#heres ep 1 lmao i started with ep2
niaoniaos · 2 years
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welcome to nct universe | shohei
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markantonys · 21 days
i'd watched the first 2 episodes of ROP s1 when they first came out, but i found them boring and so didn't continue. however, i've been hearing that charlie vickers is eating and leaving no crumbs in the new season, and that is my sweet boy guglielmo pazzi from i medici (2019) and i've Got to see him killing it in a huge role, i'm so proud of him!!! always a delight when a previously-unknown actor from an obscure show you love ends up making it big
so i decided to give it another shot and dove straight into 1x03 after reading a summary of the first 2 eps to refresh my memory, and idk if 1x03 really is that much more interesting than 1&2 or if it's just that i happen to be in a different frame of mind now that's more predisposed to getting interested in this show, but WOW i am loving it!! i'm an extremely casual LOTR fan (in fact i wouldn't even rightfully call myself a fan, more just "i've watched the movies a few times and like them" haha) and so whatever complaints the fans have about ROP obviously are not things that bother me. i'm just here for a good time, and i'm having one!
the galadriel & halbrand plotline is definitely my favorite (heck, if the numenor stuff had arrived in ep2 instead of 3 i might've been on board with the show the first time around). i already know he's sauron, of course, so i was like "i won't get attached to halbrand since he's not a real person, just sauron's disguise" but fuck, i'm attached, and it hurts!!!!! loving a character who starts out good and turns to the dark is one type of pain, but loving a character who was never real at all because they were evil the whole time and this "character" was never anything more than a facade - it's an entirely different and perhaps even worse type of pain! i can't even soothe myself imagining an AU where halbrand never turned evil, because halbrand was never real! genuinely in immense anguish over this. but once i reach s2 and get to the Unabashedly Evil Sauron Era, it'll be so sexy that i might immediately go "oh no! anyway" and forget all about my anguish jdkjfg
............wait a moment. do i now know how show!rand must be feeling post-s2? attached to someone who was never real because they were always just an evil person's fake persona? oh rand honey i'm even sorrier for you now!
speaking of WOT, it really has broken my brain because i try to polyship everything all the time nowadays. why did i go "wake up babe new polycule just dropped" during that scene when galadriel, halbrand, and miriel had a meeting lmao girl you KNOW this bitch is sauron! but i already knew people were shipping him and galadriel, so i went in to my new watch expecting to see the vibes, and indeed seeing them, and i ALSO unexpectedly saw vibes for galadriel and miriel (two leaders overburdened by duty, oh it's my kryptonite), so how can i help creating a polycule? oh well, i'll enjoy it while it lasts and then once galadriel finds out he's sauron i will instead get some angst to enjoy! and she will still have her girlfriend to comfort her (as long as nothing happens to miriel.........i haven't heard any spoilers about her, so we shall see!)
back to halbrand, the "he's the lost king of the southlands" idea is such a clever misdirect because it allows halbrand to demonstrate unusual skills in combat/diplomacy/manipulation that we wouldn't expect a seeming peasant to have, but provides a cover for it and so we think this one "identity reveal" is all there is to it, and aren't suspecting a second, bigger identity reveal! and actually, as far as i can remember, he never actually confirms that he's the lost king, he just plants a clue to lead galadriel to believe it and then responds to her assumptions in ways that seem to confirm them but don't actually. very aes sedai of him! and hey, if the southlands used to serve sauron, wouldn't it technically be accurate for him to be considered their lost king? very aes sedai of him x2. liars who lie without technically lying are the best kind (gen from the queen's thief also). anyway, because of this misdirect, i don't think i'd be suspecting him of being sauron at all at this point if i didn't already know. on the other hand, there aren't really any other sauron candidates except adar who clearly isn't him. but back to the first hand, the show never set up a "one of our major characters is sauron, who is it?" mystery so i might just be assuming he was hanging out offscreen yet to show up, if i didn't already know.
i'm enjoying the other plotlines too! i remember feeling that the hobbits & the stranger plotline was the weakest link in the first 2 eps, but totally changed my tune now, nori and the stranger (who i'm guessing is gandalf, but i'm not sure, so don't tell me if you know) have the most wholesome friendship, i could die!!
or rather, the second most wholesome friendship after elrond and durin, which i remember was my favorite storyline the first time around. they are so pure!! and disa is a delight! she and elrond have impeccable sibling-spouse energy (yes we've got another polyship in the house, of course we do)
i'm trying not to get too attached to bronwyn because i know they kill her off between seasons due to the actress leaving the show, but i really like her :(( her son's kinda annoying, but he's an angsty teen, so i can't hold it against him. and arondir!! what a man, i'm swooning constantly over everything he says and does. i really like how in the most recent episode i watched they had a Good Guy (bronwyn) genuinely consider giving up her principles of honor and going to swear fealty to the bad guys in order to survive, it feels more realistic and it really sells us on just how desperate and hopeless the situation is (and on how sauron is able to get supporters by creating such situations).
it's also a visually gorgeous show, very decadent (i was practically drooling the first time they showed numenor haha i love white stone seaside cities, and the ancient greek aesthetic vibes are the cherry on top!), and the MUSIC!!!!! you guys know i'm a tv soundtrack fanatic, and my god, this is the best tv soundtrack i've heard in a LONG time. i'd put it as second to WOT because it's traditional fantasy orchestra whereas WOT's soundscape is so different and unique. but "traditional fantasy orchestra" isn't a knock here, because it's done INCREDIBLY well, so it does feel unique instead of generic like other, lesser Traditional Fantasy Orchestra soundtracks do. it's sumptuous, it's lush, it's rich, it's got very distinctive Themes for each character/location that always play in the appropriate contexts (which is one of my favorite aspects of WOT's soundtrack too). i'd been listening to the s1 soundtrack for quite a while before now, so i'm well-primed to recognize all the different themes!
my favorite has gotta be the halbrand theme, i have a character in my WIP who's a sad mountain prince (and a gawyn knockoff <3) and this theme just reminds me sooooo much of him, i cry. but if we dispense with the halbrand pretense after s1, we might not get to hear this theme anymore!!!! it's also the southlands theme, though, so hopefully we'll keep it, and i did hear it crop up briefly in a track from the s2 album. also, shoutout to the fact that the halbrand melody is an inverse of the sauron melody, bear mccreary you son of a gun (the sauron theme is another one of my favorites, the first time i heard it i assumed it was his theme from the original movies because it just had the feel of an Iconic Villain Theme, but no, it's new to ROP!)
anyway! i've watched up through 1x05 now. pacing's definitely still a bit slow, but i'm enjoying it nonetheless, and it's picking up now that galadriel & co are headed for the southlands. and i've heard that s2 is a big step up in many respects (a la WOT s2), so i'm excited to get there!
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parvuls · 1 year
obligatory 6am episode thoughts (and MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TED LASSO SPOILERS)
so far it's ep2 > ep1 > ep3 imo. this episode was basically the start of various plotlines but didn't have any big moments for any of them, so it's a little 🤷
ngl, hated zava with a passion and all of his scenes were cringe and boring to me. we already went over the dick star player arc in season 1 with jamie, and zava purposely has less redeeming moments (because he doesn't have a three-season story ahead of him). this plot could only be interesting if it leads to a break in format or character development: ted yelling and giving up on a player / rebecca firing him despite the wins because she cares about the team / west ham drama.
I was SO FOND of colin and michael in this episode!!! they were sweet but not over the top and those moments were literally so far removed from the rest of colin's scenes in the ep, which just stresses how long colin has been hiding this. really liked michael coming to sam's restaurant and their collaborative cover story, because I'm pretty tired of gay relationship drama being one dude angry that the other one is "ashamed" of him. framing the media as their enemy and not each other is a good start.
speaking of which: trent. big sigh. could SO see that plot coming from all of the interviews mentioning trent as both a good and bad presence in richmond. idk if he'd actually out colin, because it'd be hard to come back from that in the eyes of the audience, but there's definitely drama coming and SOMEONE is going to either out colin or threaten him with it, leading to him coming out himself. could be rupert, and that'd be the start of nate realizing he's gone too far. either way that's one plotline I'm hella excited for.
that being said, if michael ends up outing then, I'm 🤡
I simply do not know what to make of tish's predictions. rebecca being upside down and drenched is foreshadowing the amsterdam episode, and whoever saves her (probably ted) would be the knight/shite. but being a mother? obviously not biologically, since hannah explicitly said it's no longer an option. so... tedbecca future???? I'm not even a shipper, I honestly can't see who else she could adopt. rupert's daughter somehow? idefk
jamie was my fave this episode, followed closely by roy. thank god for that bromance, and all of jamie's sudden vocabulary moments were laughing out loud funny. praying for a shot of him reading a dictionary and explaining his sudden word knowledge 😂 am Not Amused at the scene by the bar where keeley looks at them both, but we shall see. I'm actually kinda here for a jamie/shandy thing? their vibes sort of fit lmao. also YES to sam and his chef falling in love. let the man have some happiness and normalcy!
the ted/sassy ongoing hints confuse me, and their purpose escapes me even three seasons later. remind us ted can fuck? I don't feel like it's an endgame thing.
I'm not touching the jake thing with a ten feet pole, jfc. jake seems like a nice guy in theory, but going out with your patient/marriage counselor + not telling your co-parent that you're bringing a new man into your kid's life? no. michelle is on thin ice with me.
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buddietomytarlos · 4 years
9-1-1 Lonestar S2 Ep2 Thoughts *Spoilers*
under the cut are my thoughts :)
- What a douchebag… but remembering the lava at the bottom of the pool from the trailer thank you for getting her out of there <3 VELMA FROM SCOOBY DOO?? SHUT THE FUCK UP DON’T DO THAT TO VELMA. Really warm huh OH DAMN HE JUST BACKFLIPPED INTO THAT. HE’S BOILING ALIVE AHHH OH GOD NO NO NO
- “This is the ugliest cake…” “I gave your scans to the baker” LMAO THAT BAKER MUST HAVE BEEN LIKE “WHAT THE FUCK…”
- “Thanks for being here babe” AHH
- “You haven’t touched your tumor cake…” “It’s growing on me.” lol also that’s a big ass piece of cake
- “You know what happens if you keep things bottled up.” “Unless it’s wine.”
- fuck that… he just fell in—
- Now why he tell the kid that they’re gonna rescue the dad and that he’s not gonna die without knowing for suer……… don’t promise something you can’t keep
- AHHHHHHHHHH HE’S MELTED INTO IT. I knew it the second he said he couldn’t. Owwwwwww his skin being ripped off like that FUCK
- ooh he getting in trouble for what he said to the kid. bro don’t look like that you know she’s right
- Highkey though love this scorpion scene to
- “were not worried about dad, were worried about you” aggghghhggfghgh
- oof I’d hate to be in that Lava pool. Literally burning alive… melting.
- “Is she your girlfriend?” “Uh.. I wish.” imagine telling your kids how you got together
- Tim 🥺🥺 I saw a spoiler after the ep ended bc I had to stop watching the show for a friend I’m so sad. ALSO SPENCE IS NOAH FOSTER BRUHHHH
- Tim realizing that the can’t promise him he’ll be able to walk pLS his pleading voice makes me so sad I’m so
- Oh I remember seeing this scene on screen before I turned it off NOOOOO. I knew he was gonna get hit beforehand the second he looked up. But I know they save him.
- The gang 😭😭😭 “It didn’t feel like we were in trouble.” Probie why’d you be in trouble.
- Captain Vega blaming herself for scolding him the day before he died :(( nooo bby. Her relationship with Judd is so amazing and sweet I love it
- It’s raining ash you probably shouldn’t be outside Cap
- At least Tim died immediately and didn’t suffer :(
- The station all letting out their anger and hurt and frustration I’M NOT OKAY.
- This Tarlos scene broke me. TK just falling into Carlos’s embrace… plus this song Jesus
- Judd scooting in behind Grace and their hands intwining.
- CAPTAIN VEGA BROUGHT THE CAT BACK TO HER HOUSE AWWW okay i’l take that. I love that a lot 🥺🥺🥺
- What is this dumbass doing… after all that happened with lava you want to be out in the middle of the woods for why… and starting a fire wonderful. Wolves……? OH NVM A BIGGER FIRE….
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
i had some issues with chrome working like shit but after +10 minutes i am here to tell u all i watched ep2!!
let me try the points thingy so it’s not as messy,,
this episode was good although a bit.. bland in a way? idk but i liked the first episode more skhfsh
the start of the ep being that conversation between in and his mom was so.... new to me? like usually i’ve seen in bls they do those during the last episodes but to have it be the start of the second episode was something fresh :’)
(btw i might gif that conversation tomorrow so that’s out there for u all to shame me if i don’t lmaO)
also i love how many parallels there are with food! the omelette (as a spanish speaker i Hate calling it like that but this post is in english so it’s not like i can call it tortilla francesa because most of u wouldn’t understand me and probably think tortilla means something else), the star shaped thingy, i’m like... 99% sure there’ll be a parallel to the cute dessert pharm made too and probably many more.....
and they’re pretty clear from the very beginning!! i’ll be in the look out for more food parallels hsjfkhs this show is going to make me hungry every time i watch it i swear,,,,,
i liked seeing more of the trio being friends, being supportive of pharm and not laughing at him when he told them about the dreams he’s had since he was a child (and also being dean/pharm shippers from day 1 lmao)
the scene where pharm erases his name from the post-it note after writing it with a pencil i was like “i know this is fiction because those pencil erases don’t erase SHIT” lmaOOO
but when dean took the post-it note and put it on his shirt’s pocket!!!!!! bitch!!!!!!!!!!! i was GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! my man’s already really into this guy who he has seen twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like reincarnation aside, he’s fucking whipped already skhsfs
i wonder if dean is also the son of a mafia man or sumn like that like korn was because his relationship with his siblings(???) is kinda weird and he looks like he has Lots of money.............. i will be Looking (more like watching but-)
(and it looks like del is his sister??? u know, the girl manaow met in the bathroom lmao)
and oh boy the last scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they really used the 5ft something guy can’t reach something that the most-probably-6ft guy can huh
i’m not complaining tho because i Loved it omg the moments that flashed by as they looked at each other’s eyes?????? pharm crying and dean wiping his tears away?????????
poetic cinema i’m telling u all....
win my man you have THE worst timing . my man just wants to speak to his crush!!!!!!! and u interrupted him before he could say anything!!!!!!!! not cool man
jk i don’t hate him he’s a cutie and i’m excited to see more of him (and him with team) but damn it son
overall the episode was good but i kinda wish there was a win/team scene in there or something.. but it gave us more insight of both the group of friends’ dynamics and pharm himself which i really liked :-)
okay i gotta leave now because it’s almost 5am and i have to wake up in like.. 6 hours bYE
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rainy4thmonth · 4 years
Cherry magic - It's more than BL drama
Recently, i put my eyes into a fresh BL drama for Japan titled 30-san made doutei dato mahoutsukai ni narerurashi or if you virgin until 30 years old, it seems you'll become a wizard or known as Cherry maho (cherry magic). The title seems so long enough to forget it by its original name. You could get the information around almost all social media such as twitter or instagram. It's kinda trending somehow. Even in MyDramaList, they got more than 9.0 rating. The actor is not really new at japan entertainment. The protagonist is 30 years old a dull virgin, Kiyoshi Adachi who work as salary man, starred by Akaso eiji who well known in series Kamen rider build as Banjo Ryuuga. He start his career as a fashion model. The second lead is Kurosawa Yuichi, a perfect talent handsome man, colleague of Adachi who have crush on him, starred by Machida Keita, member of popular talent group, exile tribe. It seems that Machida already more popular before play this role. At first sight, they seems like another type of couple in romance drama, when the popular one meet an unpopular person then falling in love with each other, but before you judge it immediately, please watch for 3 episode rule, although maybe you could attracted to it only for first episode. I want to point out some of its good side. It maybe contain my self opinion, so maybe you have different opinion with me.
Warning: maybe contain spoiler
So what's make this drama so special? 1. The characters portray so well. Thanks to Director and Script Writer who make each Character more precious in drama. It's not like I say the manga version is bad, but i can tell that the Characters in drama are better. Adachi is an introvert character. The introvert trait here is not showed as hikikomori, or have anxiety disorder, but as a normal Introvert who still can work and speak to other people properly, although he's not good with large group of people (ep3). He have low self esteem but still he live based on his ideal. Being Salaryman is an usual job in Japan society, to manage to get this job, i think Adachi is not really fool. However, he often compare himself to someone else that make him have low self esteem. On other side, Kurosawa is an extrovert who looks perfect in other's eyes, not just because He's handsome, He also clever and easy going. To be top sales in the company, often surrounded by female co-worker, is normal things if others envy him. He also being gentleman around Adachi. However, nobody's perfect, bring those image everywhere is tiring to person like Kurosawa, because once he makes mistake, other people would bad-mouthing him. We also know somebody like him in real-life, right?. It makes Kurosawa hide problem for himself. However, He one day told Adachi about his heart problem (ep7) and surprisingly got unexpected respond. Adachi told that seeing his weakness is kinda refreshing. For the first time, He heard that 'it's okay being not okay' despite forcely being perfect all the times. Beside, Kurosawa is the character of seme who have really good self-control eventhough sometimes he have pervert mind (in manga He even more pervert, a closet pervert). We also got Fujisaki-san which also very different with manga version. In manga, Fujisaki is just merely hardcore fujoshi with wild imagination who ship Kurosawa x Adachi so hard and often have dirty mind of them. But in drama, Fujisaki is a friendly, cute and seems to be family-oriented woman whose the truth, She doesn't have any interest into romance. However, She wants Adachi happy with Kurosawa since She notice Kurosawa's feeling to Adachi. Tsuge is closest friend to Adachi. Tsuge is a bookworm novelist who likes cute creature such as cat (and minato LMAO). Tsuge gradually love Minato, the delivery man who recently often sent a package to him, after he got same power with Adachi. TBH, for the first time i feel second couple not as strong as main couple, but they're also got interesting story later. 2. The Actors and their acting. I like how they play their role and portray each character and bring this character live. We can see Akaso eiji and Machida keita have a good chemistry. Eventhough they didn't do intimate skinship, i can feel their feeling through their eyes. Even forehead kiss scene at episode 3 seems more romantic than kiss on lips. Akaso's awkward acting also seems natural and all his gesture create the super cute Adachi. Machida as Kurosawa is also gentle and handsome. His sight when see Adachi, I can see the pure love of Kurosawa to Adachi through his eyes. Surprisingly, Kurosawa who seems cool outside is cute and sometimes hilarious inside his mind (whether his imaginations or sudden poetry lol). Also their gesture and their inner voice match perfectly. 3. The story is not just about love between two guys. Maybe this drama cannot fullfills somebody's fetish who want bunch of skinship and intimate scene in every single episode on BL drama. If you are those kind of people, better not watch it or you'll miss every good point of its story. Ofcourse its main story is about homosexual difficulties, how Kurosawa have to hide his feeling toward Adachi and how Adachi should respond to Kurosawa's feeling because they both man, when it seems better as collage than as a lover. More that that, this drama also show a pure love with consent. Kurosawa always considers Adachi's feeling. He doesn't want Adachi to feel forced into relationship or being uncomfortable around him. It also tells about dream and goal, when Adachi feels nothing he want to reach in life but gradually change to find his goal (spoiler for next episode). It also tells about how someone's feeling can have impact to other's perspective. Because of Kurosawa's love, Adachi can grow up and move forward. Because of knowing that everyone have their own problem, Adachi can be more confident to help others. Also Tsuge who try to come out of his comfort-zone and reach Minato's heart. The never give-up Minato, the hardworking Rokkaku, and aromantic Fujisaki-san who likes her career. Every Character have their own story which are amazing. I rarely see BL drama that have those kind of value, very decent. 4. The comedy. Priceless expression and anime-like joke. If you don't similar with these kind of comedy, i don't know whether you can enjoy it or not, but i laugh very hard at some scene. Also the backsound of Kurosawa imagination always tickled me 😂. The mole scene, Tsuge and Adachi's hilarious headbanging, memeable face of Tsuge, Kurosawa's jealousy, etc. 5. Easter egg in each episode However i learn it after several rewatched. It tells that Kurosawa often pay attention to Adachi since episode 1, when Adachi enter the office then slipped his feet, Kurosawa suddenly stand up. It also means that Kurosawa research about Adachi ever since He had crush (7 years? 😳) That's why he's very confident when said "I know everythings about Adachi". Kurosawa already knows that adachi like sweet tamagoyaki, He already put his finger to take sugar (ep2) but he still asks Adachi to not look suspicious. In Kurosawa's imagination, Adachi wear white tshirt, that tshirt Adachi wear inside his shirt. He also imagine Adachi sleep at his personal bed 😳. Since Adachi caught by elevator door, Kurosawa hold the elevator door for Adachi (Ep 3-4). Adachi very love onigiri, there's onigiri's display on his desktop (ep6). I hope i'll find more next time 😂.
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la-muerta · 5 years
Random thoughts while watching 陈情令 - part 1/?
So I started watching the Chinese drama The Untamed (陈情令) last week. I'm on ep 7 now because I don't really have the time to sit down and watch shows so I'm really slow.
My husband has been bugging me to watch the animation since last year. He read the novel and watched the animation, but he was reluctant to start the live-action because he was worried about the censorship messing up the show and also he said "the two lead actors aren't handsome" (his words, not mine - but also in my completely biased opinion, I think my husband looks better than them LMAO). Anyway I'm watching the show with him but he’s good with not giving spoilers. I'm going to be frank here so I might be a bit mean at first lol.
- my first thought a few minutes in: I'm watching this in Chinese with Chinese subtitles, it's going to be so hard to write fic for this because I'm going to have to find out what all the terms and place names are in English. Clearly I have my priorities right.
- ok the CGI for the 阴铁 is terrible and the multiple shots of people’s hands getting chopped off is going on for too long.
- This sweet kid who seems to be the leader of this group of Lan Sect kids (蓝愿) is adorable and I'm adopting him as my son now
- oh I was expecting sword-fighting (ha!) and kungfu but this has zombies and fighting with music! Excellent. 
- how is nobody noticing WWX casting spells everywhere and being distinctly not crazy
- ok I know this LWJ guy is the other lead but was he sick when they were shooting this ep? As my husband says, “双眼无神” (uhh listless? he basically looks like he should take some paracetamol and go lie down). 
- also WWX don’t insult the annoying brat’s mother, she’s probably someone important to you (a while later: called it)
- Sixteen years?? Eh... ok I’m assuming this cultivation stuff they’re doing can potentially make them immortal or not age?
- the way the camera pans up/down his body LWJ appears on screen lol
- lol WWX under the silencing spell is adorable. Like an angry hamster. 
- LWJ’s brother ships it
- 孟瑶 making serious heart eyes at LXC but he’s kinda creepy
- Draw LWJ like one of your French girls, WWX :P (Also, Chaotic Bisexual and Repressed Disaster Gay? that sounds familiar....)
- Ok so now I’ve heard the explanation of why WWX named his sword 随便, I still think he’s a chaotic dumbass. And from 无聊 to 无聊至极 to 荒唐, what a progression! XD 
- OMG chaotic sibling relationships, my favourite!
- Uh... what does this spell that WWX cast on LWJ do? Mind control? Ok this is making me uncomfortable.
- Boys, did you just get married in a handfasting ceremony using LWJ’s 抹额, the thing that LWJ said only parents, spouse, and offspring are allowed to touch just to avoid the murderous magic guqin? 
- Holy shit 小龙女! (The actress who plays the ancestral spirit in the guqin played the female lead in Legend of the Condor Heroes in 1995-ish)
- the colourful paper they were using to make the paper lanterns have all mysteriously become white. Did someone not tell the CGI team that the lanterns were supposed to be colourful? lol
- ok these Jin family people are all assholes.
- the human-shaped paper charm WWX uses reminds me of the Chinese practice of 打小人 (basically like a voodoo thing, you write the name of the person you don’t like on a human-shaped paper like that and you hit it with your shoe)
- great and now you guys are talking to the rabbits.
Ok that’s it for now. Another 43 eps to go?
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skruttet · 5 years
Here’s the episodes I think each shot from the trailer is from (assuming they’re mostly/all from the first 5 eps they’re airing):
First & last shots of Mr Brisk & Moomintroll & Snorkmaiden flying - episode 1
Moomintroll spinning in his room - idk....episode 1 if at the start he thinks it’s spring, or episode 2/3, whichever one in which spring actually starts? maybe?
Moomintroll & mamma in the forest - episode 5 maybe? but you’d assume they’d lock mamma up lmao. maybe it’s from a future episode.
Pappa at sea - episode 3 if it’s from the episodes we know the names of, if not maybe one of the Moominpappa at Sea episodes??? but he’s still wearing his top hat....
Moominhouse - uhhh any of the spring or summer episodes 😂 (presumably spring? there doesn’t seem to be enough colour for it to be summer)
Mymble returning to moominvalley - hmm I’m not sure.....if Little My’s with them, maybe ep1 or 2, but it doesn’t look like she is, so who knooows. Maybe episode 4 if that’s why its title and synopsis got mixed up with Little My Moves In.
Mamma cheering - episode 1
Moomintroll diving - episode 1
Mr Brisk skiing/flying - episode 1
Squirrels in love - episode 1 (since you can see snow. or ep2 but since we know episode 1 deals with romance it’s more likely)
Pappa standing confidently - idk episode 2? Bc the clouds are red?
Snufkin fishing next to Moomintroll - uhhh 2? 3? 4? some early-ish spring one, anyway
Moomintroll & Snorkmaiden high-fiving on stilts - episode 2
What I assume is a bark/reed boat floating down the river - uhh same one as the fishing one lol
Kate Winslet & Jennifer Saunders volcano - episode 2
Moomintroll skiing - episode 1
My & Snorkmaiden being gay - episode 3? If I’m right about the ferry thing?
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Episode 4 Trailer Analysis
Okay so first off, because Tumblr has a maximum of 10 screenshots per post i’m only going to be able to show the images that I feel are most important to show with a visual reference, and then explain the other scenes purely with text (so you may need to rewatch the trailer to understand wtf i’m referring to at some points, my apologies for that).
I’m gonna do my damnedest to keep everything in order, so let’s begin.
(This turned out to be really long, so i’m hiding it under a spoiler bar - my apologies ^_^;)
1) The Beginning
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Okay, so in this picture we see Clem and AJ running from the boat which seems to have somewhat crashed into the dock after the explosion. Which makes sense given the proximity.
The reason I believe this image to be important is because it debunks the theory that any of the characters (at least Clem and AJ) end up falling overboard into the water after the explosion.
It seems that the episode is going to start with us directly after the chaos of episode 3 and we are going to need to QTE our asses out of the ship in Act 1 where we will be thrown into action right away.
You’ll notice that we can’t see Tenn, James (if he survived), ect with us during our escape. 2 people that most likely would be running out with us given that we were within the same location as each other during the explosion.
So I feel like they either were in front of us out of frame here, or they maybe did fall overboard and when we see them later on it’s because they’ve washed up on land.
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Some people believe this to be a bridge Clem is jumping over, but i’m personally skeptical about that.
If anything, I think this is a hole created on the ship after the explosion which we need to jump over to escape. The wooden flooring has been broken away by something that must have exploded, because it doesn’t look like a normal hole created by rotten wood throughout the years. Plus, if you look behind Clem, there is a wooden structure with panelling that seems similar to the walls within the ship.
Also, notice how tall the bridge must be after this scene when we get a bird’s eye view of Clem leaping over the hole and seeing the water beneath her.
If you look back to previous episodes as well as the map Marlon shows us in episode 1 (which I would provide here if not for the 10 screencap limit) you will notice that the only bodies of water other than the ocean/bigass river off the edge of the map, is smaller bodies of river or streams.
Any time we have seen a bridge in this game it’s been a small one above a stream of some kind (even the title screen for ep4 with Clem’s hat seems to be a small bridge like the one near the fishing shack).
To have a bridge this big, we would have to travelling far off to the left side of the map beyond the ship, and I can’t see any bridges in that direction given how big the body of water is there (or maybe Marlon is just shit at drawing water to scale lmao).
Also you can see land in the background that seems similar to the hills Clem, AJ, Willy and Louis/Violet were spying at the Delta from.
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Okay, so this one does seem to give more of a bridge vibe with the metal structures (reminds me of S2 Ep2), but i’m still going to assume it’s the ship for now since we haven’t really got any other reason to assume it’s a bridge beyond a bridge being a focus point in the title screen (which btw, I wouldn’t get too heavily focused on since the previous title screens haven’t been too literal either with their subject matter and have mostly been used to represent the episode in general - like ep3 being a view from a porthole in a boat to represent the Delta ship, ect).
Notice the reflection of the water is bright orange as well.
That’s not just a reflection of a setting sun or something, that’s a light source close to the water - something on fire.
And there’s no way a shit ton of walkers would be crowding the middle of the water unless they were drawn to a loud noise. Like they are determined creatures, but there has to be something big that happened in order to provoke them into water where they can barely even move.
Okay so more related to Act 1 which I can’t drop screenshots for (so you may need to watch the trailer again.)
Okay so this is the point where my huge wall of text from above may fall flat, and I could be 100% wrong depending on the context of this scene (In which case if I am, then i’m gonna do my best to forget this analysis ever happened after the episode drops lmao).
At the very beginning of the trailer we see Clem waking up from where it seems to be the dock instead of the actual boat itself.
This implies that the beginning of the episode actually happens OFF of the boat as opposed to on it like I mentioned above (which could also make sense given Clem was literally near the railing of the boat when the explosion happened).
BUT typical to the usual Twdg trailer fashion, we can’t 100% assume that’s what actually happened since the person making these trailers is insanely good at piecing stuff together in a way that fucks with your perception of events.
So it could mean practically anything. Here are a few basic theories:
1) Clem wakes up on the dock at the beginning of ep1 and then rushes back on the ship to find AJ or something. Because there has to be some reason her and AJ are running from the boat that close - because Clem definitely didn’t wake up that close to the boat as if you rewatch the beginning of the trailer, when Clem looks up to see the walker the ground isn’t wooden - it’s gravel. And if you look at my first screenshot you will see it’s the EXACT same terrain outside of the dock. Which means Clem is on the ground at the start of the dock.
So either Clem went BACK to the ship, or she and AJ already escaped from it which means:
2) Another explosion happens (either the boat or a grenade) and Clem gets knocked to the ground not long after her and AJ flee the ship. You’ll notice that Clem doesn’t “wake up” from the explosion as if she passed out and that the scene is shot in a way as if she just toppled over from impact and is now looking up directly after it and seeing the smoke.
What helps make this more credible is that the split second before the trailer cuts away from the scene of her and AJ running from the boat, you’ll notice that the explosion catches up to them at the exact moment Clem makes it from the dock to the gravel area of the ground (where we see her “wake up” at the beginning). 
You can see Clem reaching for AJ but not exactly grabbing him in time as it happens - which is why AJ isn’t there at the beginning with her.
Okay so obviously this is determinant depending on your choices from the previous ep (AKA, why i’m fucked this episode lmao). But as you can see in the trailer, we get a bit of a showdown between her and Clem.
I think it’s safe to assume that this takes place near the boat in Act 1 as well, however you can see AJ right next to Clem so it can’t be directly after the beginning of the trailer. It must be a good few minutes afterwards when we get AJ again.
Not really much else to say about it, besides the fact that episode 4 definitely seems to be throwing us into frantic QTE spamming at the very start for a change of pace.
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Our baby boys, Tenn and AJ have been caught within the sight of walkers and shit’s getting more real.
This in my opinion, seems to be happening a little bit more to the side of the dock (so close to the boat still, but maybe closer to where Willy went sailing with the supplies if you told him to take them).
I feel like this all happens AFTER the (potential) Lilly confrontation and when we are now just trying to high tail it out of the dock and away from the Delta.
AJ at some point seems to run up and stick with Tenn to protect him and it seems that the both of them only now just realize how many walkers are getting drawn to them.
At this point, this is probably where we as Clem have the moment of using the bow and arrow to shoot at them OR this is where Minnie steps in since her brother is in danger (which might lead to a potential Minnie redemption that i’m not entirely certain of given how a lot of the Delta still seem alive - so she might still be after us, especially if this is Act 1)
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You see a few shots of the Delta members still alive, but the thing I find interesting about this screenshot in particular is that it’s the area from which the docks/gravel lead to the woods.
This also seems to be from a similar location where the grenade gets thrown and Clem protects AJ as a barrel explodes.
I think this either might be closer to the end of Act 1 or at the very least, the end of the “boat area” as we are nearing the woods, where the rest of the trailer seems to be located.
So I think this entire scene is literally us escaping into the woods OR where we end up in that cave together which explains why we have Tenn with us (as well as James potentially). The cave would make most sense as well given that the only rocky area where a cave could work is near the dock where they have those big rocky cliffs.
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I think what backs up the possibility of the cave being close is that you can see behind the walkers some trees (so it’s in the woods most likely but I don’t think it’s too far from the docks).
The 3/4 of us most likely run into this cave to avoid the Delta, but the walkers sniff us out and end up following us in here as well.
So now we have Clem, AJ, Tenn and James(?) running through the tunnels of the cave most likely (assuming it IS near the cliffs, then there is a good chance that much like in real life there will be another passageway further into the cave that leads out somewhere.)
I’m not gonna post the picture of James since we’ve all seen it and I need to save screenshot space lol but the cut on his hand definitely isn’t anything like a walker bite or anything. I think everyone is theorising about it and honestly, I don’t really have anything new to add to it ^^;
BUT something not many people have mentioned yet is the scene of him dropping his mask to the ground.
I don’t know if I 100% buy him sacrificing himself by cutting his hand to attract the walkers to him or not, but if that IS what’s happening. The dropping of his walker mask would also be a nice way to subtly symbolise that happening as well.
Alternatively, maybe he drops it to the ground as we all sit in the cave and take a short break from all the madness.
I feel like this will be the moment where James goes off about AJ killing Lilly and where we might get a little bit of team drama going on - which then later gets cut off by the walkers entering the cave and us needing to escape.
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Okay so this is very clearly set in the woods.
I think this is when we escape the cave and we end up travelling through the woods keeping a lookout for the Delta.
If you chose Louis, then we will bump into him now and as you can see from the animated clip, that it seems like AJ goes up and hugs him first and then Clem hugs him (ayyy ninja family hug).
I have a feeling that Louis might actually be alone here.
Given that Omar is probably still sorta injured, I wouldn’t be too surprised if Aasim took him back to the boarding school (which would also make sense since in Violet’s route we also have an injured Louis with them - so it would only make sense for Aasim and Omar to be gone at this point either way).
I have a feeling that when Louis, Aasim and Omar left the boat, Louis probably told them to go on ahead while he looked for Clem. Especially since in his route he seems really hesitant about Clem going off to save Lilly herself after they all escape from their cells. I can’t see him at this point in time just leaving her, regardless of how badass Clem is.
(Unless Aasim and Omar are just out of frame - but I doubt it).
Also, not that anyone probably doubted it but I intentionally took a screenshot before Clem hugs him just to show that this scene is definitely during Louis’s route since in the screencaps where Clem hugs him you can’t actually see Louis’s mouth (where he would be bleeding if it was Violet’s route).
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This scene should technically be near the top since it seems like the boat has sank even further at this point and we can see Clem and Violet near it.
Okay so, i’ve been seeing some people say they think this is Louis’s route because Clem isn’t wearing her badge Violet gave her (I can’t remember where it’s meant to be so I can’t really tell ^^:) but personally I still think it’s Violet’s route.
It would make sense for it to be Louis’s route if we assume the trailer is from 1 gameplay of the episode (since the wood’s scene is deffo Louis’s route), but I don’t know if I can see them not having at least one scene from a Violentine playthrough here. Especially since it’s the final trailer and how much the fans have wanted equal screentime between both characters.
In my opinion, I feel like Violet in this scene is just upset over everything that’s happened (she might not know if Minnie made it out since the explosion could have sent them flying in different areas) and Clem is comforting her.
I don’t think it’s to do with Violet distrusting Clem or anything like some people brought up.
I feel like if this was LouisRoute!Violet then she wouldn’t be as calm here with Clem, at least I think the body language would be different.
(I could easily be wrong though, i’m actually sure about this screenshot the least tbh)
The only question I have about this scene is that if it’s at the beginning, then where is Violet during the cave scene? does she just try to look for Minnie? I don’t know... I feel like there is a lot of ways this scene can be perceived both from the trailer clip and whatever the heck happens after it before we end up in that cave.
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This is definitely our McCarroll Ranch flashback.
Her hair is shorter than what it is in the present (and it’s not just a weird perspective, that ponytail is definitely short).
Also, notice that we don’t get to see her outfit much?
And we also get the return of the ominious red lighting from the nightmare she had in episode 2.
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Finally we get daylight! (look at the gaps where there is sunshine).
This is the morning after the shitstorm, and it seems that we end up in a barn given the hay and structure of the building (maybe James’?)
Yet again we get attacked by walkers as in another scene in the trailer we see Clem trying to block a door with walkers trying to break in, that’s also set in the daylight with interior similar to this screenshot.
ALSO, unrelated to this screenshot but we also have another small scene set during the morning where Clem and AJ look at eachother in fear/”Fuuuuck” which i’m assuming is what lead to them ending up in the barn.
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Okay so this is the winning shot of the trailer where everyone freaks out and thinks Clem is probably gonna die or something.
I’m gonna treat this screenshot with skepticism like I did with the other scene of her in episode 3′s trailer holding her hand where everyone thought she got bitten for some reason, because it looked so dramatic.
I’m not saying that it’s not something serious that’s gonna happen (especially since every trailer has a clip from the end/final act of the episode and we haven’t seen one for this yet which i’ve noticed). But i’m not going to assume it’s 100% major either since I doubt they would be this obvious with it.
What I will say however, is that wherever Clem is dangling off of, I genuinely can’t see AJ pulling her up to safety. Like for AJ - a 5 year old, to successfully pull up Clem is nearly “Season 2-Clem-kicking-down-the-solid-trailer-door-in-ep4″ levels of insane strength right there. 
Clem is gonna fall and maybe pass out (maybe that’s how we get our Clem nightmare?) and we will need to find AJ again, most likely.
What’s worth noting however, is that it’s set during night time.
And given how time passes in these episodes i’m willing to be it can only happen either:
1) In act one where all the insane shit with the boat happens
2) In act 3 since it turns to daylight at some point for Act 2
Sorry I took forever posting this, I got carried away.
(Just wait till episode 4 proves me completely wrong with everything lmao)
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farfromdaylight · 7 years
strange bedfellows
BEEN A WHILE SINCE ONE OF THESE, HUH... i actually started watching this episode in october (i watched up until the break), but then nanowrimo happened and i set it aside. i'd like to get through the underdark arc this month, but not sure if i'll be able to.
anyway, this is episode three of my critical role rewatch! as before, there will be spoilers for the whole campaign in these posts.
(also, psst, go check out the critical role fansite i made!)
when we last left off, grog had just had just gone catatonic, and lemme tell you, those X_X glasses on travis still make me lose my goddamn shit.
Laura: "Do any of us know any magic that could heal him-- any magic, or--" Matt: "Do you?" :') i love when matt deadpans
"As they talk, Grog slowly flatulates."
oh my god i forgot that the chat used to buy them food
you know, one of the things i really liked about this initial arc when i first watched it was the slow reveal of information. matt drops just enough information to keep the players and the viewers on their toes -- it's enough to spur them forward, but not enough to tell them the full scope of what's going on. in many cases they never find out every detail, because their path leads them elsewhere.
so here, the duergar tells them about k'varn, and doesn't tell them anything useful, really -- doesn't tell them anything more than that k'varn is some entity in charge, and we don't actually find out what k'varn is for like 6-8 more episodes. but we know that there is something called k'varn out there, and later in this episode when we meet clarota we start getting more of the picture, but still not all of it.
in general, matt is very, very good at showing his story rather than telling, and since it's something i've always struggled with in writing it was one of the things that really drew me to the show. i try to analyze everything i watch/read/play/whatever, and the format of critical role (and d&d in general) makes it particularly interesting.
anyway back to watching
wand of magic missiles! is this the first magic item they found? 🤔 god this is episode three and i can't remember if there was anything in 1 or 2... i don't think they found anything else. i did laugh a bit when they bought the water breathing potions in ep2 because iirc those ended up being pretty useless, given keyleth can cast it whenever. (they may have used them once? god this show is so long, i have a pretty good memory for this sort of thing but with a show this long it's impossible.)
HAHA OMG scanlan says something to the effect of "you know, grog might wake up if a lady kissed him" and laura very awkwardly kisses travis's face
it's pretty subtle until quite late in the show but vex and grog's dynamic is fantastic and laura & travis are so good at playing it up
grog giving keyleth a giant hug after she heals him is so good but then grogleth is always good (for real tho grogleth is A+++)
oh wow i completely forgot that one of vex's favored enemies was demons, did that come up ever
(was orthax a demon? god i know they went to the nine hells and not the abyss but i still get this shit mixed up)
lmao they're talking about what to do about what the dangers ahead given the brain-sucking creatures ahead and Keyleth asks: "Do we have a bunch of mirrors? So we could look around corners?" and i'm just sitting here like man u don't even know
(i should probably bring it up now, because it's gonna come up sooner or later -- tiberius is my least favorite character but i tend to err on the side of not mentioning it rather than constantly grousing about it, because it's been discussed to death)
omfg this bit:
Scanlan: "Okay, listen. Leave me behind. I'll follow the party with the hostages, see where they go (don't worry I'll be invisible) -- go back, tell our fellows, get them across the bridge, we'll meet here in about an hour."
Vex: "Scanlan!"
Scanlan: "What? I'm super brave and hung! Come on, let's do this!"
Vex: "...Alright, I'm down."
i love scanlan and vex's relationship and while it's very understated throughout the show i love the little moments they get
oh man i totally forgot about this plan they came up with with the whole deck of illusions thing. what a strange bookend with the deck of many things.
HALLUCINATORY TERRAIN OH MAN i forgot how great that spell is
this episode marks, i think, where i got hooked on the show. i enjoyed it before then, for sure, but this was where i Really got into it. there was action! there was drama! there was danger! there was clarota holy shit. it's a great episode and marks how awesome it is. the first two eps are good, but this is where it became clear just how much potential this show had.
also vax nearly losing the flying carpet is fucking hilarious
the whole argument about them going exploring or not ends with vex and keyleth losing the vote... and then they steal the flying carpet and go exlporing and find clarota 😂😂😂
keyleth: finds a mindflayer in a tunnel, immediately offers it a flower. i love her.
god matt's clarota voice is So Good
"When I get that feeling~🎵 I want Clarota healing~🎵 Clarota healing is something that's~🎵 good for you~🎶"
and that's a wrap on the episode! man i wish i hadn't left it for a month, the second half is So Good.
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mikanrulz · 7 years
shingeki no bahamut: virgin soul ep1-4 impression
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All in all, the four eps are pretty solid in establishing the setup of the story imo. Also, this post is centered around azazel.
About Jeanne
The most surprising thing is the fact that Jeanne had a kid. Like, in the prologue, she didn’t show any sign whatsoever???
But right after Charioce mentioned her kid, Jeanne called Michael’s name.
Charioce wanted the kid killed, and the heaven side wanted the kid found in order to save them. The kid, Mugaro, obviously belongs on the God’s side of power spectrum, not from demon’s side like Azazel thought.
So probably there’s no mistaking Mugaro had something to do with Michael the Archangel. The question left is if Mugaro was Michael’s kid, or the incarnation of Michael himself.
Considering the odd eye, I’m more inclined to believe the latter. Michael was the only being shown who had different eyes colors after all.
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Also, Jeanne might not even carry Mugaro in a pregnancy. Like, Michael could just appear in a baby form in a flash of blinding light or something and Jeanne was thought of as the mother bcs she was simply with baby Mugaro.
Also I guess it’s time I said goodbye to the hope that Mugaro might secretly be Lucifer like I said before orz
About Nina & Azazel
I’ve remarked a little bit about them here.
It’s… probably would be useful to count how many times they have hugged, and  I’m counting 3x so far: Ep1, when he caught her after thinking she was Mugaro and still didn’t drop her even after realizing she was not Mugaro. Ep4, when they rolled down the street together; that was practically a hug. Ep4, when she asked him to hug her (this particular hug won all the awards in my book)
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Also, Azazel already saw her naked 2x: Ep1, presumably after she went back to human form and he carried her to Rita’s place. Ep4, when Rita picked unconscious Nina up.
Fast development is fast: Ep1, she ran in order to catch him, the Rag Demon, for the bounty. Ep3, she ran in order to save him, the Rag Demon, from being killed.
How many pieces of the same clothes do you think Nina have? Considering every time she turned into a dragon she ripped her clothes to shreds.
Also I thought Azazel’s clothes was part of his demon package, like something he would automatically wear whenever he turned into a demon – much like the way Amira had her demon clothes and hair style every time she transformed only to turn back to her human clothes and hair style when she was done.
But apparently Azazel’s clothes were just… clothes… since he could take them off at will like that.
Also idky but I always had the impression his clothes were a one piece, so finding out he wore proper pants and proper upper garment was just. disappointing? I mean, it’s not like demons and angels even need to go to the bathroom right??? So they could probably wear complicated clothes designs that had no such purpose in mind and maybe just leave some room for the wings??? No I mean srsly what a wasted opportunity???? /is shot
Nina and Azazel did not arm wrestle, but I’m pretty sure even if they did, Nina would win hand down. Also, he would give less of a challenge than the glasses turban man. Also, notice how easily she pulled him in the gif below, like, he toally had no chance against her lmao
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Looking at the way he fought, Azazel was not a power fighter; he was more of a speed user, and those wings gave him more range since it meant he could attack from literally any angle.
Azazel & Rita & Kaisar
Kaisar didn’t change at all, in that he didn’t sell out Azazel even though he knew he was the Rag Demon, the way he also didn’t sell out Favaro when he found out Favaro had a demon tail back in s01e02.
Why did he choose to give Azazel the benefit of the doubt tho? I mean, Favaro was his childhood friend, so it was understandable for him to not rat out Favaro. But Azazel didn’t even have such sweet history with him – on the contrary, in fact.
Azazel and Kaisar did have their momentary (?) truce thing in s01e11, but was it enough to make Kaisar trust him that far?
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During this scene, rita would know a calm azazel is a dangerous azazel probably.
Bcs he thought with his logic instead of with his emotion.
His resignation tone is also very alarming bcs he was a sore loser who would hardly accept any defeats, and she had been with him for two years; she recognized him accepting defeat was not him. She froze bcs of it, but she didn't say anything bcs she was not sure of where he was going to take this probably.
Him leaving Mugaro in her care probably clinched it for her: he was not alright or maybe, he was starting to go down the demon part, the bad part, where he used ppl up and disposed of them, again.
Anyway, Rita *cared* about him. Like in that scene where she was berating him and threatening to not attend his wounds if he hurt Nina, she instantly reacted and worriedly admonishing him for getting up despite his wounds.
just what happened in those 2-10 years to make Rita cared that much about Azazel?
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Rita, Bacchus and Hamsa all knew Azazel was the Rag Demon, and none bothered to tell on him; Rita even appointed herself his doctor (sort of), while Bacchus and Hamsa, while happily printing his wanted posters, seemed to discourage ppl to actually *try* to capture him – if the way Hamsa tried to stop Nina in ep1 was anything to go by.
Kaisar himself seemed to at least have suspicions, but never confirmed it until Azazel spoke to him as Rag Demon and Kaisar recognized his voice.
Similarly, Charioce also seemed to have suspicions on the identity of Rag Demon, but never have it confirmed until he saw his naked face.
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He just said ‘it’s you’, not by name, so he was probably only familiar with Azazel’s face from his undertaker job at the arena, and not necessarily bcs he knew Azazel’s identity as former high-ranking demon.
(srsly where’s the rest of high ranking demons anyway)
Kaisar recognizing some soldiers didn’t actually like the current king all that much in ep1.
In S1, the king’s name is Charioce XIII, so how did in just 10 years XIII became XVII??? Did the current Charioce kill them all after they had been appointed a king, and therefore the title number continued on??? That seemed… excessive… like wouldn’t it better to just kill them all before they got the King title???
Alessand just how much did you like Kaisar anyway? Your fanboying was kinda showing.
Also anyone notice how Dias’ ears were a bit pointed? Was he possibly of the demon kind perhaps? Or maybe that was just random character design.
Azazel and Mugaro
Current speculation about Mugaro: Michael’s offspring and/or Michael himself, mothered by Jeanne D’Arc
Azazel picking up Jeanne’s kid is reaaaaally interesting, and not only bcs picking up a kid at all is already surprising for him.
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As of S1, things Jeanne did to Azazel: 1. destroyed his gregor castle 2. killed his subordinates 3. shot him and wounded him heavily, helped by Michael’s blessing 4. cut his bigger horns too while she was at it (5. cut his two smaller wings too maybe? I’m not sure but by the time he appeared injured in ep8 his wings were only two, and his smaller wings were never seen again.)
I’m looking forward to the moment Azazel finally met Jeanne again.
I’m even more looking forward to the moment Azazel found out Mugaro was actually Jeanne’s kid.
Bacchus and Hamsa knew Mugaro had different eyes color, and thanks to Sofiel searching for Mugaro, they probably suspected Mugaro had some heaven power or something.
So technically Azazel was the only one who didn’t know that both Heaven and Charioce were searching for Mugaro, and also the only one not suspecting even in the slightest the extent of Mugaro’s powers.
Mugaro himself (herself?) didn’t even seem inclined to show this powers to Azazel and letting Azazel think he had to protect Mugaro, even though ep2 was probably not even the first time Mugaro saved Azazel.
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Mugaro’s powers so far: 1. sending off prayers??? Life force absorbing??? Whatever he did to those dying demons to make them disappear in a rain of sparkles. (ep1 - 2) 2. magic force/seal breaking (ep2) 3. making things float (ep2) [Michael showed the same ability in s1] 4. premonition??? (ep4)(this is just a speculation bcs how else would Mugaro knew where to wait in order to catch Azazel?)
IF Mugaro was really Michael and Jeanne’s kid instead of Michael’s incarnation, I really hope she/he would keep staying on Azazel’s side, bcs it would be really interesting to see a kid from a successful angel/human relationship ending up with an angel that became a fallen bcs he loved a daughter of man.
Also orz Belphegor was actually stronger than Azazel in the game, but here she was lower ranked.
Not counting Mugaro, Azazel had a flag with Nina, and possibly Bel as well, since once again he would end up saving a cornered Bel later according to the 3rd pv….
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But back to Mugaro, do you think Azazel took that Undertaker job bcs he needed it to stay legitimate in town, or did he do it to spy on Charioce?
He was a demon, his horns were showing through his hat, yet he still didn’t wear the necklace controller thing.
Also, if he had Mugaro with him, didn’t that mean he had to provide a proper house with proper room and bed, proper clothes, proper *human* food, proper… everything?
Considering Rita and Bacchus’s chosen garment wear, probably Azazel was also the one who chose the clothes for Mugaro, meaning his taste ran more for the upper class side.
Mugaro also had those candies that he shared with the demon kids in ep2, meaning Azazel probably bought them for him, or at the very least gave him the money to buy them.
When he talked to Mugaro, Azazel also tended to use gentler voice. He shouted at Nina a few times, but he never raised his voice when talking to Mugaro.
He also probably often patted Mugaro’s head.
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Considering Mugaro was mute and couldn’t tell him his/her name, Azazel was probably the one who *named* him/her Mugaro
He so obviously *cared* so much for Mugaro I’m in pain???? Help???
He went to the capital city, fully aware and fully prepared to lose his life, for the sake of what? Saving several demons, alone? Atone for sins we don’t know about??? What??? Why alone???
I’ve commented before how Azazel might as well be the season’s protag since things are kinda centered around him as of now.
But thinking about it now, he looks more like a damsel in distress bcs he keeps getting saved one way or another, and he always seems to be in distress way too often.
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