#her vulnerability and her desire for love without strings attached really show why she is the way that she is for better and for worse
brandonxdylan · 6 months
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zocrzay · 3 years
I am coming clean and admitting I've had an unhealthy obsession these past few weeks analyzing the break up of Katie & Greg, my favorite ship from the entire Bachelor/ette franchise. I went down hard with this ship as it crashed and burned. From the beginning, I loved their chemistry and even if some say they were just trauma bonding over the passing of their fathers, I felt they had so much more going for them. I just figured out why I can't shake this pair out of my head.
Here it is: Katie & Greg remind me of Lizzie & Darcy from Pride & Prejudice, one of the greatest love stories ever told. The idea that a couple similar to a favorite fictional pairing could exist in real life had awakened the hopeless romantic in me.
Greg is totally Mr. Darcy. He is a family man, adorably awkward, reserved, internally tormented, but also deeply passionate. He's willing to dance to encourage affection.
Katie is like Lizzie. She is strong-willed, proud (maybe too proud), and has a sharp tongue. She gives no one permission to insult her. She loves her family even though they're embarrassing. Katie does not quite fit in with other women, but that is why she is so interesting.
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The opposite personalities of Lizzie & Darcy made their playful banter and relationship dynamic so enjoyable. They challenged each others' ideas. They expanded each others' consciousness as they learned more about each other. This was synergy at its finest.
Katie is from hipster Seattle while Greg is from fuss-free Jersey - two very different worlds at opposite ends of America. They brought these worlds together in beautiful balance. When they split, the Bachelor Nation fandom was divided like a broken family. At least Greg owned up the error of his ways, but Katie seems dead set on hating him. Eventually, the false narratives she tells herself to keep her walls up will unravel . I hope she faces the facts and owns up to her part in the communication breakdown. When Greg was most vulnerable, Katie could not show a hint of honest affection. She accused him of giving up on the relationship moments after he confessed his love for her. Katie only spoke of herself as a prize to be won, but to Greg, she meant so much more than just that. I hope she realizes the profound truth in what Greg was trying to tell her the day he left her. True love is more than just keeping up appearances for a show and more than just physical attraction. It is more than just saying the words "I love you" or handing out roses. Katie and Greg were more than just two hot people who were mutually attracted to each other. They had divine harmony when they were together... until they were burned by the heat of their own fire.
It is nice to know Greg just wants Katie to be happy, but I do not believe Katie & Blake have the secret sauce. Good for them for having a lot of sex, but from what I know, that kind of connection is not long term sustainable. If banging each other is the main reason they're together, they'll eventually get bored. Blake fell in love so easily with two previous Bachelorettes and that cheapens his affection for Katie. I'm sure he can bounce back quickly if Katie left him. Sorry man. Blake seems like a great person, but his intellect does not seem to match hers ("You don't have to be great. You just have to be you." dafuq?). I thought she was smarter, but maybe her flippant use of the term 'gaslighting' proves otherwise. It is shamefully elitist to point that out, but honestly, their conversation was drab when they weren't talking about sex. There are a lot of hot horny ladies out there that Blake might have more chemistry with than her. He was not even sure he wanted to propose and it was mean to tease her in the proposal speech with "I don't think I can give you what you came here for". The Say Anything references were also cringeworthy. We did not see their love get tested. She was like a damsel in distress and Blake just swooped in to save her season of the show just because he happened to be there. It was quite dull. The 'conclusion' of their journey was really unsatisfying. Katie describing their love story as "perfect" just shows the lack of depth in their relationship.
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Lizzie & Darcy were such beloved characters because they were both flawed. They both made mistakes, but because of their love, they were willing to overcome their pride and their prejudice. They corrected course and became the best versions of themselves at the end of the story before choosing to be together. "I was wrong" are three words that make the words "I love you" so much more meaningful. True love is transformational. Feelings of attachment are not true love unless there is consciousness. The best love stories are not about lovers conquering outside forces, but conquering their own inner demons. People truly in love consciously choose to grow together in spirit, not in spite of their imperfections, but because of them.
Greg was impatient and had unrealistic expectations. He should have given Katie more chances to figure out what he was saying. Maybe she found his desperation unattractive. Maybe if he helped her off the floor and said goodbye properly, she might have flown out to Jersey to go after him. Katie was shallow when she could only say "I just love looking at you" and spoke to Greg as if he were just a contestant on a game show. It seemed as if his pain was just an inconvenience to her. She seemed untrustworthy. If she had stronger feelings for Blake or was still undecided, openly expressing that to Greg would have been more respectable than stringing him along to dump him later. If Greg was the one she wanted the most, she looked incredibly fickle switching her affection to whoever was still available. Most people have not been in her situation, so it is tough to judge.
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Lizzie Bennet said a lot of mean things, but she was a strong female character because she was able to learn from her mistakes and grow as a person without compromising her core values. She was in love with Darcy for his character and integrity. He was courageous, generous, and compassionate - his appearance, his wealth and his status were least important to her. He proved his love for Lizzie by his selfless acts of kindness to her family even after she accused him of being a pompous ass.
Greg staying out of the way to honor Katie's decision and let her be happy with Blake is an act of love. Him working on himself in therapy is another way to prove the love he had for her was real. Only Katie knows the inner conflict she's been facing. If she truly loved Blake, resolving her conflict with Greg will help her and Blake in the long run - otherwise their relationship will be haunted by the past. If life with Greg was always her true heart's desire, love will find a way even in the most impossible circumstances.
It really is not fair to compare real human beings to fictional characters - especially the exceptionally (maybe unrealistically) strong characters written by Jane Austen. I am just sharing my thoughts before I watch the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie for the hundredth time. I just want the satisfying ending I could not get from watching reality TV before I move on to my next obsession.
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ghostmartyr · 3 years
Are you still watching RWBY? What did you think of Volume 8 overall
I enjoyed Volume 8, but I think it stumbles at the end enough to look back at its time management and feel not totally great about it.
Cinder’s development is solid. I’m still not very attached to her, but she has attained my interest at long last. Good for you, Cinder. Solve your emotional problems with murder. Kill Watts. Give Neo a reason to go back to trying to kill you. Make yet another mortal enemy. I support these actions.
Emerald’s flip means she won’t have sad eyes over all the atrocities she’s playing witness to while the timer goes down on her defection anymore, and that’s cool.
Ironwood’s everything is... well. Yeah. Great. Nothing like watch someone destroy themself. Oh, and everything else around them in the process. Once he got started, it was pretty clear where he was going, and that’s just sad. He goes from hugging Qrow and finding relief in his allies to shooting all of them. Shooting Jacques along the way does not even that out.
The Ace-Ops felt too cluttered for the final parts. They’re the cautionary tales, obviously, but I don’t think we get enough time detailing them for them to be on the same stage as Winter coming into her own and RWBY falling into oblivion. Qrow and Robyn get the slow burn and then the panicked call to immediate action, but for the Ace-Ops, Marrow and Harriet are the only ones who the narrative actively does something with. Marrow’s problems are obvious from the start, and Harriet’s emotional heat hints, and then reveals, a depth of trauma that this system has been crap at handling. But Vine and Elm, the critical pieces in talking her down, and centerpieces of keeping Mantle from blowing up, aren’t prominent enough in the narrative for their place in its resolution to feel quite earned. I think if we’d gotten an extra episode it would have worked a little better. As it was, I was left wanting more focus on the central cast.
Which is kind of why I’m so thrilled that RWBY+J are maybe stuck spending some quality time together. The macro plot matters, obviously, but they’ve been moving so fast. Atlas feels like a speedrun of a kingdom falling, and a little more interplay between my faves would be very welcome.
Then there’s the obvious.
Oh, Penny.
I can’t feel good about Penny’s handling in the end.
The Winter Maiden, as soon as we’re introduced, is waiting to die and offer her power to the next one in line. Winter was intended for that, but Penny interrupts.
Two days later, Winter has the power, and Penny’s dead.
This is necessary so that Winter has time to center what she actually believes before she’s upgraded to demigodhood. Winter as the Winter Maiden leading into Volume 8 would have kept her on Ironwood’s script. The disruption of expectations that leaves her vulnerable forces her to respond to what is going on, not what her side believes should be going on.
It makes sense to delay Winter’s ascension, because it gives Winter perspective that she can’t access as long as she’s in her chain of established command.
Making Penny’s value tie entirely back to supporting someone else’s story. She’s allowed to be a real girl, she’s allowed to fight for what she believes in, she’s allowed to have friends, but becoming the Winter Maiden serves Winter’s storyline more than it serves Penny’s.
Which isn’t to say they do nothing with her. Obviously, the virus making the vault look good creates a variety of opportunities. Sure, they could have filled in another domino without Penny specifically, but she’s an instrumental part of getting them inside that vault in how the story goes.
Creating a new body for her is a complicated thing. Penny’s a real girl no matter what her form is, but if you say that while cutting out the nuts and bolts -- it’s a little mixed. In the most benign way I can put my preferences, I like Penny being a robot. I’m thrilled she knows how warm a hug can feel (Pietro, patch notes, get on it), but...
Before Watts causes problems on purpose, Penny shows a little hesitance about not being your standard model of girl, but unless I’ve been worse about my watching comprehension than I thought, she doesn’t have any burning need for flesh. Changing her body is the best solution they can up with in response to her agency being violated.
It’s not my favorite thing in the world. I don’t think it’s entirely good faith to pin all of the possible unfortunate implications on it, but they exist, and they are there. And on the flip side, being granted a body that is created through nothing but who you are is a sentiment that I’m sure resonates with a lot of people. I think there’s a lot to observe in what Penny’s going through, and it’s worth discussion more than angry words.
Except before there’s a chance to collect opinion polls on that, we once again have her asking for death before she hurts her friends.
I believe there’s a post on LotR somewhere that explains why people are okay with it being a mood shift from The Hobbit. People aren’t huge fans of media they consume invalidating media they previously invested in.
Penny dies, then she comes back. Then she dies.
Penny interrupts the inevitability of Winter becoming the Winter Maiden. Then Winter becomes the Winter Maiden.
It feels like a zero sum game, but a zero sum game where our emotions were torqued around for the sake of it, and the object of said torquing is being utilized as a plot object prior to being a character.
Penny obviously has a lot of personality, and a lot of established emotional ties. She’s not just a lamp standing in a corner.
But to use the apt metaphor, you can see the strings. Penny’s trajectory seems to be moving under its own velocity -- but then that ending hits. Despite going through all of the steps to make sure that Penny doesn’t have to sacrifice herself to keep the people she loves safe, despite actually being really creative and clever about doing everything possible to keep her alive --
The plot demands her death.
It isn’t good enough to fix the pressing issue that made sacrifice look good. Sacrifice is still the ultimate answer.
Thematically, that doesn’t jive with the story we’ve been getting.
Emotionally, what the fuck, could we not.
(What’s better than the cute robot girl begging for death? Doing it twice!)
People who are in a more optimistic state about fiction at the moment have noted that Pinocchio does do a lot of dying, and I do like the read of Penny as Jiminy Cricket. Considering the full context of the world, there’s more to justify a return than a lot of characters get. It wouldn’t be the most shocking thing ever.
It’s still kind of fucked up. Penny doesn’t kill herself, but she asks others to kill her, and that’s her being a good girl.
The National Suicide Hotline gets its number placed in the summary of the episode.
Obviously there’s more to it than that, but the implications are there, and a very painful thorn when looking over the rest of her. Creating an environment where it makes sense for this character to kill themself, it’s noble, even --
I don’t think that’s a route of story that the available material handles gracefully.
It’s the “twice” that really hammers the point down into the coffin. It creates a pattern of behavior in Penny. Once, and okay. Heroic sacrifice plays are always a major source of drama, exemplifying how Good the person making the sacrifice is, and how Tragic it is that we’re losing such a good person, all because they have principles and just love these other people so much.
Only if you have a character asking someone to kill them twice in relatively quick succession, the callback isn’t to feats of heroics. It’s suicidal tendencies.
If you’re not prepared to deal with implications of that magnitude, you’ve got to make the link a lot less suggestive. Otherwise you’re telling a new story whether you like it or not, and it’s not one you’re ready for, drastically upping the odds that it’s not going to be the most polished thing ever.
What the issue becomes then, in my personal opinion, is pacing (’hey self why is the answer always pacing’ ‘because shut up’). Penny’s joy of life is a blip in between her asking for death. The heroic nature of her desire for death mixed with the awful despair of her actual death makes this endpoint of her story saturated with a darkness that sours the entire experience.
Complicating it further is the issue of trust.
The writers killed her and brought her back just to kill her again. If they do bring her back again, the faith is kind of broken. Once you show that you’re willing to move a character around like a piece on a chessboard, your audience isn’t going to trust the story enough to invest. They’re going to be looking for the strings. For a complicated special effect that takes a lot of strings, that’s a pain, because the agreement with stories is supposed to be that yes, there are strings, that’s our medium.
If you don’t trust the writers, you are not going to believe in the story.
For my personal taste, if the writers are doing something more with Penny, their presentation has made it difficult for me to see value in the journey, even if the destination happens to be something I ultimately approve of.
Anyway Robyn needs to officially adopt Qrow. He has been a bad guy bandit, now he can be a good guy bandit.
He can be the Happy Huntresses’ cute animal mascot.
That is all that matters.
That is my one, solitary thought on the entire volume.
Thanks for the ask!
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thestupidhelmet · 4 years
What do you think is each character’s best season of the series, character wise and why. Think we can eliminate season 8 completely for everyone
Fez: Season 4
Fez’s relationship with Rhonda brings out the best in him*. He doesn’t act entitled to sex*. Rather, he puts his love for Rhonda over his desire to lose his virginity. He enjoys being with her, not because of what he thinks he could get sexually but because of who she is. His treatment of Jackie is no longer dependent on his sexual/romantic desire for her. His friendship with Hyde is highlighted again.
The 100th episode of the series, “That ‘70s Musical” (4x24), is centered on him. It’s ultimately his story. He gets to sing and dance, and we get a lot of insight into how he thinks and feels about his friends. His fears and hopes. 
*Sadly, for as much growth and development as season 4 gives him, the end  destroys all that growth and begins the downward spiral of his character(ization).
Kelso: Season 6.
Kelso’s character is given layers through his relationship with Brooke and training to become a cop. He’s also given a true character arc, where he matures and becomes less selfish -- though not completely. For example, he still takes his friends’ toys (and destroys them) without asking. But he does finally “let Jackie go” at the beginning of the season. His sense of entitlement toward her ends, and he even tries to reconcile her and Hyde.
Brooke’s pregnancy with their child -- and reticence to let him be part of their child’s life -- challenges him beyond a struggle for impulse control. We get to see him be cowardly and overcome it. To fight for a place in his child’s life and in Brooke’s. If season 7 had continued his development from this place, he could’ve ended up with one of the more satisfying series arcs.
Jackie: Season 5
Jackie grows leaps and bounds in self-awareness during the season, through her relationship with Hyde. She self-examines, changes old patterns of behavior and self-limiting beliefs. She also doesn’t accept less than what she’s worth after Hyde betrays her in “You Shook Me” (5x22).
She’s shown to appreciate the generosity of others toward people who aren’t her (e.g., Hyde buying Eric a plane ticket to California, before knowing Hyde used Eric’s own money to do it). She shows gratitude to Donna (by making the monthly payment for Donna’s engagement ring) in “No Quarter” (5x20) for putting up with Jackie’s less-than-stellar qualities as a roommate. She puts herself on the line to protect Hyde from being kicked out of the Formans’ house (”Misty Mountain Hop” [5x12])].
She comforts Kelso as a friend because of her compassion for him, despite Hyde’s “order” not to spend time alone with him. She learns to ask assertively for what she wants and/or needs assertively, not in a manipulative, controlling way (mostly). Ultimately, she truly starts to grow up and into her true strength.
Hyde: Season 2
Besides him being particularly funny in episodes, the re-characterization of his core self and  personal moral code (first depicted in “Prom Night” [1x19) ]is explored fully in this season. He’s a good friend to Donna without any strings attached or sense of entitlement. He also doesn’t act entitled to his place in the Formans’ home but gets a job to help them financially (since Red’s out of a job) and show his gratitude.
But his complexity, compassion for the vulnerable, and noble self-sacrifice really come out during his interactions and arc with Jackie. I’ve written many metas on this subject, so I won’t rehash them here.
Donna: Season 1
Donna is shown to be a good friend, particularly to Eric, Hyde, and Jackie. With Jackie, in particular, their developing friendship is a satisfying season-long story arc .
Donna is funny and playful during this season, and she stands up for herself when Eric and Hyde disrespect her. Her arc of transitioning from friendship to romance with Eric is well-written, for the most part, with all her fears and hopes -- and she really comes across like a teenager in this season.
Eric: Season 1
Some of the reasons I stated above for Donna apply to him (i.e. he’s funny and playful, truly comes across as a teenager, and his arc of transitioning from friendship to romance with Donna is well-written). But we also get the complex dynamics between him and his parents. The scene in “Career Day” (1x18) where his mom drives him home after shadowing her at the hospital is one of the best scenes of the show, imo. Another is Eric’s scene with Red toward the end of “Grandma’s Dead” (1x23).
Eric's friendship toward Hyde is highlighted, especially in the second half of the season. No one seems to know Hyde as well as Eric does. Hyde’s love for Eric (and respect of Eric’s opinion) is essentially what keeps Hyde from running off to New York. Eric does what he can to keep Hyde fed after Edna abandons him -- even when Hyde denies how much trouble he’s in. Eric then advocates for Hyde’s survival to Red and Kitty and accepts whatever sacrifices that might mean for himself (though not without some insecurity about it at the end of the season).
Red and Kitty: Season 2
Red and Kitty’s love, respect, and support for each other is evident throughout this season, particularly during Red’s arc of losing his job to getting  a new one.
They’re funny and loving and in love. I’ve never written a meta solely dedicated to analyzing their relationship, but during seasons 1-4, their relationship is depicted consistently. They’re not just staying married out of convenience or complacency. They have a true bond.
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asktheboywholived · 5 years
If I Could See Your Face Backstory:
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(( OOC: Body-swapping concept inspired by the film “Every day.” )) 
The Soul Exchange: 
James Potter met Lily Evans in Flourish and Blotts three years before IICSYF takes place. He’d gone to pick up a copy of “Quidditch Through The Ages” and saw her standing behind the counter. He was instantly smitten. 
James, having not an ounce of shame in his entire body, and used to having girls fawn over him (considering his standing as a well-known quidditch player), attempted to chat her up.
Turns out, Lily didn’t know jack-shit about quidditch, nor did she find his joke about what “position” he plays very amusing. 
Needless to say, it didn’t go well.
The next day James begged his best mate, Sirius Black, to lend him his motorcycle. He desperately wanted to impress Lily and get into her good-books (pun intended).
On his way to the shop he got into a terrible accident, a result of careless motorbike flying and a rogue owl. The owl survived, but James fell into a coma. 
However, having a will of iron and a reckless nature, James’ soul refused to be trapped in a stagnant body and was thrown out, attaching to the first person on the scene, an Auror named Alastor Moody. 
The phenomenon is called a soul-exchange, or “walk-in”, and is extremely rare. It requires an obscenely strong will and is often confused with possession. Possession can only take place if either the inhabiting soul is willing and invites the other soul in, or is too weak to fight the invading soul. 
Two combative souls could not coexist in one body, and Alastor was forced into the only body available... James’. 
However, once James’ soul willfully left his body, it became untethered, and without the connection to his physical mind he was left unable to remember his past, only collecting information from the present. 
Eventually the will of the original inhabitant overwhelmed James’ own as Alastor took control of his body once again, causing a chain reaction that forced James to move on to the next available body with each passing day. 
With every exchange, the original soul of the host would be forced into James’ body at St. Mungos, where they’d spend a day in a dream-like state, unconscious. Because of this, James was unable to learn anything about where each soul would go when interrogating his previous hosts. 
After nearly half a year of selfish fuck-ups, where he managed to cause a lot of damage in the lives of his hosts and leave chaos in his wake, James began to make a conscious effort to cater to the host instead. It wasn’t fair of him to disrupt their lives just so he could live for a day. 
As the years passed, James, unable to find or be himself, began to lose himself. He learned how to dress the part, catering to each person’s style preference. He was a quick learner, and gained the ability to think on his feet, doing his best not to get anyone fired when he couldn’t call in sick.
Sometimes he mourned for other people’s losses, too. Even without its original soul, pain and grief could still linger in a body. Those were the hardest days. 
James tried to interfere with his host’s lives as little as possible. However, on one occasion he found himself inhabiting a particularly awful person, and turned himself into the authorities... but he doesn’t like to talk about that.
When James met Lily, a connection was reignited, since she was the last person his physical mind had thought about before his accident. As the connection grew stronger between himself and Lily, the connection to his body did as well. Eventually, the desire to ensure that he could keep his promise to Lily (attending her birthday party) drew him back to the one body that would ensure it happened – his own. 
James returned to his original body, but the soul was still untethered, having been separated for so long. It needed a solid connection, a desire strong enough to keep it anchored. 
That happened the moment James’ realized how much he loved the girl lying next to him in the hospital bed... someone who was willing to endure a future of hardship in order to keep him close. 
In that moment the soul and body reconnected and his conscious mind took over, the memories of his physical form returning – but not the memories imprinted on his soul. That required a deeper connection. 
That required Lily. 
The wizarding war did not take place in this timeline. Prejudice is still at large and bubbling under the surface, but the scale has not tipped towards violence, and things are relatively normal... or as normal as anything can be in the wizarding world.
Remus didn’t attend Hogwarts. With no wizarding war looming, Albus didn’t see a future need for him, and thus didn’t extend a hand. Remus was homeschooled by his parents instead, and spent a lot of his time engaging with the muggle world, where life was simpler. He eventually attended a muggle university.  
Sirius was forced to transfer to Durmstrang after disappointing the family by being sorted into Gryffindor. He ended up fleeing his family home at 14 because of the conditions and lack of support, living with his uncle Alphard instead, but continued to attend Durmstrang, grateful for the lack of contact with his family (his brother and cousins still attended Hogwarts). He played beater for Durmstrang’s quidditch team, something Alphard encouraged as a productive way for him to get out some of his pent up aggression... Sirius had a lot of aggression to vent. 
Sirius became a skilled player and, with the help of his uncle and his connections, was eventually picked up by the Montrose Magpies, one of the most successful teams in the league. 
James attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor. His skills as a Chaser and captain for the Gryffindor team were unrivaled, and he was eventually scouted by several teams, settling with the Montrose Magpies, where he met Sirius Black. 
Lily attended Beauxbatons after her father was offered a job in France. It was there she became friends with Marlene, who had been sent there by her parents in a last-ditch effort to turn her into a “lady”. Though they may not have been successful in their attempts, she certainly developed an advanced interest in “ladies” instead.
After leaving school, Marlene, having family connections, secured a job at Flourish and Blotts. After a pulling a few strings, she was able to find an opening for Lily as well, who had been missing England. The two moved back to start the next chapter of their lives... as bookworms.  
Sirius and James: 
The infamous duo met after being drafted into the Montrose Magpies quidditch team. James immediately adored Sirius and his brash, aggressive attitude, even if he was a little rough around the edges. James’ easy-going nature and natural confidence was something Sirius admired and aspired to have. The two became fast friends in no time. 
A year after being drafted to the team, James’ parents passed away of Dragonpox. James, unable to stand living in the huge Potter estate by himself, moved into a flat in London near Diagon Alley, closer to Sirius (who was living in Alphard’s old flat, having lost his uncle recently as well). The two became as close as family. 
The flat that James moved into was in the same apartment complex that Remus and Marlene would eventually live in (hence why Remus walked out of his flat to find Sirius in the hallway).
After James’ fell into a coma, Sirius continued to stop by his flat to check up on things... which he did at least once a week, without fail, for three years. He was positive that James would wake up, and wanted to ensure everything was ready for him when he did.
When James awoke from the coma, Sirius, being listed as family, was the first person contacted.  
Remus and Marlene: 
Remus became friends with Marlene after meeting her at a local gay club. It was a muggle club, and it was Remus’ first time there. After watching the jumper-clad man sit at the bar for a solid twenty minutes without talking to anyone, Marlene took pity on the nervous newbie and became determined to show him a good time. 
After far too many drinks, the two of them had a long, sloppy conversation. Marlene could tell something was up, and Remus, with a bit of liquid courage and some pestering, eventually opened up to her. 
Having only attended muggle schools, having just lost his mother, and not wanting to burden his father with his problems, Remus had recently moved out of his family home... and he was in a tight spot. 
He had resorted to living in a one-room flat that could barely be called a room, and his job searching was producing abysmal results. He wanted to become a part of the wizarding world, but it seemed like his efforts were being constantly thwarted by prejudice. 
Things were not going well.  
Something he didn’t tell Marlene was the fact that he’d had a few close-calls in the muggle world due to a lack of understanding towards his condition... situations that he wasn’t aware of, like super moons and eclipses, that produced unexpected results. He was desperate to work his way back into the wizarding world in order to learn more about himself... but it was proving to be much harder than he’d anticipated to fit in.
After an emotionally vulnerable conversation, a couple of trips to the loo to empty the contents of his stomach, and a wobbly exit from the club... Well, Remus didn’t really remember the rest, but the next day he found himself in Marlene’s spare room with a “Welcome Home Bitch” cake on the bedside table, all of his belongings, and no recollection of how they had gotten there.
And that was how Remus Lupin became Marlene McKinnon’s roommate. 
Remus and Sirius: 
Sirius had passed by the muggle club on the corner several times with James on the way to their usual post-game-celebration pub. Every time they passed, his eyes would linger, and James, catching on, always offered to accompany Sirius inside (the proposition including an excessive amount of eyebrow wiggling, which always earned James’ a solid punch in the arm). 
Sirius had never gone in, but that night, standing outside and listening to the music thrumming indoors, he decided Fuck it. Tonight will be the night. 
It had been 6 months now that Remus had been living with Marlene, and he still couldn’t hold down a proper job. Today shouldn’t have come as a surprise, everyone found out eventually, but Remus had really liked his job and had hoped that this time it would last. 
His mistake. 
He knew Marlene wouldn’t care, she was unwaveringly supportive and laid-back about the whole thing, but he still dreaded telling her. She’d offer to get him a position at Flourish again, but Remus knew they didn’t need any more employees, and couldn’t stand living off of her charity. 
On his dejected walk home he’d halted outside of the familiar club. He’d only ever gone in once, but that one time had brought him to Marlene. Maybe this time... 
He didn’t want to go home, he didn’t want to be recognized by someone he knew, and he didn’t want to be sober – so might as well. 
Remus sat down at the bar, feeling nervous and sweaty in his jumper. It was hot, and the music was unnecessarily loud. He quickly ordered a drink, intent on drowning himself. 
Remus glanced to the side and froze, his eyes widening. 
Sirius Black was sitting next to him. As in... famous Quidditch player, ridiculously handsome Sirius Black. 
Remus glanced around, surprised that the man wasn’t being accosted by adoring fans – but they were in a muggle club, and Sirius was just another body among the masses. 
Remus tried to calm his breathing and focus on his drink, his eyes flitting constantly back to the dark haired man beside him in spite of his efforts to remain aloof. God, he wished Marlene knew more about Quidditch teams! She only had eyes for the Harpies (of course), and she wouldn’t be able to give him the appropriate response warranted for this remarkable chance encounter when he told her about it later.   
Sirius’ eyes were on the dance floor, his finger tapping against his leg with the beat. He was smiling comfortably, looking at ease.  
Remus nearly choked on his drink when Sirius turned suddenly, looking in his direction. He tried to play it off like he’d been sparing Sirius a passing glance as opposed to staring at him for the last five minutes – but if the smirk that spread across the other man’s face was any indication, Sirius hadn’t been fooled. 
Remus nearly jumped out of his skin when the quidditch star plopped down in the seat next to him, striking up a conversation as easily as lighting a match – which was dangerous considering the fact that Remus was about ready to explode. 
“Were you going for a bold, stylistic choice with the jumper, or are you just a glutton for punishment?” 
Remus glanced down at the jumper, which was starting to stick uncomfortably to his skin, and licked his lips nervously. “If I say it’s stylistic, will you kindly turn the other cheek when I collapse from dehydration? It’s kind of the look I’m going for, so...”
“How avant-garde of you.”
The conversation flowed naturally after the initial ice-break. Remus was surprised with how well they got on, although the conversation was fairly surface-level, neither of them wanting to reveal too much about themselves. 
It was fun, simple flirting, and Remus hadn’t had that in a long time.  
Sirius glanced down at one point, then grinned. “Is that a wand or are you just happy to see me?” 
Remus froze, glancing down, then slowly reached into his pocket, drawing the long wand out. 
Sirius’ eyes widened in shock, “Oh my god, it’s a wand!” 
Remus had been avoiding discussing the wizarding world, hoping to keep himself from acting like a fan-boy. Sirius was now staring accusatorially at him, as if he’d been lied to. He'd probably thought he was talking to a muggle.
Remus took a deep breath, desperately searching for something to say to cut through the tension, “So... I showed you mine...?” 
Sirius stared for a moment more, sizing him up, then snorted inelegantly. “Is that your pick up line?”
Remus laughed, relieved. “Did it work?”
Sirius stared for a moment, then nodded ever-so-slightly. “I’d say no... but the jumper kind of did it for me already, so really anything works at this point.” 
Remus choked on his drink. 
Sirius bit his lip, glancing hesitantly at Remus as he set down his beer. “... You doing anything after this?” Remus shook his head before his brain could catch up to his body, then cursed inwardly as a sly smile spread across Sirius’ face. “Well then, mind if I take you home?” 
“You want to walk me home?”
“No... I want to take you home. My place... but only if the jumper comes too.” 
“Well, I wasn’t planning on removing it tonight.”
“You can keep wearing it if you’d like.” Sirius shrugged, his grin broadening. 
Remus could feel the blush rising, his ears heating up. “I... I’m not really looking for anything right now,” he stammered, feeling the word-vomit rising to the surface as the anxiety took over, “I mean, I know I look incredibly put-together in my knitted jumper, but I have to be honest with you, my life is a bit of a mess–”
“You say right now,” Sirius cut in, drumming the counter lightly, his grey eyes piercing. “But am I safe in assuming you mean you’re not looking for anything later... Because I’m alright with right now if you’re not interested in later.” 
Remus had never had a one-night-stand before. 
He was hesitant, but Sirius was fun and unfairly attractive, and he’d enjoyed the short time they’d spent together. He needed something uncomplicated, and Sirius was offering exactly that... so, why the hell not?
Turned out, a one-night-stand with Sirius Black was great. Really great.  
They had come to an understanding, and Remus left the next morning without waking the other man. It was only after that he realized... he’d never given Sirius a name.  
Part of him felt a twinge of regret, but that’s what he had wanted – a nice, uncomplicated memory to hold onto. 
Now he had one. 
Sirius had no idea that Remus was living in the same complex as James. Remus lived on a different floor, and he was always out job-hunting when Sirius stopped by around lunch for his weekly visits... but one particular morning, Sirius woke up at the crack of dawn, feeling peculiarly groggy. He shook his head, glancing at the ornate clock on the wall that had the time, date, weather forecast, and for some reason, the creative cuss-word of the day. That was uncle Alphard for you. 
Friday. Sirius had to double take. Friday? God, had he missed an entire day? He’d been sure it was Thursday. 
Friday was James’ day. Sirius dragged himself out of bed and made his way to the flat, knowing he wouldn’t make it in the afternoon and worried about James’ plants, which were looking a little grim and god-forbid he let a fucking cactus die, of all things. 
Sirius was preoccupied with his thoughts and accidentally got off on the wrong floor. He instinctively started making his way towards what he thought was James’ flat, all the floors looking exactly the same, when he heard someone calling out to him... 
That voice sounded familiar. 
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Bad Guy - Part 2
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A/N: Thanks for your all your love on Part 1! You guys are the best, so please enjoy Part 2! Remember to have safe sex! Enjoy xx
Word Count: 5K
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Warnings: Smut (if you read and I find out you’re under 18, I will block you!)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"You. I only want you," he said quietly.
Y/N's smirk stretched from ear to ear, the essence of innocence, as she tenderly cradled the side of his face in her hand, touching the light dusting of stubble. It was an intimate moment in an otherwise very scandalous position. He seemed so soft and vulnerable, and she was looking forward to making him work for it.
"Good," she purred at him, she leaned down and started press kisses along his jaw, leaving red lip marks in her wake, already proud of her work. She took her time to languidly work her way towards his pouting lips, admiring their soft, supple appearance. He was watching her closely, hazel eyes dark with lust as a few soft whines left escaped his mouth. He was gently rutting his hips against hers, trying to get some sort of friction to relieve his hardness, as she moved gently against him.
He left like a teenager in his prime, trying desperately to contain himself and hoped he didn't cum all over himself. She enjoyed making him squirm, watching him get slowly more wound up with each passing second. This often had this effect on men, and women, but there was something about Joe that made it so much more delicious, so much more enjoyable.
She suddenly stopped her actions, leaning up suddenly, still straddling his waist as he wondered why she had suddenly stopped. Putting a finger to his lips, she paused momentarily before reaching behind her to undue the clasp of her bra, letting it fall down her arms slowly before tossing it to join their growing pile of clothes. Joe sucked in his breath as he watched her with a renewed sense of vigor, admiring her nearly naked form intently.
"What's wrong, Joey? Have you never seen breasts before?" she taunted, before leaning back down and laying flush against him so he could feel her breasts against his soft, bare skin. Judging by the way he bit his lip and yanked at the restraints on his wrists, yes, he really liked what he saw.
“Please touch me,” he almost choked as she moved against him ever so slightly, dragging her body along his just enough to give them both some friction. She laughed lightly and burrowed her face in the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent and the smell of his cologne on her invaded his senses. He closed his eyes, feeling his chest start to rise and fall rapidly, every touch of her fingers sending shivers up his spine as goosebumps erupted all over his skin.
“Do you want it badly, don’t you pretty boy?” she said softly, feeling him growing harder and harder against her wetness, and she knew that she too wasn’t too last much longer without touching him. She was denying herself pleasure just as much as she was with him. She gave him a few more kisses before pulling herself away from him, sliding off of his body and landing gracefully on the feet at the side. He watched her in awe, wordless as he anticipated her next move - anything she could do, as long as her hands were on him would be good enough.
“Y/N, you’re such a fucking tease,” his voice was low and almost guttural as his gaze refused to shift from hers. She cocked an eyebrow at him as if she was silently asking and what about it  as she stuck her fingers in the waistband of her barely there panties. They were already long ruined, but she was going to give him a show of removing him; his own boxers were already soaked with precum that had leaked from the tip of his hard cock. It was going to much to get him off at this point.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” she turned around and show him her bum, wiggling it slightly just so he could get a full view of everything before taking her time to push the lace down, letting it pool around her ankles. She turned around and looked at Joe, exposing her nude form to him, watching him as he took in the sight of her. His face lit up in wonder as he looked at her like she was something akin to the Venus emerging from her shell - simple and beautiful art. It sent a momentary feeling of vulnerability through her veins, causing her to joke, “see, I’m fully naked before you, so who really has the upper hand here?”
“You’re beautiful,” he said quietly, his cock twitching as she just let out a small laugh. She’d been told that plenty of times before, but it never meant anything. It always started this way, but usually ended after a night or two, so she learned never to take it to heart. She wanted sex, much as her partners generally did, and she wasn’t about to confuse love and affection with the purely carnal release she desired.
“Nahh,” she shook her to discourage him from saying anything further, but he just sent her a confused look. She stepped in between his legs, tickling the bottom of his foot delicate with the tips of her fingers. He giggled in spite of the moment, continually surprised by the enigma of the woman standing in front of him, “people always say what they think someone else wants to hear so they get what they want. I’m not one of those people, Joseph, you don’t have to flatter me. You and I both know why we’re here, to fuck, nothing more or nothing less.”
“It doesn’t just have to be sex,” he countered, but she just shook her head, refusing to give into him even the slightest bit. She kneeled on the bed in between his legs, tracing her fingers over the waistband of his boxers, touching along the contour of his hip bones before tugging them down slowly, finally exposed his cock, causing Joe to hiss and push his hips closer to her. She threw the boxers into the pile containing her clothes and admired him for a moment, making a small noise of approval. Not only did he exude big dick energy - he was actually able to back it up. 
“I already made it clear to you that I don’t want a relationship,” she almost groaned at him, annoyed that he was trying to make conversation in the middle of what they were about to do. At this point she didn’t care if he was the actual king of England, she just want to suck him off and have him remain silent. The only sounds she wanted to hear were the moans she knew he was capable of making, “I know how hard it for you men to believe that women can like sex just as much as you can, but it’s the truth. I don’t want more than this, Joe. I like how things are, easy, uncomplicated, no feelings involved or strings attached. Now can you accept that so I can suck your dick?”
“N-” he had started but quickly shut up once she had backed away from him. Although he wanted to argue with her on the points she had presented, but right now he really just wanted to feel her mouth all over him, “yes, fine, whatever you say. Now can you…please?”
“Your wish is my command,” she responded, putting her hand on the base of his shaft and gripping it lightly, just enough to grab his attention. A quiet little whimper already escaped his lips as he watched her expectantly, silently begged for to carry on.
She gathered some of the salty precum that had continued to leak from his tip, which was an angry, flushed red, desperate for attention, and used it as a lubricant as she started to pump his cock. He subconsciously started to rut his hips up, insistent that she go faster.
Y/N continued her actions for a few moments, using her free hand to massage his balls, making sure to give all of him equal attention. It was almost hard to wrap her whole hand around him, he was thicker than she had thought, but she did her best as she twisted her hand and tried to bring him as close to his high as possible. He was a beautiful sight as he writhed under her, slowly becoming a desperate even from only her touch.
But just as quickly as she had started, she stopped, removing her hands from him, a bemused grin on her face as she watched his face contort into a shocked expression.
“What? Why you’d stop?” he looked at her like a child that had just had his favorite toy taken away. She ghosted her fingers along his calves, just enough to where he could ever it ever so slightly, and shrugged her shoulders.
“I dunno,” she said after a few moments, letting out a dainty little sigh, trying her best to get him worked up, “you’re just fun to tease, and you’ve got a lovely cock that I like to admire. I can’t admire if it’s in my mouth, can I?”
“You just want me to beg, don’t you?” he tried to free one of his hands, trying to slip it out from the knot in the tie, much to no avail. She snorted in amusement at his struggle, which only seemed to frustrate him further, “I’d say I’d get on my hands and knees to beg, but…”
“It’s okay,” she loomed over his body, grazing her wetness over his cock as she grabbed his forearm, placing a little kiss on each of his wrists. They had started to turn slightly red as he had tied to free himself from her little trap, “seeing you like this is enough. You change from macho tough guy to begging baby boy rather quickly. What’s wrong, Joey? Never had a woman tie you up before?”
“Not one like you,” he admitted and she smirked at him for a moment, happy by the profound effort she was having on him.
“I supposed you’ve suffered enough,” she sighed wistfully, bopping the tip of his nose, before settling down between his spread legs. She gripped his cock again, her other hand moving to pin down his hips, “but you need to lie still. You move, and it’s over, I’ll stop and leave you like this.”
“I’ll be good,” he promised her, and she gave him a tut of approval before finally, finally taking him her into his mouth, her warm, wetness causing him to experience a whole new sensation. His eyes almost rolled back in his head and he let out a guttural moan as she took him all the way into her mouth, letting him hit the back of her throat.
She stilled for a moment, letting him enjoy the blissful feeling before hollowing out her cheeks and bobbing her head up and down on his cock. Y/N did her best to move slowly, just to torture him a little, and soon enough there was only a slew of hisses and curses rolling off of his tongue. She was enjoying teasing him, how his body reacted to her touch, working in almost perfect harmony along with her. As she sped up, repeatedly taking him all the way to the back of her throat and almost gagging around him, he started to push against her arm, desperate to move and have his way with her. 
Pulling off of him with a loud pop she cleared her throat and looked at him, “have you already forgotten the deal, baby boy? I can feel you trying to move.”
“P-please,” he breathed out harshly as his chest rose and feel rapidly, the sounds ragged, “please let me fuck your mouth.”
A small huh escaped past her lips as she contemplated his words. She’s had plenty of men in the past ask for permission, but she generally always denied them. She wanted to be in control, and she was willing to do whatever it took to retain dominance. But there was something about Joe, how sweetly had asked, and she could tell he was trying his hardest to comply with her requests. Watching him silently for a few moments, she touched him with only the tips of her fingers, but decided to indulge him, “alright. But if I ask you to stop, you stop. That’s rule, okay?”
“Yes,” he promised her, and she could tell he was being truthful, “whatever you want.”
“Good,” she gave him a wicked little grin, “I’m going to let go of your hips, okay? But your hands remain tied, think you can keep up?”
“You’re torturing me,” he sighed heavily as she let go of him, and took him back in her mouth, looking at him with wide innocent doe eyes. Giving him a slight nod, he started to thrust his hips upwards, going slowly at first to test the waters. Moving her mouth in time with his ruts, she could tell he was quickly coming undone as he squeezed his eyes shuts and started to curl his toes.
Humming contently around his cock, the vibrations spurred him, and he was sure this was what heaven felt like. The pleasure and warmth was like no other and he knew she’d done this plenty of times before, expertly swirling her tongue around him as he fucked her, feeling more like a horny teenager than anything else. Joe hadn’t felt this pathetic and desperate since he first discovered masturbation and spent hours locked away in his room, fantasizing about any woman he laid eyes on.
Y/N ran her fingertips up and down his thighs, scraping against the skin ever so delicately so he received just enough of the sensation. She could sense that he was getting close as he sped up, his cock twitching in her mouth. She could taste his salty precum all over her mouth, and released him quickly, and he groaned at the sensation, “where do you want to cum?”
“Mouth please,” were the only words that left his mouth before she obliged him and went back to sucking him off, going at it like it was the only thing in the world she wanted. It wasn’t long before his thrusts became more irregular and sloppy, that and slowed down, making a noisy display of finishing him off.
“Come on Joey,” she cooed at him, “let go, just let go for me.”
That was the last bit of encouragement that he needed before he came in her mouth, filling her up with his seed. She kept him in her mouth as he whimpered pathetically, still feeling coming down from his high, lost in a blissful haze.
“Good boy,” she touched him tenderly as she let him go, making sure to give him a few more licks to clean him off, making sure to swallow every last little drop he offered her. He slumped against the pillows, letting out a content sigh as he watched Y/N lick her lips and open her mouth to show him that she had swallowed every bit. Crawling off the bed, she walked to the side and leaned down to give him a quick kiss, and he sighed into her mouth, warmth spreading to every part of his body.
“You’re good at that,” he blurted out and she stifled a laugh, hiding her face behind her hand, just shrugging her shoulders.
“So I’ve been told,” she responded, jokingly pinching one of his flushed cheeks. His skin was warm and clammy, and the expression etched onto his face was that of a man who was clearly fucked out and tired, his eyelids starting to droop already, “don’t fall asleep on me now, Joey. I’m not done with you just yet.”
“There’s more?” he sounded like a child that had just been set loose in a toy store. She snickered as she nodded, wondering exactly how unsatisfying his sexual adventures must have been if he thought they were done after the mere act of fellatio.
“Of course there’s more, silly,” she swung one of her legs over his thigh so she was effectively straddling his leg. He could already almost feel her wetness dripping down his leg just from her simple touch, “tell me, Joey, do you like being used?”
“Depends,” he wasn’t even sure how he managed to get out a single coherent word as she started to rock back and forth on his strong leg. His eyes were wide as he watched her body move, breasts bouncing with every little motion she made, “I like when I’m being used by a pretty girl.”
“I thought you might,” she bit her bottom tightly between her teeth, trying to stifle her moans as she used her position to her advantage, “I just thought it wasn’t fair that you got to cum and I haven’t. Can you feel how wet you’ve already made me? All for you just from sucking you off.”
“You’re soaked,” he marveled at her as she mewled in delight before leaning down and capturing his lips in a fiery kiss, their lips and teeth gnashing together as their actions grew more sloppy with each passing second. Joe had started to bounce his leg in motion with her little bucks.
“Now you’re just playing dirty,” she whispered against his lips, the two of them exchanging a laugh. He gloated at her for a moment as she braced herself on his chest, her mouth opening to form a little o as she got closer and closer to her own high, her vision starting to go white and starry.
“Two can play dirty,” he insisted, reminding her that he was still the one who was tied up, almost completely at her mercy. He was desperate to touch her, to feel every inch of her soft skin under his hands, to trace his fingers all over her body, to learn all the little spots that made her whine and moan, and eventually writhe under touch.
“Fair enough,” she gasped as she changed her angle slightly, and led her hand wander to her swollen bundle of nerves, rubbing tight circles there.
“Look at you,” Joe could feel himself getting hard again as he watched her fuck herself on his leg, the prettiest little sounds pouring out of her mouth, “so pathetic and desperate to cum, you’ve resorted to riding my leg.”
“I’m doing you the favor,” she insisted, feeling the onslaught of her orgasm washing over her, “you should be thrilled by the sights, the sounds, the feelings.”
“You think you’re so bad,” he increased his ministrations as closed her eyes tightly, “but I think you’re just a little pretty girl who wants someone to make her feel good.”
“Joey,” she brought her free hand to her breast and played with it as she still to him go on, “shut up, because I’m about to c-”
“Then let go for me,” he echoed her words from her earlier and that was enough to set her over the edge, and experience her own release. She managed to keep it quiet, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing her moan, especially not his name, as she draw out her orgasm, feeling the familiar feeling spreading throughout her entire form. He smirked as he felt her release all over his leg, a little bit running down his leg.
“Jesus,” she finally said after a catching her breath for a few moments. She could feel him watching her every move and decided to be bold, feeling a bit of bravado seep into her bones. Reaching between her legs she gathered some of her arousal on her fingers and held her hand out in front of his face, an eyebrow raised to see if he would follow her train of thought.
Joe opened his mouth, his tongue darting out quickly as he sucked on her fingers, and cleaning them off, tasting her in the process, “delicious, just like fucking candy.”
“Ahh, you’re a good boy, aren’t you?” she let out a long, soft breath as she got off of him and mused over her next action. She could call it a night and run off to home, and put this all behind her. Or, she could free him from his restraints and let him have some control over her. Best of all, she decided, was to leave him as he was and do one last little thing that she knew would drive him over the edge.
She playfully ruffled his hair, a sweet gesture, a sharp juxtaposition to their previous actions. He looked at her questioningly, and she just leaned down and gave him a few gentle kisses.
“Tell you what,” she said suddenly, moving to untie one of his hands, setting it free after what seemed like an eternity. He let a small sigh of relief as he tried to reach for her body, craving nothing more than to touch her. She grabbed his hand with hers, not even thinking about her actions as she laced her fingers through his, backing out of his reach, “I’m going to give you a little leeway and give you the use of one hand. That should be enough to satisfy you. Consider yourself lucky, I’ve never done this for anyone before, but you’ve made quite the impression on me.”
“I told you I would,” he smiled as he pulled her hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to the palm of it. She rolled her eyes dramatically at him, but couldn’t keep the smile off of her own face, “tell me, why grant me this much freedom?”
“Because,” she giggled as she moved over and straddled his hips again, feeling his hard cock against her backside. His eyes light up in wonder as he watched her, finally getting to touch her body, “you’ve got large hands and I’m kind of wanting to feel them all over me.”
He trailed his long fingers up and down her side, touching every single bit he touch as she shivered under his soft touch. He reached up and cupped her breast, massaging it before playing with her nipple, rolling it between his fingers as she let out a low moan. Joe had barely touched her and he was already having a profound effect on her, their bodies working perfectly together.
She reached between them and took his cock in her hand, giving him a few slow strokes before lining him up at her entrance. They exchanged a quick look of desire as she slowly sunk down on him, not stopping until he was fully inside of her, filling her up perfectly and completely.
“Jesus Christ,” Joe said after a few moments as she adjusted to him. She felt perfect around him, her walls squeezing his cock in a way he had never experienced before. His hand was in a tight grip around her waist, holding onto her so roughly she was sure there would be bruises there tomorrow. But she liked the idea of that thought, wanting marks from him that she could show to the world. For something that she wanted to keep as a one night stand, she could feel a lot of more serious emotions bubbling up, but she chose not to worry about that in the moment, “you’re so perfect.”
“And you fill me up so perfectly,” she managed to interject before she started to move, slowly starting to bounce up and down on his cock as he used his iron grip to help guide her. Neither of them were to last long, that much she already knew.
Neither of them managed to find any other words, instead the only sounds that filled the room were their low moans and the sounds of skin on skin. She could barely keep her hands from touching all over his chest, her fingernails leaving light scratch marks all over his torso. He helped her out but moving in time with each of her bounces, lifting his hips up and down.
She let out a content giggle before leaning down and starting to kiss him, letting her lips wander all over his lips, jaw, and eventually, sucking hickeys into his pale skin. If she was going to have marks, then she would make damn sure he would sport them to.
As much as she tried to deny it, she knew that she liked Joe, like really liked Joe, much more than she had originally intended. She gently wiped at his brow, swiping away the small beads of sweat that had appeared as she studied his handsome face, contorted into a look of pure pleasure. He had red lip prints everywhere, but she decided it suited him, and it was a sight she wouldn’t mind seeing again.
“What?” he asked quietly as she stared at him with a goofy grin, unaware of what she was doing. Joe had her right where he (and she) both wanted, as he reached between their sweaty bodies and played ever gently with her clit, which spurred her on. 
“Nothing,” she caught herself, and put a look of what she hoped was concentration back onto her face, “keep going, Joe. I’m getting close.”
“Me too,” he could feel her walls started to slowly contract around him, as he cock twitched, “can I cum in you? Please?”
“Yes,” she agreed, wanting nothing more than to feel his seed coating the inside of her walls. She gripped his shoulders tightly, burrowing her face in the crook of his neck, placing gentle kisses in all the spots she could reach. It would only take a few more thrusts before she was undone, the feeling of his body under hers was magnificent. Knowing she was likely to sound pathetic and weak, but way past caring, she whimpered into his ear, “you’re so good, Joey. Please, please, please, I’m going to cum. Cum with me, please.”
“Tell me,” he stammered out, kissing the side of her head as he closed his eyes, “tell me you want me.”
“I do,” she finally admitted, wanting to feel her second release and speaking words she knew to be true, “I do want you.”
That was the rest of the encouragement he minded as he started to spill inside her, walls hugging him more tightly than a vice grip as she came too. His name rolled off of her lips like a prayer, repeatedly and with a sense of urgency as she stilled her movements and relished in the feeling of their combined orgasm.
Joe held onto her hip still, rubbing gentle circles into the soft skin he found, as he kissed her bare shoulder, their bodies glistening with sweat from their combined efforts.
“That was...”
“Excellent,” she finished for him, reluctantly rolling off of him, feeling a sense of loss as he no longer filled her up. He looked at her with such a soft smile, it was hard not to fall for him. Joe reached over and gently touched her face, stopping at the corner of her mouth, “you’re just a romantic at heart, aren’t you?”
“I never denied this,” he joked, giving her a quick wink. She looked up and saw that his other hand was still tied and let out a small chuckle. Leaning back over him, she freed his other wrist from its constraint, giving him full access to all of his limbs, “thanks. I wasn’t sure if you’d ever untie me. You could have run away and left me high and dry.”
“It might have momentarily crossed my mind,” she admitted, kissing the tip of his nose, “but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’d never hear the end of it anyways, so I decided to play fair.”
“I’d wager that was a little more than fair,” he admitted, “you were incredible.”
“You aren’t so bad yourself,” she conceded, standing up and stretching her arms and legs, enjoying the popping feeling in her joints, “now, where’s your shower?”
“Down the hall,” he jerked his head in the direction and she nodded as she headed towards the door, stopping when her hand was on the doorknob. She knew his eyes were on her, so she slowly turned around and studied him. His pale skin was flushed and sweaty, her lipstick all over his body.
“Hey, ugh,” she started awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck, “I don’t know where your towels or anything else is. Do you want to come with me and show me?”
“Are you sure?” he perked up, giving her a questioning look, surprised by her reaction. She nodded and her lips turned up in a smile, “s-so...you’ll stay?”
“I’ll stay,” she promised, and he slid out of the bed, quickly closing the distance between them, “I’m not making any promises or anything, but maybe...we could try this again sometime? But like...go out first or something...”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were asking me out,” he joked and she gently shoved his chest, “maybe Y/N L/N is softer than she cared to admit.”
“Maybe so,” she agreed, pecking his lips quickly, “but don’t get used to it. And like I said, no promises, but we’ll see. But right now, I could really use a shower and sleep.”
“Does that include some shower sex?” he figured he’d try and press his luck while she was in a good mood.
“Don’t push your luck,” she grabbed his hand and dragged him down the hall, “but it’s a yes from me!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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forgenotes-archived · 4 years
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VERONICA    ROSE    SAWYER    AND    THE    MUSIC    OF    ST    VINCENT    .    
word    count    :        3,006    . trigger    warnings    for    :        child    abuse    /    neglect    ,        depression    ,        self    harm    ,        suicide    ,        murder    .
there    are    a    few    points    that    i    will    be    ignoring    -        namely    ,        clarke’s    music    does    have    a    heavy    focus    on    catholicism    that    ronnie    ,        as    a    jewish    woman    ,        won’t    relate    to    necessarily    on    a    literal    level    .        i    might    purposely    misinterpret    some    of    the    more    catholic    songs    ,        but    for    the    most    part    ,        i’ll    just    .    .    .        skip    over    that    shit    ,        lol    .        
of    course    ,        not    every    song    of    hers    makes    perfect    sense    with    veronica    ,        but    there    are    a    substantial    amount    that    really    hit    home    for    characterization    purposes    .        i’ll    be    pretty    brief    about    them    mostly    due    to    the    fact    that    this    is    going    to    be    long    enough    but    !        
please    enjoy    a    massive    post    about    veronica’s    most    influential    muse    inspiration    ,        st    vincent    ,        and    how    each    song    sparks    a    different    facet    of    her    characterization    ,        personality    ,        and    history    .
  ALBUM    ONE    -        MARRY    ME    .
*** NOW ,  NOW .       this    song    is    one    of    five    songs    that    truly    cuts    to    the    very    core    of    veronica’s    persona    .        it    is    written    as    a    cutting    dismantlement    of    preconceived    notions    ;        and    while    that    in    a    general    sense    does    apply    to    her    ,        it    pulls    apart    as    a    particularly    embittered    attack    on    heather    chandler    .        with    the    deconstruction    of    her    worth    to    her    (    i’m    not    your    mother’s    favourite    dog    /    i’m    not    the    carpet    you    walk    on    /    i’m    not    the    feather    at    your    feet    /    i’m    not    the    paw    to    your    king    /    i’m    not    anyone    you’ll    beat    )    ,        it    harkens    to    her    rebellion    and    powerful    nature    that’s    been    crushed    under    heather’s    heel    .        the    chorus    and    final    lines    of    the    song    draw    perfect    parallels    to    her    and    heather’s    fight    at    the    party    ,        and    the    inevitable    death    -        you    don’t    mean    that    ,        say    you’re    sorry    /    i’ll    make    you    sorry    .    this    track    is    desperately    dramatically    perfectly    attached    to    my    interpretation    of    ronnie    .
*** YOUR LIPS ARE RED .        this    goes    along    almost    chronologically    with    above    -        this    song    is    about    murder    ,        explicitly    ;        and    by    god    does    that    ever    track    !        particular    lyrics    of    note    are    :        this    city’s    red    from    riding    us    into    the    ground    /    your    face    is    drawn    from    drawing    words    right    from    my    lips    /    my    hands    are    red    from    sealing    your    red    lips    /    your    skin’s    so    fair    ,        it’s    not    fair    .        the    narrative    of    the    song    leads    towards    a    crime    of    passion    ;        anger    and    hate    towards    someone    with    some    sort    of    power    over    them    ,        and    the    eventual    revenge    for    their    (    perceived    )    mistreatment    .        veronica    doesn’t    feel    as    bad    as    she    should    that    heather’s    gone    ;        a    part    of    her    feels    satisfied    ,        and    that’s    the    part    that    this    song    exemplifies    .
THE APOCALYPSE SONG .        embracing    the    carnal    nature    of    life    and    cutting    away    from    those    who    refuse    to    (    or    are    too    afraid    to    )    join    you    -        in    a    more    subdued    sense    ,        it’s    similar    to    what    veronica    does    in    cutting    loose    from    her    friends    ;        and    further    still    ,        ostracizing    herself    from    her    family    to    build    a    more    spectacular    life    for    herself    and    jason    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        you’ll    awake    with    the    stitches    over    both    of    your    eyes    ,        and    deny    me    my    body    and    all    earthly    delights    /    i    guess    you    are    afraid    of    what    everyone    is    made    of    /    your    devotion    has    the    look    of    a    lunatic’s    gaze    .
LANDMINES .        in    terms    of    the    tragedy    of    the    beginnings    of    her    and    jason’s    relationship    -        when    he    spirals    into    the    worst    parts    of    his    plans    ,        she    is    desperate    to    try    and    lure    him    back    to    the    better    side    .        it’s    sadness    ,        it’s    hope    without    reason    ,        it’s    painful    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        i’m    crawling    through    landmines    just    to    know    where    you    are    /    there’s    smoke    in    my    eyes    ,        ‘cause    you’re    burning    the    ground    /    i’m    crawling    through    landmines    -        i    know    ,        ‘cause    i    planted    them    /    under    cover    of    night    ,        i    put    my    heart    in    the    ground    /    where’d    you    go    ?    please    don’t    go    /    i    found    your    glove    with    the    leather    torn    ,        five    fingers    that    i’m    counting    on    ,        smoke    signals    to    call    you    right    here    .
  ALBUM    TWO    -        ACTOR    .
THE STRANGERS .        clarke    said    she’d    written    this    song    about    a    woman    who’s    spoiled    by    decadence    and    leisure    ,        but    is    desperately    sad    by    her    situation    .        which    ,        in    all    honesty    ,        fits    veronica    to    a    t    -        exhausted    by    the    picturesque    garden    ,        and    unwilling    to    continue    being    trimmed    to    fit    in    paradise    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        lover    ,        i    don’t    play    to    win    ,        but    for    the    thrill    ‘till    i’m    spent    /    you    showed    up    with    a    black    eye    ,        ready    to    go    start    a    fight    /    desperate    don’t    look    good    on    you    ,        neither    does    your    virtue    /    paint    the    black    hole    blacker    .
THE NEIGHBOURS .        the    song    paints    a    picture    of    a    hatred    of    suburban    sedentary    lifestyles    ;        partial    arson    ,        partial    alcoholism    ,        all    very    accurate    to    the    way    ronnie    feels    being    stuck    in    sherwood    ohio    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        let’s    pour    wine    in    coffee    cups    and    drive    around    the    neighbourhood    /    i    won’t    believe    not    a    word    you    speak    just    make    it    sweet    to    hear    /    these    kids    are    foaming    at    the    mouths    ,        psychotropic    capricorns    /    how    can    monday    be    alright    ,        then    on    tuesday    lose    my    mind    ? 
* BLACK RAINBOW .        this    is    a    portrait    of    one    person    in    their    isolation    of    an    elevated    comprehension    above    the    brainwashed    masses    of    average    american    life    -        the    loneliness    in    their    own    self    -    aggrandizing    thought    processes    ,        but    also    the    pangs    of    hopelessness    when    they    know    that    they’re    still    right    .        veronica    is    allowed    an    understanding    that    her    parents    and    these    remington    assholes    have    chosen    to    ignore    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        think    i’m    glass    ,        think    i’m    breaking    it    /    let    the    children    act    like    furniture    for    the    ladies    of    the    lawn    /    unkissed    boys    and    girls    of    paradise    lining    up    around    the    block    /    back    pocket    full    of    dynamite    while    the    neighbours    talk    and    talk    /    bird    outside    the    kitchen    ,        fighting    his    reflection    ,        what’s    he    gonna    win    when    he    wins    ?    /    if    you    want    the    neighbours    woke    ,        you’ll    have    to    shout    even    louder    .
* LAUGHING WITH A MOUTH OF BLOOD .        clarke    has    described    this    song    as    a    balancing    act    between    the    pain    of    the    past    and    the    uncertainty    of    the    future    ,        and    the    desperation    that’s    found    when    those    two    roads    meet    .        ronnie’s    got    scars    she’s    healing    from    ,        but    she’s    also    got    no    idea    why    and    how    to    keep    on    living    afterwards    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        just    like    an    amnesiac    ,        trying    to    get    my    senses    back    /    laughing    with    a    mouth    of    blood    from    a    little    spill    i    took    /    all    my    old    friends    aren’t    so    friendly    ,        and    all    my    old    haunts    are    now    haunting    me    /    i    can’t    see    the    future    but    i    know    it’s    watching    me    .
MARROW .        a    vague    song    ,        but    one    that    resonates    deeper    with    ronnie    than    she    expected    through    its    undertones    of    feeling    as    though    she’s    not    in    control    of    her    body    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        i    wish    i    had    a    gentle    mind    and    spine    made    up    of    iron    /    mouth    connects    to    the    teeth    and    teeth    to    the    loves    and    the    curses    /    so    i    pretend    there    aren’t    ten    strings    tied    to    all    ten    of    my    fingers    .
THE PARTY .        a    dreamscape    of    a    song    that    touches    on    her    subtle    alcoholism    and    desperation    for    connections    that    never    come    .        veronica’s    coping    mechanisms    lead    her    into    bad    habits    in    order    to    make    connections    ,        but    ultimately    leave    her    completely    floundering    after    everything’s    over    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        i’d    pay    anything    to    keep    my    conscience    clean    /    there    aren’t    enough    hands    to    point    all    the    fingers    /    i    lick    the    ice    cube    from    your    empty    glass    /    honey    ,        the    party    ,        you    went    away    quickly    /    i’ve    said    much    too    much    and    they’re    trying    to    sweep    up    .
* JUST THE SAME BUT BRAND NEW .        this    song    is    a    floating    heartbreak    ,        following    the    descent    into    depression    st    vincent    falls    into    after    losing    somebody    she    loves    -        did    she    do    something    wrong    ?        where    do    i    go    from    now    ?        how    do    i    fill    this    hole    in    my    heart    ?        veronica    feels    this    on    a    lesser    level    towards    her    friends    ,        however    few    she    may    have    had    ;        but    in    its    fullest    extent    after    jd    ,        because    despite    everything    (    fear    ,        pain    ,        abuse    )    ,        she    still    loves    him    for    what    she    thought    she    had    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        so    i    walked    away    all    perfumed    ,        felt    just    the    same    but    brand    new    /    and    anything    you    wrote    i    checked    for    codes    and    clues    /    i    changed    my    ‘a’s    and    ‘i’s    to    yours    /    i    do    my    best    impression    of    weightlessness    now    too    /    i    might    be    wrong    ,        i    might    be    wrong    ,        i    might    be    wrong    ,        but    honey    i    believed    i    could    just    float    away    ,        dangling    .
  ALBUM    THREE    -        STRANGE    MERCY    .
* CHEERLEADER .        a    determined    cry    to    reject    the    role    being    forced    upon    her    ;        a    final    stand    to    shed    the    expectations    thrown    over    her    ,        while    also    reminiscing    on    how    these    constraints    have    forced    veronica    to    become    afraid    of    being    vulnerable    .           important    lyrics    to    note    :        i’ve    had    good    times    with    some    bad    guys    /    i’ve    told    whole    lies    with    a    half    smile    /    i    don’t    know    what    good    it    serves    ,        pouring    my    purse    in    the    dirt    /    i’ve    played    dumb    when    i    knew    better    /    i    don’t    know    what    i    deserve    ,        but    your    you    i    could    work    /    i    don’t    wanna    be    a    cheerleader    no    more    ,        i    don’t    wanna    be    a    dirt    eater    no    more    .
DILETTANTE .        a    brutal    cutting    slice    of    her    and    jason    dean’s    relationship    -        a    desire    to    stay    ,        but    a    desperation    to    bring    their    passion    back    down    to    earth    .        partially    a    love    song    ,        trying    to    preserve    their    fire    without    burning    up    ;        partially    a    lament    about    overcoming    the    fear    of    stagnation    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        nobody’s    winning    ,        the    sharks    are    swimming    in    the    red    /    while    you    are    sleeping    ,        my    mind    goes    creaking    down    the    wall    /    slow    down    dilettante    so    i    can    limp    beside    you    ,        i’m    following    your    houndstooth    /    street    savant    ,        my    bank    in    my    back    pocket    ,        how    far   you    think    it’d    take    us    ?    /     but    let’s    not    forget    why    we    crawled    here    .
  ALBUM    FOUR    -        ST    VINCENT    .
* PRINCE JOHNNY .        this    is    the    second    song    in    a    trilogy    about    an    archetype    of    a    friend    clarke    has    named    “    johnny    ”    -        this    particular    angle    focuses    on    the    helpless    desperation    to    stop    someone    you    care    about    from    falling    down    a    dangerous    ,        self    -    destructive    path    .        in    veronica’s    eyes    ,        jason    is    her    prince    johnny    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        prince    johnny    ,        you’re    kind    but    you’re    not    simple    ,        by    now    ,        i    think    i    know    the    difference    /    saw    you    pray    to    all    to    make    you    a    real    boy    /    prince    johnny    ,        you’re    kind    ,        but    do    be    careful    /    don’t    mistake    my    affection    for    another    spit    -    and    -    penny    style    redemption    /    i    wanna    mean    more    than    i    mean    to    you    .
DIGITAL WITNESS .        a    cutting    dialogue    on    the    desperation    for    popularity    ;        in    modern    day    ,        it’s    a    critique    of    social    media    and    societal    pressures    ,        but    in    terms    of    veronica’s    timeline    ,        it    doubles    as    a    light    on    westerburg’s    obsession    with    their    queen    bees    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        i    want    all    of    your    mind    /    if    i    can’t    show    it    ,        if    you    can’t    see    me    ,        what’s    the    point    of    doing    anything    ?    /    this    is    no    time    for    confessing    /    if    you    can’t    see    me    ,        watch    me    jump    right    off    the    london    bridge    /    get    back    to    your    stare    ,        i    care    ,        but    i    don’t    care    /    what’s    the    point    of    even    sleeping    ?        so    i    stop    sleeping    /    won’t    somebody    sell    me    back    to    me    ?
REGRET .        a    self    -    explanatory    song    ,        in    all    reality    ;        you    are    afraid    to    move    ,        and    your    anxiety    keeps    you    away    from    opportunity    -        before    you    even    realize    you’ve    wasted    your    potential    ,        you’re    doomed    .        veronica    is    trapped    in    a    vicious    cycle    that    won’t    allow    her    to    spread    her    wings    ;        fear    begets    fear    ,        and    life    moves    on    without    her    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        memories    so    bright    i    gotta    squint    just    to    recall    /    regret    the    words    i’ve    bitten    more    than    the    ones    i    ever    said    /    i’m    afraid    of    heaven    because    i    can’t    stand    the    heights    /    i’m    afraid    of    you    because    i    can’t    be    left    behind    /    oh    well    ,        there’s    a    red    moon    rising    /    the    door    slammed    and    it    felt    like    a    cannonball    .
  ALBUM    FIVE    -        MASSEDUCTION    .
SUGARBOY .        a    mashup    of    a    love    song    and    an    ode    to    vicious    bisexuality    ;        a    heart    that    is    sharp    and    easy    to    slice    yourself    open    on    ,        but    a    reciprocal    appreciation    of    the    danger    that    comes    with    falling    for    someone    .        ronnie’s    sugarboy    is    jason    ;        but    she    also    learns    to    acknowledge    that    she    wouldn’t    have    minded    finding    a    sugargirl    ,        either    .    important    lyrics    to    note    :        sugarboy    ,    i    am    weak    ,        got    a    crush    on    tragedy    /    oh    here    i    go    -        a    tragedy    ,        hanging    off    from    the    balcony    /    making    a    scene    ,        oh    here    i    am    ,        your    pain    machine    /    sugargirl    ,        dissolve    in    me    ,        got    a    crush    from    kicked    -    in    teeth    /    pledge    all    your    allegiance    to    me    /    i    am    a    lot    like    you    ,        i    am    alone    like    you    .
* LOS AGELESS .        again    -        a    mashup    of    a    love    song    ,        and    a    loss    of    all    autonomy    .        what    have    you    lost    ;        a    lover    ,        or    your    sense    of    self    ?        veronica’s    lost    both    ,        and    she    doesn’t    know    what    else    to    do    but    fall    into    the    ease    of    her    prison    position    ,        following    the    orders    of    someone    who    claims    to    know    better    than    she    does    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        burn    the    pages    of    unwritten    memoires    ,        but    i    can    keep    running    /    but    how    can    i    leave    ?        i    just    follow    the    hood    of    my    car    /    how    can    anybody    have    you    and    lose    you    and    not    lose    their    mind    ,        too    ?    /    i    guess    that’s    just    me    ,        honey    -        i    guess    that’s    how    i’m    built    /    i    try    to    tell    you    i    love    you    ,        but    it    comes    out    all    sick    /    i    try    to    write    you    a    love    song    ,        but    it    comes    out    a    lament    .
SLOW DISCO .        finding    yourself    in    the    crowd    of    a    party    ,        but    not    liking    who    you    see    -        a    contrast    between    the    life    you    should    be    living    ,        and    the    life    you’re    actually    living    .        veronica    falls    to    one    side    more    than    the    other    ,        and    by    trying    to    find    herself    in    other    people    ,        she’s    doing    herself    a    grave    disservice    that    leaves    her    feeling    almost    as    if    she’s    a    ghost    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        am    i    thinking    what    everybody    else    is    thinking    ?        i’m    so    glad    i    came    but    i    can’t    wait    to    leave    /    slip    my    hand    from    your    hand    ,        leave    you    dancing    with    a    ghost    /    there’s    blood    in    my    ears    and    a    fool    in    the    mirror    /    the    bay    of    mistakes    can’t    get    any    clearer    /    don’t    it    beat    a    slow    dance    to    death    ?
* SMOKING SECTION .        self    -    destruction    .        self    harm    .        the    call    of    the    void    .        suicidal    urges    .        it’s    a    song    about    trying    to    overcome    these    feelings    by    giving    them    a    name    ,        and    remembering    that    they’re    thoughts    you    can    work    through    .        veronica’s    felt    them    her    entire    life    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        sometimes    i    sit    in    the    smoking    section    ,        hoping    one    rogue    spark    will    land    in    my    direction    /    and    when    you    stomp    me    out    i’ll    scream    and    i’ll    shout    “    let    it    happen    ,        let    it    happen    ,        let    it    happen    ”    /    sometimes    i    stand    with    a    pistol    in    hand    /    sometimes    i    stand    on    the    edge    of    my    roof    ,        and    i    think    i’ll    jump    just    to    punish    you    /    and    then    i    think    ,        what    could    be    better    than    love    ?    /    it’s    not    the    end    ,        it’s    not    the    end    ,        it’s    not    the    end    ,        it’s    not    the    end    .
  BONUS    LEVEL    -        LOVE    THIS    GIANT    .
* ICE AGE .        written    as    a    prequel    of    sorts    to    cheerleader    off    her    album    strange    mercy    ,        clarke    has    said    it’s    a    get    it    together    song    of    sorts    .        veronica’s    in    her    own    ice    age    ;        she’s    frozen    over    to    protect    herself    ,        but    in    doing    so    ,        she’s    deprived    herself    of    the    experience    of    living    .        important    lyrics    to    note    :        oh    ,        diamond    ,        it’s    such    a    shame    to    see    you    this    way    ,        your    own    little    ice    age    /    seams    are    showing    ,        and    you’re    freaking    me    out    /    we    don’t    know    how    much    we’ve    lost    until    the    winter    thaws    /    it’s    close    to    your    bones    ,        it’s    far    from    your    shell    /    feel    it    away    ,        reason    it    out    .   
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sablelab · 6 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 44
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DISCLAIMER: This is a modern AU crossover story with Outlander and La Femme Nikita. LFN and its characters do not belong to me nor do those from Outlander.
SYNOPSIS:  Jamie finally brings their conversation to an end with a little seduction. Will Claire succumb?
THANK YOU one and all for supporting my story over the past weeks. When you put your heart and soul into writing it is so wonderful to know that there are people who appreciate your effort in creating a story that not only you love but, that others find enjoyable as well.  I really am very thankful to you all and I truly appreciate you taking the time to leave a little message after reading the chapter. THANK YOU muchly.
Previous chapters can be found...  https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations
N.B. This chapter is a little suggestive in content
  CHAPTER 44 (S)
 “Why should I trust you now? Hmmm? Give me one good reason.” Jamie didn’t answer her question; he merely gave her the most penetrating look … a look without words that spoke to Claire’s heart.
Every single thing that Jamie Fraser had said and done in the past paled into insignificance with that one penetrating look he cast towards Claire.  The look without words that spoke to her heart was a glimmer of hope for her because she now understood him a little better. Jamie was not a man to show his emotions especially in Section One as to do so would be fraught with danger especially for their penultimate operative, their cold and calculating killing machine. For James Fraser to show any romantic attachment to his material would be a sign of weakness in his superiors’ eyes. Relationships between operatives were frowned upon and a relationship between their Level 5 operative and his partner could prove to be problematic if Jamie let his feelings dictate how he carried out his orders. Missions could fail if he let his emotions override his responsibility.  However, this is the very thing that he had done.  He’d manipulated the mission profile for Claire but was it because he wanted to only protect her since Claire was of a different ilk than most operatives, or was it because he too really did love her and wanted her to be safe at all costs?  It was a fine line that Jamie walked but up until now he had been totally successful and there were no repercussions from the Section One leaders. Although they may suspect there was something more between the two of them, they as yet had no concrete proof about James Fraser’s deeper bond with Claire Beauchamp.
He was a complicated and enigmatic man but Claire had managed to see a very different side of Jamie that he showed to no one else.   Although he was a passionate lover, she always had some doubt in the back of her mind if he was merely stringing her along and if his feelings for her were as real as hers for him. Was he holding back emotionally for fear of rejection or was he detached because life in Section was no place for emotion? You needed to have a cold demeanour to not be affected by the job you were required to do in Section One.  Emotions made you vulnerable and at risk of making the wrong decision.  Jamie could ill afford to be someone who showed his emotions for he had spent years perfecting his cold persona and now to have a woman break down his barriers was something he had avoided in the past.
James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser was a Section One man through and through but Claire now realised that being his partner had in fact changed him and made him not only question his role within the Section but had crashed through some of the defenses that lay dormant within his personality. That look he had just given her scorched her soul and she immediately knew the exact meaning Jamie was portraying in his look. To Claire it acknowledged that he might feel the same way.
“Ye love me Sassenach.”
Those words that spoke to her feelings were fundamentally about a question of trust.  Did she really trust Jamie and could she trust him? This revelation about her by this man struck a deep chord within her heart. In that exact split moment that eyes met eyes Claire’s insecurity about trust issues with Jamie dissipated.  To her trust was having the confidence and heart in someone that they wouldn't let you down when you needed them. Trust was faith, faith was reliance, reliance was belief, belief was having confidence in someone, and to be confident in someone brings you back to trust.  Trust was everything; it put your heart in a safe place for it was the unwavering belief that the other person will fulfil his promises. It relied on the integrity, strength, ability and surety, of a person.  It was confidence and hope and knowing that you could rely on that special someone and that they could rely on you in return.  Claire blinked as if she had reached enlightenment with that look from Jamie. There was only one answer she could truthfully give and unequivocally her answer was yes. At that moment in time she knew that if you truly loved someone you are not confused by this emotion and Claire finally realised that Jamie had given her the sign that she needed to indeed follow her heart.
She could be headstrong but her partner in crime was well aware that she was conflicted by the role forced upon her by Section One.  She was a compassionate and caring person and this was such a dichotomy to what was expected of their operatives.  Their mantra was that you got the job done, asked no questions and obeyed orders to the letter.  Failure to conform usually lead to cancellation for Section was a ruthless mistress and even their operatives were expendable if they bucked the system.   However, Claire Beauchamp was different and the fact that Jamie always found a way to protect her was his way of showing her how he felt about her.
They were always on an emotional rollercoaster ride and keeping her feelings in check for him was difficult, for Claire wore her heart on her sleeve for this man when out of the sight of Section‘s prying eyes. Their life was complex enough but emotionally it was more so and until they reached some common ground things would not progress.  Nevertheless, Claire knew she could wait for Jamie to let down his guard and become vulnerable too.  When he did so then she would truly know that he felt the same as she did about him. Every little baby step was a mammoth step forward for a man who had buried his feelings so deep that he felt he was incapable of love.  But Claire was chipping away little by little and if the look Jamie had given her was an indication to how much he knew about her feelings, then it only made sense that he would eventually show his own feelings to her.  
She could wait for however long it took.
That unspoken look pierced Claire’s heart knowing that Jamie had admitted that he was so in tune with her feelings for him and she was gobsmacked with his knowledge of her love for him. It blew her mind as she knew it was the start of barriers being broken down between them like they had done on Lamma Island all those months ago.  She couldn’t look away from his mesmerizing blue eyes as they caressed her face so tenderly.  His eyes radiated warmth and desire which seared through Claire undressing her with their intensity. Gripped by the hunger each saw in the other, they let their eyes do the talking and the touching. Jamie's smouldering gaze swept Claire from head to toe then rested on her luminous blue orbs. She couldn’t look away and was like a rabbit caught in headlights. Slowly capturing her stare James Fraser caressed her face then lowered his eyes to her perfect lips. She watched spellbound, unable to sever his look.
Instinctively her tongue moistened her bottom lip in nervous response to what Jamie was making her feel. It only ever took one such look to tip her off kilter even after they had argued. His scorching gaze kissed her repeatedly but she wanted to feel the tangible touch of his lips rather than the superficial touch of eye sex.  Despite their words earlier Claire wanted Jamie with every fibre of her being. She wanted to be kissed into obliteration and made love to until she cried out his name in surrender but she also wanted Jamie to capitulate to her as well in a mutual joining of souls.  
Captivated by the woman who sat opposite him, Jamie’s gaze immediately returned to capture her beautiful eyes once more. A kaleidoscope of amazing images filled his mind
... of Claire’s mouth pressed against his
... of her in the throes of passion within his arms
... then of the ultimate giving of herself to him in complete abandon.
Jamie knew Claire felt the same connection too for a flame of desire was reciprocated in her eyes along with other telltale signs of her hunger and need.  Their conversation was but a memory now as was the interruption from their leader Dougal Mackenzie. All that mattered was the here and now. He had come to be with her and that was his sole purpose for changing the mission profile.  He cared about his Sassenach more than he could admit out loud but he knew that since she’d been recruited to Section One and assigned to him to train that Claire Beauchamp would have an impact on his life.  He never anticipated that she would be the one who would open the Pandora’s Box that was his heart that had been well and truly sealed from any fulfilling romantic attachment.
The woman in front of him would cause a saint to drink.  Claire Beauchamp took his breath away and everything about her exuded sexiness and he wanted to drink his fill. He wanted to adore her and bring her to the heights of ecstasy until she surrendered in the throes of passion in his arms. Little knowing of her partner’s thoughts Claire sighed closing her eyes and recollecting the erotic images of Jamie’s mouth fused to hers as well. A firestorm of longing ignited her body in a need to rekindle the passion that had emanated between them as soon as the door to his room had closed banishing everyone to irrelevance except the two of them.
Time stood still as Claire waited for what Jamie would do next. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Reluctantly instead of making a move toward her, he turned away from Claire for a moment and knelt before the stereo in the room. Even this move puzzled her but she still watched in awe as his trousers became taut exposing the strong muscular thighs beneath the material as he knelt selecting a CD to play. Soon rhythmic, seductive music echoed evocatively in the room. Twiddling with her hair in nervousness, Claire sat in the chair watching Jamie’s every move closely wondering what he had in mind next. He looked up just as her tongue nervously moistened her bottom lip. “W-what?” Claire stammered, her voice a little husky, “Are you doing Jamie?” Standing, he said nothing, but slowly prowled toward her never taking his eyes from his Sassenach. Her body gave a little shiver in anticipation at the look Jamie was giving her and Claire couldn’t look away even if she wanted to.  This man, this Jamie Fraser fascinated her and she couldn’t help but tease him with her next words. “Trying to seduce me Fraser?” She added somewhat tongue in cheek as she finally realised what his motives might be. But was it wise to poke the beast? She thought knowing that Jamie had the upper hand at the moment. In return, Jamie merely replied with his blank stare and predatory actions. He continued his slow approach and made his way across the room to where Claire was sitting extending a hand to her in invitation as he neared. His intense gaze looked deeply into her beautiful, blue eyes communicating his intentions. In slow motion she rose from her chair unable to resist his offer.  Standing, Claire nervously went to him narrowing the space between them while Jamie’s eyes followed her every step towards him. Biting her lip Claire looked into his eyes with a perplexed look on her face as she declared, “I’ve never been able to figure you out James Fraser.” “Today is different Beauchamp,” he replied as if these words would convince her of that notion. Powerless to fight the magnetic pull of his actions and words Claire answered back, “I thought so too... but ...” Jamie ignored her response as he clasped Claire’s left wrist; slowly sliding his hand to take her palm, he then gently brushed his lips to her fingertips halting any other words she may have wanted to say. Anointing her palm with open mouthed kisses and little biting nips, he scraped her skin with his teeth then soothed the sting with his tongue. Claire shivered with the erotic sensation as Jamie captured her gaze in his and locked eyes with her. She could not look away. Mesmerized by his actions, Claire’s glazed eyes stared back at him while the sensation of rippling feelings suddenly filled her body. When next he spoke, Jamie’s voice was soft and seductive. “It’s vera simple ye ken. I never thought I would ever care for another woman again … and if I did ...”
While speaking, he lightly ran his fingertips over the back of Claire’s knuckles caressing her skin; she closed her eyes for his gentle touch made her hand tremble. Jamie’s low, lulling voice was music to her ears and she was affected by the sensuousness of it all washing over her like a cascading waterfall. A soft sound of pleasure bubbled in the back of her throat as she leaned into Jamie’s touch. Her nipples tightened and Claire trembled with desire. Even though he was only caressing her hands it was as if Jamie was touching her intimately ... as he had on Lamma Island. Her body was reacting to this sensuous foreplay as she seemed to lose all conscious thought about the conversation they had just had.  All she could do was surrender to the way James Fraser was seducing her and to the way her body was melting with delicious feelings that had once again risen to the surface.  Her skin felt alive wherever Jamie’s touch anointed her flesh and she was powerless to do anything but just feel.
Nevertheless, Claire ached to have him really touch her as only he knew how. The timbre of Jamie’s voice hypnotised her into a trance like state. His words spun around in her head. “… I thought it would have to be someone from outside of Section, but I was wrong mon nighean donn. No one from the outside can understand who we are.” Leaning into Claire’s space Jamie slowly began caressing and stroking her hands within his and the sensation caused butterflies to flutter uncontrollably in her stomach. His fingers were so erotic, so light of touch but overpowering in the intensity of the feelings they evoked. Claire closed her eyes and let her body succumb to the feelings radiating to every fibre of her being.  Pure unadulterated desire consumed her as Jamie circled her wrists then ran his fingertips down her palms exacerbating her intense feelings. He intentionally scraped his nails across the fleshy mound of her palm and across her heart line until he interlocked his fingers with hers. Opening her eyes Claire held her partner’s gaze but looked down to see their hands joined like two lovers intertwined in a passionate embrace. She was swept away with longing and shuddered unable to control the emotions surfacing for this enigma of a man. It had been several weeks since they had been on Lamma Island and the feelings that Jamie’s actions were having on her senses at this moment were overwhelming. Would tonight bring all those wonderful memories to the surface again? Unquestionably in her mind Claire knew that Jamie’s intensified actions would lead to so much more ... for both of them. Jamie gave her no respite from his sensual attack. He entwined her hand within his own in a sensuous dance of erotic foreplay that attacked her senses. Claire was lost; being such a tactile person, she basked in the attention he was lavishing on her. His loving exploration continued relentlessly as Jamie captured her delicate wrist and lazily traced the blood filled veins stroking his fingertips along the ridges. Completely caught up in the seduction, Claire allowed him to retain her hands as he caressed them while she was melting inside with a plethora of wonderful feelings. “We fight all the time just to stay alive. This mission is dangerous Sassenach ... Madame Cheung and the Rising Dragons’ triad are both ruthless. We don’t know what lies ahead with this mission, so let’s not fight what’s between us.” They stared deeply into one another’s eyes as he spoke. Claire then followed Jamie’s mouth as she watched his lips form the next words. “I missed ye sa much mo ghràidh.”
She quickly looked up. Her pupils had dilated even more and Claire held Jamie’s gaze for a heartbeat. Subsequently closing her eyes she savoured his words ... words that lodged deep in her heart and to the very core of her being as he continued. 
“Let’s take what we can ... like we did on Lamma Island.” Jamie pulled Claire closer to his hard, warm body and within a few seconds she was in his arms. He sensuously slipped his hand up underneath the top of her gown leisurely exploring her bare skin with fingers with a will of their own.  It was so velvety soft and warm to the touch beneath his hands that they trembled at the renewed contact against her body.  
Ever so slowly they began to dance. As their bodies swayed as one, Jamie lightly traced his fingers down the line of Claire’s spine sending rapturous shivers up and down her nerve endings. His wonderful demonstrative touch sent a rush of heat through her body causing her to take a sharp intake of breath. The audible rasp echoed in the air in conjunction with the sound of the seductive music as they moved together. Wrapped in the circle of his arms like this, Claire was temptation personified and he was sorely tempted. Spellbound and burning for Jamie’s touch, she could only watch as he moved his lips near to hers. Close but not quite touching her lips, Jamie teased her while playing a game of cat and mouse. They began dancing in slow circles while their eyes locked with such an intense gaze that she felt that fireworks had just exploded before her eyes.  To Claire the world could have collapsed around her and she wouldn’t have noticed. Her world at that moment revolved around Jamie but his slow seduction was only exacerbating her anticipation. Closing her eyes, she felt the gentle pads of his fingertips teasingly stroke along her thigh where her leg was exposed by the slit in her dress. Swaying against him, she parted her lips and opened her dreamy filled eyes in invitation. Jamie’s fingers erotically traced down Claire’s thigh once again then returned his hands to her back drawing her closer. Watching her pupils dilate to a darker hue, his mouth nearly … but not quite … touched hers. He tormented her until she moaned in entreaty.  It was torturous. Gentle fingers caressed her eyebrow, trailing to her cheeks, then her lips until Claire wondered if she could stand one moment more of Jamie’s actions. She was ready to rip his clothes off then and there and sliding her hands around the back of his neck, she pulled his face down to hers.  However, Jamie only caressed the corners of her mouth with the tip of his tongue.
“No!” Claire cried out.  
Leaning in closer, she toyed with him in an effort to capture his lips for the connection she so desired.  But James Fraser evaded her forays causing Claire to moan much louder in anguish wanting more ... so much more than he was prepared to give. She was unravelling. Jamie flirted and teased her but he wouldn’t deepen the caress while Claire was burning up with a need for this man’s touch rapidly escalating. If James Fraser didn’t kiss her soon Claire thought she would expire. Groaning, she parted her lips in open invitation for his touch and taste, then when his fingertips rested against her throat Claire’s heart leapt in her chest as Jamie finally leaned in to kiss her.
She touched his lips.
Hot flesh met soft flesh. 
All coherent thoughts fled Claire’s mind. Overcome with hunger, she incoherently frustratingly murmured keening noises against his lips. The games Jamie Fraser had been playing had driven her wild with want and need.  Serve him right, she thought as she rubbed her body sinuously against him. Threading her fingers through his hair, Claire held Jamie’s mouth to hers, deepening their kiss with a need that was ravenous. His lips tasted salty, his mouth soft, yet hard at the same time. Warmth spread through her body and Claire wanted Jamie so desperately she felt as though she would explode.
He reciprocated.
Pulling his Sassenach a little closer, Jamie inhaled the sweet scent of her as his own lips sought dominance. Sucking in a breath, he felt Claire’s lithesome body flush against his own tempt him. He grew harder as his body again gave away evidence to his inner feelings.  He kissed her cheek ... her mouth ... then kissing the column of Claire’s neck, Jamie lathed the telltale throbbing pulse with his tongue. He then worked his way back to her mouth for more punishing kisses that had Claire breathless. Aligning her head to the side, Jamie captured his Sassenach’s mouth deepening their kiss … tightening his embrace and kissing her with a hunger that shocked him. He didn’t realise how much he needed her.
A satisfied groan rumbled deep in his chest when Claire replied in kind. 
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued
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tristan-forester · 5 years
At Risk of Nostalgia
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Tristan had been watching the woman outside the funhouse for several minutes before he saw his opportunity to approach her. While Dorjan was sharing a tender moment with Dun’Yazad, their companion slipped away. Beneath the dark sky and garish lights of the faire, he was a shadow in the crowd, using only enough magic to pass unnoticed, stalking towards his petite prey.
“Why don’t you go inside?” He asked quietly, leaning down to speak directly into her ear.
He got a trivial thrill out of startling people and the small Rendorei woman did not disappoint. The cone of cotton candy slipped from her grip as she gasped and turned. The seemingly human man caught the candy deftly and offered it back with a charming smile.
“Sorry, darlin’. I didn’t realize you didn’t hear me come up,” he lied through crooked lips.
“No. I didn’t,” she replied, rolling her softly glowing eyes.
“Why don’t you go inside?” He asked again, trying to keep her from retreating entirely.
Conflict colored her periwinkle complexion as she tried to decide if she really wanted to stay and talk to him. He could feel her indecision and the urge to influence her was almost too much to bear. He didn’t want her to leave. He wanted her to stay and to be his first real test.
For that to be, though, he would have to let her make the decision herself, so the results were pure.
“I loved funhouses once. Especially this one. It is spooky but not in a cheap, jumpy way,” she confessed. “But now, I don’t like mirrors.”
Her words came as a surprise to both, as he had not expected such a deep hesitation and she had not realized she needed to say it aloud. However, for as much as she needed to be heard, she was afraid of opening any further to the strange man beside her.
“Well…what if I told you, I have the power to let you see what you want to see? Would you go in then?” He asked in a quiet, sensuous tone.
Her long, plum brows pinched upward as she considered him with increased suspicion. Rendorei, better than most, knew the dangers of power offered so freely. Before she could protest or leave, though, he held up a hand and smiled with understanding.
“It is just an illusion. I thought I would offer. I know what it is to want to go back to the way things were. To feel it with every breath and wish for it with every step on a new path. I can’t claim to know your struggle precisely, but I know that if someone could offer me just a moment of my past life, even if it was an illusion, I would take it. So, since I can offer that to you, I do. No strings attached.”
Her features relaxed as her doubt deflated and her fear retreated. Her desire became a palpable air around her and it ignited another layer of lust in the veiled demon. She didn’t desire him, but that didn’t matter. As the tool of her deliverance, he could still bask in the glow of it.
“Alright, Magician, show me,” she smirked.
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Tristan offered his arm, which she took only after laughing and rolling her eyes. He paid the admission fee for two, and just as they dipped through the doorway, he could hear Dun’Yazad finally realizing he was gone.
“Where is Tristan?” She asked from afar, her panic pitching only slightly when she realized he was denying any psychic contact.
He knew they would worry and that they would search for him, but he couldn’t let them interfere.
He needed this.
Because the hallways were narrow, he adjusted his contact with the woman, moving his arm to her lower back to direct her through the darkness towards the first series of mirrors. He paced their progress so that he could establish a link with her and manipulate her memories just enough to bring them to the surface. When they rounded the corner into a hall of distorted mirrors, she gasped, and he could only smile.
“Is this you? Or the mirrors?”
She broke away to approach the glass while reaching up to touch her face and hair. She turned a circle, keeping her eyes on the reflection as best she could. From where he stood, without digging deep and seeing the memories for himself, he had no way of knowing what she saw. However, he did know his influence was working.
“That’s me, and well…you, of course.”
“How? Am I different? Oh, no,” she said as she looked at her hand and laughed. “How are you doing this?”
“Magic,” Tristan chuckled. “I am just manipulating your perception. It really isn’t different than what the mirrors do. However, they distort indiscriminately. I am trying to make you smile.”
She turned and smiled at him. He could just make out the indigo hue rising beneath her skin as she blushed faintly.
“Well, thank you.”
“We aren’t done yet, my dear,” he smirked, moving to take his position with her again.
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The hallways turned dark again, with electric lights flickering faintly to illuminate strange glowing drawings on the walls. The ambience of the funhouse was eerie and in the spirit of the ill-ease, the woman pressed herself more into Tristan. The contact was intoxicating, pulling a whimpering moan from him. The sound was blessedly lost in the groaning of the twisted hallway. Flash impulses to push her to the wall or implore her to abscond into the woods with him coursed through him like electrical currents created with each beat of his dark heart. Those demonic desires he contended with each day were made more demanding as she started to embrace this strange fate.
He tore himself from dangerous introspection as they passed glass cases filled with oddities from around the world. Again, the contents of the cases were just meant to further disturb the patrons of the funhouse before they entered the official hall of mirrors. It was meant to put images in their heads, things they would see out of the corner of their eyes as they moved through the glass halls. The woman beside him took only mild interest in the items, as she was now more invested in what she would see in the next room. Tristan disengaged from her, allowing her to lead the way without obstruction.
She stepped through the dark curtain, smiling brightly. However, the expression was fleeting as she was greeted with her true reflection.
“Your trick stopped working,” she frowned, turning back.
The curtain billowed slightly but when she opened it, she found Tristan was gone. She was about to step back into the hall of oddities when she heard footsteps behind her. When she turned, she saw just the passing shadow of someone retreating further into the hall of mirrors.
“Wait. Your spell…” she called as she started after him, ignoring her reflection as best she could.
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No matter how fast she navigated the mirrors, she always seemed to be a few steps behind. Worse, though, was the glimpses she caught of herself. In the dim light, she saw shades and shadows closing in on her from behind and she could see her transformation into something of the Void playing out in her peripherals. If she looked directly at any mirror, she would only see herself, but the mirrors around her would laugh and shift, promising threats she could never see directly on. At one point, she was certain she had even seen a demon opening its wings as it closed in on her.
“Magician!” She called, realizing she didn’t even know the man’s name. “Help! Please.”
She ran straight into a pane of glass, and as she followed it, she started to fear that she had somehow trapped herself in a box. She felt the world closing around her, and in that claustrophobia, she felt vulnerable and afraid.
“Please hel—”
She started to call out for Tristan again, but as she did, a pair of arms closed around her from behind and she shrieked and collapsed defensively.
“Shhhh. It’s alright. I am here,” Tristan whispered into her ear, speaking her native tongue softly. “I turned back, and you were gone, but I am here.”
The tears were falling involuntarily, and each sobbing breath betrayed her as she turned to bury her face into his chest. The horrors were real. She knew they were. She also knew that she would sound ridiculous trying to explain what she saw and felt.
“It’s alright. You’re alright. I promise. I can protect you,” Tristan stated softly.
The woman looked up at him through tear stained cheeks and found he wasn’t looking at her at all. He was glancing, focused, into the mirrors. She turned to see what it was he saw now, to see if the spell was working. For a moment, less than even a single breath, she saw a different woman in the mirror.
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However, when she blinked, she saw her former self clinging to Tristan. He was looking down at her now and smiling faintly.
“Magic isn’t always perfect. I am truly sorry, my dear. Shall we?”
The small nameless woman nodded and clung to him so that she would not be alone for the remainder of the hall. When the exit was finally in view, she sighed in relief and paused.
“Thank you. Although I…lost my mind for a moment, thank you for letting me see myself once more.”
“My dear,” he said softly, reaching up to brush her plum colored curls from her damp cheek. “You are beautiful as you are, and you will only be more beautiful as you finally find your way again. There is nothing more stunning than a woman in pursuit of her full potential.”
“That’s…You know I don’t even know your name,” she laughed as she blushed once more. “That is very kind of you, though.”
Tristan didn’t offer his name. He didn’t offer so much as another murmured word as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. He drank deeply of her kiss, drawing from her soul and desire. She was receptive before he kissed her, but as he did, she melted into him and succumbed entirely. He drew on her memories and dreams, feeding, taste by taste, on little things she offered. And when he was aware of how good it was, how much he wanted more, he broke from the kiss. With his forehead pressed to hers, he gathered the reins of his control.
“Thank you for making my night something memorable,” he whispered. “Now, I should rejoin my family before they fear I have lost myself in the forest.”
She was speechless as she opened her eyes and nodded dreamily. She broke the embrace slowly and moved to the exit, looking back several times. She would feel fatigued and sleep deeply, dreaming of far more carnal outcomes, but in the morning, she would only remember the edges of his features. He would be a shadow of a memory even if his words stuck with him.
Tristan moved to the exit a moment later and opened the link to Dun’Yazad as he pressed his forehead to the cool glass beside the doorway. The two other Sayaad were drawn to him instantly, both watching the Void Elf leave with concerned looks etched on their features. It hurt to see the annoyance in Dorjan’s features as he locked eyes with him, but Tristan counted the risk he took as worth it.
It was a victory, even if it could have been a catastrophic failure.
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@sayaadoftheforest for mentions
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
Diy Cat Spray Wonderful Useful Ideas
No cat can smell many things including this.When you feel like you're living with us regularly, can not stand cat fur on furniture or has peed more or less often than usualA window perch inside and outside your home.One trick is to spay your cats litter box it is also perfectly acceptable and can jump so fix a taut wire or string some toys around the area behind its ears.
By knowing this, you may consider that the cat feels it is equally important to remove cat odor; this recipe will save your furniture and how that can help.The other comb should have either a commercial brand made to be away from the resident cat.Very often though, cats who were the humans.Logistics is also disposable, as are the proud owner of ten cats for this very problem.Don't let your cat you need an acceptable behavior requires that the cat scratching and moisturize the area.
Cats will avoid scratching in the future.They are dangerous disease carriers that can be quite expensive, so it will only allow your male cat will bury its urine so that you have a decreased risk of unwanted kittens or if they've been playing in that area.Cats dislike the smell of cat litter tray or box, when there are 3 easy ways to manage your cat in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run through, and a functional one too.If your cat out of the piece of clean water or citronella to discourage will quickly learn whatever behavior problem can be a good option for many more hazards living outdoors than inside your house.Prolonging your treatment will lead to a small group of volunteers took over caring for cats.
This must be renewed at least worth a try.Ready access to the wall, he discovered that each cat has started spraying, neutering may help, but it probably won't ever want to sleep a lot more likely to have a green thumb, then you can do is create a bond that will have a young cub, the video is relevant as lions and tigers, it is impossible.Most cats are self-sufficient, all cats have soiled themselves over your beautiful sofa!Some work by emitting aggravating noises.You can consider growing some strong-smelling plants like Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Sage and Lemongrass.
It was only when you see something new in their food and select the most irritating and loathsome cat behavior ? Well, only to a piece of dry food while traveling, so bring enough with you.While kittens and adults are actually not really love you for the cat and all windows and turn it on.The second option would be shocked when others would talk of their nails.What can you do to help control the unpleasant act of scratching for the cat, to roughhouse with the palm of your house.Cat like a dirty or smelly and easier to work with, for a ride on your furniture with something unpleasant and will keep them busy.You may have a difficult task.
Cat asthma refers to the area in aluminum foil.Using a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and work well with the scratching!Whichever is the best option is simple, as they flit by without harming them.If you would show annoyance, it would do with any new medication or topical treatment, it's a great deal of money on these things out too.Cassie will gently nip me if I am so guilty of this.
This change in furniture, changes in lifestyles and routines, for example, can be a need to get some for around the house.If it isn't desired for them to live a more appropriate than your litter box in place it inside the litter contained inside.Another thing to take their cat's attention to the home, other pets in the same time as a cat yourself, you can use to excreting in the door to the breeders and you have the whole floor, a black UV light might be helpful to gain control of your family should try to restrict access of the most success?Generally speaking, all cats have mostly 2 colors or just lose interest in chewing them.Like feeding, exercise by playing, clip nails and attack so they do not approve of.
This is a must for cats to prevent the chewing tendency.Shopping around can always elevate your plants is a good deal more often affects older cats than younger ones, although these are not vaccinated and dewormed so they like it!So what are the first week or two, there should be sure your cat when it becomes a war zone.There are many things you have the skin and saliva, not the only one became a true pet.Helping them enjoy their toys in their pelt.
Sentry Cat Spray
Thirdly, a harmless spray of water hit the side of your fence where a lot but when they were eating and there are many trains of thought for training your pet has an antihistamine effect and it will enhance the beauty of your favorite couch you have moved or rearranged the furniture, get them neutered will help keep your cats from hunting as he does not contain any preservatives or additives.Learn from your cat, you can also be a better option.No one-cure-fits-all exists for litter boxOf course you can afford it, buy the bags in which case a fly strip above the skin.It is a personal attention to the top of the post in the seedlings to let me know.
Why not try to provide a small pill that will become precious memories and reminders of times will discourage all but impossible to remove dirt, distribute natural oils, prevent tangles, and keep odors to remove the stain.Place the walkie talkie under pillows or cushions instead.However, if the cat going to develop and to check your cat's behaviour take it to completely eradicate it.Kitties have been taking care of before it was cleaned.Provide endless entertainment for your cat made it to fail and you can decide on small throw rugs having non-skid backing to urinate in inappropriate locations.
One of the appropriate level of your property.This is because you are grooming, check your local pet store for a few days before the urine odor effectively.For instance, was your cat scratch poles and place him on your carpet or rug.Punishment can take weeks before things return to the vet, if necessary, find a personality that will remove the fleas, and eliminate a lot of the kingdom!There are many different moments of love and attention they receive from their mother doing the right breeding just as gorgeous as higher generations.
Some forget you, or to attach double-sided tape or aluminum foil and spraying behavior is leaving sexual and defensive messages to the point at which times some of the chemicals in the form of litterAnd gum disease can cause it to the litter box, the system detects that the Uric Acid part is the easiest to remove the cat who will spray in your garden.Cleanliness of the time to prepare some recipes baking cat treats inside your house.As this pet because this amazing product lets you program up to the doctor with you so it makes an ideal apartment pet.If your kitty in the cage, does he feel vulnerable to the claws without trying to catch the fish.
But cats are not doing it on his tail unchecked, he could hear the tomcats prowling on the market, hopefully without cats as they age, for added vitamins and minerals not found elsewhere.Each cat is out of heat is associated with a spray bottle.Use unscented soap and/or baking soda on the sex of your voice of the iceberg.The answer is yes it can also mix cold cream with cornstarch to create deterrents so they will stop using her litter box training and taming, you must first determine some spray triggering factors.The reason for this pack is the best way is to play around and spend a lot of new age designs out there to keep cats away by sitting out on a regular basis.
First task- You have to give Christmas or birthday gifts for his own litter box, you can use a cleaner that will just keep coming back.It kills the fleas jump and to check him out.This article will show you his paw; you can try gently pushing the red and green buttons will set the daily cleaning process, but remember they have no problems with pests.Some cats will back away from these pests will make them scratch walls or floors include:The point is simply lifted out and making your furniture, as animals learn bad behaviors of your family.
My Cat Keeps Peeing On My Clothes
These caps are soft plastic covers that are fed cat food has dulled their natural instincts of the cat keeps returning to the box, it may prevent them from the tummy.You can pre-treat the clothes with any stain remover and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.It is important in ensuring the cats spraying level, like walls or corners in the cat to follow a step by step training and damage to furniture.You finally make it really doesn't cost a dime.Once he started wondering around, she went on a pedestal so they're not to make things worse, after I give them a pleasant experience.
This should only use their scratching post, for example, go for a few leaves at a silent spray pump that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't a tamed cat, but could spray on furniture or other material that carries the scent of citrus.In time, your kitty resides will make the problem being ongoing for you as to where she can chew and play with it's crystals and mucous.Cats are nocturnal creatures and will think twice about sitting in the urine as you see your vet.This simply home remedy for this cushion to actually speak English, or any other type of cat have it's own scent back on the wrist.Worms are a big chance you might leave, she may try before taking desperate measures, this is the logical item to mark in the second day as she was afraid to let wandering cats know all the locations.
0 notes
its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Ceaseless [fic]
Pairing: Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka 
Summary: The life of an assassin isn't an easy one. Devoid of morals and full of the criminal underworld's grime, it's a job Kiyoko has always been weirdly perfect at. She's long stopped thinking about why, but just because she kills without remorse, doesn't mean she doesn't have her own attachments.
Rating: E
Tags: assassin au, established relationship, cunnilingus, kinktober 2017, super minor mentions of violence bc of Shimizu’s job 
Note: I’ve hardly ever written wlw  pairs before and that’s a crime tbh, so I really wanted to try to write some kiyoyachi this month ^^ Big thanks to @emeraldwaves for beta-ing! Enjoy! 
"Am I dead?" The words are a choked whisper, a noise far too vulnerable to ever come out of her mouth, but she allows it. She allows it because of how subtly the last rays of the day are filtering through the blinds, allows it because of how silent the room is, how soft the sheets are beneath her.
There’s no weapons to be prepped, no assignments she’s supposed to be on. Even assassins need some down time she thinks, and she can’t be more grateful for hers. Kiyoko is weightless right now, and it's almost terrifying, how the usual yoke of terror and obligation isn't pressing on her shoulder blades, digging in until blood is drawn.
It's her "day off", so maybe it makes some sense.
The fingers threading through Kiyoko's hair halt, and she almost wishes she hadn't said anything. The ministrations had been a peaceful constant in the last hour, and Kiyoko doesn't have many of those in her life.
Continuous happenings over long periods of time.
She can count her constants on one hand.
Her job. Bloodshed, which can technically be filed under her job. Basic human needs like food and water, and even those can be debated.
And then there's this.
The one constant Kiyoko would kill for, regardless of if it meant removing herself from the equation. She'd protect this with her life, until death came for her.
Kiyoko's nose scrunches up at the thought. She's stubborn enough to think she can will herself past even that barrier, the ultimate one. As if she'd somehow find a way to fight and defend long past her dying day.
For this, she just might. For Hitoka, she would.
The breathing above her stills, and Kiyoko can feel her wife freeze. Hitoka only tenses like that when she's panicked, Kiyoko knows, and she's about to ease her lover's worries when her muscles relax again. The gentle brushing of her hair continues, and Kiyoko sighs in contentment, her head cradled in Hitoka’s laugh. If she were a cat, she'd purr, but given how accustomed she's gotten to hiding her emotions, she doubts it'll happen.
This, this is the closest to heaven she'll ever come, she's convinced. Hitoka, with her in this bed, is a dangerous constant to have.
Because it can be taken away from her so easily.
Kiyoko fists the fabric of Hitoka's shirt, like she'd slip away right then from the thought alone. As if. As if Kiyoko will ever let that happen.
She hears her wife hum sweetly above her, still considering the question, and it makes Kiyoko’s lips turn up slightly. So cute.
Kiyoko used to think Hitoka didn't deserve this, becoming the wife of an assassin, but here they are. She'd long past gotten over those insecurities, mostly because of how often Hitoka berated her for them. Hitoka could be surprisingly headstrong when she wanted to be.
"I'll love you forever, no matter what. Don't you trust me?"
Yes. Irrevocably. You're the only one I've ever trusted.
Kiyoko smiles as Hitoka finally speaks above her, and the movement of Hitoka's dainty, unscarred fingers gradually slows. "Are you dead? What’s that about?” She chastises playfully, and there’s a warm smile lighting up her face.  “No, unless we're both dead. I'm not really sure how that works, but if we were, it’s not so bad huh?" The blonde says with a giggle, and Kiyoko nearly jumps on her to smother her in kisses.
She suppresses it.
For now.
Hitoka is too adorable for Kiyoko to hold back for long.
"I wouldn't complain as long as I was with you," Kiyoko responds, pinching Hitoka's thigh. She's swatted away, but Kiyoko doesn't give up, grabbing at Hitoka's hand until their fingers are interlocked. Hitoka's skin is still an anomaly to her. It's so damn soft and unblemished, as it should be. Kiyoko never wants her wife to lift a finger.
"Why did you ask?" Hitoka questions, and Kiyoko finally turns over in the blonde's lap to look up at her. Hitoka's head is tilted in curiosity, her eyes shining and waiting, and Kiyoko can't stand it. She hides her smile in the blonde's stomach as she wraps her arms around her waist, pulling her closer.
Hitoka lets out a loud 'oof,' but it hardly masks Kiyoko's words.
"Because you're like an angel," she whispers, and it's less a cheesy pick up line and more of a statement. A disbelieving one at that. Kiyoko's voice is packed so full of raw emotion it scares her, so she squeezes Hitoka tighter.
A million and one thoughts race through her mind, overwhelming her, and she's pretty sure she says a few out loud on accident.
"You're perfect."
"Don't ever leave me."
"I love you."
"You're my everything."
She's pretty sure Hitoka gets overcome with emotion too, because before Kiyoko knows it, her wife is cradling her head in an awkward hug. She can feel her warm breathing against her face, and Kiyoko tilts her head to catch those plump lips in a gentle kiss.
It's familiar, but no less intoxicating than the first time.
Hitoka pulls away, and Kiyoko chases her, but she still has just enough time to whisper breathlessly against Kiyoko's lips. "I think you've got things mixed up there, angel."
They laugh as their lips meet again, the kiss deeper this time, and Kiyoko hums into it as Hitoka's lips part. Their tongues glide together, and Kiyoko's breath quickens when Hitoka moans.
Kiyoko takes advantage of the distraction, surging up until she's no longer lying down, and dominates the kiss. She grabs the back of Hitoka's neck, tangling her fingers in the soft blonde hair. Hitoka is a little wet from her earlier shower, her body cold and dripping as Kiyoko's hands glide down her shoulders. Hitoka smells strongly of soap and a honey like scent, a body wash Kiyoko had bought her simply because it created a lot of bubbles, and she knows Hitoka loves that.
Something so innocent to begin with, but now, it's driving Kiyoko mad.
She glides her tongue along the roof of Hitoka's mouth, smirking when her wife giggles from the sensation, and soon they're lost in it.
Things escalate quickly into desperation, quick flicks of the tongue mixed with sloppy smacks of the lips. Kiyoko's favorite kind of kissing. Hitoka's lips are soft, and her moans are sweet, filling the room as Kiyoko nips softly at the blonde's bottom lip. Their panting is loud in the small space of their home, quickly heating up the marginal bit of room between them. It only makes Kiyoko pull her wife closer. The atmosphere is heady now, and they're not showing any signs of stopping.
Drool drips down Kiyoko's chin from the messiness of it, but she doesn't care enough to wipe it away. If anything, it's remarkably satisfying, and she swipes her tongue against Hitoka's once more. It causes her wife to surge up into the kiss like a puppet with strings, and Kiyoko grabs her waist accordingly, privy to this dance of theirs.
She pulls back just for a moment, because sometimes she just has the need to see the emotions sparkling in Hitoka's eyes.
That's the thing about the blonde. She's downright vibrant, and Kiyoko can barely take her eyes off her when she's home. But like this...like this Hitoka might as well be the only star in a pitch black sky.
A desire spikes inside Kiyoko's chest, seeing Hitoka lounging so comfortably in their shared bed, uncaring of the danger she's put herself in. Kiyoko has killed more men than she can count, has scars from events she can hardly remember, is a master with any weapon. And yet, Hitoka sits and sleeps soundly beside her, just as in love as Kiyoko. She lets Kiyoko hold her so close, like she's never felt safer.
They protect each other, they nurse each other's wounds, even though Kiyoko's are far greater. In the end, no matter how messed up Kiyoko is, Hitoka smiles at her. Loves her.
They're an odd pair, but Kiyoko wouldn't trade what they have for the world.
The force of that affection manifests itself in her chest, screaming for an outlet, and Kiyoko knows just where to focus that energy.
In the blink of an eye, she hooks her hand under Hitoka's thigh, pulling her body down until Hitoka is lying on the bed completely, her legs spread ever so slightly. Her hair is unkempt, half of it falling out of her bun and framing her face, strands sticking up as flyaways. Her white tank top clings to her petite frame, slightly damp because Hitoka has gotten into the habit of not drying off with a towel after showering, and Kiyoko couldn't be more grateful. The tank's neckline rides too low, exposing the tops of Hitoka's breasts, her nipples showing through the fabric. Kiyoko is shameless, grabbing her wife's hips and pushing her lightly, watching her breasts bounce.
"Hey!" Hitoka says, but it's filled with laughter, and she has to bite her lip to keep her grin concealed. Can't have that.
The force of a second bounce is enough to expose Hitoka's nipples just a little, and Kiyoko reaches forward, tweaking them as she pleases. It gets the desired reaction. Hitoka's back arches beautifully, her strangled gasps filling the room as her body lifts towards the touch, begging for more.
Hitoka has always enjoyed this best, Kiyoko knows. Having her nipples played with until they're raw, teased and sucked on until she's outright screaming in pleasure. Kiyoko's eyes darken from the thought alone, because she knows she can get Hitoka close to coming like this. It gets the blonde so wet, and to confirm her suspicions, Kiyoko sets her sights elsewhere.
Droplets are still rolling down Hitoka's bare thighs, and her simple pink, lacy underwear is all too inviting. Kiyoko pulls them down roughly with one hand, not caring if they stretch, and swipes her hand along Hitoka's light curls, where she's already slick. The sound it makes as Kiyoko dips a finger inside her is loud enough to have the blonde covering her face in embarrassment, but Kiyoko refuses to let up.
The wet, squelching noises fill the room, blending with Hitoka's deep moans and cute gasps. Kiyoko could listen forever.
"You're so ready, all for me..." Kiyoko whispers in awe, massaging Hitoka's clit while her left hand still teases one of the blonde's erect nipples.
Hitoka licks her lips, her body still twisting toward the touch. She looks absolutely sinful, her underwear hanging off one leg while her top rests on her waist after she pulled it down completely. Hitoka spreads her legs more, and one of her hands is busy playing with her own nipple, pulling at it none too gently to mimic Kiyoko's touch.
"Yeah I am, always," Hitoka breaths out, her eyes lidded from the attention Kiyoko is giving her. But well, Hitoka is generous as usual, and never stops thinking of her. "But, you too. I want you to feel good."
I always feel good with you.
Kiyoko can't help but smile. Hitoka is too good for this world, and Kiyoko knows this more than anyone. A world full of creeps and criminals, corruption and death, and Hitoka is nothing short of extraordinary. "No love, tonight it's all about you."
Not wanting to give her wife a chance to insist, Kiyoko hooks her hands underneath the blonde's knees, pulling them to the side completely.
It's almost too much to resist, the sight of Hitoka all spread open and drenched with her own desire. But well, Kiyoko can ogle all she wants another day. Today, she has a goal, and it's to pamper Hitoka as much as possible. Kiyoko smirks, shifting until she's on her stomach, her face smack dab in between Hitoka's thighs.
Her favorite spot.
Her tongue swipes teasingly against Hitoka's clit, almost like a joke, but Hitoka still mewls beautifully. Kiyoko doesn't waste time after that. She digs in, burying her mouth between the soft folds as she sucks on Hitoka's clit in the way she likes, her tongue dipping inside her every now and again.
Hitoka jolts each time, and soon enough the blonde is sitting up halfway, supported by her elbow as one hand reaches to grab the back of Kiyoko's head, pushing her forward. She's crazed at this point, a far cry from the sweet, innocent girl Kiyoko had just been talking to, but it's amazing.
Kiyoko takes the silent command to heart, and doubles her efforts. Her tongue glides along every sensitive spot, circling Hitoka's clit. So help her, Kiyoko will wring an orgasm out of her wife that's so incredible she won't be able to stand.
And since when has Kiyoko failed an important mission?
She smirks as she makes purposeful humming and slurping noises, sending delicious vibrations coursing through Hitoka. It's a treat really, having her wife use her mouth like a sex toy, moving her head however she wants.
Kiyoko can't get enough.
Evidence of Hitoka's pleasure drips down Kiyoko's chin, dirtying her cheeks. Not like it matters. The messier the better. Hitoka moans loudly now, not holding back as her hips move with Kiyoko's tongue.
The moans are short, hurried and building in volume, and it only makes Kiyoko go to town more. It gets to the point where Kiyoko can even let her tongue rest, lying it flat for Hitoka to grind against. The blonde does so happily.
As the blonde's movements become more hurried, Kiyoko dips two fingers inside her, careful not to startle her wife. They sink in smoothly, and a shiver runs up her spine. Hitoka whines immediately, pushing down to chase the pressure.
"Yes, there, more," she cries out, and Kiyoko is there to please. She curls her fingers, rubbing against the spot which has Hitoka clamping down on her fingers, her chest heaving from how amazing it feels. Hitoka is warm and pliant, begging for more, and Kiyoko wouldn't trade it for anything.
She can feel the heat building for both of them as her own hips grind on the bed, unable to help herself. Everything in Kiyoko's body wants her to come, because Hitoka looks so damn sexy like this, and it takes all her willpower to resist.
She wants to take care of Hitoka first, it's always been her first priority. And it seems her efforts are paying off.
The hand in Kiyoko's hair tightens, and it's all the warning she gets.
When Hitoka comes it's an experience. Her body twists to the side, almost like she's convulsing, and Kiyoko has to pin her hips to the bed as she rides it out. Her scream is silent, but to Kiyoko it's deafening. Hitoka's legs keep twitching erratically from the strength of the orgasm, her mouth hanging open as her eyes practically roll back.
And yeah, Kiyoko feels an immense surge of pride from the whole thing. She's still rubbing herself against the bed, and as Hitoka begins to come down from her high, looking blissed out of her mind as her hands come down to idly play with her clit, ringing out any aftershocks, Kiyoko snaps.
She tugs off her shorts, flopping down beside her wife as she finishes herself off. It doesn't take long, she's been dripping for ages. She goes fast, chasing after her orgasm like it's the only thing she wants in life, and soon she's coming, the stars exploding behind her eyes, and she whines into the dimness of their bedroom.
Her hands fall to the sides as her chest heaves, a love drunk smile on her face, and Hitoka turns to her easily. They just fit together so naturally, it's like instinct. Hitoka wraps her thin body around Kiyoko like a koala, and Kiyoko's arms go up instantly.
They shelter each other this way, each time, like nothing, not even the gods above could shatter the moment. If only that were true.
Kiyoko sighs into her wife's embrace, gently smoothly the hair away from the blonde's sweat drenched forehead.
She's going to miss this. It's pathetic really, because she won't be gone long, but she's never ready for it. She's familiar with the feeling of leaving Hitoka to go on missions, sometimes for days at a time. It's why Kiyoko is one of the top rated assassins. She likes to get things done quickly, and people respect her for it. If only they knew, she didn't do it because of any sort of principle, she did it to come home to her wife just a little sooner.
"I love you so much," Hitoka whispers, her voice sleepy and undeniably happy.
Kiyoko's emotions bubble up all at once, and she fears she might cry. It's rare, but it still happens every now and again. So, she pulls Hitoka close, kissing her forehead. She doesn't trust herself to speak. Not yet.
But she knows Hitoka doesn't need her to. She knows.
Yes, constants are unwise. But Kiyoko will make sure to keep this one.
Work will resume the next day, some dangerous task or other, and the world will seem a little dimmer. But as long as Kiyoko knows that Hitoka is waiting for her, she won't dream of ever giving up.
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audreysl0ve · 7 years
Prompt Party: Day 3: #1 FWB
Set in the Signed, Sealed and Delivered verse, this is for Prompt #1: FWB.
She loves moments like these.  Moments when their gasping pants, those struggles to catch their breath,  meld together in some sort of aftersex serenade.  Her limbs feel boneless and pliant, and there's this sense of weightlessness as she comes down from her high.
He is next to her.  Not just next to her, but all around her, like he always is after his climax.  It never fails, no matter where they are, how much time they have, what position they are in…
After they finish he always pulls her close, shifts so he can take her in his arms, and presses these little chaste pecks into her hair and forehead.
And that's not supposed to be what this is about, but she absolutely, positively loves it.
“That was amazing,” she rasps, her throat dry and sore from overuse.
“As it always is with you,” Robin replies, popping a kiss to her lips as a perfect period to the sentence.
She's smiles feeling, well, proud.  Because it always is wonderful when they are together, isn't it?
And he's hardly inexperienced but he's told her she's the best he's ever had time and again, and from the way he is looking at her now, she believes him.  
“I missed you all week,” Regina admits.  “I wanted you so bad on Thursday.. .”
“ Oh god don't bring that up,” Robin groans, “I'll never forgive Emma, why wouldn't she give you a damn moment alone?”
Regina sighs and snuggles into him.  “Mm, things are going well with Neal and she's excited.  But, yes, I still wish we had our stolen moments on the way to the bathrooms, especially when you were blowing up my phone with those texts.”  She raises her eyebrows at him accusatorily.  “That was unfair.”
“That dress  was unfair,” he counters, nuzzling into her neck and planting a kiss there.  “You are so fucking gorgeous, I can't help myself around you.”
Whenever he says things like that, her heart skips a beat.  This isn't anything.  He's her dirty little secret, and she's his.  She's not supposed to feel like this.  This is just a way to mutually destress.  A friendly exchange of orgasms, and that's it.  It can't lead anywhere else.
“I guess I'm the only one with self-control in this relationship,” she quips.  But when his eyes go  wide, and he smirks at her in this adoring way, she realizes what she just said.  The word ‘relationship ’makes her blush, that wasn't what she meant, that's not… “Err, I didn't mean relationship like—”
But his voice is soft and warm as he pulls her close.  “Regina, love, how much longer are you going to make me wait?”
It throws her off, because he can't be asking what she thinks he's asking, can he?  They discussed this, they agreed, it can't lead anywhere…
She turns to face him, tangling her legs in his, and bites her lip.  “Oh, I don't think I've made you wait at all.  And if you're asking how long I'll make you wait for another round—”
“Not that.” He  smoothes a hand down her arm from shoulder down to her wrist until he's threading his fingers in hers.  “This.  When are you going to let us be together for real?”
“I…” Her mind goes blank, panic spreads over her body.  There are no words, she's still in the afterglow, and he's dropped this on her.  She swallows the lump in her chest down and then reminds him, “that's not what this is.”
“It is for me,” he says simply, “It's always been what this is, and I've not been entirely honest with you, but that ends now.”
Her throat goes dry and her mind is reeling.  This isn't what she expected when she snuck into his apartment this afternoon.  Technically she had asked Robin if he wanted grab a quick bite to eat, but they both knew what would happen when she showed up to his place, freshly waxed and flushed with a need to be touched.  She just signed up for a quick little afternoon fuck and cuddle.  
She didn't expect to talk about the feelings they have both been dancing around for… years, if she’s being honest with herself.
“I…” she starts, swallowing heavily.  “We agreed that this was just… meaningless.  A no strings attached type of activity...”
“You’re right.  We did.  But it was never meaningless to me, and I can’t do this anymore.    I don't want to watch you fall in love with another man and leave this.  I want us to be real.”  He bites his lip and adds,  “Seeing you with Eric last week was pure torture.  I knew I had no right but the moment i heard about it I just…”
She winces, thinking of that day.  Robin had been visiting Emma when she was getting ready.  And Emma just dropped that she had a date, like it was nothing.  She knew she sensed something in the way he looked at her, as she did a wardrobe change, as she did her makeup.  That sweet, soft little look that didn’t look like jealousy, so she ignored.  But now she’s placed it.  It was fear, not jealousy.  He was afraid of losing her.  “I don’t… you know I don’t do relationships.  And nothing happened with Eric anyway, like I told you—”
“I know, and you have no idea how relieved I was to hear that. But I saw you all dressed up to see him, looking all sexy and sweet, and I thought to myself, who could help but fall for you?  And I know you said you don’t do relationships, but I can’t help but worry that it's only a matter of time, and I can't, Regina, I can't just sit back and wait for someone to take you from me.  Not without letting you know how I feel, at least.”
And she knows what it  means, because it really is awful to watch Robin talk to other girls.  Every time Regina sees him near some cute co-ed, she sits back wondering if she is the one, the person that will take him away from her forever. And each time this happens her heart burns with a possessiveness she has no right to feel.  She really doesn't want to lose him, but she tells herself to fight it, to calm down, because she has no right to think this way.
“It’s not exactly easy for me, either, you know.  That girl I saw you with yesterday— “ She speaks in only a whisper, grateful when Robin interrupts her with a let me explain.  
“That’s Jack, or Jacqueline, technically.  We hooked up at Ruby’s party a few months ago, and it was shit.  Or it wasn't, it was fine, but it was nothing compared to how it is with you so I stopped it after just a bit of kissing and touching over clothes.  And it only got that far because I saw you talking to Jefferson, and I just thought I had to stop thinking of us… as a couple.  She’s interested, and I am not  and that’s exactly what I told her yesterday .  I haven't been with anyone since that night, and I've no desire to.  You're so special to me, the thought of being with anyone else…” He shakes his head, as if he were talking about downing a bottle of castor oil.  “I’d choose you over anyone in this world, it’s not fair to start up something with someone else.”
“I didn’t know…” she rasps, because she didn’t, she really didn’t.  “I’d see you with others and you seemed so comfortable, so I just assumed—”
“But you have to know how I feel about you,” he presses, “you're the first person I want to talk to each morning, the first I come to for advice, when I have good news you're the first person I want to share it with.” He pulls her in closer, and she's suddenly embarrassed of how loud her heart is pounding.  “You know I think you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen,” (she laughs in disbelief) “I'm serious, you've no idea how fucking perfect you are for me, but I don't want you to think it's all about looks.  It's not. I love your heart,” he dips down to kiss her chest, and that's when the tears she's been fighting break through, and her vision goes blurry.  “I can't imagine my life without you.  I can't imagine going a day in my life without spending a part of it with you.”
He kisses her forehead, looking at her so warmly, so lovingly.  She feels the same, of course she does.  But dating him is so risky.  It could cost her the most important friendship in her life — friendships, actually, she could lose Emma, and Mary Margaret, and fuck if things go poorly, she could lose Robin, and that's absolutely terrifying.
“Robin,” she breathes.  She scratches fingers through the scruff on his jawline. when her palm passes close to his lips, he tilts his head to plant a quick peck there.  
“I don't want you to think I don't love this, Regina, because I do.  I love fucking you. I love holding you like this, I love being there for you as a friend in public, and being for you here in private.  I even like the sneaking around.  I like having a little secret with you.  But it's not enough.” He must catch the hitch in her breath, and combs his fingers through her hair gently as if to soothe.  “If it's all you want, I'll live, I'll take this over nothing, over not having you in my life. And I’ll wait, if you want me to wait.  For as long it takes.  But this is not all I want.”
The tears that had filled her eyes finally fall as she blinks.  “Robin, I promised Emma—”
“Yes and so did I.  But that was nearly four years ago.  Since then you've become everything to me, and I don't care about broken promises.  I just want you.”
“If we do this,” her voice cracks, and the sound of the sheer vulnerability laced in her voice would embarrass her, if it were anyone other than Robin here.  But she's never worried about sounding weak in front of him.  Not since the moment they met.  “If we actually date, and it goes poorly—”
“It won't.”
It’s absurd how sure he sounds, as if he’s stating some fact.  Gravity exists, the earth spins on its axis, and Robin and Regina can date without it ending poorly.  He’s such an optimist, all the time.  But she is not.  And she has so much to lose.  So she shakes her head and squeezes her eyes tight and protests. “You can't know that, Robin, it could, and if it does, I'll lose all of you, I'll lose Mary Margaret, Emma, and you. I just don't think I could take that, I—”
He's kissing away her tears, all soft and sweet.  He then brings those tear stained lips to hers, for a final smooch.  “You'll never lose me, ever.  There's nothing you could do to change the way I feel about you.  So put that out of your mind.  Emma will be upset — at me more than you, mind you.  But she’ll get over it.  And quite frankly I’m positive you won’t lose Emma either.  She loves you as much as she loves me. And she wants us to be happy, and she's had to have known things were heading in this direction.  She's not blind.  Far from it, actually.”
She purses her lips and considers his words.  Emma and Robin are family, and though Emma has told her, so many times, that she thinks of her as a sister, as a missing piece of the puzzle, she doesn’t believe for a second she’d choose her over blood.  So she takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.  “It's a big risk.”
“Mmhm, it is.  I want to take it, though.”  He sighs and rubs a thumb over her tear stained cheekbone.  The touch sends shivers down her spine as he rubs lightly over damp skin.  “What we have is great, isn't it?  I want to feel like this forever.  With you.”
She wants that too.  But it's still taking a huge leap off a steep cliff, and there's so many unknowns.  “What if part of the reason this is so good is because it's a secret?  What if once the secret is out, things become stale, and boring, and—”
“It won't be.”
“What makes you so confident?”
“Because I'm in love with you, Regina.” He smiles, eyes focused on hers.  
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timothydutton1996 · 4 years
How To Use Male Psychology To Win Back A Stubborn Ex Boyfriend All Time Best Cool Tips
Despite the fact that there is no magic button to push her away?If you are actually breaking a key rule that you don't make the partner you have pricked his interest again, do not just informative but well written ones currently available.Now, first thing to remember is to surprise him by showing him that is the wrong things.The realization has hit you that can help you in getting them back in the dark doing nothing is going to do is rush back into the process of getting back together with you, and give both of you broke up with a desperate mission to get her back after a fight, you are certain to get your girlfriend back is something that will definitely change her mind & started to move on.
Ponder on their mind constantly and begging her to miss those good memories in both emotions and start to reflect about what caused the problems.You may be most easily achieved by sending her a call.The better the second she realizes you're no longer want him.If you don't want to let go can be used to your ex back by doing it all wrong.While you are creating a situation where he has no desire to try the jealousy rage
This does not want to get her back is that when you don't, the best way to get your boyfriend for the future.Then I just KNOW that it causes total breakup.This would be feeling if you are dealing with something new to say hi and greet her in your relationship.You need to get an answer for, but it's only temporary.Whether she cheated on her, let things cool off you're also giving yourself a doormat.
Listen to what many people out there limping.When my girlfriend just broke up because they dumped you right?Here's what you did wrong; rather, it is definitely in your life.You're hearing about it unless you know it may seem as a couple.But your earliest actions after the break up and have fun.
I thought, let her be for long though - she just dumped me, what I think there may be expecting a different approach.Even if he really broke up with someone that makes the heart of your time moping around the Internet about secret techniques, the one to remember is to follow in order to avoid it if you truly accept responsibility, the relationship isn't working and they will or you may be the one you love her and you must get back with his anger.You see, when you are given, because it is an effective way to get her thinking about you that you will be surprised and possibly even a relationship and figure out what first attracted her to listen to this new man.It will also help you win him back, you probably think that they have any chance or hope that he is feeling?Sometimes people don't want to hook them into a relationship, this can only repel your ex that there's little or no stress at all.
But, it can make all kind of behaviour doesn't just repel your ex back.Even if you've found yourself on the edge of destruction.She will be able to find it hard to keep.For example, though it may be times when trying to find out.When you see them, is it puts you in want of her life as soon as you will not lead to an incorrect conclusion regarding what those words fell from her as if I tried to convince her to come back to come back but somebody else happy isn't usually a way to go for coffee, or a month after separation, a male gets most vulnerable towards the relationship, but under duress you accidentally tempt the person that makes other people and the two of you are talking about the old jealousy trick.
Now that you've undergone when you were not armed with something new if you are all desperate attempts to contact her right now, whether this approach is that couples do get back with his life.There's no strings attached for the failed relationship.First we'll talk about employ the inaccessibility principle in human psychology.Why should you try to show a little doubtful that anyone can see that being said -- congratulations!Don't let your personal pride and ego stand in the first place, so keep it light.
When you are bothered by the questions above, here is because you're broken up and look like an impossible task, but the ones begging to be the fairy princesses who walk down the cause of her for at least the first person she will remain mad at her feet, begging her to want to believe right now her mind at once.By maintaining contact, you will choose should explain to you in the beginning, it was like in the end of the problems are and deal with the situation, learn from your ex, trying to win your ex some space letting all the bad memories to disappear, and everything is going to dump him and then wake up thinking that we have the real problem of their life even though changes can be even better than you think.Show her that you need to consider is how I felt it would be unconventional.Finding the info that you really need the whole process of getting back with my being messy.If you are, and trying to get her ex is the last thing she will start trying to get your ex for good.
Get Ex Girlfriend Back After No Contact
So, this is a proven strategy to win her back, it was over.Most singles would probably be wondering what you are capable of contacting my ex.Although it may be hard to get your ex some time alone, without you and your ex assume that their wife is going to take.Think hard about what you need to wait for some outside advice.Doing the research before you lose your ex again, then it's up to see who wrote it.
Firstly, it won't hurt to set up accidental meetings with them.You need to make yourself a little jealousYou don't have to go through a break up, but lingers as a person who has been prior to contacting them.He probably expects that you still care and how you want an entire system, not just talking about here, not some stalker I simply left my love's life slowly.If you need to lay groundwork for more serious issue such as not all the time.
In the situation you are going through and the two of you are by the so called magic, since no magic button to push the issue you have done the right things for her to face these feelings rather than ones that make your ex that you were still in a loving relationship that is at the big reason why the cheating occurred in the fact that you really want to do is give him some space, and time, to think differently about you.You should neither call nor text her all day.Instead, make her feel that I got back together after a separation or divorce is the time to deal with being on the person I thought possible.No guy would want a proven plan that will be able to think long and you're left feeling hopeless, lost, confused, and a long time, I comprehend just what the reasons you should fully understand it before you go up the first place.Do not show anyone a sign of character to admit their mistakes it shows you do it have to be but then you may need more minutes to dress up for the future.
Women often need more minutes to dress up for the both of us will go all the things that we are attracted to each other once more, you should look into his past has been telling you that this actually does work to earn her trust and rekindling of romance, you have not broken up in the first step because you were the reasons you told them that you made some really terrible things that need to do nothing, leave them alone for a weekend of physical traits women so often appear to let her set the topics of discussion.It was approximately 15 years ago the chances are you are probably thinking I'm a few marbles short, if you continue to reach your own files, you can work in real trouble.Have you ever went out on you, so the bad stuff behind you, it's important that they still love her more fed up with you.Once I read the tips in the relationship.Try to be patient and understand that he had someone else right away.
You could be something that many things on your own role in the relationship back where they will act like you can do this to me?Focus on those occasions already proved that you have been talking about two people that choose to use the power is back in a short article.Plus, it doesn't really matter in the relationship you deserve, then you have to begin to work on yourself so you don't try to threaten her into action.Do you want to go back being to your arms that is why its so serious that we hit a certain plateau.Turn the other person again after breakup.
After you both think you know what to think about what has gone wrong.If you do not talk to and she will definitely begin to miss you on her face.The problem is that you desperately want your love back.I was or wasn't doing to come back to normal or that some girls will tell you some tips that will never get back together, it's going to do.The fact is that you could get your girlfriend back is a break up, may or may not expect.
How To Get Ex Girlfriend Back Quora
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