gothedistance-herc · 4 years
Every Mile Will Be Worth My While ⚡ [Hercette]
In which after Hercules hurts Adella, he makes a decision with the help of the Fates...[takes place: idek honestly, late august??]
[tw: talk of blood, injuries, self-hate, mentions of sexual assault, arguing]
HERCULES: Hercules stumbled home in a daze. He was sure any minute the police would be after him. If not for blatant injury, then death. He was sure that he had killed Adella. His mouth was dry, his hands were shaking. He felt like he was going to be sick. Once he managed to get his key through the door (literally, he accidentally shoved his fist through the keyhole, blasting out part of his door), he fell into the house and collapsed in a chair, immediately putting his head between his knees.
He didn’t know how long he sat like that for before he heard Georgette’s voice. She must have opened the door when she noticed it wasn’t locked (due to the huge hole.) 
Shit. He’d forgotten that they were going out to dinner tonight. 
“Shit,” he said out loud, jerking up as if someone had prodded him with a taser. His hands were still bloody. His face and shirt too. He stood up, scrambling back like an injured, abandoned dog might. Forgetting that his girlfriend was nearly indestructible. All he knew was that he could feel his own power pumping through his veins and knew that it was out of his control right now. Which meant he couldn’t, shouldn’t touch anyone. 
“Just--just stay over there,” he basically pleaded with her. 
GEORGETTE: Georgette was looking forward to her dinner with Hercules. She was even thinking of skipping the wh loool ole dinner part and just hopping straight into dessert. Hey, she was already undead, she figured she should enjoy all the best parts about it.
At least, those had been her original thoughts that were now quickly vanishing out of mind as her eyes fell over the broken through door knob in front of her.
There was a sickening feeling that began to gnaw at the pit of the blonde’s stomach, something felt wrong… and she immediately opened the door.
There was Hercules fully upright, frightened with big skittish eyes and covered in crimson red blood. An immediate rush of concern filled Georgette as she dropped her purse and walked up close to Hercules in a sprint.
Georgette had heard his plea, but she was far too shocked by the blood and clouded by fear that he was hurt that the plea hadn’t registered. All she cared about was knowing if Hercules was okay.
“Hercules, are you okay?! You’re- you’re covered in blood! Are you hurt?! Did you get hurt?! What happened?”
HERCULES: Georgette got closer and Hercules froze, becoming stiff as a board. He felt his heart, even, freeze in his chest. Terrified of hurting Georgette. He knew that he could. He didn’t remember her own strength and magic now, all he remembered was pulling her broken body from beneath the tree trunk. In just a flash, Hercules was pulled back to that moment. That agonizing moment. The pain flashed through him like a lightning bolt and he stumbled backwards, away from Georgette.
He tripped over the coffee table, smashing it to pieces as he stumbled and tried to regain his balance again. “Stay away!” he repeated, his voice tight as a violin string. Tears flooded his eyes, blurring her figure in front of him.
“It happened a-again,” he choked out. “I-I hurt someone. I’m--I’m always hurting someone.” 
He bowed his head and scrubbed at his face. He didn’t deserve to cry. 
“And it will keep happening, as a matter of fact,” came a voice that was at once foreign and familiar to him. 
Hercules blinked the tears out of his eyes and then, they widened as he noticed three women, with cloaks like smoke, sitting in his living room. Clotho, in her square glasses, was poking through the rubble of the coffee table. Lachesis was standing next to Georgette as if she were sizing her up. And Atropos was lounging in the armchair lazily. It was her who spoke next:
“Yes, it would do you good to learn some tact.” 
GEORGETTE: Hercules had all but stumbled on his own feet and landed sprawled on the floor breaking the coffee table with him. Georgette knew that he was still pushing her away and even still her immediate reaction was to approach closer and get down to his level the minute he had hit ground.
She was never good at listening especially when what asked of her was not something she wanted and in this case, all she wanted was to comfort Hercules.
This other person that was supposedly harmed was not even a concerning thought for Georgette, honestly, they didn’t even cause a blimp in her thoughts all she cared about was making sure Hercules knew she was here for him.
He wasn’t a monster to her like she was sure he was feeling of himself right now.
Tears began to coat the skin of Hercules’s cheeks and they made her heart ache and her chest bruise. Georgette very gently caught the rest that continued to spill from those beautiful dark chocolate eyes she has grown to love so much with the pad of her thumb. She inched herself closer to place a very soft kiss on Hercules’s forehead.
“Oh Hercules I’m su-” Georgette wasn’t able to complete her sentence stunted by the sudden feeling of a presence beside her. Turning her head,  just to make sure that she wasn’t going crazy, sure enough there was someone or something…? Right up next to her! 
Georgette immediately jumped right up, caught completely off guard and now staring at three women of the likes of which she has never seen before. (That was saying a lot since she has been through the Underworld)
“Who- who the fuck are they?!”
HERCULES: The feeling of the kiss was still lingering on Hercules’ forehead as he blinked and tried to register the fact that the Fates were standing in his damn living room. For a second, Hercules’ gaze jumped around. Looking for Hades...or maybe Ashton Kutcher to jump out somewhere and tell him that he was being punked.
The Fates didn’t show up in just anyone’s living room.
Hercules was just anyone. He had always felt like a just anyone, even with his powers and how he hurt people. He was still just a just anyone. 
Except he wasn’t.
Son of Diana. Demon. Demi-god. Amazon.
“Aren’t you going to introduce us to your pretty little friend?” pouted Lachesis, standing up with Georgette and reaching out to tug on a piece of her hair playfully. 
“Introduce us and you’re one more step on the mend.” This was a command from Clotho.
Hercules cleared his throat. “Er, yeah--these are the...Fates,” Hercules stammered, clearing his throat. “Clotho.” Her eyes glinted behind her glasses. “Lachesis.” She gave a little bow. “And Atropos.” She waved her scissors lazily at Georgette.
“They’ve come to help...I think. I have met them once before when you--”
“Died. So sad. So pretty. It was never supposed to happen, what a pity.” That was Atropos, her voice lilting like she was singing an advertising jingle. She laughed afterwards.
GEORGETTE: Let this important fact be noted: Georgette did not like people touching her hair, especially strangers she didn’t know a lick about. Don’t touch her hair unless you are someone she cares about and honestly that list stretched out to like three people only. Don’t touch her hair, she will verbally assault anyone who was so stupid enough to do so.
That being said, one of the Fates was currently touching her hair and a verbal assault should have followed except that Georgette was currently standing motionless and quiet.
The Fates. 
The Fates were currently standing in Hercules’s living room.
See, Georgette knew of the Fates, in the mythological sense. Her mythology was pretty on point and has only gotten more so advanced with Hercules. They would spend time together where Hercules would share mythological stories with her and she would love the excitement in his voice and the spark that would catch his eyes whenever he did. 
So, she knew of the Fates, but she often got this picture of three old shrew women who own like three pieces of yarn for hair and passed a mythical eye ball around to share in her mind.
That was not at all what she was seeing now. 
Thankfully, or rather un-thankfully really, one of the Fates had said something that immediately erased all of the shock that had settled on her features switching them over to one of a stuck nerve.
“Thank you for that recount of my death, I wasn’t at all very personally aware of it.” She snapped sarcastically. 
It probably wasn’t the best idea to throw attitude at three immortal beings who controlled the very tapestry of your life, but they had aggravated a very personal chord and Georgette had an exceptional temper.
“What are you doing here?” 
HERCULES: If Hercules wasn’t in the middle of a near-to-full-on break down, maybe he would’ve laughed at Georgette’s peevish attitude towards the Fates. He wasn’t surprised by it, even through the haze of his self-loathing, he could recognize that. He wished there was room for the fondness that he was sure he felt deep down beneath the panic. 
All the fates found it amusing, apparently, as they tittered with their dark and ghoulish chuckles that sent shivers up the spine. 
“We’ve come to help, do not doubt us. Listen close, you’ve no reason not to trust.” They chanted it in unison like the choruses of old.
Hercules laughed once, humorless, but he sat up so that his elbows hooked around his knees. “Well, you can’t make anything worse.” 
“You must go to the land of your mothers,” they recited, “and once you’re there--seek their guidance. It is only through them that your powers manifest and you have a chance.”
Hercules stared and then he stared some more. He knew that they spoke of his birth mother. Someone he tried not to think about often. The wound was still fresh. The confusion over who he was and what it meant was fresh. He hated her, in a way, for damning him to this life due to her own selfishness, but Hercules was too soft to really hold that hate in his heart. So, he pushed it out and ignored it.
But now: the Fates were telling him that she was the key.
“The--Amazons? You want me to go to the Amazons?” 
“We know you’re thick, but we thought you were more quick.”
Hercules scoffed. “Thanks. I can’t just go to the Amazons. What makes you think they’ll even listen? Or want to train me?”
“That is for you to decide, we do not see why they cannot coincide.” 
GEORGETTE: The Fates wanted Hercules to ask the Amazons for help?! They wanted him to return back to the Underworld and ask the very people who had left him out in this world like some worthless dog without warning or guidance as to what he was going to face?!
Georgette hadn’t even realized when she let out a steely and very unrelenting no. 
That was the thing about Georgette, she often spoke before she thought and when angry even more so. It wasn’t something she was planning to change about herself either. She had already learned what staying quiet could do to you. She had stayed quiet once about her rape and look at how that had left her later on in life. 
“No.” Georgette repeated clearly so if the Fates didn’t get it the first time they were definitely going to get it now.
“You want Hercules to return back to that god-forsaken hell hole?!” 
Quite literally and she had every right to call it as such since she had gone through the Underworld herself. She still remembered every bit of it, every ounce, second, minute and hour of that journey back to the world above. Georgette had images of the Underworld seared into her brain and she had gone through the Underworld once. Hercules had gone through it twice and these fucking hags wanted him to live through that some more?!
“To ask those heartless, barbaric bitches for help?! The same ones that left him to fend for himself in the fucking first place! Those same sorry excuses for beings that knew exactly what he was and didn’t give two flying fucks. If they didn’t care the first time why they hell would they care now? What, would you like Hercules to get on his knees too and beg for that help even though they are the reason for all of it!” 
Georgette was seething. 
None of it was fair. 
Hercules had gone through so much already. He has gone through enough, gone through more than the average person has in a lifetime and the Fates wanted him to do this? Like-like if he wasn’t worth some dignity? Or worth being treated right? 
“Did I get this all straight?” She snarled.
HERCULES: Georgette went off.
It didn’t surprise him. Georgette was always going off about something. He found this quality endearing most of the time. She was passionate and he loved that about her. He appreciated her standing up for him, because he could never find it in him to stand up for himself. She had always been good about not making him feel like a monster, like someone worth forgiveness and someone worth protecting. (People didn’t think he needed it, considering that he was nearly indestructible.) 
Hercules stayed quiet, though. 
He stayed quiet and he thought. Something that Hercules rather spent much time on. He was reactive. He acted. But, there was nothing to act on. Not this moment. He still felt shell shocked by all of this. What had happened to Adella. The Fates in his living room. And more than all of that: the instructions they gave him.
To go see his birth mother. To go venture to the Amazons. To ask them for help.
It had never occurred to him to do that before and he felt like an idiot now. It made sense. If they had the same abilities as him, of course it would make sense for him to train with them, to ask for their help. They knew how to control their abilities. He’d seen it himself.
Thinking over.
Hercules got up off the floor. 
Atropos smirked from where she was sprawled in an armchair, touching the tips of her scissors to her fingers. 
He walked towards Georgette, putting a hand on her arm.
“It would be that easy?” he directed this at Clotho.
“Easy has nothing to do with it, we’ve told you what to do. Now it is up to you.” Her eyes flicked to Georgette and back to Hercules. She smirked and then, in a blink, the three women disappeared, leaving his apartment just the way they’d come. 
The air was heavy with silence. 
“I’m going to go,” Hercules said. He turned to face his girlfriend. “If they can help me, I have to go. It doesn’t matter all the rest. I can’t live like this anymore, Georgette.” 
GEORGETTE: The Fates disappeared as quick as a batting of an eye and the room was left with a piercing silence. The silence didn’t really bare down on Georgette or cut as deep until Hercules had placed his hand on her arm. The moment he had done that gesture the blonde already knew what his decision was going to be. 
And so, she walked away, she placed some space between them and kept her back to Hercules. 
She was just so angry and in all that anger was a storm of different emotions whirling around chaotically that Georgette didn’t even know what she was supposed to feel. She wanted to shove him, yell, pound her small fists over his chest again and again. She wanted to strongly and very clearly reiterate all the damage those Amazon hags had caused since Hercules seemed to have missed it all the first time she said it. 
She wanted to plead with him not to go. She wanted Hercules to see himself the way she saw him, see how big and how entirely she really loved him because maybe, then maybe he would get it. He would understand all of this anger that was eating at her insides and why the last thing she ever wanted was for him to go back to those women.
And Georgette got it, she did, she understood why all the rest didn’t matter for Hercules. She knew how big his heart was. It wasn’t like hers that only expanded for those she cared about, his heart always yearned to stretch out to everyone, to care for everyone. All injury to himself in the process of it all didn’t matter to him, but it mattered a great deal to Georgette. 
He would go, go back through hell and swallow everything else in, risk getting hurt and humiliated and Georgette never wanted that for him.  
Was that really so bad? Was it so bad for her to want to protect him? To want more for him?
Did it even matter? He was going, he already said he was as clear as day and that was Hercules. He would go through his decision like a bull in a china shop. Georgette was proof of that herself, she was undead. 
Georgette didn’t realize how long she had been staring at the wall or when her hand had wrapped itself around her wrist, her nails sinking into her skin. She took a deep breath in for what purpose she wasn’t sure because it did nothing to suffocate her emotions but she did so anyways before she turned around to look at Hercules. Georgette knew herself very well, she knew that when she looked at Hercules, her eyes wouldn’t even try to hold a single emotion back. 
“Then it doesn’t matter what I have to say does it? You’re still going to go.”  
HERCULES: “Yeah, I am,” Hercules said hotly.
He rarely put his foot down like this. Pegasus always lovingly referred to him as the strongest pushover they’d ever met—and it was true. Sometimes, Hercules wondered if this was an instinctual habit due to the fact that…Hercules hurt so many things when he stood his ground. He became a solid wall, impossible to break through. And he hated that. So, in all other aspects of his life, he tried to be soft.
But he couldn’t be soft about this. It was tearing him apart, already. He knew that this was what he needed to do. The bloody Fates had told him so! And, besides, it felt like the right decision.
“You don’t have to understand, but it’s what I need to do, Georgette. You—you don’t get it. I can’t keep living my life like this!” His voice rose, surprising even himself. Hercules rarely got this worked up. He had always been afraid of his own temper.
He sighed harshly, his shoulders collapsing. “Look, I’ve got to at least try, Georgette. I can’t live like this. I can’t—make a life for us like this.”
GEORGETTE:  Hercules’s voice rose, something Georgette was not used to. It almost took her for a loop and made her flinch. Hercules was not the one that entered into a temper that was Georgette. She was the one that always unleashed her anger not giving a flying care where and how it landed. 
But Hercules’s voice rose and it reminded Georgette of Ryan. 
She felt awful that such a thought had even crossed her mind because Hercules could never be like Ryan, he wasn’t a monster, he would never seek to purposely hurt her. Even still the thought had formed and it left her muscles debating if they should still go ahead and flinch or make her fingernails sink even deeper into her own skin to stop her from attacking. 
She did neither.  Instead, she spoke.
“Then go!” Georgette spat venomously, releasing her hand from the clench it had on her wrist. “Go have your damn try and do everything those hags want you to do! Because apparently none of it will affect you so I’m just being the stupid one here actually giving a rats ass and worrying about how this can all just finish only fucking hurting you in the end.”
Georgette began to move now because well one, standing still never worked for her when she was angry, it always made her feel like a caged animal and two she wasn’t about to stay here when her opinions and concerns meant absolutely nothing so she needed to start looking for her purse so that she could leave. 
“So be my fucking guest, Hercules!” Where the hell was that stupid purse?!   
HERCULES: Hercules had no idea what this meant for him and Georgette...but he knew what it meant for him.
Did it hurt that she didn’t trust him on this? That she wasn’t going to support him? Definitely. However, he needed to do this. That was all he knew. That he needed to do this, with or without help. If he didn’t, he’d never be able to take care of Georgette the way he wanted. Their lives would always be plagued by this decision. This moment. Maybe, it wouldn’t matter in the end and Georgette would stay pissed at him, but for the first time in a long time, Hercules had hope. Which meant that he hoped that when all this was fixed, when he was fixed, Georgette would forgive him and see why he had to do it.
So, he didn’t try to stop her. Instead, he handed her the purse that she was looking for. He didn’t need to be told that was what she was doing. He’d seen her lose it a thousand times before, especially when in a huff.
Silently, he handed it off to her. There wasn’t much to say. Georgette could see the hurt on his face. He could see the hurt on hers. There was nothing for it, though. 
This had to be done. It was destiny. 
So, the door closed and Hercules packed his own bag. Then, he went to the only place he knew to get the gates open: to Hades’. 
His wife let him inside, heavily pregnant and clearly tired. It made him nervous just looking at her. She was so fragile. He thanked her and waited awkwardly for Hades to come down the stairs. When he did, Hercules rose quickly, but carefully. Then, he explained the situation. 
“You don’t have to come into the Underworld with me,” Hercules assured. “I know the way.” 
With that, they set off through the forest. Unlike last time, Hercules didn’t say anything. He was quiet and determined, his jaw set. The trip was silent and felt both long and unbelievably short. It was Hades who alerted him that they had a tag-a-long, as soon as the Gates had opened. The blue flames flickered silently in the backdrop.
Hades left without preamble, telling Hercules he had about two minutes before the gates shut tight and, no, he wasn’t coming back to open them again. 
“What are you doing here?” Hercules demanded as soon as Hades disappeared.
GEORGETTE: So, Georgette hadn’t exactly thought out this decision of hers to the extent that it probably should have been thought out. She just knew that once she had made it, she immediately went into action and found herself in the forest.
By no means was it a pleasant trip reaching the Gates of Hell. Georgette was not a nature girl. She did not appreciate dirt, or grass, branches, leaves, insects and disgusting creepy crawlers. 
She hated this forest and it’s trees. They, after all, had taken her life from her.
Yet here she was trying very hard not to be daunted by her surroundings or think back to those painful memories this exact entrance could make her relive. Even against everything, against her better knowledge because this was a trip through the Underworld after all, here she was. Wasn’t that how it always ended though?
Georgette coming right back to Hercules. 
“I’m still really upset.”
She stated because it had to be well known that her being here didn’t forfeit what she felt regarding this situation. She was still pissed and she still believed all of this was a terrible and very unfair idea. 
“But I don’t want you going through hell alone.” She admitted, her voice growing soft. “I know how that feels.”
Maybe not so much literally going through actual physical Underworld hell alone, but Georgette had gone through a rape alone. She had gone through the trial of her rapist alone. The rape, the trial, both were very real.  Both had been hard and both had been excruciating painful. They were her hell.
And being alone through hell, that was something she never wanted for Hercules. If he did this alone, she would be like every other person who had deserted him in his life. She wouldn’t forgive herself, so yes, she was still pissed off, but her anger wasn’t worth deserting Hercules.
“And I don’t want that for you so… that’s what I’m doing here.” 
HERCULES: Despite the circumstances, Hercules laughed.
It wasn’t a loud laugh, more of a chuckle than anything, but it felt very out of place, here at the entrance to the Underworld.
He was just surprised—delighted, suddenly, by this turn of events and he couldn’t help the smile that showed on his face. How fond he felt of Georgette, as she glowered at him. He wanted to kiss her, even if she’d just said she was upset with him. And he would. He’d wait, maybe, but he would.
There was a relief, too. It meant that if she was here, Hercules wouldn’t have to be alone. If she was here, she couldn’t be too upset with him. Hercules could handle pissed off Georgette, but he couldn’t handle a Georgette that wasn’t speaking to him, a Georgette that hated him. He was plenty familiar with his girlfriend’s temper and while it was a sight to behold, as long as she was still talking to him, he wasn’t going to worry.
And, y’know, he didn’t know when that had happened. Once, Hercules would’ve worried at every fight, every annoyance that he caused her (which was a lot.) But now, he just—wanted to laugh.
He softened, though, at the next thing Georgette had said and he stepped forward. Reaching out, he placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her a step closer so that he could kiss her forehead. His hands moved to her cheeks and he smiled at her.
“Thank you. I didn’t want to do this without you.” He leaned in and kissed her once, softly. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.” 
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[BDRPVDTE] Always || Hercette
Cars, buildings, and street lights began to fade away through the foggy glass pane of the window bringing forth vast lands of lively green and luscious trees. They were getting further and further away from the busyness of King’s Cross station and closer and closer to their destination.
Hogwarts. It will be their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Georgette knew all about it. She came from a long line of purebloods that all had attended school. A long line of Slytherins. Her parents were expecting no less. Georgette was never one to care for the thoughts and expectations of her parents. It was a constant fight between them, but she was going to Hogwarts now, she was getting further and further away from her parents.
She peeled her eyes away from the window to the seat in front of her and smiled. Hercules was occupying that seat. Hercules has been her best-friend since Georgette herself was little.
Since that cloudy afternoon, she had run off from her home crying and cradling a broken stuffed teddy in her arms. It had been her favorite one, she had been so attached to it. Her mother broke it and yelled at her to grow up, that it was time she stopped playing with toys. She was young then, so young. Hercules found her crying that day and showed her kindness, more kindness than her parents ever had. 
Now they were both going to Hogwarts. 
Georgette got up from her seat and placed herself next to Hercules as she looked at him. “Are you nervous?”
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Sadie: *runs out of room in bathing suit* they’re even weirder when they fuse
Hercette: I take that as a compliment
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☑: An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
Belle: Hades. My Ultimate Power Couple. They just suit each other in all the best ways. They are like opposites in the sense that Hades’ strengths (confidence, direction) are Belle’s weaknesses and Belle’s strengths (compassion, patience) are Hades’ weaknesses and together that makes them UNSTOPPABLE. Also, they are my Nerd Couple (tm) and it makes me really happy. Also their ship name is the greatest okay fight me.
Simba: Berlioz. Gosh, just right from the beginning. They were Everything To ME. I had no idea how to ship but Simba was like IT’S HAPPENING. Also, I’m mad bc I wanted Simba to be a playboy but nooooo he fell in love and that was it. I just love that they both have so many faults and they struggle to keep it together but they really are that Love Conquers All trope because they would do A N Y T H I N G for each other and they love each other so much that all the things that are different about them don’t matter and they’re so patient and understanding with each other and even though they fight and argue, they still love each other and their relationship is so Grounded and Real.
Toulouse: gosh. i love SFS bc im trash for childhood friends and they’re both unhappy fitting into these boxes that have been designated for them but i also love that they love each other because they are literally designed to love each other like they are a Match Made in Heaven on paper. i love Louette because they are very--soft and rosy. from the very first time they rped their chemistry just came really immediately and i love that about them, lou feels very natural and like he can relax around annette bc she’s just so lovely and gentle and lou needs people like that. and i love louttie bc lottie is just like some foreign creature to toulouse she’s so genuine and nice and liek a big ball of sunshine and lou has absolutely no idea what to do with her but it’s so great. and they match in intellect (not that the others arent also smart) but lottie is v much a nerd and lou is a nerd so. gosh who else. i woulda shipped w alice but it’s weird now bc of kiara and callie sorry. but they had a great dynamic. okay they still do as friends. also KOVU AND TOULOUSE FOREVER I WILL GO DOWN WITH THAT SHIP OKAY FUKC YOU. also sotou but tbh sophie is too soft for toulouse like that would just not be a good relationship but i wish bc they are so cute and precious to me. wow this is long as hell 
Bambi: i said critters is my notp but i lied they are also my otp. also tbh i could see bambi/mowgli uhhh barrell and bam are cute but i cant have bambi homewreck more people lbr. phillip? maybe bc phillip is literally bambi’s opposite in every way. and ofc hero and the prince bc they are just so good and full of all the tropey shit i love. and dash is presh. there is probably more bc bam is a whore love u bam
Perdita: fate. no one else.
Sweet: doctor bros stronglioness sweet babe sweet gets on with literally everyone and i could see him happy in a relationship with so many different people and they all bring different dynamics to the table which i love and would be intrigued by any of them.
Maui: lymaui im ngl i love the. i also am into laui -- they have a great relationship basically all my characters are in love with annette. also man i love maui and corny they have a great dynamic but i feel like they’ll both hurt each other a lot and it’ll be a mess before they actually do anything about it. also lowkey def ship alana and maui bc they’re both #fake but also liek i think they have depths that are really interesting and their chem is #intense. wow i ship maui w a lot of people for him being a total fuckboi okay he’s not a total fuckboi but he’s not looking for a relationship
Hercules: i do kinda ship elena x herc ngl but fuck i love hercette too i told kiara i love it bc georgette is so afraid of someone hurting her again and herc could like literally hurt her so badly but she trusts him and it’s so cute. also can we talk about herc and kiki bc it was precious what the fuck. basically if you show kindness to herc im gonna ship him with your babe.
Attina: gosh who do i not ship her with? i ship her with paul even tho i shouldn’t. i ship her with eric. i shipped her with hank for a hot sec. i shipped her with stan too im ngl. really if you’re a boy and you’re even semi-nice to her im gonna ship it, well--tina is gonna ship it so im gonna ship it.
Akela: no one rn but i could see a few people potentially down the line just depending on a bunch of stuff but also he is fine being on his own.
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sweetheart-minnie · 7 years
simba-lyons replied to your post: u do thatp and hercette i'll race u
wow can we talk about how our hercette one lines up like ALMOST PERFECTLY
Yo I NOTICED THAT TOO!!!!! I was reading yours and was like HOLY FUCCKKK!!!!! might have shed some tears over it xD
0 notes
isa and Herc cuz they've def met hercette simally bellally louet rakela perdette and ofc the hero and the prince! Oh and peach/isa cuz they're bffs lbr
Isabel and Hercules (I want a thread with them okay!!! It would be cute!!)
1. First impression: OoOo so you’re my sister’s friend! 2. Truth is: I really, truly appreciate how you look out for my sister!3. How old do you look: I’m going to guess early twenties from your mannerisms and the fact that you’re friends with my sister.4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes!! 5. Have you ever made me mad: No 6. Best feature: His clumsiness!! It reminds me of Mateo. 7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: sister’s friend!!! 
Hercules and Georgette
1. First impression: Oh, he’s really so genuinely sweet. I… I shouldn’t be talking with him.2. Truth is: I really shouldn’t be treated so kindly by you I don’t deserve it3. How old do you look: Twenties, around my age4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes5. Have you ever made me mad: No6. Best feature: His kindness and that sort of goofy endearing awkwardness of his7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No she is straight LYINGGG8. You’re my: friend? 
Simba and Sally
1. First impression: Wow, he feels so big and bright! I wish I could do the same…2. Truth is: I miss you! 3. How old do you look: Maybe as old as me? I never asked… 4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes! 5. Have you ever made me mad: No6. Best feature: How he’s always willing to help everyone and the way he feels so strongly, big and so bright!7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: friend that I wish I saw more often…
Belle and Sally 
1. First impression: She’s the same girl that was in my vision!2. Truth is: I wish that I had never had let you die, that I could’ve found another way instead3. How old do you look: About my age maybe younger…? 4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes5. Have you ever made me mad: No, but I’ve made her mad…6. Best feature: Her steel strong determination and her knowledge7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: friend that I lost
Toulouse and Violet
1. First impression: Are we really throwing a fucking tantrum right now? 2. Truth is: You’re tolerable enough to be around. Not so annoying. 3. How old do you look: Mid twenties 4. Have you ever made me laugh: No5. Have you ever made me mad: More so annoyed6. Best feature: His talent for his art. I guess I’ll give him that. 7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: acquaintance, friend depending on the mood 
Akela and Raksha
1. First impression: He most certainly has to be the alpha 2. Truth is: I don’t hold any blame against you for what has happened to our pack.3. How old do you look: He is forty-five4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes5. Have you ever made me mad: Yes, any respectable alpha has made their pack members mad at least once6. Best feature: His ability to lead and to push forward7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: alpha and friend 
Perdita and Georgette
1. First impression: OoOo I like her hair! She has pretty hair!2. Truth is: I wish I would’ve have never listened to my parents, that I would’ve grown enough of a back bone to not turn my back on you when everyone else did.3. How old do you look: We are the same age4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes5. Have you ever made me mad: Yes, but any childhood friend would make anyone angry, and she was at fault for breaking my unicorn stuffed animal.6. Best feature: Her iron will and I still believe that she has nice hair.7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: ex-best-friend, someone who was once like a sister to me.
Bambi and Dash
1. First impression: This kid looks like he actually likes school. Thank fucking god!2. Truth is: You’re the first best-friend and like probably real friend I ever had!! But you also confuse the fuck out of me. hahaha I wonder whyyy Dashhh xD 3. How old do you look: He’s the same age as me4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yeah!5. Have you ever made me mad: Recently…. but that was kinda my fault though…6. Best feature: How smart he is!! How he’s able to deal with me and how easily he blushes. 7. Have I ever had a crush on you: ……. he’s in the figuring out stage /pets him8. You’re my: best-friend!!!!!!
Peach and Isabel
1. First impression: She’s so nice!!! Maybe she’ll be my friend!!2. Truth is: You’re the first friend I’ve had in years!! Oh, and I’m a princess from Avalor, but I can’t really tell you that! 3. How old do you look: She’s a year older than me.4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yes!!5. Have you ever made me mad: No. 6. Best feature: She has really pretty black hair and this awesome personality!! She’s also a really great friend!7. Have I ever had a crush on you: No8. You’re my: best-friend!! 
0 notes
bbambi-deerest · 7 years
Hero and the Prince!!! and and Hercette!!! and and I just need more ships with you
The Hero and the Prince
who’s more into cars? dash definitely THEY GO FAST
who’s traveled more? erm dash he’s been all over the USA
who swears more often? das--actually prolly pretty even
who believes in ghosts? lol
who would plant a garden in the backyard? bambiiii
who would paint the walls in the living room an obnoxious color without asking the other? dash and bam would find it amusing
who owns more shoes? uh bambi bc he’s a #fashionista; dash has like 3 pairs maybe
who takes up most of the counter space in the bathroom? also bambi but idk i feel like dash prolly is well-groomed in the sense of like hair gel + shaving stuff etc
who’s the big spoon? dash
who has the kinkier fetish? (bonus points: what is the fetish?) they are babIES (lowkey prolly bam tho lbr)
who forces the other to recycle? bambi THIS iS FOR ReCYCLING DASH HOW MANY TIMES
who always leaves their dishes in the sink? who ends up cleaning them? dash leaves them and bam eventually cleans
who would be more likely to cook the other a romantic surprise meal? i feel like that’s def a dash move
who’s more likely to come home with a romantic gift just because? bambi, he will give u cool rocks
who’s parents are more controlling? dash’s? the prince is chill bc he only knows how to dad like 50% 
who was more popular in high school? dash
who is more frugal? bambi bc he’s lived on the poverty line his whole life
who’s more into cars? uhhhh tbh why do i feel like this is a georgette thing?
who’s traveled more? hercules. he’s been allllll over
who swears more often? also herc lmao
who believes in ghosts? lol
who would plant a garden in the backyard? both of htem?? that’s cute
who would paint the walls in the living room an obnoxious color without asking the other? hercules and georgette would have a heart attack
who owns more shoes? georgette definitely
who takes up most of the counter space in the bathroom? also georgette but it is v organized. herc has like toothbrush, deodorant, razor
who’s the big spoon? herc
who has the kinkier fetish? (bonus points: what is the fetish?) uhh wellllll sex is difficult topic for them lmao
who forces the other to recycle? herc is p big on recycling he’d be appalled by the amount of waste georgette produces probably lmao
who always leaves their dishes in the sink? who ends up cleaning them? i feel like they’re both decently neat
who would be more likely to cook the other a romantic surprise meal? hercc he loves to cook
who’s more likely to come home with a romantic gift just because? herc? he’s a spontaneous dude
who’s parents are more controlling? georgette’s 100%
who was more popular in high school? also georgette lmao
who is more frugal? hercules, def
0 notes
I'm A Real Boy
Pairing: Hercules Mulligan/ Lafayette
Warnings: talk of dysphoria, period, trans!Lafayette, binding, pre-surgeries!Lafayette
Lafayette's eyes flew open, horror washing over him before he could even process why. Then there was the all too familiar feeling of wet and sticky and gross... He didn't move for what felt like an eternity, his thoughts racing. He was still in bed, Hercules sleeping soundly beside him, he needed to move but he couldn't. He was on his period. He hadn't had it in years, testosterone was a blessing like that, but on the downside, there was no way in hell to know when or if it would strike again.
Just when he was getting comfortable with himself around Herc, just when Herc was finally understanding what Lafayette felt and went through and how to support and accept him, this bullshit had to happen. There was no way to get out of this without Herc knowing he bled on all of the damn sheets, there was just no way. Herc would notice and get disgusted, or angry, maybe even kick him out. Boys didn't have periods, boys didn't have periods. They didn't.
Lafayette couldn't breathe, fear spiking when Hercules stirred. He wanted to cry but nothing came out but a dry sob. Herc moved again, with more intention, turning to him.
"Laf? What are-"
Silence. Oh god.
"Are you bleeding? Holy shit!" Hercules tore the covers off. Lafayette immediately moved to cover himself, even though he was wearing boxers and a shirt, curling in on himself. He could feel himself shake, unable to stop. "Are you hurt? What's happening? Why didn't you wake me up, where is the blood coming from?"
Lafayette couldn't look at him, the panic in Herc's voice wasn't helping. He shook his head, kept shaking it and Hercules kept moving around but Lafayette didn't look at him. This was humiliating.
"How did this happen? What's wrong? I'm going to call an ambulance-"
"Hercules!" Lafayette felt the bed stop shifting. "It's my period." He said in a quiet voice. It was silent again and Lafayette was afraid Hercules hadn't heard him before there was a sigh. A relieved one.
"Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. I thought you were dying, good God." Herc laughed softly beside him, pressing his forehead to Lafayette's shoulder. "Jesus... Ok, lets get you in the shower then, and then I'll get you a bath ready."
Lafayette lifted his head from where was hidden behind his knees and sniffled. "I- what?"
Hercules lifted his head too, looking at him with an amused smile. "Unless you want to stay-"
"Non." Lafayette said quickly. He gasped when Herc picked him up just too easily and started for the bathroom. He was mortified. "Mets-moi! You'll get blood on yourself!"
Hercules laughed and the sound did wonders to relax Lafayette's racing heart. "I'll be fine. Now, are you having cramps? Do you want the shower to yourself would you like me to-"
"Myself, please." Lafayette whispered as Herc set him right next to the shower-tub combo. It had been one of the neat perks when they found this apartment.
"Alright." Hercules just gave him a smile, squeezing his hand. Holy wow did Lafayette love him. "Let me go change the sheets and then I can come give you a massage while you relax in the bath."
Lafayette just stared down at him, confused, happy, but beyond confused. This was not how he had expected this to go, he had thought- well, anything but this.
"Mon héros." Lafayette said, finally letting himself laugh, though his face still felt hot from the whole situation. "Let me take care of the sheets, please. This is beyond embarrassing as it is."
Hercules rolled his eyes. "This isn't embarrassing, at least it shouldn't be. It happens, certainly isn't your fault. Just get clean and relaxed."
Lafayette wanted to cry again.
Twenty minutes later and Lafayette was clean. He considered the bath, like Herc had said, but decided against it. He didn't have a way to cover his chest and this whole situation already had his dysphoria acting up. He hadn't even been shirtless around Hercules yet, he didn't know if he ever could be before surgery, but it was a worry he didn't want to deal with right now. So he dried off and quickly searched for the small box of emergency tampons way in the back of the cupboard under the sink. There were only a few left over from a very long time ago, before he even moved in here, but enough until he could get to the store. He got his pajama shirt back on, discarded his ruined boxers into the trash quickly, and glanced out into the bedroom. Hercules wasn't in there, but the bed had been stripped bare.
Lafayette rushed out and grabbed some clean clothes, dressing quick. His binder felt tight, uncomfortable as always, but in that moment he welcomed the familiar squeeze. His chest felt flat so he hugged himself for a moment and breathed. He was ok, Herc wasn't grossed out and Lafayette was ok.
"Laf? You're not going to take a bath?" Lafayette turned to the door and saw Hercules walking towards him.
He shrugged. "I'm..." He started but trailed off, looking away. He shouldn't apologize again, Hercules didn't like when he felt the need to apologize.
Lafayette felt arms wrap around his waist and glanced down where Hercules was grinning up at him. "You're what? A man? A sexy man? Hungry?"
Lafayette laughed and hugged Herc back, tight. "Je t'aime." He said after a few seconds of quiet. Hercules leaned up to kiss him. "Oui, I am hungry too."
"Way ahead of you big guy, I ordered potstickers." Hercules said and Lafayette smiled wide.
"For breakfast?" He loved potstickers, a lot. Hercules hummed a conformation. "You will be late for work."
"I'll take the day off." Hercules pulled away and took his hand. "Couch?"
"Yes. Cuddling?" Lafayette replied.
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gothedistance-herc · 4 years
One Last Hope ⚡ [Hercette]
In which after Hercules asks the amazons for help…[takes place: idek honestly, late august??]
Part One
[tw: self-hate, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of death, thoughts of death]
HERCULES: The trip through hell was...a trip through hell. 
There were monsters to fight and personal issues to get through, but Hercules had trudged forward with determination. He knew the way and he would not rest until he got to the other side. It was the promise of a better future, for himself and Georgette, that guided him onwards and filled each of his steps with a confidence he rarely had.
It was not easy, but they made it through mostly unscathed.
Hercules was glad to get in the boat, float down the water, and crawl through the bushes again. They stepped out into the clearing and it felt as if they had never left. The air was humid and tasted slightly of salt. They were near the sea, Hercules knew. He took in a deep breath and started forward, Georgette’s hand in his.
It did not take long before they came across others. 
There was a spear to his throat and he pulled Georgette slightly closer, though he regarded the older woman with calm. “I know you know me,” he told her.
The Amazon, Iphito, sucked at her teeth and dropped her spear. “You’ve brought a mortal with you. You just love breaking rules, don’t you?”
“She’s not a mortal. You made sure of that,” Hercules replied, his own voice cool. “Will you tell my--Diana, that I am here?” 
“Wait here,” Iphito commanded before turning away and disappearing into the thick vegetation.
Hercules turned to Georgette and offered her a bashful, but hopeful smile. He squeezed her hand.
It did not take long for the bushes to rustle again and for his birth mother to appear. She looked as if she had not aged a day, looked exactly as she had the first time he’d seen her; dressed in a pair of leather trousers and a tight fitted shirt, her long, thick black hair braided down her back. 
“Hercules, oh! I knew you would return. I’m so happy to see you, my son.” She came towards him and leaned in to kiss his cheek. She barely had to stand on her toes to do so. Her hand was on the back of his head, stroking lightly at his hair, and then slid to cup his cheek. “You look tired, let us get you and you’re...mortal some food.” 
GEORGETTE: The trip through hell was mentally scarring to say the least. It was bad enough the first time around and going through it a second time did not feel any easier! Of course, it helped that she had an indestructible boyfriend who took extra care to make sure she was affected as little as possible and that she was almost as indestructible herself. 
But even so, it was hell. Who could forget hell?!
And it only got better because as the pair of them stood surrounded by thick vegetation and a very sharp spear directed right at Hercules’s throat, Georgette knew she had traded in one hell for another. The amazons, she really had a very strong dislike (practically hate) for them and those were the exact emotions that were running through her when seeing one appear behind the spear.
Iphito was it…? Georgette couldn’t exactly remember, not that it mattered, all of them were irrelevant to her, but the blonde did remember this woman from the first time she had been here. 
And it took every inch and every single centimeter of Georgette’s being not to react, pounce or lash. She wanted to tell the damn bitch to remove the spear, look if she had absolutely no problem raging out at the Fates, the Amazons were of even minimal importance to Georgette’s temper.  Instead, she remained composed, so much so she had stopped breathing, quite literally. Any misstep on her part could break her composure.  
The thing was, however, that Georgette really wanted this to work for Hercules’s sake, and only Hercules’s sake. She knew how much this meant to him and Hercules meant more to her than indulging her own temper. Besides, Hercules handled the situation in a manner that brought a smile to her features and a proud warmth to her chest. She hoped he understood as much when she replied to his bashful smile with a gentle kiss to his chest.
Everything was short lived of course, because if there was anyone Georgette found of the least irrelevance than the Amazons, it was Hercules’s biological mother and here she came prancing about all cooing as if she was the best mother of the fucking year— Georgette was squeezing Hercules’s hand so hard that if he had been anyone else, all the bones in his hand would have shattered.
“I’m not hungry.” Georgette replied with a very pronounced edge to her voice.
HERCULES: “Of course, of course, my mistake,” Diana said without missing a beat. Her eyes flicked to Georgette’s and Hercules’ followed, giving his girlfriend a sheepish look. The fact was: he was starving. He didn’t even know how many days it had been, since time all but stopped in the Underworld. Could probably check his phone but he didn’t want to do that. It felt out of place. 
“Let us go, we can eat, you can tell me why you are here.”
Hercules tugged Georgette along, knowing she wasn’t at all happy about this. He squeezed her hand, knowing that she wasn’t happy about any of this, but was holding her tongue. It was appreciated, even if it also made him anxious. 
They weaved through the trees, on a path the size of a deer trail, until it opened up on a busy hub of women and children going back and forth. From the center rose a billowing smoke and the scent of seasoned meats. Around this was women preparing vegetables, stirring bowls of food, setting out plates. There were long tables stretched out--all of this under a thatched roof that was open at the sides, though he could see rolled up animal skins that were most likely used as walls during rain. Beyond this structure laid houses, all hand built, none necessarily extravagant. There was maybe twenty or so, and plenty more women than that. 
As they arrived, much of the commotion died down, people staring at them as they wandered closer.
Diana seemed unbothered by this, getting in line, with Hercules right behind her, also grabbing a plate. They piled their dishes high with food, Hercules smiling and thanking every person that served him. The trio found a table towards the outskirts and settled in.
“So, why are you here?” Diana asked eagerly.
“I--well, I want to train with you.” 
Diana frowned, placing her fork back down on her plate. “That is not possible.”
Hercules frowned, felt his heart rate tick up slightly. “I didn’t choose to be like this,” Hercules told her, his voice with a significant edge to it. “It’s ruining my life.” 
“I understand that, but we have rules here. Traditions. In order to keep everyone safe,” Diana argued softly.
GEORGETTE: The scenery around her was one unlike anywhere Georgette has ever been in and that was saying a lot having just been at the Underworld before here. It was like she had been transported back in time as if she was walking through the historic ruins of a greek temple. Not that anything around her was shattered or left in pieces on the contrary all seemed to have an order to it. 
There was just nothing modern in sight. 
No males either, not that Georgette had expected any, but it was still such a stark fact to see before her eyes. They really did give away their male children. Something about that caused a burn deep down in her gut maybe because she knew the feeling of being abandoned. It might not have been because she was a male, but her mother pretty much left her for dead. 
Georgette hadn’t taken a plate even as she followed Hercules to the table. It hadn’t been a lie what she said before, she wasn’t hungry. She couldn’t get hungry and even if she could, she probably would have still denied herself a plate. 
She didn’t like the amazons and that thought came to the forefront when hearing Diana deny Hercules his training. Diana, who went ahead and broke tradition when she decided to keep her son and in doing so imbued him with all of the Amazonian strength. When found out gave him up and left him abandoned to fend for himself. 
Seemed like this woman only found following tradition to be good when she felt like it. 
Again, it took Georgette a great deal of will power to refrain herself from reacting as quick as her temper wanted her to. Her temper at this moment would not help anyone least of all Hercules for whom she passed a gentle hand over his forearm. It was no secret that she did not want to be here and that she had warned Hercules of this very answer, but she was here for Hercules and she would be damned if he didn’t get what he came for.  
He deserved at least that.
“Well the Fates seem to believe otherwise.” Georgette stated her voice collected but not without a cooling bite to it. “He’s here at their instruction.” 
Or suggestion, but same difference. The Fates didn’t appear to just anyone, and no one needed to be an expert to know that, so if they appear to drop a “suggestion” it meant go do it. Why the hell else would Georgette have lost the argument to come here in the first place. 
“And I’m going to assume if the Fates took the time and effort to appear in front of Hercules to leave this suggestion as his solution, then they must have already weighed the importance of these traditions and yet even still, they appeared.” 
HERCULES: There was a very long pause. 
Hercules shifted a little in his seat, feeling the weight of Diana’s gaze on him. He wondered if she could read his expressions. If they were hers...or his birth father’s. Or if he was just as much a stranger to her as she was to him. The thought unsettled him as much as her gaze did and he avoided her eyes, afraid of what he’d see. Georgette could hate her all she wanted, but Hercules was too soft for that. There was a part of him that wanted to know this woman. Who wanted to know his father (if his mother even knew who he was…) Even his sister, because yeah, he remembered that he had one of those too...which felt so bizarre. Hercules wasn’t a brother. 
He wasn’t, because blood didn’t make a family.
But...it could.
He wasn’t sure. 
Eventually, Diana spoke. “Is this true, did the Fates appear to you?”
Hercules’ gaze darted towards her and then away again. “Mhm,” he grunted, fiddling with his hands in his lap, no longer hungry. “Not the first time.”
“The Fates have visited you more than once?” The urgency with which she said it made him lift his head, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Er, yeah...is that--weird?” 
“My son--” Diana’s gaze darted towards Georgette and back to Hercules. “Hercules. I have lived for two hundred years, and I have never seen the Fates. Only heard of them and their visits.” 
“Oh,” Hercules said, stupidly. 
“Why did they bring you to me?”
“Well, the first time it was, uhm, for Georgette.” Hercules glanced towards his girlfriend and gave her a little smile. “I’d had given up my powers to a demon and--”
“You what?” Diana interrupted, alarmed.
“Yeah, I did. Because I hate these powers. All I ever do is hurt people. Georgette died, because of me!” His voice had raised sharply, cracking before his shoulders slumped and he put his head in his hands. “So many people have been hurt.” 
GEORGETTE: There was a piercing pang that gnawed deep within Georgette’s  gut when she heard the guilt that rang out of Hercules’s statement. 
It made her heart ache. 
Georgette was very aware that she had been so angry with Hercules when he brought her back into a somewhat life after her death. She knew she had told him awful, cutting words and had practically yelled in hatred for the decision he made for her, but she never wanted him to hold the weight of her death on his shoulders. 
Maybe his decision after the fact, yes, she will not deny the raging storm of anger and hurt she had hid behind when all of that had happened, but it was never for her death.
And even after absolutely everything she couldn’t stop loving Hercules.
Georgette took a hold of Hercules’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She also tugged at it so that he could look at her.  She hoped that he was able to see the softness and warmth behind them.
“You didn’t cause my death, Hercules, a tree did that. You were the one who brought me back.” 
She didn’t care who was around her, Georgette leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. When she pulled back she settled her eyes at Hercules’s mother. 
Georgette did not like this woman there was not hiding the pure dislike for her, but she did love her son and she was here for him. She would rather place herself in the position to beg for Hercules’s behalf then have him do it. 
After everything they have taken from him and made him live through, she didn’t want him to beg for their help.
“Hercules would never be a person to use anything he can be taught for wrong. He wouldn’t bring anyone harm. He saved me. He showed me kindness and love when I was the last person to deserve any of it. Please, don’t let him leave here without the help he is asking for.”
HERCULES: No matter how many times Georgette reassured him that it wasn’t his fault that she’d been killed, he was pretty sure the guilt would exist anyway. See, guilt and Hercules were very familiar bedfellows. No one had been as loyal to him as his fucking guilt. At least, not until Georgette came along. Sometimes, he couldn’t understand how she could still make excuses for him, but--
He was glad. He’d stick with her for as long as she wanted to make excuses for him.
But, see, that was the thing, wasn’t it? Hercules didn’t want to be making excuses anymore. Hercules wanted to live his life. He wanted to live it without being afraid. He wanted to live it with the ease of his mother, who lounged in front of them, her eyes sharp and vigilant, but her posture relaxed, every line of her body smooth and happy. Unlike Hercules who always sat as if he was being poked between the shoulder blades with the tip of a knife. 
His hand turned up when Georgette took it and he gave it a little squeeze. He would never take for granted such a simple gesture that so many couples did. If she had not died, they would never have been able to be together. Of that, Hercules was sure, because he would never forgive himself if something had happened to her again. After everything. Because of him. 
He smiled softly at the kiss and ducked his head down. Bashful at the praise that Georgette was lavishing on him. Still, he couldn’t disagree with it. For once, he stayed silent. Because Hercules would never use his strength against someone. The thought wouldn’t even occur to him. He wanted to harness his powers so that he didn’t hurt others. 
Georgette’s defense of him was much better than he could’ve ever given of himself. Hercules knew that. And, so, it seemed, did Diana. He heard her sigh and looked up and--somehow--he knew by the look on her face that...she agreed before she said anything.
“I will have to speak to our leaders but--” Diana reached her hand across the table, palm up.
After a moment’s hesitation, Hercules reached out and took it. She squeezed it firmly, without fear. It almost squeezed tears right out of his eyes. Hercules’ mother--his real mother--had never touched him so calmly, so assuredly. 
That was what he wanted. His heart burned with it. 
“I will help you, Hercules. It was never my intention that you live with this burden alone. I didn’t--know. Maybe, if I had--” Diana cut herself off. Hercules drew his hand away. “Nevermind. Just...let me do what I can now.” 
“Thank you,” Hercules said, as he dropped his hand back into his lap. He let his hand cover the one that was still holding Georgette’s. 
Diana nodded, smiled once--soft and sad--and then got up and left the table. 
Hercules turned to Georgette at once and kissed her sweetly.
“Thank you,” he told her. “I love you.” 
GEORGETTE: Georgette hadn’t realized that she had stopped breathing. It wasn’t a hard thing for her to do, breathing was no longer a necessity and her body simply continued to do so because it was an engraved involuntary habit she has had since birth. Right now though, she had been holding her  breath.
She didn’t know if Diana was going to listen to her words. Up until right now, Georgette has never really begged anyone for anything. Well, she had once before the night of her rape and since then she had promised herself that she will never do so again. She would never place herself in a predicament where she knowingly admitted that the power rested on another person’s hand and not her own. 
But she had just finished pleading with Diana on Hercules’s behalf.
If Hercules hadn’t swept her into a soft and sweet kiss, her breath would have still been stuck hitched in her throat until Diana returned. Then he told her those three little words that always made her heart flutter and skip all a mess in her chest and it made her realize that there really wasn’t anything that Georgette wouldn’t do for Hercules.
“You better.” She teased with a warm smile on her features.
Without realizing how it had even started, Hercules had managed to change her life so completely.  There had been some bumps and bruises in the midst of those changes, but in the end it had all been for the better. Georgette knew that she would redo and relive every moment of her life if it meant it always gave her this: Hercules beside her telling her that he loved her. 
“I love you too.” 
Unable to help herself, Georgette stole herself another kiss just as sweet as the one before, allowing this one to linger a little longer because kissing Hercules was one of her favorite things that she always cherished. When she had drawn back, she gently placed one of her hands on Hercules’s cheek, and allowed her thumb to softly run over his skin.
“And you’ll see your mother will come back and you’ll get this training. Everything will work out.” 
As soon as she had finished those words, Diana had returned with a couple of other Amazons including Iphito. Georgette assumed that these women had to be some of the leaders Diana had spoken about and so she withdrew her hand from Hercules’s cheek and instead placed it back over his own. Look, Georgette wasn’t trying to ruin any bit of Hercules’s chances because of some PDA. She wanted this for Hercules as much as he wanted it for himself because she knew how important this was for him. Squeezing his hand, she waited to hear what the verdict was. 
HERCULES: Hercules smiled into the second kiss. 
He wished that he had Georgette’s sudden optimism. He didn’t, however. When you spent your whole life fucking things up, you tended to have a rather pessimestic view of things. That things would not work out. 
Despite this, Hercules always had hope. He spoke, out loud, the pessimism because that was easier to digest, but--he believed in hope. If he didn’t have hope, he didn’t know how he would’ve made it this far. He had to have hope that at some point, he would figure out how to control his powers and be free of them in that way. Getting rid of them entirely was not an option (since the last time he’d done that, Georgette had died.) So, he had to control them. 
And this was his shot. He knew it. He was anxious, only giving Georgette a nod in return of her words. Any more than that and he thought he might burst into tears. The muscle in his jaw was tight and he could only stare straight ahead, mostly unseeing. 
It took much less time than he imagined. 
Hercules snapped back when the amazons and his birth mother reappeared. 
Iphito looked down her long, flat nose at him. 
Hercules swallowed and his grip on Georgette’s hand tightened instinctively.
“We will train you.” Her eyes flicked towards Georgette and back again. “Only you.” 
“What--really? Really? Thank you, thank you s--”
“Training will not be easy. However, there has never been an Amazon that has failed it.” Her arms uncrossed from in front of her chest. “Do not be the first.” 
“I won’t. I swear.” 
Iphito nodded and she and her posse moved off. Diana was left behind, smiling at Hercules. 
“I can show you where you’ll be staying. This way.” 
Hercules scrambled up, tugging Georgette after him. His hand was still in hers and he squeezed it, basically bouncing along. He kissed her cheek. “This’ll be amazing!” 
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Take Me Away || Hercette
Georgette was looking forward to this trip. She was excited as she looked at the brightening new colors, the wide crystal ocean blue, new shapes, and places all through the car window. Everything looked so beautiful and so different from Swynlake and New York, she needed different. 
Her skin had been crawling ever since she had seen Cassandra. 
Then days and weeks went by and the woman went through with exactly what she had told Georgette, Ryan was picked up for an arrest. Of course, he posted bail (so easy when money was never an object), but a trial date was being set in motion. 
The media with their many special snooping ways got wind of everything and it has been a wildfire ever since. Needless to say, Georgette was grateful for this trip.
She pulled herself away from the car window now to lean herself against Hercules. There will be more than enough time for her to continue soaking in the beauty of Santorini. She dropped her head on his shoulder and took a hold of his hand in hers. 
“Everything looks so beautiful here.” 
Probably more so because it was away from everything that Georgette didn’t want to be near. She could be surrounded by desert sand right now and it would all look beautiful too.    
“Thank you for coming with me.”
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Sadie: yeah we just have to get Laf and Herc. Also I have to get my bathing suit and Ethan is going to use the one he left at my house. But you get to see my brothers and hang out with them *they all go inside her house* HEY LAF,HERC, WE’RE HERE WITH LANDON
Hercette: Hello Little Sis!
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gothedistance-herc · 5 years
Apple of My Eye ⚡ [Hercette]
Georgette was annoyed at him.
This amused Hercules. It didn’t usually, don’t get him wrong. Georgette was rarely annoyed with him, though she definitely had her moments, and when she was, Hercules hated it usually. He tripped over himself to fix whatever it was. But, well, his girlfriend had a certain height of standards. Hercules respected this, even when he felt like he was running a marathon trying to reach them.
But today? She could be annoyed at him all she wanted as she sat in the passenger seat of the car he’d rented for the day--not knowing their final destination. This was, for the record, the reason she was annoyed and why Hercules wasn’t that stressed about it. As soon as where they got where they were going--he was pretty sure she’d be all smiles.
At least, that was the hope. This was partially for her birthday, after all. 
They turned down a road, eventually, indicated as “Sweetapple Farms.” 
As they drove down the lane, there were trees on either side, heavily laden with apples. Rows and rows of apples, in almost any color you could imagine. 
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“Are you talking to me yet?” he teased, sliding a glance over at Georgette. The nerves started, just a bit. He hoped she’d like it. Apple picking, far out of town--and a picnic too, at the end. Or, well, that was the plan anyway. It wasn’t fancy or anything, but, well Hercules wasn’t much for fancy. This felt like a good compromise between their two worlds.
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City Of Nightmares || Hercette
Once again, Georgette found herself in the bustling busyness of New York City amidst all the skyline buildings and morning mill traffic. The mere fact that she was back had Georgette pissed off.
She did not want to be here. 
A trip to New York City had already been made early on in July and Georgette made sure since she had to be here anyway, to complete everything that she needed so not to return back for a while: all business needs and transactions that had to do with her make-up industry, and had even scheduled some appearances.  
Yet here she was back again.   
Georgette was wound tight seated in the back of the car that was driving to Cassandra’s office. Not only did she dislike confined areas, but under the immense frustration she was currently feeling, being stuck inside the boundaries of a car was not helping her at all. 
She wanted to pace, do something anything really then be in a car right now feeling like some caged up animal. 
Georgette took a breath in, her gaze falling over Hercules who had been kind enough to offer to accompany her during this trip, especially when the blonde didn’t know the details concerning the need for it. 
“I don’t understand the need for this trip.” She started exasperated. “I don’t understand why Cassandra simply couldn’t confide whatever the hell she needed to tell me through her phone call.”
Which was how all this started. Cassandra had called and explained that it was urgent for Georgette to return back to the city. She had some information that needed be said face to face concerning the rape case. 
“They lost. He lost the appeal so what more could possibly be left?! I thought this was all done with. I really thought this nightmare was finally over with! I don’t want to be here.” 
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Training in Session || Hercette
Georgette was still somewhat putting herself together post-Titanic dream that Swynlake thought would be hilarious for everyone in town. The assault that occurred in the dream, had brought back flashbacks from her own reality. Of course, they never actually left, not entirely, but they didn’t occur as frequently.
Now, however, it was like starting all over again.
It was a lot and it left her anxious, and jumpy like before. God, was she ever going to get normal from this?!
She was trying. Georgette was seeing her therapist, trying not to stay alone too often, and trying very very very hard not to swing back a whole bottle of tequila and call it a day. It was tiring. She felt so tired. 
She was also heading over to Hercules’s place.
This was supposed to help because she could focus on her magic and how to better control it, etc. instead of focusing on what’s been eating her. Except that in this Titanic dream she had also practically made out with Hercules for which she has been pissed off about but also couldn’t get it out of her head. 
Swynlake would do this to her. It was always Hercules, it always brought her back to Hercules. How did her life get this fucked up? 
The door opened and well, there was Hercules in front of her now as she smiled at him hoping the gesture didn’t appear as weary as she felt. “Hi.” 
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Tour From Another View || Hercette || Titanic AU
It took a bit of investigation, a massive ship it was hard to learn the mapping of it all in only a short amount of days, so naturally Georgette had to learn where the Engine room was, but she felt it imperative to make a presence there. 
Or rather try to, non-workers weren’t allowed in. 
So with some talking and a lot of description (as Georgette realized she had never learned the name of the man she was trying to meet) she was able to convince a worker to help her retrieve the stranger that had helped her. 
She had his jacket in her hand. 
After the events of that night, Georgette had been able to make it back to her suite get herself cleaned up and dispose of the dress all before her husband’s arrival. She hadn’t told him anything. Things were already tense between the both of them she didn’t need to add anything else.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted as the stranger she met from the night before had appeared, bringing a smile on the blonde’s features, a genuine one that she hasn’t felt she has been able to produce in quite some time. 
“I’m very sorry if I disturbed your shift, but I wanted to return your jacket.” She had even gone to the lengths of getting it washed and everything. “And to thank you once again not only for your help but for your discretion as well. I don’t think I was able to express it all properly in my prior condition.”
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gothedistance-herc · 5 years
Getaway ⚡ [Hercette]
In which Georgette gets an upsetting call and Hercules makes a suggestion...[takes place idefk in July?]
[tw -- mentions of rape, non-descriptive]
GEORGETTE:  Georgette was in the comfort of her home, blissfully bare foot and in her kitchen grabbing herself a glass of water. She did everything carefully as she really didn’t want to go and break another dish ware. She has been getting better with it all, which was a tremendous deal for her, especially since she will be making a trip to NYC soon and it wasn’t going to be a confined one either. Gary had a whole scheduled set up for her that it would make anyone else’s head spin just looking at it. 
It was also the reason for why she had Hercules over. 
They were kind of sort of together. It felt like together, Georgette wanted together, and even if there were murky ground between them with everything they have both been through and put each other through, Georgette still wanted to be able to figure that all out with him. She loved him and the heavens knew she has put herself through tremendous torture trying to deny it for so long.  
This meant laying it out all out. No more trying to figure things out between the lines. It has brought them enough trouble. 
Georgette took a sip of her water and placed the glass down on the counter. She walked over to where Hercules was seated looking at him a moment with softened eyes before taking a seat next to him. She slid her hand into one of his. It made her smile to see how seemingly perfect her hand fitted right into Hercules’s and for a brief second, she had forgotten all about what has been plaguing her. 
“So, I wanted to tell you something.”   
HERCULES: Really, at this point, Hercules should not be surprised by his life. 
There were so many twists and turns that he never could’ve predicted. From being adopted to his vanished best friend reappearing on their doorstep with little to no explanation, there was nothing that had made sense to him. Still, he tried, with the valiant effort of ancient philosopher’s trying to discover the why of the world. They had succeeded much better than him.
However, he marveled, from his vantage spot on Georgette’s couch at this particular turn in his life as he watched Georgette move about the kitchen. Her hair caught in the sunlight coming from the window, shining bright. She was so pretty, Hercules was so glad he could think that without feeling a stab of shame hot as an iron through him. 
He didn’t understand it, but just this one time, he wouldn’t question it. He may not be able to easily crush Georgette physically but he wanted hold her heart as gently as he could in both his hands.
When she came back towards him he smiled a little at her. When she took his hand, he marveled at this, still afraid to squeeze, really, but he curled his fingers until the pads of them brushed against the back of her hand. 
His stomach dropped and then fluttered at her announcement, but he just smiled and nodded a little at her, feeling his heart begin to pick up the pace.
“Sure. What’s--uhm--what’s up?”
GEORGETTE:  Georgette knew there were certain words in a relationship that always felt like a dreadful bomb was going to be catastrophically dropped. “I want to tell you something” can be just as scary to hear as “we need to talk.” They just never seemed to carry good news behind them and in a way, it still held true here. What Georgette did have to say wasn’t good news at all, in fact, she had paused a moment when Hercules gave her the floor to speak.
She was trying to figure out how to word all that was going on. It was a lot and it was so tiring. It felt like this nightmare would never end for her and it was only weighing heavier and heavier on her shoulders. How does anyone place something like that into words? 
Her gaze drifted down to their hands. It amazed her to feel his fingers curl around her own and the fullness of his palm pressed against hers. She never thought she would have that again, not with Hercules. She thought she had seared all possibilities of this, of a them and to know that he could touch her without needing to be so delicate and worried it could keep her lost in her own thoughts, but then she would never say what she needed to say. 
“It’s not bad.” She squeezed his hand for reassurance as she looked up at him with a gentle smile. “Or well it is, but not anything you did. It’s more me.” Georgette paused taking a breath in and shaking her head. 
“I’m doing this horribly, but I received a phone call about a couple of weeks or so ago from Cassandra. Cassandra was the prosecutor for the trial. She informed me that my rapist’s lawyers were going to go after an appeal and she wanted to make sure that I was made aware personally instead of catching wind of the news through the media.”
Which was bound to happen as the news had already caught fire and everyone had something to say all raving their opinions left and right.  
“She wants me to meet with her to talk about the process of it all and the options available to me if…” Georgette had to pause and swallow tightly because she couldn’t believe that her next words could become a true reality for her, that it was even a possibility.  “If they were to win their appeal…” 
HERCULES: Hercules stayed quiet while Georgette spoke, but he realized as she finished that he’d been holding his breath for the entire time.
He felt this rising inside of him, like the magma of the earth billowing up from the crust of the earth. The heat of it stole his breath as he tried to process what Georgette said. 
As someone with powers like him, Hercules had spent his whole life curbing any temper he possessed. He’d always been thankful that such a thing was easy, as his temper was mild at best. There were only a handful of times he had felt himself burning with anger, he could remember each one as if they were branded into his skin.
This one was the worst of them all and he sat there, attempting to bite down on it, like iron in his mouth. He wanted to grind his anger to pieces, because he knew that Georgette did not need his anger. Not to mention, even if Georgette wasn’t easily hurt by her, she was still not as strong as him and he was sure his anger could still hurt her; he was acutely aware of her small, delicate hand in his. He could only, no matter what, consider Georgette delicate.
She was, of course, also the strongest person he knew—this was just more proof of that and he tried to remind himself of these things, lining them all up in a row in his mind and counting them: one, two, three, breathe.
It took a few moments, but Hercules turned his gaze towards her, holding all that breath in his lungs, trying to suffocate the fire in his chest.
“I’m so sorry,” he told her, his other hand coming over to cover her own, and then move up her arm slightly, rubbing gently. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
He paused, rethought, and then said: “You won’t let anything happen to you.”
His hand moved back down her arm to her hand again. “What—do you need from me?”
Hercules didn’t want to assume anything. He’d never dealt with something like this before. He had no idea what she needed. And the last thing he wanted to do was domineer. He was still painfully aware of the last time he had been the one to make decisions for them. That had gone excellently.
GEORGETTE:  Once Georgette had finished speaking about the current situation she was facing, she remained silent. She kept a careful eye on Hercules to see how what his reaction would be after it all. Last time she dropped something along these lines she had been far too busy crying on him to notice anything.
The first time as well now that she thought about it, but the first time she had also been drunk... 
Hercules appeared so stoic. He was quiet, and Georgette honestly didn’t know if he was simply trying to process it all, the heavens knew when Cassandra called her the first time the blonde had remained locked in a petrified daze too stunned to even allow her mind to understand everything, or if he was holding back. He was just— quiet. 
Had she gone too far telling him of this? 
Georgette didn’t know, odd is it may sound, this was sort of new ground for her. Her last ex (which she tried her absolute best to never think about), the relationship had been centered around publicity really, along with most of her other relationships. She had never been with someone where well she had fallen in love with.
Hercules’s gaze turned towards her and they softened. She could see concern there and genuine tenderness. 
I won’t let anything happen to you.
Her heart dropped, and her chest grew tight. She felt stunned like if she had been stuck in mid suspension. The night of her rape, when she spoke to her mother and told her everything all she saw was coldness in her eyes. There was never a kindness there, never a thought for her. Hercules he wanted to support her, he wanted to keep her safe. She was not used to anyone ever offering so much of themselves to simply be there for her. 
“I don’t know…” Georgette squeezed Hercules’s hand but at the moment she wanted to tighten her own hand around her wrist. 
“I don’t even know how to feel. I mean this—this is real. They can actually win. They can get him out. He can be out and I’ll have to live with the knowledge of living in a world where he is freely walking the streets.” She took a shaky breath in, her voice dropping to an almost quiet whisper. “I thought this was over. I… I really thought it was done and now it’s not… I have to go through this all over again.” 
Georgette paused and allowed a silence to hang in the air. “I’m scared that I’ll revert back to how I was because I want this all to stop and to disappear and go numb.” And alcohol had done that for her, alcohol had always numbed everything. “I almost wanted to already after that Titanic dream and I could feel myself wanting to again now. Please, don’t let me.” 
HERCULES: There were certain things about the human experience that Hercules had never understood: he had never been injured--no stories littered his body in the form of scars. He had never bled. He had never been sick, not even a cold. 
The one thing fate had afforded him was the understanding--despite his powers--what it felt like to carry a weight. He had learned over his life that everyone carried weight. As if each person had been born with a bag filled with sand tied around them. It manifested for people in different ways, but it was always there. It was a lucky, strange person that did not have this--more rare than not having a leg or an arm or an eye. 
No matter how strong Hercules was, his burden weighed the same as everyone else’s.
This understanding made him soft towards others. He was always so gentle because he was always so afraid of what would happen otherwise, but also because he understood the weight, as if he could see it with his third eye, perched on the tops of people’s heads or shoulders or backs or tied to one of their hands, dragging them down. 
It had always made Hercules feel more human when his heart burned tender.
However, seeing Georgette so upset made Hercules feel like there was an itching under his skin. He wanted to scratch it out. There was no way to ignore it until it was taken care of--and it wouldn’t be taken care of until the situation with that horrible man was dealt with. Georgette would not feel safe, without him gone, and Hercules didn’t blame her. Not at all. 
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Hercules assured, rubbing his hand up her arm a little. He scoot closer to her on the couch, still moving carefully, still hyperaware. It wasn’t something he could turn off, and, besides, he didn’t know if she wanted him near. 
“It’s not going to happen, Georgette. I promise--” I’ll take care of it, if he walks free, I’ll take care of it. The words were on the tip of his tongue. He bit them down, because that wasn’t who he was. Hercules was not a violent person. He would not let this man make him stoop to his level. 
“--your lawyer knows what she’s doing. There is plenty of evidence if he was convicted once.” His hand moved gently to her back. 
“And, in the meantime--for whatever it is worth, I’m here. I--am sorry I wasn’t the first time, but I am now. Promise. I’m not going anywhere. Well, unless you get sick of me and then I’ll leave because I’d respect your wishes to do so, obviously.” 
GEORGETTE:  Hercules had placed in his hand on her back and the gesture felt comforting to her. It was strange even for as welcomed as it was because she never saw herself being comfortable with another man, not after she’s been raped. 
Somehow, Hercules had managed to turn everything upside down and completely around. 
He shifted closer to her and Georgette found herself immediately slipping into the comfort of his arms and curling close. She hadn’t given thought to her action nor did she wonder if it would be unsettling for Hercules. 
She wasn’t exactly very fragile anymore. 
Georgette rested her head on his chest and she could hear the steady rhythm of Hercules’s heart beat. It was strong, constant, solid. It soothed her. She could feel the tension laced within her muscles relaxing, her nerves unwinding. It felt safe. 
“I think I’m just expecting the worse. I’m already assuming they will win their appeal. That will be the outcome. I keep assuming that it will never go my way. I figure… at least this way if the verdict does go that way then… it won’t be a surprise. I can… I can figure out how to adjust…” 
How anyone can truly adjust with their rapist walking free… Georgette wasn’t sure but if that became the case then she didn’t have a choice did she?
A touch of a smile lit up Georgette’s features as she looked up at Hercules.
“It’s worth a lot to me. I… never had anyone who wanted to be there for me even when it had all originally happened.”
HERCULES: Georgette curled against him and yes—Hercules paused. Hercules sucked in a breath. Hercules stayed perfectly still.
These things were instincts. Whenever anyone got too close, Hercules turned into a statue. He had gotten so good at it, sometimes he was afraid that he would just stay that way one day and never move again. It was the fear that froze him. He didn’t know what else to do, there had never been anyone in his life that he could relax around when they touched him. Even when people like Melody and Pegasus did their thing and knocked into him or hugged him—he didn’t ever feel comfortable.
There had been a taste when he’d given up his powers. He remembered what it had been like then, but it felt like a dream.
Hercules had always dreamed of touching people without fear.
And he had to remind himself now as Georgette spoke, her voice soft, that she was not soft anymore. (Well, she was, her skin was soft and smooth, her hair tickled at his neck and chin.) He didn’t have to be afraid of her.
He understood expecting the worst—he was doing it right now, as he tried to convince himself to move his hand to Georgette’s head. Though, in his defense, the worst was usually what happened.
That seemed to be the case for Georgette too.
Though, this time, Hercules knew that he would do his best not to let that happen.
Hercules smiled at her when she looked at him and he did move his hand then to cup the back of her head, he kissed her forehead softly.
“I know,” he told her gently. “And we’ll figure something out, yeah? Have—I dunno, some game plan for the worst possible scenario if that’d make you feel better. Or—we can plan something, yeah? For when it’s all over. Like, I dunno—a trip? Go somewhere, either way, good or bad. It’ll give you something to look forward too, maybe. Instead of…being so worried.”
He shrugged a little and stroked his hand down her hair so it rested on her back. 
“If you want. Just a suggestion.”
GEORGETTE:  A trip, Georgette hadn’t thought about that at all. Of course, there was the trip she was going to have to make to NYC to meet with Cassandra, but that was entirely different.
This would be a trip away from stress, away from the nightmare of everything. This was something positive she could have to look forward to! It was something fun to plan, not like her NYC trip that had a negative connotation to it as she would have to hear about everything she didn’t want to hear about. 
And Georgette liked organizing these kinds of things. It could keep her well distracted.
She lifted her head, tucking her chin on Hercules’s chest so that she could look at him with a playful smile. “You would want to go on a trip with me?”
Georgette asked teasingly, but she also knew that she can be a handful. She had a lot of baggage on her and it still surprised her that Hercules had not run away because of it all. Many would have. It was a lot and the blonde knew that well enough. Trauma was never easy, it lingered even when one didn’t want it to, even when Georgette didn’t want it to and that affects all the people around her, especially the ones so close to her.
“I would love that. It can keep me distracted and that’s something I really need. It’ll keep me out of my own head because I’m drowning in it.” She admitted. “It’ll be a nice escape.” For the both of them. “Anywhere you’d like to go?”
HERCULES: Honestly, traveling for Hercules was always nerve-wracking. Being in a plane was so confined, he always felt like he couldn’t move, having visions of tripping and ripping a hole in the bulkhead or something equally as horrible. Also, after having been kicked out of several countries by the authorities, you were a little hesitant to go anywhere.
However, if it meant getting Georgette to smile the way she did? Hercules would go around the world for something like that. 
It made him smile too as he looked down at her, feeling his chest light up all warm and proud. This was not an emotion he was used to feeling. Hercules was rarely ever proud about anything. Being able to help people was really the only time, and even that was often soured by the fact even though Hercules helped, he just as frequently ruined whatever it was he was helping with. Such as when he’d--y’know, gotten Georgette turned into some sort of undead...something. Little things like that.
Right now, he wasn’t thinking about that. Right now, he was thinking about how glad he was that he knew Georgette well enough that his suggestion had not been laughed off. 
“No, not really. I’ve been pretty much everywhere.” Hercules shrugged a shoulder. “Wherever you want. This trip is for you, after all, shona.” He leaned down to kiss her forehead softly. “I’m just along for the ride, yeah? Make myself useful carrying all your luggage or something.”
GEORGETTE:  Hercules kissed her forehead and she felt the kiss and Georgette felt the tenderness of the gesture right down to her toes. It was simple, nothing grand, and yet it made her feel warm twisting her stomach into a knot. This small sweet gesture was something she thought she would never find herself having, especially not from Hercules after all they had gone through. 
Then there was the fact that the nearness of other males made her skin crawl and her stomach revolt.
But, here was Hercules being so gentle with her and giving her full reign of the entire trip all so she would be comfortable and at ease through everything that was going on. His thoughts and concerns were solely on her and that made her heart squeeze inside of her chest. 
Georgette felt like the center of his world.
“I won’t even have to limit myself with luggage then because that would be so easy for you.” She teased even laughing a little the pressing issues of her rape so far away from her mind.
“But I was thinking maybe Greece?” She offered up her idea with a glitter of excitement behind her eyes. “I have been there once before.” She wondered if he remembered as they have spoken about it in the past. “And I’ve always wanted to go back, just haven’t been able to. It was so beautiful there.”
And she couldn’t think of a better place to be with Hercules than Greece. Georgette took a hold of one of Hercules’s hands giving it a bit of a tender squeeze. 
“I would love to go there with you.”
Hercules made a little face and glanced away, for just a moment. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Greece, he loved Greece. At least, he loved what he could remember of it. The streets of Athens had been narrow, the city loud and boisterous, especially in the evenings. The summers had been hot and hazy, but there had been so much fruit that had dribbled sticky from his lips and on his fingers. 
He hadn’t gone back in years and years.
Hercules had never gone back to a place he’d been asked to leave. In some places, he wasn’t allowed back. Placed on their Dangerous Magicks list. That had always hurt, like a splinter in his heart, but he usually didn’t have to think about it. Greece wasn’t one of those places, but the memory of his leaving was stickier than any of the sticky fruit. 
That was why he made the face that he did. It didn’t mean he didn’t want to go. It just meant that splinter was pressed on and it burned. He could just remember that he had been unwanted-- again...and again, and again. 
But--Georgette wanted him (for whatever reason) and she wanted to go to Greece.
And Hercules already know that he couldn’t, wouldn’t, tell her no.
So, he wiped the grimace off his face and smiled instead at Georgette.
“Yeah, Greece would be fun. Where do you want to go? Mykonos?” That seemed like kind of place Georgette would want to go, so beautiful and--Instagram worthy. “Or Santorini? Crete is supposed to be cool too.” 
GEORGETTE:  Georgette had caught that very quick look on Hercules’s features, even before he had briefly turned his face away. It really hadn’t been all that difficult to see, she had her attention placed on him after all and normally such a look wouldn’t have phased her. Hell, she wouldn’t have given it a second thought. 
In fact, Georgette would’ve started laying out all her plans for the trip. She would’ve begun listing all the places she wanted to see, all the activities that they would be able to do, what she could buy, and how excited she’ll be walking by the ocean side (because that was such a beautiful sight in Greece so obviously she needed to enjoy that). She would’ve gone on and on not once caring about what she had seen before hand.
But that was Georgette, she was selfish in that way.  
See, there weren’t many people in this world that Georgette really cared about, so she hardly felt the need to concern herself with whatever another person may be going through because of her own needs and desires. Hercules, however, she deeply cared for him. She wanted him to enjoy this trip just as much, and if Greece would only make him feel uncomfortable then she didn’t have to go to Greece. They can switch destinations. Greece wasn’t the only place in the world that had a beautiful ocean view, nor was it the only place on the planet that could distract her from everything that was going on.  
Honestly, this was Georgette, she could find something exciting to do anywhere she went, and at the end of the day, she just wanted him there with her, wherever they decide to go.
By this point, she had already ignored all the places Hercules had finished listing in Greece and hadn’t given any input about them. Instead, Georgette sat up, she didn’t push away from Hercules but did sit up. If she knew Hercules well, which she believed that she did, he would try and circle around the question she was about to ask him. She looked at him a moment before bringing up one of her hands so that her fingers could brush over the skin of his cheeks. 
It was a sweet gesture, but also one that sort of forced Hercules to keep his gaze on her (which honestly was where Georgette loved his gaze to be). 
“Are you sure you would be okay with Greece?  I saw that quick look there.” 
HERCULES: “Oh, no--it’s nothing, really.” Herc shrugged and then smiled. It was a bashful smile as much as it was a reassuring one. 
He didn’t talk about his life much--to anyone. Peg had lived a lot of it with him, had been on the other end of a phone call, and then Skype calls, while Hercules sniffled about having to move again, or about how his crush didn’t like him back, or how he hurt someone else or scared someone else or how everyone was so small and fragile and he just didn’t want to do anything to make them upset. 
Peg and his parents were the only ones who really knew anything about it.
Well, most people could summarize. Or just Google him.
Georgette had picked things up, here or there. Hercules letting out stories like slowly, slowly lowering down a rope into a well. 
But--he didn’t want to talk about it. Not right now. Not really. Maybe not ever. He hated the way it made him feel, thinking about all those disasters. Thinking about how he was the reason for them. 
He didn’t want to make this about him, either. It was about Georgette. For him, now, it was always about Georgette.
So, he smiled--and he gave Georgette’s shoulders a little squeeze.
“No, Greece would be nice. I haven’t been back in a really long time. That’s all. I promise. We should get to planning! There is so much to see.”
GEORGETTE:  Georgette eyed Hercules a moment. She already knew he wouldn’t tell her no, but she wanted to make sure that he was truly okay with the destination. After seeing that he was completely set in being okay with Greece did Georgette press her cheek gently on one of the hands Hercules had placed on her shoulder. 
She lifted her head and her eyes instantly sparkled all over again with excitement for the trip! 
“I didn’t get to see much my first trip there. It had been a short one and I left longing to see more.”
It had been a bit of short reprieve get-away the first time Georgette visited Greece. It was before she had been raped and her world consisted of constant publicity/paparazzi. She had felt so caged up in all that notoriety that she simply needed a moment to breathe and escape. Greece served her perfectly for those means.
She had loved all the cultural experiences she was able to gain in the short amount of time there. Now, however, she felt like she wanted to enjoy a more relaxing trip one in where she could delight in the beauty that Greece had to offer. 
“I went to Crete and I really enjoyed my trip there. I wouldn’t mind going back but I have never been to Santorini.”
Georgette’s smile grew wider and her energy had shifted to a more energetic eagerness at the mention of the island. 
“I heard it’s beautiful.” And less stimulation than Mykonos, which she needed. She didn’t want to be tempted back into her old alcohol days. “Have you been there before?”
HERCULES: “Nah, I was in Athens for the most part which--despite all the amazing art, I would not exactly recommend. It’s really, uh, busy and--smelly? The sanitation people go on strike a lot.”
Which, y’know, good for them, but it definitely led to unpleasantness. And probably would not be good for his girlfriend’s delicate sensibilities. (This was mostly just a joke, but was also...well, kind of true. Georgette was Georgette, after all. She wasn’t going to shake her beauty pageant days quite so easily or quickly. Hercules wasn’t even sure she entirely wanted to--and he was okay with that. As long as it wasn’t the toxic shit. Wasn’t anything bad about wanting to look nice.) Too bad everywhere you had to throw your toilet paper in the wastebasket. 
At least Santorini was a lot quieter. 
That was because it was the bougie resort island. Not that it was any less authentic, but it was nice and quiet, which would be good and besides--
“We should go there, then, yeah? Because neither of us have been? It’ll be a new experience! My Greek is a little rusty but I’ll brush up and, uh, take off work when we decide a time. August is busy but we will make it work. I’m--excited. I’ve never--done something like this before.” He meant a vacation, but also, going somewhere with a girlfriend. Like a Real Adult. 
He leaned in and kissed her softly, before pulling back and grinning. “It’s gonna be so much fun!”
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