#heras crazy kpop world
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i’m working on a masterpiece
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🎧hiiiii i’m hera <33 my user used to be fly-inghighx
‧₊˚✩彡 i’m a minor and use she/her pronouns. my fav colors are pale pink and blue!!! i play violin and mountain bike!! this blog is mostly me talking about the boys i like, kpop, and other music.
🎵i’m a gemini, a gryffindor, daughter of athena, and a heartrender!!
‧₊˚✩彡 i’m in a ton of fandoms but my brain doesn’t work so these are just the ones i can remember
🎧soc, kotlc, the shadow game series, pjo, aggtm, doctor who, our flag means death, harry potter, torchwood, how to get away with murder, f1
‧₊˚✩彡 and then i’m an engene, swiftie, bunny, stay, nctzen, briize, atiny and blink!!!
🎵my lovely moots are @reyna-obsessed @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @iam1withthepeggy @4114yunique @loife1m @stvrlighhttt @notyourlegacygirl @labaguetteisdabest @owocontroversy @pandava4eva @lord-hunkyhair @mxnkeydo @leaskisses444 @minholing @rainbowgrapes15 @limeleviathan @stop-ur-losing-me @lambwoniee @astrahehe @ashxxgyu @hijabi-desi-musicals @the-red-archer @etherealstardustt @fish-ofishial123 @urbanflorals @little-blurry-stars5 @literatureisdying @timetravellingkitty
‧₊˚✩彡 my fav person ever is @rainbowgrapes15 her names henrietta go follow her!!
love u pookies😍😍
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and i haven’t quite finished yet
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antihero-writings · 4 years
Before It Kills You Too 
Fandom: Lore Olympus (Webcomic)
Fic Summary: Anger was a fire, it burned white hot and devastated the world around it. But then it faded...This was more than anger. 
Hera goes for a drive after a fight with Zeus, and has some time to think. Her internal monologue and memories, using Blackpink's "Kill This Love" as a prompt.
Character Focus: Hera
Notes: If you haven't listened to, and/or watched the music video for Blackpink's "Kill This Love" (I’ll put a link in the replies!), I highly recommend you do so either before or after reading, as the fic is based on the lines, and a few of the visuals of it!
Also, fyi, I am very new to the world of kpop myself... I deeply apologize if I didn't do the song justice!
I am a big fan of Greek Mythology (though I don't know it super well), and adore retellings of it, (as well as retellings of classic literature in general). But the two characters I've never liked in other retellings + the original myths are Zeus and Hera. But Rachel does such a great job with the characters in LO she managed to create a version of both Zeus and Hera not only do I like, they are in my top favorite characters of the series. 
I've wanted to write a fic for Lore Olympus for a while (as well as something using "Kill This Love" as a prompt), and I decided to write one about them, both because I don't think there are as many fics about them, and to honor what a great job she's done with these characters, and how much she made me like them (and because the song fit too well with her!)!
Chapter 1: I Owe It All to You 
Hera kept glancing from the road to the speedometer, the dial sneaking steadily upwards: sixty miles an hour to seventy in seconds.
She leaned over and took a cigarette from the pack, putting it between the fingers of the hand on the steering wheel. She took out the lighter and clicked it open, lighting the end, then closed it again and set it back down in the cupholder while she breathed in.
Smoke never tasted so sweet as when she was angry with him.
Eighty, ninety.
“Good to see you again, Bunny!”
“It’s only been a few days!” She laughed, “And who’s Bunny?”
“You are!” Zeus took her hands and gave her eskimo nose kisses. “Who else?”
The golden girl smiled, big and bright—
—the kind of smile one can only give when the world itself is big and bright. When one lives in a realm of hope, where beings keep their secrets, and their promises, and no one lies, or steals, or cheats.
She breathed out, smoke billowing like her mouth was the gates to the Christian’s hell—(they say hell hath no fury right?).
Sometimes she wished she had Zeus’s power; that she could set the world on fire with a glance.
A hundred.
The world was nothing but streaks of light across her vision. Not trees, people, and buildings; not distinguishable as life or meaning, just lines of color as she flew by. Maybe things were better that way. She could dance in the in-between, reach up and grab the ribbons, twirl around with them in beautiful absurdity. Only absurdity was beautiful; truth and sanity were far too ugly.
“Bunny I—”
“Don’t ‘Bunny’ me!”
She took another long draft, letting the smoke’s medicine filling her lungs.
And out.
Breathe out, feel the negative emotions leaving your body, all the meditation gurus say.
What a load of bullshit that was.
For every soothing inhale there was always an exhale that felt like it was clawing its way out of her throat. For every sweet hello there was a bitter goodbye, full of curses at his back, in return. For every incredible high there was a unfathomable price. That was the rule to life; what goes up, must come down.
And she had risen too high, once upon a time.
The test of life had no answer, let alone a right one. Even the gods were slaves to fate, and emotion.
The tires screeched hellishly as she rounded corner.
Hera walked around the corner.
“It just—I feel like the world’s on fire when I’m with him! You know?”
The queen stopped. It was that nymph’s voice. The one who came by earlier.
“Ahh I’m so jealous! Tell me more! Tell me!”
“Well he just…I don’t know! When he kisses me the whole world just kind of…stops. You know? And when he listens…I feel like he’s actually listening.”
“Ugh, too sappy! Tell me the dirty stuff!”
“Oh stop! I’m not gonna tell you about our sex life!”
Hera rolled her eyes, beginning to walk away when—
“Well he is the king of the gods. You’re right; It’s better if I imagine.”
The queen froze.
“Eugh I don’t want you imagining me in bed with him!”
“No, I’m imagining me in bed with him!”
Hera couldn’t hear them anymore. Couldn’t see the world in front of her. She was staring at a space before her eyes only she could see; a space, a memory, where the world was wide and she and Zeus were the only beings in it.
That space was shattering piece by piece.
Her breath was shallow in her chest, her blood pumping her ears.
“Mama?” Ares’ little voice brought her back to the world. “Mama, you’re hurting me.”
She immediately let go of her son’s tiny hand. “I’m so sorry sweetheart!” She crouched down and took his hand in both of hers, this time with the most gentleness she could muster, and kissed his fingers. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah…‘m okay.” He took his hand back and rubbed it.
He looked at her apprehensively.
“…Are you okay, mama? …Are you angry?”
She whizzed passed broken stop sign, catching her reflection in the rear view mirror; her hair in tattered locks like rags about her face, eyebrows permanently furrowed, lip permanently pursued, blue eyes dim and hollow, with nothing of the brightness they once contained; only a few lingering sparks of electricity in an abandoned power plant.
‘Okay’. ‘Angry’.
Such ugly words.
“I just…” the golden girl pushed her hair behind her ear sheepishly, her eyes bright, “I feel like the world’s on fire when I’m with him…you know?”
“Can’t say I do,” Aidoneus muttered softly.
She put her gently hand on his. “Don’t worry, I know you will one day.” She grinned.
And what made it better was that she really meant that.
He tried to smile back.
“So what’s that…like?” he asked softly.
“Well…when he kisses me the world kind of …stops. It feels like there’s nothing and no one in the universe but him and me. We can talk about anything. And when I talk it feels like he actually listens. He always makes me laugh. When I’m with him…it feels like nothing else matters…”
She hated that word: okay. It was too simple, too easy; one could always throw it out as an answer. It didn’t mean, I’m doing very well, or I’m doing poorly—(though it could mean either depending on the context). Okay was just, ‘fine’, ‘alright’. Okay could mean you were doing wonderfully, having a great day, and okay could mean you would rather be dead, and either way people would smile and say good! I’m okay too!. Okay was never truly satisfied, never fully living. Just existing. ‘Okay’ was a word for ghosts; for those who are neither dead nor really alive, neither sinners nor saints. Just floating through the world, caught in between.
She was always okay…and she was never okay.
She rolled down the window, cool air rushing in to the car and scooping up all the smoke, taking it out into the night, giving it to some other lonely Goddess who needed it.
“Ugh, this again? I thought we were done with this…Just leave it for now. You’ll feel better after lunch.”
And, anger, anger was a fire that blossomed like a rose high, and bright, and scorching for a while, eating everything it saw. Then it dwindled. Sometimes it could be lit again by a passing breeze, if the embers were still fresh enough. And sometimes that relight could touch a passerby leaf or bush, and from there desecrate forests and cities. But often, even then, once it had finished blazing it would wither and die. Anger burned white hot and violent at first, but eventually it would fade, and the world would be left to deal with everything it blackened in its wake.
She sometimes had a vague image of smashing Zeus’s head in, of him clutching his big ugly skull, golden trails of blood intermixing with his violet hair, draining down his cheeks. And there she was, holding the stem of glass, half of the vase, in her hand, the rest of it in pieces all over the floor before them. Sometimes. Sometimes it felt good to take out all that anger out on innocent paintings. Sometimes she had to destroy something, before it destroyed her.
“You’re acting crazy.” He had said.
Crazy, was she?
Crazy for believing visions in her head, which were always right in the past? Crazy for being angry? For kicking him out? No.
Crazy for staying with a being like him?
Yes. If she was crazy, that was why.
If I’m crazy, well, then…
She smirked, taking a long draft, and letting it out, grey wisps filling the air around her.
Thanks, baby, I owe it all to you.
She had a faint recollection of being sane once. Before him. He always made her crazy, be it when she was first fell in love with him, or when she rose in hate for him. But there was a time, when, before all this, she was a sweet, naïve little golden girl in the forest, with her sanity in tact, who loved animals, and taking care of broken things, her innocence still put together.
He thought he knew crazy. He hadn’t even scratched the surface.
But then that impulse would fade as quickly as it came, and she was left with guilt for even thinking that way. She’d never do that. She might burn his picture, but she wouldn’t actually hurt him…would she? She hoped it would never get that far.
No. That was anger. The boiling thing rising inside her that made her want to smash, and spit in, his face, and burn paintings, that was anger. Anger rose, vehemently, but in the end it dissolved.
This was more than just anger.
This, this feeling; this dull resounding ache at the back of her consciousness like an unending death knell; this thing that bored a hole in her stomach, making her feel constantly sick; this thing that hung as a weight in her chest; this thing wrapping around her, chaining her wings; this thing that stained her eyes with sleeplessness; this thing that broke into her mind and ransacked her thoughts, tainting all those happy memories, making them seem diluted with lies, and sickening to think of, and never, ever left her house—
This was heartbreak. Eternal, infernal, heartbreak.
She was on a long stretch of road now, out where nature still bloomed and she didn’t have to look at anyone’s faces or talk to anyone. The ribbons of light still outlining the air—(was it two hundred now? She’d lost track.).
Lucky me.
Everyone always told her she was lucky. Not everyone got to be the wife of the king of the gods. Just her. She was lucky she had a husband who was powerful. Who was rich. She was lucky she had a husband who adored her. Who doted on her. Who listened to her. Who she could talk to. Who made her laugh.
Not everyone had that. Some had husbands who were poor. Who were weak. Who didn’t love them, and whom they didn’t love. Husbands who didn’t dote on them, or give them so much as a wanton kiss. Who fixed a permanent scowl on their faces. Who they couldn’t talk to. Husbands who lied to them, and cheated on them.
She was lucky she didn’t have that.
Not everyone got to be queen.
Lucky her. So lucky he chose her. So lucky she got the crown. No one else.
No one but her.
So lucky she had that handsome face to wake up to every day.
(Every damn day)
So lucky could talk to him every day. So lucky could kiss him, and hug him, and make love to him.
(Sometimes she couldn’t even look at him.)
So lucky she had Zeus. That goofy, dumb, brave, arrogant king as her better half. So lucky she had a husband who was so sweet, and kind, and gentle, and funny, and patient, and forgiving. So lucky she didn’t have had a cheating, lying, conniving, backstabbing little weasel for a husband, who put that crown on his head, and walked into his office like he owned the world—!
And he was the one person who could say he did. Including her. Sometimes she couldn’t say a word against him.
He owned the world. Along with every fucking girl in it.
And he did fuck them.
After it all, what would he say?
We all lie, so what? Something like that.
So what.
Him; the illustrious king with his throne, and his lightning. Her; a jealous queen with a stolen crown.
The only one to blame was herself.
“I just feel like everyone’s lying, everyone’s—!” the golden girl cried, her hands over her eyes.
Someone took her arm, someone whose grasp was gentle.
He put his finger on her chin, tipping her gaze up to him.
“I’d never lie to you.” Zeus said, giving a gentle smile.
And what made it better was he meant it.
She returned the smile, placing her hand over his. “Nor I to you.”
That naïve little ray of sunlight darkened by his moon.
We’ve both lied, so what? That would surely be his excuse.
“You know what?! Why don’t we talk about you for a change?”
He’d said he was sorry before. He’d promised to be better.
And she believed him, then.
He’d spent enough time telling the truth that she believed he meant it when he apologized. When he made promises. When he spoke to her, she thought he meant the things he said.
I cheated on you, I’m sorry.
I lied to you, I’m sorry.
Now she questioned everything he had ever said. His apologies, his promises, his compliments, his kisses. Were those words so long ago just another lie? His promise to never lie to her, was that just the first lie of a thousand? As numerous as the hours they spent together. Did he ever intend to keep his words back then?
That was the unfortunate thing about lies; they could reside in even the most sincere of promises.
I’m sorry.
(I’m not sorry.)
Long ago she’d wanted him to apologize. She’d been more than desperate to hear those words falling from his lips.
Now she knew they meant nothing. They could, and usually would, be just another lie. And, even if he meant them, they wouldn’t fix this aching hole he’d left in her chest.
She remembered herself at her wedding; them, the picture of a perfect, royal couple, his violet a compliment to her gold. Both of them practically shimmering, wearing traditional wedding attire—(though impossibly embellished and adorned)—and those goofy, light-filled smiles. The whole pantheon applauding, smiling, wiping away tears at their back.
In other countries, at weddings, they said they’d be together in sickness and health, till death did them part.
Did this count as sickness? As death?
Didn’t he break that promise? Did her promises matter after he broke his? Was her faith and faithfulness worth nothing anymore?
She now imagined herself in a black dress, standing at the back of that ceremony with a bow, and an arrow made of adamant, laced with the venom from a certain many headed monster, its gleam reflected in darkened gaze. She breathed out as they spoke, and loosed that arrow, shooting that girl in the back. Olympus shouted in vain, as she watched all that gold flow out of her past self, those blue eyes fade to a cool grey, keeping her from making the biggest mistake of her life. And she’d look at Zeus’ horrified face and think
I’m sorry.
(I’m not sorry.)
That was surely better than this. Better than dying slowly, the blue in her eyes dimming day by day into lifeless grey still animated somehow, better than that gold leaking out of her with each forsaken sunrise she woke up next to him.
Would he be happy then? Without her? He could fuck around with whoever he wanted.
Would she be happier, dead, without all this?
There was no way she could have known, back then what their lives would become after a few millennia. How that god who held her hands and said he’d never lie to her, who hugged her and kissed her, and seemed so in love, could become dissatisfied. That lust would overtake him; he’d keep wanting more and more, gorging himself on it. She had no way of knowing that she wouldn’t be enough one day.
She was young, and innocent then, and didn’t know better.
She couldn’t forgive herself for that.
Something flashed gold in the headlights before her, and for a second her mind manifested before her; she saw that golden girl still, her own hair draining down the street like liquid, that white wedding attire—old, ragged, covered in burns—her own naïve eyes, still full of light and life, staring up at her, terror overtaking their innocent frames. And her own eyes boiled.
The sound of breaking glass was like a cooling rain upon a fire that had been left raging too long.
Zeus was doing important business work. Focus was imperative.
Someone knocked on the door. “Your majesty.”
He fumbled with the spinner he was playing with, dropping it on the floor, sitting upright. He folded his hands on the desk, clearing his throat, trying to look professional.
“Yes? If it’s Hermes wanting to install racing tracks in the sky again—”
“Uh, n-no,” the messenger poked her head in the door, looking nervous, “It’s… about your wife.”
He blinked, then sighed, leaning back in his chair. “…What’s does she want this time?”
“Um…” she swallowed, avoiding his gaze, “S-She’s been in a car accident.”
Notes cont.: Do you guys have any ideas for what song I could use for Zeus for the next chapter? (I want the next chapter to be framed like this one--based around a song, but for him, and from his perspective.) Let's see...In the simplest terms, I'm looking for a song about someone who knows they've made mistakes and/or hurt someone, and wants to do better. It doesn't have to be kpop, it can be anything XD
I'm not sure if this fic makes it seem like I hate Zeus and think she should ditch him or something...I really really don't. That's kind of the point; I actually like him a lot, and am very excited to write his chapter. Hera is just (understandably, and rightfully so) really angry with him for treating her so poorly. and I was trying to convey that to the best of my abilities...but it does make him seem pretty douchey (and, let's be fair, he definitely can be). Their relationship is broken indeed...but I hope it's not beyond repair. (though...the myths don't give me much hope...).
Speaking of the myths, I know Zeus and Hera might not have been in love in the way I describe in this. I'm not very familiar with their early relationship in the myths, but let's just say I know them getting married certainly wasn't all sunshine and roses. And Rachel's been pretty accurate to the myths in her own way, so it may be true of them in LO too. But when LO Hades was talking about them in the past I kinda got the impression maybe they were at least somewhat in love, so I decided to go that route. Also, I don't know if using Ares' in the memory places things to early, I might change it to Hebe later...I just like the symbolism of using Ares, especially as I have him acting very differently then we know him as. I might decide to alter parts of this fic if and when she reveals more about their early relationship though, especially if this ends up being super inaccurate...
Sorry, I'm rambling now XD
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the fic!! I'd really apprecaite it if you could leave a comment and/or reblog to show your support!!!
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What I love about your Muses and You
A positivity post by me (Lena) with some commentary by my muses
You do an incredible job with all kinds of characters, and I love that you do a good balance of good and evil, but you also know how to find that gray area. I think working in that gray shady area is a lot of fun and you really pull it off. You come up with some wild plot arcs and you always find a way to keep people guessing (personally am thrilled about the polyamorous relationship. Nice one!)
Louie: yeah Lou’s been a real cool dude. A R T man. I may not be skilled, but he was always fun to learn with. Someday I’ll learn more. Ashley: Belle like is literally saving my ass with this job. Seriously my favorite person at the moment.
man I’ve always loved writing with you. We always clicked well with that, and I’ve loved all the characters you brought into the rp. I was so so so excited to see that you were coming back and that you wanted to bring RIKU! I couldn’t believe it! I loved it when we wrote horse buddies back in the day, and I’ve loved every other opportunity we’ve had to do stuff. I’m so so glad you’re back to writing with us.
Sora: =DDD RIKuUUUUU. I missed him so muuuuch. Roxas: yo who the f is this Riku guy?
You have always been the backstory queen, and I tip my hat to you. You do the level of research that always blows my mind. I just do not have the time or the energy for it, but you have all these lists, giant ass family trees, you know the works. It’s really impressive, and one can see the dedication that you put into your characters.
Louie: so Elena’s like a sick Crown PrincesS? That’s dope! When you gonna take back the kingdom man? Queen it uuup!
Finn: Adella’s always been nice to me when I would visit Ariel. She’s really talented.
Wilbur: (imagine a happier time) mum’s great! She’s always there if I need her to be, and while she won’t buy me everything I bloody want, she knows what I really need.
honestly such a great person and great rper. I think the most memorable thing for me lately has been Ashley popping in occasionally when she thought I might be upset or bothered by something and checking in. Talking things out and venting together. She’s honestly such a great listening ear, I think we’re really lucky to have her in this rp. I may be slightly biased toward Ashlee T. and Ollie, but all her babes have nuance and I love them. Ashley: Ashlee!!! One of the only people in this world that matter!!! <3 We made it through some nightmares. Things look up from here babe. Wilbur: duuude Ollie I didn’t realize you were adopted too and it’s the coolest fact I got to know about you. It’s awesome to have someone to relate with.
I feel like we used to have a harder time connecting writing wise and things were awkward, and I’m so happy to say it doesn’t feel that way at all anymore. The things we’ve written have been so fun, and I feel like (correct me if I’m wrong), but I feel like bringing Chickaroo together allowed for us to start having more conversation and plotting and just. It opened doors in some way. I think it’s awesome because I love your writing and I love getting to connect with your babes more. As you know, Al has my heart now because he just does, and Barrel has also managed to steal my heart. But all of your babes are so great, and I’m glad that we’ve managed to connect better. I look forward to more time spent writing hilarious things like Dipper and Roxas at the bar, or Al teaching Arthur about the internet.
Louie: yo Al’s like the chillest boss I’ve ever had. He’s also the only boss I’ve ever had but still! Cool dude!
Roxas: Dipper’s a nice guy. I hope I can get to know him more.
Sora: Dipper is Mabel’s TWIN BROTHER =DDDD that’s SO cool!!!
Wilbur: duuude. Barrel is like the person I didn’t expect to ever care about in a billion years, but if anyone did anything to him...like...die.
I feel like we also used to not really vibe and were awkward with each other, and I’m super glad that’s changed because you’re literally so cool and you send such fun stuff and we just have a great time! I love Nyx, you know that I have an appreciation of Arista from afar, and Haley is just...great. All your babes are. I’m so happy we’ve finally made that writing connection because it’s been so fun to talk to you and get your perspective on things. Ahh it’s great. Can’t wait to see what you come up with in the future.
Ashley: Haley was like...almost cool. It’s a shame she’s such a goodie goodie two shoes.
Dot: Haley’s a good dragon? What the hell? She seems okay, but I’m still not sorry I shot her in the foot. She totally deserved it.
Clarion: Nyx has been my constant companion for some time now. I’m so grateful for her presence.
Bee my big bro, my wife, my partner in ridiculous here too. You’re such a great joy to write with, and I love the way you tell your stories. I’m still so impressed by your take with Hera, and how she is as a sorceress. That’s so damn cool! And of course you’ve got the lovely Marie who’s charming and vain and I love that about her. Marie is a gift, your writing’s a gift and I’m grateful you’re in the rp. Not to mention you and Chloe are our resident British experts and that’s great. Thank you for joining the rp and for bringing the perspective you bring. Look forward to more crazy storylines with you.
Louie: yo nerd! Just kidding, wassup Huey? You’re the best big bro a guy could have. Keep it real, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
Fflewddur: Marie! My beautiful wife! Love of my life! The world must envy me for having the most amazing wife in the entire world.
Sora: Kristoff! Best roomie ever !!! =DDDD hope you don’t mind if my best pal Riku stays with us. Thnx dude <3 <3 <3
I mean where do I begin. We’ve had such great stories and ridiculous teen hijinks and theatrics. It’s been such a good time. And of course, there are few people I’d be sure about doing a big plot like the one we’ve got going with Ashley and Roo, but we’ve managed it, and I think it’s been a really really fun story to tell. So thanks for taking that leap with me and letting us tell a ridiculous story together. It’s been awesome. Glad to have you in the rp.
Ashley: well, you’re an alright guy I guess Roo.
we’ve only really had a little bit of time to write together before with Dash, but it was super fun, and even just observing, I’ve loved seeing your characters on the dash and seeing where they’re at. Hatter’s awesome too. It’s great to have him around in the rp, and especially with such a different take than we’ve had in the past. Love the werewolf storyline, love to see it.
I feel like you’re a person after my own heart. Mitte often makes me think of my old Shego muse, and that just makes me happy because I just love the chaos that she brings. I love all of your babes of course, but that just makes her a bit more #1 in my heart. You’re also so chill to plot with and to come up with these crazy schemes. I mean remember how we sort of pitched Mitte turning on a bit of a whim and now here she is? It’s literally so good and you went with it and I just...ugh. I truly love it and seeing the growth. All your babes tell such awesome stories, and this just tells me I need to find a way to plot with you more when time/work allows. Keep up the good work. You’re kicking ass.
Anthony: what a brat. As long as this girl doesn’t cause me any more trouble though I suppose she’s tolerable. 
We haven’t been able to interact much writing wise, but I hope to change that someday soon/when time/work allows. Charlotte is honestly such a great character, and I think it’s awesome to see her and Tiana around, I think it’s the first time in a long time...if we’ve ever managed that before? I don’t know. It’s seriously so cool and I love reading your stuff together, and just Charlotte’s stuff in general. Keep cool and carry on writing a great babe. 
I wish I had things my muses could say but I don’t think I’ve had the chance to interact with Charlotte. Just Judy before ;-; Forgive me. I still think you’re swell.
Boy do I love that you swooped in with your kids. Phineas, Tiana and Aquata are such dynamic characters. It blows my mind, truly. I love them all. I love how ready you are to plot and to throw out great ideas. Phineas has the kind of chaos energy that I love (obviously, as Louie is my chaos energy). You’re so chill with me trolling your babes on twitter, and a joy to write with. Thank you for coming back as well. I’m glad we’ve gotten the chance to write together. <3
Louie: duuuude we gotta do something crazy again soon? Operation dumbass commence? Jk jk Operation Too Cool For School.
Wilbur: what is with that twitter lady tho? Too old to be arguing with teens on twitter don’t you think?
Ahhh i mean we’ve done so many fun things and continue to do. With so many connections and stuff it’s hard not to! I’m so glad you rejoined as I have and that we got to bring these characters into the rp that vibe (and/or fight each other). To each their own. Our kids have an energy what can you do? I think your characters are all awesome, and I love seeing them on the dash. I love writing with them. Two besties, no wait THREE now with Kairi, isn’t that just wild? I love that best friend energy our babes have. Support it, thanks for writing all kinds of good things with me. You’re a gem.
Finn: I love you Ariel. You’re the best of friends. I’m so lucky to know you =]
Ashley: Ashle B!!! Babe you are a rockstar. You’ve kind of been the glue of our friendship I think. I love you babe. Stay true to you and kick some ass in college!
Wilbur: (in happier times) DADDD!!! Best dad to ever dad, person that gets me cool things. Coolest of dads. You rock.
Sora: ????!!! KAIRI???!!???
Hannah Hannah Bo Bannah Fee Fi Fo Fannah HANNAH...I couldn’t resist. You’ve been so great to talk to and write with and honestly it’s been so great to love our babes together and talk about BTS together and talk kpop in general. I’m so so so glad that we’ve gotten to know each other more over these last few months and stuff. You’ve really been so great, and our plots and characters are such a good time. So glad you got my brother, and my best friend. It’s awesome to have and to write with you.
Louie: TAEEEEEEE. Bro. my dude. Sorry I make memes outta you all the time. But in my defense...your face is kinda funny. Love u dude =]
Sora: Mabel!!! My GIRLFRIEND =DDDD you’re great! I love spending time with you and looking at hot boys! Speaking of...I have a friend you might think is hot…
Finn: Tae! Thanks for being so nice to me and allowing me to open myself up and get to know you. I’m so lucky that Nemo introduced us. You’re a really great friend =]
JABYYYYYYYYYY. Man we always had muses that vibed and our writing just clicked and that always brought me joy. I’m so glad you came back, because your characters are great, the stories you tell are great, and I really really missed having you around. I know we’ve both been busy lately with our own work stuff, but I definitely want the chance to connect some muses again, because I love your babes and you and I’ve been so happy to see you. Let’s figure something out someday when my schedule stuff evens out a bit better.
you haven’t been in the rp long, but boy have you made an impact already. Lachlan is amazing!! Truly an icon and I’m so glad that you brought him in. And so glad that you’re here. We’re all lucky to have you. I really think you’re bringing in such a unique take and writing and it’s just awesome to see and to see Launchpad driving around, and driving people a little wild on twitter. It’s beautiful.
Louie: soooooo did you really nearly kill my bro?
We also don’t really have any interactions right now but that is a-okay because you are living a life doing the real life hero work. Truly I’m amazed by you, and I think we’re all lucky you’re around. I hope you take care of yourself and that you do get to enjoy that time to just write and love your characters. They’re all truly fantastic and I love seeing where you take them. Especially Georgette. I think her journey has absolutely captivated me.
man you are awesome to plot with. The pirate au was such a good time, just brainstorming some ridiculous ideas. And your ladies are so truly dynamic and powerful and I am so excited to see where you take them. I don’t think we really have had much interaction besides the au, but I look forward to a day where life is less stressful and we can do some more stuff. That’d be great. <3 Keep doing you, you’re killing it.
Man I love your characters so much. Greg is such an icon on the board and otherwise. And I love pushing your characters buttons almost as much as I love agreeing with them. They’re just such joys to have around. Lol well I’m sure Roscoe would argue about that and be all Roscoe, but I’m glad to have him around. It’s been great talking to you and having debates over milk being a capitalist scam. I am glad you’re in the rp, and I continue to look forward to seeing what new things you and your characters bring.
This go around of me rejoining the rp I feel like we’ve gotten a lot closer and that makes me really happy. =] It all started with a Jimin, how did it end up like this? It was only a...just kidding. I know exactly why. Nemo and your brilliant writing and his connecting with Louie drew me into this BTS zone and then before I knew it there was Finn and Lunch Squad and and and. The list really does go on because we’ve just come up with some really ridiculous and fun stories and it’s been great. Thank you for bringing Olaf and teaching me a lot more about aromanticism, for Atta and that sister bond that I am stoked about (reminds me we gotta do another thing for them that yes). I’m so glad we’ve connected more and that you are in the rp <3
Louie: Neeeeeeeeeeemo I have a crisis of boy things! CRISIS. WEE OO WEE OO chop chop and help me out. Also I’ve got cookies.
Finn: Nemo, I can’t believe how close we’ve gotten in so short a time. You’re one of my very best friends. I love you lots.
Finn: Hyung, you’re so warm and kind. I’m so lucky I know you.
Dot: did you drink water today Atta? You better not be going anywhere crazy without ME.
You’ve just joined but I’m so stoked we’re already talking and talking about TORTALL of all things. Like WOW! I didn’t think anyone out there appreciated those books the way I did. It is so nice to be wrong, and to have a source to discuss my fave childhood books. It’s also exciting to have Eilonwy, and I’m excited to interact with her. <3 
I know life keeps you pretty busy, but you push through and you bring your babes and keep steady with all of that and I think that’s really admirable. You’ve got the older gentleman muse energy and I respect that. I think it’s great that you have your niche. I myself have the teens as we know. I’m sorry we haven’t had much chance to interact, but I hope to improve that in the future. Especially with Seamus. That’s my rich uncle. I wanna do something about that when life gets less hectic. Either way, you’ve got great babes and you’re doing a great job. Take care of yourself lovely.
Louie: soooooo gonna buy me a motorcycle Uncle Seamus?
man you’ve got a great bunch of characters and they’re all so different and dynamic and I love that. Ratigan is complex, and he was especially good fun in the pirate event I have to say. Truly loved the take we had on the ship and everything. He’s so great. I also love seeing Eric on the dash, and am excited to interact more with him cause I think he’s just groovy. They’re all groovy. I can’t think of any whimsical things to say but you’re doing awesome and your babes are great. Take care lovely.
I have not had a chance to interact with you or your Tod yet, but I look forward to the day where I can. Tod’s a great character, and it’s exciting to see that he’s come back. I know I saw him connecting with some of the other Swynlakers and I think that’s even better. Love a character with history, and Tod definitely has that. I hope you take care of yourself, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of Tod in the future.
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madscience · 7 years
Ask meme thing for you, I fucked up the ask so I had to do a separate post.
GODS: Life
Zeus: What’s your name or nickname?
My name is Elizabeth Rose but I just go by Izzy
Hera: Where are you from?
Athena: How old are you?
Hephaestus: When is your birthday?
8th May
Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status?
Poseidon: What are your pronouns?
Dionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert?
Demeter: Do you have any pets?
I have 5 cats and a dog
Apollo: What kind of music are you into?
Kpop, thats literally it
Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?
Their expression or attitude
Hades: What’s a big fear of yours?
Spiders and people
Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?
When people try to introduce me to things that I introduced to them
Hestia: Where do you consider home?
England I guess?
Pegasus: Last movie you watched?
I don’t know? I don’t watch movies that often
Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?
Uhhh, I finished the last season of iZombie (although it’s continuing so I don’t know whether it counts)
Centaur: Last book you read?
I haven’t read a book in years so I don’t know
Siren: Last song you listened to?
Girls’ Generation - Sweet Talk
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?
Cyclops: Last time you cried?
Yesterday lmao, multiple times
Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy?
Tbh any time I’m interacting with Milky Chat I’m happy
Sphynx: Last text you sent?
“Get up” - to my mum
Chimera: Last call you made?
I booked tapas last week lmao
Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?
Nymph: Last dream you remember?
I don’t remember it, all I remember is that it was weird
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
When I kept sending @ah-theelementofsurprise​ asks about beans
HEROES: Experiences
Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?
If you’re talking about actual dreams then often I dream things and then they happen. But if youre talking about personal dreams… no
Theseus: What is your worst regret?
Not keeping in contact with my best friend after she moved
Perseus: Have you ever been arrested?
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?
Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.
i can’t think of anything right now? Everythings already repressed lmao
Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out?
Almost on numerous occasions
Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?
Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?
Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?
The furthest I’ve been is Scotland
Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?
Probably but I can’t think of a specific time
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.
First thing that comes to mind is when I found out my dad had died
MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites  
Trident: Who are your favorite people?
Evie (my best friend) and all of Milky Chat
Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies?
What We Do In The Shadows and I literally can’t think of two other movies that I like
Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?
Mermaids, sirens and vampires
Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?
Juliette - SHINee (forever bop)
Paradise - millic (ft. Fanxy Child)
Rasputin - Boney M (is there a better song in existance??)
Caduceus: What is your favorite color?
I like colour combinations, lime green and hot pink is one of my favourites but if I have to pick one I’d say black and thats not even a colour
Aegis: What is your favorite book or series?
I used to really like Point Horror books as a kid
Scythe: What is your favorite tv show?
iZombie (needs to be gayer though)
Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time?
Playing the sims or watching youtube videos
Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?
The town that I live in, Manchester and Lincoln I guess??
Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat?
Theres a tapas place near me thats really great, also an italian place. OH! and a sushi place about 30 mins away!
Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends?
Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?
PLACES: Goals and Wishes
Olympus: Describe your dream job.
Self employed artist
Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?
Making pins with my art on
Underworld: Describe your dream vacation.
My bedroom tbh, I don’t like travelling
Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?
A steady income, a house, a cat and a partner
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?
Where I live now
Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?
Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Shapeshifting so that I can be a cat
Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?
Someone that can make me laugh and that loves me and has similar interests to me, I don’t think I need anything else
Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die?
Nothing? Lmao I don’t care about crazy stuff
The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire?
Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams?
I’m trying to improve my art???
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i am not okay not okay at all
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oh my god i finally got around to listening to batter up by baemon and it’s actually rlly good?? like i did not expect that but i love it
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꒰ 💭 ꒱ HII this is Your Annoying Tumblr Mutual 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ (iykyk) i've got some questions for youuu but no pressure ofc .ᐟ
✴ hopeless romantic or hopeful unromantic?
✴ what do you think is the best thing about you?
✴ let's say you're about to get into a fight... WHAT SONG STARTS PLAYING AS YOUR SOUNDTRACK??
✴ what cliche (romantic or not hehe) do you wish for the most?
✴ a song that reminds you of someone?
hiiiiii <33
i’m def a hopeless romantic lol
the best thing about me is probably my ability to like get along w most people
we’ll go with either say my name by ateez, kick it by nct 127, or i did something bad by ts
i’m sorry but i just really really love rivals to lovers. it’s just my absolute fucking favorite
sweeter than fiction reminds me of my bf
thx for all the questions pooks!!
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idk that’s a very good question
honestly i’m always talking about kpop im kinda surprised anyone could forget it
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oh it’s completely fine that you forgot lol but yeah i have this lil kpop obsession
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ⭐️
six of crows
pretty dresses <3
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yessssss love uuuuuuu
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last song?
treasure by ateez
i actually love that song so much
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