#her widdle face is so cute covered in blood......
adelaidedrubman · 1 year
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SO @socially-awkward-skeleton decided to murder me completely dead today by surprising me with this gorgeous portrait of jestiny having a Normal Girl Moment. i remain stunned and in awe of how perfectly skelly captured her vibes and all the gorgeous detail. the way the blood blends into her her hair...... her muscles....... the ripped sleeves...... THANK YOU AGAIN SKELLY i am going to treasure and gush about it FOREVER.
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eldrichboyo · 3 years
Baby brother mc! Prt 2
[ tags: mc is a minor./ M! Mc ( little brother!)/ satan being a spiteful jealous bitch/ asmo protectsyou from creeps/ asmo literally commits murder/ asmo embarrassing mc/beel loves you unconditionally/ jealousy issues/ mc being a little shit.]
Mc is 14-17 years old. A teen lmao
- hol up.
- the literal definition of sibling rivalry.
- satan is, for lack of a better word, jealous. I know weird right??? Levi can practically feel the envy oozing off of him. Yet the thing is is that if you ask him what's wrong he wont answer you.
- he is canonically the youngest of the 7, he use to be one of the two baby's of the house. Lucifer will never admit it but he let satan get away with half the shit he does bc he is a young demon and its normal behavior for young demons to try to maim their sire's/ the head alpha of the family.
- you showed up and suddenly now the dynamic is shifting and he HATES IT.
- its not like you do it on purpose, you try to play with him, and share your hobbies with him. Hes just really mean.
- he's like a mean older sibling at first. He ignores you when you talk to him, breaks your things, try's to ruin your spells.
- the fact that you follow Lucifer and mammon around on their heel like their the second coming. A little puppy following their master. "Why do you try so hard to make them like you ??"
- his bullying unfortunately influences you, your so pissed. Filled with as much rage as an angsty teenage boy can be. Much to everyone's dismay..
- hates being upstaged by you.
He will cook a 7 course dinner and get a few compliments: you make a really messy and ugly cake and everyone will be DYING to try it.
He can perform intricate spells and magic techniques and get an A+ : you finally manage to conjure a few sparks of magic and everyone is congratulating you,and hyping you up.
Knows languages like the back of his hand,rarely messes up but when he does he's called an idiot : you mess up a few words in demonspeak and everyone thinks its cute.
He will paint a straight up masterpiece: you make a small picture of all of them and now it's on the fridge, and now Lucifer has a small smile on his face whenever he sees it.
- " I refuse to be upstaged by a mortal child!" " yeah whatever you say blondie- "* continues to eats chips*
- you are both attention seekers and you both leech off each other.
- asmo thinks you are just the cutest thing in the whole 9 circles!! Let him pinch your cheeks! Brush your hair? Wanna get your ears pierced kiddo?? We could get matching sets? Wouldn't that be cute??
- loves your little mannerisms, you remind him so much of widdle baby lilith. "It's so refreshing to have a baby in the house!" He smiles," assy I'm 15-" " sssshhhhhh baby boy :> ❤"
- you guys go out together often for some bonding time❤ he keeps a careful eye on you 100% of the time.
- We often forget that asmo is a DEMON, a powerful one at that. He will not even hesitate to kill a bitch.
- 100% "WHO HURT MY BABY!?! "energy.
- once you were out together at some store. He went to go look at something a little farther away from you and some creepy ass demon came up and was tryina' hit.
- the AURA that materialized behind you as the great and powerful asmodeus Karen sprinted past you. He grabbed that demons face with his claws.
- he turned to you sweetly " mc, baby boy plug your ears and turn around for me? M'kay?❤" you do as he says. It sounds like a jaguar and a komodo dragon fighting while simultaneously being thrown into a wood chipper.
- when he taps you shoulder he is covered in demon blood." Aw assy your pretty outfit is ruined 😰" you say as you tug at his blood stained jacket. " daaaww it's okay luv ❤ I have. A friend that lives nearby. I'll just borrow an outfit from her and we can get on with our day ❤"
- he knows how teenage boys work. He knows that he need to tone his charm down SIGNIFICANTLY around you. Absolutely no flirting with the child,asmodeus knows better. The entire idea of that lowkey makes his stomach turn.ew.
- he will however give you the best relationship and * cough cough* "personal" advice that he has! "Darling your are a growing boy...its time we talk abt the hell-birds and the murder bees-" " OH MY DIAVOLO ASMODEUS NO!!"
- if you are asexual, that's absolutely fine." its still important for you to know these things for your own personal health" is what he says. Asmo loves you from the bottom of his 4 hearts ❤❤❤ he only wants what's best for you. A happy and healthy little demon.
- let him pick your matching outfit's when you go out plz??
- his devilgram is always blowing up with comments and likes on pictures of you two. You are the 2nd most handsome being in the devildom 😘 aside from assy himself.
- beel just kinda looks down at you and is like: "Explain your smallness-" " uh I literally just started existing like less than 14 years ago?" * nods* " mmm yeah, that explains it."
- best big brother energy
- he let's you try to tackle/wrestle with him, he thinks it's cute. Hes a big guy so it's like a mouse trying to move a boulder. Lol
- beel just lifts his arm and you are hanging from your legs upside down like a monkey" >:D !!!" "Plz dont fall little bro."
- if anyone at school even looks in your direction in the wrong way .HE.WILL.EAT.THEM. or at the very least give them the most threatening glare known to demon kind.
- will just hold food to your mouth. Feed the child >:( " little demons need food to grow strong horns and bones,mc" " I'm not a demon,but I'll take your offerings of French fries as compensation ..."
- best hugs. hands down.
- just kinda.picks you up like. all the time. He'll walk out of the room and then come back in shortly:
" sorry I forgot this-" *picks you up* " oh" you say. Your just a little kitten he likes to pick up and hold
- new little brother :) ❤ he is extremely protective of you. You look just like little lilith.
- you ,beel ,and belphie will often cuddle together. Beel in the middle with belphie and you on Either sides of him like a living heater.
- makes sure you eat everyday. Gotta keep up your strength, little bro.
- you wanna lift weights with him? Oh okay! We'll start you on square one and he'll be here to help you out when his schedule allows it.
You'll be a strong boy one day he knows it for sure.
- very proud of you, it makes him happy to see you discover things for the first time. Occasionally you'll find a cool small object and he'll hold it for you. Hes been dubbed " the official treasure holder " he keeps his treasures in a box on his bedroom bookshelf.
- will hold your hand in large crowds. Your much smaller then most of the devildom citizens, he'd be so worried if he lost you. If it's too crowded your can ask him if you can get on his shoulders. Prepare to see everything.
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femboysai · 4 years
✶ [bakugou katsuki] final part ✶
❀ katsuki gets hit with a quirk that ages him back into a child, and he takes a strange liking to you.
❀ no warnings, sfw, fluff    >part [1]        >part [2]
you’re only in the bathroom for minutes when you hear pops that sound like miniature explosions followed by cries that most definitely come from the child-katsuki. you dry your hands quickly and rush into the living room— praying to every god that katsuki hasn’t finally snapped and decided to murder kirishima—
it’s mina and kaminari, kaminari being the one chased up and down the living room by an exceptionally pissed-off katsuki. his little hands are clawed, his quirk like mini bursts from his palms. mina is in stitches and kirishima is nervously watching katsuki’s quirk come dangerously close to everything remotely flammable in his apartment. 
“what’s going on?” 
mina exclaims your name and near tackles you into a hug. there are tears in her eyes where she has been crying with laughter. “blasty’s tryna kill denki for calling him chibi, i-i’m gonna die!” she’s explaining to you through her hiccups, holding her stomach, and in her hand is her phone where she captured half of the transition. no doubt for potential blackmail material.
“katsuki,” you say. the kid— he halts almost instantly to look at you and then jogs across the room to clutch at your pants. you crouch, inspecting his palms in concern that his quirk might’ve burnt him, but he’s fine. 
so you pick him up, hoisting him onto your hip. “denki, don’t antagonise him. he’s a kid right now.”
kaminari is ear-to-ear with a shit-eating grin, absolutely amused and unphased by the death glare he’s receiving from katsuki. “what are you— his mother now?”
it’s katsuki that scoffs. “shut up. katsuki’ll blow your face up.” 
“that’s not very nice to say, katsuki,” you scold. he shuts up instantly and turns his head away as if he didn’t do anything wrong. if you think you can coax an apology out of him, you’re wrong. he instead clings to your neck, ignoring the new company.
mina and kaminari are going ballistic at kirishima’s explanation to them. had the roles been reversed, you might have been cackling along with them. the situation is ridiculous, you’re not even sure how katsuki himself will react once he’s back to normal. 
“you’re not my mother,” the kid ends up saying as you carry him over to the couch. you sit, and he’s still stuck to you like a koala. 
“i know,” you say.
he’s quiet while you converse with your friends, trying your best not to take notice of the hysterical glances they make at katsuki’s back. he’s been pondering this whole time and then leans back to look at you. you stop short in your sentence, gaze flickering back to his round chubby face. 
he takes your face in his two little nitroglycerin smelling hands, “my bride.” you burst into giggles, unable to hold them back. 
“sure, katsuki.” 
and the laughter roars once again. kirishima has given mina and kaminari the run-down on it all, it was unavoidable— and there’s no telling how much longer this might last. the quirk effects are the last thing they care about, they’re howling at katsuki’s unbelievable crush on you. 
“it’s like when kids have crushes on their babysitter,” mina laughs. 
“he’ll kill us when he goes back to normal,” kaminari adds, keeled over in tears. 
katsuki takes no notice of what they’re saying, going back to resting his cheek on your shoulder. much like his adult self, he pays no mind to his spitfire friends. and you don’t want to hurt his feelings, even if there’s a possibility he won’t remember anything of this when the quirk undoes itself, but you bite your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. 
“oh, he’s going to kill you when he gets back to normal.” 
you’re laughing too, they all say with their eyes.
your day-off flies by so quick that it surprises you when you check the time and it’s the evening already. you cook up your last meal for dinner and put on another movie to lull katsuki into somewhat of a sleepy state. 
this time, he nods off quicker than the day before— halfway through the movie. kirishima is a lot less depressed after having his friends visit, and you carefully lift katsuki to carry him to bed in the spare room. 
“if he’s still like this tomorrow, i’ll stop in after work,” you whisper to kirishima.
the red-head nods and stifles a yawn. “you can stay over again if you like. it’s getting late, i don’t want you to walk home in the dark.” 
it’s with these words that katsuki stirs— his face crinkling, squirming in your arms as he regains consciousness. “you’re leaving?” his arms tighten around your neck, “don’t go. stay.” 
“i’ll stay until you fall asleep again,” you promise. 
“…wanna live with you.” his sleepy words in such a cute voice almost make you want to stay, however you know you can’t. 
you carry him the room he’s staying in, and he’s reluctant to release his grip on you. you sit on the floor beside his bed and lay the side of your face on the mattress. if you put off going home for much longer, you might pass out right then and there. 
his little hand clutches your index finger in death grip, as if you might just disappear should he let go. 
“night, katsuki. get big soon,” you yawn.
“sleep next to katsuki,” he murmurs, half asleep. 
kirishima calls you the next day in the afternoon to let you know that the quirk has worn off. katsuki apparently doesn’t remember anything while he was under the quirk’s influence and he’s in mint condition with no side-effects. you’re relieved to hear that and silently bid your farewells to the cute kid katsuki in your mind.
the rest of your week passes without any further incident from katsuki’s end, and you catch him on the news a few times. it isn’t until mina invites you to a little drinks event she’s so kindly hosting that you see katsuki again— remnants of the adorable child version of himself hinting at the corners of his slanted eyes and in the grimace he aims at kaminari. his little rewind quirk incident doesn’t get brought up, and you choose to let it go, greeting everyone normally.
kirishima no longer harbours tormented feelings towards katsuki’s child counterpart, and the latter barely acknowledges you when you say hello. he merely tips his head at you but doesn’t once glance at you, lip curled in a scowl. there’s the katsuki you know.
as the night progresses, his silence laments your suspicions of him acting strange. he doesn’t attempt to bite your head off at things you say or give in to your teasing comments— only grunting responses, swallowing small mouthfuls of beer until his ears are flushed and red from the alcohol.
“careful, hero.” the quip remark comes out when he nearly stumbles from his seat and his vermillion eyes snap to you. “ah, so now you finally look at me. are you drunk?”
“m’not drunk,” he grumbles. that’s probably the longest sentence you’ve heard him say all night.
“now that’s no way to speak to your bride,” you joke. it slips out before you can stop yourself and you press your lips together quickly, hoping he hadn’t heard. of course— you feel silly, he won’t remember what you’re talking about. it’ll sound so weird out of context.
you sneak a glance at him for his reaction, and you’re surprised to see the embarrassed tilt of his expression— eyes downturned like he can’t even bare to look at you, face pink, lips wobbling. “shut up,” he mumbles.
your eyes widen in realisation as you whisper-yell— “wait. you remember? oh my god, you do remember!”
one hand envelopes his face as he heaves a sigh, completely crippled with humiliation. “please be quiet,” he groans. 
but you won’t. be quiet, that is. “widdle katsuki had a crush on—!” his palm covers your mouth, sentencing falling short. the familiar nitroglycerin smell overwhelms your senses as you stare back at him with round eyes.
his expression this time is torn between emotions, eyes quickly blinking as he refuses to meet your gaze. he sighs, slowly bringing his hand away from your face as he admits, “the last way i wanted you to find out that i like you was like that.”
you blink at him. then it dawns on you. “...wait, what?”
>part [1]        >part [2]
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Adorable Slimy Stranger
Chapter 3: Logan and Remus's Demise
Pumpkin seeks to make the collected Logan and the overly weird Remus become giggly babies under her tickly grasp. And boy, does she succeed!
SPOILERS FOR THE NEWEST EPISODE OF SANDERS ASIDES!The Episode: Working THROUGH Intrusive Thoughts If you haven't watched it, PLEASE watch the new video for context.
This triquel is also for PumpkinPaw! :D
Pumpkin was walking around, eagerly teasing everyone she could. She wiggled her fingers at Patton, earning a giggle and a few cuddles. She wiggled her fingers at Virgil, earning a squeak and a hood over his head. Lastly, Pumpkin wiggled her fingers at Roman, earning a big squeal and a big bear hug from Roman.
But Logan...didn’t react. He just placed his hand on Pumpkin and gently moved Pumpkin’s hands away. “Sorry Pumpkin, I’m just a little busy today. Your childish endeavors are going to have to wait.” Logan told the blob.
Pumpkin looked at Logan with big, black puppy eyes. Her lip even quivered slightly to add to the cuteness.
“Awwww, how could you ignore that cute widdle face?!” Patton asked.
“Pumpkin is a dear. However, she is also a little too distracting for my liking. So I would like to keep peace by kindly saying no to her motherly teases and cuddles.” Logan told him, talking way too casually about pumpkin.
“Jealousy is unlike you.” Janus told him.
Logan looked at Janus with confusion. “Jealousy? Explain, please.” Logan ordered calmly.
“Jealousy is a strange emotion for anyone, especially Logan. I find myself a little conflicted to see Logan acting soooo calm.” Janus reacted calmly. “It would almost be surprising to see you...crack open~” Janus hinted.
“Janus, I am a very black and white individual. I do not have hidden spots in my personality that quote on quote ‘crack’ open. And you will be treated with nothing if you even tried to ‘crack’ me open.” Logan told him.
“Ohh sure~” Janus teased. “Then you wouldn’t have an issue at all, if Pumpkin were to tickle your sensitive spots right now.” Janus hinted.
Pumpkin’s head shot up, sprouting puppy ears that lifted up curiously.
“Hey Pumpkin~” Janus called. “Logan is quite ticklish, and you would find his laughter quite amusing.” Janus told him. “All nerds have cute laughter.” Janus added.
Pumpkin gurgled eagerly and slid right over to Logan. “Nope.” Logan stopped the slobbery blob from going any closer. “Unnecessary. You know the rules, Pumpkin.” Logan told the blob.
Pumpkin gurgled and slid her gelatin bits through his hands and surrounded his arm in an orange blob as she moved closer to Logan. She gurgled happily.
“Nooooo...Don’t even think about it, Pumpkin.” He warned.
Pumpkin gurgled and walked away. Then, she ran up and fluttered her pseudopod onto Logan’s side.
“eeEEK! Pumpkin-” Logan warned.
“Yeah! get Logan, Pumpa!” Patton encouraged.
“No, DON’T get Logan! I am way too busy to get caught by a gelatinous monster!” Logan warned.
The little blob gurgled more and more as she let off nostalgic smells to calm him down.
“No, no, NO. Your childish endeavours will NOT overwhelm me! Your nostalgic smells that replicate Patton’s cookies will not cause me joy! It won’t!” Logan warned.
“Oh really now, Logan?” Patton teased.
Now Pumpkin looked very determined to get Logan to laugh, or even smile.
“Pumpkin, you are sorely mistaken to make me laugh. I will not laugh. I only laugh out of pity.” Logan warned.
“No you don’t! You have a cute laugh!” Patton protested.
“No I don’t! I have an ugly laugh! Much like my face!” Logan shot back.
Patton GASPED. “Did you just...talk bad about yourself?!” Patton asked.
“Yes. I did. It is not that surprising.” Logan told him.
Patton smirked and ran to Logan’s side. “Here Pumpa!” Patton pulled his arm up above his head. “Get his armpit!”
Logan shrieked and pulled on his arm. “NO! NO! PATTON PLEASE!” Logan begged.
Pumpkin jiggled her pods inside Logan’s underarms. This made Logan wheeze in surprise and jump about 5 feet in the air. But he didn’t laugh...Not yet.
“Come on Logan...Laugh for us! You’ll feel better if you do!” Patton encouraged.
“N-No!” Logan begged, hoping and praying he would give up soon.
Patton giggled and blew a raspberry on his belly. Logan snorted and threw his head back. “STAAAAAAAP!” Logan shouted.
Pumpkin started to take notice of something in his eyes. Something...unusual. But eager to see what it was, Pumpkin blew little raspberries onto Logan’s armpit.
Logan finally snorted and bursted out laughing. “STAHAhahahahahahap! Ihihihihit tihihihicklehehes! Plehehehehease!” Logan begged.
Pumpkin gasped and stared at Logan with awe in her eyes. She quickly went back to tickling Logan in a matter of seconds. She even tickled his neck and his ribs with even more pseudopods!
Logan tried to get out of her grip as quickly as possible. He feared he might’ve already shown the SCP something that he’s been keeping secret for years! Logan begged and hoped that Pumpkin didn’t see it.
Pumpkin smiled and gurgled as she cuddled Logan tightly and continued tickling Logan on his sides, belly, neck, and ribs.
Logan’s eyes were glowing orange...almost like an anime character.
Patton widened his eyes and stared at him in surprise. “Logan...Your eyes!”
“Oh what a surprise…” Janus reacted calmly, flipping a page.
Logan gasped and covered his eyes. Pumpkin looked at Logan and patted his shoulder. She made worried gurgle sounds.
“No. No I’m not okay. This was what I was worried about.”
“Oh what a tragedy…your eyes glow! How terrifying!” Janus reacted in the most monotone voice ever.
“JANUS!” Logan yelled.
“I don’t understand-”
“And you never WILL!” A voice said from behind. Remus giggled and showed Patton his big mace covered in blood.
“YOU!” Patton shouted.
“Oooooh! Think you can do something to-” Remus yelped as he felt something hard hit his head.
“Take THAT! And THAT!” Patton was throwing something at the dark creative side.
“OW! OW! HARD COVER-” Remus caught one of the books and shrieked. “BIBLES?!” Remus screamed.
“I’VE GOT 20 MORE READY FOR YOU!” Patton shouted.
“LANGUAGE!” Patton screamed as another bible smacked him in the head.
Pumpkin gurgled in a confusing tone and looked to Logan. She got closer to Logan and hugged him tightly. Logan widened his eyes in surprise at first, but smiled as he took the hug. “It’s…it’s alright. You were only trying to cheer me up.” Logan told her.
Pumpkin smiled and wiggled her pseudopods onto Logan’s ribs and in his armpits as well. Logan jumped and laughed again, surprised by the amount of tickles Pumpkin was giving him.
Pumpkin giggled a little and wiggled her fingers with a coo. She fluttered her pseudopods on the belly as well as his hips and chin to find other ticklish spots.
Logan giggled and wiggled around. His hips didn’t really tickle all that much, but his chin was making him do the giggle giggles. Pumpkin loved hearing Logan’s different volumes of laughter. It was new and refreshing to see Logan so vulnerable and giggly under the cute little blob.
Soon, Pumpkin cuddled herself closer to Logan than she ever had before. She hugged him, cuddled him, tickle him lightly and kissed his cheek. Logan didn’t know how to handle all the love he was getting, or any of the giddy happiness he was feeling from all the love as well. Pumpkin was really a genius at making anyone fall victim to the cackles.
“Ihihi wanna see Remus experience this.” Logan admitted.
Remus looked up from picking his nose. “Huh?” He hummed.
Logan picked up Pumpkin and showed him to Remus. “Hey Remus! Feast your eyes on the most happy go lucky being to ever exist. Though Patton is a super close second compared to this creature we call Pumpkin.” Logan told him.
“Logan, NO! Keep that powerful thing away from me! EEP! Fluff! It’s evil!” Remus shrieked, hiding behind Roman.
“Come on Remus...It’s not that bad.” Roman told him.
“Yes it is! It’s the most happy being to exist! And it’ll make me more fluffy and happy than even deodorant will ever make me!” Remus begged.
“Do you have something against being happy?” Logan asked.
Roman showed up in the background. “He thinks it makes him weak!”
“Yes! That is the exact problem.” Remus replied.
“We won’t judge you for being happy…If anything, we’ll encourage your happy mood.” Logan told him.
“I...But being happy is so...exhausting!” Remus complained.
“When it is forced happiness, yes. But when it is genuine, it feels completely free.” Logan told him.
Remus narrowed his eyes at him and showed his teeth at the man.
Logan finally placed Pumpkin onto Remus. “You’ll feel euphoric...like being drunk without the alcohol.” Logan told him.
Remus lit up brightly at that explanation. He had to admit: that sounded great!
Remus kneeled down to the floor and laid down so Pumpkin could access him better. Pumpkin happily took this as a sign to ‘get tickling’, and quickly made 8 separate pseudopods. Remus immediately widened his eyes and started to wiggle around out of nervousness. As you could probably tell, he was already growing nervous of the tickles he was gonna get.
The moment the 8 pseudopods hit Remus’s ticklish spots, Remus broke right open with literally no resistance. All the laughter came out at once!
“WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHOHOHOHOHOA! THIHIHIHIS IHIHIHIS-” Remus reacted as he curled up like a big turtle. It made him wanna scream with joy! It made him wanna do cartwheels around the house! It made him crave those gorey zombie TV shows again!
Logan smiled and adjusted his glasses. “Precisely. I experienced the same glee and irresistible euphoria.”
Remus rolled around all over the floor, laughing himself stupid beyond his expectations. This was more ticklish than what Roman was capable of! This creature really WAS the best tickler! Everything about the creature was true! It was the best tickler, the cutest little thing, and even the most puppy-like! Remus would even say...Pumpkin was a big gift to their life.
The smell of fresh fudge filled Remus’s nose as he was tickled. Who was baking fudge at this time? Or...maybe it was Pumpkin being nostalgic.
Logan blinked and watched in surprise. Wow...Remus was super ticklish...But Pumpkin was smart enough to know when to stop. And Pumpkin was not stopping. She just kept on going and going.
Remus seemed to be loving it more than enough. I guess Remus liked his tickles neverending!
Soon, the blob wiped off some ‘sweat’ from her forehead dramatically before returning to tickling Remus. Logan found this rather humorous, considering the fact that Pumpkin had no sweat, and was made of gelatin and smooth peanut butter. The drama behind the sweat rub made the moment even better!
Soon though, Remus’s laughter turned silent. Quite silent. When his laughter hit that point, Pumpkin took that as a sign to stop. Pumpkin returned the pseudopods to her body and lifted Remus up to a sitting position with her pods alone. Remus huffed and breathed heavily with little giggles still leftover. Gosh, Pumpkin looked like she wanted to eat up all those giggles. His laughter was a brand new treat for the orange blob!
Eager to show her love, Pumpkin lifted herself up and molded herself into the shape of a heart. Remus gasped and squealed upon seeing the heart. “AWWWWW! THANK YOOOU!” Remus declared. He was a lot more happy and giddy than usual. Must’ve been more than enough euphoria still in his system. Remus pulled Pumpkin into a big hug and planted big, mustachy kisses all over the blob. Pumpkin seemed rather overwhelmed by the kisses, but quickly warmed up to the loving gesture the longer Remus pecked its face.
After Pumpkin was let go, Pumpkin giggled at herself. She was covered in kissy lips and mustache hair from all the Remus pecks. He was certainly a weird, but bold man! And pumpkin started to understand that better, the longer she got to know Remus.
Not only did she get to hear Remus at his most vulnerable, but he even got to hear LOGAN at his most vulnerable! HOW COOL WAS THAT?!
Logan was always a calm, put together person with all the self control in the world. But just like SCP-682, Pumpkin was able to make even the angriest and most collected people laugh. ANd boy, was that a true gift!
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
6x06: You Can't Handle the Truth
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Soulless Sam was a psychotic work of art
Calumet City, Illinois
Jane, a cute waitress at Biggerson’s, talks on the phone with a friend about whether a boy likes her (Bechdel who?). “I just need the truth,” she implores, as the camera zooms in on her mouth. 
She gets the truth. After ending the call, her coworkers start telling her VERY mean things, and a customer admits to running over a homeless man once. People just poor their worst thoughts out at her. Feeling like she’s going crazy, she calls someone to pick her up. Her friend just throws out more mean things at Jane. It’s then that Jane pulls out a gun and kills herself. DARK. 
Meanwhile Dean’s on the phone with Bobby about Sam. Bobby says he’ll look into it more and tells Dean, “Don’t shoot him yet.” Once off the phone, Sam brings food and a case. 
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They head to interview Jane’s sister. She tells Sam that Jane was having a bad day, and she tried cheering her up. Sam --ruthless and blunt-- calls her out on her lie and asks what she did. Dean watches, perplexed. The sister starts crying, and admits that she wanted to console her sister, but it’s not what came out when she talked to her. They leave wondering what could have caused the fatal exchange. 
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At a dentist’s office, a man sits in the dreaded chair, chit chatting with the dentist. He suddenly admits to not liking his wife anymore, and he’s actually a raging pedophile. 
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Dean’s back on the phone with Bobby, hoping for answers on whether it’s Sam or Satan that’s Dean’s copilot. Dean’s struggling with the idea that this could just be Sam. 
Sam comes back to the motel to report another death --this time a guy got drilled to death. (But by the “non-sexy kind of drilling”, as Dean points out. DUDE.) Dean tells Sam to go interview the dentist alone. He’ll stay behind and do research. Uh, not suspicious at ALL , Dean. 
Turns out, the dentist hung himself before Sam could talk with him. They’re thinking that all the truth telling around the deaths point to a curse. While Sam heads to the morgue to check out the body, Dean heads to the dentist’s office. Once there, he finds a receipt for “Harry’s House of Horns” and remembers that Jane also had frequented the store. 
He goes to interview the store owner.
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The owner asks about progress on his stolen horn. It was a museum piece, a thousand years old, one in a million. It was stolen the same day Jane died. 
Later, at the motel, he looks up Gabriel’s Horn, and sarcastically prays to Cas to check out the “loose nuke”, not really expecting the angel to show. 
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GUYS. I haven’t rewatched this episode in --forever!--and didn’t think Cas was in it. But HE IS. AND we get a “Hello, Dean.” 
Dean’s a little (!) pissed that Cas will come for this stupid horn, but not otherwise. Cas reassures Dean that Sam is not Lucifer while pouring him a consolation drink.
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Dean asks Cas what’s wrong with Sam, but Cas doesn’t know (Like, doesn’t Cas honestly not know he forgot Sam’s soul or is he lying on purpose?). Dean then stares (and stares) at Cas. He wants to know what Cas’s deal is --when did he stop being human (*whimpering noises*). “I’m at war.” 
For Science:
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Dean mentions Gabriel’s Horn of Truth and says they think it’s in town. Before he can continue, Cas is gone. (*whimpering noises*)
Dean takes a drink, and Cas is back before he can finish swallowing. He searched the town and didn’t find Gabriel’s horn. Dean turns his back and tells Cas, “Nice seeing you anyway.” Cas tries mending fences a bit by telling Dean that he does want to help with Sam. He tells Dean that he’ll “make inquiries”, and is gone. Dean looks around the room forlornly, and takes another drink. 
Sam takes a look at the dead dentist and asks to see the rest of the bodies. The coroner says, “They’re gone.” Gone gone. They’re gone. 
Dean sits at a bar, nursing his Cas wounds, and watches the news on the television. Sam calls with the news. He’s at a missing person’s apartment now --and since she died a whole week before the others, he’s thinking the curse started with her. 
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Dean orders another drink for the road, and utters the words, “I’d just like the freaking truth.” The bartender unloads some serious truths on Dean --and he realizes that he’s cursed. 
He calls Bobby to test out his new cursed skills, and learns that Bobby’s drinking milk in the middle of the day and watching Tori and Dean. Lol, nothing to confess at all, Bobby! “I guess it does work over the phone,” Dean laments. Bobby also confesses to pedicures and that Dean’s his favorite (but Sam’s the better hunter). OOF. Said flippantly, but this is one truth siblings never want confirmation on. Dean tells Bobby that he’s cursed --and then he gets an idea.
Dean calls Sam strategically now that he’s carrying the truth curse, and asks him to call him when he has a chance SO HE CAN SPILL. Sam can’t come to the phone right now because he’s going over the case with Corey’s sister. She confesses that her sister was obsessed with finding out the truth about her potentially-cheating boyfriend.
Back with Dean, Lisa calls at the WORST TIME. She confronts him about his behavior - storming in and shoving Ben. “You've got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and not freak out? Just, what, drink half a fifth a night and you're good?”
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Lisa then tears into the reappearance of Sam, tagging the Winchesters’ relationship as unhealthy. As soon as Sam reappeared, she knew their relationship was over. Once everything’s laid out, Lisa pauses. “That came out so much harsher than I meant,” she says, softer this time. Dean absorbs her criticism like a towel specially designed for soaking up loathing. She tells him they’re done.
Sam tears through the bedroom looking for evidence. He finds a cat skull under the bed. “Yahtzee,” as they say. Dean storms in and demands the truth about the vampire hunt. Sam goes dewy eyed. He froze when Dean was attacked! And he feels super duper extra duper bad about it! For REALS. 
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Later, they uncover the truth - quite literally - while doing research back at the motel. The cat skull was part of a ritual to invoke Veritas. Now everybody in town calls on Veritas whenever they demand the truth. Bombarded with the truth, victims kill themselves and become tributes. 
Cut to a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it montage of stealing a hard drive from the TV studio of Ashley Frank, local TV anchor. They (mostly Sam) watch cut footage until dawn.
For Pretty Motel Science:
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Nothing suspicious appears until a barking dog makes an appearance on film. While the dog barks uncontrollably at the news anchor, they FINALLY notice an eye flash. Monster target LOCKED.
At Ashley Frank’s palatial home, they ready their weapons: blades coated with dog blood. (Sam does NOT want you to ask where he got it from.) The Winchester’s creep through her house, and finally locate an altar-like setup. There are candles, a sculpture of Veritas, and many cute widdle kitties. Veritas arrives and immediately knocks out the Winchesters.
Later, they wake to find themselves tied to posts. Veritas strolls in wearing a fabulous gold gown and gets right in Dean’s face so she can absorb some delicious emotions. 
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Dean confesses that he feels better about Sam now, but before he thought he was a monster and wanted to kill him. Dean explains that the hunting gig is that you’re either covered in blood, or dying in it. He tells her that he’s good at slicing throats - he isn’t a father. He’s a killer. I SCREAM BECAUSE 15X18 AND 15X19 LEFT US A GIFT (and then 15x20, well……..doesn’t exist).
Sam tells Veritas that their lives are hard, but he and Dean watch out for each other. He’s EXTREMELY chill about the situation. Veritas listens to this calm analysis and then freaks out and accuses him of lying. She demands to know “what” he is, which is SO RUDE. 
They could stick around and talk some more, but Sam’s finally done sawing through the ropes holding him down. He escapes, then Dean frees himself as well. Veritas gets stabbed first by Dean, then Sam. She perishes dramatically, but after that foe is defeated, Dean raises a knife to Sam. Dean demands the truth.
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Sam reveals that he knows he is “Sam,” but he understands that there’s something wrong with him. He lied, and he let Dean get turned into a vampire because he knew there was a cure, and that Dean could fight it. He admits that old Sam wouldn’t take the risk of Dean turning forever, or killing an innocent person. Sam tells Dean he doesn’t feel anything - and this is what makes him a better hunter. Sam concludes that he needs help. 
Dean knocks Sam to the ground and starts throwing several punches at him until he passes out.
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The Quotes Hurt:
Dentist drilled a guy to death
I'm here hittin' the books while drinking a nice glass of milk, while watching Tori & Dean
I'm not saying don't be close to Sam. I'm close to my sister. But if she got killed, I wouldn't bring her back from the dead!
It’s the gig. You're covered in blood until you're covered in your own blood
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magic5ball · 4 years
Nature Trail to Hell Arc II: Watt Outta Hell (8)
Chapter 8: A Dik-Dik Screws us Over
 If there’s one thing you need to know about the WEEB life, it’s that it doesn’t last.
The day things came tumbling down, F-Bomb and I were just sittin’ in front of the T.V. watching reruns of F-Bomb’s personal favorite series, Sailor Moon high on WEEB (we were using F-Bomb’s favorite method: eating it straight from a bowl covered in milk). As for Sailor Moon (F-Bomb’s pillow, that is), she was sitting propped up on the bed so she could look at the T.V., too. Of course, F-Bomb had insisted that he didn’t like Sailor Moon that much and was only doing it for his girl’s sake, but I dunno. I’d get embarrassed watching myself get beat up and bailed out last minute by a hot guy in a suit for the hundredth time.
           Now, when we did these things, I should remind the audience we always watched with subtitles. The first reason was it delivered a more authentic experience that wasn’t dumbed down by an idiot who wouldn’t know a donut from a rice ball if either got lodged in his throat. The second reason was F-Bomb would always, always, always start ranting about his personal problems to Sailor Moon and me. And on that particular day, the topic was how everyone was being an ungrateful jerk to Sailor mini-Moon.
“Like, everyone says ‘Oh, she’s so annoying! Oh, she’s so mean!’ But I know the real reason they all hate her: it’s ‘cause she’s short! She’s small, and clueless, and scared, so they think they can pick on her!”
At times like this, Moon and I would just focus on the screen and roll our eyes. Maybe add in an “Uh-huh.” To look like we were listening. Frankly, I just liked Sailor Mini Moon ‘cause she was cute, but F-Bomb? He always, and I mean always had to go into a five paragraph essay about this stuff.
“And maybe if those noobs were paying attention, they’d realize that she might just be lonely ‘cause she’s been sent back in time with a bunch of weirdos she barely knows, struggling to find her place in the world, while they keep putting her down just ‘cause she’s a kid!”
There was an awkward silence in the room as F-Bomb took several seconds of deep breaths.
“Anyways, what do you think, Moon?”
Again, nothing. And not just Moon’s usual silence, either. This was deep silence. The kind that eats up all the noise in a room.
F-Bomb paused the DVD and we turned around. Sailor Moon was gone.
For the first time, I saw F-Bomb on the verge of tears. His whole body trembled with shock.
Thinking fast, I brightened the dim lights. The good news was we found her, resting on her side in a corner of the room. The bad news was she was trapped in the diabolically adorable hooves of none other than Weena.
F-Bomb slowly pulled his machine gun out from under the bed; pointed it directly at Weena. “PUT. MY GIRL. THE FORK. DOWN.”
Weena, not giving a crap,  used her hind leg to scratch behind her ear. It was the most adorable freakin’ thing I’d ever laid eyes on. But like most adorable things in the underworld, Weena had a dark side. Mere seconds later the furry abomination was ripping the corner of Sailor Moon with her tiny widdle teeth, pulling out the soft clouds of cotton that made up Moon’s life force. It took all my strength not to hurl. F-Bomb wasn’t as lucky. Before he could pull the trigger on his gun, he was coughing his WEEB up all over the floor, leaving a sickly rainbow puddle at his feet. If anybody was going to fix this mess, it would have to be me. Granted, my mind was whirring a million miles a minute, mostly through stupid anime references, but gosh darn it, I had to do something before Sailor Moon became Weena’s latest chew toy. My legs began trembling, like they usually do when I’m nervous. I reached for my machine gun- only for my eyes make contact with Weena’s. The moment I stared into those, dark, sunken, adorable orbs I found myself unable to pull the trigger. My eyes darted, searching for something slightly less lethal. This turned out to be a very shiny rock resting on F-Bomb’s bookshelf with all his anime figurines. Grabbing it, I flung it near Weena, just enough to scare her away. Yet somehow, someway, I hit my mark square on the leg, leaving a thin red line running down it. At first I cheered, having finally done something right. Then the cheering stopped as I remembered that whenever I thought I did anything right, it usually meant I did something horribly wrong. And who better to affirm my crippling doubts that recently awakened F-Bomb!
“Y-you forkin’ idiot…” he grumbled. “What have you done?!”
Despite Weena’s wound looking like nothing worse than a paper cut (though to be fair, I once spent an entire day in the school nurse’s office because of one) she really put on a show. She’d dramatically dragged her body away from Sailor Moon, leaving only the faintest trail of blood behind, finally resting with her legs in the air and her tongue rolling out of her mouth. My triumph was now ice cold dread. I’d killed Weena! The spirit that kept the entire gang alive! The closest thing the boss had to a girlfriend! If A-Hole found out about this, getting caught smoking WEEB would be the least of my worries. But there was one thing I could do. Swallowing my last shred of pride, I prepared to deliver the breath of life to Weena’s lips. Only for F-Bomb to grab my ankle.
“Oh, for fork’s sake, ya moron. Weena ain’t dead!”
“She’s not?!” Relief shot through me as I realized my first kiss might not have to be a Dik-Dik after all.
“For starters, you barely scratched the girl. Second, and listen close, this is real important.” I leaned in close, eager to hear what wisdom my friend had to dispense. “WE’RE IN HELL, YOU FORKIN’ MORON! WE JUST REGENERATE WHEN WE DIE! HOW DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THIS?!” Several deep breaths later, he continued, his mind slowly sobering up from the WEEB. “A-and to top it all of, of all the weapons on my shelf, you had to use my mint-condition, authentic CashMoney Stone! Do you know what forkin’ happens to anyone hit by that thing?!”
“Uh… something?” Specifically, Weena had dropped her façade and now faced us, lightning bolts flashing in her eyes. Literally. Left sparks on the floor and everything.
F-Bomb sighed. “Just look at it this way: we’re not getting Moon back without a fight!”
           The second he finished, Weena charged us, a trail of thunderbolts in her wake. F-Bomb and I tried to dodge, but the little raptor wasn’t able to get his tail out of the way fast enough. He let out a screech of pain as his feathers stood up end on end before crumpling on the ground like a thanksgiving turkey. I tried to run, only to realize my hair was standing on end. There would be no escaping the judgement of the Dik-Dik. Satisfied she’d fried us into chicken dinner, Weena went right on back to pulling the stuffing out of Sailor Moon. You should have seen it. Man, it was GRIZZLY! Of course, even being reduced to a barbeque turkey wasn’t enough to stop the ‘Bomb, especially when his waifu was on the line.
“Watt” he croaked, “if there was ever a forking time I wanted you to do me a genuine solid and not fork everything up, now is the forking time! Now, if I’m right (and you know I forking am), Weena was pokevolved into Weenachu. She can cover anything around her in static electricity, and it gets stronger the closer you are to her body!”
“So we just moisterize our skin?” I asked, remembering something my science teacher taught me.
“Is that what our forkin’ schools are teaching kids these frokin’ days? No wonder American education has gone down the forkin’ tubes! No, ya forkin’ dingbutt! Weren’t ya payin’ attention when I told you about Pokémon? Electric types are weak ta grass types! And I have the most powerful kinda grass in the world right under my bed! While I’m going ta get it, I need you ta get the largest piece of plant matter I own.”
An audible gasp escaped my mouth, almost enough to alert Weena. “Y-you mean, we have to sacrifice our secret WEEB stash?! But I-”
“No, you forking moron! I mean my Naruto Omnibus. Like Hell I’m giving up WEEB!”
The Naruto Omnibus. An epic saga consisting of every Naruto chapter ever published (including spin off series)! It was wider than I was tall and consisted of more pages than the complete works of Shakespeare, Tolkien, and Dr. Seuss combined. As I crept down the shelf, I wondered why Weena wasn’t doing everything. Didn’t take long to find out why, though, ‘cause the closer I inched to the sacred tome, the closer I got to Weena,  the more every single hair on my body stood on end, tingling with electrical power, reminding me all too much of the time I crawled up a slide. One bad move, and I could be sparked out of existence. And through this suffering, I could only watch as Weena tore the stuffing out of Sailor Woon and sleep in the cottony aftermath. After what felt like an hour, I finally made it to my destination: the giant omnibus that took up an entire shelf worth of space. So of course then was when I realized I couldn’t carry the thing in my wildest dreams! When I tried to signal F-Bomb about this, he just gave a thumb (though it was more like a finger) up and tossed his secret weapon out from under the bed: a single floret of giga-broccoli. Weena sniffed it tepidly, then, doubting it was a threat swallowed it whole. Keep in mind the little Dik-Dik was a vegetarian, so her head didn’t exactly explode, but based on the way her pupils expanded, it was definitely having some kind of effect on her.
F-Bomb gave me a middle finger from under the bed. It was time to act.
With all the strength I could muster I took that omnibus and slammed it right on top of Weenna. A loud thud, like thunder, shook the room as the tome hit its’ target squashing her flatter than a pancake on Jupiter. When F-Bomb and I finally removed the tome, all that remained was a pink stain that smelled like cotton candy and baby kittens. To the last (until she regenerated, at least), Weena had been absolutely adorable. What wasn’t adorable was the loud sound of footsteps coming from the entrance tunnel.
“Hey, guys, I was wondering if either of you had se- OHMYPORECELAINGODWHATDIDYOUDOTOMYWEENA???!!!”
“Get the fork off our case, boss.” Muttered F-Bomb “It ain’t her. Just Turdsy here spilled his strawberry milk while was was learnin’ to vivisect caribou!” I had to hand it to F-Bomb, when he wasn’t being a curse spouting, animu hoarding spazz, he could really hold his own under pressure.
A-Hole sniffed the air with his undeceiveable Deinono nose.
“You smell that, you forkin’ turds? That’s definitely baby kittens and smiles. You guys can’t forkin’ fool me!” For a split second, I saw an expression that looked jarringly out of place on A-Hole. The rest of the gang, if you ever meet them, will deny it ever happened, but I know what I saw, and what I saw was…
A-Hole crying, a single tear sliding down his hideous, scaly face. “Now how am I supposed to attract the babes?!”
“Oh, for fork’s sake, you forkin’ baby! We’re in forkin’ Hell! She’ll probably forkin’ regenerate in a few days and show up somewhere random like she always forkin’ does!” cried F-Bomb, mustering up one final insult before our inevitable doom. Or destroying any chance A-Hole might have mercy on us, depending on your point of view.
To which A-Hole cried “It’s not the same after regeneration!”
           As for me, I stared at the pink splatter on the floor, trying to imagine my life was flashing before my eyes for a good reason and not because A-Hole was gonna give it to us. Sailor Moon still sat in the corner, stuffing pulled out, injured but alive. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse (something I really need to stop doing) A-Hole sniffed the air.
“Wait a second, is that…”
F-Bomb, at last, broke. “I-I dunno what the fork you’re talkin’ about! Just take us to our punishment already! N-nothing to hide anymore, no siree!”
Too late. By the time F-Bomb had finished his sentence, our verdict had been laid down by A-Hole, our private judge, jury, and executioner.
One look. Just one look at the stuff was all he needed to know.
All he did was point a single finger-claw at us; the rage in the room palpable “Come to my office.” He beckoned.
0 notes
asktemmie-frisk · 6 years
Breaking down (Lost and Found Arc)
In the middle of the night at 2:24 am, noise started coming out of Chara's room. Frisk and Asriel heard all of this, and peeled out to her room. They were surprised to see and hear Chara on the floor, crying and screaming in her sleep, suffering badly from a night terror. Frisk and Asriel ran to her to try and wake her up.
"Frisk, hold her down; I don't want her to hurt herself!" Asriel said, scared for his sister's life.
Frisk did as he was told with tears in his eyes.
"Chara, it's gonna be okay. Stay with us. Please." He said as he held her stationary.
"Mama, no! Please don't go! They'll kill you!" Chara cried.
"What the-oh, my God. She's having a nightmare."
Frisk tried to call for Asriel, but he was too busy getting some water to wake Chara up.
"Chara, it's gonna be okay. Just wait. Asrie-"
"NO! NO, MOMMY, PLEASE DON'T GO!" Chara screamed.
Asriel got back to Frisk and Chara with a bowl of cold water to splash on her.
Chara started crying, and she curled up in the fetal position, completely unaware of the real world.
"Daddy! They killed mama! Why did they kill her?! She di-"
Asriel splashed the entire bowl of water on Chara before she could finish her sentence. She spat the water out and woke up, trying to snap out of it. She quickly opened her eyes, trying to catch her breath.
"Huh?! Wha? What the fuck is happening?! Why am I wet all over?!" She frantically shouted as she noticed the bowl Asriel was holding.
After the rude awakening, she made her creepy face, and lightning started to arc all over her body.
Chara refused to calm down as she got ready to electrocute Asriel.
"Chara, listen! You were having a nightmare! We heard you from our rooms! We came to check on you, and you were crying and screaming, so we had to wake you up. I'm sorry for splashing water on you, but I had to."
Upon hearing her brother out, Chara calmed down, and the lightning went away.
"Oh. Alright, fine. I guess I overreacted. Sorry."
"Also, even if it was for you beating me at video games, it wouldn't be the sole reason as to why I would've done it. I would have actually kicked you for farting in my face, but that's it."
"Nevermind. Let's just go back to sleep. I'll be fine."
"No, you won't! You need to tell us what's wrong!"
Chara scowled at Asriel, and zapped him out of her room. He quickly got up and ran back to his own room as Chara stood by her door, making sure he didn't come back in. Frisk took his leave, not bothering to ask whether she was okay or not.
"Smart choice, partner." She complimented.
"I'm going to bed. I need to at least try to sleep." Frisk said, not wanting to get shocked by his girlfriend.
Chara took off her wet clothes and put on some dry ones, shaking her head in disappointment at her now-damp pajamas. Then she went to bed, trying to go back to sleep.
About 4 hours later, Toriel went to check on Frisk and Chara. She wasn't expecting to find Chara holding something sharp to her skin. Chara opened up a part of her skin, crying and angry at herself, not noticing that Toriel was watching. Toriel didn't want to see this, especially at this time of day. She screamed, and Chara heard her voice loudly enough to take note of her mother watching her cut herself. Then the knife slipped out of her hand, and she tried to cover her arm up as it bled.
"Mom! It's not what it looks like!" She tried to console with tears and fear in her eyes.
Chara cowered at Toriel's voice, not wanting to admit why.
"I, umm, I gotta go."
"Chara, you-"
Chara slammed and locked the door on Toriel in a manner most rude, and she quickly got dressed and ready for school. After she got dressed in a whirlwind-esque manner, she went to Frisk's room with gauze, her arm no longer bleeding, but the scar showing up.
"Frisk, we gotta get going now!" Chara yelled, trying to dry the blood she let out of her arm.
"Almost ready!" Frisk said, putting on his pants and shoes.
When he grabbed his backpack, he rushed out to the front door with Chara following him. He opened the door and started running on all fours.
"Hop on, Chara!" He yelled.
"Slow down; I can't run that fast!" She said, trying to catch up.
Frisk slowed his sprint enough to let Chara on his back. Then he extended his ears and tail and started flying. They were desperate to get out of the house. Their idea worked for a moment, for Frisk flew as fast as he could, not slowing down for a second.
"Frisk, mom saw me." Chara said as she teared up.
"What?! Chara, I told you not let her see!" Frisk said, keeping his eyes on his surroundings as he flew.
"I know, but I just felt like it was needed, okay?!"
"Chara, you have to be careful; people are gonna treat us the same way they used to."
"I know! I'm sorry! I just...had a bad dream, okay? I dreamt of my mom getting killed by those villagers, and-AAAUUGHHH!! FRISK, GET OUT OF THE WAY!"
Chara brought Frisk's attention to a flock of temmies and birds, who then steered out of their flight path before he could hit them. They both breathed a sigh of relief.
"Sorry. I was listening to you." Frisk apologized.
"Frisk, please watch where you're flying."
"Sorry. Still new at this."
Frisk and Chara quickly made their way to school, trying to get rid of any signs of self-harm. Chara had Frisk check her for anymore scars she caused; he didn't find any. Chara did the same thing for Frisk, but she touched a soft part of his arm.
"Ow." Said Frisk.
Chara checked the source of the pain. She was surprised to see clawmarks on his arm, all of them in a similar manner to her scars she self-inflicted using a knife.
"Your claws, they're razor-sharp." She said.
"Here. Take this and file down your claws."
Chara handed Frisk a nail file, and he whittled away his claws. Then she took his arm, and she tried to bandage it, but noticed that the scars he had disappeared.
"What the-oh yeah, I forgot. You can heal pretty fast, too."
"Yeah. Let's get inside. No one saw or heard what we did yet."
The two hybrids ran inside the school as fast as they could. They broke out into a mad sprint. They were fast enough to rival a car's speed. In fact, some of the people driving saw Chara and Frisk's feat, and they were amazed at how fast they could run.
Once they got inside, they ran down to the cafeteria, planning on getting some breakfast. It was a hot selection, and they took advantage of the options. Luckily, they had more than enough money to pay for it. As they sat down to eat their breakfast, they talked to each other.
"Hey, Frisk?" Chara started.
"Yeah, Chara?" Frisk replied.
"I'm sorry. For everything."
"No, I'm the one that should be sorry."
"No, I meant earlier this morning when you and Asriel had to wake me up. It wasn't cool, and I didn't mean to make you do it."
"I'll manage. I hope."
Later that day, when Frisk and Chara were in separate classes, they got a call to come to the councelor's office. They instantly got scared, and they tried to avoid it, but it was impossible at that point. They cautiously made their way to the office, trying to keep themselves from freaking out.
When they stepped inside, they were met with four familar faces: Sans, Papyrus, Toriel and Asriel. Frisk instantly started to peel out of the room, but Sans held him back enough to stop him right in his tracks; Chara did the same, only to be halted in place by Papyrus. As they tried to break free of the soul manipulation the skeletons were using, Asriel got up and shut and locked the door. Then Toriel got up and closed the window, even erecting a magic barrier to prevent it from being destroyed. Afterwards, the skeletons released their grip on them and let them fall onto the ground. Frisk frantically tried to unlock and open the door, but he was so stressed out by the situation, he couldn't even grip the doorknob. Chara tried to do it as well, but Frisk's sweat made it impossible to hold after that. They were both at the mercy of everyone in the room, especially Toriel and Asriel. Sans noticed Frisk's fearful expression and tried to break the ice.
"Hey, don't 'sweat it', bro. Even if you weren't nervous, with the way your hands are like, pretty sure it'd be tough to grab it anyway." He said, trying to ease Frisk's tension.
"Yes. It looks like a very 'slippery' slope to try to leave now." Toriel agreed, trying to calm Chara down.
Neither hybrid were put at ease. If anything, they were actually riled up even more.
"Look, bro. You and Chara gotta calm down. Ya not in any trouble. We just wanna talk."
"Talk?" Frisk questioned defensively.
"You wanna talk, huh? Well, you already have, so-"
"Not so fast, brother!" Papyrus said, commanding Frisk's attention.
"We need to talk to you about how you've been acting lately. We're worried, a-"
"Well, you shouldn't have to worry, Papyrus. Someone as great as you doesn't have to worry about a little temmie like me."
Frisk tried to use an incredibly cute face. Everyone was surprised at what he was able to do. They got scared, especially Asriel.
"Frisk, please don't do that face." Asriel begged, hiding behind Sans.
Frisk simply infused even more cuteness on his expression. Asriel cowered into a corner; everyone else was straining to resist petting Frisk. Chara's mettle couldn't hold up.
"Aww, he's so cute! Look at him! A fwuffy widdle cinnamon woll!" She said, rubbing his head and holding him close to her.
Frisk then pretended to yawn with his adorability. It augmented his predicament to his favor.
"Wook at that. Someone needs a nap!"
Frisk purred as Chara picked him up and held him like someone would normally hold a cat. After seeing his display of cuteness, everyone gave up and went to the principal's office.
Chara and Frisk were still scared, but they didn't let up their facade as they approached the building prinicpal.
"Excuse me, Dr. Singer?" Toriel beckoned.
"Ah, Ms. Toriel. Good to see you again." Said the principal.
"What can I do for you?"
"Yes, well it appears that we will need to take Frisk and Chara out of school for an extended period of time. We are not certain when they will be back, but we will need at least a couple of months."
"Very well. You know their subjects, and I can expect them to make up for any school work they miss out on. The file cabinet for temporary homeschooling subjects is on your right. I hope whatever problems are arising will be solved. I'd hate to see anything bad happen to these prodigies."
"Thank you, madam."
Toriel and Sans promptly grabbed the paperwork and left.
"You have a nice day." Asriel said to the principal before leading Frisk and Chara out of her office.
Toriel drove them all home with the paperwork in the front seat. Everyone else was in the back, glaring at Frisk and Chara. Frisk could only look out the window, trying to remain nonchalant. Chara looked down in embarrassment.
"Well? Aren't ya gonna say anything?" Sans asked Chara with empty eyesockets.
"Say what, comedian? There's nothing to say." Chara said absentmindedly.
Upon hearing this, Papyrus promptly grabbed Frisk and Chara and smacked their heads together. They rubbed their heads in frustration.
"Papyrus, why man?" Frisk said, recoiling from the cheap shot the normally enthusiastic skeleton dished out.
"Don't try to derail anything right now, Frisk." Papyrus said, clearly disappointed in him.
"We know what you and Chara were talking about, and we know what you did to yourselves."
Chara and Frisk instantly tensed up.
"What did you say?" They said, trembling and scared.
"We know what you did. What you BOTH did. We have some questions for you, or you are both going to answer them nice and honest. And don't bother sugarcoating it, either. We need to know the full truth."
"No, you don't. You don't need to know anything you don't already know about me. And plus, how do you know about what Chara and I said?!"
Sans and Papyrus glared angrily at Frisk with their eyesockets flowing with magic.
"So it's not obvious? We spied on you at that restaurant you went to! We know what Chara did when she was younger, and we know what you did! We want to hear you say it!"
Frisk's eyes started glowing red brightly enough to make people outside the car take notice.
During his rant, one of Frisk's eyes started glowing cyan instead, signifying sorrow and rage. Sans and Papyrus took note of this. Wait. His eyes change color based on his emotions? Holy shit, Sans said to himself, visibly shaken.
Frisk got so angry, he finally started crying, forcing his eyes to change from red and cyan to simply cyan.
Frisk was breaking down extremely badly, enough to the point where his voice started going.
Frisk stopped screaming his lungs out to cry to himself.
"It's not fair. It's...it's not fair. Just...it's...it's not..."
Chara tried to hold back, but she wanted to cry, too. She didn't want to show her tears, so she started faking a laugh with her creepy face. Her abilty to hide the sadness was starting to fade, for the way she was breathing was giving out a red flag. Toriel was so scared for Chara and Frisk, she pulled over and parked.
"Chara, Frisk, are you okay?" Said Toriel shakily.
"Of course, I'm fine, mom." Chara managed to say.
"Why would you think otherwise?"
"Chara, I know that is a lie. Tell us the truth. Please."
Chara stopped thinking rationally, grabbed Frisk, and bolted out of the car. She carried Frisk and ran as fast as she could, not stopping until she was out of sight and homebound.
"Chara. Frisk. It's worse than I thought. Is everybody okay?"
Everyone but Sans confirmed it. Sans just sat there with empty eyesockets, feeling guilty for his behavior.
"Sans? Are you alright?"
"Tori, I think I pushed too hard this time." Sans said, hanging his head low.
"Actually, I'm pretty sure I'M the one who pushed him over the edge." Papyrus said, taking the blame.
"It doesn't matter who's to blame. Frisk and Chara need help, even if they refuse to admit it." Asriel said, feeling determined to save Chara and Frisk from themselves.
They all watched as Chara ran away from them. They started the car again, trying to get to Toriel's house, only to lose track of Chara, thanks to traffic lights. Whatever hope they had of getting back home before they could was gone, but that didn't matter, especially since Asgore came into the picture afterwards.
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