#fndm asks
imaferalkat · 25 days
It's not that every person 'outside of the fandom' that calls the show 'trash' vehemently hates RWBY. Yes, some do hate it for no reason besides hopping on the hate-train to shitsville for the lols, but from my time on r/RWBYcritics I've seen a lot of people hate that the show was such a let down with many elements shoe-horned in or concepts forgotten about in favor of pandering. A lot of people who say the show is trash is because they were disappointed in the way the show went.
Yet, one big reason people outside RWBY hate the show is because they hate the radicals in the FNDM. I've seen threads on RWBYcritics of people being lynched from being in the fandom because they had a different opinion from the rest. Like, you can't even be critical about Yang and Blake's relationship without immediately being dubbed 'homophobic' by most FNDM members.
You can say that the people calling RWBY trash is why the show failed but only if you can take the fact that the fanatical fans are also why the show failed.
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zacs-of-rwby · 3 days
Alternate Universe Spotlight
If you've been following me for a bit, you may have noticed that AUs are one of my favorite parts of the RWBY fandom, which gave me an idea:
AU Spotlight is an ask event designed to drum up support and interest in other people's AUs! Participating is easy! You send people questions about their AUs to learn more about them, and recieve questions about your own in return!
Reblog this post to open your inbox to asks about your AUs! Don't forget to send an ask back to anyone who sends you one to keep the event going!
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oddlyhale · 1 year
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hwljpg · 5 months
Are you still interested in making South Park content?
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
CRWBY literally can't even make a silly 3 minute long video without toxic people trying to hate on the series. That piece of garbage named double a is shitting on the new episode of RWBY Vtubing. And the episode is only 3 minutes long.
Your frustration is valid, believe me. That man literally made a video rating RWBY Women by their chest sizes. While on Twitter he made misogynistic remarks on Winter Schnee.
Its horrible, but let me explain the sad thing. Just as there are good people, There are bad people like Critter, Vexed, hero hei, adel aka, and RWDE.
You can't stop RWDE from being rude and just plain deplorable. But what you CAN do? Is try to educate people about RWBY, Anon.
Show them that RWBY is not as bad as critics brainwash them into thinking. Show them that RWBY is a show worth watching. Combat that negativity with positivity.
There will be people who say no, who embrace willful ignorance. And the sad thing is you can't stop them.
But? There will always be people willing to listen. And they will listen to you.
Be better than the haters, and become the change you wish to see online. And others will do it alongside you. You're not alone, Anon. I believe in you...Good luck!
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infoglitch · 13 days
(saw your confession on rwby confess) i think the current problem with critics and fans is that *both* sides that go to war (NOT the critics and fans who are minding their business and only occasionally engage, shoutout to them, i love you all) either made their side their whole personality and/or they're actively trying to one-up/destroy the other. you can't post anything without them NOT reading, rather already crafting a response in their mind to counter your point, even if they didn't even read what your point is. it's a really uncomfortable situation because anything you do will put you in this or either side and you cannot get the whole fan experience. i've honestly been afraid of posting knightshade not because i dislike bees (I'm rather indifferent to them) but because i'm afraid of people thinking i hate bees and that it's cheating art and the whole nine yards (saw it happen to many blacksun, dragonslayer and knightshade art). i made ONE joke and people already painted me as a critic and a hater. ONE.
also, while some critics bring very valid points and give excellent food for thought, the majority that goes into forums and twitter usually repeat the same points that have been analysed to death. like, in reality there's always something new to criticize about rwby, but no, in forums it's always the same stuff. it feels like they're fishing for praise or engagement instead of actually posting their thoughts.
anyways good luck with everything
... *Inhale*
Finally a anonymous ask that isn't someone being a prick but also engaging with me! You have no idea how happy I am.
Outside of that. THANK YOU, you finally put into words how frustrating this community can be. Like I love this fandom but God damn does it make me wanna pull my hair out.
And it sucks even further since neither side are complete pieces of SHIT! It's just some choose to be the fuckin worst or reiterate on points that don't work! Its just utterly frustrating because I just wanna talk about Rwby and how I view this series but instead you gotta pick a fuckin side because this fandom chooses to act like fuckin toddlers!
I'd like to make a thread out of this but I wanna make it natural. But regardless. THANK YOU!
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xaykwolf · 2 years
Am I a dick for hoping that 'faceoff with my Poser incarnation' isn't where WBY (especially BY) are declared Caught Up With Their Need For Self Reassessment by the narrative? 'Cause "my failures are definitive growth opportunities" and the way that 'human or cat??' question was framed seem horribly simplistic. And this is without even touching Ruby's cracking point.
I'm gonna give a short answer and a long one, anon.
In short, no, I really don't feel you're a dick for hoping that.
In long, I feel like it's part of being in the FNDM for long enough that you can kind of get a sense of what the story is trying to say within the still relatively short time parameters. Because they only have so much time, the conversations with their past selves had to pinpoint their most sensitive insecurities so that they could wrestle with them. However, I feel like these moments are serving as a catalyst for further self-assessment later in V9, specifically because there are more nuanced implications to their answers to their younger selves.
Weiss still hasn't emotionally come to terms with the fact that Atlas is gone. So much so, that we literally have not seen her face when she directly references the fall of Atlas or the loss of her family (as she knows it). We will likely be seeing this processing play out during the rest of V9.
As for Blake, yes we have a definitive answer that she has resolved to walk the path of being a bridge between Faunus and Humans, but we still don't quite have the answer to Oobleck's question "Very well...How?" to Blake saying that someone needs to stop the inequality and corruption in the world (see: Mountain Glenn). Until Blake comes up with an answer to HOW she sees the way forward through breaking the oppression of the Faunus, her story is not yet complete. (Adam thoroughly mucked up that vision, and she has yet to clear it.)
Yang (oh my god, Yang...) has now BEGUN the important work of growing from her trauma. Recognizing what happened as something she can potentially use to become the best version of herself is step ONE in the process. Babygirl has yet to confront her abandonment issues, and while she's made strides with Blake (and I would argue has at least mostly forgiven the hurt Blake caused by leaving), she has done nothing re: her self-sacrificing attitude, her covering strong "negative" emotions with humor, and communicating her needs to her family and her partner. The opportunity may be there for post-traumatic growth, but unless she puts in the serious work to follow through, she will continue to stagnate and repeat past failures mistakes.
But this is RWBY, and we still have 6 more episodes this volume. It's already been such a WILD ride that it's jarring to recognize that we're not even halfway there (whoooooaaaa livin' on a prayer!). We have time, and if Ruby's sequence is anything to go off of, there is much more to do with these conversation, and just because Ruby's is so hard-hitting doesn't mean we won't see a recurrence of WBY's in the next few chapters as well.
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tumblezwei · 2 years
I'm kind of eh on the crossover, might be fun, but it somehow brought the 'Monty is rolling in his grave' dickheads out of their holes. Had to block them a bunch of them back in there where they belong.
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dextixer · 1 year
Oh Dex, you don't get to pull the "I can't be bigoted, stalking, violent trash because I'm more leftist than you are" card.
I'm trans and an ancom and it's no secret that a lot of "ex" gg-ers tried to re-invent themselves.
Funny how it never works for long.
No one outside your diminishing echo chamber believes a word you say.
Actually, that is just wrong. Me being leftist has nothing to do with me not being bigoted. Im simply... Not bigoted. The reason why i point out my leftist "credentials" is to prove through my ACTIONS why you people are fake progressives.
You gave me labels. You are trans and an ancom. Okay. Why should i care? I dont care about your labels (I stopped caring about them during the invasion of Ukraine when people started using the "pacifist" and "anti-imperialist" labels to argue for Russian occupation of Ukraine). I care about actions.
So, let us all recall what YOU anti-RWDE people have done with your actions.
1 - During the RT controversies many of your people came in DEFENCE of RT, people like Lilith Fairen cursed out and attacked people on twitter for criticizing RT and afterwards your anti-RWDE crowd spread Kdins past shitty behaviour. Pointing out her past behaviour is not a problem. But you did so to protect a bigoted company.
2 - Your anti-RWDE crowd has called for people to support RT financially through merch and other such avenues. Showing that you care more for your show and a corporation than its workers.
3 - Multiple anti-RWDE people have been caught using slurs, people like Lilith using ethnic slurs while some of your other people have been caight using the word "ret*rd". One of your people, Darious uses an alt account to spread islamophobic and racist shit to Adel Aka and Vexed Viewer. I dont like their content. But the racist attacks on them come from YOUR crowd
4 - Multiple of your people have been caught faking accusations about others. Canonseeker, a person your anti-RWDE crowd is friendly with for example took issue with me slagging of NAZIS on twitter. Pretending that they were "RWBY fans". I dont know why he stated that Nazis were RWBY fans but you should ask him that.
5- Your anti-RWDE crowd constantly use language or tactics associated with the alt-right. Lilith Fairen often weaponizes an alt right tactic when people call out racism/sexism, to them accuse the accusers of these things. Some of your people freely use the word "degener*te" which is HEAVILY associated with far right ideologies.
6 - Most of your biggest attacks have been against people of colour and sexual minorities. You dont go after chuds. Your MAIN targets are specifically women, people of colour, and those of non-straight sexualities. And that is no coincidence. Hell, quite recently one of your leaders, Lilith straight up made an entire paragraph which just reeked of white saviour syndrome.
7 - It is only from YOUR anti-RWDE crowd that i have gotten shit for supporting Ukraine in their defence against a Russian invasion. No single critic of RWBY has EVER given me shit for that. Only RWBY fans. Why is that?
Need i go on? The reason why i call you fake progressives is not due to the labels you hold. But due to your behaviour. The BEST you can levy in accusations against RWDE people is making shit up.
Xel Writer/Zam/Xelianthought for example is hanging around twitter claiming that the Canonseeker expose document was made with the help of Kiwifarms knowing that its a lie. He wanted to get my Reddit account deleted through false accusations that Lilith wanted to get onto too. Your friend canonseeker is coming up with real life fanfiction about me "controling" RWBY youtubers and r/RWBY mods.
The best you can do are either lies or shouting "YOU ARE SEXIST/RACIST/HOMOPHOBE" with absolutely no proof.
While your, anti-RWDE behaviour has been recorded to be fucking horrible. And none of you ever apologized or even acknowledged the things you have done. None of you have acknowledged or apologized for using slurs. None of you have apologized for defending RT.
You doubled down on that shit.
Also, if you dont care what we say. Why in the fuck do you keep hounding us? Why do i receive nearly daily asks of harassment? Why do you keep talking about us? If nobody believes us or listens to us. Why do you care?
See? Your attacks are so transparent its funny to me. Because in your whole "Nobody cares about you spiel" you reveal just how much of a pain we are to you people. Good.
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Ask Meme: Who do you think in RW/BY has been the greatest victim of blorboification?
ask meme
13. worst blorboficiation
Mother. Fucking. Blake.
A close fucking second is Qrow, but his ass is reserved for later.
I ABSOLUTELY hate how Blake's been reduced to a helpless victim or a blushy giggly arm candy for her partners. Matter of fact, it sucks ass until I die. Blake's character has been dragged through the mud after the bullshit that was Vol 5, and now she has nothing else to her character other than being a girlfriend.
And apparently this is a good thing for some people?? Like, I remember seeing a post from a mutual pointing out that the FNDM literally do not like Blake, or at the very least doesn't prefer her over the other girls on the team, if she's not part of Yang's life or Adam's victim. What the fuck??
Like, Blake is no longer liked for her own character; she doesn't have one after she burned down her house. But at the same time, everyone keep praising her and shit, cuddling her up like a fucking doll because,,,ship?? She's been uwu'fied against her will and against her development, and everyone from the writers to the fans are responsible for this outcome.
Give me back badass Blake. Enough of this uwu shit with that bitch. She's been blorbo'd to hell, and I hate every second of it.
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you kno w you wouldn't get so much hate if you turned off the anon. curate your own experience blablabla Stop Clogging Rwde With Your Anon Hate Mail
from : your fellow rwde poster
I don't understand why we've decided blaming the person getting anon hate for getting anon hate is the right course of action instead of blaming the person sending the anon hate. Why is this a thing? I should be allowed to post my own personal feelings about a cartoon on my properly tagged personal blog without fearing getting harassed.
I also just do not want to close anon because I want people afraid of what the FNDM will do to them if they show their blog be able to safely share their feelings about the show without fear of them having to deal with the harassment.
Why exactly is me replying to asks with RWDE content being tagged as RWDE as they should be "clogging up RWDE"? It has RWDE content and it is tagged as RWDE so people can block the tag as needed and not see it. It's not clogging if it is supposed to be their. Also Curating your experience is about blocking tags and people whose content you want to see, not me changing my content because someone doesn't like it.
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sytokun · 2 years
Hey. I have a stereo type of rwde and I want to prove it that it's not true. So if you can, what do you like about rwby and why do you still watch it? and no pointing out is flaws and saying what could have been done better.
Thanks for asking! I relish the challenge.
So RWDE, much like the main fandom, is made up of people with different views. For every Adam stan in RWDE, there's another who doesn't like him. For every person who hates Team RWBY, another loves them, etc.
To answer the second question, I have a very large investment in RWBY. I started watching just before Volume 2, around the time the Production Diaries were coming out, and I was hooked. While most members of RWDE are different, I think most of them agree that either now or in the past, they did like RWBY.
You can sort of picture it the same way some people that are huge Star Wars fans do not like the sequel trilogy, but may still love watching The Mandalorian or Andor. It's not as straightforward as "I hate all of Star Wars, it's all shit" or "I love every single Star Wars show, they're all 10/10". The same goes for RWBY.
I loved Volumes 1 and 2. This is regardless of its quality. Meaning even if Volume 1 is considered the worst Volume by most people, I still love watching it. A lot of it is nostalgia yes, and I may give reasons why I prefer them over newer Volumes, but in the end it's my subjective experience. Ask anyone which Volume is their favourite and you'll get wildly different answers with different reasons for each.
I do not like the more recent Volumes, but I really enjoyed the manga: the first by Shirow Miwa, the official by Bunta Kinami, and all the anthologies. I have physical copies of all of them, save for the JNPR anthology. And I think it's because one of my favourite things about RWBY is seeing other people's interpretations of it, whether in official content or not.
I loved Mark's SLVR trailers. I love watching fan animations like R.U.B.Y. and DARK. I watch a lot of RWBY reactor channels, from channels who started with RWBY and grew big like All Ages Of Geek, to hidden but lost gems like Charfox, and I know Volume 1 pretty much from heart just from watching so many reactors starting the show. And every time I watch them react to Players and Pieces and Ruby slingshots herself towards the Nevermore, I get the same chills I got when I first watched it on my own. I enjoy watching other people enjoy RWBY.
I remember a time where JACOneManBand was a growing RWBY YouTuber, who at the time was the only other person besides MurderOfBirds making RWBY content on YouTube, and playing his RWBY Theory and RWBY Hunger Games videos in the background while I was drawing. Could you imagine a time where there were only TWO RWBY YouTubers? I fuckin' remember. It was such a fun time - we barely knew anything about Remnant, and theory/lore videos were the fandom's lifeblood. Back then, there was no RWDE. There was only the RWBY Fandom, and we were all happy to be a part of it.
Yes, believe it or not, there was a time where YouTube wasn't filled with RWBY critique and rewrite videos, and I loved it! I loved it when everyone could just enjoy the show and make videos talking about its lore, make OCs for it and make their own fan animations. It was a simple, innocent time where we placed full trust in RWBY and into Rooster Teeth.
So really, if you ask me, when someone from anti-RWDE says that RWDE hates RWBY, it barely scratches the truth. Just because I don't enjoy the new, canon Volumes, doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading RWBY manga, or watching reactions, or reading fan theories, or looking at fanart. I enjoy all of those things, things that are so much wider beyond the scope of the canon show - I just don't like the canon show's current Volumes.
Back to the Star Wars analogy. Someone can not like Episode 9 or even the whole sequel trilogy, but you know what? They can love the original trilogy, the prequels, The Mandalorian, Andor, the Solo movie, Rogue One, going to Star Wars fan conventions, reading Star Wars comics, cosplaying as a stormtrooper, etc.
And if they're a real fan, they would have no problems letting others enjoy things that they don't, and have no problems letting others not enjoy things that they do. Does that make them a fake fan, or a hater? Absolutely not! To think so is to have an incredibly narrow view of what being a "fan" means, and the same goes for RWBY.
I still watch RWBY because I am still a fan of RWBY as a franchise; I'm just not a fan of the main show. That may be hard to really grasp, but that's how it goes - the Volumes are the main reason the RWBY fandom keeps going, but they aren't the be-all and end-all of things to love about RWBY.
So yeah. I am only a part of RWDE because people like me are pressured to use a specific hashtag, away from the larger community. But that is a label that other people have imposed on us. I consider myself a RWBY fan, and nothing anyone can say about my opinions or my character can change that. They may not like it, but that's what I and a lot of other people are.
And the sooner they acknowledge that and we see eye-to-eye, that we all can like and dislike what we want and not be treated as unknowable aliens, dangerous outsiders or some stupid secret conspiracy trying to destroy RWBY, the sooner we can go back to those golden years, where there are no "true fans", "hatedom" or "critics". Just the RWBY fandom.
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zacs-of-rwby · 5 months
Would you rather be cursed with immortality or reincarnation?
Lol! I literally have this question on my list of ideas. Shaking your hand, bestie 🤝
Also! Using this as an opportunity to say: I'll be accepting submissions for this would you rather game!!!! Feel free to drop your suggestions in my inbox 🤗
Would You Rather? RWBY Edition
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spectralscathath · 1 year
2, 3, 7, 8 and 12 for RWBY. :3
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Mercury 🤝 Winter
Never bottoming ever because of the need to be constantly in control of themselves, their actions and their autonomy. And they're valid.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
In the rwby fndm???? My god so many. I could be here all day listing them because this fndm just loves to come up with the most heinous stuff but if we remove the abuse apologism, self-harm/suicide stuff, ‘actually this thing is a sexual assault metaphor’, ableism, and such, because those feel too easy, I’d say the absolute current worst take I’ve seen (this year) is ‘Actually Ruby being a Magical Lesbian Pregnancy makes more canonical sense then Tai being Ruby’s dad’ because it was a one-two punch that included ‘Magical Lesbian Pregnancy also suits the themes of the show better than a character being trans/intersex’. Fuck that noise.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
I know it says character, singular, but whatever here's the list: Blake, Yang, Nora, Pyrrha, Cinder, Emerald, BRIR, Coco, Neo, Salem, Robyn, May, Fiona, Weiss, Willow, Raven, Jaune, Ghira, and the RWBY-fied versions of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Jessica Cruz. The only reason Hazel isn’t here is because the show ruined him first and then the fndm started playing ‘child beating apologism’ after. Ruby’s on thin ice as well.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
All of them- That Blake is better off now that she's become the main damsel in distress for the team who alternates between looking sad and Literally Calling Herself A Cat instead of being, say, an outspoken civil rights activist with a spine who was willing to stand up for herself and actually be 'fiesty'.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Taiyang. Rip to people who can’t accept that Good Dads in Fiction exist but I’m different.
Why people should like him: he has The Best Dog, he was once a spy in a war against an immortal witch and retired to be a househusband, he has a tattoo, he raised two daughters with Qrow, they’re probably married for tax benefits, he grows flowers, he has zip off cargo pants, he is a LOVING and ATTENTIVE father and Yang and Ruby have only ever spoken highly of him, he’s literally The Best Character In Chibi, if anyone wants to fuck around and come anywhere near me with Taiyang hate I will not only block them I will put them on blast before I do it. I’m making him a #1 Dad mug, he’s the best parent in all of RWBY, haters gonna hate.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Ah, c'mon. Female characters are only ever hated when they're poorly written. If they were male, they'd be just as hated. Calling anybody sexist is such a reach.
I mean, you really think that the likes of Team RWBY would be more liked if they were guys? Qrow? Ironwood? Got any solid examples? All I see from you lot is a bunch of accusations and hypotheticals.
C'mon. The FNDM's maddening but real bigots are few and far between.
Let me give you three examples of sexism from the RWBY Critics. And let me remind you that both men and women can be misogynists. The Republican Party of the USA is sure proof of that.
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Now that we have the proof of RWBY Critics being nasty sexists out of the way. Let me go over Yang Xiao Long, since most straightshippers and rwby bashers love to hate on Yang.
Critics gnoring the fact that she losed a arm, got PTSD for like 3 volumes, saving the world from a immortal being. Edit: She's just not 24 hours all happy girl anymore like in the volumes 1-3….nobody is anymore after everything that happened. Because taking world ending stakes seriously, and not constantly being quippy doesn’t mean that someone is no longer fun. No, no, don't look at Yang pranking Nora during their arm wrestling match, making jokes about getting reward money for Weiss, or doing stunts on a hover bike. Giggling about Adrian? Pranking Penny with her arm? Joking about crashing the Schnee Party? RWBY Critics: Yang is no longer fun, she’s a Karen! Basically, critics have to ignore/forget/deny ANYTHING that disagrees with their negative views of women. If these people can't even understand a character after showing all his background, trauma and way of thinking, imagining understanding a real person you know nothing about. But seriously, things are less fun in general. Like, yeah V1-3 were school fun-times where the characters weren't even aware of the world ending threat working behind the scenes. Now they are, and they're trying to stop it, things are going to be less fun. Want an example of how Critics pretend to be blind and deaf? Adam Taurus: Introduced trying to blow up a train of passengers. Blake Belladonna: Introduced trying to stop him, and then joins Beacon, hoping to change the system from within. Volume 2: Adam literally tells Cinder that he finds his followers expendable. Blake is opening up to Yang and becomes more and more happy. RWBY Critics: Blake manipulated Adam, Blake is the reason Adam is evil, Blake should have saved Adam, Adam should have killed Blake. Yeah, I’d call that sexism. Let’s cover Robyn Hill
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I’ve got some memes just for this But somehow Robyn is an evil terrorist? And Ironwood is somehow the savior? Ironwood, who constantly demands trust and talks about making difficult decisions while : A) repeatedly forbidding penny to have any friends and having her as a project done behind everyone’s back? B) Holding more government power than any other Council Member, and forbidding anyone not part of his military from being allowed to defend themselves or carry weapons (volume 7 chapter 2, clover ignoring Qrow’s license) C) Going behind Ozpin’s back to get the council to fire him for not giving James what he wants? D) Threatening Jacques and telling him to get on James’ good side while declaring closed borders WITHOUT the council’s permission? Threatening a civilian while declaring HIMSELF the council? E) That mech was put in Argus WITHOUT the people’s awareness or permission. Ironwood then installed a racist megalomaniac because she was fanatically loyal to him.  But any woman standing against is immediately considered a war criminal? So yeah, the hatedom? Is misogynistic.  I keep seeing men and women talking about how they want the female characters in RWBY to suffer. I keep seeing them throw slurs at fictional characters and towards the writers. If you don’t have anything respectful to say about the show unless it involves pushing cis white male OC/MC fanfics and talking about how your ideas are superior? Or you wanna talk about porn? Then you have nothing to contribute but Hatred, and you shouldn’t contribute at all.
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