#here's to hoping my reddit won't get banned
valthinksforonce · 2 years
Wouldn't it be so crazy and silly and girlboss of me to simply... bombard the people on r/systemscringe with information? To simply infiltrate their reddit, their dms, to correct them on their misinformation and exclusionism? Wouldn't that be so crazy silly girlboss of me???
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I'm incommunicado.
Can't receive asks since the message thing of my blog died.
Can't reply to my own post.
It's been 1 month. I don't hsve followers or they are bots probably, because I only got two since December. Just the secondary blogs had this rush of bots following.
Don't know if the people I use to casually chat know that I don't have this feature.
Aparently, I can't send asks either. Or I'm probably with this "pissed by the tumblr Gods energy" that no one wants to reply to me, or even tag me.
It seems they are trying to smother this blog slowly and casually. Like being a drunk on the floor and they put a gigant sing upon my body that says: Don't bother, she likes being like this and probably will bite you if you help her. And are waiting for me to just stop breathing or chocke on my own vomit.
So let it die, let it rot. I hope this isn't a sign of this side of the fandom also dying and moving on with other things. I still and adict of all the art and shenanigans this fandom still has in it even if the show ended almost 3 years ago.
Personally, I still want this to be a blog for Castiel and Misha, even if it's like 100% Destiel and Cockles since 2020. I'm really looking forward for the GK thing.
But if I've been forced to evacuate here, and begin from the 200 followers on my other blogs of personal endeavors, I should leave now.
I've been sending a request to fix this to tumblr help once a week. Not even a mail in response or acknowledge of my existence so far.
From my 6 years of experience here, I think I'm far from relevant or desirable as an user, even if I purchase stuff, pay for the no ads thing. I assume that a single person from Bolivia does not mean a demographic they want to keep, and the amount of followers it has does not count as significant, neither this blog as a part of those 6 years in the tumblr ecosystem. Because of the mass migration from Twitter, I assume, that are overwhelming their servers. Loosing me it's probably a lint in their corporate belly buttons.
Funny thing is I try to convince me that this blog matters. Even if many other people leave this site deactivating their blogs and leaving a big hole in the fandom in my opinion. But me, just fading away, or tumblr just expecting I give up leave and forget this blog, so they magically solve the thing once I migrate to another user or platform. Isn't really a big deal in the great scheme of things. I don't think anyone will notice my disappearance. I'm no legacy or important blog.
In the mean girls universe, before the let's point the blogs that gaslight us to believe that OF COURSE DESTIEL WILL HAPPEN IN THE END, how you DARE to not trust us META minds that know Dabb is our personal Jesus Christ and savior. At first I hang out with with them, but then I renegate and became the usual Cas Stan that got the "Bitter" tittle because I knew they will not have the Cojones to make Destiel actually happen on the screen as a real and indiscutible situation, like a kiss or an open declaration of love that had to go BOTH WAYS.
So, my importance here is minimal. Other blogs where more active and spoke about this inner bullying in on our Heller community. How being a Clown that got many questions and wasn't that happy after watching Castiel go to Superhell and Dean just staying there looking sad, but didn't say anything at all, wasn't the promise land they preach.
I will always protest about the awful way Misha was used to bait his fan base to watch the worse two episodes in human TV history of that finale just hoping he'll be there... eventually (I was that fool, and I waited, and I waited, and I watched... THE HORROR 😱).
Anyways, because I know this post probably will go to tumblr hell like Castiel. And be there in the empty of promises and things we prefer to believe to not loose or Collective Clown minds when Jackles has the time and has the 133563323th question about that scene that confirms that Dean was being a Bro and Cas was being a Bro and all the thing was just in our heads and Cas never said I love you, or he said it but it was more like a: BRO, I LOVE YOU, BRUH.
I'll try to reach the Server Gods, plead for my oxygen and pray for the cause of this punishment not being just another antiheller pro Jarpiss that got all the time in the world, or enough friends to ask for my reporting as whatever they could just to put me in this position.
I rather want to believe this is like a rite of passage. For what I recall, many blogs of people who I love and enjoy had a temporal deactivation or this kind of things once or twice in their history. So, that gives me hope to think, opposite of what I explained earlier in this gigant mental fart of existence and relevance on the tumblresphere, I'm probably and finally being initiated in the ancient ways of torture to became and actual real blog in its own right.
I. Really. Prefer. To think. It's just that kind of things. Not the Tall one lovers and their obsession with a gigant 40s toddler.
Still I will always keep distance from them and their Incestuos ownership of the S*PN tag.
If this are my last words, and or post, I want to say:
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xenasaur · 9 months
Hi puppies. Please dont answer this if its a bad question or something. Im a recent reddit mover too and I'm pretty ignorant about stuff.
Your profile getting nuked absolutely sucks. But what confuses me is, as far as I know, nudity is banned on tumblr...? (Which is fucking stupid btw) So like, how will you be able to appeal that they set your profile to mature? Am I missing something? Cause you post cool nudes and stuff so I'd expect that they would nuke it. My only theory is that they're targeting queer profiles specifically?? I care about you and I guess I just wanna know more about what's going on.
Stay strong lovelies. *head pats and kisses*
they do allow *some* nudity these days. unless we're gravely misremembering it's okay to show tits now. they'll put a community label on it but they won't blur your account. our account seems to have been blurred by an autoflag, which is insanely frustrating. here's hoping they don't take forever to respond to our support ticket lol
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hyeahgaku · 9 months
What do you think of the growing leaks culture that's becoming more prevalent in our fandom? Tbh I read leaks (via this user named Shinrako) and up to today, I still see people that get extremely mad when others interact with leaks. I mean there's no way to stop leaks anw it's bound to happen someday so seeing majority of the fandom denying leaks, especially on Reddit where you'll get banned, that's kinda surprising.
Yo. Ah, finally someone decides to ask my thoughts on the increasing engagement in leaks heh.
And..... Shinrako? Woah been a while since i last saw that name. So he has decided to translate leaks now huh.
Anyway, personally, I'm neutral (is neutral even the right word here lol) about leaks although I won't encourage anybody to start indulging in leaks. For me, I sometimes see them but I don't make it a point to religiously read them every single time the raws are leaked. If I feel like seeing some panels or read the whole chapter on leaks day, I would. But if I don't feel like it, then I wont. And most of the time, I don't anymore. But rest assured even if I might spoil my followers, I'd just mention ONE thing & i prefer to make it vague or just give a hint but thats it I dont spoil people w leaked panels or mention major spoilers. (If I had done so before I'm deeply sorry!)
However, MOST IMPORTANTLY! I would never go as far as to encourage others to read leaks. Leaks will have a significant negative impact on any manga series, in fact anything. If our fandom starts to increasingly read only leaks & dont bother reading the official translations when it's out on MangaPlus, it will affect SakaDays ratings (cuz they have Top 10 Manga list in app so less number of reads, cumulatively, WILL impact any series there). Dont forget the excitement & everythin around it; they will just dampen on the official release day if people who read leaks have alr discussed them & hype it up on leaks day. I want SAKAMOTO DAYS to gain more attention, become widely talked about, become everybody's "one of my favorite manga", get an anime adaptation, and I want people to recognise Suzuki-sensei's phenomenal art & wonderful storytelling. Leaks might just take those chances away...
I don't mind if you read leaks AND the official release when it's out. Cuz that's what I do before and that way you still help Suzuki-sensei. Fck, I even buy the Japanese volumes to support! But dear anon, I hope you arent that kind of person who encourage others to read leaks or help spread the leaks around & eventually not supportin Suzuki-sensei directly via reading it officially. I do not condone that.
And for Reddit, I think that's a good move banning someone for postin leaks. Sure leaks can never cease to exist but for the sake of keeping the SakaDays sub healthy & not promote a leaks-friendly community, particularly before it gets super famous like the JJK sub did, I think what the mods are doing is for the best for everyone there. I'm happy to know there are people who are against having leaks in the SakaDays subreddit btw. Simply put, one can read leaks all they want but don't try to drag or force everyone else to do the same, yknow?
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So.......I saw a meme that I hope is just a meme but it featured an article headline that I got was either a joke or a misunderstanding.
It said, "States more concerned with banning porn then assault weapons". Now under normal circumstances, I'd not care about this. But 2 things of note.
I'm not a puritan. I'm not anti porn. So long as everyone featured is legal age, and is there willingly, I don't actually care.
My concern however is a few things.
1. A ban on porn would actually lead to a black market for the stuff which would be FAR worse in terms of safeguards.
2. You'd create a vacuum for people that "need" porn to "take care of themselves". Potentially leading to worse outlets.
3. Every industry and related industry would be put out of business. The economic ramifications? You think inflation is bad now. It can get worse.
Now do I understand that porn isn't the best for you. Neither is booze or cigarettes and we saw what happened when the gov banned 1 of them. I'm a libertarian. If people want to have/make porn that's up to them. (Again so long as it's legal). However. I'm not for this push for hyper puritanism. Are they going to ban rap next? Video games causing violence again? Ban that too?
This is not a road we need to go down. If adults are making mistakes with other adults that's not violence or illegal, leave it be. Because this won't JUST affect the porn industry. It'll affect photographers, "toy" makers, models, even artists. Want your gay furry porn? Artistic nude photoshoots? Sucks for you, you live in a state that banned it. Go directly to jail. Or do they go after the person that made it only?
Long story short we are in DANGEROUS territory when it comes to overstepping. And I know some conservatives might not agree with me on this, but for real. This won't end well if something like that passes. It may also end up with access to certain sites as an impossibly. Hentai games on steam? Oh well you're region is bad so nope. Twitter (X)? Now he either has to ban it outright or lose access to millions of people. Tumblr? Reddit? Same deal. Deviant art? Gone.
This will backfire if it's a real thing. So here's to hoping it's not.
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indigomarina · 2 years
TVTropes rant
Excuse me, I need to talk about how I feel and Reddit didn't help so I'm posting it here
A few days ago, I was suspended because I added a Tearjerker page to a spooky month TVTropes ymmv page for Roy. I came back a day later, it was gone. I thought the fact Roy was implied to have been molested by his uncle and his loveless family was pretty sad so I put it back. But that unfortunately got me suspended. I should have been patient and waited out the suspension, but I tried making another account, which I learned too late that results in a ban. I was very upset by this, so I deleted my account in a fit of emotion. But I did like editing to bring my 2 cent so I tried to get another new account, but I fear it's because they now it's me and they won't approve. So I either won't be able to edit anything anymore or I'll have to grovel and hope they give me a second chance eventually.
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covetsauvignon · 2 years
then i must be in the other side of tumblr bcs some carats i follow here are freaking out over that pic lolllllllll
but still I'm amazed at how good and soft he looks in that picture tho 👌🏻👌🏻
we're still not following too many people on tumblr!!! (we literally just made this account lol) neither of us have been super active on here since The Great Ban a few years back, so we get most of our Seventeen content from insta, twitter, and reddit!
lettuce 🥬 discuss
the caption?
dokey knows
he KNOWS what he's doing, and I am forever in his debt
alright let's break this down top to bottom
hair? so perfect and pretty I wanna run my hands through it wanna tug it pull it wanna asdf
face? god his lips look so perfect in that sort of smile, could be sweet, could be a smirk, won't be able to tell until he makes his next move...shiver inducing shit
Shua in a pretty pressed shirt...so neat and tidy...just begging for someone to undo those buttons, rumple that collar, mess him up a bit so he has to go back to work much more wrinkled than when he left...
p a n t s . . .
so much to unpack here, because, first of all: my eyes don't even go to crotch.
they go to THIGHS
Joshua is usually one of the ones who gets lost in anything other than pleather or latex pants, so, to see him filling out some KHAKIS? Idk if it's just a better fit or if he's getting fit but it's so flattering and I wanna drown in it
the main event
I know a lil something about costume design, about fabric fitting. But not enough. I can't tell you if a certain indent is an absolute indication of something or not. But I know what this picture looks like.
And it looks delicious.
All it makes me think of is being somewhere in public with Shua, somewhere nice. He's wearing a pressed shirt and khakis, after all. But you're wearing something nice, too. A dress, a blouse, a button-up. Whatever you're wearing on bottom is hugging your ass just right.
The event you're attending makes you meet and greet a lot of people. But, eventually, you have some downtime. And in that downtime? Joshua is pulling you into the nearest dimly lit hallway, broom closet, lockable unisex bathroom, whatever he can get his hands on...
So that he can get his hands on you. If you can see him that clearly through his pants when he's not aroused, imagine how thick and heavy he'll feel against you when he's in the mood.
"Promise we'll be quick, baby," he murmurs into your neck, licking and biting softly, not wanting to be too harsh but, c'mon now, you're on a time limit here!
If there's still a lot of the event to go? He'll probably scissor you open, spitting on his fingers if he has to, anything to get you wet and ready for him. He'll enter you gently at first, but soon he's a man on a mission. Good luck. Once he tells you he's close, you're either going to have to get on your knees and open your mouth quickly, or he's going to cum inside of you.
If it's towards the end of the night, though? Depending on how the night has gone, how much you've teased him, he might just settle for rutting against you through those well-fitting khakis, grinding into you, chasing his high so needily and desperately that any sign of pleasure from you - a sigh, a moan, a whimper - he might accidentally cream his pants.
Then, it's up to you how dirty things get from there. He can either go to the bathroom to tidy up and hope no one notices the small stain that grows on the journey, or he can reach beneath the waistband of his briefs and scoop the cum out with his fingers before it can seep through the layers of fabric.
Scoop it out, and slide it onto your awaiting tongue. Bit by bit, until his entire load is in your mouth. By now you're drooling slightly, so he tucks the spare streams of saliva back into your mouth with his thumb before demanding you, ever so gently, to, "Swallow."
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ambrosiadreamer · 4 years
Tumblr just sucks ass, and their lucky people like interacting with others and content not face to face. It really has been shit for a long time, and it got worse when they banned NSFW. If me and my brother weren't both busy and lazy, I’d do what I hope for and work with him on making a better fucking app. Dont know why they think they can get away with being shit, but it won't last forever because they're becoming like the apps people used to come here to get away from
See, I disagree with the NSFW ban thing. I honestly think tumblr got bearable after that. I took about a year break around that time and was surprised to see how much less-toxic the website was coming back. Genuinely had it not been for that and joining this community I wouldn’t be running the blog I’m currently answering this ask from, or just like, be on this website in general lmao. 
Tumblr has, many, many, many flaws and I get extremely stressed with it at times, but I think it’s important to give credit where credit is due. It’s a wonderful space for communities like the ones I, and I assume you, participate in. There’s a reason why I choose to really only use this social media site over reddit, twitter, insta, etc. I really wish tumblr would listen to it’s users more, as I personally believe that’s it’s fatal flaw. But in the end, there’s only so much we can do, and it’s unhealthy to focus only on the negatives
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