotions raging from being uncomfortable to even being upset with Armando. This however is a small taste to what she will experience first hand not as the bystander of this side of his but as the target of his toxic behavior.
Later in the car, as he drives, Betty, with a broken heart tells Armando she believes that he should go on his trip and try to reconcile his relationship with Marcela and reconnect while they're away.
Armando, nervous and scared asks her if that's what she really wants and the hurt that it might be, he asks(really demands) for her to look him in the eyes and tell him this. Which Betty doesn't. In this moment his phone rings.
Why do these small details play such a huge role?
Less than 24 hours away, Betty finds the letter which plays the exact rhythm in which Armando and Mario planned her downfall.
For one: While in the past Betty agreed to embellish the balance for the meeting, this night she did not and because of this Armando went out to look for her at the exhibit and then took her to his best friends bach pad and slept with her all so she would embellish that balance which would keep the board members at peace allowing Armando to continue as the president of Eco Moda.
Two: That Mario called him this night, while they were together, and while Armando "played" it off that Mario wasn't aware of their affair, when she later questioned him about it and he denied it, these conversations begin to makes sense to her.
We know that's not the case. While Mario spoke about the company Armando didn't seem that concerned or even motivated to go searching for her but it wasn't until Mario mentioned how sever it was what that he implied to Betty that AA was more important to him than her[Betty] and what that meant for their relationship and how she was suffering because of it that he was motivated to search for her as he said, a terrible fear was settling in him because of it. While yes, Mario suggested that they hook up so she could be happy again and forgive him and that way the company would still be in their hands and not Nicolas, Armando didn't need any motivation for that.
In fact he hasn't needed any inspiration or motivation sober or drunk to desire Betty, often not being able to stop himself from kissing her and more. Was this based on Mario telling him to do this?
It wasn't because Mario suggested it(At the office). Unlike their first night where Armando kept calling Mario and kept asking for help and advice, this time Armando gets annoyed at Mario for calling him. Even his behavior is different. While before when Mario kept insisting that he slept with Betty to get it over with, Armando showed disgust or being repugnant to doing an atrocity of that magnitude towards Betty, this time his face was poker. He showed no real disgust towards the idea of seducing Betty as in he'd sleep with her, more that Mario yet again was using something he knew was important and special to the both of them[B+A] as a weapon for the "good" of the company.
When he hangs up his phone Betty points out that the direction he's driving isn't towards her house, to which Armando tells her if she really wants to go home.
"I think it's for the best." He turns to stare at her and then pulls to the side of the road.
"That you want me to take you home?" He asks in disbelief. Betty swallows hard, the corner of her mouth look a bit downward and she looks scared. "Damnit!" He hits his steering wheel and though he is angry, his tone is completely different to that of his tone when he is angry at Marcela. "Damnit, Beatriz, all I want is to be with you tonight, I leave tomorrow, remember? I went to the museum, exclusively, to pick you up, to see you, to feel you next to me, to be with you. When we bumped into Marcela I risked my life and I am still risking it to this moment. Everything I've done is to tell you that I adore you, that you're above Adriana Arboleda, that you're above Marcela, of-of all of them!" We can determine he is honest here as he stares at her, exclusively even when she doesn't stare back at him, she looks pained and confused herself. "and the only thing you can tell me is that you want me to go to Palm Beach(I LOVE the way he says Palm Beach it's just ugh so nice) and have a marvelous honeymoon with her so that we can grow closer." He looks down, away from her and then ahead of him. His voice was no longer harsh at the end more so becoming almost a whisper. "That's what you want? Okay! Right now I'll drive you to your house because it's what you're asking from me. I don't deserve this." (BAWHAHAHA ARMANI YES YOU DO, MY BOY).
Now in a non-contextual way one could simply asume that he is doing this all under the bias of manipulation towards Betty, especially that final line of "I don't deserve this." but when you take all the context clues and you look at the bigger picture there's more that plays in here and I'm not saying that Armando isn't manipulating Betty in this exact scene, he is very much doing so, however it isn't like in the past. This time he does so to get what he wants, which is to spend the night with Betty so he guilts her with this final part of "I don't deserve this- because I've risked so much to spend this night with you."
However taking aside that guilt trip manipulation, why does Armando stumble once in his words showing he isn't rehashing this previous speech? and why does he take a breather before he tells Betty that he'll drop her off at her house like she asked?
While the first apology was what he rehearsed with himself, this second time around it took him by surprise to admit that she was above all the other women because this apology wasn't based on a "lets just make up right now." it was an apology based in heart and the self-realization of how true that statement was for him that while yes Betty was above Adriana Arboleda in her significance to him and even Marcela who he's engaged to, she is now also above all women.
How true is this statement?
Well we see a change of behavior of his with women in the future episodes which proves, yet again, that this confession of his wasn't just an apology so Betty could forgive him, but an apology that was sincere and heart felt.
Betty finally gives in and tells him to wait. With tears coating her lashes she stares at him "Sir, forgive me." She speaks solemnly. Armando's entire body relaxes just a bit as he sits back on his seat. "Sir, forgive me. I want you to understand that-that this hasn't been easy for me. [The situation] with Adriana Arboleda and now the conflict with Ms. Marcela; it's killing me, Sir." His anger and hurt begins to simmer down. "I don't know what to do, how to behave. I-I think I'm acting very bad." She looks away from him, touches the side of her face in a worried and embarrassed manor while Armando stares at her and timidly(in his nature) asks her what truly worry's him.
"But do you want to be with me?"
"Yes, of course, of course. It's what I want most." She caresses the side of his face, he leans towards her hand "in the world." and now he looks like he's come back to life. Staring at her with a soft glow and when she pulls her hand down he looks at it and follows it until he stares back at her, feeling the absences of her touch and missing it. "But you leave tomorrow." They both look away from each other but Armando only does so for a micro second before he stares back at her. "and I won't be complete without you, Sir." Again we get a frame of Armando's reaction to this. "Not being by your side will not be any easier for me." As she speaks her tone is soft, timid however not wavering showing that while she is nervous to confess this to him, she isn't scared of doing so.
"Betty." He says so adoringly towards her. "Betty" he whispers and touches her face and honestly I believe his favorite part of Betty's face is the side of her face, by her earlobe cause he's always touching her there. "Nobody said this would be easy. We knew this road was going to be a difficult one but you know what? I am going to be missing you so much. I'm going to miss you a lot."
Again the words here are lost in translation he tells her "Usted me va a hacer muchísima falta." which roughly is saying that there will be a huge lack of her in him, causing him to yarn for her a lot and feeling that absences of hers will make him miss her in a very profound way because he needs her. This separation they're both fearful of is what brings the forgiveness to shore.
Now the post for that specific scene will need an entire post dedicated to it because there's so much! Just so much.
For this episode I had to watch it on the NBC app so maybe there was some scenes missing.
I don't know if anyone noticed how important the story of Picasso and his lovers was for this and how they showed the similarities to Armando and his lovers, specifically how toxic Picasso was(all though if we're being honest that dood sounds more abusive than just toxic bc we all got a lil toxicity in our system but that foo was straight up kidnapping his lovers and locking them up while he had other's on the side? Nah man call a hotline.) towards his lovers. Though I am not saying that Armando is a saint, I don't think he is as bad as Picasso, that dood needed a restraining order against him so he could just stay away from all women.
In all seriousness though the similarity was that though Picasso had lovers he cared for each of them especially his last two lovers, i.e Betty and Marcela and it foreshadowed just how jealous and pathetic Armando would become in the future.
I mean I love Armando, I had to learn to love him bc at first I didn't, but the behavior he displays in the future episodes while yeah one could explain them are not justifiable and I will get into detail on that in the future posts and the post I am still writing regarding his abusive/toxic tendencies.
Overall this episode, which on NBC is episode 68, was pretty straightforward with a lot of small details to look at and not really for the leading on of the scenes in Mario's apartment but overall where the story continues to get pushed.
In this episode, the episode when Armando fights Roman and Co. and her birthday night celebration and the previous night of this episode are nights that Betty goes back to prove that what she reads in that letter are true, especially this night, before they got to the apartment and just how much Armando "risked" to spend that night with her.
While she tries to believe that it's all a joke because she's certain that Armando was honest and heartfelt with her through his actions and not words, she doesn't trust him. I'll explain that a lot more further in that post.
Pushing forward the plot of the story though we see just how these two have truthfully grown close together and not just as friends but as lovers who are exploring their feelings a lot more now and while Betty is learning to open herself up again, Armando is learning to love for the first time.
I say that Betty is learning to open herself up again because it's true. While in the past she asked Armando why he was interested in her, she shared poetic talk about how the moon inspired poets and how guilty she felt when she saw Marcela, she hadn't opened herself up, not until the night at the hotel and that wasn't much, she barely opened up when Armando was asking her about her first time. This night she was a lot more open. She called out Armando's behavior point blank and period, no hesitation, she spoke about her opinion and then she spoke about how she felt, not regarding her insecurity but regarding their relationship and the absences she'd feel from Armando not being there. While before she'd just say "I need you." or "You mean a lot to me." this time she goes on to further explain her feelings to Armando instead of just saying the words, this time she elaborates.
Armando is learning to love for the first time, being humble in realizing his mistakes, his limits and also understanding just how his actions affect others but the most important thing is that he is learning to be at peace with his feelings for Betty. We saw it that morning when he first saw Betty, later in the office when Betty caught him making out with the AA picture and just how guilty and embarrassed he felt because Betty saw him. Unlike with Marcela where he was scared that she'd cause a while scene, this time the problem for him was that Betty wouldn't cause a scene but be hurt and dump him for it, which would be a big deal for him. We saw it later when Betty forgave him after the letter and gift and when he realized the huge mistake he made with AA in the way he treated Betty. All of these behaviors has shown an Armando who has accepted that he cares for Betty, not love, but cares for her deeply and that she is important to him.
Thank you for being patient with me and sorry that I haven't been as active. These past days have been pretty busy and they'll continue being so. I'll probably only be able to post once a week but I hope that the post become better quality that way as well since I'll have more time to really break down the episodes.
Well 'til next time! :)
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linesofmagic · 2 years
another blue & ivar baby pls :)
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Marcela “Marcy” Bryant
Gender: female (she/her)
General Appearance: kind of sloppy tbh? does not care about her appearance in the way her siblings do and isn’t particularly deliberate about it unless she’s trying to impress someone.
Personality: she’s like... god she’s just so passionate about everything. very righteous anger. spends a lot of time at protests. currently on track for law school bc she wants to help facilitate change. knows she will have to dress nicer as a lawyer but salty about it.
Special Talents: she’s half dragon! the serpent kind depicted in latin american myths. no idea which parent she got it from though. they adopted her when she was about three. definitely immortal or at least very long lived. her serpent form is pretty small right now-- well, it’s person sized, which is small for a dragon but big for a snake-- but ivar is pretty sure she’ll keep growing and eventually be the size most people picture for dragons but like. in a few centuries.
Who they like better: she adores them both so much but probably blue just a little bit.
Who they take after more: i think probably ivar??? idk tho maybe blue a little bit.
Personal Headcanon: they also got her from the SIA! valentin found her
i feel like she’s the middle ground between mat and mina when they’re fighting. she is absolutely not switzerland. she will hear them both out and make her decision and tell the other one they’re being dumb.
she’s a lesbian. oh my god she’s such a lesbian.
Face Claim: isabeIIa gomez
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cutaepatootie · 4 years
Holidays of Bread and Wood
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Pairing: Jungkook | Reader Genre: fantasy au  | angst | fluff (the fluffiest thing I’ve probably ever written) | a bit of enemies to friends to lovers au bc I’m a sucker for it Word Count: 10k
A/N: fashionably late, as always... Ugh! So, here it is, finally, my gift for my lovely secret santa @softjeon​ !! I hope you like it as much as I liked speaking to you through my anon messages. I also hope we keep in contact and get to know each other properly after all this! Jungkook reminds me of soft, fluffy bread, and that’s why this idea came to my mind. I loved participating in this secret santa project, I think it was so cute! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to participate @btswriterscollective​ , the project was lovely. Now, for my lovely readers who I have abandoned a bit lately :( I hope you enjoy this too, it’s written from the bottom of my heart. Lots of love to everyone and hope you all have a New Year full of happines and health! HAPPY NEW YEAR BTW! I WISH YOU ALL A 2020 FULL OF HAPPINESS AND HEALTH ✨ ✨ ✨
Every December now smells like freshly baked bread and wood to you.
Its cold wind brings you memories of him every morning as you are kneading your mixture of water, flour and a pinch of nutmeg – the secret ingredient that makes your bread taste so special. It seeps through the open window of your small kitchen and shakes your entire body. It seeps under your flour-stained apron, getting through your clothes and reminding you of his soft touch. It sounds like forest and shines like snow under the sunlight. It fills your nostrils with familiar scents.
Every December now feels like distant memories of a man you once knew, who loved to carve his dreams in wood.
* * *
Every start is difficult.
A new place, a new home, new people to call neighbors, new routines, new experiences, new fears… But you are used to it by now.
Starting from zero is something familiar to you, it is part of you.
Your father was the son of a prestigious cook from the capital. Because of that, he always knew about flavors and scents. And because of that, he fell in love with your mother as soon as he tasted her bread. She was a woman who had grown in a small farm in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by golden wheat and dreams she couldn’t reach: opening a bakery in the capital. Bread was her everyday routine, her passion and her dreams, and that was the reason why her father put all his savings inside a sack and sent her to the capital to follow her dreams. Your parents met each other when they thought they had all their lives planned, putting each other’s worlds upside down. They decided the capital was too small for them, so they travelled the whole wide country instead. And, when they were old enough to feel as if they had achieved every goal they had in life, you appeared.
In the shape of a girl with big, dreamy eyes, with the strong determination of your father and the skilled hands of your mother.
As far as you can remember, you have always followed your parents all across the country. Every three years, you would all settle in a new town, filling it with the happiness that your parent’s goods brought them. Then, when those three years passed, you would say goodbye, pack your things, and find a new place to discover and call it home – or, at least for another three years. And, when your parents died, you kept doing just that, because it was all you knew.
Still, every start is difficult for you.
Leaving the place you called home for the last three years is difficult. Saying goodbye to the people you called neighbors and friends, is difficult. Breaking your routines is difficult. Leaving your experiences and fears behind is difficult.
And yet, you can’t live without all that because it still is everything you know.
You sigh as you place a jar full of flour on top of one of the cabinets. It is the last one, which means you’re fully settled in this new town now.
Whipping away the sweat that has gathered on your forehead with the back of your hand, you sit down and admire the place you will call home for the next three years.
The shop is smaller than the last one you had, but it is cozy and warm.  You close your eyes and imagine it already filled with people, and bread, the scent it will have, the noise, the atmosphere. You can’t wait to hear the usual banter between the neighbors as they wait for the first row of bread to come out of the wood-fire oven. You can’t wait to see the smiles on children’s faces as you gift them a small bread each time they come to the shop after playing in the park.
It is all new, and it feels scary, but you’ve never been more excited. As if you hadn’t been doing the same thing for the past 30 years of your life.
The first two days are peaceful. Some neighbors visit the bakery, curious about the goods you sell. The day after, those same neighbors show up at the shop again, this time, accompanied by more people. They tell you they have never tasted a bread like yours.
After he first three weeks, you already have some regular customers. They all greet you by your name, waving their hands in the air as they exit your bakery with one of your baguettes under the arm.
Kids visit your shop too, under a long day of playing in the center of town. They show up with a red nose and cold cheeks, mouth hidden behind their thick scarfs.
“Hello Marcela,” you smile at a girl with golden locks. “What would you like to have today?”
You know Marcela’s favorite, your cinnamon bread rolls, but you ask her anyways. 
“I’ll have a cinnamon bread roll,” she smiles, showing you that her front teeth are gone.
“Will you be able to eat them without all those teeth?”
She laughs. “I can chew well with my other teeth. Yesterday, I ate some nuts and nothing happened.”
You smile. “I can give you a glass of warm milk if you want. I know you can chew like a grown lady, but if you soak the cinnamon bread roll in milk, it will taste even more delicious and it won’t be so tedious chewing it.”
“Warm milk?” Marcela says, eyes lighting up.
The rest of the kids, Marcela’s friends, think your idea is wonderful, because they all order the same afterwards.
You can’t help but smile as you watch the kids sitting at your kitchen counter, eating his cinnamon bread rolls happily while a white moustache of milk adorns their faces.
Maybe that’s why you love your job after all, despite all the moving and goodbyes, because you’re able to put a smile on people’s faces with just some bread and some milk.
. . .
“Well, now I think everyone in this town has tried my bread,” you say on your fourth week at that small town. An entire month has passed since you first opened your bakery.
You keep sweeping the floor as you hear Lucrecia munch her brown sugar biscuits.
“Hmm,” she mumbles. “Not everyone.”
“Not everyone?” you ask yourself, halting to a stop and resting the broom against the wall next to you, “What do you mean? Yesterday, the Mayor and her husband came to have breakfast. She was the only person in this town who hadn’t tried my bread yet!”
“Well, unless you went to the mountains and found a man dressed in black and gave him your bread, not everyone in this town has tasted your bread,” Lucrecia shrugs.
You raise your brows. You thought you had given your bread to everyone in town for them to taste it, but maybe you were wrong and there was another neighbor who you had left forgotten. Now you feel terrible for the poor man.
“A man dressed in black in the mountains?” you ask.
“Yep,” Lucrecia nods after finishing her last brown sugar biscuit. “There is a man who has been living alone in the mountains for some years now but only a few people have seen him. I guess he prefers to be left alone, because every time someone went there and tried to be nice to him, he basically invited them to run away from his mountains. Everyone in here is scared of him.”
“Oh,” you mumble. “He never visits the town?”
“No,” she says, shaking her head. “Never, in the ten years he has been living in the mountains, has he visited the town. There are rumors that he’s a murderer running away from justice, others say he’s a wizard. Most of us think he’s just a bitter man who regret many things he did and now just wants to die alone.”
“He’s old?”
“I guess,” Lucrecia shrugs again. “No one has seen him well.”
“Hmm…” you mumbled, eyes lost in the street outside your shop. You have the habit to give every neighbor of the town you settle in a taste of your bread. Leaving that man behind would be breaking your habits.
The next morning, you find yourself packing your things to go visit that mysterious neighbor. Traditions are traditions, and what would you be without them? Your parents started them, and you are determined to follow them until the end of your days.
You woke up early to bake a round of nut bread. It is one of your favorite breads, so maybe the man will like it.
You put the pieces of the nut bread inside a cloth and tie it making a small bow. You keep it inside your basket and walk outside your shop. The sun is starting to rise and you can hear the roosters in the distance starting to wake up. Soon, the entire town will be awake and filled with people.
So, before anyone can see you, you lock the shop behind you, pick your horse from the stables and your small carriage, set everything ready for the journey, and walk away from the town.
The woods that surround the town are beautiful, even more covered in snow. Wind blows all around you, making whistling noises as it scurries in between the trees. It reminds you of how much you love your journeys, the solitude and quietness of it all.
You don’t know where you’re going, you just know what Lucrecia told you, that the man lives in the mountains behind the forest.
Will you find him? You don’t know.
Will you get lost while trying to do so? You hope not.
You don’t know how much time has passed when the stone path that led you here disappears and turns into one of dirt.
Your horse neighs, a thick puff of steam dispersing in the air as he does so. You haven’t noticed it, but the air around you has turned colder and the vegetation, thicker, making the sunrays disappear behind the foliage of the trees. A shiver runs down your spine and you hold your coat tighter to your body.
You can only hear the footsteps of your horse and the sounds of the wooden wheels of your carriage crashing against the dirt. Somewhere in the distance you hear birds and other animals – or at least, what you suppose are animals.
Thinking about a plan B in case some creature decides to attack you, you grab your sack of nut bread and start tracking your surroundings with your gaze. It’s then, when you realize there’s a hut hidden in between the trees.
“Looks like we found it, Twinkle,” you whisper to your horse, petting his neck.
You spur him towards the hut. Its roof is covered in snow, and all its windows are closed with thick wood shutters. Maybe this isn’t the man’s hut after all, or maybe he’s not home.
You make your horse stop, keep the sack of bread in your arms and hop off the carriage, feet landing soundless on the snow-covered grass.
“Wait for me in here, I’ll be back in a minute,” you say to your horse, petting him some more to calm him.
You knock on the front door of the hut, also made of a thick, dark wood. No one answers. You knock again.
After ten minutes, you give up, walking away from the door and deciding to take a walk around the hut. It’s bigger than it looks from far away, hidden behind the thick trunk of the trees.
Behind the hut, there’s some sort of shed. Thinking that maybe the man is working inside the shed and didn’t hear you arrive; you walk towards it. As you are about to knock on the door, you see it is already open.
Carefully, you fully open it until you can distinguish what’s inside the shed. Tons and tons of wood are stored in there. Piles of cut trunks in all sizes and shapes. It smells like pine and humidity.
“Hello?” you ask, voice echoing inside the shed.
Again, no one answers.
You know it’s not polite to enter someone’s house without their consent, but since the door is opened… You take some hesitant steps inside the hut, careful not to step on anything important.
“Hello?” you repeat. “I’m Y/N, the new baker of the town. I came here to introduce myself and give you some of my bread for you to taste it,” you say, but to no avail, because the place is empty.
The inside of the shed looks like a carpenter’s shop. There are shelves full of animals and different objects carved in wood. Wood shavings fill the floor you walk on, making soft noises as you step on them.
In the middle of the room, there is a worktable full of untouched pieces of wood. All sorts of carpentry tools are displayed around the room.
Maybe the man is a carpenter? That’s why he lives in the woods? Because he has easy access to trees and wood?
You walk closer to the shelves, appreciating the different shapes and creatures.
“What are you doing in my house?” a voice echoes around the shed all of the sudden, startling you and causing the sack of bread to slip from your hands.
You turn around quickly, coming up with different excuses for your rude behavior.
“H-hello,” you stutter, fear filling your whole body. “I’m Y/N, the new baker of the –“
“I didn’t ask who you are,” the man interrupts you, taking a step inside the shed, a step closer to you. “I asked what you were doing in my house.”
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to come off as rude. I was just walking around the place, saw this shed and the door was open…”
“So, you see an open door and you walk inside the place, even if it’s the place of a stranger?”
“Oh, n-no, I… I just…” words die in your mouth and your cheeks turn red. You are sure the man hates you by now and think you’re completely stupid.
“You what?” he urges you.
You lift your gaze to stare at the man standing by the door of the shed and you frown. Well, man? He looks like he’s your age more or less. His voice isn’t thick and raspy at all as you had pictured it would be, he doesn’t have a thick beard covering his features and he definitely doesn’t look hermit-like or scary as Lucrecia told you. He looks younger than you had pictured him to be, and definitely more delicate and… Well, handsome. Such a contrast with his harsh words.
“Do you have difficulties answering questions?” he says, raising his voice a bit and starting to lose his patience.  
“No, I’m sorry,” you say, shaking your head. “I’m Y/N the new baker in town. As a welcome gift I wanted to give you some of my bread.”
“I don’t like bread.”
“You haven’t tried mine.”
“I don’t want to try yours,” he answers, holding your gaze without even blinking once.
You narrow your eyes. Alright, you entered his house without his permission, but now he’s being plain rude towards you. You already apologized!
“Alright,” you nod your head, grabbing the sack that had fallen on the floor. It is full of small wood shavings. “I entered in here without your consent, and I am sorry for that. I came here with my best of intentions, didn’t mean to offend you. But you didn’t have to treat me so poorly. I’ll leave now, with my bread since you don’t wanna try it.”
“Good,” you say, narrowing your eyes.
You wait for him to say something else, and when you see he isn’t going to do so, you stroll towards the door and walk past him. On the outside, you turn around and look at him once again. He’s staring back at you.
“Nice figurines, by the way. Such a shame you don’t wanna be nice to your neighbors, I’m sure they would buy all your work for a good price.”
“They’re not on sale.”
“Such a shame too. Goodbye.”
And with that, you nod once again and walk towards your carriage. You’re not someone who gets angry easily but the way he spoke to you and how he treated you… Maybe he’s not some old man, with thick beard and a scary face, but he’s just like Lucrecia told you he would be.
He’s still staring at you when you climb on top of your carriage and spur your horse, walking the same path of dirt you followed towards his hut.
. . .
“Don’t frustrate yourself sweetie,” Mrs. Gah says. She’s one of your everyday clients, a nice old woman who owns a flower shop not far from your bakery. She says the scent of your freshly baked bread makes her flower bloom happily. “It has always been like this since he first moved in here. We haven’t even seen him around town. We just know he lives here because some people cross him when they go to the woods to get wood.”
“I’m not frustrated, Mrs. Gah. “I honestly don’t care that he didn’t want to try my bread, what makes me angry is the way he treated me. I just wanted to say hi!”
“You know what?” she says. “His loss. He will regret not having tasted your bread, believe me. If he hadn’t rejected that bread, I wouldn’t be here eating the most delicious nut bread I’ve ever tried.”
You can’t help but smile at the old woman’s words. It’s not worth it being so down because some stranger was rude to you. His loss.
“Thank you, Mrs. Gah,” you laugh.
The neighbors of the small town soon make you forget about your encounter with that rude man. Christmas is just around the corner – tomorrow, actually – and you have lots of bread to prepare. These holidays, everyone wants to have some of your bread at their table.
You spend entire days locked in your kitchen, trying new recipes and trying to improve your usual ones.
To you, Christmas Holidays smell like freshly baked bread, opened windows from which the winter air seeps carrying scents of pines and snow. It has always been like that, ever since you have a memory to turn to.
“Oh, crap,” you protest as you get the bread out of your stone oven.
It is just as uncooked as it was when you got it into the oven.
You click your tongue and open the wooden door behind your big stone oven. You shake your head, reprimanding yourself for not having noticed it sooner, when you see you’ve run out of wood.
You go to the pantry where you keep all your ingredients and wood, only to realize that there isn’t any wood either. How come you didn’t think of having extra wood for the holidays?
It is 24 of December, six a.m. in the morning. Clients will start arriving soon and you don’t have any single piece of bread.
You would go to the usual place where you buy wood, the house of a farmer who collects loads of wood and then sells it to the neighbors, but this early you’re sure it is closed.
You will have to take care of the problem yourself.
Without thinking about the cold and how sleepy you still are to go into the woods for some wood, you grab your coat, some axe you had lying around there and start your way towards the woods
The axe is heavy and you haven’t picked wood since you were little and accompanied your father into the forest in summer.
You don’t plan on getting too deep into the forest, since you just need a few trunks for today, but you don’t know the paths around the forest too well and when you realize it, you’re lost.
You sigh loudly, a white puff of air leaving your lips.
“Calm down, Y/N, it’s still early and you can find your way out of here.”
You haven’t brought your horse either because of your plans of not going too deep into the forest. The thought doesn’t help yourself to calm down at all.
The only thing you can do now, given your circumstances is at least take advantage of the situation and pick as much wood as you can.
The few first blows with the axe are pathetic – and you try with a bush, not even a tree. Your hands and arms are strong from kneading the bread dough, but you don’t have the technique, nor the knowledge to pick wood properly.
After some minutes – maybe more – you finally gather a decent piece of wood.
Wiping away the sweat from your forehead, you stare proudly at the piece of wood lying on the ground. The first one, of many more you are going to need.
“You won’t even be able to light a small fire with that,” a voice says, echoing through the open space of the forest.
You let out a loud shriek, letting your axe fall on the ground.
You turn around, searching for the owner of that voice. When you focus your gaze in the place where the voice came from, you see the carpenter with his dark cloak and equally as dark clothes.
“Oh, Lord,” you say, bringing a hand to your chest. “You scared me! What’s wrong with you appearing in places all of the sudden?”
“The first time you were in my shed, and now you’re in my forest.”
“Excuse me? This is not your forest,” you laugh, turning around once again and picking your axe from where it fell on the ground.  “This is the town’s forest.”
The man laughs sarcastically. “No, it isn’t,” he says. “You trespassed the limits of my property a few kilometers away.”
He points with his chin behind you.
“Well, if this is your property, you should have it delimited with a fence or something.”
He shrugs. “I don’t need to do that, no one goes that deep into the forest.”
You sigh. He’s kicking you out, again.
“Alright, you don’t need to say more. I’ll pick my things and leave your property. I got lost searching for the best wood.”
“What are you doing in here, chopping wood on your own?”
“Today’s Christmas Eve and people want to buy my bread for their family dinners, but I have no wood at home nor at the shop, so I can’t bake bread! Which means I’ll ruin their celebrations!”
“You think you will ruin their celebrations because they don’t have your bread? Is it that good?”
“You would know if you had tasted it when I offered you some,” you answer, arching a brow.
He sighs and takes off the hood of his coat, letting you see his face fully for the first time.
His features are round and soft, a big nose that sits well in the middle of his face, puffy cheeks, almond-shaped eyes, thin lips, dark hair, pale skin… He looks straight out of a fairy tale.
“Let me pick some wood for you,” he says, walking towards you.
You grab your axe with more strength and take a step back.
“No, I can do it myself.”
“Yeah, I can see,” he mocks, pointing at the small piece of wood lying on the floor next to all sort of branches.
“Why would you want to help me, anyways?” you frown.
“Because if I help you, you will get out of my forest sooner.”
You narrow your eyes, you knew he had second intentions, and that those second intentions had something to do with getting rid of you.
“Alright, but first, you teach me. That way I can do it myself the next time.”
“You don’t buy wood from that poor old farmer in town?”
“Yeah, but it’s too early, the man has to get his good sleep.”
The man scoffs and holds his right hand in front of you. You stare at it with a deeper frown in your face.
“Give me your axe,” he ends up saying after a few seconds of silent confusion.
“Oh, yeah, right,” you nod, handing him your axe. “Be careful, it was my dad’s axe.”
He plays with the axe in his hands. “Well, I’ve seen worse axes I must admit.”
You roll your eyes and watch him walk towards the nearest three. It has some cuts where you’ve hit its truck with your axe. Seeing that, he raises his brows and stares at you.
“I’d love to see you baking bread, smarty-pants.”
In his lips, something similar to a smile appears.
“Your technique is not that bad, you’re pretty strong from how deep the cuts are, but you’re not hitting the trunk in the right angle. You can’t cut wood in a right angle; you have to do a 45 downwards angle like this…”
He throws his arms backwards and then, slams the axe in the trunk of the tree with all his strength. The movement is quick and sharp. He mimics that movement a couple more times until a good piece of wood detaches itself from the rest of the trunk.
You look at it with a satisfied expression on your face.
“I must admit it looks like a good piece of wood for my stone oven,” you say, nodding your head.
The man throws a proud smirk your way.
“Except others, I don’t mind appreciating other people’s work when it’s well done.”
The smirk disappears from his face and, instead, he rolls his eyes. Good, he was starting to get too cocky.
“Alright, your turn now,” he says, giving you the axe.
You grab it in your hands with strength.
“Focus on the trunk and don’t think about it too much, just hit it with the axe.”
You nod your head and mimic his previous movements, throwing your arms behind you.
“In this angle,” he says, grabbing your elbows and relocating your position. You tense up for a moment, his touch unexpected and somewhat warm.
He notices it and takes some steps back, his hands disappearing from your elbows.
“Alright, I’m ready,” you say, eyes focused on the tree trunk.
“Go ahead then, hit it.”
You nod and, with all the strength you can muster, you hit the trunk with force. Retreating the axe is hard, and you almost fall on your butt doing so, but you’re not one who gives up. So, you deliver another three blows to the trunk of the tree until a decent piece of wood falls from it.
“Not bad,” the man says from behind you.
“Not bad at all!” you say, satisfied with the result. “Now, I just need to fill this entire sack with pieces like this,” you say, pointing at the huge – and empty – sack behind you.
The sun seeps through the foliage of the tall pines and other threes when you fill the entire sack. You’re sweating, completely out of breath. The man looks like he isn’t doing any better than you.
You took turns to chop pieces of the trunk, and so, both of you are equally as exhausted.
“I’m gonna go home and grab a glass of water,” he announces as you close the sack with a bow.
“Okay, I’ll go home too. Oh, and thanks for the help.”
He shakes his head and stares at you in silence for a couple of seconds.
“Do you want to come to my house and drink some water too? You look tired,” he offers, startling you a bit.
“You’re being kind to me? I think that’s a bad sign, I should go home then.”
He rolls his eyes and grabs the sack of wood, starting to walk in the opposite direction from where you are facing.
“Don’t be silly, you need a glass of water. I’m not that evil to let you die of thirst in the forest.”
“Hmm… I don’t know if I should believe your words.”
You follow him through the path he himself had drawn towards his hut over the snow.
“What’s your name, by the way? You already know mine because I introduced myself.”
He stays quiet for some seconds, as if pondering if he should answer your question or not.
“Jungkook,” he ends up saying.
“Jungkook,” you nod. “Well, Jungkook, you were incredibly rude to me the first time we saw each other. You could have kicked me out of your house more nicely. But, today you have helped me a lot, so thank you for teaching me how to cut wood.”
He looks startled by your words, but hides the emotion from his face as soon as it arrives.
“D-don’t thank me,” he stutters. “It was pathetic seeing you cut those tiny pieces of wood.”
As his hut comes into view, you catch something you didn’t see the first time you went there. The front of the house is full of wooden tanks, most of them filled with grass and other vegetables that didn’t look too appetizing.
“What’s with all those tanks?” you ask, pointing at them with your head. “Do you have a deer as a pet or something?”
He looks at the tanks and remains quiet, leaving the sack full of wood on his doorstep.
“You have a deer as a pet?” you ask, this time serious.
“No,” he sighs. He opens the door of his hut and motions for you to walk inside. “Reindeers.”
“Reindeers?! I had heard about people who had pigs, even goats as pets but… Reindeers? Oh Lord.”
Jungkook shrugs and closes the door behind him. His house smells just like his shed did, of pine, wood and humidity. Somehow, the scent makes you feel comfortable and relax.
“You want some tea?” he asks from the kitchen.
“Oh, yeah, tea would be nice, thank you,” you answer, standing in the middle of the living room, not knowing what to do.
Every table, every piece of furniture is made of wood, and it looks like it has been made by him.
“Are you a carpenter?” you ask after some seconds.
Jungkook appears with two empty mugs and two plates. He places them on the coffee table by the sofa.
“More or less…” he hesitates. “I’ve never sold any of my pieces, but yeah, you could say I’m a carpenter.”
You nod your head and keep looking around you. The place looks cozy, the fireplace in front of the couch lit, the fire dancing happily.
“Impressive,” you murmur.
Suddenly, an idea pops in your mind.
When Jungkook comes back to the living room with a teapot and pours the tea inside each mug, you start talking.
“Hey, I want to offer you something.”
“More bread?” he asks, arching a brow.
You roll your eyes. “You wish, I’m never offering you my bread ever again,” you take a pause to drink from your mug. “I see you like reindeers, I don’t think you have them as pets because they’re wild animals and very stubborn ones, very difficult to tame. I don’t know why you want to feed them and make tanks for them, but if you keep giving them grass and old vegetables to eat,  they’ll move to other mountain.”
Jungkook narrows his eyes. “What do you want with that?”
“What I’m telling you is that I know one things reindeers like, and it is bread.”
He frowns. “Bread? Why would you know that?”
“Because my grandfather was a farmer and my mother taught me everything she had learn from him about animals.”
“And why would reindeers like bread?”
“What? Why would humans like bread?” you mock him. “We both have taste buds, alright? They’re animals with good taste.”
Jungkook arches his brows.
“Where do you wanna go with that?”
“Okay, here comes the deal. I give you the old bread I haven’t sold during the week so you can give it to the reindeers, and you provide me with wood in exchange.”
“Didn’t you buy wood from that man in town?”
“Yeah, but I like how you cut the wood better, it will fit perfectly in my stone oven. What do you say? I think we both end up winning with that deal.”
“And how am I going to give you the wood?”
“The same way I’ll give you the bread. I have a horse and a carriage, I can bring bread every Sunday, and you can give me wood instead. My carriage is resistant, it will keep up with the weight and the journeys.”
Jungkook takes a sip from his mug, pondering over the idea you presented him.
You arch a brow, a bit impatient. It’s a good opportunity to obtain good quality wood – which is essential to make good bread – and to get to know him better. You’re not gonna lie, he intrigues you. You’re a really open person, so used to moving and knowing new people, that it’s part of your personality now. The fact that he’s so closed off and distant, makes you want to know everything about him and make him your friend.
“Are you even thinking about it?” you say after a couple of minutes.
“Alright, alright, it does seem like a good proposition. But, if the bread thing doesn’t work, we’ll stop.”
“It will work,” you nod, remembering your mother’s words. “If there is one animal who is good for transporting things during winter, it’s the reindeer. But they are really stubborn and difficult to train, so give them once piece of bread per day, and they’ll be all yours.”
“Another thing, I really appreciate my loneliness, so you’ll only stay here for as much as the exchange lasts every Sunday.”
“I’m okay with that, I have no time to waste either,” you shrug. It’s not the truth, though, you want to spend time with him and get to know him, but you’ll have to be slow, the same way you have to be slow gaining a reindeer confidence. Oh Lord, are you comparing Jungkook to a reindeer?
“Then, the deal is sealed,” Jungkook nods.
You nod and finish your tea in one gulp.
“I have to go now; clients will be waiting and I haven’t baked one single row of bread today. See you next Sunday, business partner.”
He remains serious as he watches you laugh at your own words.
You don’t think too much about it, you’ll end up warming his heart, just like a slice of freshly baked bread warms your body in the morning.
“Oh, I forgot,” you say before exiting the hut. “Merry Christmas Jungkook.”
. . .
On Christmas day, you watch the kids play with their new toys from the inside of your shop.
A hot chocolate in hand, you bask in the beauty of the morning. Sun shining, snow melting on the ground, birds chirping and flying around happily.
You’re happy. With your lifestyle, with what you do and what you will do in the future.
. . .
The next Sunday, you gather all your remaining bread from the week and put it in a big sack.
You prepare your carriage, your horse and start walking towards the woods. You hope you don’t get lost, but since snow has melted, the dirt path is clear.
Jungkook is already waiting for you when you arrive. He has a pile of wood by his side, more than you expected and more than you probably need for a week.
The exchange is simple, just like the following exchanges.
You give him the bread, and he gives you the wood. Polite words are exchanged, and you can see the boy starts looking more relaxed around you, but nothing else happens.
Life keeps going on, you keep waking up at 5 a.m. to make bread, open the shop and close it by the end of the day with a huge smile on your face.
Snow melts completely, trees grow green leaves once again, flowers bloom, green grass cover the paths that lead to Jungkook’s hut, and a reindeer or two start appearing by his hut, going to his hand-made tanks to eat your bread.
One Sunday morning you arrive to the hut with your carriage full of bread. It is Autumn and soon, it will be a year since you came to town.
Jungkook isn’t waiting for you like he usually is. Instead, he runs to you as soon as you appear, shouting something about reindeers and hurrying up.
“You need to hurry up!” he is beaming, you have never seen him looking so happy and thrilled.
“Alright, alright, calm down, you’re gonna frighten Twinkle,” you say, coming to a stop and hopping off your carriage.
“Come on, give me the bread, we have to fill the tanks quickly.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Reindeers! A lot of them! C’mon, grab a sack and give me the rest, we need to fill the tanks before they go away.”
You quickly grab one of the sacks and hand him the rest and follow him towards the clear in which he placed the tanks. At least ten reindeers are in there, sniffling inside the now empty tanks.
You open your mouth in surprise, you had never seen so many reindeers together.
“C’mon! Fill the tanks!” Jungkook tells you, already filling one himself.
When all the bread is poured inside the tanks, the both of you walk away from the clear to a place where you can still watch the reindeers eat without startling them or making them uncomfortable.
“They’re beautiful,” you gasp. You had seen a reindeer before, but never ten in the same place, and so big!
“Yeah, they are,” Jungkook says with a smile on his lips.
You decide to not say anything else, letting him bask in the happiness of the moment.
. . .
After that day, the reindeers go to that clear every single Sunday without fail, and you and Jungkook stay there to watch them eat.
You start closing the bakery on Sunday, deciding it’s not bad to take one day to rest.
You and Jungkook speak about the reindeers, putting a name to each one and deciding which trick you’re going to use to distinguish each one of them. Then, the conversation about the reindeers turn into conversations about your weeks, and the conversation about your weeks turn into conversations about your life.
You’re used to meeting new people every now and then, so it’s not difficult for you to open up to someone. When he asks about your life, you answer happily, telling him about all the towns you lived in, the adventures you lived and the people you’ve met.
After some weeks of exchanging facts about your life and anecdotes, you realize you’ve told Jungkook everything about yourself, but you still know few things about himself.
Turns out your second Christmas Day in town is Sunday, and as you do every Sunday, you visit Jungkook’s hut with your carriage full of sacks of bread.
As you’re watching the reindeers eat from their tanks, Jungkook hands you something.
It is a small rustic bread made of wood.
“Merry Christmas,” he says, smile small as he waits for your response.
You play with the small wooden bread in your hands, and then stare at him.
“I didn’t bring you anything,” you say, cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
Jungkook shrugs. “You didn’t need to. You’ve helped me a lot this past year, I know this might look like a stupidity,” he says, pointing at the clear with the reindeers in it. “But to me, it’s not. So, thank you.”
“Well, thank you, then,” you smile. “I’ll put it on one of the shelves at the shop.”
As soon as you arrive home, you get the wooden bread from your bag and place it on the shelve that decorates the entrance of the bakery. It is usually full of flowers and other plants, but now is filled with Jungkook’s wooden bread too.
. . .
The next Sunday, you show up at Jungkook’s house with the usual sack full of old bread and an extra sack – smaller – with some of the bread you baked on Saturday.
“What’s this?” he asks.
“I know you don’t want to taste my bread,” you say, quoting the words he told you the year before. “But I thought since you gave me one of your pieces of art, I would give you one of mine.”
“You call your bread art?”
“Of course,” you smile.
After pouring the bread into the tanks and greeting the reindeers, instead of staying there and watching them as you usually do, you go to Jungkook’s hut and sit at the table in his kitchen. You display the different varieties of bread in the middle of the table, as if it was a tasting.
“Alright,” you say. “You’ll try a piece of each one of them, and, in the end, you have to tell me which one is your favorite.”
He tries your bread, smelling each one of them and playing with the pieces you give him in his hands.
He closes his eyes, ignoring every sense that isn’t the taste.
In the end, his favorite one ends up being the nut bread, and you laugh, because you knew from the beginning that he was the nut bread type of person.
. . .
In the end, Jungkook warms up to you.
Well, he warms up to you, or he warms up to your bread, you still don’t know. The fact is that he looks more relaxed and friendly with you, and you finally get to know the man that hides behind the mysterious man who lives in the mountains and never visits the town.
Word spread around town that you and the man in the mountains are friends, and neighbors start looking at you with harder gazes. But you don’t mind, because the man who hides behind that mysterious man in the mountains is a kind man, boy at heart, whose eyes hide thousands of stars and dreams. Who laughs so brightly, it can melt snow. Who sings to the reindeers when he thinks you’re not paying attention. Who feels lonely and express himself through the things he carves into wood.
And somehow, you find yourself warming up to you during Spring, and Summer, and Autumn, and then Winter again.
He starts reminding you of bread, of wood, of pine and snow.
Sundays are a sacred day to you because it’s the day when you see him and get to know another tiny piece of him.
. . .
You spend your third Christmas day in town with Jungkook.
You smile as you remember how shy he looked when he asked you if you wanted to spend the day with him.
“Hmm… Do you any plans on Christmas Day?”
“Yeah, waking up at 5 a.m. making bread, selling it to the people in town, eating by myself and going to bed early. Truth is that I don’t do anything special on Christmas Day, what about you?”
“More or less the same. I carve something that has to do with Christmas – I know, pathetic – eat and then go to bed. Santa doesn’t visit me since I moved here.”
You laugh. “What are we? A pair of octogenarians? Mrs. Gah is almost ninety-years-old and her plans on Christmas Day are funnier than ours.”
“What if we spend it together this year? You know, we can eat at my hut, play some chess… I made a chess board and figurines last week.”
You find yourself answering him with the quickest “yes” you’ve ever given.
. . .
“Didn’t know you made wine,” you say, taking a sip from you glass.
He shrugs. “Some years I do, some I don’t. This year I found some grapes in the forest so I sued them to make wine.”
“It’s tasty,” you hum. “It’s been years since I last tried wine.”
A stomach full of good food, a glass of wine in your hands, two nice rounds of chess filled with laughter… What else could you ask for?
Maybe it’s the wine that pushes you to finally ask the question you’ve been answering yourself for weeks. Maybe it’s not. You end up asking it anyway.
“Why reindeers?”
“Hmm?” Jungkook asks, taking a sip from his own glass of wine.
“Why do you like feeding reindeers and not… Razorbacks, for example.”
You laugh at your words, but Jungkook turns serious. The cracks of the fire are the only sounds that fill the hut.
It looks like you’ve touched a delicate subject. 
“If you don’t wanna tell me that’s right…”
Jungkook places his glass on wine on top of the table and focuses his gaze on the empty dishes on it.
“No, I wanna tell you,” he nods his head. “I want you to know.”
He stares at you and a wave of electricity shots through your body.
“I met Luna when I was six and she was four. She came new to the village I was from and we soon became good friends. It’s just like any other story, honestly, we grew up together, explored the world together, fell in love… Typical thing. The only thing that wasn’t common about us was her…” his gaze darkens, voice turns sad. “Luna was so special, so kind and wonderful, that the world had to compensate all that somehow. She was sick, ever since she was born, she was always sick. Every winter she would fall sick, lock herself at home and wouldn’t go out until the snow had melted and the trees had started to turn green again.”
He pauses. You let him have a moment of silence.
“It had been like that ever since she was a child, every year worse than the previous one. And still, the only thing she hated about falling sick every winter was missing the Christmas Holidays and the reindeers playing in the snow. She loved them. During the days when she was still not as sick, we would go to a lake in the outskirts of the village that was always full of reindeers in winter. We would watch them and try to pet them. We never got to pet them, though,” he lets out a small laugh.
“When we had enough money saved, and everything in our lives planned, we moved here. I had heard that there were loads of reindeers in this mountains, and bought this piece of land. I had always been good at making things with wood, so I made this cabin for the both of us. She loved it, I had never seen her look so happy.”
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur.
“Thank you,” he says, smiling softly at you. “We lived in here for some years, she still fell sick every winter, but at least, she could see the reindeers playing in the snow from her window.”
He makes another pause. This one is longer, feels thicker and heavier.
“One winter, she fell really sick, like really, really sick. It had been worse than I had ever seen. Fever, Vomits. Deliriums. I contacted a doctor, but he could do anything. Luna died before the snow melted that year.”
You bite your lower lip. You hadn’t thought about that story, you had always thought Jungkook simply liked reindeers. Just like he liked wood.
“Ever since then, I’ve stayed there because… I have nowhere else to go. I tried to feed the reindeers, make them as happy as they made her. But all I’ve done is lock myself away from the world, become bitter and carve everything she ever loved in pieces of wood.”
“Those wood figurines, are they all for her?”
He nods with his head. He leads you to his shed, lights a candle and shows you every little piece and figure he ever did. From a reindeer, to a moon, to an apple tree.
You see the longing in his eyes as he explains every little figure. How much he would have loved to gift them to his Luna.
“That’s why I feel so grateful for all the help you have given him. You have no idea how happy you’ve made me.”
You stare down at his lips for a moment. It would be so easy to reach out to him and discover how goof they would feel touching yours…
But no, it’s not the moment, nor the place. You’re not even sure if he’s fully ready to say goodbye to his Luna.
So, instead, you take a step back and shake your head with a smile on your face.
“Don’t thank me, I’ve always been happy to help you, and now, even more than I now it’s for a beautiful cause. I’m sure Luna loves what you’re doing for her wherever she is.”
You stare at him as he places the wooden figure of a reindeer back on the shelf.
You’re not sure if you will be able to smell wood every again without the image of Jungkook caressing his figures delicately coming to your mind.
. . .
And time keeps passing, but this time, it seems as if it passes slower.
You don’t know if it’s because you know that this is your last year in town and that, when winter arrives, you’ll be packing your things and finding new places to discover, new people to meet, new stories to tell… Or if it’s because you’ve found a place that feels like home.
Yeah, home, a permanent place. A safe place. A place to come back to. A place to grow old in.
For you, making bread had always been your home, that’s why you never cared too much about moving to a new place and all that. But now, making bread is not enough.
You find your home in the morning breeze that seeps through the window of your small kitchen as your kneading bread, the special scent of the town filling your nostrils. You find your home in the smiles of children like Marcela, in the conversations with people like Lucrecia. You find home in every Sunday, packing your things and putting them on your carriage. You find home in feeding the reindeers and then watching them eat happily.
You find your home in Jungkook.
You feel safe around him, you feel happy, comfortable.
Maybe that’s why time passes so slowly now. Because you feel safe, and happy, and comfortable, and every other good feeling.
But even if it passes slowly, it passes, and winter arrives.
You already told people in town that you would move when you arrived, so they all know it’s their last winter with you. But somehow, you never found the courage to tell Jungkook.
At first, you thought he wouldn’t care, on the contrary, if you went and never came back. Better for him.
Then, you just forgot about it, forgot about the fact that you would have to part soon and say goodbye.
And now… You just can’t find it in you to tell him you will leave and probably never come back.
But you know you must tell him, you can’t just disappear without saying goodbye. Not to him.
So, on your last Sunday with him, two weeks before Christmas Day and one before moving away, you tell him.
You go to his hut and there he is, smile wider, eyes brighter than ever before. Waiting for you.
You grab your sack full of old bread and Jungkook rushes to help you. The sack is heavy, but today your heart feels heavier.
You’ve fallen in love with Jungkook, just like you fell in love with bread the first time you saw your mother making it, kneading it with her bare hands.
You follow your routine, pouring the bread into the tanks, watching the reindeers eat. You try to keep up with the conversation, acting normal. But the truth is, that you can’t, that your mind is elsewhere.
“Are you alright?” Jungkook asks. “You’re too quiet.”
You bite your lower lip. He’s giving you an opportunity to tell him. You can’t miss it.
“I need to tell you something, Jungkook.”
He becomes serious immediately, eyes pierced on yours.
“Alright. Go ahead.”
You clear your throat and look away from him.
“I’m moving away.”
“What? Moving away? But you came here just… Three years ago.”
“I know,” you nod with your head. “But… I only stay three years in each place. I’m a nomad, just like my parents.”
You can feel Jungkook’s stare on you.
“I thought you just liked to visit places, not that you… Didn’t have a permanent home. And you’re telling me now? When are you going?”
You gulp. “Next week.”
You stare at him just in time to see the hurt in his eyes.
“Next week… You had three years to tell me and you’re telling me that you’re moving away next week now?”
You shake your head. “I’m sorry, I know this is not how it should have been done… But there’s no way back now.”
“No, there’s not.”
He takes some steps away from you, hurt written all over his features, making your stomach churn each time you stare at him.
“Please, forgive me Jungkook, I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Well you did, making me trust you and open up to you just for you to throw it all away by disappearing?”
You gulped loudly.
“I wasn’t thinking about the future when I was getting to know you. All I was thinking about was how happy I was when I was with you.”
Jungkook keeps his eyes on yours for some seconds.
“If you’re so happy with me, stay here. Don’t go.”
Jungkook words feel heavy as he lets them go. They held more meaning than it seems. The both of you know it, but you’re not going to acknowledge, because that would mean letting go of the rest of the things you know.
“I can’t, Jungkook,” you shake your head. “This is who I am, this is what I am. Without this, what would I do? My parents did this, and I’ll do it for the rest of your life.”
“Then, you’re not that happy when you’re with me.”
You shake your head again. “You don’t understand… I’ve spent all my life going from one place to another, what will I do if I stay rooted in one? I don’t know how to live like that without feeling asphyxiated.”
“I do understand, Y/N,” Jungkook says. Sad eyes staring into yours. “You’re the kind of person who goes to places, turn them into theirs, fill them with memories of them. Make everything smell like them, taste like them… Make everyone fall in love with them. Just for them to disappear, leaving a huge void in the place they were. Luna was like that too.”
Your eyes fill with tears. You don’t remember the last time you cried – probably when your parents died – so used to laugh all the time and show others your brighter side.
“I-I…” you stutter.
No coherent words come to your mind. You’re left blank after Jungkook’s words. His words reminded you of your parents. The huge void they left in you when they died, the memories of them, the love you had for them… Are you the same?
“I wish you good luck, hope you finally find a place to call home someday.”
And with that, he turns around and starts walking towards his hut, facing his back to you the entire time.
You don’t run after him.
You don’t call his name.
You don’t tell him that, without him, you will never be able to find a place to call home.
You don’t look for him during the next week.
Instead, you start packing your things, saying goodbye to the neighbors. To Marcela, who cries and hugs you and whom you gift a box full of your cinnamon breads. To Lucrecia, and Mrs. Gah… Everything feels like all the other times you moved from a place you had used to call home for three years. You feel nostalgic and sad, but also excited for what’s about to come.
When you think about Jungkook, though, anything feels like the other times you moved to a different place.
You can’t leave the town without letting him know how important he’s to you. How much he feels like home. He is more than enough for you to stay, but you’re too coward to admit that to yourself – written in a letter feels less real. You tell him that he reminds you of all the good things you love in life, of bread and wood and Christmas Holidays.
You tell him that you love him.
You tell him that, maybe someday, you will see each other again.
You write all that in a letter and leave it stuck on his front door.
You never receive a response for that letter, though.
. . .
The day you leave, a row of neighbors wait for you in the center of town to tell you their final goodbye.
You thank everyone, a kind smile on your face. This time, the smile doesn’t reach your eyes.
It’s such a familiar scene to you that it’s part of your unusual routine by now.
You get on your carriage and check that all your belongings are packed in it. You’re doing just that, when the crowd separates, and a man dressed in all black clothes appear. He carries a heavy-looking sack with him.
The people gasp, and you let a soft: “Jungkook?” escape your lips.
He hops on the carriage, grabs your face wit both hands and presses his lips against yours. Your eyes widen, and the crowd lets out a loud gasp.
“W-what?” you stutter once you part the kiss.
“I haven’t been able to answer your letter, I’ve been busy packing my things.”
“Packing your things?” you ask. “What do you mean, Jungkook?”
“You told me I’m your home, the place you want to go back to every time. It wouldn’t make sense to stay in the hut when you’re my home too.”
Your eyes start filling with tears.
“I’ve lived in there for years, lonely, thinking I was doing it for Luna, when I was doing it for myself. Because I was scared of the outside world. Just the opposite of you. You love the outside world so much… I think it’s time to let myself see all that… By your side.”
Those tears that fill your eyes, begin rolling down your cheeks.
“Are you sure, Jungkook?”
“I’m more than sure.”
This time feels like all the other times you moved from a place you had used to call home for three years, except for the fact that you will be accompanied by someone who reminds you of holidays of bread and wood, reminds you of home.
* * *
Every December now smells like freshly baked bread and wood to you.
Its cold wind brings you memories of him every morning as you are kneading your mixture of water, flour and a pinch of nutmeg – the secret ingredient that makes your bread taste so special. It seeps through the open window of your small kitchen and shakes your entire body. It seeps under your flour-stained apron, getting through your clothes and reminding you of his soft touch. It sounds like forest and shines like snow under the sunlight. It fills your nostrils with familiar scents.
Every December now feels like distant memories of a man you once knew, who loved to carve his dreams in wood.
Every December now feels like a man you know. A man who loves hugging you tightly from behind every morning as he watches you knead the bread dough. A man who kisses you and it feels like fireworks are exploding inside your body. A man whose laugh sounds like happiness. A man whose eyes shine like a thousand starts locked inside a small jar.
Every December now feels like Jungkook and the wooden figurines he carves on the back of your bakery as you take care of the shop, like Christmas Holidays and the bread you make together before sitting at your small table and eating dinner together.
Every December now feels like Jungkook, feels like home. And you’re happy, because you know it’ll stay like that for a long time.
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batz · 4 years
If you could rewrite the Raggedy Ann musical, what would you add? Leave out? Write in?
OOOO ok I'd uh
1. get rid of Panda and replace him with Babette. itd be a seamless change because babette can still have all of Pandas lines, speaking in quotes and in third person and such, itll just be less fucked up and racist. 'but frank, we need to balance to boy and girl characters!!! AND the animal characters..!' alright then baby doll can be a boy, and he can be a teddy bear, name him baby bear or smthn. he can have the same functionality within the story, but it just baalances everything out after getting rid of panda.
2. general d does NOT want to marry marcella. that whole thing id rlly creepy and i get its from the 80s but its just got bad vibez all around. also, general d will be more serious and less goofy, so that his henchman can be as goofy as they want (and already are). i want general d to actually be intimidating, he is death after all, and i want him to have the same vibe he has in the demo soundtrack. you see him at first and ur terrified, then when Wolf and Bat goof around and make him lose his shit hes suddenly the comedic straight man role thts the victim of typical slapstick humor, and then during He Comes Riding hes back to being this terrifying figure that is literally Just trying to lead this girl to her death because That's Just How Life Is sometimes. i just love when villains can be seen as pathetic and over the top until shit hits the fan and they're actually terrifying. so yeah, general d doesn't want to marry marcella, and is actually just trying to do his job as Death. hes Bad, and Evil, but also technically neither of those things since death is kind of a true neutral..!
- panda babette and baby doll baby bear have more of a role to play in the story. yes baby reminds The Witch of marcella, the child she abandoned, but thats all that amounts to that character. babette essentially does Nothing. so I'd have them have more lines, character development, that whole deal. make their characters irreplaceable within the script.
- andy nicer to marcela moments.... :( i want andy to also have an arc with marcella, like Ann does. he acts like an annoying kinda mean older brother and i like that! but also maybe have him be kind of protective of this kid after a little while of knowing her. specifically during the end of act one whem the ship crashes down onto the stage, maybe have andy grab n protect marcella? sane with during the scene where the wolves start chasing everyone, where even Ann ditches marcella for her own safety, maybe have andy pull marcella away from danger or something. it doesn't have 2 be much, just enough that he like, hates this dying child like, a lot less DHSKDJSJSJS
- i want ann and marcella to forgive eachothe after their argument ;_; they never rlly have a heart 2 heart after the initial one ends w marcella yelling at her and running off. its just. ;_; have them forgiv eachothr..... pls.... agh.....
- proper reprise to carry on. idk where to put it or what it'd even be about, but its such a sweet song that the fact that we only hear it as a leitmotif in the end of the musical makes me sad.... maybe thro it in during the nonexistent Raggedy Ann and Marcella apology scene or smthn,,, evn if its just a verse. its just such a sweet song adn i ;_;
- HMMMM thats it i think but idk! i might add more bc fhdkddjdj
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ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
also i need to complain about ysblf fic i skim read. i thought i would enjoy it bc it’s au 5 yrs into the future--a ‘what if they didnt get back together and found their way back to each other’. a second chance fic if u will. and im usually down for that bc i like angst but oh my god. this was...bad. i dont mean like, bad writing. (i mean it wasnt great bc a lot it was ‘and then this happened and this happend’ and not enough dialogue’). like the writer thought they were writing a feminist take. like, im not even 100 percent sure a woman even wrote it. bc...idk. 
it takes place after she rejects him at the bar with michel. and armando’s like ‘i promise to stay away from you and never hurt u again. i simply dont want u to hate me. i only wish that if we ever see other again, u acknowledge me’. 
and i was down for that. 
but then. 
betty leaves ecomoda, and nicolas stays as president. she goes to cartagena and dates michel for 8 months. and then leaves him. also, she doesnt go back to bogota. she takes different jobs at different banks or something. and has different boyfriends. just leads an independent modern life away from her parents. which....okay. canon betty loves her parents and even wanted to take them with her to cartagena. but okay. 
then its 5 yrs later and she sees armando again and he’s different. but betty’s like ‘thats my man’. but like, its them but its not. like, these are just characters with their names. betty, even tho shes like 30 something, acts really reckless and immature. and armando isn’t a yeller anymore. and also he tells her that he almost got married to someone two years ago and she freaks out. 
ALSO mario is suddenly a good person bc he knocked a women up and now he has to be a single dad. marcela is suddenly not a mean person ever since she got married and had a baby. and they kill off armando’s sister for angst. and his parents suddenly love him. meanwhile, the writer took it upon themselves to make hermes a completely terrible man and make her mom envious of betty’s independence. towards the end, she brings armando back to bogota, but she visits her parents alone. and hermes calls her a whore bc he knows about her various relationships and bc she’s living with armando sans marriage and he also he doenst like armando. and then he hits beatriz. and then armando finds out and he beats the shit of hermes. and then beatriz gets mad at him????
it’s so crazy and not in a fun way. like, the writer really went out of their way to make her parents bad ppl but redeem his parents. 
and here’s the kicker---at the end they elope to vegas and have a son instead of a daughter. oh and they live in berlin. 
i didnt even get into the sex scenes that i was like ???????? bc one chapter literally had an authors note  saying that their male friend complained that sex scenes in fanfic were always about women’s pleasure and they wrote this chapter for their friend that that wasn’t always the case. 
so the author is either a man themselves or a woman with a strong case of ‘pick me’. i dont know. i just know i was horrified. 
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